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Bio Outline 1. Opening Paragraph a. Vaccines esp.

swine flu ones are used so much and what they can do i. Prevent swine flu ii. Either nasal or shot b. Some think they are dangerous i. Makes them not get it c. Live and inactivated are the two types i. Live is a live albeit weakened vaccine ii. Inactivated is completely dead d. I feel that they are safe and a live vaccine should be taken 2. Info paragraph a. Important words and phrases i. Recombinant
1. one created by recombinant DNA technology

a. the genetic material produced when segments of DNA from different sources are joined to produce recombinant DNA. ii. Intranasal 1. occurring within or administered through the nose. iii. Efficacy 1. capacity for producing a desired result or effect; effectiveness: a remedy of great efficacy. iv. Inactivated 1. Immunology. to stop the activity of (certain biological substances). v. Attenuated
1. a vaccine prepared from live microorganisms or viruses cultured under adverse conditions leading to loss of their virulence but retention of their ability to induce protective immunity

vi. Titre 1. the dilution of a serum containing aspecific antibody at which the solution just retains a specific activity (as neutralizing or precipitating an antigen) which it loses at any greater dilution titer of 1:1024> vii. G.M.T. 1. Geometric mean titre viii. Challenge virus 1. a virus intrudced into a test subject to find out the esistance of the subject, often used to test if a vaccine worked. b. 3. Effectiveness a. Live or inactivated 1. Restate live is attenuated 2. How inactivated is dead

ii. Clark study 1. 128 volunteers 4 groups 2. 3 inactivated one activated 3. Measured the titres of both at various points 4. inactivated went up higher at first but went down a. while where higher then attenuated live the sharp decline made it look like it would probably go down more 5. live attenuated went down a tiny bit a. was lower but hardly declined at all from months 1 to 8 so would probably stay that way. 6. 30-40 titres about 50 chance of immunity b. Powers study Adult part 1. CAIV-T and TIV frozen single dose inranasal attenuated 2. 4561 adults participated a. randomized 2:1 actual to placebo 3. Data on adverse effects was recorded at seven days and in subjects journals 4. CAIV-T had 85% efficiacy a. Againsist challenge of eitherv H1, H3, B viruses 5. TIV had 71% efficiacy 6. Vaccine was found to significantly reduce severe febrile illness and days of febrile upper-respitory illness a. Also lower rates of absenteeism b. Health care provider visits c. Use of prescription antibiotics d. Non prescription medicine 7. All this in a year a year where the predominant circulating strain was a/Sydney/05/97 (H3N2) was not well matched for the vaccine c. Powers Study Children i. 1602 children between 15 and 71 months 1. Given either CAIV-T 2. 85% (1358) where revaccinated with either the placebo or CAIV-T 3. A Parralel study was run by Vanderbuilt university at the same time a. This was with #1 seronegative children from 6-18 months given the recommended amount of TIV (two doses) b. To test against them the Powers study chose 25 initially seronegative children that had gotten CAIV-T against them 4. No adverses Efects where reported a. Transient minor symptoms of respitory illness where present after dose 1 of year 1 more

vaccinated children reltive to placebo vaccinated children exhibited minor respitory symptoms i. Rhinorroea or nasal congestion on days 2,3,8,9 post vaccine 1. also lowgrade fever and decresed activity on day two ii. Revaccibation caused no significant differences in Rhinorrhoea fever or decreased activity iii. 5. The CAIV-T had very high efficacy a. 95% against H3N2 and 91% against B ii. d. 4. Saftey paragraph a. b. People often talk about the retraced study i. It was retraced ii. Different vaccines c. 1976 vaccines problems i. Guillan barres syndrome ii. We now know more iii. More oversight iv. d. Fries study i. Shows that the vaccine was safe ii. the subjects reported no serious problems, just flu like symptoms e. Powers study i. Shows that the vaccine was safe ii. the subjects reported no serious problems, just flu like symptoms a. iii. f. Clark Study i. While the main goal of this study was effectiveness and efficacy no subjects reported reactions to the vaccines g. Fries Study i. A live attenuated vaccine was used on adults 18-45 1. greater then or equal to 50% reported local tenerness at the injection site a. not however signifantly more then the placebo people though i. less then or equal to 10% had local erythema or induration ii. occurred more frequently with the second dose b. some complained about fever and fatigue

2. h. 5. 6. dictionary.c 7.

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