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The Burning Bush

About: Moses sees and hears a strange sight in the wilderness...a voice speaking from a burning bush in the wilderness. Characters: 3 narrators or puppets

N1: Guess what I got? N2: A package of bubble gum? N1: Nope. N2: Gummy worms? N1: Nope. N2: A Musketeer candy bar!

N1: Nope! N2: Then what? N1: Take a look here! N2: Matches! Whered you get those? You arent supposed to have matches at church. N1: Sh! Not so loud. I found them in my pocket from our camping trip we went on last week. I forgot they were in there. N2: Youd better put those away before someone sees you with them. N3: Do I smell smoke? N2: No, he just has some matches left over from his camping trip last week. N3: Hmmmm. I see something that you dont see and its a bush burning in the dessert. N1: Are you nuts or just having visions again? N3: You mean you have never heard the story of the burning bush..for real? N1 & N2: Never! N3. Remember the story of Moses who ran away to Midian because the king wanted to kill him? Well, that king died, and the children of Israel groaned because they were in such misery now. They cried to God for help. N1: What is that to do with a burning bush? N2: Yeah! I dont get your point either.

N3: Dont be so impatient let me finish. When the Israelites cried to God, He remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and He was concerned for them. N1: Whats your point? N2: Wheres the burning bush part? N3: If you would both stop interrupting me, youd find out. Now listen. Moses had taken Jethros flock (his father-in-law) into the far dessert when an angel appeared to him. N2: Now this sounds more interesting. N1: Where is the burning bush in all this? N3: The angel appeared to him from a bush that was burning. Moses walked over to the burning bush and he heard a voice begin to speak to him. N1: This sounds like a fairy tale. N2: Shhh! Let him finish. N3: The voice said, Do not come any closer...take off your sandals for the place where you are standing is holy ground. N2: Awesome! N1: This sounds creepy! How do you know it was the voice of God? N3: God identified Himself and said, "I am the God of your father, of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob." N1: Who are those people? N2: Gods kids he just told you. N3: These were men whom God had given a special promise that they would receive the promise land.

N1: What did this Moses do next? N3: He hid his face from God because he was afraid to look at Him. N2: If Id been there, I would have run as fast as I do in track around and around that track. N3: God told Moses that He had seen the peoples misery, and that He was concerned about their suffering. He was going to rescue them from the Egyptians. Then He told Moses that he wanted him to go to the elders and tell them he had appeared to Moses. N1: How did Moses take to that? N3: He didnt at all. He told God, Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out?" N1: Did he get into trouble? N2: I know one time I talked back to my dad and was grounded for a whole week. N3: God was patient with Moses and said that He would be with Him. N1: Did the king of Egypt let the people go when Moses went to him and told him this strange story? N3: Well, the king did not make it easy on Moses and the Israelites. He would not let them go until God struck them. N1: You mean God used a paddle on them? N2: Right! God is not like that! He grounds us. N3: I dont think so. But anyway, God was going to strike them with plagues and perform wonders, and cause all the Israelites to have favor in the eyes of the Egyptians. That means they would think good about them. They would give them things like silver, gold and clothes when they left the land of Egypt.

N2: Cool! How much gold was it? N3: I dont know that part, but God told Moses to tell them when he went before them to say, I am who I am. I am has sent me to you. N2: Now that sounds weird. Who is I AM. N3: I AM stands for God. It is one of His names from the Old Testament. N1; Im sure glad that God does not ask me to do things like that. N3: God will not ask you to do anything that He will not help you to do; however, it is always best to obey Him. He knows all about us and will not make us do things that we cannot do. N2: That sure was a cool story. I think Ill tell that to my parents. They do not go to church, and this will make them curious about church when they hear this one. All Narrators: See you next time! Jeanne McIntosh September 2008. All rights reserved. Please use copyright when using this for your church ministry.

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