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DOWNLOAD: GoogleMapAPI-2.5.tar.gz ANONYMOUS CVS: (leave password empty) cvs -d login cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs.phpinsider.

com:/export/CVS checkout GoogleMapA PI NEWS/CHANGES: NEWS DEMO: demo NAME: GoogleMapAPI - A library used for creating google maps. AUTHOR: Monte Ohrt <monte [AT] ohrt [DOT] com> LATEST VERSION: 2.5 - Sep 20th, 2007 SYNOPSIS: <?php require('GoogleMapAPI.class.php'); $map = new GoogleMapAPI('map'); // setup database for geocode caching $map->setDSN('mysql://USER:PASS@localhost/GEOCODES'); // enter YOUR Google Map Key $map->setAPIKey('YOURGOOGLEMAPKEY'); // create some map markers $map->addMarkerByAddress('621 N 48th St # 6 Lincoln NE 68502','PJ Pizza','<b >PJ Pizza</b>'); $map->addMarkerByAddress('826 P St Lincoln NE 68502','Old Chicago','<b>Old C hicago</b>'); $map->addMarkerByAddress('3457 Holdrege St Lincoln NE 68502',"Valentino's","<b>Valentino's</b>"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-co m:vml"> <head> <?php $map->printHeaderJS(); ?> <?php $map->printMapJS(); ?> <!-- necessary for google maps polyline drawing in IE --> <style type="text/css"> v\:* { behavior:url(#default#VML);

} </style> </head> <body onload="onLoad()"> <table border=1> <tr><td> <?php $map->printMap(); ?> </td><td> <?php $map->printSidebar(); ?> </td></tr> </table> </body> </html>

OUTPUT: View the output of the above example here: DESCRIPTION: GoogleMapAPI - A library used for creating google maps using the Google Map public API. Features include multiple map markers, customizable icons, map directions built into info window, and sidebar generation. More information on the Google Map API can be found here: DISCUSSION: ----------Discussions are currently held in the Smarty add-on forum (although Smarty is not necessary to use GoogleMapAPI.) BASE CLASS METHODS: ------------------GoogleMapAPI($map_id = 'map', $app_id = 'MyMapApp') --------------------------------------------------Class Constructor. The map id is needed only if you have multiple maps on the same page. The App ID is used for the Yahoo GeoCode API, if you use Yahoo for looku ps. Use a unique App ID per application. Example: // use defaults $map = new GoogleMapAPI();

// set custom map id and app id $map = new GoogleMapAPI('mymap','myapp'); setDSN($dsn) -----------Used to set the database DSN. The database is used to cache geocode lookups (highly recommended!) The PEAR::DB module is required for database access. You will need to create the following database schema (mysql example given): CREATE TABLE GEOCODES ( address varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', lon float default NULL, lat float default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (address) ); Example: $map->setDSN('mysql://DBUSER:DBPASS@DBHOST/DBNAME'); $map->setDSN('mysql://geo:foobar@localhost/GEOCODES'); setAPIKey($key) --------------Sets the Google Map API Key. This is mandatory, you will need an API Key for your hostname! You can register free here: Example: // enter YOUR registered API Key $map->setAPIKey('ABQIAAAAxp5FF-A0RhHOnnTBwrlRbx'); setWidth($width) ---------------Sets the width of the map window. This can be either px or %. Default is 500px. Example: $map->setWidth('500px'); $map->setWidth('100%'); setHeight($height) -----------------Sets the height of the map window. This can be either px or %. Default is '500px'. Example: $map->setHeight('500px');

$map->setHeight('100%'); enableMapControls() ------------------This will enable the map controls to zoom/move around the map. Enabled by default. disableMapControls() -------------------This will disable the map controls to zoom/move around the map. Enabled by default. setZoomLevel() -------------This sets the default map zoom level. Example: $map->setZoomLevel(4); setControlSize($size) --------------------This sets the map control size. Relevant only if map controls are enabled. large = map zoom/move with slider. small = zoom/move without slider. Large is default. Example: $map->setControlSize = 'small'; enableTypeControls() -------------------This will enable the map type controls (map/satellite/hybrid). Enabled by default. disableTypeControls() --------------------This will disable the map type controls (map/satellite/hybrid). Enabled by default. setMapType($type) ----------------This sets the default map type. Relevant only if map type controls are enabled. map = default map. satellite = satellite view. hybrid = hybrid view.

Example: $map->setMapType('map'); // default $map->setMapType('satellite'); $map->setMapType('hybrid'); enableSidebar() --------------This enables the map sidebar. Use printSideBar() or getSideBar() to output the sidebar text. Enabled by default. disableSidebar() ---------------This disables the map sidebar. Enabled by default. enableDirections() -----------------This enables map directions in the bottom of the pop-up info window. Enabled by default. disableDirections() ------------------This disables map directions in the bottom of the pop-up info window. Enabled by default. enableZoomEncompass() --------------------This enables zoom encompass so default map zoom is as small as possible and include all map markers. Enabled by Default. disableZoomEncompass() ---------------------This disables zoom encompass. Enabled by Default. setBoundsFudge($val) -------------------Set the map boundary fudge factor. This will adjust how much map boundary encompasses the map markers. (0.01 is default.) Example: $map->setBoundsFudge(0.01); setBrowserAlert($message) -------------------------

This sets the alert message that pops up when a browser is not compatible with the Google Map API. Default is: "Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this browser." setJSAlert($message) -------------------This sets the alert message that displays when javascript is disabled. Default: "<b>Javascript must be enabled in order to use Google Maps.</b> " enableOnLoad() -------------This enables the onLoad() javascript function, which is used by default. This allows the map javascript to be put into the <head></head> tag, then loaded upon page entry with either <body onload="onLoad()"> right in the body tag, or use printOnLoad() to place this elsewhere. With onLo ad disabled, the map javascript must be embedded inside the <body></body> tags. Using onLoad() is the best method to use for browser compatability. enableInfoWindow() -----------------enables info windows on map markers. Enabled by default. disableInfoWindow() ------------------disables info windows on map markers. Enabled by default. enableScaleControl() -------------------enables the map scale. Enabled by default. disableScaleControl() --------------------disables the map scale. Enabled by default. enableOverviewControl() ----------------------enables the map overview. Disabled by default.

disableOverviewControl() -----------------------disable the map overview. Disabled by default. disableOnLoad() --------------This disables the onLoad() javascript function. (see enableOnLoad()) Enabled by default. setInfoWindowTrigger($type) --------------------------This sets the info window trigger behavior. click = info window comes up when clicking on a marker. mouseover = info window comes up when mousing over a marker. Default is click. Example: $map->setInfoWindowTrigger('mouseover'); addMarkerByAddress($address,$title = '',$html = '') --------------------------------------------------This adds a marker to the map. The address must be a fully qualified address that can be used by the available geocode lookup services. To add markers with geocodes directly, see addMarkerByCoords(). The title is used for the sidebar navigation link. The html is used in the info window that pops up when you click on the map marker. If no html is provided, the title will be used. Note: map centering is done automatically as markers are added. Note: You can use tabbed windows by passing an array of title=>text values as the $html parameter. If driving directions are enabled, they show up under the first tab. Example: $map->addMarkerByAddress('621 N 48th St # 6 Lincoln NE 68502','PJ Pizza' ,'<b>PJ Pizza</b>'); addMarkerByCoords($lon,$lat,$title = '',$html = '') --------------------------------------------------This adds a map marker by geocode (lon/lat) directly. See addMarkerByAddress() for more details.

Example: $map->addMarkerByAddress(-96.6539,40.8191,'PJ Pizza','<b>PJ Pizza</b>');

addPolyLineByAddress($address1,$address2,$color,$weight,$opacity) ----------------------------------------------------------------This adds a polyline between the two given addresses. You can optionally supply a color (in #ffffff hex notation), weight (thickness in pixels), and opacity (in percentage 0-100). Example: $map->addPolyLineByAddress( '3457 Holdrege St Lincoln NE 68502', '826 P St Lincoln NE 68502','#eeeeee',5,50); addPolyLineByCoords($lon1,$lat1,$lon2,$lat2,$color,$weight,$opacity) -------------------------------------------------------------------This adds a polyline between the two given geocoordinate points. You can optionally supply a color (in #ffffff hex notation), weight (line thickness in pixe ls), and opacity (in percentage 0-100). Example: $map->addPolyLineByCoords(-96.67,40.8279,-96.7095,40.8149,'#eeeeee',5,50 ); adjustCenterCoords($lon,$lat) ----------------------------This adjusts the map center coords by the given automatically as you add markers to the map, or with this function. Note: this function is used library, it isn't normally necessary unless you you know what you are doing. setCenterCoords($lon,$lat) -------------------------This sets the map center coords to the given lon/lat. Center coords are calculated automatically as you add markers to the map, or you reset it manually with this function. Note: this function is used internally by the library, it isn't normally necessary unless you have a specific need and you know what you are doing. setLookupService('GOOGLE') ------------------------This sets the geocode lookup service. Default is GOOGLE, which uses the GOOGLE Geocode API. If you use the YAHOO Geocode API, be sure to set lon/lat. This is done you can do it manually internally by the have a specific need and

your application ID when instantiating GoogleMapAPI. NOTE: Yahoo API works only for US addresses (AFAIK). setMarkerIcon($iconImage,$iconShadowImage,$iconAnchorX,$iconAnchorY,$infoWin dowAnchorX, $infoWindowAnchorY) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This sets the icon image for ALL the map markers. Call this once. If you want to set a different icon for each marker, use addMarkerIcon() instead. You must supply a separate image for the icon and its shadow. iconAnchorX/Y is the X/Y coordinates of the icon for the map point. infoWindowAnchorX/Y is the X/Y coordinates of the icon where the info window connects. The iconImage and iconShadowImage can be either fully qualified URLs, or a relative path from your web server DOCUMENT_ROOT. These images MUST exist and readable so the library can calculate the dimensions. Example: $map->setMarkerIcon('/images/house.png','/images/house_shadow.png',0,0,1 0,10); addMarkerIcon($iconImage,$iconShadowImage,$iconAnchorX,$iconAnchorY,$infoWin dowAnchorX, $infoWindowAnchorY) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This sets the icon image for the CURRENT map marker. IMPORTANT: you MUST call addMarkerIcon() once for every marker. Do not use setMarkerIcon() if you use this function. You must supply a separate image for the icon and its shadow. iconAnchorX/Y is the X/Y coordinates of the icon for the map point. infoWindowAnchorX/Y is the X/Y coordinates of the icon where the info window connects. The iconImage and iconShadowImage can be either fully qualified URLs, or a relative path from your web server DOCUMENT_ROOT. These images MUST exist and readable so the library can calculate the dimensions. Example:

$map->addMarkerIcon('/images/house.png','/images/house_shadow.png',0,0,1 0,10); printHeaderJS() --------------This prints the header javascript that goes into the <head></head> tags. To return the header javascript in a variable, use getHeaderJS(). Example: <head> <?php $map->printHeaderJS(); ?> </head> getHeaderJS() ------------This returns the header javascript that goes into the <head></head> tags . To print the header javascript directly, use printHeaderJS(). Example: <?php $headerjs = getHeaderJS(); ?> <head> <?php echo $headerjs; ?> </head> printMapJS() -----------This prints the map javascript. If onLoad() is enabled, put this in the <head></head> tags, and supply <body onload="onLoad()"> in the body tag (or use printOnLoad()). Otherwise, put this just before the </body> tag to make it load automatically. Note that using onLoad() is recommended over this method. To return the map javascript in a variable, use getMapJS(). Example: <head> <?php $map->printMapJS(); ?> </head> getMapJS() ---------This returns the map javascript that goes into the <head></head> tags. To print the map javascript directly, use printMapJS(). Example:

<?php $mapjs = $map->printMapJS(); ?> <head> <?php echo $mapjs; ?> </head> printOnLoad() ------------This prints the onLoad() javascript call. This is an alternate to using <body onload="onLoad()"> in the body tag. You can place this anywhere in the html body. To return the onLoad() javascript in a variable, use getOnLoad(). Example: <head> <?php $map->printMapJS(); ?> </head> <body> <?php echo $map->printMap(); ?> <?php $map->printOnLoad(); ?> </body> getOnLoad() ----------This returns the map javascript that goes into the <head></head> tags. To print the map javascript directly, use printMapJS(). Example: <?php $onload = $map->getOnLoad(); $mapjs = $map->getMapJS(); $map = $map->getMap(); ?> <head> <?php echo $mapjs; ?> </head> <body> <?php echo $map; ?> <?php echo $onload; ?> </body>

printMap() ---------This prints the map html. To return the map html in a variable, use getMap(). Example:

<head> <?php $map->printMapJS(); ?> </head> <body onload="onLoad()"> <?php echo $map->printMap(); ?> </body> Example 2 (using printOnLoad): <head> <?php $map->printMapJS(); ?> </head> <body> <?php echo $map->printMap(); ?> <?php echo $map->printOnLoad(); ?> </body>

getMap() -------This returns the map html in a variable. To print the map html directly, use printMap(). Example: <?php $map = $map->getMap(); ?> <body onload="onLoad()"> <?php echo $map; ?> </body> printSidebar() -------------This prints the sidebar html. To return the sidebar html in a variable, use getSidebar(). Example: <body onload="onLoad()"> <table> <tr> <td> <?php $map->printMap(); ?> </td> <td> <?php $map->printSidebar(); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </body> getSidebar() ------------

This returns the sidebar html in a variable. To print the sidbar html directly, use printSidebar(). Example: <?php $map = $map->getMap(); $sidebar = $map->getSidebar(); ?> <body onload="onLoad()"> <table> <tr> <td> <?php echo $map; ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $sidebar; ?> </td> </tr> </table> </body> getGeocode($address) -------------------This looks up the geocode of an address. It will use the database cache if available. If you want to lookup a geocode without using the database cache, use geoGetCoords(). Note: this function is used internally by the library, it isn't normally necessary unless you have a specific need and you know what you are doing. Example: $geocode = $map->getGeocode('237 S 70th suite 220 Lincoln NE 68510'); echo $geocode['lat']; echo $geocode['lon']; getCache($address) -----------------This will get the cached geocode info for an address from the database cache, or return FALSE if nothing is available. Note: this function is used internally by the library, it isn't normally necessary unless you have a specific need and you know what you are doing. Example: $geocode = $map->getCache('237 S 70th suite 220 Lincoln NE 68510'); echo $geocode['lat']; echo $geocode['lon']; putCache($address,$lon,$lat) ---------------------------This will insert geocode info for the given address into the database

cache. Note: this function is used internally by the library, it isn't normally necessary unless you have a specific need and you know what you are doing. Example: $map->putCache('237 S 70th suite 220 Lincoln NE 68510',-96.62538,40.8124 38); geoGetCoords($address) ---------------------This looks up the geocode of an address directly (not from cache.) Note: this function is used internally by the library, it isn't normally necessary unless you have a specific need and you know what you are doing. Example: $geocode = $map->geoGetCoords('237 S 70th suite 220 Lincoln NE 68510'); echo $geocode['lon']; echo $geocode['lat']; geoGetDistance($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2,$unit) --------------------------------------------This gets the distance between too coordinate points using the great circle formula. $unit can be M (miles),K (kilometers),N (nautical miles),I (inches), or F (feet). Default is M. Example: $distance = $map->geoGetDistance($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2,$unit);

INTEGRATING GOOGLE MAPS WITH SMARTY TEMPLATES --------------------------------------------Integrating with Smarty is as simple as assigning the necessary vars to the template and then displaying them. Note: This example does not cover how to setup Smarty, please use the Smarty documentation. Example: <?php require('Smarty.class.php'); require('GoogleMapAPI.class.php'); $smarty = new Smarty(); $map = new GoogleMapAPI(); // setup database for geocode caching $map->setDSN('mysql://USER:PASS@localhost/GEOCODES'); // enter YOUR Google Map Key $map->setAPIKey('YOURGOOGLEMAPKEY'); // create some map markers

$map->addMarkerByAddress('621 N 48th St # 6 Lincoln NE 68502','PJ Pizza','<b >PJ Pizza</b>'); $map->addMarkerByAddress('826 P St Lincoln NE 68502','Old Chicago','<b>Old C hicago</b>'); $map->addMarkerByAddress('3457 Holdrege St Lincoln NE 68502',"Valentino's","<b>Valentino's</b>"); // assign Smarty variables; $smarty->assign('google_map_header',$map->getHeaderJS()); $smarty->assign('google_map_js',$map->getMapJS()); $smarty->assign('google_map_sidebar',$map->getSidebar()); $smarty->assign('google_map',$map->getMap()); // display the template $smarty->display('index.tpl'); ?> contents of index.tpl: ---------------------<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-co m:vml"> <head> {$google_map_header} {$google_map_js} <!-- necessary for google maps polyline drawing in IE --> <style type="text/css"> v\:* {ldelim} behavior:url(#default#VML); {rdelim} </style> </head> <body onload="onLoad()"> <table> <tr> <td>{$google_map}</td> <td>{$google_map_sidebar}</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> CREDITS: -------Excellent Google Maps tutorials by Mike: People who have helped/contributed: facebook : twitter : scribd :

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