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2/11/2011 - Correctly tracks long term and short term gains and losses.

- Added a "Close Date" field to Transactions table. - Ideally will be able to create a snapshot of the portfolio at any give n time and compare the prices now with current portfolio. - The thinking is to ask yourself how much better off are you with the t rades you made. -Fixed security settings annoyance. - Tools>Macro>Security>Low 2/13/2011 -Updated Quaccess -Fixed annoying "There was a problem sending a command to the program." error. - Regedit>HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT>Access.Application.11>shell>Open>Change "dde exec" to "NOddeexec" -WIP The allocation of the commission when selling a stock is done incorrectly, especially when there are multiple lots. 2/15/2011 -Added more date buttons to Dividend Reports (Qtr to Date and Prev Qtr) -Fixed ST LT profit calculation on TempSharestoSell -KINDA Fixed Profit % Calculation on Temp Shares to Sell -Added column in Transactions Table for Cumulative% Return not yet active. -Fixed onclose event after update of transactions data entry form. -Fixed profit calculation in the update query for tempsharestosell 2/17/2011 -Added a check to prevent you from not alloting enough shares and exiting the fo rm. 2/28/2011 -Began adding a cash table to track deposits, withdrawls, and amount of cash in account automatically. 3/1/2011 -Created UpdateCashwithRecentTransactions retroactivly adds cash amount to cash table. Must run after AmountCalcQ Update. 3/2/2011 -Added UpdateCashwithRecentDividends 3/4/2011 -Fixed extra space in UpdateCashwithRecentTransactions in description field. -Fixed major issue. -Before:Transactions Data Entry screen on load would delete TempSharesto Sell and loose join property in updatesalestotransactionsQ -After: On load now it just runs a delete query to empty all the tempora ry tables. 3/10/2011 -Added recents form to display most recently input transactions and dividends. S orted "most recent" by table ID, not date. 3/23/2011 -To concurrently update Recents form while inputing data (so if you stop you kno w where to pick back up again). -Updated UpdateCashWithRecentTransactions to calculate the amount field. The Amo unt field is now removed from the Transactions Table. Dividends not affected. -Removed "Update Recent Inputs" button on Main Menu. -Also finally created actual relationships but for some reason I couldn't enforc e integrety.

- Figured it out: Set default value in Cash table to Null for the Transa ctions ID and Dividend ID fields. Then removed all zeros. Now integrety is enfor ced with cascade delete. -One to one relationships also now enforced. 4/14/2011 -Linked tabled to mySQL remote database on pogoplug. (Simple data dump nothing i n depth). 6/27/2011 - MySQL Migration -Added a "Created" column in the Transactions, Dividends, and Cash table s that are simple timestamps. (Updated pogoplug to use CDT time instead of UTC) . -Fixed ID field not auto incrementing. Broken: - Update Cash with Recent Dividends and Transactions update queries are both broken. Todo: WASH SALES!

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