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Cortex/thalamus/midbrain/pons/medulla/spinal cord Pyramidal voluntary motor (2 neuron system) CST: precentral gyrus (broadman 4) Coronoa radiate/Crus cerebri /Pons/medulla

85% decussate midline (lateral CST)/ synapse at gamma motor neuron other 15% form the anterior spinal tract Sensory info sensory fiber/ drg/ fasiculus gracilis (lower extrem) or fasic cuneutous (arm)/ internal arc fiber/ medial lemniscus/ VPL (in thalamus) -face: trigem to VPM to post-central gyrus Pain and Temp (crude touch and sexual sensation) Hand pain: Drg (1st order) Aa Ad C pain fibers/dorsal horn and synapses there at substantia gelatinosa (everything after is lissaurs tract) [also synapses directly w/A motor neuron to engage quick withdrawl reflex to move away from pain!) / decussate @ anterior white commissure / ascends as the STT / VPL of thalamus/ post central gyrus as it ascends, it also relays to the reticular formation (slow pain pathway)/ periaqueductal gray (endorphins and enkephlins) / intralaminar nuclei/ cortical regions and limbic system (emotions) CN8 enters at medullary/pontine juncton Auditory system Cochlea (organ of corti) CN8 in spiral ganglion/ synapse at dorsal and ventral cochlear nuclei (at outer edge of pons) / 2nd order neurons can go to MANY places (and decussate and ascend all over the place) superior olivary complex (either side)/ lateral lemniscus/ inferior colliculus / medial geniculate body (in thalamus) / projects to heschels gyrus (41 and 42) Visual pathway Retina/optic nerve/ optic chiasm/ optic tract (two options from here) a) : lateral geniculate nucleus/ optic radiation / visual cortex (lines calcerine sulcus) broadmans 17) and visual association 18, 19 b) brachium of the superior colliculus hits the superior colliculus/ pretectum/ NEW (CN3 and pregrang parasymps)/ cilliar ganglion (postgang symps)/ pupillary sphincter and the ciliary body allows for accomidation (areas 18 and 19 also contribute to this) Extra Pyr system This loop is required: motor cortex/basal gang/thalamus/back to motor cortex / to muscle to move

VA/VL are motor nuclei of the thalamus ST prob=hemibalism SN prob= parkinsons

Limbic System (papez circuit)memory/motivationties together primitive part of brain to the more higher order brain areas Gag reflex 10 causes input and 9 causes response at nucleus ambiguous Alternating hemianesthsia lateral medullary syndrome (PICA) Blink reflex: V1 (bilateral) and 7 Medial medullary plate: anterior spinal aa rupture, alternating hemiplegia, damage a bunch of stuff and a cn 12 too as it exits the stem (tongue moves to the same side as the lesion) MLF: connects 3,4,6,8 (allows you to hear/stay upright)

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