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Language Maintenance in Website: Using Padangnese Language in Kaskus.

com (Padang Regional Community)

(Mini Research) Sukowi Rangga 0611134


ABSTRACT Language Maintenance in Website: Using Padangnese Language in (Padang Regional Community) Sukowi Rangga 06111134

The author through this mini research have a genuine affection to reviewing a simple specific research about language maintenance in website and also try to show the synchronize the theory of Sociolinguistics especially in a terms of Language Maintenace with the object of this research, the terms of Language Maintenace which is have been elaborated by Wardraugh and Milroy, will be the guidance theory which is used by the author to describe, explain, and evaluate the phenomena of Language Maintenance in Website and for the object of this research the author has been choose Padangnese language and (padang regional community) as a data and data source of this research. This contribution are designed to promote an understanding about the Language Maintenace especially a language maintenance in website.



Background of the Study Indonesia is a multicultural country with a large number of both geography and population, and because of this Indonesia have very large number of languages are spoken within its territory like Javanese language, Bataknese language, Sundanese language, Malay language, Padangnese language, and also the thousand language which is some of them are still maintained well until this era. Historically, multilingualism was and is the norm in many parts of the archipelago, and common even in areas where one language dominates. The emergence of a unitary state with a national language after the Indonesian's proclamation has exerted pressure towards greater uniformity, but the shifts which are taking place are best viewed as changing patterns of multilingualism, rather than as shifts of large populations from one language to another. Such shifts in patterns of language use are occurring throughout the nation, and are resulting in threats to the viability of some languages, especially in the part of the small region which is have a small speaker populations that still use their own languages, the large number populations of ethnolinguistic communities are concentrated in the middle and west of indonesia, where several languages have speaker numbers in the millions this fact are followed by the number of culuture variation in the west, according to Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia 2011;

[1] Aceh [2] Sumatera Utara [3] Sumatera Barat [4] Riau [5] Jambi [6] Sumatera Selatan [7] Bengkulu [8] Lampung [9] Bangka Belitung [10] Kepulauan Riau [11] DKI Jakarta [12] Jawa Barat [13] Jawa Tengah [14] DI Yogyakarta [15] Jawa Timur [16] Banten [17] Bali [18] Nusa Tenggara [19] Nusa Tenggara [20] Kalimantan Barat [21] Kalimantan Tengah [22] Kalimantan Selatan [23] Kalimantan Timur [24] Sulawesi Utara [25] Sulawesi Tengah [26] Sulawesi Selatan [27] Sulawesi Tenggara [28] Gorontalo [29] Sulawesi Barat [30] Maluku [31] Maluku Utara [32] Papua Barat [33] Papua INDONESIA

4 486 570 12 985 075 4 845 998 5 543 031 3 088 618 7 446 401 1 713 393 7 596 115 1 223 048 1 685 698 9 588 198 43 021 826 32 380 687 3 452 390 37 476 011 644 030 3 891 428 4 496 855 4 679 316 4 393 239 2 202 599 3 626 119 3 550 586 2 265 937 2 633 420 8 032 551 2 230 569 1 038 585 1 158 336 1 531 402 1 035 478 760 855 2 851 999 237 556 363

There is a very significant linguistic divide between the western part of Indonesia and the eastern part of the nation, this linguistic divide naturally has consequences for sociolinguistic change. In the development of technology and communication in Indonesia, the use of internet as a media of communication has already very familiar, all the people are connected in a social networks that linked by a broad array of electronic, this activity usually done in a form of voice, audio-visual or text, one of popular communication in internet are provided in a form of social networking website that usually known as a web service in internet is social networking website, this service are developed progressively in order to overcome many variations of people needs about communication on internet in the development of this world.

There are a lot of both language variation and community in a website, this things are occured because of the large number of people diversity who visit a website, such as the diversity of cultures, nation, social class, etc, bi/multilingual people will have a boarder language community than the people who only can use a single language, some people may choose to use an international language like English, Arabian, or Mandarin, another people people may likely use a national or regional language, its all will be depen on their abillity in using the language and also with whom they speak, the role of regional language, the domination of international/national language which is used in website has leading the role of regional language in website become increasingly smaller, but there are some of people from regional community still try to conserve their own language, this phenomena is also occured in a social networking community, some of them are use several popular website in internet like facebook, friendster, my space, yahoo, etc, Indonesia also have a popular local site which is have a large number of member,, which is has been determined by the author to be a source of data in this research is the one of the most popular website especially social networking site in indonesia, and Kaskus padang regional community is the one of group of people especially padangnese people which is use a regional language (padangnese language) in conducting a conversation in website in order to cultivate their own language, specificly in website community. This phenomena has been stimulates the author to conducting a linguistic research using this object, Kaskus Regional Padang, which is has been determied as an object of this research,has an important role to connected the communication between padangnese people, and based on my hypothesis this media can give a positive

contribution towards the language maintenance in web service, Sociolinguistic and Lanuage Maintenance has been the authors choice that will be used as a parameter of this research, and through this research the author will try to connects the terms of language maintenance and the object of phenomena. 1.1 Formulation of the problem How does Padangnese language can be maintained in Padang regional community? 1.2 Objective of Study It becomes the target of the writer to meet this result below after concluding the discussion in this research. Therefore, the objectives of this research is to describe how does the terms of language maintenance can be form in Padang regional community through the research of the phenomena of using Padangnese language in that social community. 1.3 Uses of study 1.3.1 Theoretical Uses Through this research, in terms of theory the author hope the reader will have a better understanding about the concept & value of language maintenance especially in website and another digital community. 1.3.2 Practical Uses In practical uses the author hope this study can make the reader being able to adapt their ability in practicing the principles of Language Maintenace towards the

communication on the internet and also have an eligibility to adjust and distinguish where & when these principles are needed or not. 1.4 Scope of study To avoid out-scoping materials to be discussed, the writer arranges the composition below as an outline that will be used to formulate this research; A. Object data. to help the author to get the data of this research easily, the author will use one of popular social networking website in Indonesia that is, and Padangnese language as the one of the familiar language in Indonesia. B. Theory. to prove the hypothesis of these phenomena, the author will use Sociolinguistics and language variety & register as a main theory that become an authors guidance in conduct this research.


The writer has employed theory and concepts in composing this research which is would give the author referent to solve the formulation of problems that composed the first chapter. as the name suggests, the terms of Language maintenace have been explained well and specificly by Wardraugh and Milroy, this is become the reason why the author choose Herbert Paul Grice as an expert of this research.

2.1. Sociolinguistics 2.2. Language Maintenance


This chapter aims to provide an overview of the data & data source, methodological approaches and research design selected for application to this research.

3.1 Research Design and Research Methodology

A research methodology references the procedural rules for the evaluation of research claims and the validation of the knowledge gathered, while research design functions as the research blueprint (Creswell, 2003). Cooper and Schindler (1998) maintain that the determination of the research methodology is one of the more important challenges which that confronts the researcher, In essence, the research activity is a resource consumptive one, and must maintain its purposeful or functional activity through the justification of resource expenditure. In other words, given that research is ultimately defined as constructive, the resources that it utilizes must fulfil explicit purposes and withstand critical scrutiny. Research methodology occupies a position of unique importance. A methodology does not simply frame a study but it identifies the research tools and strategies (i.e. resources) that will be employed, and relates their use to specified research aims.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The author use FAQ & web service as a data & data source, this data will become an object of this research in a field of linguistics study especially in study of language phylosophy which is have been concepted by Paul Grice in the Concept of Cooperative Principle, the form of communication that used in FAQ which is formed in a composition of Question & Answer will corelated to the patterns of Grice's Cooperative Principle, FAQ and Web Service which is have been mentioned above, is a part of communication media in Internet, the author through the passage below will describe the explanation about FAQ and Web Service. i.e. 3.2.1 FAQ According to Russ. H (2010): Frequently asked questions is a list of questions and answers in web service that supposed to be commonly asked in some context, and pertaining to a particular topic.

3.2.2 Web Service W3C (World Wide Web Consortium, non-profite official site) in Benslimane, Schahram, and Amit defines: Web service is a software system that designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine-processable format (specifically Web Services Description Language WSDL). Other systems interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards.

List of Web Service (Data Source)

The author will use a popular website to help the author get the data easily, those website are determined based on, 2011 (an official website that active in auditing website traffic data) i.e. 1. 2. 3.

3.3. Data Collecting Technique In holding this research, the author will use a several method to collect the data needed. The observation will be conducted on the data source as have been mentioned before, and for this things, the author will take some procedure that will be described in the following steps: 1. Accessing web service such as have been chosen before, 2. Find FAQ service inside, and choose a form of Question & Answer as needed. 3. Print it in a form of Microsoft XPS (a freeware virtual printer (print to file driver) for Microsoft Windows that creates an XPS document file from the print output of an application), 4. Save the data in disk driver.

3.3 Data Analyzing Technique In the process of analyzing the data, this paper requires these phases below:

1. Read the data (text). 2. Creating a connection between the data and the theory used. 3. Describing an interpretation, which data that implements Grice's Cooperative Principle, and find an important part to be discussed. 4. Scoping the data to be discussed and specifies the theory that will be used to analyze the data. 5. Doing a deepest interpretation to all required matters from the data resources to answer the formulation of the problems which is has been concepted before in the Chapter I.


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