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The Loyalty Management system allows you to create your own points-based incentives, promotions and loyalty system to reward your visitors, customers and members for purchases, promoting your site, engaging in feedback, taking tests, and much more. Create your own viral grass roots marketing system, or street team system, to offer rewards to your most loyal members in exchange for promoting your website throughout the internet. Similar to a frequent flyer program, your rewards system will keep your customers coming back as they build their points and redeem them on your ecommerce site in your online auctions. Incentives, points and rewards create the ultimate promotional tools, rewarding frequent purchasers, new customers and your own internet marketing street team to virally promote your products and services.

How You Can Use It:

Reward customers for purchasing online in your ecommerce store Reward members for renewing paid subscriptions Incentives viral "tell a friend" activity by offering reward points Create click-through contests and offer points as prizes Create promotions online for almost any activity Reward member participation with points based auctions Offer points for offline marketing and street team activities by allowing members to upload photographs of flyers, in-store promotions and direct marketing Show "Points Leaders" to motivate participation

How It Works:
Points can be integrated into every marketing and promotions feature. Use the Loyalty Points System as a viral component to drive traffic back to your site, increase your registrants, excellent motivation to promote specific campaigns, auctions, contests, more.

Getting Started: Here is description of various

functionalities and description of various windows in the software.

Login Window:

This is Login Window for the Loyalty Management System. Any Administrative authority at some branch or at main chain office can login from here by entering correct USER NAME and PASSWORD.

Home Page:

This is the home page of Loyalty Management System. From here we can navigate for various functionalities. Home Page is divided basically in five parts which are as System overview: in this part an overview of entire system for last six months including current month is demonstrated using bar chart. We can have views on different basis as Total no. of customers, New customers enrolled, Active customers, No. of offers running, Total transaction, Total earn amount, Total redemption points. Store Comparison: in this part various stores of a chain are compared on the basis of same above mentioned criteria. We can have this comparison also for last six months including current month. Customer Info: this part have information of customers. This part has two views which are Upcoming Customer Events: in this view no. of customers having birthday or anniversary in coming six months including current months is displayed. By clicking on which we can get full details of those customers.

Missing Details: this view gives no. of customers having their particular detail missing as Address, DOB, Name, Email and Gender. Again by clicking that we can get full details of those customers whose details are missing. Offer Details: this part shows details of various types of offers. This part has three views as Ending Soon: this view contains details of all offers which are about to end soon. Ongoing: this view provides details of all ongoing offers. Drafts: this view provides all those offers which are yet to finalize i.e. those offers whose creation has not completed yet. Quick Tasks: this part provides few quick links for navigation in this Loyalty Management System as 1. Add a New Customer: for adding a new customer. 2. Create an Offer: for creation of an offer. 3. Send a Group an Email/sms: for sending Email/sms to a group. 4. Add a User for the Application: for adding a User for an application. 5. View All Customers: to view all customers. 6. View All Reports: to view all reports.


This is the window obtained under offers tab of home page. This window has four basic parts which are as Create a New Offer: this part provides us facility to create a new offer. It provides two options one is for Selected Stores and Customers and other is for Target Customer Group. Target Customer Group can be a group of a specific class of people which can be o Highest Spenders. o Most Frequent o Highest Point Balance o Disconnected Customers o Low Spenders o Active Customers o Newly Joined View Offers: this part provides facility to view offers running. Few options are available to filter the result which are


Stores: to filter result for different stores or to see result of all or specific stores. Offer Type: to see specific type of offers which can be either Earn type or Redemption type. Duration: we can provide a duration to from between which we want the offers to display. Offers Overview: this section provide an overview of entire system by Pie Chat which shows offers running on different stores. With this some additional information are also displayed as Total Ongoing Offers, Earn Offers, Redeem Offers, Max. Targeted Tier, Offers Ending. Quick Links: these are few quick links provided for navigation as 1. Add a New Customer: for adding a new customer. 2. View Company Profile: displays company profile. 3. Send a Group an Email/sms: for sending an email/sms to specific group. 4. Add a User for An Application: for adding an user for an application.


This is window obtained under Customer tab of home page. This window is divided in four parts as Add a New Customer: this part provides us the facility to add a new customer Name, Mobile Number and Card Number are three basic fiels which are must to be filled to proceed further. Add New Group option there provides us facility to create a new group. View Customers: this part provides facility to view details of a particular customer. We can search a customer on the basis of following o Customer Name o Card number o Mobile Number o By City o By Store o By Tier All Customer displays all customers and group option displays all groups present.

Customers Overview: this section demonstrates an overview of whole system on the basis of customers using Pie Chart showing various stores on it. Some additional information is also provided as Total User Count, Total Male Count, Total Female Count, Max Targeted Tier, User Added . Quick Links: Same quick links are also provide on this page for navigation.


This is the window obtained under Reports tab of the Home Page. This Window is divided into five parts as Customer/Transaction Report: in this section we can search and view transaction reports of customers. We can filter our result using different parameters as View : 1. All Transactions 2. Todays Transactions 3. Earn Transactions 4. Redeem Transactions 5. Other Transactions 6. Highest Transactions Duration : we can filter transaction report on the basis of duration also i.e. we can have transaction report between a specific duration. Store Comparison Report: under this section we can view store comparison report i.e. report comparing different stores on some basis and that basis can be selected from various view provided as

o New Customers o Total Customers o Total Transactions o Earn Transactions o Redeem Transactions o Offer Transactions o Total Earn Amount o Total Redeem Amount We can see report for some particular duration. Monthly Comparison Report: monthly comparison report gives the report by comparison of different months. Different views available are o Active Customers o High Spenders o Most Visited Offer Performance Report: this report shows performance of various offers. Quick Links: this section provide some basic quick links to navigate through the software.


This is the window obtained under Administration tab of Home Page. This window is divided in five sections as Users: in this section we can search and view profile of any user. Card Inventory: this section contains details as No. of Cards in Stock and Cards Allotted. We can view entire details of card allotted by clicking them in this section. View Profile: in this section we can view profile of entire Chain and can view profile of different stores (Branches). Revert Transaction: by this option we can nullify effect of transaction of a user. Quick Links: this section contains some basic links provided for navigation through software.

Create a New Offer:

This is the window for creation of a new offer. Various fields available in this form are Offer Name: Name of the Offer. Offer Type: Earn Redemption or Flat Discount. Duration: duration till offer must remain valid. After selection of offer type we now have different fields for different offer types as For Earn Type: Earning Criteria: standard, Minimum Purchase amount, Freq based or Cumulative Purchase. No. of Regular amount. Earn Type: times more points or bonus point amount Maximum earning count. For Redemption Type: Redemption Criteria: standard, Minimum Purchase amount, Freq based or Cumulative Purchase. No. of Regular amount. Redeem Type: times more points or bonus point amount Maximum earning count. For Flat Discount Type:

Flat Discount Criteria: standard, Minimum Purchase amount, Freq based or Cumulative Purchase. No. of Regular amount. Flat Discount: % discount or Flat Cash Off Amount

Rest fields common for all types Week Days: we can create offer for either all workdays or for specific week days. Time of Day: we can create offer either for all time in the day or for some specific time in the day.

View Offers:

This is the window that displays various offers. We can filter offer list on the basis of following criteria Offer Type: Earn, Redemption or Flat Discount. Duration: can view offers between a specific duration. Offer Status: Ended, Ongoing, Planned, Approval Pending. By City: can filter result by specific city. By Store: can view offers of any specific store. Targeted Tiers: Platinum, Diamond, Gold, Silver.

Add a New Customer:

This window is the form to be filled to add anew Customer. Various fields of this form are Key Details: Title: Mr., Ms., Mrs. Name: Name of customer. Card No.: Card No. of Customer. Mobile No.: Mobile No. of Customer. Tier: Platinum, Diamond, Gold, Silver. Personal Details: Gender: Male/Female. Date of Birth: Date of Birth of Customer. Occupation: Occupation of Customer. Marital Status: Married/Single. Anniversary: Anniversary date of customer.

Spouse Name & Bday: Name of spouse and him/her Bday. Kid1 Name: name of kid. Kid1 Bday: Bday of Kid. Kid2 Name: Name of other kid. Kid2 Bday: Bday of kid Preferences

Contact details: Email: Email of Customer. Phone No.: Phone No. of Customer. Address: Address of Customer. Country: Country of Customer. State: State of Customer City: City of Customer Pin Code: Pin Code of Customer.

View Customers:

This window displays details of customers. We can filter our result on the basis of following aspects Tier: Platinum, Diamond, Gold, Silver. By Gender: Male or Female. Total Visit: we can filter customer list on the basis of no. of visits by customer. Total points in account: we can filter list of customers on the basis of points in their account. Member Since: we can filter result on the basis of duration of membership of customer. Member At: we can view list of customer at particular store. Last Visit: we can view list of customer of a particular last visit. Total Amount Spent: we can filter result on the basis of total amount spent by customer. By City: can view customers of a particular city. By Age: can view customers of a particular age.


This is how various reports are displayed in this software. We can have different filters on this report obtained which are as Tier: Platinum, Diamond, Gold, Silver. Gender: Male, Female. No. of Visits: we can filter report on the basis of no. of visits by customer. Total Points: we can filter report on the basis of total points of customer. Member Science: this is another criteria for filtration of report. Member At: report of various stores can be seen. Last Visit: report can be filtered on the basis of last date of visit. Total Amount Spent: report can be filtered on the basis of total amount spent.

Add a New User:

This is the form must be filled to add a new user. Various field of new user form are Title: Mr., Ms., Mrs. Name: Name of User. User ID: User ID of the new user. Password: password of user. Profile: three options are there for profiles which are Administrator, Marketing Exec., and Operator. Stores In: in this we can specify various stores for this new user. Access Rights: access rights are rights given to this new user to perform a particular task. These are different for different entities as Offers: view, create, edit, delete, approval. Customers: view, create, edit, delete, approval. Reports: View and Export. Administration: User Management, Profile Management, Revert Transaction.

Use Case Diagrams:

A use case diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of behavioral diagram defined by and created from a Use-case analysis. Its purpose is to present a graphical overview of the functionality provided by a system in terms of actors, their goals (represented as use cases), and any dependencies between those use cases. The main purpose of a use case diagram is to show what system functions are performed for which actor. Roles of the actors in the system can be depicted.

For Login:

Enter user name & passwor d

User Authentication for Login


Related to Offer:

Approve Offer


Update Offer

Delete Offer

Marketing Excecutive View Offer

Create Offer


Related to Customer:

Approve Customer


Update Customer Information

Delete Customer

Marketing Excecutive View Customer

Create Customer


Related to Reports:

View Reports


Export Reports

Marketing Excecutive

Related to Administrative Tasks:

Revert Transection Administrator Profile Management

User Management

Activity Diagram of Entire System:

Ente Use Nameand Passw rd fo authe r r o r nticate Login d


Co mbinatio n

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Exit o Back r

Exit or Back

Bac k

Exit o Back r


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