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Free Laptop Anyone? David Thompson Baker College

FREE LAPTOPS ANYONE? Introduction Technology is integrated into a students life, now more than ever. Students in todays world are expected to contact teachers via email, research topics on the internet, and even turn in homework online. One would have to agree that most students would feel lost without their trusty cell phone within reach. Learning and education seem to go hand and hand with technology. Although, a lot of technology has been made mainly for social networking, a laptop is a students best friend. If schools expect students to be so dependent on technology, one would have to agree that all students should be given a free laptop. Benefits Of Laptops

Most people have a home computer, or a laptop. However, there are a lot of students that arent so fortunate. Those students are at a big disadvantage compared to students that have a laptop. Laptops help to take notes in class quickly and effectively. Keep students on track by enabling them to be able to research and study anywhere. Anyone with a laptop knows, that they have aided in their learning and education. Integrating technology into classroom instruction means more than teaching basic computer skills and software programs in a separate computer class. Effective tech integration must happen across the curriculum in ways that research shows deepen and enhance the learning process. In particular, it must support four key components of learning: active engagement, participation in groups, frequent interaction and feedback, and connection to real-world experts. Effective technology integration is achieved when the use of technology is routine and when technology supports curricular goals.

Many people believe that technology-enabled project learning is the new plus ultra of classroom instruction. Learning through projects while equipped with technology tools allows

FREE LAPTOPS ANYONE? students to be intellectually challenged while providing them with a realistic snapshot of what the modern office looks like. Through projects, students acquire and refine their analysis and problem-solving skills as they work individually and in teams to find, process, and synthesize information they have found online (Staff, 2008). All students know that the best and fastest way to get information is online. Many new integrations in technology have many things be able to connect to the internet. Today TVs, cable boxes, and even some appliances can go online! Technology is not fading away it is becoming ubiquitous in our daily lives.

Computer labs have even strung up in places where they were not so common. Kindergartens across the US have now started implementing computer labs for young students to learn affectively but also visually. Sometimes putting a good picture to research can help in the aid of students who learn a different way. Many students can benefit greatly from new technology. Tablet pcs or the more popular ipad can add in getting information from a new handheld source. All the latest and greatest smart phones go online, and can do way more than one would ever thought possible. Smart phones are basically becoming handheld computers.

Besides all technology laptops they have many good advantages. The flexibility and mobility of laptops increases access time. They tend to be lightweight-thus mobile and can easily be moved around the classroom. Give students the option of being wireless, and free wifi is everywhere. Being able to have them in class away from a lab setting time management factor, and are portable on field trips. One can get instant access to information and access in class to multiple online resources, search engines, encyclopedias and discussion groups. Participate in virtual communities and have the ability to communicate and research at multiple levels. File sharing and ease of transferring information from one machine to another. Laptops have the

FREE LAPTOPS ANYONE? ability to do group work and collaborative projects on multiple tasks. Digital brainstorming, outlining and presentations can be generated within classroom walls. Note taking, webbing which then can be shared immediately. Laptops allow data processing, analysis; incorporating online databases and spreadsheets. Student with data processing can immediately check their results and develop immediate in class analysis (Mikton, 2004)


Students at Baker College can only benefits from technology. A proposal for every student to be given a laptop to rent or have for free should be implemented. Many teachers at baker assign homework that needs to be done, and turned in online. How can Baker demand such a thing without providing the student with means to do just that? Many students do not have a laptop or even a home computer. Baker receives money from the students for financial aid. At the very least Baker should become a reseller and allow students to purchase laptops with student loans, or financial aid. One would have to believe that Dell, HP, Gateway, etc. would love to aid in this issue.

Another option is to allow students to rent a laptop semester, to semester and putting down a deposit. This would take a lot of the cost of these laptops off Baker and decrease the cost per year. Damaged laptops may become an issue and students will not take care of laptops as good as if it belonged to them. All students want a way to purchase laptops without dipping into their own personal funds. One would have to agree that if Baker decided to offer a laptop program, it would make Baker seem more attractive to future students. Another option would also be to not give the laptops away but offer a discount considering, in order to pull off a program off like this Baker would have to become a partner of Dell, HP, Gateway, etc. Baker

FREE LAPTOPS ANYONE? then would be able to say 40% off laptops and the rest can be paid with financial aid, or student loans. Students would be happy to hear something like this!

Dr. Guillermo Valenzuela presented new personal laptop computers to students at Riverside elementary schools this week. He awarded the computers, one per grade level, to students at Longfellow Elementary on Friday, at Patricia Beatty Elementary on Wednesday and six to students at Emerson Elementary School on Tuesday. The recipients submitted winning essays or artwork in his third annual Technology Encouraging College Hopes Scholarship Program, answering, "How can a college education change your life (Press-Enterprise, 2010, para. 4)?" This year, Valenzuela is presenting 30 laptops to students at five elementary schools. Presentations are planned at Highland and Pachappa elementary schools in the next two weeks. With this year's program, Valenzuela will have given more than 75 laptop computers to Riverside students.

Valenzuela created the TECH Scholarship after a 2005 report by the Institute for Higher Education Leadership and Policy that showed fewer than 30 percent of ninth graders in the Inland Empire will attend college within four years. Technology skills also lag for students who do not have a computer at home (Press-Enterprise, 2010, para. 4) . This story encourages that technology can greatly benefit students in learning, and describes a solution to students who do not own a computer.

Education is often about learning by doing, which technology can greatly assist in. The instructional materials elicit more interest and encourage more motivation among students simply because technologys flexibility of use and manipulation. Thus, attractive graphics and interactive modules are employed to catch and sustain the students interest in the lessons at

FREE LAPTOPS ANYONE? hand. From that point, meaningful discussions and the mastery of skills can proceed (Admin, 2009, para. 5-6). Technology used in the correct way can only benefit students. Visual representation can stimulate the mind and engrain information more readily. Technology, such as a projector or a computer monitor is easier seen than a book. Animations can visually catch ones eye to make remembering information that much easier.

A study conducted by Indiana University in 2009 found, based on the activities of 29,000 law students at 85 different Universities that, "Students who frequently used their laptops to take notes, review ideas from past lectures or read a self-prepared case brief were more likely to come to class prepared, contribute to class discussions and synthesize material across courses. They were also more likely to work hard to meet faculty expectations," says Indiana University (Wright, 2010). Students that have a way to easily take notes will excel in higher level education. Typing for one, is a lot faster than pen and paper note taking. Two, saves on paper, and gives students an easy point of reference. Instead of labeling a note book, students would only have to double-click on a file referring to said notes, saving a tremendous amount of time.

Seventy mostly minority students at Los Medanos College received free laptop computers this week as part of a statewide program to increase digital literacy rates among underserved communities. The students, participants in the school's "Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Achievement" program, or MESA, will be required to study for and pass a certification in one of several topics, and also teach others in their community how to use the computers to perform common tasks (Gokhman, 2011).

To receive a computer, participants had to sign contracts promising to complete an online course through Microsoft to master Word, PowerPoint or Excel, and then pass a test to receive

FREE LAPTOPS ANYONE? certification from the software manufacturer. Hernandez said most of her students will choose to get certification in all three programs, and that the certifications will improve their chances of getting jobs where these skills are required or preferred (Gokhman, 2011). This program is giving students as chance to achieve great things. Offering free training and in return getting a free laptop is amazing. Students are getting better opportunities to learn, and the tools to find a job.

Call To Action

As a student of technology I am fully aware of the benefits of technology. I have heard some students complaining that they dont have a laptop, and that they have to come to school early and on nights just to do the required homework, that is to be turned in online. Now, if we the students are given mandatory homework that is to be turned in online, dont you think that Baker of Auburn Hills should give the opportunity to succeed at Baker. Baker is already a partner of one of the big computer companies Gateway, HP, Dell, I know this for sure. There is no reason that Baker cannot give students and future students a discount, or free laptop.

I urge the faculty of Baker to consider this proposal as an opportunity to benefit the students greatly. Some of Baker's students are less fortunate than most, and only attend baker off of grants and student loans. These students would have no other way to attend school without such programs. I have heard that the faculty of Baker have rolled this idea around but shot it down because Baker would need to send more money on power outlets. This is not true. We the students do not care if we have constant power to our laptops but care more so being able to do homework, and research that is required.

FREE LAPTOPS ANYONE? Students that don't have internet at home can visit many of the free wifi spots in their our neighborhoods, and not commute to baker just to do homework. Baker is getting paid for every student that goes there, it is time for Baker to do more. Do not get me wrong here, Baker offers tools to the students to help them succeed. However I believe this will not only benefit the school, but also create a more appealing place for future students.

I myself have access to over three thousand dollars worth of technology software, and I have grateful for it. However, doesn't Baker believe that the benefits of technology should be given to all students. No matter what program, course, certification you are in, students will use technology to research, take notes, and turn in homework. I believe that every student should be given access to such technologies.


Technology is all around us, now more than ever. Technology is not going away, it is only becoming more and more entrenched into our lives. Free laptops will boost morale among the students. Offer students an easier way to transfer information to one another. Help on group projects and brainstorming, and give students easier access to information. The next student looking for a school may choose enroll at Baker just because this program exist. Already schools around the United States have been giving computers away to loyal students that grace their halls. Baker needs to jump on this technology bandwagon and help strengthen their bond with the students. Baker students are so dependent on technology, one would have to agree that all Baker students should be given a free laptop.


Admin. (2009, para. 5-6, February 24). Benefits of Technology in the Classroom. Retrieved March 12, 2011, from Remember Anything: Gokhman, R. (2011, March 8). Mercury News. Retrieved March 12, 2011, from Los Medanos students awarded laptops: Mikton, J. (2004, June 13). G5 Laptop Program. Retrieved March 1, 2011, from Asij: Press-Enterprise, S. t. (2010, para. 4, May 28). Doctor gives laptop computers to Riverside students. Retrieved March 1, 2011, from The Press-Enterprise: Staff, E. (2008, March 17). Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many. Retrieved March 1, 2011, from Edutopia: Wright, H. (2010, September 30). ehow. Retrieved March 12, 2011, from What Are the Benefits of Laptops for Students?:

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