Sie sind auf Seite 1von 6

"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "TrackerUI_WishesToAddToContactList_Name_Reason" "%s1 wishes to add you t o his/her contact list.

\n%s2" "TrackerUI_WishesToAddToContactList_Name" "%s1 wishes to add you t o his/her contact list." "TrackerUI_RemoveWarningLabel_FriendName" "You are about to remove %s1 from your contact list." "TrackerUI_WelcomeToTracker_Name" "Login Complete! Welcom e to Tracker, %s1." "TrackerUI_AttemptingToLogin_Email" "Attempting to log in, % s1" "TrackerUI_LoginDoesNotExist_Email" "'%s1' does not exist.\n \nHit the 'Back' button to retry." "TrackerUI_LoginServerConnectFailed" "Could not connect to se rver.\n\nPlease check your internet connection, and try again at another time." "TrackerUI_LoginFailed" "Login failed" "TrackerUI_AuthRequestTitle" "%s1 - Authorization Req uest" "TrackerUI_MenuHide" "Hide" "TrackerUI_DoYouWantTo" "Do you want to:" "TrackerUI_OK" "OK" "TrackerUI_Cancel" "Cancel" "TrackerUI_AllowPersonToSeeYou" "Allow this person to se e when you are online and contact you." "TrackerUI_BlockThisPerson" "Block this person from seeing when you are online and contacting you." "TrackerUI_Accept" "Accept" "TrackerUI_Decline" "Decline" "TrackerUI_ViewAuthRequest" "View Authorization Requ est" "TrackerUI_SendInstantMessage" "Send Instant Message" "TrackerUI_JoinGame" "Join Game" "TrackerUI_ViewGameInfo" "View Game Info" "TrackerUI_UserDetails" "User Details" "TrackerUI_BlockUser" "Block User" "TrackerUI_UnblockUser" "Unblock User" "TrackerUI_RemoveUser" "Remove User" "TrackerUI_Invite" "Invite" "TrackerUI_Send" "Send" "TrackerUI_InGameParanthesis" "(in-game) " "TrackerUI_AwayParanthesis" "(away) " "TrackerUI_SnoozingParanthesis" "(snoozing) " "TrackerUI_BusyParanthesis" "(busy) " "TrackerUI_OfflineParanthesis" "(offline) " "TrackerUI_To_Name" "To: %s1" "TrackerUI_Name_InstantMessageTitle" "%s1 - Instant Message" "TrackerUI_Name_IsTypingAMessage" "%s1 is typing a message ." "TrackerUI_Offline_MessageNotDelivered" "You have gone offline.\ nMessage could not be delivered.\n" "TrackerUI_BuddyOffline_MessageNotDelivered" "%s1 has gone offline.\n Message could not be delivered.\n" "TrackerUI_WarningNoLongerSeeYou" "If you do this, they wi ll no longer be able to see when you are\nonline, and will not be able to send y ou messages.\n\nYou may re-add them at a later date by requesting to be on\nthei r contact list."

"TrackerUI_SendingDataToServer" "Sending data to server" "TrackerUI_UserCreateComplete" "User create complete" "TrackerUI_CouldNotConnectToServer" "Could not connect to se rver.\n\nPlease check your internet connection, and try again at another time." "TrackerUI_FriendsSearchingTitle" "Friends - Searching..." "TrackerUI_Searching" "Searching..." "TrackerUI_SelectFriendFromList" "Select your friend from the list below, then hit 'Next' to continue." "TrackerUI_SearchFailed" "Your search returned no results.\nPress the 'Back' button and try some different criteria." "TrackerUI_FriendsFinishedSearchTitle" "Friends - Finished sear ching" "TrackerUI_FriendsFoundMatchTitle" "Friends - Found 1 match " "TrackerUI_FriendsFoundMatchesTitle" "Friends - Found %s1 mat ches" "TrackerUI_ConnectingToServer" "Connecting to server" "TrackerUI_FriendsLoggingInTitle" "Friends - Logging in" "TrackerUI_ValidationSuccessful" "User validation success ful.\nWelcome back.\n" "TrackerUI_LoginSuccessful" "Login successful" "TrackerUI_PasswordInvalidRetry" "The password you entere d is not valid.\n\nHit the 'Back' Button to retry." "TrackerUI_LoginFailed" "Login failed" "TrackerUI_SigningInToFriendsNetwork1" "Signing in to the frien ds network." "TrackerUI_SigningInToFriendsNetwork2" "Signing in to the frien ds network.." "TrackerUI_SigningInToFriendsNetwork3" "Signing in to the frien ds network..." "TrackerUI_NotSignedInToFriendsNetwork" "You are currently not c onnected to the friends network." "TrackerUI_SignIn" "Sign in" "TrackerUI_SignInSuccessful" "Sign in successful." "TrackerUI_FriendsAboutTitle" "Friends - About" "TrackerUI_Close" "Close" "TrackerUI_AddFriendsTitle" "Add Friends - Friends" "TrackerUI_UserOptionsFriendsTitle" "User options - Friends" "TrackerUI_SettingsTitle" "Settings - Steam" "TrackerUI_RemoveUserTitle" "%s1 - Remove User" "TrackerUI_WelcomeFriendsTitle" "Welcome - Friends" "TrackerUI_WelcomeToTracker" "Welcome to Tracker!\n\n This wizard will guide you through getting to connected to the Tracker network.\ n\nPlease make sure you are connected to the internet and then click 'Next' to c ontinue." "TrackerUI_Retry" "Retry" "TrackerUI_UserDetailsTitle" "%s1 - User Details" "TrackerUI_TestingNetworkConnectionTitle" "Friends - Testing Netwo rking Connection" "TrackerUI_AttemptingToConnect_Success" "Attempting to connect t o tracker servers... success." "TrackerUI_SuccessfullyConnectedClickNext" "Tracker successfully co nnected to server.\nPlease click 'Next' to continue." "TrackerUI_AttemptingToConnect_Failure" "Attempting to connect t o tracker servers... failure." "TrackerUI_FailedToConnect_CheckFirewall" "Tracker could not conne ct to server.\n\nIf you are behind a firewall or proxy, tracker needs to\nuse th e following ports:\n incoming UDP ports 27000, 27001\n outgoing UDP ports 1200, 27000, 27001\n\nPlease send email to\nif you still cannot connect."

"TrackerUI_AttemptingToConnect" "Attempting to connect t o tracker servers..." "TrackerUI_Friends_CreateNewUser_1_of_3_Title" "Friends - Create new us er part 1 of 3" "TrackerUI_Friends_CreateNewUserTitle" "Friends - Create new us er" "TrackerUI_Friends_InvalidEmailTitle" "Friends - Invalid email address" "TrackerUI_EMailIsInvalidTryAgain" "Your email address is i nvalid.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and enter your email address.\n" "TrackerUI_PleaseTypeCompleteEmailAddress" "Please type your comple te email address" "TrackerUI_EMailExample" "Example: joe_smith@" "TrackerUI_EMailWillNotBeDisclosed" "Your email address is o nly used to log into your account.\nIt will not be disclosed, except to users yo u authorize to see it.\n\nIf you forget your Tracker password, this email addres s will be used to verify your identity." "TrackerUI_UserName" "User Name" "TrackerUI_RepeatPassword" "Repeat Password" "TrackerUI_Password" "Password" "TrackerUI_LastName" "Last Name" "TrackerUI_FirstName" "First Name" "TrackerUI_PleaseEnterYourDetails" "Please enter your detai ls." "TrackerUI_Friends_CreateNewUser_2_of_3_Title" "Friends - Create new us er part 2 of 3" "TrackerUI_Friends_InvalidUserNameTitle" "Friends - Invalid user name" "TrackerUI_InvalidUserNameLessThan3" "Your user name needs to be at least 3 characters long.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and enter a new user name.\ n" "TrackerUI_InvalidUserNameGreaterThan24" "Your user name cannot b e more than 24 characters long.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and enter a new user name.\ n" "TrackerUI_Friends_InvalidPasswordTitle" "Friends - Invalid passw ord" "TrackerUI_InvalidPasswordMustBeAtLeast6" "Your password needs to be at least 6 characters long.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and enter a new password.\n" "TrackerUI_SecondPasswordDidntMatchFirst" "Your password retry did not match first entry.\n\nPlease hit 'Back' and re-enter password." "TrackerUI_FailedAccountAlreadyExists" "Could not create new ac count.\nUser with that email address already exists." "TrackerUI_CreateUserFailed" "Create user failed" "TrackerUI_Friends_CreateNewUser_3_of_3_Title" "Friends - Create new us er part 3 of 3" "TrackerUI_Friends_AddFriendsCompleteTitle" "Friends - Add Friends C omplete" "TrackerUI_AuthRequestSent" "The authorization reque st has been sent.\n\nPress 'Finish' if you are done, or 'Back' to add more frien ds." "TrackerUI_AuthRequestsSent" "The authorization reque sts have been sent.\n\nPress 'Finish' if you are done, or 'Back' to add more fri ends." "TrackerUI_Friends_SearchForFriendsTitle" "Friends - Search for fr iends" "TrackerUI_Friends_SelectLoginMethodTitle" "Friends - Select login method" "TrackerUI_RequestAuthorizationTitle" "Request Authorization %s1"

"TrackerUI_Friends_LoginExistingUserTitle" "Friends - Login existin g user" "TrackerUI_EnterEmailAndPasswordToLogin" "Enter your email addres s and password to log in to Tracker." "TrackerUI_TrackerPassword" "Tracker Password" "TrackerUI_EMailAddress" "Email address" "TrackerUI_Friends_LoginUserTitle" "Friends - Login user" "TrackerUI_Friends_Title" "Friends" "TrackerUI_Friends_OfflineTitle" "Friends (offline)" "TrackerUI_Friends_LoginErrorTitle" "Friends - Login Error" "TrackerUI_Friends_Name_OfflineTitleWithName" "Friends - %s1 - Offline " "TrackerUI_Friends_Name_OfflineTitle" "Friends - Offline" "TrackerUI_Friends_Name_AwayTitle" "Friends - %s1 - Away" "TrackerUI_Friends_Name_BusyTitle" "Friends - %s1 - Busy" "TrackerUI_Friends_Name_Title" "Friends - %s1" "TrackerUI_ErrorIncorrectPassword" "Could not login: Incorr ect password." "TrackerUI_ErrorUserDoesntExist" "Could not login: User d oes not exist on server." "TrackerUI_ErrorTrackerOutOfDate" "Your Tracker install is out of date.\nPlease install the latest version of Tracker." "TrackerUI_ErrorPleaseInstallLatestVersion" "Login attempt to server denied.\nPlease install the latest version of Tracker." "TrackerUI_NeverShowThisDialogAgain" "Never show this dialog again" "TrackerUI_Reply" "Reply" "TrackerUI_MessageFrom" "Message from:" "TrackerUI_EnterInformationAboutFriend" "Enter at least one piece of inf ormation you know about your friend. \n(You can enter partial or incomplete name s && addresses.)" "TrackerUI_ChatWindowAlwaysOnTop" "Chat window always on t op" "TrackerUI_InternetSpeed" "Internet Speed" "TrackerUI_TrackerName" "Tracker Name" "TrackerUI_PlaySoundWhenFriendJoins" "Play a sound when any f riend joins a game" "TrackerUI_PlaySoundWhenFriendComesOnline" "Play a sound when any f riend comes online" "TrackerUI_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Play a sound when you r eceive a message" "TrackerUI_CreateNewUser" "Create new user" "TrackerUI_LoginAsExistingUser" "Login as existing user" "TrackerUI_SelectHowYouWishToLogin" "Select how you wish to log in:" "TrackerUI_NameToDisplay" "Name to display" "TrackerUI_RefreshDetails" "Refresh Details" "TrackerUI_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Notify me when this user comes online" "TrackerUI_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Always play sound when this user comes online" "TrackerUI_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "Always play sound when this use r joins a game" "TrackerUI_BlockUserFromSeeingMe" "Block this user from se eing when I am online" "TrackerUI_RemoveUserExplanation" "Removes the user from y our list, and\nprevents them from sending you messages" "TrackerUI_online" "Online" "TrackerUI_busy" "Busy" "TrackerUI_away" "Away"

"TrackerUI_in-game" "In-game" "TrackerUI_snooze" "Snooze" "TrackerUI_offline" "Offline" "TrackerUI_connecting" "Connecting" "TrackerUI_recently online" "Recently online" "TrackerUI_awaiting authorization" "Awaiting authorization" "TrackerUI_requesting authorization" "Requesting authorizatio n" "TrackerUI_OnlineTitle" " ONLINE" "TrackerUI_OfflineTitle" " OFFLINE" "TrackerUI_SystemTitle" " SYSTEM" "TrackerUI_InGameTitle" " IN GAME" "TrackerUI_CurrentGameTitle" " CURRENT GAME" "TrackerUI_UnknownUsersTitle" " UNKNOWN USERS" "TrackerUI_RequestingAuthTitle" " REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION" "TrackerUI_AwaitingAuthTitle" " AWAITING AUTHORIZATION" "TrackerUI_FriendsSystemMessageTitle" "Friends - System Messag e" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_BuddyInvite" "Invite %s1" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_MenuItem" "Play board game" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InvitationTitle" "%s1 - Invitation" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InvitationText" "%s1 has invited you to %s2." "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InviteWaitTitle" "%s1 - Waiting on Invite Respons e" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InviteWaitText" "Waiting on %s1 Invite Response from %s2" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InviteRejectedTitle" "%s1 - Invite Rejected" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InviteRejectedText" "%s1 has rejected your i nvitation." "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_RejoinTitle" "%s1 - Re-join" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_RejoinText" "You have signed on to t he Friends Network.\nRe-join your %s1 game with %s2?" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_Btn_Accept" "Accept" "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_Btn_Reject" "Reject" "TrackerUI_Btn_Yes" "Yes" "TrackerUI_Btn_No" "No" "TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Internet connection spe ed" "TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Select which Steam window appea rs when the \nprogram starts, and when you double-click \nthe Notification Tray icon." "TrackerUI_OptionsUnavailable" "Profile settings are un available while you are\nnot connected to the Friends network." "TrackerUI_NoFriends" "You have not yet added any Friends to your list." "TrackerUI_NoFriends_AddFriends_Btn" "Add friends..." "TrackerUI_NoFriends_InGame" "Friends is currently in use in a game." "TrackerUI_AddFriendsInfo" "Select players from th e game to add to your friends list" "TrackerUI_FriendsName" "Friends name" "TrackerUI_PlayerName" "Player name" "TrackerUI_AddFriendsButton" "Add friends" "TrackerUI_SelectedFriendsAdded" "Selected players have b een added to your friends list." "TrackerUI_SteamAddOn_InviteNewGame" "New Game" "TrackerUI_LastMessageReceived" "Last message received: %s1 at %s2" "TrackerUI_UserAddedToConversation" "%s1 has been added to t he conversation.\n"

"TrackerUI_UserLeftConversation" sation.\n" "TrackerUI_YouAddedToConversation" the conversation.\n" "TrackerUI_UserSays" "TrackerUI_FailedToDeliverMessage" text message.\n"

"%s1 has left the conver "You have been added to "%s1 says: \n" "Failed to deliver last

"TrackerUI_LoggedInElsewhere" "You are signed in to Friends at a diffe rent computer." "TrackerUI_ServerWork" "You have been signed out due to Friends network maintenance." "TrackerUI_ServerShutdown" "The Friends server you were con nected to has been shut down. Please try again later." "TrackerUI_TimedOut" "You have disconnected from the Friends network." "TrackerUI_Firewall" "It appears that your firewall s ettings are preventing you from connecting to Friends. See for more information." "TrackerUI_ConnectionTimeout" "You failed to connect to the Friends se rvers." "TrackerUI_ServerMessageFail" "You lost connection to the Friends netw ork." "TrackerUI_TooManyAttempts" "Friends has attempted to sign i n too frequently. Please try again in a few minutes." "TrackerUI_Options" "Options" "TrackerUI_My_Status" "My Status" "TrackerUI_Edit_Profile" "Edit Profile" "TrackerUI_FavoriteWindow" "Favorite window" "TrackerUI_OfflineMode" "Steam is currently in Offline Mode. Friends wil l be unavailable until you restart Steam in Online Mode." "TrackerUI_Nickname" "Nickname" "TrackerUI_FirstName" "First name" "TrackerUI_LastName" "Last name" "TrackerUI_Profile" "Profile" "TrackerUI_Sounds" "Sounds" "TrackerUI_Personal" "Personal" "TrackerUI_Status" "Status" } }

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