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TH OF P EVERLASTING WATERS ETHANIM: THE MONTH OF EVERLASTING WATERS THE 7TH MONTH OF THE BIBLICAL CALENDAR IS THE MOST PROPHETIC MONTH OF THE YEAR. The month of Tishri meaning “beginning” was used after the Babylonian captivity but is known in the Bible as Ethanim (1 Kings 8:2) which ‘means living or everlasting waters. With Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkoth (Feast of Tabernacles) being celebrated this ‘month, there isa lot to unpack, but not to worry, Adonai is speaking clearly and plainly for all to understand, This is a month of fruitfulness, justice, uprooting, transition, flowing, and celebration. What you may have thought was the new year is much much more, and it is very important to understand why in order to align with the Biblical times and seasons of the Most High. AFTER CONNECTING THE DOTS OF WHAT SCRIPTURE HAS TO SAY ABOUT THIS 7TH MONTH OF ETHANIM, WE WILL SEE HOW PERFECT AND TIMELESS ADONAI'S PLANS ARE, AND HOW IT'S ALL IN THE WORD. To best understand this month, however, we must first have a solid foundation for the reason we as believers celebrate the High Holidays, what they were for, what each ‘means today, and what they are a rehearsal for in the future. YOM TERUAH (Feast of Trumpets) YOM KIPPUR (Day of Atonement) Was celebrated in remembrance of the laws and covenant that Israel made with Adonai at Mount Sinai that began with Elohim descending on Mount Sinai with thunder and flashes of lightning, and a thick cloud was on the mountain, and a very loud blast was sounded on a ram’s horn (Exodus 19-24), TODAY IT IS A CELEBRATION OF THE COMING RETURN OF YESHUA AS KING OVER ALL THE EARTH and the first resurrection of those dead in Christ who will be made incorruptible and the living who will be changed at the final trumpet (/ Thessalonians 4:16, 1 Corinthians 15-51-52, Revelation 11:15) Used fo be the day that the Israelites sacrificed ome goat for the sin offering (Scapegoat) of the nation and let the other goat go into the uninhabited wilderness, (Leviticus 16:10). YESHUA CAME AS THE SIN OFFERING TO ATONE FOR THE SINS OF THE WORLD (SCAPEGOAT) AND WAS RESURRECTED TO THE RIGHT HAND OF ‘THE FATHER while satan continues to roam and be the ruler of the earth, (1 John 2:2, Mark 16:19, 2 Corinthians 4:4), but Yeshua has authority over satan as do we through His blood which defeated sin and death, Yom Kippur is a rehearsal of the day after Yeshua returns to rule and reign and will banish satan into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years (Revelation 201-3). SUKKOT (Feast of Tabernacles) In Old Testament times, the Israelites would gather in Jerusalem and dwell in small huts oor tents made from the leafy branches of trees, and rejoice in the worship of Adonai (Leviticus 23:40) commemorating the times in the wilderness after the Exodus of Egypt. This is still practiced in Israel. YESHUA TOLD HIS DISCIPLES TO CELEBRATE SUKKOT AND HE HIMSELF DID AS WELL (John 7:2-14) declaring on the last day of the feast of Tabernacles the temple, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink! He who believes in ‘Me, as the Seripture has said, ‘From his innermost being will flow continually rivers of living water?” (John 7:37-38). ‘Today we celebrate that Yeshua promised He will never leave us nor forsake us and celebrate the everlasting waters He promised that day (The Holy Spirit) in us. WE ARE CELEBRATING THE NEW MILLENNIUM TO COME WHEN YESHUA REIGNS FROM ZION. (Zechariah 14:9,16-21 and Revelation 20:1-6). EPHRAIM: Fruitful GATHERING THE NATIONS ‘THE TRIBE OF THE 7TH MONTH IS EPHRAIM THE YOUNGEST OF JOSEPH'S TWO SONS, WHO ALTHOUGH BEING THE YOUNGEST RECEIVED THE INHERITANCE OF THE FIRSTBORN WHEN JACOB PROPHESIED OVER THEM. (Genesis 48:16-19). The meaning of Ephraim is “fruitful” and this is speaking directly to the remnant in this day and hour. Joseph said he named him Ephraim because Adonai had made him fruitful inthe land of his suffering (Genesis 41:52). supposed to be a time of suffering, are receiving understanding, and provision now for the times that are coming like the 7 ‘golden years of Joseph when he stored the record harvests for the famine to come that enabled him to feed a starving world. WHILE THE WORLD SAYS RECESSION, ADONAI IS SAYING BE FRUITFUL Jacob prophesied that Ephraim would become a multitude of nations (Genesis 46:19), and MOSES PROPHESIED THAT EPHRAIM WOULD REACH EVEN TO ‘THE ENDS OF THE EARTH (Deuteronomy 33:17). Not only has Ephraim made it to the ends of the earth but so has the Gospel of Peace. Knowing it has reached the ends of the earth, it must also retum to Jerusalem from where it came. Now, however, during this coming Sukkot, Israel has declared a Jockdown, meaning all the nations who normally come up to Jerusalem from the ends of | the earth will not be able. It will however allow more nations than ever before to celebrate together at the same time online hosted fro Jerusalem, spreading awareness to the global Body of Messiah just how important this gathering of the nations is, and THE FACT THAT IT WILL BE CELEBRATED EVEN IN THE MILLENNIAL REIGN OF YESHUA (Zechariah 14:16). Even when the world says shut down, Adonai says gather, so we shall gather and worship the King of kings in Spirit and truth. World or KINGDOM? EPHRAIM WAS RAISED IN EGYPT BUT WAS AN ISRAELITE BY BLOOD, THEN BECAME A TRIBE OF ISRAEL WITH HIS BROTHER MANASSEH. In parallel, we have all been raised in the world, but redeemed by the blood of Yeshua into a global kingdom famil So this month remembe val beings in a human body, not the other way around, lest we keep giving the excuse that wwe are only human. We do not agree withthe fear, worry, doubt, division, anxiety, and hatred that the world tells us we should live in. THAT IS NOT THE KINGDOM MINDSE Joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control does not come from the world, but from the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) we live in this world but not of it, and we are spiri As citizens of heaven, our lov WE ARE A NEW CREATION, AND THIS IS A TIME WHEN WE ARE BEING SHAKEN, MOLDED, AND SHARPENED TO REALIZE THAT EVERYTHING WE NEED IS ALREADY PROVIDED WHEN WE DEPEND ON OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN. In the end, itis all for His glory, and everything we have is because He has given it, and when we die, it will be of no use or benefit, but only the things which are eternal will las. This month as we rate the present vietory we have in Yeshua’s death and resurrection, and as we look toward the prophetic future of satan banished while Yeshua rules and reigns for 1,000 years, now is the time to get our perspective straight, Now is the time to blow the trumpet and break through the airwaves with true worship declaring YHWH!s kingdom come and will be done on earth as itis in heaven, Mozanaim: JUSTICE ‘THE HEAVENS PROCLAIM THE GLORY OF ADONAI, AND THIS MONTH IS NO DIFFERENT. THE MAIN CONSTELLATION IN THE NIGHT SKY THIS MONTH IS MOZANAIM, THE WEIGHING SCALES, THAT SYMBOLIZE JUSTICE, BUT WHAT IS JUSTICE? Is tthe thunderbolt that strikes the sinner or the fire that falls from the sky ‘to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Yeshua gives us a perfect example during Sukkoth of how to be a good judge. As opinions and accusations get louder and louder we need this now more than ever. In the middle of Sukkoth, the crowd was accusing Yeshua of having healed a man on Shabbat, and He said, “If to avoid breaking the Law of Moses, ‘aman undergoes circumcision on the Sabbath, why are you angry with Me for making ‘4 man’s whole body well on the Sabbath? Do not judge by appearance [superficially ‘and arrogantly], but judge fairly and righteously” (John 7:23-24). Yeshua did not judge them in the manner of damnation, that’s not why He came but simply pointed ‘out their hypocrisy which made it clear they were in the wrong. Prepare yourselt this month for hypocritical voices to be at a fever pitch, but also be careful not to be one, ‘The Mozanaim, the weighing scales remind us of the price YESHUA PAID FOR OUR SINS TO BE FORGIVEN, AND THAT PRICE WAS PAID SO THAT WE WOULDN'T BE SLAVES TO THE WORLD, BUT SLAVES TO HIM (7 Corinthians 7:23). In other \words, don’t live according to man but according to Yeshua. Lastly, in order to live like Him, we have to be kings like He is aking. “Just as the Son of M an did not come 10 be served, but to serve.” To operate as priests and kings is to be one who serves, not centtled to better treatment, nicer things, or greeted with a smile, but to serve people knowing their salvation is on the line. Ethanim: EVERLASTING WATERS DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE TIMING OF ADONAI HE IS ALWAYS ON TIME AND HIS FEASTS ARE FIXED, MARKERS OF THE TIMES AND SEASONS WE ARE LIVING IN, AND ETHANIM THE 7TH MONTH HAS ALWAYS BEEN A TIME OF GREAT HAPPENINGS IN THE WORD OF GOD. King Solomon transferring the Ark of the Covenant from the Tabernacle of David to the First Temple (7 Kings 8) happened this month, a similar but opposite transition ‘of the Body of Messiah today. Instead of inviting us into a fixed building like the First ‘Temple, the Father is inviting the church to the people instead of the people to the ‘church. He is calling us to be the moving Body in the Tabernacle of David once more, ‘conquering the land one saved soul ata time. This is the month that Ezra, stood in front of the Water Gate reading the people the Law which they had long turned from ‘during the exile in Babylon, reminding them not to weep because today there is a feast to celebrate and to rejoice as Adonai has called us to do so (Ezra 8). The world is ‘weeping and in bondage, but the Truth will set them free. All of the thousands of feast days celebrated during Ethanim pointed to one especially important day. YESHUA, STOOD UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TEMPLE complex and addressed everyone during the biggest celebration of the year, AND SPOKE ABOUT THE RIVERS OF WATER THAT WOULD FLOW CONTINUALLY FROM THOSE WHO BELIEVED IN HIM, He was speaking about the Holy Spirit that was to be given once He had ascended to the throne (John 7:39). ‘THIS IS THE MONTH OF THE PROMISE OF THE COMFORTER, THE COUNSELOR, THE REVEALER, THE VERY SPIRIT OF YHWH DWELLING WITHIN US. For many believers, the Holy Spirit is just something required to have and when we get it, that’s it, we are good to go. This could not be farther from reality, especially because this is no time to live off of the teachings of men, but of the Holy Spirit. Why? “No one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the [Holy] Spirit who is from God, so that we may know and understand the [wonderful] things freely given to us by God” (I Corinthians 2:11-13). Truly everlasting waters. Paul goes om to tll us that “the spiritual man {the spiriually mature Believer] judges all things (questions, examines and applies what the Holy Spirit reveals)” (I Corinthians 2:15). There is alot of noise out there, plenty of tradition, ots of religion, ‘each person, politician, business, corporation with an angle, a scheme, and plenty of prophets saying a hundred different things. There is One we can trust to give us the ‘whole Truth though, the One who knows the Mind of the Creator. Now more than ‘ever, brothers and sisters, WE MUST BE IN CONSTANT COMMUNICATION WITH ‘THE HOLY SPIRIT WITH THE TEACHINGS AND PROPHETIC WORDS, DREAMS, AND VISIONS BEING CONFIRMATION instead ofthe absolute voice of truth Since the time of Adam until Yeshua, the Father has been eagerly waiting to give us ‘he gift of the Holy Spirit. Now 2.000 years have passed and before we know it Yeshua. will return, In this month of the Holy Spirit, when we celebrate the miraculous promises ‘of Adonai of the past, present, and future, be sure to turn the everlasting water on full blast. Let the river flow from within you like the River of Life that will flow from ‘Yeshua’s throne in the new millennium to come. Drink the spiritual “drano” to unclog anything that is stopping the flow, repent, move forward, and watch the gardens around you grow as the river goes with the flow of the Mind of YHWH Himself. THE CALL Like Ephraim, be fruitful this month living the reality of the promises of Adonai, like Joseph living in Egypt but not an Egyptian, LIKE EPHRAIM RAISED AN EGYPTIAN, BUT ADOPTED INTO ISRAEL. You are a citizen of heaven, “Be a ‘beacon of justice, do not judge by appearance [superficially and arrogantly, but judge Jairly and righteously” (John 7:23-24). ‘Take this time of transition in your life in stride, don’t try to work against it even though it may be uncomfortable, but embrace it knowing it is leading you into your destiny. ‘The transition isnot the only individual, but for the global Body of Messiah as @ whol Will we go back to normal or is it pretty clear Adonai is telling us we are transitioning into the new normal? Not the new normal of the world, but the new normal of the Kingdom. Both will happen, but which one will you be a part of IT IS TIME TO CELEBRATE THE FEAST OF ADONAI, NOT IN A RELIGIOUS WAY, BUT LED BY ‘THE HOLY SPIRIT according to what they mean now for the Body of Messiah and prophetically for what isto come. ‘Whether it be online or in-person le’s go up to Zion, every tribe, tongue, and nation to celebrate! Lastly if you didn’t know before, now you know, ofall the months on the Biblical calendar, Ethanim is the time to flow, like blow up the dam type of flow, when the Holy Spirit and yourself are best friends instead of an acquaintance from a Jong time ago. GET ALONE WITH ADONAL then get together with at least two or three in His Name to worship Him in Spirit and Truth, get in the Word, and be activated in the 9 Fruits and gifts ofthe Spirit. There isan army rising up in the nati shaking off the dust, and being revived. Yeshua is alive and He is coming soon! t PP i ne Eure tigen ty pT) f Meza) Shabbat, Prophetic Times and Eeeane air 000000006 came TT

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