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GL Budgeting Process

B u d g e t a n d B u d g e t O r g a n iz a tio n D e fin itio n

B u d g e t A m o u n t E n tr y a n d G e n e ra tio n

F r e e z in g B u d g e t

3 . 0 D e f in e B u d g e t F o r m u la s

3 .1 C r e a te B u d g e t A m o u n ts fr o m F o r m u la s

1 .0 D e f in e B u d g e t O r g a n iz a t io n

1 .1 A s s ig n A c c o u n ts to O r g a n iz a t io n

4 . 0 D e f in e M assB udget F o r m u la s

4 .1 G e n e ra te M assB udget J o u r n a ls

5 .0 E n te r B u d g e t A m o u n ts o r J o u r n a ls u s in g A D I

5 .1 U p lo a d B u d g e t A m o u n ts o r J o u r n a ls u s i n g A D I a n d U p lo a d B u d g e ts fo r m

8 .0 F re e z e B u d g e ts , B u d g e t O r g a n iz a tio n s a n d B u d g e t F o r m u la s

2 .0 D e f in e B u d g e t

2 .1 O p e n B u d g e t Year

6 .0 E n te r B u d g e t A m o u n ts o r J o u r n a ls v ia O r a c le G e n e r a l L e d g e r fo r m

7 .0 T r a n s fe r B u d g e t A m o u n ts

GL Budgeting Process
Assumptions: Account combinations to be budgeted to have been generated via the mass maintenance functionality or via one or more actual journal entries. Step 1.0 Define Budget Organization Budget Organizations represent groupings of accounts to be used for budgeting purposes. Step 1.1 Assigning Accounts to Budget Organization An accounting flexfield combination must be assigned to a budget organization before it can be budgeted for within that organization. Step 2.0 Define Budget As a budget organization defines what accounting flexfield code combinations will be used when budgeting, a budget outlines the time dimension to be used when budgeting. Step 2.1 Open Budget Year A budget must have an open budget year before it can be used. ANY OF THE FOLLOWING STEPS (3.0/3.1, 4.0/4.1, 5.0/5.1, 6.0, 7.0) CAN BE USED TO CREATE BUDGET AMOUNTS IN ORACLE GENERAL LEDGER Step 3.0 Define Budget Formulas Recurring Journal functionality for budget journal entries can only be used if budget range type is CALCULATED not ENTERED Step 3.1 Generate Budget Amounts from Budget Formulas Use the definitions defined in Step 3.0 to create budget amounts. Step 4.0 Define MassBudget Formulas MassAllocation functionality for budget allocation entries using the A*(B/C) allocation formula. Can only be used if budget range type is CALCULATED not ENTERED Step 4.1 Generate MassBudget Journals Uses the definitions defined in Step 4.0 to create budget journals. Step 5.0 Enter Budget Amounts or Journals using ADI The preferred method of creating budgets is ADI. By using Application Desktop Integrator (ADI), a user can also incorporate Excel macros, calculations and functions when

GL Budgeting Process
determining the budget amount. Please note that Status: Allow Update will be set to No if the budget organization is frozen. Also, the ADI parameter Zero Pad Account Values (under the Tools icon on the toolbar) should not be checked. Step 5.1 Upload Budget Amounts or Journals using ADI or Upload Budgets Form Pressing the crooked upward pointing arrow will launch an upload to the GL budget interface tables based on the parameters you define. Key parameters are Rows to Upload, Upload Mode (most sites use Replace), and Pre Validation. If not using ADI but a feed from an external system, the Upload Budgets form will upload the data from the interface table to the proper budget tables. Step 6.0 Enter Budget Amounts or Journals via Oracle General Ledger Forms The simplest but most labor intensive approach to budget amount entry. Amount type should be set to B for budget if using the same form as used to enter actual journal entries. Step 7.0 Transfer Budget Amounts Can be used to transfer budget amounts from one budget organization to another or to transfer budget amounts from one account to another within the same organization. This is basically a copy budget amounts function. Step 8.0 Freeze Budgets Prevents accidental or unauthorized changes to budget, budget formula or budget organization definitions. Freezing requires checking the Frozen box on the Freeze Budget form. Unfreezing requires unchecking the Frozen box.

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