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Instructions for using 2007 Summer Pay Calculator

Accessing the Summer Pay Calculator

The 2007 Summer Pay Calculator can be found on the Payroll website at: under Applications

Using the Pay Calculator

Note: Do not use the pay calculator for overload assignments.

PERSONNEL NUMBER - Enter the employee’s social security number if calculating

summer pay to be processed in Legacy (May and June). Enter the employee’s personnel
number from OnePurdue if calculating summer pay to be processed in OnePurdue (July
and August).

LAST NAME & FIRST NAME – Enter the employee’s last name and first name.

CAMPUS – This should indicate the campus that is paying the summer pay. This also
controls the maximum number of days that are available for the respective campus for the
calculations. (Refer to the REFERENCE section that appears to the right of the
calculator.) The valid codes are as follows:

CA for Calumet
FW for Fort Wayne
NC for North Central
WL for West Lafayette

ORG UNIT - For Legacy enter the employee’s department number. For OnePurdue enter
the employee’s organizational unit. OnePurdue vs. Legacy Crosswalks are available at

SUMMER FTE – Enter the employee’s FTE for the pay periods being calculated. The
FTE allows for 2 decimal positions.

Any change to an employee’s FTE during the summer requires a separate calculation to
be performed for each FTE. A separate form 10S will also need to be completed.

Summer FTE should only exceed 100% for summer intensive courses. The form 10S
should indicate summer intensive.
FULL TIME ACADEMIC YEAR SALARY VALUE – Enter the employee’s full-time
annual pay for each pay period being calculated. For Legacy this should equal the full
time monthly rate X 10 and will be a whole dollar amount (no cents).

For budgeted employees, for pay periods 1, 2 and 5 paid in Legacy, use the 2006-07
budget rates. For pay periods 7 and 8 paid in OnePurdue, use the 2007-08 budget rates.

Any change to an employee’s annual salary during the summer requires a separate
calculation to be performed for each annual salary amount. A separate form 10S will also
need to be completed.

Period XX Daily Value – This field is a calculated field and presents the “daily rate of
pay”. The payroll calculator will calculate the daily rate of pay based on the following

Full-Time AY Salary * .025 / 5 * FTE %


Full-Time AY Salary is $50,000 and the employee is 50% FTE

50,000 * .025 / 5 * .50 = $125.00

$125.00 is the daily rate of pay for this employee

ENTER Planned Days in Pay Status Per Period – Enter the number of days to be paid
for each pay period. If the employee is entitled to receive pay for a holiday, include the
holiday in the number of days to be paid.

Warning messages will be displayed if the number of days entered exceed the maximum
allowed. Verify the correct campus has been chosen and fix if necessary or fix the
number of days.

Pay periods 1, 2 and 5 will be paid biweekly in Legacy. Monthly pay for July is pay
period 7 in OnePurdue with a 7/31/07 pay date. Monthly pay for August is pay period 8
in OnePurdue with a 8/31/07 pay date. Refer to the 2007 Summer Calendars located at

Pay periods 1, 2 and 5 will be paid through Legacy using the current form 10S and the
summer pay calculator should only include these pay periods. Pay period 7 and 8 will be
paid through OnePurdue with a revised form 10S forthcoming and the summer pay
calculator should only include pay period 7 and 8.
Review Pay Period Amounts Calculated

Upon entering the above information, the payroll calculator will calculate the pay for
each pay period. The payroll calculator uses the following formula:

(Period Daily Value) X (# of Planned Working Days) = Pay Period Amount

Review for accuracy and make any changes necessary. Only the fields in light blue can
be changed.

The TOTAL This Calculation is the total amount to be paid and will be indicated on the
form 10S being submitted.

Print the Payroll Calculator

For each form 10S submitted for summer pay, print the payroll calculator and attach to
the form 10S. For Legacy, a copy should be included with the advance copy sent to the
Payroll Office and a copy included with the original payroll change sent to HRS. For
OnePurdue, a copy should be sent with the revised form 10S to the Shared Service

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