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1. Daniel will curve throw to Harper who will pancake catch, Max will curve to Eric into pancake, and Aaron will curve to Eli into pancake. 2. Harper will curve throw to Daniel into pancake, Eric will curve throw to Max into pancake, Eli will Curve to Aaron into pancake. 3. Daniel will hammer throw to Eric.

1. Eric will long distance throw to Max. If the first time fails, another will be thrown just in case. 2. Eric will cartwheel to the destination, kip up and will fall down as if the surrounding people have shot him. Then everyone else will collapse as if Max had shot the rest down. Max goes in the middle and Eric rises up as well as the others to do one final victory dance.

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Max, Daniel, Eli, Aaron, and Keyan will roll to Eric in the center where they will pick up the discs that is set up on the ground around Eric. Then they will return to their places. Eric Picks up a disc too.

1.Everyone but Eric will do an individual hover throw to themselves. 2. Eric will do an individual hover throw.

1.Max will flip over Eric 3 4 2 4 1 2 5 2 4 2. Eli will forehand to Max to trick catch, Aaron forehand to Eric trick catch, and Daniel will forehand to Keyan catch pancake. 3. Keyan will fore hand to Harper who will tip it and catch pancake. 4. Harper will forehand to Keyan who will trick catch, Max and Eric will forehand to Eli and Aaron who will trick catch. 5. Keyan will curve throw to Daniel who will trick catch.

Frisbee Routine
-Group Members- Aaron Brill, Daniel Monnier, Harper Harrington, Eli Morgan, Keyan, Eric Lee. -Frisbees- 7 -Song(s)- Right Now, Van Halen, Drink Up Me Hearties- Hans Zimmer Electric Feel- MGMT, Cant Touch This- MC Hammer, Thriller Michael Jackson, Requiem for Dream- Clint Mansell Dont Stop Till You Get Enough NOTE: DANCING WILL BE ADDED AS FILLERS WHEN CERTAIN MEMEBERS ARE WAITING FOR OTHER TO COMPLETE THEIR THROWS OR CATCHES. -Costumes- various hats worn by some or all members. 1.Harper Backhands to Daniel who will alligator catch 2.Max Backhands to Keyan who will alligator Catch 1. 3 (Eric is crouched in the middle.) 4. The Process will go backwards starting with Aaron backhanding to Eli, followed by Max backhanding to Keyan, followed by Daniel backhanding to Harper. All will receive with a pancake.
1.Max backhands to Keyan who will pancake. 2. Max will run and jump over Eric whom has gotten up from a crouched position, and land near Keyan.


3. Eli Backhands to Aaron who will alligator catch.


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3. Keyan will backhand to max who will pancake. 4. Max will backhand to Eric who will alligator, and set it on the ground. 5. Harper will backhand to Eric who will pancake and set it on the ground. 6. Eli will backhand to Eric who will pancake and set on the ground.

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