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"Success is due to luck - not ability or talent." Do you agree?


One of the most prominent scientists in the world and a great philosopher, Albert Einstein said, "If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y is play and Z is keeping your mouth shut." Success can only be achieved after tremendous work ethic and a lot of patience and luck does not really matter. Success can be determined by dedication and devotion towards the work as well as it depends on the ability and talent of a person. There's no such thing as luck or at least I don't think so. Some people just hit the right button at the right time, it's called luck but it's really something that just happens.

Comment [T1]: Nicely said

Comment [T2]: Dangerous to state in I form

People often believe that rather than skills and efforts, it is the luck which has contributed more to their success. This develops an inferiority complex and diffidence in them. To overcome these shortcomings they become superstitious and depend on their luck before heading for their tasks. I've seen many of the students of my age looking for the horoscope in newspaper before appearing their exams. In most of the cases, their exams are determined by the statements made in the horoscope. This is just an example of an inferiority complex that acts as an obligation in the way of success. All that we need is the feeling of realization that success completely depends on ability or talent. Thus, luck does not really matter.

Comment [T3]: Too much subjectiveI would have preferred to have objective arguments

In my opinion success is the successor of hard work. To be successful in anything one has to go through some steps. First, he has to frame his goal or determine what the aim is, then he has to find out the ways to reach his goal and finally the person has to select the easiest way and work hard to achieve the goal. Some one says he is lucky or that guy is unlucky but people forget to mention about the hard work involved in being successful. The person might have clearly planned his ideas and prepared lessons accordingly which got him a fruitful result. And it ultimately comes from the hard work he had done and from the inner spirit of joy of achievement.

Comment [T4]: Risky to user I form in the essay

Almost all of us might have heard about Stephen Hawking, who's a great professor and a scientist renowned all over the world for his achievement in the field of Astro-Physics. He suffered from a neurological disorder known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) causing partial paralysis. Despite being physically disabled, Hawking continued his

research on the black holes and has given a new direction to the scientists all over regarding the outer space. He has also published several books discussing the existence of Universe and is now known as one of the most prominent scientists in the world at present. He's succeeded because of his hard work and luck did not really affect his success. Though he was unlucky to get paralyzed quite young, it didn't really matter. At the end, his hard work got him the success he was looking for.

Comment [T5]: Good use of example

Comment [T6]: Good conclusion of the paragraph

Success is a perfect combination of total commitment, positive attitudes and opinions as well as proper execution. All we need is the desire to conquer and the will to succeed. No matter what the situation is, positive attitude always enhances the way to success and the proper execution of our plans lead to the accomplishment of our work and helps us to grab the real success. Luck comes for free after our hard work so we don't really need to worry about it if our commitment is right. Thus, success is to do with hard work and motivation, not luck. Feedback Content: 52/60 Good use of the examples Very good introduction and conclusion paragraph Few more arguments could have been added Good elaboration overall Language: 34/40 Many avoidable grammatical errors Very good language in overall I would suggest not using I in the essay as this is a formal piece of writing

Comment [T7]: Perfect ending

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