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Roll: 05122335 Section: A Secession: 2005-06

Date of Submission: 20 January,2010

Give Note on Group Behavior and Group Cohesiveness

Answer: The word group behavior consist of two different but relevant word Group+Behavior = Group behavior. Simply group means assembling or gathering of people and behavior menas the attitude of individual. Broadly, group behavior indicates the association of people for achieving a particular goal.

Figure: Behavior

Authors View:

Many authors and specialist define group behavior as their own point of view. Some of them mention below-

According to Robins: When two or more individuals interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular objectives is called group behavior.

Keith Devis: Group behavior in sociology refers to the situations where people interact in large or small groups. Wikipedia: (Web Definition) When people gathered in a given place and time act in a similar way called group behavior.

After the definition we have to highlight that-

# Group behaviour differs from mass actions # If the group behaviour is coordinated, then it is called group action. # It depends on small and large group.

Finally, group behavior is a collection of individualsfor performaing a common goaland interact with each other.

Part -2:

Simply, group cohesiveness based on the cocept of cohesiveness in term of attraction to the group. Broadly, group cohesiveness positively related to mental health, adjustment, feelings of security and consequences to reduce anxiety.

Authors view:

Many authors and specialist define group behavior as their own point of view. Some of them mention belowAccording to Robbins: Degree to which group members are attracted to each other and are motivated to stay in the group.

Rensi Dikert: The tendency of members attractiveness or living the group is called group cohesiveness. Business Dictionary: Extent to which the members of a group find staying together to be in mutual interest is group cohesiveness.

So we could have been mentioned that~ Cohesiveness depends on group effectiveness. ~ It is the degree of adjustment, feelings etc to the group members.

Finally, the cohesive group has a sense of connectedness, a feeling of unity that transcends individualistic differences or motives, and there is a force of attraction between the group and its members.








Answer: A step-by-step approach to change can help a team to work methodically and prevent the omission of important stages. Practical observations suggest six steps that are important in the team building process. Keith Devis the implementation of team into organization as following-

But we also implement our team asStep 1. Wanting To Feel Better: Change is never energized by complacency and comfort. Effective change begins with the realization that all is not well or that difficulties lie ahead. At this initial stage, feelings play an important part because the need for change must be felt by those individuals who will be responsible for implementing the process.

Step 2. Identifying The Problem And Needs Sometimes problems can be difficult for a supervisor to identify. A supervisor trying to diagnose a problem may find it difficult to observe symptoms, as a superficial assessment is often made that fails to identify the causes of the problem. A technical analysis of problems needs to be made.

Step 3. Creating A Vision Specifying the preferred situation is important. As the supervisor, we need to be as clear as possible about where we wish to go. If the team can visualize the changes we wish to see and the difficulties which may block. we have a better chance of persevering and achieving. One way of doing this is by asking oneself the question. -"What do I want to see happening with this team in one year? -Most people respond to this question by restricting their vision with practical difficulties. However at this stage it helps to ignore the practical limitations. Concentrating on what we wish to see happen will help to build a vision of the future.

Step 4. Building Strategies For Improvement After the teams vision has been clarified, it should be worked on until it can be expressed in terms of objectives.

once objectives are stated, strategy and tactics can be developed. There are many tactics for team development, but not all can be implemented at once. An appropriate treatment is one that is affordable and effective.

Step 5. Reviewing Progress The team building process needs to be monitored. Progress can be carefully reviewed by using mechanisms such as regular meetings, clearly defined responsibilities, open discussion, progress reports and etc.

These are not special techniques. Team building can benefit from many of the same tools supervisors use in other areas.

How Do You Make a Team Effective?

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. Team building and team work is the key driver in organizational productivity. While teams are important in every area of human endeavor whether it be in sports or volunteer work, the scope of this article covers business enterprises. Stages of Making Team Effective: Teams have to go through certain process before it can settle down and work effectively. Understanding the stages of development of the team is key to successful team management. Stage #1 Forming This is the stage when the team members assemble and get together. People are very polite, get acquainted with each other and try to assess their own roles in the team. This stage is marked by easy acceptance of each other, avoiding controversies and direction and support from team leader in settling down. Stage #2 Storming This stage introduces conflicts and competition as each individual begins to start work on the plan. Stress of the work with Individual differences on issues crop up. Sometimes the issues could be cultural, ethnic or Interpersonal and communication. Stage #3 Norming As conflicts begin to get resolved, the work flow picks up speed.

People settle down to more harmonious working relationships. The focus now shifts to common team objectives and performance related issues. A cohesive team which knows its strengths and weaknesses. Giving the team members a certain level of functional autonomy leads to unleashing the creativity of its members making for a high performing team. Stage #4 Performing This is the final stage where a perfect group identity is created. There is independence and interdependence, learning as well as sharing knowledge, speed and efficiency. All glitches have been smoothened out by the team leader. The performance is it the peak due to high motivation.

A successful team leader understands the different stages of the group formation and development. He manages the team effectively by moderating his team managerial styles according to the stage of development in which the team is passing through.

What are the techniques of instilling culture in Organization?


Beliefs, values & assumptions of founders are basis for organization. Organizations dont form accidentally Single person has idea Brings in more than one and creates group Group works together to raise funds Others are brought into existing history

Organization instills the culture with the same view of the promoter of the organization; because of being affecting the organization initially. The way of instilling briefly discuss-

Strategic vision: In order to make a cultural effective a clear vision of the firms strategy, shared values and behaviours is needed. This vision provides the intention and direction for the culture.

Top-management commitment: It is very important to keep in mind that culture must be managed from the top of the organization, as willingness. The top of the organization should be very much in favour of the culture in order to actually implement. Because they are in starting time of organization and influence greatly.

Ethical and legal sensitivity: Culture can lead to tensions between organizational and individual interests, which can result in ethical and legal problems for practitioners. This is particularly relevant for instilling culture in employee integrity, control, equitable treatment and job security. Model culture: Follow a cultural as a model. By this the problem of instilling is easily identify and better implementing. The way to instilling culture, shown in below figureTop management Selection criteria Socialization
Organization's Culture

Philosophy of organization's founders

Figure: How organization instilling culture Culture in the organizations is very important and inevitable. Culture innovations is bound to be because it entails introducing something new and substantially different from what prevails in existing cultures.

What are the Characteristics of Organizational Culture?

Answer: Like every person has his own style of behavior, his own personality, similarly the organization has a distinct culture. Organizational culture may be defined as a set of all the espoused values of the organization.

These are very general characteristics that every organization would have to look into, otherwise the culture would seem incomplete. Although all these characteristics are at some level a part of every company.

Figure: Organizational Culture

There are 7 primary characteristics of organizational culture. They are listed below. 1. Innovation and Risk Taking: Risk and returns go hand in hand. Places where take a risk (calculated risk of course!), the chances of returns are higher.

Same goes for innovation. Employee could either be a follower or a pioneer. Pioneering has its share of risks, but at times it can also have a breakthrough outcome for the organization. Thus, innovation and risk taking is one of the main characteristics of organizational culture defining how much room the business allows for innovation. 2. Attention to Detail: Attention to detail defines how much importance a company allots to precision and detail in the workplace. This is also a universal value as the degree of attention the employees are expected to give is crucial to the success of any business. The management defines the degree of attention to be given to details. 3. Outcome Orientation: Some organizations pay more attention to results rather than processes. It is really the business model of each business that defines whether the focus should be on the outcome or the processes. This defines the outcome orientation of the business. 4. People Orientation: This is still one of the most contentious issues in organizational culture today. Some organizations are famous for being employee oriented as they focus more on creating a better work environment for its 'associates' to work in. Others still are feudal in nature, treating employees no better than workmachines.

5. Team Orientation: It is a well established fact today that synergistic teams help give better results as compared to individual efforts. Each organization makes its efforts to create teams that will have complimentary skills and will effectively work together. 6. Aggressiveness: Every organization also lays down the level of aggressiveness with which their employees work. Some businesses like Microsoft are known for their aggression and market dominating strategies. 7. Stability: While some organizations believe that constant change and innovation is the key to their growth, others are more focused on making themselves and their operations stable. The managements of these organizations are looking at ensuring stability of the company rather than looking at indiscriminate growth. Just like having a strong personality adds character to a person, organizational culture does give a business its own special identity. It helps create cohesion among the employees as they share the primary characteristics of organizational culture and imbibes in them the spirit of team work.

How you Develop models of organizational culture?

Answer: To observe the organizational culture the novel researcher Vijay Sathe developed a model. The model is as follow-

Overall: Participating into something


Speech: Participating in Debating Creation of Behavior: Participating in work

Particioating, Asking, Orserving,

Emotion: Participating in Feelings


Figure: Organizational Cultural model.

In Vijay Sathe model of organizational culture have four elements. Those are-

Participating Speech Behavior Emotion.

Again, Christine Leatz and Mark Stolar delineate 4 models of corporate culture. Aggressive culture: Companies that are into cosmetics, management consulting, venture capital, advertising and advertisement industry typify this culture. High risks, quick decisions and early feedback are some of the characteristic features of this culture. Employees should be ready to take quick decisions, handle high pressure and accept responsibility of the decisions. Congenial culture: A social approach is what a congenial work culture offers to organisations. Organisations involved in consumer products, retail outlets, real estate agencies etc adopt this kind of culture. Employees should value their customers since they are important for the business. Employees in such a culture should be friendly, responsive, work in teams and satisfy customers. Risk aggressive culture: Similar to aggressive culture, risk aggressive culture also involves many risks. Employees decisions are often scrutinised by their superiors because of the potential risks involved. Organisations dealing in large capital goods, investment banks, aerospace industry etc embrace such a culture. These cultures involve high risks, slow feedbacks, slow decisions and no job security.

Systematic culture: Government agencies are a classic example of the bureaucratic culture. They are rigid and resistant to change. Traditional banks and insurance companies follow suit. Absence of risk taking, rigid rules and critical feedbacks are some of the features of such cultures.

To develop this models into the organization our define tasks areStart Small, Act Big at beginning. Build Trust Engender Collaboration Inspire Creativity Inspire Action

These techniques will help to start to create the culture want in the organization, starting with the team.

Discuss the method of resolution the conflict in organization?

Answer: At its most basic, conflict involves a disagreement among parties. In a company, conflict can occur between individuals or among groups. Virtually all organizations operate in an environment that is characterized by constant change and a need for constant adaptation. Conflict start as-






Figure: How to Start conflict.


But the broad method of conflict resolution discuss briefly in below-

Resolving Conflict

Passive conflict resolution


Structured problem solving

Confronting conflict

Choosing a winner

Selecting a better alternative

Preventing Conflict

Passive Conflict resolution:

By this process the management ignored the conflict. It is a sign of bad management. Although it somethome use in broadly.

Win-win: It indicates the participative resolving. The main objects of this resolution to satisfied the both parties. Satisfied both sides need.

Structured problem solving: Gather the about the problem. Have a third party observer analyze the data and make an argument for one side. Confronting Conflict: By this process, listen the problem and help the parties resolve it.

Choosing a winner: Choose the winner, than deal with the negative feelingd between the two parties.

Selecting a better alternative: Choose an idea neither of the parties considered.

Preventing Conflict: It is the measurement of occurring before conflict. By this we easily restrict the conflict. Foster say- Skill leaders use different techniques to create an environment that is relatively free of conflict.

Conflict takes many forms in organizations. There is the inevitable clash between formal authority and power and those individuals and groups affected.

How do you cope with Job stress?

Answer: It may seem that theres nothing can do about the stress level. Stress management starts with identifying the sources of stress in life. Accept responsibility for the role to play in creating or maintaining it, the stress level will remain outside the control. The ways to cope with job stress areAvoid unnecessary stress: Not all stress can be avoided, and its not healthy to avoid a situation that needs to be addressed.

Avoid people who is in stress Take control of the environment Avoid hot-button Pare down the to-do

Alter the situation: If anyone cant avoid a stressful situation, try to alter it. Figure out what can do to change things so the problem doesnt present itself in the future. Often, this involves changing the way communicate and operate in the daily life.

Express the feelings instead of bottling them up. Be willing to compromise. Be more assertive. Manage the time better.

Adapt to the stressor:

If anyone cant change the stressor, change his/herself. Anyone can adapt to stressful situations and regain the sense of control by changing the expectations and attitude.

Reframe problems.. Look at the big picture. Adjust the standards. Focus on the positive.

Accept the things cant change: Some sources of stress are unavoidable. Anyone cant prevent or change stressors such as the death of a loved one, a serious illness, or a national recession. In such cases, the best way to cope with stress is to accept things as they are. Acceptance may be difficult, but in the long run, its easier than railing against a situation cant change.

Dont try to control the uncontrollable. Look for the upside. Share the feelings. Learn to forgive.

Make time for fun and relaxation: Beyond a take-charge approach and a positive attitude, can reduce stress in the life by nurturing itself. If regularly make time for fun and relaxation, itll be in a better place to handle lifes stressors when they inevitably come.

Set aside relaxation time. Connect with others. Do something enjoy every day. Keep the sense of humor.

Adopt a healthy lifestyle: It can increase the resistance to stress by strengthening the physical health.

Exercise regularly Eat a healthy diet. Reduce caffeine and sugar. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs Get enough sleep.

But the wrong way to reduce stress as

Smoking Drinking too much Overeating or underrating Zoning out for hours in front of the TV or computer

Using pills or drugs to relax Sleeping too much Procrastinating Filling up every minute of the day to avoid facing problems

Withdrawing from friends, family, and activities

Taking out the stress on others (lashing out, angry outbursts, physical violence)

The above are the way to avoid stress.

What are the Approaches of


Approach is a way or means of reaching something. Counseling is a process that enables a person to sort out issues and reach decisions affecting their life. So approach of counseling means to reach solution the particular problem.

There are different approach of counseling, The major approaches are briefly discuss bellow-

Directive Counseling Approach:

Directive counseling is the process of listening to a members problem, deciding with the member what should be done. Encouraging and motivating the person to do it. This type of counseling accomplishes the function of advice. Most everyone likes to give advice, counselors included do it . Most of the time counseling is not effective. It only succeeded when the councilor and the counselee are in same minded.

Nondirective Counseling Approach:

Nondirective, or client centered, counseling is the process of skillfully listening to a counselee.

Encouraging the person to explain bothersome problems, and helping him or her. This type of counseling focuses on the member, rather than on the counselor. This type of counseling is used by professional counselors. The unique advantage of nondirective counseling is its ability to cause the members reorientation.

Participative counseling Approach:

This approach is the fully reserve of Dorective and Non-directive counseling approach. Basically it consists of the advantage of the aforesaid approaches. It start with listening anticipatively counselor and counselee. Advantages are; re-ensuring, communicating remove mental stress and also clearfied thinking.

Cognitive Approach: The cognitive therapies include Rational-Emotive, Cognitive-Behavioral, Reality, and Transactional Analysis. Therapists in the cognitive field work with clients to solve present day problems by helping them to identify distorted thinking that causes emotional discomfort. Common traits among the cognitive approaches include a collaborative relationship between client and therapist, homework between sessions.

Behavioral Approach: This is based on the premise that primary learning comes from experience. The initial concern in therapy is to help the client analyze behavior, define problems, and select goals. Therapy often includes homework, behavioral experiments, role-playing,

assertiveness training, and self management training.

Counseling should be looked upon in terms of the amount of direction that the counselor gives the counselee.

What are the consequences of job Stress?

Answer: Stress is a normal physiological response of the body to a hostile environment and symptoms of stress are manifestations of this response. Stress affects the body in many different ways. Some of these are obvious, but others may not be as noticeable or easy to detect until they become more severe.

Consequences of job stress given below: Physical symptoms: Physical symptoms of stress include:

Muscle tension Low back pain Pains in shoulders or neck Pains in chest Stomach/abdominal pain Muscle spasms or nervous tics Unexplained rashes or skin irritations 'Pounding' or 'racing' heart Sweaty palms Sweating when not physically active 'Butterflies' in stomach Indigestion and 'the gurgles' Diarrhea Unable to sleep or excessive sleep Shortness of breath Holding breath

Muscles work in opposing pairs, with movement caused when one contracts whilst the other relaxes. Stress can result in both muscles working at once. There is thus no movement, but still muscular tension. Mental symptoms:

anger, depression, anxiety, changes in behaviour, food cravings, lack of appetite, frequent crying, difficulty sleeping (mental), feeling tired, and Difficulty concentrating.

Behavioral symptoms: Emotional and cognitive symptoms of stress include:

Feeling irritable Feeling frustrated at having to wait for something Feeling restless Unable to concentrate Becoming easily confused Having memory problems Thinking about negative things all the time Negative self-talk Having marked mood swings Eating too much Eating when are not hungry Finding it difficult to concentrate

Not having enough energy to get things done Feeling can't cope Finding it hard to make decisions Having emotional outbursts Generally feeling upset Lack of sense of humor

Other overall sympompts are including

Headaches: Certain types of headaches can be related to stress. If the experiencing more headaches, especially tension headaches, stress could be the culprit. More Frequent Colds or Flu: Theres an inverse relationship between stress and immunity, so if it under too much stress,may be getting sick more often. Sleep Problems: There are many ways that stress affects sleep. Too much stress can rob of sleep and make the sleep to get less restorative. General Anxiety: Anxiety does serve an important function for survival, but if the feeling anxious much of the time, it could be because have too many stressors in the life, or it may indicate a medical condition like generalized anxiety disorder. If the experience an increase in anxiety, may want to talk to doctor.

Fuzzy Thinking: Our bodys stress response pumps the body with hormones that make it possible to fight or flee quickly. When triggered in excess, this stress response can actually cause to think less quickly.

Feelings of Frustration: If the faced with many demands at once, the natural result for many people is increased frustration and irritability. The trick is to find ways to prevent frustration and calm down quickly.

These are just a few of the many ways that stress can affect our body and mind. For a more thorough assessment of stress symptoms that may have, take our free assessment test

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