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CA2 Paper Essay Outline Question: Is a world without prejudice and discrimination possible?

Topic: Prejudice and Discrimination Issue: reasons why prejudice and discrimination still occur Context: Todays society Keywords: without (totally eliminated through actions, policies, laws), prejudice (preconceived notion, unfavorable opinion towards a certain group of people without prior knowledge, thought or reason), discrimination (unfair treatment towards a certain group of people usually covert) Stand: No, it is not possible Point Prejudice and discrimination is a problem that is deep-rooted into the society, it is not that easy to get rid of the problem. Explanation difficult to eradicate prejudice and discrimination completely been in the society for a long time deeprooted into our societymany complications involved society is unable to change what it views as the norm for a long period of time in a short period of time Evidence & Evaluation women discrimination goes back to centuries ago, women were not allowed outside of the house and had limited education taught to only be the homemakers of the family, no rights to vote at all could not go out into the society to work The prejudice and discrimination against women problem have significantly improved UN has made significant progress in advancing gender equality, including through landmark agreements Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) However, it cannot be said that it is completely eradicate from the society recent report from the Department of U.S. Labor showed that women today are paid only 72 cents for every dollar a man earns Link It is hard to completely eradicate prejudice and discrimination from a society as the issue has been long-standing in the society and hard to get rid of.

It is nearly impossible as prejudices are deeply rooted in culture and tradition

Culture and tradition have been passed down from generation to generation people have been exposed to them since young socialised to believe the differences between other cultures regardless of whether they are true or perceived difficult to correct the perceptions People often favor those of the same race categorize people by physical differences (skin color) tend to draw conclusions using commonalities can accept each other more easily, able to communicate more

The Indian caste system still exists today social status still does not change regardless of the jobs of the person lower class members still discriminated marriage partner is restricted name of person easily reflects the persons caste

Perceptions of people are still deeply attached to names strongly anchored in the societys culture prejudice not eliminated

People tend to be inherently biased towards their own race, resulting in prejudice and discrimination towards other races.

Until 2003, Malaysia enforced discriminatory laws limiting access to university education for Chinese students despite same nationality government implement laws which eventually still biased against Chinese (not official race in the country) Ethnocentrism tendency to evaluate others cultures by ones own cultural norms and values forming stereotypical thinking Affirmative action Government of Guyana 1994 Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against women recognizes that the domestic violence act is an important mechanism redress, reduce and eliminate domestic violence is committed to ensuring its success

Therefore since human nature will cause people of the same race to favor each other more, it will eventually lead to implicit racial bias towards other races, causing prejudice and discrimination.

However, some actions taken to eliminate discrimination have been effective to a certain extent.

Since discrimination is more of a covert act, it can be eradicated so that unfair treatment no longer exist in particular society, where people show their prejudices publicly.

Therefore it is possible to eliminate such discriminatory acts although prejudices might still be deep rooted

Crime and Punishment Essay Outline Question: One should have the freedom of choice so long it harms no one else. Do you agree that this should be the basis of law? Topic: Punishment Issue: What should be the basis of law Context: Todays society Keywords: Freedom of choice (ability to decide your own actions without restrictions, to be able to do anything without interference), harms no one else (to inflict emotional or physical pain on other people), basis of law (fundamental rules in deciding the punishment for ones actions) Stand: Disagree Point The basis of law should not only be based on harming others as there are some crimes in which it harms no one else, but are considered crimes as they harms oneself instead, or is a public nuisance. Explanation The law should be able to protect everyone ironic if the law could protect everyone else from you, but yet be unable to protect yourself from the decisions that you make people do make irrational decisions at times law should be ensure that the irrational choices that we made would not cause us our lives Evidence & Evaluation drug abuse and having sex in public Drug abuse cause harm to ones body (basically abuses it) according to the National Center for Health Statistics over 19,000 people died of accidental poisoning or drug overdose in the United States (2004) By 2005, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported over 22,000 people losing their lives to death by overdose one of the exceptions in which it harms no one else but affects the freedom of choice that Link The basis of law is not based solely on protecting others, but also on protecting oneself.

we make sex in public is disturbing to the public, and should not be done outdoors Laws cannot be based on the criteria that other parties should not be harmed as a result of an individuals action. There are many different degrees of harm not all different degrees of harm should be punishable by law the harshness of punishments are determined by the severity of harm caused severity of harm is subjective the same action may not cause as much harm to one as compared to another Sometimes humans act on their impulses does not mean that they had the real intention to do bad inherently evil despite not wanting to harm others might deviate from their principles cannot assume that humans would never make mistakes just because of their good will or moral principles wrongdoings are also a part and parcel of life Some forms of harm like verbal abuse might hurt the other partys emotions However; different people may feel different degrees of hurt due to previous personal experiences some may be unaffected, some may sue for slander The criteria that no one else is harmed is not binding Laws need to consider the severity of the harm caused

One must acknowledge the existence of human nature present in all human beings.

Insider trading trading in a security (buying or selling a stock) based on material information that is not available to the general public prohibited by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) unfair and would destroy the securities markets by destroying investor confidence based on this act with insiders information and unknown to other people that one has this information at hand humans, being evil by nature greed would use it to their own interest

Due to human nature which causes all humans to be evil by nature and driven by their personal interests, by harming no one else does not mean that it will deter humans from doing evil or stop humans from their wrongdoings, thus it should not be the basis of law.

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