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Angle Principle - pattern, polarization, etc. are invariant to a change in scale that is in proportion to the change in wavelength.

Frequency independent antennas are antennas whose radiation pattern, impedance and polarization remain virtually unchanged over a large bandwidth (SpiralAntenna)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Truncation Principle The total current on the infinite structure must decrease with distance from the terminals. Otherwise, a truncation would result in a radial effect on the pattern. >>> The power at a given wavelength must radiate away before reaching the edge of the antenna. (challangesbroadbandfeedsdesign)
Their electrical dimensions, however, scale with frequency. Ideally, the electrical size of such antennas would remain constant over the entire electromagnetic spectrum. This ideal state requires that the logarithmic spiral antenna be infinite to fulfill the self-scaling and selfcomplementary conditions. For a certain range of parameters, the logarithmic spiral antenna can be truncated and still retain the properties of the infinite structures over a very wide band. The practical frequency independent structure is truncated, which limits the antennas upper and lower frequency limits. (SpiralAntenna) ------------------------------------------------------------------A true frequency independent antenna must have an aperture that is infinitely large and a feed region that is infinitesimally small to eliminate the low and high frequency constraints, respectively. The radiating structure should be completely described by angles and no single structural dimension should depend on length. As defined by Rumsey, a so-called frequency independent structure would satisfy the following equation:

where , , are spherical coordinates, a and 0 are constants, and F( ) is an arbitrary function of . For planar spiral structures, F( ) is a Dirac delta function in the plane of the antenna. While the above criteria for frequency independent antennas are quite restrictive and unrealizable, the lax definition of frequency consistent input impedance and far-field patterns over wide bandwidths is usually accepted. Presently these antennas have been shown to have consistent impedance and patterns over many octaves of bandwidth. ( TESEMultifunctionalmultipolarizedsinuousandspiralantennas) Sealing can be done using translation (with sealing) and/or rotation (with sealing) of the geometry (see Fig. 2.1). A translation of the geometry in combination with sealing the geometry size introduces a fixed sealing factor. Beeause of the fixed sealing factor, translation with sealing does not allow a gradual, smooth, sealing of the geometry. The antenna properties will not be frequeney-independent. When a rotation of the geometry is used in combination with a sealing of the geometry size it is more eonvenient to deseribe the geometry in polar eoordinates. The geometry is rotated around a fixed point and the geometry is sealed with the angle of rotation. The following derivation defines the frequeney-independent geometries for planar antennas. In aplanar strueture the edges of the geometry are described

in angular eo-ordinates, the funetion r(rp) represents the radius of a (eurved) edge as a funetion of the angle rp. Let us assume that sealing with an arbitrary ehosen factor K eorresponds to a rotation over an angle C. In Figure 2.1 K eorresponds to the ratio of the hatehed and double hatehed areas, C eorresponds to the angle of rotation. (TESEBroadband Feeds for Integrated Lens)

(Antennas kraus)

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