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← American Pageant 1-30 Test

• Chapter 22 and 23
o 1. The postwar south
 cities were rubble
 economically completely broken down
 Agriculture completely destroyed
o 2. white southerners opinions on the war
 lost cause
 still believed in their cause
o 3. blacks emancipation
 emancipated but many reinslaved
 some slaves fought for master others against
o 4. Freedmen's Bureau achievements
 unlettered, unskilled
 education
 corrupted stole land
 expelled blacks from towns
 labor contracts
o 5. President Johnson's views on the Freedmen's Bureau
 President Johnson agreed with white supremasists
 Killed freedmans bureau in 1872
o 6. Lincoln's 10% plan
 can be part of the union if 10% of the people from the
state took a pledge of allegiance and stood by
o 7. People who thought that the southern states were "conquered
provinces" and should suffer were ________________
 radical republicans
o 8. Black Codes
 Mississippi harshest and Georgia most linient
 If jumped a labor contract forced to work off the fine and
 Couldn’t lease land or rent, couldn’t sit on a jury
 Could be punished for idleness
 Couldn’t marry

o 9. Congressional Republicans feared that Restoration
 that the south would take over
 dismantle economy by implementing lower tariffs
o 10. 14th amendment
 everyone is protected under the law
 when a state denies citizens the vote its representation
shall be reduced
 people who have rebelled cant hold office
 debts incurred in aid of rebellion are cancelled
 Congress can enforce these laws
o 11. African American women could do all the following but
 vote
o 12. 1866 Elections
 Johnson did round the circle
 Give em hell speeches
o 13. Johnson's near impeachment
 Tenure of office act
 Cant remove appointees without approval of senate
 Violated it, but Johnson was saved
o 14. Ulysses S. Grant (gifts)

o 15. At the end of the civil war ________
 south was more powerful

o 16. True or False: Alaska was purchased to strengthen allies
with Russia against the British
 didn’t want to offend the Russians
o 17. True or False: Another Alaska Question
• Chapter 26
o Immigration Italians, why the went to America, what they were
running from.
 Tyranny no opportunites for advancement
o Hull House, what it was and what did it do?
 Jane adams
 Instruction in English
 Counseling
 Childcare services
 Cultural activities
o Religion Social Gospel, what was it, what did it do?
 Churches tackle the social issues
 Socialists
o Darwinism vs Christianity
 Cast doubt on literal translation of bible
 We evolved from lower forms of life
 Modernists were discriminated against

o Human Rights
o African Americans (Brooker and Du Bois, what did they do and
who were they?)
 Booker T washington
 Industrial school
 Believed in economical independence
 Didn’t care about social equality
 Du Bois
 Equality for blacks
 talented tenth
o Women suffrage
 Women were growing more independent
 Charolotte Gilman
 Participate in a work force
 Shelved it to fight for blacks
o Pragmatism, what was it and what did they believe?
 Held that truth was to be tested
 Practical consequences of an idea rather than theories
 William James
o "Father of Modernism" Who was it (I think Louis Sullivan)
o Authors turning towards romanticism, and what else rugged
 Materialism of an industrial societ
 Coarse human comedy and drama of the world around
o 18 amendment What was it (Prohibition) and who was

opposed/supported it
 women

o Free education, who was in favor, who inspired it etc...
 Chautauqua

o American protection Association What was it, what were their
goal, why was it founded?
 Nativist goals
 Voting against roman catholic candiadades
 Lustful fantasies about runaway nuns
o Consumerism Symbol of....
 Department stores
• Chapter 29-30
o What was the reason for the shift in foreign policy in the 1900s?
 Spanish-American War allowed to gain other territories
o What amendment was used as a US excuse for American
intervention in Venezuela involving the British?
 Monroe Doctrine
o Why was the queen of Hawaii removed?
 She wanted native Hawaiians to control the islands
o What sunk the maine boat?
 Spontaneous combustion in one of the coal bunkers
o Why did Mckinley ask congress to declare war on Spain?
 Because that’s what people wanted, wanted democratic
principle to prevail “free oppressed Cubans”
o Teller Amendment
 When Americans had overthrown Spanish they would give
Cubans freedom.
o Why was the isthmian Panama canal built?
 Increase naval mobility
 Easier defense
o Why was the Philippines acquired?
 Rich natural resources and for trade
o Act/Law that gave US virtual intervention in Cuba
 Platt Amendment
o Boxer Rebellion was a fight for...
 To get foreigners out of China
o Major cause for casualties in SP and US war
 Diseases, yellow fever
o What is the Open Door Policy for and why did the US want it?
 Equal trade opportunities to all countries, fear they would
not receive anything.
o Russo- Japanese war causes
 Started because Russia was in china Manchuria and korea
o Advocation of the Open Door Policy
 No one really agreed to it
o Which leader was least involved in imperialism?
 cleveland
o Problems with the panama canal
 Colombians did not want to give it up
 Labor troubles
 landslide
o New left revisions and foreign policy

o Roosevelt Corollary added what?
 We will intervene to not let you intervene
 Pay all the debts
 Keep troublesome powers away
• Chapter 20
o Secessionists
 People who believed in statehood
 Lincoln came and southern states seceded

o Northern Debt to south

o Wilmot Proviso
 Prohibited slavery in any territory acquired in the Mexican
o Dred Scott Ruling
 Ruled that black people were property therefore could be
taken anywhere
 Ruled that the congress could not ban slavery in certain

o Kansas Slavery Decision
 Could not decide
o Nativists
 Against immigration
o Free soil Party --> Position on Slavery
 Against slavery in all territories
 For the Wilmot proviso
 Free government homesteads
o John Brown aboloitionist, read what he did.
 Dedicated to abolotionist cause
 Harper’s ferry 1859

o Arastook War
 British got less land but gained the Halifax-Quebec route
o Cali Gold Rush --> Where did the people come from?
 Mostly lawless people aka criminals
o Uncle Tom's Cabin --> What was it bout?
 Fugitive slave law
o CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER -->Kansas Nebraska Treaty, Fredrick
Douglass, Harpers Ferry, Dred Scott
o Panic of 1857 (cause+effect)
 Inflation
 North hardest hit
 South enjoyed a favorable environment
 Higher tariff rates

o Jackson Election *not sure exactly what year
o Platform of No Nothing Party
 Nativists
o South Carolina --> Why south was okay with seceding

o South Carolina --> Reaction to Lincoln
 seceded
o Lecompton’s Constitution
 Vote for constitution with slavery or not slavery
 If they voted against protect owners of slaves already in
o when did the south pay the cash money back to north?
 They didn’t.
o SC's few on Abe Lincolns election?
o What did Uncle Toms Cabin do?
 Caused a lot of people to look down upon the south
o What caused the breaking point in Kansas?

o What did J Brown hope to do?
 Have the black people in the south rebel and instill fear in
the southern owners
o Crisis of 1857?
o Douglas Lincoln debates?

• Chapter 17-19
o How did the US and Britain solve the problem of Maine?
 Arastook War
 Compromised and the US got more in the end
o What were some of the arguments against the annexation of
 Didn’t want it to become a slave state
o Put these in order of acquisition: California, Oregon, Texas
 Texas, Oregon, California
o Oregon 49th parallel
 Britain and US in dispute over it.
o What were the aims of Polk’s war on Mexico?
 To gain California
o What is Wilmont Provisto?
o What was America’s largest territorial acquisition?
 Louisiana
o How did the results of winning the Mexican War effect slavery?
 Wilmot proviso
o How did popular sovereignty solve the new territory slavery
 It didn’t it caused more trouble because Kansas and
Nebraska never got solved
o What did the Free Soilers of 1848 advocate and not advocate?
 Did not advocate slavery.
o What was the issue between the two parties in the election of
 Democracts had General Taylor
 Free Soilers

o What was the economy of the south like in 1850?
 Relatively well ff
o What are some results of Daniel Webster’s 7th of March Speech?
 Concessions to the south keep the fugitive law
 Helped north compromise
o Seward (Great Debate and young guard)
 Even higher law, leave it to god but anyislaveryite
o Calhoun - How did Calhoun protect slavery?
 Leave the south alone

o What did the Whig Party split over in 1852?
 slavery
o What was the primary aim of Manifest Destiny?
 Cuba
• Chapters 15-16
o -Irish Immigration to US in 1800s
 potato famine
 poor
 catholic
 looked down upon
o -Inventions of Eli Whiney
 cotton gin
o -Cotton's effects on souther economy and the effects of the
cotton gin
o -What was the work force like in the 1800 industrial times?

o -Why were families in the US child centered families in the
 smaller families.
o -Which group of people got the benefits of tax payed education?
o -What were pre 1860 reform movements?

o -Where were the first railroads in the US?
 North east
 -Finney
 -James Fenimore Cooper
 -Bryant
 -Thoreau
 reduce bodily wants to gain pursuit of the truth
 -Locke
o Ideas of Deism
 Relied on reason
o Religion and effects of Second Great Awakening****
 (methodists, adventists, mormons, Unitarians,
 converted lots of souls
 methodists Baptists (contrary to predestination)
o -**transcendentalism
 knowledge comes to the mind through senses truth rather
transcends the senses inner light
o -Hudson River School
 romanticism in paintings of landscapes
o -Women's Rights

o -Gender superiority of men?
o -" Civil Disobedience"
 (by who and main idea)
 Thoreau

o cult of domesticity
 the home being the centre of womens lives.
o -Alchohol in 1800s
• Chapter 13-14
o South Carolina Exposition
 Tariff as unconstitutional and unjust
 Should nullify the tariff
o Missouri Compromise
 36 30 line above this free below slave
o Jackson, Clahoun, identify them, when did they get elected
Key Year : 1824
 Calhoun wrote the South Carolina Exposition
o New Democracy
 Universal white manhood suffrage
 Jacksonian Democracy
 Should be governed as little as possible
o Tarriffs of 1828
 Benefited the north
 Not the south

o Spoils System
 Rewarding political supporters with public office
 Lots of coruption
o Property Qualification
o Who was responsible for diffusing the tarriffs? Clay i think?
double check tho
 Trails of tears didn’t want to send them completely away
but moved them to the west
o Native Americans --> What did jackson think bout them?
 Trails of tears didn’t want to send them completely away
but moved them to the west

o Force bill 1833 know bout it
 To use army and navy if necessary to collect federal tariff
o Panic of 1837 what occoured?
o Mexican + American clash about texas, what was it about?

o Annexation of Texas
o Why did south fear tarriff of 1828?
 That they would have to pay more for products
o Why was jackson opposed to central bank?
 Didn’t like how so many people had control over what
happened with money
o How were the whigs able to cement?
 Under the hate of Jackson
• Chapters 1-6
o -Explorers (discoverers of Mexico, Peru, Arizona and New
Mexico, Miss. River Valley)
 mexico-cortes
 peru- pizarro
 panama- balboa
o -Aztecs and Cortes
o –Encomienda
 labor system
o -Antimianism, Conversion, Predestination
o -Tobacco economic effects
 Virginia dependent on tobacco
 Fresh labor
 Ruins the soil
o -Economy of North and South Carolina
 Rice
o -French Indian War (impact on England and US)
 England was In debt needed to increase tax etc.
o - Spanish Armada (effects on England)
 allowed for England to be launched as a super power
o - Founders and opinions of New England, Rhode Island, Penn,
New York
o - State with most population by 1700
 virginia
o - Anne Hutchinson religious views
 predestination to the extreme
o - Similarities between Penn and NY
 melting pots. Bread basket?
o - Bacon's Rebellion (Result)
 resented friendly policies towards the native americans
o - House of Burgesses (successful or not?)
 ESTABLISHED FOR representation etc.
o - Education most prominent in which state?
 Massachusetts
o - Origins of the statures of slavery (Barbados)
o - Proclamation of 1763
 to not venture beyond a certain border
o - English History ordering (including english civil war, protestant
reformation, Charles II...)
o - All rebellious states similar in what way?
o – Nativisim
 against foreigners
o - Headright system
 gave land to get immigrants to come to the new world.
o - Political similarities between Rhode Island and North Carolina
 tolerant of religions
o - Puritan views on women's property
 shouldn’t own property because undercut marriage
o - Puritan Philosophy
 family working protestants
o - Pilgrims and Indian communication
 barely talked only when needed food.

01/02/2011 08:31:00

01/02/2011 08:31:00

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