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chad & jordyn isenhart www.projectisenhart.


disaster relief around the world. bringing relief in times of disaster to a world in need of hope.

Disaster Relief Coordinators

Since January 2010 to March 2011, we have been ministering with Foursquare Relief and Compassion and the partnership with our U.S. Churches, ministering and are ministering to 17 nations that experienced disasters around the world. Our hearts have been broken by the devastation, losses and death. Yet, in the midst of such pain, we are so grateful to God that, because of the generosity and love of the supporters like you, together we have been able to provide some measure of relief, compassionate care and genuine expressions of love and support. Romans 8:22-23 tells us, We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the rst-fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. Jesus is returning soon and we need only look around us to see that there is a quickening in the earth and in the spiritual realm that reminds us of this blessed hope. There is coming a day when we will no longer suffer in these ways!


In the midst of these tragedies, we also see uniquely positioned before us, an open door to proclaim hope and the saving grace of Jesus Christ to those who desperately need Him. As we bring this hope, and minister to the practical needs of those affected in these countries, together we are making a signicant difference in the lives of thousands of people around the world. So we say thank you for your continued partnership, your love, your care, your kindness, and your generosity that enabled us to give, to love, and bring the hope that does not fail to people in their hour of greatest felt need through the ministry of Relief and Compassion. We are also asking you to consider partnering again monthly with Jordyn and I as we continue to minister to disaster areas around the world. Together Jordyn will be ministering medically to people in need, and I will continue bringing aid, food, water, shelter. Together we will be touching thousands of lives bringing them the hope of Jesus. Being on call to respond to disasters right away. Helping coordinating local churches to respond to the needs of their own people. Giving them the resources, support, and knowledge of disaster situations in times of need. Always working through the national church leadership. That is the strength of what we do, because when we are gone after a disaster they are the ones that will continue the ministry. They are the ones that will have the biggest impact to their own people. As we begin to minister together, the nancial need is becoming larger, and we know that God will provide. Those of you who are giving we want to thank you, and those that have not partnered or have at one time, we ask you to prayerfully consider partnering monthly with us in this new seasonBless you, and we cannot do this without your support in prayers, and nancial support. We are your hands extended around the world to disaster stricken people in need.
The Isenharts Serving With Foursquare Relief and Compassion to reach:

2010: Albania- Flooding Haiti- Earthquake Chile- Earthquake Cook Islands- Cyclone Fiji-Tropical Storm Sri Lanka Bangladesh Pakistan New Zealand Mexico Jamaica Sudan St. Lucia Colombia

2011: Sri Lanka Flooding Bangladesh- Flooding Brazil- Flooding New Zealand- Earthquake Japan- Earthquake- Tsunami- Nuclear Disaste Myanmar- Earthquake

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