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Short description
projected width of a gas collection plate mixed liquor recirculation factor (from nitrification zone to pre-D zone) total area occupied by apertures in a UASB reactor surface area of final settler minimum final settler surface area annualisation factor annualized investment costs alkalinity final alkalinity after complete decay of active sludge in aerobic digester alkalinity consumed in the aerobic digester initial alkalinity concentration (aerobic digestion) final alkalinity concentration (aerobic digestion) membrane surface area membrane surface area in a module overflow area in UASB reactor specific thickener surface area thickener surface area surface area of UASB reactor minimum UASB surface area projected height of a gas collection plate anaerobic decay rate decay rate for heterotrophic bacteria (non bio-P) decay rate for heterotrophic bacteria (non bio-P) at temperature T mass balance recovery factor for nitrogenous material decay rate for nitrifiers mass balance recovery factor for COD BOD value of a unit of organic sludge (aerobic digestion) mass balance recovery factor for phosphorus decay rate of bio-P organisms apparent decay constant of heterotrophic bacteria (non bio-P) unit construction costs of aeration system unit volume construction costs of final settler unit volume construction costs of the primary settler unit volume construction costs of aerobic digester unit volume construction costs of anaerobic digester costs of discharge to sewer (levies) price of electricity unit construction cost of power generation costs of heating (e.g. with gas or oil) equilibrium methane concentration proportionality constant between stirred and diluted sludge volume index unit volume construction costs of the aeration tank specific active biomass production per unit mass daily applied biodegradable COD specific active biomass production of heterotrophic organisms per unit mass daily applied biodegradable COD specific active nitrifiers production of per unit mass of daily applied nitrogen specific active biomass production of bio-P organisms per unit mass daily applied biodegradable COD

costs of sludge disposal unit volume construction costs of a sludge thickener unit volume construction costs of a UASB reactor denitrification capacity denitrification capacity in pre-D zone denitrification capacity from utilization of easily biodegradable COD denitrification capacity from utilization of slowly biodegradable COD denitrification capacity in post-D zone denitrification capacity in the final settler diameter of final settler average oxygen concentration during OUR test oxygen concentration in the liquid phase oxygen concentration measured by oxygen sensor oxygen concentration in the membrane tank saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen in the mixed liquor at pressure p saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen at 20C saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen under actual conditions saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen at standard pressure saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen at 20C and 1 atm (9.1 mg.l-1) saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen at temperature T fraction of the influent flow discharged to the first reactor in step feed systems endogenous residue fouling factor solids flux feed to permeate ratio active sludge fraction in the sludge entering the Nth digester fraction of construction costs required for construction of additional (non-specified) units active sludge concentration in aerobic digester aerobic sludge mass fraction initial active sludge concentration (aerobic digestion) active sludge fraction in the sludge leaving the Nth aerobic digester anaerobic sludge mass fraction active fraction of sludge active fraction of organic sludge active fraction of organic sludge from primary settling active fraction of organic sludge from activated sludge system active fraction of organic stabilised sludge fraction of Sbi consumed by normal heterotrophic biomass fraction of Sbi sequestered by bio-P organisms slowly biodegradable (particulate) COD fraction in the raw wastewater slowly biodegradable (particulate) COD fraction in the pre-settled wastewater biodegradable particulate fraction of organic COD in anaerobic effluent easily biodegradable (soluble) COD fraction in the raw wastewater easily biodegradable (soluble) COD fraction in the pre-settled wastewater fraction of Sbsi consumed by normal heterotrophic bacteria fraction of Sbsi sequestered by bio-P organisms biodegradable soluble fraction of organic COD in anaerobic effluent proportionality constant between bacterial mass and mass of COD activity factor for a bivalent ion

denitrification constant = (1 - fcvY)/2.86 endogenous residue of bio-P organisms inorganic H2S-COD in UASB effluent expressed as fraction of influent COD inorganic H2S-COD fraction in anaerobic effluent additional investment costs (non-construction related) limiting solids flux membrane flux maximum anoxic sludge fraction allowed for selected sludge age (when Nae = Nad) activity coefficient for a monovalent ion in the mixed liquor maximum allowed anoxic mass fraction mineral fraction influent nitrogen fraction in organic biomass inert particulate COD fraction after primary settling inert particulate influent COD fraction inert particulate fraction of COD in anaerobic effluent inert soluble COD fraction after primary settling non biodegradable, soluble influent COD fraction non biodegradable, soluble COD fraction in anaerobic effluent phosphorus fraction in organic biomass fraction of bio-P organisms capable of denitrification maximum poly-P fraction of bio-P organisms phosphorus release constant putrescible fraction of anaerobic sludge average frequency of exposure at the chlorine injection point applied solids load (drying beds) fraction of biodegradable COD that is easily biodegradable remaining after primary settling fraction of biodegradable COD that is easily biodegradable solids loading rate total solids flux in final settler solids flux due to sludge abstraction organic sludge fraction = ratio between volatile and total sludge concentration solids flux due to sludge settling organic sludge fraction in stabilised sludge organic sludge fraction of bio-P organisms organic sludge fraction anaerobic sludge total anoxic sludge mass fraction pre-D anoxic sludge mass fraction post-D anoxic sludge mass fraction sludge mass fraction located in final settler fraction of final settler volume filled with sludge gravitational acceleration constant liquid height above base of V-notch or above perforation thickener inlet zone / thickening zone (ATV) thickener clarification zone / sludge storage zone (ATV) thickener compression zone / separation zone (ATV) thickener sludge removal zone / clear water zone (ATV) height of final settler average depth of final settler height of the sludge buffer zone deflector height

level of air diffusers above reactor bottom height of digestion zone in UASB reactor height of freeboard of UASB reactor liquid height of gas box liquid GLS height liquid height UASB reactor height of sludge thickener total height of UASB reactor interest rate investment costs diluted sludge volume index stirred sludge volume index Vesilind constant rate constant for denitrification on easily biodegradable organic material equilibrium constant for CO2 dissociation real equilibrium constant for CO2 dissociation, corrected for ionic activity rate constant for denitrification on slowly biodegradable organic material equilibrium constant for bicarbonate dissociation real equilibrium constant of the bicarbonate dissociation, corrected for ionic activity rate constant for denitrification due to endogenous respiration adsorption rate constant adsorption constant adsorption saturation constant fermentation constant Henry constant oxygen transfer coefficient oxygen transfer coefficient under actual conditions oxygen transfer constant at 20C oxygen transfer constant at TC specific utilisation rate constant specific utilisation rate of slowly bio-degradable (adsorbed) organic material specific utilisation rate of easily biodegradable organic material saturation constant for nitrifiers half saturation constant for aerobic processes relaxation constant saturation constant (Monod) saturation constant (Monod) for growth on slowly biodegradable, adsorbed substrate saturation constant (Monod) for growth on easily biodegradable substrate equilibrium constant for the dissociation of water real equilibrium constant for the dissociation of water, corrected for ionic activity height of water layer remaining at end of drying period height of initial water layer applied to sludge bed length of UASB reactor maintenance costs maintenance costs for civil part of plant construction costs of aeration tank and final settler total construction costs of thickener and anaerobic digester total pre-D denitrification capacity

total post-D denitrification capacity total chemical excess sludge production specific digested sludge mass digested sludge mass chemical excess sludge production (metal oxides) chemical excess sludge production (metal phosphates) specific excess sludge production (equal to apparent yield Yap) excess sludge production specific primary excess sludge production primary excess sludge production specific secondary excess sludge production secondary excess sludge production specific stabilised excess sludge production stabilised excess sludge production specific anaerobic excess sludge production anaerobic excess sludge production total (secondary) excess sludge production corrected for loss of suspended solids in the effluent specific organic sludge production (= apparent yield Yap) volatile or organic excess sludge production organic primary excess sludge production organic secondary excess sludge production specific stabilised organic excess sludge production stabilised organic excess sludge production organic anaerobic excess sludge production specific active excess sludge production specific inactive excess sludge production specific methane production methane production consumption of metal salts maintenance costs for mechanical, electrical and instrumentation part of plant mass of nitrate available in (i.e. returned to) the pre-D zone mass of denitrified nitrogen mass of nitrate denitrified in the pre-D reactor mass of nitrate denitrified in the post-D reactor mass of nitrate denitrified in the final settler denitrification due to consumption of slowly biodegradable COD denitrification due to consumption of easily biodegradable COD specific nitrogen discharge with the excess sludge nitrogen removal with produced excess sludge specific nitrogen release in digester mass of nitrogen released in digester specific nitrogen removal due to discharge with the stabilised excess sludge mass of nitrogen removed with stabilised excess sludge mass of nitrogen removed with the excess sludge corrected for the loss of organic nitrogen with the effluent nitrogen load in effluent nitrogen load in influent oxygen demand for COD oxidation (= MSo) equivalent oxygen demand (recovered oxygen from denitrification) oxygen demand for nitrification total oxygen demand

mass of phosphorus removed by chemical precipitation specific power production phosphorus removal with excess sludge production specific phosphorus discharge with the excess sludge mass of phosphorus removed with the primary excess sludge specific phosphorus removal due to discharge with the stabilised excess sludge mass of phosphorus removed with stabilised excess sludge mass of phosphorus removed with the secondary excess sludge, corrected for the loss of organic nitrogen with the effluent mass of phosphorus removed with the excess sludge, corrected for loss of organic phosphorus in the effluent phosphorus load in the effluent specific primary excess sludge flow rate specific secondary excess sludge flow rate specific thickened sludge production fraction of total COD present as biodegradable COD in UASB effluent fraction of influent COD that is digested mass of COD digested in the system COD mass digested in UASB and emitted to atmosphere fraction of influent COD digested in UASB COD mass digested in UASB fraction of influent COD leaving the system with the effluent (soluble COD only) fraction of influent COD ending up as non-settleable COD in the UASB effluent non settleable COD load in UASB effluent fraction of influent COD metabolized metabolized sludge mass fraction of influent COD that is oxidized mass of COD oxidized in the system (= MOc) fraction of influent COD oxidized in aerobic digester mass of COD sequestered by bio-P organisms fraction of influent COD leaving the system with the effluent (includes particulate COD) COD load in the effluent applied COD load mass of COD discharged from the system in the excess sludge fraction of influent COD discharged from the system in the excess sludge fraction of influent COD leaving the system in the primary excess sludge fraction of influent COD discharged from the system in the secondary excess sludge fraction of influent COD leaving the system with stabilised excess sludge mass of COD discharged from the system in the stabilised excess sludge influent COD fraction converted into anaerobic excess sludge COD mass discharged as anaerobic excess sludge from UASB mole weight metal hydroxide mole weight metal phosphate mole weight metal salt active sludge mass per unit mass daily applied COD total active sludge mass in system total active heterotrophic sludge mass in system total active nitrifier sludge mass in system total mass of active bio-P organisms in system active anaerobic sludge mass per unit mass daily applied COD total active anaerobic sludge mass in system

non-degraded biodegradable sludge mass per unit mass daily applied COD total mass of non-degraded biodegradable sludge mass in system total mass of chemical sludge in system endogenous sludge mass per unit mass daily applied COD total mass of endogenous sludge in system total mass of endogenous nitrifier sludge in system total mass of endogenous bio-P sludge in system endogenous anaerobic sludge mass per unit mass daily applied COD total mass of endogenous anaerobic sludge inert sludge mass per unit mass daily applied COD total mass of inert sludge in system non-biodegradable particulate anaerobic sludge mass per unit mass daily applied COD total mass of non-biodegradable particulate anaerobic sludge in system inorganic anaerobic sludge mass per unit mass daily applied COD total mass of inorganic anaerobic sludge in system total nitrifier mass in system total sludge mass per unit mass daily applied COD total sludge mass in system available sludge mass storage capacity in final settler required sludge mass storage capacity in final settler total sludge mass in final settler anaerobic sludge mass per unit mass daily applied COD total mas of anaerobic sludge in system volatile sludge mass per unit mass daily applied COD total volatile sludge mass in system total organic heterotrophic biomass in system anaerobic organic sludge per unit mass daily applied COD total anaerobic organic sludge mass in system economical lifetime number of gas boxes insurance costs number of UASB reactors number of aerobic digesters desired/required effluent ammonium concentration ammonium effluent concentration nitrate available in pre-D zone nitrate available in post-D zone nitrification capacity (= nitrified ammonium concentration) ratio between nitrification capacity and biodegradable influent COD limiting ratio between nitrification capacity and biodegradable influent COD for the applicability of the Bardenpho process maximum ratio between nitrification capacity and biodegradable influent COD allowing full nitrogen removal denitrified nitrogen concentration concentration of nitrate that will be denitrified in the return sludge stream per passage through the final settler maximum allowable production of nitrogen gas in the return sludge flow during its passage through the final settler to the abstraction point denitrification due to consumption of slowly biodegradable COD denitrification due to consumption of easily biodegradable COD

effluent Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration influent Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration nitrogen concentration removed with the excess sludge nitrogen concentration released in digester nitrogen concentration removed with the stabilised excess sludge nitrogen concentration removed with the heterotrophic excess sludge nitrogen concentration removed with the nitrifier excess sludge nitrogen concentration discharged with excess sludge (corrected for loss of organic nitrogen in the effluent) equilibrium dissolved nitrogen gas concentration at the maximum liquid depth of the final settler, assuming an atmosphere of 100% nitrogen dissolved nitrogen gas concentration in the incoming mixed liquor flow nitrate concentration when decay of active sludge is complete (aerobic digestion) nitrate production in the aerobic digester nitrate/nitrate effluent concentration initial nitrate concentration (aerobic digestion) influent nitrate/nitrite concentration organic nitrogen in effluent influent organic nitrogen concentration particulate organic nitrogen in effluent soluble organic nitrogen in effluent nitrification potential (= maximum ammonium concentration that can be nitrified) effluent total nitrogen concentration maximum nitrogen effluent concentration (all released nitrogen recycled to aeration tank) minimum nitrogen effluent concentration (no recycle of released nitrogen to aeration tank) influent Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration limiting ratio between influent TKN and total influent COD for the applicability of the Bardenpho process maximum ratio between influent TKN and total influent COD allowing full nitrogen removal operational costs oxygen uptake rate (respiration) for COD oxidation endogenous respiration rate oxygen recovery rate (equivalent oxygen uptake rate) due to denitrification exogenous respiration rate exogenous respiration rate due to consumption of slowly biodegradable (adsorbed) substrate exogenous respiration rate due to consumption of easily biodegradable substrate oxygen uptake rate for nitrification total oxygen uptake rate oxygen transfer efficiency at 4.5 m submergence actual oxygen transfer efficiency total oxygen uptake rate (aerobic digester) standard oxygen transfer efficiency oxygen uptake rate apparent OUR rate of change of oxygen concentration in reactor due to hydraulic effects endogenous respiration rate

rate of change of oxygen concentration in reactor due to adsorption of atmospheric oxygen maximum oxygen uptake rate due to nitrification personnel costs atmospheric pressure static point required aeration power installed aeration power partial methane pressure concentration of phosphorus to be chemically removed discharge pressure dissipated power power production electrical power consumption (pumps) residual pollution load in wastewater after treatment required heating power influent phosphorus concentration removed with the excess sludge influent phosphorus concentration in digested sludge (i.e. released to liquid phase) influent phosphorus concentration removed with the stabilised excess sludge phosphorus concentration discharged with excess sludge (corrected for loss of organic phosphorus with the effluent) minimum required energy required to keep sludge in suspension partial oxygen pressure particulate organic phosphorus in effluent soluble organic phosphorus in effluent phosphate concentration in effluent standard pressure desired/required total phosphorus concentration in the effluent effluent total phosphorus concentration maximum phosphorus effluent concentration (all released phosphorus recycled to aeration tank) minimum phosphorus effluent concentration (no recycle of released phosphorus to aeration tank) influent phosphorus concentration water vapor pressure flow rate excess sludge flow primary excess sludge flow secondary excess sludge flow air flow methane gas flow rate biogas flow rate module feed flow (cross-flow membranes) influent flow rate permeate flow rate influent peak flow rate recirculation flow (cross-flow MBR) thickened excess sludge flow excess sludge flow recirculation factor from pre-D zone to anaerobic zone gas constant

adsorption rate of slowly biodegradable material decay rate denitrification rate retention time in aerobic digester retention time in anaerobic digester theoretical minimum total aerobic digestion retention time for N denitrification rate on slowly biodegradable COD denitrification rate on easily biodegradable COD minimum total aerobic digestion retention time growth rate hydraulic retention time hydraulic retention time in pre-D reactor hydrolysis rate of stored slowly biodegradable material thickening time final settler (ATV) hydraulic retention time UASB minimum retention time for complete utilisation of the Sbs present in the influent in the pre-D reactor nitrification rate retention time in Nth aerobic digester relative evaporation rate of water in the exposed sludge batch sludge age true sludge age (including sludge mass present in final settler) net production of slowly biodegradable material net production of easily biodegradable material feeding rate of easily biodegradable material to the pre-D reactor minimum sludge age required to achieve desired effluent ammonium concentration minimum sludge age required for nitrification net production of adsorbed biodegradable material anaerobic sludge age utilisation rate of organic material utilisation rate of easily biodegradable influent organic material decay rate of volatile solids water evaporation rate net production of active sludge production rate of endogenous residue sludge recycle factor biodegradable COD consumed by normal heterotrophic biomass biodegradable influent COD concentration biodegradable COD sequestered by bio-organisms slowly biodegradable COD concentration (reactor) easily biodegradable COD concentration (reactor) easily biodegradable COD consumed by normal heterotrophic biomass influent concentration of easily biodegradable material after correction for denitrification in the anaerobic zone easily biodegradable influent COD concentration residual concentration of the easily biodegradable material in the effluent of the Nth reactor of a series easily biodegradable COD sequestered by bio-P organisms critical sludge recirculation factor safety factor used to allow for locally increased dissolved nitrogen gas concentrations soluble (non settleable) COD concentration in UASB effluent safety factor used in design final settler

safety factor used in design sludge thickener COD discharge per capita minimum value of sludge recirculation flow (MBR) non biodegradable influent COD concentration non biodegradable soluble influent COD concentration concentration of absorbed slowly biodegradable material (reactor) return sludge ratio during peak flow (ATV) particulate influent COD concentration total effluent COD concentration total influent COD concentration total UASB effluent COD concentration VFA concentration aerobic digestion time sewage temperature time required for preparation of the sludge bed and application onto the bed of the sludge to be dried time required for percolation time required for evaporation time required for removal of the dried sludge and cleaning of the bed for the next batch total drying cycle time total construction costs compression time (thickener) temperature in the anaerobic digester total investment costs blower inlet temperature maximum reactor temperature minimum reactor temperature (often equal to design temperature) total operational costs duration of primary phase (denitrification) hydraulic loading rate maximum allowable hydraulic loading rate hydraulic loading rate during peak flow (ATV) sludge volume loading rate maximum sludge volume loading rate downward liquid velocity in settler humidity final humidity initial humidity Vesilind constant liquid velocity in UASB apertures volume aerobic zone volume of anaerobic zone (bio-P removal) volume of settler cone hydraulic retention time in final settler volume of final settler volume of primary settler aerobic digestion volume specific aerobic digestion volume available volume for sludge buffering in the final settler anaerobic digester volume

reactor volume required per capita liquid upflow velocity in UASB reactor liquid overflow velocity in UASB reactor volume of aeration tank biological reactor volume total volume specific thickener volume thickener volume molar gas volume at actual temperature and pressure UASB volume sludge volume volume pre-D zone volume post-D zone width of single aperture in UASB reactor outer width of gas box width of UASB reactor active sludge concentration in reactor active sludge concentration in (N-1)th digester and its effluent (aerobic digestion) digested active sludge concentration (aerobic digestion) active sludge concentration in digester and its effluent (aerobic digestion) active heterotrophic sludge concentration in anaerobic zone initial or incoming active sludge concentration (aerobic digestion) active sludge concentration in N-th digester and its effluent (aerobic digestion) active nitrifier concentration average concentration at which sludge will accumulate in the final settler non degraded biodegradable solids concentration critical sludge concentration mole fraction of dissolved methane gas in water primary sludge concentration concentration of endogenous residue in reactor endogenous sludge concentration formed in aerobic digester concentration of endogenous residue from nitrifiers average sludge concentration on settler bottom (ATV) inert organic sludge concentration in reactor limiting sludge concentration minimum sludge concentration concentration of inorganic solids in influent inorganic sludge concentration in reactor inactive sludge concentration in digester (aerobic digestion) initial or incoming inactive sludge concentration (aerobic digestion) return sludge concentration maximum return sludge concentration maximum allowed sludge concentration in membrane tank total sludge concentration in reactor sludge concentration in first reactor (step feed systems) sludge concentration in second reactor (step feed systems) total stabilised sludge concentration effluent total solids concentration thickened excess sludge concentration

limiting thickening sludge concentration sludge concentration in the reactor during peak flow average UASB sludge concentration in reactor average UASB sludge concentration in digestion zone volatile sludge concentration in reactor final volatile sludge concentration when decay of active sludge is complete (aerobic digestion) digested organic sludge concentration stabilised organic sludge concentration initial volatile sludge concentration (aerobic digestion) organic anaerobic sludge concentration waste sludge concentration anaerobic yield yield of ammonia oxidisers apparent yield heterotrophic yield nitrifier yield yield of nitrite oxidisers inclination ratio of the oxygen transfer rate in mixed liquor and in pure water plate inclination angle of base of V-notch ratio of the saturation concentration of DO in mixed liquor and in pure water alkalinity change from ammonification alkalinity change from denitrification alkalinity change from nitrification total alkalinity change reduction in pre-D denitrification capacity due to recycle of oxygen to pre-D zone reduction in post-D denitrification capacity due to influx of oxygen in post-D zone height of water layer removed during drying period mass of sludge transferred from the reactor to the final settler during peak flow variation of ammonium concentration ammonified nitrogen concentration in the activated sludge process variation of nitrate concentration differential pressure differential pressure over a membrane module trans membrane pressure change in reactor sludge concentration during peak flow efficiency of blower methane fraction in biogas COD removal efficiency efficiency factor to account for short circuiting between inlet- and outlet of final settler (ATV) maximum solids removal efficiency of inactive sludge fraction maximum solids removal efficiency of active sludge fraction electrical efficiency of pump, biogas engine and gas motor ratio between net and gross membrane flux sludge drying bed productivity fraction of solids converted in digester COD removal efficiency of primary settler

degree of solids conversion inert and endogenous sludge degree of solids conversion active sludge solids removal efficiency of primary settler (apparent) maximum specific nitrifier growth rate in systems with non aerated zones specific growth rate of nitrifiers maximum specific nitrifier growth rate sweet water viscosity at process temperature sweet water viscosity at reference temperature (1.288 at T = 15) density membrane permeability membrane permeability at process temperature membrane permeability at T = 15C temperature dependency coefficient (Arrhenius) contraction coefficient

m (-) m2 m2 m2 (-) US$.yr-1 mg CaCO3.l-1 mg CaCO3.l-1 mg CaCO3.l-1 mg CaCO3.l-1 mg CaCO3.l-1 m2 m2 m2 COD m2 m2 m2 m d-1 d-1 d-1 (-) d-1 (-) mg VSS (-) d-1 d-1 US$.kW-1 US$.m-3 US$.m-3 US$.m-3 US$.m-3 US$.PE-1 US$.kWh-1 US$.kW-1 US$.m-3 gas or US$.kg-1 fuel mg CH4.l-1 (-) US$.m-3 mg COD mg COD mg N mg COD

US$.ton-1 TSS US$.m-3 US$.m-3 mg N.l-1 influent mg N.l-1 influent mg N.l-1 influent mg N.l-1 influent mg N.l-1 influent mg N.l-1 influent m mg O2.l-1 mg O2.l-1 mg O2.l-1 mg O2.l-1 mg O2.l-1 mg O2.l-1 mg O2.l-1 mg O2.l-1 mg O2.l-1 mg O2.l-1 (-) mg VSS (-) kg TSS.m-2.d-1 (-) mg VSS mg VSS mg VSS kg TSS mg VSS mg VSS kg TSS mg TSS mg VSS mg VSS mg VSS mg VSS mg COD mg COD mg COD mg COD mg COD mg COD mg COD mg COD mg COD mg COD mg VSS (-)

(-) mg VSS mg COD mg COD (-) kg TSS.m-2.d-1 l.m-2.h1 m3.m-3 (-) m3.m-3 mg COD mg VSS mg COD mg COD mg COD mg COD mg COD mg COD mg VSS (-) mg VSS mg COD mg VSS d-1 kg TSS.m-2 mg BCOD mg BCOD kg TSS.m2.d-1 kg TSS.m2.d-1 kg TSS.m2.d-1 mg TSS kg TSS.m2.d-1 mg TSS mg TSS mg TSS kg TSS kg TSS kg TSS kg TSS m3.m-3 m.s-2 m m m m m m m m m

m m m m m m m m % US$ ml.g-1 TSS ml.g-1 TSS l.g-1 TSS mg N.g-1 Xa-VSS.d-1 mol.l-1 mol.l-1 mg N.g-1 Xa-VSS.d-1 mol.l-1 mol.l-1 mg N.g-1 Xa-VSS.d-1 Xa.d-1 h-1 mg Xa Xa-VSS.d-1 atm or mg.l-1.atm-1 h-1 h-1 h-1 h-1 mg Xa.d-1 mg Xa.d-1 mg Xa.d-1 mg N.l-1 mg O2.l-1 h-1 mg COD.l-1 mg Xa mg COD.l-1 mol2.l-2 mol2.l-2 mm mm m % of TIC per year % of TIC per year US$ US$ kg N.d-1

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