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Candida Albicans Information

Everything I have learned about Candida Albicans and how to fight it. I hope you find this useful.



1.Contents............................................................................................................. 1 Causes................................................................................................................... 2 What to do about it................................................................................................2 Diet........................................................................................................................ 2 Die off reaction: ..........................................................................................3 Foods to have..............................................................................................4 Beneficial foods.................................................................................4 Phytonutrients...................................................................................5 Acceptable substitutes: ....................................................................6 Foods to avoid and why...............................................................................8 Reducing intake of drugs..................................................................9 Candida Diet Foods to Raise PH in The Body.............................................10 Healing the intestine lining..................................................................................13 Eliminate colon toxicity...................................................................13 Supplements........................................................................................................14 Anti-fungal:................................................................................................15 Anti-inflammatory: ....................................................................................16 Immune support: ......................................................................................16 Repair........................................................................................................ 17 Detoxifying:...............................................................................................19 Relief of vaginal thrush symptoms......................................................................20 Homeopathic Options................................................................................20 Herbal tea:.................................................................................................21 Topical applications ..................................................................................22 Helpful tips...........................................................................................................23 Sources:............................................................................................................... 23

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The biggest cause is a weak immune system, and this is brought on by the following: The continued use of antibiotics, cortisone, birth control pills, antiinflammatories and steroids. Chronic levels of stress. Poor diet: too much simple sugar, processed foods. Drinking alcohol. Health disorders: Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes.

What to do about it
In order to fight Candida it is necessary to do all of the steps listed below. These are not in order of importance each step is as important as the other, and should be done concurrently. Amend your diet as outlined, to eliminate the foods which feed the Candida and to include those foods which work against Candida. Cleanse the intestines, and treat intestinal permeability and toxicity. This will help to eliminate the fungus and also feed better nutrition through to your body to equip it to fight the Candida. Correct the pH of the body, and most immediately the digestive tract, so that it can function optimally. Supplement the diet: Modern diets today are lacking in many nutrients and supplementation is necessary. Supporting the immune system helps to beat Candida. For Thyroid imbalances, use detoxified iodine to balance the Thyroid function.

This diet is simply made up of known foods that will starve the fungus and has been used by hundreds of people with great success.

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Die off reaction:
I must warn you that the first few days you may have flu like symptoms as the Candida parasite begins to die. Fungi are living things and of course do not like to die. Living yeast cause symptoms by releasing toxic metabolic by-products into your body. Unfortunately, as you kill them they will temporarily release even larger amounts of these toxins. It takes the body some time to clear out the toxins released by dead and dying yeast cells, especially if a huge number have died at one time. (Remember too that the dead yeast cells themselves also have to be eliminated.) In the meantime, the released toxins are in your bloodstream and can strain the eliminative capacities of the liver, kidneys, colon and lymph as they make their way out of the body, producing uncomfortable symptoms. Some people start the program and feel better almost immediately, noticing positive effects such as increased energy, better mental focus, better elimination, etc. For these folks, the die-off experience is still likely to occur, but probably a few weeks down the road. Others start treatment (in some cases even just diet change) and feel worse straight away, in response to the temporary toxicity. They may experience flulike symptoms (stuffiness, headache, general aches and pains), skin rashes, vaginal irritation/discharge, numbness, mental confusion, fatigue, brain fog, constipation, and/or diarrhoea. The die-off reaction normally lasts from one day to one week and can come and go throughout the program (it is especially likely to occur during the first weeks of a new Phase of the program). However, as your body becomes stronger, your susceptibility to Candida toxins is reduced and thus so are your die-off symptoms. Once you have experienced die-off symptoms, manage your diet and anti-fungal product dosages in such a way that the symptoms stay manageable. Remember, its important not to overwhelm your eliminative organs with toxins from dying yeast. Die-off reactions can cause you to doubt your progress, and may also be confused with other health challenges. To improve your decision-making and ability to discern what is happening in your body, keep records of your dietary and supplement intake, other factors supporting or stressing you, and your responses to these variables. If you experience a severe die-off symptom crisis, stop using anti-fungal agents, increase your water and vegetable intake and use Neutral Vitamin C Plus and a gentle herbal detoxification tea.

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Make sure you eat plenty of fresh vegetables preferably raw on this yeast infection diet. This is very important on the Candida diet because vegetables absorb fungal poisons (mycotoxins) and carry them out of the body. Most nutritionists agree that any good Candida diet should reduce as much as possible processed sugar, yeast, dairy, wheat, caffeine, nicotine and alcohol. They are the main culprits because they help Candida yeast to grow. Another important consideration is to prevent unintentional ingestion of mould fungi, it is recommended that you disinfect fruit, vegetables, and salad in a grapefruit seed extract water solution for 10 minutes.

Foods to have
65% High fibre low starch vegetables such as; broccoli, celery, radish and asparagus. Plenty of fresh steamed veggies: Vegetables that inhibit the growth of Candida are: onions, garlic, ginger root, cabbage, broccoli, turnips and kale. Raw onions and garlic are very good natural anti-fungal. 20% High protein foods such as; antibiotic free fish, fowl, nuts, seeds and eggs. 10% Complex carbohydrate; brown rice, beans, millet, amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat. Not more than approximately 60 100g per day. 5% Fruit; The yeast infection diet calls for no fruits and fruit juices because of the sugar they contain except for: Green apples, berries, avocadoes, grapefruit, lemons, limes. For a more complete list of foods for the diet, go to: (press ctrl and click to follow link)

Beneficial foods
Beetroots, parsnips and raw carrots can help to reduce sugar cravings. The following whole grains help to inhibit Candida growth: millet, roasted buckwheat (kasha), rye, oats, barley, amaranth, and quinoa. Grains should be chewed thoroughly and eaten sparingly. They contain B vitamins - anti stress. Green (chlorophyll rich) foods are purifying and help to promote growth of beneficial bacteria. These include parsley, spinach, dandelion, nettle, chard, watercress, wheat grass, seaweed (all kinds especially kelp), and micro-algae (blue green, spirulina, chlorella). Sprouted beans and grains are very beneficial, as are aduki beans and mung beans; garlic is antifungal (one clove, twice a day or take garlic capsules); Apple cider vinegar is ok because it contains malic acid which is a known yeast infection fighter. Page 4 of 24

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Jerusalem Artichoke contains Fructo-saccharides (FOS) which is a type of sugar that can dramatically increase the growth rate of beneficial bacteria. Nuts (essential fatty acids are anti-inflammatory) Oregano, cinnamon, sage, and cloves (antifungal spices) Good Candida yeast diet vegetables are alfalfa sprouts, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, dandelion greens, eggplant, fennel, all the lettuces, pumpkin, and all the squashes, turnip greens, watercress and rhubarb. Meats preferably to be organic or free range, or with fish, wild - not farmed. Reason for this is to avoid the routine antibiotics and hormones given to animals when farmed. Some fish contain high levels of heavy metals. My doctor thinks it is not as bad as some people say... so choose fish above meat where possible and organic over regular. Eating cilantro counteracts the heavy metals.

These organic chemical compounds from plants help to promote optimum health and boost the immune system. There are some phytochemicals and some combinations of phytochemicals that should be consumed regularly by anyone who is battling a yeast overgrowth. The effectiveness of certain phytochemicals in inhibiting yeast growth and providing a high fungicide effect in a short period of time is now clinically proven. This will speed and promote healing time as well as boost the immune system and increase overall health and energy levels. Note: while foods will retain most of their phytochemical properties during cooking many of them will lose a large amount of their water soluble vitamins. In most cases fresh, raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds with the skin or peel consumed with the flesh contain the highest concentration of phytochemicals and therefore the greatest benefit. Individual foods to consume: Garlic raw, finely chopped Carrots raw or gently steamed - not boiled. (Carrots are a very controversial food on the Candida diet, I have seen one yeast infection diet say yes and the next say no. They are a simple sugar when digested, but they are also an antifungal and keep the yeast infection from spreading. I just had to go on what the Mycologists said on this one, which is to eat them raw. If you cook carrots it raises the glycaemic index to double that of a raw carrot.) Nutmeg purchased whole, grated just before eating Lemon and Lime zest and rind (although the rind is bitter, it contains the highest concentration of phytochemicals) Dark berries preferably strawberries and blueberries, fresh or frozen, no added sugar Page 5 of 24

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Onions, fennel and leeks raw or gently cooked (add them at the very end of the cooking process if possible, raw leeks can be bitter) Kale, spinach and other dark leafy greens these contain some of the highest concentrations of phytochemicals of any plants Green tea contains no energy but thousands of phytochemicals Nuts raw, especially almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts in the daily diet (about 12-20 nuts will provide sufficient benefit) Broccoli best eaten raw or gently steamed, can cause some cramping or bloating, best eaten with other foods Apples best eaten raw and in moderation on an anti-yeast diet Cilantro add raw to top off any dish (coriander is the seed of the cilantro plant and has the same anti-fungal effect, coriander can be cooked, best when ground freshly before using) Food Combinations: In our research we found that while some phytochemicals show anti-fungal activity, when combined together some combinations of phytochemicals produce extremely powerful anti-yeast activity. We found that studies indicated that combinations of different phytochemicals multiplied their anti-yeast properties by up to one hundred times. When combined together the effect is much greater than the effect of the individual phytochemicals. Note: Foods do not need to be combined in the same dish, just in the same meal. For best results, try to consume as many of the anti-yeast super foods as possible at each meal. Garlic and broccoli Berries mix blueberries or strawberries with blackberries, raspberries, cranberries or acai berries Cinnamon, clove or nutmeg with apples or pears Tomatoes with garlic Tomatoes with onion or leek Cilantro or coriander with carrot Cloves with citrus zest (lemon, lime or orange) Flax seeds and oils with garlic, onions or leeks Turmeric (freshly ground) with garlic or with broccoli Spinach or other dark leafy greens with garlic

Acceptable substitutes:
Sugar or Candarel: Page 6 of 24

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Stevia and Stevia Plus Xylitol is an even better sugar substitute, because it is a proven antifungal and inhibits Candida yeast. It has also been proven to reduce tooth decay in children and adults by reducing bad bacteria. It is very heat stable and makes a great cooking and baking substitute for real sugar. It tastes good too. (Just dont use it when baking with yeast... it wont rise!) Milk can be replaced with Rice milk, Goats milk or Soy milk. Maize flour can be replaced by Arrowroot or Tapioca flour for thickening. Bread can be baked with gluten free recipes, using Rye flour OR using a combination of potato starch, rice flour and tapioca flour with Xanthan gum to replace the gluten. Rye bread without treacle or wheat flour in it. Pasta can be made from rye or rice flour. Grape Vinegar can be replaced by lemon or lime juice, or apple cider vinegar. Butter is preferable to replace with Clarified butter or Ghee. (Butter with the milk solids removed from it.) Olives in brine is acceptable, avoid olives in vinegar. Coffee can be replaced by roasted & ground chicory. One FOS compound found naturally in Chicory having excellent prebiotic activity, and with wide application in food processing is inulin. Chicory root is considered a strong source of inulin, with concentrations of 13%-20%, and is currently its best known source. Inulin is a non digestible, water-soluble, short to medium-chain polysaccharide(carbohydrate) fibre with excellent properties as a prebiotic. Inulin is not affected by stomach acids, but finds it way, intact into the large intestine(colon) where it undergoes bacterial fermentation. In other words, it becomes food for beneficial intestinal flora, primarily of the bifidus, and to lesser extent lactobacillus, species. Inulin literally encourages the growth of the intestinal flora that because of this containing a high-profile, non-digestible FOS, it comes to break down over time in its fermentation in the colon to provide nutrients to beneficial flora. It has been said that the foundation of health begins in the colon. Chicory, in its role as a support food therefore has numerous benefits for health. Increased intestinal fermentation results in better nutrient absorption from the foods we eat, and helps in the production of vitamins, primarily the B vitamins and vitamins K and folic acid, and in the production of enzymes. By encouraging friendly bacteria, FOS fermentation, helps to suppress other harmful bacterial species. Additional health benefits include alleviation of constipation or of diarrhoea, and increasing the stool mass for better regularity, protecting the liver from the overwork of cleaning out a colon made toxic by putrefying matter, increasing the bioavailability of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, and helping to regulate a balanced cholesterol level. Inulin fermentation increases functioning of the intestinal tract in liver processing, and in general metabolism. Friendly intestinal Page 7 of 24

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flora, particularly the bifidobacteria, are also immunomodulators - they help regulate a properly responding immune system

Foods to avoid and why

Here is a list of foods to avoid while you are trying to treat yourself for yeast infection. These are known foods which usually contain fungi in one form or another and when digested break down into simple sugars, which yeast feeds on. There are also over 400 known fungi that can affect the health of the human body, so it is best to not introduce any of these other fungi into your body when fighting Candida or yeast, give yourself the best chance you can. Candida thrives on carbohydrates, preserved refined foods and mould. Also foods that contain yeast and gluten, a wheat protein. Sugar: Candida thrives on sugar; it is the micro-organism's favourite food. To successfully treat Candida, it is important that you eliminate it or, at the very least, dramatically reduce your intake. Avoid all products with white or brown sugar; malt or molasses; natural and refined syrups and artificial sweeteners. Avoid soda drinks. Sweet potatoes are best avoided or kept to a minimum. The yeast infection diet calls for no fruits and fruit juices because of the sugar they contain. Most nutritional experts feel it is difficult to control Candida without ceasing to eat fruit for at least six months. If you continue to eat fruit eat very sparingly berries or grapefruit are a good choice. Simple carbohydrates: Potatoes, rice, grains, processed foods such as bread, French fries, crisps all metabolise into sugar very quickly and feed the Candida. Gluten feeds Candida. Wheat contains gluten, which is found in bread, pasta, pizza, pastry, cakes, pies, flour, etc. Yeasted foods: There are conflicting views on this subject: Some people have a cross reaction with yeast and Candida, where the yeast load becomes too great in the body, and symptoms worsen. These people should avoid yeasted bread; brewers yeast; yeast pates and spreads (Marmite.) Eat yeast free bread in moderation. Mouldy or Fermented: Moulds feed and stimulate the growth of Candida. Avoid any bruised or slightly old food with mould on it, including blue cheeses.

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Avoid all vinegars except for cider vinegar. Tempeh and tamari are potential troublemakers. Sauces containing Sugar and/or vinegar: tomato sauce, mustard, BBQ sauce, Worcestershire sauce, pickles, pickled peppers, hot sauce, salad dressings, olives, horseradish, dips, mayonnaise. A small amount of miso or pure soy sauce (half a teaspoon per day) may be beneficial even though they are fermented. Alcohol: alcohol is a fermented product, which stimulates the growth of Candida. Fermented alcohol such as beer, wine and cider should be eliminated. If you must, very occasionally drink good quality whisky, vodka or gin, diluted with soda water. Try to cut out alcohol completely. dairy products (high sugar content lactose) except Live cultured yogurt which helps to replenish your intestinal bacteria, and clarified butter. Caffeine: reducing intake of caffeine drinks can help to reduce stress, a contributory factor in Candida overgrowth. Caffeine also depletes the immune system. If you are a regular consumer of caffeine cut down to one cup a day. It takes the body approximately five hours to replace the intestinal flora depending on the diet and balance of the body at the time. Smoked, dried, pickled or cured foods (high bacterial and mould load) Mushrooms (they are a mould and feed the Candida) Luncheon (cold) Meats Moulds from being on display. Peanut products and pistachio nuts - mould inside shells.

Reducing intake of drugs

Antibiotics: Many people experience a rise in the level of Candida in their system after taking antibiotics. These drugs can be over-prescribed by some GPs. Often a complementary practitioner can help to get to the root of an illness without using antibiotics. If you have to take a course, it is wise to take probiotic tablets to re-populate the gut with friendly bacteria.

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Anti inflammatories: They can disturb the digestive system (causing bleeding of the stomach and intestines,) and suppress the immune system. Contraceptive pill: The use of birth control pills is a major risk factor for developing yeast overgrowth because it promotes oestrogen dominance. Because birth control pills give a woman's hormonal system a continual stream of oestrogen, an imbalance is created. Science has shown us that there is a close link between oestrogen dominance and yeast overgrowth. See your GP for advice. Cortisone: Suppresses the immune system and raises the blood sugar, thus feeding the Candida and preventing the body from fighting it. Drug intake in general: most drugs tend to have a debilitating effect on the immune system and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Acupuncture can be a helpful support in cases of addiction (e.g. nicotine, alcohol).

Candida Diet Foods to Raise PH in The Body

Acid-alkaline imbalance lays the ground for most diseases, from skin inflammations, bladder and kidney infections to candidiasis, chronic fatigue, anaemia, osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism and other degenerative diseases. Excess acidity in our body leads to diseases in three different ways: Enzym activity, which is essential for most organic processes, is deeply disturbed in an acidic body.

Over-acidity in organic tissues leads to irritation, inflammation and body organs are more vulnerable to bacterial or viral infections. Excess acidity in the body leads to a loss of essential minerals in organic tissues, due to the body borrowing minerals to try to correct the alkaline balance. It opens the way to the demineralization of inner organs and bones, teeth, hair... There are two kinds of alkaline and acid forming foods. One of course is the acids or alkaline substances the foods themselves contain. The other is the acid or alkaline forming ability of a food after it is digested. Take for instance a lemon which is very acidic, but once digested it has an alkalizing effect in the body. The Page 10 of 24

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absolute best foods for the alkaline diet and to raise body ph are not surprisingly green. I have tried to edit this list to give you more acceptable diet options while treating yourself for Candida. However, if you eat something from this list and it causes a problem, stop eating it! Try to eat from the alkaline side 70% of the time if possible.

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Healing the intestine lining
The allergies we experience when suffering from Candida Albicans is caused by the roots (hyphe) of the Candida which penetrate the intestine walls. Food particles, bacteria, toxins and other substances can make their way into the blood stream. The immune system is stimulated into producing antibodies resulting in food sensitivity reactions and a hypersensitive or distracted immune system. The liver, which must filter out all toxins, can become over burdened, preventing it from carrying out the necessary functions of detoxification, hormone breakdown and digestion. At the same time, essential vitamins and minerals may not be absorbed as efficiently, resulting in poor nutrition. This situation greatly affects how we feel, physically and mentally. We need to cleanse and heal the intestines, so that we can restore normal absorption of nutrients.

Eliminate colon toxicity

This can be accomplished by using two natural agents, Psyllium and Bentonite. Neither one is absorbed into the system, but rather, each absorbs and then expels toxic materials in the faeces. The Psyllium seed fragments are very hard; they tend to scrape away at the toxic plaguing on the walls and clean it away over a period of months. Bentonite, a volcanic ash, acts toward toxic material as fly paper does with flies when processed into a very fine liquid suspension. Bentonite adsorbs toxins, bacteria, and viruses both in laboratory dishes and in humans. Because Bentonite, itself, is not absorbed, whatever it adsorbs is removed in the faeces. This includes miscellaneous intestinal poisons and toxins generated by Candida Albicans. Caprylic acid preparations exist as capsules or tablets, but the one we prefer is liquid Caproyl. This was designed to take advantage of other health benefits of oleic acid from Safflower oil and to interact with the Psyllium to amplify its fungicidal effects far beyond what Caprylic acid has traditionally offered. We recommend that liquid Caprylic acid be mixed with the Psyllium powder, Bentonite, and water to be taken orally once or twice daily. As the Psyllium gel presses up against the intestinal walls, some unique and beneficial things occur: the liquid Caprylic acid is released into the intestinal wall at a rate determined by the gel, not by the intestinal pH conditions, which vary widely among individuals. Page 13 of 24

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Consequently, results are predictable; consistent, and favourable. Caprylic acid is slowly released through the entire length of the intestinal tract. As the gel rubs itself against the intestinal wall, it acts as a paint brush in delivering the liquid Caprylic acid to the intestinal wall. Not a square millimetre of wall is missed through the entire length of the intestines. Because the Candida Albicans micro-organisms are buried deep into the toxic accumulations on the intestinal walls, access to them is difficult. But the bulking action of the gel forcibly rubs liquid Caprylic acid into the filth and onto the Candida. Liquid Caprylic acid, dispersed in a Psyllium gel, will rid most people of major yeast symptoms in three to eight weeks. If these people really want to improve their health, however, or merely stay well, they will need to continue to eradicate the originating site and cause of the problem. They will need to clean up their intestinal environment. While other colon cleansers may be touted, we know that over a period of many months, using the Psyllium/Bentonite mixture once or twice daily and adding the liquid Caprylic acid every fourth week for five consecutive days will clean out a colon and keep the Candida in check.

In todays world of fast foods, poor diet, intensive farming methods, routine antibiotic treatment of stock animals, our diets are not naturally supplying us with all the nutrients our bodies need. For this reason it is necessary to supplement our diets. By doing this we also supply our immune system with the tools it needs to fight against the Candida. Herbs are generally a safe way to strengthen and tone the body's systems. As with any therapy, you should work with your health provider to get your problem diagnosed before starting any treatment. You may use herbs as dried extracts (capsules, powders, teas), glycerites (glycerine extracts), or tinctures (alcohol extracts). Unless otherwise indicated, you should make teas with 1 tsp. herb per cup of hot water. Steep covered 5 - 10 minutes for leaf or flowers, and 10 - 20 minutes for roots. Drink 2 - 4 cups per day. You may use tinctures alone or in combination as noted.

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Choose one or two of the following remedies. Some people recommend rotating them to prevent the Candida from building up a resistance to them. Pau d'arco bark ( Tabebuia avellanedae): Pau D'Arco (available as a loose herb, capsules or tincture) is traditionally used as a gentle anti-fungal. Pau d'Arco is highly effective against Candida because it can penetrate into body tissues and work on a cellular level. Best used as a tea (2 tbs. boiled in 1 quart of water; 3 - 6 cups per day), or use the cooled tea as a vaginal douche. Caprylic acid is an antifungal fatty acid. Start at 300mg three times daily 30 minutes before meals, and gradually increase to 800mg 3 times a day. Garlic Select a capsule with high allicin yield; two or three times daily . Take the equivalent of one clove per day (or one tablet that equals 4,000 - 5,000 mcg of allicin.) Warburgia 200mg three times a day. Olive Leaf extract 500mg three times daily; use a 10% extract. Olive leaf extract may inactivate antibiotics and should not be taken while taking antibiotics. Oil of Oregano 150 mg twice daily. Not for long term use Take for 15 days and then stop for 15 days. Then repeat the process. Optional supplement: Echinacea ( Echinacea purpurea ) has been shown to lower the recurrence of vaginal yeast infections. Take 2 - 4 ml tincture per day. Lactoferrin - Some in vitro studies suggest that lactoferrin acts synergistically with antifungal agents, making them more potent. Oral lactoferrin dosed at 40 mg daily has been used in a couple of clinical trials. Those who supplement with lactoferrin typically take 250 mg daily. Optional supplement, main function is not antifungal: Digestive enzymes help to digest food quickly so that food particles do not get absorbed and cause allergies. There are a few enzyme products on the market that are formulated for fighting yeast (Candida) problems. You want to particularly check the label and look for these types of enzymes: Page 15 of 24

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proteases (target proteins) cellulases (target fiber) hemicellulases (target fiber) xylanases (target fiber) Yeast cells have tough outer shells made up of protein and cellulose. The shells may be several layers think and present a barrier to the commonly used antifungal medications and over-the-counter supplements. The strategy of using the yeast fighting enzymes is to decompose or break down the yeast coverings so the yeast dies. Many people dealing with yeast have found that combining an anti-fungal with a yeast enzyme product gives a powerful synergistic effect on yeast. The enzymes breakdown the coating and the anti-fungals can act more quickly and effectively in destroying yeast cells. In addition, protease enzymes can help reduce die-off discomfort because they can further breakdown the waste and residue by the dead yeast cells. You can try giving more proteases if die-off is too uncomfortable, or simply reduce the amount of enzymes and antifungals given.

1st choice: Essential fatty acids: anti-inflammatory, a mix of omega-6 (evening primrose) and omega-3 (flaxseed) may be best (2 tbs. oil per day or 1,000 1,500 mg twice a day). Reduce animal fats in your diet and increase fish and nuts. Slippery elm is a soothing, protective demulcent renowned for its beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal lining. Slippery elm calms the inflamed mucous membranes of the stomach. In addition to a soothing texture that coats the stomach lining, slippery elm contains the fibre-rich ingredient mucilage which stimulates mucus secretion Optional extras: Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) and liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) are antiinflammatory. Use a tea or tincture (1 cup tea three times per day or 30 - 60 drops tincture three times per day) for 6 weeks. Do not take liquorice if you have high blood pressure or heart failure.

Immune support:
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An anti-oxidant formula will help support the body to detoxify the toxic substances released by the Candida organisms. Preferably, eat as many foods with high antioxidants as possible in your daily diet, rather than take pills. Take a good multivitamin, which contains as many of the following vitamins as possible: Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for the production of the GI tracts protective antibodies

(SIgA). Viatmin A also helps to maintain a healthy intestinal mucosa and soothes inflammation5. Vitamin A can is available in a number of different forms, probably the best of which for this application is an emulsion. Although more expensive, this form is more effective as it effectively coats the intestinal mucosa and gets to where it is needed. Vitamin A can be used safely in doses of up to 20,000-25,000 IU's per day.
B-complex: B1 (50 - 100 mg), B2 (50 mg), B3 (25 mg), B5 (100 mg), B6 (50 100 mg), B12 (100 - 1,000 mcg), folate (400 mcg per day). Certain B vitamins are important for sufferers particularly folic acid, pantothenic acid and riboflavin, B vitamins are vital if symptoms are associated with stress. Vitamin C (500 - 1,000 mg per day), vitamin E (200 - 400 IU per day), and selenium (200 mcg per day) are anti-inflammatory and support immune function. Calcium (1,000 - 1,500 mg per day) to correct deficiency often found in people with yeast infections, and magnesium (750 - 1,000 mg per day) to balance calcium intake. Optional: Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), Oregon grape root (Mahonia nervosa), and barberry (Berberis vulgaris) contain berberine, a digestive and immune stimulant. Take 2 - 4 grams of the dried bark or 250 - 450 mg of the herbal extract three times per day.

Probiotics are essential. The other supplements listed here are optional. Pro-biotics compete with disease causing microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract. Pro-biotics are responsible for several activities including the manufacturing of B-vitamins like biotin, niacin, folic acid and pyridoxine (B6). Pro-biotics improve digestion, combat vaginal yeast infections and kill harmful bacteria by changing the intestinal (acid-alkaline) balance thus depriving Page 17 of 24

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them of the nutrients they need to live. Pro-biotics are a category of dietary supplements consisting of beneficial microorganisms that aid in recolonization of intestinal bacteria. Lactobacillus acidophilus (1 - 10 billion live organisms per day) bifidobacteria (10 billion colony-forming units per day). L-Glutamine is one of the most important nutrients for healing leaky gut syndrome because it is the preferred 'fuel' for the cells lining the mucosa of the small intestine (enterocytes). These cells have the ability to take up glutamine directly rather than waiting for it to be supplied through the blood. Glutamine is also required for the production of both intestinal mucus and Secretary Immunoglobulin Type A (SIgA). As a result of these functions, a generous supply of glutamine will help repair and maintain a healthy small intestinal lining. These functions, as well as glutamine's ability to prevent translocation of bacteria from the gut to the bloodstream, have been established in a substantial number of clinical studies both in animals and in human patients with diseases involving impaired intestinal permeability. There have been several recent studies into the effects of glutamine and what properties it possesses, and, there is now a significant body of evidence that links glutamine-enriched diets with intestinal effects; aiding maintenance of gut barrier function, intestinal cell proliferation and differentiation, as well as generally reducing septic morbidity and the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The reason for such "cleansing" properties is thought to stem from the fact that the intestinal extraction rate of glutamine is higher than that for other amino acids, and is therefore thought to be the most viable option when attempting to alleviate conditions relating to the gastrointestinal tract. You can purchase glutamine, in the form of l-glutamine, as capsules or powder and it is widely available in health stores. The powder is arguably a better option as quite large amounts need to be taken and it also ensures the glutamine is readily available when it enters the small intestine. The suggested dosage for moderate-severe leaky gut syndrome is in the range of 520g per day. Aloe Vera juice (or in a capsule) has been traditionally used for alleviating digestive problems, it gently encourages the growth of friendly bacteria, and soothes irritated tissues. Drinking aloe vera juice helps to seal the intestinal wall much in the same way aloe gel seals a wound or soothes a burn when applied to the skin. Aloe effectively heals the lining of the intestine, it fixes the damaged membranes, intestinal swelling decreases, and the cells of the intestinal wall are tightened, which basically corrects intestinal weakness. The continual flow of undigested protein to the blood is also stopped. (Aloe is also a laxative, so use with care.) N-acetyl-D-glucosamine promotes growth of beneficial bacteria, inhibits Page 18 of 24

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Candida and E coli, and is needed for intestinal mucus production, which prevents irritation and inflammation. A common dose is 250 mg twice per day with food. Zinc. In the body zinc is required amongst other things for growth and healing and is more essential to cells with a rapid turnover. The cells of the small intestinal mucosa have an extremely rapid turnover, being replaced about every four days, so zinc is extremely important to the integrity of the intestinal lining. Clinical studies have shown that zinc supplementation can help heal leaky gut. To underline it's importance, zinc is easily depleted in the body and Dr. Keith Eaton, London has found zinc to be one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in people with leaky gut syndrome. Dosages in the range of 5080mg per day are usually taken to correct deficiencies of zinc. Be careful not to take more than 100mg each day. Up to this level zinc has a positive effect on the immune system but above 100mg per day and it actually inhibits immune function. It is also wise to take 1mg of copper for every 15mg of zinc as they antagonize each other so taking zinc supplements alone will deplete copper in the body.

Your body does need some metals, so it is advisable to do a heavy metal detox once every 4 -6 months, depending on your lifestyle. It is not required to do this all the time. Chlorella is a powerful detoxification aid for heavy metals and pesticides. Numerous research projects in the U.S. and Europe indicate that chlorella can also aid the body in breaking down persistent hydrocarbon and metallic toxins such as mercury, cadmium and lead, DDT and PCB while strengthening the immune system response. Heavy metal toxicity contributes to Candida problems. Fresh cilantro is extremely effective in helping flush heavy metals out of the blood. Taking 400 mg of cilantro a day can dramatically reduce the level of heavy metals (particularly mercury) in the body in just 2-3 weeks. Heavy metal toxicity contributes to Candida problems. Make this pesto; eat a couple of teaspoons of this each day for 3 weeks. Repeat this 2-3 times a year. Blend together: 1 cup fresh cilantro; 6tbsp olive oil; Page 19 of 24

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1 clove garlic; half cup of almond, cashew or other nuts; 2 tbsp lemon juice Fresh apples and apple cider vinegar contain malic acid which is good at removing aluminium from the body.

Relief of vaginal thrush symptoms

Homeopathic Options
Read the symptom descriptions and find the one which best describes your symptoms. Then follow instructions at the bottom of the list. Understand that until the digestive tract infection is cleared, this is just for symptomatic relief. Borax Yeast infections of the vagina with discharge resembling egg white, and a feeling that warm water is flowing out, suggest the use of this remedy. Vaginitis that responds to Borax usually appears midway between the menstrual periods. A person who needs this remedy is often nervous and very sensitive to noise. Calcarea carbonica When this remedy is indicated, burning and itching feelings may occur both before and after the menstrual period. Discharge from vaginitis is milky and acrid or thick and yellow. A person who needs this remedy is often chilly and stout, has a craving for sweets, and is easily tired by exertion. Kali bichromicum This remedy may be indicated in cases of vaginitis where discharge is yellow and tenacious, and makes the vulva itch and burn. Symptoms may be worse in the morning. The person feels better from resting and keeping warm. Kreosotum This remedy is strongly indicated for vaginitis with watery, thin, unpleasant-smelling, very irritating discharge that makes the vulva swell and itch. Symptoms may be worse in the morning and worse when standing up. Infections are more likely to appear before the menstrual period or during pregnancy.

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Natrum muriaticum Vaginitis with discharge resembling egg-white, which itches and makes the vagina feel dry and irritated, is likely to respond to this remedy. A woman who needs this remedy often seems reserved, yet is very emotional inside. A craving for salt and a tendency to feel worse from being in the sun are other indications for Natrum muriaticum. Pulsatilla When this remedy is indicated for yeast infections, symptoms may be changeable. A creamy white or yellowish discharge appears, which can be either bland or irritating. The vagina may feel sore, and the labia may itch or burn. The woman will be moody, possibly tearful, wanting a lot of attention and affection. This remedy is often helpful for vaginitis during pregnancy. Sepia If yeast infections cause vaginal discharge that is yellow and itchy, or white and curd like, this remedy may be indicated. A woman needing Sepia often feels worn down and irritable, with cold extremities and a weak or sagging feeling in the pelvic region. Discharge may be more profuse in the morning and increased by walking. Sulphur Discharge that looks yellowish, is offensive-smelling, and causes great burning and itching brings this remedy to mind. Symptoms may be aggravated by warmth and bathing. Homeopathy Dosage Directions Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label. Many homeopathic physicians suggest that remedies be used as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work. If improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient. If no response is seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different remedy.

Herbal tea:
Drink this tea daily, between meals, at least half an hour away from meals: tbsp Goldenseal root Page 21 of 24

Candida Albicans Information

Goldenseal has a wide variety of uses, and is also employed to fight sinusitis and mucus, while for women it is useful with painful menstruation and pelvic inflammation disease. 2 tbsp Sage Sage is used internally to treat indigestion and flatulence. It is also used to reduce excessive lactation in nursing mothers and night sweats (especially in menopause), excessive salivation, profuse perspiration, anxiety, depression, female sterility and menopausal problems. It also has supportive properties for the liver and is used to boost the functionality of the liver. 2 tbsp Mullein Historically it was also used for genito-urinary tract infections. 2 tbsp Raspberry leaf

Mix these herbs in a litre of water and allow it to draw for 8 10 minutes. Strain herbs out of tea and drink throughout the day.

Topical applications
Do not use these oils if you are pregnant. Topical treatments include tea tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia) or lavender oil (Lavandula species ) two to three times a day. Apply full strength to skin infections (discontinue if skin irritation develops). Many women have found that tea tree pessaries or tea tree and lavender pessaries help relieve thrush symptoms. One single drop of tea tree oil, no more, on a tampon can also be effective. (Or dip a tampon into a mixture of Sweet almond oil with tea tree oil in it: 10 drops tea tree to 50ml Sweet almond oil.) Replace tampon every 8 hours for 5 days. Yoghurt, applied either on a tampon or with the help of an applicator (block one tube and replace tampon with yoghurt), can be very soothing. Leave in for four hours once or twice a day. Calendula Infused Oil with added lavender and myrrh is also a good remedy. For 50ml oil add 10 drops of lavender and 10 drops of myrrh The essential oils of myrrh, patchouli and tea tree are anti-fungal and may be: combined with lavender and used in a short, tepid bath. Page 22 of 24

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Dilute (one drop of essential oil to 2.5ml of base oil) in almond or apricot oil and use as a body oil.

You can apply marigold (Calendula officinalis) three to five times per day in an ointment for rashes. These treatments are for external use only.

Helpful tips
Spray all nuts and seeds with a solution of 15-30 drops grapefruit seed extract in 2-cups water and spray or soak them for a few minutes to remove any aflatoxins moulds or fungus that may be present. Rotate foods every 4 days to prevent food sensitivities from developing. If you have left-overs, store them in glass containers and use within one day. The bacterial load will be too high for consumption after that. Those with thrush should wear loose clothing and cotton underwear; don't wear tights or tight trousers. After visiting the loo, wipe from front to back to avoid cross infection. Use natural, un-perfumed soaps and detergents. Or avoid soap altogether. If possible, take a shower instead of a bath. Bathing tends to aggravate thrush symptoms.

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