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ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 1

moniIoring and evaluaIion moniIoring and evaluaIion moniIoring and evaluaIion moniIoring and evaluaIion

resource guide

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 2
AcknowledgemenIs AcknowledgemenIs AcknowledgemenIs AcknowledgemenIs

Compiled Compiled Compiled Compiled Ior ChariIies FvaluaIion Services Ior ChariIies FvaluaIion Services Ior ChariIies FvaluaIion Services Ior ChariIies FvaluaIion Services by by by by: :: :

Shahanara Begum
!ean Fllis
1racey Cregory
Avan Wadia

OcIober 2007
(UpdaIed !anuary 2010}

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 3
ConIenIs ConIenIs ConIenIs ConIenIs
1. 1. 1. 1. Ceneral guides and inIroducIions Io evaluaIion Ceneral guides and inIroducIions Io evaluaIion Ceneral guides and inIroducIions Io evaluaIion Ceneral guides and inIroducIions Io evaluaIion................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................. ................. ................. ................. 4 44 4
Cuides Io moniIoring and evaluaIion................................................................................. 4
Discussion papers and guidance documenIs................................................................. 16

2. 2. 2. 2. Assessing ouIcomes and impacI Assessing ouIcomes and impacI Assessing ouIcomes and impacI Assessing ouIcomes and impacI ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ......................................... ......... ......... ......... 19 19 19 19
ImplemenIing an ouIcomes approach............................................................................ 19
Analysing ouIcomes inIormaIion...................................................................................... 24
QualiIy oI liIe ouIcomes...................................................................................................... 25
SoII ouIcomes and disIance Iravelled............................................................................. 29
UndersIanding and assessing impacI .............................................................................. 33

3. FvaluaIion approaches and m 3. FvaluaIion approaches and m 3. FvaluaIion approaches and m 3. FvaluaIion approaches and meIhods eIhods eIhods eIhods................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ .................................... .... .... .... 37 37 37 37
Overview oI evaluaIion meIhods...................................................................................... 37
Logic model and Iheory oI change .................................................................................. 40
ParIicipaIory Appraisal ........................................................................................................ 44
OuIcome mapping............................................................................................................... 46
Social accounIing and audiI .............................................................................................. 48
Social added value................................................................................................................ 49
Social reIurn on invesImenI............................................................................................... 51

4. 4. 4. 4. Sub Sub Sub Sub- -- -secIor speciIic guidance secIor speciIic guidance secIor speciIic guidance secIor speciIic guidance................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ............................................... ............... ............... ............... 53 53 53 53
Advocacy and policy work.................................................................................................. 53
ArIs ........................................................................................................................................... 56
Children and young people................................................................................................ 61
CommuniIy organisaIions .................................................................................................. 70
Crime reducIion.................................................................................................................... 75
HealIh promoIion................................................................................................................. 76
HIvjAIDS .................................................................................................................................. 77
Homelessness......................................................................................................................... 78
InIrasIrucIure organisaIions .............................................................................................. 81
InIernaIional developmenI ................................................................................................ 84
Learning and skills ................................................................................................................ 89
MenIal HealIh........................................................................................................................ 90
MenIoring and BeIriending................................................................................................ 91
Older people.......................................................................................................................... 93
ReIugee CommuniIy OrganisaIions ................................................................................. 94
Social FnIerprise ................................................................................................................... 95
SubsIance misuse ................................................................................................................. 98
volunIeering........................................................................................................................ 105

5. CreaIive Iools Ior engaging a range oI sIakeholders in moniIoring and 5. CreaIive Iools Ior engaging a range oI sIakeholders in moniIoring and 5. CreaIive Iools Ior engaging a range oI sIakeholders in moniIoring and 5. CreaIive Iools Ior engaging a range oI sIakeholders in moniIoring and
evaluaIion evaluaIion evaluaIion evaluaIion................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................... ................... ................... ................... 107 107 107 107

6. UseIul websiIes 6. UseIul websiIes 6. UseIul websiIes 6. UseIul websiIes ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ................................................................ ................................ ................................ ..................................... ..... ..... ..... 112 112 112 112
WebsiIes conIaining moniIoring and evaluaIion resources .................................... 112
WebsiIes providing inIormaIion abouI online and published resources on
moniIoring and evaluaIion .............................................................................................. 116

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 4

1. 1. 1. 1. Ceneral guides and inIroducIions Io evaluaIion Ceneral guides and inIroducIions Io evaluaIion Ceneral guides and inIroducIions Io evaluaIion Ceneral guides and inIroducIions Io evaluaIion

Cuides Io moniIoring and evaluaIion Cuides Io moniIoring and evaluaIion Cuides Io moniIoring and evaluaIion Cuides Io moniIoring and evaluaIion


Monitoring and Evaluation in Context
Developed by

Plymouth Monitoring and Evaluation Development Group (PMEDG)
Year published

Aug 2005
Developed for

Groups and individuals who are relatively new to monitoring and
evaluation activities.
Available from http://www.plymouth-

Price Free to download from website
Approach Self-evaluation
Practical tools No
Use of case
A fictional project is used to help illustrate and explain key terms and
methods used.
Lists additional

Description A short, easy to understand guide to understanding the links between
monitoring and evaluation, why it is important, how to plan your
monitoring and evaluation, ethics and data protection.

It provides a useful glossary, references and further reading at the

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 5


Using ICT to improve your monitoring and evaluation: a
workbook to help you develop an effective ICT system
Developed by

Written by Dr Simon Davey, Diana Parkinson and Avan Wadia for the
Performance Hub, now the National Performance Programme at CES
Year published

Developed for

Anyone wishing to develop an effective ICT system to improve their
monitoring and evaluation
Available from CES via Central Books
Price 12 plus 10% p&p
Approach ICT and monitoring and evaluation
Practical tools Tips for every step
Use of case
Lists additional
Glossary and checklist plus an example evaluation framework and a
worksheet on the different options available to groups and

Description This is very useful workbook to developing an ICT system for
monitoring and evaluation by using the 17 steps and covers issues to
consider before developing an ICT system.

There is a help and support section at the end that includes further
reading, sources of advice and help and other help.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 6


Monitoring and evaluation

Developed by

Voluntary Action Sheffield
Year published

No date found
Developed for

Voluntary and community organisations
Available from
Price Free to download from website.

For more information contact:
Voluntary Action Sheffield
Tel: 0114 253 6600
Approach A brief introduction on what is monitoring and evaluation
Practical tools
Use of case
One example
Lists additional
Useful publications

Description A VAS information sheet on:
What is monitoring and evaluation?
The benefits and cycle of monitoring and evaluation
A case study
Useful publications.


Self-evaluation: a handy guide to sources (May 2003)

Developed by

Ambreen Shah, Evaluation and Research Analyst for BIG Lottery Fund
Year published

Developed for Voluntary and community organisations
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 7

Available from

Price Free to download from BIG Lottery Fund website.
Approach Monitoring and self-evaluation resources
Practical tools No
Use of case
Lists additional
Useful websites

Description General self-evaluation resources as well as resources on education,
health and environment. Includes useful websites.

1iIle 1iIle 1iIle 1iIle

FirsI sIeps in moniIoring and evaluaIion FirsI sIeps in moniIoring and evaluaIion FirsI sIeps in moniIoring and evaluaIion FirsI sIeps in moniIoring and evaluaIion
Developed by

ChariIies FvaluaIion Service
Year published

Developed Ior

ChariIies and communiIy organisaIions IhaI are looking aI
moniIoring and evaluaIion Ior Ihe IirsI Iime.
Available Irom ChariIies FvaluaIion Service,
ConIacIs: 020 7713 5692,

Price Hard copy 6.50 plus 10 p&p
Also available Io download Ior Iree Irom Ihe publicaIions secIion oI
Approach SelI-evaluaIion and a general inIroducIion and guide Io evaluaIion

PracIical Iools ChecklisIs Ior each sIep in Ihe evaluaIion process

Use oI case
1he case sIudy oI a Iamily cenIre is used IhroughouI Ihe guide

LisIs addiIional
OIher CFS publicaIions are lisIed



DescripIion 1his guide provides a pracIical, Iive sIep approach Io moniIoring and
evaluaIing your own pro|ecI or organisaIion

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 8

1iIle PracIical moniIoring and evaluaIion: a guide Ior volunIary PracIical moniIoring and evaluaIion: a guide Ior volunIary PracIical moniIoring and evaluaIion: a guide Ior volunIary PracIical moniIoring and evaluaIion: a guide Ior volunIary
organisaIions organisaIions organisaIions organisaIions

Developed by !ean Fllis Ior ChariIies FvaluaIion Service
Year published 2005 (2
Developed Ior 1he Iull range oI volunIary and communiIy organisaIions, Irom small
communiIy based pro|ecIs Io large organisaIions providing a
complex range oI services aI a number oI siIes.
Available Irom ChariIies FvaluaIion Service,
ConIacIs: 020 7713 5692,

Price 33.50 plus 10 pp
Approach Covers boIh selI-evaluaIion and exIernal evaluaIion
PracIical Iools 1he Iinal secIion oI Ihe guide is a pracIical IoolkiI providing Iips and
IemplaIes Ior analysing daIa and daIa collecIion Iools. A useIul
glossary is also included aI Ihe end.

Use oI case
Fxamples oI diIIerenI organisaIions are used IhroughouI Io illusIraIe
Ihe poinIs and use oI Ihe Iools
LisIs addiIional
1wo pages oI suggesIed IurIher reading

Size 135pp
DescripIion A pracIical and accessible guide covering Ihe Iollowing Iopics:
inIroducIion Io Ierminology
inIroducIion Io basic concepIs, Iheory, evaluaIion approaches and
research meIhodologies
Iools Ior pro|ecI managemenI, Irom needs analysis and planning
Ihrough Io moniIoring and review, buI Iocusing on evaluaIion
pracIical advice on where Io go Ior IurIher guidance on Ihe
various sIeps, meIhods.

II demonsIraIes Ihe CFS planning Iriangle as a Iool Ior seIIing aims,
ob|ecIives, ouIpuIs, ouIcomes and impacIs and illusIraIes how Io
develop an evaluaIion Iramework. 1he guide works Ihrough Ihe
cycle oI planning, moniIoring, evaluaIion and uIilisaIion oI Iindings.
1he IexI is divided inIo basic and IurIher inIormaIion and is designed
Io be accessible Io organisaIions IhaI are new Io moniIoring and
evaluaIion as well as Ihose IhaI already have basic sysIems in place.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 9

1iIle FvaluaIion Resource Pack FvaluaIion Resource Pack FvaluaIion Resource Pack FvaluaIion Resource Pack
Developed by !ane 1hompson Ior Paul Hamlyn FoundaIion, in associaIion wiIh Ihe
NaIional InsIiIuIe oI AdulI ConIinuing FducaIion
Year published 2007
Developed Ior FronI-line workers and volunIeers in Ihe volunIary and communiIy
Available Irom 1he Paul Hamlyn FoundaIion 020 7227 3500

Price 12.50 + 1.25 posIage and packing
Approach SelI-evaluaIion wiIh an emphasis on parIicipaIory meIhods
PracIical Iools 1he pack Iocuses on Iools Ior planning, recording and assessing a
Use oI case
Some example Iools are provided Irom Ihe conIribuIing pro|ecIs
LisIs addiIional
Size 85 pages
DescripIion 1his is a very easy Io use pack, designed Io inIroduce groups Io Ihe
process oI evaluaIion and reporI wriIing. II provides key poinIs abouI
core evaluaIion research meIhods, and Iocuses parIicularly on
creaIive meIhods Ior collecIing evidence.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 10

1iIle Does Your Money Make A DiIIerence Does Your Money Make A DiIIerence Does Your Money Make A DiIIerence Does Your Money Make A DiIIerence
Developed by Libby Cooper and HeaIher Mayall Ior ChariIies FvaluaIion Services
Year published 2001
Developed Ior SIaIuIory and volunIary Iunders oI any size
Available Irom ChariIies FvaluaIion Services
email: web:
Iel: 020 7713 5722

Price 10.95 + p&p
Approach SelI-assessmenI Iool
PracIical Iools 1he Iool provided provides models oI good pracIice in moniIoring
and evaluaIion according Io resource levels
Use oI case
ShorI case examples are used Io illusIraIe poinIs
LisIs addiIional
Size 26 pp
DescripIion 1his inIormal Iool was developed Irom CFS' work wiIh Iunders and
Iollowing a sIudy carried ouI on behalI oI Ihe NaIional AudiI OIIice. II
explores Ihe reasons Ior evaluaIing granI giving and urges Iunders Io
evaluaIe in a way appropriaIe Io Iheir circumsIances. SecIion 3
addresses good pracIice, suggesIing key principles, illusIraIed by
case examples. SecIion 4 comprises Ihe selI-assessmenI Iool iIselI,
permiIIing granImakers Io ploI Ihemselves aI a level appropriaIe Io
Iheir capaciIy and Ihe sIandards Ihey are seeking Io meeI.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 11

1iIle A Funder's Cuide Io FvaluaIion: leveraging evaluaIion Io improve A Funder's Cuide Io FvaluaIion: leveraging evaluaIion Io improve A Funder's Cuide Io FvaluaIion: leveraging evaluaIion Io improve A Funder's Cuide Io FvaluaIion: leveraging evaluaIion Io improve
non non non non- -- -proIiI eIIecIiveness proIiI eIIecIiveness proIiI eIIecIiveness proIiI eIIecIiveness
Developed by PeIer York Ior FieldsIone Alliance in collaboraIion wiIh CranImakers
Ior FIIecIive OrganisaIions, USA
Year published 2005
Developed Ior CranImakers in Ihe UniIed SIaIes
Available Irom FieldsIone Alliance

Price $41.95
Approach Focus on evaluaIive learning as a means oI increasing nonproIiI
PracIical Iools Appendices conIain some worksheeIs and assessmenI Iools, eg, a
Iunder readiness Iool and a logic model developmenI Iool
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size 127 pages
DescripIion 1his book discusses Ihe use oI evaluaIion as a capaciIy-building Iool
wiIhin Ihe conIexI oI US non-proIiI organisaIions, inviIing non-proIiIs
Io Iocus on learning Io improve, raIher Ihan Io prove resulIs. II
considers whaI is evaluaIed, who is involved and how Iunders can
work IogeIher wiIh exIernal evaluaIors and granIees Io develop
learning. 1he book advocaIes a pragmaIic approach Io gaIhering
inIormaIion and iIs basic principles could be applied wiIhin a UK
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 12

1iIle Learning, FvaluaIion and Planning (LFAP}: a handbook Ior parIners in Learning, FvaluaIion and Planning (LFAP}: a handbook Ior parIners in Learning, FvaluaIion and Planning (LFAP}: a handbook Ior parIners in Learning, FvaluaIion and Planning (LFAP}: a handbook Ior parIners in
comm comm comm communiIy learning uniIy learning uniIy learning uniIy learning
Developed by Alan Barr Ior Ihe CommuniIy DevelopmenI FoundaIion
Year published 2002
Developed Ior 1he LFAP Iramework is used Ior planning and evaluaIing communiIy
learning acIiviIy IhroughouI ScoIland. II will equally be oI value Io
organisaIions or communiIy pro|ecIs wishing Io esIablish a sIrucIured and
Iocused approach Io planning and evaluaIing Iheir work.
Available Irom CommuniIy DevelopmenI FoundaIion
ConIacIs: 020 7833 1772,
Price 17.95 plus 10 pp
Approach Framework Ior planning evaluaIion
PracIical Iools Yes
Use oI case
1he Leap resources secIion oI Ihe websiIe (
downloadsjleap-resourcesj} provides deIailed case sIudy provided oI
applicaIion oI Ihe Iramework Io volunIeer cenIres in ScoIland. 1here are
also a number oI deIailed case sIudies oI Ihe applicaIion oI Ihe Iramework
Io diIIerenI Iypes oI individual communiIy organisaIions. FurIher deIails
Irom Ihe individual case sIudy organisaIions, such as plans and ouIcomes,
can be Iound on Ihe case sIudy secIion oI Ihe websiIe.
LisIs addiIional
NoI Iound
Size 76pp spiral bound
DescripIion 1his handbook shows you how Io build evaluaIion inIo your planning
process Irom Ihe ouIseI, and provides pracIical help in all Ihe sIages
involved, and includes developing ouIcomes and indicaIors.

A number oI accompanying publicaIions are also available:
LFAP SIep-by-sIep (revised 2006} - A brieI guide explaining whaI LFAP is,
why iI is needed, how iI works, and how planning and evaluaIion IiI
IogeIher - 7 each or complemenIary when ordering Ihe handbook
LFAP SupporI Manual (2006} Cuidance noIes and Iools Ior Irainers and
supporI working - useIul maIerials Io help explore Ihe componenIs oI
Ihe Learning Planning and FvaluaIion (LFAP} Framework - a copy can be
downloaded Irom

1he CDF oIIice in ScoIland, ScoIIish CommuniIy DevelopmenI CenIre, have
also developed:
LFAP Ior HealIh, a resource designed Io assisI pro|ecIs and programmes
enabling people Io develop and mainIain Iheir healIh on a day-Io-day
basis Ihrough individual and communiIy acIion - a copy can be
downloaded Irom HealIh ScoIland websiIe
Creenspace LFAP, ouIlining Ihe LFAP approach and iIs applicaIion Ior
Creenspace work, including guidance on planning ouIcomes and
developing ouIcome indicaIors - copy can be purchased Irom
Creenspace ScoIland (35 plus 3.20 pp Ior organisaIions wiIhin
ScoIland; 75 plus 3.20pp Ior organisaIions ouIside ScoIland}

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 13

1iIle 1he Fvidence Cuide 1he Fvidence Cuide 1he Fvidence Cuide 1he Fvidence Cuide

Developed by Barnardo's
Year published 2006
Developed Ior Social care proIessionals
Available Irom Barnardo's, 1anners Lane, Barkingside, IlIord, Fssex IC6 1QC. 1el: 020
8550 8822
Price Fach module includes a learner's pack and a Irainer's pack. Learner's
packs are 12 each per module and Irainer's packs are 22 each per
module. 1he whole seI is 140.
Approach OuIcomes and general evaluaIion; eFvidence based research

PracIical Iools Sample session plans, acIiviIies and handouIs
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Some reIerences provided
DescripIion 1his pack conIains Iive modules:
Using research evidence in pracIice: an inIroducIion
LocaIing research evidence in Iive sIeps
Appraising and reviewing research evidence
AdapIing and applying evidence: issues Ior individual
pracIiIioners and organisaIions
OuIcome-Iocused evaluaIion

Fach module is designed Io be worked individually and includes a
learner's pack and a Irainer's pack. 1he learner's packs use individual
acIiviIies, review quesIions and key message boxes Io IaciliIaIe
inIeracIive, selI-guided learning. 1he Irainer's packs conIain session
plans, learning ouIcomes and group acIiviIies as well as a CD oI
handouIs and slides in order Io run a Iraining course.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 14

1iIle A liIIle book oI evaluaIion A liIIle book oI evaluaIion A liIIle book oI evaluaIion A liIIle book oI evaluaIion

Developed by Connexions Service NaIional UniI. Published by Ihe DeparImenI Ior
FducaIion and Skills
Year published 2001
Developed Ior 1he book was originally designed Io supporI Connexions' pro|ecI
managers, buI iI conIains general inIormaIion on evaluaIion
applicable Io oIher conIexIs as well.
Available Irom 1he prove and improve websiIe

Price Free Io download Irom Ihe 'prove and improve' websiIe

Approach SelI-evaluaIion and a general inIroducIion Io moniIoring and

PracIical Iools PracIical Iips on planning an evaluaIion and an example evaluaIion
plan and IimeIable; advanIages and disadvanIages oI diIIerenI
inIormaIion gaIhering meIhods such as quesIionnaires, inIerviews,
Iocus groups; also on reporIing and disseminaIing Iindings.

Use oI case
Case sIudies oI Ihe Connexions piloIs are used Io illusIraIe diIIerenI

LisIs addiIional
ReIerences and bibliography provided.
Size 40 pp

DescripIion 1his bookleI provides a useIul overview oI Ihe issues and a Iramework
Io enable pro|ecI managers and pracIiIioners Io evaluaIe and assess
Iheir work eIIecIively. II provides pracIical guidance Io encourage
Ihinking abouI 'whaI works and whaI doesn'I', and Io explore Ihe
quesIions 'where am I now7' and 'whaI do I wanI Io achieve7'

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 15

1iIle FvaluaIing communiIy pro|ecIs: FvaluaIing communiIy pro|ecIs: FvaluaIing communiIy pro|ecIs: FvaluaIing communiIy pro|ecIs: a pracIical guide a pracIical guide a pracIical guide a pracIical guide

Developed by Marilyn 1aylor, Derrick Purdue, Mandy Wilson and PeIe Wilde Ior Ihe
!oseph RownIree FoundaIion
Year published 2005
Developed Ior IniIially developed Ior Ihe 20 communiIy or volunIary organisaIions
Iaking parI in Ihe !RF Neighbourhood Programme Io evaluaIe Iheir
work. However, Ihis guide may also be oI inIeresI Io oIher volunIary
and communiIy organisaIions looking Ior an inIroducIion Io
Available Irom !oseph RownIree FoundaIion (!RF}ConIacIs: 01904 615905,
Can be downloaded Irom Ihe bookshop secIion oI Ihe !RF websiIe

Price Free Io download Irom Ihe !RF websiIe
Approach SelI-evaluaIion and a general inIroducIion and guide Io evaluaIion

PracIical Iools 1he guide includes a menu oI inIormaIion gaIhering meIhods, a Iable
Ior reviewing your pro|ecI (compleIe wiIh example} and a Iable Ior
planning your evaluaIion.

Use oI case
Provides suggesIed examples oI issues !RF Neighbourhood
Programme organisaIions mighI consider
LisIs addiIional
Size 12pp
DescripIion 1his bookleI provides a shorI inIroducIion Io evaluaIion and presenIs
Iive sIeps Io Iollow when evaluaIing a communiIy pro|ecI

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 16

Discussion papers and guida Discussion papers and guida Discussion papers and guida Discussion papers and guidance documenIs nce documenIs nce documenIs nce documenIs


Readability: how to produce clear written materials for a range of
Developed by

Year published

First published in 2005. revised in 2009
Developed for

Anyone interested in presenting written information clearly
Available from
Price Free to download from website
Approach None
Practical tools No
Use of case
Lists additional

Description Although not strictly about monitoring and evaluation, this leaflet may
be helpful when writing an evaluation report.
This leaflet outlines the principles that will help you to present written
texts clearly, taking account of the needs of your readers.


Good practice guide: user involvement
Developed by

Big Lottery Fund
Year published

August 2008
Developed for

Voluntary and community projects
Available from
Price Free to download from Big Lottery Fund website
Approach User involvement approaches in achieving intended outcomes
Practical tools No
Use of case
Lists additional
Further guidance at the end
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 17

4pp for user involvement guide
Description The good practice guides are based on evaluation findings from the
evaluation of the legacy Research Grants programme. The guides
cover good practice in relation to user involvement, partnership
working and dissemination.

1iIle FvaluaIion discussion papers FvaluaIion discussion papers FvaluaIion discussion papers FvaluaIion discussion papers

Developed by ChariIies FvaluaIion Service
Year published 1998-2005
Developed Ior volunIary and communiIy organisaIions
Available Irom ChariIies FvaluaIion Services,
ConIacIs: 020 7713 5692,

Price Full seI oI nine 32.50 or 4.00 each, plus 10 p&p
Approach UseIul Ior selI-evaluaIion and exIernal evaluaIion

PracIical Iools Cive pracIical examples, real liIe case sIudies, checklisIs and ideas.

Use oI case
Case examples are used in each papers Io illusIraIe Ihe Iopic and use
oI approaches.

LisIs addiIional
Fach paper has useIul reIerences
Size 8-12pp
DescripIion A series oI papers inIroducing and discussing Ihe Iollowing
evaluaIion Iopics:
Paper 1 - 1he purpose oI evaluaIion
Paper 2 - DiIIerenI ways oI seeing evaluaIion
Paper 3 - SelI-evaluaIion
Paper 4 - Involving service users in evaluaIion
Paper 5 - PerIormance indicaIors: use and misuse
Paper 6 - Using evaluaIion Io explore policy
Paper 7 - OuIcome moniIoring
Paper 8 - Benchmarking in Ihe volunIary secIor
Paper 9 - Assessing ImpacI

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 18

1iIle Cuidance papers Cuidance papers Cuidance papers Cuidance papers

Developed by ChariIies FvaluaIion Services
Year published 2004 and 2005
Developed Ior volunIary and communiIy organisaIions

Available Irom ChariIies FvaluaIion Service
ConIacIs: 020 7713 5692,

Price Free Io download Irom CFS websiIe,

Approach Cuidance on commissioning an evaluaIion

PracIical Iools Cuidance paper 1 gives an example cosIing oI an exIernal evaluaIion
Use oI case

LisIs addiIional
Size 5-7 pp
Cuidance paper 1: How much should we expecI Io pay Ior an
exIernal evaluaIion7
1his paper seIs ouI Ihe Iype oI cosIs IhaI need Io be considered
when commissioning an exIernal evaluaIion. II suggesIs Ihe
range oI daily raIes you mighI expecI Io pay Ior evaluaIion; survey
work or daIa inpuI.
Cuidance Paper 2: WhaI Io include in an evaluaIion brieI.
1he paper idenIiIies a number oI Ihings Io Ihink abouI beIore
sIarIing Io wriIe Ihe brieI and provides inIormaIion on suggesIed
conIenI oI Ihe brieI.
Cuidance paper 3: Key Ierms and deIiniIions.
1his is a guide Io some oI Ihe key Ierms IhaI volunIary
organisaIions will come across when dealing wiIh issues oI
moniIoring, evaluaIion and qualiIy assurance. II is a lisI oI basic
Iechnical Ierms IhaI are commonly used in volunIary secIor

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 19

2. 2. 2. 2. Assessing ouIcomes and impacI Assessing ouIcomes and impacI Assessing ouIcomes and impacI Assessing ouIcomes and impacI

ImplemenIing an ouIcomes approach ImplemenIing an ouIcomes approach ImplemenIing an ouIcomes approach ImplemenIing an ouIcomes approach


Investing in Outcomes: supporting funded projects to record and
report on outcomes (pilot report)*
Developed by

Voluntary Action Fund (VAF)

Year published

August 2007
Developed for

Those interested in setting and reporting outcomes in a funding
Available from

Price Free download from website
Approach Outcomes monitoring
Practical tools No
Use of case
Lists additional

Description This report is based on the Outcomes Monitoring Pilot project which
provided bespoke training and support to funded projects.

It explores the barriers to recording and reporting outcomes in
voluntary organisations. An Outcome Monitoring Pilot project was set
up providing bespoke training and support to a group of funded
projects to test how best to support funded organisations in improving
their recording and reporting on outcomes.

*Sourced with permission from the Evaluation Support Scotland website.

1iIle Fxplaining Ihe diIIerence your pro|ecI makes: A BIC guide Io using an Fxplaining Ihe diIIerence your pro|ecI makes: A BIC guide Io using an Fxplaining Ihe diIIerence your pro|ecI makes: A BIC guide Io using an Fxplaining Ihe diIIerence your pro|ecI makes: A BIC guide Io using an
ouIcomes approach ouIcomes approach ouIcomes approach ouIcomes approach

Developed by Sara Burns and !oy MacKeiIh, 1riangle ConsulIing Ior Ihe Big LoIIery
Year published 2006
Developed Ior ApplicanIs Io Big LoIIery Fund
Available Irom Big LoIIery Fund

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 20
Price Download Ior Iree Irom Big LoIIery Iund websiIe
Approach OuIcomes
PracIical Iools 1he guide includes a number oI exercises Io help idenIiIy ouIcomes
and measure your achievemenI
Use oI case
Pro|ecI examples are used IhroughouI.
LisIs addiIional
1he websiIe also provides some examples oI CFS planning Iriangles,
and IacIsheeIs and resources.
Size 37pp
DescripIion 1his guide seIs ouI some oI Ihe main sIeps Io idenIiIy need, plan and
assess Ihe beneIiIs oI a pro|ecI using an ouIcomes approach.
AlIhough speciIically addressed Io applicanIs Io Big LoIIery Fund, Ihe
guide provides a useIul inIroducIion Io Ihe ouIcomes approach,
parIicularly Ior Ihose who are new Io Ihis approach Io evaluaIion.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 21

1iIle Your pro|ecI and iIs ouIcomes Your pro|ecI and iIs ouIcomes Your pro|ecI and iIs ouIcomes Your pro|ecI and iIs ouIcomes

Developed by Sally CupiII wiIh !ean Fllis Ior ChariIies FvaluaIion Service

Year published 2007
Developed Ior All volunIary and communiIy organisaIions, parIicularly Ihose new Io
Available Irom ChariIies FvaluaIion Service.
Price 7.95 plus p&p. Hard copies can also be obIained Iree oI charge Ior
small organisaIions oI Iive sIaII or less. ConIacI enquiriesces-
Download Iree Irom Ihe publicaIions secIion oI Ihe websiIe www.ces-

Approach MoniIoring ouIcomes
PracIical Iools Includes a number oI Iools and exercises Io help idenIiIy ouIcomes
and indicaIors and Io assess achievemenI.
Use oI case
Case examples are used IhroughouI Io demonsIraIe Ihe diIIerenI
sIages oI Ihe process. 1hese include a women's pro|ecI, a Iraining
service, a local inIrasIrucIure organisaIion, a legal service and a
communiIy-building pro|ecI. II conIains examples oI how Io use Ihe
CFS planning Iriangle as Ihe basis Ior seIIing ouIcomes and

LisIs addiIional
Sources oI help, IurIher reading and a glossary are included
Size 23pp
DescripIion 1his guide is divided inIo Ihree chapIers: undersIanding ouIcomes;
idenIiIying and assessing ouIcomes; and using ouIcomes

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 22

1iIle A DIY Cuide Io implemen A DIY Cuide Io implemen A DIY Cuide Io implemen A DIY Cuide Io implemenIing ouIcome moniIoring Iing ouIcome moniIoring Iing ouIcome moniIoring Iing ouIcome moniIoring

Developed by Sara Burns Ior Alcohol Concern
Year published 2000
Developed Ior Agencies working in Ihe Iield buI useIul as a general inIroducIion Io
moniIoring ouIcomes
Available Irom Alcohol Concern
ConIacIs: 020 7395 4000,

Price 12.10 incl. p&p
Approach OuIcomes moniIoring
PracIical Iools A IemplaIe Ior an ouIcome moniIoring quesIionnaire is included aI
Ihe end oI Ihe guide
Use oI case
Case sIudies used wiIhin Ihe IexI
LisIs addiIional

Size 70pp
DescripIion A sIep by sIep guide Io moniIoring ouIcomes which includes
deciding which ouIcomes Io moniIor, consulIaIion and IesIing,
analysing and presenIing daIa.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 23

1iIle OuIcomes inIo PracIice OuIcomes inIo PracIice OuIcomes inIo PracIice OuIcomes inIo PracIice

Developed by Flinor Nicholas, Hazel Qureshi and Claire BamIord Ior SPRU, UniversiIy
oI York
Year published 2003
Developed Ior Managers and Irainers in social care
Available Irom Social Policy Research UniI, UniversiIy oI York
1el: 01904 433608
Approach UndersIanding, assessing and using ouIcome inIormaIion
PracIical Iools 1his is a resource pack conIaining presenIaIion maIerial, worksheeIs
and sample pracIice Iools
Use oI case
LimiIed use oI case scenarios wiIhin Ihe Iraining maIerials
LisIs addiIional
Some addiIional reIerences provided

Size ParI 1, 152 pages; ParI 2, 248 pages.
DescripIion 1his is a comprehensive, researched resource pack on ouIcomes in
Ihe social care Iield, drawing on a programme oI work wiIh social
service deparImenIs in BradIord and Ihe CiIy oI York and wiIh
parIicipaIion oI a number oI oIher agencies.

ParI 1 inIroduces an ouIcomes approach and an overview oI
ouIcome-Iocused care managemenI. II inIroduces good pracIice in
collecIing, inIerpreIing and using ouIcomes inIormaIion, and looks aI
Ihe diIIerenI sIakeholder perspecIives. Some pracIical examples are
provided, such as a sample plan and quesIionnaire. PracIical
suggesIions are made Ior using ouIcomes inIormaIion wiIhin a
conIexI oI change managemenI.

ParI 2 comprises a comprehensive seI oI maIerials Ior Iraining and
developmenI, also available on a CD. 1hese maIerials can be used
and reproduced Ior Iraining purposes sub|ecI Io copyrighI
resIricIions. 1he resources include sample programme, presenIaIion
maIerials, IaciliIaIor's noIes, exercises and worksheeIs, handouIs and
examples oI pracIice Iools.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 24
Analysing ouIcomes inIormaIion Analysing ouIcomes inIormaIion Analysing ouIcomes inIormaIion Analysing ouIcomes inIormaIion

1iIle Analyzing OuIcome InIormaIion: geIIing Ihe mosI Analyzing OuIcome InIormaIion: geIIing Ihe mosI Analyzing OuIcome InIormaIion: geIIing Ihe mosI Analyzing OuIcome InIormaIion: geIIing Ihe mosI Irom daIa Irom daIa Irom daIa Irom daIa

Developed by Harry P. HaIry, !ake Cowan, Michael Hendricks, as parI oI 1he Urban
InsIiIuIe's Series on OuIcome ManagemenI Ior NonproIiI
Year published 2004
Developed Ior BoIh large and small nonproIiI organisaIions
Available Irom 1he Urban InsIiIuIe, WashingIon DC. Fmail:
Price Downloadable Ior Iree Irom:
Approach Analysing ouIcomes daIa
PracIical Iools 1he guide is Iull oI sample daIa Iables and reporIs
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
No, buI Ihis is parI oI a series on ouIcome managemenI Ior nonproIiI
organisaIions. OIher guide Iopics include:
Key sIeps in ouIcome managemenI
Surveying clienIs
Using ouIcome managemenI
Following up wiIh Iormer clienIs
Developing communiIy-wide indicaIors.
Size 36 pp
DescripIion 1his is an invaluable guide Io Ihose new Io daIa analysis. II Iakes Ihe
reader Irom Ihe basics oI analysing change scores (ouIcome Irom
baseline} and averages, Io comparing ouIcomes wiIh IargeIs, and
cross-IabulaIion Io look aI ouIcomes relaIed Io parIicular

1he IexI is accompanied by sample Iables demonsIraIing how daIa
can be analysed and reporIed.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 25

QualiIy oI liIe ouIcomes QualiIy oI liIe ouIcomes QualiIy oI liIe ouIcomes QualiIy oI liIe ouIcomes


Well-being Evaluation Tools: A Research and Development
Project for the Big Lottery Fund. Final report
Developed by

Saamah Abdallah, Nicola Steuer, Nic Marks, Nicky Page (nef)
Year published

May 2008
Developed for

Big Lottery Fund projects and other voluntary and community
Available from

Price Free to download from the website
Practical tools Well-being evaluation tools
Use of case
Lists additional
References section at the end lists books and useful websites

Description Introduction to BIG well-being evaluation tools.

This report describes the research and development of a set of
evaluation tools to be used by Big Lottery Fund grants that are working
towards improving healthy eating, mental health and levels of physical
activity of beneficiaries.

1iIle QualiIy oI liIe: using qualiIy oI liIe indicaIors QualiIy oI liIe: using qualiIy oI liIe indicaIors QualiIy oI liIe: using qualiIy oI liIe indicaIors QualiIy oI liIe: using qualiIy oI liIe indicaIors

Developed by AudiI Commission
Year published 2002
Developed Ior Local auIhoriIies and Iheir parIners Io help moniIor Iheir communiIy

Available Irom AudiI Commission, 1sI Floor, Millbank 1ower, Millbank, London SW1P
4HQ. 1el: 020 7828 1212

Price Free Io download Irom Iheir websiIe www.audiI-

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 26
Approach QualiIy oI liIe indicaIors
PracIical Iools A pull ouI charI oI qualiIy oI liIe indicaIors
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
A lisI oI useIul websiIes can be Iound on Ihe back oI Ihe pull ouI
Size 14pp
DescripIion A shorI bookleI describing whaI qualiIy oI liIe indicaIors are and why
Ihey are imporIanI. II also seIs ouI and discusses Ihe seI oI qualiIy oI
liIe indicaIors developed wiIh more Ihan 90 local auIhoriIies during a
piloI phase in 2001j02.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 27

1iIle SpiriILevel SpiriILevel SpiriILevel SpiriILevel

Developed by Fairbridge
Year published NjA
Developed Ior 1hird secIor organisaIions wishing Io measure qualiIy oI liIe

Available Irom Fairbridge, 207 WaIerloo Road, London SF1 8XD. 1el: 020 7902

Price SpiriILevel CD 15. However, you need Io go on Ihe Iraining course,
which cosIs 99 per person. Licences Irom 6-10 per user
Approach QualiIy oI liIe proIiles
PracIical Iools See descripIion below
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size NjA
DescripIion 1he SpiriILevel programme is a CD-ROM based sysIem IhaI can creaIe
and sIore qualiIy oI liIe proIiles Ior individual parIicipanIs over a
period oI Iime. II Iakes periodic snapshoIs oI how an individual
assesses Iheir own qualiIy oI liIe across a wide range oI areas - such as
healIh, Iriendship, values and conIrol over one's liIe. II pinpoinIs
areas where work is needed, as well as demonsIraIing progress over

1he proIile consisIs oI 72 quesIions arranged as 2 sequences oI 27
quesIions, Ihen 2 sequences oI 9 quesIions. Once Ihe parIicipanI has
compleIed Ihe very lasI quesIions, hisjher proIile records are
updaIed. 1he proIile records include Ihe parIicipanI's name and Ihe
Iime and daIe proIile creaIed. SIored proIiles can be viewed or
prinIed as hard copy Irom Ihe compuIer's hard disc which sIores
Ihem securely in encrypIed Iorm.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 28

1iIle Prove II! Measuring Ihe eIIecI oI neighbourhood renewal on local Prove II! Measuring Ihe eIIecI oI neighbourhood renewal on local Prove II! Measuring Ihe eIIecI oI neighbourhood renewal on local Prove II! Measuring Ihe eIIecI oI neighbourhood renewal on local
people people people people

Developed by New Fconomics FoundaIion Ior Croundwork and Barclays plc
Year published 2000
Developed Ior CommuniIy regeneraIion pro|ecIs, buI would also be useIul Ior all
organisaIions seeking Io measure Ihe eIIecI oI Iheir work on building
social capiIal
Available Irom New Fconomics FoundaIion and Croundwork

Price Downloadable Ior Iree Irom New Fconomics FoundaIion websiIe

Approach ParIicipaIory approach Io measuring ouIcomes and social capiIal Ior
small-scale pro|ecIs
PracIical Iools UseIul Iools and easy-Io-use exercises Ior developing indicaIors
Use oI case
Barclays SiIeSaver pro|ecIs are presenIed as an example oI how Ihe
approach can work
LisIs addiIional
Size 130pp
DescripIion 1his handbook describes a meIhod Ior measuring Ihe eIIecI oI
communiIy pro|ecIs on local people and on Ihe relaIionships
beIween Ihem and on Iheir qualiIy oI liIe. 1he meIhod involves local
people in boIh choosing Ihe indicaIors and collecIing daIa. II has
been IesIed in 16 areas oI Ihe counIry as parI oI Croundwork's
Barclays SiIeSavers programme.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 29
SoII ouIcomes and disIan SoII ouIcomes and disIan SoII ouIcomes and disIan SoII ouIcomes and disIance Iravelled ce Iravelled ce Iravelled ce Iravelled

1iIle SOUL Record (SoII ouIcomes universal learning} SOUL Record (SoII ouIcomes universal learning} SOUL Record (SoII ouIcomes universal learning} SOUL Record (SoII ouIcomes universal learning}
Developed by 1he Research CenIre, CiIy College Norwich
Year published 2006
Developed Ior 1he NorIolk volunIary and communiIy secIor Io evidence Ihe
progression oI Iheir clienIs in relaIion Io inIormal learning
Available Irom 1he Research CenIre, CiIy College Norwich, Ipswich Road, Norwich
NR2 2L!. 1el: 01603 773364

Price Pric Pric Pric Price: e: e: e: 1raining on how Io use Ihe SOUL Record is available aI Ihe cosI
oI 150 per person. Included in Ihe price are:
One days Iraining Irom a recognised SOUL 1rainer
1raining maIerials
A copy oI 1he SOUL Record Iolder
User Cuide
CD conIaining elecIronic copies oI 1he SOUL Record and User
Cuide plus Ihe SpreadsheeI ResulIs Package (SRP}
CerIiIicaIe oI AIIendance Io a SOUL User 1raining course
Room Hire j LocaIion
1ravel Io a suiIable locaIion by Ihe SOUL 1rainer
ReIreshmenIs j BuIIeI Lunch
Ongoing Ielephone and e-mail supporI

Approach OuIcomes moniIoring
PracIical Iools Includes a selecIion oI quesIionnaires, worksheeIs and observaIion
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size NjA
DescripIion 1he SOUL Pro|ecI grew ouI oI a need idenIiIied by Ihe NorIolk
volunIary and communiIy secIor Io evidence Ihe progression oI Iheir
clienIs in relaIion Io inIormal learning. 1his is learning which does
noI lead Io a recognised qualiIicaIion and Iakes place in a wide
varieIy oI seIIings. A group oI volunIary organisaIions in NorIolk
IhereIore Iook Ihe iniIiaIive oI devising a research pro|ecI wiIh 1he
Research CenIre, CiIy College Norwich, Io achieve a number oI
ob|ecIives, one oI which was Ihe developmenI oI a sysIem Io moniIor
and measure progression in 'soII' ouIcomes.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 30

1iIle Cuide Io measuring soII ouIcomes and disIance Iravelled Cuide Io measuring soII ouIcomes and disIance Iravelled Cuide Io measuring soII ouIcomes and disIance Iravelled Cuide Io measuring soII ouIcomes and disIance Iravelled

Developed by Sara Dewson, !udiIh Fccles, Nii D|an 1ackey, Annabel !ackson Ior Ihe
InsIiIuIe oI FmploymenI SIudies (iFS}
Year published 2000
Developed Ior OrganisaIions running pro|ecIs under Ihe FSF Ob|ecIive 3 programme
and parIicularly Ihose in Policy Field 2 (equal opporIuniIies Ior all and
promoIing social inclusion}. In addiIion, iI will be oI inIeresI Io oIher
pro|ecIs and organisaIions working wiIh FSF IargeI groups (primarily
Ihose people who are some disIance Irom labour markeI
Available Irom InsIiIuIe Ior FmploymenI SIudies, ManIell Building, UniversiIy oI
Sussex Campus, BrighIon BN1 9RF.
Price Iree Io download Irom Ihe FSF websiIe

Approach Measuring soII ouIcomes
PracIical Iools No
Use oI case
Fxample ouIcomes and indicaIors are illusIraIed Ior diIIerenI IargeI
LisIs addiIional
Size 23pp
DescripIion A basic guide IhaI deIines Ihe Ierm 'soII ouIcomes' and presenIs
diIIerenI meIhods Ior recording and measuring soII ouIcomes and
disIance Iravelled.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 31

1iIle A pracIical guide Io mea A pracIical guide Io mea A pracIical guide Io mea A pracIical guide Io measuring soII ouIcomes and disIance Iravelled suring soII ouIcomes and disIance Iravelled suring soII ouIcomes and disIance Iravelled suring soII ouIcomes and disIance Iravelled

Developed by Welsh Furopean Funding OIIice

Year published 2003
Developed Ior Pro|ecIs Iunded by Ihe Furopean Social Fund
Available Irom

Price Downloadable Ior Iree
Approach SoII ouIcome measure
PracIical Iools OuIlines Iools Irom a number oI diIIerenI approaches Io measuring
soII ouIcomes.
Use oI case
Fxamples oI how diIIerenI organisaIions have used and developed
Iools Io measure soII ouIcomes
LisIs addiIional

Size 86pp
DescripIion 1his guide is based on sysIems developed and used by pro|ecIs Io
measure soII ouIcomes, and is wriIIen Ior pro|ecI workers eiIher
developing and inIroducing a sysIem Irom scraIch, or looking Ior
ideas on how Io improve Iheir exisIing approach. II explains Ihe main
componenIs oI measuremenI sysIems, and provides pracIical, sIep-
by-sIep guidance Io developing an approach IhaI besI IiIs Ihe needs
oI individual pro|ecIs.

1he guide also includes an annex providing inIormaIion and sample
documenIaIion Irom Ien diIIerenI organisaIions. 1he diIIerenI
approaches used by Ihese organisaIions Io measure soII ouIcomes
and disIance Iravelled could be adapIed Ior use by oIher
organisaIions. Fach approach is summarised, idenIiIying Ihe key
IeaIures and includes copies oI Iorms, indicaIors and oIher visual aids
used. 1hey range Irom personal proIile quesIionnaires and weekly
appraisal Iorms Io Iask achievemenI wheels and a race Irack
progression Iool.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 32

1iIle Bridges Io Progress: A model Ior measuring individual progression Bridges Io Progress: A model Ior measuring individual progression Bridges Io Progress: A model Ior measuring individual progression Bridges Io Progress: A model Ior measuring individual progression - -- - a a a a
guide and IoolkiI Ior pracIiIioners guide and IoolkiI Ior pracIiIioners guide and IoolkiI Ior pracIiIioners guide and IoolkiI Ior pracIiIioners
Developed by Bridges Pro|ecI
Year published 2001
Developed Ior 1he guide and IoolkiI were conceived and iniIially developed by
Bridges Pro|ecI and Ihen IurIher reIined in con|uncIion wiIh
Aberdeen Cyrenians and Ihe NaIional Schizophrenia Fellowship
ScoIland. 1he model has been piloIed by nine organisaIions and
Iound Io be useIul boIh in social care seIIings and in prevocaIional
programmes. 1he Iormer have Iended Io Iocus on selI-reliance and
Ihe laIIer on employabiliIy.
Available Irom Bridges Pro|ecI www.bridgespro|

Price BoIh Ihe guide and Ihe IoolkiI can be downloaded Irom Ihe Bridges
Pro|ecI websiIe
Approach Measuring soII ouIcomes
PracIical Iools PracIical Iools are provided IhroughouI,eg, Ihe Record oI Fvidence, a
sample Individual AcIion Plan and Ihe Summary Record oI Progress.
Use oI case
Fxamples oI how all Ihe Iools have been used by organisaIions are
LisIs addiIional

Size 1he guide is 31pp. 1he IoolkiI is available in 3 secIions: SecIion 1-
8pp; SecIion 2 - 41pp; SecIion 3 - 62p
DescripIion Bridges Io Progress is an evidence-based model Ior measuring
individual progress Iowards selI-reliance and employabiliIy,
parIicularly Ior Ihe mosI vulnerable people wiIhin socieIy. II Iocuses
on Ihe measuremenI oI 'soII' ouIcomes - based mainly on qualiIaIive
meIhods oI assessmenI. Some 'hard' or quanIiIaIive measuremenI is
included. 1he Cuide Ior PracIiIioners describes Bridges Io Progress
and Ihe sIandards and principles IhaI underpin Ihe programme. 1he
accompanying 1oolkiI provides concreIe examples oI how Ihe
piloIing pro|ecIs used Ihe sysIem as well as case sIudies.

More Ioo More Ioo More Ioo More Iools on ouIcomes can be Iound wiIhin ls on ouIcomes can be Iound wiIhin ls on ouIcomes can be Iound wiIhin ls on ouIcomes can be Iound wiIhin Ihe sub Ihe sub Ihe sub Ihe sub- -- -secIor speciIic guidance secIor speciIic guidance secIor speciIic guidance secIor speciIic guidance
(SecIion 4 oI Ihis resources guide} (SecIion 4 oI Ihis resources guide} (SecIion 4 oI Ihis resources guide} (SecIion 4 oI Ihis resources guide}. .. .
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 33
UndersIanding and assessing UndersIanding and assessing UndersIanding and assessing UndersIanding and assessing impacI impacI impacI impacI

NB 1here may noI be a clear disIincIion in Ihe level oI assessmenI beIween Ihose
resources lisIed under 'ouIcomes' and Ihose under 'impacI'. We have grouped Ihese
resources on Ihe basis oI Ihe use oI Ierminology only.

1iIle 1he ImpacI oI ImpacI AssessmenI: Ihe experience oI rural volunIary 1he ImpacI oI ImpacI AssessmenI: Ihe experience oI rural volunIary 1he ImpacI oI ImpacI AssessmenI: Ihe experience oI rural volunIary 1he ImpacI oI ImpacI AssessmenI: Ihe experience oI rural volunIary
organisaIions in evaluaIing change. organisaIions in evaluaIing change. organisaIions in evaluaIing change. organisaIions in evaluaIing change.

Developed by Holly YaIes, veronique !ochum and Deborah 1urIon Ior NaIional
Council Ior volunIary OrganisaIions

Year published 2004

Developed Ior volunIary organisaIions in rural areas

Available Irom NCvO: 1el: 02 7713 6161

Price Downloadable Ior Iree Irom Ihe NCvO websiIe

Approach ImpacI assessmenI

PracIical Iools No

Use oI case
1hree organisaIions provide Ihe basis Ior case sIudies, locaIed in Ihe
FasI Midlands, Yorkshire and Ihe Humberside and Ihe SouIh WesI.
1hese are oI diIIerenI sizes, one service delivery organisaIion, one
communiIy arIs organisaIion and an environmenIal conservaIion

LisIs addiIional

Size 44 pp

DescripIion 1his publicaIion reporIs on an NCvO research sIudy. II places Ihe
sIudy wiIhin Ihe policy conIexI, discussing why impacI maIIers, and
iIs relevance Io perIormance improvemenI, added value and
accounIabiliIy. Research Iindings are inIroduced in ChapIer 3 by
some deIiniIions and brieI review oI approaches Io impacI

ChapIer 4 presenIs Ihe research, which comprised Iwo elemenIs: in-
depIh inIerviews; and Iwo Iocus groups held wiIh represenIaIives oI
volunIary and communiIy organisaIions. 1he Iindings look aI
approaches Io moniIoring and evaluaIion used, aIIiIudes Iowards
impacI assessmenI and Iunder reporIing requiremenIs wiIhin a
granI-aid and conIracIing conIexI. 1he conclusions and
recommendaIions looks aI issues such as regulaIion, proporIionaliIy,
geIIing buy in and sIraIegic planning.
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 34

1iIle Basic impacI assessmenI aI pro|ecI level Basic impacI assessmenI aI pro|ecI level Basic impacI assessmenI aI pro|ecI level Basic impacI assessmenI aI pro|ecI level

Developed by Colin KirkpaIrick and David Hulme Ior FnIerprise DevelopmenI
ImpacI AssessmenI InIormaIion Service
Year published No daIe Iound.
Developed Ior InIernaIional developmenI programmes and pro|ecIs aimed aI
enIerprise developmenI
Available Irom Prove and Improve websiIe

Price Can be downloaded Ior Iree Irom library secIion oI prove and
improve websiIe
Approach ImpacI assessmenI
PracIical Iools No
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size 36pp
DescripIion 1his reporI examines Ihe underlying principles and basic meIhods oI
assessing impacI on developmenI pro|ecIs. 1he paper begins by
ouIlining Ihe principles oI impacI assessmenI and goes on Io develop
a Iramework Ior assessmenI aI pro|ecI level, and Ihe pracIical
applicaIion oI Ihis Iramework. 1his is Iollowed by issues Io be
considered when commissioning and conducIing an impacI
assessmenI, including iIems IhaI should be included in drawing up
'Ierms oI reIerence' Ior engagemenI oI exIernal consulIanIs.

II is wriIIen in a way IhaI assumes previous experience in moniIoring
and evaluaIion.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 35

1iIle FirsI sIeps in impacI assessmenI FirsI sIeps in impacI assessmenI FirsI sIeps in impacI assessmenI FirsI sIeps in impacI assessmenI

Developed by Lloyds 1SB FoundaIion Ior Fngland and Wales
Year published 2001
Developed Ior 1rusIs and IoundaIion seeking Io evaluaIe Ihe impacI oI Iheir
Iunding programmes

Available Irom Lloyds 1SB FoundaIion Ior Fngland and Wales, 3rd Floor
4 SI. DunsIan's Hill, London FC3R 8UL. 1el: 0870 411 1223

Price Price noI Iound
Approach Programme evaluaIion, impacI assessmenI
PracIical Iools Sample quesIionnaires and comparaIive Iable oI diIIerenI meIhods oI
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size 71pp
DescripIion A reporI on a piloI exercise carried ouI by Lloyds 1SB FoundaIion wiIh
Ihe organisaIions iI Iunded and iIs own sIaII as evaluaIors. II covers
Ihe process and resulIs oI Ihe exercise and explores Ihe issues raised.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 36

1iIle 1ell your sIory: communiIy impacI mapping 1ell your sIory: communiIy impacI mapping 1ell your sIory: communiIy impacI mapping 1ell your sIory: communiIy impacI mapping

Developed by Karen Byrne Ior Ihe DevelopmenI 1rusI AssociaIion (D1A}
Year published 2005
Developed Ior DevelopmenI 1rusIs buI could be used by any volunIary and
communiIy groups as a parIicipaIive Iool Io plan, moniIor, review
and evaluaIe pro|ecIs and programmes
Available Irom D1A.

Price Hard copy 5. 1he guide can also be downloaded Ior Iree Irom Ihe
publicaIions secIion oI Ihe D1A websiIe
Approach Fvidencing ouIcomes and shorI Ierm impacIs Ihrough sIory Ielling

PracIical Iools Ready Io prinI worksheeIs wiIh suggesIed quesIions and blank
Use oI case
1he Iollowing case sIudy examples are used - Hailsham 1rusI
CommuniIy SaIeIy CenIre, AccounI 3 women's co-operaIive, MarkeI
Rasen DevelopmenI 1rusI.
LisIs addiIional

Size 16pp
DescripIion 1his shorI guide aims Io help you Ihink abouI your sIory, why and
how your organisaIion does whaI iI does and Ihe diIIerence you are
making Io your communiIy. II Iakes you Ihrough a process oI asking
quesIions and recording Ihe responses on a sIoryboard Io illusIraIe
Ihe |ourney Iaken and some oI Ihe ouIcomes and shorI-Ierm impacIs
achieved. AlIhough Ihe IiIle suggesIs iI is abouI impacI mapping iI
Iakes you Ihrough Ihe IirsI sIeps in idenIiIying impacIs and Iocuses
on Ihe ouIcomes your organisaIion is achieving.

More Ioo More Ioo More Ioo More Iools on impacI ls on impacI ls on impacI ls on impacI can be Iound wiIhin Ihe sub can be Iound wiIhin Ihe sub can be Iound wiIhin Ihe sub can be Iound wiIhin Ihe sub- -- -secIor speciIic g secIor speciIic g secIor speciIic g secIor speciIic guidance (SecIion 4 uidance (SecIion 4 uidance (SecIion 4 uidance (SecIion 4
oI Ihis resources guide} oI Ihis resources guide} oI Ihis resources guide} oI Ihis resources guide}. .. .
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 37

3. FvaluaIion approaches and meIhods 3. FvaluaIion approaches and meIhods 3. FvaluaIion approaches and meIhods 3. FvaluaIion approaches and meIhods

Overview oI evaluaIion meIhods Overview oI evaluaIion meIhods Overview oI evaluaIion meIhods Overview oI evaluaIion meIhods


A participatory model for evaluating social programs
Developed by

Written by Yeheskel Zeke Hasenfeld, Katherine Hill and Dale Weaver
for the James Irvine Foundation

Year published

No date found
Developed for

Non profit organisations and evaluators
Available from
Price Free to download from website
Approach Participatory model of evaluation
Practical tools 12 principles of participatory model of evaluation included.
Use of case
Two programs are used as examples
Lists additional
Suggested reading at the end

Description This American publication is a part case study and part instruction
guide, describing the participatory approach to evaluation, including
the client in the design and implementation of the evaluation.


Tools for development: a handbook for those engaged in
development activity
Developed by

Year published

March 2003
Developed for

DFID officers and others involved in development activity
Available from

Price Free to download from the DFID website
Approach DFIDs approach to development activity: how to apply the skills and
techniques to every stage of the DFID Activity Cycle
Practical tools Lots of tools and samples
Use of case
Examples from different countries
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 38
Lists additional
References and suggested reading and training and management
resources at the end.

Description Based on DFIDs experiences and best practices, this resource book
provides useful, practical tips on skills and techniques needed to
deliver successful development activities and interventions. It is a
manual from which to pick and choose skills and techniques.

The manual covers skills and techniques for:
Stakeholder analysis
Problem and situational analysis
Logical frameworks
Risk management
Participatory methodologies and management
Influencing and negotiating
Building partnerships
Conflict reduction
Monitoring, reviewing and evaluating.

1iIle An overview oI evaluaIion meIhods An overview oI evaluaIion meIhods An overview oI evaluaIion meIhods An overview oI evaluaIion meIhods

Developed by FvaluaIion 1rusI
Year published NjA
Developed Ior volunIary and communiIy secIor organisaIions
Available Irom FvaluaIion 1rusI 12 Bulmershe Road, Reading RC1 5R!
1el: 0118 966 4864. email:

Price Downloadable Ior Iree Irom hIIp:jjwww.evaluaIionIrusI.orgjIoolsj

Approach SelI-evaluaIion, peer evaluaIion, using exIernal consulIanIs
PracIical Iools A Iew pracIical exercises Ior collecIing qualiIaIive daIa and a Iable Io
help you choose Ihe besI meIhod oI evaluaIion Ior your user group.
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
A bibliography is aIIached.
Size NjA
DescripIion 1he 1oolkiI provides advice and guidance on diIIerenI meIhods oI
evaluaIion and how besI Io use Ihem. II also conIains Iips and
guidance on diIIerenI daIa collecIion meIhods including observaIion,
inIerviews, case sIudies and group work.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 39
More inIormaIion providing an overview oI evaluaIion meIhods can be Iound in Ihe More inIormaIion providing an overview oI evaluaIion meIhods can be Iound in Ihe More inIormaIion providing an overview oI evaluaIion meIhods can be Iound in Ihe More inIormaIion providing an overview oI evaluaIion meIhods can be Iound in Ihe
general guides and inIroducIions Io moniIoring an general guides and inIroducIions Io moniIoring an general guides and inIroducIions Io moniIoring an general guides and inIroducIions Io moniIoring and evaluaIion d evaluaIion d evaluaIion d evaluaIion (SecIion 1 oI Ihis (SecIion 1 oI Ihis (SecIion 1 oI Ihis (SecIion 1 oI Ihis
guide Io resources} guide Io resources} guide Io resources} guide Io resources}. .. .
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 40
Logic model and Iheory oI change Logic model and Iheory oI change Logic model and Iheory oI change Logic model and Iheory oI change

1iIle Logic model developmenI guide Logic model developmenI guide Logic model developmenI guide Logic model developmenI guide

Developed by W.K. Kellogg FoundaIion
Year published UpdaIed 2004
Developed Ior
Available Irom W.K. Kellogg FoundaIion, One Michigan Avenue FasI, BaIIle Creek,
Michigan 49017-4012 U.S.A.

Price Free Io download Irom Iheir websiIe

Approach Logic Model
PracIical Iools MaIerials include examples, exercises, checklisIs and IemplaIes
Use oI case
Fxample case sIudies are included Io illusIraIe poinIs.
LisIs addiIional
An appendix aI Ihe back includes addiIional resources.
Size 72pp
DescripIion 1his guide deIines Ihe logic model, relaIing planned work Io
inIended resulIs. II makes Ihe case Ior using logic models in planning
and evaluaIion Io build a Iheory oI inIermediaIe and ulIimaIe long-
Ierm ouIcomes, how Io achieve Ihem and how Io assess Ihem.

1he guide demonsIraIes how basic logic models can be consIrucIed,
how a '1heory oI Change Logic Model' can be developed Ior pro|ecIs
and Ior use in evaluaIion.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 41

1iIle 1he logic model handbook 1he logic model handbook 1he logic model handbook 1he logic model handbook

Developed by valley oI Ihe Sun UniIed Way, USA
Year published 2006
Developed Ior OrganisaIions applying Ior Iunding Io valley oI Ihe Sun UniIed Way's
ImpacI Agencies
Available Irom valley oI Ihe Sun UniIed Way, 1515 F. Osborn Road, Phoenix, AZ
Price Free Io download
Approach Logic Model
PracIical Iools AIIachmenIs include a glossary, quesIions Io consider when creaIing
a logic model and how Io deal wiIh speciIic problems wiIh hard-Io-
measure ouIcomes.

Use oI case
Fxample ouIcomes and ouIcome indicaIors are provided
LisIs addiIional
A Iew are menIioned on p16
Size 43pp
DescripIion 1his handbook was developed as a Iechnical Iool Ior organisaIions
applying Io valley oI Ihe Sun Ior Iunding and IhereIore uses Ihe
ouIcomes IhaI Ihe programmes seI ouI Io achieve. II provides a
useIul Iool Io compleIing a logic model, wiIh a blank IormaI
provided. 1he handbook also provides guidance on how Io compleIe
secIions on: goal; Iheory; IargeI populaIion; inpuIs; sIraIegies;
ouIpuIs and ouIcomes.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 42

1iIle 1heory oI Change 1heory oI Change 1heory oI Change 1heory oI Change

Developed by AcIKnowledge and Ihe Aspen InsIiIuIe RoundIable on CommuniIy
Year published 2003
Developed Ior 1he 1heory oI Change online suiIe is a seI oI Iools Io aid social
change iniIiaIives in creaIing, sharing and using Iheir Iheories.

Available Irom Available Irom:

Price Free Io download Irom Ihe websiIe

Approach 1heory oI change
PracIical Iools 1he suiIe provides in-depIh IuIorials, examples, and a Iorum Ior users
Io exchange inIormaIion on 1heory oI Change
Use oI case
'Pro|ecI Superwomen' provides a 'guided' example, based on an
evaluaIion oI a collaboraIive pro|ecI beIween a social service
provider, a non-proIiI employmenI Iraining cenIre and a domesIic
violence shelIer. 1he example demonsIraIes how Ihe pro|ecI moved
Ihrough Ihe Iive sIeps oI: idenIiIying goals and assumpIions;
backwards mapping and connecIing ouIcomes; developing
indicaIors; idenIiIying inIervenIions and wriIing a narraIive.
LisIs addiIional
1here is an online library and glossary
Size NjA
DescripIion 1heory oI Change (1OC} is a Iool Ior designing and evaluaIing social
change. 1he siIe provides inIormaIion on Ihe developmenI oI 1OC
and Ihe overview gives a very brieI explanaIion oI Ihe key poinIs.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 43

1iIle Logic Model Workbook Logic Model Workbook Logic Model Workbook Logic Model Workbook

Developed by InnovaIion NeIwork InnovaIion NeIwork InnovaIion NeIwork InnovaIion NeIwork
Year published 2005
Developed Ior Users oI Ihe PoinI K Learning CenIer ( PracIical 1ools Ior Planning,
FvaluaIion, and AcIion}, available on Iheir websiIe, and as
supplemenI Io Iraining Ior US nonproIiI organisaIions, buI can be
used as a sIand alone guide.

Available Irom Available Irom:

Price Free Io download Irom Ihe websiIe

Approach Logic model
PracIical Iools 1his workbook works in Iandem wiIh InnovaIion NeIwork's Logic
Model Builder as a Iool Io creaIe a logic model online
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
No, buI oIher resources available on Ihe InnovaIion NeIwork websiIe.
Size 30 pages
DescripIion 1his workbook demonsIraIes Ihe role oI Ihe logic model, essenIially a
planning Iool, in evaluaIion. II Iakes you sIep by sIep Ihrough Ihe
logic model componenIs, demonsIraIing Ihe disIincIion and Ihe
logical link beIween ouIpuIs and ouIcomes. 1he Iwo appendices
provide a logic model IemplaIe and a worksheeI demonsIraIing Ihe
chain beIween shorIer-Ierm ouIcomes, inIermediaIe ouIcomes and
longer-Ierm ouIcomes.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 44

ParIicipaIory Appraisal ParIicipaIory Appraisal ParIicipaIory Appraisal ParIicipaIory Appraisal

1iIle Have you been PA'd7 Have you been PA'd7 Have you been PA'd7 Have you been PA'd7

Developed by OxIam ScoIland
Year published 2003
Developed Ior ProIessionals and pracIiIioners, acIivisIs and campaigners,
posIgraduaIe, undergraduaIe, general and reIerence
Available Irom UK PoverIy Programme, OxIam in ScoIland, 1sI Floor, 2007, BaIh
SIreeI, Clasgow C2 4HZ. 1el: 0141 285 8880,

Price Free Io download Irom Iheir websiIe

Approach ParIicipaIory appraisal
PracIical Iools None
Use oI case
Case sIudies used
LisIs addiIional
UseIul conIacIs and oIher publicaIions lisIed aI Ihe back
Size 24pp
DescripIion 1he reporI describes whaI parIicipaIory appraisal is and is noI and
whaI iI can achieve. II uses examples Irom pro|ecIs and by using Ihe
voices oI Ihose involved in Ihe processes, demonsIraIes how PA can
be used in communiIy and agency decision-making. II also shows
whaI was learned by Ihe communiIy, by Ihe organisaIions involved,
and by decision-makers.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 45

1iIle 1ools 1ogeIher Now: 100 parIicipaIory Iools Io mobilise 1ools 1ogeIher Now: 100 parIicipaIory Iools Io mobilise 1ools 1ogeIher Now: 100 parIicipaIory Iools Io mobilise 1ools 1ogeIher Now: 100 parIicipaIory Iools Io mobilise
communiIies Ior HIvjAIDs communiIies Ior HIvjAIDs communiIies Ior HIvjAIDs communiIies Ior HIvjAIDs
Developed by InIernaIional HIvjAIDS Alliance
Year published 2006
Developed Ior Any organisaIion working on HIvjAIDS, buI parIicularly Ihose working
direcIly wiIh communiIies aIIecIed by HIvjAIDS. 1he parIicipaIory
Iools can readily be adapIed and applied Io work in oIher areas.
Available Irom hIIp:jjwww.aidsalliance.orgjsw36326.asp
Price Free Io download Irom Ihe HIvjAIDS Alliance websiIe.
Approach ParIicipaIory Learning and AcIion (PLA}
PracIical Iools 1his resource conIains 100 parIicipaIory Iools, covering all aspecIs oI
working wiIh communiIies aIIecIed by HIvjAIDS. WiIhin IhaI Ihere
are Iools speciIic Io evaluaIion processes.
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
very limiIed number oI IurIher HIvjAIDS speciIic resources signposIed
Size 250 pp
DescripIion 1his resource conIains a wealIh oI parIicipaIory Iools covering all
aspecIs oI working wiIh communiIies aIIecIed by HIvjAIDS. SecIion C,
which conIains Iime analysis Iools, is parIicularly relevanI Io
evaluaIion, buI oIher secIions also provide Iools IhaI can be used Ior
inIormaIion collecIion during a ( SecIions D}; FxperienIial Iools
(SecIion F}; PrioriIisaIion and quanIiIicaIion Iools (SecIion F} and
AcIion planning Iools (SecIion C}.

1here is also some useIul maIerial on working wiIh parIicipaIory
meIhods, and Ihe Iools Ihemselves lend Ihemselves quiIe easily Io
IransIer inIo oIher areas oI work.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 46
OuIcome mapping OuIcome mapping OuIcome mapping OuIcome mapping

1iIle 1he Challenges oI Assessing DevelopmenI ImpacIs 1he Challenges oI Assessing DevelopmenI ImpacIs 1he Challenges oI Assessing DevelopmenI ImpacIs 1he Challenges oI Assessing DevelopmenI ImpacIs
Developed by FvaluaIion UniI, InIernaIional DevelopmenI Research CenIre, OIIawa
Year published NoI Iound (2000}
Developed Ior InIernaIional developmenI agencies
Available Irom www.idrc.cajevaluaIion

Price Free Io download Irom Ihe websiIe

Approach OuIcome mapping
PracIical Iools None
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size 4pp
DescripIion 1his brieI pamphleI ouIlines Ihe ouIcomes mapping approach. 1his
Iocuses on Ihe changes in behaviour oI individuals, groups and
organisaIions wiIh which Ihe programme works direcIly, raIher Ihan
aIIempIing Io measure broader developmenI impacIs. AlIhough
relaIed Io inIernaIional developmenI inIervenIions, Ihis approach
can be applied Io domesIic pro|ecIs and programme.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 47

1iIle Crouching ImpacI, Hidden AIIribuIion: Overcoming 1hreaIs Io Crouching ImpacI, Hidden AIIribuIion: Overcoming 1hreaIs Io Crouching ImpacI, Hidden AIIribuIion: Overcoming 1hreaIs Io Crouching ImpacI, Hidden AIIribuIion: Overcoming 1hreaIs Io
Learning in DevelopmenI Programs Learning in DevelopmenI Programs Learning in DevelopmenI Programs Learning in DevelopmenI Programs
Developed by 1erry SmuIylo, FvaluaIion UniI, InIernaIional DevelopmenI Research
CenIre, OIIawa
Year published 2001
Developed Ior InIernaIional developmenI agencies
Available Irom www.idrc.cajevaluaIion

Price Free Io download Irom Ihe websiIe

Approach OuIcome mapping
PracIical Iools None
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size 29 pp
DescripIion 1his discussion paper presenIs Ihe paradox IhaI Ihe more successIul a
pro|ecI, Ihe more likely iI is Io work IogeIher wiIh oIher agencies,
and Ihe more swiIIly iIs direcI inIluences would disappear. Following
Ihis, Ihe auIhor makes Ihe case Ior an ouIcomes mapping approach
raIher Ihan seeking Io aIIribuIe longer-Ierm and broader
developmenI impacIs Io a pro|ecI's work.

1his paper provides a useIul Ihinking Iool when planning, designing
and Iocusing evaluaIion.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 48
Social accounIing and audiI Social accounIing and audiI Social accounIing and audiI Social accounIing and audiI

1iIle Social accounIing and audiI Social accounIing and audiI Social accounIing and audiI Social accounIing and audiI - -- - I II Ihe manual he manual he manual he manual
Developed by !ohn Pearce, Alan Kay (Social AudiI NeIwork}
Year published 2005
Developed Ior All Iypes oI volunIary organisaIions, alIhough parIicularly Iaken up by
social enIerprises.
Available Irom Social AudiI NeIwork, cjo CBS NeIwork, 45-47 Albany SIreeI,
Fdinburgh FH1 3QY. 1el: 01392 666281.

Price 40 inc. pp
Approach Social AudiI Ior measuring perIormance, impacI, social impacI,
environmenI impacI, economic impacI
PracIical Iools Fxercises, IemplaIes and sample quesIionnaires are included
Use oI case
Fxamples are used IhroughouI
LisIs addiIional
SignposIs Io oIher resources are used IhroughouI Ihe manual.
Size 80pp, also available on CD
DescripIion 1he manual is Ior any organisaIion IhaI has social, environmenIal or
economic impacIs: organisaIions such as social enIerprises,
communiIy enIerprises, businesses, schools, healIh clinics or any
organisaIion IhaI wishes Io measure iIs overall perIormance, iIs
impacI and added value can use iI.

1he publicaIion describes a Iramework Ior social accounIing and
audiI and whaI needs Io be in place Io make iI happen, such as
commiImenI and Iunding. 1he manual works Ihrough each oI Ihe
sIeps, providing key Ierms, resources, exercises and worked examples

1he manual is also provided on CD, wiIh links Io associaIed maIerials
such as case sIudies, IemplaIes, sample quesIionnaires and oIher
Iechniques as well as presenIaIional maIerial and web links.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 49
Social added value Social added value Social added value Social added value

1iIle Making Ihe case Making Ihe case Making Ihe case Making Ihe case - -- - social added value guide social added value guide social added value guide social added value guide

Developed by ForIh SecIor Ior CommuniIies ScoIland
Year published 2006
Developed Ior 1he guide has been developed Io assisI social enIerprises and
volunIary organisaIions undersIand and idenIiIy social added value
Iools IhaI would besI suiI Ihem in securing invesImenI or proving
Iheir impacI Irom delivering public services.
Available Irom Social Fconomy ScoIland
!aneIIe Campbell on 0131 479 5162 or email:

Price Free Io download Irom websiIe www.socialeconomyscoIland.inIo

Approach Social audiI Ior measuring added value oI organisaIions

PracIical Iools None
Use oI case
Case sIudies used IhroughouI Ihe guide
LisIs addiIional
Comprehensive lisI oI resources and oIher supporI available. Also
includes glossary oI Ierms.
Size 64pp
DescripIion 1he guide is designed Io supporI organisaIions working in Ihe social
economy Io demonsIraIe Ihe social added value IhaI is inIrinsic Io
services Ihey deliver. Providing a recognised way Io measure Ihe
posiIive beneIiIs oI Iheses acIiviIies will help when seeking IurIher
and IuIure invesImenI.

1he publicaIion has Iwo inIroducIory chapIers, ouIlining whaI social
added value is and why iI should be measured, as well as looking aI
Ihe environmenI in which social enIerprises and volunIary
organisaIions operaIe. II also provides an inIroducIion Io Ihe various
social added value Iools IhaI exisI and is designed Io help you choose
Ihe righI Iool Io measure your social added value, and signposI you
Io sources oI advice and supporI available.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 50

1iIle 1oolkiI Io measure Ihe added value oI volunIary and communiIy 1oolkiI Io measure Ihe added value oI volunIary and communiIy 1oolkiI Io measure Ihe added value oI volunIary and communiIy 1oolkiI Io measure Ihe added value oI volunIary and communiIy
based acIiviIy based acIiviIy based acIiviIy based acIiviIy

Developed by DeparImenI Ior Social DevelopmenI (DSD}
Year published 2006
Developed Ior 1his guide was produced in NorIhern Ireland Io seI ouI how Io
measure Ihe added value oI volunIary and communiIy organisaIions.
Available Irom volunIary and CommuniIy UniI, 3rd Floor, LighIhouse Building, 1
Cromac Place, Casworks Business Park, Ormeau Road, BelIasI, B17
2!B. 1el: 028 9082 9425

Price Free Io download Irom Ihe websiIe
Approach Social audiI Ior measuring added value oI organisaIions
PracIical Iools None
Use oI case
Case sIudies used IhroughouI Ihe guide
LisIs addiIional
Comprehensive lisI oI resources and oIher supporI available. Also
includes glossary oI Ierms.
Size 24pp
DescripIion 1his guide seIs ouI how Io measure Ihe added value oI volunIary and
communiIy acIiviIy. II could be useIul Ior local auIhoriIies,
parInership agencies and oIher Iunders Io review Ihe impacI oI
supporIing volunIary agencies in geographic areas or in parIicular
communiIies oI inIeresI. CvS's or oIher volunIary organisaIions may
Iind iI useIul in seIIing Ihe conIexI Ior Ihe Iunded acIiviIy or Io relaIe
evaluaIion daIa Io Ihe Iramework.

1hese Iwo enIries have been sourced wiIh permission Irom Ihe FvaluaIion SupporI
ScoIland webisIe:
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 51
Social reIurn on invesImenI Social reIurn on invesImenI Social reIurn on invesImenI Social reIurn on invesImenI

1iIle A guide Io Social ReIurn on InvesImenI A guide Io Social ReIurn on InvesImenI A guide Io Social ReIurn on InvesImenI A guide Io Social ReIurn on InvesImenI
Developed by SROI NeIwork. WriIIen by !eremy Nicholls, Filis Lawlor, Fva NeiIzerI
and 1im Coodspeed, and ediIed by Sally CupiII,
Year published 2009
Developed Ior Anyone inIeresIed in SROI Ior Ihe Ihird secIor
Available Irom www.sroi-uk.orgj
Price Free Io download
Approach SROI is a Iramework Ior undersIanding, measuring and managing Ihe
ouIcomes oI an organisaIion's acIiviIies. SROI can encompass all
Iypes oI ouIcomes buI sIakeholders deIermine whaI ouIcomes are
relevanI. SROI values ouIcomes by using Iinancial proxies, so IhaI
Ihey can be added up and compared Io Ihe invesImenI made,
resulIing in a raIio. For example, an organisaIion mighI have a raIio
oI 4 oI social value creaIed Ior every 1 spenI on iIs acIiviIies.
PracIical Iools An impacI map is available Iree Io go wiIh Ihe workbook. Online
soIIware is also available Io SROI NeIwork members (see SROI
NeIwork websiIe Ior deIails}
Use oI case
Some case examples, and a hypoIheIical worked example, are used as
LisIs addiIional
LisIs deIails oI where IurIher inIormaIion or supporI can be Iound.
Size Main body oI documenI 79 pages; anoIher 26 oI addiIional resources
DescripIion 1he workbook Iakes you Ihrough Ihe six sIeps in an SROI:
1. FsIablishing scope and idenIiIying key sIakeholders
2. Mapping ouIcomes
3. Fvidencing ouIcomes and giving Ihem a value
4. FsIablishing impacI
5. CalculaIing Ihe SROI
6. ReporIing, using and embedding.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 52
1iIle Measuring Real value: a DIY Cuide Io Social ReIurn on InvesImenI Measuring Real value: a DIY Cuide Io Social ReIurn on InvesImenI Measuring Real value: a DIY Cuide Io Social ReIurn on InvesImenI Measuring Real value: a DIY Cuide Io Social ReIurn on InvesImenI

Developed by Fllis Hawlor, Fva NeizerI and !eremy Nicholls Ior new economics
Year published 2008 (second ediIion}
Developed Ior Social Iirms and oIher organisaIions inIeresIed in measuring Iheir
social, economic and environmenIal impacI (SROI}
Available Irom www.neweconomics.orgj

Price 1he guide can also be downloaded Ior Iree Irom Ihe publicaIions
secIion oI Ihe neI websiIe
Approach 1ranslaIion oI social impacI inIo Iinancial measures
PracIical Iools 1he guide in iIselI a Iool Ior carrying ouI an SROI analysis, explaining
all sIages oI Ihe process.
Use oI case
A case example is used IhroughouI.
LisIs addiIional
Size 52 pp
DescripIion 1his DIY guide is organised around Ihe Iour sIages oI Ihe neI SROI
approach. SIages 1: Boundary seIIing and impacI mapping. SIage 2:
DaIa collecIion. SIage 3: Modelling and calculaIing Ihe SROI. SIage 4:
ReporI and embed. Appendices conIain 1} neI's seven principles oI
good measuremenI 2} sIoryboard exercise 3} impacI map IemplaIe.

1his second ediIion aims Io make economic analysis accessible Io a
range oI audiences, including Ihose wiIh limiIed resources. 1here are
now Iewer sIages Ihan previously, and more Ihorough guidance on
developing indicaIors and Iinding Ihe righI proxies. However neI
recommends IhaI you also aIIend Iraining or seek advice Irom an
experienced SROI pracIiIioner.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 53

4. 4. 4. 4. S SS Sub ub ub ub- -- -s ss secIor speciIic guidance ecIor speciIic guidance ecIor speciIic guidance ecIor speciIic guidance

Advocacy and policy work Advocacy and policy work Advocacy and policy work Advocacy and policy work


Lost in Translation: towards an outcome focused approach to
advocacy provision
Developed by

Action for Advocacy
Year published

Developed for

Advocacy organisations. Anyone interested in developing an
outcomes-focused approach to advocacy work
Available from

Price Free download available from website
Approach Outcomes approach
Practical tools Practical methods included
Use of case
Lists additional
List of references used

Description Lost in Translation a toolkit for understanding, defining, measuring
and communicating outcomes.

It provides practical methods for developing an outcomes-focused
approach to monitoring the quality of advocacy provision. Includes
mental health recovery star, outcomes star and other tools.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 54


A guide to measuring advocacy and policy
Developed by

Researched and written by Jane Reisman, Anne Gienapp, Sarah
Year published

Developed for

Primarily grantmakers and advocacy organisations but useful for
evaluators involved with measurement of advocacy and policy work
Available from

Price Free to download from above website

Approach Outcomes approach
Practical tools Outcomes framework with outcome categories
Use of case
Yes, case examples are used.
Lists additional
A handbook of data collection tools is available as a companion to this
book. Available from

46 pp
Description This American guide helps determine meaningful ways to measure
and evaluate the impact of advocacy and public policy grantmaking.

It provides an outcomes framework with outcome categories for
advocacy and policy work. The directions for evaluation design
includes a broad range of methodologies, intensities, audiences,
timeframes and purposes.

The guide is presented in two main sections:
Section 1 is an overview of the context for measurement of advocacy
and policy work, including the inherent evaluation challenges.
Section 2 presents a menu of outcome categories which describe
changes that may result from advocacy and policy work and discusses
evaluation design issues that relate to outcome selection. This section
provides a case example and data collection tools.


A Handbook of Data Collection Tools: companion to a guide to
measuring advocacy and policy
Developed by

Researched and written by Jane Reisman, PH.D; Anne Gienapp,
M.P.A; Sarah Stachowiak, M.P.A
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 55
Year published

Developed for

Primarily grantmakers and advocacy organisations but useful for
evaluators involved with measurement of advocacy and policy work
Available from

Organizational Research Services:
It is also available as an online resource at

Price Free to download from website
Approach A range of data collection tools for advocacy and policy work
Practical tools Self-assessment tools and methods including sample tools
Use of case
Lists additional

51 pp
Description This American handbook of data collection tools is intended to serve
as a companion to A Guide to Measuring Advocacy and Policy. The
handbook provides examples of practical tools and processes for
collecting useful information from policy and advocacy efforts for both
grantees and funders.

Sample tools to measure the core outcome areas related to social
change or policy change is also available.

Each section contains instructive and practical information for those
involved in many different aspects of advocacy and policy change

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 56

ArIs ArIs ArIs ArIs

1iIle ParInerships Ior Learning: a g ParInerships Ior Learning: a g ParInerships Ior Learning: a g ParInerships Ior Learning: a guide Io evaluaIing arIs educaIion uide Io evaluaIing arIs educaIion uide Io evaluaIing arIs educaIion uide Io evaluaIing arIs educaIion
pro|ecIs pro|ecIs pro|ecIs pro|ecIs
Developed by FeliciIy WoolI Ior Ihe Regional ArIs Boards and Ihe ArIs Council oI
Year published Revised and updaIed in 2004
Developed Ior 1eachers, youIh and communiIy workers, sIudenIs, volunIary groups
and oIhers involved in arIs pro|ecIs
Available Irom 1he publicaIions secIion oI Ihe ArIs Council websiIe
Price Free download available Irom Ihe websiIe.
Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools Appendix 3 conIains some examples oI daIa collecIion Iools, such as
quesIionnaire IormaIs, and some Iips on oIher Iechniques, such as
small group discussion and use oI phoIography
Use oI case
ShorI case examples are used Io illusIraIe Ihe IexI.
LisIs addiIional
Some addiIional resources relevanI Io arIs pro|ecIs lisIed.
Size 72 pp
DescripIion 1his resource was piloIed by 18 groups and organisaIions IhroughouI
Fngland. 1he guide is suiIable Ior Ihose who have liIIle experience oI
moniIoring and evaluaIion and is designed Ior Ihose required Io
compleIe a simple Iorm or Io reIurn a Iull reporI. II is organised
wiIhin a Iramework oI Iive sIages oI evaluaIion: planning; collecIing
evidence; assembling and inIerpreIing; reIlecIing and moving
Iorward; reporIing and sharing.

1he guide also covers issues IhaI need Io be considered when
planning and carrying ouI evaluaIion, such as saIeguarding issues Ior
children, young people and vulnerable people. II looks aI seIIing
sIandards Ior selI-evaluaIion and advanIages and disadvanIages oI
carrying ouI inIernal or exIernal evaluaIion.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 57

1iIle FvaluaIion IoolkiI Ior volunIary and communiIy arIs in NorIhern FvaluaIion IoolkiI Ior volunIary and communiIy arIs in NorIhern FvaluaIion IoolkiI Ior volunIary and communiIy arIs in NorIhern FvaluaIion IoolkiI Ior volunIary and communiIy arIs in NorIhern
Ireland Ireland Ireland Ireland

Developed by Annabel !ackson AssociaIes Ior ArIs Council NorIhern Ireland
Year published 2004
Developed Ior volunIary and communiIy arIs organisaIions in NorIhern Ireland
Available Irom Prove and Improve websiIe

Price Download Ior Iree Irom Ihe library secIion oI prove and improve
Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools
Use oI case
Sample quesIionnairesjmoniIoring Iorms Ior use wiIh a range oI
diIIerenI programme parIicipanIs
LisIs addiIional

Size 97pp
DescripIion 1his evaluaIion IoolkiI is aimed aI helping arIs organisaIions increase
Iheir own capaciIy Ior evaluaIion and inIegraIe evaluaIion inIo day-
Io-day operaIions. II provides an inIroducIion Io evaluaIion and Ihe
evaluaIion process wiIh links Io Ihe Iools in Ihe IoolkiI.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 58

1iIle MoniIoring and eval MoniIoring and eval MoniIoring and eval MoniIoring and evaluaIing your arIs evenI.Why boIher uaIing your arIs evenI.Why boIher uaIing your arIs evenI.Why boIher uaIing your arIs evenI.Why boIher
Developed by David Chamberlain, Meic Llewellyn and Mike HosIon Ior volunIary
ArIs Wales
Year published NoI Iound
Developed Ior ArIs organisaIions running evenIs
Available Irom volunIary ArIs Wales 1el: 01938 556 455
or email:

Price Available Io download Irom

Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools QuesIionnaires and a sample 'archery IargeI' in Ihe appendices
Use oI case
Appendix one conIains a deIailed case sIudy oI a IheaIre company.
LisIs addiIional
No, alIhough Ihese can be Iound elsewhere on Ihe websiIe
Size 26 pp
DescripIion 1his guide is aimed aI Ihose arIs organisaIions beginning Io moniIor
and evaluaIe Iheir work. ParI 1 conIains an inIroducIion Io Ihe
process and Iools IhaI mighI be used. ParI 2 conIains some example
Iools, including some ideas Ior moniIoring and an inIroducIion Io
Ieedback quesIionnaires.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 59

1iIle 1ear Up Your 1ear Up Your 1ear Up Your 1ear Up Your 1ick 1ick 1ick 1ick Boxes Boxes Boxes Boxes - -- - A Cuide Io Ihe CreaIive FvaluaIion oI A Cuide Io Ihe CreaIive FvaluaIion oI A Cuide Io Ihe CreaIive FvaluaIion oI A Cuide Io Ihe CreaIive FvaluaIion oI
ParIicipaIory ArIs ParIicipaIory ArIs ParIicipaIory ArIs ParIicipaIory ArIs Pro|ecIs Pro|ecIs Pro|ecIs Pro|ecIs

Developed by volunIary ArIs Wales
Year published NoI Iound
Developed Ior ArIs organisaIions running evenIs
Available Irom volunIary ArIs NeIwork. 1el: 02920 395 395

Price Available Io download Irom

Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools 1he guide inIroduces a 'chuII charI' and oIher parIicipaIory
moniIoring maIerials Ior use wiIh young people, including an
'archery IargeI'.
Use oI case
A case sIudy oI a IheaIre company is used in ParI 2
LisIs addiIional
Size 38pp
DescripIion 1his Iwo-parI guide presenIs 12 key quesIions IhaI Iake organisaIions
Irom planning an evenI, Ihrough Ihe evenI iIselI and up Io an
assessmenI oI how well iI wenI, Ihe changes you mighI wanI Io see
and whaI you mighI wanI Io do wiIh Ihe inIormaIion. 1he guide also
suggesIs diIIerenI ways oI measuring aIIendance, responses and

1he second parI inIroduces Ihe concepI oI social exclusion, a case
sIudy, and pracIical moniIoring and evaluaIion challenges
accompanied by Iools and moniIoring maIerials and IemplaIes Ior
use wiIh young audiences

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 60

Youth Arts in Practice: a guide to evaluation

Developed by Linda Dixon and Nicola Aylward Ior NaIional InsIiIuIe oI AdulI
ConIinuing FducaIion (Fngland and Wales}
Year published 2006
Developed Ior Managers and pracIiIioners delivering youIh arIs acIiviIies
Available Irom Young AdulIs Learning ParInership (YALP} websiIe
1el: 0116 285 9672
Price Hard copy only available Iree Irom YALP Ieam

Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools 1his guide is Iocused on providing an overview oI a wide range oI
Iools designed Io evaluaIe arIs acIiviIies wiIh young people.
Use oI case
SecIion Ihree, Ihe main secIion oI Ihe book, conIains deIailed case
sIudies Irom Iive pro|ecIs, including illusIraIion oI Ihe Iools used and
Ihe Iindings.
LisIs addiIional
Size 104 pp
DescripIion 1his guide is designed Io demonsIraIe Ihe use oI a wide range oI
creaIive Iools, raIher Ihan Io inIroduce Ihe Iheory oI evaluaIion. II is
hoped IhaI oIher organisaIions will be inspired Io copy and use Ihe

Five arIs organisaIions were involved in Ihe pro|ecI, and Ihe guide
seIs ouI Ihe conIexI oI each organisaIion, illusIraIes Ihe Iools
Ihemselves and how Ihey were used, and Ihe Iindings obIained. 1he
Iools range Irom easy-Io-use and picIorial quesIionnaires, Io peer
observaIion, individual record Iorms, diamond ranking, weaIher
mood reporI and oIhers. DiIIiculIies in developing and using Ihe
Iools are also reporIed.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 61
Children and young people Children and young people Children and young people Children and young people


A Guide to actively involving young people in research: for
researchers, research commissioners, and managers
Developed by

Perpetua Kirby for the INVOLVE Support Unit
Year published

Developed for

Primarily for researchers and commissioners of research
Available from

Price Free to download from website.
Approach Involving young people in research
Practical tools Key points for each chapter
Use of case
Lists additional
Useful publications at the end

Description This guide is about why and how to actively involve young people
(aged 12 to 21 years) as researchers within health and social care

It covers the benefits of involving young people, when and how to
involve young people, the power issues of involving young researchers
and how to identify and support young people to get involved and
ensuring their health, safety and well-being.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 62


A Guide to Self Evaluation: How to Tell You are Making a
Difference: a Basic Guide for Voluntary Organisations

Developed by

Julia Kaufmann and Sheila Jane Malley, BBC Children in Need
Year published

First published in 1999; updated January 2009
Developed for

Voluntary and community projects that Children in Need fund but also
useful for other voluntary groups and organisations
Available from

Price Free to download from BBC CiN website
Approach Step by step approach to planning and doing self-evaluation
Practical tools CES Planning Triangle
Use of case
Lists additional
Reading list and useful addresses provided at the end

Description This booklet gives an introduction to each step in the monitoring and
evaluation process. It covers aims and objectives, activities, targets
and indicators of success on how to reach evaluation. It provides a
case study for each step and links planning to monitoring and

Originally written for BBC CiN funded projects in 1999, it has since
been updated as an online resource in January 2009 and is available
to anyone who is interested in the basics.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 63


Set of 80 Consultation Cards with Illustrations
Developed by

Department of Health
Year published

Developed for

Anyone working with people with learning disabilities
Available from
Price Free to download from website
Practical tools Consultations pictures
Use of case
Lists additional

Description A useful set of cards, with pictures, that may be useful for
communicating in a more accessible way with people with Learning
Disabilities on a range of topics.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 64


Are you listening! A toolkit for evaluating Childrens Fund
services with children and young people
Developed by

Cambridgeshire Childrens Fund and Save the Children
Year published

Developed for

Cambridgeshire Childrens Fund projects and other childrens services.
Available from Hard copies available from Helen Andrews, Children's Fund Office,
ELH1402, Shire Hall, Cambridge CB3 0AP
Tel: 0777 400 8126

Free to download from
Price Downloadable for free from the website
Approach Participative evaluation how to involve and include children in the
evaluation process
Practical tools This is a how-to-do-it guide for each activity for gathering data and
evaluating the whole project
Use of case
Case studies from Cambridgeshire Childrens Fund (CCF) projects
Lists additional
Two pages of useful resources and websites plus appendices

Description This is a very helpful toolkit looking at a range of creative, fun activities
that can be built into a projects programme for children aged 5-13

The toolkit is divided into four sections, plus appendices:
Section 1: Every child Matters describes national policy and
developments around childrens services
Section 2: A quick guide to evaluation and participative evaluation
Section 3: The project planning cycle and the evaluation process
Section 4: Activities and resources how to gather information for
Appendices reference information on the1989 UN Convention on the
Rights of the Child, a summary of CCF evaluation and reporting

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 65

1iIle SIep iI Up SIep iI Up SIep iI Up SIep iI Up - -- - CharIing Young People's Progress CharIing Young People's Progress CharIing Young People's Progress CharIing Young People's Progress

Developed by UniversiIy oI SIraIhclyde
Year published 2003
Developed Ior YouIh workers and young people developing work wiIh young
people across ScoIland. Also useIul Ior oIher organisaIions.
Available Irom YouIhLink ScoIland, Rosebery House, 9 HaymarkeI 1errace, Fdinburgh
FH12 5FZ. 1el: 0131 313 2488. email:

Price Free Io download Irom Iheir websiIe

Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools WorksheeIs and guidance on how Io use Ihem.
Use oI case
Case sIudy examples used Io illusIraIe explanaIions.
LisIs addiIional
Size 102pp
DescripIion 1his documenI is boIh a reporI oI work commissioned by Ihe ScoIIish
FxecuIive FducaIion DeparImenI in 2001 and maIerials developed
Ior evaluaIing youIh work.

1he reporI idenIiIies Ihe purpose oI eIIecIive youIh work and key
areas oI social and emoIional compeIence. 1he second parI oI Ihe
documenI provides maIerials and guidance Ior working wiIh young
people charIing Iheir own progress and idenIiIies a range oI
approaches Io supporI Ihe process.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 66

1iIle Framework Ior Ihe assessmenI oI children in need and Iheir Iamilies Framework Ior Ihe assessmenI oI children in need and Iheir Iamilies Framework Ior Ihe assessmenI oI children in need and Iheir Iamilies Framework Ior Ihe assessmenI oI children in need and Iheir Iamilies - -- - Ihe Ihe Ihe Ihe
Iamily pack oI quesIionnaires and scales Iamily pack oI quesIionnaires and scales Iamily pack oI quesIionnaires and scales Iamily pack oI quesIionnaires and scales

A Cox and A BenIovim Ior Ihe DeparImenI oI HealIh
ProIessionals and care services
1he SIaIionery OIIice aI or on 0870 242
Price 1he Iramework is Iree Io download aI

or you can download Ihe whole pack aI

1hese can also be purchased Irom 1he SIaIionery OIIice (9.50j 17.50}.
Approach SelI assessmenI

QuesIionnaires and scales are included in Ihe pack
Use oI case
Size 1he bookleI is 109pp and Ihe pack oI quesIionnaires and scales is 50pp
DescripIion A bookleI seIIing ouI how Io assess, analyse and record whaI is happening Io
children and young people wiIhin Iheir Iamilies and in Iheir communiIies. 1he
pack conIains a number oI quesIionnaires and scales IhaI can be used by social
work and oIher social services sIaII when assessing children and Iheir Iamilies.

1he maIerials were piloIed in a number oI child care siIuaIions wiIhin Iive
social service deparImenIs and modiIied Io suiI children and Iheir Iamilies and
Ihe requiremenIs oI sIaII working in Ihis seIIing.
1he Iollowing eighI quesIionnaires and scales are included in Ihe pack:
1he SIrengIhs and DiIIiculIies QuesIionnaire
1he ParenIing Daily Hassles Scale
Home CondiIions Scale
AdulI Wellbeing Scale
1he AdolescenI Wellbeing Scale
1he RecenI LiIe FvenIs QuesIionnaire
1he Family AcIiviIy Scale
1he Alcohol Scale

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 67

1iIle Measuring ImpacI IoolkiI Measuring ImpacI IoolkiI Measuring ImpacI IoolkiI Measuring ImpacI IoolkiI

Developed by KenI Children's Fund
Year published No daIe Iound
Developed Ior People working wiIh children, boIh IronIline workers and direcIors
and managers oI organisaIions and pro|ecIs
Available Irom KenI Children's Fund, AshIord, KenI. 1el: 01233 666610

Price Free Io download Irom Ihe KenI Children's Fund websiIe
Approach Measuring impacI oI pro|ecIs and programmes
PracIical Iools Main emphasis on Iools Io use wiIh children and young people Io
Iind ouI how Ihey Ieel abouI pro|ecIs and services. Appendices
include IemplaIes Ior inIerview schedules and Iorms.
Use oI case
Fxamples used IhroughouI
LisIs addiIional
A whole secIion on documenIs used, oIher organisaIions providing
supporI, publicaIions and glossary.
Size 109pp
DescripIion 1he 'MI 1oolkiI' is designed Io help organisaIions working wiIh
children Io Iell Ihe sIory oI Iheir work and whaI Ihey are doing well.
1he IoolkiI is seI ouI in a clear and accessible way. II includes Ihe
Iollowing secIions:
SecIion 1 provides a guide Io using Ihe IoolkiI
SecIion 2 discusses whaI impacI means and helps break iI down
inIo componenI parIs
SecIion 3 lisIs principles Ior impacI measuremenI
SecIion 4 is a guide Io seIIing realisIic and measurable indicaIors
SecIion 5 provides a seI oI speciIic Iools Ior use wiIh children
SecIion 6 advises on puIIing IogeIher reporI Io show impacI
SecIion 7 lisI IurIher inIormaIion and links.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 68

1iIle FvaluaIion KiI: sexual healIh services Ior young people FvaluaIion KiI: sexual healIh services Ior young people FvaluaIion KiI: sexual healIh services Ior young people FvaluaIion KiI: sexual healIh services Ior young people

Developed by Kaye Wellings and Roslyn Kane Ior Ihe Sexual HealIh Programme aI
Ihe London School oI Hygiene and 1ropical Medicine
Year published 2000
Developed Ior HealIh proIessionals working in services Ior young people
Available Irom London School oI Hygiene and 1ropical Medicine Keppel SIreeI,
London WC1F 7H1. 1el: 020 7636 8636
Price Price noI Iound
Approach Ceneral inIroducIion Io evaluaIion
PracIical Iools 1opic guidance sheeIs: in depIh inIerview wiIh clienI; quesIionnaire
Ior service users; quesIionnaire Ior service providers; how Io use
rouIine daIa sources
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size 5pp plus 4 guidance sheeIs
DescripIion A brieI and basic guide considering Ihe issues when planning an
evaluaIion and some meIhods Io use. II also conIains Iour Iopic
guidance sheeIs.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 69

1iIle Young rooIs evaluaIion pack Young rooIs evaluaIion pack Young rooIs evaluaIion pack Young rooIs evaluaIion pack

Developed by QA Research Ior Ihe HeriIage LoIIery Fund (HLF}

Year published PublicaIion daIe noI Iound
Developed Ior volunIary and communiIy organisaIions Iunded by Ihe HLF Io run
Young RooIs pro|ecIs. AlIhough Ihe Iocus is on working wiIh young
people, iI conIains useIul acIiviIies IhaI could be used or adapIed Ior
collecI moniIoring and evaluaIion daIa Irom diIIerenI sIakeholder
Available Irom HeriIage LoIIery Fund
ConIacIs: 020 7591 6000
Price Can be downloaded Ior Iree Irom Ihe HLF websiIe

Approach ParIicipaIory
PracIical Iools FvaluaIion planning IemplaIe, quesIions and prompI cards and
pracIical Iips on diIIerenI elemenIs oI Ihe evaluaIion process. II also
includes IwenIy-Iive diIIerenI acIiviIies in order Io gaIher user
Use oI case
Fxamples oI Ihe planning IemplaIe are included.

LisIs addiIional
ConIains a shorI IurIher reading lisI on young people and research
Size 43 pages
DescripIion 1he pack has been puI IogeIher Io help organisaIions evaluaIe Iheir
Young RooIs pro|ecI. II provides a shorI inIroducIion Io evaluaIion
and conIains 25 diIIerenI parIicipaIory acIiviIies IhaI be used Io
collecI moniIoring and evaluaIion inIormaIion. 1hese include guided
visualisaIion, bean counI, making a line, Iimelines and mapping. 1he
pack is also available in Welsh and as audio casseIIe.

1hese Iwo enIries have been sourced wiIh permission Irom Ihe FvaluaIion SupporI
ScoIland websiIe:
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 70
CommuniIy organisaIions CommuniIy organisaIions CommuniIy organisaIions CommuniIy organisaIions


Prove and Improve a self-evaluation resource for voluntary and
community organisations
Developed by

Community Evaluation Northern Ireland (CENI) based on CENIs
evaluation training and development project funded by the Big Lottery
Year published

October 2008
Developed for

Voluntary and community organisations that want to explore
evaluation, in particular self-evaluation of outcomes
Available from CENI website:
Tel: 028 9024 8005, email:
Price Downloadable for free from the website
Approach CENI self-evaluation model
Practical tools There is a think section on each step in the self-evaluation process
Use of case
Lots of examples, case studies and feedback from people
Lists additional
The signposting section provides information about available support
in evaluation including useful documents and website materials

Description This guide focuses on self-evaluation. Using CENIs model and
approach, it breaks the process down into a series of logical steps and
stages: planning, collecting evidence, analysis, reporting and using

1iIle 1he evaluaIion |ourney 1he evaluaIion |ourney 1he evaluaIion |ourney 1he evaluaIion |ourney - -- - an evaluaIion resource Ior communiIy an evaluaIion resource Ior communiIy an evaluaIion resource Ior communiIy an evaluaIion resource Ior communiIy
groups groups groups groups

Developed by Linda McKie, !oy Barlow and Paula CaunI-Richardson Ior AcIion on
Smoking and HealIh ScoIland (ASH}
Year published 2002
Developed Ior Based on Ihe experience oI communiIy groups buI applicable Io any
organisaIion doing moniIoring and evaluaIion wiIhin a healIh seIIing
and provides useIul inIormaIion more generally.
Available Irom ASH ScoIland, 8 Frederick SIreeI, Fdinburgh FH2 2HB, 0131 225 4725

Price Free in hard copy and Io download Irom Iheir websiIe

Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools Some IemplaIes included
Use oI case
IllusIraIive examples are used IhroughouI.
LisIs addiIional LisI oI useIul groups and publicaIions included.
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 71
Size 104pp
DescripIion 1his resource pack includes guidance on a range oI issues including:
Planning Ihe evaluaIion and who will Iake parI;
Basic inIormaIion and how Io collecI iI;
Analysingjmaking sense oI your inIormaIion;
Reviewing your work and presenIing your Iindings.

1he pack covers a range oI ways oI collecIing inIormaIion including
phoIos; video; collages; arIwork; creaIive wriIing; diaries; inIerviews;
Iocus groups; case sIudies and quesIionnaires. II reviews Ihe purpose
oI each, Iheir posiIive poinIs and possible problems. 1he pack also
includes examples oI how Ihey have been used. II also includes a
glossary oI Ierms and evaluaIion quesIions.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 72

1iIle Changing Places, Changing Lives: undersIanding and developing Ihe Changing Places, Changing Lives: undersIanding and developing Ihe Changing Places, Changing Lives: undersIanding and developing Ihe Changing Places, Changing Lives: undersIanding and developing Ihe
impacI oI your organisaIion impacI oI your organisaIion impacI oI your organisaIion impacI oI your organisaIion

Developed by bassac
Year published 2006
Developed Ior 'CommuniIy anchor' organisaIions, local organisaIions rooIed in Ihe
communiIies where Ihey work
Available Irom bassac 0845 241 0375, or download Irom bassac

Price Downloadable Ior Iree Irom Ihe websiIe
Approach UndersIanding and mapping impacI
PracIical Iools Provides 'ideas Ior acIion' - suggesIed acIiviIies Io help assess your
impacI on individuals, organisaIions and communiIies.
Use oI case

LisIs addiIional
UseIul resources are lisIed under Ihe headings:
CeIIing sIarIed
Assessing ouIcomes and impacIs
CeIIing Ihe qualiIy righI
FvaluaIing social enIerprise.
Size 17pp
DescripIion 1his guide inIroduces bassac's CommuniIy ImpacI Programme. II
aims Io help organisaIions undersIand Ihe imporIance oI being able
Io demonsIraIe Iheir impacI and ouIlines some oI Ihe sIeps
organisaIions can Iake Io 'map' Ihe impacI Ihey are having.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 73

1iIle Chan Chan Chan Change ge ge geCheck: Check: Check: Check: a pracIical guide Io assessing Ihe impacI oI your a pracIical guide Io assessing Ihe impacI oI your a pracIical guide Io assessing Ihe impacI oI your a pracIical guide Io assessing Ihe impacI oI your
communiIy organisaIion communiIy organisaIion communiIy organisaIion communiIy organisaIion
Developed by Chris Church and SIeve Skinner Ior bassac
Year published 2007
Developed Ior 'CommuniIy anchor' organisaIions, local organisaIions rooIed in Ihe
communiIies where Ihey work
Available Irom bassac, 33 Corsham SIreeI, London N1 6DR. 1el: 0845 241 0375

Price 12.50 + posIage and packing & vA1: 1-4 copies 2.50, 5-10 copies
5.00, 10-20 copies 7.50
Approach ImpacI assessmenI
PracIical Iools LoIs oI checklisIs and acIion poinIs IhroughouI Ihe guide. Once a
copy is purchased, IurIher maIerials and resources are available on
Ihe bassac websiIe
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size 32pp
ChangeCheck was developed wiIhin bassac's CommuniIy ImpacI
Programme, which has worked Io develop Iools Io help communiIy
anchor organisaIions assess Ihe eIIecI oI Iheir work on Iheir
neighbourhood and was IesIed wiIh several communiIy
organisaIions across Fngland.

II uses Ihe wellbeing caIegories developed by Ihe AudiI Commission.
II is designed Io bring IogeIher:
Your mission and ob|ecIives
1he way you work wiIh communiIies
How whaI you do aIIecIs communiIy wellbeing
1he resources IhaI you have Io do Ihis wiIh.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 74

1iIle CommuniIy economic regeneraIion: A CommuniIy economic regeneraIion: A CommuniIy economic regeneraIion: A CommuniIy economic regeneraIion: A Iramework Ior evaluaIing Iramework Ior evaluaIing Iramework Ior evaluaIing Iramework Ior evaluaIing
communiIy pro|ecIs Ior Furopean Iunding communiIy pro|ecIs Ior Furopean Iunding communiIy pro|ecIs Ior Furopean Iunding communiIy pro|ecIs Ior Furopean Iunding

Developed by Marilyn 1aylor Ior Wales Council Ior volunIary AcIion
Year published 2003
Developed Ior CommuniIy and volunIary groups in Wales who have Furopean
Iunding under Ob|ecIive 2 buI can be used by any pro|ecI involved in
developing communiIy based regeneraIion iniIiaIives.
Available Irom WCvA RegisIered OIIice - Head OIIice, BalIic House, MounI SIuarI
Square, CardiII CF10 5FH. 1el: 029 2043 1700

Price Price: Price: Price: Price: 7.50 (5.00 WCvA members} or Iree Io download Irom Iheir

Approach SelI-evaluaIion Ior regeneraIion iniIiaIives
PracIical Iools No
Use oI case
Some examples used Io illusIraIe key poinIs.
LisIs addiIional
ShorI lisI oI IurIher reading provided
Size 16pp
DescripIion A bilingual (Fnglish and Welsh} bookleI which works Ihrough Iour
levels oI evaluaIion using Ihe analogy oI a Iree: Ihe rooIs, Ihe core,
Ihe branches and Ihe IruiI. Simple buI basic inIroducIion Io
evaluaIion using relevanI examples and making links Io Ob|ecIive 2
oI Furopean Iunding.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 75

Crime reducIion Crime reducIion Crime reducIion Crime reducIion

1iIle PassporI Io evaluaIion: an inIroducIion Io evaluaIing crime reducIion PassporI Io evaluaIion: an inIroducIion Io evaluaIing crime reducIion PassporI Io evaluaIion: an inIroducIion Io evaluaIing crime reducIion PassporI Io evaluaIion: an inIroducIion Io evaluaIing crime reducIion
iniIiaIives and pro|ecIs iniIiaIives and pro|ecIs iniIiaIives and pro|ecIs iniIiaIives and pro|ecIs

Developed by Home OIIice Crime ReducIion CenIre
Year published 2002
Developed Ior volunIaryjsIaIuIoryjprivaIe secIor; parIicular groupsjsub secIors e.g.
homeless, healIh
Available Irom 1raining Resource SoluIions, Home OIIice Crime ReducIion CenIre,
0870 241 4680

Price Can be downloaded in secIions Irom

Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools
Use oI case
II includes examples IhroughouI and a case sIudy where readers can
pracIice Ihe key poinIs oI evaluaIion.
LisIs addiIional
Size 112pp
DescripIion 1he PassporI is a selI-learning documenI IhaI can be worked Ihrough
in iIs enIireIy by Ihose new Io evaluaIion. 1hose who already have
some experience can skip some secIions, using Ihe PassporI as a
reminder. 1he book conIains secIions on Ihe conIexI and process oI
evaluaIion and looks aI oIher issues Io consider. A glossary seIs ouI
Ihe deIiniIions oI key Ierms used in Ihe evaluaIion process.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 76
HealIh promoIion HealIh promoIion HealIh promoIion HealIh promoIion

1iIle FvaluaIing healIh promoIion programs FvaluaIing healIh promoIion programs FvaluaIing healIh promoIion programs FvaluaIing healIh promoIion programs

Developed by 1he HealIh CommunicaIion UniI aI Ihe CenIre Ior HealIh PromoIion,
UniversiIy oI 1oronIo
Year published 2006
Developed Ior HealIh pracIiIioners and oIhers working in Ihe Iield oI healIh
Available Irom 1he HealIh CommunicaIion UniI aI 1he CenIre Ior HealIh PromoIion,
DeparImenI oI Public HealIh Sciences, UniversiIy oI 1oronIo, HealIh
Sciences Building, 155 College SIreeI, Room 400, 1oronIo, OnIario
M51 3M7. 1el: (416} 978.0522.

Price Free Io download Irom Iheir websiIe

Approach OuIcomes moniIoring

PracIical Iools 1his workbook includes example documenIs and work sheeIs in each
secIion allow Ihe reader Io Iill in inIormaIion appropriaIe Io Iheir
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
AddiIional resources are lisIed in secIions in an appendix aI Ihe end
Size 102pp
DescripIion A Iairly IexI heavy workbook providing an overview oI key concepIs
and meIhods in Ihe developmenI and implemenIaIion oI program
evaluaIions. II uses a Ien-sIep model Ior moniIoring and evaluaIing
healIh promoIion work.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 77

1iIle 1ools 1ogeIher Now: 100 parIicipaIory Iools Io mobilise 1ools 1ogeIher Now: 100 parIicipaIory Iools Io mobilise 1ools 1ogeIher Now: 100 parIicipaIory Iools Io mobilise 1ools 1ogeIher Now: 100 parIicipaIory Iools Io mobilise
communiIies Ior HIvjAIDs communiIies Ior HIvjAIDs communiIies Ior HIvjAIDs communiIies Ior HIvjAIDs
Developed by InIernaIional HIvjAIDS Alliance
Year published 2006
Developed Ior Any organisaIion working on HIvjAIDS, buI parIicularly Ihose working
direcIly wiIh communiIies aIIecIed by HIvjAIDS
Available Irom hIIp:jjwww.aidsalliance.orgjsw36326.asp
Price Free Io download Irom Ihe HIvjAIDS Alliance websiIe.
Approach ParIicipaIory Learning and AcIion (PLA}
PracIical Iools 1his resource conIains 100 parIicipaIory Iools, covering all aspecIs oI 1his resource conIains 100 parIicipaIory Iools, covering all aspecIs oI 1his resource conIains 100 parIicipaIory Iools, covering all aspecIs oI 1his resource conIains 100 parIicipaIory Iools, covering all aspecIs oI
working wiIh communiIies aIIecIed by HIvjAIDS. WiIhin IhaI Ihere working wiIh communiIies aIIecIed by HIvjAIDS. WiIhin IhaI Ihere working wiIh communiIies aIIecIed by HIvjAIDS. WiIhin IhaI Ihere working wiIh communiIies aIIecIed by HIvjAIDS. WiIhin IhaI Ihere
are Iools speciIic Io evaluaIion processes are Iools speciIic Io evaluaIion processes are Iools speciIic Io evaluaIion processes are Iools speciIic Io evaluaIion processes. .. .
Use oI case
No No No No
LisIs addiIional
very limiIed number oI HIvjAIDS speciIic resources signposIed very limiIed number oI HIvjAIDS speciIic resources signposIed very limiIed number oI HIvjAIDS speciIic resources signposIed very limiIed number oI HIvjAIDS speciIic resources signposIed
Size 250 pp 250 pp 250 pp 250 pp
DescripIion 1his resource conIains a wealIh oI parIicipaIory Iools covering all
aspecIs oI working wiIh communiIies aIIecIed by HIvjAIDS. SecIion C,
which conIains Iime analysis Iools, is parIicularly relevanI Io
evaluaIion, buI oIher secIions also provide Iools IhaI can be used Ior
inIormaIion collecIion during a ( SecIions D}; FxperienIial Iools
(SecIion F}; PrioriIisaIion and quanIiIicaIion Iools (SecIion F} and
AcIion planning Iools (SecIion C}.

1here is also some useIul maIerial on working wiIh parIicipaIory
meIhods, and Ihe Iools Ihemselves lend Ihemselves quiIe easily Io
IransIer inIo oIher areas oI work.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 78
Homelessne Homelessne Homelessne Homelessness ss ss ss

1iIle 1he FmployabiliIy Map 1he FmployabiliIy Map 1he FmployabiliIy Map 1he FmployabiliIy Map

1riangle ConsulIing Ior OII Ihe SIreeIs and InIo Work (OSW}
OSW-Iunded services buI could be used by all homelessness organisaIions
running programmes Io help homeless people geI inIo employmenI. . . . OSW
are now oIIering Iechnical supporI on implemenIaIion Io oIher
organisaIions working wiIh homeless people.
OSW - a leaIleI on Ihe programme can be downloaded Irom Ihe OSW

Price 1wo days Iraining aI chariIy raIe 200, inclusive oI manual.
Approach Measuring soII ouIcomes
1he FmployabiliIy Map consisIs oI a Iorm covering Iive areas, each graded
wiIh a scale. Fach scale is divided inIo Ihree zones, indicaIing Ihe level oI
supporI required by Ihe clienI in IhaI area. 1he Iive areas are:
MoIivaIionjsense oI direcIion
Readiness Ior work
Basic skills
Skills Ior Iinding work

In order Io compleIe Ihe Iorm Ihe clienI and pro|ecI worker decide
IogeIher which zone Ihe clienI Ialls inIo on each scale, and Ihen where in
Ihe zone Ihey are. 1he Iorm comes wiIh a deIailed descripIion oI whaI
kind oI behaviours each oI Ihe poinIs on Ihe scale represenI, Io make Ihe
process as ob|ecIive as possible.

Use oI case
DescripIion 1here is a Iraining package delivered by OSW Ior organisaIions wanIing Io
use Ihe FmployabiliIy Map. 1he map is an inIeracIive assessmenI Iool Ior
measuring an individual's progression rouIe Io employmenI and
idenIiIying soII ouIcomes along Ihe way. IIs main aims are Io:
help clienIs Ihink abouI where Ihey are on Iheir |ourney Iowards work
or IurIher Iraining
enable service providers Io supporI individuals on IhaI |ourney, by
looking aI how Iheir posiIion on Ihe map changes over Iime.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 79

1iIle 1he OuIcomes SIar 1he OuIcomes SIar 1he OuIcomes SIar 1he OuIcomes SIar

Developed by 1riangle ConsulIing Ior London Housing FoundaIion
Year published 2006
Developed Ior OrganisaIions working wiIh Homeless People, alIhough likely Io be
useIul Ior oIher clienI groups such as people wiIh menIal healIh
problems and young people.

Available Irom London Housing FoundaIion Homeless OuIcomes websiIe

Price Free Io download Irom

Approach Measuring soII ouIcomes

PracIical Iools A pracIical Iool Ior measuring Ihe ouIcomes oI work wiIh homeless
people. II is compleIed by service users wiIh supporI Irom key
workers. AddiIional pracIical Iools Ior use by key worker and
managers are provided in Ihe supporIing documenIs IhaI accompany
Ihe OuIcome SIar.
Use oI case
Fxamples oI compleIed Iools are provided

LisIs addiIional
Size 20pp Ior Ihe inIroducIion Io Ihe OuIcomes SIar
DescripIion 1he OuIcomes SIar is a Iool Io measure change when working wiIh
vulnerable service users. II has been developed Io measure disIance
Iravelled and should be used as an inIegral parI oI Ihe supporI
process. Using Ihe Iool also helps users Io Iake an overview oI Iheir
own siIuaIion and helps Ihem Io see whaI Ihe nexI sIeps are Ior

1he London Housing FoundaIion has developed a web siIe dedicaIed
Io sharing knowledge abouI ouIcomes. 1he OuIcomes SIar CollecIion
is available on Ihe web siIe -

1he OuIcomes SIar CollecIion comprises:
1he OuIcomes SIar
1he OuIcome SIar - A Cuide Ior Key Workers
1he OuIcomes SIar - A Cuide Ior Managers
Using Ihe OuIcomes SIar - A One-Day 1raining Course

1he websiIe also provides inIormaIion on how Ihe OuIcomes SIar
relaIes Io Ihe SupporIing People OuIcomes and Ihe CommuniIies and
Local CovernmenI Iramework.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 80

1iIle Managing OuIcomes: A Cuide Ior Homelessness OrganisaIions Managing OuIcomes: A Cuide Ior Homelessness OrganisaIions Managing OuIcomes: A Cuide Ior Homelessness OrganisaIions Managing OuIcomes: A Cuide Ior Homelessness OrganisaIions

Developed by Sara Burns and Sally CupiII Ior ChariIies FvaluaIion Service
Year published 2003
Developed Ior 1his guide is Ior all Ihose working in Ihe homelessness Iield, alIhough
iI is also likely Io be helpIul Io Ihose working in associaIed areas, such
as housing or subsIance misuse.
Available Irom ChariIies FvaluaIion Service
Price Hard copy 12.95 plus 10 pp
Download Ior Iree Irom Ihe publicaIions secIion oI Ihe CFS websiIe

Approach OuIcomes assessmenI
PracIical Iools PracIical Iips on developing indicaIors and Iools Ior gaIhering
inIormaIion on ouIcomes

Use oI case
Fxamples and discussion poinIs are drawn Irom a range oI
homelessness services, many oI which have subsIanIial experience in
implemenIing and using ouIcome moniIoring sysIems.
LisIs addiIional
Size 40pp
DescripIion 1his is a pracIical guide Io Ihe eIIecIive use oI ouIcome managemenI
wiIhin Ihe homelessness Iield. 1he advice and recommendaIions iI
conIains are based on Ihe experience oI a wide range oI volunIary
secIor organisaIions. 1he guide will be useIul Ior Ihose who are
already Iamiliar wiIh ouIcomes as well as Ior Ihose looking aI
ouIcomes Ior Ihe IirsI Iime.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 81
InIrasIrucIure o InIrasIrucIure o InIrasIrucIure o InIrasIrucIure organisaIions rganisaIions rganisaIions rganisaIions


Demonstrating the difference
Developed by

Sally Cupitt with Anastasia Mihailidou for the National Performance
Programme (NPP)

Year published

Mar 2009
Developed for

The voluntary and community sector in England (particularly
infrastructure organisations).
Anyone interested in the issues faced by organisations in
demonstrating their difference.

Available from

Price Free to download from CES website
Approach Outcomes issues for infrastructure organisations
Practical tools
Use of case
Lists additional
Acronyms and some definitions. A bibliography is provided at the end.

Description This is a timely research report investigating how well infrastructure
organisations are able to demonstrate the difference their work makes.

The report focuses on the following topics:
The importance of demonstrating difference in the current climate
and in the future
The nature of infrastructure
The information collected by infrastructure organisations
Challenges of demonstrating difference
Tools in use by infrastructure organisations
Good practice
What would help respondents perspectives

1iIle Measuring eIIecIiveness: a Measuring eIIecIiveness: a Measuring eIIecIiveness: a Measuring eIIecIiveness: a selI selI selI selI- -- -evaluaIion evaluaIion evaluaIion evaluaIion IoolkiI Ior Ihe naIional IoolkiI Ior Ihe naIional IoolkiI Ior Ihe naIional IoolkiI Ior Ihe naIional
neIwork oI Council neIwork oI Council neIwork oI Council neIwork oI Councils Ior volunIary Service s Ior volunIary Service s Ior volunIary Service s Ior volunIary Service

Developed by ChariIies FvaluaIion Services and NaIional AssociaIion Ior Councils Ior
volunIary Service (now renamed NaIional AssociaIion Ior volunIary
and CommuniIy AcIion - NAvCA}
Year published 2002
Developed Ior Councils Ior volunIary Service and oIher inIrasIrucIure organisaIions
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 82
Available Irom
Price NAvCA, 1he 1ower, 2 Furnival Square, SheIIield S1 4QL
0114 2787004,

Approach Downloadable Ior Iree Irom

PracIical Iools 1his is a pracIical IoolkiI wiIh 15 moniIoring and evaluaIion Iools
Iocused on local inIrasIrucIure work.
Use oI case
Fxamples oI ouIpuI, ouIcome and impacI indicaIors are provided,
based around core aims.
LisIs addiIional
Size 82pp
DescripIion 1his IoolkiI was devised Ior (Fnglish} Councils oI volunIary Service. II
presenIs a six sIep guide Io selI-evaluaIion, clariIying aims and
ob|ecIives; idenIiIying ouIcomes and ouIpuIs; indicaIors; planning
moniIoring and evaluaIion; collecIing Ihe inIormaIion, use oI Ihe

Cuidance is given on inIerviews, case sIudies, process evaluaIion,
quesIionnaire analysis and wriIing reporIs.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 83

1iIle DisIance I DisIance I DisIance I DisIance Iravelled: Ihe experience oI ouIcome moniIoring wiIhin ravelled: Ihe experience oI ouIcome moniIoring wiIhin ravelled: Ihe experience oI ouIcome moniIoring wiIhin ravelled: Ihe experience oI ouIcome moniIoring wiIhin
NCvO's SusIainable Funding Pro|ecI NCvO's SusIainable Funding Pro|ecI NCvO's SusIainable Funding Pro|ecI NCvO's SusIainable Funding Pro|ecI

Developed by NCvO
Year published 2006

Developed Ior Any organisaIion wanIing Io develop an ouIcomes appro ach
Available Irom NCvO, 8 All SainIs SIreeI, London N1 9RL. 1el: 020 7713 6161.

Price 10.00 (7.00 NCvO Members} or Iree Io download Irom Iheir

Approach OuIcome moniIoring
PracIical Iools An ouIcomes Iriangle, mission map, evenI evaluaIion Iorm and policy
grid are included. Cood pracIice Iips included in all secIions.
Use oI case
A case sIudy is used IhroughouI Ihe guide
LisIs addiIional
LisI oI publicaIions and oIher sources oI supporI and advice are lisIed
Size 25pp
DescripIion 1his publicaIion provides a case sIudy example and good pracIice
Iips on implemenIing ouIcome moniIoring in an inIrasIrucIure

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 84
InIernaIional developmenI InIernaIional developmenI InIernaIional developmenI InIernaIional developmenI


Guidance on evaluation and review for DFID staff
Developed by

Year published

July 2005
Developed for

DFID staff and all partners involved in DFID programmes. Useful for
people carrying out international work.
Available from

Price Free to download from DFID website
Approach International development: a DFID guide to designing, managing,
reporting and responding to an evaluation.
Practical tools Lots of useful diagrams and flow-charts. Includes a sample final
evaluation report structure and a speed checklist in every chapter.

Use of case
Lists additional
Lots of additional references including a glossary.

Description This is a comprehensive resource guide for DFID staff and partners.
Useful for others in international development.

Chapters 13 provides a useful introduction to international
development and evaluation including the different types of evaluation
Chapter 4-6 explains the evaluation process,, terms of reference and
roles and skills required
Chapter 7-9 covers reporting, using evaluations, sharing lessons and
stakeholders role.
The annex provides more detail and references to web-based
resources and further reading including the following:
international development evaluation standards; glossary and
standard research terms used in monitoring and evaluation.

1iIle 1oolkiIs: A pracIical guide Io moniIoring, evaluaIion and impacI 1oolkiIs: A pracIical guide Io moniIoring, evaluaIion and impacI 1oolkiIs: A pracIical guide Io moniIoring, evaluaIion and impacI 1oolkiIs: A pracIical guide Io moniIoring, evaluaIion and impacI
assessmenI assessmenI assessmenI assessmenI

Developed by Louisa Cosling wiIh Mike Fdwards Ior Save Ihe Children
Year published 2003 (second ediIion}
Developed Ior InIernaIional developmenI workers
Available Irom DirecI Irom Save Ihe Children and oIher ouIleIs including Amazon

Price 12.95
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 85
PracIical Iools II includes a range oI pracIical Iools IhaI can be adapIed Io suiI
diIIerenI circumsIances
Use oI case
Case examples are used Io illusIraIe Ihe IexI.
LisIs addiIional
ConIains a secIion oI reIerences and IurIher resources under various
heads, such as impacI assessmenI, inIormaIion collecIion,
Size 350 pages
DescripIion 1his new ediIion oI 1oolkiIs has subsIanIially revised and updaIed a
key IexI Ior inIernaIional developmenI workers and Ihose working in
emergency siIuaIions.

ParI 1 covers general issues and principles underlining planning,
moniIoring and evaluaIion, such as involving relevanI people, dealing
wiIh diIIerences, being sysIemaIic abouI Ihe analysis and collecIion
oI inIormaIion.

ParI 2 covers in more deIail Ihe whole process oI moniIoring,
evaluaIion and impacI assessmenI. 1his revised ediIion provides a
new chapIer looks aI impacI assessmenI - an area oI increasing
imporIance Io boIh pracIiIioners and donors. 1here is also a new
chapIer and Iool on moniIoring and evaluaIing advocacy.

ParI 3 conIains14 pracIical moniIoring and evaluaIion Iools.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 86

1iIle ImpacI measuremenI and accounIabiliIy in emergencies: Ihe good ImpacI measuremenI and accounIabiliIy in emergencies: Ihe good ImpacI measuremenI and accounIabiliIy in emergencies: Ihe good ImpacI measuremenI and accounIabiliIy in emergencies: Ihe good
enough guide enough guide enough guide enough guide

Developed by OxIam CB Ior Ihe Fmergency CapaciIy Building Pro|ecI
Year published 2007
Developed Ior Field workers
Available Irom OxIam CB, OxIam House, !ohn SmiIh Drive, OxIord OX4 2!Y. 1el: 0870
333 2700
Price 6.95 (inc. vA1} or Iree Io download Irom Iheir websiIe

Approach AccounIabiliIy and impacI measuremenI
PracIical Iools A secIion on Iools provides IourIeen guidance noIes and checklisIs
including diIIerenI ways oI involving people, daIa collecIion meIhods,
how Io inIroduce your agency.
Use oI case
Case sIudy examples used in each secIion

LisIs addiIional
A secIion on oIher resources is included
Size 74pp plus CD
1he guide aims Io help Iield workers address Ihe quesIions 'whaI
diIIerence are we making and how do we know7' II oIIers a seI oI
basic guidelines on how Io be accounIable Io local people and
measure programme impacI in emergency siIuaIions. II emphasises
simple and pracIical soluIions and encourages Ihe reader Io choose
Iools IhaI are saIe, quick, and easy Io implemenI.

1he accompanying CD allows inIernal cross-reIerencing and links Io
exIernal sources when connecIed Io Ihe inIerneI.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 87

1iIle Common MeIhods Used in ImpacI AssessmenI Common MeIhods Used in ImpacI AssessmenI Common MeIhods Used in ImpacI AssessmenI Common MeIhods Used in ImpacI AssessmenI

Developed by Richard Bond,

FnIerprise DevelopmenI ImpacI AssessmenI InIormaIion Service
Price Free Io download Irom Ihe websiIe hIIp:jjwww.enIerprise-

Approach ImpacI assessmenI
Use oI case
FurIher reIerences are provided
Size 4pp
DescripIion A summary oI Ien meIhods or Iools used in assessmenI exercises, such as
MosI SigniIicanI Change, BDS PerIormance MeasuremenI Framework,
Social AccounIing, rolling Baseline, SimpliIied CosI-BeneIiI MeIhods.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 88

1iIle MoniIoring and evaluaIion: some Iools, meIhods and approaches MoniIoring and evaluaIion: some Iools, meIhods and approaches MoniIoring and evaluaIion: some Iools, meIhods and approaches MoniIoring and evaluaIion: some Iools, meIhods and approaches

Developed by 1he World Bank
Year published 2004
Developed Ior CovernmenI oIIicials, developmenI managers and civil socieIy
Available Irom IndependenI FvaluaIion Croup Help Desk, World Bank Croup, 1818 H
SIreeI, N.W., MSN H3-305, WashingIon, D.C. 20433. 1el: 202-458-
Price Free Io download Irom Iheir websiIe in Fnglish; Arabic; French;
PorIuguese; Russian; Spanish

Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools No
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Fach secIion has a lisI oI addiIional publicaIions or supporI available
Size 24pp
DescripIion A simple and basic inIroducIion Io moniIoring and evaluaIion, some
meIhods and approaches and daIa collecIion meIhods. Fach oI
Iollowing secIions is summarised, giving iIs purpose and use;
advanIages and disadvanIages; cosIs, skills, and Iime required; and
key reIerences:
PerIormance indicaIors
1he logical Iramework (logIrame} approach
1heory-based evaluaIion
Formal surveys
Rapid appraisal meIhods
ParIicipaIory meIhods
Public expendiIure Iracking surveys
ImpacI evaluaIion
CosI-beneIiI and cosI-eIIecIiveness analysis

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 89
Learning and skills Learning and skills Learning and skills Learning and skills

1iIle CaIching conIidence: Ihe naIure and role oI conIidence CaIching conIidence: Ihe naIure and role oI conIidence CaIching conIidence: Ihe naIure and role oI conIidence CaIching conIidence: Ihe naIure and role oI conIidence - -- - ways oI ways oI ways oI ways oI
developing and recording changes in Ihe learning conIexI developing and recording changes in Ihe learning conIexI developing and recording changes in Ihe learning conIexI developing and recording changes in Ihe learning conIexI

Developed by !ane Fldred, !ane Ward, Kay Snowdon and Yanina DuIIon Ior NIACF
Year published 2005
Developed Ior AdulI learning providers and IuIors
Available Irom
1el: 0116 204 4200
Price Free Io download Irom:|ecIsjCaIching-

Hard copies no longer available

Approach Process and Iool Ior deIining and assessing conIidence
PracIical Iools Original Iool and examples oI local variaIions included
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size 27 pp
DescripIion 1his pack is designed Io assisI boIh in deIining and assessing
conIidence. FighI organisaIions working wiIh 41 groups and
involving some 350 learners parIicipaIed in Ihe developmenI oI Ihe
process and in IesIing Ihe Iool. DaIa and Ieedback Irom Ihese groups
were collaIed Io produce Ihe pack.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 90
MenIal HealIh MenIal HealIh MenIal HealIh MenIal HealIh

1iIle MenIal healIh improveme MenIal healIh improveme MenIal healIh improveme MenIal healIh improvemenI evidence and pracIice nI evidence and pracIice nI evidence and pracIice nI evidence and pracIice
(Cuides 1 (Cuides 1 (Cuides 1 (Cuides 1- -- -4} 4} 4} 4}

Developed by Published by HealIh ScoIland
Year published 2005
Developed Ior 1he guides are inIended Io help pracIiIioners design evaluaIions Io
Iake accounI oI Ihe challenges oI assessing Ihe eIIecIiveness oI
menIal healIh improvemenI inIervenIions.
Available Irom HealIh ScoIland
Price Free Io download Irom Iheir websiIe:

Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools None
Use oI case
Some use oI case examples
LisIs addiIional
Fach guide lisIs resources and a glossary

Size Fach guide around 30pp
DescripIion 1he Iour guides cover Ihe Iollowing Iopics:
'Fvidence-based PracIice' '' ' inIroduces menIal healIh, Ihe
evaluaIion process and evidence-based pracIice.
'Measuring Success' Iackles Ihe quesIions oI who deIines success
and whaI measures are useIul. 1he guide also provides a
Iramework Ior measuring diIIerenI elemenIs oI a menIal healIh
'CeIIing ResulIs' covers planning, designing and conducIing an
evaluaIion including Iypes oI daIa and daIa collecIion.
'Making an ImpacI' Iocuses on analysis and inIerpreIaIion oI
resulIs, reporIing and wriIing a research arIicle.

1hese Iwo enIries have been sourced wiIh permission Irom Ihe FvaluaIion SupporI
ScoIland websiIe:
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 91
MenIoring and BeIriending MenIoring and BeIriending MenIoring and BeIriending MenIoring and BeIriending

1iIle MenIoring: A Cuide Io FIIecIive Fva MenIoring: A Cuide Io FIIecIive Fva MenIoring: A Cuide Io FIIecIive Fva MenIoring: A Cuide Io FIIecIive FvaluaIion luaIion luaIion luaIion
Andrew Miller, MenIoring and BeIriending FoundaIion

Individuals and organisaIions wanIing Io improve menIoring pracIice and
resulIs. II is applicable Io a varieIy oI conIexIs.
1el: 0161 787 8600 or email:

Price 3 member; 6 non member

Can be downloaded Ior Iree Irom Ihe MenIoring and BeIriending
FoundaIion websiIe.

Approach SelI-evaluaIion and exIernal evaluaIion
ConIains some example quesIionnaires
Use oI case
1here are Iive case examples oI diIIerenI Iypes oI evaluaIion oI menIoring
young people in a varieIy oI conIexIs, ranging Irom a large scale naIional US
sIudy Io a small-scale local sIudy.
ShorI bibliography and reIerence, buI IurIher resources are lisIed on Ihe
MoniIoring and BeIriending FoundaIion websiIe.
Size 23 pages
DescripIion 1his guide provides a Iocused resource on evaluaIion oI menIoring

1he IirsI Iour secIions are aimed aI beginners wanIing Io make a sIarI on
evaluaIing Iheir menIoring programme. 1he Iinal six secIions are aimed aI
Ihose who wanI Io develop beyond Ihe use oI end-oI-programme
quesIionnaires and includes an exIernal evaluaIion model.

1he guide draws on pracIical experience oI evaluaIion, and suggesIs
evaluaIion quesIions, suggesIs diIIerenI approaches Io measuremenI and
oIIers pracIical evaluaIion Iips Irom people who have been evaluaIing Iheir
menIoring programmes. 1he Iinal secIion explains Ihe disIincIion beIween
moniIoring, evaluaIion and qualiIy assurance.

1he PiloI Peer MenIoring ReporI, 2005-2006, also available on Ihe websiIe,
provides a useIul example oI an evaluaIion, demonsIraIing Ihe evaluaIion
process, indicaIors used, and presenIaIion oI Ihe Iindings.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 92

1iIle 1he FvaluaIion 1oolkiI 1he FvaluaIion 1oolkiI 1he FvaluaIion 1oolkiI 1he FvaluaIion 1oolkiI
Developed by !o Kennedy, Ian McKenzie and Helen Wilson Ior BeIriending NeIwork

Year published 2006
Developed Ior MenIoring and beIriending organisaIions
Available Irom BeIriending NeIwork ScoIland

Price Can be downloaded Iree Irom:

Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools 1he pack conIains example Iools and acIiviIies IhroughouI
Use oI case
Some case examples are inIegraIed inIo Ihe IexI.
LisIs addiIional
FurIher resources are indicaIed aI Ihe end oI each secIion.
Size 122 pages
DescripIion 1his pack was based on research among large and small menIoring
and beIriending organisaIions. II provides inIormaIion on models oI
menIoring IhaI mighI Iorm Ihe basis oI evaluaIion, and guidance on
Ihe process oI evaluaIion and pracIical Iools Io carry iI ouI.

1he pack is wriIIen in Iive secIions. SecIion 1 discusses agreeing a
vision and organisaIional or pro|ecI ouIcomes - Ihe diIIerence you
are Irying Io make. SecIion 2 examines whaI kind oI evidence will be
needed and includes inIormaIion on selecIing indicaIors and using
Ihem Io obIain evidence. SecIion 3 looks aI diIIerenI ways oI
gaIhering evidence. SecIion 4 looks aI how Io analyse evidence and
learn Irom evaluaIion. SecIion 5 examines how Io compile
moniIoring and evaluaIion reporIs.

Fach secIion provides examples, resources and pracIical Iips.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 93

Older people Older people Older people Older people

1iIle Measuring impacI: Improving Ihe healIh and wellbeing oI people in Measuring impacI: Improving Ihe healIh and wellbeing oI people in Measuring impacI: Improving Ihe healIh and wellbeing oI people in Measuring impacI: Improving Ihe healIh and wellbeing oI people in
mid mid mid mid- -- -liIe and beyond liIe and beyond liIe and beyond liIe and beyond

Developed by NaIional InsIiIuIe Ior HealIh and Clinical Fxcellence (NICF
Year published 2005
Developed Ior PracIiIioners and policy makers in Ihe Iield oI healIh improvemenI
and wellbeing Ior people age group oI mid-liIe and beyond.
Available Irom NaIional InsIiIuIe Ior HealIh and Clinical Fxcellence
Price Free Io download Irom aI

Approach Measuring ouIcomes and impacI - selI-evaluaIion

PracIical Iools A menu oI meIhods Ior measuring eIIecIiveness

Use oI case
Fxamples Irom Ihe HealIh DevelopmenI Agency mid-liIe programme
oI work
LisIs addiIional
Some addiIional resources lisIed buI Iew addiIional sources oI
inIormaIion on moniIoring and evaluaIion.
Size 26pp
DescripIion 1his IoolkiI is designed Io encourage pracIiIioners Io incorporaIe
measuring impacI and eIIecIiveness inIo Iheir everyday work
paIIerns. II also aims Io encourage experienced pracIiIioners Io
revisiI Ihe basics oI evaluaIion. 1he IoolkiI is designed Io be Ilexible
Io allow local issues and needs Io be incorporaIed and Ior Ihe advice
and learning Io be applied Io diIIerenI populaIion groups.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 94
ReIugee CommuniIy OrganisaIions ReIugee CommuniIy OrganisaIions ReIugee CommuniIy OrganisaIions ReIugee CommuniIy OrganisaIions


Becoming more effective - a monitoring and evaluation guide for
refugee community organisations

Developed by

Shehnaaz Latif for CES
Year published

Jan 2008
Developed for

RCOs who have little or no experience of monitoring and evaluation
Available from
Price Free to download from CES website
Approach Self-evaluation with a focus on outcomes
Practical tools Checklists for each section helping you to think about what you need
to when you monitor and evaluate your project.
Use of case
Lists additional
Explanation of terms at the end.

Description This plain English easy to follow guide describes the CES five steps
approach to monitoring and evaluation. Each step is demonstrated by
an example of a refugee community association.

There are five sections in the guide:
What are monitoring and evaluation?
What you do and why you do it
Using your results.

In each section there are checklists.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 95

Social FnIerprise Social FnIerprise Social FnIerprise Social FnIerprise


A toolkit for developing a social purpose business plan
Developed by

Structured Employment Economic Development Corporation (Seedco)
Year published

Developed for

Nonprofit organisations
Available from

Price Free to download from Seedco website or email

This is also available as an online resource which provides
assessment tools, worksheets, electronic templates and a sample
business plan all available at: http://nvn-

Approach Social outcomes and business planning
Practical tools Lots of tools and a business plan as an example
Use of case
Lists additional
Lots of worksheets and templates
Size 262pp
Description This American toolkit is a step by step business planning guide for
nonprofit organisations. It takes organisations through the planning
process which highlights social components and social outcomes of
the business. There are tools to measure, track and evaluate social

Part I of the Toolkit provides you with frameworks to think about
business planning in general and your idea and organization in

Part II of the Toolkit will provide you with step-by-step instructions for
developing your business and creating a written

Part III of the Toolkit will provide you with a few extra resources to
assist with the planning process.

Part IV contains materials referenced in Parts I, II and III.
Pull out these sheets as you work through the Toolkit in order to guide
your planning process and better understand the concepts.

Part V contains the full text of the Recycle-A-Bicycle Business Plan.
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 96

1iIle Proving and improving: a qualiIy and impacI IoolkiI Ior social Proving and improving: a qualiIy and impacI IoolkiI Ior social Proving and improving: a qualiIy and impacI IoolkiI Ior social Proving and improving: a qualiIy and impacI IoolkiI Ior social
enIerprises enIerprises enIerprises enIerprises

Developed by Lisa SanIilippo Ior New Fconomics FoundaIion
Year published 2006
Developed Ior Social enIerprises, buI can useIul Ior any organisaIion bringing
IogeIher elemenIs oI social, environmenIal and economic mission
wiIh income-generaIing sIraIegies.
Available Irom New Fconomics FoundaIion, 020 7820 6300

Price 20
Approach SelI-evaluaIion Io improve qualiIy and impacI.
PracIical Iools One secIion provides inIormaIion on a number oI diIIerenI
approaches and models, and a resource secIion provides an indicaIor
bank and an inIroducIion Io impacI mapping.
Use oI case
Some case examples are used as illusIraIion.
LisIs addiIional
Fach approach lisIs deIails oI where IurIher inIormaIion or supporI
can be Iound.
Size In Ihree secIions: Knowledge 45pp; 1ools 86pp; Resources 44pp
DescripIion 1his IoolkiI aims Io provide social enIerprises wiIh Ihe knowledge,
Iools and resources Ihey need Io measure Iheir qualiIy and impacI.
1he Ihree books, wall charI and CD oIIer a sIarIing poinI Ior any
organisaIion inIeresIed in demonsIraIing qualiIy, measuring
ouIcomes and impacI and being accounIable Io sIakeholders.
1he pack includes:
a parIicipaIive sIoryboard and impacI map acIiviIies,
a guide Io more Ihan IwenIy proving and improving
a bank oI ouIcome indicaIors,
a CD-Rom primer on Social ReIurn on InvesImenI

See also Proving and Improving websiIe

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 97

1iIle 1he money Irail: measuring your impac 1he money Irail: measuring your impac 1he money Irail: measuring your impac 1he money Irail: measuring your impacI on Ihe local economy using I on Ihe local economy using I on Ihe local economy using I on Ihe local economy using
lm3 lm3 lm3 lm3

Developed by New Fconomics FoundaIion
Year published 2002
Developed Ior OrganisaIions and communiIies concerned abouI Iheir local
economy and how eIIecIively Ihe diIIerenI parIs oI IhaI economy are
Available Irom New Fconomics FoundaIion. or call CenIral
Books on 0845 458 9910.
Price 18 Ior insIiIuIions; 12 Ior individuals (plus 20 PandP; 30
Bulk orders: 5 copies Ior 50 (plus 20 PandP; 30 overseas}
Can be downloaded Ior Iree Irom

Approach Fconomic impacI assessmenI
PracIical Iools 'How Io guide' Io using Local MulIiplier x 3 (lm3}. AddiIional blank
surveys, Ilow charIs and model power poinI presenIaIions Ior
sIakeholders can be downloaded Irom Ihe plugging Ihe leaks
Use oI case
Local MulIiplier explained using simple analogies and Ihrough
diIIerenI worked examples including CovernmenI procuremenI oI
consIrucIion conIracIs in NorIolk and Merseyside; social enIerprise in
Cumbria and SheIIield; residenIs access Io Iinance in LeicesIershire
and Derbyshire; welIare beneIiI Iake-up campaigns in Lancashire and
LisIs addiIional
No; some reIerences given
Size 134pp
DescripIion 1his workbook is aimed aI helping people look aI how eIIecIively
diIIerenI parIs oI Ihe local economy are working, and Ihe impacI IhaI
Iheir iniIiaIives have on iI. II is very pracIically based, providing clear
explanaIions and worked examples.

II provides a way oI undersIanding whaI is currenIly happening in Ihe
economy: how money enIers, Ihe paIh iI Ihen Iakes in Ihe area, and
how iI leaves. WriIIen in plain Fnglish Ihis guide explains whaI local
mulIipliers are, why iI is useIul Io measure Ihem and how Io measure

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 98
SubsIance misuse SubsIance misuse SubsIance misuse SubsIance misuse


Reducing alcohol-related harm in Scotland
The evidence base and a logic model for action

Developed by

By Laurence Gruer
Director of Public Health Science
Year published

May 2008
Developed for

Health Scotland
Available from Health Scotland website:

Price Downloadable free from website
Approach Logic modelling
Practical tools No
Use of case
Shows a model for improving long-term alcohol related outcomes in
Scotland (logic modelling diagram)
Lists additional

Description Paper briefly describes the growing seriousness of alcohol-related
harm in Scotland. It highlights recent relevant work carried out and
commissioned by Health Scotland.

It describes the development of a logic model as a tool for showing
how a range of evidence-informed initiatives might address the various
aspects of this complex problem and consequently achieve
measurable improvements in health and well-being.

1iIle Basic principles oI moniIoring and evaluaIion Ior service providers Basic principles oI moniIoring and evaluaIion Ior service providers Basic principles oI moniIoring and evaluaIion Ior service providers Basic principles oI moniIoring and evaluaIion Ior service providers

Developed by Mark C Connelly Lanarkshire Alcohol and Drug AcIion 1eam
Year published 2004
Developed Ior OrganisaIions providing drug and alcohol services
Available Irom Drug Misuse InIormaIion ScoIland
Price Free Io download Irom Ihe websiIe Drug Misuse InIormaIion
Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools 1emplaIes Ior possible ouIcomes and indicaIors and a suggesIed
IormaI Ior wriIing an evaluaIion reporI.
Use oI case
No, buI examples are given oI ouIcomes and indicaIors relevanI Io
drugs and alcohol services
LisIs addiIional No
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 99
Size 26pp
DescripIion 1he aim oI Ihe bookleI is Io provide guidance Io service providers on
Ihe principles oI moniIoring and evaluaIion and Io provide a
IemplaIe Ior planning, conducIing and reporIing on evaluaIion. 1he
guidance documenI is based primarily on maIerials provided by
ParIners in FvaluaIion ScoIland who were commissioned by Ihe
ScoIIish FxecuIive FIIecIive InIervenIions UniI in 2002 Io provide a
ScoIland-wide workshop series: 'Developing a clear sIraIegy Io
improve moniIoring and evaluaIion oI drug and alcohol services in

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 100

1iIle FvaluaIion Cuides 1 FvaluaIion Cuides 1 FvaluaIion Cuides 1 FvaluaIion Cuides 1 - -- - 10 10 10 10

Developed by ScoIIish FxecuIive, FIIecIive InIervenIions UniI
Year published 2001 - 2002
Developed Ior 1hose working in Ihe Iield oI subsIance misuse, alIhough some oI Ihe
guides have more general applicaIion.
Available Irom FIIecIive InIervenIions UniI websiIe

Price Downloadable Ior Iree. Paper copies can also be requesIed Ihrough
Ihe websiIe
Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools Minimal
Use oI case
Fxamples Irom Ihe subsIance misuse Iield are used Ior illusIraIion in
each oI Ihe guides
LisIs addiIional
FurIher resources are suggesIed in each oI Ihe guides.
Size 4pp per guide
DescripIion A seI oI guides covering Ihe Iollowing:
Cuide 1: DeIiniIions and Common ConcepIs
Cuide 2: Planning an FvaluaIion
Cuide 3: Designing an FvaluaIion
Cuide 4: ImplemenIing an FvaluaIion
Cuide 5: ReporIing and DisseminaIion
Cuide 6: Designing an Fconomic FvaluaIion
Cuide 7: Using AssessmenI DaIa Ior FvaluaIion
Cuide 8: FvaluaIing OuIreach Services
Cuide 9: FvaluaIing FmployabiliIy Programmes
Cuide 10: FvaluaIing CommuniIy FngagemenIs
Cuide 11: FvaluaIing ArresI ReIerral Schemes
Cuide 12: InIensive InIervenIions wiIh Young People
Cuide 13: SupporIing Carers and Families oI Drug Users

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 101

1iIle CeIIing Io ouIcomes: promoIing accounIabiliIy Ihrough meIhods CeIIing Io ouIcomes: promoIing accounIabiliIy Ihrough meIhods CeIIing Io ouIcomes: promoIing accounIabiliIy Ihrough meIhods CeIIing Io ouIcomes: promoIing accounIabiliIy Ihrough meIhods
and Iools Ior planning, implemenIaIion and evaluaIion and Iools Ior planning, implemenIaIion and evaluaIion and Iools Ior planning, implemenIaIion and evaluaIion and Iools Ior planning, implemenIaIion and evaluaIion

Developed by MaIIhew Chinman, Pamela Imm, Abraham Wandersman Ior Ihe US
Rand CorporaIion
Year published 2004
Developed Ior 1hose working in Ihe Iield oI subsIance misusejabuse prevenIion

Available Irom Rand CorporaIion websiIe only

Price Download Ior Iree aI www.rand.orgjpubsjIechnical_reporIsj1R101j

Approach IncorporaIes IradiIional evaluaIion, empowermenI evaluaIion,
resulIs-based accounIabiliIy, and conIinuous qualiIy improvemenI
PracIical Iools Downloadable worksheeIs including examples oI surveys IhaI can be
used wiIh diIIerenI audiences and planning IemplaIes Io address
needs and resources assessmenI; seI goals and ob|ecIives; consider
capaciIy, planning, process, and ouIcome evaluaIion; conIinuous
qualiIy improvemenI; and susIainabiliIy
Use oI case
DiIIerenI organisaIional examples Io demonsIraIe Ihe use oI Ihe
LisIs addiIional
AddiIional resources and sources oI supporI are lisIed. 1hese are US
Size 177pp
DescripIion 1his manual provides a model Ior idenIiIying ouIcomes in prevenIion
pracIice. II can be downloaded chapIer by chapIer. 1he Ien-sIep
process, ouIlined in Ihe manual is aimed aI enhancing pracIiIioners'
prevenIion skills while empowering Ihem Io plan, implemenI, and
evaluaIe Iheir own programs.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 102

1iIle MoniIoring and evaluaIing MoniIoring and evaluaIing MoniIoring and evaluaIing MoniIoring and evaluaIing youIh subsIance abuse prevenIion programme youIh subsIance abuse prevenIion programme youIh subsIance abuse prevenIion programme youIh subsIance abuse prevenIion programme

UniIed NaIions OIIice on Drugs and Crime (UNODC} and Ihe World HealIh
OrganisaIion (WHO}
For workers in Ihe Iield oI youIh subsIance abuse prevenIion.
UNODC P.O. Box 500, A-1400 vienna, AusIria

Price Free Io download Irom Iheir websiIe:

Approach SelI-evaluaIion
Use oI case
Size 82pp
DescripIion 1his guide conIains maIerial on Ihe imporIance oI evaluaIion, Ihe diIIerence
beIween moniIoring and evaluaIion and how Io plan an evaluaIion. ChapIers 5-8
cover how Io seI iI up, who Io involve and how moniIoring and evaluaIion IiIs
wiIhin a pro|ecI's cycles. 1here are also chapIers on daIa collecIion and analysis.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 103

1iIle FvaluaIion guidance Ior pracIiIioners: a pracIical guide Io evaluaIing FvaluaIion guidance Ior pracIiIioners: a pracIical guide Io evaluaIing FvaluaIion guidance Ior pracIiIioners: a pracIical guide Io evaluaIing FvaluaIion guidance Ior pracIiIioners: a pracIical guide Io evaluaIing
drug educaIion and prevenIion services Ior young peo drug educaIion and prevenIion services Ior young peo drug educaIion and prevenIion services Ior young peo drug educaIion and prevenIion services Ior young people ple ple ple

Developed by Richard Ives Ior 1he Drug FducaIion and PrevenIion InIormaIion
Service (DFPIS} Ieam aI DrugScope. Funded by Ihe DeparImenI oI
Year published 2005
Developed Ior PracIiIioners and managers and all Ihose concerned
abouI evaluaIing Iheir work wiIh young people in drug educaIion
and prevenIion.
Available Irom LimiIed prinI copies oI Ihe handbook are available Irom DrugScope
and DeparImenI oI HealIh. Please conIacI !oanne Bell
! or Carol Marsh or Iree Io download Irom Drugscope
Price Free Io download Irom:
Approach SelI-evaluaIion

PracIical Iools None
Use oI case
An evaluaIion planning grid is included.
LisIs addiIional
Size 41pp
DescripIion An inIroducIion Io Ihe process oI evaluaIion. II looks aI Ihe basics
(whaI is Ihe diIIerence beIween moniIoring and evaluaIion} as well as
Ihe speciIics oI evaluaIing drug educaIion and prevenIion
inIervenIions. 1he guide seIs ouI key quesIions Io ask aI each sIage
oI Ihe evaluaIion Irom deIining Ihe purpose and scope Io presenIing
resulIs and recommendaIions and puIIing Ihem inIo acIion. 1here is
also a brieI explanaIion oI inIormaIion collecIion Iechniques
including liIeraIure searches, inIerviewing, Iocus groups, parIicipanI
observaIion and non-parIicipanI observaIion, games and role-plays,
reIlecIive diaries eIc.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 104

1iIle Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol ouIcomes spider: scales and guidance noIes ouIcomes spider: scales and guidance noIes ouIcomes spider: scales and guidance noIes ouIcomes spider: scales and guidance noIes

Developed by Sara Burns Ior Alcohol Concern
Year published 2005
Developed Ior II is designed Io be used by workers IogeIher wiIh Iheir clienIs and
musI be used aI leasI Iwice Io be meaningIul.
Available Irom Alcohol Concern
ConIacIs: 020 7395 4000,

Price 11
Approach OuIcomes
PracIical Iools 1he Spider is a pracIical Iool in iIselI
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size 26pp
DescripIion 1he Spider is a Iool Ior measuring Ihe ouIcomes oI work wiIh alcohol
service users. Change is measured on 8 'legs': inIernal |ourney; social
conIacIs; managing physical healIh; menIal and emoIional healIh;
occupaIion; crime; Iamily and alcohol consumpIion. Fach leg is given
8 scale poinIs, each oI which is described Io provide consisIency oI

1he bookleI provides guidance Ior use oI Ihe Spider and highlighIs
opporIuniIies Ior Iraining. II can be used as a record oI change by
individual service users andjor inpuI inIo an I1 sysIem Ior analysis
across Ihe whole service.

1raining and I1 supporI packages available Irom Alcohol Concern.

1hese Ihree enIries have been sourced wiIh permission Irom Ihe FvaluaIion SupporI
ScoIland websiIe:
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 105
volunIeering volunIeering volunIeering volunIeering

1iIle volunIeering impacI assessmenI IoolkiI volunIeering impacI assessmenI IoolkiI volunIeering impacI assessmenI IoolkiI volunIeering impacI assessmenI IoolkiI
A pracIical guide Ior measuring Ihe impacI oI volunIeering A pracIical guide Ior measuring Ihe impacI oI volunIeering A pracIical guide Ior measuring Ihe impacI oI volunIeering A pracIical guide Ior measuring Ihe impacI oI volunIeering

Developed by InsIiIuIe Ior volunIeering Research
Year published 2004
Developed Ior volunIeering agencies
Available Irom volunIeering Fngland, RegenIs WharI, 8 All SainIs SIreeI, London N1

Price 35 plus 2.95pp includes a CD
Approach SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools Sample quesIionnaires are included
Use oI case
Case sIudy examples included
LisIs addiIional

Size 130pp
DescripIion 1he IoolkiI has been designed and IesIed Io assess Ihe impacI oI
volunIeering on volunIeers, organisaIions, users and Ihe communiIy.
ImpacI is measured as a change in Iive Iypes oI capiIal - physical,
human, economic, social and culIural capiIal. MosI oI Ihe IoolkiI
comprises sample quesIionnaires (in prinI and on disc} and a 'IraIIic
lighI scoring sysIem' is Iied inIo Ihe quesIionnaires. 1he IoolkiI also
explains Ihe research process, secondary daIa, sampling, inIerviews,
Iocus groups, volunIeer diaries and daIa analysis in a brieI and
readable IormaI.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 106

1iIle LFAP Ior volunIeering LFAP Ior volunIeering LFAP Ior volunIeering LFAP Ior volunIeering

Developed by ScoIIish CommuniIy DevelopmenI CenIre Ior volunIeer CenIres
Year published 2003
Developed Ior volunIeer cenIres. However Ihe model has been developed wiIh Ihe
poIenIial Io be applied by a range oI diIIerenI sorIs oI agencies IhaI
supporI, promoIe and engage volunIeers and by volunIeers direcIly.
Available Irom LFAP (Learning, FvaluaIion and Planning}
ScoIIish CommuniIy DevelopmenI CenIre, SuiIe 329, BalIic
Chambers, 50 WellingIon SIreeI, Clasgow C2 6H!
Price Free Io download Irom Iheir websiIe:

Approach Learning, FvaluaIion and Planning; SelI-evaluaIion
PracIical Iools No
Use oI case
Fxample ouIcomes and indicaIors used
LisIs addiIional
Size 98pp
DescripIion 1his planning and parIicipaIory selI-evaluaIion Iool was developed
speciIically Ior volunIeer cenIres and oIher organisaIions engaging
wiIh volunIeers. II covers whaI is involved in volunIeer developmenI;
idenIiIying appropriaIe evaluaIion indicaIors; providing evidence oI
whaI has been done and Ihe diIIerence iI has made and aims Io help
organisaIions Io learn Irom Iheir experience.

1he documenI explains how inpuIs; processes; ouIpuIs and ouIcomes
are inIerrelaIed Ihrough Ihe planningjevaluaIion cycle. II proposes a
Iive sIep approach:
whaI needs Io change
how will we know iI iI has changed
whaI inpuIs and processes will we use Io make change happen
did we use Ihese as planned
whaI changed (wheIher inIended or noI}

A series oI diagrams demonsIraIes how core purposes and
dimensions oI volunIeering can be addressed using Ihe
LFAP Iramework.

1hese Ihree enIries have been sourced wiIh permission Irom Ihe FvaluaIion SupporI
ScoIland websiIe:
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 107

5 55 5. CreaIive Iools Ior engaging a range oI sIakeholder . CreaIive Iools Ior engaging a range oI sIakeholder . CreaIive Iools Ior engaging a range oI sIakeholder . CreaIive Iools Ior engaging a range oI sIakeholders in moniIoring and s in moniIoring and s in moniIoring and s in moniIoring and
evaluaIion evaluaIion evaluaIion evaluaIion


Involving People: a practical guide
Developed by

Voluntary Action Westminster
Year published

No date found
Developed for

Front line staff and managers of public services who want to improve
services by talking to and involving the people who use them.
Available from

Price Free to download from website.

You can contact VAW for more information:
Voluntary Action Westminster
Telephone: 020 7723 1216

Approach Participatory: user involvement
Practical tools Practical tools to involve people
Use of case
Lists additional
People to contact and more information for each tool plus useful
reading and websites

Description This easy to read guide will be useful at the point where you are ready
to choose a method to involve people.

The guide is divided into 2 main sections:
Ways of involving people one-off
Ways of involving people on-going

The last section looks at supporting people in involvement.

1iIle Me and my world Me and my world Me and my world Me and my world

Developed by NFCF (NaIional FvaluaIion oI 1he Children's Fund}
Year published 2004
Developed Ior 1he book is primarily designed as an evaluaIion Iool wiIh younger
age groups wiIhin Ihe Children's Fund Io gaIher daIa abouI how Ihe
Fund has impacIed on children's lives. II could be adapIed Io use by
oIher organisaIions and pro|ecIs working wiIh children.
ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 108
Available Irom NaIional FvaluaIion oI Children's Fund

Price Downloadable Ior Iree Irom publicaIions, oIher resources secIion oI
NFCF websiIe
Approach ParIicipaIory
PracIical Iools 1his is a workbook Ior children Io compleIe eiIher on Iheir own or
wiIh someone Io record Iheir views and Ieelings
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size 27pp
DescripIion A simple workbook Ior children Io Iill in order Io gaIher inIormaIion
and use as a sIarIing poinI Ior conversaIions wiIh children and young
people abouI whaI Ihey Ieel is imporIanI in Iheir lives. II has been
developed as someIhing IhaI children can compleIe so IhaI NFCF can
gaIher daIa abouI how Ihe Children's Fund has impacIed on
children's lives. 1he children and young people will Ihen be able Io
keep Ihis book as a record oI Iheir involvemenI in Ihe naIional
evaluaIion pro|ecI.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 109

1iIle My gardening My gardening My gardening My gardening diary diary diary diary

Developed by NFCF (NaIional FvaluaIion oI 1he Children's Fund}
Year published 2005
Developed Ior Children's Fund FnvironmenIal pro|ecIs
Available Irom NaIional FvaluaIion oI Children's Fund
Price Downloadable Ior Iree Irom publicaIions, oIher resources secIion oI
NFCF websiIe
Approach ParIicipaIory
PracIical Iools 1he whole book is a diary Ior children Io compleIe.
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size 9pp 9pp 9pp 9pp
DescripIion A simple bookleI in diary IormaI produced by NFCF Io record
children's involvemenI in a summer environmenIal pro|ecI. A good
example oI how simple clip arI can be used and adapIed as a creaIive
way oI gaIhering children's views and evaluaIion daIa.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 110


Evaluation Cookbook: Updated Publication

Developed by

Angus McCabe, Katrice Horsley for the National Evaluation of the
Childrens Fund
Year published

2005; updated April 2008
Developed for

Anyone working with children and families
Available from The Evaluation Cookbook is no longer available as a web based
resource. A revised and extended version of the Cookbook is available

Price $33.95
Approach Participatory
Practical tools Yes
Use of case
Lists additional

Description This is an invaluable resource for those wishing to consult with
children and families. It contains 21 participatory evaluation exercises
for use with children, young people and families/community groups.
Attractively and clearly presented, the exercises are very easy to use
and come with suggestions for use and instructions on how to create
the equipment needed. These tools can be used in a variety of
informal and formal settings and most of the exercises are suitable for
use with disabled children or children with special needs, as well as
people with English as a second language.

The book also explores why, how and where participatory research
and evaluation should take place and provides suggestions on how
the findings can be presented in imaginative ways.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 111

1iIle 1he FvaluaIion game 1he FvaluaIion game 1he FvaluaIion game 1he FvaluaIion game

Developed by 1he Scarman 1rusI
Year published NjA
Developed Ior Anyone wishing Io moniIor and evaluaIe Iheir pro|ecIs
Available Irom 1he Scarman 1rusI, 6 CreaI Clowes SIreeI, SalIord M7 1RF. 1el: 0161
834 7841.

Price 1he kiI is parI oI a Iraining package. ConIacI Ihe Scarman 1rusI Ior
more deIails.
Approach Ceneral moniIoring and evaluaIion

PracIical Iools A monopoly sIyle board game is used Io inIroduce Ihe imporIance oI
evaluaIion. 1he kiI includes a range oI Iools such as a posIer sIyle
evaluaIion Io a proIessionally sIrucIured reporI.
Use oI case
LisIs addiIional
Size NjA
DescripIion A kiI Io encourage people Io moniIor and evaluaIe Iheir pro|ecIs
using a seI oI Iools and IemplaIes enabling groups Io evaluaIe Iheir
progress and impacI. II is parI oI a Iraining package.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 112

6 66 6. UseIul websiIes . UseIul websiIes . UseIul websiIes . UseIul websiIes

WebsiIes conIaining moniIoring and evaluaIion resources WebsiIes conIaining moniIoring and evaluaIion resources WebsiIes conIaining moniIoring and evaluaIion resources WebsiIes conIaining moniIoring and evaluaIion resources

Care Services ImprovemenI Care Services ImprovemenI Care Services ImprovemenI Care Services ImprovemenI
ParInerships ParInerships ParInerships ParInerships

1his siIe is dedicaIed Io Ihe OuIcomes NeIwork, which
IosIers exchange oI inIormaIion and muIual supporI Io
Ihose implemenIing ouIcomes approaches in Ihe social
care Iield, building on research and developmenI work
underIaken by Ihe Social Policy Research UniI aI Ihe
UniversiIy oI York. UseIul Ior Ihose wanIing Io keep abreasI
wiIh ouIcomes and public secIor commissioning.

Comm Comm Comm CommuniIy FvaluaIion uniIy FvaluaIion uniIy FvaluaIion uniIy FvaluaIion
NorIhern Ireland (CFNI} NorIhern Ireland (CFNI} NorIhern Ireland (CFNI} NorIhern Ireland (CFNI}

CFNI provides a range oI services in moniIoring and
evaluaIion Io Ihe volunIary, communiIy and sIaIuIory

1he websiIe conIains a publicaIions caIalogue lisIing over
200 IiIles, including evaluaIion IiIles. II also conIains links
Io oIher useIul websiIes. II also has an FAQ secIion on
moniIoring and evaluaIion.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Service ChariIies FvaluaIion Service ChariIies FvaluaIion Service ChariIies FvaluaIion Service

CFS provides inIormaIion, advice and Iraining on qualiIy
and evaluaIion sysIems Ior Ihe volunIary secIor and
communiIy secIor and iIs Iunders. 1he websiIe answers
some basic quesIions:
WhaI is moniIoring7
WhaI is evaluaIion7
Why evaluaIe7

II provides inIormaIion on Ihe NaIional OuIcomes
Programme, IogeIher wiIh 14 downloadable worked case
examples demonsIraIing aims, ob|ecIives, ouIpuIs,
ouIcomes and Iheir indicaIors. 1here is a range oI oIher
downloadable resources and deIails oI Iraining and IurIher
publicaIions available Io help organisaIions wiIh Iheir
moniIoring and evaluaIion. Downloadable publicaIions
include: FirsI SIeps in MoniIoring and FvaluaIion and Your
Pro|ecI and iIs OuIcomes.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 113

FvaluaIion SupporI ScoIland FvaluaIion SupporI ScoIland FvaluaIion SupporI ScoIland FvaluaIion SupporI ScoIland

FvaluaIion SupporI ScoIland provides specialisI supporI
across ScoIland Io volunIary organisaIions and Iheir
Iunders Io help Ihem Io evaluaIe and learn.

1he websiIe conIains downloadable supporI guides on
various aspecIs oI moniIoring and evaluaIion:
ClariIying your aims, ouIcomes and acIiviIies.
Developing and using indicaIors.
Using inIerviews and quesIionnaires Io evaluaIe your
Using visual approaches Io evaluaIe your pro|ecI.
Using phoIographic Iechnology Io evaluaIe your
Using audio and communicaIions Iechnology Io
evaluaIe your pro|ecI
CeIIing Ihe besI Irom exIernal consulIanIs

II also includes downloadable Iools Ior planning your
evaluaIion and collecIing inIormaIion and a resource pack
Ior beIriending and menIoring organisaIions.

Homeless OuIcomes Homeless OuIcomes Homeless OuIcomes Homeless OuIcomes

1his websiIe, published by London Housing FoundaIion as
parI oI iIs ouIcomes programme, has been developed Io
provide a one-sIop resource Ior homelessness agencies who
are inIeresIed in Iaking an ouIcomes approach Io Iheir

II includes maIerial Io help agencies develop and deepen
Iheir undersIanding oI Ihe ouIcomes approach and
includes Ihe new OuIcomes SIar, a Iool Ior measuring Ihe
ouIcomes oI work wiIh homeless people.

InIrac InIrac InIrac InIrac

InIrac is a nonproIiI organisaIion working in Ihe
inIernaIional developmenI and relieI secIor.

IIs resource daIabase conIains a wide range oI resources on
inIernaIional developmenI. 1here are a range oI resources
available on research and approaches, evaluaIion and
impacI assessmenI.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 114

M&F News M&F News M&F News M&F News

1his websiIe is parIicularly relevanI Io inIernaIional aid and
developmenI organisaIions. II provides a link Io Ihe mande
news mailing lisI, providing inIormaIion on meIhods, Iools
and approaches. II also links Io Ihe MosI SigniIicanI Change
e-group and Io oIher specialisI moniIoring and evaluaIion

Proving and improving Proving and improving Proving and improving Proving and improving

1he qualiIy and impacI IoolkiI websiIe Ior social
enIerprises. 1he websiIe provides personalised advice
Ihrough Ihe 'my IoolkiI' secIion where organisaIions can
geI a diagnosis and suggesIions oI acIions Ihey can Iake
sIraighI away. 1he 'my impacI map' helps you sIarI
measuring whaI maIIers. 1here are pracIical Iools and
guides Io download and a 'Iools charI' Io help you compare

Resources Ior MeIhods in Resources Ior MeIhods in Resources Ior MeIhods in Resources Ior MeIhods in
FvaluaIion and Social Research FvaluaIion and Social Research FvaluaIion and Social Research FvaluaIion and Social Research

1his siIe links Io online books, manuals and guides abouI
evaluaIion and social research meIhods, such as surveys,
observaIions and oIhers. 1here are also links Io siIes abouI
daIa qualiIy, sIaIisIical analysis, and Iree soIIware such as
sIaIisIical, oIIice suiIes, spreadsheeIs and more.

UniIed Kingdom FvaluaIion UniIed Kingdom FvaluaIion UniIed Kingdom FvaluaIion UniIed Kingdom FvaluaIion
SocieIy SocieIy SocieIy SocieIy

1he UKFS exisIs Io promoIe and improve Ihe Iheory,
pracIice, undersIanding and uIilisaIion oI evaluaIion and
iIs conIribuIion Io public knowledge and Io promoIe cross-
secIor and cross-disciplinary dialogue and debaIe.

1he websiIe provides good pracIice guidelines Ior
evaluaIors and has an online resource giving links Io oIher
useIul publicaIions or organisaIions working in Ihe Iield oI
moniIoring and evaluaIion.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 115

1he 1he 1he 1he Urban InsIiIuIe: CenIer on Urban InsIiIuIe: CenIer on Urban InsIiIuIe: CenIer on Urban InsIiIuIe: CenIer on
NonproIiIs and PhilanIhropy NonproIiIs and PhilanIhropy NonproIiIs and PhilanIhropy NonproIiIs and PhilanIhropy

1he CenIer on NonproIiIs and PhilanIhropy, along wiIh Ihe
CenIer Ior WhaI Works, in Ihe US, has developed a common
ouIcomes Iramework Io help sIandardise approaches Io
perIormance measuremenI in Ihe non-proIiI secIor. 1his
Iramework provides ouIcomes and ouIcome indicaIors in
14 program areas.
AdulI FducaIion and Family LiIeracy
AIIordable Housing
AssisIed Living
Business AssisIance
CommuniIy Organising
Fmergency shelIer
FmploymenI 1raining
HealIh Risk ReducIion
PerIorming ArIs
Prisoner Re-enIry
1ransiIional Housing
YouIh MenIoring
YouIh 1uIoring

For each program, Ihere is a sample mission sIaIemenI, an
ouIcome sequence charI, a Iable oI candidaIe program-
speciIic ouIcomes, and daIa collecIion sIraIegies wiIh
suggesIed daIa sources Ior each ouIcome indicaIor.

All Ihe inIormaIion is available Io download aI
1he sequence charI is an MS Word documenI and Ihe Iable
is an MS Fxcel spreadsheeI. 1he program reporIs are
available as PDFs.

UniIed Way UniIed Way UniIed Way UniIed Way

UniIed Way oI America's OuIcome MeasuremenI Resource
NeIwork oIIers inIormaIion, downloadable documenIs, and
links Io resources relaIed Io Ihe idenIiIicaIion and
measuremenI oI program and communiIy level ouIcomes.

ChariIies FvaluaIion Services M&F Resource Cuide 116
WebsiIes providing inIormaIion abouI online and published resources on WebsiIes providing inIormaIion abouI online and published resources on WebsiIes providing inIormaIion abouI online and published resources on WebsiIes providing inIormaIion abouI online and published resources on
moniIoring and evaluaIion moniIoring and evaluaIion moniIoring and evaluaIion moniIoring and evaluaIion

CommuniIy Building CommuniIy Building CommuniIy Building CommuniIy Building
Resource Fxchange Resource Fxchange Resource Fxchange Resource Fxchange

1his siIe is Ior anyone who works on Ihe problems oI
disIressed neighbourhoods and Ihe problems oI poor
children and Iamilies. II is parIicularly IargeIed Io Ihose
who are inIeresIed in Ihe emerging Iield oI communiIy
building approaches Io neighbourhood developmenI. 1his
siIe oIIers a varieIy oI resources, including arIicles Irom
academic |ournals, reporIs, evaluaIions, case sIudies, and
links Io oIher InIerneI siIes oIIering relaIed resources.

FvaluaIion SupporI FvaluaIion SupporI FvaluaIion SupporI FvaluaIion SupporI
ScoIland ScoIland ScoIland ScoIland

1his siIe provides an excellenI secIion on published and
online IoolkiIs and guides, wiIh brieI descripIions oI each
one. 1he resources are grouped wiIhin subsecIors.

SIaII educaIional SIaII educaIional SIaII educaIional SIaII educaIional
developmenI developmenI developmenI developmenI
associaIion (SFDA} associaIion (SFDA} associaIion (SFDA} associaIion (SFDA}

1his siIe provides a lisI oI online publicaIions including
Iools Ior assessmenI, guidance noIes on carrying ouI
evaluaIions and oIher online publicaIions.

UniIed Kingdom UniIed Kingdom UniIed Kingdom UniIed Kingdom
FvaluaIion SocieIy FvaluaIion SocieIy FvaluaIion SocieIy FvaluaIion SocieIy

1his page on Ihe UKFS websiIe has a secIion on online
resources such as publicaIions, IoolkiIs and useIul

1he Urban InsIiIuIe: 1he Urban InsIiIuIe: 1he Urban InsIiIuIe: 1he Urban InsIiIuIe:
CenIer on NonproIiIs CenIer on NonproIiIs CenIer on NonproIiIs CenIer on NonproIiIs
and PhilanIhropy and PhilanIhropy and PhilanIhropy and PhilanIhropy

1his page oI Ihe websiIe includes addiIional online
resources on ouIcome measuremenI.

UniversiIy oI Dublin, UniversiIy oI Dublin, UniversiIy oI Dublin, UniversiIy oI Dublin,
CenIre Ior NonproIiI CenIre Ior NonproIiI CenIre Ior NonproIiI CenIre Ior NonproIiI
ManagemenI ManagemenI ManagemenI ManagemenI

1his siIe conIains a seI oI pracIiIioner papers on diIIerenI
aspecIs oI evaluaIion. II also has a very useIul bibliography
on nonproIiI evaluaIion.

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