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Table 1 illustrates respondents evaluation of the

common age of DOTA players. TABLE 1 Age Distribution of DOTA Players Age 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 24 above Total Frequency 0 6 18 6 0 30 Percentage 0 20 60 20 0 100% Rank 2 1 2

As indicated in table 1, the data shows that age 16-17 has 0 or 0%, age 18-19 has 6 or 20%, age 2021 has 18 or 60%, and age 22-23 has 0 or 0%

respondents. It means that Age 20-21 is the average age of students that are playing DOTA games.








distribution of the respondent students. TABLE 2 Gender

Gender Male Female Total

Frequency 30 0 30

Percentage 100% 0 100%

Rank 1








players. Ranked 1 was male with frequency of 30 or 100% and female had 0 or 0%, indicating that most of the DOTA players are males and it is rarely played by female computer science students.

3. Frequency of playing Table 3 illustrates the frequency of playing of playing schedules of the respondent students.
TABLE 3 Frequency of playing

Playing schedules Once a day Every other day Thrice a week Once a week Total

Frequency 12 8 5 5 30

Percentage 40 26.66 16.67 16.67 100%

Rank 1 2

Table 3 showed the distribution of playing schedules of the students. Ranked 1 was Once a day with frequency of 12 or 40%; ranked 2 was Every other day had a frequency of 8 or 26.66%, ranked 3 was Thrice a week and Once a week which has both 16.67% or 5 respondents. This indicates that majority of the students are playing DOTA games every day or once a day which implied that they have lesser time spent for their studies since they are occupied by playing DOTA games.

4. Time consumed for playing

Table 4 illustrates respondents evaluation on how many hours they play DOTA per day. TABLE 4 Time consumed for playing Hours Frequency Percentage Rank

1-3 3-6 6-9 10 and above Total

21 6 3 0 30

70 20 10 0 100%

1 2 3

As you look in Table 2, the data represents the hours of playing per day. Hours 1-3 has 70% or 21 respondents, hours 3-6 has 20% or 6 respondents, hours 6-9 has 10% or 3 respondents and hours 10 and above has 0% or 0 respondents. Which means that the average hours of playing dota is 1-3 hours,

5.Game Experience
Table 5 illustrates the respondents evaluation of their months of experience in playing DOTA games. TABLE 5 Game Experience (Months) Months 1-3 3-6 6-12 Frequency 13 6 3 Percentage 43.33 20 10 Rank 1 3 4

12 and above Total

8 30

26.67 100%

Table 3 shows the students experience in playing DOTA games (months). Months 1-3 has 43.33% or 13 respondents, months 3-6 has 20% or 6 respondents months 6-12 and

10% or 3 respondents and months 12 and above has 26.67% or 8 respondents. Table 3 means those months 1-3 has the greatest percentage, which means that they have just

started playing DOTA games. While there are some who played in 12 months and above which means minimal of them are playing DOTA games for more than a year.

6. Advantages of Playing DOTA Table 6 illustrates the distribution of responses on the advantages of playing DOTA games. Table 6 Advantages of Playing DOTA

No. Advantages 1 Develops


V 5 4 3 2 1

F 15 14 1 0 0 30

% WM 50 4.4 46.67 3.33 0 0 100%

Interpretation Rank Agree 1

Increases skills in strategy

5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Promotes literacy in computer technology Provides an outlet for the players Teaches firm decision making

11 12 0 1 1 30 12 16 0 1 1 30 13 14 2 1 0 30 17 10 0 2 1 30

53.34 40 0 3.33 3.33 100% 40 53.34 0 3.33 3.33 100% 43.33 46.67 6.67 3.33 0 100% 56.67 33.33 0 6.67 3.33 100% the














given by the BSCS students about the advantages of DOTA games. Ranked 1 was Develops



mean of 4.4 and interpreted as Agree. Responses are distributed as follows: 15 or 50% Strongly Agree, 14

or 46.67% Agree, and 1 or 3.33% moderately. Ranked 2 are Provides





playersand Teaches firm decision making which

has both weighted mean of 4.3 and interpreted as agree. Responses are distributed as follows: 13 or 43.33% Strongly Agree, 14 or 46.67% Agree, 2 or 6.67% Moderately and 1 or 3.33% Disagree also 17 or 56.67% Strongly Agree, 10 or 33.33% Agree, 2 or 6.67

Disagree and 1 or 3.33% Strongly Disagree. Ranked 3 was Promotes weighted



4.2 and



interpreted as agree. Responses are distributed as follows: 12 or 40% Strongly Agree, 16 or 53.44%

Agree, 1 or 3.33% Disagree and 1 or 3.33% Strongly Disagree. Ranked 4 was Increases skills in strategy with weighted mean of 3.5 and interpreted as agree.

Responses are distributed as follows: 11 or 53.34% Strongly Agree, 12 or 40% Agree, 1 or 3.33% Disagree 1 or 33% Strongly Disagree. The presented data showed the that the of student playing




DOTA. They said it develops the spirit of team work, they got familiar with the computer technology,

learned firmness in making decision and that their skills in making strategies are enhanced.

7. Disadvantages of Playing DOTA Table 7 illustrates the disadvantages of DOTA.

Table 7 Disadvantages of Playing DOTA

No. Disadvantages V F % WM Interpretation Rank 1 Reduced time 5 8 26.67 3.5 Agree 1 to study 4 5 16.67 3 12 40 2 4 13.33 1 1 3.33 30 100 2 Players lack 5 4 13.33 3.1 Moderately 4 of discipline 4 7 23.33

3 11 2 6 1 2 30 Addiction to 5 4 on-line games 4 9 3 8 2 8 1 1 30 Additional 5 4 expenses 4 7 3 12 2 7 1 0 30 Psychological 5 4 effect to 4 7 players 3 8 behavior 2 6 1 5 30 Ranked 1 was

36.67 20 6.67 100 13.33 3.2 30 26.67 26.67 3.33 100 13.33 3.3 23.33 40 23.33 0 100 13.33 2.9 23.33 26.67 20 16.67 100









weighted mean of 3.5 and interpreted as Moderately. Responses Strongly are distributed 5 or 13.33% as follows: Agree, and 8 or 26.67% or or 40% 3.33%

Agree, 4 or


12 1



Strongly Disagree. Ranked 2 was Additional expenses with weighted mean of 3.3 and interpreted as Moderately. Responses are distributed as follows: 4 or 13.33% Strongly Agree,

7 or 23.33% Agree, 12 or 40% Moderately and 7 or 23.33% Disagree. Ranked 3 was Addiction to on-line games with

weighted mean of 3.2 and interpreted as Moderately. Responses are distributed as follows: 4 or 13.33%

Strongly Agree, 9 or 30% Agree, 8 or 26.67 Moderately, 8 or 26.67 Disagree and 1 or 3.33% Strongly Disagree. Ranked 4 was Players lack of discipline with weighted mean of 3.1 and interpreted as Moderately. Responses Strongly are distributed 7 or as follows: Agree, 4 11 or or 13.33% 36.67%



Moderately, 6 or 20% Disagree and 2 or 6.67% Strongly Disagree. Ranked 5 was Psychological effect to players

behavior with weighted mean of 2.9 and interpreted as Moderately. Responses are distributed as follows: 4 or 13.33% Strongly Agree, 7 or 23.33% Agree, 8 or 26.67% Moderately, 6 or 20% Disagree and 5 or 16.67% Strongly Disagree.

The respondent students are aware that playing DOTA has disadvantages to them. They knew that it reduced their time to study and that there are some

psychological impact to their personality such as being aggressive, addiction and lack of discipline.

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