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The field of ethics (or moral philosophy) involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Philosophers today usually divide ethical theories into three general subject areas: metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics. Metaethics investigates where our ethical principles come from, and what they mean. Are they merely social inventions? Do they involve more than expressions of our individual emotions? Metaethical answers to these questions focus on the issues of universal truths, the will of God, the role of reason in ethical judgments, and the meaning of ethical terms themselves. Normative ethics takes on a more practical task, which is to arrive at moral standards that regulate right and wrong conduct. This may involve articulating the good habits that we should acquire, the duties that we should follow, or the consequences of our behavior on others. Finally, applied ethics involves examining specific controversial issues, such as abortion, infanticide, animal rights, environmental concerns, homosexuality, capital punishment, or nuclear war. By using the conceptual tools of metaethics and normative ethics, discussions in applied ethics try to resolve these controversial issues. The lines of distinction between metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics are often blurry. For example, the issue of abortion is an applied ethical topic since it involves a specific type of controversial behavior. But it also depends on more general normative principles, such as the right of self-rule and the right to life, which are litmus tests for determining the morality of that procedure. The issue also rests on metaethical issues such as, where do rights come from? and what kind of beings have rights?

Business ethics

Corporate success being a dependent variable has become an increasingly controversial and the growing number of research and studies around the world has focused more attention on the basic assumption of corporate ethics and its effects. The purpose of this Literature is to broaden the boundaries of the debate on corporate success in an era of societal globalization and increase an understanding of its influence beyond the economic sphere. The winners and losers resulting are identified along with evidence of the impact of key Variables or factors which determines corporate success. Ethics and Etiquettes emerging as major determinants of individual/corporate success. The article indicates the role, importance, uses and effect of ethics and etiquettes to result in success. Ethics matters because it makes good business sense to 'do the right thing'. Additionally good corporate Ethics result in:

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Attracting better talent Retaining Employees. Retaining customers Attracting new Customers A positive effect on Return on Investment. A positive effect on corporate reputation.

Gone are the days of Milton Friedman, Noble Laureate in Economics and Patron Saint of laissez-Faire, who asserted that the sole objective of a business is and should be the maximization of shareholder's value. Social missions according to him are the responsibilities of individuals, social Agencies and the government. Business today far from being a profit making institution is largely looked upon as a social institution pursuing a social mission and having a far reaching influence on the way people live and work together. Modern corporate do not operate in isolation. The resource they make use of are not limited to those of the proprietors and the impact of their operation is felt also by many a people who are in no way connected with the business. The shareholders, the suppliers of resources, the consumers, the employees, the local community and the society at large are affected by the way an enterprise functions. The successful functioning of a firm requires social sanction. No business can exist without the acceptance and sanction of the society in which it carries out its activities. The organization is so dependent on its social environment that it's very existence, survival and growth depends on its acceptance and approval by the society. Way back in 1963 Peter.F.Drucker the renowned management guru in his book entitled "The practices of Management" stated that the relationship between business and society is "like the relationship between a ship and the sea which engirds it and carries it, which threatens it with storm and shipwreck, which has to be crossed but which is yet alien and distant, the environment rather than the home of the ship. But the society is not just the environment of the enterprise. Even the most private to private enterprise is an organ of the society and serves a social function. Given the mutual relationship between the business and the society, Business cannot and should not be allowed to conduct itself in a manner that may be detrimental to the interest of the society. How the business should conduct its multidimensional activities in order to pursue its social obligations in a transparent manner forms the subject matter of corporate ethics.

Business Culture Of India

The business culture of India is a reflection of the various norms and standards followed by its people. Indians have various cultural yardsticks, which extend to their business culture too. Thus, it is important that a person visiting the country has an idea of the business culture of India. Thus, it is important that a person visiting the country has some basic idea regarding the business ethics and customs followed here. Having a good grasp

on Indian business culture will ensure that you succeed in maintaining a well-earned affinity with your business counterparts. If you are unsure of how to deal with an Indian when it comes to business, we are here to simplify the task. Read on to know about the things that are to be strictly adhered to, while forming any kind of business associations with Indians.

The 'namaste' forms an important part of Indian etiquette and is generally used while greeting and saying good-bye. This gesture is akin to the act of genuflection in some countries and is formed by pressing the palms of both hands together (fingers up). The folded hands are placed below the chin and accompanied with a bow. However, educated Indian men and women, who are acquainted with western customs, prefer shaking hands. Moreover, while greeting any individual use his or her title (if he has any). To mark respect, you may also suffix 'ji' to the name of a person. A sound knowledge of India's cultural practices and business etiquettes is necessary for any trade or business venture within the country. A proper understanding of culture and business etiquette would not only demonstrate a respect for India but will also create a feel good factor amongst the prospective clients. In India guests are treated with utmost respect and courtesy. International travelers can expect to enjoy the Indian hospitality. At the same time culturally and as a mark of politeness, Indians have difficulty in saying no, this could be a stumbling block in negotiations and in closing contracts. The notion of time, time management, punctuality is still an anathema in India. It is more to do with the mindset and ingrained in the Indian culture. It would not be surprising if meetings are postponed, re scheduled, cancelled or organized at a very short notice. The proficiency over the English language for the average middle class is commendable. Official communication-letter faxes, emails are generally received without any hitch, but it would be prudent to cross check if the transmission has reached the receiver. Bureaucratic hurdles and a laidback approach to work in the government circles could result in delays in processing, overload of paperwork and a general lack of confidence in the system. Therefore immense patience is very much necessary for any business transaction in India. In India, Companies follow the hierarchical system and decision making is usually from the top to bottom. It could at times be time consuming, International companies show respect to this. The lack of infrastructure and inadequate supply chain management can also act as bottleneck for foreign investment.

Sanskar theory :There are sixteen religious ceremonies known as Sanskars in Hindu culture. The Sanskars are performed for the Mental, physical, behavioral, and spiritual balance and progress of an individual. In these ceremonies Agni (Fire) plays a very important part. Because Agni is one of the purest form of five major elements in this world, which we also called energy. These ceremonies creates positive energy in a person and makes him more cool and wise to take new responsibilities and changed life style , whether it is holy war or Sanyaas (self exile for god) holy war means struggle against evil within and Sanyaas means detachment from lust ,greed, hatered and detachment from this materialistic world. The acknowledgement of this unique individualization process at every step of growth helps enrich the life of the person. Sanskaars prepare one for the next stage of growth. These ceremonies are vital for a human being to change his mind and means as well as fresh challenges.

1. Garbhadhana (Impregnation)

WELCOME TO THIS WORLD OF GOD Conception acceptance ceremony. (After solemnizing marriage ceremony.) It can be offered as symbolic pooja (prayer ceremony) with major ceremonies likenaam karan and janeu dharan and vivah (marriage). 2. Punsavana Ceremony of graceful care of the embryo to the development of the fetus. Usually it is undertaken during the second or third month of pregnancy. (it can be offered as symbolic pooja(prayer ceremony) with major ceremonies like naam karan and janeu dharan and vivah(marriage). 3. Simantonnayana

Inviting Gods blessings for the development of the fetus to full birth. Usually it is conducted from the fourth month of pregnancy, and, onwards, into the second, and the third trimester of pregnancy, similar to the ladies shower in the west. (It can be offered as symbolic pooja (prayer ceremony) with major ceremonies like naam karan and janeu dharan and vivah(marriage). 4. Jatakarma This is an important ceremony some time we call it a new birth of thoughts also. which is now forgotten by common man. This is altogether accepting and identifying the new born as an individual. 5. Namakarana (Naming a child)

WITH THE GRACE OF GOD WE GIVE YOU NAME FOR YOUR IDENTITY Naming ceremony which is usually on the eleventh day, usually from birth to the twelve days. (Most important ceremony in Hindu culture . it decides the phonetics of first letter of his or her name .this first letter includes positions of planets at birth time .it is most scientific ritual and necessary for every person whether he is Hindu or non Hindu.

6. Niskramana Ceremony of invoking Gods blessings to expose the new comer to the outside world and to pray for the well being of the baby. Usually this ceremony is conducted when the child is two to four months old. (It can be offered as symbolic pooja (prayer ceremony) with major ceremonies like naam karan and janeu dharan and vivah) (marriage). 7. Annaprasana (first feeding of solid food) Instead of liquid food this ceremony is an Offering of solid food to the infant, usually undertaken from four to six months of age. (it is a thanks to the planet (earth as well as universe) who will feed this human with air , water , fire,fields and sky for the whole of his life. 8. Chudakarma (Mundan- first shaving of the head)

This is a most important ceremony in Hindu culture. It is a Self-awaking ceremony which gives new confidence to the child. (One year and onwards.) 9. Karnavedha (Piercing of the Ear) This ceremony is known as kaan chedan pooja. Here a human go through a piercing of his/her ear and few prayers poojas. that human also takes blessings of elders . we can say it is a Self-esteem development ceremony as well as great impact to have control on few veins (part of nerves system) which are vital in our body. It further enhances ones responsibility. (Usually three to five years). 10. Upanayana Janeu (Sacred Thread ceremony) This ceremony is related to boys only. An adolescence age is that when human tries to explore each and every existing thing around him or self emerging thoughts. It reduces the fear of outer world and makes a man strong for isolation and separation from parents as he goes to school or madarsa or Gurukul. It is also called Yajnopaveet Sanskar. It is associated with janeu dharan ceremony. in this ceremony brother of mother is most important person in whole pooja (ceremony). (At the age of the 5 years or seven years,(This ceremony can be executed before marriage also)

11. Vedarambha The education enrichment ceremony which is undertaken when the child is five years of age. (It can be offered as symbolic pooja(prayer ceremony) with major ceremonies like naam karan and janeu dharan and (vivah-marriage). 12. Samavartana It is a welcoming ceremony to accept the grown-up as a qualified individual. It is undertaken after completion of studies, to return home, and to prepare for the next stage of life. (it can be offered as symbolic pooja(prayer ceremony) with major ceremonies like naam karan and janeu dharan and (vivah-marriage). 13. Vivaha(Marriage)

Vivah means - 2nd part of our life and responsibilities. From here we take or accept responsibilities and challenges of new world all alone. Here we project ourselves a person who is mature and capable of doing every thing in future. It also provides new emotions and sense of responsibility to a person. From this ceremony on wards a man and woman can /should produce a child who will carry forward name of the parental family and physical structure. If some body denies this most important ceremony he could be in trouble in his future life. (Age 19 to 24 for boy and 19 to 23 for girl) in Hinduism it is called- Grihastha Ashram. 14. Vanaprastha Ashram(3rd stage of life (Detachment from materialistic world) After enjoying and fulfilling all desires, Kama; by earning money, artha, through righteous means and undertaking benevolent deeds such as Dharma, one is now ready to march ahead in life to conquer all the remaining gratification. Vanaprastha Ashram is the name of that stage of life where we think of detachment of our artificial interests from the demanding world. This period teaches is to spare our time for god and poor people as well as attachment with the nature It is usually undertaken from fifty to seventy five years of age, and this stage is similar to a retirement planning state. ( frankly saying - it does not need any ceremony when some one is leaving every artificial thing or lust and burring all man made emotions and going for god and nature then why any pooja(prayer ceremony) / prayer) 1

15.Samnyasa (can say monk)

Samnyasa (can say monk) is the selfless service to mankind that is attained by spiritual awakening. When someone dedicates his or her life for societal upliftment without any personal gain, the person has entered the Sanyasa Ashram, and the ceremony confers the title of Sanyasi. Sanyasi usually, wears an orange robe to symbolize the self-less service to humanity. The orange color is a symbolic representative of blood. In other words a Sanyasi is ready to sacrifice his or her life for the societal upliftment. It is usually undertaken at the age of sixty years, onward. ( frankly saying - it does not need any ceremony when some one is leaving every artificial thing or lust and burring all man

made emotions and going for god and nature then why any pooja(prayer ceremony) / praye (Obsequies-fefCremation) 6. Cremation)

vxcvvvvvvvvvv This ceremony is the third ceremony in human beings life which neither he can see or participate in it. This is done by his or her beloveds. This is the last ceremony we can say when body meets to its real creators means five elements fire (dynamic energy), water, air, sky (space) and earth (base). When the soul has left the mortal body, the remains are cremated. This ceremony is called Antyesthi, Naramedha or Purusmedha are other terms used for Antyesthi. The body elements are consumed by fire, and the remains are disposed to nature. The body disintegrates to the five primary elements: earth, water, air, dynamic energy, and space, and the cycle starts all over again

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