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Voice Of Krishna-An Intoduction

Everything in this world Is predetermined and well determined Right from the movement of the blade of the Grass to the movement of the monster

Behind every living and nonliving thing that exists in this glorious world,planet,galaxy or for that matter in this whole universe... Behind every word, deed and action occurring in any form, longitude,latitude and magnitude across this planet... Behind every creation,glory, pain,gain and discovery that is taking place every moment in every inch and corner of this vast space... Behind every destruction, calamity or catastrophe that is striking any part of this world at any given time or through any given or ungiven form,whether with a reason or with an inexplicable reason,whether understood, misunderstood or not properly understood by humanity.. There lies.... The all pervasive but ever protective invisible hand of that omnipotent and omnipresent force of Supreme Being called.. Lord Krishna and His creative genius.. Whether or not humanity accepts and assimilates this theory-it is as solid as a rock and as soft as our Mother's Love. Whether or not we understand it,whether or not we relish or unrelish it,whether or not we appreciate or criticize it,behind every act of The Lord there is a definite purpose. The gifted soul shall understand and accepts this theory and that not gifted shall go through the pain. There are many references in many countries,religions and philosophies that endorse Lord Krishna as the Supreme God and the Creator of this Universe. While everything that is visible to the naked eye in Nature is Krishna Tatvam(Krishna Consciousness), then everything that is audible is.........


After an enormous study of so many things and after many personal experiences I have formulated the above theory which I firmly believe,practice and follow. Greatly Influenced by this theory I have written an important story for the global audiences in general and for the Indian audiences living abroad in particular. Friends,Please wait for this story.. This story is ready and I shall publish it in parts once in a week. This story received an overwhelming response from many of my personal friends who read it and in fact most of them became very emotional after reading it and broke down into tears.. This is not a true story but is definitely inspired by many painful real life incidents. This is a story that came straight out of my heart and is a complete deviation from my usual frivolous self. This story is going to be made into an international film and this film is exclusively meant for the millions of Indians living abroad. Though it is too early to say anything... Please watch out for more details... Yours Beloved Narrenaditya

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