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The Return of Magic Book One of the Elder God Wars Trilogy By Glenn E.

Hall 2004 Sacred Grove Publishing

Acknowledgment: This work of fiction is dedicated to the pagan peoples in America, who only desire to live free.

Cover Image by Glenn Hall


A lone figure paced back and forth in the alley behind the Capitol Club. Senator Kelly pulled his coat tight around his neck. I wonder why he would want to meet me here? he wondered. He wasnt used to late night meetings in dark alleys, but this source his aide was setting him up with said that this was the only place that he would meet him. It was important, because this source said that he had some information regarding a recent Judicial Powers bill that had been introduced into Congress. But he was already fifteen minutes late. Senator Kelly looked over his shoulder. This alley didnt feel right. The shadows didnt seem to move right; it was almost like they were moving, whispering, watching him. Well, if he doesnt show in ten minutes, Im out of here. he thought as he lit another cigarette. Suddenly he was keenly aware that he was not alone. Turning, he barely got a look at the gun before the barrel erupted in a cloud of smoke and flame. /|\ Now why would a kid want to kill a Senator? Detective Meyers asked himself. Especially one who was one of the founders of the Conservative Values Coalition. Escorting the young man accused of killing Senator Kelly into the station, he remarked on how the kid looked: dressed in all black, spiked wrist bracelet and a pentacle necklace. In his backpack they found a small cauldron, a pentacle disk and a knife with strange symbols and writing on it. The gun was found in a trash can only a few feet away. Man, the press is going to have a field day with this one. he thought as he closed the holding cell door.


Chapter 1

"I can't believe that they are out of Doritos," he thought as he walked back from the corner quickie mart. He opened the wrapper to his bag of candy and took a sip of pop. "Some midnight snack" he thought. Jareth turned the corner and started to walk to the hotel a block away. As he approached, he noticed the S.W.A.T. vehicles pull up in the empty parking lot a block away. Jareth decided to let his Druid curiosity get the better of him, and went closer. The police sergeant was talking on the phone, and the manager of the hotel, where the Pagan conference was located in, being escorted to the site. The sergeant told the hotel manager that the hotel was to be raided, he needed the names, and room numbers of the convention of Pagans, so that they may be taken into custody and sent to the re-education centers. Jareth did not wait to hear any more. Dropping his snack, he ran to the hotel, and hurried to the floor where his room was. As he packed his few things he could not live without, he called some of the others and warned them of what he saw. Then he went to each room waking everyone up and warning them as well. The evacuation has begun. Moments later, the young Druid Apprentice on watch came up and said that the vote was approved by a narrow margin. "No duh, the cops are coming to arrest us," said Jareth. He then took a small boy in his arms, helping one of the conventioneers get all of her kids out, choosing to take the employee stairs. As he turned the corner, an armed S.W.A.T. officer turned the corner as well, and seeing the fleeing people, raised his gun... Jareth awoke with a start, taking a moment to realize that he was still in his hotel room. It always starts with the same series of dreams: the nightmares, the police raiding peaceful homes, the smoke in the city sky. Moreover, it always ends the same, with Jareth and his people trying desperately to leave their native home here and flee for their lives to foreign shores. However, these images always seemed to blur together and fade, as sleep faded from him. Yesterday's meeting had seemed to last forever, discussing possibilities, keeping an eye on the proceedings on the news, and he was worn out. They had been here for three days. He was an Arch Druid, the leader of one of several different Pagan and New Age groups, meeting to discuss the pending crisis. Not that most Americans would see it as a crisis, for they were Christians, and had no reason to be afraid, for they supported the measure: the required majority of state legislatures two years ago had formally called for a constitutional convention, and the new draft of the constitution formed a new nation, the People's Republic of America, a confederation of conservative Christian states. The conservative right wing had been working for years, in secret and quietly, getting their members into places of local, state and federal government, not to mention local school boards and business. And to them, we were the enemy. Jareth rubbed his eyes, and looked at the alarm clock; it was 2 a.m. "Well, might as well

get something to eat." thought Jareth, as he got dressed. He was not looking forward to another day sitting in the conference room, with the others, watching the Senate debate final ratification of the new constitution. He passed by the Conference room, where a young woman was watching the proceedings on television, and she seemed restless. "Hey Ivy, you realize that there is a tape delay, right? Says so there on the corner of the screen." said Jareth. Ivy yelped and nearly jumped out of her skin. "Oh, sorry, you scared me. Why would this be tape delayed?" "Who knows, probably in case some classified information was said out loud, they can edit it out." "Well," said Ivy, "if there are any developments, I will let you know. The news is making it hard to sleep these days." "I can't agree more," grunted Jareth, walking off. "Page me if you hear anything. I'm going to the store." /|\ Las Vegas, NV... nine months earlier

Jareth walked through the door, hearing his wife call his name. "But L.A. is so far away, couldn't they have called for the meeting to be someplace closer?" said his wife, Vivyan. "Well, it could have been worse," Jareth replied, picking up his three year old son, Tarann. "They originally wanted the convention to be held in New York." "No thank you," said Vivyan, scrunching up her face in disgust. "I want to keep you as near as possible, I have a bad feeling about the convention." "We all do," he said, "but we still need to do something, and the convention and rally are the safest options so far. Besides, the convention is still nine months away, so there is no need to worry about it for now. Still, Samhain is next week, and we have a huge list of things to do before then." Jareth put his son down in his fort play set, and considered the reason the convention was being called in the first place. About eight months ago, the conservative Christian groups here in America had enough support in government to introduce legislation calling for a constitutional convention. It was in response to the unfortunate and brutal murder of a top U.S.

Senator, and it was finally pinned in some young kid still in high school. The damning factor was the fact that the boy was pagan, Wicca in particular, and the Senator was a leader among the conservative right wing political groups. Stranger still, the young man in question was found hung in his jail cell the night before he was to stand trial. There was a suicide note pinned to his shirt, so that was the conclusion the authorities came to. During the debate, a new proposal was drawn up, rewriting the entire constitution and forming a Christian theocracy, implementing biblical law and keeping the republic style of government. For most Americans, this was hailed as a triumph of the church over the secular trends of the last 100 years. Therefore, as for Christians, they had nothing to fear. However, Jareth was an Arch Druid, the founder of a small Druidic Order in Las Vegas, and under the proposed biblical laws, he and his family, not to mention the rest of his grove, were in danger. The upcoming convention was being timed to coincide with the constitution ratification convention, and they would be following the proceedings very closely. "Enough worrying for now," he thought. "Things will work out exactly as they should, and the Gods have always been good to us." He went back to the kitchen where Vivyan was making dinner, gave her a big hug, and settled into a night with the family. /|\ Ah, the season of Samhain, the completion of the year wheel and the start of the New Year. It is a time of remembering and honoring those who have passed on, and preparing for the winter ahead, a time to be boisterous and alive. The ancient traditions are re-enacted, though altered, as Halloween festivities. It is the most sacred night of the Celtic Calendar, the highest holy day. But even with the upcoming celebration, Jareth was unsettled. His two decades of Druidic training just will not be ignored. The energies in the land are different somehow, more potent. It seems as if the very land itself is starting to awaken. He could feel the sidhe, the faerie folk, all around him. "This is good," thought Jareth, "the Samhain ritual tonight should be one to remember." A loud horn call broke the silence, calling all to the processional. As the grove assembled, Jareth called out the opening invocation: "This is the feast of the dead, the night on the turning wheel that brings us back to the thin veil. The gates between the worlds stand open this night. Let us proceed now to the Nemeton so that we may honor our ancestors, whose voices come to us on the whispering winds." The procession slowly made its way to the Nemeton, with a Bard playing an appropriate and somber selection during the processional. Jareth lead the procession circling the interior of the Nemeton three times, and on the third time, each person stepped out of the procession to take their places in the Nemeton.

When everyone was in place, Jareth lead the centering meditation, and then he spoke the following blessing: "Great voice that calls us in the wind of dawn, Strange voice that stills us in the heat of noon, Heard in the Sunset.... Heard in the Moonrise.... And in the stirring of the wakeful night; We call you forth by ocean, sky, and the fruitful earth, Bring the light that casts no shadow and give these sacred fires their birth." And with that invocation, the fire pits lit on their own, to the shock and surprise of all. But Jareth was the Arch Druid, and even the surprise of the need fires was not enough to break his concentration, especially this night. Up and around and through him the energy swirled, dancing along each nerve, along each of his hairs. He continued: "This is Samhain, ancestor night, the night of the year when the veil between this world and Annwn is thinnest. At the death of the old year we seek the wisdom of those whom have passed on before us, those of our kin who have not yet been reborn into this world, or who no longer need to be reborn among us, that dwell in the presence of the Gods of our people." It was time for the Ovydd to make his invocation, and Paul, a student who was in his ninth year of study, stepped forward. His timing was precise: "We gather here this night to petition the release of the souls of our ancestors, so that they may guise us through the year ahead. Lord of the Hunt, King of the Underhill Lands, hear now the voice of the Bard!" And with this, Paul tossed a large handful of powder onto the flames of the square fire pit, turning the flames blue. Twisting, turning the magic soared, like a horse finally allowed to run, flowing around and through those gathered on that plain. Eowin, a Chief Druid, called forth his invocation: "He is nevertheless the Earth, the sky, the sea.... He, as He is Lord, is a serpent, a bird in the sky! He, whose ways are not difficult to comprehend - they are impossible! Before the Ovydd could even cast his next handful of powder onto the fire, the flames surged with the rising tide of energy; but no one was taken aback, for the magic had everyone in its grip, and like a gentle mother brought her children with her. Jareth, sensing that the veil had been parted, and the moment of Samhain arrived, called forth the final invocation:

"Open glade in dark wood, pine branch in warrior hand, smoke of Mandrake calls forth the black guardian. Hear the flutter of midnight wings, the running of the woodland host. Hear the clash of brave souls in the name of the Lord of the Hunt. Hear the breathing of the God, rampant and fertile. Hear the foot fall of the terrible hounds, Hear Gwynn ap Nudd enter open glade in dark wood!" At this point the flames seemed to burst forth, almost singeing those nearest the fires. There, like a specter within the flames, was the God Gwynn ap Nudd. Jareth gave the customary greeting and threefold blessing to the God, then spoke: "Lord of the Underworld Kingdoms, we come before you this night to request that you release and part the veil for those of our kin who have gone to Annwn before us, and whose names we give you now." Starting with the youngest member, most of which having never seen one of the Tuatha before, were a little frightened. But they still proceeded to the square fire, casting into it a piece of paper with the name of the passed family member on it and saying: "Give me clear knowledge of the path I must follow. Hear my desires, Lord of the Hunt, send forth my ancestors to guide and protect me. Lead me to greater knowledge and fulfillment." With each person passing, Gwynn nodded his head, acknowledging each in turn. Jareth noted that the God seemed to reach out and touch the crown of a few of the grove members. This was a new experience for every one, for though the Gods blessed each festival, rare it is for one to actually manifest. Then it was his turn. Jareth approached the God, head held high, and went to cast his paper into the flames. As he was doing so, the God took the paper from his hand and said: Dark and forbidding are the three mighty portals of the Underworld which you call earth! The maiden sheds her blood to give birth. The Great Queen rules with severity and compassion. The Ancient One, the Black Crow, gives her life that Her Daughter, the tributary, may share with Her the onrush of life into the oceans of starry space. A time of great upheaval is soon upon you and you must make ready. All that you now hold dear will be torn from you, and the events are irretrievably set in motion. So many of you in these days of luxury wish to enjoy ease and comfort, from youth to old age. You seek to cure all ills, provide yourself with food and shelter with little work, and above all, to escape from suffering. But every stage in your lifetimes journey entails suffering. When you are young, you are

tortured by unrequited love! When you are at the height of your powers, you are bitter at lack of success. What can be more dreadful, as you grow old, as the prospect of relegation to some easeful but boring institution, deprived of creativity, health and hope! But if you submit to My rule, and that of the Elder Gods, you will have the benefit of My own experiences when I incarnate on earth. Your love will never be unrequited because you love all. Your success is assured, because the only satisfaction you seek will be to enjoy the Divine reality all around you. As for old age, it will not exist for you. You are the Emrys, the everlasting. For with Me you shall live joyfully in Tir na N'Og, the Land of Everlasting Youth. And with that, Gwynn ap Nudd faded from the flames. It took several moments for Jareth to take in what had just happened. Realizing that every one was staring at him, he composed himself as best he could and continued: The Gods have accepted our offering! May this year be filled with health, wealth and wisdom for us all. The year wheel has turned, the harvest has come again. We have sown many thought seeds since last Samhain. Let the good be harvested, let those that would harm or hinder us be cast aside." The ritual horn was passed around, allowing all to take a sip of the mead. Jareth continued: "Let us take a moment to remember those who have passed from among us, who now sail the Seas of Annwn." After a moment of silence, he continued: "Thus ends the Season of Light. May the blessing and protection of the Gods of our people be ever apparent unto thee." With this the fires flared up once more, before dying down to embers. As the procession made its way out of the Nemeton, Jareth, though still uneasy, could not help but chuckle "I knew this was going to be a night to remember." /|\ The festivities carried on through most of the night. Songs were sung telling the tales of heroes of old, boasts of battles won were made by knights and warriors who were in Renaissance groups. Candles were lit in honor of friends and family who have passed from this life into the next. But most of the talk was about the evening's ritual, the appearance of the God Gwynn ap Nudd. Not since the Elder Days have the Gods walked among man. "Hey Jareth, are you still with us? Jareth, though startled, maintained his composure as he

turned to face the Summoner of his grove, Eowin. "I was just pondering what Gwynn ap Nudd had said." replied Jareth. "When the time is right, I guess I will understand what he meant fully." "Gwynn ap Nudd spoke to you? I thought I was the only one he spoke with." said Izaak, overhearing Jareth. "When you went to him, I saw him take your parchment, but the two of you never spoke, just locked eyes for a moment." Thats what I saw as well. said Eowin. "That is what happened with you; the two of you just stared for a moment. I guess his words were meant only for whom he spoke them to." mused Jareth. "Perhaps; but enough of all this, lets enjoy ourselves, it is Samhain after all." said Vivyan, handing Jareth a cup of mead. "You have been moody all day; it's time to have some fun." Vivyan took Jareth by the arm and they walked back into the house. As they entered the kitchen, they heard a commotion coming from the front of the house. People were shouting and there was the sound of breaking glass. Jareth, Izaak and Vivyan ran to the front door to see the Grove's Ranger Cai holding off with his staff a man holding a broken bottle. He seemed to be drunk. "I know what you devil-worshiping beasts are doing and I won't let you get away with it." he said "I won't let you teach your filth to my daughter any longer." "Ah," Jareth thought, "this must be Ivy's father, Steve. Zephyrwind said that he was always causing trouble." Ivy and her mother Zephyrwind were members of the Grove. "Well sir, just put the bottle down. There is no need for this." said Cai. Jareth saw Ailya come up from behind Steve, staff in hand as well. Jareth knew he had to act before things got out of hand. "Enough!" Jareth's voice boomed across the neighborhood. He walked down to where the man was standing, stopping a few feet in front of him. "Now Steve, just put down the bottle and let's talk about this." "What, so you can cast some kind of spell on me or something?" And with that Steve lunged. Out of nowhere, Jareth felt the power surge up from within him. Time seemed to slow down as Jareth raised his hands, and the burst of magic sent Steve flying through the air. Silence fell over the entire group, as all eyes turned towards Jareth. Magic has always been subtle, a small trickle that could be guided to help influence small changes, not the raw power just witnessed. Even Jareth couldn't believe what had just happened. Looking down at his singed shirt he realized he had thrown lightning! That meant...

"Steve!" he said, as he ran across the yard to the man lying on the ground. /|\

Chapter 2

Hes out like a light, but other than that hes ok. said Eowin, getting up from checking out Steve, who was now inside on the couch. What ever you did to him must have been like a stun gun. How did you do that? Jareth looked around at the faces in the room, and he couldnt help but notice more than a few were a little nervous. Im not sure; it just seemed to come up from the ground, like when I weave the energies for ritual, only stronger. I was like nature opened a floodgate for a moment. It was that way during the ritual as well, you all felt it. But what we need to concentrate on right now is what to do with Steve; hes going to have a hell of a headache in the morning. Well, Zephyrwind said, I can take him home and plop him on his bed. He has had so many drunken outbursts that he usually cant keep them straight; much less remember getting back to the house tonight. Ok, well now to the other matter, said Izaak, coming back in from cleaning up the broken glass outside; I dont think that that energy burst was a random event, with one of the Gods manifesting tonight, but the energy upsurge that has been going on all day has subsided, so it was most likely meant to be here for that, and Jareth just tapped into it. Most every one had calmed down by now and nodded in agreement, but inside Jareth wasnt sure. Well if anyone had any weird things happen to them let us know, everything happens for a reason. he said as he helped Ivy put the snoring Steve in Zephyrwinds car. Dont worry Jareth, said Zephyrwind, many of them are still new to the path, and seeing that kind of a display was a bit of a shock, no pun intended. And with that, she drove off, giggling all the way. Shaking his head, Jareth walked back inside and gave Vivyan a hug. Mmm, I needed this, he said. Well, your son needs his dinner, there is a bowl of soup in the microwave and a bottle of juice in the fridge. she said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Im going outside to help Ailya and Izaak clean up. Jareth got the soup out of the microwave, grabbed the juice, handed them to Tarann, and then went outside. The remaining members of the Grove were helping clean up from the evenings pot luck dinner. You know, the energy patterns are still a bit stronger than normal. I feel like I could run a marathon. We all do Jareth, said Goldwhisper, one of the Bards. Though it was kind of freaky, that thing you did was also kind of cool. Definitely something you dont see everyday. said Goldwhispers husband Cai.

Yeah, but I cant seem to call the energy up again, so maybe it was just a fluke. and reached down for a stack of plates. Just as he finished saying this though, they all heard a loud thunk come from something hard falling in the kitchen. Going inside they saw Tarann reaching for his juice bottle on the kitchen floor. Both the juice and the soup were frozen solid. /|\ "Here we go again," thought Jareth as they ran from the motel. "Why can't they just leave us alone?" They were just getting in the van as the first police vehicles pulled up to the far side of the motel. Not wanting to draw attention to the group, Jareth pulled out of the drive as if nothing was wrong. Unfortunately, they didn't buy it. As they were driving away, a bullet shattered the back window of the van. Jareth woke with a start. Vivyan was asleep beside him in bed. He couldn't remember how long he had been having these dreams, but they scared him to the core. The problem was he could never remember them after he woke up. All he could remember was running, or trying to hide. Pouring himself a pop, he walked back into the bedroom. "Can't sleep?" Vivyan asked. "Nah, I had another one of those dreams. It's ok though, it's probably just stress." "Well, I am still allowed to worry." Vivyan said. "It's late, come back to bed." Rolling over and facing her husband, she said, "I know what will make you forget all about the nightmares." she said as she turned out the light. /|\ Washington D.C. one month later... "We need to be sure that this is kept under wraps," he said, his chair turned with his back facing the man sitting in front of his desk. A thin wisp of cigarette smoke drifted up from behind the chair. "I need your assurance that there will not be any media leaks regarding the mission." "Only myself and a few trusted others even know about the objective, much less the potential mission, sir, you have nothing to fear. All arrangements are in place and we are ready to proceed when you give the order." said the man seated across the desk. He was a rather large man, and not taken to being bullied; but today was the exception. "Good, very good. Take care to keep it that way. I have been working towards this for too many years to have it fall apart at the finish line. said the man, turning his chair around. Oh, by the way," said the man in the chair, standing, "I need you to get me the list of each convention being held in July, and the hotel it is at being held at, for all of the major hotels in New York,

L.A., Washington D.C. and all of the other large metro areas. Also, kill any leaks that make their way to the media, and let them know that reporting them would be unfortunate. Got it?" As the Director of the C.I.A. turned to leave the Oval Office, all he could say was "Yes, Mr. President." /|\ Vivyan came home to find her husband Jareth and son Tarann watching the latest Harry Potter movie on TV. Hey hon, whats up? Not much, how was your day? Jareth started to say when... Mommy!!! squealed Tarann, almost knocking Vivyan over with his hug. Well, Im happy to see you too little man. How was your day? Mommy, mommy guess what? Tarann could hardly hold his excitement. We saw a unicorn on TV. Oh cool, what movie was it? Vivyan asked. Not a movie silly, said Tarann, on the news! Vivyan started to say that it must have been a movie when Jareth said, Hes not kidding. A news crew doing an environmental piece caught a few seconds of film before the unicorn ran off. I taped it when it was re-broadcast. Jareth put the tape into the VCR and pressed play. A local reporter in northern California was talking about the old growth redwood rainforest and how the government wants to allow logging companies in to thin the forest and undergrowth. All of a sudden, the reporters eyes got very big, and she quietly told her camera man to slowly turn around. There, using its horn to dig for grass and small plants in the freshly fallen snow was a unicorn. It wasnt like the Hollywood horse with a horn unicorn; this looked more like a cream colored gazelle with a single obsidian colored horn spiraling out of his forehead. The reporter then sneezed and the unicorn bolted back into the forest. Pretty cool, huh? Jareth asked, ejecting the tape and re-starting the movie for Tarann. Yeah it is! Vivyan said, I just hope that no one tries to hunt it down and kill it. Well, if the Gods brought them back, Im sure that theyll protect them too. Jareth said Besides the news crew has promised to not reveal where they found the unicorn at.

Well I hope you are right. she said, picking up Tarann. So, who here feels like Chinese for dinner? /|\ Later that night, Vivyan was up watching the video again. Since she was a little girl, she had always had a fascination for unicorns, and now there was one on the news for real. But she saw something in the background of the video. She was surprised to notice that the unicorn was not alone. There, in the bushes in the background, was a young unicorn fawn. This seemed to be the icing on the weird cake for this year. With what happened at Samhain, reports of people levitating as well as exhibiting other psychic abilities to a degree never before seen, this has been a strange year. Now, at least one magical creature has re-emerged. What next, dragons? she thought whimsically as she turned off the TV and joined Jareth in bed. The next morning she was getting Tarann ready to go to the store. She had a few things to get for class this weekend, as well as picking up her Bard robes from the dry cleaners. I just had to have silk and satin for my robe, didnt I? she chided herself. Vivyan had just completed the Bardic grade of Drisac, her third year of study. She was also the Ministry Director, and because of her title, she had more responsibilities and had to study harder and more than the others. She was taking the Bardic and Ovydd courses at the same time. Luckily, Jareths store was very successful, and she no longer had to work outside the home. Tarann, come here sweetie. she called her son. You need your shoes tied. Finishing that, she put Tarann into the car and buckled him into his booster seat, saying After the store, how does Taco Hut sound for lunch? Sounds good to me. Tarann giggled. Can we go to the shark place today too? No, not today little man, maybe this weekend. Vivyan said as she backed the car out of the driveway. /|\ Returning home that afternoon, Vivyan was surprised to see Jareths car sitting in the driveway. Hey hon, whats up? He called out as she pulled up next to him in the drive. Youre home early. she said. Yeah, I know, but I thought that we could go see the new King Arthur movie. It opens today and I have advance tickets. Besides, Dee is watching the store. said Jareth.

Yahoo! Tarann shouted and started jumping up and down. Oh careful little man, your shoe is untied again. said Vivyan as Tarann tripped on his shoelace and landed on his hands and knees. Picking up the crying little boy, she tried to soothe him. Its ok, sweetie. Mommy will kiss it all better. And as she kissed each of his skinned knees, he stopped crying and started to squirm and giggle. What are you laughing at, little man? Vivyan asked, thinking Jareth was making a face at him. Youre tickling me mommy. he said. Hon, look. Jareth said, pointing at Tarann. What am I looking at said Vivyan, stopping dead in her tracks. Taranns skinned knees were both completely healed. /|\

Chapter 3

Ok everyone, tonight we are going to be working on scrying techniques, does everyone have their scrying mirrors? Eowin asked. The class nodded yes. Eowin had taken over the teaching of some of the classes, so he could better develop his skills as a Chief Druid, and someday lead a grove of his own if he chose to. But today, he is teaching scrying using black mirrors to second year Bard students. Ok, the first thing you need is quiet, so from now on no more talking. he said as he handed each student a cobalt blue candle. Just then, Chief Druid Izaak came in the room. Sorry Im late. Traffic. said Izaak. Second, so you are not distracted Eowin said, glancing at Izaak, and dont see any one elses reflection, form a circle facing the center. Now use the breathing techniques you learned as an Ollaire and light your candle. Place it so that you see only the candle flame reflected in the mirror, and nothing else. You can adjust the placement of your mirror if you need to. Each of the students lit their candles, put them in the holder that was next to and slightly behind them, and then tilted their mirrors so that they only saw the candle flame reflected. Izaak next put a pinch of Fire of Azrael incense on the hot coals in the brazier. Now, breathe in slowly, counting your heartbeats, and exhale slowly, also counting to nine heartbeats. Let your eyes un-focus and relax, all you see is the candle flame. Eowin said and went to a darkened corner, so that he didnt distract them either. Oh, remember to write down what you see or feel while doing this exercise. he reminded them. After about fifteen minutes, he noticed one of the students writing furiously, not looking away from her mirror. The others noticed her as well, and had stopped what they were doing. Auroras eyes looked glazed over, and a small tear was trickling down her cheek. Izaak decided to end the exercise. Aurora he said softly and touched her shoulder. Her head snapped up and she looked at him, her eyes alight with the ecstasy of Awen. She spoke: Now comes the turning of the tide. Through rain and storm the journey begins anew. Although be warned, safety this time Means standing tall, not trying to hide. The Elder Gods have returned to Abred, The Heros fire is kindled again.

Through the wisdom of the twenty plus one, The sacred fire re-kindled in Brans head. But beware the followers of the lamb, They seek to rule in his name. They claim to know and follow his path, But will rule with an iron hand. And with that Aurora collapsed. /|\

Now for some breaking news coming out of the Capitol." the reporter stated "The President has stated that he will sign the equality in marriage act. This legislation paves the way for legal same sex marriage nationwide. We go now live to the Senate Majority Leader. Senator Frost, if the President signs this tonight as he says he will, when will this law go into effect?' "Well, if the President signs the bill tonight, it will take effect on January 1st." he replied. "Isn't that kind of soon?" the reporter asked. "How do you intend to switch over the all of the paperwork nationwide?" "It's easy. Each county seat is going to be sent a rubber stamp which will place on the application a place to check whether the marriage is a same sex union. They will receive a temporary marriage certificate until all of the new certificates are printed. All any couple has to do is go to the regular location where you pick up the marriage license, fill it out completely: you know name, address, birth date and check the box if you are a same sex couple." "But what about the public outcry from the nation's conservative religious leaders? Does that worry you at all?" "Not at all." he replied. "While I personally may not agree with the law, the new law is here to protect the rights for all citizens of the United States, and that includes the right to marry whom you choose. Besides, a year from now, they will see that society has not collapsed, and they will embrace the idea." Ailya handed the remote to her roommate and fellow Bard, Aurora. "I'm going to make some tea, would you like some?" she asked. "Nah, I just poured myself some lemonade. Thank you though." Aurora replied still excitedly watching the news story on T.V.

Ailya filed the teapot and set it on the stove. "Aurora seems to be feeling better." Ailya thought as she took a cup out of the cupboard. She thought back to a week ago, during class. Aurora had always been able to sense spirits and ghosts, sometimes seeing and hearing them. But that was the first time she had ever channeled anything, especially as strong as the channel was. Aurora had slept for two days straight afterwards. "Poor thing," Ailya thought, "hopefully the charm I made for her will help keep most of the ghosts and spirits away and let her get some rest." The teapot started to whistle and Ailya poured herself a cup. She told Aurora goodnight and closed the door to her room. With a simple gesture, all of the candles in her room lit at once. She thought about her new abilities, about how she could light fires with a thought. She hadnt yet told anyone about her gift. "Pyrokinesis," she thought, "what an interesting gift to receive." As the assistant to the Ranger for the Grove, she was in charge of security and protecting Grove events. "And fire is the element of protection." she mused. "So, which one of you is it going to be tonight?" she asked the bookshelf before selecting one and settling in for the night. /|\

Are you sure that is what she said? Jareth asked. Positive. Izaak replied. And here are the pages she wrote during the session. Jareth took the stack of papers from Izaak. Most of what was written was incoherent, mostly fragmented sentences. Things like: Traveling, always traveling and the fires are still burning. Another said flowing river peaceful valley. Most of the pages were like that except the last. On the last page were some quatrains, or four line poems.

A time of confused identity will come Women wishing to partake of manhood Men attuned to the lunar sea One born to walk between Song spells resound from a forgotten lake Echoes so sorrowful one will awaken At Lughs feast the imprisoned released The Old Bard plays his harp making Twenty An army of academics condemn The dweller from the river Roe 99 passes into 2000

Twenty into the twenty first shall be soon joined by one The Keltoi fathers, time honored Brought to their lowest level Called to return by a dying world An army hidden for future dreams. Following long years of hope He will never come in Albion Born again in the lands of Colomb The old province yields the new forest A boy to magic is born Island son and abbots bane Seven years the cave mans heir Final hope against the siege. The eagle shall have his day Twenty plus one escapes the tyranny In the dawn, a sun pact of blood Seals the souls of the wise. The white oak plundered by the black cross Captives move from lowest dungeon to highest tower Middle years the worst 2008 rising out of the mire, 21 victors close the age. The garden, unhappy and abandoned Cries out as the sun rises The earth trembles All await the swollen moon after midsummer The moon will vanish three days without a trace The son-god will falter Then will a great dragon rise up From a city bearing the Apple falls. Slowly the great blue temple falls Sky stones yield up their power Those who seek to wear the stones Find refuge in the New Forest Upon this hallowed ground

A once great spirit will be awakened Newhill begets a great spokesman The world again his stage A new colony yields a Nemeton reborn Lone giant leads an army of elves Shackled within a keep of steel After the blood of three covers all. Yet the sea shall not have them Those who will lead a great people The scourge passes Uncertain victory awaits the younger These quatrains, these are from the Prophecies of Bran. Jareth said. I know, that is why I brought them to you. said Izaak. The part that hits home is the end where it says All await the swollen moon after midsummer. That is about the same time as the constitutional convention. Yes, I know. Everything seems to be coming to a head around the same time next year. The date the convention starts is June 30th, and the delegates hope to be done by the 4th of July. Patriotic, dont you think? said Jareth sarcastically. Izaak couldnt help but laugh. Yeah, but you never know, the Democrats may be able to muster enough votes to kill the more dangerous parts of the new constitution. Has your source gotten you a copy of the proposal yet? No, not yet, said Jareth, walking to the window of his store. But he said that it is not good. The whole thing is loaded with Biblical Law. It will make this country a Christian theocracy, and very likely bring about another inquisition. Just then one of the students of the Druid College, Paul, came in to the store. Mr. MacLir, here is the parental release for my son. Its notarized like you asked. Ok, thank you Paul. You can just set it on my desk and I will put it in Scotts file later. He can join in the apprentice classes now that I have that on file. said Jareth. Thanks for dropping that off for me. I also have a question, what does it mean when you keep having the same dream of a raven sitting on top of a standing stone? Paul asked. A raven, huh... Jareth said. Well, the raven is both messenger and spy for the Gods; it is also

the battle raven, ready to inspire warriors on the battle field to acts of great valor. In the story of CuChulain, The Morrighan took the form of a raven, and when CuChulain died tied to a standing stone, she was there perched on the stone. So, the interpretation is entirely up to you. Oh, ok. Well good night Mr. MacLir, Izaak. said Paul. Please, call me Jareth. Ok, good night Jareth and Paul walked out of the store. Jareth and Izaak walked into Jareths office. Just as Jareth was about to finish his conversation with Izaak, a raven squawked right outside the office window. He looked right at Jareth, set something down on the sill, and then flew away. What is it? Izaak asked as Jareth closed the window. A stone. Jareth replied A perfectly polished red stone.

/|\ Yule and Christmas came and went, and with the New Year came a rush on County courthouses nationwide. Even with the pending debate on the new constitution, the gay and lesbian community jumped at the chance to be legally recognized, even if it was for a short while. And wherever the licenses were issued, the protesters gathered as well. All was peaceful for the first few days, until a cold day in the small town of Wenatchee, WA. One of the protesters at the courthouse there made a rude comment and spit on one of the gay couples coming out of the courthouse. A fight broke out and the protester who made the comment fell and hit his head on the fire hydrant, killing him. The crowd then turned on the couple and anyone else not one of the protesters. It took an hour for police to quell the riot, and when all was said and done, one person was dead, ten had to be treated at the hospital and thirty were arrested. /|\ In Las Vegas, there were protests as well, but not as heated as those in other areas. Benjamin and Mikel left the Clark County courthouse and saw a few protesters, but ignored them. They were married, legally, and a few bigots werent going to ruin their day. They had to wait in line for several hours before they got their license, but when it was all said and done, they didnt regret a thing. /|\

February 1st, and Imbolc had arrived. Of all of the festivals celebrated by followers of the Celtic religion, Imbolc was the least public. Most of the ritual was performed in the home, with a short ritual at the Nemeton early the next day. Jareth was especially happy this day. Tarann had turned four a few weeks ago, and the party was one he was sure that Tarann would remember for a long time. The party was at Taranns Aunts home, and Jareths niece brought over one of her horses and a wagon, giving the kids hay rides around the block. The only nervous moment was when Jareth had to hide a drink that Tarann had frozen. It seemed that he could still freeze things with a touch, but Jareth and Vivyan were working with him to control it. But he slipped every now and again. Only a few members of the Grove knew about this gift, and no one else. Jareth didnt want to have to explain how things were getting frozen. Bringing his thoughts back to the present, and ignoring the fact that he had also had his thirty-fourth birthday a week ago, he focused on the ritual that his family was performing at their homes fireplace. Vivyan started: Tonight we prepare for the visitation of Brighid. She comes to us tonight to bring us tidings for the rest of this year. We are gathered here to honor our heavenly mother. She is the daughter of an Dagda, guardian of our hearth and home, an inspiration to Bards and a healing Goddess who hangs her cloak on the rays of the sun. With that, Jareth lit the fireplace and sang an invocation to Brighid, the Celtic Goddess who is honored during this time:

"Beloved Brighid of the Triple Flame we come before thee in loving embrace, not in forced supplication, but such as a child looks with love upon a parent. Guide us through this time of bitter cold, protect us from horrors untold. We stand before you, now, Three-fold Goddess, with bright anticipation remembering that as you honor and bless us, so too, we honor and bless you." Vivyan then went and picked up the small cauldron filled with sweet oats and grains, and returned to the fireplace:

Lady Brighid, come down to visit us, to inspire us, to protect us, to heal us, to help us to prosper and bless us with good luck. We call on you to descend with the power and love of the heavens on us. We offer this humble stirabout to you. And Vivyan, Jareth and Tarann scattered a small handful into the flames. Jareth picked the two goblets before him and sang the following invocation: May this mead be filled with the brightest blessings of Brighid. Jareth took a sip of the mead cup and handed it to Vivyan, and handed the juice cup to Tarann. He collected the two goblets and said The sun now sets, and we light these candles in remembrance of the longest night. The three of then each lit their jar candle before Jareth extinguished the small fire in the fireplace with the two cups. Vivyan then took each of their robes outside and hung them on the clothesline, so that they may be blessed by Brighid as she made her journey that night. The next morning at sunrise, Jareth lead the Procession into the grove, with Eowin and Izaak at the entrance handing each person a torch as they enter. When everyone was in their place, Jareth gave the Herald a subtle signal, who then played a short note on his horn. At that time, all of the gathered participants used their white candle to light their torch, and extinguished their candle, saving it for later. Once done, Jareth offered the following invocation: Mother Earth stirs from her long slumber. The fields and forests hear her whisper to awake. Let the creatures of her realms answer her summons. Everything waits in anticipation for spring. Next was Eowins invocation This is the festival of the Goddess Brighid, who gives to all the gift of life. This is the time of waxing light and receding darkness. This is the season of purification, a renewal of life. We come now in the presence of the Gods of our People that we may gain wise and truthful counsel. Each member then proceeded in single file to the unlit bonfire and tossed in a folded piece of parchment. Each person wrote on it a list of any guidance that they requested and any negative aspects that they wish to remove from their lives. After this, Jareth then recited once again the Invocation to Brighid: Beloved Brighid of the triple flame While the invocation was being spoken, all of the participants circled the hearth fire pit,

and at the recitation of the last line of the invocation, each person carefully placed their torch on the stacked wood to light the hearth fire, saying We salute the Mother Goddess, preparer of new life out of darkness. This is her season of the year wheel when she spreads her blessings over the land. Jareth raised his staff: Behold, the Lord of the Forests caresses the dreaming Earth. As their is renewal within the plants and animals, so should there be renewal in our lives as well. I call upon the Gods of our People to guide us and help bring about the renewal of light in our lives! Followed by the group response: Bright blessings and thanks to the Old Gods! The ritual ended with each person re-lighting their candle, and returning home and using their candle to re-light their homes hearth. That afternoon, all of the members of the Grove gathered again at the Nemeton for a pot-luck barbecue. The Grove had grown somewhat in membership since Samhain, with about 10 new members starting the apprentice program. But even with the new members, the Nemeton was quite large enough to have social events for the Grove held within. It was a grand time, and all worries were naught but a distant memory. The sun was starting to set when Jareth heard a familiar voice call his name. He turned and almost fell out of his chair. There, standing next to the entrance of the Nemeton, was the Druid who taught him, William Curry. Jareth rushed over to greet his teacher. Master Curry, its been forever, how have you been? he asked. Not bad, my boy. Not bad at all for a ninety-two year old goat. he said in a thick Scottish accent, And stop calling me Master, though you dont often use it, you also hold the title of Arch-Druid. So its Bill from now on young man, Im getting to old to worry about formalities. He was laughing as he clapped Jareth on the back. Jareth smiled as they walked over to the

drink table. So, whats this about Gwynn ap Nudd appearing at Samhain? Bill said as he poured himself a glass of mead. Come, tell me all about it. They walked to a secluded corner of the Nemeton. Jareth told Bill about the energy surge during the ritual and the appearance of the God. He then told him about what had happened after the ritual, from the incident with Steve to Tarann freezing his soup and juice. Bill listened intently, and when Jareth was finished with the story, he asked, Can you still control the energies like that? Not at first, Jareth replied. But lately I am able to control all kinds of energy fields, from auras to magnetic to electrical. And with that Jareth stretched out his hand, palm up. Little bolts of electricity snaked across his palm and up his fingers. Interesting, Bill said, raising his own hand, that we should receive the same gift. Electricity snaked across his hand as well. Tell me, Jareth, who else has had new psychic abilities appear recently and what are they? Well, lets see, Jareth said, there is myself, my son Tarann can freeze things he touches, my wife Vivyan healed Taranns skinned knees with a touch. Ailya seems to be pyrokinetic, shes been lighting her cigarettes without a match all day. Oh, Aurora seems to be a seer. And he told Bill what had happened during the scrying class. Seems to me, Jareth, that the Gods are once again taking a more active role not only in the lives of their followers, but in all other human affairs. mused Bill. The God Cernunnos has been seen wandering the forests of both the U.K. as well as here in America. Then Gwynn ap Nudd appears at Samhain. I wonder who will be next. Well, Jareth said, reaching into his pocket, I believe that it would have to be Bran the Blessed. and he showed Bill the red stone. Where did you get that?! Bill exclaimed as he looked at the marble sized stone. It was a gift. The other day a blue eyed raven left that on my office windowsill down at my store. Why? Jareth asked. Because this is one of the old Druid Stones. They were used by the ancient Druids to focus their powers, as well as for protection. That is a very potent magical item, so keep it safe, and it will protect you. said Bill. I think that you should let everyone in the Grove know that if they should start to notice any enhanced psychic abilities, not to talk about them in public, that they should come to you first. Yeah, I think youre right. Ill do that after we finish our drinks. Jareth said as he re-filled their cups.

/|\ Later that evening, Bill was watching television in his camper. Ever since he had retired from the workforce thirty years ago this had been his home, traveling from one city to the next, helping and guiding the Pagan community in each city he visited. As the Merlin for North America, it was his duty. Now, here in Las Vegas, he decided that he was going to stay, for a little while at least. His star pupil Jareth and the Druid Order he led seemed to be in the center of a giant spiral of events, and many in the Grove may have important parts to play in the still unfolding events. With the re-emergence of magic, the Gods once again walking beside men and the unicorn sighting, he knew that things would soon come to a head. For he alone knew what no one else did: two weeks ago the dragons returned to this realm. He knew this because he was there at the behest of the Goddess Brighid, as the Merlin, to greet the wise ones and welcome them back to Abred, the Mortal plane. His thoughts drifted back to that day Bill was sitting his camper one evening, using his black mirror, trying to see where the unfolding events were leading. Slowly, ever so slowly he felt his consciousness drift and take sail on the seas of the Otherworld. Drifting farther and farther down, through the spiral, then his feet touched wood. Looking around, he realized that he was actually on a small boat, just offshore of a place his training told him was Annwn. He had been summoned. The boat slowly came ashore, and a hooded figure motioned for him to follow. He opened his mouth to ask a question, but the figure held out its hand and said shh. Bill followed the figure into a thick forest. Thick, warm earthy scents filled his nostrils. He was in awe, looking around. Elves worked on various tasks, with the forest animals helping. Faeries flitted back and forth around his head. Then they entered a clearing in the woods, and in the center was a large standing stone with Ogham inscriptions. The figure reached the stone and turned. The cloak fell, and Bill saw for the first time who his silent companion truly was. She stood there, shining with a light that seemed to come from within. Her hair was a bright red, and her dress was bright green and belted with what seemed to be living flame. Bright Brighid he whispered and bowed his head with respect. Merlin, I have a task for you. she said, her voice wrapping around him with all the warmth and love of a mothers blanket. The wise ones are returning to Abred, and I need for you to make sure it is as quiet and unnoticed as possible. Before you ask why, I must stop you. They have their part to play in the universe, and they can no longer do it here in Annwn. They were originally from the Middleworld, and must now return. They were the original caretakers of the Earth, and their return heralds healing of the land. The Pendragon will soon come into his own, how can there be a Pendragon with the dragons gone?

Bill was stunned! The Dragons are returning?! The thought was beyond belief. They had been gone for over a thousand years. The Goddess brought his attention back with a gesture. I trust you with this, my Merlin, because time is running short. Go to Dyfed, and await the Wise Ones. And with that Bill was back in his camper, looking at the rising sun. He didnt waste any time, and by noon, was on a plane to Britain. Dyfed was the ancient name for the north-west area of Wales and Bill arrived there by sunset the next day. Walking slowly, he approached the ancient Nemeton. A slight chill was in the air, and a fog was rolling in from the nearby sea, shrouding the whole landscape in a grey blanket. A sudden rush, a feeling that the air pressure spiked, then all went quiet. Slowly, a large shape was moving closer, deceivingly quiet despite its immense size. First one, then another, and another, until there were dozens upon dozens of Dragons gathered in the field near the Nemeton At his recommendation, the dragons were traveling at night and staying on uninhabited islands in the Pacific and north Atlantic oceans. Thinking back over the sixty years that he had been a Druid, he knew what was going to happen. The followers of the Lamb are going to fight the coming changes. he thought. They are the dominant religion now, but not for long; and they hate competition. He was about to go to bed when the phone rang. He picked up the line to hear the voice of one of the other Druid Elders, Ellie. She was the Lady of the Lake for Britain. Bill, you need to turn on the news right now! She seemed very upset. Calm down Ellie, whats the matter? he asked as he turned the channel to the local news broadcast. What am I looking for? he asked. Ellie didnt need to answer, because there on the screen he saw the crash site of a mid sized plane. Getting up again to turn up the volume, his heart sank when he saw the crest on the tail of the aircraft. It was the Royal coat of arms for the house of Windsor. Gods protect us. he said as he sat down again. Ellie, I will call you back in half an hour, I gotta go. and he hung up the phone. He reached over and turned up the volume. The reporters voice filled the camper. Its not clear from preliminary reports what brought the plane down, but the Palace has confirmed that Queen Elizabeth as well as Prince Charles were both on the aircraft as it was taking off from Heathrow International Airport. Officials have ruled out terrorism as a possible cause of the crash, and we are getting reports now that witnesses had seen lightning hit the wing of the aircraft, just as the plane took off from the runway. We will continue to give live updates as they come in to the broadcast station. Bill picked up the phone and called Ellie back. "Hi Ellie, I need for you to have a seat on the

next flight from McCarran airport to Heathrow reserved for me. See ya soon." An event as important as the one unfolding required the presence of both Merlins. /|\

Bill waited in the airport for his flight. Many thoughts were racing through his mind as he considered all of the implications of the death of the Queen and the Prince. Poor William, he thought, He lost his mother ten years ago, and now this. I hope he holds up enough to be who he needs to be in the times to come. Bill walked into the airport lounge and sat down at the bar. Even though he was on his way to Britain, he still had another reason for taking the late flight. He was meeting a friend who had some information about the constitution. He didnt have to wait long as David sat down next to him, and handed him a manila envelope. Here you go, Master Curry. This was as much of the constitution I could get a hold of. David said. Thank you, David. I hope you dont get in trouble for sneaking this out. If you had been caught, I shudder to think of what would happen. Thats ok, I dont think anyone even saw me leave Senator Frosts office. David got up from the bar and walked with Bill to a darkened corner of the bar. Bill watched in amazement as David melted into the shadows. As long as there is a shadow, I can hide in it. Only a very bright light can keep me from melting into it. But once I am in, no one can see me even with a light. David reappeared, and walked with Bill towards his gate. If this thing passes, we are going to need to leave the country. Bill said. I am going to Britain, and hopefully the new King will be sympathetic to our cause. Well, I can lend a hand with papers if need be. If this goes down, I will meet you in New York. You may not see me again until then. David turned and walked away. Bill looked at the reader board, and saw his flight had been delayed. Looks like Ill have time for some breakfast after all. /|\

Chapter 4

Connor Maughfling, the Merlin of Britain, was waiting just outside security when Bills flight arrived that next afternoon. I greet you, Merlin Andolin. Welcome back to Albion. Connor said with a wide flourish. And I greet you, Merlin Gawen. How is this fine English weather treating my former apprentice? The weathers fine, but a bit soft most days. I wish your return was under happier circumstances. As do I, my friend. How is William holding up? Bill asked. As well as can be expected. Harry is the one that Im worried about. Oh, how so? Connor looked around nervously. Walk with me. Connor and Bill walked outside along a promenade until they were beyond prying eyes and ears. When he was sure that they were alone, Connor continued. Im worried about the stability of the country. William is the clear successor to the throne, but there are elements in the country stirring the pot to toss the whole monarchy. What? They tried that once before, and it didnt work. How does Prince Harry fit into this? All of his misadventures. said Connor. From the Nazi costume a couple years back to his latest debacle, he is the poster child for what is wrong with the royals. I have a plan in motion, and if it succeeds, the monarchy will be protected forever. It requires the royals to work for a living, and those who dont hold up their end get cut off, in a matter of speaking. I fear Harry will find his new role after that too bitter to taste, and he may leave Britain. Some of the Nobles are already whispering in his ear. I can only imagine what they are saying. Nothing good, I imagine. But we both have seen that Harry will never sit on the throne. I just hope that he doesnt do anything foolish. The last thing we need right now is a civil war. Who are the Nobles that have Harrys ear? The only one who I have seen is Lord Blackwell. There may be others, but if so, they would defer to him. He is the one we need to block.

Bill looked out across the city. Let me handle this. I know Lord Blackwell, and I might be able to talk some sense into him after the funeral. I hope so, for all our sakes. There is a foul odor in things lately, and with what is going on in the States, too many things dont add up. I know. I met with my contact in the C.I.A. before I got on the plane. He gave me this. Bill handed Connor the envelope that David had given him. After a few minutes of reading, Connor handed the packet back to Bill with a look of disgust on his face. How can they honestly pass this swill off as legitimate? he asked. I dont know, but I will need to see the King at the earliest possible convenience. Ill see what I can do. said Connor. For the next few weeks it may be hard to gain an audience, but I have a feeling he will see me. /|\

The state funeral for Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles was attended by the heads of state from most of the free world. All had come to pay their respects to the royal family. Two somber young men led the funeral procession through downtown London. The newly ascended King William and his brother Prince Harry mourned the death of their father and grandmother, a little more than ten years after the death of their mother, the Princess Diana. The procession made its way to the cathedral, where the funeral services were to be held. The caskets were lovingly set upon their pedestals as the mourners filled the pews. The royal family was seated up front, with the nobles next and foreign dignitaries behind them. The minister delivered a beautiful eulogy, extolling the glorious reign of the Queen, and then her son, and the work he had done for the needy of Britain. After the services were over, the gathered mourners were starting to make their way to the cemetery for the internment service. Watching from the back of the church, two Merlins made their way back to the hotel where Bill was staying. A Christian service for the line of the Pendragon, bah. Connor said. Well, look at this way, Bill said, They could have had a Catholic service. Besides, we are going to be performing the Fled Cro-Lige after dark tonight.

/|\ King William was getting into the Limousine that was to take him to the grave site for the internment when the British Prime Minister Paul Underhill asked if he could accompany the king to the service. The king welcomed him into the car. I truly am sorry for your loss, your majesty he said. Thank you Paul. We are alone in here; you dont need to use formalities. William said. I looked at your proposal, are you sure that you want to go through with this? Absolutely, Paul said. I proposed this idea with your grandmother, and she was going to go through with it once not long before she passed. Things here in the U.K. need to change, and this is the first step. Having the Monarchy as an integral part of the political process would be a great boost for the public. The view of most of the public now is that the Royals are just a money drain. You could prove them wrong and help improve things. And you would be able to introduce legislation into parliament as well. Besides, the nation loves you. Yeah, they love me as Prince William, said the king. I just hope that the love me as King William. They got out of the limo at the Royal cemetery where the Queen and Prince were to be buried. After the service, King William paid his final respects to his Father and Grandmother, and then made ready to leave. As he was making his way to the limo, he saw an old friend, standing next to an old oak. Connor, how are you doing? I was hoping to see you here. said William. "Your grandmother was a friend of mine. I owed her that much, your Majesty. But I regret that I am here on official business as the Merlin of Britain." Connor said and handed William a ring. "What's this?" he asked as he looked at the ring. It was solid gold, with a solid gold dragon emblazoned across a perfectly polished ruby. Along the sides of the ring were three crowns, the symbol of royalty. Turning it over, he noticed an inscription on the inside of the band: Pendragon. "You are the last of the line, my King." Connor said. "I've taught you everything you will need to know; you've been a fine apprentice and I know you'll make me proud." "I certainly will try, Master Merlin." William promised as he put the ring on his finger. I have one more point of business, your Majesty. Oh? How can I be of service to the Merlin of Britain? William asked, with a rather mischievous grin spreading across his face.

The Merlin of North America is here, and he has some very important information to tell you regarding the state of affairs in the United States. I see. With everything that has been going on, I may not be able to meet with him until after my coronation. Is it regarding the constitution shakeup? Yes, he has a partial copy of the proposed constitution. Very well. I will try to meet with the both of you soon, but it still may not be until after the coronation. I fear some of the royals may not like what is going to happen. King William got into his limo and dove back towards the palace. /|\

The next day Prime Minister Underhill introduced legislation into Parliament that would grant the Monarchy limited political power. King William agreed to delay his coronation if needed, so that the Houses of Parliament could debate the issue without a schedule or having to feel hurried. The debate lasted for more than three weeks. Passions were high and there was heated debate on both sides of the issue. Those opposed to the measure were afraid that the King would return fully to power as the Monarchy was during the Middle Ages. The supporters countered that the King would only have limited political power, akin to the President of the United States. During the debate, one of the opposition, Lord Devon, asked to Prime Minister an important question, one that would guarantee its passage. He asked "Mr. Underhill, if this legislation does pass, we would then in effect have two Prime Ministers - one elected and one hereditary. Would you be willing to abolish your own position and resign, so that the King could assume your duties?" And this was how the Prime Minister responded: "Lords and Ladies of Parliament. Honourable Lord Devon, before I answer your question let me ask you one of my own. How much longer should our Crown and country be a slave to the whims of foreign powers? Four years ago my predecessor, the honourable Mr. Blair, instituted a policy which involved British troops in an unpopular war. It was unpopular with the public, it was unpopular with Parliament and it was not approved by the crown. Now, the Kingdom is in crisis. Our economy has stagnated, and I have heard the backroom politicians brokering for the abolishment of the Monarchy itself. Now, believe it or not, the monarchy is what makes this nation great. To use the old phrase: There has always been a king in England. What I am proposing has the full backing of King William, and it is thus: First, the abolishment of the position of Prime Minister, with the Monarch assuming all of the

positions duties, Second, each member of the Royal family shall continue to reside at their primary residence, and can choose one estate to retain. All others shall be returned to the British people. The members of the Royal family shall have the option to keep any estate or other state funded luxury item, but they must purchase them outright from the government. Third, the monthly stipend each member of the Royal family receives shall be reduced by 10% per year for the next three years, with all members of the royal house not involved in the political process seeing a cut of 50%. And fourth, the Monarchy shall retain the full royal power of decree and title as it pertains to the noble houses and the royal family. There were a few more points in the proposal, but Paul saw that he had them, and decided to close his speech: So, my fellow subjects of the crown, it is in loving reverence for the history and traditions of our great Kingdom that I answer Lord Devons question thus: Yes, I wholeheartedly serve my king and country, and to save them both I hereby offer my full support of the proposal as written, and yes, I will humbly resign once it has passed. God save the King! His speech was met with a standing ovation. In one fell swoop, Prime Minister Underhill saved the Monarchy and gave Parliament the means to revitalize the national economy. The amount of money spent to support the royals would be cut overall by two-thirds, with about half of the royal held land returning to the people. King William supported the measure, and if any other royals disapproved, it didnt matter. He would have the power to strip the titles from those royals who were nothing but dead weight anyways. And those who remained would have to actually work for their stipend. The final vote tally surprised supporter and skeptic alike. Of both the 670 members of the House of Commons and the 689 members of the House of Lords, only 10 voted against the measure. The Prime Minister could hardly believe it! Parliament passed the measure as written. The King would take over as the political leader of the United Kingdom once again. That left only one thing remaining for Prime Minister Paul Underhill to do. /|\ Because of the resignation of Prime Minister Underhill, Parliament voted to move up the coronation ceremony from June to March. The ceremony was scheduled for the morning of the spring equinox. King William decided to break with tradition as well. Instead of holding vigil in the chapel at Westminster Abby, he held his vigil in the Abbys gardens, under the open sky. He knew what it was he had to do; he just wasnt sure how the country would react. He had the full

support of Parliament, but they didnt know what was going to happen tomorrow. Only he, Paul Underhill and Archbishop Williams knew what was to come, and he had their support. Just then, he heard something move behind him. Turning, he saw a large raven. It was holding something in its beak. Well, little one, come here and do your duty. he said. The raven hopped over and dropped the item in the grass in front of the King. Picking it up, William saw what it was: the Pendragon ring! He had left it in his quarters back at the palace. Looking up, he saw that the raven was gone. Thank you, Lord Bran. he whispered to the night. /|\ The coronation began at dawn. Members of both houses of Parliament, peers, members of the Royal Family, Prime Ministers of Commonwealth countries, foreign representatives, and leading British and other Commonwealth citizens and officials attended the ceremony. Also, certain obsolete Great Offices of State - Lord High Steward and Lord High Constable - are "called out of abeyance," or temporarily restored, but only for the day of the coronation. For the ceremony, the Peers wear special coronation robes, cape, and hood made of crimson velvet. The rank of the peer is demonstrated by bars of sealskin spots on the cape: Royal Dukes have six, other Dukes four, Marquesses three and a half, Earls three, Viscounts two and a half, and Barons two. The rank of peeresses (female peers and wives of male peers) is denoted differently: by the length of the train. Duchesses have four-yard trains, Marchionesses three and a half, Countesses three, Viscountesses two and a half, and Baronesses two. The peers also wear coronets, and peeresses wear circlets, the design of which can also serve to indicate the wearer's rank. The ceremony, which includes several religious elements, was conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Arch Bishop Rowan Williams, for he is the most senior clergyman of the Church of England. King William entered the Abbey and was seated on the Chair of Estate. Bishops carried the Bible and other symbols of Christianity and place them on an Altar in front of the Chair. Then, peers brought most of the Regalia to the Archbishop of Canterbury, who gave them to the Dean of Westminster, who then placed them on the Altar. Then, the Archbishop, accompanied by certain Great Officers of State the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Great Chamberlain, the Lord High Constable, and the Earl Marshal proceeded to the East, South, West, and North sides of the Coronation Theatre in that order, and at each side presented the new sovereign and declared him "your undoubted King." The Archbishop then proceeded to administer the Coronation Oath to the Sovereign. The Oath was first established by an Act of Parliament in 1689 for the coronation of William III and Mary II as joint sovereigns. The Oath changed over time, and William would once again

change the oath today: The Archbishop asked, "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and of your Possessions and other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?" William answered. "I solemnly promise so to do." Archbishop: "Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?" William: "I will." And the Archbishop nodded to William. The next vow would have read: "Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?" But the Archbishop changed it to: "Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law? Will you maintain and preserve the right of all citizens to freely worship as their conscience dictates, as by law established in England? And will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of England, and to the Churches there committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges, as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?" Several audible gasps were heard in many areas of the Abby when that vow was read. William responded "All this I promise to do. The things which I have here promised, I will perform, and keep. So help me God." After the King took the Oath, a clergyman presented the Bible to the new Sovereign, saying, "Here is Wisdom. This is the royal Law. These are the lively Oracles of God." After the King received the Bible, it was placed on the Altar. Then, the Archbishop performed the Christian service known as the Holy Communion. Various parts of the Bible are read, and after the reading of the Apostles Creed, the ceremony was interrupted for the time being. Then, after the singing of hymns and the saying of some prayers, the Lord Great

Chamberlain removed the King's crimson outer robe. The King then took a seat on King Edward's Chair, also known as the Coronation Chair, under which lies the famous Stone of Scone. (The Stone now usually rests in Edinburgh Castle, but arrangements had been made to bring it back to Westminster Abbey for the coronation.) Then, the Dean of Westminster took the Ampulla, an eagle-shaped golden vessel, and from it poured holy oil into the Coronation Spoon. The Archbishop then dipped his fingers into the oil and anointed the King on the palms, breast, and head. After the anointment concluded, the Lord Great Chamberlain presented the King with the Spurs, medieval symbols of chivalry and knighthood. Then, the Jeweled Sword of Offering and the Armills, or golden bracelets, were presented to the King. The Dean of Westminster and the Lord Great Chamberlain then put the Robe Royal on the standing King. Next, the Archbishop of Canterbury delivered the Orb, a symbol of the King's role as Supreme Governor of the Church of England, to his right hand, and the Orb was then returned to the Altar. A ring was then placed on the King's right hand in order to represent the "marriage" between the country and the King. Thereafter, the Archbishop of Canterbury delivered the Sceptre with the Cross to the Sovereign's right hand and the Sceptre with the Dove to the left hand. The climax of the ceremony then occurred as the Archbishop put on William's head St Edward's Crown. All present then cried "God Save the King!" three times and cannons were fired from the Tower of London. The Archbishop prayed for the King, who then proceeded to take a seat on the Throne. Homage was then paid by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who kneeled in front of the King, and the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishops of the Church of England, who kneel in their places: I, Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, will be faithful and true, and faith and truth will bear unto you, our Sovereign Lord, King of this Realm and Defender of the Faith, and unto your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God! Then, the various peers knelt and paid homage. The Royal Dukes paid homage individually. For other ranks of peers, the most senior peer of a rank kneeled in front of the King, and all other peers of that rank knelt in their places, and all said the appropriate words together. The Dukes were lead by the Premier Duke, the Duke of Norfolk; the Marquesses by the Premier Marquess, the Marquess of Winchester; the Earls by the Premier Earl, the Earl of Shrewsbury; the Viscounts by the Premier Viscount, the Viscount Hereford; and the Barons by the Premier Baron, the Baron de Ros. Formerly, each peer paid homage individually, but for the coronation of William, given the tremendous increase in the number of peerages conferred, the ceremony was shortened.

King William was wearing the Imperial State Crown and holding the Sceptre with the Cross and the Orb. The King then proceeded back to the Altar and returned the Sceptres to the Lord Great Chamberlain, and then received Communion. Various prayers were said, and the Sovereign returned to the throne with the two Sceptres. Then, further prayers were said, and parts of the Bible were read, then the King proceeded in a procession to St Edward's Chapel. At the Chapel, the King, assisted by the Lord Great Chamberlain, removed the regalia and the Royal Robes and donned purple velvet robes. The King then wore the Imperial State Crown, held the Sceptre with the Cross in the right hand, and the Sovereign's Orb in the left hand, and proceeded out of the Abbey while the National Anthem is sung. That would have normally concluded the ceremony. Turning and facing those assembled, newly crowned King William could hardly contain the emotions raging inside him. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the Pendragon ring he was wearing. Another deep breath and he changed history: It was once the custom for a newly crowned king to make a proclamation after his coronation, one which would set the tone for his reign. I have a couple that I need to make. First, I am appointing Paul Underhill as a special advisor. He has served this nation faithfully for many years, and his experience will be valuable as I assume the duties of the office he once held. As a second special advisor I am appointing former Prime Minister Tony Blair. He too will be a valuable ally in this transition. The chapel yard and every home in the U.K. were quiet as a mouse while the King spoke. The coronation was being broadcast live to every home in the U.K. as well as worldwide. Second, he continued, As many of you remember, a few weeks ago the BBC reported that the percentage of the population of the U.K. who followed one of the old Pagan religions had reached a total of 35% of the population. This is not a bad thing. Long ago in this country the followers of the cross and the followers of the old ways lived together in harmony. That was until Rome stepped in and imposed its will on us. Well, the Church of England hasnt obeyed Rome in over 450 years. So, with the blessings of both the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Merlin of Britain, I am honored to announce my one and only Royal edict. This act shall be known as The protection and preservation of indigenous cultures and traditions act. This act, he said as Paul handed him a copy of the act. The King held it high, shall forever protect the rights of all citizens of the U.K., both Christian and Pagan, to worship as their conscience dictates; and to protect all citizens from interference and persecution, not only from the government, but from other religious groups as well. Never again will religious persecution be tolerated here in the U.K. When he had finished speaking, there was a long stretch of silence. The King was worried that he had made a mistake. But the applause started, quietly at first, but then a resounding thunder echoing across the island nation. People from the Highlands to Cornwall

were extolling the praises of their new King, William V, of the house of Windsor. /|\

Chapter 5

Now Izaak was finished with his studies to qualify for Arch Druid. At Beltane was when he was to be elevated. But it was the spring equinox, and he was watching the coronation of King William V with Jareth and Vivyan. They had heard the news reports about the resignation of Prime Minister Underhill, and the re-instatement of those duties to the Sovereign. So to them, this coronation was especially meaningful. You see, Britain is the historic heart of the Celtic religion which Jareth, Eowin, Izaak, Vivyan and all of the others of the Grove follow and study. They were watching the re-broadcast of the coronation when the King made his way out from the Chapel, and heard his speech. Can he do that? Vivyan asked in astonishment. Actually, he can. Jareth said. Jareth had lived for a time in the U.K. and knew the laws. As the King, and with his new authority, he can, within reason, issue decrees as he deems necessary. Well, its nice to know that there is one place out there that is still friendly to our people. Yes it is... whats this? said Jareth, pointing at the screen. The Merlin of Britain is there. Huh, go figure. Well, they are done broadcasting the coronation, Im going to change the channel. said Vivyan. Ok, hey Izaak, after your elevation to Arch Druid, did you want to form another member grove, or did you want to stay with the Founding Grove? asked Jareth. Actually, Im thinking about staying here and continuing to help with the college. Besides, there really isnt a need for a second Grove here in Vegas. he said. True, said Jareth. I was hoping you would stay. You helped found the Grove, and it wouldnt be the same without you. They continued to watch the television for a while, and then Izaak decided he had to speak. Jareth, remember how you said that if any of us develop any new psychic abilities, to let you know? Yes. Well, I found out I can do this. and he raised his hand, palm up. A ball of cobalt blue flame

appeared. It seemed to not give off any heat. It seems I can create flame, from cold flame like this for light, and the flames became bright red, to hot enough to melt steel. He extinguished the ball. I also seem to have one other ability. he said as the two of them walked outside into the cool morning air. Izaak raised his arms and suddenly a tight windstorm seemed to come out of nowhere and surround him with what looked like a small tornado. Inside, the winds didnt seem to be touching him at all, it was like he was inside a bubble where there was no wind. Well, thats something you dont see every day. said Jareth. The winds died down. I seem to be able to control the wind in a localized area, from creating slight breezes to full tornado winds. Well, it seems that Master Curry was right, magic has returned. said Jareth. The fire I can see, but I wonder what the practical use for the winds would be in this day and age. Who knows, said Vivyan, coming outside. But in the meantime, you need to work with your son some more with his. He froze his breakfast again. /|\

Goldwhisper was also watching the coronation of King William V. She had just arrived home from working at the mall when the ceremony started. She was thinking about her homework from college and her Bard lessons when the King started his speech at St. Edward's Chapel. Hearing what he was saying, she turned up the volume. She called up Aurora, "Hey, turn on your TV, there is something you need to see." Aurora was not pleased to have been woke up from her slumber. But she did as Goldwhisper asked. Hearing the speech, she said "Wow, at least some people still know what true religious freedom means. Hey, call me in the morning." and before Goldwhisper could reply, Aurora hung up. Usually, Goldwhisper was quite calm and reserved, but hearing the changes King William was proposing gave her some hope for the future. The events here in America had left her feeling kind of gloomy lately. Getting up from her couch, she went into the kitchen to get a drink. She heard Cai snoring in the bedroom. They had just recently moved out of her parents house, and she was still not used to where the light switch was. Frustrated, she said "Oh, where is that damn light!" Suddenly the room lit up with a blue-white light. Startled, she looked for the source. Floating above her, there was an apple sized ball of blue-white light. Once she was sure that it wasn't a ghost, she remembered the others in the Grove, and how some of them had developed psychic gifts, and realized that she must have made it. "If so," she thought, "then I can control it." Concentrating, she took it through a series of changes. First, she made it so bright it was almost blinding, and then she made it change colors and shapes. "Very cool," she thought, "I'll never need to buy a flashlight again." she said with a chuckle.

Then she had an idea. "If I have one gift, I wonder if I have any others?" She opened up her Gorchan and flipped to the section on psychic studies. One by one she went through the list, with the only success being light phenomenon. She put her Gorchan on the coffee table. She must not have had it on the table all the way because it fell off. Picking it up, Goldwhisper saw what page it was turned to. "Glamour, huh?" she thought. Glamour is the ability to create magical illusions. "Well, why not?" she asked herself. Going to a mirror, she visualized herself having blonde hair. Her reflection shimmered for a moment, and then her short red hair became long and blonde. She reached up to her hair. It still felt short, so it was only an illusion. Getting an idea, she once again concentrated on her reflection. There was another shimmer, and then, looking back at her from the mirror was the First Lady. /|\

The outcry from religious leaders in the U.K. was almost non-existent. With the exception of a few fringe groups, the Kings proclamation and proposed bill to enforce it were welcomed with open arms throughout the Kingdom as well as the majority of countries in the European Union. It was another matter entirely in the United States. Several religious denominations decried Britain as a haven for devil worshiping heretics, and the more conservative American branch of the Anglican Church threatened to leave the church and break away. Despite the uproar in the U.S., Parliament overwhelmingly approved the act, exactly as the King presented it. As a part of this new law, all holy sites, whether Christian or Pagan, were forever protected by the crown, and were eligible for grants to restore the sites. King William was watching the news on the BBC when the two Merlins arrived. So, King William asked, what have you heard so far regarding my proposal? Well, your majesty, said Connor, In the U.K., the Commonwealth countries and the European Union it is being praised as a big step forward for religious freedom. The Vatican is grumbling a bit, but they will not issue a formal dissent. Connor walked over to William and handed him a stack of newspapers. Some of the Royals that you had stripped of their rank and title have moved to the United States, and are smearing you in the press, saying you treated them unfairly. That is about it on my end. I wish I had better tidings for you, your Highness. Bill said. In the U.S. they are still proceeding with the constitutional convention in June. They are still going through with that nonsense? the King asked.

Yes, Bill replied, and to make matters worse, if the Conservative Republicans succeed, the United States will become a Christian Theocracy. Here, your Highness, you can read the proposal yourself. Bill handed the King a copy of the proposed constitution. How did you get this? William asked. That is not important, but what is says is. replied Bill. William read the 40 page document, re-reading some parts that seemed to be especially troubling. Shaking his head, the King handed the file back to Bill. How can something like this happen, especially in this day and age? he asked. Simple, Bill said, people have become jaded about politics. Most vote for whoever their preacher tells them to. Many others just guess or pick at random. Then add in the terror attacks back in 2001, and that made the U.S. a pot waiting to boil over. Most Americans support the new constitution, but no-one except a select few know what will happen when it is ratified. Unfortunately, all attempts to circulate this information, he held up the proposal, have been thwarted somehow. Well, I can see what is coming. William said. I am going to recall as many troops and ships to British territory as I can; as quietly as possible and in small groups. If this rubbish passes, I am going to invite some of the groups they call undesirable fringe elements of society, mainly the pagans and gays, to come here to the U.K. where they will receive political asylum. Are you sure that is wise, sire? Connor asked. Wise or not, it is the right thing to do. said William. I doubt the U.S. would want to engage in another war so soon after that Iraq debacle. Besides, Lord Brans head is still buried at Tower Hill. So long as it remains undisturbed and the ravens remain at the Tower, no enemy army will ever set foot on the soil of Britain. The King stood up from behind his desk. Excuse me Gentlemen, I have some arrangements to make. William started to walk out of the room, but paused as if something was troubling him. Is there any news regarding my brother. I havent heard from him since the funeral, and he wasnt at the coronation. I heard a rumor that he was in America, trying to garner support against me. I dont know, your Majesty. Bill said. When I go back to the States I will see what I can find out. Thank you. In the mean time, I am going to start getting everything ready. If that swill passes, then Britain will be a safe haven for those who seek it. I cant actively help get anyone here, but by the Gods I will protect those who are able to get here.

Connor couldnt help but feel proud of his former pupil, and turned back to Bill. So what do you plan to do now Bill? he asked. I think I am going to return home. Bill said. I have some work to do before June comes, and if the King is going to open his arms to us, I will need to find a way to get everyone safely here. Bill stood and started to walk out of the room. I think I need a drink, how about you? Im in if youre buying. Connor said, laughing as he joined his former teacher leaving the palace. /|\

Chapter 6

Two days before Beltane, the Las Vegas Grove chose the May Queen from among all of the women of child bearing age, who is to perform the duties of the invoked goddess of fire on the Eve of Beltane. On the eve, she wore the red robes as befitting a mother of and from Avalon. As the May Queen the next morning, she wears a dress of white and green, bound with garlands of flowers. For the first time, Aurora was chosen by the Grove. Before sunset on the Eve of Beltane, the apprentices set up several Pelen tan, which are special blue flame torches, around ritual area. The ritual started about 20 minutes before sunset, just after Izaak lit the Pelen tan. Jareth called out the opening invocation "Call forth now, the keeper of the sacred flame." Several bards started playing the Tambor while the other bards played accompaniment with Elgyn of fire. While the Druids are dedicating the grove, Aurora invoked the Goddess in the manner prescribed by the motherhood. A litter was prepared for her and a torch lit. When the tambor's started playing, she was borne on the litter to the ritual site. A druid bearing a lit torch accompanied the procession. When the litter arrived at the ritual site, the Jareth bowed ceremoniously, and while the lady was guided down from the litter, Jareth said "O source of joy and love, O Goddess of all beginnings, come and join us, for this is the season of new growth. O Goddess of life, refresh our senses, make us whole, and replenish the Earth. Aurora, nodding her head and acknowledging Jareth, spoke to all. "At Alban Eiler, I was awakened. Only then I had the power to melt the winter. But now, I am in the fullness of my maidenhood, and I am wild with joy! See how the buds burst into bloom. See how all of my creatures are drawn together in love and pleasure. Feel how my beauty tempts you all to forget you daily chores and celebrate with me. Then Aurora convulsed, and the Goddess Brighid entered her and spoke. Drink in this season fully, for it is fleeting, and will seem to you as only an instant and will then be gone. The heavy heat of summer will be upon you, and I will be the Great Mother once again! And as your Mother I must send this counsel: heed the cipher of Bran. The path will open before you, but you must be the ones to walk it. You all are my children, and the Elder Gods will protect you. Many of you have received our gifts, use them well and wisely. Aurora blinked as if she had just spaced out for a second, then she used the torch to light the bonfire.

Jareth called to all those gathered, Come friends, light your hearth and start now the festival of Beltane. Thus began the Beltane festival and ended the first part of the ritual. The Beltane festivities continued throughout the night with feasts, the May Queen choosing the May King, and other such festivities, like bale fires. Throughout the night, the man chosen as May King mingled with the celebrants as green man. About midnight, the festivities had wound down and Jareth and some of the others went indoors to settle in and prepare for the morning. Jareth turned on the TV. On the BBC, they were showing the Beltane celebration at Glastonbury Tor. They were all surprised to see King William there ritually declaring his intent to be chief and king of all the Celtic tribes. /|\ King William began his day with a ceremonial bath. After he has his breakfast, he was dressed in his finest ceremonial clothes. He wore a white tunic over his clothes during the ceremony. This included the adornments of an ancient Celtic chieftain with a belt and sheath for his ceremonial sword. The gathering was located in the gardens of the Chalice Well. The King approached the area north of the ritual fire and received a sprinkling of water on his head by the Merlin, who used an oak branch for this purpose. This water protects you from the confusion of the Fomorians. Connor said. The pipers march up to the place behind the Lai Fail, playing solemn music appropriate for inaugural ceremonies. They stayed and played until all of the people got to their proper places. When all were in position and the pipes ceased playing, the King took his place between the standing stone and the table. Connor asked the Bard Filidh to recite the Ancient Wisdoms: He who knows the ways of beasts and birds, Who can distinguish them by song and cry, Who knows the bright quicksilver life in streams, The courses that the stars take through the sky, May never have laid hand to books, yet he Is sharing wisdom with Infinity He who works with sensitive deft hands, At any wood craft, will absorb the rain, The sunlight and the starlight and the dew That entered in the making of its grain; He should grow tall and straight and clean and good Who daily breathes the essences of wood.

He who finds companionship in rocks, And comfort in the touch of vine and leaf, Who climbs a hill for joy, and shouts a song, Who loves the feel of wind, will know no grief; No loneliness that ever grows too great; For he will never be quite desolate.. He shares, who is companioned long with thee, All ancient wisdoms and philosophies. Then an Arch Druid sang a song celebrating the deeds of King William V and on the history of the kingship. The Arch Druid then asked the Merlin to "show the Kings pleasure and confirm him into the kingship." Connor said People of Britain, I present to you King William V, son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, of Wales and the whole of England, the undoubted King of this land, true inheritor thereof and of the divine laws of the world, who is willing to accept the kingship. The entire gathering replied, Blessings upon our King and us for his cause. Connor continued. Here we confirm the honors of the Ard Righ upon William of the House of Windsor, who will now stand upon the true Lia Fail, and walk in the footsteps of his ancestors. Connor then went to the altar and brought the sword of sovereignty to the Arch Druid, to hold in trust. When William stepped upon the stone and received from the Arch Druid the white scepter, the stone let out a loud roar. Connor fell upon one knee and blessed the King with a prayer The Lia Fail has declared you the true sovereign. May the blessings of the Gods be always upon you William, son of Charles. Do you promise to be a loving father to all the folk of this land, human and Fae? And William answered. I do. Connor continued. Do you promise to uphold the customs, principles, laws and ways of our people, our ancestors and our Gods, and to walk in the tracks of your ancestors? William again replied. I do. Connor then addressed the gathering to repeat the following oath, I swear and hold up my right hand to maintain, defend and support thee, as I wish the Tuatha De Danann and the highest heaven to help me. Turning back to face William, he continued.

"Hear now, the voice of the Bard," Connor declared, catching all within his spell. "I sain thee with a strong saining, By the might of the Swift Sure Hand, I sain thee: "I set the keeping of an Dagda about thee; I send the guarding of the Elder Gods with thee, To possess thee, to protect thee, From death, from danger, from loss. "Let the encircling of Rhiannon encompass thee in the battle to come. In the day of strife, let Lugh Lamfadah militant be thy strong protector. In the twistings of the fight, let Blessed Bran stand between thee and the hate of the enemy. "I set the cloak of Manannan MacLir about thee, To guard thee from thy back, To preserve thee from thy front, From the crown of thy head, To the arch of thy foot, The cloak of Bright Brighid shielding thee always. The peace of the Doaine Sidhe is with thee, and in their arms is thy comfort. The aiding of Nuadha is with thee, and his fiery sword protects thee, The shield of Gwydion is over thee, Now, and always, wherever thou goest, Now, and always, wherever thou farest. The crowd bowed to their new King as he stepped down from the Lia Fail. Connor walked up to the Arch Druid and retrieved the sword. Turning, he faced William. My King, I present to you the sword of sovereignty of the Land of Britain. and William took the ancient sword. He held it high for a moment, and then slid it smoothly into its sheath. Now I truly am the king of all my people. William thought as he looked out all those assembled. /|\

Las Vegas, NV At sunrise, the women of the Grove washed their faces in the morning dew. The second part of the ritual started the following morning about early to mid-morning. Everyone gathered again at the ritual site. By this time Aurora, the May Queen, had chosen one of the Ovydds, Darren as her May King. They were in a separate location again with the litter and an attendant. This year, Zephyrwind attended to the May Queen.

At the Nemeton, Jareth opened the ritual. "We gather at this joyous time and welcome the return of our Lady, and with her we rejoice as the season brings the blossom and the promise of much to come." At this point the tambor players started playing the chant, and the litter carrying the May Queen was brought to the ritual area, with her attendant in the lead, May King at the right side. Just before May Queen and attendant reached the ritual area, Jareth called the invocation. Great Goddess of this May season we invoke thee by ocean, earth and sky! Zephyrwind entered the ritual area and then addressed the grove. By and by, all things pass, season unto season, year unto year. Our lady has come again to her children of time. And our Goddess ever inclines to love and Mirth, and guards and cherishes her children of life. In Death she teaches the way to her communion, and even in this world she teaches them the mystery of the unhewn Dolmen, which is placed between the worlds of men and of the Gods. And our lady descended, in times of old, into the Realm of Annwn. And the Lord of Annwn was bewitched by her beauty. He taught her the mysteries of Death and rebirth, and in love he bowed before her and gave her all of his power." The May Queen now entered the ritual area, and everyone offered the three fold blessing. The May King then entered the ritual area, kneeled before the May Queen and laid down his sword, saying, "My lady, I give all my power to you, for this is so ordained. And with love I submit to you, and give my reign over to your hands." Aurora, while taking the sword, kissed the brow of the May King. They both rose, faced the grove, and they both raised the sword, point up, to the sky. Jareth faced all of those gathered. Hail and adoration unto the King and Queen of May. You, who are the Great Star Goddess, Lady of the earth, we welcome you, and rejoice in your presence. You, who are the Fiery God, Lord of the Skies, we welcome you and rejoice in your presence. Then Darren and Aurora then plunged the point of the sword into the earth, with Aurora saying, "Be true to you beliefs, and keep the ancient ways, beyond all obstacles. For ours is the key to the mysteries and the cycle of rebirth, which opens the way to the cauldron of enlightenment. Darren continued, "Come together to the groves, and secrets that are as yet unknown shall be revealed. Your mind must be free as well as your spirit, and as a sign that you are truly free, you shall rejoice, and sing with music and love." Aurora finished the blessing. "Bear now the light of my season and walk always in Balance. By

ocean Earth and Sky, may the power of the forces of love and light be with you." Jareth lit the bonfire and said: "All hail the Gods of our People. Thus begins the festival of Beltane." Everyone let out a loud cheer, and the feast was laid out on tables. Jareth and Izaak erected the May Pole, and led the gathering in the Maypole dance. It was a great party, and it lasted through the day. Several of the children came up to Jareth and asked him to tell them a story. "Which one?" he asked. "Any one is fine, Master Jareth." the oldest replied. "Very well, how about the story of how the Gods came to be?" Jareth asked. The children agreed and settled in for the tale. Jareth began: "Once upon a time, there was no time and that was when there also were no gods and no man walked the surface of the land. But there was the sea, and where the sea met the land, a white horse made from sea-foam was born. Her name was Eiocha. On the land, near where the land met the sea, a strong and sturdy oak tree grew. On the oak grew a plant whose seeds were formed of the foam of the sea. To sustain her, Eiocha ate the white berries of this plant, and in her they were transformed. Eiocha grew heavy with child and gave birth to the god, Cernunnos. So great was her pain in childbirth though that she ripped bark from the one tree and hurled it into the sea. The bark was transformed by the sea and became the giants of the deep. They were at first frightened by the light of the world and that is why they fled to the depths. Now Cernunnos was lonely and he saw the many giants of the deep, and how, in their way, were companions to each other; so he coupled with Eiocha and of their union came the gods, Maponos, Taranis, and Teutates, and the goddess, Epona. But Eiocha soon tired of the land, being a creature of sea-foam, and she returned the sea, where she was transformed into Tethys, goddess of the deep water. The gods and goddess were lonely, for they had none to command nor none to worship them. They took wood from the one oak tree and fashioned the first men and women, and there were twenty seven in all; the sacred three times three times three. Cernunnos also made other animals from the one oak tree, the deer and the hound, the boar and the raven, the hare and the snake. He was god of the animals and he commanded the oak tree to spread and grow, to be come a forest home for his children. To guard his children and the one tree, he took a branch of the one tree, and created the

dragons Braoc and Neisi, king and queen of the dragons. He commanded Braoc and Neisi to multiply and serve as protectors and caretakers of the forests and its creatures. Epona also made animals, but she made only the horse, mare and stallion alike, in remembrance of Eiocha who was no more. Teutates took limbs from the oak tree, and fashioned a bow, arrows, and a club. Taranis took limbs from the oak tree, and fashioned thunderbolts made of fire and noise. He would leap to the top of the tallest trees and hurl his weapon at the ground. The ground would shake, the grass would burn, and the animals would run in fear. Maponos also took limbs from the oak tree, but rather than a weapon, he fashioned a harp. He stretched strings of the winds from its limbs and spent his days in Cernunnos's forest. The winds would join in the melodies, and the birds as well. And all Cernunnoss animals would come from near and far to hear Maponos play. The giants of the deep saw the jubilant gods and goddess on the land, and the giants were jealous, for they had none to command nor none to worship them, they were not content with only each other. So the giants plotted against the gods; they would overwhelm them with the sea and take the land under the water. But Tethys in the deep sea heard the murmuring of the giants in the waves and she remembered her days as Eiocha; and so she warned her sons and daughter. The gods were prepared the day the giants came against them. The gods took refuge in the one oak tree. Taranis hurled his thunderbolt and split the land, and the sea overflowed its boundaries. Maponos shattered the sky and hurled it at the giants. Teutates deadly aim with the bow and arrows from the one oak tree and cut down many of the giants. Braoc and Neisi used their fiery breath in the battle as well. But the giants of the deep were not without weapons; they had the strength of the waves. The gods overwhelmed the giants, but could not destroy them. The giants of the deep were driven back into the sea, and Tethys bound them in the deep waters. But a few escaped Tethys and fled far from her reach. They called themselves the Fomor, and built a life on the outer edges of the world. But the Fomor dreamed of conquest, and vowed to once again take the land from the gods. Of their later battles, our stories tell us much. But this tale has yet to be completed, so those shall have to wait. Now where the fiery pieces of the heavens Maponos had torn from the sky had mingled with the waters of the sea, there were born new gods. The god Belinos and his sister Dana-Anu sprang from where the heavenly fire had been. The god Llyr sprang from where the waters of the sea had almost quenched the fire of heaven. From Llyr, as the histories tell, there would come the mighty Manannan, the beautiful Branwen, and the

wise Bran. But from Dana-Anu many children would come, an Dagda, Nuadha of the Silver Hand, the wise Diancecht, the smith Goibhniu, the fearsome Morrigan, and the gentle Brighid. So now the sea returned to its bed and Maponos repaired the sky. The gods searched for Epona, as she had been absent from the victory. Epona had rescued the race of man from the watery and fiery destruction, and they waited deep in Cernunnos's forest. From these men and women Epona saved would come our mighty people, here to join the other races of men, the children of the other Gods. The gods and the goddess left the deep of Cernunnos's forest and returned to their home near the one tree of oak which still stood strong and sturdy, and the sacred berries were still white as sea foam. From Dana-Anu, came the Tuatha de Danann, the Gods of our People. The Children of Danu and the Children of Llyr are the two mighty races our songs tell of, and they still write the songs which we live now. Let us give them fertile ground with which to work, with which to write the next chapter of the race of the line of Mil, great-great-great-grandson of the chieftain of the people who were saved by Epona. Our line. "So, who would like some punch?" Jareth asked, breaking the spell of the tale. He walked over with the children to the table and poured each of them a glass of punch. /|\ That afternoon, Bill once again arrived in Las Vegas. Arriving at the Nemeton, he found Jareth and asked him to accompany him on a walk. "Is everything ok, Master Curry?" Jareth asked after a few minutes of silence. They were quite a distance from the Nemeton. "No, my boy, it isn't." Bill replied. "If this proposed constitution is passed, then the United States will no longer be safe for any of us. I just arrived back from London, and the King has told me to quietly spread the word to the head of each Druid Order here in the U.S. If this passes, he will grant refugee status and asylum to any of our people who make it to the U.K., but he can not directly help anyone get there." Jareth started to protest, but Bill stopped him. "I know that you don't want to leave your home, especially with a small child, but if this rubbish passes," he handed Jareth the proposal file, "there won't be much choice." Jareth read the proposal, and when he was finished, he asked "But Bill, if this passes, won't they try to prevent us from leaving?"

"They can try," Bill crackled some energy across his hand, "but they won't succeed. Besides, I am going to be spending the next few weeks setting up a way out for us if need be. You probably will not see me for a while, Jareth, but I will send you word on how and where to escape to if needed. I hope to be back for the convention, but you never know. If not, just meet up at my cabin in Flagstaff. I will leave word for you there, if I am not able to meet you." He handed Jareth a key taped to a map with an address scribbled on it. "Oh," Bill said, placing his hand on Jareth's shoulder, "don't tell anyone about this until I say it is alright. Idle chatter can kill us right now." Jareth and Bill had turned and started walking back to the Nemeton. Walking down a darkened garden path, they heard a low, growling voice speak to them from the shadows. "I seek to speak to the Merlins." Turning in surprise, they saw the source of the voice. The God Cernunnos stood before them. He stood well over seven feet tall, dressed in all furs (or was it his fur?). From his brow he wore a pair of antlers, which seemed to be a part of him as well. In the dim light his feet looked as if they were more like hooves. Showing the proper respect, Bill replied "I am the Merlin of this land, my Lord. How may I be of service?" I greet you, Merlin Andolin. Cernunnos said, using Bills Druid name. I speak to the Merlin who is, and the one which may yet be. Astonishment spread across both Druids faces as the God continued. Of all of the Elder Gods, I have yet to give you my gift. Even among the wise folk, there are few who would even understand fully the gifts I can bestow. I have, however found two so far; there may still be others. Only time will tell. In the land you call Arizona, there is one called Raven who is learning faun-tongue. Recognition registered in Jareths eyes. Raven was a member of the Grove who studied by internet. And for you, Cernunnos continued, looking directly at Jareth, I have a gift as well. He handed Jareth a small bundle, wrapped in large leaves, tied with a vine. This talisman will grant you the ability to summon one of the Wise Ones, but only if they are nearby. They have sworn to protect the one who carries what you now hold. But beware, the dark ones are stirring as well, and some of their kind may again walk among you as we do now. The Fomorians are stirring with the return of magic, the return of the Elder Gods. Fare thee well, and mind always the riddle of Bran.

And with that, the God melted back into the shadows. Jareth opened the bundle, and held what the God had given him. It looked like a seashell, but it was iridescent green. Jareth put it into the pouch at his belt, and turned towards Bill. Without speaking, they started walking back to the Nemeton. /|\

Chapter 7 Jareth and Bill arrived back at the Nemeton just after dark. The sudden appearance of Cernunnos had shaken the both of them. He is one of the oldest of the Elder Gods. Then there was his gift. It looked like a large green sea shell, but it was harder and had a ridge running down the center of one side. In the light of the Nemeton, Bill recognized it immediately. He had seen it before. Jareth, that is a Dragon scale. Bill said in awe. Such a gift is beyond priceless. Dragon scale? I thought that all of the Dragons had been gone for a thousand years. said Jareth. They were, Bill said, they have been living in Annwn in the forest of the One Tree for almost a thousand years. But they have returned. I was the one chosen to welcome them back to Abred. That must have been an awesome sight. Jareth chuckled. Well, Id better put this away so it doesnt get lost. Come on, lets get a drink. They walked over to the table where the drinks were. Jareth poured Bill a cup of mead and then one for himself. There you are; Ive been looking for you. said Vivyan, walking over to the table where Jareth and Bill were. Oh, Master Curry, its good to see you back with us again. Likewise, my dear, it is good to be back. Would you like a cup of mead? he asked. No thank you, I cant have any. Vivyan replied. Why not? Jareth asked. You dont have to be up early, and the store is closed tomorrow. Well, Vivyan said, let me put it this way: I cant have any alcohol for at least the next nine months. It took a moment to fully sink in... Youre Pregnant?! exclaimed Jareth. When did you find out? This morning, just before the ritual. The doctor called and said the blood test was a definite positive. I wanted to be sure before I said anything. I think I am about six weeks along. said Vivyan.

Well, this is joyous news, and it calls for a celebration, even more so now than ever. Bill said, placing his hand on Vivyans belly. Hmm... you should probably start buying everything in pink for this little girl. he said. Jareth and Vivyan started to go tell the Grove the news when Bill continued: But dont pack all of the boy clothes yet either. Tarann is going to have a baby brother as well. /|\ David Franklin sat looking out of the window of his office, longing to be outside in the nearby park. He was pondering the assignments he had been given recently. Even by agency standards, they seemed odd. Why would the C.I.A. need a copy of each marriage license issued since January? he wondered. He had been working as an analyst for the C.I.A. for about five years now, but the assignments the new Director was handing down didnt make sense. Just last week he had to compile a report listing each convention and large meeting being held during the last week of June through the first week of July. These reports were bypassing the usual chain of command and going straight to the Director. He had even heard of a large scale re-shuffling of the Department of Homeland Security and in the clandestine services. The whole thing was being kept very quiet. I wish I knew what these were for. he thought. He was just a lowly analyst, and there were always new rumors, especially at the C.I.A. And since he gave Master Curry a partial copy of the proposed constitution, he was a little nervous that he was being watched more than usual. Well, might as well get this over with. David stood up, tucked in his triskle necklace, straightened his tie and made his way to the Directors office to turn in his report. /|\ Yep, there are definitely two heartbeats, and they are both very strong. Dr. Wold said. Can you tell what they are yet? asked Vivyan. No, not yet. You are only ten weeks or so along. We wont know for a while yet. he said. Well, thank you Dr. Wold, well see you in about three weeks. Jareth said as they left the doctors office. It was already the end of May, and the convention was just over a month away. This made Vivyan very nervous. Even though he would only be gone for a few days, she still did not like the idea of Jareth being so far away, especially now that they were expecting. But enough of that. she thought. Time to think of happier things. Hey babe, I know we are going to name the girl Rhiannon May, but what should we name the boy? I mean, if Master Curry is right? she said.

"Well, I was thinking of Logan Artos." Jareth said. "What do you think?" "I like it. If Master Curry is right then that sounds fine to me." said Vivyan. /|\ It was the first weekend in June, and Jareth's Grove was holding its quarterly meeting, and because of the large number of people, they decided to hold it at the Nemeton. Everyone in the Las Vegas Grove showed up, as well as several members from out of state. At this meeting, the Grove was going to select who was going to go to the convention in L.A. at the end of the month. The Grove quickly chose Jareth, Eowin and Izaak. "Well, we can take three more people to the convention. They are only allowing six from each group as delegates." said Jareth. "If anyone else wants to come, they will have to stay in the hotel, or other areas not part of the convention. I guess seating is very limited, but volunteers to help with outside tasks would be appreciated.." One of the Grove members from Texas, Silverwolf, nominated Vivyan. "No," she said, "I'm going to stay here. By then I wont be able to travel unless I absolutely have to. Aurora stood up. I think that it is only fitting that if our Arch Druids go, then the Grove Ranger should as well. I nominate Cai. The entire Grove agreed and Cai was added to the list. Soon after, Ailya and Goldwhisper were selected as well. Silverwolf, his wife Mona, Zephyrwind and her daughter Ivy, Paul and Scott decided to tag along. The meeting closed after that was done, and most of the members went home. Vivyan, Izaak, Jareth, Silverwolf and Mona had stayed behind at the Nemeton. Silverwolf was a founding member of the Grove, but soon after had joined the Army, and though he still studied, he hadnt been back to Las Vegas since his grandfather had died. Now that he was discharged, he and Mona were thinking of moving back to Las Vegas. So Jareth, is it true what I heard, that you can throw lightning? Silverwolf asked. Yes, many of us have received one magical gift or another. Jareth replied. Some have received more than one. And he told Silverwolf about everything that had happened since Samhain. Interesting... Silverwolf said when Jareth finished. That explains a lot. I seem to be on that list as well. and with a gesture of his hand, one of the empty lawn chairs lifted into the air. I seem to be telekinetic. The last few weeks I have been able to move things without touching them. Just then a car pulled up to the Nemeton. Hi everyone, said Zephyrwind, returning to the

Nemeton. Jareth, I just have a quick question. Ok, go ahead he replied. What exactly is the purpose of this convention? Im not sure exactly. he said. Mostly we are going to be watching the debate, and working with lobbyists to try to kill the ratification, as well as demonstrations if need be. There is also some who are going to be doing a lot of PR work, talking to the media and such. Other than that, Im guessing that we will be discussing what to do if it actually does pass. Oh, ok. Well I hope that something useful will come from this. I shudder to think of what will happen if this does pass. Well I have to work tomorrow, so good night yall. And Zephyrwind got back in her car and drove away. Jareth turned back to the others. His tone became quite serious. "I also have some bad news." he said. "I've had a chance to read the full proposed constitution, and it's not good. For us, that is." "I haven't heard much about it on the news, how bad could it be?" asked Izaak. Well, said Jareth, the proponents, mostly the Conservative Republicans, say that it will bring America back in line with traditional Christian values. Now what it does is create a Christian theocracy. The country would be governed by biblical law. Just think of Salem back during the 1600s. What the Conservatives are not releasing to the media is what will happen to those who do not fall in line with the Conservatives ideas of how things should be. The new constitution sets up a system where certain groups that go against the teachings of the theocracy will be branded heretics. This would give the government the authority to strip these people and groups of their civil rights, possibly even change their citizenship status. You could hear a pin drop in the silence of the Nemeton, and the faces of everyone there were masks of concern, as well as revulsion at how closed minded people have become. Jareth continued. Master Curry fears the worst, and I trust his judgment. What I tell you now, has to stay between us, or we are all up a creek. Master Curry is working on an escape network to get our people out of the country if the constitution is ratified. If we do have to leave, we will find sanctuary in Britain. That was a promise that the King had made in front of both Merlins. But I dont want to leave my home! said Vivyan. There has to be another way. There is, said Jareth, At the convention, we have to win.


Patrick Mac Neely was a simple man. He woke early each day, went to work, and came home to his flat in London each night. He had just moved back to Britain from Northern Ireland, where he served in the British Royal Marines. He was always looking for work, but all he could ever find were menial day labor jobs. The company he was working for today had several landscaping contracts throughout the country. Today he was going to the gardens at Glastonbury Tor. Great, he though, another day doing nothing but hauling rock. he muttered in his thick Irish accent. The truck came to a stop in front of the visitors center. The foreman got out and started talking to the caretaker. After a few minutes, he came back and gave each worker their assignments, all except Patrick. Hey Red, said the foreman, calling Patrick. Come with me, Ive got a job especially for you. Grumbling, Patrick followed the foreman to an area near the Chalice Well. The caretaker has staked out a line along here. he said, pointing to a line of stakes. This is going to be a decorative fence. I need you to dig post holes every meter along this course. An hour or so later, Patrick looked up from his work. He was about halfway through the line of stakes. Deciding to take a break, he saw a tree a short distance away at the base of Glastonbury. Patrick walked over and sat down under the ancient oak. He was just starting to drift off when he heard a faint melody on the breeze. Lifting and turning, leaping and rising, it called to him. Patrick got up and started to make his way along the ancient maze, following the strange music. With each step, the music grew louder, more insistent; with each its spell carried him onward, through the mists. Cresting the summit, Patrick walked through the mists and was surprised by what he saw. The Tor and Abbey were gone! Looking around he saw that in their place was a large ring of standing stones. That must be where the music is coming from. he thought. Creeping closer, Patrick could see people dancing. No, not people, they were too small. The Doaine Sidhe, the faery folk. he thought. Growing up in Ireland, he heard the old stories and knew not to go any closer. Taking a small iron nail out of his pocket, he put it in his mouth. That would keep the Fae from being able to ensnare him into their dance. But I dont see anything wrong with sitting and listening to their music for a bit. he thought. Their music was the most joyful thing he had ever heard. It was if the wee ones were celebrating something. He listened closer to the song: Hi and ho and to and fro, the elder ways will soon be shown. From hill and glen to brook and bend the Tuatha will sing again. Danas kin will cleanse the land welcome her children to join the band

brothers strong and sisters true the order of the wise returning too. Patrick decided he had tarried too long away from his work, and the foreman would be looking for him soon. Coming down the hill he encountered the mists again at the bottom, he was startled to see it was sunrise. What happened to the day? he wondered. There you are, you lazy, good for nothing! he heard the foreman yell. Where have you been? I needed those holes dug two days ago.

/|\ That afternoon, Patrick was sitting in a pub, drinking to his bad luck. He had entered the realm of the Sidhe, seen their dance, and left with nothing but another lost job. Ever since he had completed his tour in the Royal Marines, he felt as if he was off a beat. No matter what he did, it didnt seem to fit. He couldnt understand it. Though he wasnt a member of the priesthood, he followed the Elder Gods, and lived a good life, so why was he always struggling. Im still young, he thought; "Im only 24. Patrick was so involved in his misery that he didnt even notice when someone sat down next to him at the bar. After a few minutes, Connor Maughfling leaned over and tapped his nephew on the shoulder. Patrick nearly jumped out of his skin. Bloody hell, Uncle Connor, you nearly made my heart seize he said. How ya doin? Well let me buy you a pint. Nah, thats ok Pat. Ive already got one. I heard about your vanishing act earlier this week. What exactly happened? asked Connor. Well, I was digging post holes far that decorative fence at Glastonbury..... started Patrick. He told Connor about taking a break under an old tree, then hearing the music, then the celebration in the stone circle at the top of the Tor. Very interesting. Hmm....very interesting indeed. said Connor when Patrick finished. What does it mean, that song? Patrick asked. Im not sure Ill have to think about it for a while. said Connor. In the meantime, I have a job for you, one that will be better suited to your talents. Hmm....? Patricks curiosity was piqued. What kind of job is it? I need you to go to America. My old teacher, Bill Curry, has some very important tasks to do, and he could use your help. Besides, I would feel better if you were there to be a sort of backup-security. With all that is going on over there, said Connor, eyeing Patricks 66,

280 lb frame; He can use all the friends he can get. Patrick couldnt believe that he was being offered a job working for the Merlin of America. Ill do it. he said. Good, said Connor. Your plane leaves in three hours. Here, Ill give you a ride.


Bill drove up to the airstrip with a heavy heart. Checking around, he had discovered that Prince Harry had, in fact, come to America and started to seek assistance to overthrow his brother. Pulling into the airstrip parking area, he thought back to the events over the last few weeks. Harry, listen to reason. said Bill. Your brother is the King by birthright. You have no claim to the throne. William will have several children, and a couple of them will be sons. He lost all legitimacy when he invited you witches to overrun Britain. We are members of the Anglican Church, not followers of you devils. said Harry, almost in a rage. The druids died out once, and by the grace of God you will die out again. I hope this time it is permanent. Harry paced back and forth, wondering why he even agreed to meet with this monster. Yes, you need to get rid of this monster, he will poison you and try to keep you from your birth right. The voice whispered softly in his ear. You are the rightful King, and an imposter sits on your throne. Harry, listen to me. This is madness. If you try to take the throne, you will fail. Your brother loves you, and he doesnt want to have you as an enemy. said Bill. But I am his enemy. And if the Druids want to get involved, you will suffer the same fate as him! Harry gestured towards Bill, and Bill was barely able to raise his defenses before the energy bolt slammed into him. Using magic, Bill deflected the bolt, shattering a side door to the room they were in. Bill raised his hand, and with a gesture pinned Harry to the wall. The look in Harrys eyes was the scariest thing he had ever seen. So much hatred, looking back at him. Turning, he saw Harrys security guards come through the door, guns drawn. Bill waved his arm, knocking them down, and ran through the shattered door.

Let him go was the last thing Bill heard Harry say as he ran down the hall and out of the building. Harry had moved his base of operations within an hour, for when Bill came back with British security forces from the Consulate, the building was empty. Such a waste, Harry was such a good boy. Bill thought, watching the small plane land. Harrys use of magic troubled him. It did not feel like the magic taught by the Elder Gods. It felt much more feral, darker and fouler. He knew that someday, Harry would have to be dealt with. /|\ Patricks plane landed on a small airstrip outside Flagstaff. He had to take a shuttle flight to this airstrip, most planes couldnt land here. Getting off the plane, he saw Bill waiting for him near the terminal. Welcome to the U.S., Pat. I wish it was under more hospitable circumstances. said Bill. Thank you Master Curry. said Patrick. Uncle Connor said that I was to help you with what ever you needed. They started walking towards the car. Is it true what the media is saying about the constitution convention? Yes Pat, it is. That is why I need your help. If it passes, we will need to get everyone out of the U.S. to Britain. What do you need me to do? I have a cabin about 20 miles from here. Bill said. We need to get it stocked for an extended stay, and make a few inconspicuous fortifications. This is where your military training is going to come in useful. We only have two weeks until the convention. Thats not much time. What do you have in mind as far as fortifications? Well, take a look at the cabin, and we can go from there. There are a few unusual features in the cabin. Ok, said Patrick. Before we start can we get some lunch, Im starving. Not a problem, my boy. Bill said laughing. Youre a growing boy; you need to keep your strength up. And with that they started the trip into town. /|\

Chapter 8 Has everyone got everything? Jareth asked. It was almost time to leave for the convention, and he wanted to make sure everyone had everything loaded into the rental van. It took a while, but they were able to find a large passenger van that could hold 12 passengers, which was good because nine members were going to the convention in San Diego. Do you have the directions to the hotel? Vivyan called to Jareth from the porch. Right here in my pocket. I still dont like not having you here. Vivyan walked over to where he was. Im going to miss you terribly, you know. You need to hurry back when the convention is over. I will, I promise. said Jareth. No, no weapons. I dont want any weapons there at the convention. he said. Ailya had strapped a dagger on under her coat. "If you want a knife, keep it to pocket knives and folders only." Pouting, Ailya gave the dagger to Aurora. Jareth lifted his duffel bag and put it in the cargo box on top of the van. Turning, he picked up Tarann and gave him a big squeeze. Now I want you to take care of your mom while I am gone little man, got it? he said, tousling his hair. Yes daddy, I will. Its my job anyways. Tarann said and ran from Vivyan as she tried to catch him and tickle him. While Vivyan chased Tarann around the yard, Jareth walked over to where the vehicles were being loaded. Seeing Izaak, Jareth pulled him aside. Is everything set? he asked. Yes, I went to the military surplus store and bought four cases of M.R.E.s. They are in the back of the van. replied Izaak. Good... I dont think that they will be necessary; I have faith that the proposal will be killed, but you never know now a days. I hope so. said Izaak. I hate to think of what would happen if it does. Me too, me too... said Jareth. He walked over to where Vivyan was. She had caught Tarann and was giving him a raspberry on the tummy. Ok you two, one more hug, then we have to go. he said, hugging his wife and son. Its almost midnight, and we have a six hour drive ahead of us. Jareth gave Vivyan a kiss. Ill have my cell phone on me if you need to get in touch with me.

Ok, but I want you to be careful out there driving. said Vivyan. I know that the nightmares are still keeping you up all night, even if you dont remember them. So if you get tired, please pull over and let someone else drive. A mischievous twinkle lit up her eyes. Got it, mister? Yeah, got it? Tarann echoed. Yep, got it. said Jareth. He picked up his son. Now remember what we have been working on, ok little man? No more making anything cold until I get back, ok? Yes daddy, he said, as if he had just been caught. Ok, be good, and I will see you both in a couple of days. said Jareth. He kissed Vivyan and Tarann, then got in and started the van. "All aboard!" he said as everyone got in. "Ok, let's do this." Jareth blew a kiss and mouthed the words I love you too Vivyan and Tarann as the van backed out of the drive. /|\ Pagan Convention: day 1 July 1st.

It was just after sunrise when Jareth parked the van at the hotel where the convention was being held. Jareth got out of the van and stretched his sore muscles. Looking around, he saw that a few blocks away there was a small diner, and a convenience store just up from that. "This doesn't seem too bad." he thought. Waking everyone up, he herded them into the hotel to check into their rooms. "Good morning," he said to the desk manager, "we have a reservation. The name is Jareth MacLir. The manager was a thin wisp of a man, probably in his sixties, and seemed as if it was a great hassle to look up the reservation. After a few minutes, he printed the form, and handed it to Jareth. Sign here please. Jareth signed the form and handed it back to the manager. The manager then handed Jareth a stack of key cards. The room number is on each card. the manager said and turned his back to the group. Ok, Jareth said, unfazed. Well, we have about four hours until the convention opens. I say we get some shut eye and meet back here at about 9:30. He passed out the key cards. As every one started to head to their rooms, Ailya pulled Jareth aside. Its probably nothing, Jareth, but after the desk manager was done helping you, he pulled out a green notebook and it looked like he wrote down our room numbers.

Well, maybe he is keeping track of how many rooms there are left. This is going to be a large convention, after all. Possibly, said Ailya. But as Cais assistant, it is my job to keep the grove secure. I just dont like staying in the same hotel where the convention is being held. Oh, relax, have fun. Jareth chided. Weve only just arrived. And with everything that has been happening, Jareth crackled a small spark of electricity between two fingers, I doubt anyone will be able to sneak up on us. /|\ The first day of the conference, not much was accomplished. The delegates listened to a few speakers, and watched the news coverage of the proceedings in both the House and the Senate. The congressional proceedings had been in full swing for a day already. Even so, several prominent Arch Druids, Wiccan High Priestesses and other assorted Elders from other pagan faiths seemed more concerned with socializing, Jareth noted, than working on the matter at hand, or much less doing anything else. Jareth, my boy, were over here. a familiar voice called out. Jareth turned to see Bill over by a table near the front. "Hey guys, this way." Jareth called to the others. He led the grove to the table where Bill and Connor were sitting. There were several other Arch Druids at the table; Jareth could tell who they were by the dragon torcs each one wore. Also at the table was someone Jareth had not seen in a long time. "Patrick! How are you doing?" "Not bad Jareth, and how 'bout yourself; I hear ya got a little one, and more on the way." "Yeah, my wife Vivyan is at home in Las Vegas watching Tarann, but yeah, we're expecting. She is due sometime in the middle of November." Jareth said. "Well, congratulations again. I goin' for a drink, anyone care to join me?" asked Patrick. Everyone at the table declined his invitation. "Suit yourselves, see ya in bit." Patrick nodded to his uncle and left the conference room. The rest of the grove started to spread out and mingle with the other delegates. Izaak stayed with Jareth. "So, Master Curry, Master Maughfling, how are the two of you doing?" Jareth asked. "Bah, boy, we were both Bill's apprentices at one point in time. said Connor. Turning to Bill Is he always so formal?"

"Yes, irritating, isn't it. The odd thing is that he doesn't use his title as Arch Druid unless he has to." "What!" Connor said, in mock surprise. Turning serious, he addressed Jareth. "You've worked hard, Jareth, to get where you are. The elevation to Arch Druid is a major accomplishment. Not many can rightfully claim the title, though many still use it. And you are a traditionalist, which means that you had to study harder and longer than anyone else here, present company excluded." he nodded to the others at the table with a grin on his face. He continued, "Here, you are the Arch Druid Jareth MacLir, the right hand of the Merlin of America. You are an Elder and a leader among our people, and in the coming days leadership will be needed desperately." Connor walked up and clapped Jareth on the shoulder. "Who knows," he said winking to Jareth, "you may someday even replace this crusty old goat of a wizard." pointing at Bill. "Yes my pupil," Bill said, with a grand flourish, "but at least my looks match my age. That English weather has made you twice as crusty and you are only half as old as I am." That brought much needed laughter to the room. "What'd I miss?" asked Patrick, holding a can of Guinness. "A little early for that, isn't it?" chided Bill. "For you, maybe. But I'm still on London time and it's 'bout time for dinner there." he said, and drank a long swallow. Bill leaned over to Connor as the delegation was seated. "Well, at least he'll be in a much better mood now that he has a pint or two in him." He pointed to the two empty cans in the sack. "Yeah, but I just hope he doesn't fall asleep; he snores something terrible." laughed Connor. /|\ Well, now that we have all been introduced, I would like to officially open the first convention of the Free Pagan Peoples of America. said Isaiah VonWeiss, this years chairman of the Council of American Druid Orders, and acting chairman of the convention. Over the next several days, we shall monitor the proceedings taking place in both Houses of Congress, and discuss our options, for both the best and worst case scenarios. We will also be holding rallies and lobbying our Senators and Representatives, urging them to vote no on this constitution. A quiet settled among the delegates, as everyone turned their attention to the front of the room. Isaiah continued. For now, there is not much we can do until we get a feel for what the legislature is doing, and which way they are leaning. So, with the help of Master Bill Curry, I

have arranged for a satellite feed of the proceedings to be directly fed to us here. Unfortunately, the legislature has stipulated that there shall be a thirty minute tape delay, so what we see now actually happened a half hour ago. They say it is for national security purposes. He picked up a remote and turned on several large televisions throughout the hall. So, for now, lets see whats happening in Washington. On one side of the room were the monitors for the House of Representatives and on the other were the ones for the Senate. In the House chamber, it seemed rather quiet, as not all of the Representatives had arrived. The floor of the Senate seemed a whirl of activity. Many Senators as well as their aides were making last minute deals and trying to convince their contemporaries to join their side on the issue of ratification. Since the use of filibuster was outlawed three years ago, there were few who could stop the vote even if they wanted to. Finally, after about half an hour, the Senate was called into session. The Senate Majority Leader, the Republican Senator from Tennessee, read the first item from the order of business, which was, of course, debate on ratification of the new constitution. The Republican Senator from Washington seconded the motion and the debate was formally open. In an unusual precedent, the debate was opened by Governor Moore from Alabama who was co-author of much of the new constitution. Greetings, my fellow Senators. I want to thank you for hearing me on this important and fundamental issue. Society today is under attack. Our schools are in decline, with crime and drugs running rampant. And this is directly due to the removal of religion from our public schools. A wise man once said: Any general moral instruction without a religious foundation is built on air; consequently, all character training must be derived from faith. Separation of Church and State has long been the battle cry of civil libertarians wishing to purge our glorious Christian heritage from our nations history. Of course, the term never once appears in our Constitution and is a modern fabrication of discrimination. The greatest victory of the liberal left has been the removal of God from schools; where once was religious instruction, fornication and acceptance of evil are allowed. The ACLUs got to take a lot of blame for this. And, I know that Ill hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The ACLU, the abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the Pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make their sin an acceptable alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say, You helped this happen. You know, it is interesting that termites dont build things, and the great builders of our nation almost to a man have been Christian, because Christians have the desire to build something. He is motivated by love of man and God, so he builds. The people who have come into our institutions today, those who push a secular agenda, are primarily termites. They are into

destroying institutions that have been built by Christians, whether it is universities, governments, our own traditions, that we have.... The termites are in charge now, and that is not the way it ought to be, and the time has come for a godly fumigation. Indeed, it may well be that men of goodwill like Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton, who sincerely want a larger community of nations living at peace in our world, are in reality unknowingly and unwittingly carrying out the mission and mouthing the phrases of a tightly knit cabal whose goal is nothing less than a new order for the human race under the domination of Lucifer and his followers. When I said that during my coming presidential bid that I would only bring Christians and Jews into the government, I hit a firestorm. What do you mean? the media challenged me. Youre not going to bring atheists into the government? How dare you maintain that those who believe the Judeo-Christian values are better qualified to govern America than Hindus and Muslims? My simple answer is, Yes, they are. But the fact is, the United States of America was conceived and brought forth by Christians, and history tells us that story in no uncertain terms.... Anyone who reads about the values upon which this nation was founded understands perfectly well that this was, from the start, a Christian nation. There was no concept of separation between God and government in the New Testament or the Old Testament. The concept that was before us in the Bible is that rulers are ministers of God, that the sword that they wield is not in vain, but theyve been placed in authority by God to make sure that law and order prevails in our land and there is no anarchy. Now when atheism came in under what used to be called the Soviet Union a new constitution was written, which said the state shall be separate from the church and the church from the school. In the United States of America people have tried to apply that phrase from the Soviet Constitution to the schooling of children in America, and to the political scene. Look at what had happened to me back in 2004, when I was Chief Justice for the great state of Alabama. That is why I coauthored the push for a new constitution. There is nothing that should indicate that God Almighty should be separated from the government nor that Godly people should not hold office in government. So there is nothing to indicate that there should be a separation. Do we as Christians need to be liked so badly that we chose to remain silent in response to the killing of babies, the spreading of homosexual propaganda to our children, the distribution of condoms and immoral advice to our teenagers, and the gay agenda of undermining marriage as an institution? Would Jesus have ignored these wicked activities? Would the One who severely threatened those who would harm a child have ignored the bloody hands of todays abortionists? No, I am convinced that he would be the first to condemn sin in high places, and I doubt if he would have minced words in making the point. Tolerance is a kind of watchword of those who reject the concept of right and wrong. Its a

kind of desensitization to evil of all varieties. Everything has become acceptable to those who are tolerant. Modern U.S. Supreme Courts have raped the Constitution and raped the Christian faith and raped the churches by misinterpreting what the founders had in mind in the First Amendment of the old Constitution.... We must fight against those radical minorities who are trying to remove God from our textbooks, Christ from our nation. We must never allow our children to forget that this is a Christian nation. We must take back what is rightfully ours. There will never be world peace until Gods house and Gods people are given their rightful place of leadership at the top of the greatest nation in the world. I call upon you, here, now, to ratify the new constitution and bring back the time of peace and higher values. If we are committed and involved in taking back the nation for Christian moral values, and if we are willing to risk the scorn of the secular media and the bureaucracy that stand against us, there is no doubt we can witness the dismantling of the even more diabolical wall of separation that has led to increasing secularization, godlessness, immorality, and corruption in our country. How much more forcefully can I say it? The time has come, and it is long overdue, when Christians and conservatives and all men and women who believe in the birthright of freedom must rise up and reclaim America for Jesus Christ. This is our land. This is our world. This is our heritage, and with Gods help, we shall reclaim this nation for Jesus Christ. Thank you, and may God bless you all. There was a moment where you could hear a pin drop from across the hall, then the Senate floor erupted, with applause and cheers from supporters of the new constitution, and boos and stern protests from those opposed. From the point of view of most of those attending the Pagan convention, it was hard to tell which side had the advantage. Bill, Connor and Jareth looked at each other with an uneasy feeling. Seeing such fanaticism was scary. Jareth looked around at some of the others in the room. Most seemed stunned, looking around in total disbelief. A few looked angry. Bill leaned over and tapped Jareth on the shoulder. Look at the House monitor. The House of Representatives was also debating the new constitution. Jareth noted that there were fewer voices of opposition there. It looks like the battle in the House may be lost. said Bill. All of our hopes lie in killing it in the Senate. Just then, Connor leaned over and whispered something in Bills ear. Jareth, I have to go and take Connor the airport, and then I have a few arrangements to make. Bill stood up and motioned Jareth to follow. Here is my cell number, call me and keep me updated. He handed Jareth a piece of paper and turned to follow Connor out of the room. Take care and pray that the Gods smile on us. Patrick, you too, come on. Patrick grunted and followed the Merlins outside.

/|\ By that afternoon, any semblance of order seen that morning had long since faded away. The delegates had separated into groups, some watching the proceedings, and some just returning to socializing. Arch Druid Von Weiss had passed around a bowl and asked everyone to come up with some ideas as to the response if the constitution is ratified. When the bowl was returned, the ideas were read out loud, and many were the same: do nothing and go underground. There were some who said leave and find a new home, and a small minority said to stand and fight. Well, I am going to put the top five on a list and tomorrow we can discuss each one. said Arch Druid Von Weiss. Oh, we also need volunteers to monitor the proceedings during the night. If you would like to sign up there is a list here at the podium. So lets call it a day and meet up again tomorrow at 9:30 He started to walk away when he turned and faced everyone again. Also, I need all the lobby group volunteers to meet me up front, we need to plan for tomorrow. /|\ So what happened? Anything interesting? Silverwolf asked when Jareth and the others returned to the Groves rooms. Those who were not able to join downstairs were watching the Senate proceedings on the TV. No, not much news, not at least from the convention. said Jareth. Seems like most of those here are more interested in their own egos than accomplishing anything. Most ran for the hills when monitor volunteers were called for. Jareth let out a sarcastic chuckle. There were a few there though who wanted to revolt, to storm the Capitol building, and be done with it. Everyone was silent as Jareth recounted the days events. When he finished, he could see the disappointment in each of their faces. Reaching into his pocket, he felt the key that Bill had given him. Well, lets not give up hope yet, all it takes is one senator to change his vote to no, to kill the thing, and there seems to be plenty of opposition there; thought the House seems to be sheep following the shepherd. The general consensus is that we can still kill this thing. he said. But what do you think? asked Silverwolf. Is there a chance that we will win? Watching the debate, things dont look like they are going in our favor. Im not sure. said Jareth. But you never know what will happen. Everything happens for a reason, and if the new constitution is ratified, we will have to plan from there. /|\

Jareth unlocked the door to his hotel room and collapsed on the bed. The amount of apathy and disinterest shown by most of the delegates was exhausting. After the meeting had adjourned, he had asked Arch Druid Isaiah VonWeiss if he had noticed it as well. Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. Isaiah said. I dont know why they seem not to care. I dont think that they dont care, Jareth said. I think that most of them do not understand exactly what the ratification of this constitution will mean. I know how that can be. said Isaiah. I havent even read more than what has been released to the media. Jareth handed Isaiah a manila envelope. Here ya go, this is the complete constitution. For some reason, every time we try to get this to the media, they lose it or are not interested. Isaiah opened the envelope and started to read. After a few minutes, he put the packet down. I cant read any more of this right now, I dont want to lose my appetite. he said. How do they think that they can get away with this? Do the really think that the public will let this happen? Well, we let the Patriot Act happen, didnt we? This is just playing off the same kind of fears, using us as the scapegoat, and taking it one step farther. said Jareth. This is scary. Isaiah said picking up the packet. Is it ok if I keep this, or do you need it back? Go ahead and keep it, I made this copy for you. You should probably read the highlights of it to the delegates tomorrow. Might be a good motivator. said Jareth. Nodding in agreement, Isaiah walked back into the conference room, again reading the constitution. Jareth turned over and picked up the phone. Hello? Vivyans voice filled the receiver. Hi babe, its me. Oh, hi hon. How is everything going?

Not bad, things are still up in the air in the Senate, so hopefully we can kill this thing. Jareth said. He then filled her in on the days events. Ugh, I hope tomorrow is better. Vivyan said. I packed up some stuff and brought it with me to my moms house. I couldnt stand being in the house by myself. Not a problem hon. How is Tarann doing? He has been doing really good; he hasnt frozen anything so far. Well hon, I am going to let you go, Im exhausted, and I know you have to be up early, so Ill talk to you later. Love you. Vivyan said. Ok good night my love, see you soon. Jareth said and hung up the phone. Turning on the TV, he found that most of the channels were broadcasting the news, and had one analyst or another discussing the days events. Enough already. he said as he turned off the TV. I guess Ill just read then. he said and got out one of his books. Before long, as so often happens, the line between dreams and reality breaks down, and Jareth drifted off to sleep. /|\

Chapter 9 Jareth could see the occasional headlight go past the motel window. The sun had gone down a few hours ago, so soon it will be time to move on. H stood up and stretched, the got another pop out of the mini fridge. Looking at his watch, he decided that he should wake everyone and have them start getting ready to go. After a few minutes, and a few grumbles, everyone was awake. Quietly, Jareth led them into the woods behind the motel, to where the van was hidden. Slowly, he pulled onto the access road, and drove away from the motel, heading south. They had almost been caught in Big Bear, and the back window of the van was shattered. Jareth made sure to replace it at a seedy repair shop, so they would be less noticeable. It cost a small fortune, but they couldnt afford to be seen and recognized. At least there were no new reports of police roadblocks. The buzz of the alarm clock made Jareth nearly jump out of his skin. Trying to shake the cobwebs his elusive dreams gave him, he started the shower, and tried to get ready for the day. Pagan Convention: day 2, July 2nd.

The day started off on a much more serious note. Isaiah had invited a representative from the local chapter of the ACLU to attend, and he was present when Isaiah read the contents of the constitution out loud to everyone. Even though it took nearly half an hour to read, he kept everyones attention firmly on himself. So now you know why this is so important, why we have to succeed in stopping the ratification. Isaiah said. Now, before you all ask any questions, I am having copies passed around for you to read. The proceedings are starting now in both chambers of Congress, so for those who do have any questions, lets hold off for now, and well have some time after lunch. What I want right now, is for some volunteers to help out in the call center. We need people calling the offices of the Senators, letting them know that we exist, and we are not going away. Unlike the day before, several people got up and went over to a group of tables set up with phones. Many others started reading the packet being passed around, shaking their heads in disbelief. The ACLU representative, Matt Robertson, approached the podium. Could I have everyones attention please? I have a few announcements to make. First, we are working in a coordinated effort with the People for the American Way and the Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. What we are planning is for a march to the Capitol building tomorrow in Washington D.C. and a rally once we get there. We are also planning a rally tomorrow here in Los Angeles, in Palms Park. Lets get everyone we can there tomorrow and show a united front to the whole nation, that we will not be silenced.

Jareth walked up to Isaiah. I have a few members of my Grove here who werent able to get in, but who would like to help out in the call center, or with anything else that needs to be done. he said. Thanks, that will help out a lot, Jareth. said Isaiah. Ill be right back, let me get these volunteers started first, then we can talk some more. Walking over to the call center, Isaiah held up a list. These are the office and fax numbers for each Senator. Lets try to flood their message centers and voice mail showing our disapproval of ratification. If you dont know what to say, there are some sample scripts at the back of the packet. Isaiah turned back to Jareth. Go ahead and have your members come down. I am sure we can find something for them to do. As Jareth walked away, Matt Robertson, the ACLU representative, walked over. Mr. Von Weiss, how did you get a copy of this? Weve been trying for six months. I didnt get it until yesterday, another member of the convention gave it to me. said Isaiah, his tone making it clear he wasnt going to say who. The content of this constitution is very disturbing; it is almost too extreme to be real. All of the implications of its passage are staggering. Looking at this, I wouldnt even know where to start if this passes. What would your group do if it does? Isaiah just shook his head. I dont know, I am still reading it over myself. he said, but inside his worst fears were being realized. He had been predicting this sort of coup for almost a decade, but no one would listen. The mainstream media called him and anyone who had believed him fear mongers at best, but most of the time they were called lunatics. Mainstream media, academics, and political pundits all said such a thing could never happen, that it was impossible. Well, its happening now, and they still dont see it. he thought. Turning to Matt, he said I guess we will have to see how the government acts if this is passed, and go from there. /|\ The phone rang in a back office, not far from the Capitol building. A lone figure answered. Yes sir? he said. He knew exactly who was on the other end. Everything is set. There is an envelope with your orders outside in the mail box. After the vote, you know what to do. said the voice over the phone. Before General Roth could ask any questions, the President hung up.

Dont worry, trust him my pet. You should always follow orders. a voice in the dark whispered in his ear. Yes of course. I have to obey my orders. he thought, as he opened the envelope. /|\ By that evening, the call center at the Pagan Convention was being closed down. Apparently, someone at the Senate office building had forwarded all of the incoming calls to the automated answering system. All of the emails were being returned as undeliverable as well. Good job everyone, we can try again tomorrow. said Isaiah. Before we leave tonight, I need some volunteers to monitor CSPAN and the news networks. This time, unlike the day before, numerous people volunteered. Jareth and the rest of the Grove members made their way up stairs to their rooms. It had been a long day, and Jareth knew he would snap if he had to suffer through another tirade from a right wing Senator who seemed to have more brimstone than personality. He was hoping that Senator Reid from Nevada would have been able to filibuster the proceedings, but then remembered that the Republican dominated Senate outlawed the filibuster. It seemed that there was less and less resistance as time went on. But although they outlawed the filibuster, it seemed that there still were not enough votes to ratify. So, the Senate voted to continue to debate the ratification. /|\ Day 3 of the convention The Rally Ok, can I get everyones attention? Attention please. said Matt through the bull horn. Looking out over the crowd of about one thousand people gathered in the park, he continued. I want to thank each of you for coming. Just then, he noticed that several national news networks had arrived and started reporting. Matt continued. This is a very good turnout, as we have several groups united under one cause: to rally in support of those brave Senators who are in Washington D.C. taking a stand against the Puritanical religious takeover of our great nation. Represented here today we have the United Pagan Network, the Nation of Islam, the National Buddhist Federation as well as the Gay and Lesbian Alliance against Defamation. We are gathered here, united in our desire to keep our right to freedom of conscience, to choose for ourselves how we live. It is a freedom we have all have since that fateful day, over two hundred and thirty years ago, when a few brave men stood up and declared their independence from tyranny. It is our time now, and we

will be heard! And with that the crowd erupted. There were numerous shouts of Ban with the American Taliban, Stop the Inquisition, and Never again echoing through the crowd. Raising his hands, Matt tried to get everyones attention. Ok everyone, we have a few speakers lined up, as well as a special musical guest performing via satellite from our sister rally in New York. Just then, an assistant whispered something into his ear. Turning back to the crowd, he continued. Well, looks like we get that surprise early, so live via satellite, lets put your hands together for the band U2! The growing crowd cheered even louder as the giant screen onstage turned on, and showed U2 starting the first song of their set. So it was no surprise that no one saw the police vehicles, military humvees and S.W.A.T. vans start to gather in a parking lot up the street. /|\ Jareth had just finished typing a letter for each member of the convention to sign. He was hoping to have it ready to fax to the Senate offices by early that afternoon. Standing up, he noticed Eowin running into the conference room. Turn on the TV, quick! he gasped, out of breath. Jareth turned on the TV to one of the local channels. Apparently, the riot started moments after police came to notify event organizers that the County had revoked their permit. No reasons were given as to why the permit was revoked. But when the organizers tried to assert their first amendment right to free assembly, the officers tried to arrest them, and that is when the riot started. We are live now with Mr. Robertson from the ACLU, one of the organizers of the rally. Mr. Robertson, what do you think went wrong? This was supposed to be a peaceful rally. Very simple, said Matt. We were told by police in riot gear that our permit had been revoked by the County. They said it was because we were holding an event inconsistent with the terms of the permit. They came here looking for a fight, we didnt ask for this. We were holding a legal political rally, and the County censors did not like what we were saying, so they tried to shut us down. And when you use force to do this, people see it. I dont condone violence, but we should not let the government walk all over us either. Just then, a gale force wind came up, and the program returned to the network station. Jareth couldnt believe his eyes. But he was glad that none of the rally organizers had been caught, otherwise Matt would have said something about it. So, what do we do now? asked Eowin. I dont know, but go and gather the Grove together upstairs in an hour. We need to start

planning our next move. Jareth said. I dont have much faith in the success of the Conference right now. /|\ Isaiah looked down the hall, and seeing no one, quickly opened the door to his room. He could not believe what had just happened. What had started out as a peaceful rally, turned into a street brawl. Thank the Gods no one got hurt. he thought. A sudden freak wind storm came up and sent everyone running for cover, thus ending the riot. Suddenly, a memory came back like a lightning bolt. As he had ducked around a corner while running from the storm, he thought he had seen a familiar face in the crowd standing there, unaffected by the wind storm. It almost looked for a moment like Arch Druid Izaak, from the Las Vegas Order. But I thought that Jareths people were all working in the call center. he mused as he set some water to boil for tea. /|\

Izaak couldnt believe what he was seeing. He had just arrived at the rally to deliver a message to Isaiah when all hell broke loose. Out of nowhere, National Guard troops as well as dozens of police and S.W.A.T. officers converged on the rally. Izaak ducked for cover behind some trees, behind the line of police cars. Looking out at the police, he could see that they were drawing their weapons, and a few S.W.A.T. officers were taking aim at the organizers on stage. He knew he had to act. Allowing his heart to slow, he felt the energy surge up from the ground, up through his body. Raising his arms, he released the magic, letting it run loose like a horse kept penned too long. There was no buildup; the winds went from gentle breezes to hurricane force instantly, sending everyone running for cover. Slowly, he eased the winds down, first in the area where the protesters were, allowing them to run, then the police. By the time the police were able to regroup, all of the protesters were gone. /|\ Later that evening, Jareth met with the Grove in his room. Izaak was noticeably absent Thanks for coming. I called this meeting to get a feel for what you think we should do, especially with what happened today, and there are reports of a similar incident in New York as well. What do you mean, what we should do? asked Silverwolf. Well, I dont know about you, but I dont think that after the chaos today, that the convention is going to have a chance of successfully lobbying our Senators to vote no. Jareth said. Besides, Im getting homesick, and with Vivyan being pregnant, I want to go home.

So you are saying we give up? asked Ailya. No, not give up, just regroup in familiar territory, and plan our next move. If this is killed, we have nothing to worry about, but if it passes, I would rather be in Las Vegas where we will be relatively safe for a while. But what about the others here at the conference, what are you going to tell them? asked Eowin. Well, Jareth said, We tell them the truth. We tell them that we are returning home to plan our next course of action. That we feel we have done everything we are going to be able to do here. Surely, the hotel management is going to close down the convention, and take away the room; if they dont I will be surprised. Especially with what almost happened at the rally. Izaak said as he walked in the room. I created the wind that dispersed everyone. I did it because the SWAT troopers were aiming their rifles at Isaiah and the others on the stage. They werent there just to stop a rally; they were there to take out its leaders. Even Jareth was stunned by this revelation. Are you sure of this? he asked. Yes, I saw them load and take aim at the stage, and acknowledge the ok to fire. Izaak said. Well, that settles it. said Eowin. We go home. Anyone disagree? The hotel room was silent. Very well, since it is late, lets pack up and load the van. I want to leave as early as possible in the morning. After everyone left to go pack, Jareth called home. Hi hon, how ya doing? Im fine, are you ok? I saw on the news that there was a riot there. Vivyan said. Im fine; I was at the hotel when that happened. Look, we have decided that we are going to come home. After today, I dont think that there is any chance that anything is going to get done, if the conference isnt shut down first. he said. Well, be careful. I want you home in one piece. Vivyan said. Oh, guess what, Tarann froze a can of soda and left it on a neighbors lawn. It exploded after a few minutes. He is now grounded for that stunt.

Speaking of which, I want you to go stay at your moms house until we get home, ok? Just incase. Jareth said. No problem, well, I am going to let you go so I can get ready. I will see you tomorrow. I love you. I love you too. replied Jareth and he hung up the phone. /|\ Jareth awoke with a start, taking a moment to realize that he was still in his hotel room. Jareth rubbed his eyes, and looked at the alarm clock; it was 2 a.m. "Well, might as well get something to eat." thought Jareth, as he got dressed. He was not looking forward to the six hour drive back to Las Vegas. He passed by the Conference room, and a young woman was watching the proceedings on television, and he seemed restless. "Hey Ivy, you realize that there is a tape delay, right? Says so there on the corner of the screen." said Jareth. Ivy yelped and nearly jumped out of her skin. "Oh, sorry, you scared me. Why would this be tape delayed?" "Who knows, probably in case some classified information was said out loud, so they can edit it out." "Well," said Ivy, "if there are any developments, I will let you know. The news is making it hard to sleep these days." "I can't agree more," grunted Jareth, walking off. "Call me on my cell if you hear anything. I'm going to the store." Jareth walked through the lobby and out into the cool night air. He felt invigorated, alive and basking in the surge of natural energy. The night seemed especially quiet, like the slow, quiet breath before the plunge. He turned the corner and walked down to the 24 hour market. I guess if I cant sleep, Ill just get a snack and watch a movie. he thought. The market was out of chips, so he settled on some beef jerky, some candy and a soda. "I can't believe that theyre out of Doritos," he thought as he walked back from the corner quickie mart. He opened the wrapper to his bag of candy and took a sip of pop. "Some midnight snack" he thought. Jareth turned the corner and started to walk to the hotel a block away. As he approached, he noticed the same Military and S.W.A.T. vehicles from the rally

pull up in the empty parking lot a block away. Jareth decided to let his Druid curiosity get the better of him, and went closer. The soldier was talking on the phone, and the manager of the Hotel, where the Pagan conference was located in, being escorted to the site. Creeping a little closer, he could see that it was a Brigadier General. The General told the hotel manager that the hotel was to be raided, he needed the names, and room numbers of the convention of Pagan leaders, so that they may be taken into custody, questioned and sent to the new detention and re-education centers. Suddenly, memories of all of the dreams Jareth had been having came flooding back; and he realized the horrible truth. Jareth did not wait to hear any more. Running to the hotel, he called Izaak and told him what was happening, and to wake everyone immediately. The evacuation had begun. He ran through the hotel lobby and hurried to the floor where his room was. As he packed his few things he could not live without, he continued to call some of the others and warn them of what he saw. Then he went to each room waking everyone up and warning them as well. The evacuation has begun. Moments later, the young Druid Apprentice on watch came up and said that the vote was approved by a narrow margin. "No duh, the cops are coming to arrest us," said Jareth. He then took a small boy in his arms, helping one of the conventioneers get all of her kids out, choosing to take the employee stairs. As he turned the corner, an armed S.W.A.T. officer turned the corner as well, and seeing the fleeing people, raised his gun. Jareth raised his free hand, and felt the power surge. From his hand came a blue lightning bolt, hitting the S.W.A.T. officer, killing him instantly. Two officers behind him were hit as well, and were stunned by the bolt. Jareth led everyone past the dead man and the two unconscious police officers. They escaped out through the back loading doors. Eowin, Im gonna get the van. Keep everyone out of sight. Izaak, you know what to do if they come down here. Jareth said. They both nodded and Jareth took off running. After a minute, the van pulled into the back parking lot. A moment later, Silverwolf pulled up in his van. I have some room for a few more. he said. Good, follow me. If we get separated, call me. I have my cell with me. Jareth told Silverwolf and then pulled out from the parking lot. He could see a few of the convention participants being led out in cuffs and placed into police vans. I dont recognize anyone, so hopefully most everyone got out ok. he thought.


Isaiah got in his car with a few people. Since the riot the day before, he knew that the cops would be coming for him. Turning on the radio of his car, he heard the horrible news: the constitution had been ratified. Only then did the Senators realize just what it was, as the Senate majority leader introduced the President. He was followed by several dozen heavily armed National Guard troops. He announced that there would be several changes, and those who voted against the ratification were officially removed from their office, and to be held for questioning. He also announced a proposal for the creation of re-education centers, where people who were living a lifestyle that was un-godly could be brought to learn the error of their ways. This will not affect the ordinary American. the President said. This will only affect those who are in the extreme fringes of our society and culture. The option if they resist will be arrest and felony charges. We are once again a Christian nation, and those who do not follow Gods Law are breaking the laws of the United States. This includes homosexuals, non-Christians, fornicators and the like. Isaiah turned off the radio in disgust. He could not believe his ears. His concern now was getting back to New York. He was a long way from home. Then an idea came to him. Jareth. I saw him drive away a minute ago. Maybe he might know of a safe route. he thought as he turned the corner, and drove after the two vans. /|\

General Roth couldnt believe that most of the leaders had escaped. He had caught a few of the stragglers, but absolutely no one of any intelligence value /|\

Chapter 10

Jareth called Vivyan on his cell phone. Pick up. he thought. A groggy Hello? greeted him on the other end of the line. Vivyan, turn on the news. The damned thing was ratified, and they came after us at the hotel. I need you to see if anything is going on and where. What? Vivyan said. She could not believe her ears. What are you talking about? The constitution was ratified, and according to the radio, there were other parts that even we didnt have. Jareth said The President has assumed supreme command of the country, and arrested all of the Senators who voted no, and is having them questioned. There are reports of those who are gay and lesbian being arrested, mainly the ones who filled out that marriage license. Vivyan quickly turned on the TV. News channels were reporting that martial law had been declared, and there were police checkpoints in several key areas, looking for a group of witches who fled from Los Angeles earlier in the morning. Hon, where are you now? she asked Just outside of Barstow. Why? Because there is a road block at Primm, looking for you and the rest of the Pagans. Jareth turned on his blinker and got off the freeway at the first Barstow exit. Silverwolf pulled up next to him once he stopped at a gas station. Whats up? he asked Jareth. There is a roadblock at Stateline, looking for us. said Jareth. I am turning us around and taking another route into Vegas. Just then, another car pulled up alongside the small caravan. Jareth was starting to call up the magic when Isaiah got out of the car. Sorry for following you, but we left in as much a hurry as you did, and didnt know which way to go. Jareth took a deep breath and released the magic back into the ground. Not a problem, but we arent going any farther than Las Vegas. Dont you live in New York? Yep, but we need to lay low for a few days, then we can try to make it back home. Ok, follow us then, were gonna back track to Victorville and then head south through Big Bear and go to Vegas from the south. said Jareth. From there, where you go is up to you.

/|\ Jareth led the convoy into the town of Big Bear lake just after sunrise. Jareth was exhausted. While the others slept, he had driven since they fled the hotel when the police raided it. He looked around at who was with him: Eowin, Izaak, Goldwhisper, Ailya, Zephyrwind and Ivy were in Jareths van, and Mo, Paul, Scott and a few others were in Silverwolfs van. Then there was Isaiah. In his car was his wife Phyllis, as well as a few other Druid Elders. Jareth noticed that Isaiah, Brian Kerrigan, Scott Ellis, and a few others all got out ok, and he wondered if the others were so lucky. In the mean time, he needed to rest. Seeing a small motel, he pulled in to the parking lot. They didnt want to take a chance on renting a room, so Jareth got everyone to agree on having breakfast and then continuing on. Izaak volunteered to drive the next leg. You look like the living dead Jareth, you need to rest soon or you will be. Izaak said. Youre right, but what can we do? I wont feel safe until we are back in Las Vegas. Neither will I, but we need to keep our strength. Lets go eat, and then we can be on our way. Izaak said. Jareth walked into the motel diner, and was followed a moment later by the rest of the group. A pretty waitress walked up. Good morning. My name is Diane, and I will be your server this morning. How many in your party, and would you like smoking or non? she said, with a slight British accent. Jareth turned around and took a head count. Do you have a banquet area, or a quiet part of the restaurant? Oh there are seventeen of us, and we will need a childrens menu. Sure, right this way. Pulling out a small triskelion necklace, she turned back to Jareth. I know who you guys are, and I have to warn you: the authorities are looking for you. Most of us everyday pagans can melt back into the woodwork, but rumor has it that the new government has placed an order to arrest all of the leaders of the different pagan groups as well as their members who resist. That includes wiccans, druids, the Asatru Skalds, as well as some of the fringe Christian groups. She continued as she got everyone seated. The president has taken complete control of the government. The military and National Guard are enforcing a dusk to dawn curfew, but that seems to be only in the big cities. They are not really patrolling this far out in the boonies yet. Thank you for the heads up, Diane. said Eowin. Youre welcome, well let me know when you are ready to order. she said and walked back

to the front of the diner. So, what do we do now? asked Goldwhisper. Well, I say we all introduce ourselves. We got a few folks here with us who are new faces. suggested Eowin. Ill introduce our Order first. Eowin introduced the order to everyone. Next Isaiah introduced his passengers, his wife Phyllis, Scott Ellison, Brian Kerrigan, and the last two in his party introduced themselves as Kerry Cullan and Ellyn Hoffman. Then the woman and her child who were riding with Silverwolf introduced themselves as Mara Foster and her son Brennan. Well, now that is out of the way, said Jareth. My Grove and I are heading back to Las Vegas. Isaiah, I know you are on your way back to New York. But what about the rest of you, what are your plans? Everyone just sat there, still dazed from the night before. After a few minutes, not one of them could think of what they wanted to do. Mara stood up. Well, I dont know about you, looking at the other Druid Elders. But I live in Washington. I called my sister while we were in Barstow, and she warned me not to go back. There are police waiting for me there, and I am to be sent to something called a re-education center. Looks like you have a tag-along Jareth. Thats fine, I know a few people who can help you. Jareth said. Besides, I think that the same fate is in store for each of us no matter where we go, especially after reports of our use of magic get out. In Las Vegas we can hide easier, its a very liberal town. Even the Mayor is drawing heat saying he will officially resist any attempts to arrest any of the citizens of the city, so we have a temporary sanctuary there. Ailya stood up. Really quick, can I make a suggestion? After we eat, lets pay our bill and then leave at different times, so we dont draw attention to ourselves. Like Silverwolf can leave first, then Isaiah, then Jareth and the rest of us; and we all meet up somewhere. I just have a bad feeling about all of us leaving at the same time. Not a problem. said Jareth. Lets go ahead and do it that way, agreed? Everyone nodded their heads. And so they sat down to a good breakfast before they started the next part of their journey. After the meal, Silverwolf, Mo and the rest of his group left. Five minutes later Isaiah and the Druid Elders left. Jareth paid his tab and walked outside. He was loading everyone into the van when Diane came outside. She was pale. My manager ratted you out. He called the cops, theyre on their way. You gotta go now. she said. Thanks Diane, you should come with us, especially since you just warned us. said Eowin.

No, Ill be ok, but you have to leave now! she said and ran back inside. "Here we go again," thought Jareth as everyone buckled up. "Why can't they just leave us alone?" He had just started the van as the first police vehicles pulled up to the far side of the motel. Not wanting to draw attention to the group, Jareth pulled out of the drive as if nothing was wrong. Unfortunately, they didn't buy it. As they were driving away, a bullet shattered the back window of the van. Everyone screamed as glass exploded everywhere. Anyone hurt? Jareth asked. Nope, looks like everyone is fine, just shaken. said Izaak. We need a diversion to get them off our tail. Ill handle that. said Goldwhisper. She got out of her seat and moved to the back of the van. Jareth could feel the magic start to well up, to surge through her. The van turned a tight corner in the road, and for a second, he though he saw a deer in the road behind them. /|\ The first police car turned the corner to see a nightmare become real. In the center of the road were a herd of giant deer, all facing the oncoming cars, antlers lowered. The police car veered off the road, smashing into a tree. The last thing officer Karver remembered before fainting was the sight of the other officers also driving off the road, then the deer fading away like mist, then nothing. g David pulled his coat closed tight around his neck. Even though he had left his triskle necklace at home, the recent events had left him sort of paranoid. The news this morning was full of reports of people protesting the new government and being arrested. Many of them were arrested just for being Pagan. Pagan like me. he thought as he walked through the security checkpoint at the CIA annex building. Back in the analyst cubicles, there were reports coming in that were raising quite a stir. Apparently, tactical units raided a hotel in Los Angeles, to arrest most of the leaders of the Pagan community gathered there. Almost all of the leadership escaped, and those who were captured were worthless from an intelligence standpoint. So all of the leadership escaped. he chuckled to himself. Then, he heard news that made his jaw drop. During the escape in L.A., one of the tactical units was killed and two others severely injured by what appeared to be electrocution. To make matters worse, one of the survivors said that they were hit by lightning that came from the hand of one of the heathen witches trying to escape. David shuddered to think of what the publics reaction would be if the report were to

be leaked. So far, the agency was keeping a lid on it. Sitting down at his desk, David looked at the stacks of reports awaiting review. Suddenly, a grim realization made his heart sink. Looking through the stacks of folders, he found a copy of the conventions report. He logged onto his computer, and his worst fears were realized: each convention on the list which was organized by Pagans, the Gay community or watchdog groups like the ACLU had all been raided. And he had written the list! He got up and went to his floors break room. He wasnt feeling well and needed something to drink. As he walked in, he saw many of his co-workers huddled around the TV. and I am not sure how much longer we will be able to remain on the air. Once again, it is my sad duty to report that government forces have stormed the broadcast studios, and are taking control of the building. They are trying to terminate our broadcast, and are demanding all news releases to be cleared through them first. This is a clear case of government censor and the station standby message came on the screen. Dave hurried back to his desk. On his computer, he hacked into the primary broadcast carrier signal. Using the continuous fees from the cameras, he watched several people on the set, arguing with the news anchor. Suddenly, one of the agency men hit the anchor with a tazer, and the other two carried him out of the studio. David had had enough. He emptied out all of the non-essential papers from his briefcase. He then filled it with all of his personal items from his desk and file cabinet. He then pulled out a small metal box from under a false panel in his desk drawer. Opening it, he removed his alternate passport, a gun and several bundles of $100 bills. Grabbing his coat, David snuck out of a side door of the annex building. He was several blocks away when security got the call with the order to detain him.

/|\ July 5

Benjamin could not believe what was happening. Police came and arrested him late in the night, telling him and his husband Mikel that new laws were on the books, and they were under arrest for the crime of homosexuality. They were now both in the back of a police van, awaiting whatever fate had in store for them. Looking out the window, he overheard one of the officers say something about a re-education center, and that all these fairies should have a good time there. Sitting back down in his seat, he could feel the hopelessness set in. /|\ Jareths caravan slowly pulled into Las Vegas amid numerous demonstrations, demanding that the new constitution be put before the people to vote. As they passed one

protest, they heard the Mayor say that he would resist any forcible attempt to change the laws that would drive out the businesses that the valley so depended on. As Jareth and the caravan continued on, the crowd started sounding like the seeds of rebellion had been planted. The rag tag bunch pulled into the drive at Jareths house. Vivyan rushed out to meet him. Thank the Gods youre home. she said. I was so afraid that you were going to be arrested like many of the others. She went on to tell him about the reports on the news of people turning in their neighbors who they suspect were pagan, and then the pagans being arrested and brought in for questioning. Jareth gave Vivyan a hug and turned to the others. I know you guys are not going to like this, but I think some of us may have to leave the country. Most of you should be able to hide, to go back into the closet. But Vivyan and I are too public, too well known as being Pagan. We cant hide, so we have to go or be arrested. We are going to meet up with Arch Druid Curry in Arizona, and from there we are going to charter transportation to Britain. Aurora started to protest, but Jareth stopped her with a wave of his hand. I cant make the choice for you; it is one you have to make for yourselves. Vivyan and I have no choice. But you have to decide if you are going to be able to hide, if it is worth of the risk. Jareth then told them to go home and think of their options. He also warned them to hide anything that was an indicator of their faith. He than turned to Isaiah. So, are you heading back to New York? Im not sure. Isaiah said. We will probably get a motel here for a day or two and go from there. Like you, we are all public figures, and the new government is looking for us. Well, good luck. If you need anything, give me a call. /|\

Chapter 11

I cant believe this is happening. said Vivyan. I dont want to leave our home, after all we went through to get it. I know hun, but what else can we do? If we dont leave, we stand a real good chance of being arrested and sent to a re-education center. Youre right, but how will we survive? If we leave, we lose the store and neither of us will have an income. Well, said Jareth. I have been making plans for this possibility. Both Master Curry and I saw the takeover as a real threat. What plans? asked Vivyan. Well, for starters, remember how we had been talking about opening another store somewhere? Yes. Well, for the last year, I have been in the process of opening another store in London. If the takeover failed, I was going to surprise you with it. The grand opening was supposed to be this Samhain. Vivyan could hardly believe her ears. Jareth continued. We can pack up the merchandise we have here, and ship it to the London store, so we dont lose our stock; we just have to do it soon. Vivyan hugged her husband. I love you, you sneaky brat! Oh what are we going to do with the rest of our stuff? We can bring our clothes and papers with us, the rest we can ship. I say we can let your parents sell the furniture and they can keep half for doing that for us. Jareth said. If we are careful how we pack, we should be ok. We can send everything to the stores address and sort it all out there. We can put the house up for sale when we get there, and I can go online and transfer our accounts here to an account I had opened in London when we were there last year. /|\ Over the next week, Jareth and Vivyan packed all of their belongings and sent them, little by little to the store in Britain. They also emptied the store and shipped the merchandise. A

friend of Master Currys made sure everything cleared customs ok. He also said goodbye to Isaiah, Phaedra, Brian and Scott. They were going to attempt to make it back to New York. Kerry and Ellyn had already left in a rental car towards Washington State, while Mara and Brennan were traveling with Jareth to Britain. Jareth came up to the store to get one last thing. As he pulled up in the van, he noticed that the store had been vandalized and most of the windows had been broken. They had spray painted things like devils and Satanists across most of the front of the store. Im glad it was empty. he thought. He pulled around to the back door and opened it. Checking to make sure no one was watching, he lifted up a section of the carpet. Underneath there was a small groove cut into the concrete floor. Jareth put a small hook into the groove and another into a similar groove on the other side of the slab. Lifting off the cover, Jareth revealed his safe. He had put it in about a year before the convention just incase. Opening it, he pulled out four plain brown envelopes. On each envelope was a single number: $20,000.

/|\ 7/13 The Druid Order Council met for the first time since the new constitution was ratified. They could not risk meeting in the back room at Jareths store, so he had them meet at his home. Just as the meeting was to start, Jareth got a call from Master Curry, telling him to turn the television to the news. Gathered in Jareths living room, the members of the Druid Order were watching the TV, horrified by the events unfolding in the live press conference at the White House. Good evening. I want to thank each of you from the media for coming. President Hedgerowe started. It is my distinct pleasure to tell you that thirty minutes ago, I signed into law the first two bills to come from the ratification of the new constitution. The first of these laws prohibit gambling in any casino style format. This prohibition does not apply to games like bingo or to state lotteries. It also makes illegal all business ventures that are not in line with the moral fiber of our rejuvenated Christian nation: businesses such as adult retailers, brothels, occult and new age book stores, strip clubs; these businesses have thirty days to convert their businesses to a family friendly, morally clean venture, or they will lose their licenses to operate in the United States. Eowin could not believe his ears. Looking around at the others, he could see the same horror and shock. The President continued: The second law, it does two things: first, it forever removes from the Federal Courts system, jurisdiction over all matters regarding religious issues. This law also removes jurisdiction over religious from the Supreme Court.

Second, all persons who have not converted to word of our Savior, persons who are not members of any denomination of Christianity, be it Protestant or Catholic, or followers of Judaism; are to be considered to be Conditional Citizens. They are still citizens of our fine nation, but they are not eligible to vote or hold public office in any local, state or federal government jurisdiction. A more in-depth and complete list of conditions shall be forwarded to all media outlets. All Christians, Catholics and Jews are to be considered non-conditional citizens. There are no conditions or restrictions placed on their activities. For those who are among the conditional citizens and would like to change their status, National Re-education Centers have been set up in five states, with another twenty to open within the next year. Just turn yourself in, I mean check yourself in to one of these caring facilities and complete the program. The length of the program varies for each individual person. Now, there are some in our society who do not fit in, who do not belong. Those who are on the fringes of our society will be brought in to these centers for counseling in the program. By fringe groups I mean hippies, pornographers, occultists and witches, gays and lesbians etc. If you fall into one of these categories, we ask that you do yourself a favor and turn yourself in of your own free will. Otherwise you will be detained and remanded to the centers for inclusion in the programs. I am not taking questions this evening, so good night, and may God bless. And with that the press conference ended.


Diane woke up strapped to a chair. Where am I? How did I get here? she thought. Looking around, she could see that there were others as well, it seemed like there was an auditorium full. Medical equipment filled the large room, as well as several large television screens. Then she remembered the troopers. Her boss turned her in for warning Jareth and the others, and they arrested her. The last thing she remembered before waking up here was the needle. Diane struggled against the restraints. They held fast. Ah, youre awake. A hoarse voice said behind her. He had a thick German accent. With the dose you were injected with, you should have stayed asleep for another hour. But you witches seem resilient to our best efforts so far. Before she could get a glimpse of the man speaking, he placed a helmet-like device over her

head. It was almost like a motorcycle helmet, but there was a display screen on the inside of the visor. Dont worry, my dear, in a few minutes you will see the world in a new light, the light of our savior. Dont fight, it will only make it hurt. He laughed and closed the visor completely. Once I served the power of my fuehrer, but I now see that his power was actually weakness. I was saved, as you too shall soon be. Diane heard him turn on a switch, and then the pain began. /|\ It took a few minutes for the shock to wear off. Eowin knew it would be tough under the new government, but hadnt realized just how bad until now. He cant be serious! was all he could get out. Im afraid so. Jareth said. None of us are safe anymore. Well they wont take me to some brainwashing center. Ill fight. blurted Silverwolf. Now is not the time to fight. It is the time to regroup and consolidate our resources. Everyone jumped at the voice coming from the doorway. Jareth, Ailya and Izaak started to call up the magic when they saw Isaiah appear out of the shadows, as if he was made from them. What are you doing back here? I thought you were on your way back to New York. said Eowin. We were. We got stopped at a police checkpoint at Boulder Dam. Kerry and Scott were arrested, the rest of us barely escaped. We talked it over, and we were hoping we could travel with you to Britain. Isaiah said as he turned to Jareth. I dont see why not, but we can talk later. Very well. Isaiah turned to Silverwolf. If we stand and fight now, we will be driven from the Earth once again, and this time it may be permanent. We cant afford to let that happen. So, we sit back and do nothing? No, we regroup. For now, America is no longer the land of the free. We are not safe here anymore. Canada is a possibility, but still close enough to the danger to make me uneasy. Britain is far enough away for us to be safe. said Isaiah. But what about our stuff? asked Goldwhisper.

You can put some of it on the last shipping crates we have and send it to Britain. Jareth said. Whatever you have left you can bring with you, store it or you can sell it. Vivyans parents are selling the rest of the stuff we got that we cant send; Im sure they would help you out as well. With what we just heard, we may have to leave in a hurry. Unless anyone objects, I think its safe to say that were all with you Jareth. He looked around the room. Everyone was nodding in agreement. Ok, heres the plan. said Jareth. We will split into three groups, to keep under the radar. I will lead one group and we will leave in three days. Those who need more time will get with Eowin and Izaak. I want one group to leave two days after me, and the next two days after that. If you have anything you want shipped, meet me here tomorrow. We can split the shipping cost equally. He walked over to Eowin and Izaak. Here is the address and the directions to Master Currys cabin in Flagstaff. Those who can leave in three days, get with me, the rest of you who are coming with later get with Eowin and Izaak. Jareth turned to Isaiah. Mara and Brennan are staying with a friend of ours. They will be riding with us. Her sister sent her things overnight a few days ago. You can follow us. I know a route that will bypass the police. I still have one member to pick up on the way. /|\

They quickly decided who would go in each group: with Jareth, Vivyan and Tarann would be Mara and Brennan, Rose, Kyle; and Isaiah and the other Elders would follow in their car; with Eowin and Meli would be Willow, Lizard and Kora, Aurora and Ailya; and with Izaak would be Goldwhisper, Cai, Zephyrwind, Ivy, Paul and Mike.

/|\ 7/16 We will not be bullied. said Las Vegas Mayor Ozzy Goodfellow. He was holding a news conference responding to the Presidents threats of martial law. We are a peace loving people. We are not hurting anyone, and we are contributing a large amount of revenue to the state and national economies. Shutting down all of the gaming here in Nevada will crash the economy of this state. We will not be silenced; we will make our case known to the world, until we have freedom to live as we please. Jareth changed the station on the radio as his family and friends started their journey to Flagstaff.


Chapter 12

Patrick finished reinforcing the cabin walls with a layer of sandbags. Bill said to put them on the inside, so that there would be no obvious signs of fortifications. Bill said that this cabin was once owned by a smuggler during the 1930s, when prohibition was the law. Once again, it would be used to smuggle, but this time it was people seeking freedom. He also asked Patrick to shore up an old tool shed about a mile away in the woods. Yesterday, he put bars on the windows, on the inside. The day before he reinforced the basement door with steel beams, steel plates and a steel cross bar to lock it on the inside. No one is getting in there with out a bazooka. Patrick thought. Bill had been busy as well. He had made several trips to military surplus stores to buy field rations. He also had been busy on the cabin and surrounding woods. After two decades of careful planting of trees, there was only one approach to the cabin, and a mile of thick woods full of thorn and blackberry bushes between the cabin and the tool shed. Many of his former students had seen the current events coming for some time, but the Gods have been giving him glimpses of these days since he was ordained as a Druid, almost sixty one years ago. Has it been that long? he thought. He knew that he was going to have to make a choice soon. He was getting old. While he was still strong, he knew he wouldnt be forever. Soon the time would come to choose a successor. He had a few ideas on whom, but he knew he had to wait a little longer. Oh well, there is time enough for that later. he thought as he pulled up to the cabin. Getting out of the truck, he called out to Patrick. Hey Patrick, give me a hand with these groceries, will ya. Were going to have company soon. he said as he opened the camper on the back of the truck.

/|\ 7/17 Jareth and his small caravan arrived at the cabin just after midnight. Bill met them at the drive. Good to see you, my boy. he said as he clapped his former pupil on the shoulder. Go ahead and get what you need out of the van, and then we need to hide these vehicles. There is an old tool barn about a mile away from here. After that we can talk. About an hour or so later Bill walked up to Jareth, putting a hand on his shoulder. Everyone is settled in for the night, lets go for a walk. They slipped quietly out the front door. They had walked for quite some time before either spoke.

So what do we do now? Jareth asked. We wait. Other than that I dont know, my boy, I just dont know. There are two more groups coming here; one will get here in two days, and the next will arrive two days after that. I take it you heard the news reports. Pagans all over the country are being picked up and sent to those damned centers. It just is not safe for us here anymore. said Jareth. Ive heard. Many Pagans across the country are showing remarkable psychic abilities, and many are manifesting spontaneously in public. Its the inquisition all over again. Bill said. Vivyan and I are moving to Britain like you recommended. Most of the Order is coming with us as well. Silverwolf and his family decided to stay here in the states. said Jareth. The thing is, we need to arrange safe passage to Britain. The government will arrest us on sight; I was the one who fried the S.W.A.T. officer in LA. Well, I wasnt prepared for the whole Order to come here, but we will make due. As far as passage, I will have to make a few adjustments, but things should be ok. We may have to catch a ship to Britain, rather than flying from Quebec like I had planned. said Bill, leaning on his druid staff. But I know that we cant stay here long. As soon as the last group arrives, we will need to make ready to leave. They will be coming for us here eventually, Ive seen it. Bill and Jareth turned back to the cabin, amused at the faeries dancing in and around the trees. Then, in a heartbeat, they were gone. The night seemed to close in, become darker; the late July heat seemed to vanish, leaving a cold chill. A dark shape swam around them, in the shadows. Stay close! Bill warned through clenched teeth. You need not fear me, Merlin, not yet anyways. the voice was like a steel blade wrapped in velvet. My master sent me to offer you a deal. The King of the Fomorians wishes to make peace. Octriallach. Bill whispered. Out of the shadows stepped a nightmare. Once beautiful, the Fomorians were a twisted race, their bodies matching the evil in their hearts. Octriallach was about seven feet tall, with one large, clawed arm, and one arm small and mangled by his side. He was covered with patches of shaggy fur in some areas, thick scales in others. His face was nothing but four glowing red eyes and a huge gaping maw full of needle like teeth. I see that you still wear the wound from the second Battle of Moytura, so long ago. said Bill. He could see the demon wince from the memory of their defeat three thousand years ago. We follow the Gods of the Gaels, what peace could a creature from the abyss ever offer?

Dont be so quick to dismiss what we offer, Merlin Andolin. There is much to be gained from joining with us. The power of nature is nothing compared to the powers we wield, and we can teach you. No thank you demon, Id like my soul to stay right where it is. said Jareth. Your evil was banished from this world. I dont know how you returned, but rest assured you will be sent back. said Bill. Your followers are long dead, the Fir Bolg are gone forever. Leave now! And with that Bill raised his staff. A bolt of energy ripped through the form of Octriallach, as if he was made of the shadows themselves. His form melted away, leaving a smell of decay and rot. The Fir Bolg may be gone, but we have taken new followers. This time it is not a race that can be destroyed, but an ideology, and that is harder to kill. The demons laughter rang through the woods as the moon broke through the clouds, returning the forest to normal.

/|\ The next morning, neither Jareth nor Bill mentioned last nights unwelcome visitor. They went about their day, calling people in various travel agencies, only to find that all travel in the U.S. was restricted, and some areas of the country were being placed under martial law. Finally, they decided that they would take the more dangerous route of driving to Canada, then chartering a ship across the Atlantic. After seeing which areas were controlled by the military, they planned their route. Everybody spent the day enjoying the woods, the cool forest air; the small stream near the cabin had a wonderful spot for fishing. Jareth forgot for a while all about the demon when he saw the look on Taranns face when he caught his first fish. Its a little small, lets release it. We can try to catch a larger one for lunch if you like. Jareth said. Thats ok; I like the fish better in the stream. Tarann said. But can we still get some lunch? Im starving. Not a problem; lets go ahead and pack up and then well go back. Tarann and Jareth packed up their things and made their way back to the cabin. He saw a strange van in the drive. Jareth called up the magic in case there was a threat. Then he saw Raven walk around the van. Its about time you got here. Jareth said, unable to hold a straight face to his friend. Oh, Ive been trying to get you down here to visit forever. I guess it did take an act of

Congress to get you here. she laughed. Jareth gave raven a big hug. Come inside, we are about to start lunch. Sounds good to me. said Raven. My, Tarann, look at how much youve grown. Soon youll be taller than your dad here. Thank you maam, but mom says that at the rate that I am growing Ill be taller than my dad by high school. You never know, but remember: no matter how big and strong you are it matters not if you dont exercise your brain muscles too. Raven said. /|\ The rest of the day came and went in an almost idyllic peace. Dusk came and went, and everyone settled in for a good nights sleep. The next morning, Jareth woke early. He pulled the covers over his head and snuggled closer to Vivyan, trying to go back to sleep; but he was up for the day. Quietly he slipped out of bed, and went to the kitchen for a pop. Looking out the window, he could see faeries flitting from flower to flower, and from bush to bush collecting the morning dew. Jareth poured a little honey onto a plate and went outside. The faeries flitted away in surprise, but returned when they saw what Jareth was offering them. Round and round, and round we go, gathering dew too and fro, a gift of honey from faerie friend, honor bound, friend to the end. In return, Finbharra commands a gift to thee, by Sky and Land and Sacred Sea, come to you with all good speed, call on him when you are in need. Then the faeries blinked out of sight, all except one. A single sprite stayed behind, and flew up to give Jareth a kiss on the cheek. Giggling, she too blinked out of sight. Jareth picked up the empty plate and went back inside. Vivyan had just come downstairs. Hi hun, would you like some coffee? she asked. Nah, not right now. Ive got some pop, so Im good. Ok, suit yourself. Isnt Eowin arriving today?

Yep, he should be here by tonight. said Jareth. We need to set up more beds or something, it is going to get crowded here very quickly. said Vivyan. I know, Master Curry is taking care of that today. I guess he is going to town and getting a few tents. Well, I am not sleeping on the ground, someone else can take the tents. said Vivyan indignantly. Dont worry hun, I dont think that we will be in the tents. said Jareth. Opening the fridge, he pulled out some cut fruit. I think today Im going to take Tarann swimming in the stream. Ok, have fun. I am going into town with Patrick. I need to get a few things. Vivyan said as she went back upstairs. But I am going to lay down for a bit. My legs are hurting. Eowin and his small caravan arrived about an hour before sunset. After they got settled in, he pulled Jareth aside. There are a lot of really bad things happening in Vegas. The Feds are threatening to place the city under complete martial law. Mayor Goodfellow said that he would use the police force to resist. He has called back the entire force, and it almost seems like they are preparing for war. Even the mob is getting in on the act, helping coordinate defenses and gather information. I hope Izaak and the others get out ok. said Jareth. Believe it or not, it gets worse. The government is getting ready to set up what looks like a blockade, like they are going to lay siege to the city. I told Izaak they need to leave ASAP. I hope that he listened. Actually, he did. said Jareth He called me about twenty minutes before you got here and said that they were getting ready to leave early, that Vegas was no longer safe. So he should be here in a couple hours. /|\ Bill and Jareth went out for a walk after dinner. This time Jareth brought his staff as well. They went through the woods, dodging the thorn bushes, picking of some of the first of the ripe blackberries as they went. After a while Jareth realized that they were at the tool barn. What are we doing out here? he asked.

I have something to show you. Follow me. Bill said and went inside. He walked to the back, where a large tool cabinet was bolted to the wall. Bill opened the cabinet and took out a wrench. What are you? Jareth started as the tool cabinet swung to the side to reveal a set of stairs going down into the dark. This is an old smugglers tunnel. Bill explained. This tool barn was once a small aircraft hangar. During prohibition, this tunnel was used to load and unload bootleg whiskey. It leads all the way to the basement of the cabin. That is why the cars are all parked in here. If we have to leave in a hurry, we can use the tunnel and come out here. /|\ It was well after dark when Jareth and Bill returned back to the cabin. Sitting outside on the porch, Bill turned to his former apprentice. There is another I would like to speak with you about, before we go inside. he said. Oh, whats up? For a while I had procrastinated doing something very important, but it has been made clear I cant wait much longer. Youve made me proud Jareth. You have done more than most any other individual Druid to further our cause. You would do just fine. Do fine doing what? Jareth asked. Bill never finished his thought, as just then several vehicles came speeding up the long drive to the cabin. /|\ Get him inside quick! said Izaak. He and Eowin were carrying a limp figure wrapped in a blanket. In the light, Jareth could see that they were carrying Cai, and he had been shot! What happened? asked Bill. We were packing the vehicles, getting ready to leave when we were raided by S.W.A.T. troopers. said Goldwhisper. Cai knocked down several with the wave of his hand, and wounded the others who drew their guns with his sword. We almost made it out of the city when the Feds declared martial law, and started to enter the city. We had to run a roadblock to get out of town. Then we got a flat tire in Boulder City. We fixed it and when we were leaving the troopers caught up with us again. We escaped but not before Cai was shot. Goldwhisper started crying.

I cauterized the wound to stop the bleeding. said Izaak. I couldnt risk going to a hospital. They would be waiting for us there. Let me in. Move! said Vivyan, pushing through the group of people. Kneeling, she placed a hand over the wound, and her other hand on Cais forehead. The magic surged, and seemed to crackle with power. After a moment, there was a dull thud as the slug hit the wood floor. Vivyan tried to stand, but swooned as Bill brought her a chair. Im ok, Im fine. she said. Cai should be ok in a minute or two. Jareth looked at where the wound was on Cais chest. Nothing remained except a fresh pink scar.

/|\ 7/18 The next morning, Bill called everyone together for a meeting. Looking at all the faces, he was amazed that he had twenty eight people sharing the cabin. With the exception of Patrick (who was Pagan, but had no aspirations to the priesthood), everyone was either a priest or studying to be a priest of the Old Gods. Twenty seven Druids the sacred three times three times three. Bill mused. But to matters at hand. Im going to make this short, as I am hungry too and breakfast is waiting. he said. We cant stay here very long. With what happened in Los Angeles with Jareth, and then with Cai last night, they will be coming for us soon. He paused to let that sink in. We need to get to Canada. Once we are there, we can charter a ship to Britain. It will be nearly impossible to get a ship here in the U.S. For now, we are just going to go from one safe house to another, until we can cross the border. Izaak spoke up. When we get to Canada, how long will it take to charter a ship? I dont know, a day, a week, maybe a month; I cant say for sure. But we need to make ready to go soon. The longer we dally here, the greater the risk. /|\ After breakfast, they spent their time getting ready to leave. They sorted through their things, to lighten the load and create more room for supplies. Jareth suggested that they once again divide into three groups, and each group meet along the way at a pre-determined time and place. This time each would take a different route than the others, so no one could follow and

they could travel at the same time. All the vehicles were parked in the tool barn, so they would be hidden until they were ready to go. That evening, they had just finished dinner when Patrick came running into the cabin, out of breath. Theyre coming! I saw over a dozen police cars coming down the drive! he said. Quick, close the barrier! said Bill. Patrick ran to a post on the porch and pushed a button on a box attached to a pole. The sound of small explosions echoed through the valley as dozens of trees fell over, the base of their trunks shattered by a small amount of high explosives. That should give us some time. said Bill. Quickly, everyone get your things and get in the basement. Jareth, Izaak I need you here with me. Patrick, get everyone to the tunnel. Well be right behind you. Patrick nodded to Bill and disappeared down the steps. Now boys, are you ready to show these yahoos why you dont mess with a Druid?

/|\ Where did this wind come from? General Roth thought to himself. They had no sooner cleared the road of the fallen trees when a fifty mile per hour wind picked up. The creepy thing was the lightning. It almost seemed to come from the cabin itself. But whatever was causing this, it was keeping his troops far back. You let a little wind keep your great army at bay? the voice whispered. You disappoint me. I would have thought you to want to exact your revenge for your familys pain. We need to get in that cabin. he told Lieutenant Davenport. Use an AAV if you need to, just get that door open. Yes sir. Turning to his men, the Lieutenant ordered them to attach the battering ram to the front of the armored assault vehicle.

/|\ Theyre gonna ram the cabin! said Izaak. Not if I can help it. said Jareth. He called up the magic, and sent a small pulse at the AAV. Its internal circuits couldnt handle the sudden burst of electricity. The AAV stopped dead in its tracks. Bill sent out a bolt of lightning, hitting another car, causing its gas tank to explode. The

fireball lit up the night sky. Thats our cue, boys. said Bill. They went down stairs to the basement. When they were inside, Patrick turned on a tape recorder. It sounded like dozens of people having casual conversation. He then closed the basement door, and proceeded to weld the door closed using the supports and reinforcing he had installed earlier. Bill led them to the tunnel behind a bookshelf, and to the tool barn where everyone else was waiting. They quietly loaded into the vehicles, and drove off into the night.

/|\ What do you mean theres no one down there? General Charles Roth bellowed. He did not like losing his quarry. One of these witches killed his nephew Donald in L.A. with lightning, and now he had seen him use it here firsthand. He was just glad no one was hurt. They had stormed the cabin after the winds died down, only to find no one was there. Then one of the troopers heard voices coming from the basement. After several hours of cutting first through the wood beams of the heavy door, they were greeted by over half an inch of steel plate covering an old iron door. Another two hours yielded an empty basement, with a CD player playing a recorded voice track. They got away again. The voice mocked him. Why did no one else hear it? General Roth had been hearing the whispers for the last few weeks. This voice at once scared him and comforted him, it was like hard steel draped in velvet. They cant be far, their hands have Dons blood on them; they are laughing at you. Growling with frustration, Charles went berserk. He started throwing things in the basement and knocking down furniture. He picked up a tall bookshelf and threw it against the opposite wall. Rage. Hate. How could they have escaped. They had to be here. He promised. Sir! Look! one of his troopers said. General Roth saw the door, and with a strength beyond human, ripped it from its hinges. Blindly, he ran off into the dark of the tunnel. He was unaware of his men behind him, desperately trying to keep up. The only thing he could hear was the voice of the demon, urging him to hurry, that his quarry was not far away, that he could taste their blood if he would only submit to his anger, submit to the Fomor. Faster and faster he ran, feeling the pain within him. He could not be denied. He

dropped to all fours as another spasm of pain ripped through his body. He must not be denied. Bone ground on bone, and his muscles burned as his body changed to reflect the hatred which filled his heart. Faster and faster he ran. Blood frothed from his mouth. He would not be denied. Light ahead. By the time Charles Roth emerged from the tool barn, he was no longer recognizable as human. Standing, he turned his nose to the wind, searching for the scent of his prey. All thought was gone, just the insatiable lust, the thirst for the blood of his prey. They were gone. East. They went east. Roth took a painful step, his last on two legs. He then dropped to all fours, feeling the power surging through his body, feeling the changes taking hold. Voices. There were voices behind him. Was that his prey? Even if it isnt, he needs to feed. There are only two of them. They followed him. Why? He smells their blood, their fear. Go, my pet, go and feed. You will be strong; you will take your revenge on those who hurt you. The last thing the soldiers saw as the sun came up was a nightmare made real. /|\ 7/19 Silverwolf went to work as usual; he and Mona had just gotten back to San Antonio a few days ago. They had been planning to move back to Las Vegas, but now that things had gone haywire they decided to stay where it was safe. He worked as an EMT for the local ambulance company, and he was diligent on keeping his beliefs a secret. His daughter Alexia was growing like a weed, and his stepdaughter Romy was a walking tank. She was not overweight; in fact she was very muscular and almost as strong as an adult man. The one he worried about was Chris, Mos oldest. Over the last few years, Chris has had several run ins with the law, most recently for drugs. Now that he was of age, he was on his own, and would face the full brunt of the law should he slip up again. Looking up, he saw that he was running late yet again. Kissing Mo on the way out the door, he got in their van and drove off; unaware that Chris once again had just been picked up by police. /|\ It was sunset by the time Jareth and company pulled into the motel in Dallas. Everyone was exhausted. Bill rented two rooms, and everyone slipped in to get some sleep. Cai and Patrick said that they would keep watch, they slept some on the way. Bill agreed, and the tired refugees settled in for a few hours of rest. Jareth could see the despair on the faces of many of the group who shared his hotel room. Dont look so sad. Jareth said. Even in tribulation, there are wondrous things. Look at the

story of Taliesin, and what he went through. Who is that daddy? Tarann asked as he rubbed his eyes.. He was a Druid and Bard a long time ago. Over a thousand years. Would you like to hear his story? Oh yes. definitely. Jareth looked around the others and saw them nod in agreement. Ok, here goes. In times past there lived in Penllyn a wizard of gentle lineage, named Tegid Voel, and his dwelling was in the midst of the lake Tegid, and his wife was called Cerridwen. Unbeknownst to her husband, she was a Goddess in the flesh. And there was born to him of his wife a son named Morvran ab Tegid, and also a daughter named Creirwy, the fairest maiden in the world was she; and they had a brother, the most ill-favored man in the world, Avagddu. Now Cerridwen his mother thought that he was not likely to be admitted among men of noble birth, by reason of his ugliness, unless he had some exalted merits or knowledge. For it was just before the beginning of Arthur's time and of the Round Table. So, being a Goddess in her own right, she resolved according to the arts of the books of the Druids, to boil a cauldron of Inspiration and Science for her son, that his reception might be honorable because of his knowledge of the mysteries of the future state of the world. Then she began to boil the cauldron, which from the beginning of its boiling might not cease to boil for a year and a day, until three blessed drops were obtained of the grace of Inspiration. And she put Gwion Bach the son of Gwreang of Llanfair in Caereinion, in Powys, to stir the cauldron, and a blind man named Morda to kindle the fire beneath it, and she charged them that they should not suffer it to cease boiling for the space of a year and a day. And she herself, according to the books of the astronomers, and in planetary hours, gathered every day of all charm-bearing herbs. And one day, towards the end of the year, as Cerridwen was culling plants and making incantations, it chanced that three drops of the charmed liquor flew out of the cauldron and fell upon the finger of Gwion Bach. And by reason of their great heat he put his finger to his mouth, and the instant he put those marvel-working drops into his mouth, he foresaw everything that was to come, and perceived that his chief care must be to guard against the wiles of Cerridwen, for vast was her skill. And in very great fear he fled towards his own land. And the cauldron burst in two, because all the liquor within it except the three charm-bearing drops was

poisonous, so that the horses of Gwyddno Garanhir were poisoned by the water of the stream into which the liquor of the cauldron ran, and the confluence of that stream was called the Poison of the Horses of Gwyddno from that time forth. Thereupon came in Cerridwen and saw all the toil of the whole year lost. And she seized a billet of wood and struck the blind Morda on the head until one of his eyes fell out upon his cheek. And he said, "Wrongfully hast thou disfigured me, for I am innocent. Thy loss was not because of me." "Thou speakest truth," said Cerridwen, "it was Gwion Bach who robbed me." And she went forth after him, running. And he saw her, and changed himself into a hare and fled. But she changed herself into a greyhound and pursued him. And he ran towards a river, and became a fish. And she in the form of an otter-bitch chased him under the water, until he was fain to turn himself into a bird of the air. She, as a hawk, followed him and gave him no rest in the sky. And just as she was about to swoop upon him, and he was in fear of death, he espied a heap of winnowed wheat on the floor of a barn, and he dropped among the wheat, and turned himself into one of the grains. Then she transformed herself into a high-crested black hen, and went to the wheat and scratched it with her feet, and found him out and swallowed him. And, as the story says, she bore him nine months, and when she was delivered of him, she could not find it in her heart to kill him, by reason of his beauty. So she wrapped him in a leathern bag, and cast him into the sea to the mercy of God, on the twenty-ninth day of April. And at that time the weir of Gwyddno was on the strand between Dive and Aberystwyth, near to his own castle, and the value of an hundred pounds was taken in that weir every May eve. And in those days Gwyddno had an only son named Elphin, the most hapless of youths, and the most needy. And it grieved his father sore, for he thought that he was born in an evil hour. And by the advice of his council, his father had granted him the drawing of the weir that year, to see if good luck would ever befall him, and to give him something wherewith to begin the world. And the next day when Elphin went to look, there was nothing in the weir. But as he turned back he perceived the leathern bag upon a pole of the weir. Then said one of the weir-ward unto Elphin, "Thou wast never unlucky until tonight, and now thou hast destroyed the virtues of the weir, which always yielded the value of an hundred pounds every May eve, and to-night there is nothing but this leathern skin within it." "How now," said Elphin, "there may be therein the value, of an hundred pounds." Well, they took up the leathern bag, and he who opened it saw the forehead of the boy, and said to Elphin, "Behold a radiant brow!"

"Taliesin be he called," said Elphin. And he lifted the boy in his arms, and lamenting his mischance, he placed him sorrowfully behind him. And he made his horse amble gently, that before had been trotting, and he carried him as softly as if he had been sitting in the easiest chair in the world. And presently the boy made a consolation and praise to Elphin, and foretold honor to Elphin; and the Consolation was as you may see, "Fair Elphin, cease to lament! Let no one be dissatisfied with his own, To despair will bring no advantage. No man sees what supports him ; The prayer of Cynllo will not be in vain; God will not violate his promise. Never in Gwyddno's weir Was there such good luck as this night. Fair Elphin, dry thy cheeks! Being too sad will not avail, Although thou thinkest thou hast no gain Too much grief will bring thee no good; Nor doubt the miracles of the Almighty: Although I am but little, I am highly gifted. From seas, and from mountains, And from the depths of rivers, God brings wealth to the fortunate man. Elphin of lively qualities, Thy resolution is unmanly; Thou must not be over sorrowful: Better to trust in God than to forebode ill. Weak and small as I am, On the foaming beach of the ocean, In the day of trouble I shall be Of more service to thee than three hundred salmon. Elphin of notable qualities, Be not displeased at thy misfortune: Although reclined thus weak in my bag, There lies a virtue in my tongue. While I continue thy protector Thou hast not much to fear; Remembering the names of the Trinity, None shall be able to harm thee."

And this was the first poem that Taliesin ever sang, being to console Elphin in his grief for that the produce of the weir was lost, and, what was worse, that all the world would consider that it was through his fault and ill-luck. Now there is much more to the story, but those tales are best left for another time. He tucked Taranns sleeping form into bed, and turned off the light. Most of the others were drifting off to sleep. He slipped outside, where Vivyan was looking at the rising moon. How are you feeling? he asked. Im fine. It still doesnt seem real. I cant believe that this is happening. I know what you mean. Sometimes, everything seems to swirl together in one giant haze. Jareth wrapped his arms around his wife. Everything will work out for the best, my love. We just have to have faith. I know, but it is hard sometimes to have faith when you are constantly looking over your shoulder. Well, tonight we are safe, lets get some rest. Those two are taking their toll, I can see it. Its not that bad, but I could use a good snuggle. Vivyan said. They both walked inside and curled up on the bed next to Tarann. Looking at his family, Jareth knew that despite everything, he was the luckiest man alive. /|\ The phone rang, waking Jareth from the first restful sleep hed had in a while. Angrily, he looked at the alarm clock. 4 am. Who would be calling me at this hour? he thought. Picking up, he didnt even get hello out before Mo started crying and telling him about what had happened. What do you mean, Chris betrayed you? he asked. Jareth slipped on his shoes and slipped outside. He did. Chris told the police that we were Pagan; he did it to get himself off the hook for shoplifting. The picked up Silverwolf when he got home, and came for us, but somehow we were able to hide and they didnt find us. Do you know where they took him? he asked. I overheard them say that they were taking him to a re-education center in Dallas. Oh Jareth,

we got to do something. Mo said and started sobbing. Dont worry, Mo, I will make sure that he escapes somehow. But I need you and the kids to get here to Dallas as well. We are here in Dallas, Master Curry will give you the directions. and he handed the phone to Bill, who had walked up behind him. Bill gave her the directions and hung up the phone. Turning to Jareth, he handed him back his phone. You cant seriously think you can rescue him, do you? I dont know, but I have to try. Im gonna ask Isaiah and Ailya to come with. I think we might be able to get him if we intercept them before they get here. Well, you do what you think is best. Just be careful, the government is not our only enemy anymore. /|\ About a mile outside the re-education center, three figures waited just out of sight of the road. They only had to wait a few minutes before they saw their objective: the police van holding Silverwolf. Isaiah was first; he used the magic to wrap a cloak of shadows around Jareth and Ailya. Getting closer to the road, Jareth called up the magic. Once again he felt the familiar slowing of time, seeing everything moving in slow motion. He stretched out with his feelings, sensing the computer in the engine of the van. When he found it, he sent a bolt of energy along his thoughts and fried out the computer. The van started to come to a stop. As it did, three armed troopers got out and surveyed the roadside with their flashlights. Even with their bright lights, the shadows Isaiah wove were impenetrable. They slowly crept closer, and Jareth fried their radio before they could call for help. Next, Ailya melted the barrels of their guns as Isaiah released the magic. Seeing their guns glow red, then three people appear out of thin air was too much for one of the troopers, and he took off running. The other two pulled out their batons and attacked. Ailya ducked under the swing and grabbed his helmet. Melting his visor, she shoved him into the side of the van. He did not get up. Jareth also dodged the swing of the trooper. Standing up, he caught the troopers arm on the return swing. Bolts of electricity coursed through the troopers body, and he fell unconscious to the ground. Jareth turned to the old police officer driving the van. Jareth wrapped himself in crackling bolts of blue energy. Can I have the keys to the back please? Jareth asked. The trooper tossed him the keys and ran. Jareth gave them to Isaiah who opened the back, letting Silverwolf out. But there was no time for celebration as the old policemans screams filled the air. Turning, they could see why.

In the pre-dawn light, they saw the nightmare beast that had just ripped out the old mans throat. It was the size of a pony, with a long snake like tail. The creature had powerful claws on all four legs, and was partially covered in scales. What looked like the remnants of a military uniform hung in tatters from Roths body. Sniffing the air, Roth caught scent of his quarry. Turning, he saw Jareth and lunged. Jareth simply reacted. Lightning shot from his hands, hitting Roth, sending him flying across the road.. His body was wracked with pain, but he would not be deterred. Roth stood up and charged again. As Roth leapt towards Jareth, he was enveloped in flames. With the flesh not yet covered in scales burning, Roth fled to the river. Ailya called up a fireball and hurled it towards the fleeing creature, but Roth was already in the water. Isaiah pulled up in his car, and they all quickly piled in. What was that thing? Ailya asked. I dont know. said Jareth. But whatever it was, I hope we dont meet it again. As they sped away, a lonesome howl ripped apart the silence of dawn. At the rivers edge, a pitiful figure crawled to the safety of the shadows. The daylight was burning his flesh just as bad as the flames had. Finding a cave, Roth crawled into the depths, where his master waited. Octriallach walked up to Roth, placing a clawed hand on his head. My pet, what did they do to you? he said. Walking to the back of the chamber, the nights events puzzled him. It seems that the Merlin is not the only one with magic now, that the Druids have returned to full strength. Very interesting, I will have to consult with my King as to what we will do next. Lord Bres will want to know about this development. Octriallach walked back to the nightmare he created. But you, my pet, you need to recover. This will help, but until your scales are completely developed sunlight will burn you. Octriallach rubbed a salve on Roths burnt flesh. It smelled like rotting fruit. But Roth did not notice, all human thought and emotion were gone. All that was left was hunger, and rage. Deep in the depth of Roths soul though, the last spark of his humanity wept. /|\ Diane opened her eyes. She did not know how long she had been out this last time, but she was still fighting the brainwashing. Her helmet was sitting on the medical tray beside her. The only time she was allowed to leave the chair was to go to the restroom. Her head hurt so bad, but she had to hold on. The helmet would give her electroshocks as she watched images on the visor screen. Looking at her arm, she could see the iv. They probably were giving her some kind of drug as well, some kind of mind control. She couldnt let them take her Gods away from her, they couldnt make her forget. She couldnt let that happen. She closed her eyes. Praying to her Gods, she prayed for the strength to escape. From the depths of her soul, a heart

rending plea shook the foundations of the Otherworld. Deep in the seas of Annwn, a presence stirred. Long had Tethys slept. But the despair in the plea echoed through the universe, and her heart wept. She had to answer, her children needed her. From her home in the depths of the sea, she rose. She surfaced by the One Tree, to find Maponos sitting there, playing his harp. He had heard the plea as well. Seeing his mother, he knew his time had come. As he had once been imprisoned and freed, he must now act. /|\

Chapter 13 8/15 It was mid August when the caravan crossed into New York State. They had only a few more miles to go and they would be in Canada. They decided to ditch their vehicles and take the light rail to Niagara Falls, where they would cross the border. They had very little as far as belongings. Patrick had gone on ahead to charter a ship, and he took all of the suitcases and other belongings with him so the group could travel light. At the station, Bill walked up to a young man standing by the newsstand. After talking for a few minutes, they walked back to where the others were. If I could get everyones attention please. said Bill. This is David Franklin. He has arranged for us to get permission to dock our ship in New York harbor. We tried to find a route into Canada, but the border is closed. So we have to take our chances leaving from the harbor. Bills cell phone rang. He answered and his face went pale. Bill turned back to the others. Apparently, Patrick is having a hard time finding a ship large enough for our needs; we may have to wait a few days before we can leave. Disappointment spread across everyones faces. Waiting like this was going to be very risky. Bill could see the concern in Jareths face as well. That creature they fought in Texas was sure to be coming for them again. It looked like some kind of oversized wolf, but one from a nightmare. Instead of fur, its body was almost completely covered in hard scales. Its teeth were like needle sharp tusks, and it had four red eyes. Its feet were more like clawed hands than feet, and a long tail with a spike on the end completed the nightmare. Bill hoped they could escape it long enough to get to Britain, where they would be beyond its reach. Creatures of the Fomor normally dont cross the seas for fear of being trapped by Tethys. Crossing his fingers, they boarded the train to Grand Central Station. At least in the big city, they could hide for a while. The train ride to New York City took longer than expected. They had to stop several times at police checkpoints. Goldwhisper, David and Isaiah had the task of using their abilities to hide and camouflage the group, making them look like someone else. Finally, with the last checkpoint behind them, they could relax. Now listen everyone. Bill said. We are going to have to lay low for a few days. I reserved a passenger van so we can pass as tourists when we need to travel. But I want no one to go anywhere alone. There are more dangers out there than the government. Vivyan looked at Jareth. What does he mean by that? she asked. The Fomorians have returned along with the Elder Gods. said Jareth. When we rescued

Nick, we were attacked by a fell-beast, a creature of the Fomor. Yes, and if it has followed us here, we need to be ready. Bill added. The creature wont cross over large bodies of water so if we get on the ship, we will be safe. So until then, we need to be cautious. Bill looked at everyone. I am proud of you all. You have been dealt one of the worst possible hands, and you are all making the best of everything. Soon, we will all be safe in Britain. The train pulled into the station. Bill directed everyone to meet at a nearby restaurant in half an hour while he picked up the van. No one noticed the small set of glowing red eyes watching them from the shadows of the station. /|\ Diane awoke to the sound of music. All around her, she felt warmth and comfort in its melodies. She opened her eyes. The first thing she noticed were green eyes looking back into hers. Those eyes were set in the most beautiful face she had ever seen. The stranger took the gag out of her mouth. Diane tried to speak but he quickly silenced her with a Shhh! He carefully unbuckled the restraints, taking care to not disturb the deep cuts they had left in her flesh. Lifting her carefully, he started to walk out of the room when Dianes tormenter returned. Who are you? What are you doing here? Security! cried the old man. Diane turned her head to see her captor for the first time. If he hadnt been so cruel, she might have pitied him. He appeared to be almost a hundred years old, a withered old husk of a man. Before Diane fainted, she heard her rescuer speak. It was like a soft melody on the breeze, his voice, yet as powerful as a thunderclap. I am Maponos, and the torture of this soul, and all of the others imprisoned here, is over. She saw flames, and thought she heard a scream before the black of sleep settled in. /|\ What do you mean, the California center is burning? the President asked. Thats just it, sir. The whole complex is burning, buildings, fences; even the ground is on fire. No one knows how it started. Witnesses said that everything seemed to catch fire all at once. The fire department cant put the flames out. President Hedgerow hung up the phone and sat back in his chair. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until the last few weeks. He had to send troops in to eight major cities, to quell riots and, in the case of Las Vegas, open rebellion. He did not like the precedent that had set. This was not going as smoothly as he had envisioned. Even his most trusted General had

disappeared. But no great vision ever took shape without breaking some eggs. If Las Vegas was going to be a haven for open revolution, then he needed to make an example of them. But how do I keep civilian casualties low? he thought. You dont need to worry about civilian casualties. he heard the whisper say. Yes I do. I am not a monster. he thought. I know what I can do. He picked up the phone, and after a few minutes, the orders were handed down. /|\ The air strike only lasted fifteen minutes, but it was enough time to completely devastate most of the major casinos on the Las Vegas strip. The warplanes did multiple fly-bys sending one missile or bomb into each casino, not destroying them completely, just making the buildings unsuitable for their former use. Now they could be repaired and rebuilt to follow the new laws. A ground assault of Marines captured Mayor Goodfellow and his co-conspirators, thus regaining control of the city, with a minimum of civilian casualties. /|\ Connor Maughfling was waiting in the lounge at Ontario International Airport when he saw his nephew walk in. As a British citizen, Patrick was able to get across the border into Canada. And after two weeks of trying to get a ship, he was no closer than he was when he first started. Connor walked up to his nephew. Cheer up lad; I have a few friends here. Connor said. Together, we should be able to get a ship and get the others. Thanks uncle, I was at my wits end trying to find a ship. Well, Connor said as they left the airport, lets get something to eat, then we will go looking. If we cant find one, then I have a favor we can call in. But I have to be back in Britain in a few days, so I wont be with ya on the ship. Thats ok; besides, the ship is going to be pretty crowded as it is. /|\

Roth crossed over the bridge very carefully. For some reason crossing over the water made him very nervous. He had to move faster, the trail was going cold. The Master had made him stay in the cave until his scales had come in. They protected him from sunlight, but he lost valuable time during the three weeks he had been healing. A whiff, what was that smell? He was

larger now, about the size of a small horse. That scent was driving him mad, so intoxicating. But his quarry was getting farther away. Blood, something was dying. Hunt, kill, feed, blood. Roth could not resist. The scent was in the same general direction as his quarry. Another scent. Men. Death. Coming over the hill, he saw them: two hunters with their kill, an elk. Using all of his speed, the hunters did not even see him until it was too late. /|\ Bill was just drifting off to sleep when his cell phone rang. Hello? Master Curry, I just wanted to let you know that Uncle Connor and I got a ship. We will be sailing into New York Harbor in a day or so. said Patrick. Good. Ill have David take me to the British Consulate. I think we will have better cover if the Ambassador wants to take a ship on a tour along the coast. We just wont turn back once we get to open water, and by the time the Feds figure it out, we will be in international waters. Well, give me a call and let me know which dock, and what time to be there. Later. Bill put his phone back into the charger. The refugees had been staying with a Pagan friendly family on Long Island. While the flat would be normally a very comfortable home, having thirty one people in any house was sure to put a strain on things. So a few of them rented one of the flats down the hall for a while, until Patrick could get the ship here. But now things were back on schedule. Patrick was coming with a ship, and luckily they had not seen a trace of the creature since Texas. Thank the Gods for that small miracle. Bill thought. Since the attack in Texas and the invasion of Las Vegas, Jareth had been in a funk. While none of his friends or family had been hurt, over five hundred people had died in the attack. Warplanes were sent in from another base, rather than Nellis, where the pilots might have hesitated because they lived there too. Nellis Base was locked down during the attack. He was glad that the President used restraint. Many of his decisions lately though were starting to lack that restraint, and seemed almost malicious. A pounding at his door made him jump up and start to call up the magic. But the sound of Davids voice calmed him for a moment. David sounded panicked. Master Curry, Master Curry, open up! Let me in quick, I have to tell you something. Bill extended his senses. David was alone. Hold on, boy, Im coming. Bill opened the door and David flew in as if he was being chased by death itself. Slow down boy, whats so important? King William announced asylum to those fleeing the U.S. persecution. The President then came on the air and announced that he was breaking diplomatic ties with Britain until they come to

their senses. All diplomatic staffers are being expelled, so if we are to go, it has to be tonight. Do you know if the Ambassador is still going to help us? Yes he is. said David. Actually, he is here, in the lobby caf. Ok, well go wake everyone and tell them that we have to go now, and I will tell Patrick where to dock. said Bill. Theres just one hitch. said David. That creature that Jareth described from Texas might have been sighted in Central Park. /|\ 9/1 Bill couldnt believe it. Here they were sitting on their hands for two weeks, and now they had to rush to leave tonight or they might not make it out. And to make matters worse, that creature had been seen in Central Park. Well, not actually seen unless you count the homeless man he ripped to pieces. So now the police would be out in force as well. The ambassador had a consulate van and state car waiting downstairs. Bill and Jareth quickly helped everyone get into the vehicles, and they made their way to the docks. The Ambassadors security detail followed close behind. The drove carefully, making sure to avoid Central Park. Pulling up in the public parking area, Bill saw that Patrick had just docked. The ship was a good size yacht, and Bill could see where the Canadian Parliament insignia had been hastily painted over. I hope Patrick didnt steal it. Bill thought. The vehicles pulled up to the start of the dock. The dock was an unused cargo dock, about a quarter mile long. Patrick had to dock on the very end due to debris and abandoned ships. Patrick walked up and he and the security detail grabbed the last of everyones luggage while David and the Ambassador handed everyone a new set of identity papers. After all of the luggage was loaded, Patrick walked back up. Ok everyone, we need to go. Lets get on board the ship. Just then, a blood curdling howl broke the silence of the early morning air. Everyone run! Jareth and Bill yelled at the same time. The refugees and British Ambassador all started to run to the ship as Roth attacked the guards. They opened fire, but the bullets just bounced off Roths scales. Roth grabbed the first guard, sinking his claws into the mans chest. As more bullets bounced off his tough hide, he tossed the guard off the side of the pier. Roth then lunged and landed on top of a second guard as his tail spike impaled a third. The fourth

guard started to run towards the boat. Roth gave chase and caught the guard by the back of the neck, breaking it instantly. Dropping the dead man, he turned his attention to his main quarry. He started to charge when David appeared behind him. David called up the magic and set the air around the creature on fire. At first, Roth panicked, remembering the flames that burned him in Texas. But the flames couldnt penetrate his scales. David tried to disappear into the shadows, but the flames he created drove away all of the shadows. Roth grabbed David by the arm and threw him over his shoulder. Bill, Jareth and Izaak ran to where David lay unconscious. Grabbing him, they ran to the waiting ship. Keep going, Ill stall it. Get him on the ship. Bill said. Jareth and Izaak kept running to the ship, carrying Davids unconscious form. Jareth turned to see Bill fighting the creature. He looked at the ship, and saw Vivyan standing there, holding his staff. Keep going, Im going back for him. he told Izaak. Before Izaak could protest, Jareth extended his hand, and his staff flew through the air, nestling in his grip. He turned and ran back to where Bill was dodging the tail spike of the creature. Jareth called up the magic and let loose a bolt of lightning. Roth screamed in pain at this new attack. He turned and swiped a paw at Jareth. Jareth ducked as Bill called up the magic and picked up the consulate van, hurtling it at the creature. Roth was knocked back but quickly recovered. As the creature again lunged at Bill, Jareth used the magic, picked up a cargo container and dropped it on the creature. Roth rolled out of the way and was met with another bolt of lightning. He lunged at Bill, but Bill stepped out of the way, throwing a bolt of lightning as well. Nothing seemed to be hurting the creature. Jareth ran and stood next to his friend, and together they called up the magic. Lightning shot out of both their staffs, and they could see they finally hurt the creature. Some of the scales were burned off of the creatures shoulder. Roth lunged again, swinging his tail at Jareth. Ducking, he threw another bolt of lightning at the creature, as strong as he could make it. The creature was sent reeling, but got right back up. Jareth looked over his shoulder to see that Patrick had pulled the ship away from the dock and was trying to maneuver closer. Looking back, he had just enough time to brace himself from Roths tail. It caught Jareth with a glancing blow, but it was enough to send him reeling. Jareth grabbed the edge of the dock to keep from falling into the sea, and his staff went flying up the dock. Pulling himself up, he saw Bill fighting the creature. Bill sent another bolt of energy into Roth. This time Roth didnt notice the pain. Rage was all he felt. Swinging his tail around, he cut Bills staff in half. A controlled turn and NOOO! Jareth cried as he watched the creature break Bills staff and then catch him in its claws, sinking them into Bills chest. Jareth felt time slow again, and slowly became aware that he was floating up from the dock. He looked down and called his staff to his hand. Jareth used the magic to rip a light pole from its base, and threw it at the creature. Roth reeled from the

blow, releasing his victim. Jareth then used the magic to slide Bill towards the ship. Turning to the new threat, Roth saw his true prey floating in front of him. He started to lunge when one of the small tugboats came flying through the air, sending him reeling again. Rage. Blood was in the air. His blood. Hate. There. There was the object of his hate. Another lunge. Pain. Hate. Light, blinding light. Pain. Jareth saw Roth lunge again, and he released himself. All his emotion, all his love, all his fear, all his pain; everything. Magic flowed into Jareths floating form, filling him. Release. The bolt of energy hit Roth with the force of a thousand suns, exploding around the creature like a small hydrogen bomb. Roth could feel his scales shatter, his flesh burn. As he hit the water, he felt nothing. Tethys smiled. The explosion destroyed most of the dock. Jareth collapsed on the small piece that remained, next to his fallen master. Patrick pulled up to the edge of the dock. Carefully, Izaak and Eowin carefully carried Jareth into the ship as Patrick picked up the fallen Merlin. Bill was still alive, but barely. With everyone on the ship, they started to make their way into the open water of the harbor. Jareth, please wake up. Please! cried Vivyan. Jareth stirred. Oh hun, youre alright. and Vivyan hugged him around the neck. Wheres Master Curry? Jareth asked. Hes over here. said Patrick. Jareth stood up, and with Vivyan helping, walked over to where Bill was lying. Why do you look so sad, Jareth? Bill asked. We made it. We will soon be in international waters, and safe. I know Im dying, Im not afraid. But dont you be sad. I lived a full life. I am ready to go home to the Hall of my Ancestors. But you are the Merlin. Here, Vivyan can heal you. I cant, Jareth. Vivyan said. I tried. She has to be on the land to be able to heal, but these wounds are beyond even her wonderful gift. Bill said. There is one last thing I have to do, Jareth. Bills breathing was becoming more labored. I am the Merlin of North America. This title I pass on to you, Jareth. You are my successor, and successor to the heritage of the Merlins through antiquity. Bill pulled a ring from off his finger. I give this to you, Jareth, it is the seal of office for the Merlin, and while you may be exiled, you are a beacon of light for your people. He handed the ring to Jareth.

Jareth started to protest, but Bill cut him short. No arguing. This is how it has to be. I am proud of you, Jareth. And while I may die, I will not be gone. and with that, Arch Druid Bill Curry, Andolin, the Merlin of North America, passed to Tir na N'Og. /|\ Its not over yet, guys! Patrick called from the helm of the ship. Everyone looked up to see a Navy warship bearing down on them, presumably to investigate the explosion on the dock. Unidentified ship, this is the Navy Destroyer Corvalis. Disengage your engines and prepare to be boarded came from the radio. A second Destroyer came up from the south. Jareth sat down, in despair. Reaching into his pocket, Jareth felt something familiar. He pulled the dragon scale out of its pouch and stood at the edge of the deck. One more time, Jareth called up the magic, whispering the ancient charm into the night. For a few minutes, nothing happened; other than the Destroyers getting closer. Then, the water in front of the Destroyers started to boil. Both Destroyers turned hard to avoid the shape coming out of the water. First two horns rose, followed by a head the size of a bus. Up out of the water rose the King of the Dragons, Braoc. Flying up into the air, he breathed flames in front of the ships, barely missing them. The Destroyers turned their attention from the yacht to the Dragon, trying to muster their sailors to their posts. Shots started ringing from the under deck guns, exploding in the air near the Dragon, but he was too quick. Braoc was too fast, at home in the air as much as he was on land or sea. Seeing that the yacht was clear of the Destroyers, Braoc dove under the water, ripping apart the propeller drive lines of each ship, before surfacing again and flying off into the night. Jareth saw the battle from the deck, watching the Dragon toy with the Destroyers. Jareth was in awe of the grace and majesty of the being flying over the harbor. Turning around, he walked back into the cabin. Eowin and Izaak were preparing Bills body, getting it ready for burial in Britain. Patrick had called his uncle and told him what had happened. A State funeral was being prepared for the Merlin Andolin, William Curry. /|\

Chapter 14 9/10 The yacht made its way through the English Channel ten days after the flight from New York Harbor. Carefully, Patrick guided the ship along the coast, past the mouth of the Thames, heading north, heading home. Just after sunset, Patrick steered the ship past the light house at Spurn Head, and up river. They finally docked at the City of Hull, in southern Yorkshire. From there Bills body was driven in a motorcade to York, with Jareth, Vivyan and the others following in the vehicle behind the Hearse. Connor met them in York, and Jareth could see that his eyes were red, probably from weeping over his former teacher. But the Merlin of Britain held his composure. Welcome Jareth, Merlin of North America. he said. Welcome to Britain. Thank you, Connor. I wish we could be meeting again under better circumstances. Me too, lad. But whats done is done. His Fled Cro-Lige is tomorrow night, and I am sure he would be honored if you perform the ceremony. I would be honored, Master Maughfling. Jareth said. /|\ The plans for the funeral were quickly organized, with the Kings advisors assisting with securing the necessary site and permits. Bill had expressed in his will that he wanted to be burned on a funeral pyre, rather than buried. He wanted his soul set free to fly. Jareth started the simple ritual by leading the procession to the pyre, just before sunset. The fuat was carried by Connor, Patrick, Izaak and Eowin, who gently set it on top of the unlit pyre. Into the mighty fountain flows the tide, started Jareth Flows in, flows, out, grinding, rushing Andolins death-song moves meSorrow for the death of one so fierce! Who has had more terrible fortune Since he crossed the Southern sea? Renowned was he before being imprisoned. Into the mighty fountain flow the waves, Flow in, flow out, rushing, crushing, Andolins death song moves me-

Sorrow for the death of no one so brave! Into the mighty fountain gushes the deep, Grinding, smashing at the grim shore, A conqueror, mighty its onslaught. After Manaw, many turned for home, Departing from the heaped-up slaughter. I know all the tales of Andolin, Of his fateful battle on foreign lands. At the last, as Andolin fell, his people lamented. The Fair Ones received him in Caer Golydd. Jareth took a torch from Connor, and held it high, waiting for the last sliver of sun to dip below the horizon. When it did, he placed the torch into the pyre, lighting it. Lady Brighid, take this man into thy embrace, remember The many blessings which he in the body cast, That we cannot this night enumerate. The many blessings that he in the body cast, That we cannot this night enumerate. Be this spirit to thy hand, O Lady, Thou Queen of the realm of Faery, Since thou it was, O Lady, who did birth this spirit, Be its peace in thine own keeping. And with the strong Nuada, high king of the Tuatha, Prepare the path before this spirit, Lady Brighid. And with the strong Lugh coming to meet the spirit, Lead it home, to the Land of the Ever-Living Ones. Everyone stood silently, watching the flames and smoke release the spirit of the man they all had once respected and loved. /|\ Diane woke up, not knowing where she was. Careful dear, youve been sleep for quite a while, now dearie. Dont you be sitting up too fast. Diane looked around for the source of the voice. A kind looking old woman was sitting on a

stool, working on her embroidery. Im Ellie, and I used to be a handmaiden for her Majesty, that is before her plane crashed. Im Diane. she said weakly. Where am I? You are in Kensington Palace, in Britain. How long have I been here? Almost a month, my dear. You have been thrashing around like the devil himself was chasing you. Do you remember anything? No, just seems like a bad nightmare. How did I get here? Diane sat up and looked around. The room was rather nicely furnished. Ellie was sitting across from her on a high backed chair. Around her neck was a silver necklace, with a rather unusual pendant. Two interlocked circles with an arrow piercing the two. Filigree ivy bordered the whole thing. Diane immediately knew who she was sitting with. My lady, I didnt know she started. The Lady of the Lake stood up. Its ok, my dear. You need not bow to me. After all that you have endured, I should bow to you. The strength of your faith has caught notice of the Gods, and you honor them and me by being here. Ellie helped Diane back in to bed. The God Maponos brought you to me. He was the one who rescued you. I hear that he was so offended by what he saw there that the ground is still burning. Ellie shuddered to think of what the center must have been like for it to incur such wrath from the gentle God of youth. Just then, the door opened. Oh, beg your pardon, milady. King William said. I didnt know there was anyone in here. No trouble, your Majesty. This is the refugee Connor told you about. William walked up to the side of the bed. It is an honor to meet you, milady. He kissed the back of her hand. Even recovering from horrible wounds, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her green eyes were enchanting. It was like looking into the mirror of his own soul. I am the one honored, your Majesty. What is your name, milady? And you need not worry about the your Majesty thing. A mischievous glint lit his eyes.

Diane, Diane Carlisle. And before you ask, yes it is my great uncle Lord Carlisle in the House of Lords. Well, I will have to tell him of your miraculous rescue from captivity. the King said. If it to your liking, perhaps we could, um, talk some more over tea? I would like that very much, your Majesty. Realizing he had to be on his way to York, William took his leave. After King William closed the door, both women burst into hysterical giggles. /|\ The Merlin of Britain led the procession around the giant stones. Once long ago, this place was known as the Giants Dance. This was the night of Samhain, and hundreds of white robed Druids followed in the procession, followed by green robed Ovydds and blue robed Bards. Once everyone was in place around the stones of Stonehenge, the Merlin of Britain moved into the center of the site. Noble Companions of the Order of Druids, we are assembled in this sacred place for the purpose of consecrating our companion as the Merlin of North America. Let the Candidate be presented! As Jareth walked forward, a mist started to creep in, shining in the bright sunlight like a carpet of silver. Magic was in the air, twisting, turning, running wild and free. Jareth was led to the center of the stones by Ellie on one side, and Patrick on the other. Patrick was in traditional Celtic warrior dress. Connor raised his staff. I call upon the God Llyr, God of the Oceans, Bearer of the Wheel of Time. Honor us with your presence! Ellie stood beside Connor and raised her wand I call upon the Goddess Brighid, daughter of an Dagda, bright Goddess of the triple flame. Honor us with your presence! Ellie moved to where Jareth was standing. Are you willing to be consecrated as the Merlin, and share in the heritage as the Hawk of the Gods? I am willing. The ceremony may proceed. said Connor. Let us seek the Oracle of the Goddess Brighid. Before they could call the oracle, several shapes formed out of the mists. The Tuatha de Dannan stood there, around the circle. All of those present dropped to their knees, in awe. A Goddess

stepped forward, dressed in a blue tunic and cloak. Bright flames seemed to jump from her brow. How lovely it is for Me to welcome you all to the Giants Dance! The aim of my clan in this present era is clear. I wish you to return the ways of your ancestors to the world. When you confront those who follow evil ways, do not blame them, and do not torture yourself with speculations: rather recognize the hidden sun within them and bring it forth. This is the source of all miracles. And I am the Goddess of miracles. I call upon those who long for divine beauty to veil themselves in My blue mantle of celestial seas, and rise to My domain in the stars. Brighid walked over to Jareth, and kissed his forehead. Do not feel so sad, my Hawk. Andolin is enjoying his rest, and feasting well in the hall of his ancestors. Looking around at the assembled gathering, she smiled. Before you all, I acknowledge Arch Druid Jareth MacLir as a Hawk of the Gods, a Merlin. She stepped back into the circle of the Gods. Next, Cernunnos stepped forward. My dear friends, the last gift most of you pray for is wisdom! You supplicate for love, abundance, success. But no gift of the Gods is of any value, without wisdom. But wisdom is not an ancient concept. It is ever renewing. The mistake wellmeaning philosophers and teachers are apt to make is that wisdom is conveyed in ancient texts, almost worshipped in scriptural idolatry. But who would drink sour milk? New times call for a re-evaluation of what you perceive as wisdom. What worked two thousand years ago, when the first druids walked this land, no longer holds true. Look beneath the surface to the light of truth hidden beneath. Do not try be as they were; instead, carry their torch forward into the future. This torch I pass on to you, Jareth. You are My Hawk. Next, the God Llyr stepped forward. The true leader is one who has the humility to lead from the back benches of those he or she teaches, allowing them to find their own way, and only assisting when this is called for. It is not always the obedient companion who achieves the goal of self-sovereignty, but the rebel! For in truth the ardent soul, enflamed with inherent divinity, will not easily submit to orders, whether these be spoken or inscribed on tablets of stone. There is a selective imp, a mocking spirit within each one of us which may be called a jester, but is in reality the protector of our own individuality. Respect this in yourselves: respect this in others. Looking to the gathering, he continued. Before you all, I acknowledge Arch Druid Jareth MacLir as a Hawk of the Gods, a Merlin. He stepped back into the circle of the Gods. Several other Gods and Goddesses did the same, offering advice to the new Merlin, and acknowledging him before the crowds. Brighid once again stepped forward. Remember, the true wisdom of a teacher lies in the ability of fair exchange: the teacher gives but also receives. He has a deep fount of knowledge: but the pupil may hold a tiny plant that if nurtured will grow into a mighty tree. All this little plant requires is nourishment by the teacher from the Well of Life,

not to be drowned by a wealth of admonitions, nor stifled by ancient practices. The Druid Path is older than that of the Christ God, and is renewed because it follows the ways of instinct and intuition, gifts now dying within this world of the over-developed intellect and dry spirits. Our ways will heal the earth, and return life to the divine spark within us all. The Gods seemed to fade into the background, but their power and presence still remained. Ellie walked up to Jareth. In the name of the Gods of our People, we accept you as the Merlin. She anointed his head with blessed oil. With this oil I consecrate you as the Merlin! Ellie stepped back to the altar stone. Connor stepped up to Jareth, placing a heavy torc around his neck. With this torc I bring warmth to thy heart. Then Vivyan walked up and placed an oak leaf crown on Jareths head. With this oak leaf crown I dignify thy head. Isaiah walked up, and presented Jareth with his staff. On the staff was a new stone, the stone which once crowned the top of Bills staff. With this staff I strengthen thy will for good. Raising her staff high above her head, Ellie made the final declaration. Before our Companions and friends here assembled, I declare that Jareth MacLir is the Merlin of the Order of Druids for North America! The ritual ended with one of the largest parties ever seen on the plains of Salisbury. Jareth had taken the name of Ainir as his Druid name, the name with which he would be known to the Gods. Merlin Ainir, congratulations. Jareth turned to see King William and Diane coming towards him. Thank you, your Majesty. Hello again Diane. I see you are well. Connor had told him the story of her rescue from the center by Maponos. Good to see you again Jareth. Im sorry about what had happened to Master Curry. she said. Jareth, I would like for you and Connor to visit me at Kensington Palace next week. We have much to discuss. William said. Master Curry and Master Maughfling both helped me to see other points of view, and I would like it if you were to follow in that role. Quietly, of course. Of course. Well, I must find my wife, and save her from the banquet table. Those twins keep her eternally hungry.

William laughed. Of course, Diane and I have to take our leave as well. The press is making it harder to hide our relationship, though we wont have to much longer. Her great uncle is a Baron, and he serves in the House of Lords. He has acknowledged her as his heir, so she soon will hold title in her own right. I will not make the same faux-pas that my father did, marrying Camilla. She had no legal claim to title nor nobility. I see. Well I am glad to hear things are working out well for you both.. I will see you next week, your Majesty. Jareth said, and made his way to where Vivyan was talking to Zephyrwind. She had a panicked look on her face. Hi hun, whats up? he said and gave her a re-assuring kiss on the cheek. Hi babe. Im glad youre here. Vivyan said. We need to get to the hospital, my water just broke. /|\

Chapter 15 The scent of blood and sweat hung heavy in the air. The hospital room was full of doctors and nurses. The twins were insisting on coming into the world, and Jareth stood by his wifes side to help where he could. The doctors said performing a cesarean would most likely kill Vivyan, so she had to suffer through delivering the twins naturally. Vivyans teeth clenched as another contraction rippled across her belly. Jareth could see that she was getting weaker after each contraction. Ellie, get Zephyrwind and Willow, and tell them to bring their drums. He knew that music gave strength to warriors in ancient times, he hoped it could help here. Throughout the evening they played, and Vivyan seemed to gain strength with the beat of the drum. Jareth wove the magic, calling on the Gods to help. Vivyan screamed as the head of the first child crowned. Round and round the magic turned, over and through those in the room. Another scream and the first child was born. A boy. Come on, hun, youre halfway there. said Jareth. Vivyan was loosing her strength again. Jareth traced a sigil on her heaving belly, trying to send as much healing energy to her. Vivyan screamed as another contraction rippled across her belly. All she could feel was pain. Her husband was talking to her, but she couldnt make out the words. One more baby to go. she thought. Brighid give me strength. she whispered. More pain as another contraction wracked her body. Almost done. The baby was crowning, she heard the doctor say. Just a little more. Another push. Done, she was done. Its a girl! was the last thing Vivyan heard before the world faded to black. /|\ The twins Logan and Rhiannon were born about one hour before midnight on the night of Samhain. It was a hard, fast labor. Vivyan looked up at her husband. You did good, my love. he said. How are they? Theyre doing fine. Jareth said. They are in the nursery. Would you like to see them.? Vivyan nodded her head. After a few minutes, the nurses brought the twins in. For twins, they were huge. Logan was almost 8 pounds, and little Rhiannon was about 7 pounds. Vivyan held her two babies. Looking up, she saw a small figure peeking from behind the door. Come in, Tarann. Tarann ran in to the room and hugged his momma. Vivyan looked at Logan as he reached for her hair. On the inside of his arm was a rather

strange birthmark. She hugged her family, and together in their new land, watched the sun rise through the window. /|\

Epilogue That night, when the twins were born, the night sky was lit up with the fire of a meteor shower. From his home near the One Tree, Cernunnos looked to the sky and watched the show. He walked over to the edge of the sea, and Tethys rose to the surface. Taking his wifes hand he kissed her cheek. All of the pieces are in place. Soon the time will come for the return of the Forever King. Yes, my dear. And when he does, his sword will be waiting. said Tethys, looking over at the ancient sword sticking out of a large stone near the one tree.

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