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INSTRUCTOR'S MANUAL English Science for

Muuucmepcm8omo o6pa3o8aguemo Eayua u kama npenolvbq8a mosu y.re6uuk3a yqeduqume om auMga3uume 3acu,teuo cbc uey,ra8aue auaua ,{ulcku uk, c MameMarnu,reckunpupogo-Mau meMamu,recku npolDu,! Vqe6Huktmqe nognoMo?He ycneuiHomo ycBorBaue mepMuHoloaurma o6,racmma tsa I ua npupogo-MameMamuqecKume Eayklt.


English For





Cliffs,NewJersey 07632 Hall Englewood Prentice Regents,

= O 1989 by PRf,NTICE-EALL, INC. ADivision of Si or & schlstcr E glewood Cliffs, N.J.07632

Englishfor Science
by Frnr Zinnncrltnrn by Inc., OriginalAnrcrican Editjor Publishcd Prcnlicc-Hall, Englcwood CIilfs, Ncw Jcrscy, U.S.A. CopyrighlO 1989by Prcntice Hall, Inc. All righlsrcscrvcd. 'Ihis edilionis authorizcd forsalc only in Bulgaria ISBN0-13-0r4572-6

by This editionis publishcd Bulgaria in 1992 The OpenSociety Fund-Sofia, POB114,1 Bulgaria Sq., Solia1463, \DK ollice Bldg.. lrh Fl. l ISBN 954-520-009-X

TABLE OI CONTENTS ofMatter Tle Classifying: Conrposition

N(J .



. . .

7 9

The Comparing: Elements Chaptcr 2 . AruwcrKey Lccture . . . and Chapter3 Cause Efiect Colo.,Light, andSoud AnswcrKey . . kcturc MotionandOnvity 4 Hypothcsizing: Chaplcr ANwcr Key . Lecturc . . Defining:Enetgy chaptcr5 ArswcrKey, , Lecture ., Exemplifying: Hcnt Chapter 6 ANwerKcy. Lecture,. . S Chflptcr'7 GivingEvidel|cer oking,Dfugs,ard Alcohol tuEwcrKcy, Leclurc . Chl|plcr I Expcrine tingrElcctricityandMngnetisnr , . ..........20 ....... .,. ..

11 13
t4 16

1',7 18


.......24 .... ...26 .,.......27 ...30 ....,

Lc(ture 9 Cbapier


LiquidsandCascs Calculaling: . .

Lecture chaplcr l0

35 37

Thc Reporting: Origin of Life


L(clure Tbe chapterl1 Dcscribing: Univcrsc A n s w cK c y . r Lcctlre... The chapter12 Predicting: Weather AnswerKey. L e c t u f e. . . .. ... . ....

.41 .43

..,.......45 . ..4'7 .,.,

l d e n t i r y i n g G e n c r a l a n d S P c c l f l cI d c l ' s I L o n D c rl e a d .n r c ( u r v . s i l ! c r : n o n f c r r o u s "ubslance.

2. !!q; !.!b.v

cnnrnnsds:isids. bars!.$!5 rncrrll]sgidcs

.1. deer ma mal : cj o - n : p n o n ; r c . , : ; n r n o n d .r n o n h o u s a ; b. Rocksi Isncous,t)rclinr'rph'c. s!!!!!!!!!l!!L 7. Colfee. te.. oaint: colluids

8. e!4, v99g'!4; 1!9.b

Tra.slorrlng Inlbrmarion

jg ro.--n""r"1"-"-id",a*try!!s!rql!!a!!,4p:tllbi!-ir

comDounds e. Sa]ts:irrorea,ria




silimr gcrnraiuor

()pPer aI u n i n i u


(Answars vary) wlll S.ntanccs CoD:platlng 5. l. catcgorics 6. 2. dividcd,clsscs 'T 3. typ 8. 4. classcd

groupcd, classilicalions clnssilicd c tego(izcd kind

Yolco ActlvcVolcoto Passivc ChonSlng rock. froN volcaric 1. Sulfur cxtmctcd is by 2. TheelcctricbatlcrywasiDvcnted Luigi Galva i l?86. altcr the wrs lerrporarily susperded 3. Thc ANcricanspice shutlleprogram 1986. accidcnt ir in 4. TbePara a canalwascompleted 1914 in werekillcd by thc 1986oanhquakc Mcxico Cily. Many pcople 5. 6. Nitrogencanbe erlmclcdlmln the air by liqucfication. in by is ?. Bnctcria destfoyed thc whitecorp!sclcs thc blood causcd meleors by 8 Thc crateNon lhemoonwcrcProbnbly togetbcr' classified planlsandanimals sonrctimcs arc 9. Sirrple,one"celled to ofa conrPutcr initate lluy be dcfiredasthe capacity 1O Artificial inlelligcncc buIIlarreasoning.

Usingthe Passlve Volce 1. ale expelled 2. wcrecalculated 3. wasdiscovercd 4. wasproduced (readlng vocabulary Context In skllls) 1. a 2.a 3.^ 4.b 5.a 6.a

5. 6. 7. 8.

is manufactured is called, needed are is controlled wasproposed

1.b 8.a 9.4 1 0 .b 11.b 1 2 .a

(Answers thc wlllvrry) Undcrstrndlng Rcadlng 1. Atonlsareevensnlallcr thrn molccules. 2. TIreconcept oflhe alom originated ancicntGrcece. iD 3. In ancicntGreece, mnry fioplc bclicvcdin Aristollo'sthcorythatnmlteris con'poscd lburclcmcrts. of 4. Duringthc Mjddlc Agcs,lhcatomiclhcorywascollsidcrcd abstl"ctandwas too rejectcd, 5. Joln Dalton lhougbl alo s wcrcsolid. lhat 6. Thc sizeof thc nuclus insidcan nlo|lris cornpnrnblc thcsizc ofan ant on a 10 footballficld, packcd 7. Alomsconsisl mai y ol spacc witb a dcnscly nuolcus. havcno clcclricchnrgc. 8. Nculrons protonscqualsthc 9. E"1ch lo is rculnlbccllusc numtlcrofits thc nun$crofils 10. Nicls Bohr proposcd modclof thc ator wilh thc clcclrolrs u rcvolvingarouDd 11. Elcclmnsarc kcpl in tlcir paths theforcotattraclio belwcen protons by thc andtlre electros. 12. Theaton cnu rbcrofan ole[rcntis lhe nun$cr of electrons. 13. A.ll aloms rn clcrn(nl rc lhc\arnc. lbc ol a 14. Thcatorns ofeachclenent uniquc. arc 15. Thc hydrcgen alom js tirc mostconmlon alonl jn theunjversc. (Ustrdlng VocabullryIn Contcxt sklllt l a 6.b 2.a 7.b 3.a 8.a 4.b 9.b 1 0 .b 1 1 .a l2.a 1 3 .a

to Usingfour Notes ChssifY 1.M 2.C 1.8 5.C 6.M

7.M 8.E 9,C 10. E 1 1 -C t2. E

LECTURE: The Che|llistry of M:rtte r

1o Wc rcnd endicr h this chaplerlhat nrnllcr nHy lt chssilicd accordnrg its Plysic'l classily slateas solid,liquid, or grs. Bu( ltere is aDolhcrwayto chssify mattct Scicrrlisls ruallero th0 basisol chcrricr I coml)osilnm s clcr cnls,(on\Durrdi, nnd rlrixturcs. lh (rrr ot lf, dcconTlNcd or brckor down into ElcNc'rls are thc lxrsic sutrslanccs nrc l|!. WIut rre lhcst balic suh\trrr.cs? sim crsrlxtaflccs by oIdinflryclrc' A S o n r co f l l c c r l j c r G r e c kf h i b s o p h c ^ , ; n c l u d i t r g r i l l o l l c , b c l i e v c du ' . 1 t h c l a u r h h r s i c c l c m c n Lts r l a l l t h i n g s . r cr ) r i d co l r r c c a l , f i r c ,a i r , r n d w a l c r .B u t l l ' c s cr t r c t c ' r l Crceks wcrc philosophc$, trol scicnlisls, rtrd rs suth lhcy sF(ul.lcd bul did nol cxpcriNcnl. Durirg the Middlc Agcs, thc alclcn)ists sccrclly cxl)crir[.Dlcd wilh nrctrrls c t s , F i l l l I I y i n t h c 1 8 l hc c n t u r y t h c c r r l y c h c n r i s l d i s p r o v c dh c l h c o r yo i t l r c l ( ) r | r l c o r . n l s whc tlrcy dclcnrriucd tltrl walcr wns .onrNscd ol ltydnrgcn atrd oxygcn, I'rd air wcrc dclcnrrirrcd to $nposcd ot nilrcgc and oxygcr All(r tlat, rrn,ry i)lhc. srlNlarrccs h clctnerls, rnd tlicy wcrc cllcgorizcd ns nrclrls lnd nonnthls Mclxls nrcludccoPlrcr, cn l s i l v c r , g o l di,r c l l , l ] n d c l d . N o n n r i r l s i t r c l u d c s o l i d s , s u c h : r sr )a . n d s u l l i r r , d g r s c s ' s u ( hd o x y g c q h y d r o g c D ,i l r o g c q a n dh c l i u t r r d s o T h c l i s to l c l c n c n l sg r c wr t n d c i c t r l i s l s o k c dl i ) r . p l t l c m i n o r d c .t o u n d c r s l r n t l r i r .lrcnrisl Dnrilri Me dclccv olgtni^d rll lhc kuowtr bcbavior. ir 1869, tlc Russi.D inlo. lrblc ()llcd lhc pcrtudichblc ol ctcnrc is, accordhgto llcirwcights !nd Propcrtics, Scvcnl othcN, snfh Ils To,92 Mturil clcnrcnrshrvc brcrr iderrlilic,d. tlrc clcnrcnts. plubniu'r, luvc bccr p.oduccdadilici.lly. Mtny ol llrcsc arc cxl|el]lcly nru' ON of lhe i n l c r c s t n l g f a c oss . i c n c ei s t h L a l n r o s l r l l m r l t e r _ i o c l u d i n g t h c s c a s , P c o p l c , p l a u i s , t h c rl eanh - is crcaledfron).bout 20 couuno clcntcnrs. bul arc I{ost conuou sul.slanccs nol cletrlerrls, corrlDu ds ofclcDcnls. AconrPouftl is i subslincc th.t is ndc up ol h'r'o or tuorc clcntnts lLat cinnol be scPafllcd by l d w m e c h a n i c D t a n s . F o r c x a m p l e , a l c r c n n o n l yt s c p i n l c di r r t oh y c l r c E r r a no x v g c t r y l and snlfuric acid irc othcr Srll, sugar al.!hol. beuzctre, rpmcess known as elcctrolysis. Fnch compoundh.s Dole lhar onc lype ofalorr within each exanrflcs of corDpounds. dnd a comFmd lus ch mctcristicslhrt are dislirr!:lliom lhe chrr.clcristics of molcculc, For ib consiitucnLs. exanrflc, whcn lwo atotns ol hydlogcn conrbinc wilh o e aton oi is oxygeq an entircly ncwsubstancc lanned - HrO, oI wrlc.l Srlt is fl fonrp(rrd ofsodirnr gts Ycl srll bns nonc ol lhe wlich is rn.dive rntal, and chlorine,which is x poisouc,us

lirnuralcly: Conpounds havca constant or olcilherofthese two elements, characterisri$ anysample ofwatercontains sanepmportio of the iNariableco posiljo[ Forexample, is the hydrogcn oxygen.This callcd lawofdefinitiorconrposition. and are which are not homogenous, unifom in comf,osilion, called or Subctflnccs wood,mcks, csscntiilly ninure of nitrogen oxygcr Soil,ccrDcnt, a and mixturs. is Air of arc as Theconstituents i nixture nlayexistin aM foodproducts categorized nixlures. wilh proporLions of proponios. For xample, cakenny bc prepared diffcrctrl a different in ils lf flour,butier, eggr, sugar. al|d Also,cachingrcdicnl a n{xturerctains identjly. ther issugari4thecak, cakewi ll last tte swect.



I r UndentrMing Conpartsons 1. chrornium 2. plalirum r. coPPcr 4. gold Using r Talrle 1. b 2.b 5. zinc 6. sodium

i '

5.a 6.a '7. a 8.b

(Answers will vary) CreafingSentences of 1. Thc s0rhcc tcmperalurc Mcrcuryis lowertlrrn tlat of Verus. is tbanthatoI cat, 2. Th lite spanof I(angaroo Iess alnostlbsame flmountofcaloricr anapple. as 3, A cgghns thc of 4. Tbc diimetcrot thc carlhis aboutfour timc.s dia|nctr the moo$. 5. Elcphanls havefl longrgcst{tionpcriodthnngiraffcs. 6. ThcP (jilicOccan rnorcthnn has twiceas Inuchwateraslhe AtlaDlicoccnr. (Answerswill vary) Crerting Cornparisons and arc that 1. Tclcscopcs Nicroscopcs instrumenl-s areuscdto secobjcclsnot visiblc lo thc nakcdcyc.Tclcscopcs tsed for dista ce a d nicroscopes arc for tlirgs too snralllo scc. Sulmrrrincs shipsand nrc 2. Subn)ri cs anddolplh$ botbfu ction undcrwntcr. dolphi$ arlivirg thi'rgs. mustbc conirollcdby [urmn beings; arc llnt infonnrlion. Conrputcrs 3. Conrputc6 d cnldrlfllols bolhclccrrc' c dcviccs pn'ccrs a pnrtsscs. cn lx proganxrrcd; calc.uhto$ carnot. Olculilos fxdbnll arilhn)clicai an a'd all of Cornputcs nrrc c(rnrpicx prccess kinds nfonMtion. are witl 4. Dcscns nd j$nglcsdrcbolh lbundiu hot cli nlcs.Dcsens arid rcgions Ju with fcw livirg thitrgs. glcs rrc wcl, iropicalrcgio s ihatrre dense plants, birds, insccl-s. nniNals, nnd 5. Flolocopicrsandx-ray 'nachincs bolh reproducc ugcs, Photocopiers i ofsomcthing;x-ys pcnetrale6 srbstanceand solid rcproducc surfacc lhc rcproduce illside. the I Like and As 1 Iikc 2. as 3. as,as 4. like
5. like


vocabulary in Context(readingskillr) 6.b 1. b '7. b 2.n 8.b 3.a 9.a 10. b 5.b Skimntirg 1. c

ll. a 12. a 13. b 14. a

18. a 19. a 20. b

2. t)

Undelltanding th Reading(Anlwers will vary) and and bavcsjn lar prop.iis all ibree6re 1. Oxygcn, nitrogen, hydrogcn lo litc. essential apples woodto rot is thesameastbonethalcltuscs that 2. Thc substance causes lo tu r urown, of 3. Tlrcdccayirgof foodis an cxflmplc slow oxidatio . for 4. It is tlossible tte fir to starlspoDl:rncously. 5. Hurnr bcingscanmt liv morctbanfive ninutcswilhoutoxygen. fixrlion. cfllled 6. Nilrogcnco verlsto a frcc slllteby a process inactivc. 7. ln conlrast oxygcn,nitrogcnis comparalivcly "itrogcn to smokingwould inlpcrsiblc. bc 8. It the air wcrc purcoxygcn, bccausc is unstable. it 9. Nilroge is usedin explosivcs 10. Hydrogcn lhc rostabu dn t clcn)crtin tbc u verse. is purchydrogcn. 11. Thcsur is alNosl are rbund rl clencntinourbodicsbccruscourbodies 12. Hydrogcn ihcnrost is to hcliuuris Donl]aruuible, 13. Ir col|trast hydrogcn, in is 14. Thccssc(inli grcdicDt fcrtilizcrs nilrogcr. skilk) VocabularyiD Cortext (listennrg 6.a 1. a '7, b 2.a 8.b 3. a 4.b 9.b 5.b Urderst.ndiDg the Lecture 6.7 1.7 3. F 4.F 5.F 10. b 1 1 .a 12. b 1 3 .b

7. T 8.7 9,7

10. F 1 1 .F 1 2 .T 1 3 .F



Met:rls The Precious

wlly arcsone netals so ntuchn$revalu.blctbaqthc olhc^? Gold, silvcr' and coppcr are mclrls that have been vdhrcd lbr lbousandsof yeals for lhcif beantiiul luster, tltcir scrrcity, and lhcir usetulncssDuring thc Middle Ages, rlchc dsts scrrchcdlbr a way 1o changebasc Nclals, ljt(c lcad, into gold Thcy lhought lhal if lhey could lird tl'e riglrl lbrl|ula, lhcy could, for cxrnple, add a ccrhin anrountol tnercury1o lcrd and plod ce js gold. Even llc grc.1Sir lsaacNcMon bel;cvcdil could be doncl Why gold so vahrblc? Gold is lhe nost tlnllcable ofall lhc 'nctals llca bchanNcrcd irto shcctssotlin tMl ofa shcctofpaper' Il is rlso lbe rlosl duclile rlr't'1' 250 of lbeln would equalthc thickness Onc granrofgold can bc druwn into 6 wirc 1.8 rrilcs ir l.nglhl Gold is thc lcastchcnricilly ttctiveofalllhc mclalsand docsnol combincwith orfgcn lor lo lbrm rus(. Thjs abil;ly to rcsjst corosn,r r)ukes il v$y dunble. i c il rllay 13sL gold is too sofi lo bc uscd ir jcwclry so it 's usurlly alloycd witl) othel cer(lrics. Pure in ol nrctals. Thc proportioD gold jrr ar alloy is rrrcrrsurcd krnls. Purc gdd is 24 krnts A ot gold riflg is rn rUoy of about 58% gold ind srrlrll Pcrccnlngcs colfcr rnd 14 karats g S i l v c ri s s i r n i l i r1 ( l o l d i n m r n y w r y s . L i k c g o l d ,i t i s v c r y n l l q b l c . n d d u ( l i l er r d s o i t j s r l s o u s c dl b r j c w c l r y .S i l v c rd i l l c N l i o n rg o l di n r l u r i r i s o r o r cr c a d i v ci r d t r n i s l c d l, o ( , o w h c nc x p o s t d1 0l l c l n r c c s l s u l t u r i n l h c t r i r . S i l v c rs u l l i d c t rb h c k d c P o s ; 1o r n r s n i l s js 1oo sotl a'rd so i1 is usunlly rlloycd wilh copjtr t' urcrcrsc rts surn'cc.) Purc silvcr h r d n c s s a n d d u r l b i l i l y . S l c r l i n g s i l v c r i s 9 2 . 5 p c r . c o l s i l vd 7r 5 l r r c c l . o P P c r .S i l v c r cr . isuscdforcoinsandlbrfholog!plicIilttrbo.xusccc'tlincortrp(rtrrdsolsils cr,such v olelc(lrj(ilv known. silvcr brouridc,rcllcd ligln. Silvcr is lhc l)csl co,rdu(1or C o p p c rw a s o n c o l - t l r l i r s t r r c l . l s I o b c l v i d c l y u s c d . ' l h e l r o l ) L r l i c so l c o l ) | c r rcscurblcrlosc of silvcr ard gold. CoPl[r is uscd li)r dcttrnr wiring bcciLrscit is very l l c o d . n r l l c a b l c ,L x t r c r r c l y u c l i l c r t r c x c c l l c nfL n d t ( l o r ,t r n d c s s x P c n s i vlcr i s i l v e r . O n c o f li)r tllc pr;nciple uscsdl coptcr is to Prdduccrlloys. Prtrcco|Pcr is inrdcqLralc lools d nrchinc bccauscil is loo soli. Whcn rlloycd with tiu, howcvcr, il Irodrrccs b'o'rzc whjch is bnrdel than eitlrcr coPPcrd tini wlrcn rlloycd wilh Tinc ir lroduccs Lrnss;I'rrd whcn alloycd wnh skel, it incrcrscslle 'csisl.ncc r)i slccl lo codosi.u. Gfpcr. likc gold ind silvcr, is i bcaulilul and ftccid$ rrclal II I lns becn uscd Ibr rges lo Prcducc.oxrs' jcwelry flnd o nn'ents.


I d c n t l f y l n g C a u s ea n d E f f e c t 1. copper is heatedto 1083'C, it nrelts 2. Chansesoccur in plnns. thcy atsc'ru cncrgy-.1iq1p9g1 J . l h e r o t a t j o n orl c o n r l r a \ s n e e J l e . t b c c arn h A e t i c l l e U ! na

4.ffi.=ffi6. /. 8. q.

R u b b i t r s c o r n hw i t h a c l o t h .a n e s a l i v c h c t r i c c h a r s c a c t i s l n r o v r n ! c b a r q c d ' i r l j c l e s .l b e j o n i / a t i o o l - a l o l l s I T h c o c c r n s t i d e s , l h ce . " i r r i i . f f i T b e n r o r ei r o n i s c r n o r e dl o n r o i s la i r . l [ e [ ) o r c i r r u . L s 1 0 . C o l o r .l h c r c f l e c t i a n f l i o l r t . o

s. @ffirfi;;"*'.a

u"o"ffioi, o**t*,
1.b 2.b 3.n


RecoSDlzlDg Subordln{tlon 1. No oncwaskillcd, bccrusc

2. Wbcn. iron b.coorcs rust fcsislitrl

:. @tll,lrlrc-iutt
4. 5. 6, 7. 8,


Thc srs prcssure crcflscd, i bccnusc whcn, thc carth's gncriclic-iilliiiiv hrvc rccn rcvcrsco Air thc raleofa chcpriclllrcrclionincfclrscs Neonsivcs off liEhl,whcn U, it condcnses direciiil;a solid

UslngSubordlnrtlon (Answers vrry) wlll 1. Whcn mercury hcatcd -38.9oC, rclts. is to il 2. No sounJ bc hcarLl bcll i. \rruckin r vr(.uu'r). can ita 3. Chloropbylldisinlcgrates, leavcs luflrrcd, ow,i ndordnge. causirg to ye 4. An echois herrrd whc a sound wave reltccrs olTa nrountain. 5. Ionsarfonncd an ac;d dissolved walcr. as is in 6. I a lcnsis too tbin o. an eyeballis toosborr, pc6on lrcconEs a trrsightcd. RecognlzlnS Ctruse EftcctIn a Prragrnph and 1. Dissolving pcllclsin wntercruscdtheurtobrcakup. the 2. Stjrrj g thepcllctsspeded thc reacrior. up 3. Tbebrcaking oftle ctemical bordsotsodium hydroxidc cause{tbe releasc of energy. 4. Thc risofthe tcnpcnlurc of tle walcr wasbroughiabour lhe reteasc by of energy. 5. Theybroke intosodiuIn hydrcxide ard iors. 6. It speeded rcactior. the l4

7. A rcl, aseofenergyrcsullcd. 8. lt rai\cd thewatertempcraturc. 1.c 2.b 3.e 6.j 8.a 9.d

Vocabularyln context (rcadlngskllls) 2., a 4.b 6.b 7. a MnklngInfaronces

8,a 9.a 10. b 1 1 .b 12. b

14. 3

1, S 2. 1 3.N 4, 1 5.N 1.b 3.a 4,b 5.b 6,a

6. I 7.N 8.S 9.S 10, N

1 1 ,I 12. N 13. S 14. S 15. I

7.b 8.a 9.b 10, b 1 1 ,a t2a

V o c n b u h r y I n C o n t c x t0 l ! t c n l n g ! k l l l s )


the Ubderstandlng Lcture 1.7 2.F 4,7 6.F

7. T 8,F 10. F 1 1 .T 12. F

LECTURE: T h e M u s i co [ S o u n d
why docs a guitar sounddillcrcnt frcm a clarinct?Ard why do both soundditfc.ent lrc r trunrpct or a piano evcDwhcr tlre nole is souDded all lour hslrunrerls? The o snswercan L tbund in a'r explannlion othoiv soundis produced. Sound is prcduccd by vibmtions ir tbe air and i1 rmvels h waves.Whcn a hanuner st.ikesa ftil, tbcy both begir to vibmte. Tlle vibr.rions pushthe rotcculcs the air and in produ.! wavcs.Tlresesoundwavcs rove evcry directionin hcaasinglylargercirctc\. wller lhe wnvcs rcacfithe ear, thc crr drunrvibmlesand Derves senda ncss.gc lo tlle brain t b a t w ch q . r s s o u n d . The speddt wbich sound l.dvcls is detenninedby tfie nEdium llrough wlicb ir p.rsscs. Sourd lnvcls vcry fasl in a solid subsli oc, slowcr ir a liquid, rnd rhc stowestin tbe air. SouDdtmvels i'r thc air al 330 rctc6 per sccond,n{rch slowcr ttl.ln lhc spccd of light. Tlrat is wly wc scc Ijghrring bcforc we hearlhnndcr.Ttcre h no soundin a vacuunr b(cruse lbcrc arc o iir ltlolcculcslo vibmte. Ncxt riDrcyou're in a vrcrLrol don,r bolhcr to turn on lhc odiol Tlerc is no soundwithont trn,vcmcnr. Sound is chrftrclcrizedl)y ils pitc[ volrnrc, intersily, a d qurljty. pjlc.h rljnN ro w h c t h c r l l e s o u d i s h i g l o r i o w P i l ( h i s d e l c n i n c db y r h ct r c q u c n c y o l a o u n d n v e( o r s w how l;rst lhc wave vibftrlcs).Fd cxamplc,. violinjsr troduccs a higb pircb by shodcnjng j t h cv k l i r s k i g a n dc a u s i t l gl l o v i b f t . l c p i d l y . A c h r i n c r i sd o c sl h c s a n r b y s l o r t c n i n g n t l h . o l u r u r o l a i r . A I o n gs t r i n g o rc d u D r o f i r v i b f l r c s s l o w t y i,r d u c i g a I o w s o u n d . 'ftc volurc ofa i s d c t e n n i n c ld y r h c . n , f t i t u d co r s i z co i l h o s o u d w a v c \ .T t c . r , "n,nd grmlcr lhr rnDliludc,llrc loudcr thc sound.For ex.ruplc,whc ttrc h{ad ot a Iargc drunr ;s struc& it prcducesl rgc soundwavcswhich crcarca toudsoulld. Tl)c inlcrsily ol thc sorud rcllN (' rhc arircunlot cncrgy thc soundwavc is carryi g. I r l c i l s ; l yi s r c l . l c dt o a o r p l i t u d c ih cg r c i l c rl I c ; n r c s i l y ,t h c t o u d c r r s c c r s . r i T h c q u r l i l y o l - l l r c s o u nr c l c l st o d i l t c i c c e s i n t h c t y l ) c o l s o u r s u c l s t h c v n r i . r i o N d i tl'c son ds ot nrLrsic instrunrcnts.Tlrcsc .rc dctcrorjrEd lry rhe nrjxlurcs of tlc l vibnlions. Diffcrcnl n]strumcrlstrcduct differc coorbiI|J|ijorrs vibmrions.Thc rcsulr ot i s t l a t c a c hi D s h u o r c h r s i l s o w r t o ( q u r l i r y . T l c s t r i n g o n a v i o l i n p r u d u c c s a d i i i c r c n r t n r i x l r r co l v i b f t l i o n st h t t h c c o l u n n r o l a i r o n ! ( i r i n c l l v h i c h , i n t u r n , p , o d u c c s d j f l c r e r t vibrrtiorN lbrn thc hcad.f a dnuD. Tod.y, (.rrrpuleN arc lrci g uscd, mr o ly ro rccognirc and siNUl.rc luDran voiccs, but cvcn lo "pliy" mLrsic. synrhcsizca hurrrn voic1:, )c corrpulcr vjbraresa sp.rkcr To c o n cl o l r y t o s i m u l r i ol h c i c o u s t i c , r l w l l vp a l t c n N r c d u c r d y t b c b u n r a n o i c c . T op h y c p b v l a p i n i c u l a r p i e c e o n r u s i c , l l ec o m l r u t eir p r o g r i n n c d f o r t l c p r e c i s c j l c ha d d u a l i o s p ofeacl notc. Thcrc have cvcn bccn afte rpts lo have a compu!cr 'compose' nrlodjes by pmgmrmi g it 10nDdonrrysclccl nolestlal Iollow rulesofhrnDony and lnelody. So tnr, Mozr rt and Bcc{hovcndon't h,vc lo worry.


In ldcntlfyng Hypothcses Sntences 1.b 2.h . 3.a 4.a 5.b 6.b ' 7 .a

In Idcntlfylng Hypotheses Paragmphs time. and Time,like space molion,is rclativc;thereis no rcalor absolute Identlfylng P.obablllty 1. semit 2. couldbe 3. arethought.,.to b 4. suggests s. 6. 7. 8. appeaN asfarasweknow tbereis a theory may

Uslng Modek of Prob!blllty(Ansrers$lll vtrry) effcct"may be wanningour carlh. 1, The "gtecnhouse in cxlinct. 2, The pandas Chjnamay bc bccoming 3, fie ocean's tidesmay be slowinglherotation ofthe eartt. galaxies. 4, Ouf, nfly bc violcntly srrs cxploding maybc ddfting or movingonlbe surfrccoftbe earlh. 5. Thc contincnls 6. Tbe radioactive llout frcm nlclear testexplosions .y be bannfullo the r! fa mosphere. 7. The popuhlionofthc wodd m{y bc incrcasingat dangcrcus a rate, the 8. Compulrs may b revolutionizing industry around world. 1. 2, 3. 4. transparent tmnslafe transfusion transistor 5. 6. 7. 8. transmitled lransfefted trd$splanb transfonnd 1 6 .b 1 7 .a 1 8 ,b 1 9 .b

(readlng Vocabul!ryIn Contcxt rkllls) 6.b l.b 7,b 2,^ 3.a 8.b 9.b 4.b 5.b 1 0 .a

1 1 .a l2.a 1 3 .r 1 4 .^ 1 5 .a


Understa$ding ReadinS the 2.F 4.7 5.7 6.F 7. F (listenlnS Vocabulary Context ln skllls) 1. a 2.^ 3.^

6.F 9.7 10. T 1 1 .T 1 3 .T

7. a 8.a 9. a 10. a ll. a

6.a Understandlng Lccturo thc 1. F 2.7 4,F 5.7

6.7 7. T 8.F 9T 10.T

LBCTUREI Obeyingthe Lrw of Cravity Brlicr in the chapte., readaboutNMor's studics horizontrlInot'on.But we of was Nevnon also;ntcrcstcd vcrticrI rotion. in HcwaslookinsforanexDlanariotr lbrwht holds moonin ils o'bir.He rcponcd oned^y,whilcsir;ng in hisgarde'r, noricrJ lhc rfixt [e an apple fromthetrc.Hc bcgan speculate fall to abour howthc force ofgiivity exlcnds 10 tle topoftresandevento thc 1o[uof nrountaiN.If extends far,pefhatd exle b it tlltt it all thewayto themoon. Nc\*'lon alrcady hnd eslablisled an objecttnds nmvein a striighl line if ro lhat 1o outsjde forceaclson it. The moondoesnot nrovcin a strdight line, howevc5 nloon rnc rcvolves around eanh.NeMonm ocluded thegmvitational the that fbrccol thccadl Irclds the moonin its orbitaround arth. lhe Thissaft gnvihtionalpull holdsibe sunandUc planets thcirplaces. in NcMon detennined weightis thcgmvitatioml tlat forceorpull acling anotjecLIf on youlr.tvcl!o thc mooq themass ofyour bodywill b precjsely samc yourweiglt the btt


uill be Icss, io thepropon;onally dre srnalle.size ofthc moon.Similarly, you hnvclled il to different planets, your weightwould vary with rhe mass eacbplaneth our solar of NeMonwasablcto calculate relarivc the wciglrts ofthe sun,theearth, thcplanets and girvilrtjonalstrcnglh- greaier nassoftwo bodies, theirrelative The l.he the ry comparing gieaicris the forceofaltnction ber^,cen thcn].Thus,tle lbrceof altmclion bcrween rhe eanhanda 200-pound pe$onis glealer thanti forceofattmction bdwcenrheeadh a ard pcnon. 100-pound Gravilalional forcedepnds noronly or the nDsses ofthc lwo bodies, alsoon rhe but distance bclwccn lben. Thus, astronauls cxpcdnc weighuessnessihewaytothemoon on bcausc arcnotciose lhry enough bc affected tnegmvitalion.l of tle earth l,o pull orrhc ry Newloncxlcndcd law evcnfunhcLHe sa thatevery his id objc.t itr rheunjveneexeds a g.avitatioal pull on cvcryotherobjecl. This 'neafls you drc cxcrlirg a forceon a tlal peNonsittnrgnexl (o you, you. deskis cxcnirg a forceon your pctrc;I, lf you arc erc. wondcring wlry we don'l fccllhisforce,it is bccruse gmvilyjs only a strong forcewbena hugL body,suchastheeanh,is involvd. Ncwtonrlso explaired tidcsof lhe occ n. For lhousands lhc ofyeflIs,ir wis noliced tlnt tlerc w s a conalaliorbclween'stidesa d thc phiscsof tbemoon, no lhc but onewasalrlo cxplrin He reaso lo it cd{haljustastbecl|rlhpullsonflrenrcon,tbcmoon pullson |]lcci rlh.Thcgmvitational pr]lotlhc |lloonbasIiulccffcrron ourlandnr0sscs but ilp lls on lhe occinswhicharcfrcc1omovc. Thrs,thelaw ofgmvily rppties cverywbcrc in llc univetsc. The conccpl u ivcnill gmvitywas lhc grcalest ol mrlribulion of Isaac Ncwlor,thcnr r rnaryconsidrr1o oncol lhc grcrtesr bc lbinkcls ofallti e.


AnalJzlng Dctinitions

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8.

!!!:!9!lgl, orEanisns device,!bq!t!r4!!lq!!!!_!!9rgl!ralu!!!E

p a d o f t h e b n i n . t h a i r s t h e( c D l c ro f l ; ? s o n i n s -

lum ro anotter

subslance.tha docilroiia nJuail;;l r

studv.of the cnviionmenF (clc{tiil bod\,lhatorbits anotlercejcslial bodr

ctoua. r4@tg=!Egrq!4

i-Ar r rici

CorrectlnS Deflnltions 1. Circular dcfinilior. Bettr: scienlificthoryis a proposed A explanrlion ofwhy something occurs. 2. l,acksa chsrification. Belter: rppleis a lruil lhatis round, andabout sizcota fisr. An rcd, thc 3. Tellshowyoufeelaboutilbut rotwhrr ir is. Bctlcr: Calculusis a systcm of c?lcularion developcdtry lx,rh Newron and lxibniz. 4. Defirjtion i$ moredilTjcult thantenn bcingdctined. Bcltcr: caris anorgan hcaring. An of 5. Ncgrljvc dcfi' tior, th t is, it tcllswhatilis nor,docsn'ltcll wharit is. Beltcr: unicom a ficliotlrlhon'c A is wilhonchon in thcocntcrofils forhead. 6. L:rcks bolhchssificalion chrrictcrisrics. nnd Bctlcr: lor adois a rype A otsror with high, circulnrwjrds. 7 Lacks disljnguishingchamctcrisrics. Betler: R.diuN is a nctallicclcn)cnt is highly thal n'diorcrivc. 8. Dcscribcscomprss doesn'rdcli il. a but c Bclter: A coDrpass an iDstrurrcnt is thnr dctennincs dircctionby ufans of a mtatirg lrgnclized necdlc. 9. Givcsexarrplcs doesnot define. but Bctlcr An amphibian a crealurc cantivceilher tdnd in thesea. is that on or 1O Circl'lar detinilion. Bcttcr: supemova a starlhalsuddenly A is exptodcs, beconing much brigl erand rbengradufllly fading. 1. Protolls positively arc chirged parriclcs arecont incdinthenucteusofthe rhat 2. A black holeis anarea spiccthn! gnvitatjonalputlso in has powerlilthat nothing,not evenlight,canescape. 3. Marine biologisls scientists study animals ptants jive in rhe are who lhc and tlat 4 Theslratosphcre th IXrnion is oflhe almosphere is oversven rhrl nites high.


produced lbe pa crcas by lbal is uscdin thc trcatncntof 5. Insuli is a hormone diabetes. fom of life 6. Bactria simplefonnsolplanl Iife thatareihe mostabundart are on earth. 7. Oxidation a chemical is reaction irvolvestheIossofone o. norc clcctrons that anatomorton. ry 'rp gas 8. Nitrogenis a colorless, odorless that makes 80 pcrccnlofihe air. FormuhtiDg Detinltions chargesils shnpe. 1. An a loebois a orc'celledanimalthatconstanlly a b6clcrialdiscascs. 2. An antibioticis dr gthatcurcs 3. A lung is an organofbreatting. 4. Acoustis tle science is ofsound. 5. Photosyntlesis theproccss which ptanlsmanufacturc is by food. 6. A calalyst n suktancethatspeeds but is motchanged y a cheNical is up, t reaclion. a bcat. 7. Acaloric;s un;tfo ncasuring that thc 8. A cyclotronis an apparrtus borrbards nuclciof atonN. (Ansverswlll vAry but shouldhrve o classlflcatlon plus CrentlngDeflnltlons g charoctcrls dlstlngulshln tlcs.) is 1, A canrcm a devicefor takingphotographs. prssrgcovcra 2. Abridgcis astruclurc tba(dllows rivcr,ro d,orlhclike. lakcnrhrcugh solidsrbstance 3, Ar x"my is a photograph a usirg electromagnetic mdiation. 4. A bultcrflyis an inscctwilh l rgeand {icqucnllycolodul wings. 5. Gcology tbestudy thcphysical is of history lhc cartb. ot 6. A dinllroM is a prccious stonclhat is rradcofal$rostpurcoryshllizcdcnrbon. causcd tbc rclleclionof sound waves, 7, An echois tbe rcpetitiorofa sound by 8. Avirus is asub ricroscopic agcnt causcs lbal discasc. incoflce,lc!, col drink,th lactsasasLinultrnt. 9. Catltincisa drugfound an.l plantsandanimals grown. 10. An aqunrium a glass is tankwhercaquntic nre Prcflxes 1.d 2.e 3.f 4.b 5.i 6.9 '7. c 8.h 9.a

| '



in Vocabulary L-ontext 1.a 2.b 3. a

6.b 8.a 9.a 10. a

U n d e r s t . n d i n St h e R e a d l n g( A n s v a r s * i l l y m y ) 1. Energy can be tmnslomcd front one type to anolhcr or transfcrrcdfromorc

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
8. 9.

Kinticenergyis the cnc{gyofmotior. Lik mattr, energy crnnotbe created destroycd. or Potential energy th energy is ofposition. Einstejn saidtfiatthc conseNation ofnmfier andlhc conseraatior ofenrgyarc related. Einslcjn's theoryaboutlle conscrvation atterandenargywas of proved. Thc dcvclopnlent atomic energy of dcmo stnlesthfltmaltercanbc colvcned rllio ercrgy. When atom split, trn is itgivesoffneutrons. An atomic explosion occunasa rcsult ofthc ripid cbaifl reaction splitting ol

10. Fusionhkcs plnceon thesunwhcn lwo hydrogen atoms conrbiflcd. arc 11, Extrclllehcrt is roquired forfusion to takc plrce, 12. Fusionproduced thc carlhrcsults a bydrogcn on i[ bo$rh vocnbulrryIn Context (llstcnlng sklll!)

l.a 2.b 4,a

Understandlng Lccturc the


b 8.a 9.a

6.a 2.b 3.b 8.b 9. tr 10. b


LECTURE: The End of the Universe

Wc havc llrerdy readlhal e erg/ ftnnol be creaiedor destroyed.Thi,slaw of srNNation ot cncrs/ is also rcftned to as lle fiIst jnw .rf $ermdyMnics. However we slrculd never assu re thal we bave an imexhanstible snpply of energ/. we conshrtly nced nrorc cncrg/ tx,causewleneve. we ure enrg/, we degnde tbat eners/ into sonle less useful fonrEncrgy contirually runs downhill fonr a highcr 10a lowcr godc. This is ollcd 1bc seco d law otthennodyDanrics. Althoush energyis alwaysconselvd,il rsually wjnds rp rs hcal cncrgy. For cxdmplc, if you rub your handstogclhcr,thcy will gct w!rN. Your mnsclccncgy hrs (hlng.d {o hcnl cnclgy. Hcal en(gy is a lower foml ofenergy. Considerwbrl hI|ppenswben you drop a rock. Inyour hr d, thc rock hnsa polenlialcncrgy which changcs into kincLicc'rcrgy n! it Ii:11s. Wrcn it lils lle ground,it! kinetic cncrgy chingcs 1(}bcnl cnc{t/. Heat cncrgy is a lowcr li,on of rncrgy b{"cluseit (''|nnotrcadily bc tmrsfonncd inlo uscful work. Whcn lhc rcck w,rs in lhc rir, jt had Fnctrtrl cncrgy lo do work, suchas drjvirg a stick nrto tbe ground. Allcr thc rock hils thc groLrd, it is no longcr .rl]flblc of doing ry work. Encrgy wrs Prcsc^td in thc prcc(ss,ln( siflcc hcal is n lowcr fon otclcrgy thar lxltcntirl or kirctjc cncrgy,orcrgy is runrnrg downhill. Orc sign of thc dcgnrding ofcDcrs/ is tlrt hcatahlays llows tio.r r winD.r objcct1() a (oolcr o'rc; il u.rvcr doc,jthc rcvcnc.Ilyos pul an icc.Lrk in. hol drink, tcal llows lreN thc hot liquid Lowrror rrclt llrc cubc.Hcl t cncfs/ ncvcrLlows lnnD'r(old olrjccllo hotonc, r)llknrg ll)c (old objc(t (oldcrrnd lhc lrol objc(t lotlcf. Hcatcrcrg/ is r low gnrdcof cncrty r d ll)c l(nvcrlhc lcnrpcmlL'rcol objcct,llr lowcrlhc gmdcolcncrg il.rorlaiG. llr j n o t h c rw r y . N a l u n l p ( ) c c s s c sc d 1 o ]llc downgnd;ng l ctrcrgys omn;lcs'cd o ; l p r ( { ' c c d o w a ! dr s h l c o l g n t c r d i s o c r . N o l h i n g g d s l h n r d i s o r d c r t o r d c r . h c n y o u l o W oN . trolllc oi pcrlirrc, thc lrclccul.s ol rlc |{rlunrc nrshoul irlo tlrc rir in disordcrly lirslrio.ThcyllcvcrgoblclotIcboltlerndrclurnto.DordcrlystnlclSirnihrly,ilyou ki shooksonD srll rnd pcppcrlogLlhcr, I hry would bccourcrrixcd.'Ihcrc is no wry you corld r)rix,slir, or shrkc lhc urixlurc lrJcxtmcl lhc Mlt lrorn lhe pcpperrnd rcslotu: lwo ordcrly p i l c so l d i s l i n c s u b s t l n c c s .I l c d i s o r d co f l b e u i v e $ e c o l r t i j l u r l l yi . r c a s e s . t T r i If tlis mrdiljon cxistscvcrywhcrc,t])e'ralunl outcoDr will te lhat cvcrylhitrg nr lhc u n i v c N cw i l l d r g c n c n l c i ! r l od i s o r d c ri , l e e r g y w i l l b c d e p l c t c d ,n d r l l I i l c w i l l ( o n r L o l r a ! rc t l d .T l r i sn t r u r g d . w ' r o l e n e r g y i s a l f r c d l o r s " c n l m p y " o r l h c ' h c N r d c r t l " o f t h c u ivcrsc. Howevcr, you d.n'i nced lo worry dMlt il, unlcssyou phr lo bc amul]d i a


A n t r l y z l n SE x e m p l t l l c a l i o n

l. gqr!g!_r@!!! !l! conrain(lfton in e!t!_rg!tpg',nd'.orsanic cornpounLls combinntion with tvdrosenandoxvsen, 2. Some bi s travel enodnous distanceswilboul rcsli The ruddvlumstone flics nonstop tiom AIaska10Hawaiievrvvear. 3. Parnsites livinE thinsslhat fcdoffotbef livinslhinss. Themistltoe ar plant lives spple, o[f maplc, pnplar or trccs. causins thern die fi;ro 4 Scvcnl theories have bcen proposedto explflin thc nature oflisht. Chistinn Huysens susscstedlbat light travels in wavs. Atbert Einstcin ororxr]6iiF o s i s i s l h e c o e x i s t e n co f l i v i n s t c r t b c i r m r l ' i a l b e n e f i t .P l a f l tl i c e

or aphids e withnntsin a svinbiolic Ii\ rchtionshio. Atouricrcscnrch IiJlolhilii ha"IeJtothidiiclopr nrc d-iura y nrenred etenrenrs ctoiiiiiG d-ilrattv etenrenls. 1qlqcscnrch has nrentlred Ei'rrlciniuor, leflr)iunr, calitornium. ,l hcrkcliuDr att,nan'trrdc a are
RocognlzlnS xrInplcs E l. a,c 2.b 3. a,c

5. s,b
UslnS of Ncftsslty 1 ruslonlybc ad rinistcrcd 2. m$stbe prcp rcd ' 3. |nuslbc produced 4 ust alwaysbe lurncdoff 5. nu$t not bc inhaled 6. ntustbc ltnilizd 7. mustncvcrbc sllowcd 8. must evcrbc relcased FornulrtlnS Sent.nces N.ccsslty wlth 1. Thc elcctricilyshould sh!t olf. be 2 Th biooddonolsshouldbe tested tbranenria. 3. The radialion monitoring devices shouldbe calibnrcdrcgutarly. 4. A tirc extirguisher should availablc ihc labonlory. bc in s. Thecxplosive devices should propcrlyinsulrred. b 6. Therechnicia6shouldbe pmtcclcdfrom excessive radi.rion. 7. Tte redls shouldtc sterilized bclbrcthe injections. 8. Thepaticnls should imnuflizcdagairstlhe flu. be


Sufflxes 1. shoten 2. b0aden 3. dcepen 4. darker 1. 2. 3. 4. f. 2. 3. 4. lo identifY to solidify to liquefy to purify idcntification solidification Iiq!c{lcation purification

5. widcn 6. weaken 7. soften

9. tighten 10. loosen 11. brightcn 12. frightcn 5. 6. 7. 8. 5. 6. ?. 8. to exemplify to hunid;fy to elcctrify 10clarify

slrengthen 14. lengthcn 15. sharpen straighten

t I

t I

excmplific{tion humiditication electrification clarilic.tion

Vocabulrry In Conlext 1.b 2.a 3.6

1. t 8.b 9,b


2,6 3.b 4.a 5,a (llstenlnS skllls) In Voc&bulnry Context

8.a 9.a 10. a 9.a 10. b 1 1 ,b 12. b 9.7 10. T 11. T. r2. F




3.a 4.b 1.7 2.F 4.F

1. b 8.a
5.F 6.7 8.F

t UnderslandlnShe Lecture

LECTURE: The Changing State of trIatter

W e r c a J - c a r lri .i n l h ; sr l l a p h . r t \ ] u th ^ w t f n r l , e r i t u r c i i . . t . . L n c r . O r , \ a uirbr In.l r l r l { n a n l( l l c c l . ! l h f l r ^ t h i t i l r " , h r I c et h . s . ! h , l . ,r c I F I t . , l i . r t ^ l i , t i J t u " la g a s . r . r , , , 'l l L . r r r . . n n q e r ' r r n t i n i n r r b ! g e o i th .t o ) . i , .. t , r , . . w c t d r o r r u r r t.r"rcr,arr '* cturcr to Inn ,trit it th.jj n\'. or bL-,.JsJ rrJ (brng.. lu qcilr or \al ur. u:th rt,c a.ldition or subtractionof heal,alnrostaI substa s citr lr convcrred LonioDc ptrysjel Mcltirg is the coDve.riotrof a solid lo a fiqu;d. I we ticar a b]ock ot i(c, whcn tte tellllxnturc ot lhe nr reachcs 0.C, the Noteculcsoi icc nad lo nove so l.ast rhalibc;ord;r b r e a l s d o w n . n d r h c y t u n b l e a l t o v e r c r c b o r t l . r .G m d u a l t y , h , , t i." l*gi,,";;;,;i; Subshnces@nven Irem onc strrc to fixcrt tenrpceturus. F". ;]; n ' c l t l n t 1 0 6 3 ' C a r d i r o n a r1 5 3 5 . C . F r o r c n o x y g c n w in r c l i a l 2 1 9 ' C . ";,,,,,pi", ll..r(vrFrotrh,rrctlingpru.,,?irg.Fr..,,nqi:t.surirltr.rt,.,,I,cr,,t.rrcot .. ,r,qurdsntlr(rrnrtytuclnngcilluis^tiJ.Tlrctr.,?irCl{ir, {t"ii .1 r\tirr\..r!,.,, ils nrlti g trinl For ex.nrptc,iquid t s o t d l s o | d i t y r r 1 0 3 6 . C ,i . n d r s 3 ; , C , o x f g c nr 1 - 2 1 9 ' C ";; , i 1 : , i ai r h c . , rJ , u I i . i ( r t t ) . r t w i t ! i t . r t r t. 1 , , r \ r n I . , . , , L : . , (T r . r 1 r , , r r s . . , 1 . . X n tr . r.a ,-r.N i_ t,., r U o I r x t r . t I r Jl i , i ri U r i . . i r r \ . r t i ! . r : , , . , J , r . , t , ^ r . r r r . ,u . . r r r q r r r i r : t r r . . r r , _ t _ r r ' ( . r r ' l c c u t r \ . ! 1 r r r n . n a . i n d t v i . , l . r r r , .r t , . , . . , r 1 . t , * , tJ ir t rtrir,,Ir1,rr.,,r,.,t,fult,.r r l l o r ' ( u r c \t.h ' y t r y t u f . { . , t r c l t n l h , . i i r r t r J i . u t , t , t . ,n . t , , i r r . , J .f v r r , t . r . , t \r. t t r f l r . l . r , h J i . , t { ^ f i n r , , r t , c . , i r i n L t r h c $ r r f r S r . , J ur1 ,, t, ,, . r , . . r , . , , , , , . t , , , , . i , , , , " i,.,,. \ c c r . ' { , \ . r ' t t ' o t U I : $ l r n $ . , h . r M . h . t r h , i t i n . , i. r t , , t tit,||,t.(.,,rf\,ri",,.r,\,rtL,ul b o i l i r g . L i q r i d s t h d c v a p n l c c r s i l y , l l l r l i s 1 1t ( N r , " p " r r r , " " " , . - . , ; r , " ( ] , , "r , " i , , l \ , . l , r i l A l , . ' h , l , i ' r J , F - r , . ri n r v , , t , r i rt(j . l . r i J y., , uj . . r . . J { , . t . " , " J \ i t ., , , t . , . : i t ; ; ; i , i - i i ; r1 . r x r y , r , \ r f f r r r$ h r r I c t ru | l ( , , \ r n . d . -nr. r c v c s c o f d { b m l j o n i s c . n d o n s : r r i o l ,t r c( ! n v ( n i o n o t . a v r D o r r i n t ( ,I t n r u i d . *

a,q,.',,r:ri,i,,i,i , , : l l l l l ;] , r . , 1 : - r , r , n . , r i ,1 , , , i , r . , . u r., .,,..,,,";,r,j , , ,, . , " . . ; ;,,,,i,,. , , 'l *i r" r.,, i l r; . , i ;

Durins o,rdcns.rion, rrr'notcotcr rrs co,,c .,r,., or.,, i,,

L \ r i l r c s o t 1 4 d L r s j o n j r r cr h cs t u , rr t L rI t b . l

: :l : : I 'n r nr :. " 1u,l,, " ,q F g " r Jf n ' L$. r , rvn n , J ir , . . r t i , t . r . J i t r . u n nr c. J iI\ , Jr. r | i . , . i,i.,.dt,J{r r..i.r,r.\ rn! M i ' d u s f i r I f r o c r c s e s c q u i r u h cl i q u e i j c n l i o n o t , i r r n do l t r c r g r s c s . r r whcnrLfnrcufcraponrroni..xicrtyr,tritr,.rt,ui,r;.ot ,,,, .rh r.r..t.h.f . ' t l r / . D n I r c r | c t : .A I r $ l r n l f n i r h i . n c ,u r " q h . I t i t I i J i . i r r c t o" J ( , ! r . , i r rr . 5 , j r . . ^ i I l c I r o l | r u l e s , , t r l c l i q u i J f v a p . i , r c , r n , J r c F r s c, n , o r t r f r j r l r . i J r l b c , , , r . l . r ir r . \ r t h c ( , | ' r e r u , r c . n r l l | r Irr ^ t c c u h f , i 5 i J c r L c , ^ I | : l i n c r . io . \ \ i r h r L c , u r t , f , L . t i , r . ! J l u J J c o d c n s c t t h cs a n r s p e e da r d L h e D r u n t o t . l i q u i d l l d r n r o u r [o f v a l ! r a , a i lhcc.nlxincr

roon,,ro,,,,,rc co,d ould(,,,", l';li1 ",;,,;;il;;;il:,T;:[:il;iJ:,],lii'#;ll:.ll. , I | , , , . ' , 1 , ; , , , , r u n,..,{r, J , , , - . , i , n r r . . , , , . | ,


Identirying Eridencc


:. ! q!g!!!Ile,r'r,me i' r;R;r"n ;;

m "to.e,l

3. Thcci rthis rcund.ApeFon rnveti d i r e c ( l ve 4 s tl r o n l t h e e q u r t o rw i t l eventur Rturnrollirrt lly

ir. : -...--r:::r: Lrreas\4eknowrl cinl|or on s. Tb, R i\ o o r.:_:i:r cxist venus.r_!lqf!_ff!14!Iilf!qrf_l

H:+y-!!+++!s!$r!',,r.!!!qr:!rlr_ed{s! arc molccules 10transtnit


6. Morrhine is rddiclive,Hos

qnrhinitions nlcotal.r of

e a t ho l i e n o Lc u n w h c l l J r u * q n r r r a l

a nhmncc

lj!nls wbo ire eivcr ro

ol r
cr. Ccdri'r

A ##:ii3d!|-!!-!1slL!1q]s"r,'ft,,llr*j-'",' ",,,,
D r r r 1 l n g C o n c l u s t o n sr o m E v t d 0 n c e f l. b 2, 1 3. b Ivnluatlng Evldcnce 1. c,d 2.c 3.a
5.ll 6.fl

s crn be lirl l.


4- ,b,d 5. a,c 6, n,b,c 5.D 6. I 1. D 8.D

I d c n t i f y l n g D e d u c t i v cu d Inductlvc RersoDlng'

1. I

3. I 4.D

UsirS RctrsonlnS Therc is no altempl here to teach lbnrrl logi(. Tbr ohjed of lbr cxcrcisc onty ro ,s incrcase awarencss fttse reasonjng. of

Conclusions iDductive from reasonjrg orlnaynotberrue. lnay


l . l : a l s e . d c d u c r i o n c a u s ci r " r bc f f r c r n i s ei s f a t s c .A l l b i r d sJ o n o t f l y . ( A I t b i r d s D x v er e a t b e t 5 . J 2. Falscinducrive reasoning.Althoughtle chamctcristicscoexisr in Ejnstein, thcle is no cviderce oftheir relationstip. J . E v e n i f i l l n r e l a l \ $ e r c s o j i J t n n r r u c ,n r e ^ u r y i s , I i q u i Jr n e r a t )i.r t t o e s nor r o o w r a a t. s o t r d s r e m c t a l _ a 4 . C o n c l u s i o n ^ e sn o rf o o q f r o r nr h e p r c r i s e .p r e U r ; cd o e sn o rs D e c i t v d rhar a n r j l r d l a r e c l a s i l l e d l c c o r J i n gt o I h e w l y r h e y$ a I k . s ) . r a t s c r n r u i t ' \ e r e a s o n i n g . x a r n p t es n o r r e p R \ e n l r r i v e r ( y p i c a t . F i o 6. Tbe fi6r prenis is not a inctusivc. Tbat is, jt does not say ahlll all elcnnrs a r ec r t l e r g a s e s r l i q u i d s . o ? . F a k c i n t i u c r i v !r c a s o ' r i n 8E \ a n r p t c s n u rr l p i L . l t o r . i npre5enlili!e.

" :iiliiill*


Beinsscnius q orkins l IEnor a and harJ nruiuart)

9. Co clusion does fo owfmm prcn)jse. tack not The ofproofrhat is hannfut it is notcvidencc it is salc. rhat 1O Evcnjfallni alsbavclaits,ildoesnotfollowthrtvcrylhingthrrbasatiilis an aninui. Voc$bulnry lJulldlnS cxcitcs- stirnulitcs lircd - lirtigucd harmlul detrimcntal r. 2. 3. 4. con'rcctio corductio'r rndialjon insulaiion 6. 7. 8. 9. gnvilation lubrication catcut:rtion ctiminalion
c x c i t a b i l i l y- i r r i t b i l i t y cndurarcc lolcmlrcc n o l c n o u g h- i n s u 1 I i c i c r t pcrsladc - conv;ncc

10. atlrrctio 11. nhsorprion 12. correlrrio,r 13. excrlion

14. speculalion 15. extcnsion 16. dcmonstrarion 17. tbrnutation

2. radiator 3. insulator

5. accclefttor 6, dc rcNtrator 7. correlator

8. spcculalor 9. Iubricator 10. calcutato.


Vocabularytn Context(readlngskllls) 8.b 1.b 9.b' 2.a 10 b 3.a 11.b 4.a 12.a 5,a 13 b 6.a l4,a 1.a

15'a 16 b 7 1 .a 18 b 19 b

sklnlmlng 1,a narcotics, martuam,barbitumtes 2. cocrine,anphetamines, the Understandlng Raadlng

1.F 3.F 4.F 5.7 (llstanlng tkllls) VocalularyIn Contaxt l.a 2.b 3,b 4,b thc UDderstandlng Lec!ure 1. F

7. F 8.7 9.F 10. T 1 1 ,F 12, T 6,b 8.b 9.b 10. a

i. r
8.F 9.F 10. T 1 1 .F 12. T

4.7 5.7 6,7

LECTURE: The physiologicalEftects of Alcohol

So far, irrhis cbnptcr, }ave disclssedihc hnntut effects ofsmoking ard dnjgs. Almhol is anoth substa ",e er rce thrtatfecrs our ninds and our bodicr. Unlil recentyeais, litlle was knowr about tbc c|feds of atcohot.Reccnrrcsearc[ has - h o w nl h , i ls o m c| e o p h i r e r r o F t r k c t )I n b e o ! . e a J J i r t . J l [ . , r o t h e a .h u t i r , , n u tt r o $ r l s n t . | l l c c l su e p . n Jo b o $ j r , u ( i r { t r ) n s u J J n J o \ c r s I n I p f r i o J c l r i h r r c .t i t h c r t j \ . o u n c c s f w i n c , l w e l v c o u c e so f b e r ,o r o n ea n do n e , h a t f o u n ; co f 8 0 o s troofryidtswill pu| 1wo1[irds otia ouncofp!!c atcoholirlo rhc blturrsrrean.once an ounce ir arcotor js akorbed iDlo tle bloodstrcsm, ir takesaborr an bour for thc body ro l)um il. Dd ki; coflcc or1ak g a sbowcrdoesnot spcedup rbe pnxrss. I t i s a n i t c r e s l j n g n d p o t c n t j a t l y a n g e r o uts r c rt h a rs n r a l t n l o u n r o f a l c o h o t . n n a d i a s nukc so' e pmtle lccl goorl wfiile trrger anrou rs nrrke lhcm fect dcfrcsscd. .nis obrcrvatio h.stcctr spporlcd by evidence.Alcohot laken ir sma qLr ntiijcs can bri g tlr,,..ur-\l, hcl,fig., ,J tr.c "orr p(,df i t",*r ur i rtiJcnrr rrrj .^{ irt I,oi.f. tre L h n 5 clri c \ I r h c J r , i t h i t r y t , c u t , t c t t ti l t r , r r , l r | l t ] , r { d . , . J r t , . tJ i | | | , . . , . I .|| , n " 1 Thc lruth is th.t sludics I vc sho,vn thrr srnrll doscsof l..ohot pu rp up thc ho,rlt mtc whilc fiigh do.rcs crtr dcprcssor skrw down lhc he d nrtc aru ti aa ro ar]l];iri.,n.,+trtrorgtr s n l a l l q u r u l i l i c sr n a y n o r t r h . o l i r t , a t o h o l t r k c t r ; n I r c q u n l i t i c s c , r u . o s c r i ( ; s s , h . r n g c \ i r l I ,I ' n J ) \ c h f r r h t N . . , l t r r i l | g r r . r r t v f v , . r v t , . , r l . , t l t h . \ , r t ) . A L o h ' l h . ' L r I r . r l l c J ( t t c , . , ,rll . n ( r v , , u . , \ y . t J I r . t I I ^ , J f i r . r . t r t r u , . . . i r r r r ] l { ., l L n c f i ( i r l i n r c l i c v n r gc $ ; o , r A l t t r s n r c l i r r r c , j u d g r r r c n t ac o o r t i n a r i o n a n n r p r i r c d , l rd i: s l ' o w nb y l l l c t r ( l l h r l r l ( , l o l j s a u r c l o r r r u o r cl h i n l ) l I o r . r t i h l r u r o r n o h i l ( : i rc:id.rd i x N " t h A l r , r i , r . A I ' 1 , | | , ' li I r t , r r A r t r r ' , i t i r ) , , l t t I n r r u r . 1 . j t Lt , . l r r l j d r t I t r \ . . 1 r r i . , , t u ! . . r t rr l t r u , t . . r \ t { , \ h . r , t J r J \ r . r , n . . , , , . r d , r t " , , r , l . , t 1,,: 1 n t c n n r yo l i n t o x ; c x t c ld o t l c . t C l r r o n i ( b o h o l i s n rr t l c c t sr h er l [ . ( t c s i ! l h c l x ) d y .R r s o . r . hs h , w s r a rr l c , r N s c l l s r , ' l h . n \ ) u . ( ^ . r i n r l h r 1 d r n J . t , . , $: i r D . . , tJ . g f r 1 1 . r l i . 1, r J t n f . i , t r . . r t ,. - . ! , , , ! . r i u r ( l rnlrrg{d furdiq!tuJ(rll,. A l c o l b l l t c l s s c x u r l i L y r r c p m d u d n ) r A t l l o u g h n r c f l t c x r r n ) ut s c a j n c ( . s c a . s c x 1 l i ld c s r r c , . l c o h . lu $ r l l y d e c r c a s ers c : r b i t i l yt o p c r l o n n .C h r o n , ! t & ) h o l i s n h fa r',tr. ..prd,rtnrtJu\1irtr.,r,Jtf.,JtoL,fUtrty.'I.}r.i..lqrll\,.,r\..Jh)rt,,..t,.,.,f r h r L \ c x h ' r n n c . l c \ l u \ ' c & r n ci, t h ( l j \ c r . C h r o n i cl c o h o l i s mL r s a ( l e t n n r c n hc l t c c t o l h c t i v c r .H c r \ , yd r i n k i n gf r u s c si . a lr o l i r c c u r r l i l l c i n t h c l i v c r . p , s s a g e t b l o o db r c o r c s i l n p o i r c dl,h e c d p . r c i r y ; lL I r c i v c r o t to process food decredscs, rhegencnt hc,rlrhofrr,c indivjdrr l dcteri(n[s. ard Onc of tle wo6t effccts ot at.olrol js on lhc branr. Hcavy drinkitlg cxn lcad lo c o n l u . j n l : r | c v e u n . o n $ o u sc s c .P n g r l r n w o r j , n i j ( . r J \ i L . J n d r r n J n r , t i r j , i ' , e . t r . i i l l y i I I h c . . rl ) I r n u r L s . . a u s , n f r h r b r n . r r r ( r r , 1 u . r r L c u n b u , I b . , t , y . A t c ^ t , r i ' t !,ffcl: eachr$on d iiferenrly,a d cvery uscrsho!1dbc awarcofirs porcntialcti.ccts. ary shod tenn b!netits nuy be ouLwejghed tory rcnn ncgrtive cllccrs. by


1. Make 2. Tle 3. INert rranglngItemschronologlcnlly t. 3,7,4,2 4. Move 5. Place 6. Check

2.5,3,r,4,2 3. t,4,3,2 4. t,3,4,2 6.4,2,1,3

tlslng ln)perntlve Verbs (Ansvfts trill vary) wirc, a llil, ard sotre papr clips. 1. Obtai a bflttery, somei|)sul:rted Z Connct d otthe wire to a batterynode. one a 3, Coil lhcwircaround nail. 4, Comcct tte olhcrendoftbc wirc to lhc othcrbrttcry node. 5. Uscthc nsiltopickup paper clips. (Explanationr pioduce Elcchic currcnls magnctic ficlds.IIyoll disconncct [nil the frontthe baltery,it will no longerbenlagnetized.) Vorb Forms Chooslng

1.a 2.b


5.a WordRoots
5.b 6.j

9,b 10. a 7. f 8. 9. c

3, c

(rcrdins Vocabulory Contcxr In skills) 1.b 2.b 3.a

7. 8. 9. b

U n d e r s t a n d l n gt h e R . a d l n g

1-T 3.7 5.F 6.7 vocabulnry Context (lhtenlng ls) in sk l.a

7. F 8.F 9.7 10. F 1 1 .T '\2. F

6.a 3.a 4.b llnderstnndlnS Lecture the 2.G 3.E 4.E 5. SN 6,E 8. WN 9.G 10. SNandWN 11.G t2. E 13. E

LECTUREI The Four Forces of Ntaure IsaacNcMonidentificd gravilyaso c olihc b sic forces nrturc.SirceUre& of otbor forces h{ve bccn discovercd. Physicisrs bclieve rhcrc are four tbrccs in ndlurc:a gnvitational forcc,an electrouugnetic tbrcc,a strongtruclc"1r force,6rd a weaknuctcar

Gravilation thc force wtich all bodics atrracrcd eacb is by are to othcr. kcernDta Il ncls in lbeirorbirs r akesapplcsfaltfrcnrtrc!'.Itisacruallyrhc*eakesotrhcfourforccs, and butits effccrs restrongly because a felI cclcstiabod arc somass;ve. I ies Theelectromagnetic isconsidrsd nnny scienr to bcrle mosiimporrantof force by isls all. The electnnragnetic tbrccis thepowcrtut atrn('lionof urJrke ete.lri(.ilt ch;raes anJ rctuhion ot like chirgcs.Tbe nuclcus an al.)nrbasa posirileetenric cbarseanJ of clcflrons orbilinglbe nucleus have negalivc a cbxree. Sinctopposite cbacsaltmci rhese eleclric forces cause ruclersandrhelectmNio bc artncred cachother. thc 10 Tlis is tle undcdying forceof chenisty because h rcsponsiblc binding panictes ir for rhc ofar alom logclher, boldingatons together fonll nolccules, to and kecping mole$les l,ogcrher ro

Ionn liquids and solids. In nonnl lile, we are nol aware of the clcdnml ft'rce bccause whcn positiveand negativccbi rgcss!c cqurl,lhcy canceleacnotherout and no lbrcc is lclt atall. The ele.lrcnragrclic iorcc causcsfriclion. For example,as you wrlL thc rlorrs and nolcculcs on the floo. aDdotr your fccl arc prcsscdout of shapeand the elect.ic forcc of one ads on lhe olhcr. All conlact lbrces arc basjcallyelectricrll.For cx.nrplc, when you push or pull an object with your hand,thc clcclrical lbrce acts lo move ille object, and prcvidcsthe resistinceto trcvcnt your handfrc goinglhloughtlle objecl! Thc clcclricll force is eve in aclion wbn you fut a bond nid o your firger. Tle thc sticlry sidc oflhc bdnd-aidlas a chemicaltbat looscnls clcclrcm so lhey jump over to your finger. Yon. thrgcrb(@mcs ncgllivcly cirarged ard tle band-aidbcconrs IDsitivcly cbargedso thc rtlntclion ofopposilesboldslhem togetlrcr. I Tbe electrica forcc is sinnhr to lhc gravihliorrl lbrce, actnrgacrosscmply spa(, o. nlhcr an clcctrcm.gnclic [c]d. Howevcr gnvitxtioll orly allncLs. Elcctrically (hrrgcd sulshrccs ciLbcrallmct or reF.l. Filr.|lly,lhe clcctricaltbrce is al work in all (hc Prcrcsss o f t h cb o d y . Thc lctrill|nrnrg twa lbrccs a.c lhc ruclcrr lo.ccs lhrt rct o ly wilbin tLe atom. Scicl(isls divide lhcur irto 1wo crtcSorics,tlc sl(,ng nuclur lbKc rr lbe wc k ruclcar 'nre s l r o r g t o r c ci s t h c o t ] ct h t i c t s o l h c r c l c L r s f l h c a l o u r t o l o l d l o g c l l r c . l h c o lbrcc. proto,rs. Sincc tlc protor|! rrc tx)silivcly clrls.d. thcy rclLl crcl otltof and a lcry stro g fo. lbrcc is nccdcd to hold lhcrr (ogcllcr. TIrc wcak lhl(c is thc orc rcsponsiblc ccnanr typcsol ndbaolivity. il cvcntsir tlrlrrc (ruld bc cxtlaiocd lry lhcsc{bur Forr lorg 1iruc, wls thougll lh.l r11 howcvcr, scicrt;sts l[vc dis.overcdp()blcnrs with ilris lhcory. For onc Itrccs. Rccc lly, r h i n g l l c g ' r v i l x l i o t l a lp u l l d c c p i r r n A u s l n r l i ^ In r i c w r s l i ) u r d 1 ( )l E s l x ' r g c r l l r n n o s s d ' g n v ; l y o n l h c s u . l a c c l l l r c n n h . l s , ) , o t l r c c x I { r i n r c r rh v o r u v c r l c d i l l c r c n c c is r t l c A n ' t c c c n . i t r o l , j c c l si i r l l l . w i r d l h c c r n l r . T o c x f | l r i r )t l c s c d i l l c i c n c s , p l y s i c i s t sl u r v e proposcd lhat thcrc rMy I{ a tillh li,(c opn'ling ir lhc t|nivcsc. Trris iorcc, ollcd hyporchrrgc, is thoLrght hc wc!kcr lhnn gnrvity ,rd counltn(1s thc lolcc ol gnvily at to ol short dista ccs. So hr, rbrc cxprineDhfior is ncccssrrybchrc lhc hypothcsis a ljllh acceplcdtlcory. lbrcc bl-conl().\


Understanding Maurematicat Terms

3. v=l.w.h

5. k=;(

. v)"

I||dtlnlte Artlcles 1. pe cillin, a drug, diseases 2. aqunsar.agnlaxy 3. zinc,a moderately activemetal 4. hcat,encrgy 5. ligllt, an cxha fluorescent ligbt 6. iron,glasses, glass 7, alpharays,betarays.gamma rays / 8. a colorless, odorless, tastcless fllrd gas Dellnlte Article! 1. A biochemistry professor, experimcnt, an guinea pigs,Tte expcriment,lte professor, animals lh 2. ThHumbcrBridge,rhc tongesl suspension bridge,tbewortd J, a conret, comet the 4. Erkcrt, Maucbly,the first all elechonic computcr 5. Thc cffect,living rhings, amount, rare thc tt NunlberPre{ixs l.d 6.k t 2.e 7.j 3.a 8.f 4.c 9.h 10. i


Vocabulary in Contxt (readingskills) 1. a Z.^ 3.n 5.a 6.b Drowing Conclusions 1.b 3.b 4.b 5.b Vocabolaryin Context(listenIng skllls) 1.a


9. 10. b 11.

6. b 7. 8. b 9. 10. 7. 8 b 9. 10. ll.

3. a 4,a 5,a 6.a Understand g tho Lecture in 1.7 'l 2. 4. 'l

12. b
.8, T 9. T 1 0 ,F 1 1 ,T 12. F

7. F

LECTURE: Remrrkable Behavior ofGases The scjentishsiudy gasesis that the behaviorof gass can be Onc of tle reasons relnted factonl undentood quartilalivc in tcnns. Thbehavior gascs subject three of is to pressurc, volunc. A chingein oneof these lacioirs- suchasa dropin tempenture, al|d - canbringaborta change theother th of ternpenture in faclo$.Morcovcr, bchavior any basicrulesor scjentific onegasis thc sane for all gascs mixturcs or ofgass. Thcrcforc, to clangeson laws havc bccn stablished help predictthe effectsof e vironmental pressurc, volume. The first of theselaws was discovered the British by ternperature, and


scrcnlistRobcrl Boyle in 1662.Boylc found th.t ifte squcczed rlblrcr balt, rhe vc,lulllc a otair ir]sidcit decreascd. n)orche squcczcd, lcssthe volunrcoftlc co hedair.I The the hct, ifhe dorblcd the prcs{re, tbc votunledccrcisedio prccjsetyhaltofnhal ir was.I|re quadruplcd pressurc,lhe ihc volunredecrcrscdto one quaderofwhrr jt wast Accordirgly, lle establislrcd that thc volumc of i gas is nrvelsetyproportionalro the prcssure apptic; io r1,provjded1hctcnrpemlurc rcn)iiN constanr. Boyle h|d demoNrrrlcd rbat trcssur! and volunrc are nrveBcty relarcd.Howcvcr, lcnrpcmture also rffecls thc volurnc of a g;rs.In the l:rte 1700s,ii Frrnce, Jacqucs Chrlcs notcd {halas a gasgcL!coolcr, irs volunrc conkacls.In tacl, wilh eachdcgreeji gcls coolcr its volunc gcts s thaLifyou coolcd it lo ,273. Cclsius,itwould.strir*jo norling and djsappear! LuckyJicqncs Charlcsdid nor hrve tc,worry abc,ut prcvnrg his hypolhcs; _ be(auscro one conld get lcnrperaturcs down lbrr lowt 'Ihe silrihr bdravior of grscs lcd tbc ltrlirn chcmirr Arn.dco Avogrdro 1t) rhc .. d h ( o v c . y o f n o l h c r a m n z i n g a c t .I r l l e y c r . t 8 , A v o g r d r o f i g u r c do ; t l h N le q u l l f v o j i ' n r c s f a l l g r s c sa t l h c s r n r cl c n r p c rr u r cr n d p r c s s u r c o h j n r l e s r n r c n u o r b c ; f o o p r r l i c l c sH r a s s n rc d t h c p . r t i d c sw c r c t o n Bb u t t n l c . l h c y w c r c d c t e r r n i n t o b c g n r p s . cd o l l o n r so r n l c c u l c s A v o $ d r o ' s , , m o t c c u t airy l ) o l h c s c s . " i t j s k n o w l o d r y ,j s ; c ; f , . f s rJ., r,."t irrtnrr'r t,.i,r{t,t,\ nl (hLrr,.r,\. j,nJ n, rt,li...,rjuu{ t,t.rj.,l ., ;.t.. jn rttr r \ r l o i r t rr ' r, ' l t h c. t t , ' r n i ch . ^ r y . r Willr 1lr dcvcloporcntol rhis hytollcsis, rhc volutrrcoi I g.rswis u dcatood lo bc rcl.lcr to Ihc nnvcnlcrl ol-lhc rrr'lcctrlcs. Thrr is, thc volurr0 ot a grs incrcascs l).crusc a1 . . i U l n r n , , r t t r . , l u r f . .r i , l ' a u l . . . I r , ' v ' t l r \ t . r . n . , t u I r g I r . , r c \ 1 , . r . . t , r L . , ! f r r , , u I J . Corvcricly,.t l(^vcr tonpcrirurcs, r)r.,lcculcs stow dow , rcquiri g tcssspa.c, rnd grscs (mlncl- h th. 186{)s, Brilisl ftrysicirr Lord Kctvin suggcncdrlDl jln gis wcrc .cdu;d ro - 2 7 3 " C c l s i u s ,i L w o u l d n o l s h r n r kr o J d i s a p l ) l r r , s J a c q u c s a Chrlcs lrd srggcslcd. l n s t e d , r h cc n c r g yo l l l c t n o l c . u t c s o u l db ( r . d u c c dk Jz c m .T r i s r c n ) p c n r u r c w 473.t6 a , l \ i u \ r , , 1 4I , n ' i . . ' . r r . ( , , r , r J , . r , . J r t r . t , , w r \ r t r ,rL . r n,,t,,r r u , .r ' . . j i . . , t " , . r , , t , t , r . .,,t il\rr,r'',1 hf.'tIt,,q, ,,.t.,r.r.,t\,.fl,.r,,,,,z,r,,Krtrrnr,rr1,rrrrrri.r, t, t c x r r ) m l . l w o u l d l h c l p i r rt h i sk i , r do | c n r t ) c f t l n i c .T d g i v . y o u r n . r o t h , , w . o t di l i s , ]s o n t h c K c l v n rs c a l c ,1 5 0 " ' s m l d c r l t r a r t l c n a t r r x l l c n r p c a l u r c a t a s p o t o r ) c r r r h . y P [ y si c i n st o d i y c o r ; ' c t o s l u d y r t r c r c n r a rb l c l ) c h v i o r o l g r s e s p r n i . u l n r t y r t t o w k , tdnpcn'turcs. With ihc use ol rodcrn lcclniqucs thcy [^vc bccn abk r; !rIrjn rcnrtctul"rcs is low is o e millio lh ot a dc{rcc bovc arxoldc zcro (o.0finXX.K)l Absoluic zeb, howcvcr,rc rirs ulla aimblc.


Idebtlfyin I 1 enses 1. 4 2. a 3. 5 I a. sinPlepast a. pltsent Perfect a. PastPcrlcct PastTense Uslnstbe Simple l. wrotc 2, werefound 3. appeard 4. lived Pertect Tcnsc Uslngthc Prescnt 1. b:'sbcconrc 2, havcbcenrude 3. lave becr discovcrd 4. hasstill not beenlbund bendiscovcrcd 5. hnsrccently 6. basjust gone 7. havckrown 8. hflstrccnsccn 9. hnvcdcstroyed PrstTense Chooslng Corroct thc bclicvcd gcnrated washcld pcrtornrcd placcd waslctl wascovercd ' wilscovcrcd dcaycd wercr116c1cd laid werefourd dcnronstnlcd hnvcPedonnd b. aclivc b. aclive b. Passive 5 6. ?. 8. wasfonned reprodrccd werediscovcrcd rolatcd

will vrry) That Report(Answer forn|lnS Scntcnccs 1 Thc fi6t tesftubbabywasbornin Erglandin 1978. t'y otgconctry weredevelopcd Euclidin AlexaMria,EgyPtin 2. Theprinciples

300 B.c.
in Linnacus Thc planlsandanin$lswercclaslifiedby thc swcdishCarolus 1735. of thc 4. In 1911,MariC{ric ofFrancereceivcd Nobcl Prizefor thc discovery plutoniumard radium. lypc in.he 11lh ccnl!.y. prinlingwith movablc oI 5. Pi-shcng ChinainvcDtcd of nrclflrfission thc 6. h 1942,theItalianErrico Icnni accoolplislcd controlled

7. TbelirstlaDding tbenrpon;a(nradc I beAmen(inpmjccr on by Apoltoin 1969. 8. William lturvcy dhcovercd circulation tbe ofthe bloodjn Engtand 1628. in c. ln I96I, JuriCagarin rhcSovicr of Union InaJc fi,sl rn:rc; lbc ftishl. 10. TbeAnrricanJonas Salkdevctopedpotio a !accinci,, t9:54. 11.Tbcitrcandcscenr wrs invenred Thor,)as tanrp bt Ediso,r Arncdca ir in 18?9. 1. c 2.e 3.b 4.f Voctrbuhry Conrexr (readlDg In sklts) La 3.b 4.a 5.a 7. ^

6.d 7.9 8.h 8.a 9.b 10. b 11.b 12. b

DlstlnSulsl'ln8 rct frolll Optnlon F

2,c 6.O
11.O 12. F 13. O 14, O 15. O 6.b 7. b 8.a 9.a


8.F 9.F 10. F

Vocar)ulary Conrcxt In (tistenhg ts) sk 1.a 2.h 3.a


the tlndcrstandlng Lecturc 1. F 2.F 3.F 4.7 5.F 6.7

T 8.7 9.F 10. T 1 1 .F t2. T


LECTURE: T h e S c i e n c co f C e n c t i c s We right tbnt Mostot ushlrc it for gmntcd wc havcirhcrilcdccnrin (hrnc{cristics. likc Iikc But bc lall i'kc our father, usicnl ouruolher,brcwn-cycd ourgnndrnolhcr. wly Younrjght thinkyouarcvery iftcrcflt d fromyour is itwc inh..itsomclraitsand ololhcrs? yct brolhcror sistcr, otherpcoplcnotice fanily resemblaflce. on wc cxplai thc a How - and rat differcnccs thesinilaritics? howca adoggivcbirthtorlittcrofpuppics And arealldiffc.cnr? ccnctjcs is Urctrranchof scicnccthit sccksto dclcnni c lhc rnswcrsto lhusc pl qrestio n'rd discovcrhow nlsandmi alshlvcdcvcloprdovertlrcnstlwobillion to s, ycn6.'Ilrc licld otgcnclicslLg.rirwilh thc discovcrics ni ctenlh ccllury Arslri n ol'r dcl,whowllsn at|i.lcurboli His niquc lributjon s co w nrcnknrrcdGrogorMc ist. to thathcstudicd ch nrclcrislict a limc to scchowil waspas,icd onc [.ourorc gcrcnrlion grrdcr pcis r'rd ol'laincd wilh rrn{ficf.Hr p!rlbn cd cxpcnmcnls rcdrnd whitcflowcrcd so'r)c inlcrcstcd rcsulLs. lron a rcd Iowcf rnd llrced lhcrr on tfic Mcndcltookthc nulc cclls(nllcn gnrirts) (a whcn lhc ilowcr callcd cross-pollinrlion). lcmrlc(clls (phrilt ofa whitc0o\vcr proccss produccd to Mcndcl sccds, pl rled thc sccds, hc Tbcn,wlcn lhc tlowc$ trcgan bloonr, llllrt ofllcpinkflowc'sorlnixturcofredandwhilc llowc$hccxl)cclcd, obscrvcd i stc.d gcncntjonlloweIs red. wcre all thcfilsl .ells oi trese saltrc red NextMcndcltookthcmlc cells.ndDIa.!dtbcNon lbc lcnrale sccds, aglir callcdsc -pollinrrtio Agai ihe llowc$ pmduccd ard llowcn (a proccss ). lhcn. Tbissccoldgc cnlion produccd soure a'rdsor)rc rcd whilellowcrs. Mcndclphnlcd Thc nrlcrcsl g partof thiswasthit thc nlio of rcdflowclslo wfiitc lvrs frccisclythrcclo lhat a rrixturcoi chanconc! Also, thcrcwrrc no pir* flowcls.Thus Mcndclsbowed lcristics rot blcndinlo so,nelhing was i bclwccnthc two. Rnuer,lhc char.cdid thrt in tcrislics rcnn'ncddistinct lle ncxtgcnemtion. (latercallcd factors thil lhc Mcndcl!:oNl dedlhatthercarecenain eencs) dctcrnrinc phnis.He also eshbl;slred thercdfactor strongcr lbat was ordonrirrnt,.ndlbe coloroflhc disippcar; oDly it whilc lador wasweaker, recessive. thc reccssive or But faclordid no1 L.ecalllc hiddcnand soDrl;nrs enrrgcd i a latcr ge enlion (wihess:lhc rcd flowcrs produced two dark-hiircdparcnts whitc flowcn). This cxplahs why, lbr example, gcncsior givc rcccssivc sometimcs bidh io a blondchild.Boll pirenisrnayb carrying blond hah. 39

Gregor Mndel nude geneticsinro a sciem, He \lrs able to prcdicr exnctty lhe nurnbcrand type of plantshis experimcftswourdproducc.Untappitt for hinl, M;dd,s work wasnot rccognized thescientific in wortdunxit16 yea$ aftrhjsdcarh. Sjncthen, experimcnts bccnpedormed lave with numEmls tmitsofpt.nls andarnnabwhichhav; demonstBled uDive|sat l[e appticabilty Men,tct.s of findi;ss.The pdnciDtes heRdilv ot lbdlMendelcstabl;hed14eresignitjcanlinsutstnllliadrgDarwin.slheory'ofevotu


U s i n SP r e c i s eD e s c r i p t i o n s 1. Too vague. Spccifiingwhcn life beganwould rlrake it morc scicntific. 2. Does notiDdicalc it5,500 fc.t is lhe width, depth, or lcngh. 3. Does not indicate item otconpanson. Cooler than what? anotherstar? jnner IayelS? 4 Agajn, doesnot indicate itcnofcotnparison. Less cormsive than what? 5. Does notspecify unit ofncasurc'nent. DgreesCelsius?DegrcesFrhrcnlcit? 6. Does not indicate point ofrcfercnce. Away fro'n wbat:l 7. Dos not indicate basisfor con,parison.Highest in the Hirftlsyas? in Asia? in ihe world? 8. Dos llot specify a.m. or p.rn. Docs nol indicit date. ( D c s c r i b l n gw l t h A d J a c t i v e s A n s w e r sw l l l v o r y )

1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6.

sal(,sugar wood,papr fruils,vegetablcs, grains carbon monoxide, a$enjc lcmon,gmpcfrujt gold, silvcr

12. slccl, diflnlofld, Inarble 13. rubber, sponge,musclc

8, tilc, nnrblc 9. sand,lrcc bark 10. glass, flowcr 11. ghss, wrter Uslng AdJoctlves "edond .lhg wlth 1.a 2.^ 3.b

14. tfcesnp,Inv0 15. rubbcr, plantgxln 16. air,wl|tcr perlunre 17. fllcohol, 18. lbg,jungle 19. thccrrlh,a nirbow pctrolcunl 20. gasoline, (sulturic 21. acids acid)

6.a 8.i 9.a 10. b 6. foodpreservalion ?. bird Nigratior 8. word processor L acidrdin 10, drugaddict

lormlng Cornpound Nouns 1. cheuicalreaction 2. waterdisplacement 3. air conprcssion 4. fuel pump 5. gasdensiiy 1. Iargcoil corlaincr z excessive pollu.ion air


3. bigl blood pressure 4 serious biith defbct 5. powed'.'l radiationdetcctiondevjce ( w r l t l n g S n o o t h s e n t e n c e s A n s w e r s{ i l l v a r y ) L Umnus, thc third largesl plancl, is orbilcd by nany thin dngs and at least 15 satellites. 2. CianiLc is a fard and shiny igncous rock lhal is nl.dc ofsever ] kjnds ofnetals. 3. Calcium is a silvery netal tbat is found in liflrestone,nurble,, and narine 4. The brcniosauruswas a largc,30 ton platrt{atitrg dinosaurthat livcd itrshallow 5. 6. 7. 8. are staFlike objccts lhat emit more ndiation than entirc galaxies. Quasars The crebrum,tle largestpart oflhe bmin, conlrols the snsesand the muscles. Hcnophilia is an infcrilcd djscascin wbich thc blood does not clot propcrly. Thc grccnhouseeffect is the gradualwanning of the crdh by gasesthat $re

tmppedir th ahnosphere. 1 I 2.e 3.c 4,9 5.a VocobuhryIn Contcxl(rendlhg skllls) l.b 2.^ 3.b 4.a

6,i '7, b 8,d


a 8.a 9." 1 0 .n
l,. a

Sklmnllng l.b Maklng Inferences 1.S 2.N


3. I 4.S 5. I 6.S

1. S 8. 9. N 10. I
ll. 12. I

(listcnins skills) Yocabulary Context in n 1. 2.b 3.a 5. a the t,rdcrstaDding Lecture 1.7 2.F 3.F 4.7 5.F 6.F 1. T

6. 7. b 8. 9.

8.7 9.F 1 0 .F 11.F 12. F

LECTURE: Bcyond O$r Plu|lct ourPluct is ol llscinrtirglopicsscicrrcclhcstudy whrl licsbcyord il| Onc ofllc l|rost corrsists wl)cthcrthcrcis al|y lile out lhcrcrs wc ktrowit Our solnfsystcr)r 'the ol ni c d plr cls comcts, nrctcor" rrrd phrcts and llcir s.lcllilcs,plus nuotrousaslcroids, lbrcc. by irivcl ir clliplic.l otuitsir.und lhcsu\ kcplin Placc thcsun'sgr,rvitatiornl tbanour moon ph,rctto lhc sotris Mcrcurywhi(h is orIIyslighly ltrrger Thc closcst o Tllc is Mcrcuryis vcryhota d h s nontNosphcrc. aforc, thcrL noPossibililyf lilc. Vcnris, sirc thc ncxtplaret,is ah rst tbcsaure aslhc cilh. Dcspilcit\ floxitrrily to tlrecnnh,ils thtL camolsccil. Vcrusis sohotanddry, rereis liltle bope is surlacc socloudy scicrlisls cilhcr. otlir i gany lifc on itssurface Man d Thcthirdpln ctinorderfrontbesunislhccrnba lhcfourthplanelis Mals tc16 wilhhugcvol.'.trocsanddccpcanyons.Likc1beeanh,itlrxsicypolnr has nggcd a aM Accordi gly, scienlisls write$ ol scicnce rcgionswhich chnge with th scasons. by tiction havealw.ys bce intrigucd itr Poietirl lor sustinirg lile Howcvcr,'cccnt upary cvide ceoflilc. explomtions nottunrcd hflve (hat ofa nslcroids nrirorPlrncls 1 fly bc Pieces or Bcyond MaN lbcrcareinnnnrcriblc tl1e planet onccexplodcd. Attcrthe$tcfoidscoNcsJrPiler, lalgcst er Jupitcrhs lhrl Pl. 16lnoons.ILsnussisconrFsed.lNostenlirclyoflrydrcgcqnrditnmyjnfcibeabaIlof ng. tbeplarct nnybc shrirfti JuPitc.spi s SoNescienlistsbclicvc gaswitb o surfaceatall. givingit shortdays lonsyeaISIf and nd on rdpidly its axisflndnovcsslowlyarou thesuu, lioDl lilt on earth FiBtly,tLe organisrns it tlEreis lilb on Jupiter, nusl be verydifferent they has bccause Jupiier's al|llosPhere none Sccondly, would wouldnot breilheorygen Of coulse, Jupiler isso fdr frornlbesunthntil is likelyto bc too cold havoto floatongas.

to support Ife. But somescicntisrs any }ave suggcsred a prorcctjve that atmosphere may plarct $"dnn. Jupitcrnlayhava differenr kcepd1e Or, source encrgy of suchasencrgy produced theplanet by contmcline. Satum, bautiful tbe plaDet thcrings, wjlh follows Jupirer. ringsarenolsolid;ttley Th! arenadcupof sepamtc particleswhichorbitSatu . Oreof lhcmostspectrcrllarsiqlrsifl r h c u r v e ^ t ' n u s t h e r h e v i r s f n r m s 6 r u n t o f i l s ' r Dl gin ig is !c i r h r h e s u n s h i ; n g o n r nt c^ tlEmtopmduce njnbow ofcoloN(asisbthunanbinss ncvcrseel). a wilt Sarunhas over 20 salellites is tte second and largestplancr Uranus Neptunc nexl in ode. Thcy arebolh largcptanets rre and are rhar fralnthesuna'rd,accodingly, verycotd.Unnus is orbited rhinringsan{tnDnymoons. by Plutoisasma,da.kpla et,lhc knhest fronl sun. rhc Ityouwere pturoD. s;nwould on the Comcts alsopartof oursoIar syste A conler arE m. consisls cenlfftnussof cosrnic ofa rmtterwilb a lail thatstllflnrsawaylmnrrhsurL Conrcbtn.vctrhrouAh sohr system our soflclimes swcctingon( amu|'d oursun vrnishing sfs.c.Ha ev.s and (o,ncr. nled irro m tbrDcmonHallcy who prDdjctcd oftil, rcrums theeanbcvory76 yenls. its lo Mcrcor" bit5 an ofcos,Iic nrancr cnrcr rrrn.phcrc,,;,j rhrr our I,u;rut. Th,) atpear to usasfallingstfln. Mcrcoritcs arc'i)crcon suNivcthc.rDospberc h,rd;n;;nh. rhar anJ h bctwee[rhsc \nriouscelcstial bodics, thcscis Doat] osobcr. air. no w.ter. no Mosl ofour univc^e i\ jusr,1IFv sI,.(\'. A. for Iitl rxi.rinEctirwhcre.nlostr(icnrisrs I'illtclligcrtljfc" probrblydocs bclicvc.thnt not cxjsrnr o r sotir sysrcn!but it prctMbly docscxistout ftcrc bcyordoursotarsystcm. mayrrcvcr We rcacb thcsc olherworlds, b;t tbcyrrc ahDost ccrtnirlythcrc.

IdentifylngPredlctions l.P 5.P

2.r 3.H 4.r

6.H ' 7 .P 8. H

PredictioDs FornulatingHypothctlcal wc wouldpass. 1. Ifwe studied, nany livcswouldbe savcd. 2. r a curewc.c foundfor lcukcmia, it 3. IIchlorine wcrc inhalediD largedoses, wouldbe fatal lo werc heatcd 357"C,it would boi1. 4. ff mercury wouldstart. 5. It the Iuel igniled,thecngitrc wc sce 6. Ifitwere a clcarright would thecliflsc. carrylecl.iccurrent. couldbc uscd1() ?, ff the wjrcswereillsulalcd,lhey droppd bclow 0'C, tlrrflinwouldlurn to snow 8. If lhe air temPcrdture For 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Predlctlons uhtlng IlIposslble we lf wc hadstudicd, would hrvc prssed. cncb lgc, Uwchlldspokc thcsamelflng wcwouldhavcundcrstood otberbcllcr' tbe lf wc Imdnrovcd clocksbflokonebour,wt would havchrd r extr hourof in daylight tbcnlorring. il lf thc bridgeLadbccr propcrlydcsig'rcd, would ol hrvc collrFscd wouldIavc frsscd. lowcr,lnorcstudcnls lad It lhc standrrds bccr in it salcllilc notbccnirLcrruplcd,wouldtave conlinuc.l ils orbit. had thc thc If tlrc cgg ccll hadbccnfcnilizcdtry spc crrryirg a'r x chfoNosonrc, baby a wouldhavc bcn girl. dict,hc wouldh vc bcc Lcallhicr. a If hc bndcrlcD balnrccd

Scntences Con|plcting 2. brd prediclcd 5. 6. 7 8. will hibcrnate would rus1 wouldhavclumed wouldliq cty

(Answtrs wlll v'ry) creatingPrcdictlons did '! drinkanddrivc 1. pcople nore 2. thcy exerciscd 3. we drovcclectricaulonobiles 4. lhercwcre no tests on 5. thcrcwouldbe lcsstratTic thc lieeways

6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4.

therewould be manydisputes aboutwho controls it English would be easier learn to I couldsleeplaterinthe mornjng I wouldgo 10.... tnnsmitld aq[educt psychosomatic psychomotor 7. submit 8. ductile 9. helio 10. cardiogrsph 11. geonetry

6. cadioc VocabularyIn Context l.a 2.b 3.b 4,b 5.a 6.a Dlrtlngulshlng Frct frotn Oplnlon 2.F 3.O 7, F 8.F 9.F

8.a 9.a 10, a 1 1 .a 12. a

5,O Vocrbulory CoDtext (llstenlng ln skults)

1 1 ,O

t2. o


5.b 6.b

8.a 9.a 10. F 1 1 .T 12. T

Undcrstandlng the L|!cturc

7. F. 8.F 9.F


LECTURE: The Wondr of Wrter It is difficult to overesti rale tbc impnancc ofwaler in ourlives. All living rtter, includbg mcks, fbod, and mincrals,co'rtai|rs water.TletE is walcrundcrgroundand in 1bc ahosphere. Arcas ol llle world that havc an adcqualcsupply ofwater pmv;de lbr lertjle lands that c?n supportnliny peoplc in conlBst lo arid desertareaswbere people cannot Nearly lhree-founLs thc errth's surfae is orc big oceanin which tle c{rntincnts of arc tl1 hrge hlands. Most of the earth's lifc cxisls in lle oclanj and llre ocean mnlains erlomrol]squantiliesof nearly rvcry clcnrcnt,including umdur\ rulg csiurr, silver, rnd gold. Dcsp;te its irnFnalce, u lil rccenl y.?N, !s lilllc was known abnt the oceanas atEut anolhcr planct.Today we k ow, tur cxdnplc, lhrl lhc land sufac of lhe s h c x t r c m ey h i g ! n o n t . i r r s t r dd c c f v a l l c y s T h c i s l r r d o t H r w a i i i s t h cl o p o f r n r o u r l a j n l r . llut is 33,000 f.ct high ' highcr tha rny rrounhnr nr thc Hirnahyas. And thcre are t l r d c l w r l c rc r t r y o n sh . l a r cv a s l l yh r g c r l t u ' r t h c C . a t r d . n y o n ; n t f i cU i l c r S t a l e s . t C wlllcr is a cobrlcss, odorlcss,taslclcsrliquid lhat is tra'$l)flrc t. Thc grccn or bhc c o l o ro f t l r cs c r i s l i D n d o D l yi n d c c f w l c r . A n y l s t ei l h c w l t c r i s u s m l i y d u c t o l h c prcse oi ruiftillils djssolvcdill lhc wrtd. mc Watcr js tlc nrcst vc^jalilc suhilnn(. ll is ltuquctrtly callcil th. urivcrsrl solvr t l)cmusc nnry sutxih ccs dissolvc in walcr srgar, grses, salt, d nuny nineft'ls. S c ; c r i s l sl f l i c v . t h cs x l t , n t l l co c c i u w a l c rc o n $ I n r t r r l c c ' o s ; o n f r o c k s . t o T i r c r l i l l m h o c l r l h i s u r i ( t u c n r o n g l l l h c p h n c l si n o r r s o l , r r s y s t c nn l h l l i t l l o w s r a ir w r t c r t o c x ; s li n r l l l h r c cs l a t c ss o l i d ,l i q u i d ,r t r d 9 s . w l l l c r i s o n c o l t h c l c w n r t c r i r l s : lvlrn,l cxpands whcn il liccrcs. Forcx rrplc,il yoLrlicczc I closcdl,ottlc Ii11cd witl wnlcr, thc lxrttlc lvil1 shl1r.. This ex|rrLl;ng lir.ilily brfrks sti) cs a d nr;rkcs din oul ('{ ((:ks. S i N c i l c l r k c s u p n r ) r c s t r . c l l r r n w r l c f , i l ; s l c s sd c s c i u d l l o a t so n t h c k , 0 \ d l ' l h e o . c r n s . l l i Ld i d r o l , o D io o r n s w . u l d I ) . l t u z t s o l i d . c A n o l h c ru r k l L r c . h r h c l c r i s l io l w a t e ri s l h r l i t I r r t s r n d c o o l st r r ) r u l o $ l y r l n n o r o s l s ollrc lr.lcrinls, cslaCi.lly othcr liquids. Il lrkcs moru lo lx)il wrter or nrclt i( tfi.n ntsr subsl rrcs rcqLrirc. Thcsc troplrti$ ol lvitcr cxcrt r powc.lul n[dcnti g clled oD our c l i n m t c m t e r l c n d sl o l l r o d r n t ct l l c l c n r l { r r l u r ca l l y c r r c u n d . r c a sn c i r 1 l r o c c a D r e . A a gencr.rllywanrcrillwirleratldcoolerins lncrttun inl0nd rcas. n wlller is rcrrrkrue nr a otbcr way- If wc could inlow drof ol walcr wc uright li d llll1il lr.vcls rround Lhcworld. .ds thc su wflnns thc occan,sonreoi lhe lvalcr evapofttcs irto lhe .ii ds thc air riscs lo ctulcr prrls ol llc xr|1]osphcrc, co dcnscsa d lbnns it c l o u d s . S o n r c o f l h c w a t c r l r l l s a s s o w o f n i o t h c l l o u r h i r N - I r t l c s t r i n g ,t l r cs n o w r c l l sI n d t l r ew a l c rr u r Nd o w n h i l l r m u g h s t r . r n i s r l l d i v c N .E v c n l L l l y n D s to l t l r c l v r l c r r [ rciunts io lhe (rcln vii thc grcund,!vt|tcrlxlls, strcllnrs, rivcr". This peryclualcircuhtion of w N l c r i o N t h co c e r n s o l h c r i r l o l h c l r r d a l l c k 1 0 t h c o c e a S i s c a l l c d l h c w a l e r c y c l e . l l


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