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Lesson Plan

Prepared by: Your name, the lesson plan author Collaborating Teacher: Date (lesson planned): Date (To be taught): Curriculum material sources: Title: Title of the curriculum material upon which the unit is based Author: Publisher:

Unit Title: Title of the unit in the curriculum material on which the unit is based Lesson Title: Give your lesson an informative title Lesson Overview: What should the students accomplish in this lesson. (Example: The students investigate what happens when they bring different poles of magnets near each other and form a rule indicating that like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract.)

Unit Learning Goals Addressed in this Lesson Michigan Curriculum Framework using Related main ideas (Cite source) benchmarks (Include benchmark codes) 1. Suggestion: 1 or 2) Michigan Curriculum Framework reflecting and/or constructing benchmarks 1. Suggestion: 1 or 2) 2. Habits of mind or classroom learning community goals 1. Suggestion: 1 or 2

Who are my students? Commonly held ideas about the topic Identify commonly held ideas from the unit preassessment, student responses in earlier lessons or research. Cite the sources of your information. Previous experiences relevant to the topic

Implications for this lesson How are these commonly held student ideas likely to influence your students responses to the activities in this lesson?

Funds of knowledge

Linguistic, social and academic challenges, resources and supports

Instructional Approach Rationale: How does this lesson fit into the unit and the I-AIM? 1. I-AIM Functions: 2. Related Lessons:

Lesson Overview: Activity and Transition Labels, Times and Materials Activity Label* Time Materials minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes *Indicate with an asterisk (*) the activity(ies) you will use for assessment. Total time for lesson: _____ minutes

Summary of Materials Required Materials for whole class: Materials for groups: Materials for individuals:

Lesson Procedures Activity Element & Time

Procedures and management


Academic, social & linguistic resources and support

Basis for assessment Task:

Diagnostic features:


Rubric for the Common Science Lesson Plan Assignment Component of Desired features for the component Lesson Plan
Curriculum Materials Analysis Learning Goals 1. Appropriate Using learning goal identified Curriculum Materials Questions 2. 3. 4. 5. Knowing My Students Questions Modifications 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. Summary 1. 2. 3. Engage questions answered thoroughly Questions for 1 other step answered thoroughly Ratings justified with examples from materials Ratings & justifications related to learning goal Relevant questions are answered Reasons/justifications are given and reasonable Modifications are offered to strengthen materials, if necessary Modifications are offered to match materials to students, if necessary Modifications fit learning goal Modifications fit I-AIM Overall strengths are identified and justified Overall weaknesses are identified and justified Connections are made between students intellectual and cultural resources and planning instruction


Lesson Identification Lesson identification 1. All items complete 2. Lesson objective (overview) represents well what the students will accomplish in the lesson Learning Goals Learning Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. Habits of mind or learning community goal Students Students 1. Commonly held ideas, experiences (including previous lessons), funds of knowledge, and linguistic, social and academic challenges and resources are identified 1. 2. Includes 1 using, AND 1 constructing OR reflecting benchmark from the MCF. Benchmarks are appropriate for grade level and lesson Main ideas are explained. Sources are cited. Are consistent with other goals Are supportive of the stage of the instructional model

2. 3. 4. Lesson Overview Rationale: Strategic functions Rationale: Related lessons

Implications of listed items are identified Implications are consistent with the ideas, experiences and background Implications are relevant to the lesson

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1.

Strategic functions clearly described Consistent with activities Expressed in terms of an appropriate instructional model Lessons clearly described in terms of the activities and their strategic functions Relationships with planned lesson are made clear Sequence is consistent with an appropriate instructional model Labels are specific and informative Activities are consistent with learning goals Activities are consistent with strategic functions and instructional model All transitions are identified Time estimates are realistic Materials are clearly identified by activity Materials summary is complete

Activities and transitions

2. 3. 4. 1.

Time and materials

2. 3.

Lesson Details Lesson procedures 1. Activity & transition labels are consistent with Part 2 2. Detailed procedures are made explicit 3. Includes key questions, follow up probes and statements of key ideas 4. Address the learning goal 5. Consistent with specified strategic functions and lesson objective 6. Reflect appropriate classroom routines 1. Clearly specify what children are to do 2. 3. 4. 1. Resources and supports Assessment: Task(s) 2. 1. 2. 3. Assessment: Diagnostic features 1. 2. Include anticipated student responses Includes anticipated challenges for students Anticipated responses are linked to instructional approaches, tasks, pedagogical decisions Includes appropriate special needs adaptations Includes resources as well as needs Task(s) that can provide data are clearly identified Provide evidence of student ideas or thinking Data relate to learning goals/strategic functions Specific features of students responses are clearly identified Are related to the learning goals

Student actions

3. Are diagnostically useful 4. Sufficiently describe the responses Connection to Curriculum Materials Analysis Curriculum 1. Are the weaknesses identified in the curriculum Materials Analysis materials analysis strengthened? 2. Are the strengths identified in the curriculum materials analysis still present? Knowing My 3. Are the implications for students intellectual resources Students addressed in the procedures? 4. Are the implications for students cultural resources addressed in the procedures? Ave Score

The scores are defined in terms of the following levels: 4 3 2 1 Advanced Shows exceptional attention to detail and intent of the criterion. Meets all of the criteria listed for that component and exceeds some. Proficient What we expect of all of our preservice teachers by the end of the course. All parts completed with no major problems and only one or two minor problems. Basic Minimal level to pass the course (below average). Missing or major problem with one element or criterion, or three or more minor problems. Novice What we might expect of preservice teachers entering the program. Missing or major problem with two or more elements or criteria

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