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EDF Example 1 — SALOME Platform http://salome-platform.

EDF Example 1
Primitives, partition and meshing example
This sample is known to work on the latest SALOME release.
The compatibility with previous versions of SALOME is not guaranteed, though the sample can work on old versions also.
Geometric Primitives, tetrahedral and hexahedral 3D meshing, Partitions.
Copyright © EDF R&D 2009.
This tutorial is a part of the EDF internal training course; it does not describe a real use case.
Launch SALOME.
Create a new study.
Launch GEOMmodule.
Modeling of 2D object – Usage of primitives
1 de 9 19/05/11 18:03
EDF Example 1 — SALOME Platform
Creation of reference vectors: (menu New Entity/Basic/Vector)
(2 nd Constructor)
VX: 100 ; 0 ; 0
VY: 0 ; 100 ; 0
VZ: 0 ; 0 ; 100
Creation of Wire_1 : (menu New Entity/2D Sketch). Click Apply after each
consecutive line except for the last one:
First Point (Absolute): (150 ; 0)
Arc (Perpendicular): (50 ; 115)
Arc (Tangent): (-100 ; 15)
Segment (Direction ; Tangent ; Length) : 150
Segment (Direction ; VX-VY ; Y) : (0 ; -1 ;0)
Sketch Validation
Creation of Wire_2: (menu Operations/Transformation/Mirror image)
Mirror of Wire_1 along vector VX (2 nd Constructor, leave "Create a copy" checked).
Check the wires: (menu Measures/What is)
=> 1 Wire, 4 Edges, 5 vertices.
Explode into basic elements: (menu New Entity/Explode)
2 de 9 19/05/11 18:03
EDF Example 1 — SALOME Platform
Explode Wire_1 into Edges.
Explode Wire_2 into Edges.
Creation of Wire: (menu New Entity/Build/Wire)
Select the group of Edges (previously extracted).
Multiple selection is carried out by holding ctrl in the study tree and shift in the viewer.
Creation of Face_1 : (menu New Entity/Build/Face)
Face with Wire.
Display the result in Shading (popup menu Display Mode/Shading).
Save the study (menu File/Save)
Usage of curves
3 de 9 19/05/11 18:03
EDF Example 1 — SALOME Platform
Explode into sub-elements: (menu New Entity/Explode)
Explode 2 vertices from Face_1 by selection (Select Sub Shapes)
Selection of a sub-shape is possible only in the OCC Viewer.
Rename the 2 vertices in PB and PA.
Creation of Vertices for the curve : ( New Entity/Basic/Point )
Vertex_1 (-150, 0, 0), Vertex_2 (-140, 20, 0),
Vertex_3 (-150, 30, 0), Vertex_4 (-140, 40, 0)
Vertex_5 (-140, -20, 0), Vertex_6 (-150, -30, 0),
Vertex_7 (-140, -40, 0)
Creation of Curve_1: (menu New Entity/Basic/Curve)
Interpolation with the selection of previously created vertexes (3 rd Constructor).
Select just created vertexes in the next order: Vertex_4, Vertex_3, Vertex_2,
Vertex_1, Vertex_5, Vertex_6, Vertex_7
Creation of Vector_1:(menu New Entity/Basic/Vector)
Vector by 2 vertices (PA and Vertex_4) and (PB and Vertex_7).
Creation of Face_2: (menu New Entity/Build/Face)
from Curve_1, Vector_1, Vector_2, Edge_1 and Edge_5.
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EDF Example 1 — SALOME Platform
Extrusion: (menu New Entity/Generation/Extrusion)
Extrusion_1 with Face_1 along VZ (Height: 10).
Extrusion _2 with Face_2 along VZ (Height: 10).
Boolean Operation: (menu Operations/Boolean/Fuse)
Fuse_1 with Extrusion_1 and Extrusion_2.
Creation of 3D Fillet on Fuse_1 : (menu Operations/Transformation/Fillet 3D)
(2nd Constructor)
Fillet by selection of edges.
Radius = 25.
5 de 9 19/05/11 18:03
EDF Example 1 — SALOME Platform
Launch module SMESH
Creation of a simple Tetrahedral mesh
Creation of Mesh_Fillet_1 : (menu Mesh/Create Mesh)
Geometry: Fillet_1
Assign a set of hypotheses -> Automatic Tetrahedralization
Max. Length hypothesis opened, click "Cancel".
Click 1D Tab, Add "Automatic Length" hypothesis with
Fitness: 0.2
Click Apply and Close for validation.
The value of Finesse is shown in the study tree once the finesse is validated.
It is possible to modify and adjust it.
Compute (right-click on Mesh_Fillet_1)
Geometry (Partition)
Launch GEOM module
6 de 9 19/05/11 18:03
EDF Example 1 — SALOME Platform
Explode Fillet_1 into reference elements: (menu New Entity/Explode)
Explode into 5 Vertices by selection.
Create 5 Planes: (menu New Entity/Basic/Plane) (1 st constructor)
4 planes along vector VX passing through each of 4 first left vertices.
1 plane along vector VY passing through the right vertex.
Creation of the Partition:(menu Operation/Partition) (1 st constructor)
Partition of Fillet_1 (Objects) with 5 Planes (Tool Object).
Visualize the result in Shading mode with 40% transparency (popup menu).
Meshing (Partition)
7 de 9 19/05/11 18:03
EDF Example 1 — SALOME Platform
Launch SMESH module
Creation of a Tetrahedral mesh from a partition
Creation of Mesh_Partition_Tetra: (menu Mesh/Create Mesh)
Geometry: Partition
Automatic Tetrahedralization (Assign a set of hypotheses)
"Max Length" opened, click Cancel
1D, hypothesis "Automatic Length", Finesse: 0,2
Creation of Hexahedral mesh
Creation of Mesh_Partition_Hexa: (menu Mesh/Create Mesh)
Automatic Hexadralization (Assign a set of hypotheses)
Geometry: Partition
Number of Segments: 10, Type: Equidistant distribution.
Apply & Close.
8 de 9 19/05/11 18:03
EDF Example 1 — SALOME Platform
Exploding the Edge of Thickness
Activate Geom Module.
Explode one Edge of Thickness
New Entity -> Explode -> Main Object : Partition -> Shape Type : Edge
Activate "Select Subshape" check box and select sub-shape from the viewer.
return to the Mesh Module.
Creation of SubMesh: (menu Mesh/Create Sub-Mesh)
Mesh: Mesh_Partion_Hexa
Geometry : The edge of thickness.
Algo: Wire Discretisation
Hypothesis: Nb Segment (1, Equidistant distribution)
Add Hyp.: Propagation of 1D Hyp. on opposite edges
9 de 9 19/05/11 18:03

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