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How to get from here to there.

Pstr Morgan 7-10-11

Matthew 26:39

And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Mt 26:39 Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.
A lot riding on Calvary. God is a just God-justification. God is very legalistic. The penalties of sin had to be dealt with. Christ the spotless lamb. The just for the unjust. He paid the price, penalty for my sin. God s fury against my sin. Something has to pay the price. We can t get back into fellowship with God without penalty for sin dealt with. Everyone of us should have been the one to pay the price. It was our sin not His. I should have been on that cross. But Jesus stood and died in my place! Jesus made the right choice. Jesus was both fully God and fully man. There is one mediator, one man Jesus Christ. In him dwelt the fullness of the godhead. He had a choice. All of eternity hinged on his one decision. In the garden and forsaken by his friends. It was the cup of suffering he drank not the cup of sin. In the prime of his life he was cut down. The power of the human will. Jesus asked for the cup to pass from him, but he decided to go to the cross. Not my will but thy will be done. The only thing that can stop Calvary in your life is the human will. Every knee in this life should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. In heaven we will all bow and confess Jesus as Lord. All can be aborted by the power of the human will. God sends no one to Hell. People send themselves to Hell. Even Lucifer chose to disobey. People say why do bad things happen to good people? The man Adam chose to fall then the consequences started. The human will is the key. I chose to believe the gospel. To every man God gave a conscience and ability to choose. All you need to do today is make the right choice! The devil is busy telling you lies, telling you that you will never go far. If you are part of the Kingdom, then properties of the future kingdom of heaven should be in your life. If the devil comes past your life, he is a trespasser. Unless you give him the power. Just like the serpent in the garden, people in your life would like to say hath God said? Then the area God has given you, you now give up. How will your choices affect calvary? The Siro-Phoenician woman with the issue of blood saw her miracle pass by, so she pressed through the people, the law, the customs, and touched the edge of his garment and she got her healing! You have got to decide that I am not going to stay this way, I am going to press through to my miracle. Remember the man let down through the roof of the building Jesus teaching at, what faith! He was healed. How do you get from where you are at to where you want to go? You have got to want to be there more than you want to be here. Decide this! God cannot violate your will. We stay where we are at because that is where we want to be. Let the weak say I am strong .

Say to yourself daily This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! The power of the human will. God has provided, but do you really want it? It is a matter of your will. The power of the human will will say no to the truth. God has factored certain days(moments) in our life in time set for eternity. God has set these times in our lives, will we make the right decision? Today is going to be a memorable day for some of you this day. Will you be made whole, and will you let God do it? Calvary is ready and available, it is already done! When you stand before Him in judgment day what will you say? He abandoned you all? No you chose something different. Matthew 8 speaks of the demoniac Legion. There was actually 2 men that were possessed there. God could have delivered both, but he delivered the one only. A legion is about 2,600 soldiers. The man who God delivered worshipped Jesus and God even answered the demons prayers to go into the herd of swine. Now Jesus definitely can answer our prayers if he can answer a demons. After scripture says the man was clothed and in his right mind. How many problems do you got. 1, 10 ,100? Your miracle is in your will. Say everyday that this is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Whose report will you believe? The reason why you don t get your miracle is because you don t want it bad enough. We are in the same ruts that we have been in. If the Siro-Phoenician woman can press through and get her miracle, then I can! Some of you like the world better than the things of God and you enjoy staying in your place. Someday you have got to decide, I am not staying there! There is old lingering stuff, spirits, here in SAN FRANCISCO. A lot of it is condemnation, especially from the Catholic influence. The devil is lying to folks telling them they are not good enough. Or your miracle is tied to your performance. God is not trying to bargain with you. To whom much is forgiven, much is required. God did it on the cross on Calvary. All you need to get is your faith. Catholicism says we have to do penance. The shepherd is telling the flock it is your fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. You cannot fast enough for God to heal you. Not a power alone to get water for you. Remember Moses with the rock that was to bring forth water. He smote the rock. Moses violated typology. That rock was Christ. He was crucified one time only. Stop trying to beat him and crucify him again. Once Calvary finished. The rest is by speaking. You have not because you ask not. Just ask Me for your miracle. Speak and the water will flow. How then can you pray or fast for what He has already done? By faith people can come and take part in their miracle. The woman who spoke to Jesus about the dogs eating crumbs from the masters table. She had great faith and she wasn t even saved yet. Lord lead us to a moment of decision-will it be finished in my life? I choose to let this miracle happen!

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