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Pierre Wellner

wendy Mackay

Rich Gold


W e live in a complex world, ftlled with myriad objects, tools, toys, and people. / k
O u r lives are spent in diverse interaction with this environment. Yet, for
the most part, o u r c o m p u t i n g takes place sitting in front of, and staring at,
a single glowing screen attached to an array of buttons and a mouse. O u r
different tasks are assigned to h o m o g e n e o u s overlapping windows. F r o m
the isolation of our workstations we try to interact with our s u r r o u n d i n g
environment, but the two worlds have little in common. H o w can we escape
from the c o m p u t e r screen and bring these two worlds together?


ne view of the future c o m m o n philosophy: the primacy of the physical world
of computing that has and the construction of appropriate tools that enhance our
captured the popular daily activities.
imagination is virtual In order to explore the range of possibilities suggested
reality. V R allows us to by this philosophy, we (:an look at a specific everyday environ-
escape from the com- ment and imagine how its capabilities could be augmented
puter screen by letting by using the ideas suggested by the authors in this special
us use o u r whole issue. Consider your future office, for example, which might
bodies and a rich be located at home. In Weiser's office, we can imagine an
variety of (virtual) environment that automatically adjusts temperature, music
objects to interact with and the information displayed on the whiteboard accord-
the computer. It at- ing to its occupants. Scattered everywhere are small, medium,
tempts to replace the and large electronic displays of information that work together
physical world with a to help you keep track of projects and keep you in touch
computer-generated with your colleagues.
one, using devices In Baudel and Beaudouin-Lafon's office you could use
such as head-mounted free-hand gestures to modify the environment without
display goggles and having to give up your normal use of gestures and hand
data gloves. The result movements, allowing you to carry on ordinary conversa-
is very useful for tions and manipulate real objects. In the office described
purposes such as by Feiner, MacIntyre and Seligmann, you could wear a
visualization and see-through head-mounted display that superimposes
simulation, but of graphical information on the physical objects around
course, the artificial you. These pictures let you see inside your printer, copier,
world is much simpler and filing cabinets, dynamically showing you exactly how
than the real world; it to service them or how to locate a part or a document.
has lower resolution, leaves out details, and is limited in Fitzmaurice's article details a way to retreive and store
its behavior and extent. For certain kinds of entertainment, vast amounts of electronic information everywhere in
and for tasks such as learning to land an airplane in a bliz- the room: in the air, on the walls and along the edges
zard, the V R approach is invaluable. But for helping us of bookshelves.
with everyday tasks, V R - - e v e n m o r e t h a n the Despite all this technology, chances are it still will not
workstation--cuts us off and excludes us from the world be a paperless office, so Wellner's article describes an
in which we live, work and play. augmented desk that supports computer-based interaction
Another view of the future of computing is emerging, with paper. O n this desk, your paper documents gain
taking the opposite approach from VR. Instead of using electronic properties; so your boss can sketch on your
computers to enclose people in an artificial world, we can papers from her office across town, and you can add up
use computers to augment objects in the real world. columns of printed numbers. Finally, Resnick's article
We can make the environment sensitive with infra-red, suggests how children might benefit from this technology.
optical sound, video, heat, motion and light detectors, Their toy bricks will communicate, sense, and control
and we can make the environment react to people's needs their environment, giving them exciting new ways to create,
by updating displays, activating motors, storing data, play, and learn.
driving actuators, controls and valves. With see-through Computer-augmented environments raise many issues,
displays and projectors, we can create spaces in which both technical and social. They may require a complex,
everyday objects gain electronic properties without losing distributed infrastructure, precise alignment between
their familiar physical properties. Computer-augmentedenviron- the real and electronic worlds, novel input and out-
merits merge electronic s,/stems into the physical world put devices, and great care for people's privacy. While
instead of attempting to replace them. O u r everyday these articles concentrate mainly on the technical issues,
environment is an integral part of these systems; it con- we must not ignore the social issues; m u c h work
tinues to work as expected, but with new integrated com- needs to be done in this area (see sidebar by Spreitzer
puter functionality. and Theimer).
C o m p u t e r - a u g m e n t e d environments emerge from We hope this special issue on computer-augmented
the confluence of a n u m b e r of disciplines. Although environments will excite the imagination of the computer
we cannot hope to outline the history of this move- science community, who have perhaps too long been con-
ment here., we can mention the early work in head- tent with the current desktop embodiment of the computer.
m o u n t e d displays, interactive performances, dance, O u r aim here is to present a selection of innovative ex-
art pieces, and the vast range of embedded computer amples of work in this area and to inspire more thinking
applications in airplanes, cars, telephones, wristwatches along these lines. This new field presages a world of great
and deadly weapons. Recent work has been called names variety, interest and utility. We can imagine a future in
such as ubiquitous comOuting and augmented reality. which the desktop workstation takes its place next to the
Although the technologies differ, they are united in a telegraph key in the Smithsonian. []

~6 July 1993/Vol.36, No.7 qlIOMUUI~If.ILTBONgOP THll ACU

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