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MACBETH SHAKESPEARE Question 1. Choose two of the passage (a) to (c) and answer briefly the questions that follow: (a) Macduff: Confusion now hath made his masterpiece: Most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope The Lords anointed temple and stole thence The life o th building Macbeth: What ist you say? The life? Lennox: Mean you his majesty? Macduff: Approach the chamber and destroy your sight With a new Gorgon. Do not bid me speak: See and then speak yourselves. Q.1 What is the meaning of sacrilegious murder? Why is the murder of Duncan said to be sacrilegious? Q.2 Explain why the body of Duncan is referred as the Lords anointed temple. What was the belief of the Elizabethan period regarding the divine right of kings? Q.3 Why is Gorgon mentioned in the extract? Q.4 How does Macbeth react immediately after he is informed of the murder of Duncan? Q.5 How does Lady Macbeth react to the news of Duncans murder? (b) Macbeth: Theres one did laugh ins sleep, and one cried Murther! That they did wake each other: I stood, and heard them But they did say their prayers and addressed them Again to sleep. Lady Macbeth: There are two lodged together. Macbeth: One cried God bless us! and Amen the other, As they had seen me with theses hangmans hands Listning their fear, I could not say Amen When they did say God bless us. Q.1 Who are the two persons referred to in the extract? What did they laugh and cry? Q.2 Why do you think that they prayed in the room? Q.3 What are the hangmans hands? Why couldnt Macbeth say Amen? Q.4 What did Lady Macbeth say on seeing the blood stained hands of Macbeth? How does she console Macbeth after the deed is done? Q.5 What is suggested by the reaction of Macbeth? (c) Macbeth: If we should fail? Lady Macbeth: we fail? But screw your courage to the sticking place. And well not fail. When Duncan is asleep Where to rather shall his days hard journey Soundly invite him, his two chamberlains

Will I with wine and wassail so convince. That memory, the warder of the brain, Shall be a fume, and the receipt of reason A limebeck only: When in swinish sleep Their drenched natures lies as in a death What cannot you and I perform upon Th unguarded Duncan? What not put upon His spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt Of our great quell? Q.1Which circumstances make Macbeth to say, If we should fail? Q.2 According to Lady Macbeth, what should Macbeth do so that he would not fail? Q.3 What plan of action does lady Macbeth make for the murder of Duncan? Q.4 Explain: Who shall bear the guilt of our great quell? Q.5 How does Macbeth respond to the suggestions of Lady Macbeth?

(Answer four questions on at least three text books which may include Macbeth) Macbeth Shakespeare Q.1 Estimate the influence of Lady Macbeth on her husband and indicate the importance of her role in the play. Q.2 What happens in the following scenes? What light do they throw on the characters? What purpose do they serve in the drama? (a) Opening scene, (b) Banquet scene. Hues An Anthology of Short Stories Q.1 The Night train At Deoli brings to mind the old world romance and sensitivity. Elucidate Q.2 Do you consider the narrator to be a mean person who cheated the old man of his rightful share of the profit (Third Thought)? Q.3 With close reference to the story, bring out the relevance of the title The Castaway. Starlight poetry Q.1 How does the poet present response to nature contrast to the way he responded in his youth Tintern Abbey? Q.2 How does the poem The Shield of Achilles contrast the ancient and the modern?? Q.3 Describe the development in the poets mood in the poem The Raven. ALL THE BEST

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