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Valter Giraudo


Edizioni Miele


In life there are many complex situations, and sometimes things do not go just the way we had hoped. Buddhism teaches that there is an internal cause, so we are in life to face a certain problem, but it explains that the difficulties help to grow and that we can transform any problem life presents to us. Happiness is the victory in the fight against the difficulties and sufferings. We are free to choose our path: Buddhism calls to take responsibility for their own lives and explains that this has an immediate and comprehensive also on our family, friends and society. As far as we feel crushed by circumstances or in perpetual conflict, thanks to Nam-myoho-renge-kyo it is possible to influence positively. Difficulties make us strong; wisdom comes from problems; sorrows increase compassion for others; people who have suffered most may become happier. The key question for us human beings is to overcome the illusions of life and death that are the basis for all the other illusions and affect each other attitude, in relation to our concept of life and death we can live in harmon

harmony with the law of life or not, take genuine satisfaction even when we face any difficulty, including death, or be unable to escape from a spiral of fear and dissatisfaction. The Buddhism teaches that we should leave our small self and rely on our larger self. Usually, the Buddhism emphasizes the concept of impermanence. To base our life on the small self - that is chasing the changing and impermanent phenomena and remain imprisoned in the illusions and desires - is distressing, therefore, Buddhism teaches that we should win this egocentric tendency, without having to withdraw to live as hermits denying our living and giving up the role and position we have in society. Since receiving the essential nature of existence, the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin teaches us to live basing on our larger self, so that our actions accord with the eternal and immutable law that embraces and includes all the phenomena of our world characterized by impermanence. Living basing upon the larger self means to break the attachment to the inferior ego and take up our lives, free from the influence of changing phenomena and supported by a strong independence and a living force that are only one living with the eternal and immutable Law. The aim of Buddhism is the Enlightenment, the awakening to the awareness of life as it is, knowing the way to grasp its true shape. "Enlightenment": it seems at first sight a big

word that seems to hover over the horizon of an ordinary person. Yet we imagine it as a natural tendency of life, all life, so ... for everyone! Buddhism is not an ideology, a doctrine of intellectual or moral tenets which dispenses prepackaged dogmas and truth it: is the greatest wisdom experienced of a human being expressed in a precise teaching, made available to everybody by the compassion of Nichiren Daishonin, because each one expresses his own potential and lives well both inside and outside of himself. In the book World of Gosho Ikeda said that Buddhism is a teaching that allows each individual, starting as he is, to manifest his own innate Buddha nature, and that only through this evolution of his individual life can find solutions to the more complex social problems. It is in relation to this centrality of the human being that Ikeda speaks of "Buddhist humanism," another way of expressing the concept of "practice of human revolution." "The Buddhist humanism did root not in a particular system of beliefs, it states that every individual can realize his human revolution cultivating his inherent Buddha nature. The term "Buddha nature" refers to a heart awakened to the Mystic Law. "(D. Ikeda World of Gosho, vol. 1, page 4 - Ed Esperia Italian Edition).

1 Meet again I pry not to be free from danger, but be fearless in dealing with. I do not ask My pain is relieved, but I ask my heart to face it. I do not seek allies on the battlefield of life but I try to show my strength. I had not seen him for long time. I spent with tony the whole period of the so-called childhood, from the first grade until the end of the middle school. Then later, toward the fifteen years I lost sight of him. At that time I did not mix with the people of my place. In fact, since I began lost affection for technical institute I lost the contact with Tony and all the friends of the little town. One can say that from then my life changed. Occasionally I used to meet my old friends, but I was a stranger to all the events of the old gang that continued his life away from my attention. It was when I attended the university that i broke off definitely any kind of relationship with them. In fact, that next time I moved to Milan and I had no more news about Tony and anyone else.

In fact, that next time I moved to Milan and I had no more news about Tony and anyone else. So my life went on with other people, other friends and experiences. The ties that resisted with my hometown were kept alive for some time by some friend from the technical institute, and of course with my family, the only that I call every time I returned to my roots. When I finished my studies, I returned to Venasca in Varaita Valley, my hometown, and I learned about Tony. It was said that Tony had some very unusual behaviour, which had become quite strange in his habits, almost to the point of madness! This rumor was confirmed to me by all the other fellows in the country which I had begun to attend again. They told me that since several months they had not seen him around. More precisely, the day following the one on which he lost his job. Those who had gone to visit his home had found him sitting down to meditate and talk from the top of his stone, a huge boulder behind his house, on which he sat all the day and did not move it seemed from a long time. There were rumors that the radical change in his life, due to the sudden loss of job, had placed him in front of many doubts and questions.

questions. Right there, sitting on that rock, almost to dominate the horizon, he wanted to meditate and seek the truth about life. He wanted to find answers to all the questions that dominated his mind. "Why?" This simple word, of immeasurable power, is the secret of truth. Whenever it is pronounced, brings forth in us, rational beings, a mental movement of enormous entity. Its the keyword that drives us to search for the origin of everything. It is this spirit of ongoing research that allows us to realize our "Human Revolution", our inner growth. Unfortunately, we are used to identify the "good" with anything that causes physical and / or mental pleasure and that does not infringe another's being. On the contrary, we assimilate the "evil" everything that produces pain in every sense. This thought may seem reasonable, but it is not the absolute truth. Who can say, without a shadow of reasonable doubt, what is good and what is evil, what is right and what is wrong?! Then, frankly, if we seek only the truth with our mental capacities, this research will be limited. To go beyond our limits, we need a means: the spiritual search and then faith.

Publisher: Edizioni Miele

General Title Information

ISBN/SKU: 8863320543 ISBN Complete: 978-88-6332-054-1

Title: Seeking the truth Publication Date: 12/10/2010

Street Date: 4/14/2011

Language: English

Book Description (formally called "Annotation"): In life there are many complex situations, and sometimes things do not go just the way we hoped. Buddhism teaches that there is an internal cause, so in life we are to face a certain problem, and it explains that the difficulties help to grow and that we can transform any problem life presents to us. Happiness is the victory in the fight against the difficulties and sufferings. We are free to choose our path: Buddhism calls to take responsibility for our lives and explains that this has an immediate and comprehensive effect also on our family, friends and society. Sometimes, however, people enters the path of the soul searching through extreme measures, very near the asceticism, mortifying his our body. Here, this novel through the experience and the dialogue between two people, a Buddhist one and the other who is not, leads us to discover that the Buddhism is a deep on personal religion. The book is a mix between autobiography and imagination, and follows, in part, the path of research, practice and study on Buddhism made by the author.

Name 1: 2: Giraudo, Valter Veronese, Serenella Author Revised by Role

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