Sie sind auf Seite 1von 99



June 1947
The United States Strategic Bombing Survey was estab-
lished by the Secretary of War on 3 November 1944, pur-
suant to a directive from the late President Roosevelt.
It s mission was to conduct an impartial and expert study
of the effects of our aerial attacks on Germany, and later-
at the request of President Truman-a similar study of the
war against Japan. Results of these studies are to be
used in establishing a basis for evaluating the importance
and potentialities of air power as an instrument of military
strategy for planning the future development of the armed
forces and for determining future economic policies with
respect to the national defense.
Franklin D'Olier served as chairman during both studies.
Some 300 civilians, 350 officers and 500 enlisted men made
up the Survey's complement. The Navy furnished 40
percent of the military segment during the Japanese phase.
In both Europe and Japan the Survey conducted de-
tailed examinations and inspections of plants, industries,
cities and areas; interviewed virtually all surviving polit-
ical, military, and industrial leaders; and accumulated
volumes of statistical and documentary materials. A
large part of this material was not used by the Survey in
the preparation of formal reports and this, with the reports
and supporting data, conceivably could prove valuable to
other government departments in future research activities.
To preserve these records, the complete files of the many
divisions of the Survey including published reports and
background and supporting data for these reports, haye
been deposited with the National Archives in Wash-
ington, D. C.
Over-all responsibility for the proper security of these
files has been assumed by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Authority to approve requests by official representatives
of the State, Army, Navy, and Air Force Departments for
access to the files has been delegated by the Central Intelli-
gence Agency to the Intelligence agencies of these depart-
ments and by such official representatives for
permission to examine Survey documents classified Con-
fidential or higher should be directed to the appropriate
Intelligence agency. Requests by official representatives
of Federal agencies other than the aforestated depart-
ments for permission to examine material classified Confi-
dential or higher should be addressed to the Director of
Central Intelligence, Washington, D. C. Requests by
official representatives of all Federal agencies for permission
to examine unclassified or Restricted USSBS material at
National Archives should be directed to the War Records ,
Office, National Archives. Persons or agencies other than
those specified above may not have access to classified
material; if they desire to unclassified material in
USSBS files, re_quests for such access should be directed to
the War Records Office, National .Archives, which will
make the material available for examination at National
Archives if such action is feasible and in accordance with
established policies of the Archivist.
List of reports--------------------------------- 2
Section 1. European documents----------------- 7
2. Japanese documents------------------ 64
3. European Intelligence Ubrary---------- 191
Section 4. European target Intelligence....--------- 206
5. European survey publications--------- 267
6. Japanese Intelligence libr&I'Y----------- 262
7. Japanese target Intelligence.._--------- 289
8. Japanese aurve7 publlcatioDB---------- 298
Introduction----------____________________ 1
Sections 1 and 2 (European and Japanese documents) of
this index include all published reports of the Survey and
background and supporting data for these reports. The
material has been arranged according to the list of reports
preceding section 1 with control numbers corresponding
to report numbers.
The remainder of the index does not follow the control-
number method because the material contained is general
in nature and cannot readily be divided into reference items
for the various Survey reports. The system follows a pat-
tern developed during the early stages of the Survey wben
the operating divisions were using these files for general
reference and orientation preparatory to visiting objectives
in the field.
Sections 3 and 6 (intelligenoe libraries) consist of publi-
cations and reports used by the Survey for r e f e ~ c e .
Sections 4 and 7 (target intelligence) are broken into three
main categories: first, information compiled relative to se-
lection of targets to be bombed; second, statistics covering
operational and ordnance data for forces in the theater;
and, third, target folders, containing photo cover and
damage analysis of targets after bombing.
Sections 5 and 8 consist of complete sets of published re-
ports plus copies of interrogations, intelligence memoranda,
and questionnaires prepared during the operational phase
of the Survey.
Complete microfilm, sound track, and photograph li-
braries have been turned over to the National Archives
with other Survey records, but titles of these have not been
included in this index. Accession lists for each of these
three categories have been included with the librariel.

-(fb' European War

1 The 'Gnited St ate- Strategic Bombing Survey: Sum-
mary Report (European War)
2 The liwted t ates trategic Bombing Survey: Over-
all Report (European W a.r)
2a Appen<lli
3 The Effects of Strategic Bombing on the German
War Economy
(By Division and Branch)
4 Aircraft Division Industry Report
5 Inspection Vlsits to V arlo us Targets (Special Report)
Airframes Branch
6 Junkers .Aircraft and Aero Engine Works Dessau
, ,
7 Erla GmbH, Heitablick, Germany
.8 GmbH, Leipzig
-9 Gothaer Waggonfa.brik, AG Gotha Germany
.10 Foc.k:e Wolf Aircraft Plant, Bremen', Germany
Over-all Report-
11 Messersch.mitt AG, Part A
Augsburg, Germany Part B .
. . Appendices I, II ill .
12 Dormer Works, Friedrichshafen &: . h G
..13 Gerhard Fieseler w erke GmbH!rmany
14 Wiener Neustaedter e w
stadt, Austria. , 1ener
Aero Enaines Branch
15 B
GeNAG Flugmotorenwerke GmbH B
Wlea., rmany , ru.ns-
16 Motorenwerke GmbH T h
vtawany , auc a,
17 Works Inc. Eisenach L D
vtawany ' a. urrerhof,
Motorenwerke AG (BMW) .
. 19 Henschel F1ugmotorenwerke Kusel G
' , ermany
Upt Metal Braach
Light Metals Industry {P
of part I, Aluminum
21 Veretnigte Deutacbe II,
22 many werke, HUdesheim G
Metallgusegeaellechaft GmbH Lei . , er-
, pzJg, Germany
23 Aluminiumwerk GmbH, Plant No. 2, Bit
24 Gebrueder Giulini GmbH, Ludwigshafen,
25 Luftschiffbau, Zeppelin GmbH, Friedrichs
on Bodensee, Germany
26 Wieland Werke AG, Ulm, Germany
27 Rudolph Rautenbach Leichmetallgiessereien
gen, Germany '
28 Lippewerke Vereinigte Aluminiumwerke AG,
29 Vereinigte Deutsche Metallwerke,
30 Duer ener Metallwerke AG,
& Warren, Germany
31 Area Studies Division Report
32 A Detailed St udy of the Effects of Area ....... v . .uJ.u'w
on Hamburg
33 A Detailed Study of t he Effects
on Wuppertal
34 A Detailed St udy of the Effects of Area Bom
on Dusseldorf
35 A St udy of the Effects of Area
on Solingen
36 A Det ailed St udy of the Effects of Area vv.uJ. ...,u
on Remscheid
37 A Detailed Study of the Effects of Area
on Darmstadt .LJVLl.lLJI.LII
38 A Detailed Study of the Effects of Area ....... ..
on Lubeck
39 A Study of the Effects of Area .LJv.uJ.u'.a.u-.
Berlin, Augsburg, Bochum, Leipzig, Hagen,
mund, Oberhausen, Schweinfurt, and Bremen
' an Division-Final Report
1 o ogne Field Report
42 Bonn Field Report
43 Hanover Field Report
Field Report-Vol: I Text Vol II
46 A a esloe Field Report , , . ,
Field Report
ReceptiOn Are B .
as In avana, Germany
Electrical Branch
:g Industry Re1DOlrti
e Ie, Mannherm Kafertal,
Optical and Predsion Instrument Branch
50 Optical and p .
rectston Instrument Industry
Abrasives Branch
51 The German Abrasive Industry
52 Mayer and Schmidt, Offenbach on Main, Germany
Anti-Friction Branch
53 The German Anti-Friction Bearings Industry
Machine Tools Branch
54 Machine Tools & Machinery as Capital Equipment
55 Machine Tool Industry in Germany
56 Herman Kolb Co., Cologne, Germany
57 Coll et and Engelhard, Offenbach, Germany
58 Naxos Union, Frankfort on !\lain, Germany
59 The Defeat of the Ger man Ai r Force
60 V-Weapons (Crosshow) Campaign
61 Air Force Rate of Operation
62 V\' eather Factors in Combat Bombardment Opera-
tions in the European Theater
63 Bombing Accuracy, USAAF Heavy aud
Bombers in the ETO
64 Description of RAF Bombing
64a The I mpact of the Allied Air Effort on German Lo-
64b The Effects of St rategic Bombing on German l\Iorale
(Vol. I and Vol. II)
Medical Branch
65 The effect of Bombing on Healt h and :Medical Care
in Germany
Heavy Industry Branch
66 The Coking Industry Report on Germany
67 Coking Plant Report No. 1, Sections A, B, C, & D
68 Gutehoffnungshuet te, Oberhausen, Germany
flU Friedrich-Alfrerl Huette, Rheinhausen, Germany
-10 1\eunkirchen Eisenwerke A G, Neunkirchen, Ger-
71 Reichs\Yerke Hermann Goering A G, Hallendorf
72 August Thyssen Huette A G, Ham born, Germany
-73 Friedrich Krupp A G, Borbeck Plant , Essen, Ger-
74 Dortmund Hoerder Huet tenverein A G, Dortmund,
75 Roesch A G Dortmund, Germany
-76 Bochumer Verein fuer Gusstahlfabrikation A G,
Bochum, Germany
Motor Vehicles and Tanka Branch
German Motor Vehicles Industry Report
Tank Industry RePQrt
Daimler Benz A G Unterturkheim, GermanY
Renault Motor Vehicles Plant, Billancourt, Paris
Adam Russelheim, Germany
Daimler Benz-Gaggenau Gaggenau Germany
Maschinenfabrik Augaburg-.N urnberg, urn berg,
Auto Union A G, Chemniu and Zwickau, Germany
Henschel & Sohn, Kassel, Germany
Maybach Mot or Works, Frledrioliabafen, Germany
VoiKtlander, Maaobinenfabrik A 0, Plauen, Germany
Falleraleben, German
Bualng NAG Brunswick. German
Muehlenbau l nduatrie A 0 ( fiq) Brunawiok,
Krupp Oru10n ke, I (JenDalaJ
Submarine Branch
92 German Submarine I ndustry Report
. 93 Mascbinenfabrik Aug:-; burg-Nurnberg A G, Augs-
burg, Germany
94 Blohm and Voss Shipyards, Hamburg, Germany
95 Deutschewerke A G, Kiel, Germany
96 Deutsche Schiff und :\Iaschinenbau, Bremen, Ger-
97 Friedrich Krupp Germaniawerft, Kiel, Germany
-98 Howaldtswerke A G, Hamburg, Germany
99 Submarine Assembly Shelter, Farge, Germany
100 Bremer Vulkan, Vegesack, Germany
Ordnance Branch
101 Ordnance Industry Report
-102 Friedrich Krupp Grusonwerke A G,
103 Bochumer. Verein fuer Gusstahlfabrikation A G,
Bocbum, Germany
104 Henschel & ohn, Kassel, Germany
105 Rhein.metall-Borsig, Dusseldorf, Germany
106 Hermann Goering Wer ke, Braunschweig, Hallen-
dorf, Germany
-107 Hannoverische Hanover, Germany
108 Gusstahlfabrik Friedrich Krupp, Essen, Germany
Oil Division, Final Report
Oil Divi sion, Final Report, Appendix
Powder, Explosives, Special Rockets and Jet Pro-
pellants, 'y ar Gases and tsmoke Aci d (:Ministerial
Report #1)
rndergrouud and Dispersal Plants i1l Greater Ger-
The German Oil Indust-ry, M:inisterial Repor t Team
).f inisterial Report on
on Braacla
Ammoniakwerke G m b B, Leuna, Ger-
many-2 Appendices
Bratmkoble Belldn A G,Ztsjuand Bohlen, Germany;
Wentersball A G, Leutskendorf, Germany
Ludwigshafen-()ppau Works of I G Farbenindustrie
A G, I ..udwigsh&fen, Germany
Ruhroel Plant, Bottrop-Boy, Ger-
many, VoL' I, Vol II.
Rhenania Mineraloelwerke A G, Harburg
Refinery Hamburg, Germany
Rhenania )rmeraloelwetke A G, Graabrook
Refinery Hamburg, Germany
Rhenania tineraloelwerke A G, WDbelmsburg
Refinery, Hamburg, Germany
Gewerbchaft Victor, Castrop-Rauxel, Germany,
Vol. I & Vol II .
Tanklapr and Transport A G, Ham-
burg, Germany
Ebano Asphalt Werke A G, Barbarg Bahery,
Hamburg, Germany
Meerbeck --n.heinpreu8181l pthetic Oil Plaat-
ol I. ol II
Propellants Branch
. . k Munich, Germa.nY ff
130 Elektrochenusche" e, Plant Lignose prengsto
131 Schoenebeck Germany ,_ C
W erke G m ' , a1 Alfred Nobel 0'- o.
132 Plants of Dynamit AthalG, and Duneberg,
Troisdorf, Claus '
Germany h . G m b H Kraiburg, Ger-
133 Deutsche '"'prengc enue '
. Efi cts Report
134 Over-all Econonuc e } ecial papers
Gross atio?al ProducL----- p which together
__W_b_____ comprise the
Hermann or ----- above report
Food and Agrtculture_------- . .
134a Industriel ale- Output and ProductiVIty
134b Physical Damage Division (ETO)
135 \rillacoublay Airdrome, France .
136 Railroad Repair yards, Belgi.wn
137 Railroad Repair Yards, Louvam,
138 Railroad Repair Yards, :f!asselt, Belg;um
139 Railroad Repau Yards, Belgmm
140 Submarine Pens, Brest, France
141 Powder Plant. Angouleme, France
142 Powder Plant, Bergerac, .
143 Coking Plants, :\lontigny & Liege, Belgium
144 Fort t. Blaise Verdun Group, :\l etz, Francl>
145 Gnome et Rhone, Limoges, France
146 :\lichelin Tire Factory, Clermont-Ferrand, France
147 Gnome et Rhone Aero Engine Factory, Le Mans,
148 Kugelfischer Bearing Ball Plant, Ebelsbach, Ger-
149 Louis Breroet .Aircraft Plant, Toulouse, France
150 S. X. C. A. S. E. Aircraft Plant, Toulouse, France
151 A. I. A. Aircraft Plant, Toulouse, France
152 Y. Weapons in London
153 City Area of Krefeld
154 Public Air Raid Shelters in Germany
155 Goldenber g Thermal Electric Power Station, Knap-
sack, Germany
;156 Brauweiler Transformer & Switching Station, Brau-
weiler, Germany
157 Storage Depot, :';ahbollenbach, Germany
158 Railway and Road Bridge, Bad Germany
159 Railway Bridge, Eller, Germany
160 Gustloff-Werke Weimar, Weimar, Germany
161 Henschell & Sohn G m b H, Kassel, Germany
162 Area Survey at Pirmasens, Germany
163 Hanomag, Hanover, Germany

M_A ... Werke Augsbur_g, Augsburg, Germany

"" Fnedrich Krupp A G, Essen, Germany
166 Erla Maschinenwerke G m b H, Heiterblick, Ger-
167 A T G Maschinenbau GmbH, Mockau Germany
168 Erla Maschinenwerke GmbH Mocbu German
169 Motorenwerke, Du'rrerhof, German Y
170 Mtttel-Deutsche Motorenwerke G m b H TaJcha
Germany I I
171 Submarine Pens Deutsche-W erft Hamburg G
many ' , er-
172 Multi-8toried St ructures Hamburg German
17 4 Amm . ars llg ards, Kassel, uermany
5 omawerke, Merseburg-Leuna Genna
176 Brown Boveri et Cie, Mannheim' Kafertnayl G
many ' , er-
177 Opel A G, RU88elsbeim, German

bz A Unterturkbeim,
u manne Assembly, Farge G
181 a.uway Viaduct at Bielefeld, omnany Y
1 3
1 4
1 6
1 7
ld t erke Hamburg, Germany
Ship Yards Hamburg, Germany
Blohm and oss Mannheim Germany

SynthetiO h ft v ctdr Castrop_-Rauxel, Germany
Gewerksc a
ldt 'Deutz Ulm Germany
Plant, Bottrop-Boy, Ger-
Ruhroe Y
ma?Y h n Eisenwerke A G, Neukircben, Germany
Viaduct at Altenbecken, Germany
. Viaduct at Arnsburg, Germany
Fire Raids on German
I G Farbenindustrie, Ludwigshafen, Germa ny' Vol.
I & Vol. II! . y d Ul G
R dhouse m Marshallmg ar ' m, ermany
I GuFa.rbenindustrie, Leverkusen, Germany
Chemische-Werke, Huels, Germany
G berg Marshalling Yard, Grember g, Germany
Shops and Bridges at Hamm, Germany
The Effects of Strat egic Bombing on German Trans-
Rail Operations Over the Pass .
Effects of Bombing on Railroad . in
Regensburg, Nurnberg and Dlvtswns
German Locomotive I ndustry During the War
German Milit ary Railroad Traffic
German Electric Utilities I ndust ry Report
1 to 10 in Vol. I "Utilit ies Division Plant Reports"
11 to 20 in Vol. II "Utilities Division Plant Reports"
21 Rheinische-W estfalische Elektrizitaetswerk A G
Pacific War
1 Summary Report (Pacific War)
2 Japan's St ruggle to End The War
3 The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and
Civilian Defense Division
4 Field Report Covering Air Raid Prot ection and
. Allied Subjects, Tokyo, Japan
5 Field. RepoM: Covering Air Raid Protection and
. Allted SubJects, Nagasaki, Japan
6 Fteld Report Covering Air Raid Protection
. Allied Subjects, Kyot o, Japan
7 F1eld Report Covering Air Raid Protection
. Allied Subjects, Kobe, Japan
8 Fteld Report Covering Air Raid Protection
. Allied Subjects, Osaka, Japan
9 F1eld. Covering Air Raid Protection and
Allied SubJects, Hiroshima, Japan-No. 1
0 SummAll . ary Report Covering Air Raid Protection and
. ted SubJects in Japan
11 Fmal. Covering Air Raid Protection and
Allied Sub]ects in Japan
Medical Division
The of Bombing on Health
Servtces m J apan
3 The of .Atomic Bombs on Health and "'"A",_. 1
cal Servtces 1D Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Morale Division
of Strategic Bombing on
Aircraft Division
15 The J apanese Aircraft Industr y
, 16 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
, Ltd.
Corporati on Report No.
(Ivlit subishi Jukogyo KI{)
(Airframes & Engines)
17 Nakajima Air craft Companyj Ltd.
Corporati on Report No. I
(Nakajima Hikoki KK)
(Airframes & Engines)
-18 Kawanishi Aircraft Company
Corporation Report No. III
(Kawanishi Kokuki Kabushiki Kaiaha)
_19 Kawasaki Aircraft Industries Company, Inc.
Corporation Report No. IV
(Kawasaki. Kokuki Kogyo Kabushiki
(Airframes & Engines)
20 Aichi Aircraft Company
Corporation Report No. V
(Aichi Kokuki KK)
(Airframes & Engines) _
21 Sumitomo Metal Industries, Propeller Div1Sion
Corporati on Report No. VI
(Sumit omo Kinzoku Kogyo KK, Puropera
22 Hit achi Aircraft Company
Corporati on No. VI I
(Hit achi Kokuki KK)
(Airframes & Engines)
23 Japan International Air Industries, Ltd.
Corporation No. VIII
(Nippon Kokusai Koku Kogyo KK)
(Airframes) .
24 Japan Musical Instrument Manufact unng Com-
Corporation Rq1ort No. IX
(Nippon Gakki Seizo KK)
25 Tacbikawa Aircraft Company
Corporation Report No. X
(Tachikawa Hikoki KK)
26 Fuji Airplane Company
Corporation Report No. XI
(Fuji Hikoki KK)
27 Showa Airplane Company
Corporation ReP.ort No. XII
(Showa Htkoki Kogyo KK)
(Airframes) .
28 Ishikawajima Aircraft Industn es Company, Ltd.
Corporation IleP.ort No. XIII
(Ishikawajima Koku Kogyo Kabuahiki
29 Nippon Airplane Company
Corporation No. XI V
(Nippon Hikoki KK)
30 Kyushu Airplane V
Corporation ReJ!ort No. X
(Kyushu Hikoki KK)
31 Shoda

82 Mltaka Aircraft I ndustrlea
Corpora.titm No. ZVlj,_... hlld ..,.IIIIDIIJ
(Mltaka Koku KOI)'O -- ...
-33 Nissan Automobile
Corporation Report No. XVI I I
(Nissan Jidosha KK)
34 Army Air Arsenal & Navy Air Depots
Corporation Report No. XI X
(Airframes and Engines)
35 Underground Production of Japanese Aircraft
Report No. XX
Basic Materials Dlrislon
' 36 Coal and Met als in Japan's War Economy
Capital Goods, Equipment and Construction Dhialon
37 The Japanese Construction Industry
38 J apanese Electrical Equipment
.39 The Japanese Machine Building Industry
Electric Power Dlrislon
40 The Electric Power Industry of Japan
41 The Electric Power Industry of Japan (Plant Re-
Manpower, Food and Clrilian Supplies Diriaion
42 The Japanese Wartime Standard of Living and
Utilization of Manpower
Military Suppties Dirision
43 Japanese War Production I ndustries
44 Japanese Naval Ordnance
45 Japanese Army Ordnance
46 Japanese Naval Shipbuilding
47 Japanese Motor Vehicle Industry
48 J apanese Merchant Shipbuilding
on and CJaemieal DirillloD
49 Chemicals in J apan's War
-50 Chemicals in Japan's War-Appendix
51 Oil in Japan's War
52 Oil in Japan'a War-Appendix
OYer-aU Eeoaomle Beds Dl...._
53 The Effects of Strategic Bombing on War
Economy (Including Appendix A: U. S. Economic
Intelligence on and ComPIIriaon;
Appendix B: Gross National Product of Japan
and Ita Componenta; Appendix C: Stati8tical
Trauportati DbWa
54 The War Against Japaneae Trauaport:ation, UKl-46
Urbaa Area DIYbl
55 Efrecta of Air Attack oa Japane Urban Bocmom.y
58 OD UJbeD ""'np1ex ToQo-
17 Etrecta of Air Attack on the fJI
as Drecta o1 Air Attact on
19 Etrecta of Air ttaolt on the QIV 'Of
10 Btreota of Air Attack OD the
Military Analy is Division
Alli d
'th the United States in the War
61 Air Forces e WI
Against Japan
62 Japanese Air Power .
i\ir weapons and Tactics
g: of Air Action on Japanese Ground Army
65 of Forces Under the outhwest Pacific
Comman4 . 0 erations of Very Heavy Bom-
66 The Air 'PE A ,.; ....,t Japan (Twentieth
bardment m the War
67 in China, Burma, India-\\ orld " Tar
68 Air Transport Command in the War Against
69 Air Force in the 'War Jap
70 The Seventh and Eleventh Air Forces m the \\ ar
Against Japsn .
70a Air Campaigns of the Pacific War .
71 The Fifth Air Force in the War Agamst Japan
Naval Analysis Division
72 The Interrogations of Japanese Officials (Vols. I
73 Campaigns of the Pacific War
74 The Reduction of Wake Isla.nd
75 The Allied Campaign Against Rabaul
76 The American Campaign Against W otje, l\Woelap,
:\Iille. and Jaluit ('Vols. I, II, and III)
77 The Reduction of Truk
78 The Offensive Laying Campaign Against
79 Repon of Ships Bombardment Survey Party-
Foreword, Introduction, Conclusions, and Gen-
eral Summary
80 Repon of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (En-
closure A), Kamaishi Area
81 Repon of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (En-
closure B), Hamamatsu Area
82 Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (En-
closure C), Hitachi Area
83 Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (En-
closure D), Hakodate Area
84 Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (En-
closure E), M uroran Area
85 Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (En-
closure F), Shimiru Area
86 Report of Shipe Bombardment Survey Party (En-
and B), Shionomi-Saki and N ojima.-
. B bardment Survey Party (En-
87 Report of S)htps

and Data on Effectiveness

closure I , Comm
of Survey Party (En-
88 Report
J) Pomments and Data on Accuracy of
closure , C
Firing f Shl s Bombardment Survey Party (En-
g Reports ol r) Epffects of Surface Bombardments on
closure , .
Japanese War Potent ia
Physical Damage Division
90 Eff t
of t he I ncendiary Bomb Attacks on J apan (a
eo ct )
Report on Eight 1 1es
The Effect s of t he Ten Thousand B.omb on
J apa.nese Target s (a Report on. N I nmdents)
92 Effects of t he At omic Bomb on Japan
3 Effects of t he Atomic Bomb on N agasak1, J apan
Effects of t he Four Thousand P?und B.omb on J apa-
nese Targets (a Repor t on Five I nmdents) .
95 Effects of Two Thousand, One Thousand, and Ftve
Hundred Pound Bombs on J apanese Targets (a
Report on Eight Incidents)
96 A Report on Physical Damage in Japan (Summary
Report )
G-2 Division
97 Japanese Milit ary and .
98 Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence m the
Japanese Homeland, Part I, Comprehensive Re-
99 Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in the
J apa.nese Homeland, Part II, Ai rfields
Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in the
Japanese Homeland, Part III, Computed Bomb
Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in t he
Japanese Homeland, Part IV, Urban Area
Evaluat ion of Phot ographic Intelligence in
Japanese Homeland, Part V, Camouflage
Evaluation of Phot ographic Intelligence in
Japanese Homeland, Part VI, Shipping
Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in
Japanese Homeland, Part VII, Electronics
Evaluation of Photogra_phic Intelligence in
Japanese Homeland, Part VIII, Beach .......
Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence
Homeland, Part IX, Artillery
Evaluat10n of Intelligence in
Japanese Homeland, Part X, Roads and
Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence
Japanese Homeland, Part XI, Industrial'"
1. The United States Strategic Bombmg Survey: Sum-
mary report (European War) . (Final report. )
2. The United States St rategic Bombmg Survey: Over-
all Report (European War). (Final report .)
a. Statist ical appendix t o Over-all Report (European
War) .
( 1) Proof coptes of the Over-all Report (European
War) .
3. The Effects of Strat egic Bombing on t he German War
Economy (final r eport) . This was writt en by the
Over-all Economic Effects Division of t he Survey, see
Control Number 134.
a. United States Strategic Bombing Survey press
(1) Bulletin, reference to measures taken in case of
raid damage.
(2) La Science De L' Alimentation EN 1937, book on
medical science.
(3) A yearbook listmg German firms and the types
of products made.
(4) Train schedules on the German Reicbsbahn
(5) A guide and listmg of French firms and the1r
types of products, 1942.
(6) Main products made by Demag Company,
Duisburg, Germany.
(7) Air-raid warden's manual.
( 8) Chemical and metallurgical engineering ftow
(9) Rationing system used in Germany during the
(10) Organization of the Deutschen Wirtsohaft, press
releases from German newspapers.
(11) Kolbenring-handbook (piston rings) , Alfred
Teves, Maschinenund Armaturenfabrik, GmbH,
Frankfurt am Main.
(12) Books with addt?.sses of companies building
machinery in Germany.
(13) A book written by Dr. Paul Destrelch on life
of Walther Funk.
(14) German city maps, conafsting of envelopea (1')
to (16).
(17) Instituts fur Weltwirtachaft an der t1nlveraltat
Kiel (agricultural atattatlca or the world).
(18) Dieaes Volk Mua Qeaund Blelben (The .,_,ple
Must Stay in Good
(19) French, industry manuaiL
(20) French, manual on
(21) Books on t he German Re1chsbahn, used as refer-
ence material by the Survey.
(22) Booklets on t he Bosch Electrical Works (Robert
Bosch A. G., Stuttgart , Germany) .
(23) Die Landesbauernschaften in Zahlen 1940-41.
on agriculture, commerce, and cattle
f 24) Statistics on continental Europe showing pro-
duction of raw materials.
(25) Pamphlets on food and health.
(26) Pamphlets on various subjects (consisting of
world trade, banking, etc.).
(27) Historical events of the war, 1942.
(28) Dict ionnaire m six languages.
(29) German technical dictionnaire an:l vocabulary or
German military terms and abbreviations.
(30) Record book of a ir raids, captured at Luftlabr-
forschungsanstalt Volkenrode near Braunsweig.
(31) Military Government Gazette, Germany.
(32) Germany under Hitler (Du Politische Deutsch-
land vor Hitler).
(33) Pamphlets on German industry (Gliederung Der
.Reicbsgruppe Industria).
(34) Industrial pamphlets (on industrial
t1on) .
(35) Handbook on motors; handbook on steel
bwlding and dictionary of aeronautics.
(36) Pamphlets and statistics dealing with the
German Reichsbahn.
(37) Statistics of the Vereinigte Stahlwerke, Duaael-
dorf, Germany, and the Rustnnplrommando
(38) Address book of industry and other facilit.iee In
and around Krefeld, Germany.
(39) History of the Bad.iscbe AnDin and Soda Factory.
(40) History of the I. G. Farbenindustrie Aktleap-
aellachaft \\'erke Farben FabrikeD Vorm
Friedrick Bayer and Company.
(' 1) Pamphlets on Uaa rationing eyst,em in Germany.
(42) Mapa of sections of Rannowr, Oerma.Dy, ahowiDg
-.ater supply system ad 8Je aDd aiNaid
protection aerrioee.
(.Y) Phonebook of Du8eldorf, Germsny.
(") Christian elmer, a echoolteaaber ADd
showing hie activities u JeP&
eentative of the Be..,..aelntaDd, wbloh wu pnea1opal reaeanh latD Ahaee
racial oom.,-Ucm.
(4a) The German worbn .ahoo1 DU1w
aool&llsUc let-. Letteraby L.ZIIII.-ltallili
or a11 8lhool8
(48) German lndUIW)' ,..boot. .....
1. Summary Report (Pacific War) (final report):
a. General data:
(1) Preliminary notes. .
(2) Information on Ministry of I mperlal Japanese
(3) T aircraft and tactics recommended for use
a::St small islands (by General :Meritt)
(4) Japanese and United States plans.
(5) The campaigns of the Pacific War.
(6) The air effort against Japan.
(7) Lessons of the Pacific War.
(8) Destruction of Japanese forces.
(9) Surrender of Japan.
(10) Interim report on study (3-B-1) entitled
"Defense Against Enemy Action Directed at
Ci vili.ans. J J
(11) German document reference, Japanese aero-
nautical indll:l"'tries.
(12) Carrier strength- Unit ed States and Japanese,
(13) Bombing effort required to knock out 12 steel
plants in Japan, Korea, and :Manchuria.
(14) Interrogations:
(a) Interrogation of Prince Konoye.
(b) Interrogation of Lt. Gen. Yashizumi.
(c) Interrogation of Kido.
(d) Interrogation of Prince Higashi-Kuni.
(e) Interrogation of Y asuo Otsubo, Governor
of Nagano Prefecture.
(0 Interrogation of Admiral Toyoda..
(15) Japanese nitrogen situation.
(16) correspondence.
(17) photographs.
(18) Photographs of air targets in Japan.
(19) Photos of Ominato Base.
(20) Photos of air targets in northern Honshu.
(21) Aerial phot o of Hamamatsu.
(22) showing military operations in Pacific and
other miscellaneous maps of Japan.
b. Miscellaneous Japanese publications and manuals
*(1) The Japanese Army and Navy Air
Units-Histories of the Army Air Service Head-
quarters and Flying Brigade and I nternational
Flying Squadrons.
*(2) Answers to USSBS quest ionnaires on the strategy
of the- Japanese Army Air Force.
*(3) Conscription and t raining system and physical
for-Japanese Army Air Force.
(4) Air defense system in Japan.
*(5) Fourth Air Army operat ion plan
*(6) Joumal of law and politics.
*In Japanese.
*(7) "Miscellaneous manuals pertaining t o airfield con-
*(8) Aviation magazine and book.
*(9) Statistics on flight personnel of N AF.
*(10) lVIanuals pertaining to combat rules for meteoro-
logical units.
*(11) "Nianuals pertaining to air t actics t raining course.
*(12) l\Ianuals for piloting.
*(13) Glider piloting.
*(14) Maintenance of air craft and basic training for
flight duty.
*(15) First parachute group.
*(16) Manuals pertaining t o phot ography (Army and
*(17) Combat regulat ions for air signal regiment.
*(18) Report on t he general condition of airplane radio
equipment .
*(1 9) Radio pamphlets for airmen.
*(20) Radio detachment instruct ion manual.
*(21) Radio communication handbook for soldiers.
*(22) Radio communicat ion instructions.
*(23) Radio communicat ion handbook for officers and
*(24) Aerial combat communication reference books.
*(25) mtra short-wave textbook.
*(26) Radio equipment maintenance manual.
* (27) Guide to Yangtze River area.
*(28) Court record of the Shempei Tai.
*(29) Survey of intelligence reports.
*(30) Translat ion of Japanese estimat es of United
States, British, U. S. S. R., German and Italian
naval fleets and air forces.
*(31) Drill manual (reconnaissance regiment) .
(32) United St ates submarine claims.
c. Preliminary drafts of division reports:
(1) Medical Division.
(2) l\1orale Division.
(3) Oil and Chemical Division.
(4) Over-all Economics Division.
(5) Urbf!on Areas Division.
(6) l\1ilitary Supplies Division. . "visi n.
(7) Manpower, Food and Civilian Suppbes DI
(8) Civilian Defense Division.
(9) Basic Materials Division. . vision.
(10) Capital Equipment and Construct ion Dl
(11) Elect ric Power Division.
( 12) Naval Analysis Division.
(a) Preliminary reports.
(b) Report on evaluation of air operations
ing the United States Marine Corpl
(e) Air Support of Pacifi c
tiona, pnhlished by Commander Air
Control Units, Amphibious Foroel
States Pacific Fleet.
Military Analysis Division: .
1. c. (l
) (a) Preliminary report-Japanese Ground Army
(b) Preliminary report-Japanese war plans
and J apanese air power.
(c) Operations of air forces allied with the
United States in the war with Japan.
(d) Air operat ions in China-Burma-India.
(e) Preliminary r eports-Army and Navy Air
(f) Preliminary draft-Operations of the
Seventh Air Force.
(g) Preliminary r eport-Thirteent h Air Force
operat ions in the war against Japan.
(h) Fifth Air Force-Air War a gainst Japan.
(14) G-2 Division:
(a) J apanese Military and Naval intelligence.
(b) Japanese Intelligence Section G-2, interim
(c) Memorandum from H. R. Thurber t o
Ofstie; comments on (a).
d. Evaluation of Army-Navy-Marine Air Intelligence
in t he Pacifi c War (unpublished report-five
copies) :
(1) Background material for report:
(a) Correspondence:
1. Incoming.
2. Out going.
(b) Memoranda.
(c) Conclusions and recommendations.
(d) E valuation of Naval Air Intelligence.
(e) Air intelligence evaluation.
(f) Excerpts from outline of the Air Intel-
ligence branch (3) .
(g) Army Air Forces intelligence training.
(h) Joint Target Group.
(i) Combat air intelligence.
(j) Strategic air intelligence.
(k) Evaluation of air intelligence in the Paci6o
(1) Evaluation of air intelligence in the Pacific
(2) Office of Services-reports.
(3) The National Intelligence Authority.
) Charts and statistical data.
(5) Maps.
) List s of publications.
Publications and fill-out forms.
( ) Kempei Tai, reports on:
*(a) Report on Intelligence, Japaneae Arm7 Air
*(b) Japanese Army Air Force report.
*(c) Explanation of Kempel Tal.
*(d) Directory of Kempei Tai o1B081'8llated ud
classified by foreign territories at the ead of
t he war.
: (e) Report on Kempel Tal.
(f) Diagram of the system Kempel Talallitl-
System of Kempel Tal Command.
In Japanese.
*(h) Organization chart.
(i) L'
of all laws, ordinances, rules, and orden
which. are observed and exercised by the
Impenal Kempei Tai forces.
(j) Report of the Kempei Tai.
(9) outlines, memoranda, and interro-
(a) Summaries of division reports.
{b) Outlines of division reports.
(c) Memoranda.
(d) Interrogation.
(e) Views on Japanese problems as expressed
by Wohltat.
(f) Statistical data.
(10) Memoirs of Prince Konoye; letter by Yamamoto:
(a) Memoirs of Prince Konoye.
(b) Letter by Yamamoto.
(11) Notes and worksheeta--consisting of two enve-
(12) Obsolete drafts (2).
Air Effort Against Japan (unpublished report) .
f . Interim report of the Bureau of Yards and Docks
mission to J apan (unpublished).
g. Items of Naval interest in Japan (unpublished
h. Explosive Industry Report (unpublished) (consist-
ing of three envelopes).
i. Japanese Naval and Merchant Losses During
World War II, prepared by the .Joint Army-Navy
Assessment Committee.
j . Japanese Military and Naval Intelligence interro-
gation (five copies).
k. Report of the Kempei Tai (three copies, English
L Prominent persons in Japan and Japanese domi-
nated areas.
m. Microfilm pertaining to Japanese Naval documents
(rolls 1 through 13).
n. Microfilm record of inventory of Japanese war
industries, parts I and n.
o. Twentieth Air Force bomb plotting 1iechnique (two
copies) (unpublished report) and data to
(1) Miyuu and Kunda Wan, termiDa1 faaiiWeL
(2) Occupied China railroMa north of the Yangtse
(3) AUMkinl JaputeM onmmnni=e&imw
<> JapulMB atraraft melren' plea aDd martmp.
(S) Japan- oombat atraraft ad aiNraft line
induidirJel ..uaak data.
(I) J...-e atraraft meters' pletM ad markiDp.
Belatiive impol'tiaDOe of the priJicii.-J Japau:11111
(7) Loss iD atreraft prodaatloD. eatJme,_ b7
Taraet Group.
(8) Alraraft iDclaatl7. Jolat Taraet Group. ......
(t) .JapMII I atraraft prodae&IM
(10) Jepull l ..............
ak ..
ilroad traffic on
1. o. (12)
Initial air attack on economic ra
Honshu. f projectiles and bombs
Notes on o
against shorffe fuze combinat ions on
Survey of e ec s o
current enemy targets. b ainst Japanese
Employment of heavy bom s ag
manufacturing, target systems in the
Japanese aircraft industry. b
Specifications for Japanese navy shell and bom -
proof structures. . .
Estimates of the Japanese Situation.
' d d in nort h Ron-
Industry target in Hokkal o an
t under various
(20) Japanese aircraft pro uc IOn
patterns of attack.
(21) Japanese mdustrial targets.
(22) Air defense of factories.
(23) Note on industrial building in Japan.
(24) Japanese domestic architecture. .
(25) Outline of fire analyslS procedure used m RES
July 1944. ..
(26) Summary of notes on Japanese defense pos1t1ons
on Okina. wa. .
(27) Aiming pomts and direction of attack on fortified
(28) Burma-use of fire bombs at l\lyitk--yina..
(29) X1ght bridge at
(30) Weapons report on sur"\"ey at ball-bearing
plant at Bois Colombes.
f31 J HIA diary issue Xos. 8, 9, and 10.
(32 Operational assessment of rail interdiction by
fighter-hom bers attacking open rail lines.
(331 Repair of railroad bridges by the German Army.
(34) The paralyzation of a railroad system by fire
(35) Relative weapon effectiveness for attacks against
marshalling yards iu the Cherbourg peninsula.
(36) Vulnerability of repairs facilities to marshalling
(37) Air attack on bridges.
(38) Estimate of effect on Japanese war of Twentieth
Air Force operations through 15 January 1945.
(39) Discussion an1 conclusions, bombing committee,
thirty-second meeting.
(40) Types of bombs and fuzmg for attack of specific
(41) Bombs-chemical, 10-pound, PT1-NP, M74.
(42) Bomb data sheet No. 2.
(43) Bombs-incendiary; a study of, for employment
by the USAAF.
(44) Bomb!- incendiary, comparison of German,
Japanese, and American.
45) nonpersjstent, tactical and
atratecnc use of.
(46) Notes on bomb data summary sheets for G p
(47) Cluster fragmentation bomb T8 War Depart-
ment technical bulletin TB 9-1980-23.
) Test of bomb, incendiary, 500-pound, tail ejec-
tion E-16.
) Final report on test of bomb (but t erfly) clusters,
T-10 and T- 11.
0) Comparative accuracy test of navy fi xed fin
rockets and ordnance fin 4.5-inch rocket.
l ) Summary of infor Ll'atwn on fragmentation
bomb clusters, AN-MIA1, AN- 1A2, l\126, and
l\127. r
) On the charact eristics of torpex as a filler in
fragmentat ion bombs.
(53) Tactical use of bombs and fuzes, No. 2.
(54) Procedure for compiling TVN for mixed loads. I
S) Memorandum on t he selection of HE bombs and
fuzes for industrial targets.
(56) Types of bombs and fuzing for the attack of
various land targets.
(57) 1\IIAE values for United States 500- and 1,000-
pounrl GP bombs-values for various fuzing for
visible st ruct ural
(58) I ncendiary bomb recommendations for various
(59) Fuze selection for steel-framed structures.
(60) Dynamic int rinsic efficiency of the 4-pound lB.
(61) Damage to industrial structures by 16-inch HC
(62) Aircraft torpedo performance.
(63) Fragmentation trials at Rest-American 260-
pound M81, type T-10, filled TNT.
(64) Report on damage by shaped charge bomb.
(65) Report on the effectiveness of bombs and fuzes.
(66) Effects of bombing on structures.
(67) Relation between density of incendiary attack
and extent of damage to buildings.
(68) Bomb bursts (photographs).
(69) Preliminary report on effectiveness of 500-pound
RDX comp. B2 bombs.
(70) Fuzing of bombs for aircraft antishipping and
antisubmarine attacks.
(71) Choice of bombs according to the type of frag-
ment damage required.
(72) Air and earth shock.
(73) Air burst for blast bombs. f
(74) Theory of the propagation of shock waves rom
explosive sources in air and water. bs
(75) The effect of air burst on the blast from boDl
and small charges. bs
(76) Method of determining types of allied boDl
used from craters. beach
(77) Tests on cratering in sand and clay
(Brancaster trials, 11 May-23 May 1944).
(78) Catering of charges at or near
(79) Information concerning terminal
(80) Performance of bombs and projectiles
shore installations.
(81) Concrete penetration. . T-4, Jo-4.
(82) Test of cluster, bomb, fragmentation untettd
(83) United States "butterfly" bombs enco
unexploded at Bhamo, Burma.
(84) Properties of torpex. bOJIII"
(85) Report on the 20-pound fragmentation
1. o. (86)
Test of bomb, fragmenta.tion 100-pound T-13.
Advanced fuze and explosive ordnance bulletins.
Spike-nosed bombs.
J anese explosive ordnance.
Ba:mbing analysis report September and October
Aircraft munitions versus specific targets.
Ammunition, 20-mm. A. A., with dark ignition
(ga) Ordnance and terminal ballistics.
) Preliminary report on test of incendiary mixture
for use in droppable tanks as fire bombs.
S) Final report on t ests on jettisonable fuel tank
incendiary bombs.
6) Separable force laws and the time of penetration.
7) Marking and defoliation of tropical vegetation.
(98) Selection of weapons for fighter-bombers against
tactical targets.
(99) Flame attack.
(100) Terminal kinetic energy of bombs versus altitude
of release (60 dive, 300 knots).
(101) Proceedings of the ordnance board.
(102) Penetration of jacketed service ammunition,
caliber 30 and 50 in sand and clay and normal
penetration of 250- to 1,000-pound bombs in
(103) Use of incendiary bombs by carrier-based air-
(104) Probability that a merchant ship will sink if hit
by aerial bombs or torpedoes.
(105) Effectiveness of air strikes carried out by 224tb
Group cooperatin!?, with XV Corps.
(106) Ground survey of E-boat pens at Le Havre.
(107) General data on Navy, AN-standard, Army and
British bombs, BuOrd pamphlet 878.
(108) Lethal and material effects of gunfire and bomb-
ing on land targets.
(109) Striking power of airborne weapons.
(110) Industrial equipment handbook.
(111) PFF operations.
(112) Standard bombing of bridges.
(113) Basis for structural MAE's.
014) Aircraft munitions versus specific targets.
(115) Employment of carrier-based aircraft in the war
against Japan.
(116) Japanese targets suitable for attack with Ralon
and Felix.
7) Combustibility
1 .
18) Effects of weapons on targets.
(119) United States Navy projectiles and fuses.
0) Penetration (concrete).
Formation bombing.
) Test of modified sequence of bomb release In
B-29 aircraft.
) Pattern bombing of small targets.
4) Method for determining bombing 81'1'01'&
) Fighter-bomber accuracy Aupat liH.
> Estimates of the number 'or lo
various jungle target&
) Dtve anrl glide bombing aoouraoy aelatned
Marcus Island strike of 19 and 20
(128) Errors in dive bombing.
(129) Bombing accuracy, point and line targets
(130) Dive bombing accuracy F-4-U-1
(131) Dive bombing accuracy' of the SBD and F-4-U.
(132) Assessment of bombing accuracy for the 404th
Bombardment Squadron, Eleventh Air Force.
(133) Assessment of bombibg accuracy of the Ninth
Bomber Command, 15 January to 1 April 1944.
(134) A physical theory of the accuracy of bombing
from formations of aircraft.
(135) Accuracy reports from other sources (general).
(136) on aiming accuracy and altitude.
(137) Notes on A. A. fire.
(138) Accuracy reports from Seventh Bomber Com-
(139) Test of SCR-519, over water precision blind
bombing radar.
(140) Tactical bombing analysis and critique.
(141) Study of bombing accuracy.
(142) Seventh Bomber Command ftak bulletin.
(143) Report on PFF (Oboe) operations in February
(144) Scores for August and September 1944, effect of
transfers and induction of new lead bombardiers
on groups' scores.
(145) Report on bombing aceuracy on Berlin opera-
tions of 18 March 1945.
(146) Report on the acceleration integrator bomb re-
lease (A. I. B. R.) in the Ninth Air Force.
(147) Report on bombing aceuracy for the months of
September and October.
(148) PFF operations in January 1945.
(149) Relative accuracy of bombs and rockets.
(150) Use of strike photographs.
(151) Plotting the plumb point in air photographs.
(152) Photo sorties plots as of 1 Mareh 1945.
(153) A procedure for determining the orientation of
aerial photographs by pairs.
(154) Visual bombing for December, January, Febru-
ary, 1M5.
(155) Target and bomb selection.
(156) Airborne forward-firing rocket monthly neWB
(157) The accuraey of the bombiDg of Iwo Jim& and
Chichi Jim&.
(158) Aircraft maintenance and repair.
(159) Aircraft report&
(160) Far Eastern weekly inteltipnoe summvy.
(161) ap.Jm.
(162) Japanese tarpta.
(163) Photography for tarpt lnoe.
(lM) Technical bacqrouDd, effeeta of bomlung on
iDdUIUial types ud ataDdarda of hatatptetatloD.
(US&) Report of Jobat Committee OD eeleldlon ol bombs
aDd fu. to for
modllaation of.
(1'88) Bamb ealeoiiOD ud,....
(117) POIIible haulad
C1 roroe HalllfNI-.
(119) Talpt IDfonraM.
. . f t wo envel-
. . beets (cons1stmg
170) Notes and " orks
1. o.
opes). m act explosion.
(171) Weapon data, fire, 1 p hie. mtelligence in
(172) Evaluation of photogr&!t one, comprehensne
Japanese homeland, p
report. hie intelligence in the
(173) Evaluation of photogr&Part five, camouflage,
Japane e homeland, p .
t and deceptiOn. d t . 1
concealmen , d of strategic in us riB
(174) Outlme of complete stu y
targets. . . -t Kure Japan.
{175) Carrier strikes o of the Gilberts
(176) Reports concerrung t pe b to 31 Kovember
as of the period 1 1\ ovem er
1945. . _ 'ts (consisting of four
p. Intercepted Domei translDl
bundles . 1 t End the War (final report) :
2. Japan' trugg e o
a. Preli.minarY ti and forecasts for the
b. ChartS shomng fl uct ua ons
plan. - on Hiroshima and
3. The Effects of .-\.toiDic . . d drafts) .
X (final report and prelinunar} reviSe . .
ag X aki prefect ural and city government orgamza-
a . agas
tion: ffi ft (2)
(1 prefectural government o Cl.wo
Y -1-ft..-....... a K. head of t ranslation sec-
ource. ,
tion, Xagasaki Prefecture.
) Organization of X police
' (pre- and post-.A-Bomb) (2) Source: i\Iisuna, Y.,
chief of police section, police department (part
Japane5e . . .
(3) N City government officuus, chief of
marine police, chief of X agasaki fortified zone,
1ist of names and titles) (2) Source: Nakayama.,
K. head of tra.nsla.tion secti on, X Pre-
( 4) Nagasaki l.iai3on committee members (2) Source:
N aga.saki liai.:::;on committee.
*(5) Dat a on pre- and post-atomic bomb fire-fighting
equipment and personnel (1) Source: Regjona.l
fi re chief of Nagasaki City, Fujimoto, S. (part
(6) Pre-A-bomb organization of air-defense section of
government (2 Source: Public welfare section,
police department.
b. Nagasaki and Hiroshima population, casualty, and
other statistics.
*(1) Naga.llaki City and Prefecture population fi gures
a.s of 1 November 1945 (by male a.nd female
totals in Gun, Mura, Machi) (2) (part Japanese)
Source: Foreign affairs section, prefectural gov-
*(2) Monthly report on births and deaths in .
C:ity to 1945 (2)
Naga.sak1 C1ty census recistration section {part
(3) .population statistics (1 ) Source: Statis-
tics 8Ccbon, Nagasaki Prefecture.
In Japanese.
. f hools i n Nagasaki with present (5
(4) Ltst o sc f t d t '
b 19
45) number o s u en s total and
Novem er
schools) (I ) Source: Nakayama
teachers . 1 N
.. vouth educatiOn offiCia. , agasak1 pre-
unJI, J
fect ural government. . .
Na City populat wn estimates as of 30
) g d
8 October 1945 (2) Source: Ura.ka.mi
June a.n . '
Nakaba., chief of of
of he8olth, Nagasaki C1ty, via. Morale Division,
Field Team N 3.
) At omic-bomb oa.snalty fi gures (2.) (part Japanese)
Source: police department pubh c welfare section
via. sanitat ion sect ion (cf. C- 1) .
) Atomic-bomb casualt y fi gures (including figures
on those who died after 1 September 1945)
) Source: prefectural government
t ranslat ion section. .
) Notes on atomic-bomb casualties-Compiled by
USSBS G-2, N a.gasaki, with attached document
on subject from Tsujimura, Y., head of 2d
economic department, N prefectural
government (1) .
(9) Weather stat istics for Nagasaki City, 7-15
August 1945 (complete .data plus a.
section entitled "phenomena 1s Included) (1)
(part Japanese) . Source: N aga.saki weather
stat ion N a.kamura, Katsuji, head.
*(10) Report on insured persons killed in the
bombings (I) (part Japanese). Source: Life
insurance association, 4 Marunouchi, 3 Chome,
Tokyo, Japan. .
(11) Japanese Navy personnel present at Nagasaki
and Hiroshima when A-bombs were dropped (1).
Source: Report to assistant chief of staff, G-2,
*(12) Report on number of households and population
of 5 cities of Hiroshima Prefecture (1 November
1945) (4) (part Japanese). Source: Hiroshima
prefectural office.
(13) Material on population and casualties in Naga-
saki (!). Source: W/ 0 Bronowski, British mission
to Japan. . (1
(14) Nagasaki Shi and Ken population figures .
. atfaiJ'I
November 45) (1). Source: Ken fore1gn
section. f Nag
*(15) Weather reports-dates of ''A'' bombings
asaki and Hiroshima (1) (part Japanese
ca1 observa-
Source: General central meteorologl
tory of Japan in Tokyo. ___ (1).
(16) General remarks on population of ed
Source: Lieutenant Colonel LeRoy, ArrDY
ical group, ABI. . tiP"
c. Official reports or information concerning
tions on the atomic bombings : NaP'
{1) Report on damage caused by A-bomb
saki City (2) . Source: Police de.v-
public welfare section (Boanka) ()10>
(2) Interview of Commander Shields warreNoVIIIl ..
USNR, at Omura naval hospital on
killl oil
her 1945, concerning all groups .,or ;,Grdl-
"A" bombings investigation, their allnJ,
nat ion among them, etc. (2). Also, interviews
3. c. wit h Lieutenant Nello Pace, Nav.
Tech. Jap, and MaJOr Manuel Berg, Army medical
group, for study of " A" bombings (1).
) List of names and addresses of Japanese investi-
gat ors of "A" bombings (part Japanese).
Source: Koremoto, I., sanitation section, N aga-
saki prefectural government.
) Index to official Nagasaki Prefecture reports
concerning t he "A" bombing. Source: Public
welfare section, Nagasaki prefectural govern-
(S) Preliminary r eport on the destructive effects of
A-bombs (handwritten original and two photo-
st at ic copies) , photo album and 35 negatives.
Source : Yutaka Tanaka, professor at Tokyo
Imperial University, 10 March 1946.
*(6) Japanese survey of "A" bombings at Nagasaki
a.nd Hiroshima (Japanese original, English
t ranslations and corrected copies). Source:
Prepared by Dr. Y. N ishina for USSBS, G-2.
*(7) Program and report of special conference on
research and investigation of damage done by
atomic bombings (30 November 1945) (Japanese
originals and English translations).
(8) Assessment by Lieutenant (jg) R. W. Moser
giving estimate of damage by A-bomb on specific
(9) Material covered by joint commission for the
investigations of the effects of the atomic
bomb. Source: Lieutenant Colonel G. V.
LeRoy, Army medical group (26 November
*(10) Eye\\litness account of bombing of Hiroshima by
Father Siemes of Hiroshima and biographical
material about the author (part Japanese).
*(11) General report on "A" bombings of Nagasaki
and Hiroshima. Source: Commander Ishiwata,
Navy Ministry, Tokyo (Japanese and English
translation) .
*(12) General report on "A" bombings of Nagasaki
and Hiroshima. Source: Lieutenant Colonel
Oya, First Demobilization Ministry, Tokyo
(,Japanese and English translation).
(13) Answers to USSBS questionnaire on "Fire" in
Nagasaki and A" bombings. Source:
Dr. Nishina's Institute of Physical and Chemical
Research, Tokyo.
*{14) Ob ...,.
servations on the effects of atomic
s.ource: Geographic Institute, Imperial Univer-
sity of Tokyo.
) atomic bomb report for the of
Htroshima, Japan. Source: Governor, Hll'O
Prefecture 21 August (Japaneee
ortgtnal and 8 English translations).
) Synopsis report of the air-raid diaMter At
Nagasaki (2 incomplete copies). Souroe: 11&-
saki Prefecture-Document traueJted by pJ)J)
Team No. 2 (Japanese original and ..,...,

*In J
section secret No. 20, supplement
No. 10-Atr damage report on Nagasaki Bhl
August 1945): Source: Governor, Nagasaki
Prefecture (Enghsh translation only) .
curve graphs and map showing distri-
butiOn of radioactivity at Nishiyama district.
Investigation of the effects of the atomic bomb in
Hiroshima, medical aspects. Source: Kure
naval district (Japanese original).
Existence of fission products in the radioactive
deposits found in the western suburbs of Hiro-
shima-Report by Yamasaki and Y. Murakami.
Measurement of the radioactivity at Nagasaki.
Source: Kyushu Imperial University report
(23-25 December 1945).
Radioactivity due to the atomic bomb at
Nagasaki and its surrounding districts. Source:
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research,
(23) Radioactivity of the ground at Nagasaki City
and its neighborhood. Source: Department of
physics, faculty of science, Kyushu Imperial
University, Fukuoka.
*(24) Investigation of the atomic bomb attack on
Hiroshima. Source: Kure naval district (Japa-
nese original and English translation).
(25) Medical report of the af.o.mic bombing in ffiro.
shima. Source: Army Medical College, First
Tokyo Army hospital vis joint medical com-
mission for investigation of eft'eets of atomic
bombs (30 November 1945).
(26) Proposed atomic bomb tests against naval ves-
(27) Notes on experimental data required from
atomic bomb trials. Source: Prof. W. H.
(28) Preliminary findings-Report on A-bomb dam-
age by PDD.
(29) Proposed report outline, the atomic bomb,
Nagaseki, Japan-PDD.
(30) Series of Japanese reports on the atomic bomb
(tables of contents) Nav. Tech. Jap.
(31) General report of the damap done to the city of
Nqeeeki by the air raid of 9 August ISMS.
(32) Reference material on the damap caused by
the air raid of 9 August lMS on Napski.
Source: Napeaki Prefecture aovemment.
(33) Report of the damap in Bourae:
Napeaki Harbor Trausport Company, Ltd.,
via Nav. Tech. Jap.
(8') Report of the damap done to the aity of Nap-
aakf by the ait raid of 9 Aupat. Nap-
saki branch Kyuahu uaval stores
(85) aplri City pollee damll8 map. Souroe:
apaki City polioe clepu1m811t.
(18) Report of damep ...,t at aprk' Cft7 by
the atomio bomb. medioll ..... SoUoe:
Bario D&val ..........
(87) Inftldf&atloD of tiJe etreota
fD IIJrolblma. .......
... dldJiot.
R h into symptoms
3. c. (38) l\Iedicru report ?\o. 9t, in Hiroshima.
result ing from the a omJc . . .
section. Chngoku dtstrtct armJ ..
ource 1 Ch
. (39) Report of imestlgat10n 1? . .JJa".a , T h
ource awada medical chnJC 1& l\av . ec .
Jap. r k' C't'
(40) Radioactivity of the ground at '1 1 y
and its neighborhood. ource Kyushu Im-
peria! "Gniversity, physic" department. .
(41) :\Ieasurement of the radioacthity at Nagasaki.
ource Kyushu Imperial University via Nav.
Tech. Jap. .
(42) Radioactivity of the ground at City
and 1ts neighborhood pt II) ource: Kyushu
Imperial University v1a Xav. Tech Jap.
(43) Radioactirity due to the atomic bomb at Naga-
saki and 1t- distrtct . ource: In-
stitute of Physical and Chemical Research,
Tokyo, via XaY. Tech. Jap.
(44) Radioactivity due to the atomic bomb at Naga-
saki and its surrounding districts. ource: In-
sutute of Physical and Chemical Research,
Tokyo, via Xav. Tech. Jap.
(45) Radioactivity due to the atomic bomb at Hiro-
shima and ItS surrounding districts. Source:
I.n.stitute of Physical and Chemical Research,
Tokyo, via Xa.v. Tech. Jap.
(46 Japanese surrey of atomic bombings of Hiro-
shima and aga.saki. Source: Institute of
and Chemical Research, Tokyo, via
Nav. Tech. Jap.
(-!i Rese!lrches on the radioactivities at Hiroshima.
."ource: Physics department. Q::,aka I mperial
'Cruvers:ity "ria Na.v. Tech. Jap.
(48) Report on the atomic bomb thrown on Hiro-
Osaka Imperial University via
Nav. Tech. Ja.p.
(49) The field observation at Hiroshima on the radio-
activity induced by the atomic bomb.
( '"0) p l' .
a re.munary. 'Urvey of the effect of the atomic
bomb on sol! and plant" in a"asak1 0 - o urce:
Antculture department, Kyushu Impe .al t -;
. . _ n vm-
vernty \'Ia. av. Tech. Jap.
(51) Preliminary report bv the agr"cult
d t . . I ure
amage o amculture products t rees pl t
ource. K VU5h I . 1 - . , , an s.
T h J
. u mpena Umversity via Nav.
ec . ap.
(52) Preliminarv report o b d
- . n " e amage to plant lif
at Nagasaki and Hi h' e
) University Kyoto
Prebmmary report of the . 1 .
and for
calamtty. Source: Kyushu Im . omb
via Nav. Tech J penal Umversity
( . ap.
54) Report on the investigation or th .
damage to horticultu 1 e atomtc bomb
Kyushu lrnpena:l U products. ource
mverstty -
(55) Summary of six investi t' Vla av. Tech. Jap.
d ga tonq on ato b
effects on plants. K mlc omb
Umvcrnttv via av T
yu hu Imperial
eo 1 Jap.
(56) Inve tigation into the damage caused by th
atomic bomb observed effect on insects. Sour
1 U 't N ce.
Kyushu Impena mverf!J y v1a av. Tech. J
(57) Census daLa, Nagasaki City and Nagasaki
Kumamoto and Fukuoka prefectures. Sour :
Nagasaki prefectural statistics section. ce.
(5 ) Daily weather data, Nagasaki City. Source.
Nagasaki weather bureau, Nav. Tech. Jap.
(59) Alphabetical key to Nagasaki city map listin
and outlining Machi. Source : Nagasaki
works department, Nav. Tech. Jap.
d. I nformation on Mitsubishi and ot her factories in
the "A" bombod areas:
(1) I nvestigation of 1Iitsubishi ordnance works
construction section No. 1- Production1
zation, equipment., etc. (1). Source: Honda
Yusaku, manager. main offi ce,
section No. 1, via 2d Mar. Div., G-2.
(2) List of all i\fitsubishi-owned or controlled fac-
tories in the N aga.saki area with those bombed
out inrlica. ted (2) . Source : Ogawa., manager of
N a.gasaki lVIitsubishi shipya.rds1 via 2d 1\-Iar. Div.,
(3) Report on schools in Nagasaki taken over bv
Mitsubishi , and more detailed account on use
schools by IVIitsubishi shipyards (2, 1 incom-
plete) . Source: Ogawa1 manager of N
Mitsubishi shipyards, via 2d Mar. Div., G-2.
(4) Survey on fact ories in schools of Nagasaki (2) .
Source : Nagasaki liaison committee.
(5) Example of an application of a war plant for
permission t o convert t o peacetime production
(l\1atsuyama iron works of Nagasaki) (2) .
Source: Nagasaki liaison committee.
(6) Abstract of application for permission to convert
to essential consumers' commodities 21 Novem- ,
ber 1945 (1). Source: Nagasaki steel works of
Mitsubishi Steel Manufacturing Company, Ltd.
(7) Organization of Mitsubishi Corporation (1).
Source: Interview of Miyasaki, K., president of
Electric Company, and president of
IVIitsubiSbi Chemical-Industry Machinery Man-
Company, and Hazama, S., managing
of lVIitsubishi Electric Company.
(8) Outline of the l\1itsubishi enterprises (1942) (1).
Mitsubishi Company, Ltd., Tokyo. .
(9) List of underground equipment at the Nagasaki
shipyards (1). Source: Ship department, Mit-
Heavy Industries, Ltd.
(10) List of underground equipment at the Nagasaki
';orks 0). Source: Ship department,
Heavy Industries, Ltd.
(l1) Mitsubishi Steel Manufacturing Company, Ltd
on equipment, etc., covered by vtat
ms urance) (1).
) :Miscellaneous information on Mitsubilhi Steel
(la) Miscellaneous Electric Company.
) l\liscellaneous information, Hiroshima abipyard'-
Miscellaneous infor mation on Nagasaki ship-
3. d. <
) ds and engine works.
yar . . .
) Miscellaneous Infor matiOn on M1ts ubishi Hiro-
( hirna engine wor ks.
?) plants in Nagasaki. Source: T. Oda
manager, ship depar t ment, Mitsubishi Heav;
Industries, Lt d.
) Mitsubishi ordnance report-Atom-bomb dam-
age. Source : Report from Nagasaki ordnance
plant to chief t? director.
Informat ion on air ra1ds on Nagasaki and Hi ro-
e. shim a, Preat oroic
(l ) Air raids on N agasak1 before the "A" bombing
(2) . Source : Public welfare section, Nagasaki
prefectural government.
*(2) List of air rai ds on Nagasaki City before the "A"
bombing (2) (part Japanese). Source: Interview
with Nishioka, T., director of Nagasaki news-
(3) List of AAF bombings of Nagasaki (4). Source:
l\ll orale division, sampling-Mr. W. H. Hansen.
(4) List of AAF bombings of Nagasaki (3). Source:
Seventh Air Force.
(5) Reports of attacks on Nagasaki and Hiroshima
(5). Source: Office of statistical control, head-
quarters, AAF.
(6) Excerpts from diary of air defense office, Naga-
saki (1). Source: Air defense office, Nagasaki
via PDD (See F-17).
(7) Nagasaki-Research list of damage by air raids
( 4). Source: Fujimoto, Soshiro, regional fire
chief, Nagasaki City.
(8) Air strikes on Hiroshima prior to A-bomb.
Source: PDD team No. 1.
f. General data:
(1) List of USSBS teams and personnel in Nagasaki
compiled by G-2, Nagasaki (2).
( ) USSBS key personnel who investigated the
effects of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki (1) .
) Translations of articles concerning the "A"
bo b'
mgs whlCh appeared in the Nagasaki
himbun from 10 August to 16 November 1945

Mimeograph master copy and 6 other

copies. (Original Japanese clip-
*(4) Ar
. ticles by Nishioka, Takejiro, which appeared
m the N agaski newspaper of 25, 26, 27 September

concerning the future of Nagaski. (Trane-

latlOn by member of staff of paper.) (Japanese
Press clippings.)
) Interview with Nishioka T director of Napeki
news ' .,
paper concerning "Effect of 'A' bomb OD
of J aps in general," plus discUIIioD of
neral trends in Japanse public opinioD duriDI
e War" d .&.-..a- OD
N i h. an some biographical mau.-.-
(6) s .Ioka (1).
Picture coverage of Japan by AAF (1)
Dour.ce: Memo to G-2 from First
A. McGovern, AAF of PDD team 0. 0.
(7) Function of PDD team N
project) (1) s

0 (motion picture
team No. 10. ource: Memo to G-2 from PDD
(8) Eyewitness account of the ato . b b'
H' hi b mtc om mg of
Iros ma Y Miss Polchikoff
Source: G-2 Sec., USSBS. ' transcnpt.
(9) Excerpts concerning Nagaski and Hiroshim (1)
Source "J th a
. . apan, e Official Guide," 1941 RR
Mm1stry publication.
(10) Report on Nagasaki City prepared by
Lieutenant (jg) R. W. Moser USNR of PI
Sec., USSBS (2) . ' '
*(ll) Outline history of Hiroshima City (2) s .
G h' . . ource .
. eograp IC mstitute, faculty of science, Impe-
nal University of Tokyo.
*(12) Outline h!sf:Ory. of Nagaski City (2). Source:
Geographic mstitute, faculty of science Imperial
University of Tokyo (Japanese and English
*(13) Outline of Japanese general staff organization
plans for repulsing invasion of Kyushu, etc. (5l
(part Japanese). Source: Lieutenant Colonel
Oya, First Demobilization Ministry, Tokyo.
(14) Summary report, atomic-bomb mission In-
vestigation into Japanese activity to de'velop
atomic power (1). Source: GHQ, Tokyo, memo-
randum to Brigadier General J. B. Newman.
(15) General report on Hiroshima City. Source:
Lieutenant J. W. Gardner, PI section, USSBS.
(16) History of Nagaski City. Source: Translation
from map issued to commemorate founding of
the city.
(17) Translation of list of B-29 crew members taken
prisoners near Nagasaki. Source: N8pki air-
defense section diary.
(18) Article by General Hamuhita on effect of A-
bomb on military strategy. Source: Infantry
Journal (April 1M6).
(19) Historical data on atomic bomb. Source:
Colonel Montcomery, MAD, via General Gant-
(20) Program for the hearings before the Senate
speeial meeting on atomic energy.
(21) Testimony of Dr. Louis Ridenour, repreBlting
the American Federation of Scieatista before
the Senate special meeting on atomic eae!V
(22) Military Secmity and the Atomic Bomb-
dele by Ridenour.
(18) Atomic Bomb Byslleria-u1lcle by Major A. P.
de 8eftl'8k1.
(H) Supplementary JePC)I't on "A" bombiDI of
NIPeld and HJroablm&. by Major A. P. de
(25) Atomic EDergy of IMI U. SeDte Bear-
(18) PreliJDiDU'Y oompuelte reporla oa tile t6ctB of
the atoJDfc bombs.
(17) PopulatloD aDCl ..,.a, tlpNI ........
aad ..... ld.
Dam ... map or 11"
(II) aoto 1o1 ud otllll'
on an investi-
B miss10n to a.pan
3. g. Report of the n IS f the atomic bombs dropped
gation of . the effect- - ki:
at Hiroshtma and 1\ aoasa. . . drafts
(1) Final report and 5 .
"' f maps and
(2) Photostat.') o h B u h to
(3) Excerpts from "Report t Effects of the
Ja an on an Investigation o e
Bombs Dropped at Hiroshima and aga-
saki .. , . d-"ings of blast pressure
(4) ComputatiOns and ,. ...
caused by atomic bomb. .
{5) Bntish investigation of the effects of the atomlc
bomb df\lpped at Hiroshima, comments on.
h. Pictures and negstive- from Japanese d
(1) Captions with picture of A-bomb IDJurleS an
treatment. ource: Hiroshima war casualty sur-
(2) Captions with pictures of A-b_?mb damage.
ource: Commander Lhlwata, IJ);.
{3) N'aga.saki dated 15 August 1945- caption "Radio De-rice Dropped by Para-
chute at the ame Time as the ' X ew-Type Bomb'
(4) (2) c:lainaged by
atom bombmg of 9 A..ugu:,-r 1945. :Vlap of areas
made 20 Augll:l'"t 1945. Source: X a.gasaki Pre-
fecture (Hoa.nk&).
{5) XegaoYes 1 Hiroshima. Source: Commander
Ishiwata, IJX.
{6) Pictures of radto device dropped by parachute.
i . and Hiroshima photos.
j . Photos of .A-bomb damage of Heavy
Indlb-uies, Company, Ltd.
k. Photos of A-bomb damage. Source: Mitsubishi
Hea.ry Indlb-uies Company, Ltd.
l. A-bomb photos (Hiroshima and Xagasaki).
m. Hiroshima A-bomb photos (medical).
n. N agas&ki A-bomb photos (medical).
o. Nagasaki A-bomb photos.
p. Hiroshima target description.
q. Atom bomb report photos.
r. Atom bomb negatives (67).
a. Hiroshima A-bomb photos.
t Charts and
*{1) Nagasaki Ko and approaches (Survey of
1933). - J
{2) Prefecture (published in 1932) .
(3) Nagasakt Prefecture (administrative boumia . .
. nes,
I'ODW!, etc., are tndicated).
(4) Chart of northern part of Hiroshima Harbor
(1928) (city appears on the chart).
(5) Chart of Nagasaki K6 to Kuchinotsu Ko
survey, 1925). -
(6) Chart of Hiroshima harbor (IJN
1926, other sources to 1939). surveys up t o
(7) Map of Hiroshima showing extent f
aged b fi (A o area dam.
Y. . rmy Map Service via u b
Areas Div181on). r an
(8) Map of Nagu aki City showing Abo b
___ age_ (prepared by Lieutenant
In Y&, st
Demobilization Ministry, ..
(g) Nagasaki City plan map (ortgmal and two
copies) (Schools and other iX:dic.ated).
0) Nagasaki City plan map (Cho na1 kat, 01ty dis-
tricts indicated)
l ) Map of Hiroshima atomic-bomb damage (ex-
tent and type of damage to various buildings is
shown). (Prepared by Central Non-Life In-
surance Corporation, Tokyo.)
2) Map of Nagasaki atomic-bomb damage (extent
and type of damage to var ious buildings is
shown). (Prepared by Central Non Life In.
sura.nce Corporation, Tokyo.)
(13) Map of Hiroshima atomic-bomb damage (pre-
pared by Hiroshima railway division office).
(14) Map showing area damaged by the at omic bomb
at Nagasaki. (A numbered key to map shows
important buildings as designat ed on the map.)
(Original and seven copies.) (Prepared by
Nagasaki Prefect ure police department, Hoan.
ka-Public welfare section.)
(15) Naga-saki City znap (1: 12, 500 with miscellaneous
informat ion concerning factories, installations,
etc., indicated on one copy by Lieutenant (jg)
Robert W. Moser, USNR). (Three copies, one
marked as above, also one copy of preliminary
uncorrected edition of same map.) (Army Map
(16) Revised edition- City plan of Nagasaki (in four
sections) .
(17) Target map of Nagasaki urban area (XX Bomber
Command) .
(18) Nagasaki City wards and streets (one sheet is
missing) .
(19) Japanese map of Nagasaki City giving brief rus.
tory of city and other information.
u. Japanese blueprints-industrial and public build (54 envelopes).
v. Field data pertaining to physical damage-N aga.saki:
(1) Mitsubishi steel and small arms works.
(2) All remaining buildings between M. S. and S. A.
loop in river and R. R. tracks.
(3) Mitsubishi Turbin component works I.
(4) Standard Vacuum Oil works.
(5) Kyushu ga.s works.
(6) Vrokumi gas works.
(7) Bridges and docks.
(8) Mitsubishi Turbin component works II.
(9) Mitsubishi torpedo works.
(10) leys Normal school.
(11) Nagasaki Prefecture prison.
(12) Structure between ,.probable barracks" and
Ukrami gas works.
(13) Engineering school.
{14) Divinity school.
(15) Catholic church.
(16) Nagasaki Medical school.
(17) Nagasaki University hospital (Mitsubfshi).
(18) Zenza grade school.
(19) N ishizakamachi grade school.
(20) N ag& commercial school.
Shiroyama school.
3. v. (2l ) Boys' high school (Keiho).
; ) Fucbi school (consisting of two envelopes).
) 1\rtsubishi steel and arms works (II) casting
(24) J.Y.ll
plant. .
) Mitsubishi woodworkmg plant.
) Deaf and dumb school.
) !nasa. school.
S) Asahi . . .
) Series electriC and
0) Mitsubishi Manufacturmg Company.
l ) Akunoura engme .works. .
2) Hyashi CommerCial Company engme works.
) Mit su bishi dockyard.
4) Tatega.mi shipyard.
(a5) l{ozaki point oil storage.
(36) Naval reservat ion.
(37) Nippon Oil Co.
(38) Powder magazine.
(39) Tomachi grade school.
( 40) Minamioura grade school.
(41) Mitsubishi small boatyards.
(42) Small boat manufacturing plant.
(43) New shipyard.
(44) Mitsubishi Trading Company.
(45) Consulate area.
(46) Dejima. wharf.
(47) Nagasaki station and freight yards.
(48) Chinzei high school.
( 49) Nagasaki Municipal hospital.
(50) Nagasaki Municipal crematory.
(51) Post office.
(52) Relief association office.
(53) District court and public prosecutor's office;
Regional court and public prosecutor's office;
Nagasaki court of appeals.
(54) Shinkoozen grade school.
(55) Municipal girls' commercial school.
(56) Funa.tsu Machi branch, Mitsubishi hospital.
(57) Nagasaki tobacco monopoly agency.
(58) N aka.michi church.
(59) Honren temple.
0) Kukuho Fukusai temple.
) Nagasaki Prefecture office.
2) Mosaics and general information on Nagasaki--
Photo intelligence.
) Maps and miscellaneous.
) Damage assessment charts.
) Interviews, formal and informal.

Heavy Industries Report.

01ta fire.
) A synopsis report of the air-raid diiMMr at
Nagasaki, 9 August 1945.

location of the point of explosion.
ffects of the atomic bomb on N apaaki (interim
(71) Pr . .
) Reogram, bibliography, status of report&
) B ?ort outlines.
) V rJdges and stacks (draft copies).
olumes 2, 3, and 6 (draft coplea).
*(75) PubJic utilities, Vol. 4 (background material for
report) .
*(76) Volume 5 (background material for report),
consisting of two envelopes.
(77) Photo interpretat ion.
(78) Void worksheets.
*(79) of Nagasaki and buildings; one negat ive.
*(80) Outhne of the Mitsubishi enterprises 1921 1930
1937. ' , ,
(81) Photo logs.
(82) Photographs, miscella.neous (two boxes).
(83) Photographs, large J apa.nese ground shots of
N agMaki.
w. Press clippings.
x. Captions and narration for motionpicture project
on effects of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki (two copies).
y. Twentieth Air Force folder concerning the atomic
bombings of N aga.saki and Hiroshima
z. Eyewitness account of the atomic bombing of
Hiroshima by Miss Polchikoff (two records).
Source: G-2 section, USSBS.
aa. Fla.shburn exhibits-two boxes.
bb. Rubber model map of Nagasaki.
4. Field Report Covering Air Raid Protection and Allied
Subjects, Tokyo, Japan.
a. Photographs and charts.
b. Japanese field report.
c. Manuscript.
*d. Map of area of operation of picket boats under
jurisdiction of the 22d Battle Squadron.
*e. Map showing location of radar installations in
Eastem Army area.
*f. List of location and equipment of the nine radar
companies of the Eastern Army's Intelligence
*g. Map of Japan showing areas of jurisdiction of the
several armies.
*h. Map of section of Tokyo showing locations and
range of coverap of sirens connected to Eastern
Army headquazterB.
*i. Catalog of lbuki Manufacturing Company of Osaka
(siren manufacturer).
;. Blueprint chart of sirens in Tokyo
from Eastern Army headquarters, ahowmg division
of area into waruiDI .ones and the SJriba Park
t Blueprint of wiring plan of Tokyo sinD IIJideDL
-i. OrpDiaa&ion of the Tokyo fire department
..... Map ahcnrinl fire diaCiriotB and stMiODII dariDa ihe
war period.
... Map lhowiDI8re cll*iatll ucltl&atbiiiD tbe past.
war period. JooatloD of fiN-boat hOUIII
o. of tile Tokyo watler4WJIIE.
Map aowiDilooati"M' o1 Totyo-niiiN: ...
.,. Data oa dfan'ataa aad .....
...-. .. ..
h J9 Tokvo "a.ter di tricb.
4. *s. Blueprint map: oft e t ..on re::,ulting from
t. Chief hi mods s repor . )
10 19-15 air raid Tokvo.
* :\Iap showing firebreaks crea e 1
u. T k . uing di"tr1cts. .
*v. :\lap of o y zo . th con truction of build-
w. ummary of directiOnS on e
mgs . dist ricts of Tokyo and locatJOns
z. Map sho"-1ng police d re cue battalions
of headquarters of the guar
(Keibitai). . . h g prior-
y. :\Iap of Tokvo met ropolitan di trlct owm . .
ity of street; designated for clearance and rep&ll' m
the eYent of ali raids. f
Organization chart and blueprint sho";ng t!pe o
- buildings and air-raid
Oil Company's h a.wasaki refiner)
(Japane"e). . . ..
aa. OrganizatJon chart and blueprints
air-defen_e headquarters dam_age by
bombing, casu&lue-, and air-raid precautiOns of
Japan ;-,tPel Tube Company (Japnne_e) .
bb. Orgaruzauon chart of air-raid e force and
bluepnnts showing air-raid types. of
construction and ca.mouflage of H1tachi
Tool Company Ltd.
cc. Charts showing communications networks for all
Japan ' Japane5e).
dd. Analys;:; of damage to communications facili ties
(Japanese .
*u. Map showing location of harbor fire st ations and
substations and graphic representation of air-raid
damAge in Harbor area.
*ff. Pl.&n of Red Cross central hospital showing dam&ge
and air-raid precautions.
*gg. Chart of Edogawa apartment house air-raid defense
organization and blueprint plan of building (J apa-
*hh. Blueprint of plans of the hinjuku moving-picture
theater and sketches ::,hawing fire protection meas-
ures incorporated.
*il. Sample of simple device to e-timate amount of light
in a room.
*jj. Table of data on Tokyo -trect lighting (excluding
kk. Illustration:; of typical fi shing lie;hts.
ll. Blueprint of camouflage pattern for one lanze fac-
tory in Tokyo. '='
*mm. Table o_f Tokyo air-raid damage and table listing
J>?PUlatton figures for Tokyo-To from 1940 to
ovember 1945.
*nn. Text on air-raid warning (operation of icket
boats) (Japanese). p
*oo. Text on history of Chokai and Ren o Choka.J
(Japanese). g
*pp. Table of number of members of Keibo I Ch k .
d T
. G . c an, o a1
an onar1 umt (.Japanese). '
gq. Chart of Control Center, Tokyo (.Japanese)
*rr. Text on outline of the mechanism and . .
sirens (Japanese). operation of
In Japaneae.
T b
l r ting location of sirens (Japanese) .
*ss. a. e
f h A' I t lli
*tl. Table of organization o t e 1r n e gence Bat-
talion (Japanese).
T t on organi zation of t he unexploded bomb dis-
uu. squads in the area under the jurisdiction of
the Easter n Army . .
vv. Two charts showing the d1ssemmat10n of air-raid
alarms (Japanese).
T xt on mat ters pertaining to t he revision of
wto. m:thods of signaling to ships with air warning sig-
na.l liahts (J apanese)
*zz. file of Odachi, Governor of Tokyo, covering
period 28 July 1944 to 19 April 1945 (Japanese).
yy. Not es on personal files of Odachi, Governor of
zz. for air defen'le of Tokyo.
5. Field Repor t Covering Air-Raid Protect ion and Allied
Subjects, Nagasaki, Japan.
a. Field repor t.
b. :Manuscript .
c. Blueprint map showing area dest royed or burned
by atomic bomb and areas burned out or part ially
destroyed by other air raids.
d. Map showing location and r ange of each air-raid
warning siren.
*c. Dat a on water system (Japanese) .
*f . Map showing locations of fi re battalion stat ions
(headquarters), substations and auxiliary police
and fire units.
g. Dat a on fi re department and informat ion concerning
auxiliary police and fi re units (Keibodan).
h. :Map of water department system.
t . Map showing locations of stat ic water supply and
site of dam up.
1 Map and report of survey of demolished houses in
the cities of Nagasaki Prefecture.
k. lVIap showing areas demolished for firebreaks in
November 1944 and April and July 1945.
*l. Chart of volunteer air-defense organization and
blueprint plan of plant lay-out of Kawanami Ship-
building Company.
m. C'hart showing air-raid protect ion, precautions, and
damage suffered by lVIitsubishi heavy industries,
agasaki shipbuilding and engine works.
n. Map of K agasaki Harbor showing protec
tion installations.
*o. Text on prefectural plan for evacuation of persons
in Nagasaki to Sasebo (Japanese).
*p. Form of certificate of evacuation status (Japanese).
*q. Form of application for removal (Japanese).
*r. Form of report of completion of removal (Japanese).
*s. Form of sufferer 's certificate (Japanese). d
*t. Text on distribut ion and cooking of emergency foo
supply (J apanese).
*u. Text on summary of war casualty insurance (Jap-
anese) .
v. Text on prefectural record of payment under vtiZ
service allowance law (Japanese).
*w. Text on application for payment of cJatm f or peD
sion and allowance under warlime ciJaalter proteO'"
tion plan.
'st of members of Nagasaki prefect ural govern-
5. *1 Lt t (part Japanese) .
men el of t he head quarters of t he Nagasaki pre-
* Personn . '1' d
'Y l aU-member ClVllan guar S.
feot ura d . .
. d fense plan an trammg.
z. Alrb-l e of the organizat ion of civilian air defense.
a Ta. e N k'
a . id statistics- agasa 1.
bb Air-ra . h . d . . t .
M of Nagasakl s owmg a mm1s rat1ve areas of
*cc. ap . t'
. ous pollee sta 1ons.
va.rt A' R ' d P t t' d A
. d R port Covermg 1r a1 r o ec Ion an lhed
6 F1el e
. Subjects, Kyoto, Japan.
a. Field report.
b Manuscript.
*c: Map of northeastern Kyoto showing
in which Maizuru was r esponsible for the soundmg
of air-raid alarms.
*d Map of city of Kyoto showing locations of sirens.
*e: Map showing locations of civilian observation posts
in Kyoto Prefecture.
*f. Blueprint map of general communications channels
for air-raid defense in t he Maizuru naval port area.
*g. Blueprint diagram of control center for air-raid
defense of Maizuru Naval base.
*h. Map of Kyot o City water system.
*i. Dat a on fire department section of Kyoto Prefec-
t ure, 1945 (part Japanese).
*j. Map of Shinjo Gokurakuji Temple showing fire
mains, hydrants, pools, pump house, water curtain,
and buildings.
*k. Map of Kyot o showing locations of fire stations.
*l. List of pumpers in Kyoto during the war, and Oc-
tober 1945; giving manufactures; pumping capaci-
*m. Map of Kyoto showing distribution grid system
and locations of hydrants with cut-out valves.
*n. Blueprint showing distribution mains in Kyoto
*o. Map showing tanks, wells, and swimming pools
used as static water supply in Kyoto City.
*p. Map of Kyoto indicating areas in which only con-
crete buildings were permitted to be constructed.
*q. Cit y Building Regulations Enforcement Act (Japa-
nese) .
*r. Pamphlet on protective police statistics, 1942
* (Japanese) .
a. Kyoto showing fire barriers made by de-
*t buildings.
a.ta. on construction of fire barriers from 17 July
* 1944 to 21 July 1945
u. (illustrated) on suggestions on bow to
*v Cchieve light control by Kyoto Electric Company.
*to. 'l' of lights in streetcar s (Japanese).
ra.llling orders, training notices and prefectural
ord ' ___ ,
P liers concerning air defense by Kyoto prefeo'UPM
ce department.
. Data. on t . . -_ ......--A
. s reet light1ng and wattage used
resldenti 1
*y, PI a customers (Japanese).
and specifications of reinforced, concrete pipe

n Japanese.
*z. Specifi cations of tunnel-type air-raid h lte
*aa. Text on bill proposed for effecting of
* persons, AugUBt 1945 (Japanese).
bb. Text on compendium of matters pertam . t W
t ' D mg o ar-
tme amage Protection Law No. 71, promulgated
24 February 1942 (Japanese).
*cc. Text of questionnaire designed to determm d
. t' e es-
* ma Ion of persons seeking other locations.
dd. Test on _compendium of regulations relating to
school group evacuation (Japanese) .
*ee. Sufferer s certificate and ration card for sufferers
*JI. Map showing counties of Kyoto Prefecture and
number of children sent to each.
*gg. Fire protection layout of the Imperial University
*hh. Plan for commanding air-defense and contact
system (part Japanese).
*ii. Plan of air-defense communications channels (part
*jj. Civilian air-raid protection manual (1943).
*kk. Text on air-defense laws of Kyoto Prefecture
*Zl. Plan of the cont rol center, Kyoto Prefecture.
*mm. Text on guide to wartime damage insurance (Jap-
nn. History of air defense in Kyoto.
*oo. Text on duties of control-room leaders (Japanese).
*pp. Text on civilian air.defense observation boats and
special fishing boats (Japanese).
*qq. Sample report of biggest mid, 26 June 1945 (Jap-
*rr. Plan for air defense of Kyoto for year 1944 (Jap-
7. Field Report Covering Air-Baid Protection and Allied
Subjects, Kobe, Japan.
CJ. Field report.
b. Manuscript.
*c. Map of Kobe containing Hems of pneral infor-
d. Map of Kobe showing boundaries of the Moto
Machi auxiliary police ud fire unit ud ita di-
vision into sub units (BundaD).
Diagram of book-up of Xobe siren iDstallationa
' from the warning contml to the sireDL
-J. Diagram of e1ecU'1cal hook-up of the aireD control
.,. apeaificatioll of Kobe municipal aireDa
A. Manual ialued by the defeD8e eeotioD of the
B)'OIO prer.wra1 po11oe diridoD aivioc matrao-
tiODI for &be oare ud .. of alreDI (J'apurna).
*' Blueprinill of wiriDI Qideal of ..._. ud the
oeDtral OODVOI puel iD J[obL
. ...... orpnltiDD of IQolo prefeow.l
Chari brlpde _.... ud pftal-ud clutlee
Ire --'eltarali ............. A'O'ID..
I. JboiO r- _, .__..__._. .pehaNI'al ..,..
., .......... _....--
... -, cludDI .. p8liod.
.. fJmd7 .......... tlaa
a . and allowances of
. *m. Table showin .. g ra.: (Japanese).
members of Kobe killed or wounded
*n. StatiStics on ro 4 February to
whlle on duty durmg 811' rat ro
22 August 1945 (Japane e). bsent from
*o. tatement on number of firemen a b 1944
duty from 1 January to 31 Decem er
(Japanese). f each
*p Compilation showing number of pumpers o
. fire battalion station, substation, and prefectural
(village) fire departments (Japanese).
*q. Chart showing type of appliances in each
battalion station and substation in Kobe Ctty
and in the Prefecture (Japanese).
*r. Ma.p of Kobe showing fire-battalion
and battalion stations and substations prior to
30 April 1945. . . .
*s. :\lap of Kobe showing fire-battalion distncts,
stations and substations prior to March 1945.
t. Lb""'t Kobe City sources of water, sedi-
mentation reservoirs, filtering reservoirs, and
pumping stations, capacities and other pertinent
u. Blueprint of water distribution system (Japanese) .
v. Wooden structure fire-prevention regulation
, Geisha houses) (Japanese).
*U'. City building regulations for theaters (Japanese) .
*z. Map of Kobe showing locations of 30 buildings on
which protective measures were completed.
*y. Map showing fire barriers created by demolition
of buildings.
*z. Data on fire frequency in Kobe City, losses,
forest fires, ship fires, miscellaneous fires, origins,
and transmi.::sion of calls by various means
*aa. Accounts of large fires in Kobe other than those
caused by air raids (Japanese).
*bb. Data on air raids between February and August
1945 (Japanese).
cc. Young women's first aid units.
*dd. General operanonal outline of Kobe Harbor air
defense (Japanese).
*ee. Detailed plans for the subdivision of air d f
J ) e ense
apanese .
*ff. control guide (Japanese) .
gg. Ltght control regulations and operatin rul
(Japanese). g es
*hh. Precautions for carrying out light control law
*ii. Copy of operations manual for air-d f
ouftage (Japanese). e ense cam-
:jJ. defense of factories (Japanese).
kk. Au-defense magazine M h 1
*ll. Air-defense ' arc
*mm. Drawings

on branch factory at Shibaur
Company. a Machine Tool
nn. Blueprint showing scheme f
Kawanishi aircraft facto
camouflage of the
-------- ry.
In Japanese.
*oo. Directions for city evacuat ion.
*pp. Main points for carrymg out evacuation or
*qq. Table of building compe.nsati.on.
*rr. Manual on air-defense s1t uatwns.
*ss. Matters pertaining to procedure, instructions
and training to Hyogo Prefecture air
*tt. Manual on air defense (Japanese) .
*uu.. Weekly report No. 248-air defense and decisive
*vv. Weekly report No. 261-expedition of air-defense
*ww. Important matters regarding air-raid shelter
struction (Japanese) .
*:z.:x. Advice for perfect air defense, air attack and
battle advice; Emergency countermeasures at
time of air attack; plan for rescue and first aid
(Japanese) .
*yy. Air defense order No. 972 on shelters.
*zz. Training order " B" issued by Governor of Hyogo
Prefecture on 6 June 1944 on training districts,
training, fire fighting and operations.
*aaa. Chart of communications net in Kobe Harbor
*bbb. Kobe city water department map showing loca-
tion, elevation, and pictures of dams and draw-
ings of reservoirs.
*ccc. Chart of air-raid defense organizations in Hyoto
*ddd. Tables listing outline of dAmages, organization of
Cho-Naikai; number of houses and number of
departments of same, and amounts of air-defense
goods on hand.
*eee. Pamphlet on uniform regulations for Keibodan
and instructions and specifications of Keibodan
pennants (Japanese) .
*iff. Booklet on regulations for establishing Keibodan,
Hyogo Prefecture (Japanese).
*ggg. Transmission of air-defense warnings (Japanese).
*hhh. Hyogo Prefecture air-defense Order No. 570 on
matt ers pertaining to the use of sirens for the
transmission of security warning and all-clear
signals (Japanese).
iii. Organization chart of school special air-defense
corps (Japanese).
*jjj. Text on regulations governing security lightiDI
*kkk. Text on summary of instructions relative to
evacuation of old and young people, Hyogo pre-
fecture (Japanese).
*lll. Text on Air-Defense Service Allowance Lf,\V,
December 1941 (Japanese).
mmm. Table on war property damage insurance.
Field Report Covering Air-Raid Protection and AJlled
Subjects, Osaka, Japan.
a. Japanese field report-typewritten copies, NCJI.
and 5.
*b. Fire-department functional organisatiOil of ()Ilk'
Out line of the Osaka prefectural fire-brigade
c. )
. system . . .
*d. Batt alion (brigade) fire-statwn workmg schedule.
* St at istics on fire losses and related subjects from
e. k
1943 Yearboo .
*f . Out line of firemen's training school, 24 October
*g. Map of of Osaka municipal
waterworks showing capac1t1es and facilities.
*h. Side-view blueprint of palace grounds distribution
neservoir (J onai).
*i. Map of municipal water system.
*j. Textbook on practical fire prevention.
*k. Study on oil fire prevention.
*l. Fundamentals of fire-prevention facilities.
*m. Chart of responses made by fire trucks during air
raids and mutual aid received and furnished by
*n. Data on big fires in Osaka other than those caused
by air raids.
*o. First-aid manual, police department, Osaka
*p. Summary on the mobilization of Osaka school
air-defense unit and its reserves.
*q. Regulations and details regarding the operations
of railway air-raid defense measures.
*r. Air-raid protection regulations for harbor defense.
s. Cloth cover designed to be used over automobile
headlights of emergency vehicles needing to move
during alert or air-raid period.
*t. Gas defense unit personnel munual.
*u. Outline for dispersion and evacuation of school
*v. Certificate permitting a change of residence.
*w. for voluntary evacuees applying for
certificate to change residence.
;x. Guide on air-raid shelter construction.
Y Illustrated manual on air-defense situation, 1
December 1944
* .
z. Manual on air-defense situation, 10 December
*aa. Manual on bombs
Illustrated air-defense guide
. .
f -raid protection regulations for the defense of
*dd actories.
Pamphlet on development of air-raid proteotiou
* group.
ee. Data. o .
*JJ n au-ra1d damage
*gg: on principles of
N P of Funamachi plant arrangements of the
hh. c::ayarna Works Company, Ltd.
showmg organization of the emergency
* . . Dledical services
n. Chart h .
*ii. Pazn owing distribution of medioal suppUea.
*kk. Ton P. et on air-raid watchers.
*ll. Ci :t::.n G lllni pocket guide on air-raid pzeeautioDI.
*nun. k observation corps manual.
-:---..:..:::: -out :tnanual.
*In Japanese.
*nn. Laws concerning air defense.
*oo. of and of Keib da
*pp. hart shov.-mg organization of civilian d ; n.
qq. Table of alarm transmission. e ense.
*rr. Charts of guard d d
an air- efense department ffi
and orga.nization police bureau. o ce
*aa. Osaka City ordinances relative to Chokai
*tt. N on organization and functions . of the
*uu. Osaka City ordinances relative to Chokai
*vv. Map of harbor police.
ww. of interview of Shimizu, Sueo, relative to
Keibodan. and table of orgt.nization of same.
zz. N?tes of mterview with First Lieutenant Nagai,
relative to unexploded bombs.
*yy. Outline of prefectural fire-brigade system.
zz. Sketch showmg the locations of antiair' '1
) ClVl
pnvate observation posts under 15th Area
aaa. Sketch the civil antiair intelligence
communication net under 15th Area. Army.
bbb. Manual of air-defense observation and trans-
mission of information.
ccc. List of number and type of fire trucks.
ddd. Manuscript.
eee. Maps.
Iff. Plan for Osaka (Japanese).
ggg. Air-raid protection regulations for Osaka railroad
hhh. Description of warning central at the Central
Army headquarters and of operation.
iii. Plan for protection of communications bureau
jjj. Rules for air-defense camouftap.
kkk. Plan for air defense of Osaka Fu for year 1 H3
lll. Dispersion and evacuation of school children.
mmm. Data on air-raid darnap conoeming fire preven-
nnn. Special air-defeDBe oorps for factoriel.
ooo. Application for certificate for cbanpg districts.
ppp. Drawing of Osaka watenforb.
9. Field Report Covering Air-Bald Protection and amett
Subjects, Hiroahima, Japan-No. 1.
a. Field report.
b. Field report-typewritten oopiea Nos. 1 to 5.
c. Map of Hiroshima showiDI ground ...o of atomic
bomb, 1imHa of bumed-over area, and standiag
d. Chart showing orpniation for civilian defeDie.
e. Data on Ujina auzillar7 polioe and Ire uDiL
f. Qioary.
10. SummarY BepoR Cov.IDI .a..Baid PJaotea&icm ad
jJJied Subjects in JpD (8aal ..,an aDd ...,...
tL JapMIM ol1'1J'MM- J.iijiGd:
(1) T)pewti*D OGPJ'
(I) l(aaiWJpt.
10. b. Over-&11 material: f payments under wartime
( 1) Table-summary
April 1944 to
clisaSter protection law, from
31 March 1945, f osed chapter on
(2) Seven typewritten copies o prop
Japanese civilian pertaining to
*(3) Japanese and
postraid welfare. . ertaining to
*(4) Japanese tens and
evacuation and demolition of to
*(5) Japane e tens and translations p . k preg-
evacuation of persons- aged, young, slc '
*(6) texts and translations pertaining t o
evacuation of schools.
c. CiviliAn defense:
(1) The civilian volunteer corps. . .
(2) Tonars Gumi sssoclabon).
(3) Women' s air-defense uruts m. Japan. .
(4) Chart of Tokyo household Sli-defense orgaruza-
(5) Terms used in transmission of air-warnings
(6) Ertracts from radio reports.
(7) Relationship between civilian and military air-
raid defense.
(8) Kature of the Japane..<:e police system.
d. Background material for civilian-defense study:
(1) Federal Communications Cornmission intercepts.
(2) Fact.s on nature of Japanese warfare.
(3) Background information on Japan.
(4) Air Staff Intelligence requirements in t he Far
(5) :Xames of prominent persons in Japan.
{6) List of prefectural bureaus.
(7) Glossary of bureaus.
(8) Glossary of t erms-Japanese to English and
English t o Japanese.
(9) Summarizations of interrogations.
e. Over-all air-defense plan:
*{1) Gener&l outline of defense system.
*(2) Home air-defense manual.
*(3) Air-defense education pamphlet.
f. Rules and regulations governing air defense.
*(1) Defense regulations for buildings.
*(2) Six hAndbooks on air-defense laws.
*(3) Regulations on gas defense.
(4) Ordinance controlling air-defense headquarters
(5) for the control of acts
warmngs. g
(6) for air-defense warnings.
(7) Ordinance on auxiliary civilian police a d fi
units. n re
(8) Notes on defense laws.
g. Protective laws and regulations.
*(1) Summary of war insurance (
Japanese). part
(2) Air-defense laws.
In Japa11e1e.
(3) Air-raid defense .
(4) Air-raid protect ion m Japan.
) The War Disaster Protect iOn Law.
) Ordinance on control, use, and expropriation of
lands and buildings.
(7) Air-defense Ser vice Allowance Law.
) Wartime Damage Protection Law.
h Pat riotic bodies:
(1) J apanese yout h
) Laborers pat riotic ass?Ciat wn.
) Prominent persons m Japan and Japanese-
dominated areas.
. Great Japan air-defense association.
Charter (Japanese and English).
*(2) General descript ion (Japanese and English).
*(3) Opinions as t o t he operation of the defense plans
(part Japanese) .
*(4) Handbook on organizat ion, published June 1941.
(5) Notes on interview with treasurer of organiza-
j. Air-defense system of the police:
(1) List of chiefs connected with civilian defense.
(2) List of chiefs of police bureau.
* (3) Glossary of prefectures and directors of police
departments (Japanese and English).
*( 4) List of chiefs of metropolitan police board and
governors of Tokyo (Japanese with translations).
(5) Translation of table of contents and summari-
zation of the metropolitan police bureau's air-
defense system.
*(6) Air-defense regulation for police.
(7) Notes on translations.
k. Organization for air defense:
*(!)Air-defense headquarters-report submitted by
Lieutenant General Ando (part Japanese).
* (2) Citizenry-rules and purposes of organization
and table of contents (Japanese).
* (3) Neighborhood organization-handbooks, notes.
*(4) Plans for operation of emergency medical organ-
izations in Osaka.
*(5) Regulations for Osaka barrage balloon units
(part Japanese) . .
*(6) Regulations regarding civilian air-observat1on
corps (part Japanese).
*(7) Civilian air-defense corps manual.
(8) War damage, protection plans, and practices.
*(9) Air-defense camouflage-manual, notes.
*(10) Black-out-manual, notes, summary.
*(11) Rescue corps-manual, extract.
*(12) Keibodan in Hyogo Prefecture-regulatiollld
Plan for mobilization (Japanese). Summat'Y an
extract. Notes. EJ
*(13) Thought control-plan for organization.
planation of movement.
*(14) Figures on defense equipment issued. tevel:
l. Organization of defense agencies on a national
(1) Japanese emergency relief.
(2) Japanese civil-air defense.
(3) Japanese antiair-raid instruction and drill
(4) Japanese factory air-raid protection.
(5) Japanese pollee system.
. ation of medical services and distribution of
10. m. lies
n.ization of emergency medical service.
) Chrga t showing distribution agencies for medical
(Z) ar
supplies. . .
ization of J apanese m1mstry of home affairs.
n Organ . 'd .

izat ion of Japanese a1r-ra1 warnmg system
a prefect ural level.
on 'd t t' f
zation for a1r-ra1 pro ec 10n o a typical
P rga
fact ory. . . . .
anization of CIVIl-defense agenCies m Hyogo
q. rg
Prefecture :
) Wartime administration organization.
) Air-defense headqua:ters. .
) Chart showing of pol_1ce offices ..
r. Organization for ClVJhan In Kobe C1ty:
(1) of the _prwr to 1945.
(2) Administrative organizatiOn of a City ward.
(3) :rvlap of Kobe Harbor.
Organization for civilian defense in Tokyo:
*(1) Data on fire department-history, organization,
anrl operation.
*(2) Details regarding wages, pensions, hospital care,
and drill schooling for fire-department em-
(3) Fire officials.
(4) Tokyo building code.
(5) Organization for water supply.
*(6) Report on the waterworks section.
*(7) Pump catalogs.
*(8) Data on more important fires with map.
t. Air-raid protection organization in Tokyo City.
u. Organization chart for Yokohama Harbor.
v. Present air-defense instructions:
*(1) Manual on general instructions.
"'(2) Manual on civilian air-raid protection.
*(3) Handbook for public use.
(4) Extracts and summarizations.
w. Property control and war insurance:
(1) Regulations limiting objects of war insurance.
(2) Ordinances for control, use, and expropriation of
lands and buildings.
x. Shelters:
:(1) Outline on construction.
) Handbook on construction with summaruation.
*(3) Circular showing diagrams for construction.
y, Evacuation:
(1) Evacuation of school children.
) Evacuation of urban communities.
(:) Evacuation of cities.
) Notes on evacuation.
( ) Evacuation of Japanese urban communities.
z Evacuation of Japanese cities.
apanese plans for population dispersal (preliminary
aa. Fact .
( ories and installations:
in Japan.
Atr-defense organizations in Japanese faotorlel.
Regulated factory districts in three meuopolltaD
a.nd cities.
In JaPanese.
(4) Air-target status memo No. 5, Kyoto area.
(5) Air-target status memo No.2, Kyoto-Osaka area.
bb. Air defense in factories:
*(1) Factory air defense.
:(2) Factory _protection, Kyoto Prefecture.
(3) Generalmstruct10ns for air defense.
(4) Notes.
cr. Air defense in schools and places of entertainment:
*(I) Schools.
*(2) Amusement centers.
dd. Periodicals on air defense:
*(1) Civilian air defense for 1 July 1938.
(2) On air-defense situation, 1 October 1940.
(3) On air-defense situation, 1 December 1940.
( 4) On air-defense situation, 1 April 1941.
(5) On air-defense situation, 1 May 1941.
(6) On air-defense situation, 1 June 1941.
(7) On air-defense situation, 1 June 1941.
(8) On air-defense situation, 1 September 1941.
(9) On air-defense situation, 1 November 1941.
(1 0) On air-defense situation, 1 October 1942.
(11) On air-defense situation, 1 November 1942.
(12) On air-defense situation, 1 November 1942.
(13) On air-defense situation, 1 November 1942.
(14) On air-defense situation, 1 July 1943.
(15) On air-defense situation, 1 August 1943.
(16) On air-defense situation, 1 July 1944.
(17) On air-defense situation, 1 August 1944.
u. Publications on fire prevention:
(1) General technique for prevention of fire.
(2) Philosophy of fire prevention.
(3) Precautionary measures apinst ftying sparks.
( 4) Metropolitan fire prevention.
(5) Emergency fire-prevention precautions.
(6) Emergency methods of treatment&
(7) Agricultural fire prevention.
(8) Forest fires aod prevention.
(9) Electricity and fire prevention.
(10) Gas, on, and other d&Dprous matAui&lL
Jf. Air-raid preeautioDI in Jap&D (811IDIDAI'Y report).
DispoB&l of the dead:
(1) InstruotioDIM to -paooad--wture.
(2) TraneletioDL
(8) Notes.
Ale EmerpDGY reooDBtruotioll:
(1) FJpre8 on dUMP to hcnaa aDd property by
cities (Jap&MM qinaJ with 1ir&D"atkm and
(2) =enoy l'8llf;or&tloll of eleatd.t iDstaiJ&t,loDI
(JapaMM orlllD&l with tzue}pt;Jon).
(B) Repl&tioDI for __.g,aetioa.
(4) CoD*Uotioa&Dd ooantena areelor6dldllency
(I) diN6&IoM - the ... &raatioD of
bulldlnp (Ja&JCIM wftla trar+tiM)
(8) ....... ol emaacmv ear X.Z
orlllD&l with wa="kft).
(7) ()at1lDe r. aaa IJ'QOdoa
10. ii. Insurance paymednts: all types of insurance (with
*(1) Payments ma e on
orting Japanese documents).
supp . .
.. Insurance and protective agenmes. . .
General information and notes (mth
Japanese documents attached where referre o .
kk. Relief agencies: k (J anese
*(1) Guide for rescue of wounded and SlC ap
and English). .
(2) Questions and answers on city evacuatiOn.
(3) PlAn for relief.
(4) Handbook on Junior Red Cross Conference of
Far Eastern countries, July 1937.
(5) Junior Red Cross 1934-37.
(6) Activities of Red Cross, 1934.
(7) Iniormation pamphlet pertaining to Red Cross.
11. Post-raid clearance:
(I) Rough draft of report (with supporting Japanese
documents attached where referred to) .
mm. Population:
(1) Population statistics.
(2) Japanese plans for population dispersal.
(3) Japanese population census, 1944.
(4) Quantitative and qualitative analysis of Tokyo
population renewaL
nn. Public welfare:
(1) Public health in Japanese empire.
(2) Public safety in J span.
oo. Gas defense:
(1) Instructions (Japanese).
(2) Extracts and Sll.IIliilArizations.
pp. Air-raid protection:
(1) Air-raid defense act and amendments thereto.
(2) Air-raid defense regulations in Japan.
(3) Japanese air-raid manuaL
(4) Notes on air-raid precautions in Japan.
(5) Air-raid precaution organization in Tokyo city.
(6) Regulations governing air-defense buildings.
(7) Methods of air-defense and various organizat ions.
(8) Tokyo air-defense system.
(9) Notes on the enemy economies (Japanese air
raid precaution plans).
( 10) Notes on protection against poison gas
(11) Air-defense measures.
(12) Magazine anicle-air protection, apartment
qq. Fire protection:
*(1) lnfoi'IIlAtion on the training program f T k
fire d artm
o yo
ep ent (Japanese with excerpts trans-
*(2) of and laws governing auxilia fi fi
mg and policing units. ry re- ght-
*{3) Data on pumping stat'
) F' . 1ons of Tokyo (Japanese)
ue protection of wooden structure .
*(5) Allotment f

*(6) K 'bodan do . personnel for fire department

el rill manual
*(7) Handling of pumps.
(8) Defenee against fi re
*(9) Fire-damage ltatiatlcs.
*(10) Fire protection in forests and fi ld
e s.
In Japaneee,.
Specifications for pumps and tools.
Fire depar tment operational pra ctices in Japan
Notes on fi re protection.
Kinds and identification of incendiary bombs
fire defenses.
Notes on the organization of fire departments in
J cities 1923-24.
Japanese reactions t o major calamit ies.
rr. Warning system:
*(1) Lett ers sent by Ministry of Home Affairs to
various prefectures (with t ranslations) .
*(2) Condit ions under which alarms were to be
(3) Inst ruct ions to air watchers.
ss. Fire department operational pract ices in Japan.
tt. First-aid training manual.
uu. Long-term defense of Hyogo prefect ures.
vv. Air-defense plans for Hyogo, Kyot o and Nagasaki
*(1) Hyogo prefecture-plan for air defense-Notes
pertaining to air defense.
*(2) Kyoto prefecture- plan for air defense.
*(3) Nagasaki prefecture- plan for air defense.
ww. (1) Special atomic-bomb r eport on Japanese civil-
ian-defense forces for inclusion in the over-all
report (four copies) .
(2) Work sheets.
11. Final report covering air-raid protection and allied
subjects in Japan (final report and original draft).
a. Government and administration:
(1) ASF manual M35.4-2B, local government.
(2) Home affairs ministry.
(3) ASF manual M354-2, section 2, government
and administration.
(4) ASF manual M354-2-A, section 2A, govern-
ment and administration.
(5) Local government in Japan.
(6) Renovation of local administration.
(7) Changes in local administration.
, (8) Simplification of administration.
(9) Establishment of Tokyo metropolitan adminis-
t ration.
(10) Weak points of Japanese character and faults of
the family system.
(11) The Japanese police.
(12) Mobilization of students in Japan.
(13) ASF manual M354-21, Nagasaki-Ken.
(14) Ministry of home affairs.
(15) Tokyo municipal officials.
(16) China's wartime economic structure.
(17) ASF manual M354-19, Kagoshima-Ken.
(18) ASF manual M354-20, Miyazaki-Ken.
(19) ASF manual M354-22, Saga-Ken.
t20) ASF manual M354-23, Fukuoka-Ken.
(21) ASF manual M354-24 Kumamoto-Ken.
(22) ASG manual M354-2S, Oita-Ken.
(23) The metropolitan police board.
b. Commerce and industry:
(1) Japanese industry.
(2) Directory of ministry of commerce and indUIU'1'
(3) Japanese control associations.
J nese commerce and industr y economic com
11. b. (
) -
mmerce and Indust ry Associat ion Law
(5) e .
Geographic backgr ound:
c. (
) Pamphlet on geography of Japan.
(2) Guide to J apan.
d Geography: .
) Geographical and soCial background.
) Geography of J apan
) Maps of T okyo and environs.
Air objective folder :
e. (
) Folder No. 90. 17 covering Tokyo area.
f . AAF evaluat ion board reports:
(1) Report No. 3.
(2) Report No. 4.
(3) Report No. 5.
g. Bombing dat a (general) :
(1) Bombing dat a.
(2) Physical status of the zones areas of the urban
area of Kobe as of 1 June 1945 (areas in mil-
lions of square feet).
h. Target data:
(1) Memoranda on evaluation of incendiary and
high-explosive bombs used on Japan.
(2) Figures on targets damaged through Army-Navy
(3) Statist ics on air-raid damage suffered by various
Japanese cities.
(4) Record of special air-raid damage to city of
(5) Target summaries.
i. Harbors-ships-naval:
(1) Construction and repair material aboard ship.
(2) Symbols for valves, cocks, couplings, etc.
(3) Hydrographic notes.
(4) Establishment of air-defense warning signals
stations for shipping.
j . Maps and charts:
(1) Comparison of bomb tonnages dropped against
six greatest cities of Japan.
) Administrative relationship between Tokyo
district and its political subdivi-
(3) Theoretic organization of air-defense headquar-
ters, Tokyo, as established by law.
) Organization of guard rescue unit (Keibitai)
showing chain of command.
) Organization of fire department-metropoUtan
Police board.
) Chain of command for air defense in the Tokyo
) metropolitan district as 1t actually operated.
) .water supply-diagrams 1 and 2.
organization of a oity ward (Ku)
tn the city of Kobe.
(g) Organization of the air-defense headquarters of
(IQ) Ilyogo Prefecture.
:artime adm1nistrative orpniaa.tlon ol Hyoao
) refecture.
Organ .
(12) Maps.tzatJon of the city of Kobe.
k. Charts and tables:
(1) Building data on Ube Soda Company.
(2) of. bombing and mining missions of
Twentieth A1r Force.
(3) Various tables showmg scope of raids and damage
by Twentieth Air Force.
l . Maps:
(1) Guam.
(2) Korea.
(3) Phtlippine Islands.
4) Japan.
(5) Northern Japan.
(6) Central Japan.
(7) Southern Japan.
(8) Osaka.-Kobe area.
(9) Tokyo area.
(10) Kumamoto area.
(11) Yawata, Tobata, Wakamatau area.
(12) Northwest Nagoya area.
( 13) Railroads and railroad facilities.
*(14) Drawmg showing jurisdictional areas of local
mantime bureaU!.
(15) Honshu and Kyuahu.
m. Newspapers:
(1) Plcture of gas mask drill taken in 1930.
(2) Japan Weekly Chronicle for 5 J uly 1928.
{3) Japan Advertiser for 6 July 1928.
(4) Japan Advertiser for 10 August 1933.
f 5) Japan Advertiser for 28 November 1938.
(6) Japan Advertiser for 21 July 1939.
(7) Japan Advertiser for 22 J uly 1939.
(8) Japan Advertiser for 26 October 1939.
(9) Japan Times for 6 July 1928.
(10) Japan Times for 9 August 1933.
\ 11) Japan Times for 27 November 1938.
(12) Japan Times for 30 October 1939.
(13) Japan Times for 2 October IMO.
(14) Japan Times for 5 October IMO.
(15) Japan Times for 6 October 1940.
n. Interrogation notes:
(1) List of ofticiall
(2) Notes on infiei'J:'CJPUODS pertaiDiDI to general
(3) Notes on intarrcJptioDI periaiDiDI to evacua-
tion of achool children-
( 4) Postraid cJearanoe.
(5) War damap cl aims.
Photopapba ud neptiftl:
(1) Osaka.
(2) Kobe.
(8) Napeld.
(4} Tokyo.
(6) Reprinted pfctur aho'triDI dim ....
(8) Pfotures of ftl'loul Qpe ... d ...... wfth
(7) eptiftloiOIP"'"flonehadl.
p. Field DOtel: _ _. fD TokJo.
(l) B)otD.
(I) O&el b7 B.. ... OD
aDCl ... lrl.
. f tiona in Tokyo.
11. p. (3) Notes by R. W. Ross on mves Iga
q. Phrase book. .
r. Miscellaneous material: . Tok o
*(1) Report of March ?-IO rrud on f
(2) Subjects and period of study o
Rescue Law Lect ure. air-defense
*(3) Pertinent details emergency
measures in agasaki.
*f4) Detailed directives on first aid.
*(5) Gas clefense.
*(6) Nippon Red Cross, Tokyo.
*(1) First-aid handbook. .
*(8) AuDllary police and fire urut.
*(9) Outlined history of the Japanese Red
*(10) Japanese booklet pertaining to first rud and
(11) Domestic and emergency nursing.
$ . Radio reports on the Fa.r East:
(1) Report Xo. 48 dated 23 June 1944.
(2) Report Xo. 62 dated 5 January 1945.
(3) Report No. 63 dated 19 January 1945.
( 4) Report X o. 64 dated 2 February 1945.
(5) Report Xo. 65 dated 16 February 1945.
(6) Report No. 66 dated 24 February 1945.
(7) Report No. 67 dated 2 Match 1945.
(8) Report Xo. 68 dated 16 March 1945.
(9) Report Xo. 69 dated 30 )..farch 1945.
CI 0) Report X o. 70 dared 20 April 1945.
(llJ Report Xo. 71 dated 4 Ma.y 1945.
(12. Report Xo. 72 dated 18 May 1945.
(13) Report Xo. 74 dated 1 June 1945.
(14) Report Xo. 75 dated 15 June 1945.
(15) Report Xo. 76 dated 29 June 1945.
(16) Report Xo. 77 dated 13 July 1945.
(17) Report X o. 78 dated 28 July 1945.
(18) Report Xo. 79 dated 11 August 1945.
(19) Report Xo. 80 dated 25 August 1945.
*t. Regulations governing youth's school-Niigata
Prefecture, 1939.
*u. Metropolitan police statistics, 1944.
*v. Civilian-defense association regulations.
12. The Effects of Bombing on Health and Medical
Services in Japan (final report and original draft):
a. :\ledical facilities and personnel :
{1) Public health organizations of Japan:
(a) Institute of public health.
(b) Report of public health administration in
(c) Organization chart and personnel of Minis-
try of Health and Social Affairs
(2) Reports and notes on effect of bomb.
medical facilities: mg on
(a) General medical report.
(b) Notes re interview on experience .
atomic-bomb victims. With
(c) Notes casualties and treatment result'
from a1r raids. 1Dg
(d) Notes re interview on effects of b b'
Kyoto 1m . om tng of
penal Uruveraity.
In Japaneee.
(e) Notes re interview on casualt ies, preca.u.
tions and t reatments at St. Luke's hospital
' Tokyo.
(f) Notes re interview on casualt ies, precau.
tions and t reatments at Imperial Universit y
hospital, Osaka.
(g) Notes r e interview on effects of bombing on
civilian populat ion and summary of health
problem, Osaka Prefecture.
(h) Notes r e interview on hospit al evacuation
plans, air-raid shelters and copy of first-
aid counter-plan for air defense and medical
t reatment.
(i) Notes re inter view on Japanese medi".a.l
(3) Hospital, doctor and dentist strength:
(a.) Report on Matsuzawa Psychiatric hospital
of metropolitan Tokyo.
(b) Table of hospital capacities-46 Japanese
(c) Tables of hospital st rength, number of
doctors and dentists, r eport of Japanese
public heal t h and synopsis of relief laws.
(d) Table of annual investigation of figures on
physicians-1935 through 1942 (various
t ables showing number of physicians, nurses,
hospitals, capacit ies and patients).
(e) Letter and tables on number of hospitals,
physicians and veterinarians(United States).
(f) Table showing number of hospital beds
and number of beds per 1,000 population
for each State and entire United States.
(4) Japanese Army reports on medical services and
project s:
(a) Report on medical services of Japanese
(b) Report on system for evacuation of sick
and wounded personnel in combat.
(c) Report on organization of Japanese Army
medical department (information on physi-
cians, hospitals, casualties, etc.).
(d) Report on research projects of Japanese
Army Medical College and English 8UJD
mary of findings.
b. Nutrition and food supply:
(1) Nutrition:
(a) Pamphlet-intermediate metabolism in the
disturbances of nutrition due to cancer,
tuberculosis, chronic internal ulceration,
beriberi and anaemia. ts
(b) Extracts from Far East relief requireJJleD d
report of United Nations Rellef an
Rehabilitation Administration, subooJDJDit--
tee on health for the Far East.
*(c) Wartime nutrition standards in Japan. bY
(d) Wartime nutrition standards c).asSitled
type of work. eel bY
(e) Wartime nutrition standards c).asSitl
occupation. o)JI-
*(f) Chart-wartime nutrition standards
aified by age (part Japanese).
12 b. (1)
(g) Surveys and of present
nutritional condit10n of nat10n and physical
condition of populat ion (Nutrit ional): a
survey of trends.
(h) Table--comparison of amounts of nutrition
taken individually (June 1945) in several
cit ies.
(i) Table--present diet of Japanese people and
oomparisons-1926 and 1928.
*(j) Report-out line of improvement works on
nutrit ion (part Japanese).
*(k) Pamphlet--standards of weight among
Japanese children.
(1) Notes re interview on malnutrition.
(m) Table-malnutrition with edema.
*(n) Table--food conditions of nurses in Aiiku
hospital (3 days, 1944) (part Japanese).
(o) Report--chief diagnostic standpoints of
malnutrition in polyclinic, Kyoto Imperial
*(p) Table-weight of pregnant women, Aiiku
Research Institute (part Japanese).
*(q) Report-health consultation of children,
one village in Y amanasi Prefecture (part
*(r) Reporlr-citizens' nourishment condition,
Osaka Prefecture, last 10 days of February,
1942 (part Japanese) .
*(s) Report-Japanese Army provisions, history
and recent situation (part Japanese).
(t) Report-staff study on Japanese Army
(u) Report--extract from Army Medical Col-
lege studies regarding decreaaed nutrition.
(v) Two volumes on standards of nutrition,
(2) Food supply:
(a) Notes on food supplies in several Japanese
(b) Report-food and maintenance of same (gov-
ernment of Tokyo through Eighth Army).
*(c) Table-per capita consumption of food
from Korea and Formosa (part Japaneee).
(d) Report-comparisons, changes, componenta,
and black-market purchases to meet familY
needs of nutrition.
(e) Report-food situation in Japan.
(0 Report-Tokyo inspection, civilian def81118t
food, housing, venereal disease, and water.
(g) Report-quantity of food distributed amoDI
persons, Osaka Prefecture (1942-46 and
Pre\Var averages).
(h) Table-quantities of food ctiltrlbuted
arnong population of Oaab Prefeoture
(prewar to 1945 averape).
(i) Report-distribution of fruits and aublti-
tution of artificial milk for oow'l milk
----- <Part Japanese).
In Japanese.
(j) Tables-foodstuff and actual consumption
by the population 1931 to 1935 and 1939.
(k) Report-control over supply of staple
(1) Table---stocks of staple food (government
control rice and barley).
(m) Notes-methods for determining the milling
of rice.
(n) Letter and charts-production and imports
of various fertilizers and extent of usage.
(3) Requirements to maintain life and efficiency:
*(a) Pamphlet-calorie and protein requirement
of Japanese.
*(b) Pan.phlet--standard nutritional require-
ments for Japanese.
*(c) Pamphlets and notes-experiments dealing
with minimum food necessary to maintain
human life.
*(d) Table-minimum amount of food essential
to provide each individual with 2,000
per day (part Japanese).
*(e) Reports and notes-extent to which civilians
can go without food in cold climate and
tropics (part Japanese).
( 4) Damages to food caused by air raids:
*(a) Table-damage by war to Miso (part
*(b) by war to Sboyu.
(c) Table-damage by air raids to marine
(d) Table-damage by air raids to foodstuffs.
*(e) Table-damage by air raids to staple food
(local food corpa) (part Japaneae) .
*(f) Table-damage by air raids to staple lood
(government controlled rioe) (part Japa-
(g) Table--damap by air raids to supplemen-
tary foods.
(h) Table-damale by air raids to foods and
raw materiaJa.
(I) Table---damaP by air raids to food atoclal
in home ialaDda.
G> Notel and table--rePOri of war damap to
foodltutl's by United 8tafiel bombial.
(k) of aiHaid damap to food
(I) aiHaid cJemap.
(m) Table esteDt of aiMald daIIP to food
atoob (B,op Ken).
( ) Bepor&-lnftBdption of iDflaeDoe upon
n foodakdf and duniiPI OUIII8Cl by air raids.
c. EnvlroDJDelltalaudtation:
(l) 8aDftatioD aun8JI ad rme.
(a) LaWI ud
relatl.e to ,...,.,.. u d ..,...__..
(b) 8aDftatioD .......-lll:JabDaJo av.
(o) 8aDftatioDewt87
(d) . .....
== .. .,. IJH= ......
.. ......... .a
12. c (1) (g) anitation survey-Omuta Shi.
(h) Sanitation survey-Kumamoto (general
(i) Chapter YI-"Public Health and anita-
tion-Osaka, 1930." .
(J) Outlines of data sought and offiClals in-
terrogated in sanitation report.
(k) General notes on sanitation.
(2) Water-testing data and private-well figures: .
*(a) Report-information on Kyoto hygemc
testing station (pa.rt Japanese).
(b) tandards of drinking water of Japanese
(part Japanese).
(c) Xotes re biological research methods.
*(d) Xotes re water testing and disease preven-
tion (part Japanese).
*(e) Bacteriological analysis-water testing
(part Japanese).
(f) X otes re manual on methods of testing
(g) Report of interview re water supply at
federal level.
(h) Table-water supplies of 66 bombed cities
of Japan.
(i) Notes re private wells in 6 Japanese cities.
(3) Tokyo water system:
*(a) Manual- Water main reference works, No.
3, Tol)o.
(b) Table of water supply and results of water
analysis of seven filter plants, Tokyo. "'
(c) Report on water supply of city of Tokyo.
(d) Interview on water supply, Tokyo.
(e) Explanation of installations of Tokyo water-
{f) Explanation of Tokyo waterworks for
(g) Information on water supply, Tokyo.
(h) Information on water supply and death
records, Tokyo.
*(i) Notes and pamphlet- "Tokyo Water Sup-
ply Works Yearly Report (1936 Fiscal
*(j) Notes and pamphlet showing quality of ll
water within Tokyo (part Japan ) we
(4) Kyoto water system: ese
{a) Map-Kyoto water systems.
(b) Map--Keage filtering plant K t
(c) M y , yo o.
ap-- arnasina purification plant K t
{d) !::_p--Matugasaki Purification
{e) Map--Momoyama Purification plant K
, y-
{f) Investigation of Kyoto te
system. wa r supply
*(g) Japanese documents and
water supply. notes on Kyoto
Data on water supply, Kyoto
(1) JData on Kyoto water auppl.y ... ..4.-
apaneae). (part
In Japaneae.
(j) Data on several sources of Kyoto water
*(k) Maps (2)-0ver-all of sewerage section a d
main lines, and city of Kyoto. n
(5) Yokohama, Osaka, Kobe, Nagoya, Kagoshirna
and Hiroshima water supplies and systems: '
(a) Report on Yokohama water supply.
(b) Report on present condition of Yokohama
water system.
(c) Data on Yokohama water supply.
(d) Interview on Yokohama water supply.
*(e) Maps (2)-Yokohama waterworks.
*(f) Report on examination of quality of water
in Osaka water bureau, Shibashima water-
shed (part Japanese).
(g) Table of water standards, Osaka.
(h) Outline of Osaka municipal water system.
(i) Data on water supply, Osaka Wan.
*(j) Japanese documents on drinking water
*(k) Map-water purification system, Osaka.
(1) Existing conditions, Kobe water system.
(m) Notes on Nagoya water system.
(n) Report on Kagoshima water supply.
(o) Civilian-defense report on Hiroshima water
(p) Data on water supply, Hiroshima.
*(q) Water table (1940), Hiroshima.
(6) Nagasaki water system:
(a) Letter and questionnaire on N aga.saki water.
(b) Report-laboratory control of Nagasaki
(c) Notes on testing of Nagasaki water.
(d) Report-water supply for Nagasaki city.
*(e) Charts-4 water distribution systems,
*(f) Lay-out sketch and tabulations, Nagasaki
(g) Outline of N waterworks.
(h) Results of tests on samples taken from dis-
tribution systems of Nagasaki waterworks.
(i) Table of turbidity of raw water, Nagasaki
(j) Data on Nagasaki water supply.
(k) Notes-general information on Nagasaki
0) Table-damages to water supply mains,
(7) Over-all sewerage, garbage and waste disposal:
(a) List of municipalities that obtained permfa-
sion to construct sewers up to and including
{b) List of municipalities showing point of cUt-
charge and disposal areas for seW&P and
(c) List of municipalities bombed which )Jad
sewerage systems, showing bomb type and
tonnage and percent of area destroyed.
(d) Sewerage data on Osaka Aml',.tf.
Nishinomiya, Kobe. '
) Table showing number of houses served,
12. c. <7) (e amount removed and method of disposal of
waste and night soil in Japanese munici-
(f) Table showing number of houses served,
amount r emoved and method of disposal
of waste and night soil in Japanese munic-
(g) List of municipalities bombed but not
having garbage collection.
(h) Pencil sketches of cesspools used in Japan.
(B) Sewage, garbage, and night soil disposal-
(a) Report on sewage system of Tokyo.
*(b) Report on sewage works of Tokyo.
(c) Data on sewage, Tokyo.
(d) Interview on sewage system of Tokyo.
(e) Notes on sewage and night soil collection,
Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka.
*(f) Report on Tokyo refuse and night soil
(g) Data on garbage and refuse disposal,
(h) Report on reconstruction and scavenger
service (provisional), Tokyo.
*(i) Report on destruction by war and repair of
Tokyo sewage system.
*(j) Map-Tokyo sewage system (Tokyo Shi).
(9) Sewage, garbage and night soil disposal-
(a) Data on sewage, Kyoto.
*(b) Notes on outline of sewage disposal, Kyoto
Shi (part Japanese).
* (c) Notes and pamphlet-drainage canals and
rivers of Kyoto.
*(d) Photos and description of Kyoto municipal
Yokooji disposal plant (part Japanese).
(e) Interview on garbage and refuse collec-
tion, Kyoto.
(f) Data on garbage and refuse disposal,
(lO) Sewage, garbage and refuse disposal-Osaka.
*(a) Outline of sewage control project (Jap-
anese pamphlet), Osaka.
(b) Summary of plans for sewage disposal,
(c) Table showing number of persons served
by sewer systems of Osaka City.
(d) Interview on sewage system of Osaka.
(e) Data on sewage, Osaka.
(f) Table showing plant equipment in Bhinehu
and Ebie disposal plants Osaka.
*(g) List of damages to Ebi: sewap treatmeDt
Plant, Osaka.
(h) MaP-plan of Ebie sewage treatment plant,
* (i) MaHamages, dates of same and date of
-=------- repair, sewage system of Osaka.
* I
n Japanese.
(j) Data on garbage and refuse dis I
Osaka. posa ,
(11) garbage and refuse, and night soil
dtsposal, Nagasaki Yokohama K b H.
. , , o e tro-
s 1ma, Sasebo Shi: '
(a) Interview on sewage disposal, Nagasaki.
(b) Data on sewage, Nagasaki.
(c) Interview on garbage and refuse disposal
Nagasaki. '
(d) Data on garbage and refuse disposal
Nagasaki. '
(e) Interview on garbage and refuse disposal,
(f) Data on garbage and refuse disposal,
(g) Notes on sewage, Kobe.
(h) Data on sewage, Hiroshima.
(i) Report-night soil collection problem in
Sasebo Shi.
(12) Food, drink and other commodities control,
Tokyo, Osaka, Nagasaki, Kyoto, and Hiroshima.
(a) Data on milk and food control, Tokyo.
(b) Notes-milk and food control, Tokyo.
(c) Extract from regulations for control of milk
industry' Osaka.
(d) Extracts and notes from health service
bulletin, section on regulating food and
drink and other commodities, Osaka.
*(e) Regulations on food control and inspection,
(f) Data on milk and food control, Osaka.
*(g) Letter and regulation re food and drink
businesses, Nagauki
(h) Regulations concerning food and drink
businesses, Napki.
(i) Interview on milk and food sanitation,
(j) Data on milk and food control, Napaki.
(k) Data on milk and food oootrol, Kyoto.
Q) Data on milk ud food oontrol, Hiroshima.
(13) Inaect and rodent confirol, Tokyo, Napun,
Osaka, Kyoto, and Hiroahima.
(a) Data on Inaect and rodent control, Tokyo.
(b) Notes on iDaeat ud rodent control, Tok)o
(o) Interview on iDieot and rodent control,
(d) Data on IDieotand rodeatocmtrol, Napki.
(e) Data on ineecsf; and roden& control, Oaeb.
(f) Data on iDIIeot and rodent oontrol, Kyoto.
(g) Data on IDled aad rodeDt ocmtrol, HJro..
(14) GenerallnfonD&tiOD, Tokyo, ...... , Kyoto,
Biroehfma, YokobNDa, aDd O.b
(a) QuestioDDAire for hMd ...... ecapora-
tloD, major aacl eltlel ol Japau
(b) IDtaniew OD .......... 'l'oQo. ,....
(o) Otel OD ....... pab&
(d) Dtel-

(e) Notll
12. c. (14) (f) Notes on sewage and and food con-
trol Tokyo and other cttles.
(g) Data on general information, . yo. . ,
(h) Notes on interrogations on samtatiOn, milk
and food and insect and rodent
control, Tokyo. .
) Report-general r
(j) Report-attacks on Nagasaki (au).
(k) Table-air-raid casualties and damage,
(I) Table-AAF bombing of Nagasaki.
(m) InterYiew on eYacuation and disposal of
dead, Nagasaki.
(n) Report-general information, Kyoto.
(o) Manual on governing of Kyoto giving popu-
lation figures, 1943.
(p) Report-general information, Hiroshima.
(q) Report-general information, Yokohama.
(r) Report-general information, Osaka.
*(s) Summary of conditions, Osaka Fu (area,
population, industry, etc.).
d. Industrial hygiene:
(1) General data:
(a) Table-reported cases of occupational dis-
eases in 1944 (from 34 to 47 prefectures).
(b) Dat.a on occupational diseases, institute of
public health.
{c) Data on industrial hygiene (absenteeism
and hours of work, etc.).
(d 1 Data on industrial hygiene (nutrition notes).
*:e: Pamphlet-investigations on sleep and rest
of factory workers.
(f) XoteS on accident prevention training (un-
Identified plant).
(g) X ewspaper clipping from "Pacific Stars a.nd
Stripes"-wa.r controls on labor, dropping
(h) Table-localization of skin diseases due t
. 0
powder, 1942 and 1943 (Mitsu-
bishi Dye-stuffs Company).
{i) Table-industrial poisoning m an I .
. exp OSlVes
. plant, 1942 and 1943.
(j) Table-mdustrial poisoning in a d st fi
factory, January 1936 to s
{k) Ta?le-result of survey re health condit' .
of mdustri&l Ions
workers who were absent from
duty due to sickness over 14 da (Ma
1945). ys reb
(I) Table-industrial accidents f all
1937 to 1942. or Japan,
(m) symptoms of work .
an explOSives plant in 1944 era m
(n) Table-indu!trial accid . .
plants. ents m several
(o) Table--actual number of . .
dentl in 1942 ( . mdustnal acci-
( )
Re aeveralmdustries)
P port and tables--!
120 plants (' . actory survey of
(q) Notea--confinstttute of public health).
1 erence on industrial h .
eproey, and tuberculosis YgJene,

In Japaneae.,
(r) Report- number of deaths and in]u
. ' d red
persons rom air ra1 s among industrial
workers (report to 18 September 1945 b
prefecture) . ' Y
(s) Notes-interview on industrial hygi
. d ene
(factories, mmes, an construction in-
(2) Tokyo, Osaka, Nagasaki, and Hiroshima:
(a) Notes-industrial hygiene (N akahima Air-
craft Company), Tokyo.
(b) Report from medical department of Toky _
Shibaura Electric Company, Tokyo.
(c) Notes-medical facilities and working co _
ditions at Tokyo-Shibaura Electric
pany, Tokyo.
(d) Tables-causes at the pre-
employment medical exammation (Naka-
jima Aircraft Company), Tokyo.
(e) Pamphlet-report on survey of production
employees inspected in connection with
physical conditions (Nakajima Aircraft
Company), Tokyo.
(f) Notes-industrial hygiene, Osaka Prefec-
(g) Notes-industrial hygiene, Osaka.
(h) Notes-industrial hygiene, factories of
Osaka Prefecture.
(i) Notes-industrial hygiene, Osaka (Yaussa
Battery Company).
(j) Outline and tables-industrial hvgiene
Osaka Prefecture. '
(k) and tables-essentials of health-keep-
mg management in principal factories and
workshops, figures on dead and wounded
from atomic bomb and report of births and
deaths, Nagasaki.
(1) Notes, tables, reports-industrial hygiene,
various companies, Nagasaki.
(m) Outline-industrial health and hygiene,
(n) Notes-accident rate (1939-44) at Kamaishi
plant of Nippon Steel Company.
e. Infectious diseases:
(1) General information:
(a) Notes-general information on couunu-
nicable diseases.
(b) Pamphlet-government institute for
tioua diseases.
{c) Table-actual number of tuberculosis deatbl
by age groups, 1902-43.
(d) Table-tuberculosis death rate per 100,000
population by age and sex, 1943.
(e) Table-total deaths and tuberculosis deatbl
and rates for all Japan, 1926-43.
(0 Table-tuberculosis cases among personnel
of central government offices found bY
routine medical examinations, 1 g..
(g) Report--course for training of publiO
health officers under auspices of ao.-n-
ment lnatitute for Infectious I)JieJII8-
(h) Notes-trend of disease incidence am on
12. e. <
> tubercular and other patients. g
bodies, espec1ally the1r morphology in
tissue culture.
(j) Notes-notifiable diseases.
(k) Report-vener eal disease control (General
headq uarters, United States Army Forces
Pacific), 15 November 1945. '
(1) Notes-interview on venereal diseases
(treatment and steps to prevent spread).
) Tokyo, Osaka, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Kyoto, Kobe,
and Omura:
(a) Notes-communicable diseases, Tokyo.
(b) Notes-interview on communicable dis-
eases, Tokyo.
(c) Notes-communicable diseases, Tokyo.
(d) Notes and outline-effects of bombing on
venereal disease.
(e) Table-record of health examination of
first week of November (Joro) (Venereal
diseases) , Tokyo City.
(f) Notes-venereal disease control and extent
of prostitution, Tokyo.
(g) Notes-venereal disease control and exami-
nation for infection, Tokyo. (Table-re-
sults of blood tests for syphilis, Tokyo,
(h) Notes and table-results of tuberculosis
surveys in industry, Osaka Prefecture.
a e-various infectious diseases by city, *(I' ) T bl
Osaka Prefecture.
(j) Table-results of tuberculosis surveys in
industry, Osaka Prefecture.
(k) Table-results of survey of young males,
Osaka Prefecture.
(l) Table-outbreak of acute contagious disease
groups ( 1935-43), Osaka Fu.
* (m) Notes and pamphlet-Osaka infectious dis-
ease hospital (part Japanese).
(n) Notes-infectious diseases and venereal
disease, Osaka.
._ In J
(o) Notes-infectious diseases and venereal
disease, Osaka.
(p) Report-incidence of infectious diseases,
Nagasaki, Ken, and Shi.
*(q) T bl a a-outbreak of infectious diseue&,
Nagasaki City (part Japanese).
(r) Reports-public health report on infectious
diseases, Nagasaki Shi (20 October lMI-
3 November 1945).
(s) Notes-venereal diseases, Napsaki
(t) Table-statistics on medical examiD&tiOD of
prostitutes for venereal disea, NapnJrl
(March to October 1945).
( u) Notes-venereal disease testa and treat-
(v) menta, Nagasaki.
Outline-acute epidemic dlrrsea, JDro-
(w) Outline-effects of bo b"
d m mg on venereal
Iseases, Hiroshima.
(x) Notes-infectious diseases d
disease, Kyoto. an venereal
(y) Notes-infectious disease (tuberculosis) d
venereal diseases Kobe an
( ) R . , .
z .eport-pubbc health report on infectious
diseases (week of 3 November 1945)
Omura Shi. '
(3) Health conditions, diseases and treatment, Japan:
(a) conditions of mothers and
children, especially the inftuence of the war
(b) and health condition of
people m zones occupied by Sixth Army
(end of September 1945).
(c) Table-compilation of diseases of pregnant
women (one village in Kanazawa Prefec-
(d) Tables-various diseases and number of
out-patients (January to September 1945).
(e) Charts-showing treatment for edema
(Japanese and English).
(f) Charta-showing various diaeues (urine
and blood &nalyses).
f. Medical supplies:
*(1) Lists of drugs in short supply, Japan (part
(2) List of allotment of production--43 essential
drugs, 1942-45.
(3) Actual annual production--43 esaenti&l drup-
( 4) Actual quarterly production--13 essential
*(5) Imports, exports and statisties on destroyed
factories (part Japanese).
(6) Letter showing capacity and annual production
(potential) and proceeds of sale of various drugs.
(7) Tables of production-various sulfa drup-
UM3-45 (part Japanese).
*(8) Table of factories, locations, principal products
and bomb damap.
*(9) Information on draa impo118-1Hl (part
(10) Table-drug impode lMl.
g. General information-all Japu:
(1) Report-evacuation of aohool children in Japan.
(2) Briefing chart, Kobe and o..n.
(8) Map-city of Tokyo.
(41) Map-central Japan.
*(a} Book and notal (Trallalatlona)-publio vinp
tablee (part Japaneee).
A. I'JlotoiiSPhl aDd neptiveL
i. Vital atafiiatioa:
(1) Vltal.atlstiee-Yobhem&.
(J) Vital
(I) Vitalatatiltlel ..,,..
(f) Vital...... O."
(I) Vital*'... Kobe.
(J)w.l--- .....
(7) VltalatatlltM ....,._

12. i. (8) Vital d deaths bv month and
(9) Number of r. b K Nagoya,
diagnosis for hospitals m .n.O e, )
Osaka, Sendai, Tokyo, and Yokohama. . .
,. umber of admissions by month and diahgnosis
"' . K b Yoko,
for psychiatnc hospttals m
Tokyo, Kyoto, and endai.
(11) Vit.aJ
(12) Vital statistics-Send&.
(13) Vital statistics- Osaka.
(14) Vital statistlcs-Xagoya.
(15) Vital statistics-Kyoto.
(16) Vital statlstics-Kobe. . .
(17) Work sheets on population of six largest ctt1es of
(1 ) Work sheets on tables for report on number of
(19) work sheets on tables for report on notifiable
(20) Work sheets on hospital admissions.
j. Graphs, charts, and maps.
k. illustrations of final medical report:
(1) V anous charts used in final report.
l. Preliminary drafts of title page through Chapter I
(1) Prehminary draft of title page (final report).
(21 Li:;t of chapters (final arrangement).
(3) Preliminary draft of table of contents.
(4J draft of list of illustrations.
(5) Preliminary draft of li::ii: of tables.
(61 Preliminary draft of list of appendices.
(7) Copy of transmittal memo on summary report
to chairman.
(8) Preliminary and semifinished drafts of SUIIlJllB.ry
(9) Prehminary draft of Chapter I, introduction t o
final report of medical division.
(10) Receipt for supporting documents.
m. drafts and work sheets on Chapter II
medical facilities and personnel: '
(1) drafts of Chapter II, medical facili-
ties and personnel.
(2) ;rork sheets and tables (preliminary) on Chapter
n. drafts of Chapter III, food supply and
(1) drafts of Chapter III, food suppl
and nutrition. Y
(2) Preliminary drafta, work sheets tabl
graphs. , es and
o. drafts of Chapter I V, environmental
(l ) Preliminary drafts of Chapter IV
sanitation. ' environmental
p. Preliminary draft of Chapter V indus .
and hygiene, and Chapter VI afr-raid trial h:alth
(1) Preliminary draft of Cha V .
and hygiene. P r 'mdustnal health
(2) Newspaper clipping from Waahin
News dated 4 October
gton Daily
) Preliminary drafts of Chapter VI, air-raid casual-
( 4) Appendix A-I of Chapter VI.
(5) Appendix A-2 of Chapter VI.
(6) Work sheets and tables on Chapter VI.
q. Preliminary drafts of Chapter VII, notifiable diM-
(I) Preliminary draf ts of Chapter VII, notifiable
(2) First draft of Chapter VII.
r. Preliminary drafts of Chapter VIII, general mor-
bidity :
(I) Notification of manuscript clearance from chief
office of healt h informat ion, for Chapter VIII'
general morbidity. '
(2) Preliminary draft of Chapter VIII.
(3) First draft of Chapter VIII.
( 4) List of graphs, work sheets, drafts, and tables.
s. Preliminary drafts of Chapter IX, tuberculosis
Chapter X, venereal diseases and Chapter XI,
cal supplies:
(1) Preliminary draft of Chapter IX, tuberculosis.
(2) Preliminary draft of Chapter X, venereal diseases.
(3) Preliminary draft of Chapter XI, medical sup-
(4) First drafts of Chapter XI, work sheets, graphs
and tables of Chapter XI.
I3. The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Health and Medical
Services in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (final report and
original draft) :
a. Report of effects of atomic bombs on health and
medical services:
(1) Corrected copy and two drafts of complete report.
(2) Draft of introduction.
(3) Draft of medical division staff.
( 4) Dr rut and notes on environmental sanitation.
(5) Notes and figures on populations of Nagasaki
and Hiroshima.
(6) Survey memorandum on population and casualty
figures for Hiroshima and Nagasaki (three
copies) .
(7) Survey memorandum on interdivision coordina-
tion and correlation of data and uniformity in
(8) N field report, Civilian Defense Division.
(9) Memo regarding changes and comments on
medical Division reports.
(IO) Transmittals and receipts for changes, figures,
and reports.
b. Reports on atomic bombing-British, American,
and Japanese (observations made by persons other
than staff of Medical Division):
) from British mission to Japan on Inves-
tigation of the effects of the atomic boJDbl
dropped on Hiroshima and N agasald (five
> Atomic Bomb Hysteria, by Maj. AleXander
de Beversky, and newspaper clipping trorn Bal
more Sun, 28 January 1946 Hiroshim& Seek'
United States Help. '
USSBS report given by Lieutenant Colonel Oya
t3. b. (S) f First Demobilization Ministry (Hiroshima).
) .by J?r. Yoshio Nishina,
Japanese (Huoshuna Nagasaki).
(S) USSBS report given by Father Siemes, novitiate
of t he Society of Jesus in Nagatsuka, titled
oEyewitness Account of the Bombing of Biro-
. ,
8 Ima .
c. Food and nutrition and nature and numbers
of casualties: . .
(l) Food supply and nutnt10n:
(a) Notes and work sheets.
(b) Fishing industry in Nagasaki Ken.
(c) Effect of bombing on nutritional status,
morbidity and mortality in area following
(d) Interview of Takubo Shingo, assistant chief
of Hiroshima food office on plan for emer-
gency feeding and evidence of malnutrition.
(e) Cable on request for verification and con-
firmation of report on fishing industry.
(f) Letter on fisheries report.
(g) Table on basic commodity ration of cereals
as of end of October 1945, obtained from
American Military Government, Nagasaki
(2) N a.ture and numbers of casualties and incidence
of infectious diseases:
(a) Notes on interview with Lieutenant Colonel
Averill A. Lie bow of joint Army commission
for atomic bomb investigation.
(b) Notes on interview with Dr. Takemaru
Kita.jima, chief of health department,
Hiroshima Prefecture.
(c) Interrogation of Lieutenant Colonel H. V.
LeRoy, Omura Naval hospital.
(d). Interrogation of officials of Nagasaki Pre-
fectural health department on incidence of
infectious diseases in Nagasaki ken and shi.
(e) Draft and notes on infectious diseases and
venereal diseases in Nagasaki.
(f) List of records on industrial hygiene,
venereal diseases and other communicable

(g) Notes of conferences of Dr. R. H. Flinn on
various diseases.
(h) Clinical summary of a case dying of radia-
d . tion disease in Hiroshima.
VItal statistics and medical facilities and pei'IODJ1el:
(I) Vital statistics.
(a) Transmittals and receipts for various sta-
tistics on case totals and deaths from
(b) List of prefectures and hospit&la on admll-
sions and deaths by month and dilfiDOiia
.during indicated periods.
) Medical facilities and personnel:
(a) Work sheet on effects of atomic bomhfnl OD
medical facilities and pereonnel.
(b) Information obtained from 98d Mlllta17
Government headquarterl detMbt,
Nagasaki, on medical laalllfilel.
(c) Report of statistics on Nagasak d'
me le&
(d) Report of Professor Tsuzuki of Medical
Research Commission on work of sam
(e) Work sheets and notes on medical
and surveys.
e. Photographs in atomic report:
(I) Complete copy of illustrations (photos and
(2) P?otos and charts (extra and without captions).
(3) LIBt of photographs at Hiroshima.
14. The Effects of Strategic Bombing on Japanese Moale
report and original draft) :
a. Sampling data, instructions, and procedure (con-
sisting of nine envelopes) :
(1) Outline of local government showing American
(2) List of primary areas in morale system.
(3) Itinerary of sampling teams.
( 4) Memoranda on estimated number of interviews
for various areas.
{5) Outline of proposed design for surveying effects
of bombing on Japanese morale.
(6) Design of survey for evaluating effects of bomb-
ing on Japanese morale.
(7) Objective of survey of Japaneae group morale
(8) Suggested statement of objectives of program for
research work in Japan.
(9) Nature of work to be performed by interviewers.
(10) Policies and plaDs for Morale Division in general
(11) Organization and administration of Morale
Division in Pacific.
(12) Sampling instruction for rural Hiroshima.
(13) Sampling instruction for rural Napki
(14) Instruction for sampling within designated areas.
(15) Sampling ratios within designated areas.
(16) V &rious instructions and supplements for samp-
(17) Calculation sheet for sampling numbers.
(18) Instructions and notes on maebine coding.
(19) Work sheets pertaining to mariJine coding
(20) Data on penoDB to be interviewed in various
(21) Data on persons to be interviewed in various
(22) Aotual iDtemeWB per sample point.
(23) SunpHIJI aport&
(24} Police nporta on inftlldptiODL
(II) Lilt of alties to be cheoked for Jllilrald8 and un-
(28) Lidof__.ahowiDieatfmt.d bomhfnadamap.
(17) PrelimiDar7 oompUtioDI of bomb d...,....
(18) OutiiDe ofrnpHna..,.. allcnriDI .... bed ......
(II) Lid of.anaple...... .... ...
(10) Mh-'hMOUI iD.terOfllee
(11) Ork....._ t .._
.. SNap1t ........ bT .... .,..._
(ear " oftbRe
lin (consisting of two
. shima report on samp g
14. c. Jf O ...
envelopes). . . ws (consisting of 10
d. Training and pre-test tnten"le
envelopes): . b 't (consisting of 150
e. Resident mtervte'\\:J, y Cl y
envelopes) :
(1) Akami.
(2) Akita.
(3) Anetai.
(4) Asahi-1\Iura.
(5) Fukuoka.
(6) Funabashi.
(7) Gifu.
(8) Hagi
(9) Hera.
(10) Hiroshima.
(11) Isahaya.
(12) Kabe.
(13) Kano.
(14) KAwagoe.
(15) Kobe.
(16) Kodo.
(17) Kokura.
(18) Kure.
(19) KyotQ.
(20) Meiji.
(21) Mihara.
(23) Yiyako.
(24) Mizusawa.
{25) Mogi
(26} Moriyama Machi
(27) K agano.
(28) X agaoka.
(29) X agasaki.
{30) X agoya.
(31) Nishiebara.
(32) Ogaki.
(33) Osaka.
(34) Oyu.
(35) Saitama.
(36) Sakai.
(37) Sendai.
(38) Shib&hira. .
(39) Shimonoseki.
( 40) Shiogana-M ura.
(41) Shirosat<>.
{42) Taira.
(43) Tanuma.
{44) Tokitsu.
(45) Tokyo.
(46) Tomo.
(47) Toyama.
(48) Toyonaka.
(49) Utaunomiya.
(50) Wakayama.
(51) Yamada.
(52) Y amapta.
(53) Yatauahiro.
(54l Yokohama
(55) Yokoauka.
(56) Yukukashi.
(57) Yutaka.
(58) Zushi.
f. Special inter views, by locality (consisting of 67
envelopes) :
(1) Akita City:
(a) Special inter views.
*(b) Matters investigated (par.t Japanese).
*(c) Investigations of economiC offenses (part
J .
*(d) Bomb data (part Japanese).
*(e) Medical reports (part Japanese).
(f) Map of city.
*(g) Leaflets with explanation {part Japanese).
(2) Also Gun :
(a.) Special interviews.
*(b) Background report (part Japanese).
*(c) Brief report on morale of the people (part
*(d) Map (Japanese).
(3) Chiisagata Gun:
*(a) Background report (part Japanese).
*(b) Special interviews (part Japanese).
*(c) Morale conditions in general (part Japa-
*(d) Notes on proceedings of town assembly
(Japanese) (two booklets).
( 4) Fukuoka:
*(a) Special interviews (part Japanese).
*(b) Background report (part Japanese).
(c) Spirit of people in general.
(d) Report on fire department.
(5) Funabashi:
*(a) Special interviews (part Japanese).
*(b) Morale of the people in general (part
*(c) Background report (part Japanese).
(6) Gifu:
*(a) Special interviews.
*(b) Background report (part Japanese).
(c) Morale of the people in general.
*(d) Medical facilities and conditions (part
(7) Hagi:
(a) Special interviews.
*(b) Background reports (part Japanese).
*(c) Reports and notes on various departments
of the city government (part Japanese).
*(d) Morale of the people in general (part
*(e) Rules and arrangement of investment pro-
gram for the people (part Japanese).
(8) Higashi Kasugai Gun:
*(a) Special interviews (part Japanese).
*(b) Background report (part Japaneae).
(c) Sanitation conditions.
(9) Hiroahuna:
(a) Special interviews.
*(b) Background reports (part Japaneae).
In Japa11e1e.
*( ) Background report (Japanese).
14 f. <
> (:) Morale of t he people in general.
0) Isahaya:
*(a) Special int erviews (part Japanese).
*(b) Background reports (part Japanese).
(c) General condition of morale.
(11) Isawa.: . .
*(a) Special Inter views (part Japanese).
(b) Medical reports.
*(c) Background reports (part Japanese).
(12) Kawagoe:. . .
(a) Specml mterv1ews.
*(b) Background reports (part Japanese).
(c) General morale conditions.
(13) Kazuno Gun:
(a) Special interviews.
(b) Background reports.
*(c) Survey on rationing (part Japanese).
*(d) Report on health conditions (part Japanese).
*(e) Survey of evacuated persons (part Japanese).
*(f) Labor statistics (part Japanese).
*(g) Report on police cases (part Japanese).
*(h) Survey of land ownership and tenancy (part
*(i) Figures on attendance at entertainment
centers (part Japanese).
(14) Kitsadachi Gun:
*(a) Special interviews and summaries of special
interviews (part Japanese).
*(b) Background reports (part Japanese).
(15) Kobe:
*(a) Trends of morale among people (part
*(b) Report by chief of police.
(16) Kokura:
*(a) Special interviews (part Japanese).
*(b) Background reports (part Japanese).
(17) Kure:
*(a) Background reports (part Japanese).
*(b) Bomb data (part Japanese).
*(c) Report on relief from air attacks (part
*(d) Figures on number o! air-raid oasualties
(part Japanese).
*(e) Census figures (part Japanese).
._(f) Figures on rationing (part Japanese).
*(g) Figures on number of students enrolled in
various schools.
*fh) Report on Kure Grinding Wheel Company.
) *(i) Report on Kure Gas Company.
' Kyoto:
*(a) Special interviews (part Japanese).
:(b) Background reports (part Japaneae).
(c) General morale conditions (part Japanare).
*(d) Report on defense plans (part Japan-).
*(e) Table of victimized temples (part J.,._
*(f) Report on industry of fatty higher atoobo11
(part Japanese).
Handbook on Imperial UDiveralty
In JaPanese.
(19) Mihara:
(a) Special interviews.
*(b) Background reports (part Japanese).
*(c) Report on activities of various organizations
(part Japanese).
*(d) Report on municipal office (part Japanese).
*(e) Report on rationing and daily necessities
(part Japanese).
*(f) Record of alerts (part Japanese).
*(g) Stat.istics on evacuation (Japanese).
*(h) Figures on population variations (part
*(i) Labor statistics (part Japanese).
*(j) Report on Toyo Rayon Spinning and
Weaving Company (Japanese).
(20) Minami Kawachi Gun:
*(a) Background reports (part Japanese).
*(b) Trend of people's morale {part Japanese).
*(c) Notes and plans for investigation (part
(d) NoteR on special interviews.
(e) Labor statistics.
(21) Miyako Gun:
*(a) Special interviews (part Japanese).
*(b) Background report {part Jap&Deae).
(c) Trend of people's morale.
*(d) Information on labor {part Japanese).
(22) Nagaoka:
*(a) Special interviews (part Japanese).
*(b) Background reports {part Japanese).
*(c) Excerpt from Niigata News (Japanese).
*(d) Record of alerts {part Japanese).
(e) Labor statistics.
(23) Nagasaki:
*(a) Special interviewa {part Japanese).
*(b) Outline of city's history (part Japanese).
*(c) Background report (put Japanese).
*(d) Trend of people's morale (part Japanese).
(e) Survey of decta of atomic bomb.
(24) Nagoya:
{a) Special interviews.
(b) Employment figures.
*(c) Figules on students aud their evacuation
(part JapaneM).
(d) Medical reports aud records (part Japa-
(e) BaokiJ'OUnd report.
*(f) llandboob OD education.
(g) Handboob on health aud saDitatlon.
(h) Handboob on eoaial worb.
(Ia) Nabkoma Gun:
(a) Notes on speoial interriewL
(b) Baakpowad repon -(put J...->.
(o) TreDd of people's mcale (pAR Japu! sa).
c> NJnem' Kawaobl Oaa:
(a) ,.... JatavieWI.
(17) ()pti;
(a) lpeltr' ..... .t.
-<b) Bao'oud
o) 111atdi8Dd
(d) .,....,.... .......
14. f . {28) Osaka: .
(a) pecial intervte'\\"S. )
*(b) Background reports (part Japanese . )
*(c) Trend of people's morale (part Japanese .
(29) Sakai:
(a) pecial interYiews.
*(b) Background (part Japanese).
*(c) Trend of people's morale (part Japanese).
(d) Report on rat iorung la"s (part Japanese) .
(30) Sambu Gun:
*(a) pecia1 inten iews.
*(b) Background reports (part Japanese).
(c) Thumbnail sketch of hirasato (part Jap-
(d) List of families showing individuals from
which sample was selected.
{31) Sendai:
a) pecial int erviews {part Japanese).
{c) Background reports (part Japanese).
(d) Trend of morale during war (part Japanese) .
e) records and report (part Japanese).
(32) Shibahara
. a) pec.IBJ inteni ews.
*(b; Background reports and data (part Japa-
(33) Shunonoseki:
a peclill interviews (part Japanese).
,bl Background reports {part Japanese).
(c 1 Changes in morale trends.
*(d) Data on Sh.unonoseki shipbuilding yards
(part Japanese).
(34) Shiruki Gun:
*(a) Background report with supporting mat e-
rials (pan Japanese).
(b) Changes in morale trend.
(35) Taira:
(a1 Special interviews.
*(b; Background report with supporting docu-
ment! (part Japanese).
*(c) Map.
: (d) in trend of mol'Ble (part Japanese).
(e) Original medical records.
(3&) Tokyo:
(a) Special interviews of various cla--- .
1 Rad.i

o wwkers.
!. Newspaper wor kera.
lnd ustrialista.
: ;::bou cation Ministry (part Japanese).
r group leadera.
7. Welfare workers.
Cb) Board of information:
:! (part Japanese)
. V'&&AUU&tton chart with list f m' .
3 (part o o cials
E%planation of board's d t'
u 1es.
In Japaneee.
*4. Effects of bombings on public opin'
. li . d lon
and resultmg po mes un ertaken (p
Japanese) .
6. Office of Strategic Services report
' nf t' . J on
pub o 1 orma. 100 m a.pan.
(c) Special interviews pertaining to poli
. ce
1. Tonari-Gumi.
*B. Civil police (part Japanese) .
{d) Imperial Rule Assistance Association:
1. Special interview.
s. Report covering Imperial Rule Assist.
a.nce Association.
(e) Military police:
* 1. Special interviews (part Japanese).
*B. Organization chart with in.
formation (part Japanese).
3. Detailed report on Kempeita.i.
(f) Special interviews :
1. Special interviews on various subjects.
2. Special interviews on various subJects,
3. Special interviews on various subjects.
4. Special interviews on various subjects.
6. Special interviews on various subjects.
*6. Special interviews on wrious subjects
with supporting Japanese documents.
{g) Background material:
1. Special interviews pertaining to back-
ground report.
B. Information on Japanese labor struc-
3. Food situation in Japan.
4. Brief report on Kempei Tai with or-
ganization chart and list of officials.
6. Outline of evacuation procedures.
*6. Bomb-damage data (part Japanese).
7. Outline of air-defense measures.
*8. Blueprint and labor statistics on
N a.ka.jima Aircraft Company {part
*9. Medical records and reports (Japanese).
10. Changes in trend of morale.
* 11. Background reports with supportiDI
Japanese documents.
(h) Suburbs:
1. Special interview.
!. Bomb-damage data.
s. Reports from various outlying diltriatl
on changes in trend of morale <I*'
*4. Map showing suburbs.
(i) Religion:
1. Special interviews.
S. Summary of directives t.ued to
S. Handbook on the life of BaiDt .mu;::
4. Handbook on the iDfiuenoe of
dhism on Japanese natioaalidetiL
6. Handbook OD the Shin aect.
6. Handbook on BuddhiiiD..
7. Pamphlet on church dlreoti ...
14 f. (
) (j)
Short-wave news bulletins:
1. Recording for 10 May 1945.
e. Recording for 17 July 1945.
3. Recording for 18 July 1945.
4. Recording for 19 July 1945.
5. Recording for 19 August 1945.
7) Toyama: . .
(a) Special mter vtews.
*(b) Background reports with supplemental
(c) Trend of morale in general.
(38) Tsuno Gun:
(a) Special interviews.
(b) General description.
*(c) Background reports with supplemental
(39) Utsunomiya.:
(a) Special interviews.
*(b) Background reports with supplemental
Japanese data.
(c) Trend of morale in general.
( 40) W akayama:
(a) Special interviews.
*(b) Background reports with supplemental
Japanese data..
(c) Trend of morale in general.
(41) Yamagata:
*(a) Special interviews (part Japanese).
*(b) Background report with supplemental
Japanese data.
(42) Yatsushiro:
(a) Special interviews.
*{b) Background reports with supplemental
J a.panese data.
{c) Report by chief of police.
(43) Yokohama.:
*(a) Background report with supplemental
Japanese data.
*{b) Trend of morale in general (part Japanese).
{c) Special interviews.
(d) Organization of Tonari-Gumi.
*(e) Medical statistics (part Japanese).
*(f) F'
1gures on rationing (part Japanese).
(g) Labor statistics.
*(h) M
* . . ap (Japanese).
) y(l) LISt of city officials (part Japanese).
* Specia.l interview.
( ) Background report with supplemental
Japanese data.
) Trend of morale in general.
*(d) Daily log for morale studies.
(e) Labor statistics for the Uraga Dock Com-
g. New Pany, Ltd. {part Japanese).
(1) by city (consisting of seven
3) Ch;; ..ft_
( 4)

n Japanese.
(6) Fukuoka.
(7) Akita.
h. General data ta'
per mmg to morale conditions in
(1) The effects of the atomic bombings J
morale. on apanese
(2) Background data.
(3) Historical facts.
(a.) Comparison of American-Japanese milita
strength. ry
(4) Asiatic Digest:
(a) Selected items from press and radio.
(5) published by Office of Strategic Serv-
{a) Names of Japanese areas.
(b) Public safety in Japan.
(6) Reports by Office of War Information:
{a.) Weekly summaries covering items of in-
(b) Japanese home morale under bombing.
{c) Effects of air attack on Japanese military
(d) Reports 16-25
(e) Reports I-V.
{f) Special reports.
(g) Semimonthly reports.
(7) Outline of the Japanese government and its
(8) Rank orders:
(a) Drafts and copies of rank orders.
(9) Rank orders correlated:
(a) Drafts and copies of correlated rank orders.
(10) Bureau of Agriculture Economias tabulations
(two envelopes).
(11) Calculation tables.
(a) ColUIDDS 1 through 9.
(b) Columns 10 t.brouP 19.
(c) ColUIDDS J0 throup 29.
(d) Col11JDD8 80 t.brouP 39.
(e) ColUIDDI 40 t.brouP 41.
(f) ColUIDD8 " throoP G.
(g) ColUIDDIIIO tbroalh 68.
(h) ColUIDDII 80 throoP 79.
(12) BombiDIIiiStfC1
(13) {)per&UoD Seftldih Air Pone.
(1') ()peratioD the ThlrteeDth Air Pone.
(16) Psyohololioal wufare:
(a) B.epolt b7 ..... TwDtleth Air
(b) BeoapltultioD of .... pavdiMI&iM
(Q) Ooueapoadenee J*&M ...
prop.pwk ......
(II) Q d polioe:
(a) Balli ..
(o) ....... - ........ - ..
14. h. (18) Tonari-GUllllk.: d ali g with the regular meetings
*(a) Handboo e n . t'ons (part
of the neighborhood assoCIB 1
Japanese). . G (part
*(b) Handbook on the Tonart- uiDI
Japanese). . "' of the
(c) Special interviews
(d) Reports on different associations. .
(e) Tonari- Gumi organization and functiOns
in Yokohama.
(f) Women's organizations.
(19) Air-raid protection system of Japan:
(a) Report.
(20) Censorship:
(a) ummary of censorship .
(b) History of Japanese Army Air Service urut.
{c) Abolition of certain political
ciations, societies, and other orgamzations.
{d) Japanese reactions and attitudes as
by information gathered through censorship
(e) Special report on Tokyo Asahi press.
(f) Reports published by Civil Censorship
(g) Survey of censorship information.
(h) Summary of censorship information.
(21) Propaganda:
(a) Repon dealing with propaganda and coun-
terpropaganda in Japan.
(b) United States propaganda leaflets.
(c) Ten of leaflets dropped 27 July 1945.
(d) Miscellaneous data, not-es, drafts, and work
(e) Leaflets dropped and target areas.
(22) Digest of known and probable reactions to bomb-
ings of Japan.
(23) Japanese morale under bombing:
(a) Report on morale under bombings.
(b) Bombing data.
(24) Public opinion in the Japanese war cabinets.
(25) Japanese behavior patterns:
(a) Work copy of report.
(26) Decline in Japanese standard of livi
(27) Education: ng.
(a) General report on education.
(b) Interviews of school officials
(c) Miscellaneous notes and k h
(28) Religion and morale: wor s eets.
(a) Report on religion prior to th
(b) Miscellaneous data te e war.
(29) Analysis plans: ' no s, and work sheets.
(a) Miscellaneous data te
(30) Special pretest s, and work sheets.
(a) Notes and work sheets
(31) Motion-picture project:
(a) Morale, Japanese Emp
---- ue.
In JapaDeee.
Over-all coding:
(a.) Rating on degree of resistance to behavioral
demands on respondent.
(b) Post mortem on over-all codes.
Coding reliability test.
Machine tabulation operation:
(a) Miscellaneous data.
Motor vehicles:
(a.) The Japanese motor-vehicle industry.
(a.) Participation of submarine force.
Development of the morale index.
(a.) Index to confidence in victory.
(b) Index to life space.
(c) Index to coding instructions on morale.
(d) Miscellaneous notes and work sheets.
Documents and translations:
(a.) The swift changes in the war situation and
t he new trends in morale.
*(b) The trend of public thought after the loss
of Okinawa. (part Japanese).
(c) The recent labor situation, August 1945.
(d) The nature of recent rumors.
(e) People's reaction to disposition of military
surplus materials.
*(f) Recent changes in morale.
*(g) How people's morale changed as air raids
were intensified.
(h) Matters relative to the speech and conduct
of Ta.buro Kurusu.
*(i) Trend of morale under the bombings and
countermeasures taken.
(j) Effect of bombings on public opinion.
(k) Control of morale, rumors, and false reports.
0) The recent trend of thought of the con-
scripted factory workers.
(m) The outline of public opinion guidance
policies for the decisive battles.
(n) Recent trend of thought among intelligentsia
and leaders.
(o) The matters relating to the control an.d
guidance of opinions following the &II'
Interviews-procedure and forms:
(a) Morale Division code with instructions
to procedure.
(b) Question-by-question objectives.
(c) Neutral probes.
(d) Technique.
(e) Schedule draft.
(f) Pretest post mortem.
(g) Special reports.
(h) Suggestions for sound recording of inter-'
views. edul&
Interview sound-recording control soh
Factual data.
Thumb-nail sketch. ,.,,.
Background report (with form in JapaD
Evacuation schedule.
> (n) Japanese and English year equivalents.
14 h. < *( ) Informal test.
, t . t .
( ) Respondents pass o In erv1ew.
t) Manual for contacts with respondents.
t) Morale Division code.
(:) Morale cross-tab card.
Drafts of .
l) I dex cards for InterrogatiOns:
) (a) General morale conditions.
(b) Typical answers.
(c) Colorful answers.
(d) u nusual answers.
(e) Feelings at start of war.
(f) Opinions on propaganda.
(g) Fighting spirit.
(h) Opinions as to leaders.
(i) Attitudes relative to America.
G) American propaganda leaflets.
(k) Japanese plans and peace moves.
(l) Surrender response.
(43) Prints and negatives:
(a) Morale pictures photographed at Sendai.
(b) Morale pictures photographed at Osaka.
(c) Morale pictures photographed at Toyonaka.
(d) Morale pictures photographed at Wak&-
(e) Morale pictures photographed at Hiro-
(f) Morale pictures photographed at Hera.
(g) Morale pictures photographed at Bhimono-
(h) Morale pictures photographed at Y asuoka.
(i) Morale pictures photographed at Mik-
(j) Morale pictures photographed at Tokyo.
(k) Morale pictures photographed at Yoko-
(l) Morale pictures photographed at Swarth-
more College.
(m) Unidentified photographs and negatives.
(44) Radio reports on the Far East {consisting of five
5) Population data (consisting of three envelopes):
*(a.) Tables comparing the old and new totals of
registrants, by areas and industries, in the
national registration.
*(b) Blank forms-movement certificate, ration
certificate, etc.
*(c) Family registration and population register
classified by city.
*(d) Rice, soybean, and potato ration-card retPa-
tration, 1944 and 1945.
:(e) Population by ken.
(f) Number of evacuees from each alty.
*(g) Miscellaneous notes and work sbeetl pel'-
*(46) p taining to population (part Japan .. ).
opuJation data and statistics (pan JapP
) of three envelopes).
and air-raid damage.
n Japanese.
Morale trends among landowners and tenant
(a) report of Shin lsbidei, execu-
tive head of the Agricultural Association of
I wate Prefecture.
(b) Disputes between landowners and their
tenant farmers.
(c) Disputes between landowners and their
tenant farmers.
(d) En bloc resignation by the Agricultural
Affairs Enforcement Association heads.
(e) History of student mobilization.
(f) Causes and conditions of tenant farm dis-
Thought trends of the public:
(a) Announcement of the disposition of war
criminals and attitude toward suicide of
those involved.
(b) Telegram from governor of Toyama Pre-
fecture to Home Minister.
(c) Report on the Third Morale Investigation
(d) Fragmentary translation.
(e) The reestablishment of the former Hitono-
michi (the way of human beings) mission.
(f) Examples of antiwar activities.
(g) Every-10-day reports on thoughts.
*(h) Report on investigation made of administra-
tive organisation in July 1945 (part
(i) Trends of the people's thought as seen from
censorship of communications.
(j) Every-10-day reports on thoughts.
(k) Movements of parties concerned in the
illegal incidentl in September 1942.
(I) Register of persons requiring speeial vigil-
(m} Ten-day-period report on public thought
No.7. . .
(n} Investigation reports on local conditions, 5
June 1"'-
(o) New leaden IUI"tey of disposition of the
situation, 18 January 1942.
(p) Reform movements apla1Ded by the
aecQon ohief meef:inl of prefectural police
chiefs, 19 Apri11N8.
(q) antiwar, utimilitariatic, ud
di8ol'derlY behavior.
a.--- of clealdiDIIn public trial No. 33
(r1 ou.uau-J aid t.
of JliramiiDa lhootilll m
(a) Aooounta ol daD7 eveDta. of November
Montbl7 speaiN polioe NPOri
(u) =thl7 .... polioe JepOri of October
INt. ltare 11111& Movement.
u:::::- tllllldiMdia& aatlwar
w. piOPIPilda pdllted .......
a.tW7 .... ...- liM.
(z) _. .................. of ...
(1) UJ,
.... PI'I_ ....... I,A,,.,
14. h. (49) (z) l\lovement diary f August
(sa) l\Ionthly special pollee report o
1944 (incomplete) . . .
(bb) Inve tigation of ideological
handled by the special higher
(cc) Red acthities at Kittetsu (Hokkatdo).
(dd) Monthly special police report of January
(ee) Relationship between laborer and farmer.
{50) Morale conditions affecting public peace:
{a) General conditions in Yamanashi Prefec-
(b) Proposal for decrease in rent (Hyogo Pre-
(c) Telegram sent to the Director of Police
Bureau from go,ernor of Tottori Prefec-
ture, 23 August 1945.
(d) tability in people's living as the result of
the termination of war (Tochigi Prefecture) .
(e) Special trends of the Kational School faculty
members relative to the food shortage.
(f) Transitions in the Great East Asia War.
(g) Current state of the public peace.
(h) Bloc meeting of higher police section chiefs.
(i) Recent state of affairs from January to
March 1944.
(j) Reports by chief of Economic Peace Preser-
\"ation section of Osaka Fu.
(k) Prospectus of war leaders and of diplomatic
(1) Conditions of I'lll'a.l communities and the
mo\"ements of Korean people.
(m) Arrest of sympathizers of Tern Takakura.
{n) Sub\"ersion and opposition in wartime
(51) Morale condition among factory workers:
{a) Labor situation resulting from t he sudden
in the war situation in August
(b) ! rend of factory workers following the
lSSUAilce of the Imperial Rescript of 3
September 1945.
{c) Trend of student labor.
{d) Activities of persons in charg
(e) Outline on establishment e.f .
d o a. wartime
:u ent mobilization organization and
enkd of thought of the conscripted fact ory
wor en.
(f) Statistics on labor disputes.
{52) Rumor control:
{a) Control of seditious do
(b) Occurrences of r umors.
break of disr affatrs and out-
( ) ... espectful rumors
R::nber of rumor-control
t trend of rumor ..
(e) S "
ynopms of rumors relati
ages. ve to food e}\ort-
(f) Principal
rumors conce
police officials on rntng criticism of
food difficulties m&t fA3rs evolving arQund

In Japanese.
(g) Matters concerning control of unfo d
un ed
(h) False rumors spread by persons in auth .
and their control. ority
Opposition to thought control and result'
. mg
police actiOn.
(a) Number of police cases concerning ru
during August 1945. rnors
(b) Table ?f rumor occurrence and arrests
thereof m June 1945.
(c) Arrests of persons who are disrespectful and
those who advocate peace by defeat.
*(d) Survey of violators of the Economic Control
Law by public prosecutor of Kyoto pre-
fectural court (part Japanese).
(e) Organization of Peace Preservation section
Police Bureau of Home Ministry. '
Morale t rends immediately following the end of
(a.) Trend of people's thought 1 month after
the end of war.
(b) General view of the Tokai and Hokuriku
district people after signing of the terms of
(c) Antiwar opinions.
(d) Trends in public sentiment regarding the
Allied occupation.
(e) Trend in public opinion after the war.
(f) Matt ers relative to the trend of the general
(g) Feelings of antimilitary and antiofficialdom
on occasion of the assault on the police
(h) Trend of people's thought following the
end of the war.
(i) General trend after the end of the war.
(j) Trend of the people's thought revolving
about the sudden turn of current events.
(k) Voice of the town.
0) Affairs relative to the trend toward im-
propriety regarding imperial decisions.
(m) Matters relating to the peculiar situational
speech and behavior by editorial staff of
Domei News Agency.
(n) Matter relative to trend of people's thought
(Kyoto) .
Control of the Communist element:
(a) Violation of the Peace Preservation LaW
(b) Arrest of sympathizers of Teru Takakur&
(c) Arrest of suspects in the incident in the
Capital Rapid Transit control board.. of
(d) Arrest of Communists under suspicton
radical activities. t1
(e) Investigation of Mitsuo Hasegawa (facto
worker). d 2
(f) Monthly special police reports date
February 1945.
(g) Investigation of Tokuzo Takizal\'6.
(h) Report of secret meeting of pollee
ment chiefs.
(i) Report concerning Communist IDD.....,..-

14 h. (55) (j)
Investigation of Leftwing incident in Kana-
gawa Prefecture.
Report of t he Soviet Affairs Research Asso-
ciation incident.
Report of investigation of Yosbio Taka-
Chart showing organization of Communist
Report on situation with regard to the com-
munistic campaign.
Report on the Communist movement.
Investigations of disrespectful, immoderate
antiwar and antimilitary incidents. '
Report of the Suihei movement.
Report on Tokyo electric group (leftist).
Higher police monthly report of March
(t) General outline on various movements
(Communist, anarchist, etc.).
(u) General outline on various movements
(Communist, anarchist, etc.).
(v) Report of arrests for violation of Peace
Preservation Law.
(56) Control of the Korean movement:
(a) Report of trends caused by imported Korean
(b) Report of arrest and investigation of the
Sokaku Iaukai case.
(c) Report of trends appearing in wage-earners
(d) Report on control and supervision of
(e) Report on control and arrest of Koreans in
different areas.
(f) Arrests and investigation of Koreans for
violation of peace regulations.
(g) Investigation and arrest of Korean students'
racial groups at Osaka.
(h) Arrests and investigations of Koreans in
nationalistic groups in Tokyo metropolitan
(i) Re
port on causes and conditions of tenant
farm disputes.
) (j) Report on activities of Koreans.
Control of religious groups:
(a) Investigation of the Ryujin society incident.
(b) Arrests of former believers of Omoto-Kyo.
(c) Arrest of the founder of the Dal Nippon No
Oshiye sect of the Kodo Shukyo.
(d) Monthly special police report on religious
{e) Swnmary of facts of crime of Matau
f Kagawa.
( ) Declarations made by Tsurunoeuke Kane-
(g) Report on peculiar trends of
(h ch urohes in Gifu Prefecture.
) Report on recent trends of that
(i) require vigilance.
Report on denunciation of (lJlrJatilall IO)aool
workers by Saburo
(]') k
eport on prosecution of Frana XavJ'er
Savel born.
(k) Judgment on Renzo Onomura.
(1) on of former Lieutenant
(Jg) Hirosht Ya.magishi and othe
fm) R t rs.
of arrests of Japanese Catholic
(n) Report of crimes of several priestec
(o) ReJ>?rt on various cases involving church
(p) Report on sentencing fot violation of Peace
Preservation Law.
(q) Investigation regardmg violation of Peace
Preservation Law by confra-
(r) Report on investigation of Shintetsu
Amako, chief priest of the Hongwan sect.
(s) Report on religious movemenils.
(t) Report on the opinions of Christians othE*'
than Catholic and outsiders.
{u) Report on religious movements.
(58) Control of farm groups:
(a) Letter on people's reaction to disposition of
military surplus.
(b) Report of activities of persons formerly con-
nected with the farmers' movement.
(c) Investigation report on ShoJJO Otani, first
chief of the east Asia agricultural research
(d) Investiption report on Takeo Sakural
(e) Investigation report on Kolkhos movement
in factories and on farms.
(f) Work sheets.
(g) Blank ueed in joining New Japan party.
{h) Donation blank used in New Japan party.
(59) Impression of the Potsdam Deelaration.
( 60) Outline of public opinion guidance policy:
*(a) Outline of public opinion guidanee policies
for the decisive battles.
*{b) Policiell for public opinion pidanoe in the
preaent pbue of the G..W Eut Asia War.
(c) Recent trend of thought &mODg the fntei-
Upntaia and IMd.._
(d) conoeming the prevention of spy
aativitlel daring the air raidL
(e) Mattera conoeming maiD__... of the
public peM8 and emsaaeY ammpmeata.
tf) InstractioDI on outdoor ptheriDp con-
ducted to dlmulate natioDal intaed.
(g) INU'UctioDI OD outdoor AtheriDP oon-
ducfild to stimuiMe D&tional iDtaeR.
(h) Mau.a oonoeming the eontrollinc of an
ewmbly lor elea&ioD wldle the Air Defeaae
(I) tbeoontrolaadpidanoe
of opbdm foUowinl air &UMn.
.,... .....-. the .. t.rol or aa ...
.. .,., - .... .. Defelp
Ia .. ..,......
(II) ........... tMi.JIIIf!MI!.
he t raining of the
14 h (60) (1) Matters relatmg. to t
. . speCial higher pollee.
ation measures.
{m) of ped ace various types of
(n) GUidance an con r
activities. .
(o) Restoration review control pohcy. for
(p) Summary of emergency arrangements
maintenance of public order. 1 f
(q) Mat ters relative to the thorough contro o
public opinion. . . f the
(r) Matters relative to. the. authoriZatiOn o
formation of orgaruzation.
(s) Prelimmary meeting of chiefs of prefect ural
police on 19 April 1943.
(t) Information regarding the Tonari-Gumi
(neighborhood association) .
(u) Information regarding the Imperial Rule
:\ssistance Association.
*(v) Report on struct ure of the board of infor-
(61) Thought control and resulting controversial
(a) Subsequent report on general political
(b) Trend of the genera.l public toward the
returned soldiers.
(c) Sentiments and attitudes of the various
classes toward the military.
(d) Postwar activjties and speeches of t he
(e) Behavior of the members of the Reimei club.
(f) Dissolution of pohtica.l organizations.
(g) Report on joint of the Big Three
and the people's thought reaction.
(h) TTend regarding the government and the
(i) Trend m various quarters relative to the
Emperor's sovereign power and other
(j) Communications received from persons con-
nected with New Japan party.
(k) Swift changes in the v. ar situation and new
in mora.le.
(l) Speeches and activities for antiwar move-
(m) Dissolution of the Kokkaido Societ y of
IRA, Young Men's Corps.
(n) Outline of gripes and compls.mts.
(o) diaorderly, antiwar and ant i -
milits. fJ .
uawC a &In!.
(p) Incomplete tra118ls.tion.
(q) Trend of the Imperial Rul Ass'
Political Society. e istance
(r) Tn:nd of public thought after the 1 f
Okinawa. OBS o
(a) Obeervationa on the trend in th Di
(t ) and conduct of the peopl:in po etli .'t 1
cnrclea. Ica
In JaP"JJ-.
(u) Activities of Diet members upon their
return from t he Irn penal Diet.
(v) Situational ta lk by Shinya Uchida.
(w) Activit ies of Diet mem hers upon their
return from the Imperial Diet.
(x) Speech on current topics by Diet member
Chu Funada.
(y) Speech on new political party.
(z) Developments in regard to organization of a
new political party.
(aa.) Speech and conduct of Diet members re-
garding the present sit uat ion.
(bb) Speech and conduct of Naomichi Sakamoto,
former director of t he Manchurian Railroad
(cc) Opinions of Diet members returned from
special Diet session.
(dd) Opinions of Representative Seion Kawa-
mat a.
(ee) Special t alk regarding the war situation by
Seion Kawamata.
(62) Printed microfilm-various types of intelligence
a.nd t rends of public opinion.
(63) Printed microfilm-regulations of higher police.
(64) Printed microfilm-illegal activities of Allied
military personnel in Japan.
(65) Printed microfilm-list of extreme rightists to
be watched (consisting of three envelopes).
(66) Printed microfilm-various reports on illegal
organizations and police matters (consisting of
two envelopes) .
(67) Printed microfilm-members of the Nationalist
Movement (consisting of two envelopes).
(68) Printed microfilm-conditions of political situa-
tion after VJ-Day
(69) Printed microfilm-lectures on the Peace Police
(70) Printed microfilm-monthly special police re-
ports 1943-45) (consisting of 12 envelopes).
(71) Printed microfilm-reorganization of the
(72) Printed microfilm-the object of the Great East
Asiatic Society.
(73) Printed microfilm-questions and answers per
taining to antiwar publications.
(7 4) Printed microfilm-outline of the illegal revolu
tionary movement (consisting of three en
(7 5) Printed microfilm-Nationalist organiotioDI
(consisting of four envelopes). to
(76) Printed microfilm-various reports relative
illegal activities (consisting of four envelopes).
(77) Printed microfilm-report of research
relative to higher police duties (consfstinl
envelopes). t
(78) Printed microfilm-anti-Japanese JDovedleJI
(consisting of three envelopes):. of
(a) Current events and pollee prooeedfDII
1943. " ...
(b) Outline of more important antf.J'apA
( )
The agrarian situation.
t t ' 't'
t4. (d) Commums ac 1v1 1es.
(e) Labor and conditions.
(f) Religious
( ) Korean act 1 v1t 1es.
document relative to report on
pubhc opmwn.
*(i) Support ing document relative to air-defense
regula tiona (Japanese).
*(j) Support ing document relative to black-out
regulat ions (Japanese).
) Printed microfilm-report on the Saitama raid-
ing unit incident (consisting of three envelopes).
0) Printed microfilm-miscellaneous police reports
(consisting of two envelopes).
(81) General reading matter for the public:
*(a) 1939 publications-May, June, July, August,
September, October, November issues.
*(b) 1940 publications-January, April, May,
July, August, September, October, No-
vember, and December issues.
*(c) 1941 publications-February, March, April,
May, June, July, September, October,
November, and December issues.
*(d) 1942 publications-monthly.
*(e) 1943 publications-monthly.
*(f) 1944 publications-monthly.
*(g) 1945 publications-January, February,
and May only.
(82) Japanese magazines:
*(a.) Children's Club-October 1945 issue.
*(b) Childt-en's Club-December 1944 issue.
*(c) Kodan Club-March 1945 issue.
*(d) Kodan Club-October 1945 issue.
*(e) Kodan Magazine-October 1945 issue.
*(f) Ladies' Magazine-January 1945 issue.
*(g) Ladies' Magazine-October 1945 issue.
*(h) Fuji-November 1943 issue.
*(i) Fuji-October 1945 issue.
*(j) Ladies' Journal of Housekeeping-Novem-
ber 1945 and February 1944 issues.
*(k) Shufunatomo-February 1944 issue.
*(1) Boys' Club-June 1944 and October UKS
*(m) Modem Times-Aprill945 and November
1945 issues.
*(n) Gendai-April 1945 fsaue.
( (o) Gendai-November 1945 issue.
) Microfilm -one box.
d The Aircraft Industry (final report and
Data submitted by the Japaneae:
* (l) Government controls.
Government directives.
) Production figures on engines, propellerl, ud
Technical and experimental data.
effects (mapa).
In Japanese.
b. plants on which no separate reports were
*(I) Shinagawa Electrical Company (production
(2) Kayabe Industrial Company, Ltd., reply to
USSBS questionnaire.
(3) Kokusan Electric Machinery Company, Ltd.,
reply to USSBS questionnaire.
(4) Greater Japan Spinning Company report sub-
mitted to USSBS.
(5) Matsushita Aeroplane Corporation report sent to
(6) Nippon Kentitsu Kogyo Manufacturing Com-
pany, Ltd., report to USSBS.
c. Data on Japanese aircraft shipped to United States
for study purposes.
d. Photostats of tables and appendices used in report.
e. Map showing location of plants manufacturing
engines, propellers, and aircraft.
f. Intelligence data pertaining to Japanese aircraft in-
g. Interrogations.
h. Appendices to interrogations, memoranda, inter
views, questionnaires.
i. Key targets in the Japanese aircraft industry and
bomb tonnage dropped. -
j. Preliminary report on the Japanese aircraft industry.
lc. Complete set of drawings used in report.
l. Work sheets (seven envelopes).
m. Photographs, negatives and films.
n. Publications and manuals in Japanese only.
*(1) Manual for operating Type 93, heavy bomber
model No. 2 with drawinp prepared by Army
Air headquarters, May 1935.
*(2) Manual for operating Model DC-2, Nakajima
"Douglas" pemenpr plane, published by Naka-
jima Aircraft Corporation, October 1935.
*(3) Manual for operating Type 98, dhect coopera-
tion plane with drawinga prepared by Army Air
headquarters, Aupst 1940.
*(4) Manual for operating Type H, reconnwuc:e
plane with drawinp prepared by Army Air
headquarten, May lt87 (reviled)
*(5) Manual for operating Type 95 (Model 1B),
trafninl plane with drawinga prepared by Army
Air heaciquarten, Nowmber 1118.
*(6) Manual for operating Type 98, lilht boJDber with
drawinga prepared by Army Air
Sepfember 1111.
m Manual for operating Type
oo. ladquaJten
reoouuf anoe plaDe wfth drawinga prepared by
Army July 1Hl.
(8) Manual for operating Type 91, Army NIOD-
DtfeeJ108 aDd TJpe It Army I naB plaDe with
..... prepared by Arm.y Air ...........
.... liQ.
(I) ..... lor ...... '1)pe ___ _
,...,.., ........ (ll9dll .. ..
......... b7Aim7 ............
I Ill
. T e 100 heavy bomber
15. n. *(10) fo: operating yp Air' headquarters,
with drawmgs by Army
August 1941. . (Model r0 2),
*(11) Manual for operating Ty_Pe 97 d b Army
heavv bomber with dramngs prepare y
Air headquarters, October 1941. .
. T
fi hter plane wtth
*(12) l\Ianual for operatmg ype ' g '
drawings prepared by .Army Air headquarters,
January 1942. 2)
*(13) l\Ianual for operating Type 99 1 and '
twin-engined light bomber, published by Toko-
rozawa Army Air :\Iaintenance school, October
*(14) ::\Ianual "ith drawings for Type 100, 1,450 hp.
engine, October 19-U. _ .
*(15) ::\Ianual with chart-s for Type 9 , 4a0 hp. engme,
July 1939
*(16) Manual with drawings for Type 99, 900 hp.
engine (::\lodels 1 and 2), 1941.
*(17) Manual for Type "Hikari" (Model 1 and 2)
engine, February 1936.
(18) Manual for Type 2, 1,150 hp. engine, September
*(19) Elements of airplane engines, September 1944.
*(20) Periodic maintenance of airplane engines, Oct o-
ber 1942.
*(21) Manual with drawings for Type 97, 650 hp.
engine, 1938.
*(22) with drawings for Type 97, 850 hp.
engine. 1938.
*(23 with drawings for Type 95, 800 hp.
engme, revised January 1938.
*(24) Manual with drawings for Type 95, 150 hp.
engine, December 1936.
(25) ManUAl with drawings for Type 94, 550 hp.
engine ( ::\Iodel 2) X ovember 1938.
*(26) ::\Ianual with drawings for Type "ju," 450 hp.
engine (:Models 1 and 2) August 1945.
*{27) )rianual for Kinsei engine, Model No. 51,
by Naval Air headquarters, December
*(28) Data on Kinsei engine "1 'th
dra ' ' .n. a,m
wmgs prepared by Naval Air headquarters
December 1941. '
*(29) Manu&! for Zuisei engine Model ' l 10
d b
- ' .. !.,O. ' pre-
pare Y Air headquarters F b
1941. ' e ruary
*(30) Dat a on Zuisei engin M d
b al Air e, .l' o e No. 11, prepared
y .. av . headquarters, 1938.
(31) Kotobuki engine, N
. .
No. 1, No. 2 and No 3 o. , modificatlOns
November 1938-JW:e i94o table of comparisons,
*(32) Manu&! for engine ac . .
Starter, prepared by the :artd. I, The
August 1942. ea quarters,
*(33) Manual for starter ('
prepared by Naval Air and inertia)
*(34) Airplane static eliminato M!Y 1936.
Naval Air headquarte Jr manual P.repared by
---- rs, une 1937
In Japaneee.
Report on results of research a nd experin-.
. B ( h
research m una researc .on rubber) for A;c'
September 1942, Naval Air Technical D '
Packing and loading of A/ C parts for transpo
purposes December 1940, by Ministry of Ar tng
Oxygen inspirator for Type 1 (Model 3) fig;:Y
April 1945, Army Air I nspect or General'. er,
Oxygen for Type 3, fighter, March
1940, by Army Atr I nspector General.
Oxygen inspirator for Type 4, heavy bomb
lVIarch 1940, by Army Air Inspector Gene
Oxygen inspirator for Type 100, headquarta
reconnaissance plane (Model 3 and 4), by Ar:s
Air Inspector General (two copies) . Y
Experiments on elect rical accessories for AIC
September 1942, Navy Air Technical Depot:
Spring pin for direct drive generator, May 1943
by Navy Air Technical Depot, branch depot
(two copies) .
*(43) Rubber-insulat ed electric wire (double wire)
December 1942, by Navy Air Technical Depot,
branch depot.
*(44) Ohmmet er experiments, August 1943, by Navy
Air Technical Depot, branch depot (two copies).
*(45) on filler for shock-proof mounting
on instrument panel, May 1941, Navy Air
Technical Depot, branch depot (three copies).
*(46) Experimental research on the effectiveness of
ailerons and elevators, May 1937, by Aero-
nautical Research Institute, Tokyo Imperial
*(47) Vacuum pump for feeding lubricating oil, June
1942, by Naval Air headquarters.
*(48) Gauge vacuum pump, March 1936, Naval Air
16. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Corporation Re-
port No. 1 (Mitsubishi Jukogyo KK) (air frames and
engines) (final report and original draft).
a. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (general data):
(1) Organizational charts and history.
{2) Production data. and graph.
(3) Subcontracting.
( 4) Spare parts shipped.
(5) Employment data.
(6) Sample reports sent to munitions ministrY
(7) Air-raid damage and casualties.
(8) Dispersal plan.
*{9) Technical data..
(10) An outline of the Mitsubishi enterpriseS, 1D'2
(11) Work sheets (two envelopes).
b. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Matsumoto No.
1 air-frame works) :
(1) History and organization.
(2) Employment.
(3) Production.
(4) Air-raid effects and dispersal.
(5) Specification and performance tables.
(6) Work sheets.
Heavy I ndustries, Ltd. (Kyoto N
16. c. J.n k ) 0.
engme wor s . . .
l ) Reply to questiOnnaire covering data on _
. t l . re
search, experunen a engmes, production, em-
ployment, stocks of raw materials, inventor f
. t' d' y
fuel, orgamza wn, tspersal, and location.
) Chart showing progress of ptototype
aero-engines (2 copies) .
(3) Work sheets.
d. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Oe Nagoya No.
3 air-frame works) :
(1) Organizat ion and history.
(2) Employment.
(3) Production.
(4) Air attack effects.
(5) Lay-outs, flow charts, building plans, and dis-
persal maps.
(6) Dispersal arrangement.
(7) Suppliers of materials.
(8) Work sheets.
(9) Photographs.
e. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Nagoya No. 4
engine works):
(1) History and organization.
(2) Employment.
(3) Production.
*(4) Raw materials and suppliers {part Japanese).
(5) Bombing data.
(6) Dispersal.
(7) Work sheets.
f. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Oe Nagoya.
No. 5 air-frame works):
{1) History, organization, development, employ-
ment data, products, floor area, equipment,
material inventory, list of plants, governmental
supervisory chart.
(2) Consumption of fuel and electric power, receipt
of raw materials, list of suppliers.
(3) Pr?duction data; capacity, ordered and actual
(W1th graphs).
) Employment data.
(S) !ir attack effects, property damage, machine-
(6) schedule, damage result of earthquake.
(7) Dispersal planned and achieved.
building plans, and maps (including
(S) Work sheets.
(9) Photographs.
g. NMitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (ShiJUpka
o 6 e '
(l ngme works):
) to USSBS questionnaire covering produc-
tion em 1 -+h
ex ' . P oyment, suppbes and suppliers, lfOVfA
t Pansion, relationship to government, Ol'I&Jtiaa-
di.onal charts by department, atr-raid df.ta.
) s:.,spersal.
(3) PI Inple forms sent to munitions departmeDt.
(4) Want lay-out, bomb plot, dispersal map.

In Japanese.
h. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd (M" b'
7 air-frame works): ' IZus 1ma No.
(1) Organizational chart by depart ts
(2) Production data. men
(3) Employment.
) Raw materials and components
(5) attacks and damage.
(6) Dispersal (with maps) .
(7) Plant lay-out.
(8) Location map.
(9) Work sheets.
i. Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Kyota No. 8
engme works):
(1) Report. submitted by plant manager on the
con verston, general outline of plant histo list
of ta 1 ' ry,
na s, machines, sample reports sent to
department and government super-
VIsory agents.
(2) Baw materials and equipment.
(3) Employment data.
( 4) Production.
( 5) Air attack and dispersal.
( 6) Dispersal maps.
(7) Test engines, specifications and performance.
(8) Photographs.
(9) Work sheets.
j. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Kumamoto No.
9 air-frame works):
(1) History and organization, governmental super-
visory agents.
(2) Production and general information.
(3) Employment.
(4) Attack data (with bomb plot).
(5) Data on raw materials and component parts,
stock inventory, electric power consumption,
receipts, consumption, and stock of fuel and coal.
(6) Subcontracting data.
(7) Dispersal (with maps).
(8) Work sheets.
k. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Nasoya No.lO
engine works):
(1) History and organiu.tion.
(2) Production figures.
(3) List of machined tools and equipment (two
(4) Maximum possible production.
(5) Employment figures.
(6) Raw materials inventories.
(7) Bemifinisbed parts inventory.
(8) Dispersal plans (with map).
(9) Air attack data.
(10) Location map.
(11) Photopapha.
(12) Work sheet&
l. Mitsubisbi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (DafmoD o.ll
airframe works}:
(1) Beport of the actUal sltuaticm ol tile 0. 11 ..
frame wcab.
(t) orpnldoa eba1t
(I) ..
t fi es and graphs.
16. l. (4) Employmen gur lied by subcontractor .
) Main components supp
(6) Air attack data.
(7) Production data. . ed "ith maps.
8) Dispersal-planned and achle\ . ' 1 t
hin y Daunon P an
) Lay-out of press mac er '
(10) Photographs.
(11) Work sheet-s. No 12
m. l\litsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Nagoya .
engine works): . . answer to
(1) Data supplied by plant offimals m
USSBS questionnaire. . .
(2) Additional data in answer to questionnaue.
(3) Location maps.
(-1) Dispersal map.
(5) Work sheet-s.
n. :\Iitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Kyoto 14
engine works): . .
(1) Information submitted by plant offic1als m
answer to 1JSSBS
(2) Papers and notes used in compiling plant
(3) Hard fuel supplies received, consumed, and m
( 4) Work sheets.
o. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Ogaki No. 16
engine works):
(1) Reports of visits to Mitsubishi component plants
made by t"SSBS staff member, K. B. Tin dale.
(2) Report made by plant officials in answer to
"GSSBS questionnaire.
(3) Report made by plant offici.als in answer to
( 4) Production graphs.
(5) Employment figures and graph.
(6) Products manufactured and in stock, and pro-
duction loss due to air raids.
(7) Inventory of materials.
(8) Production loss due to dispersal; governmental
su perviaory and administrative charts.
(9) Sample reports sent to munitions department.
(10) Lay-out of plants.
( 11) Maps of Ogaki
(12) North plant damage maps {2).
(13) Flow charts (north, south, and west plants).
( 14) Work sheet&.
p. Mif:subishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Fukui No. 18
engine works) :
(1) History; organization and description.
(2) Data pertaining to Fukui.
(3) Employment figures.
( 4) Details of production capacity.
(5) Stock inventory of products and aenu' fi . h d
parts. rus e
(6) Stock inventory of raw materials.
(7) Machine tools and equipment.
(8) Yard plan of Fujitsuahin plant
(9) Diapenal map at Bhakutani Bah
(10) Work aheeta. ae.
I Mitsubiahi Heavy lnduatries Ltd (Hi h'
20 engine worb): ' 1'01 una No.
In Japueae.
) Plant report compiled by officials in ans\\er to
USSBS questionnaire.
) Employment figures and graph.
) Production figures for machine tools by number
and in yen.
( 4) Supply of materials and components.
(5) Machine tool and machine schedules.
(6) Building plan.
(7) Dispersal- planned and achieved (with map).
(8) Chart showing governmental control.
(9) Sample reports sent to munitions department.
( 10) Answer to questionnaire No. 2.
( 11) Organization chart.
(12) Work sheets.
r. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Koromo No.
22 engine works):
(1) Departmental chart of government supervisory
(2) Names of factory supervisors.
(3) Raw materials and component parts ordered and
received; list of suppliers.
( 4) Data compiled by plant officials in answer to
USSBS questionnaire.
(5) Schedule of machine tools damaged.
*(6) Map showing dispersal.
(7) Building plans for Ozone works and Koromo
(8) Work sheets.
17. Nakajima Aircraft Company, Ltd., Corporation Re-
port No. II, (air frames and engines) (final report and
original draft).
a. N aka.jima Aircraft Company, Ltd. (general data):
{1) History.
(2) List of plants, location, and products.
(3) Data on floor area, subcontractors, shipments,
production, employment, productive man-hours.
(4) List of manufacturers and their products.
*(5) Report on Nakajima A/C Company engine de-
partment; history, production data, equipment
and personnel, air-raid, raw materials,
parts, fuel, electric power.
(6) Flow production charts for Sakae and Homare
(7) Air attack and effects.
(8) Machine tool damage chart.
(9) Reply to USSBS questionnaire on construction,
expansion and products; organization and sub-
sidiary plants; Government departments, o1Bo81'1
and their relationship.
(10) Dispersal data.
(11) Blueprint of engines showing sources of ooJD
ponent parts.
(12) Production graph.
(13) Subcontractors.
(14) Bomb plot.
(15) Installations in vicinity of Omiya (map).
(16) Distributing map of Fuji. ...,.
{17) Distributing map of dispersed unitl and
S) Work sheets.
17 a. N ka]' ima Aircraft Company, Ltd. (Ota plant):
b a . t'
(l) History and orga.mza 10n.
) Production data.
) Productive floor area and subcontractors.
) Reasons for differences in ordered and actual
) Interruption in supply of materials or component
) List of suppliers of component parts and diagram.
(7) Raw materials ordered and received.
) Hangars on Ota airfield.
) Production .flow chart.
(10) Map of distribution, Maebashi.
(11) Employment data.
(12) Air attack and effects.
(13) Dispersal (with maps).
(14) Photographs.
(15) Work sheets.
c. Nakajima Aircraft Company, Ltd. (Koizumi plant):
{1) History.
(2) Organization chart.
(3) Description of buildings, floor area, building
plaris, and locat.ion maps.
(4) Products.
(5) Critical items.
(6) Interruption in supplies.
(7) Official supplies and delivery quantity.
(8) Names of parts supplied by Koizumi plant to
other aircraft companies and their names.
(9) Names of subassembling factories.
(10) List of substituted materials.
(11) List of raw materials and suppliers.
(12) Subcontracting.
(13) Spare parts shipped.
(14) Production data.
(15) Employment data.
(16) Attack data.
(17) Dispersal information.
(18) Assembly diagrams of Ginga and Zero fighters.
(19) Source of raw materials and quantities received.
(20) Work sheets.
d. Nakajima Aircraft Company, Ltd. (Musashi plant):
{1) Organization chart, flow chart, map of Musashi
Plant, and economic survey report.
) List of suppliers and materials supplied.
(3) Interruption in supply of materials.
(:) List of subcontractors.
( ) Productive floor area.

Production deliveries to other companies.

) Parts shipped.
( ) Production
{lo) Air-raid system; 108188 suataiDeCl
(ll) aerial bombings, damage data.
) p Ispersal schedule.
(la) ;otographs.

In Japanese.
1!. Aircraft Company, I (Handa plant):
(1) Orgamzation charts and history.
(2) mate_rials, parts and components, in quan-
tities reqmred and delivered.
(3) Floor area, subcontractors, spare parts shipped.
( 4) Employment data.
(5) Production.
(6) Diagram of "Tenzan" showing source of parts.
(7) Attack data and damage maps.
(8) Dispersal.
(9) Photographs.
(10) Work sheets.
f. Nakajima Aircraft Company, Ltd. (Omiyaplant):
{1) Employment data.
(2) Production, planned and actual.
{3) Components and parts supply chart.
( 4) Fluctuations in the machine tools.
(5) Map of Omiya plant.
(6) Map of welfare institutions-Omiya plant.
(7) Dispersal.
(8) Floor Area, subcontractors, spare parts shipped.
(9) Work sheets.
g. Nakajima Aircraft Company, Ltd. (Hamamatsu
(1) History.
{2) Distribution map.
(3) Production.
(4) Employment.
(5) Subcontracting.
(6) Beginning date and productive parts.
(7) Damage maps.
(8) Dispersal schedule.
(9) Unidentified table.
(10) Work sheets.
1&. Nakajima Aircraft Company, Ltd. (Utsunomiya
(1) Production.
(2) Employment.
(3) Maps.
( 4) Subcontractors.
(5) Air-attack effects.
(6) Dispersal.
m Experiment and aection JepOrt.
(8) Photographs.
(9) Work sheets.
i. Nakajima Aircraft Ltd., dillpnal plants:
(1) Oya plant-produation, em.plo)'IDIIIIt, produc-
tive ftoor area.
(2) MJahima plant plut report lollowfDI USSBS
(8) Ctiiriyu plant em.ploymeat, pJOdaotioD drop,
........ dunap.
(f) opkubo plant ... etioD, _,..JID8Dt. --
P.P"M, mapa.
(I) IIHab plaDt piOdallloD, enplojiDiDt, dam-

o. m ,..,...., (IIDil ......... .,. ..... u.
the government to
18. a. *(3) of. (the econd
l\.awa.wshi Aircr t from Knwamshl
ti ns arsenal) and the repor ( t
o C Ltd to the government par
Aircraft ompany, .,
(4) Balance sheets 1939--44. . . lants
(5) Production figures for Xaruo and Hime)l p .
(6) Organizational charts.
(7) Description of the econd :\I unitions arsenal.
(8) Aerial photographs.
(9) Work sheets.
b. Kawanishi Aircraft Company, Ltd. (.L
(1) Japanese answers to Xa.ruo plant questionnaire.
(2) Result of plant invesbgation. . r
(3) Types of aircraft produced m ::-.laruo plant,
Januar 19-!5.
(4) :\lonthly production of propellers, .chart of
pairs on aircraft, outline of experimental wr-
(5) Report on damages due to air raid on N aruo plant .
*(6) Airplane production by type 192&-38 (part
(7) Dispersal plan (with maps).
(8) Critical shortages.
*(9) Regular report to government.
(10) Employment (graphs).
(11) schedule (air raid, 9 June 1945).
{12) Organization chart.
(13) Production (graphs).
(14) Work sheets.
c. Kawanisln Aircraft Company, Ltd. (Konan plant) :
(1) Answers to 17SSBS questionnaire from Konan
plant officials.
(2) .llicraft produced in Konan plant .
(3) Work sheets.
d. Kawanishi .llicraft Company, Ltd. (Himeji plant) :
(1) Aircraft produced in Himeji plant.
(2) Government supervisory agents and organization
{3) List of shortages.
(4) Air-raid damage data.
(5) Answer to questions for Himeji plant.
(6) Plan for plant dispersaL
(7) Employment graphs.
(8) Work sheets.
e. Kawani!bi Aircraft Company, Ltd. (Takarazuka,
*(1) Answers to USSBS questionnaire from Takara-
zuka plant officials (part Japanese).
{2) Answer to question I.
(3) Charta on machine tools
*(4) graphs on production
auu &U'-ra1d damage. '
(5) Work sheets.
l9. Kawuaki Aircraft Indust C
report and original draft) .nes ompany, Ltd. (final
a Kawasaki Air
eral data): craft Industries Company, Ltd. (gen-
U) Book of engines and en .
{2) Orzanbation chart. gme Parta (drawings).
ID JapeD-.
(3) Drawings and maps.
(4) Production . .
(5) Employment statistics.
(6) Air-raid precaution system.
(7) l\tiiyakonojo plant report.
(8) Work sheets. .
b. Kawasaki Aircraft Industries Company, Ltd.
(Kagamigahara, Gifu plant) :
(1) Answers t o USSBS questionnaire No. 1.
(2) Answers to USSBS questionnaires No. 2, No. 3,
and No. 4.
(3) Plant lay-out.
( 4) Performance.
(5) Answers t o supplementary questionnaire.
(6) Employment statistics.
(7) Physical description of aircraft .
(8) Electric power consumed (graph) .
(9) 1\IIachine-tool damage.
(10) Photographs.
(11) Work sheets.
c. Kawasaki Aircraft Industries Company, Ltd.
(Aka,shi plant) :
(1) Report No. 1.
(2) Report No. 2.
(3) Report No. 3.
( 4) Report No. 4.
(5) Answers t o USSBS questionnaire.
( 6) Production, planned and actual.
(7) Production loss and recuperation cycle-graph.
(8) Shortages of parts and effect on production.
(9) Blueprint of engine.
(10) Maps and plant lay-out.
(11) Electric power consumption.
(12) Machine-t ool damage.
(13) Photographs.
(14) Work sheets.
d. Kawasaki Aircraft Industries Company, Ltd. (dis-
persal plants) :
(1) Aka.shi oxygen apparatus plant.
(2) Kobe cast ing and forging plant.
(3) Miyakonojo plant .
( 4) Sakai plant.
20. Aicbi Aircraft Company, Corporation Report No. V
(final report and original draft).
a. Aichi Aircraft Company, Ltd. (general data):
(I) Information for questionnaire No. 1.
{2) Information for questionnaire No. 2.
(3) Production data.
( 4) Employment.
*{5) Maps (dispersals).
(6) Photographs.
(7) Work sheets.
b. Aichi Aircraft Company, Ltd. (Eitoku plant):
(1) Plant report on organization, produotiOD, _.
ployment , air-raid damage and dispersaL
(2) Photographs.
(3) Work sheets.
c. Aicbi Aircraft Company, Ltd. (Atsuta plaid):
(1) Plant report covering generallnformatfoD.
(2) Photographs.
(3) Work aheete.
Metal Industries, propeller division Cor
mitomo ( ' -
21. u . Report No. VI final report and original
draft) "tomo Metal Indust ries, propeller division
a Surnt
( eneral data): . .
f Report on history, organ1zat 10n, products, finan-
(1 cial status, list of component plants, damage,
) Destination of propeller s, also recuperation cycle.
) Employment data. .
) Elect ric power consumptiOn.
(S) List of governmental and supervisory personnel
and agencies.
) Japanese aircraft standard specifications and
substit ut ions.
(7) Experimental and research data.
(8) Dispersal plants-Shizuoka plant and Tsu plant.
(9) Raw material r eceived.
(10) Air-raid damage.
(11) Blueprints of propellers.
(12) Work sheet s.
b. Sumitomo Metal Industries, propeller division
(Kanzaki plant):
(1) Organization chart.
(2) Raw materials and components, sources.
(3) Machine-tool schedule.
(4) Production loss and recuperation cycle.
(5) Kanzaki building chart showing types of struc-
t ure and map of damage.
(6) Air-raid precaution system.
(7) Work sheets.
c. Sumitomo Metal Industries, propeller division
(Sakurajima plant):
(1) Monthly production, capacity table.
(2) Production loss and recuperation cycle.
(3) Machine-tool schedule.
(4) Photographs.
(5) Work sheets.
22. Hitachi Aircraft Company, Corporation Report No. VII
(airframes and engines) (final report.and original draft):
a. Hitachi Aircraft Company (general data):
(1) History and organization chart of the complex
and of each subsidiary plant.
(2) Antecedents.
(3) Plant map and dispersal.
) List of products (graphic).
(5) Substitute materials.
* (6) Technical data.
(7) Plant location.
(8) Work sheets.
b. Hitachi Aircraft Company (Chiba plant):
) Answer to USSBS questionnaire No. 1.
Orga.niza tion chart.
( ) Comparative amounts of component parts
dered and received.
Employmebt chart.
(t>) Results of air raids of 10 June 1946 and of 7 Ju)J'
945 (With maps)
(6) n
(7) lBJ>ersal program (with map)

In Jananese.
r. Hit achi Aircraft Company (Tachikawa plant):
( 1) Repor t by plant officials.
{2) Labor statistics.
(3) An outline of t he air-raid damage.
( 4) Production - planned and achieved.
(5) Technical data.
(6) Dispersal - planned and achieved.
{7) Work sheets.
d. Hitachi Aircraft Company (Haneda plant):
(1) Answers to USSBS questionnaire on production,
employment, air-raid damage, dispersal.
e. Hitachi Aircraft Company (Omori plant) :
(1) General information about major factories in
(2) Answer to USSBS questionnaire No. 1.
{3) Answer to USSBS questionnaire No. 2.
(4) Supplementary information.
f. Hitachi Aircraft Company (Kawasaki foundry) :
(1) Answer to USSBB questionnaire.
(2) Postscript.
(3) Production ftow chart.
23. Japan International Air Industries, Ltd.; Corporation
Report No. VIII, airframes (final report and original
a. Japan International Air Industries (general data) :
*(1) Document on procuring material.
*(2) Basic material lilt of Ku 8 II.
*(3) Basic material list of propellen for KiM.
*(4) Document on actual production.
*(5) Detailed desip infoDDtion for Ki 105.
(6) Lay-out mapa (2).
(7) Businesa report.
*(8) Production data.
*(9) Dispersal plana.
(10) Orpniation chart.
(11) Lay-out of Kamikyo plant.
(12) Photographs.
(13) Work ll)leet&
b. Japan IDtemational Air lndultriee (KMJrf
*(1} General plant report (with mapa and stat.istiCI)
(part Japaoeae).
(2) USSBS field team npon. . .
c. Japan IDtematiooal Air IDdcatra (Hiratsuka
(1) Manapmellt
(2) Labor.
(8) Product.ioD.
(4:) Dispa-'
(S) Plant clef--.
(8) Lid ol puiS reaeiwd.
8taDdard apeoil .... forprGIIIIIanl.
(0) Subetftate material for ..... .....
(10) .... po ........... .
i)P&GcluotioD. ....., ,
PlaD 1&111"CCU:t.
Damall ....
...... i ....
. l Ai I ndustries (Kyoto, Ka-
23. e. Japan Internation)a r
mioka and Sonobe :
(1) Dat.a pertaining to
(2) Data pertaining to KaiiUkyo.
(3) Data pertaining to Sonobe.
(4) General data. Air Industries (Yodogawa
f. Japan International
plant): 'al t el and iron.
(1) Document on procuring materl ' s e
. t rial nonferrous
(2) Document on procunng mae '
metal. f ponent
(3) Document on production plan or com
parts. .
(4) Basic material list for Ki 86.
(5) Basic material list for Ha 47.
(6) Employment data.
(7) Production.
(8) Business report. . . .
(9) Orgaruzation, superviso.ry agenCJes_, 811'-rrud pre-
caution, list of plants, list of suppliers.
(10) data.
(11) and means of transporting materials to
Yodogawa plant.
(12) l\laps-bomb plot and damage.
24.. Japan Musical Instrument Manufacturing Company,
Corporstion Report No. 9 (propellers) (final report
and original draft).
a. General data:
*(1) Reply to USSBS questionnaire No. 1.
(2) Reply to "(;SSBS questionnaire No. 2.
*13) Reply to "(;SSBS No. 1 and No. 2
(supplementary information) .
*(4) Outline of pl.a.nt report.
*(5) Maps (lay-out, damage, and dispersal).
(6) Work sheets.
25. Tachikawa. Aircraft Company, Corporation Report
No. 10 (air fl'ames) (final report and original draft).
a. General data:
{1) Production- planned, ordered, and actual.
{2) Orga.niza.tion charts.
(3) Labor graph.
( 4) Air-attack defense system.
(5) List of critical items.
(6) Damage map.
(7) Casualties and production loss.
(8) Dispersal plan.
) dispersal and German infl uence on
(10) Work sheets.
26. Airplane Company, Corporation Report No 11
(&11' frames) (final report and original draft)
a. General data:
*(1) Company report in Japanese
(2) Company report in English
(3) Work sheets.
27. Bhowa Airplane Com Co
(air frames) (fin pany, Report No. 12
&I report and Onginal draft)
a. eral data:
(1) Company report.
In Jap&Dae.
(2) List of machine tools.
(3) List of raw materials received.
(4) Component parts-suppliers, address, products,
amount received.
(5) Actual production.
(6) W ark sheets. .
28. Ishikawajima Aircraft Industr.Ies Company, Ltd.,
Corporation Report No. 13 (engmes) (final report and
original draft).
a. General data:
(1) Reply to USSBS questionnaire.
*(2) Company report (Japanese with English trans-
*(3) Corporat ion report (part Japanese).
(4) Plant lay-out.
(5) Work sheets.
29. Nippon Airplane Company, Corporation Report No.
14 (airframes) (final r eport and original draft).
a. General data:
*(1) Report on Questionnaire No. 1.
*(2) Report on Questionnaire No. 2.
*(3) Report on Questionnaires No. 1 and No. 2 {part
( 4) Report for general questionnaire.
(5) Dispersal program.
(6) Bomb plot.
(7) Work sheets.
30. Kyushu Airplane Company, Corporation Report No.
15 (airframes) (final report and original draft):
a. General data:
(1) Company report in answer to USSBS question-
(2) Roll of film.
(3) Work sheets.
31. Shoda Engineering Company, Corporation Report
No. 16 (components) (final report and original draft).
a. General data:
(1) Report on plant visit by USSBS field team.
(2) Plant report.
(3) Production data.
(4) Application for conversion.
(5) Dispersal maps.
(6) Work sheets.
32. Mitaka Aircraft Industries, Corporation Report No.
17 (components) (final report and original draft).
a. General data:
(1) Reply to USSBS questionnaire (three copies).
(2) Work sheets. rt
33. Nissan Automobile Company, Corporation Repo
No. 18 (engines) (final report and original draft).
a. General data: afr-
(1) Information on production, employment, and
raid damage, plant organization, supplies
machine tools.
(2) Work sheets. tloD
34. Army Air Arsenal and Navy Air Depots,
Report No. 19 (air frames and engines) (flnal
and original draft) : __
a. Army air arsenal and Navy air depotl wwu---
(I) Answers to USSBS questionnaire.
ory of equipment.
) Jnven
34. a. D' persal. .
t measures for breakmg the bottleneck in
) coun er
W rk sheets.
rsenal and Navy air depots (First Naval
ArrnY atr a
b. . t Kasumigaura) :
Atr depo ' to USSBS questionnaire.
(1) Answer . .
yment statistics (part Japanese).
*(2) Ernp o .
Air-raid precaut iOns.
) d ct ion statistics (part Japanese).
*(4) Pro u
) work sheets.
a rsenal and Navy air depots (Eleventh
c. Arrny atr .
Naval Air depot) . .
E 1 nat ion data for a claunant of the Allies.
(1) xp a .
) Proj ected productiOn.
*(3) Product ion data (part Japanese).
(4) Maps.
(5) Work sheet s. .
d. Army air arsenal and Navy a1r depots (Twenty-
first Naval air depot) :
*(1) Production-planned and actual.
*(2) Machine tool data; tools requested by twenty-
first N AD subcontractors.
*(3) Lower Korigawa woodworks jigs.
(4) Plant lay-outs.
(5) Damage map.
(6) Dispersal (with map).
*(7) Labor and bomb chart.
(8) Work sheets.
e. Army air arsenal and Navy air depots (Koza Naval
*(1) Employment.
*(2) Dispersal.
(3) Bottleneck shortages.
(4) Work sheets.
f. Army air arsenal and Navy air depots (Tachikawa
Army air arsenal):
*(1) Report on USSBS questionnaire.
(2) Production data.
*(3) Principal suppliers {part Japanese).
( 4) Dispersal.
(5) Organizational charts.
(6) Maps.
(7) Work sheets. al
g. Army air arsenal and Navy air depots (Tau Nav
(I) Plant report (with mapa).
(2) Work sheets.
Underground Production of Japanese .Aircraft. Bepori
No. 20 (final report and original draft):
a. General data:
(I) Sununary of underground plants.
(2) Maps of dispersed plants.
(3) Data on Yusenji underground.
> Photographs and negatives.
(S) Work sheets.
b. Project No. 3061, Report on
Industrial Installations, aircraft plaDtl, PI IIW "'
branch G-2.
In J apaneae.
36. Coals and Metals in Japan's War Economy (final
report and original draft) ;
a. General data pertaining to basic materials:
(1) Plot plans of bnportant iron and steel plants:
*(a) iron and steel works.
*(b) Tobata plant, Yawata works.
(c) Wanishi iron and steel works.
(d) Kamishi iron and steel works.
(e) Hirohata iron and steel works.
*(f) Osaka Steel works.
*(g) Fuji steel works.
(h) Kenjiho iron and steel works.
(i) Seishin iron works.
(2) The Japanese Army and Navy steel policy and
(a) Report of the War Planning Board.
(b) Questions answered by the IJN.
(c) Officials of the Naval Materials Depot.
(d) Osaka steel mills plan.
{e) Steel production for Munitions Ministry.
{f) Chemical analysis of steels used by military
(part Japanese).
(g) Steel stocks received by arsenals.
(h) Inspection system for steel plants. . .
(i) List of Army and Navy representatives m
the iron and steel industry.
(j) Private business concerns operated by the
(k) Chart showing connections between indus-
try and the War Ministry
(I) List of eonfieca+ed materials.
(m) Uses of substitute steels.
(n) Navy steel report.
(o) Machinery controL
(3) Basic raw m.ataials _for the steel industry:
(a) Coal consumption.
(b) Inventory of
(c) Inventory of m8p""la cliDker.
(d) Iron ore OOD8UDlption.
(e) Receipts of and ooDBUmption of coal
(f) Principal raw materials.
00 ChargiD& iron Ot8 NOOl'dL
(h) Scrap ooD8111Dption.
(i) Scrap iDftJltodeL
(4) Finished Reel: and OQDIDmp-
*(a) Aatual ou..,...., .,.__.., __
tioD <J-ri Jap .. U I II) .
(6) :necl ud Mtual production by famaae
ud plant.
Boiled steel:
(6) (a) Plant OIJWdt) ud proclaa&iGD.
(7) Bcrap ateel ud flaD: b.
(a) - --
(8) IroD are: taapcN, ......... ..
...... .....
(I) PlllroD.taao'

.... -.
36. a. (11) Employment dalta.: used by draft air raids,
(a.) Labor prob ems ca. '
a.nd shortage of food.
(b) Employment stat ist ics by plants.
(12) Stocks:
(a.) Details of stock. .
{b) The stocks of st eel materials.
(13) Plant expansion: .
(a.) Plan for the moving of Iron and
manufact uring plants to Korea., l\la.nchuria.,
Mongolia., and China..
(b) Detailed expansion plans since 1931 by plant
a.nd reasons for revisions in such plans.
(14) Consumption da.ta: . .
(15) Operational da.ta-flow and control mventones:
(a.) Amount of coal supplied t o blast furnaces.
(b) Coke, iron and steel production.
(c) Rolling schedule.
(d) Chemical composition of pig iron.
*(e) Outline and flow sheets of smeltering plants
(part Japanese).
(f) Plans of operating the blast furnaces.
(g) Graphs.
(h) Water consumption of the steel industry.
(i) USSBS reports on iron and steel.
(16) Bomb damage:
(a) Compilation of bomb damage from com-
pany reports.
(17) Bomb plots:
(a) Sumitomo Metal Industries, steel works-!
June attack.
(b) Sumitomo Industries, steel works-
26 J nne attack.
(c) Su.nlltomo Industries, steel works-
24 June attack.
(d) Tobata areas of Yawata iron works.
{e) Yawata iron works, e3:cluding Tobata areas.
(f) Sumitomo )..l eta! Industries Lt d., steel pipe
{g) Sumitomo :Metal Industries Company
W a.kayama iron works. '
Seitetsu, Yawat a works (two copies) .
(1) Knizoku and Amagasaki (two
different maps).
{j) Nippon Kokan Kawasaki works.
(18) Bomb damage reports:
(a) Production lost due to air attacks
(b) Bomb damage-Yawata.
(c) Damages to special steel pl&nts.
{d) Effects of air attacks on the
harbor f&cili't' unloading
(e) Air-attack precaution system.
(f) Plot pl&n of various steel mills
(lg) Photographs and negatives
.. (20) Anaw) ers to USSBS questionnaires (part
neee. Japa
(21) lnterviev. reporta and interro f
(a} Interview reports and gaklons:
(b) N 1 wor eheete
o. 6, subject: iron and .
ganizations. steel control or .
In Japaneae.
(c) No. 38. subject : iron and st eel allocat'
and distribution. lng
(d) No. 69, subject: Army procurement of

and steel.
(e) No. 70, subject: iron and steel- conferen
with Kokan officials and
of Kawasaki works.
(f) No. 89, subject: iron and steel producti
. on
and allocatiOns.
(g) No. 111, suhject: iron and steel-data
Daido Seiko l{K. n
(h) No. 151, subject: Army suballocations of
st eel.
(i) No. 156, subject: production and alloca-
tion of iron, steel, and nonferrous metals by
the Navy.
(j) No. 281, suhject: Japan iron works, Nippon
Seitetsu KK, Yawat a plant operations.
(k) No. 290, s ubject: Japan iron works opera-
t ions during war years.
(1) Wartime organization of Japanese Army
and Navy.
(m) List of materials transported from occupied
(n) Production fi gures and decrease and loss in
product ion due to air raids and other
(22) Miscellaneous data pertaining to Tosei Kai:
(a) History and organization.
(23) Draft and work sheets of the preliminary report.
(24) Notes for the final report.
(25) Nippon Seitetsu:
(a) Production.
(26) Secret documents on munition:
{a) Secret documents on munition, 1945.
(b) Secret documents on allocation of munition.
b. Data pertaining to ferrous metals:
{1) Amagas.aki Iron and Steel Manufacturing Com-
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and distribution, air-raid precautions,
bomb damage.
(b) Bomb plots.
(2) Army arsenals-Osaka:
(a) General data and notes.
(3) The Asano Heavy Industry Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization,
ity, raw materials, production, emplo':e:.
sales and distribution, air-raid precau
bomb damage.
(b) Plant diagram.
(4) Azuma-Seiko Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including:
ity, production, employment, air-n-
cautions, bomb damage.
(b) Plant diagrams.
{5) Azuma Steel Works Company, Ltd.: _.
(a) Plant report including: organt= :,4
materials, capacity, ....,IJIIIU!i:
distribution, air-raid preoauuv-.
' do Steel Manufact uring Company, Ltd_
(6) ai .
36. b. Arnagasaki plant :. .
( )
Plant report 1nclud1ng: flow sheet, capacity
a d . ,
raw materials, pro uct10n.
Daido Steel Manufacturing Ltd.:
) (a) Miyako plant-report .1ncludmg: organiza-
tion, capacit y, productiOn.
(b) Minamiku plant- plant report.
(B) Daido Steel Company- Anjo plant:
(a) Plant r eport including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and dist ribution, air-raid precautions,
bomb damage.
(b) Plant lay-out.
(9) Daido Steel Company, Ltd.-Atsuta plant:
(a) Plant r eport including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, air-raid pre-
cautions, bomb damage.
(b) Plant flow sheets.
(c) Plant lay-out.
(10) Daido Steel Manufacturing Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and distribution, air-raid precautions.
(b) Plant layout.
(c) Plant flow sheets.
(11) Daido Steel Manufacturing Company, Ltd.-
Hoshizaki plant:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capa-
city, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and distribution, air-raid precautions,
bomb damage.
(b) Bomb plot.
(c) Lay-out plan.
(12) Daido Steel Manufacturing Company, Ltd.-
Kanzaki plant:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capa-
city, raw materials, production.
(b) Plant layout.
(13) Daido Steel Manufacturing Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, gov-
ernment control, raw materials, production,
sales and distribution, employment, air-raid
precautions, bomb damage.
(b) Bomb plots.
{c) Plant lay-out.
(d) Plant flow sheets.
(l4) Fujikoshi Steel Industrial Company, Lid.:
(a) Plant report including: organisation, capa-
city, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution, air-raid
(b) Plant diagram.
S) Fujikoshi-Kozaikogyo Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: orpnta.tioD, JOV
ernment control, capacity, ravr
production, employment, sales ud dlltd-
bution, air-raid precautions,
(b) Plant diagrams.
(16) G
enzan iron and steel workl:
(a) Plant report.
(17) Hinade Steel Company, Ltd.:
(a) report including: organization, capa.-
mty, raw materials, production, employ-
. sales and distribution, bomb damage.
(18) Hitachi, Ltd.-Mito works:
{a) report including: organization, capa-
city, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution, bomb damage.
(b) Plant diagrams.
(c) Lay-out plan of steel shop.
(19) Hitachi, Ltd.-Yasugi works:
(a) Plant report including: organization, raw
materials, production, sales and distribu-
tion, air-raid precautions.
(20) Imperial Special Steel Company, Ltd. :
(a} Plant report including: organization, capa-
city, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution, air-raid pre-
cautions, bomb damage.
(21) Japan High Frequency Current Heavy Industrial
Company, Ltd.-Toyana w-orks:
(a) Plant report including: organizat ion, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution, air-raid pre-
cautions, bomb damage.
(b) Plant diagrams.
(22) Japan steel works, Ltd.-Hiroshima works (main
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and distribution, air-raid precautions,
bomb damage.
(b) Plant report-Hiroshima factory-includ-
ing: organiutiou, capacity, raw materials,
production, employment, sales and distri-
bution, air-raid precautions, bomb damage.
(c) Foundry blueprint layout.
(23) Japan iron ore miuea:
(a) Mine reports and deacription of mines.
(24) Japan Metal Industries Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report iDcludiug: orpniatiou, capac-
ity raw mterials, production, employ-
sal and distributiioa, aiHaid pre-
cautions. bomb dun8p.
(25) Japan Iron Sand Industry Ltd.:
(a) orpn
tion, mw materials, production,
emploJ11181lt. 8llel and dlstdbution, air-
raid bomb dem81L

(o) plan :epod iDoludiDI: orpm-
sat.iOD, ISW meteieh, prodiMrtlion,
emploJID8D\, .... ADd cllslributloD,
..... damep.
(cl) PJatdlepMI. Ltd.- .... .....
(18) Jepu ... iDDbadfDI: ...... . .... .,..
=.-J4IGr .-n aut')s,
36. b. (26) *(b) Plant diagrams and charts -
(c) Plant report including: orgamzatlon,
t . raw materia s,
ernment control, capac1 } ' . 'b
. t aJes and dlstrl u-
production, employmen , ....
tion, bomb damage.
(27) Japan Special Steel Company, .
*(a) Plant report including: orgamzatwn, capac-
ity raw materials, production, sales and
dellveries, air-raid precautions, bomb dam-
age (Japanese).
*(b) PJant (Japanese).
(28) Joint Stock Company (steel casting):
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
bomb damage.
(b) Plant diagram.
(29) Japan Iron and Steel Company, Ltd.-Yawata
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and distribution, air-raid precautions,
bomb damage.
(30) Kanto teel Works Company, Ltci.:
(n.) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution, bomb damage.
(b) Plant lay-out.
(c) Bomb plot.
(31) Kawasaki Heavy Industries Company, Lt d.-
iron works, Hyogo plant:
(a) Report covering war damages.
(32) Kawasaki Heary Industries, Ltd.-iron works:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution, air-raid pre-
cautions, bomb damage.
(b) Plant diagrams.
(33) Kobe Steel Works, Ltd.:
(a) ! Iant report including: organization, capac-
Ity, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution, air-raid pre-
cautions, bomb damage.
(34) Kobe Steel Works, Ltd.- Kobe Plant:
(a) !Iant report including: organization, capac-
Ity, production.
(35) Kokko Chain, Steel Casting and Other Ste 1
Manufacturing Company, Ltd. : e
{a) !Jant report including: organization capac-
Ity, raw materials . ,
, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution air-raid
cautions, bomb damage. ' pre-
(36) Kuromoto Iron Works Ltd .
{a) !tlant report capac
I y raw teria] , -
. a, production, ernploy-
(b) Bomtb precautions, bomb damage.
(37} Mitaubiahi Steel Manulacturin C
(a) Plant report incluclin . g Ltd.:
ity, raw mate . Is g. capac-
na ' Production.
In Japanese.
(b) Flow sheets.
(38) Mitsubishi Steel Ltd.-:okyo Works
(a) Plant report mcluding: orgamzation ca
. t . 1 d . ' Pac-
t ty, raw rna er1a s, pro uctwn, empi
ment, sales and distribution, bomb darnaoy.
(b) Plant lay-out. ge,
(39) Nagasaki steel works:
(a) report itncl.ud
ing: capac.
1ty, raw ma en a s, pro uctwn, empl
ment, sales and distribution, air-raid poy-
. b bd re.
cautiOns, om amage.
(b) Bomb plot.
(40) Naigai Steel Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, emplo
t . ' d t ' y
men , atr-rai precau wns, bomb damage
(b) Sketch of Funabori works.
(c) Sket ch of Sunamachi works.
(41) Nakayama Steel Company, Ltd.:
(a) report organization, capac-
Ity, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution, air-raid
precautions, bomb damage.
(b) Plant diagrams.
( 42) Nakayama Steel Works, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, air-raid precautions.
(43) Nichi-Man Steel Works Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and distribution, air-raid precautions,
bomb damage.
(b) Plant diagrams.
(44) Nippon electric iron works:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and distribution, air-raid precautions,
bomb damage.
(b) Sketch of plant diagram.
( 45) Nippon Kokan Kogyo Company, Ltd.:
(a) Report on the Gumma iron mine.
(b) Report on the Tsukinoki mine.
(c) Report on the Maekawa lime rock.
(d) Report on the Suwa iron mine.
(e) Report on the Yagishita mine.
(f) Report on the Suwa mine.
(g) Report on the N agho lime rock.
(h) Report on the Shiraiwa lime rock.
(i) Report on the Agano lime rock.
(j) Report on the Mitsu mine.
(k) Report on the Fukuchiyama mme.
(1) Report on the Suwa iron mine.
(m) Report on the Okoppe mine.
{n) Report on the Inazumi mine.
(o) Report on the Nagashiro mfne.
(p) Report on the Kamioka mfne.
{q) Report on the Myojhosan Ume
(r) Report on the Sbimisuyam& lfiD8 :ruu-
) Nippon Ltd.:
36. b.( (a) Plant report organization, raw
materials, capacity, employment, sales and
distribution, air-raid precautions, bomb
) Nippon Nickel Co.mpan!, Ltd. : .
( (a) Plant report mcludmg: orgamzation, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and distribution, bomb damage.
B) Nippon Soda Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, production, employment, sales and
distribution, air-raid precautions, bomb
(49) Nippon Soda Company, Ltd.-Oshima steel
(a) Plant report (based on presumptions).
(b) Pla nt diagrams.
(50) Nippon Soda Joint-Stock Company-Toyama
steel foundry:
(a) Plant report including: organization, gov-
ernment control, raw materials, production,
employment, sales and distribution, air-
raid precautions, bomb damage.
(51) Nippon Steel Tube Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and distribution, air-raid precautions,
born b damage.
(b) Plant diagram.
(52) Nippon Steel Tube Company, Ltd.-Toyama
steel works:
ta) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and distribution, a1r-raid precautions,
bomb damage, diagrams of plant.
(53) Nippon Steel Pipe and Special Steel Manufactur-
ing Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution, air-raid pre-
cautions, bomb damage.
(b) Sketch of born b plot.
(S4) Steel Pipe and Special Steel Manufactur-
Ing Company, Ltd.-Sunamachi works:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capao-
ity, raw materials, production, employment,
air-raid precautions, bomb damage.
Sketch of bomb plot.
) Ntssan Heavy Iniustry Corporation:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capao-
ity, raw materials, production, aalel and
deliveries, air-raid bomb
(56) Nitia Steel Works, Ltd.:
(a) report including: organiutioD, oapao-
1 ty, raw materials, production, emplopeDt,
sales and distribution, preoautloDit
bomb damage.
(b) Plant lay-out.
(57) Nomura Steel Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report mcluding organtz ati
. . on, capac-
Ity, raw employment,
sales and dlBtributlOn, air-raid precautions
bomb damage. '
(58) Oriental Steel Sheet Company, Ltd.:
(a) report including: organization, capac-
Ity, raw production, employment,
sales and dlBtnbution, air-raid precautions.
(b) Plant diagram.
(59) Osaka Shipyard Company, Ltd.:
(a) report including: organization, capac-
Ity, raw materials, production, employment,
sales and distribution, air-raid precautions,
bomb damage.
(60) Osaka Steel Manufacturing Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, gov-
ernmental controls, capacity, raw materials,
production, employment, sales and dis-
tribution, air-raid precautions, bomb
(b) Plant report covering Amagasald factory.
(61) Osaka Special Steel Company, Ltd.:
(&) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution, air-raid pre-
cautions, bomb damap.
(b) Plant diagram.
(62) Otani Heavy Industries Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: orp.niu.tion, govern-
ment oontrol, capacity, raw materials,
production, employment, sales and distri-
bution, air-raid precautions, bomb damage.
(63) Riken Industrial Corporation-Kakiuki factory
and Hirai plant:
(a) Kakfsalri factory report; including: orpn-
U&tion, capacity, raw materials, production,
employment, ... and distribution, air-
raid precautioDa, bomb damap.
(b) Hirai plant report; includfns: orpniMtion,
.,.,;ty, raw materials, production, em-
;;;;_t, -- and diltrib1dion, aiNaid
preaautioDs, bomb damap.
(M) Santi Bn&fr 11 IDI Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant zeport fDoludiDI: ....,...&ion, capao-
"- nnr .........., produodaD, salel and
aiH'aid preaautioDs, bomb
(b) Bomb plot.
SID SteellhllafMNtful 0anrJI"'Y, Ltd.:
(81) (a)JO PJaat &epCIIt 1Dalud1DF capn'"lioD, oapu-
fV, raw mter' eh, produodaD, employ-
.-&, .... aDd dlllliballaa, aiHald pre-
11M\ llaowa 8peeW ....
\VVI PJaat..-&IDiludhw:GIIP\.,...,.
Steel Manufacturing Company,
36. b. (67) Special Alloy
Ltd.: . di . organization, capac-
(a) Plant report sales and
ity, raw materials, p precau-
distribution, employment,
tions, bomb damage. L d.
Spe a1 teel Works, t ..
(68) Sumitomo Cl t . luding organization, capac-
( a) Plant repor mtc ._, _ .production, employ-
ity raw ma d e
air-raid precautions, bomb amag .
(b) Bomb plot. . Ltd -Amagasaki
(69) Sumitomo i\letal Industries, .
works: t apac
(a) Plant report including: Ion, c ,-
ity raw materials, productlon, emplo) -
air-raid precautions, bomb damage:
. Metal Industries, Ltd.-steel works.
(70) wrutomo - . . ti ov-
(a) Plant report including: orgamza on,
ernment control, capacity, raw mat.enaJ_s,
production, sales and distribution, arr-rrud
precautions, bomb damage.
(b) Plant diagrams and flow charts.
(71) Sumitomo Company, Ltd.- iron works:
(a) Plant report covering ferro-alloys and alloy
(b) Plant report covering iron and steel.
(c Plant report on steel tube works.
' d) Plant diagrams.
(72) Swmtomo Elecnic Indusnies, Ltd.:
a. Plant report including: organization, raw
materiAls, production, air-raid precautions.
(b) Plot diagram.
(73) Ting Tan Iron and Steel Company, Ltd. (China):
(a.) Sketches.
(74) Toho Heavy Industry Company, Ltd.-Yok-
k.&ichi works:
(a) Plant report including: organization, ca-
pacity, raw materials, production, employ-
ment, sales and distribution, air-raid pre-
cautions, bomb damage.
(b) Bomb plot, flowsheets, plant diagrams.
{75) Tohoku Metal Industry Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization ca-
. '
paCity, production, raw materials stock
piles, employment, diagrams. '
(76) Tohoko Special Steel Company, Ltd.:
(a) report including: organization, ca-
materials, production, sales and
{b) Plant diagrams.
(71) Tokai Industrial Company:
(a) Plant report including: organt'zat
. 10n, ca-
paCity, raw materials, production, employ-
sales and distribution, air-raid -
cautions. pre
(78) Tokushuseiko Company Ltd ( .
Mfg. Company, Ltd.): ' special steel
(a) Plant report . 1 d'
. me u mg: organizar
pacnty, raw materials . on, ca-
ment, bomb damage. ' productwn, employ-
) Tokuyaroa Sheet Steel Company, Ltd. :
*(a) Plant report ca,
pacity, raw employ,
ment, sales and d1stnbutwn, au-raid Pre-
cautions, bomb damage, plant diagrarns
(part Japanese).
0) Tokyo-Shibaura Electric Company, Ltd.-
Ada.chi steel works:
(a) Plant report including: organi zation, ca-
pacity, raw materials, production, employ.
ment, sales and distribut ion, air-raid pre-
(b) Plot plan.
(81) Toto Steel Manufacturing Company, Lt d. :
(a) Plant report including: organization, ca-
pacity, raw materials, production, sales and
distribution, air-raid precautions, bomb
(b) Plant diagrams.
(82) Toyama Electric Steel Works:
(a) Plant repor t including: organization, ca-
pacity, raw mat erials, production, bomb
(b) Plant diagrams.
(83) Toyo Steel Manufacturing Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employ-
ment , sales and distribution, air-raid pre-
caut ions, bomb damage.
(b) Plant diagrams.
(84) Toyota Steel Works, Ltd. :
(a) Plant report including: organization, govern-
ment control, capacity, raw materials,
production, employment, sales and dis-
t ribution, air-raid precautions, bomb dam-
(b) Plant diagrams.
(85) Tsurumi iron and steel works:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity raw materials production, employ-
' ' 'd
ment, sales and distribution, air-rat pre-
caut ions, bomb damage.
(b) Flow sheets.
(86) Ube iron works:
(a) Plant report including: organization, capac-
ity, raw materials, production, employ
ment, sales and distribution, air-raid pre-
cautions, bomb damage.
(b) Bomb plot.
(c) Plant sketch. Ltd.:
(87) Y amato Steel Manufacturing Company, pao-
(a) Plant report including: organization, oa
ity, raw materials, production.
(b) Bomb plot. LtcJ.:
(88) Yodogawa Steel Manufacturing
(a) Plant report including: organfsatiOD,
it y, raw materials, production. n
(89) Report of the Ferro-Alloy Control Unlo
(a) Members of the Ferro-Alloy UniOD
In Japanese.
List of plants producing ferro-alloys.
36. b. (8
) Production of fer ro-alloys in Korea..
(d) Production of alloys by years.
(e) Capacity for manufact uring alloys by years.
(f) Production figures for ferromanganese.
( )' Production figures for ferrosilicon.
Production figures for ferrochromium.
(i) Production figures for ferrotungsten.
(j) Production figures for ferromolybdenum.
(k) Production figures for ferrovanadium.
(1) Production fi gures for ferrotitanium.
(m) Product ion figures for ferrophosphorous.
(n) List of alloy producing plants as of 1944.
(CO) Repor ts of t he ferro-alloy manufacturing com-
(a) Brief history of the Silicon Control Union:
(b) Brief history of the Mineral Ore Distribu-
tion Cont rol Company.
(c) Report on the Mining Control Association.
(d) History of the Mining Bureau.
(e) The Japanese Tungsten & Molybdenum
Manufacturers' Controlling Association.
(f) History of the Nippon Ferro-Alloy Associa-
(g) Notes of USSBS members on the ferro-
alloy situation.
(h) Report on the Metal Distribution Control
(i) Report on the Iron and Steel Control
(j) Allocations.
(k) Changes in metals control during the war.
(91) Iron and steel plant lay-outs:
(a) Plant lay-out for Japan Iron and Steel Com-
pany-Hirohata works.
(b) Plant lay-out for Kokura steel works-
Kyobi plant.
(c) Plant lay-out for Kawasaki Steel Com-
pany-Kobe plant.
(d) Bomb damage plots-Yawata iron works.
(e) Damage from warships shelling-Waniahi
iron works.
{f) Damage from warships shelling-Kamaiabi
iron works.
(g) Flow diagram-Toho Heavy Industry Com-
pany, Yakkaichi plant.
(h) Plot plan-Toho Heavy Industry Com-
pany, Yakkaichi plant.
(i) Plant lay-out for Daido Steel Company,
Hoshizaki plant.
{j) Plant lay-out-Hosho plant.
(k) Plant lay-out-Tsukiji plant.
(1) Plant lay-out-Atsuta plant.
) (ID) Plant lay-out--Anjyo plant.
Data on air attacks:
(a) Air attack report by the Japan Plm-Allo1
Control Union.
(b) Plant report on lo1188 of
duction due to air attaob.
(c) Damages to special ateell workL
(d) Summary of daraap done to plaD.
(93) Special steels:
(a) Report on the definition of special steels.
(b) Japanese Army steel specifications.
{c) Japanese Navy report on steel stock piles.
(d) Chart of special steel production.
(e) Tungsten refining.
(f) of major companies and plants of the
uon and steel industry.
(g) Names of steela-Englisb and Japanese.
(h) Production recorda of alloy and high-carbon
(i) Production recorda of special
(94) Ferro-alloy imports and exports:
(a) Report of the Imperial finance office.
(b) Metals stock pile questionnaire.
{c) Manganese ore exported.
(d) USSBS notes on imports and exports.
(e) Imports and exports from oonquered areas.
(95) Uses of the ferro-alloys:
{a) Uses of ferro-alloy steels.
(b) Production of ferro-alloys.
(c) Ferro-alloy developments.
(d) Imports of ferro-&lloy and ore from Korea
and Formosa.
(e) List of ore and ferro-&lloy received by arse-
(0 Export of ferro-alloys from Japan.
(g) Production of ferro-alloys in Japan proper.
(h) Members of the Nickel and Cobalt Associa-
(i) Plant reports of the Showa Metallurgy
(j) Report of the Chuetsn Eleetric Industrial
(k) Plant report on the Taiyo Send& 1itan
(l) Plant report on Sumitomo Industries.
(m) Table of exportB and imports from 1935
through IIH.
(n) .ADooaticma of Diobl and oobUt.
(96) Ferro-alloys ebortape and reiiMI'Ch:
(a) UBSBS DOtes ud wort sheet&
(97) Capacities and produetioD ol plallt.l produciDg
(a) llepor& pert.miDI to molybdeaam.
(b) Report pertaininl to titaDiam.
(o) Bepcri
(d) Bepor& pertaiDIDI to tnnpten.
(e) Report pa&alnlnl to 'RODP7BIIIb
(f) Bepor& pert.miDI to oblolllium.
(18) ..,.-ta a1lo7 Jdaell (ocm-
....,... .ftlapll). ...-. aacl .. T-kijf
PlaDt ...... D*to--
(b) Pilat difiGI'l-11 pk
Plaat...... I OIIMF"V
. b' h' Steel Manufac-
36. b. (98) (h) Plant report-l\1Jtsu JS l
turing Company. . 1 Ianufac-
(i) Plant report-The Spectal Stee
turwg Company. ,
(j) Plant report-Nippon Soda Com pan) . .
(k) Plant report-Kanto Steel Works, Shtbn-
kawa plant.
(I) Plant repor t-Nippon Steel Tube Com-
pany, Toyama steel works. .
(m) Plant report-Toto Steel Company,
(n) Plant report- Tujikoshi Steel Company,
Higashi plant.
(o) Plant report- Nippon Kohan Steel Tube
Company, Kawasaki plant. .
(p) Plant report- Hitachi lron Company, Mtto
(q) Plant report- Kawas&ki Heavy Industry
Company, Fukiai plant.
(r) Plant report- Kabushild Steel Company,
Hitachi plant (part Japanese).
*(s) Plant report- Imperial Special Steel Com-
pa.ny, Xavetsu works (part Japanese).
(t) Pla.nt report-Toyota steel works, Ohit a
(u) Plant report-Toyota steel works, Nagoya
steel works.
(v) Plant report-8anyo Steel l\fanufact uring
(w) Plant Steel ::\l!anufac-
turing Company.
(x) Plant report- Tokushuseiko Company, Lt d.
{_v) Plant :\Ietallurgical I ndus-
try Company, Kawasaki plant.
(z) Plant report- Kawasak:i Heavy Indust ries
Company, Kishinomiya plant.
(aa) Plant report- Japan Iron and Steel Com-
pany, Yawata worn.
(99) Kawasaki, Nishlnomiya foundry-graphs on
employment, production, raw materials, fuel
a.nd power : '
(a) Industrial labor force-productive hours
and hours lost; skilled and unskilled
(b) Scrap iron and ruppe received and in
stock-19 May 1945 to 15 August 1945.
(c) of limestone and hematit
recetved a d e ore
.. n m stock-19 May 1945 to
l t> August 1945.
(d) Magnesia clinker received and in t k
19 May 194"' to s oc -
<> 15 August 1945 d
d.olomtte received and in stock and ,ill an
( )
tElt on- 19 May 1945 to 15 August 1945 oca-
e ectrorle received t
19 May 194"' t 15, m sock and allocated-
August 1945
Output of ordinary
steel ingot-19 M ee

and special
av 194t> to 1"' A
1945, and output of .rolled b <> ugust
and stamped Products- ar, forged bar,
15 August 1945.
9 May 1945 to
114 .
(g) Amount of coaMl

and in stock, and

alloca.ted-19 a.y 94 to 15 August 1
(h) Amount of electric power consumed-l\1
to August 1945. ay
(100) Kawasaki, Nishlnomiya foundry-graphs
d t
. d . on
employment, pro uc wn, an r aw materials:
(a) Total number of workers and those pr
ently ctober 1943 to August
1945 (two copies) .
(b) Amount of pig iron, scrap, iron ore, alloyed
iron and nonferrous received and allo.
cated-October 1943 t o August 1945 (fou
. ) r
cop1es .
(c) Actual production of forged steel goods,
rolled goods-Oct ober 1943 to August 19
(two copies) .
(d) Act ual product ion of cast steel goods and
cast iron goods-Oct ober 1943 to August
1945 (two copies) .
(101) Kawasaki Heavy I ndustry-Fnkiai iron plate
warehouse-graphs on labor force, production
and raw materials: '
(a) Employment data- 17 January 1945 to
15 Au,rust 1945.
(b) Production data on motor sheet trans-
formers and special steel for aircraft-
October 1943 to August 1945, and produc-
tion data on ordinary steel sheet, plate for
cartridge, and ordinary steel plate.
(c) Coal, scrap, and pig iron received, in stock,
and allocated, October 1943 to August 1945.
(d) Limestone, ferro-mangan, and hematite ore
received, in stock, and allocated-October
1943 to August 1945.
(102) Stock inventory of Kobe steel works:
(a) Graphic monthly inventory of coal-
October 1943 to August 1945.
(b) Graphic monthly inventory of pig iron-
October 1943 to August 1945.
(c) Graphic monthly inventory of products-
October 1943 to August 1945.
(d) Graphic monthly inventory of scrap-
October 1943 to Aultllst 1945.
(103) Production and stock data of Kawasaki Roll
ing-Stock Manufacturing Company, Ltd.:
(a) Production data-April 1942 to AtJPd
1945 (graph).
(b) Components and raw materials received-
December 1941 to August 1945 (graph)bet
(c) Wood received and allocated-DeoeJD
1941 to August 1945 (graph).
(d) N oniron metal received and
(e) Steel received and
1941 to August 1945 (graph).
(f) Pig iron received and allocated. at
(104) Graphs on raw materials and prociuotiOil
Kawasaki shipbuilding yard: .,4
(a) Amount of steel received, in atoekt
allocated- October 1943 to Aupit
) (b) Am?unt of metal excluding steel,
36. b. rece1ved, allocated, and m stock-October
1943 to August 1945.
(c) Amount of wood r eceived, allocated, and
on hand-October 1943 to August 1945.
(d) Pr oduction char t-October 1943 to August
0S) Stock inventory of Kobe shipyard and engine
works-Mitsubishi H. I. Ltd., Kobe, Japan:
(a) Graphic monthly inventory of coke-Octo-
ber 1943 t o August 1945.
(b) Graphic monthly inventory of milled steel-
October 1943 to August 1945.
(c) Graphic monthly inventory of special
steel-October 1943 to August 1945.
(d) Graph of entire production in yen-October
1943 to August 1945.
(e) Graphic monthly inventory of lumber-
October 1943 to August 1945.
(f) Graphic monthly inventory of tin, lead,
zinc-October 1943 to August 1945.
(g) Graphic monthly inventory of milled steel,
forged-October 1943 to August 1945.
(h) Graphic monthly inventory of copper,
brass, aluminum-October 1943 to August
(106) Production of essential products:
(a) Actual production of essential materials
during the war-1941-44 and January 1945.
(b) Decrease of production output due to air
raid-Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
September 1945.
(107) Industry, general:
*(k) Relation between the industrial equipment
authority and the government (part Japa-
*(b) Problems of postwar industrial reconstruc-
tion (Japanese).
*(c) Patriotic industrial movement (Japanese).
D *(d) List of industries in Japan (Japanese).
c. ata pertaining to nonferrous metals:
) Coal-preliminary drafts of final report:
(a) Draft copy of report titled "Coal in Japan's
War Economy."
(b) Pencil copy and work sheets.
(c) Summary of interrogation of M. KuniaJrf,
) C vice president of Nippon Coal Company.
oal-report by Coal Association of Japan:
(a) Report on coal1n Japan as to production,
consumption, imports, and prices by the
(3) C Coal Control Association of Japan.
oal-industry and company structure:
(a) Chart and brief report pertainiDI to the
organization and function of the N1ppoD
Sekitan Kaisha Company, Ltd.
(b) The articles of incorporation of the ICoekl
(c) n of ......
l&gram showing organisation tilll
--:----_ Nagasaki Mining Company, Ltd.
n Japanese.
(d) of officials of Nippon Coal Company,
(e) showing the organization of Coal
.stnbutmg Administration.
*(f) D
lay-out of system for re-
portmg mme production (Japanese)
(g) Brief history of the development of the Coal
Control Association.
(h) Correspondence pertaining to report on
Coal Control Association.
( 4) Coal-production:
(a) Over-all production figures for Japan
(b) Demand and supply in Japan.
(c) Graph showing relation of receipt steel to
various production factors.
(d) Figures on production of coal by Navy
controlled mines.
(5) Coal-by-products of coke and gas:
*(a) Over-all Japanese report on production and
consumption of coke and gas {part Jap-
(b) Statistics on coke production.
(c) Figures showing interisland transportation
of coke.
(d) Figures and graph pertaining to consump-
tion of coke.
(e) List of coal gas plants and damages to each.
(6) Coal-production and transportation of coal
within inner zone:
(a) Over-all production and transportation
(b) Coal production and exports from China
with related labor statistics.
(c) Production and exports of Kanfuto coal.
(d) Production ud exportation of Manchurian
(e) Production of ooal in Korea.
(f) Figures on carp volumes and Josaes during
the war.
(g) Brief report on recommendation to improve
porta alonc Japa11'a aea couta.
(7) Coal-interialaDd t;ransportaticm:
(a) OftHII OD interialaDd abippiDg.
(b) Railway Joedfnp of ooU and ooke In Japan,
for y-.n 1118 to I MS.
(o) repod ou cmlll&uat:icm In Oaab
(d) eo.l tranLPJI'Iecl tram Boklralclo and Ky-
(e) Ooal tzutt*led froiD Ube by water.
(f) OoU taDaporllld t.o other dilldota from un-
Joattna .,... Ja BJnld diiRJat.
(I) BblpnW'ta to ToQo.
(8) o.l aanaptlrJD ..-., allea .... e, acl
(a.) ....... ...... .

amount of coal used by the
36 c. (8) (c) Figures on
Army. .
for coal consump-
(d) Prices and pnce cun e
tion in Japan. coal reserves.
(e) I nformation .and and quality
(9) Coal-labor, eqmpment,
of coal produced: ffi ency ratings per
(a) Production figures-e ru
miner. d. . t
(b) C 1
-mming efficiency by Jstnc s.
oa lit d output
(c) Analysis of drop in both qua Y an
of coal. d by
(d) Brief statistical analysis of labor use
the coal-mining industry. . in
(e) List of more important used
handling coal with supporting figures.
(10) Conl- JIDpons:
(a) Imports of coal t o Japan proper.
(b) Imports by source.
(c) Imports of coal from various sources from
1931 through 19-!3.
(11) Coal- United States Government publications:
(a) Fuel and power in Japan.
(b) Coal (detailed statistics).
(c) Coal in 1931.
(d) PQD.Dsyha.nia anthracite.
(e) International coal trade.
(f) :\Iineral-indusrry surveys.
(g) Ciru affairs handbook on the coal-mining
industry of Japan.
(12l Coal- maps and charts:
(a Diagrams showing the flow system for
handling demand and supply of vit al
products in Japan.
(b) of Japanese coal fields.
(c) Diagram showing bomb damage to electric
facilities at Miike coal mine.
(13) Coal- Hokka1do colliery and steamship :
(a) Statistics on labor and material used by
(b) Statk-tical report covering financial state-
ment, production, and employment analy-
si3 of company.
(c) Xotei and work sheets.
Coal- :\litsubishi Mining Company, Ltd. :
{a) Draft of report on subsidiaries covering
Ia?o.r and production figures with maps of
UlllllDg areas.
(b) Operations statistics for subsidiary mines.
Information on air-raid damages.
Aluminum-general data:
(a) Brief history of industry.
(b) Index of factories and plants.
(c) of imports of bauxite and shale from
Chma and Korea.
(d) Data _on stocks of aluminum and related
(e) Notes and work sheets.
Aluminum-allocations and distribution
(a) Formula for calculating alumin . .
plane. um per au-
( 17)
( 18)
(b) Aluminum production and allocat ion to air-
(c) Allocation and distribution of aluminum
(d) Allocation of Navy.
(e) Al locations to and consumpt ion by the
Aluminum-product ion:
(a) Detailed statistics on production of alumi
num and related light met als.
(b) Data on production of soda ash.
(c) Product ion figures for crude aluminum
(d) Graph showing supply and demand curves
for aluminum product s.
Aluminum-damages t hrough air attack:
(a) List of plants which were seriously damaged.
(b) Table showing drop in aircraft production
following destruct ion of aluminum plants.
(c) J apanese report (wit h translation) showing
damages to plants.
(d) Notes.
Aluminum-Dai Nippon Chemical Industries
(a) Stat istical report covering employment,
product ion, raw materials, fuel and power,
bomb damage.
(b) Paper explaining plant organization and
chemical processes.
Aluminum-Domestic Aluminum Producing
Company, Ltd.:
(a) Draft of over-all report covering company
history, employment, production, bomb
damage, :flow sheets, organization charts.
Aluminum Electro-Chemical Industries, Ltd.:
(a) Report including: history and organization,
employment, production, equipment, bomb
damage, raw materials, fuel and power,
:flow sheets, capacity, lay-out plan-Kit&
kata. plant. .
(b) Plant report including: history and
ation, capacity, employment, productton,
equipment, bomb damage, raw materials,
fuel and power, :flow sheets, lay-out plan-
Toyama plant.
(c) Plant report including: history and d or-
ganization, capacity, employment, pro
tion, equipment, bomb damage, raw
terials, fuel and power, flow sheets, Iay-o
plan-Yokohama plant. d or-
(d) Plant report including: histol'Y &11 due
ganization, capacity, employment, pro__.
tion, equipment, bomb damage, ra: -out
terials, fuel and power, flow sheets, 1
plan-Omachi plant. LtcL:
Aluminum- Japan Aluminum
(a) Tables and statistics pertaininl
ment, production, receipt of
fuel and power, quality of
out plan and flow
(b) Plant lay-out a nd flow sheets-Kunosaki
36. c. (
) works.
(c) Lay-out pla n and flow sheets-Karenko
(d) Combined r eport covering data on: organi-
zat ion, history, employment, production
power and fuel, raw mat erials. '
) Aiuminum- Nitto Kagaku Kogyo Company,
Lt d. :
(a) Plant repor t including: history and organi-
zation, fl ow sheet s, capacity, raw materials
. . ,
employment, production, finanCial state-
ment , lay-out plans.
(24) Aluminum- Mit subishi Light Metal Manufac-
t uring Company, Lt d.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, em-
ployment , production, raw materials.
(25) Aluminum- Mitsui Light Metals Company:
(a) Plant report including: organization, em-
ployment, production, stocks, raw materials,
fuel and power, quality of produce, bomb
damage, flow sheets, lay-out plan.
(b) Outline of operation (Bayer process).
(c) Description of equipment.
(d) Plan of Miike Works.
(e) Notes and work sheets.
(26) Aluminum-Nippon Light Metal Company,
Ltd. :
(a) Kambara works-plant report including:
organization, :flow sheets, employment, pro-
duction, raw materials, fuel and power,
bomb damage, lay-out plan, bomb plot,
statement of assets.
(b) Niigata works-plant report including:
organization, capacity, employment, pro-
duction, raw materials, fuel and power,
lay-out plan, :flow sheets, bomb damage.
(c) Plant report including: organization, capa-
city and processes, employment, production,
equipment, bomb damage, flow sheets, lay-
out plans-Shimizu works.
(d) General description of plant.
(e) Evaluation of bomb damage.
(f) Notes and work sheets.
(g) Prints of bomb damage.
) Alutninum-Nippon Soda Company:
(a) Plant report including: produotion, em-
ployment, raw materials, fuel and power.
(b) Organization flow sheet.
(c) Table of equipment.
(d) Lay-out plans.
) Aluminum-Onoda Cement Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: orpnftion, baD-
cia! statement, employment, procluatfon,
raw materials, fuel and power, bomb
damage (for both Yawata and Taunemi
(b) Technical notes on visits to pJaDt&
(c) Figures and information on pla'Dtmflllll ...
(d) Table showing monthly &lumina .._.
(e) Layout plans for Yawata and Tsunemi
) and for head office of company.
Alummum-Shibaura United Engineering Com-
(a) Information on organization, financial sta-
tus, construction, equipment, production
employment. '
(b) Labeled photographs of bomb damage with
bomb plot attached.
(30) Aluminum-Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. :
(a) plant-plant report including:
history, organization, financial statement
production, employment , raw materials:
fuel and power, lay-out plan.
(b) Toyohashi plant-plant report including:
history, organization, financial status pro-
duction, employment, fuel and powe;, raw
materials, diagrams of manufacturing proc-
esses, lay-out plan.
(c) Plant report including: history, organiza-
tion, financial status, production, employ-
ment, raw materials, fuel and power, flow
sheets, equipment inventory, lay-out plan,
and technical notes made on visits-Osaka
(d) Plant report including: history, organiza-
tion, financial status, employment, produc-
tion, raw materials, fuel and power, equip-
ment inventory, flow sheets, bomb damage,
lay-out plan-Nagoya plant.
(e) Plant report including: history, organir.a-
tion, financial status, employment, produc-
tion, raw materials, fuel and power, equip-
ment inventory, ftow sheets, bomb damage,
lay-out pJan.-Katada plant.
(31) Aluminum- Sumitomo Chemical Company,
Ltd.-Light metal works:
(a) Niibama worb plant report including:
history, orpnition, employment, produc-
tion, raw materials, fuel and power, lay-out
plan, ftow sheet, inventory of equipment,
quality of produce.
(b) Lay-out plaD8 of plant, equipment, and
(32) AlamiDum-Tohoku-ShiDko Aluminum Com-
pany, Xonyama plant :
(a) Plant NpOrt maludlq: histoJY, orpninr
tion, employmeat, production, raw mate-
rials, Jay-out p1aD, bomb damap.
(88) AlamiDUJD ToyalSoda Company:
(a) llino17 &DCI orpDlDticm of plant.
(b) Data OD proclaetkm, .aployment, fuel aDd
power, raw ....W.. quaiiV of procluoe.
(cO ., .... oi ......... JBG
(I&) :allaJDiaua :40* wdouamaCal p;wa&r aad
... .... ...,....
-<-> ftiR- 4PM ..
ower inventory of
36 (
34) materials, fuel and p '
. c. t lay-out plan.
equipmen , . d Powder Manufac-
(b) Fukuda l\Ietal Plant report includ-
turing Company, f production, em-
ing: history,;;, fuel and power,
ployment, raw materia ,
lay-out plan. p d Manufacturing
(c) Yamato Metal- O\\ er . luding:
Company, Ltd.-plant rep.orlt em-
. ation financta s a '
history, orgamz ' inventory
ployment production, capaCity,
of raw materials, fuel and power,
bomb damage. rt
Tanaka Die-Cast Company-plant repo
(d) . c1 dm' a history financial status, em-
lD u o J rials fuel
ployment, production, raw mate ,
and power. tel
(e) Aichi Die Casting Company, :- p an
report including: history, em-
ployment, production, raw matenals, fuel
and power, lay-out plan.
CO Imperial Die-Cast Industrial Compan! -
plant report including: orgamza-
tion, employment, production, raw ma-
terials, fuel and power, financial statement.
(g) Furukawa Castings Company-. plant
including: history, organization, finanCIB.l
status, employment, flow sheets of processes,
lay-out and equipment, raw materials, fuel
and power, bomb damage.
(h) :\Ianchuri.a. Light :\Ietals :\Ianufact uring
Company, Ltd.-plant report including:
history, organization, financial status,
&ffilia.tes, construction, employment, pro-
duction, processes, lay-out plans, equipment ,
raw materiAls, power, bomb damage.
{i) Asada Chemical Company, Lt d.-plant
report including: history, organization, fi-
nancis.l status, employment, production,
construction, raw materials, equipment,
capacity, fuel and power, bomb damage,
flow sheets.
(j) Yamato Industrial Company- plant report
including: history, organization, affiliates,
construction, employment, production, lay-
out and equipment, capacity, raw materials,
fuel and power, bomb damage.
(k) Toyo D&ikasuto Gosbi Kaisha-plant re-
port including: history, organization finan-
cial status, affiliates, const ruction, employ-
ment, production, capacity, raw materials,
fuel and power, lay-out and equipment
bomb damage. '
(35) Copper-stock list :
(a) Over-all data on imports product
. , 1on, ca-
p&Clty, stocks, allocations consumption
(36) Copper-Fujikura Electric Company Lid.
(a) Plant report including: organizat" ' ..
f&cturi IOn, manu-
ng, personnel, air-raid precaut'
bomb damage. tons,
Coppel'- Furukawa :Mining Company-Ashio
copper mine:
(a) Plant report.
(b) Map of mine.
(o) Plant diagrams.
(d) Flow sheets.
Copper-Gato Allo!
(a} Plant report Per-
sonnel, productwn, au-ratd precautions,
bomb damage.
Copper-Hitachi-Electric Wire works:
(a) Plant r eport including : organization, em.
ployment, list of products, flow sheets, plant
layout, equipment, capacity, production,
air-raid precautions, bomb damage.
Copper-The Nippon Mining Company, Ltd.
(a) Plant repor t including organization, em.
ployment , and production data.
(b) Flow sheets and flow diagram.
(c) Bomb plot.
(d) List of main metal mines and smelters.
Copper-Nippon Mining Company, Ltd. (Kami-
kit a Mine):
(a) Plant report including: production, employ-
ment dat a, fuel and power, processes, plant
layout and equipment, air-raid precautions,
bomb damage.
(b) Flow sheets.
(c) Plant layout.
Copper-Nippon Mining Company, Ltd. (Ogoya
mine and smelter) :
(a) Plant report including: organization, con-
struction, personnel, processes, plant lay
out and equipment, capacity, production,
raw materials, fuel and power, air-raid
Copper-Nippon Mining Company, Ltd. (Saga-
noseki refinery}: . d
(a) Plant report including: product10n,
power, plant layout, equipment,
raw materials, air-raid precautions, an
bomb damage.
(b) List of major items of equipment.
(c) Flow sheet.
(d) Map of general plan.
(e) Map showing bomb damage. Cable
Copper-The Showa Electric Wire and
Company, Ltd.: . JDa&'
(a) Plant report including: afr-
facturing, Plant layout and eqwpJDe '
raid precautions and bomb damag8f4.:
Copper-Sumitomo Metals Industries, L JIIID'"
(a) Plant report including: orgf.niza::tf Jlld
facturing data, construction, ca ti Dlt aad
production data, air-raid nrecau
bomb damage.
Copper-Tokyo No. 1 Arsenal:
(a) Plant report.
(b) Plant diagram.
) Copper-Tokyo

36. c. (a) Plant repor 1nc u mg. orgamzatwn, manu-
facturing data, per sonnel, plant layout and
equipment, capacity, production data, air-
. raid precautions, bomb damage.
(b) Plant diagrams.
) Magnesi urn:
(a) General survey of leading magnesium pro-
(b) Magnesium production and capacity by
(c) Magnesium produced during last 10 years
by company and by months.
(d) Magnesium produced, impot1ed, and ex-
(e) Production of magnesium remelted ingot.
(f) Stocks of magnesium ingot and magnesium-
producing materials.
(g) Navy allocation and use by end products.
(h) Consumption of magnesium by Army.
(i) Distribution and delivery of light metal.
(j) Distribution of magnesium ingot by year-
*(k) Index of magnesium factories showing war
damage (also in Japanese).
(I) Imports of dolomite (two copies, old and
(m) Production of dolomite (two copies, old and
(n) Outline of magnesium preliminary report.
(o) Technical notes on Rikin Metal Company
(p) Magnesium producing materials-stocks by
years and by companies.
(q) Imports of magnesium-producing materials.
(r) Imports of magnesite and magnesia clinker.
(s) Questionnaire-Manshu Magnesium, Man-
churia (copy of questionnaire in folder).
(t} Personnel in magnesium plants as of De-
cember 1944.
( u) Exports of magnesium from Japan.
(v) Notes and work sheets.
(49) Asahi Electrochemical Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: organization, man-
ufacturing data, personnel data, procesBes,
plant layout and equipment, raw materials,
fuel and power, air-raid precautions, bomb
(b) Bomb plot.
(c) Flow sheet.
(50) K C ,
anto Electrochemical Industrial ompan.,,
(a) Plant report including: organisation, JDADD-
facturing data employment data, produo-
tion, fuel and' power, air-raid preoautloal,
( . bornb damage.
51) Mttsubishi Magnesium Industry CompMJ, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: orpniotioD, maD11-
facturing data, employment data, lull d

In Japanese.
(52) Riken Metal Manufacturing Company, Ltd.:
(a} Pla?t report including: organization, ca-
pamty, production, raw materials fuel and
power, air-raid precautions and dam-
age, employment data, processes.
(b) Bomb plot.
(53) Teikoku Magnesium Company, Ltd.:
{a) Plant report including: organization, manu-
facturing data, employment data, plant
layout and equipment, production air-raid
precautions, bomb damage. '
(54) Tin-general data:
(a) Technical notes.
(b) Production statistics.
(c) Imports.
(d) Consumption and allocations.
(55) Tin-Japan Foil Manufacturing Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report including: history and organ-
ization, financial statement, affiliates, con-
struction, employment, proeesaes, layout
and eqmpment, capacity, production, mate-
rials used, fuel ani power, air-raid damages.
(b) Diagrams of layout and equipment.
(56) Tin-Mitsubishi Mining Company:
{a) Layout plan.
(b) Employment data.
(c) on production.
(d) Tables showing raw materials Wled.
(e) Statistics on fuel and power.
(f) lnl"entory of equipment.
(g) Figures on quality of tin produced.
(h) Flow sheets.
(57) Tokai Metal Industrial Company, Ltd.:
(a) Plant report includhlg:, manu-
data, construction, personnel,
proc..-es, production, lilt of equipment, air-
raid precautioDa, bomb damap.
(b) General &J'r&D880l8Dt of BOIOkura metal
(58) Lead-general:
(a) Production.
(b) Lead import&

c-OveNJI inform&tiion
(59) Zin material per&aiDiDc
(a) Notal aDd preliminary
to repoli on .me.
(b) Flow aheeta lhowiDI maDufacturiDg pro-
36 (60) (c) Combined report. on Ikuno, Akcnobe,
. c. . Hosokura, h' t v
OsarJzawa, R t covers JS
;\lakimme epo.r t raw mate-
1 ut eqmpmen '
organizatiOn, ayo '
bomb damage.
rials, power, , Ltd (cons1Stlllg
(61) Zmc-l\htsui ;\lining Company' .
of three R ort covering history,
(a) Kamioka. employment, p:o-
orgamzation, a . ' rocesses, equlp-
duction, constructiOn, pt 'als fuel and
ment, capacity, raw ma erl ,
power, bomb damage. rt covering his-
(b) :\luke zinc smelter-Repo d tion
affiliates employment, pro uc '
Or) I
it r bomb dam-
prOCeSSes, equipment, capac } , of ro-
t measures flow sheets p
age, coun er '
(c) Flow sheets.
(d) Lay-out .plans. (distill d and electro-
( e) :\llike zmc smelter e .
lyte)- report covering history,
ti affiliates employment, productiOn,
on, , '
capacity, construction, raw maten . ' proc-
esses, power and fuel, lay-out, eqmpment,
bomb damage, flow sheets. .
(f) Hikoshlma zinc smelter-R.eport covenng
history, organization, affiliates,
ment, production, capacity, construction,
raw materials, processes, power and fuel,
lay-out, equipment, bomb damages, flow
:\lercury and antimony-general data:
(aJ Imports of mercmy and antimony.
(b) Allocations and consumption of ant imony.
( c Allocations and consumption of mercury.
(65) Preli.mjnary draft- light and nonferrous metals.
(64) Control Association:
(a) List of companies, locations, major products.
(65) Light metals- plant lay-outs:
(a) Lay-out plan of Oe plant .
(b) Lay-out plan of Kawasaki Jukogy at Kobe.
(c) Lay-out J>lan of Su.mitomo Metal Industries
Company, Ltd., W akayama works.
(d) Lay-out plan of Nakayama Seitetsu, Osaka.
(66) Nonferrous metals:
{a) General data on nonferrous metals, incl ud-
ing copper.
(b) Interview summaries and drafts.
(c) Table showing personnel in light metal
(d) Diagram showing light metal production
and dist noution set-up.
(e) List of light and nonferrous metals instal.
lat ions.
{f) Consumption rate on nonferrous metals in
(g) List of brass mill plants.
(67) Maps and charts:
(a) Map showing main mines and smelters.
{b) General arrangement of Niigata work
(c) Plant s.
The Furukawa Electric Company, Ltd. (The
Nikko works):
(a) Plant report.
(b) Plant .
The Mitsubishi Mmmg Ltd.:
(a) Plant report hst of equipment,
personnel data, materials and power data,
production data, fuel and power data,
quality data.
(b) Lay-out map of plant and bomb plot map.
(c) Lay out map and bomb plot of smelting and
r efinery.
(d) Flow sheets.
Miroshima Industrial Company:
Plant report including: organization, prin-
cipal, products air-raid precautions, bomb
Ministerial reports on the nonferrous metal
(a) Nonferrous producing facilities owned or
operat ed by the Navy.
(b) Distribution of lead, zinc, and tin scrap.
(c) Air attacks on light metals plants.
(d) Record of light metals used by the Navy
Air Force.
(e) Inventory of light metal stocks in Japan-
(f) Outline of the Light Metals Industry Con
(g) Inventory of Army light metals.
(h) Outline of government agencies interested
in light metals.
(i) Inventory of scrap metals.
(j) List of Army members in the Light Metals
(k) Nonferrous producing plants operated by
the Army.
(I) Consumption of mercury by the Army.
Japanese aeronautical specifications for non
ferrous metals: kl ts
*(a) Two Japanese Technical Institute boo 8
(b) Translation of the booklets.
Photographs of nonferrous metal f the
Drafts, revisions, and corrected copies : balio
appendix tables, the summary report, an
materials report.
Output of smelters and refiners:
(a) Tungsten.
{b) Molybdenum.
(c) Manganese.
(d) Chromite.
(e) Nickel and cobalt. d and b1
Production of the major mines by islan
(a) Manganese, MnOa.
(b) Chromium, CraOa.
(c) Molybdenum, MoS
(d) Tungsten, W0

In Japanese.
) (e) Nickel, Ni.
36. c. ( (f) Cobalt ,
(g) Silicon, S10.
Coal-Mitsui Mining Company, Ltd. (with
) subsidiaries):
( ) Draft of over-all statistical report covering
a 1 t
materials and e ec r1c1ty consumed with
brief analysis of production.
(b) Figures on employment and production
with maps of mining area.
(c) Map showing air raid damage to Miyanoura
(d) Evaluation of airraid damages to subsidi-
ary mines.
(e) Figures on production of subsidiary mines.
(f) Map of Miike Mine with list of submerged
(g) Map of air-raid damage to Omuta area.
(h) Notes.
37. The Japanese Construction Industry (final report and
original draft) .
a. Summary and conclusion:
(1) Preliminary draft of final report on construction.
(2) Work sheets on bibliography and indices.
(3) Work sheets pertaining to final report.
( 4) Work sheetb pertaining to tables and appendixes
contained in report.
{5) Essay on the actual conditions of Japan'a con-
struction industry during wartime.
b. Organization:
(1) Organization of government agencies exercising
economic control.
(2) Organization of Kanto-Shinetsu branch of War-
time Construction Association (Japanese).
(3) Report on Japanese Civil Engineering and
Architectural Control Association (1943-45)
(Japanese original and translation).
(4) Report on post-war Civil Engineering and Archi-
tectural Trade Association organization (Japa-
nese original and translation).
(5) Rough notes on changing organization of Civil
Engineering and Architectural Association
throughout the war.
c. Dispersal data:
) Draft of report on dispersal of industries and
) Work sheets and statistics pertaining to dispersal.
d. Information from other sections pertinent to capital
) Memoranda for all divisions.
) Notes and work sheets.
e. { olume of construction:
) Construction volume and employment.
) Volume of Army construction.
(a) Statistics on volume of oonstruotiOD in Japaa
Propel' and of Navy construetion.
/. llighw
) ay construction and mainteD&Doe
Tables showing expenditures for:I'OAd * *ftlt
(2) Statistics on materials and money allotted for
road improvement as compared to that for other
g. Nomrulitary construction:
(1) Construct ion problems in Japan.
(2) Table showing construction commodities carried
by railroads.
(3) Tables and work sheets on employment and
materials consumption.
( 4) Statistics on building permit applications.
(5) Information and statistics on volume of civilian
construction (part Japanese).
(6) Listings and reports on various large construction
firms (part Japanese).
(7) Statistics and work sheets on unit costs and types
of units constructed.
(8) Interrogations.
h. Navy construction:
(1) Japanese naval supply organization.
(2) Diagram showing supply and distribution of
materials (Japanese document and translation).
(3) Brief report on naval construction and expendi-
tures for same (part Japanese).
( 4) Statistics and information on employment and
volume of naval construction.
(5) Japanese document and translation showing
inventory of equipment.
(6) List of the most important ships and machines
owned by the ports and haZ'bors bureau.
(7) Interrogations and summaries of same pertaining
to naval construction.
i. Army construction:
(1) Description of construction CP*t_ Japanese).
(2) Expenditures on Army construction.
(3) Employment figures. .
( 4) Volume of Army construction.
(5) Related work sheets.
j. Repair of bomb defense: .
*(I) Orpniution chart of air defenses (partially
translatedel>:._ __ ,tiea and dunaae to buiJdinp
(2) Personn
and equipment.
(8) Beport on repair of bomb
(4) Civilian defense measures. OODStructicm
(6) OutliDe of public ail'-nid aheber
(part Japaoeae). c--a.... {:
(&) Brief preliminary report OD U&VJNVUUU6 !IUP-
_portec;l by Japaa!ll clooameDta).
(7) IDterJ'optioDI oarepairof bomb damar.
i. Lumber: of Japu
(1) Bepott of Jum,_ IDdulkJ&iolluddia-
(2} IDforiDadon OD productioD, eoMDIDP
and ooDIAIJDptkan.
(8) FJprea -..a--GflumberJa,..,
*(.f) J)at&OD
(I) Otll.
. . om the Cement Control
37. l. *(2) Construction. _statiStiCS fr
Association (part tistics on each plant.
(3) List of cement plants an s a
(4) Work sheets.
m. Steel:
(1) General report on steel. . . ion and con-
(2) Statistics on production, distribut
sumption. . ,.. of essential
*(3) Table sho'\ving allocation and
materials from 1931 to 1945.
(4) Interrogation.
(5) Notes and work sheets.
n. Labor:
(1) General report on labor. .
(2) Information and statistics on construction em-
ployment. .
(3) Statistics on labor used on civilian
(4) Statistics pertaining to labor on militar y
construction jobs (part Japanese).
(5) Notes and work sheets.
o. Construction equipment:
(1) Brief report on construction materials and
(2) Statistics on production of various types of
*(3) Inventories of equipment owned by AnLy,
Xavy, railroads, government and railroads (part
*(4) List of manufacturers of construction equipment
and information on each (Japanese v.ith trandla-
p. Jap&nese construction trade publications:
(1) Four magazines.
(2) Two papers.
q. illustrated magazines and folders on Hitachi Com-
(1) General description of factory with area plan.
*(2) Publications and cat alogues on heavy industrial
machinery {part Japanese).
{3) Photographs with descriptions and specifications
on plant equipment.
r . Laws controlling materials:
(1) Outline of the organizational control over public
works and building crafts (Japanese document
and translation).
(2) Report on indirect controls governing materials
and construction.
*(3) Laws restricting use of building materials
documents and translations) .
' FCC mtercepta on construction industry:
(1) Extracts on construction and buildin t . Is
f "H dboo g ma ena
rom an k of Industries in Japan ,
'- Interrogationw.
(1) Interrogation No. 1, subject: Popular
and -+-+: ..... ton control

(2) Interrogation No. 8, subject: Populat'
trol and statistics. ton con-
(3) Interrogation No. 10 subject G
(4) Interrogation No. 13: aubJ'ect: ra eneral.
u npower.
) Interrogation No. 14, subject: Manpower (stu-
(S) Interrogation No. 16, subject: Iron and steel
control organizations.
(7) Interrogation . . 38, .subJect: !ron and steel
allocating and diatr1butmg agenmes.
(8) Interrogation No. 42, subject: Library faciliti
and publications of Mitsubishi Economic a:
sear ch Bureau, Tokyo.
(9) Interrogat ion No. 59, subject: Post-raid clear.
ance and r epairs.
( 10) Interrogation No. 70, subject: Iron and steel.
(11) I nterrogat ion No. 76, subject: Army construc-
tion section.
(12) Interrogation No. 77, subject: Construction in-
dustr y.
(13) Interrogat ion No. 79, subject: Hazama-Gumi
Const ruct ion Company.
(14) Interrogat ion No. 87, subject: Construction In-
dustry Cont rol Association.
(15) Interrogation No. 95, subject: Construction
Control Association.
(16) Interrogation No. 105, sub;iect: Air-raid pro-
tection in Tokyo.
(17) Interrogation No. Ill, subject: Iron and steel.
(18) Interrogation No. 115, subject: Civilian defense
in Japan.
(19) Interrogation No. 118, subject: Civilian defense
during Suzuki cabinet, April to August 1945.
(20) Interrogation No. 122, subject: Miscellaneous
(21) Interrogation No. 141, subject: Lumber industry.
(22) Interrogation No. 151, subject: Army .sub-
allocations of steel.
(23) Interrogation No. 152, subject: Manchurian
light and nonferrous metals.
(24) Interrogation No. 207, subject: Inspection of
Nishitama plant.
(25) Interrogation No. 212, subject: Statistics on
construction industry in general.
(26) Interrogation No. 213, subject: Structural steel.
(27) Interrogation No. 254, subject: Japanese food
supply and nutrition.
(28) Interrogation No. 265, subject: Japan lumber
production and distribution.
(29) Interrogation No. 326, subject: Alumin
clinker production.
(30) Interrogation No. 327, subject: Magnesium pro-
(31) Interrogation No. 328, subject: Bomb daJOII8
repairs to factories. lUJil"'
(32) Interrogation No. 333, subject: Control of
ber in Japan. . _
(33) Interrogation No. 361, subject: Conuaowa"'
wartime problems. edOJl
(34) Interrogation No. 370, subject: CoJllk'U
work in Japan.
(35) Interrogation No. 393, subject: CODifi'U
general information. ,.
(36) Interrogation No. 471, subject: J.,_-
37) I nterrogation work sheets.
37. t. (
) Memoranda.
(3 .
u. p . ts and photostats.
v. riDse Electrical Equipment (final report and orig-
38 Japane
inal draft) .
Th F
urukawa Electric Company, Ltd.:
a e . . f
) Answers to or companies manu-
facturing electn cal apparatus and machinery
(part Japanes.e). .
b The Fuji Eleotnc Manufacturmg Company, Ltd.:
;(l ) Answer to for companies manufac-
turing elect r10al apparatus and machinery
(duplicate) .
c. The Dainichi Electric Wire and Cable Company,
(1) Answers t o questionnaire for companies manu-
facturing elect rical apparatus and machinery.
*(2) Plot plan.
d. Hitachi Elect rical Equipment Corporation (con-
sisting of two envelopes) :
(1) Report of t he Kitsugawa plant.
(2) Report of the Amagasaki plant.
(3) Report of the Setsu plant.
(4) Report of the Hitachi plant.
(5) Report of the Mito plant.
(6) Report of the Tobata plant.
(7) Production records of the Totsuka works.
(8) USSBS-war loss.
*(9) Japanese-war loss.
(10) USSBS-questionnaire.
(11) Report of the Kitsugawa plant.
(12) Report of the Yosugi plant.
*(13) Bomb plot of the Kaigan works.
(14) Bomb plot of the Densen Kogyo works.
(15) Layout of the Setsu plant.
(16) Bomb plot of the Kitsukawa plant.
(17) Japanese plot plans.
(18) Report of the Kasado Works.
{19) USSBS-q uestionnaire.
0) Reports of the Ka.meido, Shimizu, Hitachi, and
W akamatsu plants.
) Report of the Taga plant.
e. Works, Hitachi, Ltd.:
) Answers to questionnaire for companies manu-
*(2) facturing electrical apparatus and machinery.
General description of the controlling oompany
(part Japanese).
(3) Plot plans
/. Matsushita Electric Industrial Company, Ltd.
(Cons t'
) Is Ing of four envelopes):
g M to questionnaire.
' (
) Company, Ltd.
h Mt eply to questionnaire.
( l )
Electric 1\Ianufacturing Company.
) outline of Setagaza factory.
) outline of l\fitsubishi Factory.
to questionnaire for oompani maDufae-
turing electrical apparatus and Jll&OhiDetJ' a tiiDaL

n Japanese.
( 4) Reply to questionnaire for comparues f.
turing 1 t manu ac-
e ec neal apparatus and machin
(N agaaaki). ery
(5) Reply to (Kobe Works).
(6) Re.ply to (Nagaza Works).
(7) Bnef outline of Ofuna plant.
. (S) diagrams and bomb plots.
' Sunutomo Tsushin Kogyo Kabushiki:
(1) Reply to questionnaire.
(2) Plot plans.
.*(3) and labor data (part Japanese).
J SWDltomo Electric Industries, Ltd.:
(1) Reply to questionnaire.
*(2) Plot plans and fiow diagrams (part Japanese).
k. Shimadzu Seisakushu, Ltd.:
(1) Reply to questiotlnaire.
*(2) Plot plans (part Japanese).
l. Oki Electric Company, Ltd.:
(1) Reply to questionnaire.
(2) Bomb plot and plot diagrams (part Japanese).
m. Nihon Musen Kabnshiki Kaisba:
(1) Reply to questionnaire.
*(2) Plot plans (part Japanese).
n. Nippon Storage Battery Company, Ltd.:
(1) Reply to questionnaire for companies manufao.
turing electrical apparatus and mMhinery.
(2) Plot plans.
o. Production data of electrical equipment for Navy
Air Forces:
(1) Annual production of aircraft electrlcal equip-
ment for the Navy.
(2) Monthly planned and actual production.
p. Production data of electrical equipment for use of
Navy Surface Forces.
(1) Report of radio, radar, and electrical equipment.
g. Production data--pneral:
(1) Production by main products.
(2) Production of lMding eleetriaal equipment
(8) Production papha ud ehartL
r. EJectrical macbium:r aud aomm1111iaatioas equip-
ment manufaetnre:
(1) List of membenl of the eleuttic mybi,.., ID&D-
by diakioto.
(2) Detailed JeP01i of aDita uad ... of UDitB pm-
duoed by the N1ppoD armed
(8) o....n producdioD data.
(f) Priae Jllflllor .wgchrd ud aw mete-
(6) Bepod 08 aDoaMbr of matari+ ud .demap
to faailiti&
(6) a.-.1 aummll7 ol :Ado wile ad _..
(7) Bepod OD G11JM1Vel y.-maa ..,.._

38. s. The Shibaura. Electric ' Vire
(1) Reply to questionnrure-Sho' a
and Cable Company . engineering
(2) Reply to questionna.ire--Shtbaura
works. . .. -N ka ' ima
(3) Reply to questionnrure-The Tok)
., a J
Electric Company. 1
(4) Reply to questionnaire-The Nitchiku Industrta
Company, Ltd. .
(5) Reply to questionnaire-The ToshJba Car
Company, Ltd.
(6) Reply to questionnaire-Nippon Denko Com-
pany, Ltd.
(7) Reply to questionnaire-Nippon On kyo Kabu-
shiki Kaisha.
(8) Reply to questionnaire-Shibaura United En-
gineering Company.
(9) Reply to questionnaire-Toshiba Conduit Tube
:Manufacturing Company, Ltd.
t. Tokyo-Shibaura Electric Company, Ltd. (consist-
ing of two envelopes):
(1) Over-all report on the company.
(2) Report. on Kewa.saki works.
(3) Report on the Teurum works, Kyomachi works,
Fuchu works, and Kanasugi works.
(4) Report on the Yobe works.
(5) Report on the Ohi works.
(6) Report on the Komukai works.
(7) Report on :\ agai works.
(8) Report on Toriima.tsu works.
(9) Report on Ohmiyacho works.
(10) Report on Adachi steel works.
(11) Report on Fujimi-chu works.
(12) Report on Y works.
(13) Report on Aboshi works.
(14) Report on Oshiki works.
(15) Report on works.
(16) Repon on Kobe works.
(17) Report on works.
(18) Report on Ohhito works.
(19) Report on Kamo works.
(20) Report on Kawagishi works.
(21) Report on Osaka works.
(22) Report on Fuji works.
(23) X otes and work sheets.
(24) Bomb plots.
(25) Reply to questionnaire-Sunamachi wo k
) Reply to
(27) Reply to questiOnnaire-Shibaura M hin
Company, Ltd. ac e
(28) Reply to questionnaire-The
works. Tondabayashi
(29) Notes and work sheets.
u. Technological developments.
" Data from minist f
*(1) Product dary o commerce and industry:
JOn ta (part Japanese)
(2) Employment data (part
(3) Uee of raw materials (part J
Interrogations: apanese)
(1) Interrogation No 18 sub :.
ment Control Ject: Electrical Equip- ____ JOn.
In Japanese.
(2) I nterrogation No. 20, subj ect: Outline of

cision too s.
(3) I nterrogation No. 21, subj ect: Government
d t
. f h' con,
t rol over pro uc 10n o mac mery other th
machine tools. an
(4) I nterrogation No. 22, subject: Electrical Equ
ment Cont rol Association.

(5) I nt errogation No. 25, subject: Tokyo-Shibaura
Electric Company.
(6) Interrogat ion No. 26, &ubj ect: Electrical Equ
A . t '
ment Control ssocm 1on.
(7) I nterrogation No. 27, subject : Capital equi ,
ment, production statistics. p
(8) I nterrogation 36, subj ect: .Interrogation of
Metal I ndust rieS Control Association.
(9) I nterrogation No. 43, subject : Sumitorno
shin Kogyo.
(10) Interrogation No. 58, subj ect: Interrogation at
Mitsubishi Electr ic Company.
(11) Interrogation No. 60, subject: Head Office of
Karatau iron works, producers of machine tools.
(12) I nterrogation No. 88, subj ect: Production of
(13) Interrogat ion No. 105, subject: Organization of
Mitsubishi Corporat ion.
(14) I nterrogat ion No. 119, subject : Plant visit to
Mitsubishi Electric Company, Ltd., Kohe.
(15) Interrogation No. 120, subject: Plant visit to
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Company, Ltd.,
Interrogat ion No. 121, subject: Control associa-
t ions.
Int errogat ion No. 124, subject: Industrial statis-
Interrogation No. 142, subject: Kawasaki Heavy
Industries Company, Ltd.
Interrogat ion No. 143, subject: Nippon Musen
Denki K. K.
Interrogat ion No. 144, subject: Dai Nichi
Electric Wire and Cable Company, Ltd.
Interrogation No. 145, subject: Japan Storage
Battery Co. , Lt d.
Interrogation No. 146, subject: Sbimadzu Manu-
facturing Co., Ltd.
Interrogat ion No. 147, subject: Mitsubisbi Eleo-
tric Company, Ltd., at Itami.
Interrogation No. 189, subject: Fuji Denld Seilo
Interrogation No. 190, subject: NationaiiDVell-
tory of machine tools and machinery.
Interrogation No. 191, subject: Kawasaki pJaDt,
Tokyo Shibaura Electric Company.
I nterrogation No. 298, subject: EJ.eotriO Jndut-
try- Mitsubishi Electric Company.
Interrogation No. 315, subject: HftaOhl, Ltd.
Interrogation No. 339, subject:
Interrogation No. 340, subject: P'Ul'Ub,.
t ric Company. -

Interrogation No. 348, subject: l'l1tfl
) I nterrogation No. 399, subj ect: Navy Industrial
as.w. ( Association.
) Work sheet s to interrogations.
Miscellaneous matertal :
z. (
) Notes and work sheets. .
Microfilm and samples of electrical equipment.
Japanese Machine Building Industry (final report
and original draft) .
a. Tsugami- Nagaoka and Nakogome plant:
) Operations report.
) Index for plant lay-out.
(3) Plant lay-out .
(4) Company offi cials interview.
(5) Product ion r eport .
(6) Machine t ool production records.
b. Niigata iron works, Niigata plant.
(1) Machine t ool production records.
(2) Air attack data-Tsukishima factory.
(3) Air at tack data-Kamoda factory.
( 4) Depart ment of Justice report.
(5) Questionnaire-Tsukishima.
(6) Questionnaire--Kamoda.
(7) Company report.
(8) USSBS report.
(9) USSBS summary report-Nagaoka and Zao
(10) Zao plant report.
(11) N agaoka plant report.
(12) Plant lay-out blueprints.
(13) Company operating report and inventory record,
Kashiwasaki plant.
(14) USSBS-notes on the interview of Mr. N orimatsu.
(15) Bomb damage plot plan, Kashiwasaki plant.
(16) Graphs of production, inventories, turn-over of
employees, and value of the plant operations,
Kashiwasaki plant.
(17) Comprehensive report by the Kamo plant ofliaials
about the plant and its operations.
) Company report, Sanjo plant.
(19) Plant lay-out blueprint, Sanjo plant.
0) Company report, Kakizaki plant.
c. Kurashiki Industrial Company, Horinouohi and
N agaoka plants:
) Company report--Horinouchi plant.
USSBS--summary report.

report--Nagaoka plant.
(S SBS-questionnaire data.

lay-out plans-Nagaoka plant.

d K .. Iant lay-out plans-Horinouchi plant.
) Iron Works, Takasaki plant.
) p ompany report.
) plant lay-out plans.
) plant data.
lant 1n ventory
e. Shi
(l) mamoto iron works, Niigata plaDt:
Plant report
f. Riken 1
Cl) p ndustrial Corporation:
lant report
(2) I t . '
(3) p n ervleW-director of Maebaahl
lant inventones
4) p
lant layout.
(5) Graphs.
(6) List of purchased raw materials.
(7) Plant description and plans of the Mizauchi f
(8) List of Kakizaka factory.
(9) General descnption, production data, and plant
plans of t he Kasbiwazaki factory.
g. Oohara Tekkojo, Ltd, Nagaoka:
(1) USSBS report:
(2) Plan of dispersion tunneL
(3) Plot plan of plant.
(4) Company report.
(5) Plant inventory.
(6) Plan of machine tool set-up.
h. Ebara Manufacturing Company, Kawasaki plant:
(1) Company report.
(2) USSBS questionnaire.
{3) Production record.
*(4) Plot plan of plant (part Japanese).
*C5) Bomb plot (part Japanese).
*(6) Company report (part Japanese).
i. Mitsui Machine Tool Company, Okepwa:
(1) Department of Justice report.
(2) Answer to USSBS questioDD&ire.
(3) Plot plan of factory.
( 4) Graphs of production &Dd operating reoords.
(5) Interrogations.
j. Osaka Machinery Company, Napoka p)mta:
(1) USSBS interrogations.
(2) Company report.
(3) USSBS summary report.
(4) Japanese report bued on U88BS q1IMtiioDs.
k. Machine tool quesRmmaire:
(1) TsuJriabhna lObi
(2) Dai Nippon Beiki.
(3) Okamoto Maehine Tool wud&
(4) Mitsui Shipbm1ding Tunam worb.
(5) Ishii Iron Works Company.
(6) Shinapwa SeikL
(7) Yokoyama XoQo.
(8) K)'Oto KCJB!'ku KiaL
(9) Hitachi ,.., KK.
(10) Xubata Bejkcwbo.
(11) Xubata TetJmaho.
L MitBubllhi Heavy Industdel, Ltd.:
(1} List of ahipbaDdial ud JDADufN&udDI faoilftieL
(2) Production eqaipiDeDt.
(8) .Amm&l prodaotloa of ......... , laad a. lor
(f) BeplJ Mild YoiDDJwna
8bipJAI'dud ....
(6) _., to
(8) :-:. .. .-..........
'tt 1 for questionnaire.
39.1. ( 11) Letter of transmt the four machine tool
12) Information regar mg
b' hl Heavy Industrtes. .
plants of . u. ISl Machinery l\Ianufacturmg
m. :i\litsubisht Chenuca
Company, Ltd.:
) Reply to questionnaire.
(2) Questionnaire work sheets. L d
b' hi Kakoki Company, t .
(3) Report on " tlli:)u 1S
n. Matsushita Metal Company, Ltd.:
( 1) Reply to questionnaire- Osaka. ls d
nr t ' n machine too an
(2) upplementary 1 orma ton o
machinery production in Japan.
(3) Notes and work sheets.
o. Hitachi :\lachinery Company, Ltd.:
( 1) Reply to questionnaire.
(2) Reply to questionnaire- Kawasaki works.
(3) Plant statistical reports.
(4) Production data. .
(5) Letters of transmittal pertaining to questiOn-
(6) Employment data.
(7) Xotes and work sheets.
(8) Factory diagrams.
p. Ka.ratsu iron works.
(1) Reply to
(2) Information obt ained from head bookkeeper of
the factory.
q. The Howa Machine Tool Manufacturing Company,
( 1) Production data.
( 2 \ Xotes and work-sheets.
r . The Daido Machinery Works, Ltd.:
(I\ B eply to questionnaire.
a. Ogaki iron works:
(1) and work sheets.
t. Okuma iron works:
(1) Notes and work sheets.
(2) Product ion data.
(3) I nventory and employment data.
u. W ashino Tool11anufacturing and Trading
Company, Ltd:
(I) Reply to questionna.ire- Xagoya works.
(2) Reply to questionnaire-Imamura works.
(3) Reply to questionn&ire - N arumi works
(4) Notes and work sheets.
11. Tokyo Machinery Company:
(1) Reply to questionnaire - Tamagawa, Mita d
Kamata plants. ' an
(2) Production and employment data.
(3) N otea and work !beets.
(4) Plot plan.
w. Osaka Kiko, Ltd:
(1) Reply to questionnaire.
(2) Notes and work sheets.
:r. Otani Jukogyo and Company Ltd .
(I) Reply to questionnaire '
(2) Report on Osaka machlne .
Foreign Economic Admin;[ by the
of J ustice.
ration, Department
(3) N otea and work sheets.
Iv!a.ohine building quest ionnaire:
y. (I) Nakagawa Kikai.
(2) Kobe Seikosho.
(3) Dai Nihon Kohi.
( 4) Shoun Kosaku.
(5) Osaka Seisha Zohi.
(6) Nomura Company.
(7) Sumitomo.
z. Shibaura United :
( I) Company report.
(2) Turbine company report.
(3) USSBS questionnaire.
( 4) Air-raid dat a..
*(5) Production report (part Japa.nesA).
aa. Komatsu Seisakusho, Ltd.:
(1) Reply t o quest ionnaire.
bb. Ishikawajima. Heavy Industries Company, Ltd.:
( 1) Reply to questionnaire.
cc. Mitsui Mining Company, Ltd.:
( I ) Reply t o questionnaire.
dd. The Ikega.i engineering works:
(1) Reply to questionnaire.
ee. Kurimoto Tekkosho:
(1) USSBS questionnaire.
(2) Production graphs.
*(3) Plot plans {part Japanese).
(4) Japanese report.
(5) USSBS summary.
ff. History and government controls:
(I) Report on the Japanese machine-tool industry,
its history and development.
(2) Report on Japanese machine-tools industry.
(3) Chart illust rating organization of machine tool
cont rolling system.
(4) Write-up and figures on machine tools produc-
t ion.
(5) Organization chart of the Precision Machine
Control Association.
(6) Information on allocation of materials for ma-
chine tool production.
(7) Charts showing organization of system for dis-
t ribution of steel, carbide, coal, and coke.
(8) Calendar of events whichoccurredduringtheW&l'
(9) I nterrogations.
(10) Notes and preliminary drafts of related materiaL
gg. Inventory of machine tools and machinery: of
(1) Charts and statistics on over-all inventor)'
machinery in Japan. tl
*(2) Inventory of machine tools in aircraft plaJl
(part Japanese). rail
(3) Inventory of machine tools in governJ1181lt
way repair shops.
( 4) Inventory of machinery of textile industrY
(5) Inventory of construction equipment.
(6) Comparison of number of machine tools ofOB'-
to number produced 1938-1945.
(7) Number of machines set to produce eaoh "
r -
at end of war. .-1 _,.
(8) Ftgures on inventory of Army tooll
In Japanese.
(g) Figures on inventory of Navy tools and ma-
39 gg. binery.
c terrogations relat ing to machine tool in-
(10) n
ventory. .
D ma.nd and capacit y :
hh. (
) e Figures for demand of
) Photostats of charts shoWing production capacity
of machine tool plants (part Japanese) .
) Chart showing comparison of demand, capacit y,
and result of machine tool manufacture.
(4) Work sheets.
. . Status of machine tool and production machinery
n. industry and diversion of capacity and expansion:
(1) Draft of of the industrial machinery
cont rol assomatwn.
(2) Draft of report on subcontracting.
(3) Draft of r eport on development of machine tool
plants and their dispersal.
( 4) List of companies, equipment, employment, and
floor space of factories with detailed statistiCR
pertaining to same.
(5) Data on diversion of tool industry and informa-
tion by year on the various individual plants.
*(6) Japanese chart showing reorganization of ma-
chine indus try.
(7) Chart showing number of members of Precision
Machine Control Association.
{8) Chart showing planned and actual capacity of
machine tool output.
{9) Figures by year on distribution of Japanese
machine tools.
jj. Over-all production of machine tools:
*(1) Charts showing demand, production, and supply
of various machine tools (part Japanese).
*(2) Graphs showing fluctuations in demand, pro-
duction, and prices of machine tools (part
*(3) Japanese documents showing production figures.
( 4) Table showing reason of failure in planning
execution about machine-tool production and ita
kk. Production of machines other than machine tools:
* Data about woodworking tools.
( ) Japanese document showing production in yen of
(3 other machines.
) Yearly production records on other small
* (:) Labor statistics on production.
( ) Japanese document with translation ahowiDI
emphasis on special types of machines at various
ll Periods.
Raw materials
{1) Planned of raw materiall for maoblne
) Chart showing figures for raw materfaJI tad for
) equipment industry.
tatistics on ordinary steel for maoldn..tool fD-
(4) .
of coal, coke, and carbide,.,....._.
-..____ tnachllle industry
I---- .
n Japanese.
(5) Data on materials furnished by Arm
(6) Data on yearly amount of raw su lied
by the Navy. PP
mm. Shortages:
(l) Shortages of special machines which the Army
and Navy were unable to obtain.
{2) Outline of machines which were not obtained in
sufficient quantities.
(3) Report on machinery for emergency demand.
nn. Labor:
(1) Working hours and shift system for most of
machine-tool industry.
(2) Information on skills of workers in various plants.
(3) List showing laborers' number in all machine-
tool makers.
( 4) Chart showing number of factories, employment,
and labor conditions of capital equipment.
*{5) Charts and statistics on employment numbers in
machine-tool industry (part Japanese).
oo. Planned and actual distribution of machine tools to
(1) Plans of machine-tool distribution.
(2) Figures on ratio of allocations of machines and
parts to Army, Navy, and civilian uses.
(3) Table and explanation of table of the quantities
of allocated materials.
( 4) Chart of tracks allocated to a munition mobiliza-
tion organization.
pp. Exports and imports:
*(1) Listing of exports and imports of automobiles,
bicycles, machine tools, and parts by country
(part Japanese).
(2) Other charts and data on export-import trade of
machinery from various solll'CeB.
(3) Notes and work sheet& pertaining to above.
gg. Air-raid damage:
*(1) Ministry of iDdustry &Dd commerce photostats
showing damage to productive capacity of ma-
chine-tool industry.
(2) Location mapa ahowiDI joint tarpt groups.
(3) G-2 report showfDI types of iDstaDatioDB and
various pbuea of d.,.,.._
(4) List of damaps to macbiDe-tool maken in main
cHieL N ki
(5) Interroption on subject ofbombluc at ap=
Meehine-ioOI aad mwlnet7 pJanta:
Notes, work aheeta aad mjeoeDUWMJ8 data (part

a1unriDI meehl,..tool ADd ma-

chinery pJaata mftl&ipted.
.. PrealsiOD Meah'DM7 Bepalr CompMJ', Ltd. (OOD-
(1) Pour &JP8d oaplll ., ftPCid- ...... --
wal'k Ia .. lfeehiM "'* Oom-
(1) :::.= fll Japan a deled
PlAid Tool
39. s&. (5) l\Iiarofilm of Japanese docume
nt (one small roll).
u Bearing industry: .
Japanese catalog of arings industry of
(2) Report on the anttfnctwn- e
Japan. ball-bearing indus-
(3) Summary data on Japanese
( 4) Target dat.a.
(5) Production figures. d t ti-tics on Tokyo
*(6) Information, charts, an s a
bea.rin plants {part Japanese). . .
(7) Infor:ation on machine-tool factones m Osaka
area. t
(8) Data on Koyo eiko plan .
(9) Data on Asahi- eiko beanng plant.
{10) Data on Xihon-Seiko ..
(11) Data on Fuji Koshi Kozru bearmg plant.
(12) Xotes.
uu. Abrasives industry: .
(1) General report and data on arti_ficial
*(2) Statistics on Abrasi\'"e Factones Investigated
Capital (Japanese).
(3) List of abrasi\'"e plants and air-raid damage.
(4) Interrogations.
(5) X otes and work sheets.
w. Duplicates of Japanese statistics:
(1) Typed copy of report on allocation of materials
for machinery during the war and functions of
the :\lachinery Control Associatioa
(2) Information regarding machine tools and ma-
chinery production.
*(3) Production data (part Japanese) .
(4) Report on Karatsu iron works.
(5) Report on :\litsubishi Chemical :\Iachinery
ManufactUring Co., Ltd.
*(6; Bomb plot of Kobe shipyard and engine works
(part Japanese).
(7) Data on Riken Industrial Corporation.
l8) Replies to questionnaires sent to various plants.
(9) Outline of and brief report on Japanese machine-
building industry.
( 10) Names of war damaged factories and damage
(11) Figur es on production and consumption of
machine tools.
*(12) and work sheets (part Japanese).
1010. Prelimmary drafts and calculations:
( 1) Working copies of various reports on the industry
(2) Preliminary copies of tables.
:. Preliminary charta and graphs:
(I ) Charta on various subjects used in gath .
report material. ermg
(2) Working copies of graphs and diagrams.
1/11. Catalogs and instructions relating to J
machine tools, parta and equipment: apanese
" Source materia} (t wo envelopes):
f 1) Machine tool manufacturers.
(2) Production machinery manufactu
*(3)Ra .
w m&terial allocation.
In Japaneee.
) 1\
achine tool production graphs.
) Business results of companies of capital equip.
ment industry.
(B) Information published by t he Department of
Justice pertainmg to Japanese high-speed drill
) I nformation published by t he Department of
Justice re: Report on Manchukuo machine tool
) Notes and work sheets.
*(9) List of machinery for emergency demand.
(10) Consumption of machine tools by Army.
(l l ) I nventory of constructiOn equipment.
(12) List of machines which were difficult to obtain.
( 13) List of industrial machlne makers (Army) .
(14) List of machine tool manufacturing planU3
(Army) .
(15) List of electric machine makers (Army).
(16) Allocation of forging machinery and bearings.
( 17) Production figures and decrease and loss of
production due to air raids and other causes.
( 18) Notes and work sheets.
*(19) Classification of production machinery by con-
t rol associat ion.
aaa. Interrogations:
(1) Interrogation No. 19, subject: Control Associa-
tion for Precision Tools.
(2) Interrogation No. 215, subject: Kobe shipyard
and works.
(3) Duplicate copies and w orke 9heets for
bbb. Fukoku Life Insw-ance Company (two Vola.):
*(1) Construction plans of the newly constructed
branch building, Book I .
(2) Construction plans for the newly const ructed
branch building, Book II.
ccc. Bank of Japan, Tokyo, Japan :
( 1) Construction plans of Hiroshima branch office.
ddd. Organization of industrial bureau, ministry of com-
merce and industry:
*(1) Organization of machine bureau.
*(2) Brief history of industrial machine. .
*(3) Organization of general affair bureau of Prec1Slon
Machine Cont rol Board.
*( 4) History of Electrical Machine Control Board.
*(5) Automobile Cont rol Board.
eee. Mechanical text:
*(1) Machine construct ion and repair.
ff!. Output of precision machinery parts, 1944. d
40. The Electric Power I ndustry of Japan (final report aD
original draft) .
a. Final report data:
( 1) Preliminary draft of final report. the .,.
(2) Draft of report on syst em operation in
economy. frqfll aft
(3) Analysis of damage to uti11ty system
raids. .U Jl!
( 4) Outlines and indexes pertaining to .o.
ture of final report.
( 5) Preliminary summary r eport and
. t ion and function of electric power bureau:
Qrganlza . t' d . .
40. (
) Outline of the organ1za 10n, and
of the J apanese electrlC power mdustry
financ .
) Organization of Elect nc Power Bureau.
rpts from Japanese Yearbook 1938-39 con-
(3) xce . d
ng t he electric power m ustr y.
A enda of meetings of control board.
A gstatement toward nationalization of the
electric power enterprises.
) Detailed balance of assets and liabilities.
) Information regarding annual repor ts from elec-
t ric power companies.
) Japanese document showing dispat ch of offi cials
(Japanese) .
) General status of distribut ion companies at the
time of organi zation of board.
0) Management problems and procedures.
auses and effects of the Five Year Power Plan:
c. p
(1) The Five Year Elect ric Power Ian.
*(2) Daily aver ages of power generation (part
(3) Power generated- Government railroad.
(4) Load record- Kant o Electric Company.
(5) Load record- Kansai.
(6) Power generated- Hassoden.
(7) Percent age of completion of hydro and steam
(8) Hydro plants new or enlarged during the war.
(9) Steam plants new or enlarged during the war.
(10) Transmission lines strung during the war.
d. Finandal statement of Japanese electric industry.
(1) Financial statements of various companies.
(2) Report on electric power price control (photostat
(3) Statistics and tables on unit costs.
(4) Information and figures on bonds and shares
from the electric power industry.
*(5) Japanese document with translation showing
budget of Electric Power Bureau for 1945 (part
e. Coal power plant operating
(1) Mont hly reports- Forms and report sheets.
(2) Mont hl y reports-1942 records.
(3) Monthly reports- 1943 records.
(4) Monthly reports-1944 records.
(5) Monthly reports-1945 records.
f. ater storage- hydro-electric:
) Water level- Lake Inawashiro.
) Water level- Miura Reservoir.

) Water level-Lake Biwa.
) Wat er level-Uryu Reservoir.
) Water level-Lake Tagawa.

Water level-Lake Towada.

Water level- Tateiwa Reservoir.
) ater level-Qdomari Reservoir.
0) p hart of capacit y of Hatusoden
) Rroposed dam construction.
) p eservoirs along the Kiro and Manni
In Japanese.
g. on power output and distribution:
(1) List showmg size and location of dist 'b t"
b tat
. n U JOn
(2) and. map showing primary substations.
(3) Bas1c electnc power statistics.
( 4) Report covering electric distribution control
(5) Statement concerning generating and distributing
companies by an anonymous Japanese.
(6) Figures on power house outputs.
(7) Figures showing comparison of coal consumed to
amount of power produced.
h. Load curves for Japan:
(1) Daily load curves of power gener&ted-Bhikoku.
(2) Daily load curves of power generated- Kyushu.
(3) Daily load curves of power generated-Honshu.
( 4) Daily load curves of power generated- Hokkaido.
{5) Monthly load curves of power generated-
(6) Mont hly load curves of power generated-
{7) Monthly load curves of power generated-
(8) Monthly load curves of power generated-
(9) Generating capacity- Japan.
i . Generat ing and transmiMion equipment :
(1) Transmission and distribution facilities and
(2) List of substations.
(3) List of substations of over 30,000 KV A.
( 4) List of transmiSBjon resources.
(5) List of power plants.
(6) Electric generation rMOurces.
(7) List of main electric pnerators.
(8) List of generators over 10,000 KW.
(9) lndu of hydro-electric plants.
(10) lndu of tramnnjeeion liDes.
j. Data on eJeotzic power ooiWIImption:
(1) BtatJstica ahcnring eleolirio energy OC)DBUmecf b7
eleoUic aliJeG railwaJL
(2) Table ahcnring ...... enerl)' OlJHPIIned by
pV81111D81lt railway oara.
(3) Bepon on eleArio powa OODBump4iim OODtrol
(4) Elea&rJo BnWtplise Law.
(I) SuauDar7 of GOidi'Ol metJnds ..._
(I) Bepon on firi ele:Ario rateB
......._ eoaii'Ol<P-',..,. n ) .
.....---.. ._._... .... by .,
(8) Pow OOIIIIQ8Ip- VI J - - awn _.
{I) Utili . ....... ...
. . f ower in the polit ical
40. k. (3) Report on utilization o p
economy of Japan. . ufacturers of ma-
( 4) Table showing various man
chlnery. d and and future
(5) Report on present power em
capacity (Japanese). ces develop-
(6) Figures on potential power resour
ment. I nstruction
(7) Listing of materials .needed or reco
and expansion by vanous plants. . Ja an
l. Over-all report on steam power plants In p
m Bomb damages to the industry: ..
.(1) Report by Colonel Davenport on
aspects of the bombing of the electric power In-
dustry of the Japanese Home Islands.
(2) Report from of Commerce and Industry
concerning reasons for termination of t he war.
(3) Report on damage to industry as quoted from
Kippon Times (clipping . .
(4) Maps and data showing speCial miSSions by
Twentieth Air Force.
(5) Tables showing t"nited States Navy Air Effor t
for February, and April of 1945.
n. OYer-all damage to electrical industry:
(1) Summary of air-raid (Japanese).
(2) Reports and evaluation on bomb damage.
o. A-Bomb repon:
(1) Brief report of atomic bomb blast on K aga.saki
and Hiroshima.
(2) Preliminary draft on effect of the Atomic Bomb
on electric power facilities.
p. Interrogation summaries and work sheet".
q. Work sheets for final report (consisting of ninP
(1) Photostat copy of Japanese report on steam
plants (Copy Xo. 1).
(2) Photostat copy of Japanese report on steam
plants (Copy Xo. 2).
(3) Photostat copy of Japanese report on steam
plants (Copy 3).
(4) Graphs pertaining to report subjects.
(5) Maps used in compiling report.
(6) Tables and charts used in connection with report
(7) Preliminary drafts of final report.
(8) Old pages and notes.
(9) Translations of original Japanese document
(10) Translation of Japanese booklet on t
control of electric power. a e
(11) Notes pertaining to substations.
(12) Field notes by Major R. 1. Norton.
r . power plant operating statistics (consi t'
of e1ght envelopes): 8 Ing
(1) Water power plant operating statistics J
1942-December 1942-copy No. 1. anuary
(2) operating statistics January
W cem r 1942-Copy No. B.
(3) ater power plant operating statistics J
1943-December 1943-Co N . anuary
(4) w te py o. 1
a r power plant operat .
1943-D be Jng Januar v
ecem r 1943-Copy .Vo.
(5) \Vater power plant operating statis tics Jan
1944-December 1944-Copy No. 1. uary
(6) \Vater power plant operating statistics Januar
1944-December 44- Copy No.2. Y
(7) Water power plant operating statistics Ja.nuar
1945-December 1945-Copy No. 1. Y
(B) \Vater power plant operating st atistics Ja.nuar
1945-December 1945-Copy No. S. Y
s. Maps of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
(1) Drawing of Hiroshima showing bomb
Zero" for
(2) Drawing of Nagasaki showing bomb "Zero" for
t. Japanese maps of transmission system (consisting of
three envelopes).
u. Maps (consisting of two envelopes) .
v. :Maps of electric power system:
{1) :Map of Japan di vided into 50 and 60 cycle zones.
(2) lVIaps of district supply areas.
(3) Maps of power generating areas.
( 4) Power transmission lines.
w. Single line diagrams (consisting of three envelopes).
x. Japanese documents:
(1) Handbook on laws r elat ing to electric power
(2) Japanese booklet per t aining to Haiden electric
y. Maps of major power plants:
{1) Principal power plants and transmission lines in
J apan.
(2) Major power plants in Osaka.
(3) :Major power plants and power equipment manu-
factures in Tokyo.
z. Electro logy :
(1) Standard symbols for indoor w1rmg. June
1928, published by Japan Electro Technics
41. The Elect ri c Power Industry of Japan (plant reports)
(final report and original draft).
a. Amagasaki steam power plant No. 1:
(1) Plant repor t (draft) .
(2) Notes and work sheets.
(3) Target informat ion.
( 4) Plot plans . .
(5) Map of Amagasaki.
(6) Schemat ic diagram showing arrangement of
out-door substation.
b. Amagasaki steam power plant No. 2.
(1) Plant report (draft) .
(2) Schemat ic diagram of plant.
c. East Amagasaki st eam power plant:
{1) Plant report (draft).
(2) Notes and target information sheets.
(3) Plant diagram.
d. Chubu Electric Supply Company:
(1) Draft of report covering company.
(2) Plans for reconstruction.
(3) Bomb damage.
e. Furukawa Mining Company:
( I ) Report covering power station
(2) Prints of damage Wit h captions
n Kogyo Company :
Jiasso .
neral r eport on plant covertng articles of
(1) e . 1 t
association, finanCia sta ement and balance
sheet. . . . .
) Transcript of 1nterrogatwn pertammg to the
) Single line diagrams of plant equipment and
lay-out (part J apanese) .
g Hida River hydro plants :
) Plant reports (draft) .
) Notes and work sheet s.
) Outli ne of the Seto power plant.
(4) Report on Seto power plant.
(S) Target informatiOn sheets.
(6) Graphs showing load curve, Seto hydro plant.
(7) Graphs showing load curve, Kawabe hydro plant.
(8) Schematic diagram of Kawabe hydro plant.
(9) Diagram of Hida
(10) Available head of R1 ver H1da.
(11) Photo of Kawabe power plant.
(12) General information pertaining to Kawabe power
h. Japan Elect ric Generating and Transmission Com-
pany, Lt d.:
(1) Organization chart.
(2) Tables shmving bonds outstanding.
*(3) Financial report for Period 1 April 1945 to
30 September 1945 (Japanese).
(4) Report concerning proposal to unify electric
power oompanies.
*(5) One line diagrams (part Japanese).
i. Kansai elect ric supply companys' substations:
(1) Plant report (draft).
(2) Notes and work sheets.
(3) Target information.
(4) Bomb damage.
j. Kant o Electric Supply Company, Ltd. :
(1) Brief report on company's financial status.
(2) Tables showing securities, earnings and divi-
*(3) Japanese document showing lists of company
(4) General description of company.
(5) Bomb damage report.
(6) Inspect ion report on Hirai bridge cable crossing.
(7) Inspection report on main dispatching head-
k quarters.
Kasugade steam power plant No.1:
Plant reports (draft).
( ) Inventory of electric power equipment.
l Target information sheet.
( asugade steam power plant No. 2:
Plant reports (draft).

Notes and work sheets.

) In.ventory of electric power equipmeDt.
) of warehouses.
s) Information sheets.
''' enJu
steam power plant:

reports (draft).
and work sheets.
n Japanese.
(3) Target infonnation sheets.
n. Kawasaki steam power plant:
(1) Plant reports (draft).
(2) Notes and work sheets.
(3) Target information.
*(4) Bomb damage (part Japanese).
o. Kawasaki substation:
(1) Plant report (draft ).
*(2) Plan of substation.
(3) Work sheets.
p. Kiso River hydro power plants-general data:
(1) Plant reports (draft).
(2) Power storage in reservoirs and ragulating ponds.
(3) General view of the head of the plants on the Kiso
( 4) Map showing hydro-electric plants.
(5) The electric power system of the Kiso River
q. Kiso River hydro power plants-Momoyama
hydro power plant:
(1) Report on water plant.
(2) Target information sheetR
*(3) Plant diagram.
( 4) Powerhouse lay-out.
(5) Graphs showing lay-out curve.
(6) Schematic diagram of plant.
*(7) General plan of plant.
(8) Field notes.
r. Kiso River and Tokina
hydroelectric plants:
(1) Report on water plant.
(2) Map showing plants.
(3) Machine ratinp.
*(4) Schematic diagram of plant.
*(5) Vertical section diagram of water power plant.
*(6) General plan of plant.
*(7) Plant diagram.
(8) Graphs showing load curve.
(9) Notes and work sheetl.
(10) Target information aheeta.
(11) Photographs.
TT:-- River hydroplaDta-Kueyama water power
*(1) General plant data (plrt Japuae).
(2) Notes ud WOik sheet&
*(8) Graphs showing load oarve.
*('> Plan of plant.
(5) T&1'18t iDfol'matioa ._,
(8) Photopspha.
c. Kilo River hJdro pow plaate-01 water power
g: =--= :.CifphnL
(8) Ske' &GD ...... piNtt.
f) PlaD plaD&.
41. u. Kiso River hydro po
Yomikaki water
wer plants--
power plant:
(I) General data. ated output.
(2) Charts gener
di ams
*(3) Plant agr ted power.
( 4) Dauy report on genera
(5) General plan of power plant.
T t information sheets. (6) e.rge
(7) Equipment name plates.
( ) Target information sheets.
(9) Photograph.
Electric power m . ? the Japanese terr i-
(1) Report on electric power m
to rial economy
(2) Map of Korea. sh g electrical facilities of
*(3) Japanese 11a.p omn
and consumption of
*(4) Figures on demand, supp y
ower in Korea (part Japanese).
(5) a.nd sta tb""tics on the Electric Power Cor-
poration of Korea, Lt d. . t t f
(6) V e.riou.s statistics and tables covenng ou pu o
electricity a.nd substations in Korea.
, .1 ch ( onsisting of two w. Electric power m una c
envelopes): .
(1) Report on electric power in the Japanese tem-
torisJ economy.
(2) !\lap of East
(3) Transnussion chart m .
(4) Phot ostatic copies Japanese . diagrams of
electric-power system m Manchuna.
(5) Statistical survey of :Ya.nchuria Electric Com-
pany, Ltd.
(6) Notes. . .
(7) Phot ostatic copy of report on specificat10ns of
hydraulic and electric equipment for Sung&ri
power plant .
(8) Plans of plant shower lay-out, transmission lines
and equipment for Sungari power plant.
z. l1ie substation:
(1) Plant repon (draft).
(2) X otes and work sheets.
*(3) Diagram showing machine arrangement.
*(4) Maps showing substation.
(5) Station plan and bomb plot.
(6) Diagram showing transmission lines.
(7) Damage assessment report.
(8) Photographs.
11 The Meiko steam power plant:
(1) Plant reports (drafts) .
(2) Notes and work sheets.
{3) Target information sheets.
(4) Plant efficiency record.
1. Nagasaki steam electric station:
(1) Plant reports.
(2) Notes and work sheets.
(3) Index to administrative units for Nagasaki.
(4) Photographs.
u . Nagoya steam power plant:
In Japan.
(1) Plant repor t (draft) .
(2) Notes and work sheets.
(3) Target information sheets.
( 4) Plant diagrams.
( 5) Map of Nagoya. . .
(6) List of property mspectwn.
PI t
ffi oiency record (part J apanese) .
) an e 't b fi ld t
) N t s on Nagoya and vi onn y y e eam.
N e substat ions (consist ing of two envelopes)
bb. agoya
(1) Plant repor t . .
*(2) Diagram of t ra.nszru:9sl0n hnes Nagoya.
*(3) Diagram of substatwns.
( 4) Notes and work sheets.
(5) Not es and work
*(6) Blueprints of N1sshin substat10n-N1sshm sub-
(7) Photograph-Nisshin substation.
(8) Notes and work sheets-. Rokugo substation ..
*(9) General plan of the stat 10n-Rokugo substatiOn.
(10) Notes and work sheets-;raiko .
*(11) General plan of the stat10n-Ta1ko substatiOn.
(12) Photograph-Taiko substation. .
(13) Notes and work sheets-Iwakuva substation.
*(14) Bomb
*(15) Diagram showing 1nterstat10n connectiona-
Iwakuva substation.
*(16) Plant diagrams.
(17) Target information sheet.
(18) Photograph.
(19) Notes-Inuyama substation.
(20) Bomb damage report-Inuyama substation.
(21) Load curves of main transformer-Inuyama sub-
st ation.
*(22) Plant diagrams-Inuyama substation. .
(23) Target information sheet-Inuyama substation.
cc. Nippon Hassoden Electric Company:
(1) List of consumers.
(2) Statistics on output.
(3) Bomb damage.
dd. Saka steam electric station:
(I) Statistics on plant operation.
*(2) Data on Saka steam electric station (part
(3) Plot plan.
(4) Plant report (draft). to-
(5) General description of plant including pho
(6) Description of targets.
ee. Saku hydroelectric station:
(I ) Plant report (draft). th.
{2) Report on generation in KWH by mon
(3) Notes and work sheets.
( 4) Rainfall discharge curve.
(5) Load curve.
(6) Target information sheets.
(7) Photograph.
ff. Bhimotaki hydro power plant:
(1) Plant reports (draft).
(2) 1\fap of Bhimotaki hydro plant.
(3) Target information sheets.
(4) Negatives.
Shlojiri substation:
41 gg. Plant repor t (draft) .
(1) 1'
(2) Plant out tne.
) Load dat a.
Copies of name plates.
Daily and mont hly out put data and curves.
( Schematic diagram of transformer.
(7) Station Iagrams.
(8) Notes. .
T kyo primary su bsta t wns :
hh 0 . b 0
(1) Report No. 23 covermg primary su statwns.
) Plan of Tokyo Cit y and nearby
) Statist ics on Komatugawa substatiOn.
(4) Report coveri ng Wadabori substation.
(5) Pr1mary substation data.
.. Tokyo secondar y s ubstatiOns:
t't. ( 1) Summary report of Tokyo substations.
(2) Plant reports on t he Tokyo substations-Cbiga-
saki, Hachioji, Hongencho, Jukkengawa, Koji-
mochi, Nippori, Oshima, Sugamo, and Ozaku.
(3) USSBS- inspection report.
( 4) Photo not used in electric power report.
jj. Tsurumi st eam power plant:
(1) Plant reports (draft).
(2) Notes and work sheets.
(3) Booklet pertaining to Tsurumi steam plant.
(4) Photographs.
(5) Target information sheets.
kk. Ushioda steam power plant:
(1) Plant report (draft).
(2) Notes and work sheets.
(3) Target information sheets.
(4) Photographs.
ll. Yao substation:
(1) Plant report (draft).
(2) Notes and target location sheet.
(3) Bomb plot.
mm. Plant report photographs (consisting of two envel-
opes) .
nn. Tokyo Electric Light Company, Ltd.:
*(1) Fiftieth anniversary historical volume of the
Tokyo Electric Light Company, Ltd.
(2 through 10) Semi-annual report.
The Japanese wartime standard of living and utili ..
tion of manpower (final report and original draft).
a. Manpower:
(1) Records of the National Planning Board for
(a) Summary of the 1939 Mobilisation Plan.
(b) Planning board secret document (1940).
(c) Labor mobilization plans (1941).
(d) Plans for the national mobilisation C1H8).
(e) National mobilization (1944).
) Student mobilization:
*(a) Laws, regulations, and plans oonowaiDI
student mobilization for
(b) Student mobilisation handbook.
(c) Male and female civilian 1'6111.,..
-:----__ industry and area.
* In Japanese.
(d) Number of deaths of mobilized students.
(e) Graph.
(3) Labor data pertammg to coal and other mining:
*(a) Summarized labor stat istics table (part
(b) Efficiency table.
(c) Miscellaneous notes and work sheets.
{4) Labor statistics of the iron and steel industry.
(5) The Japanese standard of living and the war-
time utilization of manpower.
(6) Army and Navy manpower:
(a) Employment dab-Army arsenal No. 1.
(b) Navy civilian manpower other than mili-
(c) Civilian manpower Army arsenal No. 1,
other than military.
(d) Demand and supply schedule of workers in
(e) Process of mobilization (workmen)- (con-
struction bat1alion).
*(f) Number of persons worked during war (part
(g) Interrogation of the construction depart-
ment of the Japanese Army.
(h) Interrogation-Navy Department man-
(i) Interview with Captain Y oehida.
(j) General data pertaining to Army and Navy

(k) General data pertaining to Army man-
(I) Labor graph.
(m) Miacellaneoua notes and work sheets (part
(7) Employment data-aircraft factories: .
4-(a) Number of factories and peraonnel m &11'-
craft and related industry by type of prod-
uct (part Jap&Dele).
(b) Wap IIC&Jel byiU and year (part Japa-
(c) Cuualtiel m princip&l factoriel (Japmeae) .
(8) Labor Jawa:
(a) The allocetbl
(b) Extract Jawa (pMt Japueae).
(c) 8ummar7 of the prilaclpM eDOPOJDic control
lawa u enfoned on 15 Aapa INS (part
(d) l ................. (pmlapaneee).
(e) p..,.ael eonneded wfth Iabar iDdualir)
(put lapMIII).
(I) ..... ..... labor:
(a) Jlreotll oa labor ID factlarill aad wod:iDa
,..... a...
(b) ..... el ....... - J ....... lahar ...
(-.) ..... ....... OD liP JUor Ja
... ..
. d Chine e labor (part
42. a. (10) (b) The use of tmporte
Japanese). t t of Koreans (part
*(c) Utilization and trea men
Japanese). 'd tin Japan proper
(d) urvey of Koreans resl
by industry and situation
(e) Report on the group
of Koreans.
(f) Allowances (Chinese) .
(11) Labor f N t' 1 Labor Mobiliza
*(a) The Ordinance o r a Iona
tion (part Japanese).
*(b) How government offices controlled
(part Japanese).
*(c) Allocation of labor (part Japanese) . . .
(d) Mobilized personnel in Labor Patn otic
Corps. .
*(e) The affairs of Japan's Labor Service Asso-
ciation (part Japanese).
*(f) Associations and memberships of Sangyo-
Hokoku-Ka.i at the end of June 1943 (part
*(g) Chronology of the Sangyo-Hokoku move-
ment {part Japanese).
*(h) :Membership of Romu Hododukai, 1943-
1944 (part Japanese).
*(i) Annua.i revenue estimate of the Asa.ka In-
dustrial Patriotic Association (part J apa-
*(j) Outline of enterprise (part Japanese).
(k) Age of workers by industrial classification.
(I) notes and worksheets.
(12J Control of labor :
(a.J Utilization of school children and students.
(b) Report on casualties.
(c) Population, armed forces, and civilian labor
force and activity, Japan proper.
(d) Labor situation exb-ting during East Asia
(e) Report on the utilization of Korean laborers.
(f) Statb-t:ical table in relation to yearly
*(g) Coll3cription data (Japanese).
*(h) Data pertaining to labor (part Japanese) .
(i) Navy civilian manpower.
(j) Public shelter labor costs.
(k) Student labor mobilization.
0) Manpower in civilian defense.
(m} Allocation of labor.
{n) industry percentages.
(o) and man-hours expended in
tton of shelters.
*(p) Rebuilding of theaters (part Jan )
(q) p
. l"'anese .
opu ation of fi ve cities of Hirosh" p
fccture. una re-
*(r) How government controlled labo (
Japanese) . rers part
(s) an? number of shelters constructed
m &gasak1-Ken.
In Japanese.
(t) l\lobili zation of women.
(u) Appendix tables.
*(v) :Miscellaneous notes, work sheets and data
(par li J apanese) .
(w) Labor force classified by age and sex.
Special compensation to workers:
*(a) Reports on food allotments and
priority t ransportatiOn (part Japanese).
Absentee ism:
(a) Absence ratio of factor y workers by types
of industries.
(b) Chart showing number of workmen by
(c) rv!onthly absenteeism.
(d) Graph showing labor attendance rate.
(e) Rat e of attendance.
(f) Personnel in t he damaged factories.
(g) Causes of absent eeism.
(h) Miscellaneous not es and work sheets.
Product ivit y and absenteeism by individual
(a) Report on the Japan Steel Works, Ltd.
(b) Tendency of production, the Kawasaki
iron and st eel works.
*(c) Miscellaneous notes and work sheets (part
Japanese) .
(16) Conscription data:
(a) Annual conscriptions.
(b) Number of conscripted enterprises.
(c) Draft of labor from nonessential industries.
*(d) Conscription forms (Japanese).
(17) Training:
*(a) Training programs-Japanese.
*(b) Revision of industrial training regulations
(18) Prisoners:
(a) Report on Japanese national prisoners.
(b) Report concerning Allied prisoners of war.
Welfare and commerce ministries:
(a) Reference on adjustment of draft and mobi-
lization since beginrung of the Greater East
Asia War. taJs
(b) Report on wage scale of nonferrous me
department. and
(c) Report on wage scale of electric wtre
cable department. ]abor
(d) The associations activity to meet the
(e) Interrogation-Munitions Ministry.
(f) The statistics of workers.
(g) The statistics of average wages. utput
(h) The statistics of yearly production
per worker. t8
(i) Miscellaneous notes and work sbee
Japanese booklets and translatioDS: t ol
(a) Ordinance with regard to -..
labor in essential enterprlaes (J:::; oor
(h) Regulations with regard to DA
scription (Japaneee).
*( ) Notificat ion of laws providing for matters
42. a. (20) c per taining to the training of technicians
(d) National labor laws (Japanese).
(e) Civilian air, defense-Tokyo (Japanese).
(f) Countermeasur es for air attacks (Japanese).
(g) group regulations (Japanese)
(h) Conditwn of mdustry damage and loss in
air attack (Japanese) .
b. Food: .
(l) Agricultural .and riCe
*(a) I mpenal laws pertammg to rice (part
(b) Graphs showing rice prices and general
cost of living.
(c) Slllbsidies in the food program.
(d) Report on the price structure.
(e) Agricult ural policy in Japan.
(f) Farm workers needed to maintain produc-
(g) Occupational classification of Japa.Ii's popu-
(h) Graph of the changes in the agricultural
(i) Notes from the Agriculture Bureau.
(2) Investigation of the rice exports form Japan.
(3) Food rationing, control and operation:
(a) Rice ration for various types of working
*(b) The in.fiuence of food ration upon the pro-
duction of factory personnel (part Japanese)
(c) Special food allotments and priority trans-
*(d) Allotment for coal miners (part Japanese).
*(e) Distribution of agricultural products (Jap-
(f) Supply and demand of rice in Japan.
{g) Supply and demand of staple foods.
(h) Yield of rice in Japan and colonies.
(i) Report on the distribution of perishable
(j) Food situation in Japan.
(k) Unusual materials used in foods.
(1) Mitsubishi Mining Company report on
(m) Report on prewar, war, and postwar food
) Distribution of food for the War MinJstry:
(a) Chart of food procurement and distribution.
(b) Report of the Agriculture Ministry.
(c) Japanese papers.
(d) Report on the effects of reduoed dlet.
*(e) Farm labor-Japanese.
(f) A study of Osone Buraku, Ntipta.
(g) Measures for increasing food procluotioD
(5) J through soil improvement.
!Panese Army food problems:
(a) Quantities of major foods furDIIhed AI411Y
":-----_ units (Japanese).
n Japanese.
{b) on the health conditions of the
*(c) Map of Army provision depots (Japanese).
*(d) Japanese paper (Japanese).
*(e) Anny nutritional diseases (Japanese).
(0 Procurement ar d distribution of fish eggs
meat, sake, tobacco, and salt for the Army:
(g) Procurement and distribution of soy, miso,
flour, wheat, and rice for the Army units
Map showing location of Army food depots:
(l) Food stockpiles left at the end of the war.
(6) Japanese Navy food problems.
c. Civilian supplies:
(1) Civilian fuels:
(a) Estmated needs of charcoal and firewood.
(b) Consumption of coal and briquette.
*(c) Coal consumed in Japan (part Japanese).
*(d) Distribution of charcoal.
{e) Fuel Bureau Organization.
(2) General data on textile industry:
(a) Brief typed report concerning the Textile
Association of Japan and outline of control
of textile goods.
(b) General remarks concerning textile industry
(c) Information and data pertaining to raw
material and textile imports.
(d) Information and statistics on over-all pro-
duction of tenile8.
(e) Figures on textile ezport.a.
{f) Figures OD ltocb of Central Corporation of
Textile Dlstributon.
*(g) Tables showiq number of wadeta in tex-
tile industry.
(h) Figures and infonnatioa OD per eapit&
OODSWDptioD of alot.h.
(i) Production 1oat cludDc paiods of aiMaid
G) Notes on interviews wHh pa-oonnected
with tutile lndtl).
(k) Brief repoR OD tatile !DMh"-7.
. .
(1) ADswera to ODIDGiinq m-
(3) Tatile produotkm far Qitary -=
(a) Orpnftlca ol Arlay ......, ..,.._ - -- (put
Tablel ............. .... oalpat ...
.,..,.., b7 (pm ,...,.an).
(o) 1M of ....... ,.,., ............ b7
(d) PJaaud ....... ... ...,.pGdallfM{pm
J........ ..IQ_
............. .,...
42. c. (3)
documents showing
*(i) Tables and .. Japan:s:ds existing at close of
stocks of military g
war (part taining to military
(j) on interviews per
goods. ds purchased from
(k) Figures on woolen goo
civilian mills.
(4) Cotton: . eduction and ex-
(a) Over-all data on Imports pr d materials.
ports of raw cotton and mounts of
(b) Detailed figures on qualit) an a
(c) Production data.
(d) Labor statistics. a1
(e) Table showing exports of cotton maten s.
. on consumption of cotton (f) ormanon
products. .
(g) tocks of cotton mater1als.
(h) and information on bomb damage.
(5) Wool. . d
(a report on woolen m
(b) showing location of woolen mills. .
(c) General statistics on imports, production
&nd exports of woolen goods. .
(d) Figures on imports of raw maten als.
(e) Table showing exports of woolen products.
(f) Production Statistics.
(g) Labor statb-tics.
(h) tocks of raw materials and processed goods.
(i) and figures showing extent of bomb
d.a.mage to the industry.
(6) Silk:
\a) report on analysis of silk
(b) General statistics on importS, production,
and expons of raw silk materials and pro-
cessed goods.
(7) Linen and rayon:
(a) Production data.
(b) Maps showing bomb damage sustained by
respective industries.
(8) Paper and pulp:
(a) Over-all data on the industry as to produc-
tion, consumption, sales and number of
(b) Answers to inquiries about pulp mills.
(c) Figures on demand and consumption.
(d) Production data.
(e) Comparison of export, import, and con-
sumption figures.
(f) Bomb damage data.
(g) Notes.
(9) Leather :
(a) information and over-all material
pertammg to t he industry.
(b) Product ion data.
(c) Labor statistics.
(d) E:rport and import data.
{e) Information on leather susbtitutes.
.In Japanese.
(f) Comparison of postwar needs with produc.
tion (Japanese).
(g) Notes.
(10) Rubber:
(a) List of plants.
(b) Table of factories and
their productive capacity.
(c) Table showing impor ts and estimated con.
sumption of crude rubber from 1931-44.
(d) Statistics on raw mat erials and finished
products imported each year from 1930-4
by source of supply.
(e) Number and quantity of rubber products
supplied in 194D-44.
(f) Table showing comparison of capacity with
(g) Comparat ive figures on consumption, sup.
ply, stocks, surpluses and shortages.
(h) Actual out put of rubber shoes from 1940-45.
(i) Table showing demand and supply of
rubber goods from 1940-45.
{j) Stat istics on raw materials and finished
products exported each year 1930-45.
(k) Labor statist ics.
(1) Report on Rubber Control Association.
d. Over-all material and general data:
(I) Proposed constitution of Japan.
(2) Report on Japan and Korea. to the Far Eastern
(a) Eighth weekly report-Civil Affairs Di-
(3) List of prisoner of war camps.
( 4) Interrogations: .
(a) Food Control Bureau of Ministry of Agri-
culture and Forestry.
(b) Standard of living.
(c) Commercial Affairs Bureau, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry.
(d) The textile indus try.
(e) Mitsubishi Economic Research Bureau.
(f) Statistics section, office of Under-SecretarY
(g) Fuel Bureau.
(5) Housing Situation:
( ) G h
g conditions lD
a. eneral report on ousm. J,rectOr
Japan, as given by Mr. Kitaaka, D
of the Housing Corporation.. of and
*(b) Booklet given general descnption tiOJl
functions of the Housing Corpora
(Japanese document). . n varioUS
(c) Figures on number of dwellings
prefectures for different years -..mitl
(d) Table showing number of buildinl )IV6-
applied for from f d1fl)lilll'
(e) Table showing percentage
which were overcrowded in 24
cities. JJin dfr
(f) Statistics on number of dwe
troyed due to all causes.
(g) Statistics on number of dwell np
due to natural causes.
. d. (
) *(h) Statistics and information on number of
dwelli ngs lost through air attacks (part
J apanese).
(i) Figures on number of casualties and num-
ber of buildings damaged by air attacks.
(j) Chart and table giving comparison of num-
ber of evacuations with the number of
request s.
(k) Statistics on the number of evacuations.
(1) Figures on the number of pupils evacuated.
(6) Dat a pertaining to the Japanese Merchant Marine:
*(a) Chart showing organization of system used
in acquiring personnel with write-up on
various measures affecting "Crew Collec-
tion" during the war.
(b) St atistics on number of personnel in Jap.
anese Merchant Marine.
(c) Figures on wage changes.
(d) Notes on interview with Mr. Kazutaka
Shiraishi, head of Bureau of Crews.
(7) Black Market:
(a) Dates on which regulation for controlling
the daily laborers for civil engineering were
(b) Contents of economic regulation laws.
*(c) Report on day labor black market by the
metropolitan police (part Japanese).
(d) Report on police officers on the economy of
the nation.
(e) Roster of the staff of the maintenance of
Economic Order Section.
*{f) Index to economic regulation.
(g) The food problem and black marketing in
(h) Report on the black-market price of rice.
(8) Manchurian documents:
(a) Data on Manchuria-Manchuria Affairs
(b) Purpose and details of establishing a tele-
phone and telegraph company.
(c) Policies regarding mining and industry.
(d) Results of withdrawing custom duties be-
tween Manchuria and Japan.
(e) Fundamental policies in the economic
development of Manchuria.
(9) Final report (draft).
(lO) Work copies of tables contained within man-
power, food, and civilian supplies report.
(11) Extra pages for manpower, food and civillaD
supplies report (consisting of seven envelopes).
Japanese War Production Industries (final report aDd
original draft).
a. Preliminary drafts.
b. Tables:
(I) Japanese aircraft production and ooaL
) Machine gun and ammunition IIM-
In Japanese.
(4) Explosives-production in tons by year and
(5) Finished steel distribution, Japan proper, fiscal
years 1937-45.
(6) Value of Japanese aircraft production.
*(7) Table for allocation of special steel.
(8) Table for demand for one year after the war
ordinary steel materials. '
(9) Fluctuation of scrap iron collection.
(10) Total allocations and receipt of special steel by
air forces.
(11) Table of contrast demand and supply steel
materials 1932-44.
(12) Intermediate steel allocation by consuming
(13) Classified table of distribution plan and actual
consumption of steel materials.
(14) Table for allocation of ordinary and special
casting steel-1944--45.
(15) Suballocation and consumption of Navy's share
of steel.
(16) Suballocation and consumption of "DX" share
of steel.
(17} Consumption of special steel by Army by
(18) Special account of war expenses sanctioned by
the Emperor and spent.
(19) Total production used in all machinery and
manufacturing industries.
c. Graphs showing powder and explosives production
capacity in tons and value of Army ordnance
d. Charts:
(1) Organiation of the Cabinet Planning Board.
(2) Chart of distribution of Japanese Army provi-
(3) Status of Japaaese military supplies on Luson
Island-October 1944-August 1945..
( 4) Scheduled and actual communications equipment
(5) Scheduled and actual gun production.
(8) Soheduled and ecna1 fire.colltirol equipment
(7) Apportionment of r81el ves for amaual ordnance
... BefereDoe material:
(I) Report on Jlitsubiahi Hea.y IDdaslriee Com-
(I) Map ahowiDilooa&ion of supply depot&.
(I) Ounem aftuaUon mDIW7 8IIPPlT depot&.
*(4) Jtow ciJalram lehlb.'Witlima BY.J Indhlllllw,
(I) o.-al plotare of ....................... ud
44. Japanese Naval ordnance
d original
(final report an
a. Kokura Arsenal dat a:
*(1) General plant report.
*(2) Production data. ildin
*(3) The t able of and bu g.
*(4) The table of materlal. d ncomplete arms.
*(5) The t able of complete an 1
*(6) The t able of medical
*(7) The table of machine and IDStrument.
*(8) The explanatory note of surrender.
*(9) 1\lap of Usa County. K kuran Army
*(10) General report first factor y of the o
Arsenal. . an Military
*{11) ituation of factories of Kokur
*{12) Plant
b. Arsenal data:
*(1) General plant report.
*(2) Damage from air attack.
c. Aircraft, torpedo and
(1) Production list of rrunes, depth charges and
sweepers. .
(2) Ordnance production plans- aircraft, torpedo
and mine.
d. Optical Equipment : .
(1) Production, production plans, stocks m arsenals
and factories.
e. Bombs:
(1) Production, production plans, stocks in arsenals
and factories.
f. Aircraft, lllAchine guns and ammunitions:
(1) Production, production plans, arsenal data, and
air-attack data.
g. Communication equipment :
(1) Production data, stock in arsenal and factories,
number of workers, damage by air-raids and
dispersal plans.
(2) Dat a penaining to radio communicat ion and
electrical equipment.
1&. Ordnance product ion, 1931-45:
{1) Annual production, monthly production, stocks
in arsenal and factories and production by indi-
vidual plants (three envelopes).
(2) Production by individual plants.
i. Optical instruments:
{1) Annual data, monthly data, production by
individual plants, plan of dispersal, and employ-
ment dat a.
j. Nautical instruments:
(1) dat a, monthly dat a, production by
mdiVJdual plants, plan of dispersal, and employ-
ment dat a.
J:. Rubber :
{1) and reply to the Rubber Control
Assoc1at1on of Japan.
(2) Distribution of factories and their productive
.In .JapaD-.
) I mports and estimated consumpt ion of crude
rubber from 1931- 1944.
(4) Number of aut omobile tires and tubes sold be.
tween 1936 and 1942.
) List of rubber producing plants.
z. Bomb damage: . . .
*(1) Damage of factories by a1r raid- Osaka.
*(2) Report on bomb damage-Tokyo Arsenal.
(3) Effects of each air attack- Sazami Army Ar.
(4) Production figures in unbombed factories of
Sazami Arsenal.
*(5) List of shipped amounts and losses during sea
t ransportation.
*(6) General report on Sazami Arsenal.
m. Total Navy expenditures, general data.
n. Navy organization:
(1) Navy chain of command.
(2) Chart of organizat ion of Naval Technical De-
partment .
(3) Chart showing production system of Naval
suppl y.
(4) Int elligence memorandum-Japanese Naval Air
(5) Intelligence memorandum-The of
Munit ions.
o. Replies to questionnaires.
(1) Toyokama Arsenal.
(2) Navy department.
(3) Copy of USSBS questionnaire.
p. Reference material:
(1) Man-days required for military products.
(2) List of naval ammunitions.
(3) Inventories of finished and semifinished products
in civilian workshops under control of IJN.
(4) Map-Naval munition storage.
(5) Map-private business concerns under Navy
(6) Map-location of Naval factories.
(7) Naval inventories at the end of the war.
(8) List of war materials in possession of private
business concerns under Navy control.
(9) List of Japanese Naval arsenals.
(10) Diagram of Suzuki Machine Company.
(11) Charts giving description of building and oon
sumption of electric power, gas and coals.
(12) Plant plans.
(13) List of Navy controlled Plants.
(14) Drafts of report.
(15) Miscellaneous charts.
(16) The list of Japanese Naval property.
q. Interrogations and interviews. draft)
45. Japanese Army ordnance (final report and 8Dal
a. Sagami arsenal:
*(1) Production schedule (part Japanese). aod
{2) Complete official report with mapl .........
submitted in answer to USSBS
(3) Charts (supplementary data to
(4) Production charts.
N oya Arsenal:
45. b. port submit t ed by company officials to USSBS
*(l ) in eanswer to questionnaire (part English).
) Nagoya planned product ion.
T ky
o No. 1 Arsenal:
. t t t ks
) A sur vey of 1mpor an ammum 1on wor , equip-
*(! ment, and installations (private industry section)
report made by Army ordnance administration
headquar ters.
) Effects of air at tack- damage and production
) Product ion charts.
(4) Weapons production chart, by year, 1931-40.
) List of branches and products.
(6) Tokyo Arsenal r eport (incomplete).
d. Tokyo No. 2 Arsenal:
*(1) Product ion tables.
*(2) Product ion, planned and actual-Tokyo No. 2
(3) List of munit ion companies, names of controlled
factories, and list of vital products.
(4) List of Tokyo No.2 Arsenal branch factories and
(5) Air-raid damage charts.
*(6) Branch plants and products (part Japanese).
e. Osaka Arsenal :
*(I) Production charts.
*(2) Annual production charts.
*(3) Artillery production (graph).
*(4) Present condition of Osaka Army Arsenal (com-
plete report of main arsenal and subsidiaries)
(with English translation). Two copies.
{5) Complete report by company officials.
f. Kokura Arsenal:
(1) Production charts.
(2) Ordnance production charts, 1931-40.
(3) Inventory of main ordnance in storage of Army
supply park under the Commandant of the
Central Ordnance depot.
g. Takagi Arsenal:
(1) Plans for manufacturing shells-three copies.
(2) Plans for manufacturing type 00 (7.7-mm) oom-
mon shells.
h. Civilian plants:
(1) Data pertaining to civilian plants under direct
. control of arsenals.
t . Dispersal plans:
(1) The 2nd Arsenal of Tokyo dispersal pl&Da.
(2) Arsenal of south Manchuria.
*(3) Plans for dispersal (1941-45) submitted by
* Army Ordnance Bureau (Japanese and Eu1Ueb).
* (
) dispersal plans.
* (S) I\.okura dispersal plans.
(6) The 1st Arsenal of Tokyo dispersal plaal.
) Nagoya plans for dispersal.
(Sp) Army arsenal dispersion.
J .
riority allocations:
(I) Establishment of priority and

In Japanese.
(2) Allocation of producta--Tokyo No.
{3) Change in priority (chart).
*(4) Allocation of priorit ies to arsenals.
*(5) Allocation of priorities (No. 2 Arsenal T k )
, o yo
6) saka Arsenal product ions priorities.
(7) Steel allocat ions-Tokyo No. 1 Arsenal-Bagami
Osaka, Kokura and Nagoya.
k. Production data:
{1) Kokura Arsenal monthly production tables.
{2) Tokyo No. 1 Arsenal monthly production tables.
(3) No. 2 Arsenal monthly production tables.
(4) Production plans for fiscal year 1945---Bagami
Army Arsenal.
(5) Production plans for Tokyo No. 1 ArsenaL
(6) Production plans for Osaka Arsenal
(7) Production plans for Kokura Arsenal.
l. Production hours expended in the manufacture of
{1) List of major items and time required for their
production, Tokyo No. I Arsenal.
(2) List of the time required for manufacturing ex-
plosives-Tokyo No. 2 Arsenal.
m. Workers, shifts, hours and ftoor space:
*(I) Table of employees, men, women, students (part
*(2) Employees, man-hours, wages cluut--Osaka
(part Japanese).
(3) Number of workers, shifts--tables,
( 4) Tables and chana on number of workers, shifts,
hours and ftoor space for lat. Araena1 of Tokyo.
(5) Floor space of 2nd AraenaJ of Tokyo.
(6) Total man-houm available each month-Tokyo
Optical Company.
(7) Lost time by ho1li'B, Tokyo Optical Company.
(8) Total man-houm available each month; Koni-
shinoku Photo Industrial Compuay.
d ot and its branches
4S. p. (2) Tokyo Ordnance upp Y ep
(map). d' . .
' of IVISlOn
(3) Chart of equipment and the locatwns
in charge of the branches of Tokyo Army
Ordnance '"'upply depot.
(4) took list of Army clothing as of 31 August 1945.
(5) took list of subsistence. . .
(6) Charts-guns and rifies-ammumtwn-motor
vehicles and fuels-various equipment.
q. General data: .
(1) Chart of Japanese Industrial OrganizatiOn.
(2) Organizational flow chart.
(3) Japanese Army organization chart for procure-
ment and supply.
(4) Report for ordnance budget of Army 1941-45.
(5) Location of arsenals (map).
(6) Production chart of military supply in yen value
of mainland Arsenals 1941--!4.
(7) Explosive industry in (charts).
(8) List of main mat erials.
(9) Inventory of preserved veterinary materials and
(10) Current inventory of medical stores.
(11) List of Army working departments.
(12) Stocks at end of year.
(13) Amount of supply t o overseas.
(14) Amount of arms, shells, and motor vehicles
production chart.
(15) Disposition of radio detectors locators (map).
(16) Report to the Diet by the of Commerce
and Industry concerning reasons for the termina-
tion of war, 1 September 194fi.
(17) Surrey of lands and construction of Army
r. Current situation of the Army Ordnance Bureau
31 August 1945-Anny Ordnance Bureau- photo-
stat copy.
a. Current situation of the arsenals, 31 August 1945,
Army Ordnance Bureau (four copies in photostat ) .
t. Reference material:
(1) Radio Communications Equipment Company
{2) Plant report, Kameari works, Lt d.
(3) Japanese booklet (untranslated) .
u. Special report on balloon bombs and landing craft .
' Table of production and military supply (report b.}
Army Ordnance Bureau).
tD. Work sheets.
z. Interrogatio03
46. Japanese Naval Shipbuilding (final report and . . 1
draft). ongma
a. Tables:
(1) indices of Japanese naval ship roduc-
by fiscal year, 1941-45. P
(2) Bhtpbuilding industry teport.
(3) Table of delivered tonnag d
IJN. e an number of ships,
b. Employees and man-hours
) Number of workers
to shipbuilding. m naval Yards contribut ing
(2) Table showing total hours of labor employed .
building naval vessels. In
(3) Total employees and man-hours.
c. Expenditures:
(1) Average cost per ton of naval vessels.
(2) List of expenditures for naval ships.
(3) Total building expenses 1941- 45.
*(4) Maizuru Navy Yard expenditures.
(5) Cost of naval vessels (in millions of yen).
d. Steel :
(1) Allocat ion and stock of st eel materials for ship.
(2) Steel materials consumed.
e. Bottlenecks :
(1) Bottlenecks in the production of military sup.
(2) Bott lenecks on the part of shipping, their causes
and countermeasures.
(3) Bottlenecks and Countermeasures-Gminato
Navy Yard.
f . Const ruct ion.
(1) Report on naval ship production, 1941-45.
(2) Miscellaneous t ables pertaining to construction.
(3) Miscellaneous graphs pertaining to construction.
( 4) Chart showing changes made in the building
(5) Concrete.
(6) Construction data on Ha 201 Type Submarine.
(7) Initial program for naval ships.
(8) General description of shipbuilding under war-
time plan.
(9) Engine product ion.
(10) Estimation on shipbuilding capacity of navy
(11) The war ships whose construction schedule was
(12) Building program for Maizuru Navy Yard.
(13) List of ships built at the Yokosuka Navy Yard.
(14) List of naval vessels completed since 1931.
(15) The dates of commissioning of all major Japanese
Naval vessels after 1 December 1941.
g. Landing craft and special attacks:
(1) Tables pertaining to.
(2) Actual production of special attack vessels.
(3) Production of landing craft.
( 4) Table pertaining to production of auxilfarieS
h. Bomb damage:
(1) Air-raid damage in shipbuilding. OOJil'"
(2) Destruction of fioorspace by bombing 1D
mercia! shipyards.
(3) Bomb plot, Kure Navy Yard.
(4) Air-raid damage to Maizuru Navy Yard.
i. Reference material:
(1) Rough draft.
(2) Notes and work sheets. toDJIII'f
(4) Tables showing Japanese Naval vel881
1941- 45.
(5) List of miscellaneous vessels of the
In Japanese.
) Questionnaires.
46 List of naval vessels complet ed since 1931.
(B) Docks and harbor .fa c.ilities.
(g) JTG Merchant sh1ppmg.
(lO) Photographs of navy yards.
. I nterrogations.
k. Japanese Naval shipbuilding, IBM cards.
z: Japanese cards listing the Japanese Naval ship-
building subcontractors.
tatistical summaries :
(1) Special r epor ts of Japanese Naval shipbuilding.
(2) A special r eport, by fiscal year, by class in com-
mercial yards.
(3) Special report of Japanese Naval ship construc-
t ion-A quarterly shipyard study.
1. Japanese Mot or Vehicle Industry (final report and
original draft) .
a. Nissan Motor Corporation.
b. Hino Heavy Industry Company, Ltd.
c. Diesel Jidosha Kogyo, KK (Isuzu Motor Com-
pany, Ltd.)
d. Toyota Motor Company, Ltd.
e. Special report to General MacArthur relative to the
automobile industry in Japan.
f . General data.
g. Overseas strength and number of trucks in threaters
of operation during war years.
h. Work sheets.
48. Japanese Merchant Shipbuilding (final report and
origmal draft) .
a. Major yards:
(1) Kabushiki Kaisha Harima Zosensho No. 5292
Aioi City Hyogo Prefecture-detailed statiStical
(2) Fukahori Shipyard-Kawaminami Kogyo Com-
pany, Ltd-statistical report.
(3) Innoshima Shipyard Hitachi Zosen Company,
Ltd-statistical report.
(4) Toyosu, Fukagawaku City, 2 Chome-Ishika-
wajima Heavy Industries Company, Ltd-statis-
tical report.
(5) Kawasaki Dockyard Company, Ltd., Kobe-
statistical report.
(6) Kobe shipyard and engine works-Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries, Ltd-statistical report.
(7) Koyagijima dockyard; Kawaminami Kogyo-
Kabushiki Kaisha, Ltd-statistical report.
(8) Kabushiki Kaisha Harima Zosensho-Matau-
noura branch works No. 5368, Aioi City, Hyogo
Prefecture-statistical report.
) Nagasaki shipyard and engine works, Mit;subllbl
Heavy Industries Ltd-statistical report.
) Sakurajima Hitachi ShlpbuildiDg Com-
pany, Ltd., Konohanaku,
(11) Mitsui Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., Tomeno
Works-statistical report.
) Tokyo Shipbuilding Yard Compa-Q,
) iokyo--statistical report. ._.
surumi shipyard-Nippon Steel '1'uba f"'
Pany, Ltd.--statiatical repod.
(14) Dock Company, Ltd.-
stat istical report.
(15) Uranosaki shipyard-Kawaminami Industrial
Company-statistical data.
(16) akamatu shipyard-Mitsubishi Heavy Indus-
tries, Ltd.-statistical data.
(17) Y ?kohama shipyard-Mitsubishi Heavy Indus-
tries, Ltd.-statistical data.
b. Minor shipyards :
(1) Amagasaki and Osakia shipyards, Amagasaki
Dockyard Company, Ltd.-statistical data.
(2) Asano dockyards-Nippon Kokan Kabushild
Kaisha-statistlal report.
(3) Chikko yard-Hitachi Shipbuilding Company,
Ltd.-statistical report.
(4) Dairen Dockyard and Iron Works Company,
Ltd.-Tokyo--statistical report.
(5) Fujinagata Shipbuilding and Dockyard Com-
pany, Ltd.-statistical report.
(6) Hakodate Dockyard-Hakodate Dock Com-
pany-stati.rt.ical data.
(7) Hashihama Dock Company, Ltd.-statistical
(8) Hayashikane Zosen KabusbiJdkaisba-statistical
(9) Hiroshima shipyard-Mitsubishi Heavy Indus-
tries Company, data.
(10) Horia Shipbuilding Ironwork Company, Ltd.,
No. 187 Shinsumiya-cho, Taiahoku, Osaka-
statistical data.
(11) Ka.nagawa yard-Hitachi Shipbuilding Com-
pany, data.
(12) Kanagawa Zosen Company, Ltd.-(One page,
part of report).
(13) Kanshi shipyard-No. 19, 4010 Miho Shimim
Shisuoka--ilt&tistical report.
(14) Kasado Dock Company, re-
(15) Kimpwa Dock Kabuahiki 'Kiisha, 69 Miahi-
Oaab-statiatical report.
(18) Konan ahipyard-llitsubisbi HeaYy Industry,
Ltd. atatlstical data.
(17) Kyuahu Zoaen Kabalhiti KaJeha, Wabmatau,
Fukuob Prefectme statiltieal repeat.
(18) Mlho Zoeenaho Company, Ltd Btiatiltical re-
I port.
(19) MuJraieha yard-JIItlohl Sbipballdllw Company,
Ltd a&ldaloal report.
(10) 11111'01'Ul doak)vd-Bahdltll Btia&iltloal data.
(21) apJ& ahlpiNildiDI Company llltlltloal re-
(21) amura r.c.e.M 111&fetloal report.
(II) Uhra Doot Yard Company, Oleh llatlltleal
(If) NlppoDiral DooQald IAIIL:-w-..--
report. ....__.,.
(II) OJaara ... ,.... 'V'i
. d Ltd Taisho-ku, Osaka-sta-
.JB.b.(28) Sanko Shipyar , .,
tistical report. Lt d enshu
(29) Kawasaki Dockyard Company, .,
plant-statistical report. Lt d -statistical
(30) Settsu Zosenkogio Company, .
report. r K kan Company,
(31) Shimizu shipyard-Nippon o
Ltd.- statistical repor t. Ltd -
(32) Shimoneseiki-:\litsubishi Heavy Industry, .
statistical report. t' t' aJ
(33) Tohoku Dockyard Company, Lt d.-sta 1S IC
report. s Si-
(34) Tokai hipyard Company, Ltd.- IID1ZU
zuoka-st atistical report. . .
(35) Urabe hipbuilding Company, Ltd.-statistJcal
(36) Yokohama Seis!U:usho Company, Ltd. (one page
of report).
c. General data :
(1) Production figures in tons. . .
(2) Construction list, Kawanam1 Shipyard, Naga-
(3) Hitachi Shipbuilding Company, Lt d.- general
(4) Production data and company report-Uraga
Dock Company, Ltd.
(5) Heavy Industries, Ltd.-Kobe Ship-
yard and Shimonoseki Shipyard production
(6) Interrogations.
(n Identification code of shipyar ds.
{8) Bnef hLc:torical outline of Kawasaki Heavy
lnd ustries.
(9) Particulars of standard ship types (table).
(10) Information relative to personalities in the ship-
building industry.
(11) General outline of the Japanese shipbuilding
( 12) Outline of merchant shipbuilding.
(13) Reply to supplementary questions concerning
merchant shipbuilding.
(14) Over-all information on the schedule and produc-
tion of ships.
(15) Photostats.
( 16) Data on manhours and employment.
(17) Cost data.
(18) air-attack damage charts.
{19) Wooden ships construction.
d. Work sheets.
e. Complete shipping report (two boxes).
f. Statistical summaries.
(1) merchant ship construct ion (quarterly
shipyard study).
{2) Monthly ship classification study (monthly and
fiscal year totals) .
(3) Japanese shipbuilding, by date by class.
(4) Shipyard study of built merchant ships
by fiscal of (fi ve copies).
(5) Monthly classification study of Japanese
_ __ m_ erchant ships monthly and fiscal Year totals.
In Japaneae.
(6) Alphabetic listing of J apanese ships
{1931_45). Totals on number of ships and ton.
nage {two copies).
(7) l\Ionthly production of Japanese-built
merchant ships (two copies) .
(B) l\1ont hly ship classificat ion study (monthly and
fiscal year totals).
(g) The Japanese Merchant Marine and Coastwise
Shipping, Depar tment of State, R and A No.
( 10) Dat a on standard ships.
g. Production schedule of for com.
mercial shipyards by Transport Mm1str y and Navy
Technical Bureau (photostats of original Japanese-
No t ranslation).
49. Chemicals in Japan's War (Final report and original
a. Company reports:
{1) Dai Nippon Celluloid Company- Sakai:
(a) Final report (draft) .
(b) Japanese histories of the organization.
*(c) Production data (Japanese).
(d) Celluloid exports.
(e) Purchase form.
(f) Air raids and bomb damage.
*(g) Plot plan bomb damage (Japanese).
*{h) Plot plan (Japanese).
(i) Photographs and negatives.
(2) Electro-Chemical Industry Company-Omuta:
{a) Final report (draft) .
{b) Reply to American Commit tee of Investiga-
tion {Japanese) .
(c) General outline of the plant submitted by
officer-in- charge, Naval Division.
(d) Work sheets.
(e) Production data.
*(f) Plot plans and general arrangement of the
Chemical plant (Japanese).
*(g) Bomb damage-Plot plan (Japanese).
(h) Reply to questionnaire.
(3) Hodoga.ya Chemical I ndustry:
(a) Final report (draft) .
*(b) Reply to American questionnaire (part
Japanese) .
(c) Reports of enterprise. taWo
(d) Production figures-caust ic soda; Jlle lead-
soda.; sodium chlorate; and al
(e) Consumpt ion figures-sodium ohlori.

cobol ; sulphuric acid; zinc chloride'
metallic soda. ; bromide; and ethylene
ntide. d
(f) Number of employees-before aD
{g) Work sheets. t.
(h) Production and inventories of plall
(i) Stocks on hand.
*{j) Bomb plot (part J apanese).
(k) Flow charta.
*{I) Plant lay-out with index a-n"
(m) Flow diagram for making etbr
Jlodogaya Chemical Industry Company-Yoko-
49 a. (4)
(a) History of the company before the war.
(b) Work sheets.
*(c) Complete report of the company as pre-
pared by t he Japanese (part J apanese) .
*(d) Product ion record (part J apanese).
*(e) Bomb plot plan (part J apanese) .
*(f) Process sheet-caustic soda plant (part
J apanese).
(g) Tetraethyl lead summary and report .
(S) Ishihara Industrial Company, Ltd.- Yokkaichi :
*(a) Imported ore records (part J apanese) .
*(b) Reply to questionnaire (part Japanese).
(c) Work sheets and notes.
(d) Final report (draft).
(e) Production data.
(f) Air-attack dat a.
(g) Detailed bombing data.
*{h) Refinery operational layout (Japanese and
*(i) Flow diagram-cobalt refinery (Japanese
and English) .
{j) Bomb plot (Japanese).
*(k) Plant facilities layout (Japanese).
*(1) Plant prisoners of war data (Japanese).
(m) Int errogation-subject: Company organiza-
t ion and plant operation.
*(n) Bomb damage report (Japanese).
(o) Phot ographs and negatives.
{6) Nippon Chemical Industry Company, Ltd.-
(a) Final report (draft).
(b) Work sheets and notes.
(c) Production data.
*(d) History of the plant (part Japanese).
(e) Raw material data.
*(f) Plant layout (part Japanese).
(7) Nippon Chemical Industry Company, Ltd.-
(a) Report on industrial manufacturing.
*(b) Plant history (Japanese and EngUsb).
*(c) Plot plan (part Japanese).
(d) Flow diagrams.
(8) Nippon Chemical Industry Company, Ltd.-
(a) Final report (draft).
(b) Work sheets and notes.
*(c) List of plant officials and pen011D81 iDveD-
tory (part Japanese).
(d) Photographs and negatives.
(9) Nippon Chemical Industry Company, Ltd.-
(a) Flow charts of the plant.
*(b) Fact ory arrangement plan (JaparaM).
*(c) Plant history (Japanese and EDIJflb).
*(d) Plot plan (Japanese).
(lO) Japan Iron a nd Steel Compan,-Ya_.
Final report (draft).
In J apanese.
(b) Bomb damage report.
(c) Production data.
*(d) Flow chart (part Japanese) .
(e) List showing distribution of by-products
(f) Manufacturing process diagram (Japanese).
(g) Operating diagram of coke oven (Japanese).
*(h) Coal products list-Pamphlet (Japanese).
(i) Inter-departmental report on company
{j) Analysis of coal purchased.
* (k) Method of testing coking power (part
(1) Notes.
*{m) Plot plan and bomb damage (Japanese).
*(n) Parent report of survey of the chemical
industry (part Japanese).
(11) Nippon Nitrogen Fertilizer Company-Aiina-
(a) Work sheetiJ.
(b) Physical damage survey.
(c) Oil and chemical questionnaire with Japan-
ese reply giving complete history of the
organi za.tion.
(d) Photographs and negatives.
(e) Reply to questionnaire.
(f) Bomb plotiJ and bomb damage.
(g) Plot plan of air-raid shelters.
(h) Flow diagrams.
(12) Mitsui Chemical Industry Company- Miike
dyestuff worb-Omuta:
(a) Plant diagrams (Japanese).
(b) Plant 1low chart (part Japanese).
(c) Yield and quality of producta.
(d) Photographs.
(e) FiDal report (draft).
(f) Work sheet&
(g) Capitalisation of
(h) Beporta on number of employees by each

(i) Production of figures.
(j) Physical dmap repoR.
(k) Plot plan of Mitlnd Complex (Japaneae).
(I) Plofi plan of Miite Dyeatd.
(m) Bomb plofi aad ph,aical d.,.....
(D) Qlemical1JN41B chart&
(o) Produolion data (pan Jape a e).
(p) Produatioa data (pan Japes=).
(18) MltBul Chemical CompaD.y--Ba,...,.
Taman& plantl:
(a) Plofi plaD of Ba:ppna plaDt.plnL
(b) Ploduotloa data .,......
(o) llcnr....._
(d) Plofi plaa of TuniM plaat.
(e) Procl11CIIbadata
(14) Mltlnd
( PJGclaallca zeadl (.JIJ[IIDIIIIJ,
Lo ......... _
49. a. (15) l\Iitsui Light l\Ietal Company-Omuta:
(a) Work sheets.
(b) Production data. th
(c) Number of personnel employed by mon .
(d) sheets.
(e) Outline of (Boyer process) h _
(f) Plot plan of air-raid shelters and fire y
drants (Japanese).
(16) Chemical Company-Yawata:
(a) Work sheets.
(b) Production data (Japanese).
(c) Bomb damage report-monetary and phys-
*(d) Plant layout (Japanese).
*(e) Diagram of hydrants and water lines in
main plant (Japanese).
(f) Flow sheets of by-products.
(g) Building layout.
(h) Spot of bomb dropping (Japanese).
*(i) Plot plan (Japanese).
ll' (j) Proposed manufacturing plan (Japanese).
(k) Photographs and negatiYes.
(17) i\litsubishi Chemical Company-i\Iakiyama:
(a) Final report (draft) .
(b) Work sheets.
(c) Personnel data.
(d) Production data.
*{e) Bomb damage data and bomb plot (part
*(f) Plot plan showing water mains (part
*(g) Plot plan showing plants and buildings
(h) Flow diagrams.
(i) Photographs and negatives.
(j) Reply to questionnaire (Japanese).
(18) i\litsui ).lining Company-Dmuta:
(a) X otes and work sheets.
(b) Report of coal furnished the plant.
(c) Output of coal.
(d) Electric power demand.
(e) Report of daily water supply.
(f) Report on how production is affected by
Bomb plots and bomb damage (Japanese).
(19) Ntppon Synthetic Chemical lndustry-Q ki.
(a) Final report (draft) . ga
(b) Work sheets and notes.
(c) Report on quantities of main raw materials
(d) Report on quantities of products
{e) Flow sheet of production .
(f) Personnel data
plan-bomb damage (Japanese).
(20) N" o and negatives.
l88&D Chenucal Company-Tokyo
(a) Notes and work sheets.
(b) Production data.
(c) Plot plan.
(d) Parent company organizat
---- IOD.
In Japan-.
l) Nitchisu Chemical I ndustry Company-N"obe.
(a) \Vork sheets and notes.
(b) Personnel dnta.
*(c) History of the company (Japanese) .
(d) Production data (Japanese) .
(e) Bomb damage report s.
(f) Process flow sheet s.
*(g) Flow sheets and flow diagrams showing
general arrangement of t he plants and
manufacturing processes (part Japanese) .
(h) Reply t o questionnaire.
*(i) Sulphuric acid report (part Japanese).
(22) Oriental High Pressure Industry Company-
Omut a:
(a) Flow sheets and flow diagrams showing
general arrangement of plant and manu-
facturing processes.
*(b) Flow sheets and diagrams (part Japanese).
(c) Not es and work sheets.
*(d) General outline of the plant (Japanese).
(e) Reply to questionnaire (Japanese).
(f) Product ion data (Japanese).
(g) Bomb damage report and data.
(h) Construction plans.
(i) Photographs and negatives.
(23) Oriental High Pressure Industry Company-
(a) Notes and work sheets.
(b) Production data.
(c) History of plant.
(d) Reply to questionnaire.
(e) Plot plan and flow sheet (Japanese).
(24) Rieken Metal Company-Ube:
(a) Notes and work sheets.
(b) Raw materials and products, by year.
(c) Production data.
(d) Bomb damage report.
*(e) Plant layout with bomb shelters {Japanese).
*(f) Flow diagram (Japanese) .
(g) Reply t o questionnaire.
(h) Employment data (Japanese).
(25) Showa Electrical Chemical Industry-Kawa-
*(a) History of the plant (English and Japanese).
(b) Future plans for restoration.
*(c) Bomb damage report (Japanese).
*(d) Flow diagram (Japanese).
(e) Production data.
(26) Sumitomo Chemical Company-Niihama:
(a) Notes and work sheets.
(b) List of aluminum consumers.
(c) Receipts (Japanese).
(d) Data for hexogen plant.
*(e) Production data (Japanese).
*(f) Bomb damage data (Japanese).
*{g) Quantity of aluminwn (Japanese).
*{h) History of plant (Japanese). J ,., .. ).
* (i) Plot plans and flow sheets (pari .,_
(j) Photographs and negatives.
(k) Notes, work sheets and 6o1f __..
1) Reply t.o questionnaire.
a. (26) at
. *(m) Company orgamz Ion, perRonnel data and
outline of operations (part Japanese) .
(n) Bomb damage report.
(o) Repor t on purchase of raw materials
(p) Product ion data.
(q) Plot plans, flow sheets and flow diagrams.
) Sumitomo Chemical
(a) Work sheets and negatives.
(b) Report and list of raw materialA.
(c) Reply to questionnaire.
(d) List of official s and employment data.
(e) Bomb damage report.
*(f) Plot plans, flow sheets, and flow diagrams
(part Japanese).
*(g) I nter-company report (Japanese).
(h) Negatives.
(28) Titanium Industry Company-Ube:
(a) Notes and work sheets.
(b) Production data.
(c) Bomb damage.
*(d) Plant layout (Japanese).
(e) Photographs and negatives.
(29) Toa Synthetic Chemical Company-Nagoya.
(a) Notes and work sheets.
{b) Brief description of plant.
(c) Defense measures and bomb damage.
(d) Receipt of raw materials.
(e) Production data.
*(f) Plot plans, flow sheets and flow diagrams
(g) Photographs and negatives.
(30) Toa Chemical Company-Sakai:
(a) Notes and work sheets.
*(b) Flow diagrams (Japanese).
(31) Toho Chemical Company-Nagoya:
(a) Work sheets and notes.
(b) Bomb damage.
(c) Plot plans, flow sheets and flow diagrams.
(d) Photographs and negatives.
(32) Tokai Electrode Manuafacturing Company-
(a) Work sheets.
*(b) Plot plans and flow sheet (part Japanese).
(c) Photographs and negatives.
) Tokuyama Soda Company:
(a) N"otes and work sheets.
(b) Production data.
(c) Personnel data.
(d) Flow diagram and bomb plot.
) Toyo Soda Industry CoD&pany-Toltuyam&:
(a) N"otes and work sheets.
(b) Production data.
{c) Reply to questionnaire.
(d) Analysis of main products.
(e) Customers for main producta.
Flow diagrams, flow oharta and boJDb_...
n apanese.
(35) Ube J ndustrial Nitrogen Production C
Ube: ompany-
(a) Notes and work sheets.
(b) Production data.
(c) Bomb damage and air raids.
(d) Reply to questionnaire.
(e) Photographs and negatives.
*(f) Fl ha
ow c rts, flow diagrams and plot plans
(part Japanese).
(36) Ube Soda Industry-Ube:
(a) Notes and work sheets.
{b) General description of plant.
(c) Employment data.
{d) Production data.
*(e) Flow diagrams and Bow charts (part
(0 Photographs and negatives.
b. Company and plant report.a-emlosives:
(1) Nippon Explosive Manufacturing Company-
(a) Notes and work sheets.
(b) General outline and history of the plant.
(c) Production data.
(2) Tokyo Second Army Arsenal- Aforiaane:
(a) Notes and 11 ork sheets.
*(b) Plan of acid and explosive plant (part
*(c) General outline and history of plant (put
(3) Tokyo Seoond Army Araenai-Arao:
(a) Notes and work sheets.
*(b) Reply to questioDDAire (part Japanese).
*(c) Peraonnel data (part Japanese).
(d) Drawinp of manufactural flow for explo-
*(e) Flow charta and 1eoeral arra.npment of the
factory (part Japaneae).
<> Tokyo Second Army Araeaal-Uji:
*(a) MiDfsterial questionnaire (part Ja.,.neae).
(b) EzpanaioD plannfns for TNT (Japaueae and
*(o) Health iudu ol emploJ888 (J.-=pe aDd
(d) materials.
(e) 8hoJiale8 of all 11111t8ia11 (Japaz a doca-
(f) IDftlltorJ sJD'DO'!k
(g) lnftlltory Ditrio aald.
(h) In'ftlltol7 1d11m h.)drcmide

(f) 1Dftllt017 aalpharlo Mid.
(t) Procluadoa by priDaiJ* plan&a acid.
(I) P1aDs lor ewphllftl 4P9aiDD (lapunx
ud Bnal"b).
(aa) ID"t8Dtc117 , ........ Ja ...._
(D) lllftldal7
(o) C..,....

b (
4) (s) Consumption-toluene.
49. . . f 1 ts-Second Arsenal.
(t) Capacity o Pan (p t Japa
*(u) Inventory-chemical warfare ar -
(v) History of Second Arsenal (Japanese docu-
(w) Notes and work sheets.
(x) High explosives production data.
(y) Process flow charts.
*(z) Table of machines (Japanese).
(5) Hayagane Explosive plant:
(a) Work sheets.
*(b) Flow diagrams and plot plans (part Japa-
(6) Xaval arsenals:
(a) Work sheets and notes.
(b) Photographs and negatives.
(c) Toluene report.
(7) Xitchitsu Chemical Company (Explosives):
(a) Flow sheets.
(8) Explosives summary:
(a) Industrial explosives.
(b) Production record--civilian explosives.
(c) Production of explosive accessories.
(d) Consumption of explosives.
(e) Smokeless and synthetic explosives records.
(0 Inventory of munitions companies.
50. Chemicals in Japan's War-- appendix to the report of
the Oil and Chemical Ditision.
51. Oil in Japan's War (final report and original draft).
a. Plant reports:
(l,l Dail..-yo Oil Company- Y okkaichi:
r a) Report on Y okkaichi refinery.
(b, Production for refineries.
*(c) Plot plan of Dail..-yo refinery (Y okkaichi)
*(d) Crude receipts (Japanese).
*(e) Bomb Plot-Daikyo Refinery (Y okk&ichi)
*(f) Flow diagram-combination Unit-Daikyo
refinery (Japanese).
*(g) Flow diagram-Lube Plant-Daikyo re-
finery (Japanese).
(h) Photographs and negatives of Daikyo oil
refinery (Including views of the H 0 plant)
(2) Army fuel depot-Bofu branch: 2 2
(a) Plant inspection report.
*(b) Report on Bofu Army fuel depot.
(c) Inventory of grounds build' d .
ment (Japanese). ' mga an eqwp-
{d) Proposed description of equipment
*(e) Japanese historv of the B f . b
(Japanese). - o u ranch
*(0 Plot plan and bomb plot (Japan )
*(g) F1 ..J ese .
ow l' l&gram (Japanese)
(3) Iwakuni Army Refinery:
(a) Plant inspection report
(b) Final report.
____ <_c) Bomb damage summary.
In Japanese.
(d) Crude receipts.
(e) Refinery units and processes.
(f) Crude oil receipts- imported.
(g) Organization of Army fuel-GHQ.
(h) Inspection report- Professor Bowman
(i) Interrogation-plant operating offici :
'fi . titS.
(j) Petroleum spem catiOns.
(k) Production processes and flow diagram
(part Japanese). s
(1) Production records.
(m) Plant organization and personnel.
(n) Source of equipment and design.
(o) Bomb damage-monetary.
(p) Air-raid warning plan.
(q) Outline and tory of I wakuni refinery.
*(r) Detail of physical damage (Japanese).
(s) Prints and negatives of Iwakuni refinery.
(t) General lay-out and plot plan.
(u) Flow djagram-Iso octane plant.
(v) Flow diagram-gas plant.
*(w) Plot plan and flow diagrams of lube plant
(Japanese) .
*(x) Flow djagram- alcohol plant (Japanese).
*(y) Flow diagram and plot plans-catalytic
cracking plant (Japanese).
*(z) Flow diagram-thermal cracker (Japanese).
*(aa) Flow diagram- coke plant (Japanese).
*(bb) Flow diagram-topping plant (Japanese).
(4) Imperial Fuel Industry Company- Ube:
(a) Final report.
(b) Plant inspection report.
(c) Physical damage report.
*(d) Flow cliagram-synthetic oil plant (Japa-
(e) Process description and operation.
(f) Petroleum specifications.
(g) Bomb damage-monetary.
(h) Daily production report.
(i) Prints and negatives.
(j) Bomb plot (Japanese).
(k) Plot plan of bomb damage.
*(1) Plot and location plan (Japanese).
*(m) Plot plan of bomb damage (Japanese).
*(n) Bomb damage to refinery (Japanese).
*(o) Bomb plot of Lurgi plant (Japanese).
*(p) Plot plan-Lurgi plant (Japanese).
*(q) Sketch of Synthetic NH
plant (Japanese>
*(r) Flow diagram-synthetic gasoline pJaDt
*(s) Plot plan-Kopper's coke plant (Japanese>
*(t) Plot plan-C0
converters (Japanese).
* ( u) Flow diagram-Lurgi plant (Japanese)j p-
*(v) Flow diagram-hydro cracking plaDt (
{5) Koa Oil Company-Otake:
(a) Final report.
(b) Plant inspection report.
(c) Physical damage report.
(cl) Interrogations of plant ofllciall
{c) Outline, summary and iaveD
Koa Oil Company.
(S) (f) Bomb plot.
51. a. (g) Plot plan and bo.mb plot.
(h) Prints and negatives.
(B) Maruzen Oil Company-Shimotsu:
(a) Final report.
(b) Plant inspect ion report.
(c) Physical damage report.
(d) Design capacities of distillation units.
(e) Petroleum s upplies and inventories.
(f) Bomb damage s ummary.
*(g) Refinery processes and flow diagrams (part
Japanese) .
(h) General discussion of equipment, processes
and operations.
*(i) Historical outline and production record
(Japanese) .
*(j) Refinery plot plan (Japanese).
*(k) Refinery lay-out (Japanese).
*(I) Bomb plot (Japanese) .
*(m) Refinery process-flow diagram (Japanese).
(n) Prints and negatives.
(7) Mitsubishi Oil Company- Kawasaki:
(a) Plant inspection report.
(b) Final report.
(c) Ordnance report- physical damage.
(d) Historical outline of the Mitsubishi Oil
(e) Air attack data.
(f) Inventory of refinery equipment.
(g) Crude oil and refined products, production
record and inventory.
(h) Refinery through-put records.
(i) Flow diagram-light crude oil.
(j) Flow diagram- heavy crude oil.
(k) Notes taken by USSBS Inspecting Team.
*(I) Bomb plots (Japanese).
*(m) Plot plan (Japanese).
(n) Plant lay-out.
*(o) Refinery flow diagram (Japanese).
(p) Flow diagrams-treating plants.
*(q) Refinery control processes (Japanese).
(r) Prints and negatives.
(8) Second Naval Fuel Depot-Yokkaichi:
(a) Final report.
(b) Bomb damage summary.
(c) Process descriptions.
(d) Notes taken by USSBS Inspecting Team.
(e) Interrogations-plant officials.
*(f) Outline for" Red Book" (part Japaneae).
(g) Plant flow diagr&ms.
(h) Summary of processes and equipmeut.
(i) Crude oil and finished produotl lllventorJ ..
(j) Bomb damage-monetary.
(k) Bomb damage summary.
(1) Damage assessment report.
(m) Plan of foamite system.
(n) Complete property
val fuel depot.
Inventory of arms and
J n Japanese.
(p) List of materials.
{q) Description of refinery facilities.
(r) Plot plan-tank farm.
(s) Bomb plot.
(t) Plot plan of bomb damage.
*(u) Proposed flow diagrams (Japanese).
*(v) General plan of the depot (Japanese).
*(w) Map of Japanese assessment of damage.
(x) Plan of railroad track system.
(y) Hydrographic map of the Utsube River at
the depot.
(z) Map sho\\;ng location of warehouses.
(aa) of electrical distribution system.
(bb) Plan of the docks.
*(cc) Plans of Butanol Iso octane plant (Japanese).
(dd) Plot plan of the hydrogen peroxide plant.
(ee) Bomb damage to tank farm.
*(ff) Plan of the Nagoya plant (Japanese).
(gg) Plan of steam piping.
(hh) Damage to electrical system.
(ii) Plan showing location of air-raid shelters
and water reservoir.
(jj) Plan of water system.
(kk) Damage to oil pipe lines.
*(11) Plot plan of AA gun positions (Japanese).
*(mm) Lube oil refinery (JapanPal.
(nn) Flow diagrams-butanol plant.
(oo) Photographs an:l negatives.
f9) Third Naval fuel depot- Tokuyama:
(a) Final report.
(b) Notes taken by USSBS IDspecting Team.
(c) Physical damage report.
(d) Production, consumption, and inventoriea
of petroleum.
(e) Specifications for refined product&
(f) Bomb damap summary.
(g) Complete inventory of depot.
(h) Refinery production schedule pnor to
(J) Process control data.
(j) Flow cfiaBrama.
Bomb plot (Japaneae).
n> Be&uery plot plan tJapalltlle).
(mJ Pbotop'&pha aDd aeptins.
(n) Damap ureat report.
(10) appon Mjnq Oompeny-Fuubwa:
(a) Intenoptimll plaDt o8lcih
(b) PlaD\ productiioD NOCJrd.
(o) Plaa\ emploJID8D\ NOOid.
(d) GeDidl b
doi'J p1aD.t.
(11) Nlppoa OtDr Oil Oompuar--Ube:
ta) .._ b I1JIIPidlua Team.
(b) PJow-aotaroiL
(o) Plot plaM oltlle liP' aiJIIenL
(d) Plo\ .... fll - 011 plall&.
PlR .... IIQ.
f 'd damage.
51. a. (12) (d) SummarY o arr-rru ll
(e) Analysis of bomb fa
(f) List of refinery apparatus.
(g) Flow diagrams. . ent
(h) Table shmYing refinery eqmpm .
(i) Production records.
(j) Bomb plot.
*(k) Plot plan of refinery (Japanese).
(J) Prints and negatives. .
(13) Nippon Oil Company-Amagasaki:
(a) Final report. .
(b) K otes taken by "C' B Inspecting Team.
(c) Ordnance report.
(d) Bomb damage report. .
(e) History of refinery (English translation).
*(0 Balance sheet-value of refiner y (part
(g) Table of important equipment.
(h) List of directors.
(i) Employment record.
(j) Petroleum specifications.
(k) Tank farm in\"'entory.
(1) Plan of tank farm (Japanese) .
(m) Flow diagr&mS.
(n) Bomb plots.
(o) Refinery layout plan.
(p) Intelligence mat erial.
(q) Prints and negatives.
(14) Xippon Oil Company- Kudamatsu:
(a) Final report.
(b Physical damage report.
(c Xot es taken by "'GSSBS Inspecting Team.
(d Crude oil in\"'entory.
(e) Production invent ory.
(f) Petroleum specifications.
(g) Bomb damage summary.
(h) Production schedule.
(i) List of plant areas.
(j) Personnel records.
(k) Imported crude record.
0) Production records.
*(m) Bomb damage summary (Japanese).
*(n) Bomb plot of refinery (Japanese).
Co) Bomb plot of steel works.
*(p) Diagram showing plant water system (Jap-
*(q) Plant map showing air-raid shelters (Japa-
*(r) General flow diagram (Japanese).
(a) Negatives of plant .
*(t ) oil treating plant (Japanese) .
*(u) High vacuum distillation plant (Japanese).
(v) CJ'088 cracking unit.
*(w) Kerosene and gas oil treating plant
*{x) Gasoline treating plant (Japanese).
*(y) Asphalt redistillation plant (Japanese)
*(z) Wheeler two-stage crude oil
tion plant (Japanese).
In Japaneee.,
*(aa) Pressed oil continuous dist illation plant
*{bb) Ethyl gasoline preparat ion unit (Japanese) .
*(cc) Paraffin wax plant (Japanese) .
*(dd) Lube oil refinery plant (Japanese).
*(ee) NNC cracking plant (Japanese).
*(ff) Pressure re-run distillate unit (Japanese).
*(gg) Cracked gas fractionat ing plant (Japanese) .
(15) Nippon Oil Company-Tsurumi refinery:
(a) Final report.
(b) Air attack and bomb damage.
(c) Product ion data.
(d) Crude oil receipts.
(e) Flow diagrams showing cracking and
t opping units.
(f) Negat ives.
(g) Japanese blueprints of Nippon Oil Company
(16) Nippon Oil Conversion Company-Kawasaki:
(a) Report by company officials.
(b) General descript ion of plant.
(c) Bomb damage assessment report.
(d) Revised plot plan.
(e) Bomb plot.
(f) Intelligence summary.
(17) Nippon Paraffin Refining Company-Tokuyama:
(a) Final report.
(b) Notes of USSBS Inspecting Team.
(c) Flow diagram of plant and production and
consumpt ion figures.
*(d) Map of plant and vicinity (Japanese).
(e) Map showing plant fire fighting installations.
(18) Nippon Synthetic Oil Company-Omuta:
(a) Final report.
(b) Notes taken by USSBS Inspecting Team.
{c) Production data.
(d) Air-attack data.
(e) Flow sheet-production per day.
(f) Prints and negatives.
(g) Flow sheets.
*(h) Bomb plot.
(i) Production data.
(j) Tables of principal products.
(k) A list of the length of sojourn for the
German engiues.
(1) Bomb damage.
(m) Number of personnel employed.
(n) List of working records.
{19) Nissan Liquid Fuel Company:
(a) Final report.
(b) Notes taken by USSBS Inspecting TeaJD.
(c) Historical summary of plant.
(d) Flow sheet of low-temperature carbO
t ion plant. t of
(e) Map showing general arraugemeD
Wakamatsu plant.
(f) Flow sheet of entire plant.
(g) Phot ographs and negatives of pJ&Dt.
*{h) General layout of plant (Japaul-
Show a Oil Company-Hirazawa r efiner y:
51. a. (
) (a) I nterrogation of J apanese officials.
(b) Production list.
(c) Char t showing capacity of plant.
(d) Flow diagram. .
l ) Showa Oil Company-Kawasak1 r efiner y:
(a) Process information and production records.
*(b) Report on meeting wit h company officials
(part Japanese) .
(c) Plot plan and bomb damage.
(d) History and general description of plant.
(e) List of plant officials.
(f) Negatives.
(22) Sait ozaki (Rising Sun) Petroleum Center-
(a) History and general outline of the plant.
(b) Map of Fukuoka and vicinity.
(23) Toa Fuel Company-Wakayama:
{a) Final report .
(b) Notes t aken by USSBS Inspecting Team.
(c) Air-raid data.
(d) Flow diagram-synthetic lube plant.
(e) Monthly production figures.
(f) Photographs and negatives.
(g) Plant history.
(h) Flow diagrams of the entire plant.
.(i) Plans of Japanese air-raid protection
*(j) Plan of underground plant (Japanese).
*(k) Map showing bomb damage (Japanese).
(I) Plot plan of the facilities of the refinery
(m) Bomb plot (Japanese).
(24) First Naval Fuel Depot:
(a) Equipment record.
(b) Plan of the depot.
(c) Inventory of materials.
(d) Items of research.
(25) Liquid Fuel Supply:
(a) Liquid fuel supply and allocation plan-
1942 and 1943.
(b) Military analysis questionnaire No. 19-
Japanese Navy Air Force.
b. General data and ministerial files:
) Government organization.
(a) History of government organisation.
(b) Cabinet planning boards.
(c) Organization of the planning bureau.
(d) Petroleum Control Association.
(e) Administrative Bureau.
{f) Alcohol Control Association.
(g) Army and Navy Petroleum Committee.
Bureau of Chemistry (part Japan )
Commerce and industry.
(j) Chemical Bureau.
(2) Government Planning:
(a) Expansion and planning of the 1Ddlltl1
Government-sponsored plana,
ln Japanese.
(c) Government encouragement.
(d) planning board plans.
(e) Provisional art icles of the commit tee for
postwar petroleum policy in Japan.
(f) Seven-year plan of synthetic oil product ion
(g) Allocations of petroleum and synthetic oils:
*(h) Report on principal materials production
(part Japanese) .
(i) Ministry of Commerce and Industry report.
(j ) Army Ministry plans.
(3) J ndustry control associations-oil:
(a) Report on present economic control and
{b) Capitalization of operating company.
(c) Stat ements of profit and loss for operating
(d) The Imperial Fuel Development Joint Stock
(e) The oil refiners conference.
(f) Oil Refining Control Board Law.
(g) Army-Navy Petroleum Committee.
(h) Trade organir.ations
(4) Industry Control Association-chemicals:
(a) Imperial government expansion plans.
(b) Synthetic Organic Chemical Law.
(c) List of members-Chemical Industry Con-
trol Association.
{d) Organization of the Chemical Industry
Control Association.
*(e) Summary of the chemical indastry (part
(f) Outline of the Chemical Industry C-ontrol
(g) USSBS report on the CICA.
(h) USBBS report OD the functiODSm the CI CA.
(5) Names of Japanese busin.aofiWelaud refineries:
(a) List of oompany officials of the on Control
(b) Petroleum ration board members.
(c) Petroleum inc:lultr.r ofiWals,
(d) Fuel B--.o members.
(e) Chemiaal illd111k7 ofliaiala.
(f) Aloohol Control Board.
(g) List ol petroleum reiDedeL
(8) General iDfOI'I'aHon about Jarp lapueee
(a) Capitalisation iiiOUidL
(b) Bepcri on Chemjoal IDdua&uea (lapuaeae)
l'8q1lfllf;ed by USSBS quedoanalre.
(o) Bepon on a.m._, waafare (J'apaMie).
(7) ... aDd labor eappH--USSBS

(b) Lebui .. ID obeiceJ warD.
!a) J.ParmaldiulollJ ...... III
(d) Ia.,.., .... plan'&
(e) Lahar ...... .........
1 duction-
51. b. (7) (h) Specialists for southern OI pro
IJ r.
(i) Labor in alcohol .
(j) Labor in petroleum mdustr.)-IJN.
(k) Labor short.ages.
(I) Labor-Imperial Fuel Company.
( ) Transportation
(a) Civilian tanker situation.
(b) List of tanker tonnages- Navy.
(c) Di tribution of t ankers.
(d) Tankers before t he war.
(e) Tanker operation at outbreak of "'ar.
(f) Transpor tation of oil stocks.
(g) hi pping- proposed and actual.
(h) Limitation imposed by lack of transporta-
tion facilities.
(i) t' '"' B report on tank cars.
(j} Railroad t ransportation.
(k) Oil tank cars.
{9) Refineries:
Ca) List of refineries and capacities.
(b) List of refineries.
(c) List of active refineries 1941- 45.
(d) Descriptive data of eight refinen es.
(e) Operation of }litsubishi Oil Company.
(0 Report on Army refineries.
(g) Report on I wakuni Army refinery.
'h , :\Iaruzan Oil Company report.
(i) Report from the Fuel Bureau.
(j Present status of civilian petroleum industry.
(k Capacities of refineries.
1) Xtppon oil Company refineries.
(m) Fuel Bureau
(10) Refinery production records:
(a) Inventory of various foreign crudes-Fuel
{b) Throughput of various refineries.
(c) Production figures-Naval fuel depots.
(d) Refinery capacities.
(e) Total yearly crude throughput.
lf) N1ppon Oil Company refinery records.
(g) Toa Oil records-production records.
(h) Oil Company-production rec-
Oil Company-production records.
(J) Dalkyo Petroleum Company-production
Oil Company-production records
1 Nippon Company-product ion. -
ords. rec
(m) Petroleum Control Associaf
( n) Pr d . ton records.
o uctiOn records-Mitsubishl 0 1 C
psny. 1 om-
(o) Production planning-Fuel Bureau.
(p) Japanese Petroleum Fac
11) 1 1es report.
Petroleum Specifications:
(a) Navy spectficattons.
(b) Navv wartime specfi t
( )
1 ca 1ons.
c rlrmv standards
{d) Fuel Bureau spec t
ca IOns.
(c) Petroleum Cont rol Association
t ions.
(f) NSTl\I speci fi cations.
(g) Second Naval fuel depot tests.
(12) Crude oil- impor ts, production, and export
(a) Production records of t he Joint Ent s.
(b) Fuel Bureau estimates of production
45. 1-
(c) Oil

oil statist.ics
(d) Productwn- :l.. yoclokigyo Oil Compa
(e) Crude oil allotments to civilians. ny.
(f ) Japan crude oil production- Imperial Oil
(g) Domestic crude pr oduct ion.
{h) I mports from occupied areas.
(i) Cr ude production- Army-Navy.
(j) Report by I mperi al Oil Company.
l k) Annual imports-Fuel Bureau.
(1) I mports of southern crude.
(m) I ndex of Japanese oil fields.
(n) EffP.ct of t he war on the industry.
fo) Imports-Control Association.
( p) Export s- Fuel Ministr y.
(q) St ocks-Navy.
(r ) Aspects of petroleum imports- Occupation
( 13) Decoy Petroleum Storage:
(a) Report on Atada I sland-USSBS.
(14) Oil storage depots:
(a) Map of producing and storage areas.
(b) List of plants and equipment.
(c) Naval st orage capacity.
(d) Const ruct description of naval tankage.
(e) Maps of Army fuel storage.
(f) List of storage areas.
(g) Yokosuka Na vy fuel depot.
(h) Underground storage.
(i) Dates of fuel depots const ruction.
(j) Railroad t ank cars.
(k) Fuel Bureau report.
(I) Petroleum Control Association report.
(m) Tabulation of storage.
(n) Notes, field inspect ion reports, and basic
data as gat hered and compiled by the
(15) Synthetic oil plants :
(a) I ndex of synt hetic oil plants.
(b) Process for manufacturing lube oU frOIJl
r ubber.
(c) Fuel Bureau report.
(d) I mper ial fuel industry report.
(e) Hydrogenat ion developments.
(f) Coal liquefact ion data.
(g) Alcohol synthesis.
(16) Synthetics and substit utes for petroleuJD:
(a) Production of lube oil from rubber
(b) Alcohol for motor fuel.
(c) Synthetic aviation lubes.
(d) Production of synthetic oU
(e) Fuel Bureau production
(! 6) (f) Fuel Bureau estimates.
51. b. (g) Records of Commerce Ministry.
(h) Synthetic oil r eport- Fuels Ministry
(i) Navy Bureau r eport.
(j) Present state of wast e oil refi neries.
(k) Subst itute fuels.
(1) Const ruction r eport on synthetic oil plants
(17) Synthetic petroleum from pine roots:
(a) USSBS-r eport and summary.
(b) Investigation of pine r oot oil plants-
Yamaguchi Prefecture.
(c) Forestry Bureau r eport .
(d) USSBS-team repor t-Shikoku.
(e) Fuel Burea u repor t .
(f) Mitsubishi report.
(18) F uel inventor ies and war losses:
(a) Estimated stocks on hand at start of war.
(b) Stock repor t-Mitsubishi Oil Company.
(c) Stocks of refined oils- Navy Bureau.
*(d) Graphs of invent ory losses through the war
(part J apanese) .
(e) I nventories-Petroleum Cont rol Association.
(f) Diesel and fuel oil report-Petroleum Dis-
t ribut ion Company.
(g) Alcohol inventories.
(h) Stocks on hand-Home Islands.
(i) Navy Ministry report.
(j ) Kure Naval inventory.
(k) Navy stored fuel.
(I) Estimated monthly losses.
(m) Percentage of storage capacity lost.
(n) Effects of fuel shortages.
(o) Petroleum Association report on war losses.
(p) Oil Control Association report.
(19) Bomb damage and general bombing data:
(a) Chemical plants hit by incendiaries.
(b) Effect of the war on the chemical industry.
(c) Defense measures of the chemical industry.
(d) Weapon effectiveness-Japanese evalua-
t ion.
(e) Twentieth Air Force targets.
*(f) J
apanese report on bomb damage.
(g) Air raid damage-Ube.
(h) List of refineries.
(i) J
apanese comments on bomb
(j) Bomb analysis data.
(k) Refinery damage-Petroleum Control
(I) Refinery equipment damaged in air raidl.
(m) E ffect of bombing on gas works.
(n) Petroleum storage areas attacked.
( (o) Tankage destroyed
) Aerial at t ack--protective. and defensive m....-=
*(a) Notes and work sheets.
(b) Underground or dispen&l
:(c) Effect of the war on induaiir7
Plans for underground faotorlll
* I
n Japanese.
Oil requirements:
(a) Army requirements-so th
b) N . u em zone.
avy requl.l'ements
(c) Charts of ware
(d) Fuel Bureau report.
(e) Petroleum Distribution Ass . t
Q . OCl& 10n report.
il and Chemical Division interrogaf .
(a) Materials and shipping in war
(b) Naval oil supply-Borneo.
(c) Allocations of petroleum and petroleum
(d) production of oil and over-all
(e) To determine available statistics at Arm
supply depots. Y
(f) Army explosives manufacture-Tokyo No.
2 Arsenal.
(g) and statistics for ammonia and
mtric ac1d production.
(h) on chemicals for the aircraft
(i) Progress by CICA and Bureau of industry
on oil and chemicals.
(j) Interview of Mr. Borie and Mr. Kawakubo.
(k) Interview of Vice-Admiral K. Morita.
(1) Control of Japan's chemical industry.
(m) Interview of Lieutenant Cemmander K.
(n) Property and oil aectioDit-Joint Enter-
prise Company.
(o) Tank car set-up.
(p) Production and administration of oil in
. foreign influence.
51 b (22) (mm) Synthetic rubber-
. . (on) Tetraethyllead. . al Industry Control
(oo) Records of Chemic
Association. t Company.
'al Fuel Developmen
(pp) Imper1 cal Bureau.
(qq) Functions of the CheDU
(rr) Navydsfuef1. JJ)T explosives and propellants.
(ss) Recor or - " .
(tt) Anny-Xavy Oil Committee.
(uu) Interview of Colonel Masuda.
(vv) Fuel monopoly. bb )
(ww) Chemical for Army (synthetic ru er .
(:n) Army explosives
(yy) Allocation of Japanese tankers. d the
(zz) Relations between private industry an
IJX. - a1 f 1 depot
(aaa) Plant operations-second Nav ue .
(bbb) Control and ?f
(ccc) X&\] oil plans in of
(ddd) Plans of the Greater East Asia MllllBtr y for
the development of Japan. .
(eee) Army-Xavy production of synthetic rubber.
(fff) Plant operation-second depot.
(ggg) Organization of the Murut10ns Mlll1St ry.
(23) Army organization: ..
(a) Organization chart of Army Ministry.
(b) G-2 showing chart of sup-
plying organization of Army fuel.
(c) Army organizations-general.
(d) The Southern Oil Plan.
\24) Xavy organization:
(a) Xavy chain of command.
(b) Oil production-Xavy Bureau supplies.
(25) War report on chemical production:
{a.) Calcium carbide.
(b) Soda ash.
(c) Sodium chloride.
(d) Benzene.
(e) Naphthalene.
(f) Glycerine.
(g) Butyl alcohol.
{h) Ethylene glycol.
(i) Acetone.
(j) Explosives and propellants.
(k) Celluloid.
(l) Bromine.
{m) Ethanol.
{n) Carbon disulfide.
(o) Pulp (for explosives).
(p) Oxygen.
(q) Vegetable and animal oils.
{r) Fertilizers.
{s) Phosphorous (red and yellow) .
(t ) Sodium cyanide.
(u) Finished rubber products.
(v) Chemical warfare materials.
(w) Ammonia.
(x) Nitric acid.
(y) Sulfuric acid.
(z) Hexanitrodiphenylamine.
(aa) Caustic soda.
(bb) Chlorine (Liquid Cb).
(cc) Toluene.
(dd) Methanol.
(ee) Trinitrotoluene . .
(26) Ethyl f)uid and br omme:
(a) Report on ethyl fluid plant-Arao.
(b) Report on bromine plant-Minato.
*(c) Map of Arao (J apanese) .
*(d) Map of Minato (J apanese) .
(e) Materials balance on J apanese operation.
*(f) Flow plan of Minato Bromine Plant
(Japanese) .
(27) I norganic chemicals:
(a) Fert ilizers.
*(b) Sodium cyanide (part Japanese) .
*(c) Phosphorus (part Japanese) .
(d) Oxygen.
*(e) Salt (part Japanese) .
(f) Soda ash.
(g) Calcium cyanamide.
(h) Calcium carbide.
(i) Caustic soda.
(j) Chlorine.
(28) Organic Chemicals :
*(a) Carbon bisulfide (part Japanese).
*(b) Ethanol.
(c) Acetone.
(d) Butanol.
*(e) Glycerine (part Japanese).
*(f) Benzene and naphthalene (part Japanese).
*(g) Methanol (part Japanese).
(29) Ammonia and nitric acid:
(a) Production records-chemical
(b) USSBS-product ion and consumption re-
(c) Export and import balance.
(d) Munitions ministry report. of nitric
(e) Memorandum on concentration
(f) Interrogation sheet and answers.
(g) Commerce and report. . .b tioD
(h) Nitric acid production and distri u
records. anese)
*(i) Chemical Bureau Report (part Jap
Steel a.llocat ions : viliaD8
(a) Report on amount of steel to oi
(b) List of t ank cars and survey of oil
(c) N at iona.l allocation categories.
(d) Cabinet planning plans. dustrfes.
(e) Steel delivered for use tn fuel in
(f) Steel allocated to civilians.
(g) Report on materials.
Coal Requirements: . . ooal ooJ181111lP"
(a.) Statistical data pertatmng to
t ion.
Organic glass (plastics) :
(a) Production data. sat-
(b) Report on organic glass prel8
In J apanese.
( ) Outli ne of establishment and expansion
51. b. (3
) c work of t he organic glass factories.
*(d) Repor ts on t he inquiries concerning organic
glass (J apanese).
Vegetable and animal fats and oils:
) ( ) Notes and work sheets.
Reply t o USSBS
*(c) Stat istical data per ta.1rung t o 1mports and
exports of oils a nd fats (part Japanese).
(d) data.. . .
) Japanese Textile Assomat10n:
(a) Production and consumpt ion dat a.
(b) Report on rayon pulp stocks.
(c) List of rayon p ulp mills.
*(d) Act ual distribution chart (part Japanese).
(3S) German information about Japan and German
aid to Japan.
(36) Japanese tanker data:
(a) Repor t on t ransportation between Japan
and southern region.
(b) USSBS-r eport on seaborne freight .
(c) Navy p hotographs of Japanese shipping.
(d) Japanese shipping tonnage-United States
Navy r eport.
(e) Notes and correspondence of USSBS mem-
bers on Japanese shipping.
(37) Petroleum dat a-Borneo:
(a) Report of Japanese operation of Balik-
(b) Miri and Seria production.
(c) operation.
(d) Navy report-Borneo.
Petroleum dat a-Sumatra.
(a) Shipment of products from Palembang
r efinery.
(b) Throughput of Soengaigerong refinery.
(c) Summary of crude oil charged-Sumatra
and Borneo.
(d) Sumat ra production records.
(e) List of people killed in refineries.
(39) Synthetic rubber:
(a) Production record.
(b) I nterrogat ion-Captain Krarno, UN.
(c) Corwnerce ministry report. b-
(d) USSB8-report on Japanese synthetic ru
(40) Natural rubber:
(a) Crude rubber consumption.
(b) Report on rubber in the East India::'"
(c) Dut ch report on rubber in the Ia1aD
(d) Notes for rubber report.
(e) Import survey.
(f) Import and export records.
(g) Rubber Control Association -report.lll'llftft Ia
I) Personnel of the on and Chem'Ml DlYIIIoa
?il in Japan's (8Dal HJ>ft

In J apaneae.
53. The Effects of Strategic Bombing on Japan's War
Economy (Including Appendix A: United States Eco-
nomic Intelligence on Japan-analysis and comparison;
Appendix B: Gross national product on Japan and its
components; Appendix C: statistical sources).
a. General data:
(1) Preliminary draft of final report on over-all
economic effect (consisting of three envelopes).
(2) Revised draft of final report on over-all economic
(3) Preliminary draft of Chariman's Report.
( 4) Preliminary draft of Report on Chemicals in
Japan's War.
(5) Preliminary report on the Japanese aircraft in-
(6) Preliminary report on capital equipment and
construction branch.
(7) Preliminary report on the Japanese construction
(8) Preliminary report on electric power.
(9) Draft of report on ftuctuation and forecast for the
Material Mobilization Plan (photostat copy of
report plus two type<f copies).
(10) Report: The Place of Foretgn Trade in the Japa-
nese Economy (mimeograph copies one and two)
(consisting of two envelopes).
(11) Preliminary draft of Japanese Ground Army
logistics report ChaptaB I through IV (consist-
ing of two envelopes).
(12) Preliminary report on Japan's iron and steel in-
dustry, 193745. .
(lS) Preliminary report on the Japa.neae maehme-
building Jndustry.
(14) Preliminary draft of report on ID&IlpOWer, food
and civilian supptiea.
(15) Preliminary draft of interim report on manpower,
food and efvilian supplies.
) Preliminary report on military supplies branch.
Preliminary draft of report: 00 in Japan's War.
8) Preliminary draft of final report on Japanese
trausportation (eolllliathc of two
(19) PreUminary repon on Japaneii!S wutime at&Dd-
ard of living (two ... ITI-:J biNrPL.
B" pbiee of military .--\ AM- -.r-
(20 Ja...-e military permnDel both active
and retired). PJan-
(Jl) IntroductloD to the Matafal Mobfllntion
(II) data lar the llataialllobfliwation
(a) CompufloD dldribu-
(b) .,........,.......,..
(e) ,... .......
{d) IIP17
(e) BallY\
,er which materials
53. a. (23) (c) Chart showmg routes
were relayed. . .
. f intra-island dlStrtbuttOn.
(d) Diagram o
(e) Plans for mobilizatiOn of coo. .
(f) Plans for mobihzation of soda. materials
(g) Information on amounts of all
supplied. . t 1
(h) Plan of distrtbution accordmg to rna ena .
(24) Re\'ised material mobilizatiOn plan for the fourth
quarter, 194-1:
(a) l\Iaritime shippmg allocatiOn summary.
(b) 11arttlme shipping allocatiOn of nonferrous
(c) Allocation of maritime shipping, break-down
bv routes.
(d) shipping allocation of nonferrous
metals, break-down by routes.
(e) outh Korean Trunk Line.
(f) Allocation of shipping capacity, break-down
by areas.
(a) Transit of essential materials between
::;) Aomori and Hakodate, Shimonoseki and
:\loji tunnel.
(h) Transportation of iron ore through special
(i) Coal supply plan for Japan proper, break-
down by area.
(j) Coal supply plan for Honshu, break-down
by region.
(k) Allocation plan for coal, brea.k-down by area
and industry.
(l) Supply plan for coke, break-down by area.
(m) Coke allocation plan, break-down by area
and industry.
f25) The Material :\l obihzation Plan-1945.
(26) Results of the Five-year Plan.
(27) Population.
(a) Census statistics gathered from various pre-
(28) Production tables of essential commodities:
(a) Production tables of essential commodJ-
tles- 1945.
(b) Production tables of essentml commodi-
(c) Projuction tables of essential commodi-
(29) supply commodities-tables.
(30) Ctvllian supply data:
ca) Poi_nt values of selected consumer goods and
rations allowances of individuals.
(b) Evacuation of major cities in Japan
(c) Notes, work sheets and data
(31) Photostat f bl
. . . copies o ta es pertaining to t he cost
of hvmg m Japan.
{32) Data rta'
pe mmg to food supply and demand J.
apan. n
(33) Economic Study of 'Japan' N t
(a) St d k ' s l a onal Income".
u ens 1 s chapter on Japan .
'b) Data for investigating total
(c) Resources other than natlonal .
(d) Nattonal income and outl .
*\e) Estimate of national income (
part Japa,
nese) .
(f) Report by Ministry of Commerce
Industry. and
(!r) Survey of industrial production.
(h) Survey of general product ion.
(i) Sur vey of coal situat ion.
(j) Lumber industry.
(k) Clothi ng and textile distribution.
Miscellaneous informat ion on J apanese comrn
cial and na.tional activit ies : er.
(a) Report on economic and sciencific subje t
(b) Struct ure for t he distribution of ordin s.
steel materials before 1939. ary
(c) Repor t on Hypothec Bank of Japan.
(d) The changes m the iron and steel produ
tion cont rol structure in J apan.
(e) Regulat ions reference division of munition
. t' 8
mto sec wns.
(f) Report on manpower mobi1ization plan-
(g) Five-year plans of Manchuria.
(h) Labor situation existing during Greater
East Asi a War .
Report on Japanese Ministr y of Agriculture and
Photostat copies of tables pertaining to the coal
indust ry of Japan (consisting of t wo envelopes).
Lumber cont rol:
(a) Int errogation of cont rol of lumber in Japan
and at t ack dat a.
(38) Oil:
(a) Notes and work sheets pertaining to oil
(b) J apanese economic forces.
(c) I mports, production and inventory tables.
(d) Summary tables by Oil and Chemical
(39) Steel:
(a) Notes and work sheets pertaining to steel
( 40) Aircraft:
(a) Data pertaining t o sorties ftown at tackinl
targets and bomb tonnage expended on
t argets' by Naval and Marine carrier and
land-based aircraft -1944.
v (b) Data pertaining to land-based flgh-;:
land-based single-engine bombers and laD
based multi-engine patrol bombers. of
(c) Twentieth Air Force bombardment
(d) U. S. Aircraft and personnel oaauattlel
Air Forces opposing Japan.
(e) Personnel strength reports. aoJ11o .a4
(f) United States air effort against p XL
Asiat ic t arget systems in --
(g) Navy and Marine Corps auw-
(h) Carrier-based aircraft action ......_.,.,.,.. .
In Japanese.
0) (i) T he nature of the air operat ion agai nst
63. a. Japan.
(j) Miscellaneous notes and work sheets.
) Transport at ion :
(a) Notes and .work sheets per t aini ng t o rail
t ransportatwn.
*(b) Comparison of t raffic before and after the
bombing of Kagoshima station (Japanese).
*(c) Charts on state-owned freight vehicles
(Japanese) .
*(d) Report concerning construction of work-
shops (Japanese).
*(e) Military communication regulation ob-
tained from N agasak.i substation (Japanese).
(42) Allocation of t ransport capacity (tables).
(43) Over-all shipping data.:
(a) Japanese document s showing freight and
ships handled in major harbors of Japan.
(b) List of "A" ships over 1,000 tons.
(c) Diagrams pertaining to ship model molding.
(d) Answers to shipping clerks' questionnaires
(44) Shipping:
(a) Statistical notes, notes and work sheets
pertaining to steel ship construction.
(b) Chronological history, Japanese Merchant
(c) Miscellaneous notes and work sheets.
(d) Tonnage lost since outbreak of World
War II.
(45) Japanese Naval shipbuilding, September-No-
vember 1944, Military Supply Division:
(a) Preliminary draft.
(b) Statistics concerning ships requisitioned by
Army and Navy.
(46) International cartel arrangements in Japan:
(a) General data pertaining to international
( 4 7) Mine Warfare:
(a) Damage by allied planes-Records of mine
laying and records of sweeping Yangtae
(b) A report on lessons learned and opinions in
regard to American mine warfare conducted
by airplanes.
(c) A report on the sea mine attack apind
(d) Clipping from Life Maguine.
) I?telligence memoranda pertaining to Japra1a
&rcraft production:
(a) Monthly production 1lgurea on alraraft,
engines and propellers.
(b) Data on Japanese Navalairaraftprocluodc&
(c) Data on Japanese Army aircraft proclwdloD
) Intelligence memoranda pertafntnatollaiplanlr:
(a) Preliminary data on wanime lal II ID-
curred by Japaneae atee111l81'Cbad lb
and escort fieet.
Trame tables, seaborne lreftb
In Japanese.

(c) Th? principal problems and the obsta 1
confronted the Japanese shi
dunng wartime. ppJDg
(d) on broadcast by Raymond Graham
SwJDg over ABC Network on 2 November
(e) of Japanese vessels which were
e1ther sunk or damaged.
(50) I?telligence memoranda-material relative to
higher authorities in Japan:
(a) Report on Japanese Naval intelligence
(b) Report on Japanese Army intelligence .
(c) Information on Japanese estimates of the
strength of the United States, British, U.
B. R., German and Italian Naval Fleets
and Air Forces.
(d) Report on organization of the Air Ordnance
Bureau of the Japanese Ministry of
(e) Report on research institutions in Japan.
(f) Report on organization on Japanese Army
procurement agencies.
(g) Memorandum on subject of COA sub-com-
mittee's supplement&l report on Japanese
iron and steel industry.
(51) Data on salt Industry in Japao:
(a) List of salt producers with extent of pro-
(b) Statistics on salt production 1934--45.
(c) Past supplies and ocmaumption of alt.
(d) List of plants producing liquid chlonne.
(e) Data on aoda ash.
(f) Figures showing amount of coal used in
manufacture of salt.
*(I) Japaneae documents pertaining to salt pro-
duction, stookpDes, ADd .damap done to
fields due to typhoons.
(h) Intenoption pertaining to alt production,
Imports ad OOD81IIIlJ)tioD
(i) Notal pertaining to report on salt Industry.
{52) aDd wortiDc oopiea iDterviewll:
(a) lntenoption 0. 1001 subject: KapmL
pbara air depot.
(b) lnt&&uptioD 0. 1M, aubjeet: Cc.l op-
atioal ofllftaal.
(c) lntenopt.ion o. 110, BUbjeot:
(d) InteuoptioD o. 117, BUbjeot: O.b
air depot.
(e) ln .... tion 0. US. aubjeet: JaJaz Ill
Arm7 Air Pal-.
(I) IDI&&iQIItm o. 118, l8ble* 'l'trths
Arm7 ......
(a) IalaaqUiala lJBEIBS o. II., tee
Peld Jratat, llldnY. IlDia ....
. rs Hattori and Sakura
53. a. (52) (k) Inter view. ",.th 1\ Ei ess . c Research Bureau
of l\litsubtshi. conomt
on its activities. n 1\Iinistry
(1) Inter views with various persons 1 d t.
of Commerce and on pro uc ton
and distribution of neceSSities.
(53) Q
t'onnaire and procedure forms:
ues 1 k f hipping and
(a) Tentative outline of. "_'
.r or
rail transpor tation dt vlston.
(b) List of material registered on 15 and 16
X ovember 1945.
(c) Inter rogation schedules for 22 November
through 26 Xovember.
(d) G-2 Accession list Ko. 21.
(e) G-2 Accession list Ko. 30 ..
(f) for Army Air
(g) Questionnaire for Japanese shippmg officials.
th) Corporation questionnaires.
(54) " ork sheets and preliminary wri te-ups listed by
subject matter {consisting of four envelopes):
(a) Condition of Japanese financial worl:i.
(b) Japan's gross national product during the
(c) Technological developments.
(d) Summary of the principal economic control
(e) Dependency of Japan on ront.inPnta.l raw
(f) Monthly indices of Japanese naval ship
(g) Five-year plans of "Manchuria..
(h) Tables on price fluctuations.
(i) Figures on deprivation of residential con-
(j) Tables showing balance of international
payments, Fiscal years 1939--44.
fk) Estimated increase of inventory.
(1) Figures on plant and equipment expendi-
(m) Over-all consumer expenditures.
(n) Local government expenditures.
(o) National government nonwa.r expenditures.
(p) Tables showing comparison of government
revenues with expenditures.
( q) \\ ar expenditures.
(r) Chapter 1-The Road to Pearl Harbor.
(s) Chapter III-Nature of Air Operations in
the Japanese War.
(t) IV-Effect of Allied Air Opera-
tions on the Japanese War Economy.
(u) V-Appraisa.l of Target Selection
In r rations.
(v) Survey of national resources.
(w) Tables showing over-all figu
. res on exports
an liDporta of leading articles.
(x) Monthly market prices of food . T k
(y) Table showing number of sort s o yo.
Japan per month. Ies own over
(a) Paper showing codes .... .
Dliaai In mapping
' lla) Tables showing strength of Japanese \.T
' J.'iRVal
Air Force.
(bb) Comparison of Japanese-American milita
strength in t he postwar period. ry
(cc) Information on over-all production capacity
of Japan.
(dd) Draft of report on Bureau of Census of
Japanese government.
(ee) Review of intelligence on tetraethyl pr
. J e-
duction m apan.
(ff) Viewpoint of Prince Konoye as expressed to
the Emperor of Japan early in Februar
1945. y
Notes and work sheets (consisting of seven
envelopes) .
Work copy of over-all economic effects report
(consisting of three envelopes) .
Extra pages to preliminary draft of final report
(consisting of six envelopes) .
Complete set of appendix tables for over-aU
economic effects r eport.
Extra copy (mimeograph form) Chapter II-Oil
in Japan's War.
Deleted material pertaining to reports contained
within over-all Economic Division (consisting
of two envelopes):
(a) Deleted civilian supply tables.
(b) Deleted transportation tables.
(c) Deleted electric power tables.
(d) Deleted oil and chemicals tables.
(e) Deleted aircraft tables.
(f) Deleted food tables.
(g) Deleted capital goods tables.
(h) Deleted military supplies tables.
(i) Deleted manpower tables.
(j) Deleted basic materials tables.
Miscellaneous tables prepared by the Japanese.
*(a) Year-end inventory 1941-45 (Japanese).
*(b) Yearly plans 1942-43 in unit (Japanese).
*(c) Monthly production 1941-45, in units and
yen value by plant-ammunitions (Jap-
*(d) Monthly production 1941-45-radio com
munication equipment (Japanese).
*(e) Monthly production 1941-45-optioal arJDI
*(f) Monthly production 1941-45-small arJDI
(Japanese). Ull
*(g) Table pertaining to workers, shiftS, ho
and floor space (Japanese). attaok
Table pertaining to the effect of air
in specific plants (Japanese). hoUIIt
*(i) Table pertaining to workers, manb
wage bill, and number of plaDt& If
*(j) Steel allocation tables (Japaneee).
*(k) Inventory of necessary hour& for
tion of arms (Japanese).
*(1) nispersed planning of factorY
*(m) The main neck of produotloll _'l,l'!AII
In Japanese.
(BZ) Miscellaneous data:
53. a. (a) Draft of summary report, iron and steel
sect ion.
(b) Draft of interim r epor t , "The Effect of
Bombing on Japanese Morale."
(o) Draft , "The Effects of the Atomic Bombings
on Japanese Morale."
(d) Report on dependency of Japan on con-
tinent al raw materials.
(e) Memorandum pert aining to type aircraft
and t actics recommended for use against
small islands.
(f) Report on destruction of Japanese forces.
(g) Report on t he surrender of Japan.
(h) Report on the air effort against Japan.
(i) Report on Japanese and United States
(j) Interim report, "Coal in Japan's War
(k) Report on the Japanese construction
(1) Change of cabinets.
(m) Report on participation of submarine
(n) Reports of wartime production.
(63) Detailed list of war materials in possession of
private business concerns under Naval control.
(64) Charts showing fluctuations and forecast for the
material mobilization plan.
(65) Summary reports:
(a) Summary report mission loss, United States
attrition and enemy aircraft.
(b) Summary report by industry by month of
the bombing attacks against enemy targets.
(c) Summary report by type aircraft by month
of the bombing attack against enemy
(d) Summary report of mission loss, United
States aircraft attrition and enemy aircraft.
(66) Miscellaneous tables and charts pertaining to
production and supply.
(67) Photographs of resource mobilization plans
(graphic) (consisting of two envelopes).
(68) Photographs of list of expansion plana and
production tables.
(69) Photographs of estimate production on essential
0) Photographs of report on actual produ*D of
essential products.
) Photographs of summary of oC
essential products in Japan.
) Photographs of summary of actual procluoUon ol
essential products in Manchuria.
) Industrial mobilization data (m.faro1llm).
) General production data (miaroftlm).
S) Actual appropriations and quota
essential products (microfilm) (001nalldiiUI Jllillllo!:4"'"""
) Production capacity of --*1 DltMiq..-
Japan, Manchuna and ChiDa
('17) Statistics on actual production expansion cA-
pacity lmicrofilm).
*(78) economic report-published by
Mitsubishi economic research laboratory, April,
July 1937 (Japanese).
*(79) I nternational economic report-published by
economic research laboratory, Janu-
ary, February, March, April, May, August,
September, October, November 1938 (Japanese).
*(80) I nternational economic report-published by
M1tsubishi econouuc research laboratory, Febru-
ary, 1939; February, March, August, November,
December 1940 (Japanese).
*(81) International economic report-published by
Mitsub18hi economic research laboratory, Janu-
ary, February, April, May, June 1941 (Japanese).
*(82) International economic report-published by
Mitsubishi economic research laboratory, July,
August, September, October, November, Decem-
ber 1941 (Japanese).
*(83) Internat1onal economic report-published by the
Mitsubisbi economic research laboratory, Febru-
ary, April, June, July, October, Novem-
ber, December 1942 (Japaneae).
*(84) International economic report-published by
Mitsubishi economic research laboratory, Feb-
ruary, March, April, May, June, August,
October, November, December 15M3 (Japanese).
*(85) International economic report-published by
Mitsubishi economic research laboratory, Janu-
ary, February, March, April, May, June, July,
September, October, December 1M4 (Japanese).
*(86) International economic report-published by
Mitsubishi economic research laboratory, J&IUI-
ary, February UM5 (Japanese).
(87) Materials pertaining to the end of the Great EaR
Asia War:
(a) Beports made by various minhGJaL
(b) :a.ouraea of South.- Pacile area and
United 8tatel aDd ar-t BritaiD.
(c) Beparation 08pW'ity of Japu.
(88) RefereDce book of 1M5 badpt.
*(89) RevolutioiiU'Y IDOftiD8IIta iD Japua-Aapst
1988 (Japauae).
(90) National recoDSt;ruotion:
(a) CoJIIdicm of IJ'z z1 (Japaa-
(b) lmpcJriaDt,..... far the ........... , ol
a new eoonomto ..,.=tiM (llpM!II).
(It) BeOJaomie paharl._. by dle1111 nh
-- 1IDCIIr the 1"-"'7 l'aaeip Malia
ltatlltl-- Bml
(lapu [] J. , ............ ..
M. The ........ Jl---
. . Offi Harbor officials'
'k' Mar1t1me ce
54. a. (1) * (b) Fushi I stionnaire (J spanese). f
reply to que d f entry and clearance o
"' ( ) Mont hly recor o )
c . f Fushiki (Japanese .
ships, port o
(2) Port of Hachinohe:
(a) Notes and work sheets. . al
(b) Interview of Hachinohe offici s.
(3) Port of Hakata: (J anese)
*(a) Daily record of clearance ap .
( 4) Port of Hakodate: f ill ties and condition
( ) General report on ac )
a resulting from bomb damage (Japanese .
*(b) Report on foreign trade (Japanese).
c) MonthlY record of entries and clearances.
f tr' s and clearances
*(d) Daily record o en Ie
(Japanese). . .
(e) Answers to USSBS questlonnwre.
(5) Port of Hokkaido:
*(a) Record of entrances and sea-borne t rade
(Japanese). .
*(b) Recor d of shipments of coal durmg last
four years (Japanese).
*(c) Data on cargo t onnage of steamships from
*(d) Records of mont hly shipment s for 1945
(6) Port of Jinsen :
*(a) Estimat es of transport capacity and per-
formance (Japanese) .
*(b) St atb-tics on foreign trade (Japanese).
(c) Interrogation of harbor master.
(7) Pon of Kobe:
*(a) Report by Kobe harbor master (Japanese).
*{b) Lb-t of vessels entering Kobe Harbor
(c) Bomb plot .
(8) Korea (General):
(a) General report on shipping conditions.
*(b) Figures and information on exports to and
imports h om Japan (Japanese).
*(c) Dat a concerning supply to headquarters of
Japanese forces in Korea (Japanese).
(d) Interrogation of harbor master and other
(e) Exports and imports of Korea to Japan
*(f) Table of loading statistics (part Japanese).
(9) Port of Maizuru:
*(a) Monthly summary of entry and clearance
of ships through Maizuru port from 1936
to end of war (Japanese).
*(b) record of entry and clearance of
ships through Maizuru from 1944 to end
of war (Japanese).
*(c) Ezport and import statistics from 1941 to
end of war (Japanese).
*(d) Reply to questionnaire for harbor officials
In Japanese.
(10) Port of Muroran:
(a) Description of port .
(b) Answers to questionnaire for harbor officials
(c) Record of J apanese ships sunk in
, *(d) Record of imports and exports of various
works using port of (Japanese).
*(e) Record of cargo t onnage 1mported from or
expor ted to J apanese ports from April19
to March 1944 (Japanese).
*(f) Number and tonnage of ships entering
Muroran harbor from August 1942 to
October 1945 (Japanese).
*(g) Record of exports and imports and their
amount from -- 1941 to October
1945 (Japanese).
(h) Map (drawing) showing lay-out of railway
(11) Port of Nagasaki:
*(a) Monthly record of entry and clearance
*(b) Daily record of entry and clearance (Japa-
(c) Interrogation of harbor masters.
(d) Bomb plot.
Port of Nagoya:
*(a) Customs records-annual figures of taxable
imports and exports 1937-45 except 1944
*(b) Monthly record of entrances
(Japanese). .
(c) Daily record of entry and clearance of ships.
Port of N anao:
(a) Record of tonnages of various commodities
(b) Monthly record of entries and clearances.
*(c) Daily record of entries and clearances (part
(14) Port of Niigata: fllaial&
(a) Answers to questionnaire for harbor o
*(b) Record of foreign trade from 1941-45 (part
Japanese). .
*(c) Daily record of entnes and olearaD
(15) Port of Osaka:
*(a) Plan of water front (Japanese).
(b) Interrogation of chief of harbor.
(16) Port of Otaru:
(a) Description of port.
(b) Report on bomb damage. and o140
*(c) Annual statistics of steamships
ships (Japanese). hi an4
(d) Monthly statistics of steam-JJI
since August 1942.
*(e) Daily record of entries and
1936 to 1941 (Japanese).
(17) Port of Sakata:
(a) Answers to questioDD&ire to
(b) Monthly shipping data. __ .... eWIM
(c) Daily record of entries .....
) Port of Shimizu: .
54. a. (1 (a) Stat istics on cargo 1m ports and exports.
(b) Daily cecord of and clearances.
Ports of Moji Shimonosek1 and Kokura:
(l g) (a) Mont hly record of entry of ships from
J anuary 1942 to December 1942 (Japanese).
*(b) Daily record of entry of ships (Japanese).
*(c) Reply to questionnaire (Japanese).
(d) Work sheets.
*(e) A list of loading and unloading at Kwam-
mon Harbor (Japanese).
*(f) Outline of port Kwammon (Japanese).
(g) Bomb plot.
0) Shimonoseki Straits:
(a) Vessels detained by mine laying.
(b) Report on ships passing through the straits.
(c) Mine laying strikes.
(d) Port records of Moji and Shimonoseki.
(21) Port of Tokyo:
*(a) Data on exports and imports; entrie!:J and
clearances (part Japanese).
*(b) Daily record of entries and clearances
(c) Plans of harbor.
(d) Information on bomb damage and com-
parison of harbor before and after.
(e) Interrogation of harbor master and other
Port of Tsuruga:
*(a) Record of exports and imports from 1936-
(b) Daily record of entries and clearances.
(c) Interrogation of member of maritime office.
Port of Wakamatsu:
(a) Monthly record of the number and gross
tonnage of entries from 1941-45.
(b) Daily record of entries and clearances.
(c) Report on shipping conditions during the
(24) Port of Ya wata:
(a) Report on shipping conditions.
(b) Monthly record of entries and clearanoes.
(c) Daily reoord of entries and clearances.
(d) Correspondence.
(25) Port of Yokohama:
(a) Plot plan.
(b) Ships, cargoes, and tonnages.
(c) Trip times and lay days.
(d) Daily record of entries and clear&DCIL bodh
(e) Condition of port resulting from m
b. Shipping losses (consisting of eleven
(1) Locations of ships sunk by mines and au
(2) Chronology of war in Pacific.
(3) Japanese war economy aa affeated b7 ablppiDI
losses in general.
(4) Map of South Paallo ahowbaa diDP
meters (Japanese with ED1
In Japanese.
(5) Evaluation of anti-shipping attacks by United
States Naval aircraft.
(6) Conversion list of "C" ships.
(7) List of "A" ships reported as sunk but where-
abouts not definitely known.
(8) List of "B" ships reported sunk but where-
abouts not definitely known.
(9) List "C"--ships reported as sunk but where-
abouts not definitely known.
(10) Combined lists of Japanese ships reported a.s
(11) List of Japanese combatant ships lost.
(12) Data on most of Japanese ships which were
*(13) General information and statistics on sinkings,
probable sinkings and damages from all causes
(partly Japanese).
*(14) Losses and damages incurred by all types of ships
from mines (part Japanese).
(15) Listings and data on submarine sinldngs.
(16) Mine warfare interrogations.
(17) Results of sea-mining.
(18) Mine countermeasures and shipping losses in
(19) Notes and work sheets pertaining to Japanese
merchant ship loeaes.
(20) List of surviving ships of Japaneee Merchant
(21) List of Japanese merchant ships lost subeequent
to Pearl Harbor.
(22) Loaes incurred by Japaoeae steel merchant
(23) Damage of ore transportiDc ships from Yaagbe
Summary of ship losaee (part
(25) Lid of aalvapable BUDke venell m Japaneee
(28) Work abeeta on elrippins kl
' with caqo
(27) V arioua interraptkew ODIIDfJGted
t.rafllo ud abip la1 111
(28) Cornlpolldellce pel'tlliDilll to s11i1P"C
(2&) Lid of aanhn ..,.._ verell
(80} LiatiDI of J...., e .... _..... llhipl over
100 toDI nDk dudllc tbe ... .
(81) LiiUDa oflaperUI A-- UN&
100 toDa at the d of tile war, II .._
(.._.... IW'tftun CJDIT). .a..a.. wlnlrfnp
SareJildlalofJaperll ........ t-..
= lH'.;ofJ.,.IF .... --..... OWl'
100 .............. s.-t ill
(If) Oatil 1J1101.. oflapMIF W
(II) P1Da1 D ..-, aldPIIIII
. d Hachinohe:
Traffic flow of port of an
c. rt f hiogama.
(1) Report on po
(2) Report on Hachmohe. .
(3) Shogama officials ad.
4) Answers to questionnaires. rt f Aomori :
rt d import at po
d. Tonnage of expo an . . orted-1936-45.
(I) Tonnage of tmp ed-I 936-45.
(2) Tonnage of merchandise export
e. Report on Aomori port: . . .
(I) Description of port
(2) Location of six bureaus.
(3) Aomori officials interviewed. .
(4) Yes.sels entered from foreign countnes. hl
(5) Monthly record of entry and clearance of s ps-
I 943-45 f hi s at
f Dailv record of entr y and clearance o s p
1944 to August 1945. .
Daily record of entry and clearance of ships at
g. Kobe-l January 1944 to 21 1944 and 1
January 1945 to 10 August 1945. .
*h. Monthly statistical report on Chinese trade-
January-December 1944.
i. Japanese ship list and losses (consisting of six en-
velopes) :
(I) )Jercha.nt ship losses- 8 December 1941 to 14
August 1945 (chronological run).
(2) Ships sunk by aircraft- 8 December 1941 to
10 August 1945 (chronological run).
(3) :\!erchant ship losses (alphabetical run) .
(4) Ships a.Tiillable over 1,000 GRT.
(5) Sinking list-over 500 GRT (chronological run) .
(6) Sinldng list-over 500 GRT (alphabetic run).
(7) Ships sunk by Army and Naval aircraft.
(8) Ships sunk (alphabetic run) .
(9) Tabulation of ships lost to "Gnited States Naval
(10) PIS list-call sort-october 1945.
(11) Sinking list- machine code.
(12) Sin.k:ing list- machine code.
j . Japanese merchant convoy:
(1) History of the Japanese merchant convoy.
(2) Tankers whose construction date is known.
(3) Japanese Merchant Marine.
k. Railway data by regions:
{1) Private railways:
(a) Preliminary report on private railways and
tramways and motor transportation in
(b) List of nongovernment (suburban and
street) railways.
(c) List of principal private railways in Kyushu
(d) of and freight tonnage
by prmCipal private railroads.
(e) List of machines damaged by . "d
. . au-rat at
pnvate railways and tramways
(f) Work sheets.
(g) Map showing private lines t ramw d
. ' ays, an
government railways by districts.
In Japanese.
(b) Report on the damaged conditions of
private railways and tram lines.
) Hamama.tsu r egion:
(a) Field Team reports.
(b) Bomb damage report.
(3) Hiroshima region:
(a) Field Team report.
(b) Map or Hiroshima damaged by atonuc
(c) Plan of Hiroshima station yard.
(d) Bomb damage repor t.
*(e) A map of the lines under the jurisdiction of
t e HRDO.
( 4) Inaza wa region :
(a) Out line of Inaza wa District.
(b) Diagram of marshalling yard.
(c) Bomb damage report.
(5) Kagoshima division:
(a) Sketch by Field T eam.
*(b) Material on trains dispatched, passengers,
and freight moved (part Japanese).
*(c) Record of damage due to air raids.
(d) Map showing location of air-raid shelters
throughout the division.
*(e) Stat istics on cars, locomotives and equip-
(f) Map showing lay-out of division.
(6) Korea:
(a) Report on restrictions, regulations and pas-
senger ban dling.
(b) Inventory of rolling stock.
(c) Analysis of freight and passenger traffic.
(d) Prints negatives.
(7) Moji region:
(a) Sketch map of division.
(b) Brief report by Field Team.
(c) Map of division showing location of coal
*(d) Record of damage due to air raids (pari
Japanese) .
*(e) Important products moved (in tons aloDI
government railway) eL
* (0 Plan of and statistics on Kammon TUDD
(8) Nagoya region:
(a) Field Team report. b7
(b) Condition of railway damage
*(c) Distribution of rail lines.
*(d) Map of traffic system of Nagoya. dfD.II ,..
*(e) Graph showing comparison loa
base year.
(0 Railway plan.
(g) Diagram showing the
tion at the air raid.
*(h) Number of train trips
operating railway.
*(i) Bomb plots.
{j) Bomb damage report.
(k) List of railway rolllnl stock
(1) Locomotive I'UDI and
. k. (
) *{m) Tonnage of "Kushu Coal" transported to
Nagoya division.
*(n) A Chart of rail lines under the jurisdiction
of the Osaka Railway Bureau.
*(o) Syst em of telephone trunk lines.
) North China railroad:
(a.) Tonnage of freight sent to Japan through
North China Railway Company.
(b) Work sheets.
(10) Osaka region:
(a.) Field Team reports.
(b) Table showing number of passenger trains.
(c) Act ual cars of Kyushu coal from tunnel to
Osaka division.
(d) Tonnage of coal, steel, salt, soy, and timber
dispatched. .
(e) Table-number of cars loaded on Osaka
railroad division (daily average).
(f) Graph-trend of passenger traffic increase.
*(g) Plan of Suita. yard.
*(h) Report of damage by bombing (part
Japanese) .
*(i) Investigation of actual situation of Kawa-
saki Locomotive and Car Company, Ltd.
(j) District classification of number of trains.
(k) Table showing number of trains, number of
cars handled, humped, and dispatched.
(1) Record of war damage.
*(m) Plan of Suita yard.
*(n) Result of transport by freight car.
* ( o) Miscellaneous papers.
l . Rolling stock:
{1) Chart showing increase and decrease of rolling
(2) List of locomotives by each roundhouse.
(3) List of steam locomotives at the end of each fiscal
year by regions.
m. Over-all material:
(1) Preliminary draft of final report on railroads.
*(2) Administration and organization (part Japanese).
*(3) Maps showing regional offices and regions of
government railroads (part Japanese).
(4) Statistics on personnel and finance.
(5) Production figures.
*(6) Dispatching (part Japanese).
*(7) Commodity break-down (part Japanese).
(8) Data pertaining to track.
*(9) D ,_ ..._
ata and maps pertaining to 3-..- u-
0) Data pertaining to bridges.
) Data pertaining to feniea (part JapueM)
> Line profiles (Japanese).
3) Data on signal and communication i)atlem (pan
> Map of Imperial government :rallrMCl ......
system (Japanese).
) Map showing location of rallft7
-..... (Japanese).
n Japanese.
*(16) Maps showing Japanese government railway
lay-out (Japanese).
*(17) Listing of bomb damages on Japanese railroads
(part Japanese).
*(18) Map showing damage to communication and
signal facilit ies (Japanese).
( 19) Diagram showing losses on government rail-
ways due to air raids.
*(20) Map showing damage to railway buildings (Jap-
*(21) Map showing damage to electrical power facili-
ties (Japanese).
(22) Map showing location of electric car sheds
* (23) Map showing location of car inspeetion offices
*(24) Map showing the location of roundhouPea
*(25) Traffic an&lysia-freight (part Japanese).
*(26) Traffic analysis-military (part Japanese).
(27) Traffic analysia-passenger.
(28) Allocation of equipment.
(29) Plates.
(30) Interrogations and answers to UBSBB question-
(31) Correspondence and memor&Dda.
n. Railroad Penonnei-Genenl data.
*o. Suita yards and Kammon Tunnel blueprints.
*p. Railroad notes and work sheets for the Aomori and
Hokodate division (part Japaneae).
q. Railroad notes and work sheets for the Hiroshima,
Nagata, and Niigata division (part Japanese).
r. Railroad notes and work sheets for the Manchurian
and Korean districts.
a. History of Japanese ranro.d-puNished by the
Ministry of Bailroad-Oct.ober 1M2 (Japuaeae).
t. Air at tacks on Kyushu rail traDsportatioD-Beport
by JTG.
u. Air-raid dam.-:
(I) Air-raid damaps oompiled by Biralbima Jail-
way division oftioe.
(2) Air-raid dam.- oompiJed by Karanoachi fire
department- en.mber IMi.
(3) .Ail'-raid damaps nported by K,abMhi fiN
Oftmbs' INS..
. Freilht tranaported by , ......... JleeAidc Tram-
way Cmpuay, Ltd-1- d:
(1) umber of .... by,....
(2) Volume ol fJeiPt
(8) .......... ll ..... ted.
.. BaDroed...,
S. CompMMifti&UM..nw.yadfrii:Pt:
(1) Stafidi 0D D ..... f6flellld;-
JllnMarJ IMI.
(I) TaUa 1801 ...... ,.... ...
'IW ....
54. : . .Motor transportation: . 1 d to terminal dis
(1) Documents about vehiC es use
tribution in Kyushu. . f motor
(2) General aspects and reconstructiOn plan o
transportstion in Japan. . .
(3) Notes, work sheets and general data pertammg
to motor transportation. . .
(4) Charts showing number of
(5) Vehicles used in terminal In Tokyo:
(6) Report on distribution of vehicle transportatiOn
labor .
(7) Operating manual for "Toyota" motor oar-
Army Air Inspecting General, March 1944.
(8) Operating manual for Type 97 motorcycle with
sidecar Army Air Inspecting General, May 1945
(two copies).
aa. Shipping data- general:
(1) Notes and work sheets.
bb. Port Authority Bureau:
(1) Imports from South Asia. to Japan (1940-41).
(2) Exports from Japan t o South Asia. (1940-41).
*(3) Excess military equipment returned t o Japan.
*(4) Food import records.
(5) Soybean imports.
(6) Monthly exports and import.s-1942-44.
(7) Imports by commodities.
(8) Interrogation of shipping officials.
(9) Imports of Manchurian cereals.
(10) Maintenance Bureau data.
*(11) Rice imports.
cc. Harbor facilities reports:
(1) Manila.
(2) Saigon.
(3) Hong Kong.
( 4) ShanghaL
(5) Report of war damages.
(6) Dock damage.
(7) of Ministry of Transportation.
(8) Air lnspection report.
dd. Operation statistics:
(1) Ratio of round-trips of " B" shi
(2) Efficiency of marine . .
3) Co . ....O&Uo;]P on m wartime
nvemon ratio of gross into dead . ht to .
naao Welg n-
Fluctuations in average of trips by "C" hi
(<>) Bonus system for efficiency. s ps.
) Changes in the fuel supply
(7) Fuel shortage.
ee. Japanese documents
*(1) Min .
utes of the Senryoku Kaigi
*(2) Summary of Wartime hi .
*(3) T k
yo harbor conditi
*( 4) Maizuro harbor
ff . Transportation of civilian .
(1) Japanese surve . matenais:
(2} Chan . Y of national resources
ges m the state of .
(3) Transportati f . . nattonai resources.
4) 8 on o Cl vilian goods
wnmary of J a . .
{5} P&neee shlppmg 1941- 45
--.t"'rtation of agricultural Prod
In Japanese.
(6) Japanese criticism of their shipping.
(7) Problems J wart ime shipping.
(8) General sh1ppmg summary.
gg. Manpower in shipping:
(1) List of Chinese laborers in J apan.
(2) Morale in Japanese harbors.
(3) List of temporary laborers required in harbo
( 4) Morale of longshoremen. ra.
(5) List of unloading equipment.
(6) Table of men in shipping service.
(7) Table of ships constructed.
(8) Total number of merchant marine personn
hh. Imports an exports:
(1) Exports and imports in " C" ships 1936-41
(2) Exports and imports in " C" ships 1945.
(3) Monthly impor ts and exports-"C" shi
1944-45. ps,
( 4) Admiral Watanabe report .
(5) Comparison by years of t ransport in "C" ships
(6) Total annual exports and imports, 1936-43.
(7) t rade of J apan wit h South Asia, 1942-44.
(8) Foreign t rade of Korea, 1942-44.
(9) Exports and imports-Korea, 1940-41.
(10) Report on t ransportation-Mr. Naganumi.
(11) Civilian shipments.
(12) Export s and imports of principal articles-1936.
(13) Exports and imports of principal articles-1937.
(14) E.xports and imports of principal articles-1938.
(15) Exports and imports of principal articles-1939.
(16) Exports and imports of principal articles-1940.
(17) Exports and imports of principal articles-1941.
(18) Exports and imports of principal articles-1944.
(19) Exports and imports of principal articles-1945.
(20) Total annual exports and imports 1936-43.
(21) Commodities shipped back from Southern Army
military administrative region.
(22) Summary of export-import statistics.
ii. Food transportation:
(1) Rice importation problems.
(2) Food imports.
(3) Salt importc3.
( 4) Water transport of agricultural products.
*(5) Fats and oils imports.
jj. Shipping administration regulations:
(1) Outline for unifying transportation (traDiladoD
of Red Book).
*(2) Japanese Red Book.
*(3) Table of organization-military traDIJ)01't ,_.
{4) Standard equipmentr--Navy ships.
(5) Standard personnel requirements. rJ
(6) Complement of armed guard for various
(7) Outline of shipping control system.
(8) Wartime shipping control-ordnanoe.
(9) Wartime shipping control--enforoeJI'eDt
*(10) J apanese booklet .
kk. Cargo and shipping control:
(1) Cargo movements-"A" ships.
{2) Cargo movement s-"B" ships.
4 kk. (3) Losses of "A" ships . .
5 (
) Through t ransportation-Japan and sout h.
(5) Allotment of ship.s to the. Army.
) Ship movements tn the Smgapore area.
) Table of minimum necessary bottoms.
(8) Cont rol of overseas local shipping.
ll. Convoys :
*(1) Organization of the convoy system 1945.
*(2) Organization of t he convoy system 1942.
(3) History of merchant convoys.
(4) Graph showing changes in escorts.
(5) Convoy movements report-Lieutenant Com-
mander Sogawa.
(6) Ship sinkings and convoying.
(7) Appr oved shipping lanes.
mm. Wooden ship operat ions:
(1) List of wooden ships at the beginning of the war.
(2) List of wooden ships at the end of the war.
(3) Number and t onnage of wooden ships sunk or
(4) Construct ion of wooden ships.
(5) Wooden shipbuilding yards.
*(6) Wooden ships controlled by the government.
(7) Vital commodities carried by wooden ships.
(8) The actual results of commerce by wooden ships.
(9) Wooden ships registered in Japan.
(10) Damages to the merchant marine.
(11) Report on government shipping.
nn. Special ships and shipping:
(1) Transport ation from Korea to Japan.
(2) Shipbuilding program.
(3) Specificat ions of wartime ships.
( 4) List of ships sunk, 1942-44.
(5) The Toa Company.
(6) Sailings of Chinese ships.
(7) Submarine transportation.
(8) Blockade runners.
oo. Data pertaining to Japanese shipping on the
Yangtze River:
(1) Graphs and work sheets.
pp. Data concerning transportation of munitions:
(1) Table showing amount of munitions transported.
qq. "A" Ships-statistical breakdown.
(1) Names of ships used or shipped to Japan.
(2) Information concerning allotment of Army levied
(3) Reply to questionnaire asked Japaneae ahfppiDg
rr. "B" ships-statistical breakdown:
(1) Distribution of tankers requisitlcmed by the
) Classified chart of ships requialtioDeCI by the
) Breakdown of "B" fleet.
Ship tonnages-"A", "B" and "C":
(1) List showing the numbers and toJma&e of tanhm
P<>ssessed by the Army, Navy aacl Senpe'na
Ungei Kai at the time of surrender.
-... (2) Fluctuation in available ABC ablp toD,....
In J P&neae.
t d nt of l\Iitsubi hl
54. uv. (20) I nterrogation of superm en e
shipyard. d nd detained
uw. Foreign ,essel chartered, capture a
by the Japane,e go,ernment:
(1) List of vessels.
(2) ummary of captured vessel
{3) List of salvaged ships.
(4) of captured or chartered ves els under
Japanese control.
(5) List of capture distributed by type.
(6) Reply to questionnaire.
xx. Mojii call sign list:
(1) Listing of call signs.
yy. Current position of merchant shipping-August
(1) Microfilm list.
zz. A.AF statistical data.
aaa. hip llst:
(1) Listing of ".\ " ships.
(2) :\lonthly situation during war of "B" ships over
100 tons.
(3) List of names of conscr ipted shipping.
bbb. Interrogations:
(1) Xo. 31-shop officials of the I mperial govern-
ment railroad and locomotive shops-Omiza..
(2) Ko. 51-subject: General shipping and ocean
traffic questions.
(3) Xo. 52-subject: General information on opera-
don of Xary cargo ships ("B" ships).
(4) Xo. 54-subject : Japanese foreign trade statis-
(5) Xo. :\ railway system.
(6) No. 81-subject : Xorth China Railway Com-
pany, Ltd.
(7) No. 166-subject: Operation and allotment of
" A" class ships.
(8) 401-subject : Convoy difficulties, interroga-
tions. of transportation bureaus, minutes of
meetings between USSBS officials and officials of
the following Japanese transportat ion bureaus
(9) Ministry of ... 1\nny.
(10) Military Affairs.
(11) Affairs.
(12) Shipping Control Association.
(13) Transport :\Iinistry.
{14) Cabinet Control Bureau.
(15) Munitions Minister.
6) Captain Ryozaboro Agawa.
7) Captain Denichi Ishito.
(IS) Captain Gisuke Ohara.
(19) Captain Kogoro Sbirok
(20) Hitoski Kobatake. o.
(21) Captain Nagao Ejima.
(22) Captain Sukasaburo T onarni
) Captain Toshio Saito.
> Captain Hideichi Kayaha
Captain Chuji Kawarnurara.
(27}26 ) OT fficer Senji y onernitsu
uaulO anabe.
(28) Captain J uji Kaga .
(29) Hiaanobu
(30) Captain Kazuo l\II urashima.
(31) Captain ! sao Kanno.
(32) Commander Kala.hara.
ccc. Transpor t facili t ies and capacities from Dece b
1941 to l\1arch 1942: tn er
(1) Char ts showing transport facilit ies and ca .
. Pac1-
ddd. Number and dead weight of steamships ent .
22 J apanese ports dur ing 1 March 19

August 1945. 15
eee. J apanese reply to questionnaires for harbor
fff. Final report-manuscript master copy.
ggg. Notes and wor k sheets (two envelopes) :
(1) Notes and work sheet s pert aining to Japanes
merchant fleet as of Pearl Harbor. e
(2) Final consolidated work sheets.
(3) Char ts, keys and codes.
( 4) Notes, general.
hhh. Summary of relat ive effectiveness of various
attacking agents.
iii . Organizat ion chart showing the structure of
Japanese wart ime transportation controls.
jjj. Records obtained from Osaka harbor master.
kkk. Tables and charts reflecting various phases of
Japanese wartime economy.
lll. Detailed ship allocation plans:
(1) February 1943.
(2) March 1943.
(3) January-June, November-December 1944.
(4) March 1945.
(5) April 1945.
mmm. Ship construction figures published by the
Ministry of Transportation.
nnn. List of Japanese ships:
(1) List of Japanese ships with descriptions-
Marine Transportation Bureau, Ministry of
Transportation and Communication, 1942.
(2) List of Japanese ships with descriptions-
Marine Transportation Bureau, Ministry of
Transportation and Communication, 1943.
(3) List of Japanese ships with descriptions-
Marine Transportation Bureau, MinistrY of
Transportation and Communication, 1943.
( 4) List of all the Japanese ships with full deaariP-
tions-Marine Affairs Bureau, 1942.
ooo. Japanese interrogated by Shipping and BaDwaJ
ppp. Number and dead weight of ships that
ports in Japan proper-! March 1941 to
August 1945.
qqq. Import and export data on selected h-:::::,..-
(1) Reports on imports into seleoted
September and October.
(2) Average monthly cargo dealinl with
ports-August 1942 to July 1945.
(3) Average tonnage of cargo deallDJ 1tltb
main ports in Japan-August 1Mtto
rrr. Shipping plan for war
tember 1943.
sss. Data on Japanese ports:
(1) The port of Shimizu.
(2) Port of Aomori.
(3) Port of Hakodate.
( 4) Port of Kamaishi.
(5) Port of !{amaishi
ttt. Background material for attack data on J
t t
. f .
.t. apanese
t ranspor a wn am I 1es :
(1) Special breakdown of communications and N
. t 11 t ava
ms a awns.
(2) Record of United States submarine-laid
fields. mme-
(3) Record of United States surface-laid minefi Ids
(4) Aircraft minelaying records: e
(a) China theater.
(b) India-Burma theater.
(c) Japanese Empire waters.
(d) Cent ral Pacific area.
(e) Southwest Pacific theater.
(5) and Air Force operations:
(a) Thirteenth Air Force operations in the war
against Japan.
(b) Data on wartime losses incurred by Japa-
nese Naval war vessels and vessels of
escort fleet.
(c) Map of air bases of Thirteenth Air Force
and of enemy.
(d) Type Fourteenth Air Force combat air-
(6) Naval carrier raids:
(a) Number of naval and marine carrier- and
land-based sorties attacking all Pacific
(b) Summary of carrier attacks in the Pacific.
(7) Naval and Marine air effort and losses in Pacific:
(a) Key to special tab L. 0. 600.
(b) Tab L. 0. 600: attack data and tonnap of
bomb dropped.
(c) Naval and Marine air effort and loaaes in
the Pacific-1941-45.
(d) Monthly Naval and Marine Corps attaob
on harbor areas, transportation and ship-
ping targets-Pacific, 1941oooo43.
(e) Monthly Naval and Marine offensive air
effort against all Japanese shipping tarptl
-by area.
(B) Sorties and tonnage by Air Foroe 1941-41.
(a) Fifth Air Force.
(b) Seventh Air Force.
(o) Eleventh Air Force.
(d) Thirteenth Air Force.
(e) Fourteenth Air Force.
(f) Twentieth Air Foroe.
(g) Fifth, Seventh, Eleventh, Thlr&eellth, IPOUI'-
(g) S, Excluding Twentieth AJr Pula
Pecial airfield map-The IV Bid.
(lO) Land-baaed and oarrier-buedpl-
(a) Aleutfana
(b) Bonine.
[ (c) Eastern Carolines.
l (d) Western Carolines
{e) Celebes-Borneo.
(f) Central China.
(g) South China.
{h) Formosa.
(i) Gilbert-Marshalls-Mauru.
(j ) Kodaido--Hondshu.
(k) Southeast and NortheastIndi
(1) Indo-China. es:
(m) Central Japan.
(n) Eastern Japan.
{o) Western Japan.
(p) Java-Bumatra.
( q) Korea and North China.
(r) Kuriles.
(s) Marianas.
(t) Midway-Wake.
(u) New Guinea-Halm&hera.
(v) Philippines.
(w) Ryukus.
(x) Solomon-Bismarck.
(11) Submarine offensive efforta--1941-45:
(a) Number of submarines in the Pacifio-
Deoember 1941 to .August 1945.
(b) Attacks on merchant shipping-January
1943 to August 1945.
(c) Cb.azta of attacking Uld sinking data
December 1M! to December 1945.
(d) Squadrons in action.
uuu. Mapa of aerial operaticma:
(I) Aircraft operations (consistinc of t1uee btmdles)
(2) Aerial mlninc operations.
(3) Locations of ship ainkinp (oonNeting of two
( 4) Mi.....Uaneoa mape ADd aba1a.
... Japaneaa earap book.
.... Department of machinery and ahipbuildlnc plan,
aho1riDc 81'1'811p1Dmt..
s:a:z. Befereace material.
,. Japv BIG IIUip 8howJDa halbor faailitiea of u-jiDa
as. meata of Air At&Mt oa Japan a a urt.a

(SUJDIDAI'Y JepOit) (ftaal NpUI't ad orfPaal draft).
.. GeiHnl data:
(I) Draft oopi of prelinvy .........., nporta
c .. .. , o1 no -..>
(J) EooDOIIIIo ..... ofRCID! I flat..-attaoh Gil 8iz
Japan ....
(I) Japu1 1
(a) S,.W ......, b7 PNfiDI' C. Meftde of
Toqo I ...... t1JilwniV.
(b) IDclaal to ............. .., Ia .....
l'qM?!etlce tllatlllll.:
J (summarized):
55. a. (5) Yen sales-all JJAneous industry.
(a.) Yen sales-IDl ce
(b) Yen sa.Jes-meta.Js.
. d parts
(c) Yen sales-mac me . .
(d) yen sa.Jes-finished
(e) Yen sales-electrical eqmpment.
(f) Yen a.Jes-ordnance.
(g) Yen sa.Jes-aircrS:t.
*(h) Deposits and savmgs. .
(6) Statistics on consumption for all Japan .
(a) Coke (part Japanese)
(b) Coal. . )
(c) Electric power (photostat copies . .
d th d strial questiOn-
(7) Industria.J sampling an e m u
naire. f t en
(8) 1Jrban area attack data (consistmg o wo -
(9) Bomb data: .
(a) Pre-raid and post-ratd data.
(b) Urban area. targets.
(c) Airfields.
(d) Petroleum and other industrial targets.
(e) Aircraft industry
(0 Air-raid damage by cities.
(g) Xavy strikes on Japan.
(h) Damage t o targets.
(i) Bomb tonnage.
(j) Air-raid damage t o major cities in Japan.
(k) Impact of raids on industry.
(1) Evaluation of damage to gas companies.
(m) Work sheets on pre-raid data.
(10) Target data:
(a) Combat operation statisti cs.
(b) Figures on personnel on aviation duty.
(c) Statistics on monthly Naval and Marine
air effect against Japan.
(d) Tabular report on target bombing against
Japan military.
(e) Tabular report on target bombing against
Japan industrial
(0 Tabular report on target bombing against
Japan transportation.
(g) Tabular report on target bombing against
Japan miscellaneous.
(11) Coding:
(a) United States Army Air Force code book.
(b) Map of Pacific showing boundaries of areas
with code numbers.
(c) Layout code forms.
(d) Manual of interpretations.
(12) Mape and photographs.
{13) Miscellaneous data and work papers (consisting
five envelopes).
{14) Field on Fukuoka (unpub-
lished) (five COpJes) (CODSisting of two envelopes)
(15) Team report on (unpublished)
<m cop1es).
{16) Exhibits for Moji report.
{17) Special Field Team report on Nagasaki (un ub-
(three copies). P
In Japaneee.
Special Field Tea_m _report on Iita (unpublished
(six copies) (conststmg of two envelopes). )
Exhibits for Oit a report.
Work sheets on statistical summaries for Gifu:
(a) Aircraft.
(b) Ordnance:
(c) Machlnes and fabricated metal plants.
(d) Firushed machinery.
(e) Metals.
(f) l\IIiscellaneous.
(21) Work sheets on statistical summaries for
Hamamatsu :
(a) Ordnance.
(b) Elect ri cal equipment.
(c) Machined and fabricated metal parts.
(d) Finished machlnery.
(e) Miscellaneous.
Work sheets on statistical summaries for Himeji:
(a) Aircraft.
(b) Ordnance.
(c) Electrical equipment.
(d) Finished machines.
(e) Metals.
(f) Chemicals.
(g) Miscellaneous.
Work sheets on statistical summaries for Ichino-
{a) Aircraft.
(b) Ordnance.
(c) Metals.
(d) Miscellaneous.
Work sheets on
(a) Motor vehicles.
{b) Ordnance.
(c) Electrical equipment.
(d) Machined and fabricated metal parts.
(e) Finished machinery.
(0 Metals.
(g) Miscellaneous.
Work sheets on statistical summaries for Opkl:
(a) Aircraft.
(b) Electrical equipment.
{c) Finished machinery.
(d) Metals.
(e) Chemicals.
(0 Shipbuilding and repair.
{g) Miscellaneous.
Work sheets on statistical sUJDIIlAI'lel for
(a) Aircraft.
(b) Ordnance.
{c) Machines and fabricated metal part&
{d) Metals.
(e) Miscellaneous.
Work sheets on statistical
(a) Finished machinery.
(b) Shipbuilding and repair.
(c) Miscellaneous.
(28) work sheets on statistical summaries for
55. a. k
Shizuo a.
(a) Machined and _fabricated metal parts.
(b) Finished machinery.
(c) Miscellaneous.
) work sheets on statistical summaries for
Nagoya region with Nagoya:
(a) Motor vehicles.
(b) Aircraft.
(c) Ordnance.
(d) Electrical equipment.
(e) Machines and fabricated metal parts.
(f) Finished machinery.
(g) Metals.
(h) Chemicals.
(i) Shipbuilding and repair.
(j) Miscellaneous.
(30) Work sheets on statistical summaries for Nagoya
region without Nagoya:
(a) Machined and fabricated parts.
(b) Finished machinery.
(c) Electrical equipment.
(d) Aircraft.
(e) Metals.
(f) Chemicals.
(g) Ordnance.
(h) Miscellaneous.
(31) Work sheets on statistical summaries for
(a) Electrical equipment.
(b) Machined and fabricated parts.
(c) Chemicals.
(d) Miscellaneous.
b. Plant reports covering manufacturing by prefecture:
(1) Fukui prefecture:
(a) Textiles.
(b) Aircraft parts.
(c) Machine tools and electrical equipment.
(d) Lumber and paper.
(e) Explosives.
(f) Drugs and chemicals.
(2) Hyogo:
{a) Machinery, tools and parts (consisting of
two envelopes).
(b) Aircraft Parts (one envelope).
(c) Textiles (one envelope).
{d) Drugs and chemicals (one envelope).
(e) Other products (Consisting of three en-
1. Shipbuilding.
f. Beverage alcohols.
S. Rubber goods.
-4. Leather goods.
6. Lumber and paper produata.
6. Insulating materi&la.
7. Linoleum.
8. Porcelain ware.
9. Fire brick.
1 o. Gas and coal tar.
11. Issue of Mafnlobl
15 November 1M&.
1S. Forging and casting.
19. Non-ferrous metal materials.
1-4. Electrical equipment.
16. Food products.
18. Wire and nails.
17. Arms and ammunition.
(3) Kyoto Prefecture (sonsisting of four envelopes):
(a) Aircraft parts.
(b) Textile products.
(c) Electrical equipment.
(d) Beverage alcohols.
(e) Machine tools and carbon steel products.
(f) Drugs and chemicals.
(g) Non-ferrous materials.
(b) Porcelain and abrasives.
(i) Munitions equipment.
{j) Food stuffs.
(k) Civilian commodities.
(1) Fuel gas.
(m) Lumber products.
( 4) Okayama Prefecture (one envelope):
(a) Textile products.
(b) Machinery and machine parta.
(c) Drugs and chemicals.
(d) Food stuffs.
(e) Fire brick.
(f) Lumber and paper produets.
(g) Non-ferrous metal materiaJa.
(h) Aircraft parts.
(i) Fertilber.
(j) Natural pa.
(5) Osaka Prefeatme:
(a) Smeltins and fcqiug (consisting of three
(b) Engineering equipment.
(c) Shipbuilding (OODSistiDg of two envelopes).
(d) Pipe, pipe fittiDp and boiler parts.
(e) Plastics, stoDeB and,._ (ccmajejng of two
(f) Drup and chemlcaw (aonejstjng of two en-
(g) Non-ferro m !11w (GOIIIIidiDc of two -
(h) LooomotiftB ud Jaihray equipD'eDL
(i) MachiN pr!lllll
(j) Vaohlne tools (_.,..ieu'C eDvelopee).
(k) IIUDitioDL
(J) Ainnft pu1a (- letlc of two aavelopee).
(m.) A1dcDobllea uc1 pu1a (oar ' t101 of two
eDftiopel) d I of.._
(D) BledJW eqa1p1 nat (oar- 1m1 wv eD
(o) Pt...-aad ........ .
(p) PdDtiaaud ... -.= ... ..,.
I) Oll w W.-dllll-
(r) ..... -.
55. b. (5) (x) Building materials.
(y) Fuels.
(z) Paints and alcohols.
(aa) Food stuffs. lies
(bb) Civilian and agricultural supp .
(6) Wakayama Prefectu.ret:. of textile products.
(a) Dyeing and prm mg . .
(b) Insecticides and chelDlcals.
(c) Lumber products.
(d) hipbuilding.
(e) Explosives.
(f) Food stuffs.
(g) Leather goods.
(7) Yamaguchi Prefecture:
(a) Xatural gas and coal tar.
c. tatistical summary H
(1) Yen sales, labor hour, labor force, and K W
consumption by industry (red folders) :
(a) Akashi,, Chiba, Fukuoka., copy
1, 2, 3.
(b) Gifu, Hachioji,, Himeji, Hira.t-
suka., I chinomiya, Kawasaki, copy 1, 2, 3.
(c) All Hokkaido, copy 1, 2, 3.
(d) Kobe, Knrnarnato, Kure, Kuwa.ns., copy
1, 2, 3.
(e) Kyoto, ::\Ioji, copy 1, 2, 3.
(f) Xagoya, copy Xo. 1, 2, 3.
(g) Ogaki, Oita,, Okazaki, Omiya.,
Omuta, copy 1, 2, 3.
(h) Osaka, copy 1, 1s., 2, 2a, 3, 3a.
(i) Sakai, Shimizu, Shimonoseki, Shizuoks.,
copy 1, 2, 3.
(j) Tokyo, copy 1, 2, 3.
(k) Tsurugi, Wake.yama, Yokohama, Kuda-
matsu, Osaka (small).
(2) Roster of plants (red folders) :
(a) Alphabetically by plant , copy 1, 2, 3, 4.
(b) By labor force, copy 1, 2, 3, 4.
(c) By industry, copy 1, 2, 3, 4.
(d) Alphabetically by industry, copy 1, 2, 3, 4.
(e) By industry for 150 employees and over,
copy 1, 2, 3.
(3) Roster of plants by industry:
(a) For all Japan (by labor force).
(b) Kure, Shimonosek:i, copy 1 2 3
4 - ' ' , ,
' t>.
(c) Hok.kaido, copy N'o. 1 2 3 4 5
' ' ' 7
(d) Fukuoka, Moji, Oita, Omuta, Kumamoto,
copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(e) K?be, Kyoto, Nagoya, copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(f) Gifu, Hamamatsu, Ichinomiya K
Oga]d N , uwana,
, agoya, Okazaki, Shizuoka (Book
II), copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(g) Akashi, Amagasak:i, Himeji, Kobe, Kuda-
matsu, Kyoto, Sakai, Tsuruga W akayama
copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. '
(h) Chiba, Hachioji, Kawasaki Omi T
Yokohama, copy 1 2 3 4 , 5 ya, okyo,
(i) Osaka, copy 1 a 4 5 ' '
(j) Osaka (small): 1. 2 a 4 5
, , J J
(k) J apan (except Nagasaki and Hiroshima)
copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. '
(4) Fuel and coal consumption by ordnance
metals industries (brown folders) : and
(a) Osaka, Tokyo, Nagoya.
(5) Physical damage (brown folders) :
(a) Kobe by industry, copy 1, 3, 4, 5.
(b) Kobe by Ku by raid month, copy 2, 3
4 5
(c) Osaka by Ku by raid mont h, copy 2, a:
: s:
(d) Osaka by industry by raid month, copy
3, 4, 5. ,
(e) Nagoya by product ion.
(f) Nagoya and Nagoya region, copy 1, 2, 3,
(6) Reasons for Product ion Variations by industry
(brown folders) :
(a) Fukuoka, Omut a, Kumamoto, Moji, Oita,
copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(b) Nagoya, I chinomiya, Gifu, Ogaki, Ogazaki,
Kuwana, Shimizu, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka
' Okayama, copy 1, 2, 3, 5.
(c) Osaka, Kobe, Amagasaki, Akashi, Himeji,
Sakai, W akayama, Kyoto, Tsuruga, Gifu,
copy 1, 2, 3, 5.
(d) Osaka (small), Kure, Shimonoseki, copy
1, 2, 3, 5.
(e) Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki, Omiya,
Hachioji, Chiba, Hiratsuka, copy 1, 2, 3,
4, 5.
(7) Repair histories (brown folders).
(a) Japanese cities by industry.
(b) Fukuoka by industry (Book V), copy 2, 3,
4, 5.
(c) Kobe by industry (Book II), copy 1, 2, 3,
4, 5.
(d) Kobe by industry (Book III-B), copy 2, 3,
4, 5.
(e) Kure by industry, copy 2, 3, 4, 5.
(f) Nagoya (Book II) by Industry, copy 2, 3,
4, 5. 8
(g) Osaka (Book III) by Industry, copy 2, '
4, 5.
(h) Osaka (Book II), copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(i) Tokyo, copy 1, 3, 4, 5. JCWil
(8) Yen sales, labor hours, labor force and
consumption by industry (brown !olders): J 4,
(a) All Japan (including Hokkaido), OOP1 '
5, 5a.
(b) Shashi.
(c) Amagasaki.
(d) Chiba.
(e) Rukuoka, Kumamoto, Moji, ()Jniya,
Nagasaki, copy 3, 4, 5.
(f) Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Moji,
Oita, Omuta, copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(g) Fukuoka, Moji, Oita, Omuto,
copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
{h) Gifu.
(i) Hachioji.
{j) Hamamateu.
(k) Himeji.
55. c.
(8) (1) Hiratsuka.
(m) Hokkaido, copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(n) Ichinomiya .
(o) Kawasaki.
(p) Kobe.
(q) Kobe (by Ku) , copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(r) Kobe, Amagasaki, Akashi, Himeji, Sakai,
Wakayama, Kyot o, Tsuruga, Kudamatsu
copy 2, 3, 4.
(s) Kudamatsu.
(t) Kure, Shimonoseki, Okayama, copy 1, 2, 3,
4, 5.
(u) Kuwana.
(v) Kyoto.
(w) Ogaki.
(x) Ogaki, Okazaki, Kuwana, Ichinomiya, Gifu,
copy 1, 2.
(y) Okayama.
(z) Okazaki.
(as.) Omiya.
(bb) Sakai.
(cc) Nagoya region with Nagoya, copy 1, 2, 4, 5.
(dd) Nagoya region without Nagoya, copy 3, 4,
(ee) Nagoya by Ku, copy 1, 2, 4, 5.
(ff) Nagoya.
(gg) Nagoya by plants with 500 workers.
(hh) Nagoya, Ichinomiya, Gifu, Ogaki, Ogazaki,
Kuwana, Shimizu, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka,
copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(ii) Osaka (part 1) .
(jj) Osaka (part 11).
(kk) Osaka by Ku, copy 1, 2, 3, 4:, 5.
(11) Osaka, copy 2, 5.
(mm) Osaka (small), copy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
(nn) Osaka region without Osaka, copy 1, 2, 3,
4, 5.
(oo) Osaka region without Kobe, copy 1, 2.
(pp) Osaka region without Osaka and Kobe, copy
1, 2, a, 4, 5.
(qq) Osaka, Amagasaki, Sakai, copy 1, 2, 3, 4:, S.
(rr) Osaka, Akashi, Amagasaki, Kyoto, Kobe,
Osaka, Sakai, W akayama, Himeji, copy 1,
2, 3, 4, 5.
(ss) Osaka, Kobe, Amagasaki, Akaabt, Blmeji,
Sakai, W akayama, Kyoto, T8111"UI&, Offu.
(tt) Sakai.
(uu) Shimizu.
(vv) Shimonoseki.
(ww) Bhizuoka.
(xx) Tokyo.
{yy) Tokyo, Chibu, Haohfoji, Birataub. Oml1at
Yokohama, copy 1, 3, 4:, S.
(zz) Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawwlrf, fiDP1 1, J,
4, 5.
(aaa) Tsuruga.
Cbbb) Wakayama.
(ccc) Yokohama.
(9) Other special reports (bi'OWD loldMI)
(a) Japaneee naval ahlpbuiJdtnr,
(b) J apanese naval ship construction-quarter-
ly shipyard study.
(c) Japanese naval ship construction by fiscal
year by class in commercial yards.
(d) Japanese Merchant ship construction-
quarterly shipyard study.
(e) Alphabetical listing of Japanese merchant
ships, 1931-45, with totals on number of
ships and tonnage.
(f) Japanese merchant shipping in tonnage
(g) Sure listing of Japanese merchant ship
sin kings.
(h) Doubtful listing of Japanese merchant ship
sin kings.
(i) Listing of summary cards by factory by
industry by date for Nagasaki.
(j) Unlabeled summary tabulation.
56. Effects of Air Attack on Urban Complex Tokyo-
Kawasaki-Yokohama (final report and original draft)
a. Effects of air-attacks on Tokyo region collectively:
(1) Population statistics for Tokyo region:
*(a) Figures on employment and variations in
population (part Japanese).
*(b) Loss due to 1923 earthquake (part Japanese).
(c) Regulations for inmnmce laws.
(2) Defense plans:
*(a) Anti-air defense plana- Kawaaaki 1N3.
*(b) Defenae plana- Kawasaki 19M.
*(c) Anti-air defense plana and meuares.
(3) Food production and OOD'"mption:
*(a) Milk (part Japeneae).
*(b) Fresh meat (part Japueae).
(c) Fish.
(d) Poultry.
(e) V eptablel and fruita.
(f) Veptable oils.
(g) Flour.
*(h) Soybean producta {paR Japar! M).
(4) Data pertalniDa to ODDIUmptioa iD Tokyo
{a) Fuel.
(b) Elrc:tricity iD Soat.bem Japu.
{c) Eleatdelty iD Glthem Japaa.
(d) Ga
(e) Co&
(f) Cob.
c.> a.a..L
(I) 8blppiDa data:
(_, Bapod OD lllpMe "'IJ ...
(b) Bapod oalh ..... Pd I Min ....
.. Jlpae - ............... (11m lap-
(d) GriP- ..... filii . ........
(e) Nail
. "ation in freight hauling.
(6) (b) Graphs showmg van
56. a. (c) Notes and "ork sheets.
(1) Statistics on trade:
(a) Wholesale trade.
(b) Retail. t:ade. in Tokvo region:
(8) Data to on (part Jap-
*(a) General informs. on
anese). .
(b) Labor dat a in Tok-yo City . .
(c) Labor data on ?ty.
(d) Labor data on City.
(e) Labor data on Kofu C1ty . .
(f) Labor data on Nagaoka City.
(9) Labor statistics :
(a) Employment.
(b) Industrial labor.
(c) Industrial labor hours . .
(10) Production data by commodity:
*(a) Electric power (part Japanese).
(b) Coal.
(c) Gas.
(d) Coke.
(e) Shipbuilding.
*(0 Chemicals (part Japanese).
*(g) (part Japanese).
(11) Production data by city:
*(a) Kawasaki (part Japanese).
*(b) Kofu (part J apanese).
*(c) Nagaoka (part Japanese).
*(d) Tokyo (part Japanese).
*(e) Yokohama (part Japanese).
(12) Production data (general) :
(a) Graphs.
(b) Tables showing combined productions.
(13) Work sheets on production variation changes:
(a) Tokyo.
(b) Kawasaki.
(c) Yokohama.
(d) Reasons for production variation.
(14) Air-raid data and bomb damage (consist ing of
three envelopes):
(a) Mont hly pre-raid average.
(b) Chart of bomb tonnage dropped on Tokyo.
(c) Bomb t onnage used in major area raids.
(d) Effects of strategic bombing on gas works.
(e) Statistics on bomb damage to buildings.
(f) Bomb damage to buildings.
(g) Bomb damage to indust rial plants, 1944.
(h) Effects of area at tacks on the lJrban Com-
plex Tokyo-Kawasaki and Yokohama.
(i) Statistics on air-raid effectiveness 29
November 1944 to 25 May 1945. '
{j) Description of urban area and air-attack
*(k) Details of disasters of the Greater East
Asia War (part Japanese).
(1) W ark sheets.
(15) Target Information (consisting of two en-
____ <_a) Target information sheets.
In Japane1e.
(b) Mission summaries.
(c) Damage assessment reports.
(d) Maps.
(e) Aerial photographs.
(a) Stat istics on number of casualties.
*(b) Tables showing comparisons of casualt.i
for various locali t ies (part Japanese). ea
Damage, r epair and construction of buildings in
Tokyo region :
(a) Number of buildings.
*(b) Number and cost of repairs (part Jap.
anese) .
*(c) Number and cost of new construction (part
Japanese) .
(d) Bomb damage t o buildings.
*(e) Figures on use of building materials (part
Japanese) .
Factor y quest ionnaires for Tokyo Area (consist-
ing of two envelopes) :
(a) Elect ric companies.
*(b) Heavy indust rial companies (part Jap.
anese) .
*(c) Machine indust ry (part Japanese).
*(d) Chemical industry (part Japanese).
(e) Engineering companies.
(0 Optical industry.
*(g) Steel works (part Japanese).
Plant reports (consisting of five envelopes):
*(a) Aeronautical industries.
*(b) Electrical industries.
*(c) Fuel industries.
*(d) Food manufacturing and processing.
*(e) Glass industry.
*(0 Leat her goods.
*(g) Metal industry.
*(h) Machine industry.
*(i) Munitions industries.
*(j) Opt ical companies.
* (k ) Paper industries.
* (l) Paint companies.
* {m) Pen and pencil.
*(n) Pharmaceutical companies.
*(o) Rubber industry.
(p) Photography industry.
(q) Precision instrument industry.
*(r) Science industries.
*(s) Textile industries.
*(t) Tobacco factory.
*{u) Miscellaneous.
(v) Out line of Setagaya factory.
(w) Mitsubishi Steel
(x) Mitsubishi Electric
(y) Omiya plant.
(z) List of plants iii Kawaaald and
(aa) Statistic list of industrl In
Japanese) .
*(bb) Break-down of indUitrW
plants (part Japaneee).
( cc) Price 1lat of
O) Work sheets on statistical summaries for Tokyo
56. a. (
region (consisting of
) Mosaic of Tokyo C1t y (consiBtmg of two en-
) Maps of Tokyo City:
(a) Cit y plans.
(b) Tokyo Bay.
(c) Damages inflicted by air raids.
(d) I ndustrial plants.
(e) Road maps.
) Maps of Tokyo Bay region:
(a) I chikawa City.
*(b) Kawasaki City (part Japanese).
(c) Kisarazu.
(d) Noda.
(e) Omiya.
(f) Yokohama.
(g) Mito.
b. Effects of air attacks on Tokyo region by cities:
*(1) Asa.hikawa (part Japanese).
(2) Hachioji :
(a) Population.
(b) Employment.
(c) Air-raid casualties.
(d) Industrial labor.
(e) Electric power consumption.
(0 Gas consumption.
(g) Coal consumption.
(h) Coke consumption.
(i) Charcoal consumption.
*(3) Kawasaki (part Japanese).
*(4) Kushiro (part Japanese)
*(5) Muroran (part Japanese).
*(6) Nemuro (part Japanese).
*(7) Obihiro (part Japanese)
(8) Omiya:
(a) Number of buildings.
(b) Number and cost of buildings.
(c) Number and cost of new construction.
(d) Bomb damage to buildings.
(e) Population.
.(0 Air-raid casualties.
(g) Industrial labor.
(h) Industrial labor hours.
(i) Electric power oonsumption.
(j) Gas consumption.
(k) Coal consumption.
(1) Coke consumption.
(m) Charcoal consumption.
(n) Freight transportation.
(o) Wholesale trade.
(p) Retail trade.
{q) Factories in Omiya City.
(r) Employment.
(9) Otaru (part Japanese).
(lo) Sapporo (part Japanese).
Effects of Air Attack on the Cit7 ol a&oP ---
report and original draft).
a. Data pertaining to Napya ,...,..,
__ Nagoya:
. -
In Japanese.
(1) Dat a on population, health and
(a) General report in regard to politics and the
(b) Special interviews.
*(c) Answers to questionnaires concerning popu-
lation (part Japanese).
(d) Statistics on evacuation.
(e) Figures showing variations in population.
(f) Table of air-raid casualties.
(g) General report on medical conditions.
*(h) Statistics extracted from medical recorda.
*(i) General report on education (part Japan-
(2) Production and consumption of fuels, electricit y
and building materials:
*(a) Special interviews (part Japanese).
(b) Corresponding figures of consumption of
electricity, gas, coal, coke, and cha.rcoal.
(c) General report and figures on production of
coal (part Japanese).
(d) Figures on coal ooDSUmption.
(e) Figures on gas consumption.
(f) Figures on distribution and consumption of
electricity (put Japanese).
(g) Diagram on load of 60-cycJe system.
(h) Data on d&l'D8p IUit&iDed by electrical in-
dustry (part J apanese).
(i) Mapa showing layout of transmjwjou lines
(part Japanese).
(j) General infol"''ation and figures on ccm of
DeW Construction (put J11pM111e).
(3) I..bor:
(a) IBterview on labor in Napya.
*(b) Report on uee and delcieaey of labor
(part Japanll 11).
*(c) Statiltiical summary of labor ooaditiona in
*(d) Ffpta on labor for lHl.
(j) Data OD ram-de (.,..;.tjRI of 2 eDftlopes):
(&) Qg.tioDB OODNIDiDa ,.,.1itjee
*(b) l'ipns Oil .. di&MPel't (.,.n JapiiTI!III!I).
*(c) 8tatistiae OD emplo)D&d; {pgt Japui!IIB).
(d) J)Ma OD rep* ud GCMtraatiDD of equip-
*(f) Tnln ..........
................. .,I "
-<b) ntw-nw of Dll,.......
(I) 811181.,. ad be I 11:
d _. ........ lllhll.
(! Lll& af q 11 II PI I .er w C1
Tllblll .... l .............. t!IIIJJ""z- - ol
ilfiU'G a'
art on Mitsu bishi aircraft plant.
57. a. (6) (f) Rep M't bishl engine plant.
(g) Report on enuine plant No. 16.
(h) Report on o
(i) Report on Eitoku plant.
(j) Report on Atsuta engine plantt. 'al and fuel
*(k) Figures odn rpa:;::o:r:abor (part
Japanese). . d tion
0) General report on industruu pro. uc
*(m) Figures on industrial productiOn (p
(n) Data on damage sustained.
(o) Information on dispersal of plants.
*(p) Outline of Army control over plants (part
(q) Notes and work sheets.. .
(r) Tables showing relative lDlportance of
factories in Nagoya region.
(s) Statistics on production changes.
(t) Worksheets on production, labor hours, and
electric power consumed in vrions factories.
(u) Questionnaires as submitted by various
factories in Nagoya region (part Japanese) .
(7) Repons on component pans of feed network for
factories (consisting of 2 envelopes) :
*(a) Reports on feeder system for Nagoya
arsenal (part J apa.nese).
*(b) Report on feeder system for Japan Rolling-
stock Company, LtcL (part Japanese).
*(c) Report on feeder system of Fusoh Metal
Industries Company, Ltd. (part Japanese) .
*(d) Reports on feeder system for steel manu-
facturing companies.
(e) Reports on feeder system for insulat or
manufacturing concerns.
(f) Report on feeder system for Aichi Chemical
Indnstris.l Company, Ltd.
*(g) Reports on feeder system for Aichi Aircraft
Company (part Japanese) .
(8) Trade statistics:
(a) Statistics on retail trade.
(b) Statistics on wholesale trade.
(9) Freight tT&nsporta.tion:
(a) Special interview.
*(b) General report on transportation of freight
(part Japanese).
(c) Statistics on amounts of various com-
(lO) Bomb data (consisting of 2 envelopes):
(a) Table of Twentieth Air Force bombardment
of Japan.
(b) Tables showing dates of attacks with
tonnages dropped.
(c) Description of air attacks on N
(d) photos of damaged
(e) Figures showing comparison of to
dropped h nnages
Wlt number of casualties and
u-mage caused.
(f) Statistics on building dam
---- age.
In Japanese.
(g) Tables showing damage to factories.
(h) Target lists and weights of bombs dro
(i) Operations of Twentieth Air Force. PPed.
(j) Operations of XX Bomber Command
(k) Dates of raids.
(I) Statistics on damage sustained by vari
(m) Figures on damage to buildings.
(n) Extra pages of r eport on effects of .
attacks on the city of Nagoya. &lr
(11) Draft of preliminary report on effects of a
N (
. . 1r
attacks on agoya oons1stmg of 2 envelopes)
( 12) Effects of air attacks on t he city of Nagoy
(consisting of 2 envelopes) : a
(a) Notes, works sheets and draft copies.
(13) Target information :
(a) Attack data.
(b) Target information sheet s.
(14) Stencils for final draft of r eport on Nagoya.
(15) Special inter views.
(16) Field team operat ions:
(a) Memoranda.
(b) Progress reports.
(c) Out lines of work and questionnaire forms.
(17) Graphs :
,(a) Consumpt ion of electric power.
(b) Productinn and consumption Q{ coke.
(c) Supply of charcoal.
(d) Product ion and consumption of gas.
(e) Production, consumption and transporta-
tion of coal.
(f) Construction and supply of industrial
(g) Variations in population and employment.
(18) Maps (consisting of 3 envelopes):
(a) Maps of Nagoya proper.
(b) Outlying districts and cities.
(c) Outlying districts and cities.
(19) Aerial photographs (consisting of three en
(a) Photos of Nagoya area.
(b) Photos of Toriimatsu area.
(c) Photos of Shimizu area.
(d) Photos of Tsu area.
(e) Photos of Suzuka area.
(f) Photos of Ichinomiya area.
(g) Photos of Gifu area.
(h) of Kuwua area. ...,.
b. Data pertaining to individual cities wltbfn N
(1) Gifu:
(a) History of city.
*(b) Map.
(c) Statistics on consumption of ooaL
(d) Statistics on consumption of
*(e) Statistics on consumption o
(f) Statistics on the generation
t ion of electric power.
*(g) StatJatica on number and
atruction (part Japan- >
b. (l) (h) Stat istics on wholesale and retail t rade.
(i) Stat istics on transportation of freight.
*(j) Plan of Kurashiki Nogyo Company's mills.
(k) Operations of Twentieth Air Force.
(Z) Hamamatsu:
*(a) History of city (part Japanese).
(b) Maps of city.
(c) Population statistics.
*(d) Statistics on air-raid casualt ies (part
J apanese) .
*(e) Stat istics on consumpt ion of fuels (part
*(f) Statistics on bomb damage to building11
(part J apanese) .
(g) Statistics on industrial production.
(h) St at istics on number and cost of new con-
st ru ct ion.
(i) St atistics on labor and employment.
(j) Statistics on trade.
(k) St at ist ics on freight transportation.
(3) Ichinomiya :
*(a) Report on city (part Japanese).
*(b) Map.
*(c) Figures on consumption of fuels (part
*(d) Figures on trade (part Japanese).
*(e) Stat istics on freight transportation (part
J apa.nese).
*(f) Statistical report on independent trucking
as so cia tion.
(g) Tables showing number and cost of building
(4) Kuwana:
*(a) History of city {part Japanese).
*(b) Map.
*(c) Statistics on consumption of fuels (part
*(d) Statistics on repair and construction of
buildings (part Japanese).
*(e) Statistics on number of buildings (part
Japanese) .
(f) Statistics on population.
(g) Stat istics on air-raid casualties.
(h) St atistics on bomb damage to bulldiuga.
(i) Statistics on freight transportation.
*(j) Statistics on trade (part Japanese).
(5) Ogaki:
*(a) History of cit y (part Japanese).
*(b) Maps of city area.
*(c) Chart showing organisation of ...,_..
*(d) Map of damaged areas.
*(e) Statistics on employment.
(f) Statistics on consumption of fGe1L
(g) Statistics on number aDd ood of ... w-
(h) Statistics on industrial labor.
* (i) Statistics on freight 1zMIPUI'Iafllott :a."
_ (j) Statistics on industrial DIGIQG41AJ11Pdru
In J apaneae.
(k) Statistics on trade.
(1) Data on production and dispersal of air-
craft plants.
(6) Okazaki :
*(a) History of city (part Japanese).
(b) Statistics on employment.
*(c) Statistics on consumption of fuels {part
J apanese).
(d) Statistics on number and repair of build-
*(e) Statistics on freight transportation {part
(f) Statistics on trade.
(7) Shimizu:
(a) Statistics on population.
(b) Statistics on air-raid casualties.
(c) Statistics on labor and employment.
*(d) Statistics on consumption of fuel and elec-
tric power {part Japanese).
*(e) Statistics on industrial production (part
(f) Statistics on construction, repair and num-
ber of buildings.
*(g) Statistics on bomb damage to buildings
(part Japanese).
*(h) Statistics on freight tr&Dsportation (part
(i) Statistics on trade.
*(j) Bomb plot of Shimizu proper.
*(k) Plant report on Japan Light Metal Com-
pany, Ltd., covering: Production, employ-
ment, raw materials, stocb, maehita'y and
equipment, ...,.Uty, proe!IIM (pRt Japr.-
*(1) Plant !epOI'L on Toa on Conpeny, Ltd.,
eovering: Employwt, productioD, raw
materials {put Japu!
(m) Plant itipOi'L on Slrimim Worb of IJHaebi,
Ltd., oo,.q: Prodactioa, fuel aad power,
atoob and employiiWdlt (pwt Iapan
(8) Shlmob:
(a) BJstay of eiiy aa IDdCIIIIW OBDta (pu-t
(b),...ilhowiua ................. IF
(o) Sta&iltialaa pciiiGieliDD.
(d) 8latidiee- afr.nld ............
(e) &latlltlas .........
-<1) - ,.. ... llei!Rio power .....
(I) - 11111111111111 ......... .
(II) ........ ..
(Q ... ......
(J) .............. ... ..
industrial labor, industrial
. b. (9) * (f) Employment,
labor hours.
*(g) I ndustrial production.
b hours electric
(h) Production, force, a or ,
power consumption.
*(i) Fuel consumption (part Japanese).
*(j) Freight transportation (part Japanese).
*(k) Wholesale and retail trades (part Japanese)
(1) Map of city.
58. Effects of Air Attack on Os&ka-Kobe-Kyoto (fi nal
report and original draft)
a. Data pertaining to Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto area collec-
tively: . .
(1) Draft of report and employment w1thln area.
(2) Factories and reconstruction.
(a) List of factories with chief produce.
(b) Brief statement on repair and reconstruc-
tion in region.
(c) Tables showing calculations from statisti-
cal summaries.
(3) Work sheers on physical damage (consisting of
2 envelopes).
(4) l\Iaps of Osaka-Kobe Area:
(a) Ashiya.
(b) Kink:i District.
(c) Kobe-Osaka. area.
(d) Ful"Ui Prefecture.
(e) Hyogo Prefecture.
(0 Xichinomiya City.
(g) W akayama Prefecture.
b. Data pertaining t{) individual cities:
(1) Ak&Sbj:
(a) General report.
*(b) Popnlatioru.
*(c) Construction and buildings.
*(d) Air-raid damages and casualties.
*(e) Employment, industrial labor and indus-
trial labor hours.
*(f) Industrial production.
(g) Production, labor hours, labor force, electric
power consumption.
(h) Fuel consumption.
*(i) Wholesale and retail trades.
(j) Freight transportation.
(k) l\!aps of the city.
(1) Table of factory questionnaire.
) Amagasaki (consisting of 2 envelopes):
(a) General report.
*(b) Population.
*(c) Construction and buildings.
(d) Air-raid damages and casualties (part
*(e) Employment, industrial labor, industrial
labor hours (part Japaneae)
{f) lndultrial production.
(g) calculations form statistical
(h) Roster of plants with data pertain.
(i) Fuel consumption mg to each.
___ ._U> WhoJeaale and * trades.
In Japaneae.
*(k) Freight transpor t at ion.
(I) Maps of the city.
{3) Fukuoka {consisting of 3 en vel opes) :
(a) Repor t on city.
(b) I nterviews.
(c) Population.
(d) Air-raid casual t ies.
(e) Employment and industrial produoti
. . on
(f) Factory ques 10nnaue.
(g) Consumption of electricity and fuels
(h) Construction and repair of buildings.'
(i) Statistics on transportation and trade.
*(j) Maps (part Japanese).
(k) Aerial photographs.
(1) Work sheets.
(4) Himeji:
(a) General r eport.
*(b) Population.
*(c) Constru ction and building.
*(d) Air-raid damages and casualties.
*(e) Employment, industrial labor, industrial
labor hours.
*(f) Industrial production.
(g) Fuel consumption.
*(h) Wholesale and retail trades.
*(i) transportation.
(j) Roster of factories with data pertaining to
(k) Maps of city.
(5) Kobe (consisting of 5 envelopes):
(a) Draft of preliminary report.
*(b) Air-raid damage (part Japanese).
(c) The population of Kobe City.
(d) Evaluation.
(e) Development of air-defense works.
(f) Police department.
*(g) Communication (part Japanese).
*(h) Figures on banking (part Japanese).
*(i) Air-raid casualties (part Japanese).
*(j) Repair and construction of buildings (par&
Japanese) .
*(k) Consumption of fuels and electricity (pari
(I) Figures on transportation (part Japauell)
(m) Outline of industry in Kobe.
{n) Fuels and raw materials.
*(o) Labor statistics (part Japanese).
*(p) List of factories (part Japanese). ,_.,.
*(q) Figures on industrial production w-
*(r) Factory questionnaires (part Japan;....
*(a) Statistics on volume of freight haD
(part Japanese).
*(t) Figures on sea freight tranaportatioD
*(u) Tables on wholesale and retail
*(v) Maps (part Japanese).
(6) Kumamoto:
(a) Provisional report on the CJty.
(b) Interrogations.
58 b. (6) (c)
. *(d)
Attack Data.
Air-raid casualties and bomb damage.
Construct ion and repair of buildings.
Fact ory report (part Japanese).
Production, labor hours, labor force and
elect ric power consumption.
(i) Wholesale and retail trade.
(j) Coal, coke, gas, charcoal and electric power
(k) Maps of Kumatoto Prefecture.
(7) Kure:
(a) Interrogation.
(b) Summary and general conclusions on Kure
urban attack.
(c) Population.
(d) Construction and buildings.
(e) Air-raid damages and casualties.
(f) Employment, industrial labor, industrial
labor hours.
(g) Factory report.
(h) Production, labor hours, labor force, electric
power consumption.
(i) Fuel and electric power consumption.
(j) Wholesale and retail trades.
(k) Freight transportation.
(l) Aerial photo of city.
(8) Kyoto (consisting of 6 envelopes):
(a) Draft copy of report on city.
(b) List of directors of departments and chiefs
of sections of Kyoto prefectural Govern-
ment office.
(c) Population census.
*(d) Evacuation of students (part Japaneae).
(e) Various causes for death (part Japaneae).
(f) Air-defense policy.
(g) Outline of fire service during wartime.
(h) List of criminal offenses committed.
(i) Consumption of electricity and fuel (part
(j) Construction and repair of buildinp (part
*(k) Freight transportation (pari Japaneae).
*(1) Production data (part Japaneae).
*(m) Air-raid d8.1Dage (part Japaneee).
*(n) Factory reports (part Japaneae).
*(o) Conversion of schools to factori
*(p) Questions and answers pert;aiDIDs to In-
dustry (part Japanese).
*(q) Production, labor foroe, and eleok'Jo pow
consumption (part Japaneee).
(r) Control sheets for factory quedloDDIIr&
(s) Tabulations for factory
*(t) Employment (part Japana).
*(u) Labor force (part Japanese).
*(v) Industrial labor (part Japul)
*(w) Industrial labor houn (pan l.,_rul).
*(x) Guide to city.
--..... (y) Map of targets.
In Japaneae.
*{z) Map of city (part Japanese).
*(aa) Map of transportation system (part Jap-
*(bb) Map of prefecture (part Japanese).
(9) Moji:
(a) Interrogation.
{b) Attack data.
(c) Production, labor hours, labor force, and
electric power consumption.
{d) Factory questionnaire control sheet.
(10) Otia:
(a) Interrogation and general report on city.
(b) Population.
{c) Constniction and buildings.
(d) Industrial labor and industrial labor hours.
{e) Factory questionnaire control sheet.
{f) Production, labor hours, labor force, and
electric power COil8UDlption.
(g) Industrial production.
(h) Coal, charcoal conaumption.
(i) Transportation (freight).
{j) Map of Oita City.
(11) Okayama:
(a) General report on city.
(b) Interrogations.
(c) Attack data.
(d) Factory questionnaire control sheet.
(e) Tables abowiq eaJardaticma from statistical
(12) Omuta (onn""tfng m a envelopes):
(a) Provisional report OD eity.
(b) Buflding repair ad ooaatruetion.
(c) Afr.rakl cuaaltiell and damage.
(d) Stafiistiaa ad gnpbs 011 population.
(e) Data on OOUIIJilPtion of ftlious cmnmod-
(f) ad produa&ioD.
{g) Data OD freilht aDd tnnaporlatioD.
(h) Aer;lal photDL
(I) Mapa.
(18) o.ta (ean+t;lng ollJ eaftlopel):
(a) Dmft of npor' CID aity.
(b) OaiiiDe far ll&ady of Gity.
(c) ChaR lbcnriDg ._,.=aiaa ofpvwnment.
(d) Olpn'"tha of po1lae lara
(e) Ial&toptiana
(f) JWa CID _ .. l&atua
{a) ();FFD,_...,. .......
AJNald demep (pan J...-al).
(Q AiNald .. .......
4r(J) Oar h ... - ... olllddlnp (pm
,.,... t).
(k) 0.. .... ......
(Oo.l, ................ ,.. ....
(Ia) po=- ...... .
(D) ...... .
(o) ll*lldll
f coal situation (part
58. b. (13) *(r) General survey o
f K ki Eide.n Trade Cor-
*(s) Orge.nJZation o oe
poration (part Japanese) .
*(t) Wholesale trade (part Japanese) .
*(u) Retail trade (part Japanese).
*(v) I ndustrial production (part )
(w) Water works (damages and .
(x) Price control and distribution of daily ne-
cessities. .
*(y) t atistics showing the changes of pnces of
daily nece sities (part Japanese). . ..
(z) water transportation and harbor facilities.
*(aa) Railroad transportation (part Japanese):
*(bb) Trams, buses, trucks, and automobiles
(part Japanese).
*(cc) X ames of fact.ories (part Japanese).
*(dd) Reports on factory investigation (part
*(ee) Conditions of fact ory evacuation enforce-
ment (part Japanese).
*(ff) Blueprints of Osaka st eel fact ory (part
*{gg) Statistics on factory in Osaka (part J apan-
*(hh) :\Iaps (part Japanese).
*(ii) (part Japanese).
(14) Sakai (consisting of 2 envelopes) :
*{a) Population.
*(b) Construction and building.
*{c) Air-raid damages and casualties.
*(d) Employment, industrial labor, industrial
labor hours {part Japanese).
*(e) Industrial production.
{f) Tables showing calculations from statistical
*(g) Consumption of electric power and fuel.
*(h) Wholesale and retail trade.
*(i) Freight transportation (part Japanese).
(j) Maps of the City.
(15) Shimonoseki (consisting of 2 envelopes) :
(a) Summary and general conclusion on Shi-
monoseki urban area attack.
(b) Population.
(c) Construction and buildings.
(d) Air-raid casualties and bomb damages on
the buildings.
(e) Employment, industrial labor and industrial
labor hours.
*(f) Factory. questionnaire control sheet.
(g) Industria} production
(h) Coal, gas,. electric coke and charcoal
Wholesale and retail trade.
(j) !ransportation of freight includ.
mterrogation. mg one
(k) Maps of the city.
(16) Wakayama:
____ *(_a) Conditions during the war.
In Japanese.
*(b) Construction and repair of buildings (
J apanese) . Part
*(c) Air-raid damages and casualt ies.
*(d) Population.
*(e) Employment, industrial labor and indus.
trial labor hour s.
*(f) I ndustrial product ion.
*(g) Fuel consumption (part Japanese).
*(h) Freight transportation.
*(i) Wholesale and retail trades.
(j) Maps of the city.
(17) Yawata:
(a) Att ack data.
59. Effects of Air Attack on the City of Nagasaki (final
report and original draft) (consisting of 4 envelopes).
a. Outline of cit y's history.
b. Population and casualty figures for both N agasaJd
and Hiroshima.
c. Outline of Field Team operations.
d. List of governmental officials.
*e. Population statistics (part Japanese).
f. Interviews.
g. Consumpt ion of fuels and electric power.
h. Industrial labor.
Production figures.
*j. Factory quest ionnaires.
k. Fact ory questionnaire control sheet.
*l. Report on Nagasaki arms works ..
m. Target data.
n. Bomb damage.
*o. Air-raid casualties (part Japanese).
p. Repair and r econstruction of buildings.
q. Wholesale and retail trade.
r. Statistics on freight transportation by commodity.
s. Maps of city.
t. Notes and work sheets.
60. Effects of Air Attack on the City of Hiroshima (fiJlal
report and original draft).
a. General information:
(1) Outline of city s history.
(2) Preliminary report of atomic attack.
(3) Field Team operations.
(4) List of persons to be interviewed.
*(5) Financial st atement (part Japanese).
{6) Population statistics.
b. Data pertaining to employment:
(1) Employment.
(2) Industrial labor.
*(3) Industrial labor hours (part Japanese).
c. Data pertaining to industry:
*{1) Industries in Hiroshima Prefecture (J
pamphlet and translation).
*(2) List of factories (part Japanese).
*{3) Production, labor force, and electriO po-
sumption {part Japanese).
(4) Data on Mitsubishi Heavy
Gion factory, Hiroshima Prefecture.
d. Industrial production:
*(1) Chemical industry (part Japan .. )
(2) Electrical industry.
*(3) Food Industry {part Japaneae).
d (
) Fuel industry.
6 (S) Machine industry.
) Metal industry (part Japanese) .
) Shipbuilding industry (part Japanese) .
) Text ile industry (par t Japanese) .
*(g) Miscellaneous industr y (part Japanese).
Data pert aining to consumpt ion:
e. .
(1) Electric power consumpt iOn.
(Z) Fuel consumption.
f . Data pertaining t o .building and constr.uction.
(1) Number of buildmgs.
(2) Number and cost of building repairs.
(3) Bomb damages t o buildings.
(4) Residential buildings and units.
*(5) Water works in the city.
g. Dat a pertaining to shipping and transportation:
(1) Rail and t ruck t ransportat ion.
(2) Shipping.
*(3) Military shipping {part Japanese).
(4) Military rail transportation.
h. Atomic bomb attack (consisting of 2 envelopes) :
(1) Preliminary report.
(2) Preliminary report (draft).
(3) Air defense and matters concerning d&D)ages
from air raid of 6 August 1945.
(4) Preliminary report on Hiroshima City.
(5) Bomb damages on military installations.
(6) Background material on atomic bombing of
(7) Japanese survey of atomic bombing of Hiro-
(8) Damage reports on the city.
i. Photos and maps:
(1) Four maps of Hiroshima City.
(2) Photographs.
(3) Aerial photos of Japan Steel Company, Hiro-
shima City.
(4) Aerial photos of Hiroshima City.
61. Air Forces Allied with the United States in t1le War
Against Japan ' (final report and original draft).
a. A summary report alphabetically by city-total
tonnage dropped on Japan only, by all United
States Air Forces and Navy.
2. J &panese Air Power (final report and original draft).
a. Notes and work sheets:
(1) Conception of the use of air power.
(2) Growth in the capabilities of the air foro&
(3) Tactical employment of the Japau.e18 Air
(4) Japaneae strategy.
(5) The defeat of the Japaneae Air Pone.
J Air Weapons and Tactics (&Dal J1IPOft aad
ongmal draft).
a. Baka (piloted rocket bombs) :
(1) Aircraft report No. 1.
) Aircraft report No. 8.
(a) Special PI report No. 21.
_ (
> Information on Baka propellallt.
In Japanese.
{5) Special report No. 16--poBBible launcher at
Kanoya airfield.
) Report on ground-launched suicide rocket bombs
(7) Japanese piloted rocket-propelled
a1rcraft (Baka) .
{8) Possible targets for at tack on suicide rocket
plane production.
(9) Target information sheet.
{10) Extracts from l!ltelligence Bulletin pertaining to
the Baka.
(11) Photographs.
(12) I , Weekly Intelligence, pert&ining to
piloted rocket bomb.
64. The Effect of Air Action on Japanese Ground Army
Logistics (final report).
a. Ground Army logistics:
(1) The establishment of the Southwest Pacific area.
(2) Plans for seisure of Lae, Sa.lamaua, western New
Britain Solomons area.
(3) Outline plan for operations of the Southwest
Pacific area.
( 4) List of commanding gtmerals and chiefs of
staff-Japanese armies.
(5) List of std officers concerned in the aoutbem
{6) Report on intendance department.
(7) Stocks and staDdard of arms and equipment for
(8) History of Japaneae Army Wlita.
*(9) CbiDa Expeditionary Force line of enmmunic.
(10) Strength of 12th Army ..-...
(11) Strength of Eam Area Army UDita.
*(12) General map of DOribem China aDd Mancbnria.
(13) Break-down of a helldquart.era of a poet on line
of oommtmicefims
of 0Q111JD11Djedion.
(14) Enem7 aiJplaDe aotititite e:ttad flam diuy.
(16) Map ehowiDIIItnla.pciDOftiDflllta of dirillion-

*(18) Map of Nort.ha'n China.
(17) Beply to pa1ll.iDiDc to ordnance
(part Japan n e).
(18) Map PYiDI Jooation ...... ....... --
armlla aocl &fmted dirillionel dllltduta.
(19) a...- map 8iJiltllma s.pen
-<10) Bow munifjopl are sappUed UDfler ..._
(11) Lid of eqaipa8lt far ................ ,islo .....D.
(II) (JotldD& protllioM.. .............. , ud daily
Deal ....
(II) UJDber of IIOapliD ....... !D. ........
ftlha. _. a.
(II) foodl&11 tiiM ..

. f Tt clothing
64. a. (31) Charts showing orgamzatJon o mJ 1 ary
factory and clothing depot.
(33) Copies of interviews.
(34) Strength data.
*(35) Actual amount of munitions (arms) (part
(36) Form of ordnance receipt and supply book.
(37) Countermeasure taken against air raid.
(38) Copies of oral interrogations.
(39) Location of forces and supply depots in Kyushu.
(40) Amount of ammunition expended for one battle.
(41) Timetable of Pacific War.
(42) tatf members of outhern Army rear echelon.
*(43) Allocation of basic war materials.
b. Petroleum, oil and lubricants:
(I) :\Iethod of distribution of petroleums.
(2) Oil ministerial questionnaire.
(3) List products broken dol\'11.
(4) Oil refinery production at Sumatra.
(5) tock position of petroleum products.
(6) Damages sustained by air raids-8ingapore area.
(7) The destruction of oil stores and its effect on
Japanese logistics.
(8) Class "A" tankers at the outbreak of the war.
(9) Preliminary POL report.
(10) Flow chart of POL 14th Army area.
*(11) Copy of questionnaire in Japanese.
(12) data, notes and work sheets.
{13) Original draft.
{14) data, notes and work sheets.
(15) Finished charts and tables.
( 16) Reply to oil questionnaire submitted to the
Japanese Army by oil division.
c.. Ground logistics-ordnance:
(I) Organization chart of the Japanese Army ord-
nance administration headquarters.
(2) Chart showing demand and supply of munitions.
(3) quantity of ammunition supply for one
(4) Data. to the supply of signal and com.
murucation equipment.
(5) Production of optical equipment
) Supply system to the overseas
(7) Report by Arm Ordn
(8) Questions. Y &nee Bureau - Japanese.
(9) Draft of interview
(10) Table of productlon and its Ian ..
supply from 1931-40 P of military
((1121)) Production data-Army ordn
lilVentory of a ance.
(13) List of nl rmy supply, pork.
co erees attendin th
of chiefs of ordnan d g e 1944 conference
(14) Request for data f:m epartments.
(15) Monthly data
concemmg 9'n t
ovel'!le&s by th Ann u.a Unt tons supplied
(16) Development J Y allotted ships.
(17) Fonn of bill for ae::eae motor vehicle industry
g and receiving of weapons.
In Japan-.
(18) Establishment of priority and distributi
production. on of
(19) The table for t ransfer of ammunit ion t T
and Onda districts. a ana
(20) Monthly supply of ordnances t o Burma
(21) Scale of ammuni t ion supply to a
. . . sized
l Vl SJOn.
(22) Annual artillery production.
(23) Index to Army ordnance production.
*(24) Untrans1ated Japanese document pertainin
supply depots. g to
Total military supplies.
Inventory of main ordnance in storage.
Map of northern Philippines.
Requests for data.
Data for decision of supply quantity.
The Percent summary of condition
munit ions.
of war
(32) Supply ratio for one campaign.
(33) Hirakt a branch of Osuku supply depot (overlay)
(34) Physical inspect ion -Hiroshima ordnance depot
(35) Physical inspection-Ujii ordnance depot.
(36) Copies of interrogations.
(37) Development of Japanese motor vehicle indus-
try-preliminary report.
(38) Informat ion pertaining to Okinawa campaign.
(39) St ocks at the end of year.
(40) Objective and scope of the report..
(41) General aspects of ground logistics study.
( 42) Production of tanks and tractors.
(43) Int errogation-requirements and supply of Jap-
anese ground armies.
*(44) Miscellaneous data, notes and work sheets (part
Japanese) .
( 45) Map showing disposition of Sho Group.
(46) Long-range air navigation chart, Philippine
d. Ground logistics-medical:
(1) Locations, names and strength of units befDI
(2) Volume and percentage of medical auppH to
t he Army from 1939-45.
(3) The transportation system of repatriated P
t ients.
* ( 4) Losses suffered by Army Air Forces unlt.l abfoiCI
(part Japanese).
(5) Statistics of casualties evacuated from aouth ..
(6) General remarks.
(7) Chart of organization of military medloal .....
(8) Chart showing supply system.
(9) Statistics of casualties.
(10) Production of medical supplies.
(II) Report on Japanese Army medfoal_...
(12) List of J apanese merchant ahfpe l oltM,aWIIIIID:'I
submarine attacks.
(13) Broadcast by Raymond Graham lh.dJIJ
{14) Queetiona asked by the Survey.
d *(l
) List of casualties.
) Japanese staff notebook.
) Miscellaneous data, notes and work sheets.
) Data pertaining to casualties (part Japanese) .
(19) Capacity and system for accomodation of
(20) Syst em of casualty evacuation (part Japanese) .
*(21) National aid to t he medical supplies industry.
*(22) Number of patients admitted t o hospitals.
*(23) Plans for wartime medical supply.
(24) Quarterly product ion of 43 articJes of essential
*(25) Medical chests.
(26) Report pertaining t o medical supplies.
(27) Damage done t o domestic army hospitals.
(28) Medical stores in each unit.
*(29) Number of hospitals and patients (part Jap-
(30) Miscellaneous data, notes and work sheets.
e. Ground logist ics-transportation:
(1) Document on Navy transport submarines.
*(2) Document on Army transport submarines (part
(3) Memorandum pertaining to submarine opera-
t ions.
f . Ground logistics-shipping:
*(1) Out line of the shipping in China (part Japanese).
*(2) Shipping questionnaire and answers (part Jap-
(3) Change of the transport caused by bombing.
(4) List of sunken ships on the Yangtze River.
(5) Transported cargo from Japan to Shanghai.
(6) Summary of the transportation on the Yangtse
River in the years 1937-45.
g. Ground logistics-rail transportation:
*(1) Report on the Chinese railroads (part Japanese).
*(2) Table of quantity of military transport trains
(part Japanese).
*(3) Railroad transportation questionnaire and an-
swers (part Japanese).
*(4) Planned transport capacity and actual traD8port
*(5) Map of communications network-china.
(6) Number of freight cars used.
(7) Mileage of military trains.
(8) Reports on railway transportation in Burma.
(9) Quant it y of military supplies transported alnoe
the China Incident.
00) Losses inflicted to railroads by air raids.
1) List of tank cars.
) Dimensions of railway cars.
) Interrogat ion pertaining to rail traDip01'L
h. Ground logistics-motor transportatkm:
*(l ) General report on motor tr&D8pOI1atloD.
> Preliminary report-motor vehlclel.
*((a) Motor t ransportation queetiozmalre.
) Report on motor tranaportatloD lor t:l;i== --
In Japaneae.
i . Logistios-intendance:
*(1) Investigation of the imported ..
ProV181ons for
rmy (part Japanese).
(2) Miscellaneous data and work sheets
(3) Data on supply of clothing and pro:n .
(4) Charts. -
j . Naval logistics:
( 1) Report pertaining to Naval logistics, Singapore.
(2) General report.
(3) List of strategic targets attacked by Naval units
(4) Navy air and bombardment targets.
k. Japanese Army veterinary service and remount
( 1) Evacuation of sick and wounded horses of the
Japanese Expeditionary Forces.
*(2) Supply of horses and other animals for Japanese
Army use (part Japanese).
(3) Supply of horses for Japanese Army, remount
(4) Veterinary supplies stored in Singapore.
{5) The production of veterinary materiala.
(6) General report on veterinary department.
l . Troop dispositions in China and Manchuria:
(1) Troop disposition in China, August 1941.
(2) Troop disposition in China, August 1945.
{3) Troop disposition in Manchuria, August 194:1.
{4) Troop disposition in Manchuria, August INS.
m. Miseellaneous data, notes and work aheeta pertain-
ing to Manchuria.
*7&. M8pl.
o. QuestioDD&irea.
Jl. The effect of air actioJl OD J8pUelle Ground Army
logistics (mimeocr-Phed eopiel of Chapters I, n,
Ill, IV, V, VI ct VU).
65. Employment of Foreea UDder the Soatbweet; Paaific
Command (final nprt aDd ariciDal draft).
68. The Strategic Air Operatioall of v_,. JleaYy BcwnNrd-
men1i in &he W Apina J..- (TwmUeth Air
Foree) (lui aDd orJPaa1 clmft).
._ Opera'tkJnel ......., --.aDd work..._
(1) ()what ... tile Twaltietll Air l'ana.
(2) B-21 oombM..., iaftlltarT.
(I) Aeliaal ft. ........ balabini- -.titif& ..
(4) B-11 .......... .-100.000 .... ., ....... hoan.
c:. Alr-nid dunp to .,.. .... ill J...-.

a. Cap:r qve Awlh to be ....,lt.ted to ToJo.
inst Japanese cities.
66. h. (5) Incendiary ag;acific-bY target by date.
(6) The air attack m an-city by date.
(7) The air attack Jap J an-day by day
(8) The air attack agamst ap
attacks. . -cit by t.arget.
(9) The air attack Japan ;: et listing.
(10) The air attack agamst Japan-t g.
(11) The air attack against ld War
67 Air operations in China, Burma, Indla- or
. II (final report and original War A a.inst
68 The Air Transport Command m the g
. Japan (final report and original draft). . J
69. The Thlrteenth Air Force in the War Agamst apan
(final report and original draft). . War
70 The eventh and Eleventh Air Forces tn the
. Against Japan (final report and original draft)
The air attack in the Pacific-by target by date-
Seventh Air Force. . .
b. Operations of the Seventh Air Force (preliminar y
71. The Fifth Arr Force in the \\ar Against Japan (final
report and original draft).
72. The Interrogat1ons of Japanese Officials (Vols. I and
m (final report).
a. to Japanese officials:
(1) to officials of Japanese Navy re-
questing specific information.
*(2) List of Japanese naval \"essels and specific infor-
mation permining to them submitted by Jap-
anese offi cials in answer to questionnaire (English
and Japanese).
(3) Photostat copies of data submitted by Japanese.
73. Campaigns of the Pacific War (fina.l report).
a. Report on the Philippine Campaign.
74.. The Reduction of Wake Island (final report) .
a. X egatives.
75. The Allied Campaign Against Rabaul (final report and
original draft).
a. X egatives.
76. The American Campaign Against Wotje, Ms.loelap,
Mille, and Jaluit (Yols. I , II and III) (final report and
original draft) .
77. The Reduction of Truk (final report and original
a. Maps of defense installations.
b. Key to mines laid in Truk (translation).
c. Truk communication system:
(1) Communication system Pacific Ocean area.
(2) system within Truk Atoll.
(3) W1re telephony in Dublon.
{4) Wire telephony in
(5) Truk islands radio network.
(6) Dublon telephone network.
{7) List of essential communication equipment
d. Truk hydrographic data:
: (1) N_anyo Gun to (South Seas), pilot.
{2) List and description of navigational beacon .
Truk Atoll. s m
{3) charts of Truk Atoll and other
____ ato_lls m the Eastern Caroline Islands
In Japaneae.
equipment-Navy (translation).
;: List of ordnance ammunFitionh - FArmy (translation)
g. Forms and diagrams of our t leet supply
) Physical layout of t he Fourth Fleet supply de-
(2) Stub requisition form.
(3) Organization diagram of t he 104th Air Arsenal.
h. Repor t of the Fourt h Fleet:
*(1) History of important installations.
*(2) Maps showing various militray installations
and units.
*(3) Fut ure plans for installations.
*(4) Organization of units at Truk Island.
*(5) Naval strength at Truk Island.
*(6) Order of bat tle and plan of operations .
*(7) Data per taining to supply.
*(8) Number of aircraft t ransported via Truk Island.
*(9) Arrival and depart ure of ships at Truk Island.
*(10) List of ships sunk and damaged.
*(11) Damage reports.
*(12) Data pertaining to POW.
*(13) Civil administration on Truk.
(14) System of public utilities.
*(15) Answers to quest ions pertaining to medicines.
*(16) Air-raid casualty list.
i . Japanese plans of Truk installations:
*(1) Plan of Naval base-Dublon.
*(2) Plan of 41st Naval Garrison headquarters.
*(3) Pian of transportation department.
*(4) Dublon radio transmitting station (Old).
*(5) Dublon radio transmitting station (New).
*(6) Ship repair base (Fourth Naval workyard).
*(7) Submarine base-Dublon.
*(8) No. 2 airfield-Moen.
*(9) Radio transmitting station-Moen.
*(10) Plan of radar station showing AA defenses-
*(11) No. 1 airfield and AA defenses-Moen.
*(12) Eten airfield-Eten.
*(13) Param airfield.
*(14) AA defenses-Param.
*(15) Diagram of bombings-Fefan.
*(16) Uman.
*(17) Dublon lookout stations.
*(18) Airplane repair-Moen.
j. Report of 52d Division:
(1) English translation of contents. f Afl1J1
*(2) Diagram of distribution and movements
units at Truk. . f;toDI OJ1
*(3) Documents pertaining to m&JOr opera
Truk Island-Army. at t)le
* ( 4) Diagrams of the conditions of Iooatlon
time of changing positions. d
*(5) Conditions of major fortificatio.DI aD
of the disposition of beach mine&.
*(6) Condition of organization and delfeJJil''l!
of the Army.
k. Personnel of Combined Fleet (Jan-r
*l. Report of the civil government.
m. Supplemental reportr-Truk.
11. n. The story of a bypassed sent ry box-Truk.
o. Physical damage and area study-Truk.
p. Report on native populat ion-Truk.
q. History, mission and operat ions-Truk.
Offensive Mine Laying Campaign Against Japan
78. )
(final report .
* Charts showing locat ion of mine fields.
of Ships Bombardment Survey Party-Fore-
. word, Introduction, Conclusions, and General Sum-
a. General dat a:
(1) Carbon copy of Report No. 79.
(2) Out line and t ent ative brief of final report.
(3) Preliminary summary of report of ships bombard-
ment survey party.
(4) Weight variat ions in prodqction lots of TNT-
loaded GP bombs.
(5) List of naval repair shops under the jurisdiction
of the Naval technical department and dock-
yards outside the Navy ship-building section.
(6) United States Navy air effort, Japanese home
islands, World War II, ordnance expended.
(7) Microfilm-Naval vessels under construction at
end of war.
(8) Microfilm-merchant ships sunk by submarines.
(9) Microfilm- list of Japanese ships sunk.
*b. Naval war preparation chart for 1941 fiscal year.
c. Japanese Navy official reports:
*(1) Official reports on various Naval operations per-
formed between 1 June 1943 and 30 November
(2) Partial English translation.
(3) Japanese Naval planning.
d. Miscellaneous papers:
(1) Progress reports.
(2) Memoranda pertaining to reports.
(3) Memoranda pertaining to personneL
e. Log on negatives.
f. Negatives and prints.
g. Negatives and prints.
h. Album of prints.
i. Album of prints.
j. Album of prints.
k. Album of prints.
l. Unpublished reports:
(1) Japanese naval logistics in World Warn (type-
written copy).
(2) The air effort against Japan (8ve ooplel). ,...__
Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party , __
closure A), Kamaishi Area.
a. Bombardment of KamaJsbJ (14: July lHI):
(1) Action reports.
b. Bombardment of Kamaisbi (9 A.upd lNf)
(1) Action reports.
(2) Letter from Office of Chief of Naval o,.atloM
relative to report data sheets.
(a) Letter from Commander-in-Chief, VDlltiG
Pacific Fleet relative to
In Japanese_
(4) Enclosures A through G.
c. Carbon copies of final report (
d. Blueprints (Kamaishi) :
*(1) Japanese blueprints and drawings of steel works
and urban area.
e. Kamaishi steel works and urban area
(1) Physical damage including rough draits of report.
(2) Measurements.
(3) Economic data.
(4) Urban area damage .
f. Presurvey intelligence {Kamaisbi) :
(1) Aerial photos, maps, PI reports and PW reports .
81. Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (en-
closure B), Hamamatsu Area.
a. Pageproofs.
b. Bombardment of Hamamatau-29, 30 J uly 1945:
(1) Action reporta.
c. Carbon copies of final report.
d. Hamamatsu railroad station and roundhouse:
*(1) Economic data including reports in Japanese.
*(2) Physical damage nota and drafts including five
Japanese drawings.
(3) Presurvey intelligence.
e.Im.perial goV8l"DDDeDt railroad shops, Hamunatsu:
(1) Economic data prepared by Japanese including
buDding damage (financial ka).
(2) Original plot plant.
*(3) Japaneae blueprinta (layout and building detail) .
(4) N otel and wort abeeta pertainiDg to physical
(5) Presurvey inWJipDae.
j. Bumti Loom Company, Ltd. (Tebfanka pl&nt) :
(1) Eoonomic data.
(2) Physical damage.
(3) Plawstey intellipDoe.
I Bumti loom factary, Jlanpuntau waab:
*(1) Physical damap wwey dnft aad Japueae
(J) Japu! Ill eooDDJDia npori.
(3) PJoMuney IDtelllpaoe.
A. N...,.,.. iDdlz), JlerwnetBu:
(1) BooDomio data.
(J) PhJaiaal dl"''l"s
(I) Plm , iJdelllllllft
L Balhu loom wad:lt Romemetla:
(1) ..... data.
(I) damlp ... iDalwfi. 4 -lapM!II
(I) P!m fflllalell
NIIJeQrawa Tool Oo+ru7 (Aauo JfeaY71DdGIIia
I Buaenntr:
) ltpulll ....... IIJMI I ..... npcw&,
.............. ? ...... ,.
Physical damage notes and drawings (Tennyu
81. l. (4)
(5) Presurvey intelligence. :r al cam ) Hama-
m . .Military barracks (Haman a N M p ,
matsu: . a1 ketches
(1) Physical damage notes includmg origlD s
and Japanese drawings.
n. Tenryu Airfield, Hamamatsu:
(1) Presurvey intelligence.
o. Tenryu River bridge: . .
(1) Presurvey intelligence and Japanese descnption
of damage.
p. Bentenjima bridge and batteries,
(1) Presurvey intelligence and Japanese description
of bridge damage.
q. Hamamatsu urban area: ' . .
(I) Economic and physical damage data mcluding
Japanese documents.
(2) LTI Bomber Command report on 17 June
Hamamatsu raid.
82. Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (En-
closure C), Hitachi Area.
a. Carbon copies of final report.
b. Bombardment of Hitachi (17-18 July 1945):
(1) Action reports.
c. Hitachi arms factory:
(1) Presurvey intelligence
(2) Physical damage data including rough notes.
*(3) Japanese drawings.
(4) Economic data including Japanese reports.
d. Hitachi copper refinery.
(1) Presurrey intelligence.
*(2) Economic data including Japanese report (part
*(3) Physical damage including typed notes and
Japanese drawings (part Japanese).
e. Hitachi urban area:
(1) Presurvey intelligence.
(2) Report on 19--20 July IB raid on Hitachi
{3) Report on 1-2 August IB raid on Mito.
Japanese drawings of city and housing areas.
(.,) Damage drafts and notes including Japanese
reports (part Japanese).
f. Hitachi engineering, Taga plant :
. (1) Presurvey intelligence.
(2) Japanese blueprints.
(3) Economic data including Japanese reports
(4) Physic&l damage material.
g. Hitachi works, Kaigan plant:
(1) Presurvey mtelligence.
*(2) Physical description and damage not (part
Japanese). es
(3) Economic data on Hitachi ks . .
J wor mcludmg
&panese reports (part Japanese)
(4) Bomber Command report o.n 10 June 1945
Shibauchi plant:
n:aurvey mtelligence.
(2) Physical damage data
including Japanese ____ re..;.porta, rough notes.
In Japan-.
(3) Japanese drawings.
i. Hitachi engineering, Densen plant:
(1) Presurvey intelligence.
(2) Physical damage material including drawings,
typed notes and damage survey.
j. Hitachi Company, Takahagi Plant:
(1) Presurvey mtelhgence.
(2) Schematic view of Takahagi works.
k. Hitachi steel works:
(1) Presurvey intelligence.
(2) Japanese drawings.
(3) Economic data including Japanese reports.
*(4) Physical damage notes including measurements
(part Japanese).
83. Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (En-
closure D) Hakodate Area.
a. Carbon copies of final text:
b. Port of Hakodate:
(1) Presurvey intelligence.
(2) Air action reports, work sheets.
*(3) Economic data including Japanese reports and
drawings (par t Japanese).
84. Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (En-
closure E), M uroran Area.
a. Printer's copy of report No. 84.
b. Carbon copies of final text.
c. Bombardment of Muroran-15 July 1945:
(1) Action reports.
d. W anishi iron works:
*(1) Japanese blueprints.
*(2) Japanese blueprints.
(3) Presurvey intelligence material.
( 4) Notes and drafts of physical description and
(5) Economic data including notes, drafts, and
Japanese data.
e. Nihon steel works, cranes and docks (Muroran):
(1) Presurvey intelligence.
(2) Economic data including Japanese reports.
(3) Physical description and damage data including
Japanese drawings and rough drafts.
/. Muroran urban area:
(1) Presurvey intelligence .
(2) Rough notes including nine Japanese drawiD8&
(3) First drafts of urban area report.
85. Report of Ships Bombardment Survey PartY (En-
closure F), Shimizu Area.
a. Divisional reports:
(1) Final report.
(2) Printer's copy.
b. Bombardment of Shimizu-3o-31 July1945:
(1) Action reports.
c. Japan Light Metals Alumina plant (ShfJDIIU):
(1) Presurvey intelligence. dtaP
(2) Physical damage data including J..,....
(3) Economic data including Japan_. repottle
d. Vegetable oil plant and refinery (SbiJDIIQ_,),..t
(1) Phyeical damage photo and JapaDIMI
(2) Economic data including Japan !Mitol'lllii
sumitomo Light Metals Company, Shimizu:
85. e. (
) Presurvey intelligence.
) Economic and functional data provided by
f. Shimizu shipyard: .
(1) Physical damage material.
Shimizu urban area:
g. (1) Presurvey intelligence.
(2) XXI Bomber Command Report on IB raid of
7 July 1945.
*(3) Damage notes and charts (part Japanese).
h. Kambara works, Japanese light metals; Japanese
Steel Tube Company; Shimizu refinery; Toa Oil
(1) Japanese report on Kambara works, Japanese
light metals.
(2) Japanese report on Japanese Steel Tube Com-
(3) Japanese report and drawings on Shimizu refin-
ery, Toa Oil Company.
(4) Complete first draft of entire report.
86. Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (Enclo-
sures G and H), Shionomi-Saki and Nojima-Saki areas.
a. Carbon copies of final text (Shionomi-Sak.i area).
b. Bombardment of Shionomi-Saki (24-25 July 1945):
(1) Action reports.
c. Kushimoto-Shionomi-Saki:
(1) Presurvey intelligence.
(2) Miscellaneous data including Japanese reports
and drawings.
d. Carbon copy of final text (Nojima-Saki area).
e. Bombardment of N ojima-Saki:
(1) Action reports.
f. Radar installation-Nojima-Saki, Honshu:
(1) Presurvey intelligence.
87. Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (Enclo-
sure I), Comments and Data on Effectiveness of Am-
a. Original draft.
b. Computations and tables including drawing repro-
c. Reference material.
d. Carbon copies of final report.
Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (En-
closure J), Comments and Data on Accuracy of Firing.
Computations on accuracy.
R Carbon copies of final reports.
eports of Ships Bombardment Survey Party (ED-
K), Effects of Surface BombardmeDta OD
a War Potential.
Prmter's copy
b. Carbon
copies of final report.
90 Work sheets.
A ects of the Incendiary Bomb Attaob Oil lapu-
Report on Eight Cities (final repon aacl .......
a. Imabari :
(1) Pr 1"
) e
lDtnary report.
In Japaneae.
*(3) Damage data on lmabari
(4) Negatives. P ....
(5) Kurashiki Industrial Company Ltd .
*(a) Plant layout. '
(b) Negatives.
b. Oita:
(1) Preliminary report-draft.
(2) Notes and work sheets.
*(3) Maps (part Japanese).
*(4) Oita newspaper publications.
*(5) Statistical report on Osaka for
(6) Public utility layouts:
(a) High tension lines.
(b) Gas mains.
(c) Gas stations.
(d) Water system.
(7) Building construction data:
(a) Laws governing building co.ostruction.
(b) Structural notes and key map ahowin ...
building bers
num .
(8) Air-raid data:
(a) Air-raid report.
{b) Air-raid defeuae manuaL
(c) Meteorological report for July 1M3.
(9) Damage plot.
(10) Negatives.
c. Tokyo:
(1) Fire data:
(a) Fire study.
(b) Hachioji Ire dunap plot.
(c) Fire dunap p1ota.
(d) Aerial photaL
(e) Special repon on tbe iMendje.ry attack
apiru Jsps=en urta.a iDdiiBirilllareM.
(2) Induatrial811t t6J.
(3) Mapa:
(a) PrfDaiJ* put ol tbe city.
(b) Tokyo &Dd ftiuitoJ.
(o) Cit7 plaa.
(d) A.- oovaed by woo--tea ba"
(e) !)eMit) ol plplletloa.
(4:) Ward 1aJout11.
(5) Wat. 8JBIIIIDiaJa&
(8) Bomb ploL
(7) PriatB ud .........
.. Danwle .......
.. AoiDari:
(1) ........
(I) .....
(I) .....
. . al industries.
. aid damage . d b princ1p
e (3) Air-r sustatne Y t No. 153.
. . (a) Damage essrnent repor
(b) Damage ass
(c) CasualtJes. Iation).
*(d) Police report. -7 July 1945 (trans
) Situation report .
Analysis of damage. eceived from bombing.
Report on r
(g) ts and negatives.
(h) Prm
f. Hachioji : afts of fi re study.
(1) fire spread-graph.
) Probabthty o
(3) Negatives.
g. Ube city: d bomb incidents.
(1) Ten thousand-poun
(2) Fire and weapon survey.
) Industrial study.
(4) Bomb plots.
(b) Damage plots.
(6) Xegatives.
(7) Cement factory data: .
(a) Process plan for productiOn.
(b) Plot plan.
(S) Okinoyama coal mine: .
*(a) Report by company officials.
(b) Coal dressing and transporting plant lay-out.
(c) Map of coal fields.
(d) Damage plot of Okinoyama colliery.
(e) Damage plot of miners' tenement houses.
(9) Higashi misome coal mine:
*(a) Report by company officials.
*(b) Description of plants.
*{c) Building plot.
{d) Mine lay-out.
*(e) Construction chart of miners' houses.
*(f) Chart of conveyor for coal.
*(g) Belt conveyor lay-out.
(10) Ube iron works:
*{a) Report by company officials.
(b) Damage plot.
(11) Lbe Kitrogen Fertilizer Company.
*(a) Report by company officials
(b) Process plan.
(c) Damage plot.
(d) Damage assessment
(12) Company:
(a) Report by company offi ials
: (b) Plant lay-out. c
(c) Process plans.
(d) Photographs d
(13) tb an negatives.
e steam power plant.
(a) lteport by Plant ofnc. ls
(b) Floor pia ta
h K ns and sections
agoya City:
(1) Target inf .
*(2) Map. onnatton sheet.
) Bomb plot.
- (4) Fire dalllage plots.
In Japanese.
*(5) Investigation on da mage done by .
*(6) Weather cha nge caused by air . &ltr&ida
*(7) supply r eport and rnap. ra
(8) Special report on the incend

. ary at -
Japanese ur an Industrial area
Doc (e). -See 90 c (I
Preliminary d ra ft r eports on ''Eft' ts
Bomb Attacks on Japan." ec of
g1. Effects of the Pound Bornbeo J
Targets-Report on NIne I ncidents (finat n
original draft).
a. Toyota Motor Company, Ltd.:
(1) Map-approximate locat ion on JaP&n
*(2) Names of plants and locat ion in detattlOJier.
(3) Miscellan eous lay-outs:
(a) Machin e tool department.
(b) Company plants and shops.
(c) Antifire provisions.
( 4) I n dex t o photograp hs and negatives.
(5) A brief report of t he company.
(6) Specification of vehicles :
(a ) Five-passenger cars.
(b) Trucks.
(7) Electric power consumption.
(8) Building data:
*(a) Constr u ct ion plans for maohine.abop.
*(b) Floor plans .
(9) Bomb plots :
*(a) Special cast ing shop.
*(b) Malleable casting shop.
*(c) Casting shop.
*(d) Cemen t warehouse.
*(e) Scrap storehouse.
* (f) Steel s tock house.
*(g) Machine shop.
*(h) Scrap crushing room.
* (i) Ann ealing shop.
(10) Damage data:
(a) Damage assessment work
*(b) Descrip tion of damage
(c) R eport on t he
pound s pecial bomb
(d) Aerial photographs.
(e) Damage plots.
b. Mitsubishi Heavy Ind .... ..
(1) Bomb damage to Kobe
by 10,000-pound
(2) Preliminary draft
Industries. of
(3) Names and description
( 4) Elevation and side vieW
*(5) Damage plots.
(6) Photographs. and
c. Kawasaki Locomotl\'e
*(1) Description and nan;
*(2) Plans and sectioDS o
(3) Photo plots.
(4) Damage report.
(5) Special damage .... -1!1
(6) Prints and negattv
Shimada Urban Ar ea- Shimada:
91. d.(l) Preliminary repor t-draft.
*(2) l'vfap.
) Bomb plot.
) Damage plot . .
) Prints and negat ives. .
Ube Soda Company-Ube.
e. (
) Notes and work sheets.
*(3) Plant layout. .
) Building and sectiOns.
( 4) Bomb plot. .
(5) Process for manufa ct urmg soda ash and caustic
(6) Negatives.
f . Nagoya Arsenal-Nagoya:
(1) Tor iimatsu factor y :
(a) Map-approximat e! ocation of toriimatsu
on Japan proper.
(b) Preliminary report-draft.
(c) Plant layout .
(d) Construction plans.
*(e) Description and production capacity of
(f) Bomb plots.
(g) Damage plots.
(h) Damage assessment work sheet.
(i) Schedule on buildings and machines dam-
(j) Bomb plot and structural damage.
(k) Photographs.
(2) Takagi factory-Nagoya.:
(a) Notes and work sheets.
(b) Plant layout.
(c) Plans, elevations and sections of buildings.
(d) Damage plot.
(e) Bomb plot.
(f) Target information sheet.
g. Sumitomo Chemical Company-Niihama:
(1) Chemical works:
(a) Notes and work sheets .
*(b) Plant layouts.
*(c) Map of Niihama, locating the Sumitomo
chemical plants.
(d) Flow sheets.
*(e) Building construction plans.
(f) Bomb plots.
(g) Damage plots.
(h) Negatives.
(f) Photographs.
) Light metal works:
(a) Bomb and damage plots.
{b) Negatives.
(c) Alutninwn plant-oonstruotlon plaDI (GOD
(S of 2 envelopes).
) BUIDitomo Copper Refining Company.
(a) Special damage assessment report.
h .Prints and negatives. ot
- Aauminary draft report on "Meets
Bomba on Japanese T...._,
92. Effects of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroablma, Japan
(final report and original draft) .
a. atomic bomb report.
b. Outhne hiStory of Hiroshima City.
c. Summary report-work sheets.
d. The target report-work sheets.
e. High-explosive bomb attacks on Hiroshima:
( 1) Preliminary report-draft.
(2) Bomb plots.
*(3) Damage plot.
f. The at omic-bomb attack:
(1) Reports, notes, and work sheets:
(a) Object of study.
(b) Probable effects on other targets.
*(c) Report by the Governor or Hiroshima pre-
fecture- translation.
(d) Description of the atomic-bomb attack.
(e) Determination of zero points.
*(0 General investigation of Kure naval district.
(g) I ts power, effects, and limitations.
(h) Preliminary analysis.
(i) Report by British mission.
(j) The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and
(k) The effects of the atomic bombings of
Hiroshima and Napki.
(2) Atomic bomb plot.
(3) Urban damage memeut plot.
(4) Limited damage interpretation.
g. Graphs on air sero and poUDd aero.
A. Typical Japaneee dwellfnp:
(1) Beport.
(2) Negatives.
i. Fire-cause and eztent:
(1) Work sheets.
(2) Field Dotes.
(3) Fire damap plot&
J. Damap to buDdinp (8111DJDU'Y draft):
(1) Fire data:
(a) BuDding data oompilecl in OODJleCtlon with
fire iDauraDoe.
(b) VuiDerabllity olefflcatkms.
(o) Nonoombustible baDdin data.
(d) BuilkpDell ADd Ire JIIOteot.ion plo&.
(2) Straotaral danMp data:
<a> by <-
b (1)).
(b) CalealatioD of ................
(o) MilD..._ for lmfldlnp.
(I) Kader pofd and bufkllnllocdoll mtp.
(4) BuDdiaa ldeDtll_... ahellll:
BuDdiDp o. 1 to a
(b) BaiJdlnp 0. il to-
(4t) Balkllnp o. II to
(d) Jlall6p .. 111.
(I) Jlal1diDa phD&
a. Dunspto..,.,.tbllr.:
. hilnA and Nagasaki
damage on Huos
92 k (5) Percent of hs (see 93 d ( 4)).
. . plant utllities-grap
l . Damage to bridges:
(1) Draft report.
(2) Field notes.
(3) Bridge locati?n bridges.
( 4) A brief description o
(5) Statistical and data.
) SuiiliiW'Y of statiStics.
(7) Bridge study: d till ties:
Damage to serv1ce an u .
m. . d bus system.
(1) Electric railway an
(a) Work sheets.
(b) Route plan.
(2) Government railroad system:
(a) Work sheets. Hir hima railway division
{b) Report by .
. ting and distribution system:
(3) Electnc genera
(a) Work sheets.
*(b) Line distribution maps.
(c) Pole data.
(4) Telephone communication system:
(a) Work sheets.
(b) Lay-out.
(5) Water supply system:
(a) Work sheets.
*(b) Lay-outs.
*(c) Microlm plans.
(6) Sanhary and st<>rm sewer system:
(a) Work sheets.
(b) Lay-out.
(7) Domestic gas system:
(a) Work sheets.
(b) Lay-out.
*(c) Station gas regulat<>r-drawing.
*(d) HiroshimA Gas Company layout.
n. Damage t<> stacks:
(1) Work sheets.
(2) l.a.y-out.
o. Photographic interpretation damage.
p. The Japan Steel Works, Ltd-Hiroshima:
(1) Preliminary report-draft.
(2) Field notes.
(3} Plant lay-out.
(4} Functional analysis check.
(5) Building construction analysis.
q. Maps:
(1) Approximate location of Hiroshima on Japan
*(2) Hiroshima City.
(3) Hiroshima City.
( 4) Hiroahima and vicinity.
(5) Areas photographed.
(6) Important military areas.
(7) Major industrial areas.
(8) Riven and harbor areas.
(9) Topographic sketch map.
(10) School, hospitala and government m
*In J&paD-.
( ) T
nsportation and communications- plot.
ra H' hi C' t
) R bber model of uos rna 1 Y.
from which the flash burns and blis-
tered tiles were taken-see 93 a (2) (d).
men of melted concrete.
r peCl
Specimen of beat-tested tile.
t. Negatives-photo log:
) Negatives No. 1-225.
(2) Negatives No. 226-455.
(3) Negatives No. 456-792.
) Negat ives No. 793- 1,125.
(5) Miscellaneous.
Preliminary draft report on "Effects of Atomic
u. Bomb on Hiroshima" (three volumes) .
Effect s of t he Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki, Japan (final
report and original draft) .
a. Summary, General and Miscellaneous Information:
(1) Notes and work sheets:
(a) Work sheets.
(b) Preliminary report-draft.
(c) Synopsis report of the air-raid disaster at
(d) The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki-see 92 f (1) (j).
(2) Maps:
(a.) Approximate location of Nagasaki on
Japan proper.
*(b) Hiroshima City.
(c) City plans-revised edition.
(d) Locations from which the Bash burD8 and
blistered tiles were taken.
(3) Damage plots.
(4) Miscellaneous information:
(a.) Photographs of Nagasaki.
(b) Report from governor of Nagasaki-tranS-
(c) Limited damage interpretation.
b. Public buildings:
(1) Work sheets.
(2) Preliminary report-draft.
(3) Structural damage by blast-graphs.
c. Industrial installations:
(1) Work sheets.
(2) Preliminary draft.
d. Effect of atomic bomb on public utilities:
(1) Work sheets.
(2) Preliminary report- draft.
(3) Summary of public utility damage.
( 4) Lay-outs of public utilities: __ ..
(a) Location of under-water telegraiD
*(b) Water supply system.
(c) Water supply system.
e. Effects of bomb on macblnerJ eq
and plant utilities:
(1) Work sheets.
(2) Preliminary report-draft.
(3) Graphs. aa4 14i
(4) Percent of damage on Bfrolbl1D6
plant utUitiea arapba.
of atomic bomb on bridges and t ransporta-
l E ec .
g3. tion systems.
) Work sheets.
) Preliminary report-draft.
Fire study:
g. (l ) Notes and work sheets.
) Preliminary report-draft.
) Fire break plan-. map. . .
h Translation of offi.CJal and md.ustnal Japanese doc-
. uments on effects of the a tomic bomb:
) Work sheets.
) Preliminar y report-draft .
. Preliminary draft report on " Effects of t he Atomic
k' J ,
Bomb on N agasa 1, a pan.
Effects of the Four Thousand-Pound Bomb on Japa-
. nese Targets-A Repor t on Five incidents (final report
and original draft) .
a. Kawasaki Aircraft Company-Akashi:
(1) Notes and work sheets :
(a) Report on damage assessment.
(b) Report on bombing mission No. 20-19
June 1943.
(c) Interrogat ion of company's architecture.
(d) Miscellaneous notes on air raids.
(e) Locat ion of company's plants and personnel.
(f) Summary report--draft.
(g) Field notes.
(2) Location and lay-out:
(a) Reconnaisance photographs.
(b) Generallay ..out.
(3) Building data:
(a) Names and description of buildings.
(b) Plot plans of buildings.
*(c) Construction plans (consisting of two en-
(4) Bomb and damage data.
b. Sumitomo Light Metal Company-Osaka:
(1) Notes and work sheets.
(2) Plant lay-outs.
*(3) Bomb plots.
) Buildings and damage data.
(S) Machine damage data.
(6) Photographs.
c. Aichi-Atsuta engine plant-Aichi Aircraft Com-
) Aircraft Company:
(a) Over-all report of company's plants.
) *(?) .Plant dispersal program.
Aichi-Atsuta engine plant:
(a) Notes and work sheets.
(b) Industrial report No. 9.
(c) Plant lay-out.
(d) Utility lay-outs.
(e) Building construction plans.
(f) Bomb data.
(g) Damage data.
d (h) Photographs.
'-'eCOnd N
(l ) N aval fuel depot- Yokkalohl:
and work sheets.
n Japanese.
(2) Plant lay-outs.
(3) Harbor plan.
{4) Ut ility lay-outs:
{a) High tension lines.
(b) Steam pipe lines.
(c) Railroad t racks.
{d) Water supply system wit h a report.
(5) Building plans, elevations and sect'
(6) Ant' , lODS.
1a1rcraft installations plot .
(7) Bomb plots.
(8) Weapon analysis data.
(9) Damage plot.
(10) Photographs.
e. Aichi Aircraft Company- Nagoya :
(1) Funakata plant:
(a) Plant lay-out.
(b) Building construction plans.
(c) Area of combustible occupancy plot.
(d) Damage data.
(e) Negatives and log sheet.
(2) Aichi Clock and Electric Company, Ltd. :
(a) Notes and work sheet.
(b) Plant lay-out.
(c) Construction plans.
(d) Bomb plots.
(e) Damage data.
f. Preliminary draft report on "Effects of the 4,000-
Pound Bomb on Japanese Tarpts."
95. Effects of Two Thousand-, One Thousand-, and Five
Hundred-Pound Bomba on Japanese Tarpts A Re-
port on Eight Incidents (final report and original
a. Aichi-Eitoku Aircraft Company- Nagoya:
(1) Notes and work sheets.
(2) Plant lay-out.
(3) Production 11ow chart.
(4) Utility lay-outs.
(S) Building data: .
(a) Buildinp dJamMtled to )RV81lt spreading
of fire.
(b) CoD&truction piM&
(6) Bomb plots (pari J...--).
(7) Damap data:
(a) Plant d.,... plot {put Japueae).
(b) lfachlne damiP plot.
(c) PJant d.mptioa ud daanap data.
(d) Damap IE II .._t; llhed.
(e) WIQ"D uai.JIIL
(f)PdDtaaDd ......
6. llftlabllld Bv Iadu*l,
( Notea- wort
(I) ........
3 Building plans\
95. c. ( ) B ilding No. 11.
(a) u. N 27.
(b) BUJldmg l o.
(c) Building No. 35.
( 4) Bomb plots.
C) Damage plots. .
Prints and negatives. Ltd.-Takarazuka:
Aircraft Company,
d Ka wani.S . sh ets.
(1) and work e
(2) Flant
(3) Bwlding data: details.
*(a) Erection plans-steel
(b) Building data.
( 4) Bomb plot.
(5) Damage plots.
{6) Photographs. -Xaruo:
e. Aircraft Company -
(l) Preliminary reports.
*(2) Plant
(3) ample construcnon plans.
(4) Bomb plots.
(5) Damage data.
f . Osaka Army Arsenal- Osaka.
(1) Xotes and work sheets.
(2) Plant . d
(3) Organization and location of factJries an ware-
(4) Bomb plots.
{5) Damage data:
(a) Buildings and damage data.
(b) Fin&! damage assessment plot.
(c) Machine tool damage.
{6) Prints aad negatives.
g. Kawanishi Aircraft Company- Konan plant-
{ 1) Facrory
*(2) Graph on distribution of structural damage per
(3} Bomb notes and data.
(4; Prints and negatives.
h. Sumitomo Metal Company- Nagoya:
*(1; PlAnt lay-out.
*(2) Construction plans.
(3) Bomb and damage data:
faJ Bomb and damage data with photographs.
(b) Bomb and damage plot.
(c) Damage assessment work sheets.
*(d) Report on the effects of the 26 J une 1945
attack on structures.
{e) Fire damage.
i. Preliminary Draft Report on "Effects of Two
Thousand-, One Thou.sand- and Five Hundred-
Pound Bombs on Japanese Targets."
96. A Report on Physical Damage in Japan-surmnary
Report (final report and original draft).
a. Mapa.
b. Effectiveness of high-explosive bombs:
(1) of effectiveness of HE bombs-
N otea and work sheets.
In Japanae.
(2) Preliminary draft on r elative effectiveness of liE
(3) Graphs:
(a) Influence of time over target on extent or
(b) Damage weight index of multiple and single
aiming point attacks.
(c) Effect of variation in altitude on extent or
(d) I nfluence of altit ude of attack on the ex-
tent of damage.
(e) Infl uence of rate of bomb delivery on ex-
tent of damage.
(f) I nfl uence of bomb tonnage per aiming
point on ext ent of damage.
(g) Influence of target size on extent of damage.
(h) Effect of heavy explosive on the extent or
(i) Area of damage per bomb.
(j) Influence of type of incendiary bomb on ex-
tent of damage.
(4) Methods of estimating the mean area of effec-
tiveness of HE weapons against building,
machine tools, and similar targets.
(5) Heavy explosive damage data and
mean area of effectiveness values for 20 mdus-
trial targets in Japan.
(6) Ministry of Home Security .
(a) Density of bombing of mdustrml targets.
(b) Target vulnerability notes.
(7) Mean area of computation for 1,000-lb
(8) Methods of computation of MAEs for vano
(9) Statistical attack data:
(a) Bombs dropped on major in Japan.
(b) Major attacks on Japanese Cities.
(10) Damage assessment evaluation.
(11) Weapon analysis report. . f ro-
(12) Bomb density for effective destruction p
ductive capacity of targets.
c. Fire Against Japan:
(1) Fire damage summary report.
(2) Incendiary bomb report. . t incendiarY
{3) Report on bombing accuracy of nigh
missions. ns
(4) Statistical data on targets and weapo
(5) Probability of fire spread-graphs. that burnecf.
{6) Percent of exposed occupancy zone
(7) Damage plots. of 5 en-
d. Miscellaneous photographs (consisting
vel opes). rt OD PhJifoal
e. Preliminary draft report on ''A Repo ,
Damage in Japan-Summary Report.
97 . . Japanese Military and Naval Intelligence.
a. Final report.
Ill tht
98. Evaluation of Photographic Intellf!:t,"e
Japanese Homeland, Part I, Compreh
a. Final report.
b. Dummy copies of final report.
c. Report of outlines, forms, and
photo-intelligence reports.
t get list and miscellaneous target infonn&-
Master ar
d. t ion.
F' ld notes.
e. te
g sheets of photographs.
f. Team
hie coverage for over-all report.
Photograp d t
g. . t ion of Japanese ocumen s.
h. Regts.tra f Phot ographic Intelligence in the Jap-
E Iuatwn o . fi Ids
99. ,va H .}and Part II, A1r e .
anese ome ,
Final report.
a. y copies of final report.
b. D_umfimlds and seaplane bases.
c. Atr e
(1) Chofu.
(2) Edogawa.
(3) Hanshin.
(4) Irumagawa.
(5) Kagamigahara.
(6) Kasumigaura.
(7) Kiyosu.
(8) Komaki.
(9) Kowa.
(10) Matsudo.
(11) Meiji.
(12) Mikatagahara.
(13) Mito.
(14) Mito, south.
(15) Mitsubishi.
(16) Muroran.
(17) Nagoya.
(18) Nagoya, east.
(19) Nishinomiya.
(20) Oi.
(21) Osawa.
(22) Otawa.
(23) Palace.
(24) Sarato.
(25) Shimazu.
(26) Sbowa.
(27) Suzuka.
(28) Tachika wa.
(29) Takahagi.
(30) Tokorozawa.
(31) Tomioka.
(32) Toyahashi.
(33) Yaizu.
(34) Y a.magatanito.
(35) Y atabe.
(36) Y okosuka.
(37) Yomiuri.
Evaluation . of Photographic Intelligence
Japanese Homeland, Part III, Computed
Final report.
Dununy copy of final report.
c. bomb plots, base for bomb plotl,
101, computed strips.
aluat lon of Photographic ..
Japanese Homeland Part IV Urban Area It
a p , '
b. Dlnal report.
c A. ununy copy of final report.
(l)r(l: .data and photographic oover:
(2) Hisamoto.
(3) Totsuka.
( 4) Miscellaneous.
102. Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in the
Japanese Homeland, Part V, Camouflage.
a. Final report.
b. Dummy copies of final report.
c. Miscellaneous data and photographs.
103. Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in the
Japanese Homeland, Part VI, Shipping.
a. Final report.
b. Dummy copies of final report.
c. Damage 88Sessment work sheets; yard plans; charta.
d. Ishikawajima dockyard, No. 1.
e. Jshika\\-ajima Shipbuilding Company, yard No. 4.
f. Susaki dockyard of the Ishikawajima Shipbuilding
and Engineering Company.
104. Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in the Jap-
anese Homeland, Part VII, Electronics.
a. Final report.
b. Dummy copies of final report.
c. Fire control and search radar.
d. Radio stations:
(1) Dispersed station of the Telecommunications
Company (south of Hachioji).. .
(2) Japan communications comm881Qn, Hakod&te
area (Esan). . .
Bad. -...:- fi :hm
..:n-- east of Kamasb. (3) --10 a ... wun m - 8 - ., &&MIIlW
e. Electric companies:
(1) Anaritau EJectric Company.
(2) Electric Instrument Company.
(3) Japan W"uelea Company.
(4) Mitaubiahi EJectric Mallufaalotuiq Comp&Dy.
(5) Nippon Electric Company.
(6) Tokyo Shibaura Eleakic Company. d
install&fiioD in Kobe-Oaab ._ an m
f. Electromcs
,. cWeatiml mdi (Hakodate
A. Fire oontml-::--..lo Jatellipaoe in fihe Jap-
105. EvaluMioD ofl d, 'D.. .... VIII. Boh lJdellirt-a
aneae BomLID .c..-.
a. FiDal Jepori. bal at.
6. l>aDula7 .. ........ iD the Jap-
106. Part IX, Ar&IIB7
.. Fhaal report. of .... report.
6. l>aDula7 eoplel
c. Oemend polL
tl. Ohll .....
.. Def 11
. ce in the
h' Intelhgen
of PhotogTSP IC d and Railroads.
107. Evalua o e1 d Part X, Roa s
Japanese Hom an '
a Final report. e rt
b. Dummy copies final : of the damage to
. R rt of the mvestiga
c. epo . . th chart. d
Komaru bndge, m . 1 highway bndges an
of nat10na
d. General artie es . . also maps.
prefectural road intelligence in the Japan-
l OS. Evaluation of pbotor;P analysis.
ese homeland, part '
a. Final report.
b Dummy copy of final report.
Air raft manufacturers:
c. c . tin of two envelopes).
(1) Aichi (conru gti' al Research Institute.
(Z) Central Aeronau c
(3} Hitachi.
( 4) Ishika
(5) Japan Aircraft
(6) Japanese International.
(7) Kawanishi.
(8) Kawasaki.
(9) )
(10) (consisting of five envelopes .
(11) Sumitomo.
(12) Tachikawa.
(13) Miscella.neous. . .
d. Army arsenals; depots; laboratones;
plants and Xary arsenals; fuel nepots; navy yards,
ordnance plants:
(1) Army arsenal and military gunpowder works.
(2) Hiro Arsenal.
(3) Kagoya arsenals (consisting of three envelopes).
(4) Oji ArsenaL
(5) Sag&II'i Arsenal.
(6) Tachikawa ArsenaL
(7) Tokyo Second Arsenal.
{8) Army central clothing depot.
(9) Xinth Army military laboratory.
(10) Military gunpowder works.
(11) Nippon explosives works.
(12) uji powder factory.
(13) First :Naval Air Arsenal.
(14) Hira.t.suka. val Arsenal. '
(15) Kure Naval Arsenal (consisting of 2 envelopes).
(16) Second Naval Arsenal.
(17) Suzuka Naval Arsenal.
) Togokawa Naval arsenal.
(19) Yokosuka Ntt.val Arsenal.
0) First Naval fuel depot.
) Second Naval fuel depot ..
(22) Kure Naval shipyard.
(23) Yokosuka Navy yar d.
4.) Aichi ordnance plant.
) Air technical depot .
) Ordnance storehouse and supply depot.
) Miscellaneous ar ms and ordnance manufacturers
and shipyards.
e Automotive and r olling stock companies:
. (1) Diesel Automotive Company.
) Toyoda auto works. .
(3) Nippon Vehicle Manufacturing Company.
) Nippon Rolling St ock Company.
f. Iron and steel manufact urers:
) Daido Elect ric St eel Company
) I shihara smelter and refinery.
(3) Japan iron works.
(4) Japan Steel Company.
(5) Japan St eel Bearing Company.
(6) Japan steel works.
(7) Kant o special steel works.
(8) Kawasaki iron and steel works.
(9) Nihon steel works.
(10) Osaka iron works.
(11) Sumit omo :Met als works.
(12) Wanishi iron works.
(13) iron and steel manufacturers.
g. Miscellaneous indust ries: . .
(1) Chemical industry (umdentlfied).
(2) Hitachi engineering works.
(3) Hodogaya Chemical Industry Company.
(4) Japan Military Foods Company.
(5) Japan Optical and Gompanv
(6) Machine shop.
(7) 1\ihon Hikoki Kaisha, Ltcl.
(8) Nippion oil refinery and tank farm.
(9) Nippon Soda.
(10) Nitokogyo Kabushiki Kaisha.
(11) Shown Fertilizer Company.
1. Air-sea Rescue .
a. East ern Sea Frontier A1r-sea Rescue Bulletin, June
and Jul y 1945 (envelope No. 856).
b. Air-sea Rescue Bulletins, April, May, and June
1945 (envelope No. 857) .
ALSOS Mission Reports-September-October 1944,
European Theater of Operations.
a. Int errogations relating to German science and
industry headquarters (envelope No. 158).
3. American Military Unit in Bucharest.
a. Damage to rail installations at Branon, letter of 18
December 1944 (envelope No. 403).
4. Argus Research Corporation.
a. Argus reports on enemy defenses and supplies,
Nos. 125-129, 2 April 1945-4 May 1945, SHAEF
(envelope No. 334).
b. Argus research reports, miscellaneous, reports
issued June-October 1944 (envelope No. 335).
5. Army Air Forces.
a. Headquarters, Army Air Forces:
(1) AAF Installation Directory, Continental United
States, 1 August 1945 (envelope No. 884).
(2) Bombing, a letter from Lieutenant General H. H.
Arnold (envelope No. 60).
(3) Report of the Army Air Forces Board {envelope
No. 848).
(a) Results with and use of British "Tall Boy"
and "Grand Slam" bombs.
(b) Operational suitability test of cluster aima-
ble incendiary bomb, E46, AAF Proving
Ground, 20 June 1945.
) Report of Committee of Operations Analysis and
(S) 8 March 1943 {envelope No. 322).
Third report of the Commanding General of the
b A Air Forces to the Secretary of War.
(I) Chief of Air Staff-A-2:
blllpact Magazine, issues for November, Deoem-
er, 1944; January through August 1945 (envelope
No. 49)
) Intonnation Intelligence Summary, 10 July 1M'
July 1945 {envelope No. 186).
ommand Informational Intelligenoe Serf Bul-
letins (
(4) S . envelope No. 223).
Informational Intelligence Repori 14 J
(5) Th
' Flying Fatigue (envelope No. 210).
A e Strategic Aerial Bombardment of

and Potentialities fan.YidtDII
(a) Inteiu
Str t Analysis Division, Ellll'OJIq

egic Bombing of Axis Europe
(7) Intelligence (envelope No. 43):
(a) The coke, iron and steel industries under
Japanese control; Photo Industrial Study
No. 3, September 1944.
(b) The petroleum industries under Japanese
control, Photo Industrial Study No. 2,
July 1944.
(8) Air Intelligence Section (United Kingdom):
{a) Analysis of Total Tonnage Hauled by Com-
bat Support Wing in 1943 (charts and
graphs) (envelope No. 295).
{9) Intelligence School (envelope No. 185):
(a) Handbook for Combat Air Intelligence
01Bcera. .
(b) Eighth Air Force Memos No. 3-3 through
3-31 and 5-1 through 5-3, Ordnance Offi-
cer, Eighth Air Force.
c. Joint Target Group, A-2.
(1) Electric supply areas of Japanese Inner Zone,
issued 21 May 1946 (envelope No. 720).
d. Office of Manapment Control, Stat. Control Divi-
sion, What You Should Know About Combat
Analysis (envelope No. 573).
e. United States Army Air Forces in the United King-
dom, 01Bce of the OrdnaDce Ofticer, Memos 24, 25,
29 November 1948; 12, 18, December 1943.
f. States Army Air Foroes, "USAAF Airfields
in Franae", 9011t AF Bq Co. (eavelope No. 872).
AA.F v....;...- Command:
(1) Keditemmeua ThMt8' of OparatioDs, iaJpt
chart cievalopmmt (mftlope No. 791).
(2) lleclit.en'aDeUl n- of OparatioDs, pbot.o
cbartB ud photo JDaJJI (mftlope o. 792).
A. Air Command, Sou& net .W.. operatkmal--.n:h
aection aepcana HA, J1 uti (mftlope No. 90).
Asia Air Ooan-nd. operational --.n:h
'- m"'km NJOdl os. ud 811 (aftlope No.
J . li.MUtcl n AJUel Alr:.W.: o;er'nr lNI
CJJ Alrpo'Wfltlb the ........_
;,:.ilil01111l........., <-ftiDpe IOJ'a).

1. Air Forces and Bomber Commands.
a. Twentieth Air Force:
(1) Destruction of industrial and other .
(2) Report on bombing actn'ities of Twentleth Air
Force. . ..
(3) ummary of Twentieth Air Force operations, o
June-14 August 1945.
(4) June operations, 5 July 19-!5.
(5) July operations, 4 August 1945.
(6) ::\lanual so-1, lead crew, revised, 3 February
(7) Manual so-1, lead crew, September 1944.
(8) ::\1anual 15-1, standard reports required from
Bomber Commands, September 1944.
(9) ::\Ianual 2o-1, organization and administration
of Bomber Command, September 1944.
(10) 11&nual 45-1, air intelligence, October 1944.
(11) Resume of mission.
(12) Combat Operations JoUI'Ilal, Vol. I.
(13) Combat Operations Joums.l, Vol. II.
(14) Combat Operations Journal, Vol. III.
(15) Combat Operations Journal, Vol. IV.
{16) :\fusion stand.s.rd operational procedure.
(17) SUIIllDAry of operations against Japan.

summary of operations against Japan
(19) Weekly news letters.
{20) Twentieth Air Force data.
b. XX Bomber Command:
(1) Index to missions flown.
(2) Tactical doctrine.
(3) Bulletin No. 1, friendly China airfields f 2
September 1944. a.s
CoCm.m.abnd reference book, 1 August
<> om at mlSBlons digest. o.
(6) Bulletin -0 1 e .
(7) Ai lnteill . , n:my tactics, 24 March 1945
r gence Dtgest Weekly V 1 II - .
17 March 1945. '
, No. 11,
(8) Air Digest W kl
24 March l945. ee Y, Vol. II, No. 12,
(9) Air Intelligence Digest W
31 March 1945. eekly, Vol. II, No. 13,
0) Ryukyu Islands airfields
c. XXI Bomber Command. .
{1) Combat mission statt' t.
(2) Dist 'b . s lCS.
n ution of bomb'
January 1945. mg effort, November 1944-
{3) Revision to re
1945. porting procedure manual 7 J
( 4) Lead , une
(5) tnanual, 2 March
....," report N v.
1945. o. 37, Hiroshima
(8) CPX No. 1, attack on , 15 July
f rom Darwin Makaasai and Bark

CPX No. 2, attack on Soeraboya from Dar'Wi
CPX No. 3, attack on Singapore from Dar .

Combat cr ew man ual, May 1945. Win.

XXI Bomber Command alphabetical list f
o tar.
Air I ntelligence r eport, Vol. I, No. 2 15 M
1945. ' arch
Air I ntelligence r eport, Vol. I, No. 3 22 M h
1945. ' arc
Air Intelligence r eport, Vol. I, No. 5 5 Ap il
1945. ' r
Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 6, 12 April
Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 7, 19 April
Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 8, 26 April
Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No.9, 4 May 1945.
Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 10, 11 May
(19) Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 11, 19 May
(20) Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 12, 26 May
(21) Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 13, 2 June
(22) Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 14, 9 June
(23) Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 15, 16 June
(24) Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 16, 23 June
(25) Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 18, 7 July
(26) Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 19, 14 July
(27) Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 20, 21 JulY
1945. Jul
(28) Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 21, 28 y
(29) Air Intelligence report, Vol. I, No. 22, 4
1945. t-19
(30) Analysis of incendiary phase of oper&ti
March 1945.
(31) T.actical doctrine. d IoJII-
(32) SIX-month projection of combat effort an
t ical requirements as of 1 April 1946.
d. XXII Bomber Command:
(1) Command book, 15 January 1946
(2) Command book, 15 December 194'-
e. Second Air Force:
(1) B-29 standard procedures, 20 Jusael"'
. torY of airfields for B- 29 aircraft, 20 July
) Dtrec
1. e. 1944.
'ftb Air Force:
f. t Operations against Kyushu targets during July
( ) d August 1945.
an . t J
Fifth Air F orce war agams apan, September
2-August 1945 (supplementary data).
S venth Air F orce:
g. (
Operations in Pacific Ocean areas, November
943- Ap ril 1945.
h. Thirteenth Air. Force: .
) Operations m war aga1nst Japan.
. Fourteenth Air Force:
J. (
) OperationR against railroads in Japanese War,
November 1945.
j. Third Air Division:
(1) Summary and analysis of operations, 13 May
1943-8 May 1945.
k. Far Eastern Air Forces:
(1) Far East ern Air Force Intelligence report No. 60,
8 November 1945.
(2) Far Eastern Air Force Intelligence report No.
70, 12 November 1945.
(3) Far East ern Air Force Intelligence report No. 85,
16 November 1945.
(4) Far Eastern Air Force Intelligence report No. 90,
no date.
(5) Far Eastern Air Force Intelligence report No. 92,
16 November 1945.
(6J Far Eastern Air Force Intelligence report No. 94,
16 November 1945.
(7) Far Eastern Air Force Intelligence report No.
106, 17 November 1945.
(8) Material registered on 18 November 1945.
(9) Air target status memo No. 14 12 November
1945. ,
) Air Staff intelligence requirements in Far East.
11) Ai
r target status memo No. 15 12 November
1945. '
(12) A'
li' target status memo No 16 24 November
1945. . '
) Memorandum report on evaluation of 7 August

1,000 pound general-purpose raid on Omuta

Industrial plants and 11 August 1945 inoendiarJ
attack K
(14) p on urume, Kyushu.
.rogress report No. 17 of 2nd and 3rd Opera-

Analysis sections, 18 October 1945.

status memo No. 13, 6 November lMI

JectlVe data annex Gulf of Tonkin are& of
ren h I ,
(17) F ndo-China, 25 May 1945.
N ar astern Air Force Intelligence memoi&1ldum
(18) F:;
1 September 1945.
N astern Air Force Intelligence
(19) i
2 September 1945.
N astern Air Force Intelligence
(20) F:; i'
5 September 1945.
N astern Air Force Intelligence
(21) F o. S,
September 1945.
ar East A"
ern 1r Force Intelllpnot'd'l
September 1945.
(22) Far Eastern Air F
orce lntelUpn
No. 10, 28 September
ce Dlelnorandum
(23) Far Eastern Air Force Inte.
No. 17, 28 October
lligence memorandum
(24) Far Eastern Air Force
No. 19, 31 October
telUpnce memorandum
(25) Far Eastern Air Force
No. 23, 18 October
&ence memorandum
(26) Far Eastern Air Force
No. 29, 5 November 1945. ce memorandum
{27) Far Eastern Air Command Weekly lntellig
summary, southeast Asia, 20 April1945 ence
(28) Far Eastern Air Command Weekly ln-ce
. summary, southeast Asia, 27 A.prill945.
l. Pacific Fleet Air Force:
{1) Air Operations memorandum No 83 1 J
1ML '
{2) Air Operatiou memor&Ddum No. M, 8 JUDe
(3) Air Operations memoraadnm No. 85 IS June
(4) Air Operations memoraDdnm No. 86, 22 June
(5) Air Operations memcnnclmn No. frl, 29 JUDe
(6) Air Operations JDeiiMII'Mdnm No. 81, lJ lul7
('1) Air OperatioDa JMDMnDdnm 0. 10, JO Jal7
?"' JulY 19-!4-prelim-
2. a. (13) Project Xo. (M-
) ;Od--" te:,t. (part of B-29
inary report of B--9 best
operatJOna.l swta Y ;:, Jul.
(1.!) Project N' o. (T) 34-26 ) trol
handbook for B-29 central fire of
(15) Project No. (M-5)
Ju_ y per aft
four-gun General Electnc turret lD up
tion of B-29 airplane. b
9-!4- tudy
(16) Project .. ,.o. (i\1-5) 261-1 er t by Vnited
of incendtsry bombs for emp OJ men
tate5 .\u Force:,.
(17, Pro)ect o C\I-5) 248-30 June 19-14-heavy
bomb;:, on Japanese ares taM!':ets.
(1 ) Project o. (T 25-17 J 19.!4-test to
determine proper ratio and technique employ-
ment. of incendiary and high-e:rplo.:s1ve bombs Japanese type structures. .
(19) ro. (T-1) 36-6 June 1944-doctnne of
employment of B-29 airpbne.
(20) Project _ o. (lT-1) 5-3 May 19J4-staJf study
on organization problems of very long-range
(21) Project 1-o. 423L-\.471.6-15 December 1944-
prelim.inary report on Willie lBsby) aircraft con-
trolled from on long-range IIl.lSSions.
(22) Project _ o. 4036C452.1-26 December 1944-
repon of turbulence effect in bomb bay of B-29
(23J ..-- 3i50C471.6-21 March 1945--test
of bom: A. P., 2,000 pound, Ti.
Project .. -v. -!326!.413.44--7 March 1914 stand-
ard operatine: procedure fo: the A.:."\"JAPQ-7 with
:idltinll: ansile modification.
Project o. 4324 . .1\.471.6-26 March 1945--
preliminary guide to tactical employment of au-
., bur_" and general-purpose bombs.
(-6) Pro)ect. o. 4319A373.1-3 Aprill945-counter-
against ramming tactics by enemy
atrcraft (manual).
(2, Projec.t o. April
nunatton of .B-29 primary and econdary t 1
. ronro
(2 ) ProJect o. 3554A471.5-1 October
selecuon of bombs and fuzes for bomb dm
targets. ar ent
(29) :roject .. o. (U-1) 4-3 March 1944-
mcreaae in t .. propo ed
b d
um eqwpment for very heavy bom-
ar ment squadron.
(30) Project -o. 3602BC3i3.11-25 0
tactics and techni . ctober 1944-
..__,_ ques of rught tactical .

{31) PTO]ect o. 38i4A3i3.1-2 0
bomber deferunve tacti ctober J 944--
aircraft. cs agamst ramming fighter
(32) Project i. o. 3835C452 1 ( :\[ .) 2
1944-- . - iV -;) 9-}8 -
test of four-gun G
model FI in upper forwa . Electric turret
plane. r PC>ston of "B-29 air-
{33) ProJect o. 3828,..."2 1
ber VI\) -(M-1) 136-
1944--\ea\ of fuel injection of B- 2l : ovem-
29 &lrplane.
) Project No. 40460471.6-29. November
preliminary report on multiple s uspension
s of
bombs in B- atrp ane.
(35) Project No. 36920452.19-12 December
test of totalizer type fuel level gauges in B-
(36) Project No. 39640452.22-12 December 19
test to determine of inaccessible fuel
in wing tanks of B- 29 aircraft .
(37) Project No. 40560413.53- 5 January 1945-
bombs, photoclash optimum techniques for aerial
flash bomb photography.
(38) Project No. 3646B476-2 February 1945-rnine
handling procedure.
(39) Project No. 2511B470.9-12' February 1945-
night bombing tactics using surface float flares
and rocket flares.
(40) Project No. 4343A320.3- 26 February 1945-
methods for augmenting combat strength of
VHB (very heavy bombardment) units.
(41) Project No. 32400471.6-27 December 1944-
qompar ative test of fragment density and pene-
tration effect from standard demolitiOn and wire
wrapped demolition type bombs.
(42) Project No. 27840452.1-7 April 1945-test of
bombing equipment installed in B-29 type air-
(43) Project No. 4248C452.1-27 December 1944-
prelininary report on test to determine maximum
combat radius of P- 51D airplane as escort for
very heavy bombers.
(44) Project No. 42370471.6-28 December 1944-
prelim.inary report on test of incendiary mixture
for use in droppable tanks as fire bombs.
(45) Project No. 4257B452.1-28 December 1944-
preliminary r eport on determination of training
requirements for B-29 central fire control gun-
nery (ground phase) .
(46) Project No. 88390413.44-1 January 1945-test
of radar set AN/APG-15 in B-29 aircraft.
(47) Project No. 3515B471.94-1 January 1945--
t actical employment of Navy-type rockets .
(48) Project No. 3829C471.6-9 May 1945-Dllne
dropping from B-29 using AN/APG-13 radar
(49) Project No. 4354C413.44-18 May 1946--COid
weather test of AN f APG-13 radar set.
(50) Project No. 3637B353.41-14 June 1945-
determi nat ion of training requirements of B-29
CFC gunnery (air phase).
(51) Project No. 4474C471.6-ll June
liminary report on test of "tall boy'' bolllb ID
B-29 aircraft.
) Project No. 4017C452.1-23 May 194&--eold
weather test of B-29 t ype aircraft. of
(<>3) Project No. 3815C413.44-12 June
chaff dispensation from B-29 airplane
(54) Project No. 4365C470.6-15 June 1M&-b0;;
her formation by visual siiJlAla: U of liD
. No. P2-45-43-28 J une 1945-tests of
5) ProJect gun camera, for sight ing stat ions in
7.D Illounts,
zg aircraft.
B- ect No. 4614A471.6-26 April 1945-study
(56) ProJ uirements, employment and effectiveness
of req
f large bombs. .
t No. 44750471.6-28 May 1945-com-
(57) of effectiveness of bombs against enemy
panson .
. stallatwns.
tn . ct No 3545A373.11-17 March 1945-
(58) study of jungle warfare.
No. 16 1945-
(59) study of desirabthty of a1r burstmg of various
types of aerial bombs.
0) Project No. 5G-9 (Army Air Force manual on
B-29 aircraft) .
) Army Air For ces Installations directory, 1 Feb-
ruary 1945.
2) Army Air Forces Installations directory, 1 June
(63) Army Air Forces activity and progress, 21 July
(64) Army Air Forces activity and progress, 23 June
(65) Army Air Forces activity and progress, 30 April
(66) Report No. 745, June 1946-incend.iary bombing
conditions on flyable days at selected Japanese
(67) Report No. 837-secondary bombing study for
(68) Objective folder No. 65-25 July 1943-Japanese
camouflage and deceptive methods in Southwest
Pacific areas.
) Report of Commission of Operations Analysts,
10 October 1944
0) Report of of Operations Analysts,
11 November 1943
(71) A Air .
rmy Force Evaluation Board report (Pacific
area) No
(72) Arm
YAir Force Evaluation Board report (Pacific
3. CINc;rea) No. 6.
a. General .
0) CINcp
ved A serials: Tearaway, Tattersalls, St.-
b. .and Forager, base plans.
(1) p ogtcal warfare:
(2) Psycholo warfare, part 1, December 194ft
14 Jui gtcal warfare, part 2, supplement
(3) p y 1945,
15 Au gicai warfare, part 2,
(4) p gust 1945.
16 A gtcal warfare part 2
c. 'l'ra ugust , '
(1) ;slations: .
(2) ranslation N
(3) Translation N 1, 31 October 1944.
) l'ra.nsia.tion 2, 6 November 194:4.
(5) l'ra.nsla.tion N 3, 11 November 1144;
(6) l'ra.nsla.tion No. 4, 15 November l ed.
l'ra.nsla.u N 5, 19 November
on No, 6, 22 November
. r 31 12 March 19451 Airways
9) Translation No. I
3. d. (2 . Kinki Chiho (A). 94- technical
data. . r 7 February 1 :>1
(30) Translation o. 3 . ' It and aircraft engmes.
items concerrung rurcra 1945 AA defense
. N 39 25 January '
{S1) Translation I o. 1
of r 2 January 19451 25
?) Translauon No. 40,
- . firin tables.
automatic cannon . g 1945 31st Army
. N 41 2J January 1
(33) Translation o. 1
headqua.:tersN.r 43 31 January 19451 data on
(34) Translanon o. . ' .
Japanese commurucatlons. 1945 data on
(35) Translation No: 44, 2 January I
adoption of eqwpment. di l
F b ary 1945 me ca
(36) Translation o. 46, e ru I
(37) Translation Xo. 47, 10 February 19451
tion of t"nited tates A.rmy and Navy Arr
(3 ) Translation Xo. 4 I 15 February 1945, Postal
addresses of Xaval units. _
{39) TranslatiOn Xo. 49, 10 February 1945, 1\aval
a \iation
{40) Translation Xo. 50, 30 March 1945, bomb
da.mage and repairs to :Motoyama airfield K o. 1.
(41) Translation Xo. 51, 10 March 1945, Japanese
land-based communication units.
(42) Translation Xo. 52, 30 March 1945, Quarterly
report on research experiments, Vol. I and II.
(43) Translation _-o. 52, 30 1945, Vol. III of
(44) Translation Xo. 53, 1 June 1945, gas meteorology.
(45) Trans.s.tion No. 55, 5 April 1945, Japanese ai.r-
cra.ft communications.
(46) Tra.nsla.tion No. 56, 7 April 1945 Japanese
logk-tics tables. '
(4 No. 58, 20 :\lay 45, Japanese de-
liberate field fortifications.
(4 ) Translation No. 59, 7 194
, heavy dual-
purpose gun empls.cements.
(49) .. -o. 60, 18 May 1945, study of air-
plane (Third Fleet) availability.
(<>0) Translation No. 61, 18 May 1945 la d-b
gunnery manual. ' n ased
(51) ..-o. 62, 17 May 1945 AA d f
fortifications. ' e ense
(52) Translation -o. 63 8 M
airfields of photographs of
(53) Translation -o. G4,

Naval vessels. ay l94t>, Japanese
(54) Translation No.

Japanese air bases <>, May 1945, digest of
(55) Translation .L o. 6;
combat methods. , a.y 1945, suicide force
(56) Translation -
0 68
facirt '
June 1945 N"
1 lei. ' ... ugata harbor
(57) Translation o 69 8 J
and mining une 1945, list of industrial
(58) Tranalaton N

flighta o. O,
July 1945 1
. ' og.s of plane
(59) Translation No. 72, 20 July 1945 h
defense of Kyushu. ' YPothetto.t
(60) Translation No. 73, 25 July 1945, tech .
concerning aircraft and aircraft engin iteJQe
(61) Translation No. 75, 2 July 1945,
order of battle. Ann,
(62) Translation No. 76, 7 July 1945, Ja..pan
discipline and mor ale. eae Arany
(63) Translation No. 77, 14 July 1945 hn
instA.llations in T okyo area . ' POrtaJa
(64) Translation No. 78, 9 July 1945, meteor
data for Hiroshima Chiho.
0 0
(65) Translation No. 80, 18 July 1945 KI-I02
handling instructions. '
(66) Translation No. 81, no date, Army oversea.
code numbers.
(67) Translation No. 82, 18 July 1945, data
Japanese explosives.
(68) Translation No. 84, 12 August 1945,
Army officer p r omotion list.
(69) Tr anslation No. 86, 7 August 1945, Empll'e de-
fense oper ations plan.
(70) Tr anslation No. 87, 1 August 1945, underwaw
soundwave t ransmission conditions.
(71) Translation No. 89, 20 August 1945, medial
(72) Tran8lat ion No. 90, 20 August 1945, Kapaldma
defense sect or battle plan.
(73) Translation No. 66, military topographical JIIIJ
of N ansei Shoto.
(7 4) Translat ion No. 83, telephone and te1e&nJl
circuit s on Kyushu.
e. Translat ions and interrogations:
(1) T and I No. 13, 3 January 1945.
(2) T and I No. 14, 10 January 1945.
(3) T and I No. 15
17 January 1945.
(4) T and I No. 16, 20 January 1945.
(5) T and I No. 17, 24 January 1945.
(6) T and I No. 19, 14 February 1945.
(7) T and I No. 20, 25 February 1945.
(8) T and I No. 21, 12 March 1945.
(9) T and I No. 22, 20 March 1945.
(10) T and I No. 23, 27 March 1945.
(11) T and I No. 25, 17 April 1945.
(12) T and I No. 28, 14 May 1945.
(13) T and I No. 29, 21 May 1945.
(14) T and I No. 30, 1 June 1945.
(15) T and I No. 31, 7 June 1945.
(16) T and I No. 32, 16 July 1945.
(17) T and I No. 33, 21 June 1945.
(18) T and I No. 34, 27 June 1945
(19) T and I No. 35, 7 July 1945.
(20) T and I No. 36, 14 July 194&.
(21) T and I No. 37, 24 JulllJiMI
(22) T and I No. 38, 15 August liM,..,..,..
(23) T and I No. 39, 30 August 11161:--
/ . Flak intelligence memoranda:
(1) Memorandum No. 1, 10 JaJlUIIFA
AA weapons.
(2) Memorandum No. 4, 11 All.-.
AA materiel.
a. f. (3) Memorandum No. 5, 30 May 1945, methods of
flak analysis.
( 4) Memorandum No. 6, 30 May 1945, flak over
(5) Memorandum No. 7, 25 June 1945, flak intelli-
gence course for air combat intelligence officers.
(6) Memorandum No. 9, 10 September 1945, Digest
of flak news, letters Nos. 1 to 20.
g. Information Bulletins:
(1) Bulletin No. 119-44, 1 August 1944, Formosa-
Takao area and Koshun Peninsula.
(2) Bulletin No. 123-44, 15 August 1944, Yap
I slands.
(3) Bulletin No. 128-44, 25 August 1944, China
coast-southeastern section from Shanghai to
(4) Bulletin No. 136-44, 1 September 1944, northern
(5) Bulletin No. 142-44, 15 September 1944, target
information on Hongkong-Ca nton, Kwangtung
Province, China.
(6) Bulletin No. 30-45, 15 February 1945, Shang-
hai-Yinhsien (Ningpo) .
(7) Bulletin No. 48-45, 1 March 1945, coasts of
north C,hina1 Manchuria and Korea, Vol. I.
(8) Bulletin No. 48-45, 1 March 1945, Vol. II of
(9) Bulletin No. 81- 45, 15 May 1945, southern
Kyushu map supplement.
(10) Bulletin No. 137-44, 29 August 1944, Yap
(11) Bulletin No. 132-45, 28 August 1945, northern
(12) Bulletin No. 153-44, 1 November 1944, tide
diagrams (supplement No. 1), original missing.
h. Surveys, air target maps and air information
(1) Bulletin No. 143-44, September 1944, IUI'Vey of
Japanese airfields in Empire area.
(2) A. T. F. No. 154A-44, 20 October 1944, air
target maps and photos, southwestern
(3) A. T. F. No. 155A-44, 20 October 1944, &II'
target maps, Kyushu.
(4) Bulletin No. 147-44, 1 October 1944, air informa-
tion summary, Tokyo Bay area. .
(5) A. T. F . No. 147 A-44:, 1 October 1944, &II'
target maps and photos, selected tarpta, Tokyo
Bay area.
(6) Bulletin No. 169-44, 30 December 1M4, aJr
information summary and tarpt analyail, Tokyo
Bay area.
(7) Bulletin No. 19-45, 23 January UN6, IUpplemeat
No. 1 to above. _......._ .. ,
(8) Bulletin No. 61-45, 15 March lMI, .....---
No. 2 to above.
(9) Bunetin No. 1-45, 15 Jaouary lMI, air IDiorma-
tion summary aaoya and ..
(10) Bullet in o. 33-45, 8 Febra&rJl .......
o. 1 to above.
(11) Bulletin o. 8-45, 16 Ju
tlon summary, Kyuahu aDd .II
(12) Bulletin No. 34-45, 3 February 1945, supplement
1 to above.
(13) Bulletin No. 39-45, 5 February 1945, supplement
No. 2 to above.
(14) Bulletin 1\o. 29-45, 15 February 1945, air infor-
mation ;,ummary, Formosa.
(15) Bulletin No. 47-45, 1 March 1945, air informa-
tion summary, Southeast China Coast, Yung-
Chia to Hainan Tao.
(16) Bulletin o. 59-45, 15 1945, air informa-
tion _ummary, Northern Honshu and Hokkaido.
(17) Bulletin 81-45, 15 l\fay 1945, air information
summary, outhern Kyushu.
(18) Bulletin _ ..o. 165--44, 25 . ,.oYember 1944, air in-
formation summary, China Coast, Shanghai to
Hainan Island.
(19) Bulletin 170-44, 10 December 1944, air in-
formation summary, South China Sea.
(20) Bulletin No. 115-44, 18 August 1944., combat
regulations for Japanese garrison units.
i. . fiscellaneous bulletin :
(1) CINCPAC-CI "CPOA Item .. o. 9175. Japanese
Army, 1944, mobilization plan order.
(2) Bulletin .. ,.o. 6--45, 5 January UK5, tables of
organization and equipment of Japanese Forces,
"Know Your Enemy."
(3) Bulletin .. ,.o. 6-45, supplement t.o above.
(4) Bulletin No. 17-45, 15 February 1M5, air attack
of Japanese coast defense bstteries.
(5) Bulletin o. 2-45, 13 January 194:5, Japanese
Roman letter abbreviations.
(6) Bulletin To. 18-45, 30 July 1945, Japanese mili-
tary and technical tenDs.
(7) Bulletin o. 18-15, Addendum o. 1 to above.
( ) Bulletin o. 26-45, 15 February 1945, Jap&Deae
artillery weapona.
(9) Bulletin ro. 55-45, 15 March IMS, Japuese
inf&ntl'y weapGDS.
(10) Bulletin o. 46-4Ji, 25 February UNS, periodic
SUIDIDAI'y of enemy '-as.
(11) Bullf!UD o. 17 April UNS, oommand &Dd
std list of Japaneee Army.
(12) BuUetin o. 114-4.5, 15 llay INS, aeleeted
tarpta, euterD cout of .Japu
(13) Bulletin o. 151-4i, 7 Aapst UN5,
plaoe ............... by cbaiMters. "Fadnwck.
(14) BulletiD o.. 111-ti, IS air6elda Ia

(IS) Bulleda o 1 JO laly 1115, IJI8L 7 ........
(11) Bulledn o.. ....U. II ..... 11&5. lapN?!U
mhwlelds, Pldlc o.-are11
(17) BalledD 0.. 107-G. 18 Aal-'
Mil Yoii:DMIIIa
Bun. ....
1945 guide to
. 209-45, 1 September '
3. i. (23) Bulletin 1\o.
Japan. - G-2 Periodic Reports.
4 Arroies and Corp:)
. Ei bth Army:
a. g . die reports.
(1) G-2 peno
b I Corps: rt
) G-2 periodic repo. s.
V Amphibious Corps
c. (1) G-2 periodic reports.
d. X Corps: .
l) G-2 periodic reports. .
5. Forelgn EconoiDlC
a. General:' - Economy (digest of forthcom-
(1) Japans War
ing report, 6 March 1944)
b. Bulletins and repo:ts. -t
Japanese anti-
{1) No. EQ-SS, 21 Augu:) '
. b g industry, part 1.
fncoon eann h
railways in Indo-
(2) No EO-lOOB, 12 arc '
China ti f
(3' Xo. ED-na, 1943, Japanese produc on o
1 (4) Xo. E0-140, eptember 1943, Japanese glycero
industry. , 1
(5) No. EP-10, 15 September 1943, Japans -
economic policy in Formosa.
(6 Xo. EP-60.1, 15 December 1943, Japan's war
economy, 1943--44.
... a. EP-60.1, Xovember 1944, Japan's war
economy, 1943-44 (rerued).
(8) No. EP-60.1, Xovember 1944, Japan's war
economy, 1943-44 (supplement).
(9) _ o. EP-156 Revised, 1 March 1943, notes on
agricultmal Situation in north and central occu-
pied China up to June 1942.
(10) o. EP-220, July 1943, highways of French
(11) o. EP-220.1, 1943, highways of
French Indo-China.
(12) -o. EP-253, 27 May 1943, principal features of
Japanese economic exploitation of French Indo-
(13) o. EP-283, 17 June 1943, importance of French
(14) . o. 100, January 1945, equipment and capac-
Ity of lron and steel industry under Japanese
(15) r'o. FE-104.2, September1944 Japan .
m ts f Is , ese reqwre-
. en o meta : Annual copper requirements
{16) No. FE-109, June 1944, Japanese . .. :
producing synthetic lubricating orsstbilitles
{17) No. FE-120, July 1944 J .
industry. ' apanese processing
(18) No. FE- 226 4 20 Ja
, nuary 1945
ping tonnages and port ca . ship-
Okayama area (Inland S f&clltes tn Onomichi-
{19) No. FE-226.6, 12 . ..
Ping tonnages and J)tlrt

Tokyo area. P&cittes in Nagoya-
(20) No. FE-226.7, 6 April 1945, estirnated h'
t onnages and port capacities in West
(Tsuruga southward) area. 011ahu
(21) No. FE-107, August 1944, Japanese-contro
cement industry. ued
(22) No. FE-314, 11' Apr il 1944, econornic ob
in Indo-China and Hainan. Jectf\'ee
(23) No. FE-508, Mar ch 1944, economic signifi
of installations in Kyushu, Korea,
and north China.
(24) No. J &-16, 12 May 1945, of Japanese
economic control laws, ordmances and regu]a..
(25) No J 8-33A, 10 July 1945, importance of Zaibatq
investments in t he economic life of Japan.
(26) No. J&-28, April 1945, chemical industries of
(27) No. J &-37, July 1945, administration of Produc-
tion programs in Japan.
(28) No. J8-53, 9 August 1945, long-range control of
Japanese r earmament.
(29) No. J&-55, 6 July 1945, estimate of steel con-
sumpt ion in nonmilitary needs in post-surrender
(30) No. LM-3, July 1945, administration of publfo
welfare institutions and social security in Japa.
(31) No. LM-4, August 1945, preservation and uae or
key records in Japan.
(32) No. PR-7, June 1943, Japanese techniques of
occupat ion: Key laws and official documeldl,
Vol. II.
(33) No. PR-7, September 1943, Vol. III of above.
(34) No. RR-7A, 27 March 1943,
of occupation: Selected laws and official
(35) No. SA-50, February 1944, Nationwide faolOI'
guide of Japan. 1
(36) Survey of Japanese magnesium resources,
uary 1943. . alumfn&
(37) Japanese methods of producing
inferior ores 7 September 1943.
' us
(38) Directory of producers of noiUerro
Japanese controlled territory, 1943.
6. Bibliographies.
a. General: eat
(1) Annotated bibliography of Southw
adjacent areas, Nether lands, British
and Philippine Islands, Vol. I.
(2) Annotated bibliography of a .........
adjacent areas, mandated territorJ
nea, Papua, Solomon Islands, New
Micronesia, Vol. II.
(3) Annotated bibliography of
Adjacent areas, Malaya,
the China Coast and the
Vol. III.
7. General orders and directives.
a. General orders information:
(1) General order No. 1, 2 Octobtlr
ment of GB Q.
1. a. (2) General order No. 1, art icle 2, paragraph (5),
inventory of buildings of Naval forces on land
and Naval offices.
(3) General order No. 1, article 7, paragraph (a),
list of Japanese Naval property.
( 4) General order No. 1, article 2, paragraph (a),
personnel of Naval Air Force.
(5) General order No. 1, art icle 2, paragraph (c), list
of miscellaneous vessels of Japanese Navy.
(6) General order No. 1, article 7, paragraph (d), list
of productive factories under control of Navy.
(7) General order No. 1, article 7, paragraph {d), list
of J apanese Naval arsenals.
(8) General order No. 1, art icle 7, paragraph {d), list
of Navy r esearch instit ut es and schools.
(9) General Order No. 1, art icle 2, paragraph {f) ,
list of Naval barracks.
b. Directive informat ion :
(1) Directive No. 3, art icle 8, paragraph (a), outline
of First Naval Supply Research Bureau.
(2) Directive No. 3, article 8, paragraph (a), outline
of First Naval Fuel Depot.
(3) Directive No. 3, paragraph 6, inventories of
materials in possession of Naval manufacturing
{4) Direct ive No. 2, Part II, article 4, paragraph
8. General Headquarters.
a. General:
(I) Logistic instructions, 9 November 1945.
(2) Report on possibility of reparations from Japan's
natural resources, 31 October 1945.
{3) Report on scientific intelligence survey m Japan,
Vol. I, September and October 1945.
(4) Vol. II of above.
(5) Vol. III of above.
(6) Vol. IV of above.
(7) Archival repositories in Japan, Korea, and Occu-
pied China, June 1945.
(8) Summation of nonmilitary activities in Japan and
Korea, November 1945.
(9) Documents submitted to Supreme
for Allied Forces by Japanese miaaion to J1810ti&te
surrender, Manila, 19 August 1945, part. 1.
(10) Part 2 of above. MI.
(11) Information bulletin No.2, 5 1 ber
(12) Downgrading of classified material, 12 Septem
(13) Memoranda for Imperial JapanMe 10'98l'DID8D
4 September-27 October 1945.
(14) Memorandum for Major WDiouahbJ, K
Technical Intelligence CoordlDati.Da
October 1945.
(15) Memorandum on ooordlntfoA of
agencies with G-2, 21 October lNLeullcllt
(16) Memorandum on hanc:UIDI aad
surrendered Japan- dOGUID81l
{17) Army-Navy IDlormatloD,
(18) Summaries of daily messages, resum6s of situa-
tion and miscellaneous information, 1 August-
18 December 1945.
(19) Shipping ad\'ice . To. 1 on Japanese documents
26 November 1945. '
(20) Memorandum on questions raised at technical
intelligence conference, 31 October 1945.
(21) Report showing disposition of Japanese forces at
end of war, 15 August 1945.
b. Economic and scientific section:
(1) Memorandum on library, 22 October 1945.
{2) List of reports received from Japanese sources
15 September to 21 October 1945.
(3) List of reports recci\ ed from Japanese sources
22 October to 4 _ "o1oember 1945.
(4) List of reports reeehed from Japanese sources
5 l\ovember to 11 _ ,.o,ember 1945.
(5) List of reports received from Japanese sources
12 November to 18 .. ovember 1945.
(6) List of reports received from Japanese sources
19 November to 25 November 1945.
(7) List of reports received from Japanese sources
26 November t:. 2 December 1945.
(8) List of reports received from Japanese sources,
3 December to 9 December 1945.
(9) List of reports reeeived from Japanese sources,
24 December to 30 December u.
(10) Reports on various Jep&bese companies.
(11) Weekly report on economic conditiou in Japan,
31 January I!MS.
(12) List of reporta received from f-10 February 1146.
c. Situation reports: .
(1) Dally situmon nporta.
(2) Report on active cunJilu u of 31 July l H5,
9. IntellipDce, Air.
G. General:
(1) HaDdboot for pvap iDtellipDae o5tws.
(2) IDtellip.tce tra1nm1 21 February
11&5. ol
(I) OP A o. AI, March 1111,
bombe aDd ta.. to be aaed apl""t vanoa
(4) -11- AG, laly lHf.
power ailbome ! P""
(&) OP A -11- I lttle ._ liN.
elealloaial. lape
(I) OP A -11- tl o.oii8'11H. ...

(7) OP A -11- All. 10
.......... ,_ __
1 December 19441
OPNA Y-16-V No. 1o3, ro 3 outheast
9. a. (11 r ach-target folder I
Japan appro -14
4 15
x 0vember 19 '
(12) OPNAV-16-\' No. No. 4, Northeast
Japan approach-target
5 1
November 194-1,
D ' N - Tokvo area.
t folder r o. D, "
Japan approach-targe 6 1 December 19441
(14) OPNAV-16-Y No.
d N 6 Northwest
Japan approach-target fol er r o. '
(15) V-16-V
' J. No 7 North-
Japan approach-target folder . I
central Honshu. " 19-14 TAlC
(16) OPXAY-16-V Xo. T101, 1 Augu;)t . '
,. 1 orgamzauon and functwns.
sUIIlii18orY -'
' 945 TAlC
(li) OPXA v-16-\" No. T402, 1 '.
1..--dboo' Xo 1 general information sectwn.
illUl - ' th of
(1 Report on Japanese Air Force for mon
April 1945 h f M
(19) Repon on Japanese Air Force for mont o r ay
(20) Report on Japanese fighter tactics, January
{21) Pronsional airfield list, China, 1 May and 15
June 1945.
(22) Provisions..l airfiela list, Japan and Formosa, 15
June 1945.
(23) ProvisioilAl airfield list, India, 15 September
(24) Provisior.!ll airfield list, Siberia, 20 January 1945.
(25) Lk""t of airfields and stat1ons, Siam.
(26) Color progress repon Xo 4, oil refinery.
(21 Color progress report No. 5, Osaka. waterfront.
(2 ) United tates val air effort, J apa.nese Home
Islands, \\" orld W a.r II, ordnance expended,
February to Augmt 1945.
(29) Tabulation of Japanese combatant and merchant
ships lost to United tates Naval aircraft 29
October 1945. '
(30) Target Far Ea.:i't, April-July 1
(31) Japanese mcraft engine plants 15 S t b
1944. ' ep em er
(32) Japanese ordnance plan 11 October 1944
> Reports, 30 October on by dat
(34) Intelligence memorandum No e76 26 :X
1945 Air Staff I lli ' ovember
East' item XII requirements in Far
' - mspection
(3<>) Intelligence memorandum .N
Air Forces. r

- 32, Far East
) Lists of material regist d
1945, A- 2 up to 14 November
(37) Intelligence
3i>, Pacific Air
(38) Memorandum on unid
18 December 1944 entified Japanese aircraft
(39) Memoranda on . ,
Dance e nd ardmg of reports
xpe ed, February M on ord-
5. ' arch, and Ap ' 1
(tO) Memorandum and n
a.-in t K summary of .
-.. ll ure, Japan t earner Btrik
' i) October 1945. es
l ) Airdrome progr ess m aps.
2) Provisional a irfield list, J apan, 19 Janu
(43) l\IIanual on J apanes e aircraft, TAlC Nary 194S.
1945. o. l, July
(44) l\Ianual on J a panes e aircraft, TAlC N
October 1944.
(45) Targets bombed by Army and Navy on J
mainland. apaneae
(46) Supplements Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to man al
J apanese air craft , TAlC No. 1, 19 toon
August 1945. 7
(47) New Japanese aircraft designations, 20 J
1944. une
(48) Designations of Japanese airplanes and airpJan
equi pment, 13 December 1944. e
(49) Translat ions of captured Japanese documenta
J apanese airplane identification, 24 April

(50) German translations of activities in Japanese
ai rcraft product ion 7 September 1945.
(51) Airfields in India-Burma, 1 December 1944.
(52) Japanese airfields data, 16 February 1945.
(53) Mission resumes , various.
(54) Damage data on Omura aircraft plants, 8 No-
vember 1945.
(55) Estimated consumption of aviation gasoline by
Japanese Air Forces, 1942-45.
(56) Air operat ions briefs, Vol. 7, 21 May 1945.
(57) Air operations briefs, Vol. 9, 28 August 1941
(58) Let ter forwarding reports on Naval air elort,
Japanese Home Islands, World War II, ordnaDoe
expended, 3 January 1945.
(59) Int elligence summary, Serial No. 265, South,.
Pacific area, 31 March 1945.
(60) Miscellaneous data on Japanese suicide IOObl
plane, "BAKU" and "BALL OF FIRE".
10. counter.
a. General:
(1) Biographical notes on members of BhldtD
cabinet, 23 October 1945.
(2) Special report No. 1, 20 August 1946,
service organizations (Tokuma Kikan).
(3) Special report No. 2, 21 August 1
societies in Japan.
(4) General study No. 7, 31 July 194:5,
and the Japanese press.
(5) Report on Japanese knowledge of
ties, 29 March 1945.
(6) Counter-intelligence on Japan, 19
central government and militarY
(7) Counter-intelligence bulletin, no
(8) Report on Japanese Intelligence
Oct ober 1940.
(9) Report on Japanese IntelligeDOI
Burma, 26 April 1945.
(10) Military research bulletin on
gence, 23 May 1945.
11. Intelligence, joint.
a. General:
(1) Japanese reference book on
. a. (2) J apanese reference book on electr ical ra nging
technique No. 4.
(3) R:efer ence material on electrical ranging tech-
mque No. 4, annex, radar wiring diagrams.
(4) J oint I ntelligence reports on prisoner of war
interrogations on t arget information.
(5) Topographical information on Saigon and
Camranh Bay a rea of I ndo-China, 7 J une 1945.
(6) Phase of topograhical study of Nauru and Ocean
islands, 28 June 1945.
(7) Infor mation on caves, t unnels, and mi nes for
defense a nd war plant operations in Japan,
1 August 1945.
(8) I nfor mation on Luzon airfield numbers.
(9) List of abbreviat ions used in daily operat ions
repor ts.
(10) Pr oposed organization of Joint Target Group,
18 J anuary 1945.
(11) Background information on Japan, 14 August
Background information on Japan and recogni-
t ion point ers.
Air sect ion field manual, 15 June 1945.
"Pearl Harbor," intercepted diplomatic messages
sent by Japanese government between 1 July
and 8 December 1941.
Basic military plan for psychologioal warfare
against Japan, Manila, 7-8 May 1945.
Summary of events of World War II to 6 June
Selection and use of ordnance in neutralizing
enemy air strength, April 1945.
Comments on ordnance and target selection,
May 1945.
Selection of rockets for destruction of various
targets, June 1945.
Bombing accuracy of carrier-based aircraft,
July 1945.
Analysis of B-29 operations, May 1945.
Interrogation reports, prisoner of war.
Interrogation reports, prisoner of war.
Special report No. 3, 16 June 1945, food crilil
inside Japan.
Japanese activities in HawaHan IaJanda.
Theoretical notes on Japaoeae Army radar
Translation of captured Japaneee dOCUID8DtL
Report on investigation into activity
to develop atomic power, 30 September lMI.
Bulletin on Marshalll and Onbe111ar-. 10Jul7
Industrial disarmament of Japao b7
Engineers Committee report to ...........
State, War and Navy.
Data on soda ash, suppliel &DCl .,........_
salt and crude aluminum sulphat&
Nickel alloys in mtntn1 aacl ..........
Estimation of J....-
after out break of OIMW
{December UNl).
b. J oint Intelligence Center bulletins
(1) No. 7?-43, 7 January 1944, japanese Iandin
operations. g
(2) 8- 44, 3 February 1944, Japanese forces in
Gilbert ltslsnds.
(3) N?. 13-44, .10 February 1944, guide to Japanese
mihtary buildings.
(4) No. 16-44, 13 Februa- 10 t ''Tlanese weapons
model 89 grenade disr '
(5) No. 25-44, 22 Februar.i special report of
( 52nd Division of Japanese Army.
(6) No. 27-44, 1 April 1944, information on Ponape
(7) No. 34-44, 10 March 1944., information on Sai-
pan, Tinian, and Rota.
(8) No. 36-44, l 0 Much 1944, supplement to above,
W oleai target survey.
(9) No. 41-44, 1 April 19, general survey of Truk
(10) No. 42-44, 1 April 1944, information on Pagan
and Minor Marianas.
(11) No. 43-44, 26 Much 1944, notes on Japanese
aircraft production No. j_
(12) No. 44 44. 5 April 19f4, notes on Japanese air-
craft production .. o. 5.
(13) No. 45-, 14 April 19f4, notes on Japauese air-
craft production o. 6.
(14) No. 49-44, 15 April1944, information on Formosa..
(15) Supplement to bulletin o. 50-f4. 26 Apri11944.
Japueee Navy penoDDel.
(16) No. 51_.., 15 Aprilllf.4, Tarpt BUrftJ" of Trut
(17) No. 58-M, aupp1emeDt No. 1, aYiat.ion
(18) o. 61-M. 5 Kay JMt, DOtel OD Japsanl! air-
craft productioD o. 7.
(19) o. 62-44, 10 llay IMt, ..,.. GD J.....,... air-
enft procfucUoD 0.
(20) o it, 10 llay liM, tal- 8111'ft)' ol
(21} o. 88 it, 22 April IIH, 15 Cll llcnrit8S' em-
piMementr, Taraa t=d, JWoelep Mall, aDd
......... lei'Mh
(II) 0. 71-fl, 15 J- JIM, 1aJ11 !II wi61a) hi-
(JI) 0. 71-H, 11 lllfa lhtiGD 8eipM,
TIDIIua. ..... Bela.
(If) 0. 71-H, 10 -... --
_. ... fll llalre. .......
. non Chi na
1944 iuforrnntto t o
11. b. (29) No. 99-44, 20 June section from Ningpo
coast , southeast ern
d num-
watow. 1944 code names an
(3C') Ko. 102- 44, June '
hers of J apanese Army. r anese methods of
103-H 27 J une 1944, va.p
(31 r o. ' retat10n.
aerial photogr_aph J rpanese map symbols
(32) Xo. 111- 44, 1<> Jul) 1 '
and abbreYiations. lement t o above
(33) Ko 15 July 1944, supp
(Xo. 2H<>). b
944 air t arget

A 10 Fe ruan
(34) ATF 1\o. r
maps nod phot os of 1944 air target
3-) ATF Xo. 14-B, 10 ruai') ,
<> f :\auru
and phot os o - . 1944 air target
(36) ATF Xo. 23-A, 20 Febru'lfy ,
maps and photos of "\\ake. . ma s
(37) ATF Xo. 23-B, 20 February 1944, arr target p
and phot o;, of \\ ake.
(3 ) ATF Xo. 41-A, 1 1944, air target map
and photos of Truk.
(39) ATF Xo. 83-B, 15 ;\lay 19-14, air target maps
and photos of W oleai.
(40) ATF 5-A, 15 l\lay 194, gridded air target
maps of Roth.
c. Joint Intelligence weekly bulletins:
(1) Index to weekly Intelligence, Vol. I, Nos. 1 to
(2) Index to weekly Intelligence, Vol. I , Nos. 1 to
- ?
<>- .
(3) Weekly Intelligence bulletins, Vol. I, os. 1 to
52, 14: July 19-!4 to 9 July 1945.
(4) Index to weekly Intelligence, VoL II, Kos. 1 to
(5) Weekly Intelligence bulletins, Vol. II, Kos. 1 to
5, 16 July 1945 to 13 August 1945.
12. Intelligence, military.
a. General.
(1) Lists of friendly Japanese, 21 August 1945.
(2) Engineering study of French Indo-China, Vol.
V, section 1, port and terminal facilities and
section 2, electric power. '
(3) Engineering study of highways of Chinn Vol. J
Vol. II, bridge tr.h!es and mus{rations:
Vol. III, route details.
(4) Engineering study of electric power of Chi
Vol. I, information, Vol. II,
data and bibliography.
(5) study of waterways of China
Vol. I, general introduction and Vol TI b ,
(6) E ' oats
ngmeenng study of ,vater supply a .1 '
of China. nu sewerage
(7) Engineering study of water supply and
of Korea. sewerage
(8) Engineering !!tudy of elect .
(9) En gin .ering study of wate po .ver of Korea.
{10) Engineering sturl of . rways of Korea.
(11) Engineering of of Manchuria.
of Manchuria. pply and se"erage
{12) Engineering study of elect .
(13) Military airfielda in K nc PDwer of Manchuria
) Milit ary airfields in Japan.
) Report on Who's Who .in Java, 1 May 1
(lB) Summary of econonnc warfara infonnation
February 1945. '
7) Current intelligence data.
(18) Review of photographic interpretation of Petro.
leum targets, Japan, 15 January 1946.
(19) Petroleum facilities of Borneo and Celebes.
(20) Petroleum facilities of Borneo and Celebes.
) Petroleum facilities in Sumatra.
(22;) Perionic report No. 10, AFMIDPAC, 8 Septem.
ber 1945.
(23) PACMIRS b: lletin No. 55, 27 August 1945.
(24) PACMIRS bulletin No. 56, 28 AugLst 1945.
(25) PACMIRS bulletin No. 57, 29 August 1945.
(26) PACMIRS bulletin No. 58, 29 August 1945.
(27) PACMIRS bulletin No. 59, 30 August 1945.
(20 PACMIRS bulletin No. 62, 10 September 1945.
(29) PACMIRS translations No. 10, 2 August 1945.
(30) PAClVIIRS translations No. 12, 23 August 1945.
(31) Report on officials in French Indo-China, 20
December 1944.
(32) Report on installations in Japan not to be
bombed, 9 June 1945.
(33) Report on Chinese Communist military forces,
14 November 1944.
Report on Chinese Communist movement,
5 July 1945.
(35) Report on Chinese Communist movement, Vol.
II, .July 1945.
(36) Report on censorship survey of morale, rumors,
and propaganda, August 1944.
(37) List of industrial plants in Chiba Ken arranged
by target numbers and keyed to map sheets.
t ti of (38) Instruction sheet No. 1 on expl01 a on
military intelligence targets in Japan and Korea.
(39) Re(:'ort on Japan's food situation, 28 August
1945. A tic
(40) Contemporary Japan, review of East 81&
affairs, February 1944. ti
(41) C J reVlew of East Asia
ontemporary apan,
affairs, March 1944. ti
( )c ofEastAsfaC
42 on temporary Japan, revieW
Affairs, July-September 1944. ti
( )c ofEast.AsiaC
43 ontempornry Japan, revieW
affairs, October-December 1944. Asfatlc
(44) Contemporary Japan, review of East
affairs, January-March 1945. 1945
(45) PACMIRS translations No. 13, 25 AugustVoL I,
(46) Engineering study of railroads of Japan.
1 January 1944. VoL Jl,
(47) Engineering study of railroads of Japan.
1 January 1944. VoL
(48) Engineering study of railroads of JapaJif
III, 1 January 1944. v
(49) Engineering study of railroads of Japaflf
_ IV, 1 January 1944. VoL ft
(aO) Engineering study of railroads of JapiA
1 January 1944. '
(51) Engineering study of railroads of Japal1t
1 January 1944.
.a. (52) Engineering study of railroads of Japan, Vol.
VII, 1 January 1944.
) Engineering study of railroads in Japan, Vol.
VIII, 1 January 1944.
(54) Engineering study of railroads of Japan, Vol.
I X, 1 J anuary 1944.
) Engineering study of railroads of Japan, Vol.
X 1 January 1944.
(56) study of railroads of Japan, Vol.
XI, 1 January 1944.
(57) List of officials of Japanese government since
1937 and their biographies, 21 July 1945.
8) Japanese personal intelligence reports, 15 Sep-
tember to 8 October 1945.
(59) Japanese Intelligence targets in Far East
(Formosa), 10 April 1945.
(60) Japanese personal Intelligence collation, No. 1,
25 July 1945.
(61) Japanese personal Intelligence collation, No. 2,
10 October 1945.
(62) List of officers of Imperial general headquarters
and general liaison office with diagrams of flow
system of vital products.
(63) Aircraft reports.
(64) British military terminology, 15 May 1943.
(65) Japanese supplies of ethyl fluid, 24 November
(66) Tactical and technical trends No. 57, April1945.
b. Japanese army and equipment. .
(1) Special report on conference of Japanese chiefs
of ordnance, 7 December 1944.
(2) Catalog of enemy ordnance material.
(3) Japanese Infantry weapons, 31 December 1943.
(4) Enemy airborne forces, 2 December 1942.
(5) Intelligence bulletin, May 1945.
(6) Tactical and technical trends.
(7) Japanese defense against amphibious operations,
February 1945.
15 (8) Japanese mortars and grenade dischargers,
March 1945.
(9) Japanese tanks and tank tactics, 15 November
(10) Japanese small arms, June 1943.
(11) Japanese military forces.
(12) Illustrations of modem Japanese Army, April
(13) Notes on characteristics, orgatdsation and
training, January 1942.
(14) Notes on Infantry weapons, 1942.
(15) List of staff of Japanese Army, 1 Aupd

(16) Japanese tactics, December 1948. Q to
(17) Japanese land operations, 8 Deoember
June 1942. M
(18) Regulations governing prisoners of war,
September 1943.
(19) Japanese land forces, 1 September 1!!:'.,.,....
0) Data on small arms development
1) Japanese ground equipment bulletlfl
March 1945.
(22) ground equipment bulletin No .t 7
Apnl 1945. ozt
(23) Japanese ground equipment bulletin No 5 5
May 1945. '
(24) Japanese ground equipment bulletin No.
6 25
May 1945. '
(25) Japanese ground equipment bulletin No. 7 26
May 1945. '
(26) Japanese ground equipment bulletin No. 8, 28
(27) Japanese ground equipment bulletin No. 10, 1
June 1945.
(28) Japanese ground equipment bulletin No. 11, 11
June 1945.
(29) Japanese ground equipment bulletin No. 12, 15
June 1945.
(30) Japanese ground equipment bulletin No. 13, 16
June 1945.
(31) Japanese ground equipment bulletin No. 15, 5
July 1945.
(32) Japanese ground equipment bulletin on Japanese
Army "B" Radars, 27 July 1915.
(33) Bulletin on Japanese radar, 30 May1945.
(34) Japanese aircraft production report No. 1, 15
October 1944.
(35) Japanese aircraft production report No. 2, 15
November 1944.
(36) Japanese aircraft production nport No. 15
January 1945.
(37) Japanese aircraft production nport No. 5, 15
February UN5.
(38) Japaneae aircraft produetion report No. 9, 15
June 1945.
(39) Japanese free ballooDB and related incidents, 30
May1M5. .
(40) &timatel of Japuae air stleDith in tactical
units, April and May lHi.
(41) Beport of s.....- OODfaeDoe,
5-23 February 19&5.
(42) battle, ........ fl Arm.y Air Pane, 1
()cU)ber INS. Pane, 1
(48) battle, s..- ayY Air
October 1941. J)eaendw 1MJ.
("> OrderfAbafitle,laparrn ' Ul, lape-e a
'.t Order of bdtle .,..,., 0.
':&VI -..1 POIOfll, Jill.
Qro'UIN ballllill 0. - J' ...... ,
(48) Order of ...
(JroaDd J'or-. Ja)J Ill. 111., lapu'l I
('7) ()rder battle Jd tiD 0.
QroaDd ..... 11 1111.
(48} ()rderfAbdl'e,
(G) -Otdlr Iii

(IQ) JlaR
. . leaflets 1945.
l) b (56) J npnnese ammumt ton . I for procurement
- , _ . orgsmzauon
. .. ) u iD}
"' . ber 1945
nnd supply 1 ... o' em . ft "espons and defense,
(5.. ) Trend- lD Japane-e mrcrn
14 Mny 1 fl-!5. . . t m October 19-!4.
(59) Japane ...e e ,
13. I ntelligence, Xa., nl.
c. General : and Japanese dom-
(1) Prominent persons m
mated area ' 4 19!v. 19 '3
k t On 9 February
(!?) rat. er po;:,I
' ation
(3) OP-16-FE -!o-4-!, 1944, mfoz m
on por t of Shtmiw. . .
(4) OP-16-FE 42-44, ""eptember 1944, mfor ma twn
on por: of Y okoha ms. .
{5) OP- 16-FE 53-44, October 1944, infor mation on
port of Kamai5hi.
(G) OP- 16-FE G+-44, December 19441 informat ion
on port of Fusan.
(i ) OP-16-FE 65-44, December 19441 information
on port of
C) OP-16-FE 11-45, January 19451 mformAtion on
port of Rashin (_ ajin).
(9) OP-16-FE 17-45, Febr uary 19-!5, inforlillltion
on port of ChinnAinpo.
(10) OP- 16-FE 21-45, 19-!5, information on
port of Aomori.
(11) OP-16-FE 22-45, March 1945, information on
port of Gt!lllan.
(12) OP-16-FE 23-45. March 19-!5, informat ion on
port of RJ1lan-Ri.
(13) OP-16-FE 2H5: March 19-!5, information on
pon of Ch' Ongjin.
(14) OP- 16-FE !!5-45 March 1945, information on
port of Konan.
(15} OP-16-FE 28-45, March 1945, information on
port of Kenjiho.
(16) OP- 16-FE 29-451 March 1945 informati
port of Reisui. ' on on
(1i ) OP-16-FE 30-45, March 1945 inf .
port f U
. ' ormatlon on
o ngg1.
(1 ) OP-16-FE 34-45, April 19<!5: information on
pon of Makp' O.
(19) 1-45, April 1945, informat J 'on on To.
(20 OP-lfr-FE 54-4S, May
Utauryo To. 045, information on
(21) OP-16-FE 5; -4- M
.,, ay 1045, infonnat t'on on
port of Yokohama.
(22) OP-16-FE 62-45, July 1945
port of Ch'In-Huang-Tao ' informat ion on
(23) OP- 16-FE S6-4. J
o, ' une 15 f
port of Hakoda t.e ' tn ormation on
(24) OP- 16-FE 67-45. J
port of une 1045, information on
(25) OP- 16-FE 68-45 J
port Of ':\ .f o' L . ' une 19451 inf
(26) OP .l.Y J.-.. hunono ekl. ormation on
- 16-FE 71-45 J
port f ' uly 1945 f
o ... emuro ' In ormation on
(27) OP-tS-FE
J uly 194"
port of Abarateu. o, informat ion on
c28) OP- 16-FE 73-45, July 1945, inforrnatfo
por t of Tsuruga . n OQ
(29) OP- 16-FE 79- 45, J uly 1945, infortn
port of Shi bushi. atfon on
(30) OP- 16- FE 86-45, August 1945, infortnat'
por t of Shanghai. Jon on
(31) I ndex of Unit ed States Fleet, 1 Janu
(32) Photographs of United St ates Men
(33) I ntelligence repor ts on Japanese Naval ar.
organizat ion, J apanese shipbuilding i a:d Air
persona l characteristics and individual n uatry,
of J apanese Navy flag officers. l'ecorda
(34) Table of United St ates Fleet from Pearl llarbo
to 1 July 1945. r
(35) List of Naval vessels of Russia, July 1945.
(36) Geographic of Formosa, N&Daei
Shoto, part 1, 13 September 1942.
(37) Geographic monograph of Formosa,
Shoto, part 2, 30 December 1942.
(38) List of Japanese vessels in commission aa of 7
December 1941.
(39) Dates of commissioning of all major Japan
Naval vessels after 1 December 1941.
(40) List of ship terms of submarines.
(41) List of ships of Japanese Navy.
( 42) Characteristics of enemy submarines, 1943.
(43) Japanese Navy ship's data book, May 1942. (
(44) Survey of unavailability of Naval v88181a fa
Japanese home waters, 9 October 1945.
(45) Classification system of Japanese minfatrJ rl
foreign affairs archives, 27 August 1945.
(46) Naval Intelligence (NAVPERS-16047), FeJn.
ary 1946.
(47) Enemy bombs and fuzes, 1 October 1944.
(48) German projectiles and fuzes, 1 October liM.
(49) British bombs and fuzes, 1 February 1941.
(50) United States bombs and fuzes, 1 June 1944. -i.t;
(51) General data on Navy, AN-standard, Arm1._
British bombs, August 1943.
(52) General data on Navy, AN-standard, AtmJ
British bombs, 21 September 1944.
(53) Bomb fuzes, 12 January 1944.
b. Translations-OP-16-FE:
(1) No. 10 December 1944, Japaneae
(2) No. 1561 26 January 1945, student
in Japan.
(3) No. 157, 25 January 1945, Japaneae
census of 1944.
( 4) No. 160, 19 February 1945, regulatiOJII
defense stations.
(5) No. 170, 15 March 1945,
(6) No. 180, no date, regulations _,IHd!_.
Naval construction.
(7) No. 181, 19 March 1945,
tative analysis of Tokyo D01DWIAI1"'l1
(8) No. 188, 24 March 1945, rfce rat'IVjll!l
(9) No. 202, 5 June 1945, Japan818
list .
13.b. (10) No. 214, 20 April 1945, questions and answers
concerning problems in a decisive war.
(11) No. 216, 18 April 1945, establishment of national
guidance offices.
(12) No. 225, 26 April 1945, Japanese control asso-
ciat ions.
(13) No. 231, 9 May 19451 measures for increasing
food production t hrough soil improvement.
(14) No. 232, 10 May 1945, Greater East Asia
(15) No. 242, 1 June 1945, factories in Japan.
(16) No. 247, 1 June 19451 miscellaneous translations
ext racted from the Kaigun Kobo, official Navy
(17) No. 250, 9 June 1945, directives regarding air
defense in factories.
(18) No. 267, 7 July 1945, Japanese youth group
(19) No. 271, 10 July 1945, Enemy plan for air
attacks on Japan.
(20) No. 272, 10 July 19451 Jugo Hokokai, home front
public service organization.
(21) No. 278, 19451 total mobilization and goods
mobilization, Japan, 1943.
(22) No. 279, 19 July 1945, Japanese regulations for
distribution of wood and charcoal.
(23) No. 280, 20 July 1945, Japanese Army youth
(24) No. 285, 23 July 1945, Japanese government
bonds and debentures.
(25) No. 286, 22 July 1945, Mobilization of students
in Japan.
(26) No. 291, 26 July 1945, Japanese police.
(27) No. 297, 24 July 1945, new prices for 1943 rice
(28) No. 306, 6 August 1945, Japanese monograph of
Saigon and Haiphong.
(29) No. 311, 7 July 1945, railway tr&Diport-Japan.
(30) No. 315, 4 August 1945, councils for reorpnia-
tion of medium and small businesses.
(31) No. 318, 14 August 1945, conditions in port of
(32) No. 322, 15 August 1945, laborers patriotic...,_
(33) No. 325, 17 August 1945, penal rep)ations
relative to economic controL
(34) No. 326, 28 August 194-5, adminidration of pv-
emment (central) offices.
(35) No. 329, 25 August 1945, Tokyo mUDicip&l
(36) No. 331, 26 August UK6, MiDiaky of Home
(37) No. 332, 27 Aupst 1946, MetropolftaD pollee
(38) No. 348, 6 September UNS, Kawap PnfealaN
government official&
(39) No. 353,5 September INI, Fukuob PN.-are.
(40) No. 364, 7 September INI, I
(41) No. 365, 7 September lMI,
(42) No. 366, 7 September lMI.
(43) No. 3701 11 September 1945 Saga Prefect
(44) No. 3721 10 September 1g45, Nagano
government officials. n,
(45) N 3 0
73, 20 September 1945, Ministry of Welfare
(46) No. 374, 10 September 1945, Gumma Ken.
government. officials. '
(47) 6 o 3761 10 eptember 1945, Ken, gov-
ernment offici al .
> -:
387, October 1945, Ministry of Justice.
(49) o. 389, - o' ember 1945, go,ernment-Korea.
o. 390, 14 NO\ember 1945, Ministry of Finance.
c. Com.bat and intelligence bulletins:
(l ) combat manual, \ ' ol. I, general.
(2) combat mformation manual, vot 11, Allied.
(3) Air combat information manual, \ Toi. III, enemy.
(4) in tructions, night canier task group.
(5} Combat information center bulletin September
1945. I
(6) OPNA \
-30-3M-A .. o. 5-45, 15July 1945, mine
wa rfare
(7) OP ... AV-16--V No. A95, JO April 1945, carrier
aircraft in Battle for LeyU Gulf, 24-26 October
(8) OPNAV-16--V - o. A97, 10 April 1945, eervioe
e1fecti ,.eness of 5-incb ain:raft roeket.a.
(9) OPNAV-16-V :ro. A98, AprD INS, ft&k infor-
mation bulletin o.
(10) OPNAV-16-V o. 511. 10 February IM5,
J apaneae bombiq and torpedo doctrine.
( 11} OPNAV- 16-V o. E5S8, JO February lNi,
Japanese fighter doct.riDe.
(12) OP .. AV-1&-V o. Tl07, September IIH, teeb-
nieal air intellipDce aeater mmmery o. 7,
Betty 22---GI M2.
(13) OP AV-16-V o. T117, Dec.mher IIH, teob-
nical air intellipDae ... ._ ewy o. 17,
synopsis of reaeat l pue ! ab&llilft.
(14) OP AV-16-V, o. Tll DeewnherliH, tecb-
Dical air iatelljpnae ...... .....-.y 0. 1
J uly ltd.
( 15) OP AV-11- ca. TlJ1. laaa17 IMI, ..._
Dical aar iDtellftm ae ..... ' ' o. 21,
hiP pesf01anae U1** !I till_. ..-llllh s
--dlnelq; !C& fll die/.,? I Air Pcne.
(II) OP A Till, laa I 1111, teela-
mc.l * batd''sr m 1 ta "' 21,
wlapu!R .......
(17) OP -lfr o. Till. Nl .. .,
..... air ......... --

30 '1 '
OP:NAV- 16-Y No. T1 ' . No 30 recogm-
13. c. (22) air ne"; code
tion of t une 1945, techmcal
(23) T13... No. 32, evolu-
air intelligence center su
tion of Zeke. January 1944, techni-
(24) OPN.\.Y- 16-V No. T227, e ort No. 27, metru-
cal air intelligence r p cse airframe sec-
lurgical of apan
tions. r r C) January 1945, t ech-
(,-) T
- ' ' r 28 metal-
.. <> - t report o. ,
nical air intelligence ceo er . aft landing
lurgical examination of Japanese aucr
hook . b 1945 tech-
(26) No. T231, Fe ruary N 3i Ho-
'csl air intelligence center report I o. ' . t'
:are 11 and 21 engines, principal characteriS ICS
and performance. ,.. hni J
'>7) OP'T :\.V-Z6--\; T235, March 194o, tee ca
- - ' ' T a fir' g test Of
air intelligence center report _,o. <>, m
armor from Lily and Oscar. .
(28) OPXAV-16--V Xo. T23S, April 1945,
air intelligence center report Xo. 38, comparative
perforiilA.Ilce between Zeke-52 and the P-38,
P- 51 and P-H. .
(29) Xo. T241, May 1945, techrucal
air intelligence center report No. 41, Japanese
balloon and attached devices.
(30) OPXAV- 16--V :\o. T-401, January 1944, tech-
nical air intelligence center handbook No. 1,
Japanese engine recognition section.
(31) Antisubmarine bulletin, April1945.
(32) Antisubmarine bullet in, }lay 1945.
d. Combat narratives:
(1) Battle of Coral Sea.
(2) Landings in North Africa.
(3) Java Sea Campaign.
(4) Solomon Islands Campaign: I, Landing in t he
(5) Solomon Islands Campaign: II and III, Battle
of Savo Island and Battle of Eastern Solomons.
(6) Solomon Islands Campaign: IV and V, Battle
of Cape Esperance and Battle of Santa Cruz
(7) Solomon Islands Campaign: VI, Battle of Guad-
(8) Solomon Islands Campaign: VII and VIII B
t le of Tassa.taronga and Japanese a! ;
(9) Solomon Islands Campaign. IX bo b
of Munda and y:t_ t ' m ardments
u.a- anmore.
(10) Solomon Islands Campaign. X .
New Georgia area. ' operations in
(11) Solomon Islands Cam ai n
and Vella Lavella. p g XI, Kolombangara
(12) Solomon Islands Campai .
landing and Battle of Erngn. XII, Bougainville
(13) Battle of Midway. press Augusta Bay.
(14) Aaaault on Kwajalein a d M .
(15) Aleutians Campaign. n aJuro (part 1).
(18) Early raida in Pacific
0 cean.
(l7) Miscellaneous act ions in the South Pacifi
Office of Naval Intelligence weekly bulletin
e. (l) Vol. I, No. 22, 8 December 1941.
(2) Vol. IV, No. 44, 25 November 1942.
) Vol. III, No. 27, 5 July 1944.
(4) Vol. III, No. 29, 19 J uly 1944.
) Vol. III, No. 30, 26 J ul y 1944.
(6) Vol. I I I , No. 31, 2 August 1944.
(7) Vol. I II, No. 32, 9 August 1944.
(8) Vol. III , No. 33, 16 Au gust 1944.
(9) Vol. III, No. 34, 23 August 1944.
(10) Vol. III, No. 35, 30 August 1944.
(11) Vol. III, No. 36, 6 September 1944.
(12) Vol. III, No. 37, 13 September 1944.
(13) Vol. III, No. 38, 20 September 1944.
(14) Vol. III, No. 39, 27 Sept ember 1944.
(15) Vol. III, No. 40, 4 Oct ober 1944.
(16) Vol. III, No. 41, 11 October 1944.
(17) Vol. III, No. 42, 18 October 1944.
(18) Vol. III, No. 43, 25 October 1944.
(19) Vol. III, No. 44, 1 November 1944.
(20) Vol. III, No. 45, 8 November 1944.
(21) Vol. III, No. 48, 29 November 1944.
(22) Vol. III, No. 49, 6 December 1944.
(23) Vol. III, No. 50, 13 December 1944.
(24) Vol. III, No. 51, 20 December 1944.
(25) Vol. III, No. 52, 27 December 1944.
(26) Vol. IV, No. 1, 3 January 1945.
(27) Vol. IV, No. 2, 10 January 1945.
(28) Vol. IV, No. 3, 17 January 1945.
(29) Vol. IV, No. 4, 24 January 1945.
(30) Vol. IV, No. 5, 31 January 1945.
(31) Vol. IV, No. 6, 7 February 1945.
(32) Vol. IV, No. 7, 14 February 1945.
(33) Vol. IV, No. 8, 21 February 1945.
(34) Vol. IV, No. 10, 7 March 1945.
(35) Vol. IV, No. 11, 14 March 1945.
(36) Vol. IV, No. 12, 21 March 1945.
(37) Vol. IV, No. 13, 28 March 1945.
(38) Vol. IV, No. 14, 4 April 1945.
(39) Vol. IV, No. 16, 18 April 1945.
(40) Vol. IV, No. 17, 25 April 1945.
(41) Vol. IV, No. 19, 9 May 1945.
(42) Vol. IV, No. 20, 16 May 1945.
(43) Vol. IV, No. 21, 23 May 1945.
(44) Vol. IV, No. 22, 30 May 1945.
(45) Vol. IV, No 23, 6 June 1945.
(46) Vol. IV, No. 24, 13 June 1945.
(47) Vol. IV, No. 27, 4 July 1945.
(48) Vol. IV, No. 29, 18 July 1945.
(49) Vol. IV, No. 30, 25 July 1945.
(50) Vol. IV, No. 31, 1 August 1945.
(51) Vol. IV, No. 32, 8 August 1945.
(52) Vol. IV, No. 33, 15 August 1945.
(53) Vol. IV, No. 34, 22 August 1945.
(54) Vol. IV, No. 35, 29 August 1945.
(55) Vol. IV, No. 36, 5 September 1945.
(56) Vol. IV, No. 37, 12 September 1941
(57) Vol. IV, No. 38, 19 September 1941
(58) Vol. IV, No. 39, 26 September J.Vt--.':.i
(59) Index to Vol.IV,Nos.14to26,4n.,j--

13. f . Photo interpretat ion and industrial studies :
(1) Photo interpretation handbook.
(2) Photo indust r ial study No. 2, the petroleum
(3) Photo industrial study No. 3: coke, iron and
steel industries.
(4) Photo indust r ial study No.4, aluminum industry.
(5) Photo industrial study No. 5, aircraft industry.
(6) Photo industrial study No. 7, shipbuilding.
(7) Photo industrial study No. 8, magnesium indus-
(8) Photograp'lic int erpretation center report No. 33,
May 1944, Japanese aircraft shelters.
(9) Photographic intelligence center report No. 1,
January 1945, Japanese electronics.
(10) Photographic intelligence center report No. 2,
January 1945, military buildings.
(11) Phot ographic intelligence center report No. 3,
February 1945, Japanese antiaircraft and coastal
(12) Photographic intelligence ce.ater rep9rt No. 4,
February 1945, beach interpretation.
(13) Photographic intelligence center report No. 5,
March 1945, Japanese aircraft.
(14) Photographic intelligence center report No. 6,
May 1945, Japanese shipping.
14. Joint Target Group.
a. General:
(1) Technical target intelligence accession list No. 2,
4 November 1945.
(2) Physical damage to Hiroshima from atomic
bomb (preliminary analysis) 1 September 1945.
(3) Preliminary damage assessment report No. 37
(Sumitomo plants).
(4) Physical status report No. 1 on urban Kobe as
of 1 June 1945.
(5) Possible targets for attack on suicide rocket
plane production, 16 April 1945.
(6) Data. on Japanese piloted rocket-propelled sui-
cide aircraft (Ba.ka), 1 May 1945.
(7) Data on armament industry, 26 June 1945.
(8) Data. on military stores, munitions, 18 June
(9) Data on methods of weapon selection and esti-
mation of force requirements for attack of
industrial targets, 23 June 1945.
(10) Data on military stores, petroleum, 1 July 1945.
(11) Selected target clusters suitable u alternate
targets for radar bombing (preliminary draft, 28
December 1944).
(12) Guide to intelligence requirementB in war apind
(13) Initial air attack on economic railroad trafllo on
Honshu, 17 July 1945.
04) Air attack on Kyushu rail tranlpOrt; J 1ul71"!
(15) General considerations aft'eoting eelectlon
railroad targets, 9 July 1 HI.
(16) Strategic mining of Japan, 1 FebruarJlML ol
(17) Air bombardment neoeiiAI')' to mftlloa
Japanese Home Islanda, 20 MaylHI.
(l8) Air bombardment neca11U7 to IDl'fiiiiDil
Japanese Home lalanda, 81 OotiO
(19) Targets on Japanese mainland bombed by Arm
and Navy. y
(20) and chart coverage, Far East March
(21) Naval effort by Joint Target
ob]ect1ve area, 6 October 1945.
b. I nterim reports:
(1) I nterim report on Hainan Island September
1943. ,
(2) I nterim report on Kurile Islands, May 1943.
(3) I nterim report on Formosa, February 1944.
(4) Interim report on Netherlands East Indies {in-
cluding British &meo and Timor), Vol. I,
August 1944.
(5) Interim report on Netherlands East Indies (in-
cluding British Borneo and Timor), II,
August 1944.
c. Target objective informauon:
(1) Target objective, Nagoya group.
(2) Target objective, Tokyo group.
(3) Typical Japanese military t&Jpts (enemy &ir-
field information) 21 March INS.
(4) Japanese urban areas data.
(5) Japanese aircraft data.
(6) Japanese aircraft data (maker'a plata and mark-
ings), 15 January INS.
(7) Target damage 181? I"N!Dt&
{8) Target 181? lSI!\ent sheeta.
15. Marine Corps.
4. General:
(1) Location of Marine Corp. aYiMioa DDita,
(2) Location of Marine Corp. UDitll,
31 March 1945.
(3) Map ahowiq adftllee of Marine aviation
through Pacific.
(4) Evaluation of air operatiaal d ribl Ullital
States Marine Corp. ia Wadd War D.
16. Munitions data.
ca. General:
CI> SelectiioD homm ....t ra.. rar IIJI8f"fied-....
(2) Aircraft m1DiitiioDI .. lpiiCilkt tars a. VoL I,
14 Kay 1M5.
(I) Aircraft mmdtica .. ......, tac a.. Val. II,
11 July 1M&.
17. a,tjonal DefeMe Bnnra 0 Mtr1
a. General
(1) Stud; ...,._. " W"'NII&J _. wlll&er7
tarptll to ftlicg tJ.- .. ..W fM 'xA llli,
Jua..-, 1118.
(I) De .......... .... --
bambi,. ........ ..
(I) -- ......... ..
(f) GldJal7 -:,ll'l
8-7 (0 RD 4754), air
(8) Monthly report !\o. AE t) .. February 1945.
17.a. and earth shock, 25 RD 4 75), air
(9) l\Ionthly report No. AE <,
March 1945.
and earth shock, (0 RD 494 ) ,
(10) report N
. .
5 l\Iarch-
"'nd terminal ballistiC '
or nance ..
15 April 1945.
(O RD) air and
(11) Monthly report No. AE8- A ril
h qhock (5011) 25 l\Iarch-
P -
ear ' ?.O March 194o.
(12) Air burt for blast bombs, "' b d small
bl t from bom
(13) Effect of a1rburst on as 6 A ril
charges, analysts of expenmental results, p
1945. t ts
(14) Controlled bombmg attacks on Japanese arge '
20 April 19-!5. ..
(15) Concrete penetration, 20

(16) Weapon dsta- fire, impact, exploston, o October
19-!5, 6053.-\.
(17) Cha.racterisncs of air blast gauges: Response as
a function of pressure level, 25 March 1945.
18. NaYy Air Force.
a. General :
(1) Xaval amtion bulletin, June 1945.
(2) Lifeguard information, 1945.
(3) Anne:tes for Flrst Carrier Task Force operation.
(4) Annexes for Frrst Carrier Task Force operation.
(5) Annexes for First Carrier Task Force operation.
(6) Fleet Air W"ing Ten war diary, September 1945.
(7) Fleet Air Wing Ten war diary, August 1945.
l8) Report on carrier strikes against Kure, Japan,
15 October 1945.
(9! Summ.a.ry of events of squadron attached t o
Fleet Air Wing Ten, 29 September 1945.
(10) SWillilAry of Fleet Air Wing Eighteen operations
12 October 1945. '
19. Justice Department.
a. General:
(1) on Formosa oil refineries sold t o
Japanese by Southwestern Engineering Com-
pany, Los Angeles, 9 November 1942.
(2) on pressure burners for K o. 3
blast furnace of Kamaish.i plant of N
(3) Memoranda on mate 1s f
Sh .. K.a:-t. na rom files of Mitsubish.i
.&, 19 June 1943.
(4) Memorandum on island of A ..
March 1943. Wa] I, Japan, 2
(5) Memorandum on new milita . . .
stallations completed on or lj or tndustn al in-
observed, June 1942. under way when
(6) Memorandum on Japan's facilit'
rubber, 8 December 1942 Ies for proce:iSing
(7) Memorandum on Japan's. facTr
rubber, 4 December 1942. I I tes for processing
(8) Information furnish d
N e to Im
by the Submarine s I>ertal Japanese
n, 28 February 1944 Jgnal Company
(9) Interview report . ,
11 July 1942 on strategic points in J
lO) I nter view repor t on location of important .
f ' l 't' J Indus
trial and m1htary o.ct 1 1es 1n apan, 1
4 0

1942. ctober
ll) I nterview r epor t on Kobe, Japan 14
, c ober
1942 . .
2) I nterview r epor t on magnesium in Japan
magnesite in Austria, 30 J une 1942. and
3) Interview r epor t on Union oil refinery, Wihn
ton, Cali for nia, 18 J uly 1942. tng.
(14) Memorandum on file research project
regarding reports submttted, 3 l\llarch 194
b. Economic r epor t s and st at ist i,cs:
(1) List of r eport s r eceived from 21 January to
January 1946.
(2) Report on Gener al Mot ors Corporation works at
Osaka and t he Osaka area, 5 August 1942.
(3) Report on Manchukuo: Steel works at Anshan:
Elect r ic power a nd shale oil works at Fushun.
and munitions and coal liquefaction plant nea;
Fushun, 16 September 1942.
(4) Japan's facilit ies for processing rubber, 5 Novem-
ber 1942.
(5) Report on railways of Korea, 12 January. 1943.
(6) Report on Japanese fish-net industry, 18 January
(7) Report on port of Osaka, Japan, 20 January 1943.
(8) Report on Japan corn products company, Heijo,
Korea, 26 January 1943.
(9) Report on city of Oita, 2 February 1943.
(10) Report on electrification of Japanese railroads,
2 February 1943.
(11) Report on Tokyo Electric Company, Kawasaki,
2 March 1943.
(12) Report on Nippon Electric Company, Tokyo,
2 March 1943.
(13) Report on Shiabura engineering works, Tsurumi,
2 March 1943.
(14) Report on Ford Motor Company, Yokohama,
2 March 1943.
(15) Report on railroads of Indo-China, 8 March 1943.
(16) Economic situation in Japan, 1936-41, from vieW
point of Japanese consumer, 9 March 1943.
(17) Kunishima waterworks Osaka 9 March 1943.
(18) Report on objectives in' and Gifu, Honshu,
10 March 1943. arch
(19) Report on military objectives in Osaka, 10M
(20) Report on poison-gas factory and munftioDI
factory, Ogaki Honshu 10 March 1943. u
(21) Report on milltary at Oita, l{yush '
11 March 1943.
(22) Report on Manchurian highway and VI
t ransportation, 12 March 1943. j:JJIIDt
3) Report on Show a Steel Works Colllp&DY'r
Manchuria, 15' March 1943. uttotl.
4) Report on observations on the economic, po
and industrial situation, 24 March
5) Report on Manchurian high'fi&Y and
transportation, 26 March 1943. Jq oW
) Report on communications bottleneola
of Kobe, 27 March 1943.
) Report on Showa steel works, Anzan Manch .
19 27 March 1943. ' urta,
S) Report on J apanese photographic industry
March 1943. '
) Report on Hime ji, Japan, as a strategic industrial
ar ea, 29 Mar ch 1943.
0) Report on location of K wammon Tunnel en-
trance, 12 April 1943.
1) Repor t on underground gasoline storage at Ka-
wasaki, underground Naval records storage and
ot her military objectives at and near Tokyo and
industrial alcohol plants in Formosa,
12 April 1943.
(32) Rep or t on Japan iron and steel works, coal short-
age, Kwammon Railway tube, and proposed
under sea railway tube between Japan and Korea
16 April 1943.
(33) Report on Honeiko steel works, Penhsihu, Man-
churia, 20 April 1943.
(34) Report on Japan's rubber-processing facilities,
21 April 1943.
(35) Report on Japanese automotive industry, 27
April 1943.
(36) Report on Japanese coal-carbonization industry,
30 April 1943.
(37) Report on fire-alarm system, Tokyo, 5 May 1943.
(38) Report on iron ore crushing and concentration
plant of Mitsubishi Mining Company at Mozan
in northwestern Korea, 15 May 1943.
(39) Report on attitude of Japanese government and
people toward "Nisei" (American-born Japanese)
before the war, 17 May 1943.
(40) Water supply, waterworks, and fire-fighting
capacity of Kobe, 21 May 1943.
(41) :Manchuria Chemical Industry Company, Kan-
seishi, Manchukuo, 27 May 1943.
(42) Report on Hiroshima and environs, 10 June 1943.
(43) Report on Okayama and environs, 11 June 1943.
(44) Report on Fushun oil-shale refinery and Dubbs
cracking plant, part 1, 11 June 1943.
(4.5) Report on Fushun oil-shale refinery and Dubbs
cracking plant, part 2, 11 June 1943.
(46) Report on Wakayama, Japan, and environs, 11
June 1943.
(47) Report on Taihoku, Taiwan (Formosa) and en-
virons, 15 June 1943.
(48) Report on Far Eastern Transportation No. 6,
San-Kyu electric railway, 16 June 1948. 'I
(49) Report on Far Eastern Transportation No.
Japanese railway shops, 19 June 1948. in
(50) Report on military and industrial objectives
Heiji (Pingyang) Korea, 24 1948. t Git)'
1) Report on strategic objectives m and abou
of Kalgan, Inner Mongolia, 28 June 194&buturo
2) Report on Shibuya, Shinjuku and Ike
stations, Tokyo, 30 June 1943.
3) Report on Manshu Koaho, Mukden.
> Report on 86-inch Universal plate diDl
hata works of Nippon SeitetaU
Steel Manufacturing Company), II
(55) Report on South Manchurian rail
1943. way, 30 July
(56) on water supply, waterwor
of Tokyo, 2 August ksi9':d fire-
(57) eport on 0Jt Paper Manufact uring Co .
4 August 1943. mpany,
(58) Report on synt hetic oil and gasoline indust
Japan, 6 August 1943. ry,
(59) Repo:t ?n of American machine tools
by A1eh1 Toket Denki, 27 August
(60) Report on possible airfield and underground
hangars at Shionomizaki, w &kayama Prefecture
Japan, 30 August 1943. '
(61) Report on Shizuoka City and airfield at Mik&-
tagahara, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, 30 Au-
gust 1943.
(62) Report on Tottori City, Japan, and environs, 3
September 1943.
(63) R:eport on Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, and en-
virons, 4 September 1943.
(64) Report on Hiroshima and environs and Kure
Naval base, 10 September 1943.
(65) Report on Kawasaki Kokuki K. K. Kove (Ka-
wasaki 1-ircraft), 13 September 1943.
(66) Report on Itami (Osaka No. 2) airfield, 15 Sep-
tember 1943.
(67) Report on aircraft factory and possible airfield
near village of Naruo, between Osaka and Kobe,
15 September 1943.
(68) Report on Fuknsbima, Japan, and environs, 18
September 1943.
(69) Report of purcllaaM by NiiBan J'Jdoeba K. K. for
automobile and ammunition production, 22
September 1943.
(70) Report on plant of YUDIB CbemiealiDdustries,
Nan king, China, 28 September 1143.
(71) Report on Folks ud Fruier &Old mille in
northern Korea, 29 September 1M3.
(72) Report on Oxypn plaDt at Sinppore, 2 Oatober
1M3. B .. llid
(73) Report on fortiled ... aear Tai, oL o,
4 October 1M3.
) Report
Oriental Oomali1Jr'ed Pd IDiDe ill
nortbem X... 14 o..a-11A
i) Report OD UDBed SlaW .,....,,. tool orders
('T d airill of Ka_ ... SbarJo. K. K.. Kobe
;..,::.... tdMJ'4I'& ( ...... WGibl. 15
()o&ober '"! __ ..w.l KoJrald air-
(78) Report OD ...,..._. ... (Ea ......
arab) ad J[aWaDIIbl l lll.
............,,...._, I OIIilllllr
(77) Beport OD
h (Shows steel works),
19 b (81) Report on Shows Shikos o
29 October 1943. based by Toyada
82) Report on machine tools bpurc1943.
?. N ovem er t Is
Jidosha, ., '"'
A 'cnn machine oo
h e- of men ... b
(83) Report on pure as y K K. 3 N ovem er
by Tokio Jidosha Kogyo . ,
1943. ort on Show a Seiko-
Report on addendum to rep b 1943
ks) 9 Novem er
sbo (Shows steel wor , J anese rail-
. report on ap
) Report on locauon
ways, 12 manufacturing plant
(86) Report on pbarmaceu cT k o 13 November
of ankyo Company,
Y '
1943. . achine tools pur-
(87) Report on machinery m d other
chases by umitomo Kinzoku Kogyo an
umitomo companiPs, 15 October 1943.
(88) Report on Showa Hikoki K. K. (Shows
Aircraft Company), 16 1943.
(89) Report on Furukawa electric industry, 17 No-
vember 1943.
(90) Report on purchases of .Am=rican machine t ools
by Dai Xippon Heiki, 18 )"; ovember 1943.
(91) Report on Daido Denki Seiko K. K., 19 No-
vember 1943.
(92) Report on Tokyo Shibaura Electric Company,
Japan, 23 Xovember 1943.
(93) Report on Oht&ni steel syndicat e, Tokyo, 24
X oember 1943.
(94J Report on Rib:uo ).Iotorcycle Company, Shina-
gawe.-Ku, Tokyo, 24 Xovember 1943.
(95) Report on purcha...c;es by Ikegai Tekkosho and
Ikega.i Jidosh&, 1 December 1943.
(96) Report on purchases of American machine
t ools by Tokio Jidosha Kogyo K. K., 18 Decem-
ber 1943.
(97) Report on Xippon Gakki Seizo K. K. (Japan
ln.. c:tru.ment Company), 14 December
(98) Report on machinery purchases by Tokio
Jidohsa Kogyo K K.. 15 December 1943.
(99) Report on. machinery purchases by Kato
m:mufactunng works in the United States
li> December 1943. '
(100) Report on Tokyo Kogyo Kaish&
- D b
. , i> ecem er
(101) Report on Nippon Kinzoku Kog o K K
(Japan Metal Industries Company) D . .
her 1943. , ecem-
(102) Report on purchases of Am
by Ch K
encan machine tools
uo ogyo K K (C
Company), 16 194;ntral I ndustrial
(103) Report on Fushun part 3
plant, 16 1943 , coal hydrogenation
(104) Report on Tokyo Kohs:n Ka .
17 December 1943 bushtko Kaisha
(105) Report on Aichi Tokei D k' ,
1943. en l , 20 December
(106) on Kokura Steel C
8eiko Kaiaha)
, ecember 1943.
) Report on Nippon N a.inenki K. K. (J
C b t
. E . apan
I nternal om us wn ngine Compan
December 1943. y'
) Report on some Shibaura enterprises
December 1943. '
) Report on Manchuria Industrial Developm
't b 'eli . ent
Company an 1 s su s1 anes, 28 December
0) Report on Nippon Kogaku Kogy0 K. K
(Japan Optical Indust ry Company), 3 Januar;
11) Report on purchases of Nippon Spindl
Seizosho (Japan Spindle Company), 5 Januar;
(112) Repor t on Fushun, part 4 (revised report on
Manshu Keikinzoki) 8 January 1944.
(113) Report on machine tool purchases in the
Unit ed St ates by Nippon Seiko K . K. (Nippon
Seiki Togyo-J a pan precision machinery), 10
January 1944.
(114) Report on United St e.t es machine tool purchases
by Nippon Seikosho (Japan steel works) 13
J anuary 1944. .
(115) Report on purchases of Fuji Denki Seizo
(Fuji Elect rical Machinery Manufacturing
Company) , 14 January 1944.
(116) Report on United States machine tool pur-
chases by Toyo Bearing Seizo Kaisha (Oriental
Bearing Manufacturing Company) 14 January
(117) Report on Kobe Seikosho K. K. (Kobe steel
works), 17 January 1944.
(118) Report on Nippon Seitetsu K. K. (Japan Iron
Manufacturing Company), 19 January 1944.
(119) Report on Osaka Tekkosho (Osaka iron works),
29 January 1944.
(120) Report on Kuobta Tekkosho and
Seikosho (Kubota iron works and Amagasaki
steel manufact uring works), 31 January 1944.
(121) Report on Okuma Tekkosho (OkUJJl&
works), 1 February 1944. Osaka
(122) Report on Osaka Wakayama Tekkosho (
Wakayama iron works) 2 Februa?

(123) Report on K. K. Hokushin Denki
(Hokushin electric factory), 2 Februal'Ybruar>'
(124) Report on Japanese Army arsenals, 2 Fe
1944. t
(125) Report on Manchuria Industrial DevelopJDSil
Company, 4 February 1944. El otrlo
(126) Report on Nippon Denki K. K. (Japan
Company), 4 February 1944. IC. (JapaD
(127) Report on Nippon Dencki K.
Electric Battery Company), 8 FebruarY atrora6
(128) Report on Mitsubishi and Japanese
industry, 10 February 1944. J{al8ha (0Jl
(129) Report on Oji Seishi Kabushiki 'I bfdll1
Paper Manufacturing Company), 16
(130) Report on Kisha Seizo Kaisba (Bai1""
facturing Company), 16 Februartl"'-

g, b. (131) Report on Shimadzu Seisakusho (Shimadzu
works), 25 February 1944.
(132) Report on Nippon Sharyo Seizo K. K. (Japan
Rolling Stock Manufacturing Company)
Februar y 1944. '
(133) Repor t on American purchases by Tokio K 'ki
Seisakusho Kaisha (Tokio Instrument
facturing Company) and Tokio Kohku Keiki
Taisha (Tokio Aviation Instrument Company)
26 February 1944. '
(134) Report on Nippon Air Brake Company, 26
February 1944.
(135) Report on Oki Denki K. K. (Oki Electric Com-
pany), 26 February 1944.
(136) Report on Nippon Keikinzoki K. K. (Japan
Light Metals Company) , 28 February 1944.
(137) Report on Ur aga dock, 29 February 1944.
(138) Report on Ueki Seisakusho, Tokyo (Ueki
Engineering Company), 29 February 1944.
(139) Report on " Tsurumi" Enterprises, 29 February
(140) Report on Tsugami Ataka Seisakusho, 1
March 1944.
Report on Tama Zosensho K. K. (Tama Dock-
yard or Shipbuilding Company), 1 March 1944.
Report on Toyo Seikan K. K. (Oriental Can
Company), 2 March 1944.
Report on Harima Zosensho K. K. (Harima
Shipbuilding and Engineering Company), 2
March 1944.
Report on Shinohara Kikai Seisakusho (Shino-
hara Engineering Company), 2 March 1944.
Report on Tokio Kiku Kogyo K. K. (Tokio
Machine and Instrument Company), 2 March
Report on Tokio Kogaku Kikai K. K. (Tokyo
Optical Machine Company), 2 March 1944.
Report on Osaka Knozoku Kogyo K. K. (Osaka
Metals Industry Company), 3 March 1944.
Report on Nippon Kokusai Koku Kogyo K. K.
(Japan International Aviation Industry), 4
March 1944.
Report on Mitsubishi Electric Manufacturing
Company (Mitsubishi Denki K. K.), 5 March
Report on Nippon Aento Kogyo K. K., 6
March 1944. to
Report on Okamoto Kogyo K. K. (Qkamo
Engineering Company) and Okamoto Benyo
Kosakukikai Seisakusho (Okamoto uuacbine
tool works), 6 March 1944. Utoabi
Report on Fujikoshi Kosai Kogyo (FuJ
Steel Materials Industry), 8 March 1944. FulaD,
Report on Takehara iron works of SM.
Korea (Takehara Tek.kosho), 8 March
Report on Watanabe iron works (Watl"
Tekkosho), 9 March 1944. J'JPID
Report on Nippon Spindle SelaolhO (
Spindle Company), 13 March lM'-
Report on Ishikawajima Entei'P,...
uary 1944.
(157) Report on Nakajima Aircraft C
chases of machine tools and . afompany
in the U d aucr t accessonea
(158) Re rute States, 20 February 1944.
port on Japanese Navy arsenals 25 F b
ary 1944. , e ru-
(159) Report on Tokyo Denki K K (' 1 .
T k D k' M mc uding
(160) o yo en 1 usen K. K.), 9 March 1944.
Report on Japan Air Transport C
(Dai Nihon Koku Yuso Kaisha)
1944. ' arc
(161) Report on Tanaka Keiki Seisakusho 23
March 1944. '
(162) Report on Rashin-Hsinking railroad-A st
. b' ra.-
gtc o Jective, 27 March 1944.
(163) on ac:tivities of Japanese trading com-
panies m Uruted States as affecting American
security, 29 March 1944.
(164) Report on Mizogouchi gear works {Mizogoucbi
Hagaruma Kojo) and Osaka Chain and Ma-
chinery Company (Osaka Seiza Koki K. K.),
30 March 1944.
(165) Report on Mitsubishi Entsprises, 3 Aprill944.
(166) Report on arsenals in Mukden, Manchukuo, 10
(167) Report on Japanese purchases of the Heald
"Borematic" precision boring machine, 11 April
(168) Report on Mitsui Chemical Industry (Mitsui
Kagaku Kogyo K. K.), 17 Aprill9.
(169) Report on Tachikawa Aircraft Company (Tacb-
ikawa Kikoki K. K.), 18 April19.
(170) Report on Japaneae purchases of eJectzic power
equipment, 25 AprillM4.
(171) Purchases of American machinery by 121 Japa-
nese conoerna producing chemic:ale, DODferrous
metals, textnes, paper, cement, rubber, glass
and foods, 3 May 19.
(172) Report on N'IppoD Soda Kabusbild Kaisba., 6
June 19K
(173) Beport on petroleum aativitiel of Japa=e=e
trading 00mpanw ill tbe Uuitid States
affectiDI American wurit;r, 81 July. liM.
(174) Deport OD industrial JMII'Ch- iD UDitlld States
from 198Hl bJ 588 J..,u OIJII!f:E4i na,
October 1M4.
75) Report on Japarnn hadlllk):
ties, 191&-41 throa&h )fJtsqf ad llitllubilbi,
meob1Mf1........ 01. I. II n-a- 1H4.
(171) Beport OD...... 01. D.
(177) Report 0:. -;:.,c:';.m. ... ..... pojeat
(178) = npon ... 11 ..... ....
(171) ::nOD ... .,.., ...... .....
(liD) ....,.a oa
'dge construe-
railway rt
19 b (183) Report on Japanese
. . twn, eptember other communications
(1 4) Report on telephomc a Ch' a 17 December
in Japan and Japane e tn ,
1942. . ? , February 1944.
Chi ailways ..-t
(1 5) Report on . nese r kt K. K. (N tppou Elec-
(1 6) Report on 1\tppon Den b 1944
tric Company), 22 eptem er .
20. Kavy Department.
a. General. 7 October 1944, Task
) Operations order 3-H,
Group 3 2. ust 1944, West-
(t)) Operation plan :\ o. 14-44,
- p i.fic Task Forces and Tlurd Fleet.
ern ac N t War ,
(3) Report bv .Admrral rung, "Our r aYy a .
(4: Report tftnal) by Admrral Kmg to ecretary of
x 1ny December 19-!5
(5) inde"x' of "C"ruted ""tates Fleet, 1 1944.
(6) Bureau of Ordnance vessel regtSter, 2o 1\ ovem-
ber 1945.
(1 Antt-smcide actbn summary, August 1945.
1 1 Amphibious operations, excluding Is-
lands operation.s, Janu.ary- :\1arch 1944.
(9) Amplubious operations, capture of I wo Jima,
16 February- 16 1945.
(10) Amphibious operations, invaston of Philippines,
October 19-!-1-January 1945.
(11) Repon on capture o Iwo Jima, 19 March 1945.
(12) List and Stati:::I.Ical summanes of operations of
aircraft, Seventh Fleet from December 1944-
AUg\!::11. 19-!5.
(13) ln.::-uucoons for revisions to assembly and test-
ing mine Mark 25, model 2, 28 May 1945.
b. Sailing and navigation data:
(1) Japan pilot, Yol. I, 1938.
(2) list of lights and fog Signals, Vol. II, 1 January
(3) ... directions for coast of China, 1943.
(4) ailing directions for western shores of Chm'
.. ea, 1937. a
(5) for iberia. and Chosen, 1932.
(6) ... for Japan, Vol. II,
(i} for Hokkaido, August
( ) Sailmg duections for anpo hoto.
1. PressG releases, motion pictures, and newspapers
a. eneral.
(1) Press releases.
(2} Army NeW! ervice news summari
(3) Radar navigation and b b' es.
(4) Copies of mg, 8 March 1945.
- newspapers, N tppon Times
(o) Copy of Article "Jap w
tioll! Beckon Our H ar Industry Concentra-
gest, October 1944 eavy Bombers," Aero Di-
22. State DePArtment. .
a. General Ctvil and econom. da
(1) Japan's e&pacit to tc ta:
(2) Supply req Y pay reparations.
utrements of Ja
30 July 1945. panese Army in China
(3) Outflow of OOda '
1945 g from north Ch
tna, 10 February
(4) Puppet governmental bodies of occu .
China, 1 May 1945. Pled north
(5) Situation-Hopei-Mid-1945, 5 July 1
(6) Government of the "New Philippines,,
September 1944. ' 25
(7) Okinawas of t he Lao Chao I slands, a Ja
minori ty group, 1 July 1944. Paneae
(8) Census figures of J apanese cities of 1940
(9) J apan area and population by Ken Sh'
Gun, 1930-40. '
(10) Charts showing economic organization and
. . . d t . . J role
of mumt wns m us n es 1n apan.
(11) Diagrams of Japan's economic controls.
(12) Mont hly circulars, Mitsubishi Economic Re-
sear ch Bureau:
No. 104, June 1932.
No. 106, August 1932.
No. 111, January 1933.
No. 116, June 1933.
No. 121, November 1933.
No. 124, February 1934.
No. 126, April 1934.
No. 127, May 1934.
No. 130, August 1934.
No. 131, September 1934.
No. 132, October 1934.
No. 136, F ebruary 1935.
No. 137, lVIarch 1935.
No. 138, April 1935.
No. 139, May 1935.
No. 140, June 1935.
No. 141, July 1935.
No. 142, August 1935.
No. 143, September 1935.
No 144, Oct ober 1935.
No. 145, November 1935.
No. 146, December 1935.
No. 147, January 1936.
No. 148, February 1936 .
No. 149, March 1936.
No. 150, April 1936.
No. 151, May 1936.
No. 152, June 1936.
No. 153, July 1936.
No. 154, August 1936.
No. 156, October 1936.
No. 157, November 1936.
No. 158, December 1936.
No. 163, May 1937.
No. 164, June 1937.
No. 165, July 1937.
No. 166, August 1937.
No. 167, September 1937.
No. 168, October 1937.
No. 169, November 1937.
No. 170, December 1937.
No. 173, March 1938.
No. 176, June 1938.
No. 177, July 1938.
No. 178, August 1938.
No. 179, September 1938.
22. a. (12) No. 180, October 1938.
No. 181, November 1938.
No. 182, December 1938.
No. 185, March 1939.
No. 186, April 1939.
No. 187, May 1939.
No. 188, June 1939.
No. 189, July 1939.
No. 190, August 1939.
No. 191, S'eptember 1939.
No. 192, October 1939.
No. 193, November 1939.
No. 194, December 1939.
No. 195, January 1940.
No. 196, February 1940.
No. 197, March 1940.
No. 198, April 1940.
No. 199, May 1940.
No. 201, July 194.0.
No. 202, August, 1940.
No. 203, September 1940.
No. 205, November 1940.
No. 206, December 1940.
No. 207, January 1941.
No. 209, March 1941.
No. 210, April 1941.
(13) Report on Japanese Civil Service.
b. Research and analysis assemblages:
(1) No. 33, 1 September 1944, programs of Japan in
(2) No. 40, 7 March 1944, Indo-China biographies.
(3) No. 43, 10 June 1944, handbook of Japanese
industry in Japan and occupied areas.
(4) No. 43, supplement No. I, 15 December 1944.
(5) No. 43, supplement No. II-A, 14 July 1945.
(6) No. 44, 20 September 1944, financial programs of
Japan and occupied areas.
{7) No. 45, 26 August 1944, manpower in Japan and
occupied areas.
{8) No. 48, 20 December 1944, program of Japan in
Formosa with biographies.
(9) No. 50, 10 February 1945, programs of JapaD in
Korea with biographies.
(10) No. 51, 8 March 1945, programs of Japan in
China with biographies.
(11) No. 52, 21 April 1945, programs of Japan in
northern coast of China with biographies.
(12) No. 53, 30 April 1945, proareas of Japan ID
Manchukuo with biographies, VoL L
{13) No. 53, 30 April 1945, propelS of Japan ID
Manchukuo with biographies, VoL U. d eDID
(14) No. 54, 12 May 1945,
munications in Japan. of Japaa Ia
(15) No. 10 August 1H5, data.
Indo-China with indes to ol J8pln
(16) No. 58, 8 September data.
in Celebes with index to bi
c. Research and analyaia reporta:
(1) No. 111, 8 Deoember lMl,
preaure in Jap&D.
(2) No. 118, preliminary studies of social structure of
(3) No. 27 February 1942, the Eta, a persecuted
group m Japan.
{4) No. 226, 7 March 1942, Japan's cliques: The
(5) No. 573, 27 August 1942, bombing objectives in
Canton, China.
(6) No. 679, 13 October 1942, preliminary surH:y of
J a social and psychological conditions.
(7) No. 740, 26 .. "ovember 1943, survey of India.
{8) No. 742, 30 June 1943, SllrVey of Ha\nan.
(9) No. 890.18, 25 August 1944, Japanese infiltra-
(10) ,.o. 941, 30 June 1943, mtmicipal government in
(11) No. 971, 12 July 1943, China's morale after
sbc years of war.
(12) No. 1000, Japan' s electric power industry, V:oL I.
(13) No. 1000, same, Vol. IL
(14) No. 1000, same. VoL IlL
(15) No. 1000, same, IV.
(16) No. 1000, same, Vol. V.
(17) No. 1000.1, supplement to same.
(18) No. 1000.2, supplement to same.
(19) No. 1008, 13 Aupst 1943, Free China railways.
(20) No. 1330, 6 March lH-4, Japaueae administra-
tion: Department of education.
(21) No. 15958, 8 December lMf, Japauese orpni-
zation of Indian miDoriUes iD East Asia.
(22) No. 1677, 1 May lM-4, decaee of Japaneee con-
trol over French admiDisttation of FreDch Indo-
(23) No. 1743, 18 January 1H4, 81llllDLU"Y on Japa11' s
motor truck position.
(M) No. 1822, 7 February 1144, 111JDV7 on Japa11' a
copper position.
(25) No. 1100, to April IIH, pntwar pMroleam
(26) o. 1128. 11 July 1114. s..,... wooden abipL
(27) o. 1919, )lay liM, 1..., z e eclmiDJetretioa:
(28) o. 115&, I Auplt liH, ._. ptaDieDt m
(II) o. I til, II ..-liM, llpl .... Ia lapua.
(10) o. 1118. lllaty liM. pabMe ..._ ml---;
(11) o. 1187, 0. t- n aa mobfH
tlallsn I ........
{II) 0. 1011, 10 JaJ7 1-JJII 2 I I ... lnh4latilala
., .......
(II) .a. ....................
olllalaJa. ....
o.llOI. I
. d to collection of
38) No. 2147, April 1945, gut .e . irtarY gov-
22. c. bli tions essential tn m 1
Japanese pu ca
ernment planning for Japan. aluminum
(39) 2155, 31 Jiay. Japanese
production and fabricatiOn. plans for
(40) No. 2235, 10 June 1944, Japanese
population dispersal. . of estimates of
(41) No 2250, 16 June 1944, summarY t lied iron
area concentration in Japanese con ro
and steel industry Em orer
(42) Xo 2261 , eptember 1944, Japanese p
and the war. all ale
(43) Xo. 2262, 30 June 194-!, Japanese sm -sc
factories in relation to air .
4 ) ,. ? ? .. 1 April 1945 industrm1 diStributiOn of
_,o. --' , ,
population of Japan. . . .
(45 , Xo. 2313, 15 July 1944, admimstration of elec-
tric power industry.
(461 Xo. 2423S, 8 ept. 1944, Singapore under
Japanese donu.nation.
(4i) Ko. 2483 , 1 December 1944, rival cliques in
Japanese Army.
(48) Xo. 2485, 24 August 1944, notes on air-raid pre-
cautions in Japan.
(49) No. 2496, 28 September 1944, railway tra.nspcrt
as a strategic target in Japan.
(50) No. 2545.1A, 10 Xovember 1944, references to
economic installations in Far Eastern areas ex-
tracted from Japanese radio broadcasts (1944).
(51) No. 2558.1, 31 October 1945, Japanese war pro-
duction indu.:,-nies.
( -2) - ? --g?
<> - o. - <><> - same.
(53) No. 2558 3, same.
(54) No. 2558 4, same.
( --) ?--g -
<><> .;.-, o. - <><> .<>, same.
(56) No. 2604, 9 October 1944, radio laboratories in
(5i) No. 2626, 1 October 1945 national . f
' mcome o
a pan.
: o. rolling in Burma and Thailand
(o9) - o. 2t19, 24 November 1944 air-raid t .
in Tokyo City. ' pro ect1on
(60) .o. 2i58, 28 September
. o, apanese police
system un r Alhed occupation
(61) No. 2i83, 10 March 194S roll ' st k .
(62) No. 2805, 10 February '194_mg oc m Malaya.
o, notes on cap 't
o. se ected Japanese railroads. acl y
(63) a. 2815, January
1946 1
Japanese economy. 'Pace of fo;eign trade in
(64) No. 2836, table of adm' . .
6.) N
mtstrattve qt ct
o o. 89,24 March 194 . . ure.
food in Japan.
' wartune distribution of
(66) No. 3009, 19 April 194 J
J:roduetion of antiknocko, apanese facilities for
(67) No. 3045, 21 April 194 pound.
J i>, biograph
cabinet appointed in :ca notes on
(68) No. 3300, 20 May 1946 J Apnl 1945.
induatry.: Study of iron and steel
problem. u e of disarm
(69) No. 3317, n July 194 am.ent
reciatration methode. o, Japanese cenaua and
(70) No. 3747, 15 Ma y 1946, estimated fert'Ji
tion of J apan during p eriod from 1 Au
zer POSi..
to 31 July 1947. gust 1946
a. General :
(1) Interrogation of Lieutenant Command
sunomiya on Japanese Navy Air Force Ut.
uary 1946. ' Jan ..
(2) Interrogation of Major Kubota on 3rd A' A
ground training, 28 January 1946. tr rtny
(3) Interrogation of Lieutenant General Kt'n h'
. G 1 N os Ita
and Lieutenant enera umata on conditio
on Rempang Island, 30 January 1946.
(4) Interrogation of Major Imamura on bomb si hts
31 January 1946. g '
(5) Interrogation of Major General Tona.mi on air
armament, 1 February 1946.
(6) Translation of document on 16th Field Air Repair
depot by Colonel Arima, 28 February 1946.
(7) Translation of document prepared by Colonel
Yoshida on 20th Field Air Supply depot, 5 March
(8) Translation of document prepared by Major
Matsumoto on 27th Advance Air Training unit,
5 March 1946.
(9) Translation of document prepared by Major Ota
on No. 3 Intermediate Air Training unit, 5 March
(10) Translation of document prepared by Captain
Murayama on No. 44 Intermediate Air Training
unit, 5 March 1946.
(11) Translation of document prepared by Major
Yanagi on No.2 Intermediate Air TrainingtlDR,
12 March 1946.
(12) Translation of document prepared by Major
Harada on No. 12 Intermediate Air Trafninl
unit, 11 March 1946.
24. United States Strategic Bombing Survey.
a. General:
(1) Outline of Japanese government and its 1eadaJI,
20 September 1945.
(2) Japanese Intelligence section data.
(3) Same.
(4) Same.
(5) Same.
(6) G-2 accession lists, 25 October 1945.
(7) accession lists, 25 November 1945. !16&-
(8) Milestones of strategic bombing, 8
5. War Department.
a. General: ....
(1) to radio oountermeasurtl .....,...
directory of equipment used by ArmY
1 August 1944.
{2) Graphic survey of radio and radar
used by Army Air Forces.
(3) Civil affairs guide to agriculture aocl
British Air Ministry and Einpire Reportl
a. General:
(I) Organization of Japanese ArmY an4
Forces, February 1945.
6. a. (2) Empire report on Burma.
(3) Six-monthly report issued by foreign office
(E. A. B. 8), 21 July 1945.
(4) Weekly progress reports Nos. 116-130, 16 Au st
45-22 November 1945. gu
27. Japanese Imperial Government.
a. Replies from government in answer to United
States inquiries:
(1) Data on investigation organ, 29 September 1945.
(2) List of subjects of wartime researches, September
(3) Report on Frist Naval fuel depot.
(4) Current inventory of arms preserved by Army
aerial arsenal workshop as of 31 August 1945,
15 September 1945.
(5) Table of amount of in-hand munitions.
(6) List of Army working department as of 31
August 1945, 15 September 1945.
(7) List of contents in Army working department,
31 August 1945.
(8) Measures in force for public health.
(9) Location of hospitals and number of beds, 5
September 1945.
(10) Number of sickbeds in hospitals attached to
private universities and colleges.
(11) Reports of health of Japanese military armed
(12) Current inventory of medical stores classified by
Army district, 31 August 1945.
(13) . Current inventory of preserved veterinary
materials and instruments.
(14) Detailed statement regarding health of Japanese
(15) Table of accommodating capacity and location
of Navy hospitals, August 1945.
(16) Survey of lands and constructions of Army
arsenals up to and including 15 August 1945.
(17) Statistical records of military establishments and
(18) Statistics on Army fuel working department, 31
August 1945.
(19) Table of area of storehouses at various harbors.
(20) List of Naval vessels under construction.
(21) List of Army hospital ships.
(22) List of Naval hospital ships, 8 September INS.
(23) Particulars of current positions of
August 1945.
(24) List of merchant vessels over 100 poll toua, H
August 1945.
(25) Specifications of submarine transPOrt and 88 aDd
SB boats.
(26) Specifications and performance data on 811'Yloe
airplanes of Navy, 10 September lHI.
(27) Disposition of Army Air units, 81 Aqua& 11&
(28) Data on present conditions of tr&DIPOR IMIII=
on government railways and oth Jllll" of
transportation, 6 September lMI.
(29) Outline of communication bUilD Ia AIIIIL
(30) Principal communlcatiouiDifAI
and equipment of Arm'1 a.-a'l IMM&.
(31) Principal communic!ltion installati ( .
and ona Wireless)
. equtpment of Army as of 31 August 1945
(32) List .of telegraph sets and power sources. .
(33) Equipment of telegraph and telepho
stations. ne repeater
(34) Cable record.
(35) cable record, 31 August 1945.
(36) List .of telephone exchanges, 15 September 1945.
(37) Eqmpment of cable for local exchange
Septe _
ber 1945. ' m
(38) List of meteorological offices in Japan proper.
(39) Report on general conditions of navigational
(40) on locations of astronomical, trigonome-
trical and water-level marks in Mariana Caro-
line, and Marshall Isl&nds. '
(41) Report on civil aeronauticiJ organiutions in
( 42) Report on system for conscription and tmining,
30 Ocoober 1945.
( 43) Report on conscription district.s and training
units in said districts, 30 October 1945.
(44) Invenoories of products in possession of civil
workshops under control of Imperial Japanese
Navy as of 1 Septanber 1945.
(45} List of wooden vessels under repair u of 1
September 1945.
(46) List of Army Air Service units, 25 October 194.'
(47) Status of demobiJip..tJon (lfr22 October INa
(48) Status of demobmation (23-29 October), Nav:
(49) Status of demobilaation (23-29 October), Nav,
(50) Table of orpniudon of Japenw Naftl Geoert
(51) Table of --.pona and ammUDitioDB (euept fo
aeronautics), 7 October 1M5.
28. Japaneae merchallt shippiDg.
G. Reports OD plaDIADd
(1) Comparative table on tranapodation plan and
actual resutta o1 euao abipl ell*itY of
8118Dtiial .......-. *-oqda! k of war.
(2) Lilt of Japans e aacbaat -.. cner 100 tDDI
1od nllseqven\ to auact oa Pemllarbor.
29. Japaneae Army ud avy.
a. OrpnrnlioP aad ..... .,.. plalr.
(1) <>rpnisetjon Japaz 1 Arm7 aDd MY
(J) Report OD ftl' WI ... lape
(I) a-a .,...._ let .,.,.. ud ,..,. lor
10. hpu'l I pr4!PIP""
.. Qeeldl:
(l)AIIrMo lido JMIIM
(I) Report ._ .......
at. Qd-
. . . China, Manchllria, and
3) Petroleum facihtles of
1. a. ul 1945 II
Korea, J Y 'a) . stallations of ong-
(4) Japanese use of mdustrt m
b. Maritime customs reports: . trade in China, De-
(1) Monthly returns of foretgn
cember 1936. . de in China, De-
(2) Monthly returns of foretgn tra
cember 1937 China De-
(3) Monthly returns of foreign trade m '
cember 193 China De-
(4) Monthlv returns of foreign trade m '
cember 1939. . Chin De-
(5) returns of foreign trade m a,
cember 1940. . D
(6) returns of foreign trade m China, e-
cem ber 1941. .
(i) Monthly returns of foreign trade in China, De-
cember 1942.
(S} returns of foreign trade in China, De-
cember 194-3.
32. Formosa, Indochina, Korea and Manchuria, Ryukyu
a. Formosa:
(1) Bomb damage Slllley.
(2) Petr<.leum facilities of Formosa, Febr uary 1945.
(3) Repon on beaches and landing places with re-
marks on currents and tides, 15 January 1944.
(4) Geillogy and topography c.f Formosa, November
(5) Coast of F onnosa, June 1944.
(6) Communications of Formosa, August 1944.
(i) Report on three rivers in Formosa, February
(8) Japan and Formosa's oil positjon, January 1945.
(9) Photo Intelligence report on vicinity of Kat o
Formosa. '
(10) Photo Intelligence report on Ta.inan (Taiwan)
Formosa.. '
(11) Photo Intelligence report on Taka.o F
(12) Ph t In lli , ormosa.
o o te gence report on Kusyum (Ko h )
Formosa. s un ,
(13) Photo IntE-lligence report on Oka. F
b. Indochina: yama, onnosa.
{1) Report on beaches and Iandin la
china. g P ces of Indo-
e. Korea:
(1) Target study of Korea, 15 July 1945
(2) Study or iron ore in Ko .
(3) Summation of united
Government activities in K Military
(4) Summation of United S area, Novemhf>r 1946.
Government activities in Army Military
d. ManChuria: area, January 1947.
{1) Study of iron ores M
(2) Materials f m. anchuria.
or answenng quesr
of Japanese Diet (1944-4 . ) ( tons at 86th session
from unidentified Ja t> translation excerpts
panese documents).
e. Ryukyu Islands:
(1) Summation of United States Army M
Government activities in Ry ukyu Islands
November 1946. ' JUly..
33. Library of Congress.
a. General :
(1) Lists of references a vailable in Library of Co
gress. n.
(2) List of r efer ences on governments of
for eign powers , January 1945. lllaJor
(3) List of r eferences on Australia, 1942.
(4) List of r eferences on Japanese Empire: Industri
and t ransport a t ion, 1945. ea
(5) List of r eferences on Japan-economic devei
ment and foreign policy, 1940. op.
(6) List of r eferences on China, 1945.
(7) List of r efer ences on New Zealand, 1942.
(8) List of r eferences on British Malaya and North
Borneo, 1943.
(9) LiRt of references on Nether lands East Indies,
(10) List of references on Islands of the Pacific,
supplement, 1945.
(11) List of references on Islands of the Pacific, 1946.
34. Japanese City Plans.
a. General:
(1) Akashi.
(2) Akita.
(3) Aomori.
{4) Aaahigaw.
(5) Chiba.
(6) Daiahoji.
(7) Fukushima.
(8) Fukui.
(9) Fukuoka.
(10) Fushiki.
(11) Gifu.
(12) Hachinohe.
(13) Hagi.
(14) Hamarnatsu.
(15) Higaahi-Iwase.
(16) Hikone.
(17) Hirosaki.
(18) Hiroshima.
(19) Hitachi.
(20) Inch' on.
(21) Iizuka.
(22) Isabaya.
(23) Kagoshima.
(24) Kamaishi.
(25) Kawasaki.
(26) Kashiwazaki.
(27) Kobe.
(28) Kofu.
(29) Kokura.
(30) Kudamatsu.
(31) Komatsu.
(32) Koriyama.
(33) Korozno.
(34) Kumamoto.
34. a. (35) Kure.
(36) Kurume.
(37) Kyoto.
(38) Maebasbi.
(39) Matsue.
(40) Mihara and Itozaki.
(41) Minamata.
(42) Mi t o.
( 43) Miyazaki.
( 44) Morioka.
(45) Muroran.
(46) Musan.
( 4 7) Nagasaki.
( 48) N agaoka.
( 49) Nagano.
(50) Nagoya.
(51) Nanao.
(52) Naoetsu.
(53) Niigat a.
(54) Niihama.
(55) Niitsu.
(56) Nobeoka.
(57) Numazu and Mishima.
(58) Ogald.
(59) Oita.
(60) 0-Machi.
(61) Om.inato.
(62) Omura.
(63) Omuta.
(64) Onoda.
(65) Osaka-Kobe.
(66) Otake-Iwakuni.
(67) Otaru.
(68) Otsu and Seta.
(69) Rumoi.
(70) Saga.
(71) Sakata.
(72) Sapporo.
(73) Sendai.
(7 4) Shikama, Horohata, and Aboshi.
(7 5) Shlmizu.
(76) Shomonoseki and MojL
(77) Shizuoka.
(78) Suit&.
(79) Takada.
(80) Takamatsu.
(81) Takaoka.
(82) Takas&ki.
(83) Takayama.
(84) Toba.
(85) Tokushima.
(86) Tokuyama.
(87) Tokyo.
(88) Tottori.
(89) Tsuchiukf.
(90) Tsuruga.
(91) Tsuyama.
(92) Toyama.
(93) Ube.
(94) Uotau.
(95) Utaunomlya.
(96) Wakayama.
(97) Wakamatsu ..
(98) Yamagata.
(99) Yamaguchi.
(100) Yatsushiro.
(101) Yawata, Tobata and Wakamatsu.
(102) Yokkaichi.
(103) Yokohama.
(104) Yonago.
(105) Zentsuji.
35. Office of Strategic
a. I nterdepartmental committee for the acquisition of
foreign publications:
(1) Accession lists, Series H- 1 through H-17, 1
December 1945 (incomplete).
(2) Accession list8, special, Nos. 4 and 5, July 1943.
{3) Accession lists, n umerie&l, No. 1 through 1209,
February 1943-January 1946 (incomplete).
(4) Accession lists, unnUDlbered, January 1946 and
no date.
{5) Indexes to abetracta on European and Far
Eastern peraon&lities, January
(6) Indexes to foreign publications, 13 Jauuary 1944-
2 January 1946.
(7) I ndexes to abstraeta on eDeJDy oil, 10 Aprill944-
17 December 1M5.
(8) Indexes to abatraeta !Utinc to fae1a &Dd Jubri-
canta, 2 April-28 May IM5.
(9) Microfilm Usta. numeriall, No. 1748 tbrocch
6176, no datee Cmcomplete).
(10) Abstracta on Japu, nlllllel'ial, No. 1100
through No. 1053, DO datee
{11) Truwldo111 Whlel of CDideDta of O.iu n
periodicals. 5 October lMS-4 J.....,. 1114.
38. Civil Atrain Raacfboob
.. Army 8erriae Panel_ ... 011 lapa:
(1) MIM-lA, popal'ld- ata&iltial, JO llama 11&5.
(2) MJM-2. pvae-t 111111 edin" tntioa, Jua-
{3) IOH-IA, ., .. , ._, aad edwleehutioa, 1
July liM.
(4) JOH-IB, &Dtw.....& ad ''wleehbrtlaa, 15
(S) KJH-a.llpl...a... lq;l
(8) 111M-U. a tl ...... I Pella '7 IN&.
. (7) IIJH-&,pta-ID'tl--.,.8&;' ._liM.
(8) IIIH-I, IMDIJ ad 61 ats r, Reo ._ IIH.
(I) )IIH-e. ........ Ill- ... ltq J.IH.
(10) IIIII 7. apii._W. I Aid IIH..
(11) .... ' lfQ lML
(II) .. ti-e ..
(11) ----.
(If) .. ..._
., August 1944.
:\135-!-14 public safety, "' 19 I I
36. a. ' "3 June "i'::l:
(20) i\1354- 15, .. '>9 Jul Y 1944.
("1) l\1354- 16, pubhc ;;4 July 1944.
(22) l\1354- 17, cultural 1945.
(23) :\135-!-17 . .\. , .of occupied
(24) l\1354- 1 . .\., Japane-e a mm:
areas, Burma, 2 of occupied
25) M35-l-1 B, Japanese a muu
I 1
., . August 1944.
area , l\ a aya, - .:> n of occupied
(26) l\135-!-1 C, Japanese
,., ,.ens Ph1hppine Island , 31 Ju ) 'ed
..... ..._._ . f of occup1
(27) M35-!-1 E, Japane-e admmlstra ton
- Thruland 15 December 194
areas, ' -t 1945
\2 ) :\135-!-19, Kagoshtma Ken, 6 Augu::; .. .
29) :\:1354- 20, :\1tyazaki Ken, 4 August
"'"' ::. ' "1 Ken, August 194:>.
l } :..\Jo)v -r-- J - :;,
(31) M354-22, Sags Ken, 4 August 1945.
(32) M35-!-23, Fukuoka. Ken, 1 August 1945. _
) Kumamoto Ken, 8 August 194.:>.
(34) Oitn. Ken, 9 August 1945.
b. Armv .... erTice Forces manual on Germany:
{1) electriC power, 24 February 1944:
c. A.rmv '"'ervice Forces manuals on French Indo-China.
(1) M359-1, geographical and social background, 21
April 1944.
{2) M359-6, natural resources, 29 :\larch 1944.
(3) M359- . indtb"'iry and commerce, 22 January
(4) :\1359-9, labor, 16 May 1944.
(5) M359-11 and 12, transportation systems and
communications, 29 :\larch 1944.
(6) M359-13. public health and sanitation, 16 No-
Yember 19-13.
d. Army Service Forces manuals on Philippine
(1) M365-8. indtL::-rry and commerce,8February 1944.
(2) I\1365-9, labor, 14 Apri1 1944.
12, transport ation systems and
commumcations, 7 September 1944.
t. Arm'" Forces manual on Korea:
(l ) l 37G-i , agriculture, 16 October 1944
f . War Department manuaJs on Japan:
(!) 31-2, public .he_alth in Empire, November 1944
(-) 31-20 ' prehmmary report on coal . . . .
dustry, 30 October 1945. IDlmng In-
(3) Aichi Ken, 7 ::;eptembcr
( 31-3t>9, Tokyo To, September 194- o.
(<>) 31-361, Ibaraki Ken
... t beiJ.
(6) 31-362 Saitama K ' .. ep em r 1945.
(i ) 31-365, Okavama ' eptember 1945.
( ) 31-36; : 0 aku Fu 21 September 1945.
(9) 21-369, Yamanashi K eptember 1915.
(10) 31-370, Mie Ken 21 en, 21 September 1945.
(11) 31- 2-
T.- ' eptember 1915
ol '.nagawa Ken S t . .
g. Office of Chief of ' ep ember 1045.
F .. aval Ope t'
ormosa and. Iandated Is.l d ra Ions manuals on
{1) OP.t.AV 13-22 T k ;n .
(2) OP -AV Ka a ao rovmce, I October 1944
1 0 ' renko and T . .
ctober 1944. &Ito Provine
(3) OP -AV 13- - . cs,
1944 2:>, Shtnchtku Pro .
. vance, 15 October
(4) OPN AV 13- 26, T aichu Province, 15 Octo
(5) OPN A V 13- 27, Taihoku Province,
N' bert944 .
1944. ovetnber
(6) OPN A V 13-28, T a inan Province, 1 Oct b
(7) OPN A V 50E-4, a dminist rative
personnel of J apanese Mandated I slands
n and
un.ry 1944. ' n Jan ..
(8) OPNAV 50E-12, Taiwan(Formosa) 15J
(9) OPN A V 50E- 13, Taiwan (Formos'a) une 1944.
supplement , 1 June 1944. -economic
37. Gazet teers.
a. General (Army Map Service, Navy Hydrogr hi
Office, Na t ional Geographic Society, etc): ap
(1) l\1anchuria (dat e unknown) .
(2) Korea (Chosen), November 1943.
(3) Korea, Sept ember 1944.
(4) Burma, April 1944.
(5) Japan, November 1944.
(6) Hokkaido and Karafuto, January 1945.
(7) Chishima-Retto (Kurile Islands), May 1944.
(8) Kyushu, December 1944.
(9} Formosa (Taiwan), January 1945.
(10) Ryukyu-Retto and Ogasawara-Gunto, January
(11) Philippine I slands, July 1944.
(12) New Guinea, November 1943.
(13) Sumatra, July 1944.
(14) Lesser Sunda Islands, March 1944.
(15) Molukken Islands, July 1944.
(16) Melanesia, October 1943.
(17) Papua and Australian mandated territory, 1943.
(18) Java and Madoera, 1943.
(1 9) Solomon Islands, Bismarck Archipelago and ii1IDdl
off southeastern end of New Guinea, July 1944.
(20) Hawaiian I slands, November 1943.
(21) Caroline, Marianas, Marshall and Gilbert Ialnde,
July 1944.
(22) Borneo, April 1944.
(23) Java, May 1944.
(24) Malay states, October 1944. De-
(25) French Indo-China and south China Sea,
cember 1944.
(26) Japan, March 1945. lM'
(27) Chishima Rettor(Kurile Islands), November
(28) Japanese Empire, August 1943.
(29) Philippine Islands, 1945.
(30) Pacific Ocean and Bay of Bengal, 1943
(31) Asia and adjacent areas, 1942. and ...
(32) Japan and adjacent regions of Asia
Ocean, 1944.
(33) China, 1945. I10fl.
(34) Southeast Asia and Pacific Isiandl
Indies and Philippines to the Solomolllt
(35) Union of Soviet Republics, 1945.
(36) Official guide to Japan (part 1), DO
(37) Official guide to Japan (part 2), no
(38) Japanese place names in cha.raCtel'l
script, 1942.
(39) Guide to Japan, 1 September 1946
(40) .Japanese place names arranged
"Fadtmack", 7 August 194&.
1- a. Joint Target Group, Air Target Intelligence and
analysis by areas, Japanese War (11 volumes):
(1) General analysis.
(2) Index.
(3) Targets in China, Korea, Hokkaido and northern
( 4.) Targets in Tokyo area.
(5) Targets in Tokyo and Shizuoko areas.
(6) Targets in Nagoya area.
(7) Targets in central Honshu.
(8) Targets in southern Honshu and eastern Kyushu.
(9) Targets in Shimonoseki areas.
(10) Targets in Kyushu.
(11) Targets in Japanese Pacific islands, Manchuria,
and Mukden.
1-b. Joint Target Group, Air Target Intelligence by target
system, Japanese War (13 volumes):
(1) Japanese target index.
(2) Petroleum targets.
(3) Coke, iron, and steel targets.
( 4) Same, listing target area numbers.
(5) Nonferrous metals targets.
(6) Aircraft.
{7) Shipping.
(8) Armament.
(9) Electrical equipment industry.
(10) Machine-tool industry.
(11) Road and rail transportation.
(12) Electric power.
( 13) Urban areas.
1-c. JANIS reports (Joint Army-Navy IntellipDoestudies
by areas).
(1} No. 73, southeastern Siberia, VoL 1 of 2 (re-
ports), February 1945.
(2) No. 73, southeastern Siberia, VoL 2 of 2 (plana),
February 1945.
(3) No. 75, Korea (including Tsuahima and Quel-
port), Vol. 1 of 2 (reports), AprD 1945. d n.....L
(4) No. 75, Korea (including Taushima AD
port), Vol. 2 of 2 (plana), AprD VoL 1
(5) No. 76, China, east coast, ooeanuaa..--r
of 2 (reports), November 19'4. ---'- 01.
(6) No. 76, China, east coast, ooeanuea......,-
of 2 (plana), November 1944.
(7) No. 7&-1, supplement to No. 78, Juaa 1':!.-
(8) No. 77, China, south ooad 1 (re-
ince, including Hal-nan Ialand),
porta), March 1946.
(9) No. 77, China, south
ince, includiq Bat-DaD .........,,
(charta), March !HI.
(10) No. 78, Kamchatka, coasts, and landing beaches,
Vol. 1 of 2 (reports), January 19(5.
(11) No. 78, Kamchat ka, coasts, and landing beaches,
Vol. 2 of 2 (plans), January 1945.
(12) No. 79, Sakhalin (including Karafuto) , ocean-
ography (reports) , August 1945.
(13) No. 80, Kurile islands (report and plans) , No-
vember 1944.
(14) No. 81, northern Japan: Hokkaldo, ol 1 of 2
(reports) , September 19.
(15) No. 81, northern Japan: Hoktaido, Vol. 2 of 2
(plans) , September 1944 ..
(16) No. 81-1, northern Japan: Hokkaido, (reports
and plans), May 1M5.
(17) No. 84, southwest J&p&n: Kyushu, Shikoku &Dd
southwestern HoDBhu, VoL 1 of 2 (reports),
August 19.
(18) No. M, aouthwest Japan: Kyuahu, &Dd
southwestern HoDShu, Vol 2 of 2 (pl&lll) , August
(19) No. M, repriDta (terrain strip mapa), 15 October
(20) No. 84-1., eouthweBt Japu1: Kyaaha, Shikoku,
and aouthweltenl BODBhu. Vol. 1 ol 2 (plaaa).
Kay UM5.
(21) No. 84-l, IIOUtlrwelt Japua: K1ushu, Slnmtu,
aDd eout.hwuteiD HODBhu, Vol. 2 of 2 (plaas),
(22) No. 84-2, supplement t;o No. 81, Vol. 1 ol 2
(report), Jaae lMI.
(23) o. 84-2, acapp1ement to o. 84, Vol 2 ol 2
(plaal), Aqul& IlK.
(M) o. 85, oeatdl lapu: Oeatnl .... DOI'&IIma
BODIIm, 01. 1 I (liljJOI"t8), Oatlala liM.
(H) 0. 85, caat.rsl Japua: o.tnl ....'D
BODIIm, 01. I fill (plaas), Oatiala liH.
(II) o. 11, reprilda (laaM aw!JM), u Deeeznber
!'-85-l, protlllaMI '*l!'d Mflllapu (air-
laid iJIIIII!PIIIP nt I Now..,_, to c& 80, 11. II.
81, aad II IMNN7 ltNI.
(II) 0. D-1. .;..... J...-: Owta1ll ..........
...... 01. lflll f ' 1111. b
(II) o. 11-a. ....... O.aa Md ..-a A
....... Ol.lall (! 1111.
- 0. .......
r 1 1 of 3 (reports) ,
... 7 Formosa (Taiwan), ' o.
1-t. (32) o i9H y 1 CJ of 3 (reports) ,
7 (Taiwan), o . _,
(33) No. )
ne 1944. . ) ' ' ol 3 of 3 (plans ,
(34) No 7, Formosa ' t
June 1_:-14. (Taiwan), change 1, Augus
(35) X o. I'
1944. (Taiwan) change 2, November
(36) Ko. i , Formosa '
1944. ds (reports)' April 1944.
(37) Xo 102, Marianas Isl: y l 1 of 2 (repor ts) ,
) 'So. 103, Palau Islan ' o.
.April 19-!t. ds Yol 2 of 2 (plans) , April
) X o. 103, Palau Islan ,
1944. . I 1 cis Yol 1 of 2 (reports),
(40 'So 104. Carolme san ' .
19HC. lin I-lands Yol. 2 of 2 (plans),
(41) 104, aro e :s '
April 1944.

(42) Xo. 150, Borneo (reports), May . o.
(43 Xo. 154, Philippmes (except Mmdanao), Vol.
1 of 2 (reports), July 1944. . .
(44) 'Ko. 154, Philippines (except l\1mdanao), msert
for Vol. 1, October 1944.
(45) Xo. 154. Philippines (except Mindanao), change
1. September 1944.
(46) 154, Philippines (except change
2, December 194-!.
(4, No. 155, Celebes Sea area, VoL 1 of 4 (reports),
Mav 1944.
(4 ) No." 155, Celebes Sea area, Vol. 4 of 4 (plans),
May 1944.
(49) No. 155, Celebes Sea area, insert for Vol. 1,
,..eptember 1944.
(50) No. 157, Netherlands New Guinea, Vol. 1 of 3
(reports), March 1944.
(51) No. 157, New Guinea, Vol. 2 of 3
(repon ::), March Hi-!4.
(52) ..-o. 157, Netherlands New Guinea, Vol. 3 of 3
(plans), March 1944.
1- d. Air Objective Folders (listed by t arget area) Offi f
Assis Chi , ce o
c;c; -r:ant -ef _of Air t.aff Intelligence, formerlv
lntelhRence United States Army A' F .
Washington, D. C.: li orces,
(1) Key place na.mes and air objectives index Far
East, July 1944. '
(2) Key to Japanese objectives 1 M 194
(3) "'upplement - 1 ' ay

(4) o 811 B. o. to above, September 1944.
. . . , omeo north area Eritish .
lSlands, 15 December
' Pacific
area, . etherlands East I '. o. 94.4, Borneo sout h
(5) No. 82.1 Burma north ndies, 15 December 1912
1943. ' area, Burma, 15
(6) No. 82.2, Burma south
beT 1942. area, Burma, 15 Decem-
(7) o. 83.1, Shanghai Cb'
No S3 2 W ' IDa }
No. sa's' H enChow, China 15 lovember
(8) -o. 83. 4' C ankow, China 1943. ,
Q} , anton area Ch'
J: o.83.6, Bainanarea'chtna,1 May 1943
' 1na 1 N:r
, 4 ovember 1942.
(10) No. 83.12, Tientsin area, China,
F b
1943. e ruary
(11) No. 84.1, Seishin , l {orea
No. 84.2, Konan, Korea
No. 84.3, Heijo, Korea
No. 84.4, Genzan, Korea
No. 84.5, KQr ea East, Korea
No. 84. 6, Keijo, Korea
No. 84.7, Fusan, Korea
No. 84.8, Koshu, Korea
12 Aul\lat
(12) No. 85. 1, Indo-China, north area; French
China, 15 November 1943. ndo..
(13) No. 85.2, Indo-China, south area; French
China, 1 April 1944. n o-
(14) No. 90.1, Karafuto area, Japan, 15 October
(15) No. 90.2, Hokkaido, north Japan }
No. 90.3, Muroran, Japan 1 June 1944
No. 90.4, Hokodate, Japan
(16) No. 90.5, Aomori, northern Honshu
area, Japan
No. 90.6 Akita, northern Honshu
area, Japan 7 September
No. 90.7, Morioka, northern Honshu 1944.
area, Japan
No. 90.8, Kamaishi, northern Hon-
shu, Japan
(17) No. 90.9, Nigata, Japan
No. 90.10, Fukushima, Japan
(18) No. 90.11, Toyama, Japan
No. 90.15, Takayama, Japan
No. 90.22, Maizuru, Japan
No. 90.23, Kyoto, Japan
18 September
No. 90.26, Matsue, Japan
(19) No. 90.12, Nagano, Japan }24 Jul7liM.
No. 90.13, Takasaki, Japan
(20) No. 90. 14, Mito area, Japan, 15 March UNL
(21) No. 90.16, Kofu, Japan } liM.
No. 90.18, Shizuoka, Japan 5 August
No. 90.21, Hamamatsu, Japan
(22) No.90.17,Tokyoarea,Japan,15 1M.
(23) No. 90.20, Nagoya area, Japan, 6 Jul7l
(24) No. 90.24, Kumano area, Japan,
(25) No. 90.25, Osaka area, Japan, 15 June
(26) No. 90.27, Okayama, Japan
No. 90.28, Kochi, Japan -at
No. 90.29, Niihama, Japan 22 Aua--
No. 90.30, Kure, Japan
No. 90.31, Bungo, Japan
(27) No. 90.32, Tokuyama area, Japan,
1944 and 1 July 1944.
(28) No. 90.33, Kyushu east, Japan }
No. 90.37, Yatsushiro, Japan
No. 90.38, Kyushu south, Japan
(29) No. 90.34, Shimonoseki, Japan,
(30) No. 90.35, Kurume area, Japan,
(31) No. 90.36, Sasebo, Japan }18
No. 90.39, Tsushima, Japan
(32) No. 91.1, Kurile Islands area,
islands, 1 November 1942
1-d. (33) No. 91.3, Taihoku area, Japanese
Pacific islands.
No. 91.4, Taiwan west area, Japan-
ese Pacific islands.
No. 91.5, Taiwan east area, Japan-
ese Pacific islands.
No. 91.6, Takao area, Japanese
Pacific islands.
1 December
No. 91.7, Pescadores Islands area, Japanese
Pacific islands, 15 February 1943.
No. 92.1, Malay States north } .
No. 92.2, Singapore, Malay States
5 Aprlll943.
No. 93. 1, Manchuria north, Man-
churia areas.
No. 93.2, Manchuria east, Man-
churia areas.
No. 93.3, Mukden, Manchuria 31 July 1944.
No. 93.4, Manchuria west, Man-
churia areas.
No. 93.5, Dairen, Manchuria areas
(37) No. 94.1, north Sumatra area, Philippines, East
Indies and southeastern Asia, 15 November 1942.
(38) No. 94.2, south Sumatra area, Netherlands East
Indies, 20 November 1942.
(39) No. 94.3, Java area, Netherlands East Indies,
20 November 1942.
(40) No. 94.5, Celebes-Timor area, Netherlands
East Indies, 1 December 1942.
(41) No. 96.1, north Philippines)
area, Philippine Islands... . 15 August 1M3.
No. 96.2, south Philippmes
area, Philippine Islands.
(42) No. 98.1, Thailand north,
No. 98.2, Bangkok, TbaDand 1 February 1M3.
No. 98.3, Thailand south,
1-e. Target photographs:
(1) Photos Nos. 1 to 2950, incomplete, and Tab-
matsu, Tachikawa landing grounds
(Joint Target Group numbeD).
(2) Photos Nos. 3000 to 7010, Incomplete, (XXI
Bomber Command numberl). (XXI
(3) Photos Nos. 3000 to 8008, inoomplete,
Bomber Command numberl).
1-J. Mbloellaneous area studiel from
(1) Reference book.
(2) Akita, Yamagata and Aomori.
(3) Chogoku No. 1, Sblm&De, Tottari ud Biro-
( 4) Chogoku No. 2, Okayam& and yamapolaL
(5) Hokkaido.
(6) Hokuriku seotloD, Napno, Upta. TOJ8IDI,
Fukui, and lsbikawa prefecWI'&
(7) Kamchatka.
(8) Kanto airfield& ft'::!:
(9) Kanto, Chlba, Ibaratl. ud &.,... ...
(10) Kanto, Gumma, 8altama aad y .........
{11) Kuto, Kanapwa.
{12) Karafuto, BakhtiiD .........
(13) CK'itnki No. 1, Hyogo, Nara, Kyoto, and Kobe
1 y.
(14) Kinki No. 2, Osaka and Osaka eity.
(15) Kinki To. 3, Shiga and Wakayama.
(16) Kuriles.
(17) Kyushu No. 1, mtster index book.
(18) Kyushu No. 2, miscellaneous datL
(19) Kyushu No. 3, miscellaneous data.
(20) Kyushu No. 4, industries.
(21) Kyushu No. 5, Fukuoka, Saga, and Nagasaki.
(22) Kyushu To. 6, Oita, Mi yazaki, Kagoshima, and
(23) Miyagi, Fukushima, and lwate.
(24) Nagoya, Kobe, and Osaka, master index book,
Vol. 1.
(25) N agaya, Kobe, and Osaka, muter index book,
Vol. 2.
(26) Shikoku, Kagawa, ToJrusbima, Ehime, and KoehL
(27) Tokaido book To. 1, Aiebi &nd Mie
(28) Tokaido book No.2, Shizuoka and Gifu
(29) Tokyo Prefecture and 'Jiokyo City.
1-g. Photo industrial Btudie8, Air JnteDiaenee Group
Divsion of Naval oflice of Chief ol
Naval OperatioDB, Navy Department:
(1) OPNAV-lfrVP 101, J&DU&I')' 1945, Japanese
eleettonicl, report o. 1.
(2) OPNAV-lfrVP 102, Jaauary lMS, repcu1 No.2.
Japueae mDitary bai)dinp .
(3) OPNAV-lfrVP JotFebrauylMli,npart No.I,
Japaneae pus, aatiaircraft and ..,..., defeDae.
(4) OP AV-tfrVP 101, February lMS, report No.
4, bellch iDterpretation.
(5) OP AV-16-VP 105, March lMS, report No.5,
Japueae aircnfL
(8) OP AV-11-VP 101, llay 1Mli, report No. I,
Japuese ebippiD&.
(7) OP AV-16-VP-8, Kay liM, report No. II,
Japu !II airaraft UeJt-.
1-l. Pbot.o fDdiiiCirtallll;adiM ..... --............. oliae
A=frtant CbW Air Stair, I.....,..-, bead-
quarters, Uaited St.- .AnDy Air FGNM aDd
Pllo&opapldc btapeiMhll Oel*r Ditllioa
aftllafeDipaae, a.y Dep;ial ... .., :
(1) ...._ ..... ii*MJW taa._ ........... Ualt.ed
(J) 8tad7 o.l.. ..... ....... ,.
(I) o.l, ................... ., .. ...
(f) 8tacly o. 4, die .a wluaa INI It).
(I) o.l, die ..... iDdW17
(I) 0. ' ......... .... .... lNI
(7) Tine- , .......... .
XXI Bomber
. 'on reports, 945
2-b. Tactical 4 FebruarY 1 .
(1) No . .,6, io February 1945.
?) 0 29 Ota, F b uary 1945.
.. . ' N oya 15 e r 5
(3) No. 34, l ag '9 F bruary 194 .
(4) No. 37, Tokyo, 21 .. F: bruary 1945.
3 Tokyo, o 4"
(5) o. 39, Tokyo, 4 March 191n
(6) "'"o. ' 10 March .
(7) No. -!0, 12 March 1945.
( ) 41, Nagoy ' h 1945.
.. 42 Osaka 14 Marc
(9) ' K b '16 March 1945.
(10) 43, o e, ?0 1945.
r 44 )i agoya, ...
(11) -' . .,. 24 March 19-15. 31
(12) No. 4o, agoy 0 Kyushu targets, 27 and
(13) 46 and 5 '
4 ki Straits and Suo Nada., 27
(14) 47,
1945. d Tokyo 30 March
. d 51 an ,
(15) 48 an '
and 1 April 1945. . hima Wan Hiroshima
.. :K e-Hiros '
(16) -19, MoJl, ur 0 M h 1945.
and Sa..o::ebo areas, 3 r ardc66 Kure Hiroshima
, . 4 " ? 3 54 62 an , ' .
(17) _,o::.. o ..,
' ' ki and Shimonoseki-
Ri:ro w Shimonose
areas April1945. .
... .. ij and 57 Honshu targets, 3-4 Apnl
(18) 1'105. 001 D I
1945. Kaka' ' .
(19) 58 and 63, Musashino plant! ]liDS. a.rr-
craft engine works, 7 and 12 Apri1 1945.
(20) No. 59, 7 April1945.
(21) Nos. 60 and 61, Kyushu targets, 7-_8 Ap:U 1945.
(22) Nos. 64 and 65, Koriy&mA, 12 April 194o.
(23) No. 6i, Tokyo Arsenal area, 14 April 1945.
{24) Nos. 68 and 69, Tokyo and Kawasaki, 15 April
(25) Nos. 70 through 95, Kyushu airfields, April1945.
(26) No. 96, Tachikawa
24 April1945.
(27) Nos. 97 through 125, Kyushu airfields, April
(28) No. 126, TacbiluLwa Army Air Arsenal, 30 April
{29) os. 127 through 138, 140 through 145 and 147
through 149, Kyushu airfields, 30 April-5
(30) os. 139 and 150, Kobe-Osaka, Shimonoseki-
xawata, Suo Nada Tokuyama Aki N d
, , 1 a a.,
Buos.hima-Kure, Gisan Seto, Tokyo
a?d himonogeki areas, 3 and 5 May 1945
(31) l .o. 146, Kure, 5 May 1945. .
(32) Nos. 151 through 162 and 167 th
Kyushu airfields, 7- 11 May 1945 rough 171,
) Nos. 163 through 166 T k
refinery and O'Shima ! o uyama, Otake oil
(34) o. 172, Kobe 11 M oll 10 May 1945.
(35) .:oe. 173, 175 ' 177 194:>.
ugata, Mai; uru , T , 180, 182, 184 and 185
Nanao and Shi ' suruga, Fukuoka Fushik/
monoseki ' ,
May 1945. ratta areas, 13-27
(36) ,( o. 114
(37) No. 176, .agoya, 14 May 1945.
(38) No. 17S
1 , k&wa or
, 19 May
(39) No. 181, T okyo, 24 May 1945.
(40) No. 183, Tokyo, 25 May 1945.
(41) No. 186, Yok ohama, 29 May 1945.
(42) No. 187, Osaka, 1 June 1945.
(43) No. 188, Kobe, 5 J une 1945.
(44) No. 189, Osaka, 7 June 1945.
(45) Nos. 190, 194, 201, 202, 204, 205, 213
222, 233, 239, 244 and 246, 1r ' 221,
. k ' S . , L\.&rata"
Fukuoka, 1monose 1 t rait s, Fushiki ...
Nanao, Niigata, Sakata, Funakawa, Bag

W S k
. M. t, t.Jen..
zaki, Yuya an, a a1, 1yazu, Maizuru an
Ts uruga- Obama, 7-8 June-3-4 July 194S. d
(46) N OS. 256, 262, 268, 269, 275, 276, 282, 292 296
304, 305, 311, 318, 324 and 331,
Fukuoka, Fusan, ?enzan,
Konan, Masan, Shimonosek1 Straits, Nanao
Fushiki, N a oetsu, Rashin, . Reisui,
Niigata, Yuya Wan, Senzak1, Hagi, Maiauru,
Miyazu, Obama a nd T suruga, 9-10 July-14-1&
August 1945 (Vol. 1 of 2) .
(47) Same (Vol. 2 of 2) .
(48) Nos. 191 t hrough 193, Honshu targets, 9 JUDe
(49) Nos. 195 through 200, Omiya, Tomioka, M
shino, Chiba, Ogik.ubu, and Tachikawa, 10 J\1111
(50) No. 203, Osaka-Amagasaki, 15 June 1940.
(51) Nos. 206 t hrough 209, Kyushu and Holllhu W.
get s 17- 18 June 1945.
(52) Nos: 210 through 212, Toyohashi, Fukuobud
Shizuoka 19-20 June 1945.
(53) Nos. 215, through 220, Honshu targets, 22 "-
(54) 223 through 231, Honshu targets, 21tlllt
(55) Nos. 232, 238 and 245, Shimotsu,
(56) Nos. 234 through 237, Okayama,
and Nobeoka, 28-29 June 1945.
(57) Nos. 240 through 243, Kyushu and
gets 1-2 July 1945.
(58) Nos: 24 7 through. 250,
Himeji and Tokushima,
(59) Nos. 251 through 255, Chiba, A-
Kofu and Shimotsu, 6 July 1945. eta,
(60) Nos. 257 through 261, Honshu tara
(61) Nos. 263 through 267, Utsunomi)'Ar
Tsurugu, Uwajima and
center, 12-13 July 1945.
(62) Nos. 270, 283 and 291,
(63) Nos. 271 through 274, Nu=
and Hiratsuka, 16-17 July
(64) Nos. 277 through 281, Fukui.
Okazaki and Nippon on
(65) Nos. 284 through
pa.ny, Kawanishi
Osaka. Army Arsenal, Aiobl
Tsu Naval aircraft plant,
2- b. Company and Nakajima. Aircraft Company, 24
July 1945.
(66) Nos. 293 through 295, Matsuyama.,
and Omuta., 26-27 July 1945.
(67) Nos. 297 through 302, Tsu, Aomori, I chinomiya,
Ujiyamada, Ogaki and Uwajima, 28-29 J uly
(68) Nos. 306 through 309, Hachioji, Toyama, Naga-
oka and Mito, 1- 2 August 1945.
(69) Nos. 303, 310 an d 315, Shimotsu oil refinery,
Kawasaki petroleum complex and Ube Lique-
f action Company, 28-29 J uly-5-6 August 1945.
(70) Nos. 312 through 315, Saga., Nishi-
nomiya.- and Imbari, 5-6 August 1945.
(71) No. 317, Toyoka.wa Naval Arsenal, 7 August
(72) Nos. 319 and 320, Yawat a and Nakajima Air-
craft Company, Tokyo, 8 August 1945.
(73) Nos. 321 t hrough 323, Fukuyama, Nippon oil
refiner y, and Nakajima Aircraft
Company, Tokyo, 8-10 August 1945.
(74) Nos. 325 t hrough 330, Hikari Na,al Arsenal,
Osaka. Army Arsenal, Marifu railroad yards,
Nippon oil refinery, Kumagaya and Isesaki,
14--15 August 1945.
(7 5) Prisoner of war supply missions to China, Korea,
Formosa, Manchuria and the Japanese Home
I slands, 27 August- 20 September 1945.
2- c. Aircraft action reports (l&nd-based a.ircralt) :
(1) 1\fAG-22, Charlie Strip, le Shima, Okinawa.
(2) MAG-32, Mangald&n, Luzon; Moret Field,
(3) 1\-IAG-33, Kaden& airfield; Awase airfield.
(4) MAG-61, Emirau Island (3 parts).
(5) VD-1, Agan& Field, Guam; Yontan Field,
{6) VD-4, Eniwetok; Kwajalein..
(7) VD-5, Guam; Guinan Field, Samar; Iwo laland.
(8) VMB-413, Emirau, St. Matthias.
(9) VMB-423, Green Island; Emirau (4 parte).
(10) VMB-433, Emirau Island.
(11) VMB-443, Emirau Island.
(12) VMB-611, Emirau Island; Moret Field, z.m-
boanga (2 parts).
(13) VMB-612, East Field, Kapuan Point =
Saipan; airfield No. 1, South Field, Iwo ;
Chimu Field, Okinawa (2 parte).
(14) VMB-613, Eniwetok; Kwajalein lalaDd ud
Atoll ; Majuro Atoll.
(15) VMF-111, Enlwetok Ialand; Mlljuro Atoll. toll
(16) VMF- 113, Engebi Island, Enlwetok '
Charlie Strip, l e Shim&; Otmawa Qunto.
(17) VMF- 114, Peleliu IalaDd.
(18) VMF- 115, Zambouaga, MIDdeneo.
(19) VMF- 121, Peleliu laland.
(20) VMF-122, Peleliu lalaDd.
(21) VMF-155, Kwajalela blaDcl;
(22) VMF-211, Tuauu , LeJte;
boup, M!Ddaneo.
(23) VMF-212, Guiuan, Samar, Awaae, Kadena,
(24) VMF-218, Tanauan, Leyte; Moret Field;
Zamboanga, Mindanao.
(25) VM:F-222, Guinan, Samar.
(26) Guinan, Samar; Kadena, Awaae,
(27) Dyess Field, Roi 18land; Yontan
Field, Chimu Field, Okinawa.
(28) VMF-251, Samar Island.
(29) VMF-3H, Yontan Field, Chimu Field, Okinawa.
(30) VMF-312, Kadena Field, Okin&wa.
(31) VMF-313, Tanauan, Leyte; Moret Field,
Zambo&nga, Mindanao.
(32) VMF-314, Charlie Strip, Ie Shima.
(33) Kadena Field, Okinaw&.
(34) V!.IF-323, Kadena Field, Okinawa.
(35) VMF-422, Engebi Isl&nd, Eniwetok Atoll;
Charlie Strip, Okinawa Gunto.
(36) VMF--1, Roi l81and; Drake Field, Yontan
Field, Chimu Field, Okinawa.
(37) VMF( T}-533, Drake Field, Chimu Field,
Okinawa; Charlie Strip, Ie Shima.
(38) VMF(l\T)-534, Orote Field, Apna Field, Guam.
(39) VMF(l\,-541, T&clOban Drome; Peleliu tmanct .
(40) VMF(N)-542, Drake Field. YODtaD Field,
(41) VMF(N)-541, Okiuawa Shim
( 42) VMSB-133, MaapldaD. Luaa; Valeben1,
Mi.DdMao (I pgta).
{43) VMSB-lU, Manpldan, I...; JlanJ& Field,
MindMao (4 p&I'U) .
( ... ) VM B-231, (I ...->.
(U) VMSB-211, VanpkiM, I...; Kent Field,
MiDdanao (I ...->.
(fl) VMSB-Hl, )1.....,.., U...; Y.'ebnc.
)lindepeo (I pu18).
(47) VMBB-HI. llcnt Field, ,..,._,; v._a-
dan, LuoD (f puta).
(a) MSB-Mf, ............ ..._; Vh .....
(d) B-111, Jlalaro Ad; ...... Air .__
Ulltbl (1 ....,.
(50) B-all, .,..., AtDII (1.-->.
(61) VMSB-Ut. )( ...... , llan& Field,
10-+mo (I partll).
(D) VIITB-:-Ul, .... ..t ,Or s 8ldp.
.... ,... .&II' a-, Pe' !Ia.
(Hi ;vr;:m: .... . ..... , a
Pllld,mll ....
(II) 11..__ .... ;
(II) I
base Tinian;
. ld Naval r '
VPB-102, West Fie. ' arts). .
2-c. (62) Field Iwo Juna (3 p ds East Indtes;
' . N etherlsn )
(63) VPB- 104, Morotru, I . F' ld Luzon (12 part.: .
Tacloba.n, Leyte; Palawan, Phil-
(64) YPB-106, West Fiel '
ippine Islands (2 Tinian; Iwo Jiiila (2
(65) YPB-10 , Naval Air base,
parts). . 'fr tbrook Field, Puer t o
rpB-109 Okinawa; n es d
(66) ' Philippine Islan s.
Princessa; Palawa.n, hil' ine Islands; Taclo-
(67) VPB-111, lpd (6 par ts) .
L yt West e u.u I d'
ban, e e, . Netherlands East n tes,
(6 ) VPB-11<>, Morotru, Isl d Wakde Island.
I.sla.nd Schouten an . .
m ' I J'ma Tmta.n.
(69) YPB-116, Field Tacloba.n,
(70) VPB-117, :11cGI.lll'tl le '
Levte (7 parts). (2 arts)
(71) \'"PB-118, Tini&n; Yonta.n, Okinawa p .
) VPB-119, Clark Field, Luzon (3 rt
(i3) V&B-121, Ulithi; JUD& (2 pa s).
{74) VPB-123, Yontan Field, . d
(75) 'VPB-124, Air base, Tini&n, Yonta.n Fiel ,
(76) VPB-128, Puerta Princessa. .
{77) VPB-130, Morotai, Nether lands East Indies (2
{78) VPB-131, Casco Field, Attu.
(79) 'VPB-133, West Field, Tinian.
{80) 'VPB-137, Clark Field, Luzon.
(81) VPB-139, Casco Field, Attu.
(82) VPB-144, Eniwetok.
(83') VPB-146, Morotai, Netherlands East Indies.
{84) VPB-151, West Field, Tinian.
(85) VPB-208, Ulithi; Kerama Retto; t"SS Hamlin.
(86) Miscellaneous units:
{a) AG-12, Marine Air base, Ulithi.
(b) VB-106, Momoto airfield, Admiralty Is.
{c) VM-3, Kerama Retio.
{d) VMD-354, I WO Jima.
{e) VS-66, Majuro Atoll (2 parts) .
{f) Headquarters SqUAdron 13, MajUl'o Atoll.
(g) Squadron 24, Ma.labang
Mindanao (3 parts). '
(h) Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Ocean
. Areu detachment, K wajelain Island
Group 2, Agana Field, Guam
1, Naval Air base,
(k) Navy attack data.
2-d. Airtraft, action reporta ( .
(1) Taak Group 12.4. earner-baaed aircraft):
(2) Taak Group 38.1.
(3) Taak Group
(4) Taak Group 52
1 1
(5) Taak Group 5212
(6) Taak Group s
(7) Taak Group 58

(8) Taak Group 58.

{i) Taak Group 58.4
(10) Tllk Group 7a:4 (3 P&rte).
USS Half Moon, San Carlos, Orca T
. N G . ' angter
based a t Samaur1, ew u1nea, and Da '?d
(12) USS Anzio.
) USS Barataria (2 part s) .
) USS Bataan (3 parts).
(15) USS Belleau Wood (2 parts).
(16) USS Bennington.
(!7) USS Bismar ck Sea.
8) USS Block I sl and (3 parts) .
(19) USS Bon Homme Richard (2 parts).
(20) USS Bunker Hill.
(21) USS Cabot .
(22) USS Cape Glouchester.
(23) USS Chenango (3 parts).
(24) USS Cowpens (4 parts).
(25) USS Currit uck (2 parts).
(26) USS Enterprise (3 part s).
(27) USS Essex (3 parts).
(28) USS Fanshaw Bay.
(29) USS Franklin.
(30) USS Gilbert I slands (2 parts).
(31) USS Half Moon.
(32) USS Hamlin.
(33) USS Hancock (3 parts).
(34) USS Harrison.
(35) USS Hogatt Bay.
(36) USS Hornet (3 parts).
(37) USS Independence (2 parts).
(38) USS Intrepid (2 parts).
(39) USS Langley.
(40) USS Lexington (6 parts).
(41) USS Lunga Point.
( 42) USS Makassar Strait.
( 43) USS Makin Island.
( 44) USS Manila Bay.
( 45) USS Marcus Island.
( 46) USS Monterey.
( 4 7) USS Natoma Bay.
(48) USS Nehenta Bay
(49) USS Norton Sound.
(50) USB Onslow.
(51) USS Orca.
(52) USS Petrof Bay.
(53) USS Randolph (2 parts).
(54) USS Rudyerd Bay.
(55) USS Saginaw Bay (2 parts).
(56) USS Salamaua..
(57) USS Sangamon.
(58) USS San Jacinto (3 parts).
(59) USS Santee.
(60) USB Saratoga.
(61) USS Sargent Bay (3 parts).
(62) USS Savo Island.
(63) USS Shamrock Bay (2 parts).
(64) USS Shangri La (3 parts).
(65) USS Shipley Bay.
(66) USS Steamer Bay.
(67) USB Suwanee (4 parts).
(68) USS Tangier (2 parts).
( 69) USB Ticonderoga.
2-d. (70) USB Vela Gulf.
(71) USS Wake Island.
(72) USB Wasp.
(73) USS Yorktown (5 parts) .
2-e. Fifth Air Force stat istics and summaries :
(1) Summary, July 1945.
(2) Summary, August 1945.
(3) Miscellaneous statistics, key and t abulations,
July and August 1945.
2-f . Seventh Air Force stat istics and summaries :
(1) Statistics on operat ions.
(2) United States Strategic Bombing Sur vey report
on operations, 7 December 1941- 14 August 1945
(preliminary draft) .
(3) Annual summary, 1944.
(4) Statistical summary for May 1945.
(5) Air operat ions anc1 evaluation report, 7 December
1941- 2 September 1945 (enclosure 1-United
States St rategic Bombing Survey report on
Seventh A1r Force).
(6) St at istics on operations in Pacific areas, Novem-
ber 1943-April 1945 (enclosure 2-United
St ates Strategic Bombing Survey report on
Sevent h Air Force).
(7) Report on last four months of war, summary of
operations (enclosure 3 of United States Strategic
Bombing Survey report on Seventh Air Force).
(8) St atistics on operat ions in the Gilberts,
and Carolines, November 1943-March 1944:
(enclosure 4 of 'Gnited States St rategic Bombing
Survey report on Seventh Air Force).
(9) Statistics on operations in the Marshalls,
Carolines, and Marianas, April 1944--July 1944
(enclosure 5 of United States Srategic Bombing
Survey report on Seventh Air Force).
(10) Statistics on operations in the Marshalls,
Carolines, Marianas, Bonins, Kazan Retto
(Volcano Islands), and Philippines, 1 August
1944-31 December 1944 (with comparatJve
data on certain series for November 1M3-
December 1944) (enclosure 6 of United States
Strategic Bombing Survey report on Seventh
Air Force) .
(11) Chronological disposition, major tactical unita,
February 194:2-December 1H4 (reference it.em 7
of United States Stratfeio BombiDI Surve1
report on Seventh Air Force).
(12) Statistics on status of aircnft, 81 A1IPI' lld-
31 December 19M (reference item 8 of Ualtied
States Strategio Bombing Sune7 report
Seventh Air Foroe).
(13) Survey of "Galvanic" plan of operatloD a!:
ence item 9 of United fil'atllle DUll...,...
Survey report on Seventh
(14) Btatistica on operatioDI, II IMI...:..
January JH4 Crefereooe ltlllll 10
Statea Strateafo Bombt ..
Sevent h Air Foroe).
(15) Statiatfoa on operatloal.
lN-6 (refeNDoe lteaa 11
tegic Bombing Survey report on Seventh Air
(16) Statistics on operatione, 3 March
August 1944 (reference item 12 of United States
Bombing Survey report on Seventh
Air Force) .
(17) Statistics on operations, 16 August 19#-31
December 1944 (reference item 13 of United
States Strategic Bombing Survey report on
Seventh Air Force).
(18) Quarterly summary of 1 January-31
March 1945 (reference item 14 of United States
Strategic Bombing Survey report on Seventh
Air Force).
(19) Summary of 1 April-30 June 194:5
(reference item 15 of United St&tea Strategic
Bombing Survey on Seventh Air Foree).
(20) History of Seventh Air Force, 1 April-14 July
1945 (reference item 16 of United States Stra-
tegic Bombing Survey report on Seventh Air
2-g. Twentieth Air Force atati&tics and 8UIIUD&l"ieel:
(1) Statistical BUIIl.ID&I'y of operations apinst Japan.
(2) Summary of operatioD&. 5 June-14 Aupst 1M5.
(3) Statistics on bombardmellt arbaD area tarpta,
listed by objective aa. uumher.
(4) Statistics OD bomb&rdment of ain:raft iDduatay,
listed by t.arp& objective 1nrmber, iupt Dumber
and company name
(5) Statisticw OD bombudment petrolenn aDd
other industrial &arpta, listed by tarpt
tive number, tarpt Dvmber aDd oompe.ny name
(6) 8tatist.ica OD boaabulmeat of aiziieMI, Jilted by
t;arpt objeetiYe DmDW, tarpJit pgmlw aDd
tarpt name.
(7) Summary of tMtlia8l aDd .uw-r.......,... milt-
sioDIUii.DI hiP-e ..... " bomlw - ail fnstelle-
tioDa iD Japu1 1 Home leJepde
(8) Sta&illiae OD ..... lxaNRI i d.- by IOICila
Compalitle Glvap. w bJ- ri ..........
(I) "StarfttiaD," ph 1 ....,_of lltnttll'lo f!w
(10) SmnWVJ of 841 lllla'llllh air ..-r't61N. I
JunHJ' 1111 I' -.... lNL
(11) 8am1"'7oft tlaa .... ,.a41 MIMI.
s-L _._Oanes"" 1t11t111iDr ... -uw:

fda- ..........
(I) Air ....... - 217, -. .q
.. ..
.... ..__._ rr1sr
Barw 0t -

_..., I 111 ..... ..,

CU capentfnw w f7,
='d __ ..._
(I) Carll_.

. and summaries:
ArmY Air Forces statistiCS n r II December 1945.
. al eli t World n ar ,
(1) Statisti c ges ' maries
-l Navy Air Forces statistics and sum of daily
. . w eventeen, su 73 8
(1) Fleet Air mg f Task Group
search operations by o
from 2-11 194o. ort of engagement
(2) Fleet Air Wmg even.teen,_ rep rck Sea, night of
with enemY convoy lll BtSma
15-16 January 194
. era-
Fleet Air Wing even teen, of rescue Fop D
u1 (L1eutenant
tions Luichow enms a 1945
and four members of crew), 2 July . .
(4) Beet Air Wing l ighteen, summary of operatwns,
12 October 1945.
(.5) Forte i 3, comments on Black Cat opera-
tions in Ea.stern Bismarck ea, 1 January
(6) Force i 3, comments on operations
m Xew Guinea-Bismarck Archipelago area
from August through :Kovember, 1 December
(7} i 08tb Attack Squadron, miscellaneous battle and
reports, 4 October-6 November
2-m. Naval surface action summaries:
(1 ReportS of various surface actions 30 J une-1
September 1945.
2--n. Tabula.oons of attack and bombing data:
(1) IndeJ: of Pactfic reports and distribution record
of tabulations.
(2) Report :No. 1, lb-ting of target bombing card by
country, by target, by day for each of the follow-
ing air forces: Fifth, Seventh, Tenth, Eleventh
Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Twentieth, and Kavy. '
(3) No. 1A, listing of t arget bombing card
showmg attacks by all the "'Gnited St ates Air
Forces (including Navy) on aircraft plants and
airfielch. These targets are on the Japanese
Isla.nds only.
(4) Report No. 2A, listing of t arget bombin d
sh . gear
- omng. attacks on Japan only by the
- avy, mcluding attacks by land-based Navy
- (5) Repo_n -o. 3, listing of t arget mast
code listing of target locations
scnp Joint T&rget Group numbP.r -
countnes except Japan attacked b J - for
States Air Forces (includi - Y all t ruted
(6) Report l . o 3A 1' t' ng .L avy).
. , t tng of target t
a owing code listin r mas er cards
descriptions, Joint ettarget locations and
t.:rgets attat-..ked in Jap!n bGroup for
Au Forces (including ) Y all Umted States
(7) Report r o 5 r t' avy .
J . ' lS mg of su
apanese cities showing mmary cards of
craft dropping bombs an:onthly of air-
(8) Repott No. 5A listt' n rtonnage break-down
J I g 0 8U
apanese cities on which mmary cards of
dropped h . over 1 000
a Owtng indust ' tons were
totals of aircrat ry attacked
break-d t dropping bomns ' monthly
F own for all United S and tonnage
orcea. tates A
rmy Air
(9) Report No. 5B, listing of sum mar
J apa nese citi es alphabetically arrangy d cards of
targets attacked by all Air Forces e (' shoWing
N )
tncludin ...
avy. ,
(10) Report No. 6, Rpecial break-down of c
. . onununi
tions and naval 1nstallatwns by Air F ca.
mont h showing number of aircraft drop o:ce, by
tonnage dr opped. Ptng and
(11) Report No.7, listing of summary cards b t
system (industr y) showing monthly
each Ai r F orce (including Navy total) andato for
for combined Air Forces. tala
(12) Report No. 8, listing of summary cards b
coun tr y, by mont h showing total combined toy
nage dr opped by all United States Air Fo n.
including t arget des cription. roes,
(13) Repor t No. 9, listing of summary cards by t
of mission, by month showing Air Force,
of aircraft dropping bombs and tonnage
(14) Report No. 10, listing of summary cards by type
of aircraft, by month showing Air Force, number
of aircraft dropping bombs and tonnage break-
(15) Report No. 11, listing of summary cards by type
of aircraft, by type of mission, by month, show-
ing Air Force, number of aircraft dropping bombs,
and tonnage break-down.
(16) Report No. 14, listing of summary cards show
ing totals (composite) of bombing attacks again"
enemy targets for Allied and United States Air
(17) Report No. 15, listing of summary cards b7
target system, by type and size of bombs showiDI
classification of bombs into high explosive, Jn.
cendiary, and fragmentation totals.
(18) Report No. 16, listing of detail cards by sigh-.,
by altitude showing number of missions,
of aircraft dropping bombs and toDDAP
(19) Report No. 17, listing of detail cards by
sighting, by month showing number of mil_.
number of aircraft dropping bombs and
(20) Report No. 24, listing of summAI'Y
country, by industry, by month showinl
of aircraft dropping bombs and tonna&e
(21) Report No. 25, listing of summarY
month, by type aircraft showing UnitAscl
aircraft attrition and enemy aircraft
(22) Report No. 26, listing of summat1'
month, by type aircraft showinl
enemy aircraft.
(23) Report No. 27, listing of summ,.,
month, by type aircraft showiDI
(number of missions, number atWtlrJIUI
effective, etc.).
(24) Report No. 28, listing of aumruDtAJIJ
month, by type aircraft showiDI
casualties; killed, missing, and .cliP
2- n. (25) Report No. 29, listing of summary cards b
month showing special low-altit ude-bomb y
t t
. . . mg
s a 1sttcs concernmg picked squadrons of th
Fifth, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth Air Forces. e
(26) Report No. 30, listing of summary cards by in-
by month. showing Navy attacks only,
w1th number of aircraft attacking and t onnage
(27) Report No. 31, listing of summary cards by
by showing Navy at tacks only,
With number of rurcraft at tacking and tonnage
(28) Report No . . 32, listing of summary cards by
country, by mdustry, by month showing Navy
attacks only wit h number of aircraft attacking
an d t onnage break-down.
(29) Report No. 33, listing of summary cards by Air
Force, by t ype bomber, by type mission, by
month showing mission data (number airborne ,
number noneffective, spares, etc.) .
(30) Report No. 34, listing of detail cards by type air-
craft, by month showing day and night mission
(31) Report No. 35, listing of mission data cards by
month showing sorties against-shipping installa-
tions by each Air Force except Navy.
(32) Navy tabulation runs produced for United
States Strategic Bombing Survey.
. (33) Report No. 36, Listing of master cards by Air
Force, by target code alphabetically.
(34) Report No. 37, control totals for all United
States Air Forces showing month and year, total
aircraft dropping bombs, and total tonnage
(35) Report No. 38, listing of incendiary attacks on
Japanese cities by all United States Air Forces
(and Navy) showing priority, sighting, visi-
bility, altitude, number of aircraft, and total
incendiary bomb tonnage.
(36) Report No. 39, merchant shipbuilding studiel of
Japanese ships from tonnage and total ships by
month and ship class.
(37) Report No. 40, monthly ship classification study
of Japanese merchant ships, monthly and fiscal
year totals.
(38) Twentieth Air Force target listing.
(39) Twentieth Air Force bombint. data by city.
(40) Twentieth Air Force bombinl data by al\y, by
(41) Twentieth Air Foroe bombinl data by al&7, by
(42) Twentieth Air Foroe day-by-cla7 bcmabiDI data.
(43) Dat a on attacks against targ ta b
8 th A e Y area and
even Jr Force, including Far Eastern Air
For ce, during J une and July 1945 b targ ta.
2- o. Combat analysis: Y e
{1) Handbook issued by Statistical Control Division
office of management control. '
3-a. Damage assessment photo intelligence reports of Far
East ern targets filed by area &nd contain all -='-Lle
. &Vauau
ormat10n on t he area:
(1) Numerical index of Far Eastern targete
(2) Fukien (one folder) .
(3) Seishin (one folder).
(4) Konan (2 folders).
(5) Heijo (3 folders).
(6) Genzan (one fol der).
(7) Keijo (one folder).
(8) Hokkaido (one folder).
(9) Muroran (3 folders) .
(10) Hakodate (one folder).
( 11) Amori (one folder) .
(12) Akita (one folder).
(13) Niigata (6 folden).
(14) Fukushima (3 folders).
(15) Toyama (one folder).
(16) Takseki (10 foldeD).
(17) Mito (11 folden).
(18) Takayama (2 folden).
(19) Kofu (ooe folder).
(20) Tokyo (79 folden).
(21) Shimob (10 folden) .
(22) Napya (ft folden).
(23) Bamamat.Bu (7 foLJera).
(24) Maimru (one folder).
(25) Kyoto (3 folden).
(26) Kumano (4 folden).
(27) Oaab (41 foldas).
(28) Okayama ( folden).
(21) Koohi (2 folden).
(30) Ntihuna (4 falden).
(31) Xure (11 faldwa).
(32) Bunp (1 fuldlr).
(13) Toka,....a (11 foldln).
(M) Xyalba (I..,_.).
(15) .....,. H (lloldln).
(16) XUiiiiM (11 faldln).
(17) Stnho (15 Mia).
(II) y .......... (J falden).
(II) -r.PIIm (t faldln).
(tO) 'hlwu B. (1 foldlrt.
<'U Tabo (lloldtra).
(G) .... .....,.
(CI) Ddt (' ......
.... .............. -=
(1) ... ..
(8) Hitachi Aircraft Company- Corporation Beport
.Publlshed reports.
. Office of t he Chairman: . "" )
a. t (Pacific n ar .
(1) ummary Repor ""'
EnJ The n ar.
(2) Japan's uuggle to . Bombs on Hiroshima and
(3) The Effects of .AtoiWc
:Xagasaki. . .
b. Civilian Defense A. Raid Protection and
( 1) Field Report Covermg u-
Allied '"'ubjects, Tokyo, r;:fd Protection and
(2) Field Report Co,ermg - . -
' n.ed ubJ"ects, Japan. d
.'Ull Raid Protection an
(3) Field Report Covering Alr-
' llied ubJ'ects :Kyoto, Japan. . d
-"1 ' R 'd Pr tect10n an
(4) Field Report Covering Air- aJ o
Allied ubjects, Kobe, Japan. . . d
(5) Field Report Covering Air-Rald ProtectiOn an
Allie:! Subjects, Osaka, Japan. .
(6) Fteld Report Covering Air-Raid Protection and
.!llied Subjects, Hiroshima, Japan- 1. .
(7) Summary Report Covering .Air-Raid Protection
and Allied Subjects in Japan.
{8) Final Report Covering Air-.Raid Protection and
Allied Subjects in Japan.
c. Medical Division:
(1 The Effects of Bombing on Health and Medical
Services in Japan.
(2) The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Health and
Medical Service in Hiroshima. and Nagasaki.
d. Morale
{1) The Effects of '"' trategic Bombmg on Japanese
t . Aircraft Division:
(1) The Japanese Aircraft Industry.
(2) Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.-Corporation
Report No. I (.MJtsubishi Jukogyo KK) (Air-
frames and Ensrines).
(3) -akajnna_ Aircraft Company, Ltd.-Corporation
Report No. II (. -akajima Hikoki KK) (Air-
frames and
(4) Kawan!shi Aircraft Company-Corporatjon R
J>?r: No. (Kawaniahi Kokuki
KAlSha) (Airframes).
) Kawasaki Aircraft Industries 0 .
Corporation Report No IV (K Inc.-
Kogyo Kabushiki Kokuki
Engines). Atrframes and
(6) Aicbi Aircraft Compan ._ .
o. V (Aichi Kokuki IlK) Report
ginea). Jrframes and En.
(7) Sumitomo Metal lndu t .
Corporation Report

Prop:ller Division-
Kogyo KK, Puropera Seiz Kinzoku
oa o (Propellers).
No. VI I (Hitachi Kokuki KK) (Airframes and
Engines) .
(9) J apan International Ajr Industries Ltd.-Cor.
poration Report No. VIII (Nippon Kokuaai
Koku Kogyo K K) (Airframes) .
(10) Japan Musical I nstr ument Manufacturing Com.
pany-Corporation R eport No. IX (Nippon
Gakki Seizo K K) (Propellers) .
(11) Tachikawa Aircraft Company-Corporation Re..
port No. X (T achikawa Hikoki KK) (Airframes).
( 12) Fuji Airplane Report
No. XI (Fuji Hikoki KK) (Airframes).
( 13) Showa Airplane Company-Corporation Report
N 0 XII (Showa Hikoki Kogyo KK) (Airframes),
(14) I shikawajima Aircraft Industries Company,
Ltd.-Gporation Report No. XIII (lshikafto
jima Koku Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha) _(Engines),
(15) Nippon Airplane Report
No. XIV (Nippon H1koki KK) (Airframes).
(16) Kyushu Airplane
No. XV (Kyushu Hikoki KK)
(17) Shoda Engineering Company-Corporation Be-
port No. XVI (Shoda Seisakujo)
(18) Mit aka Aircraft Industries-Corporation Repon
No. XVII (Mitaka Koku Kogyo Kabushikf
Kaisha) (Components).
(19) Nissan Automobile Company-Corporation
port No. XVIII (Nissan Jidosha KK) (Enginel
(20) Army Air Arsenal & Navy Air
ration Report No. XIX (Airframes
(21) Underground Production of Japanese
Report No. XX.
J. Basic Materials Division:
(1) Coal and Metals in Japan's War
g. Capital Goods, Equipment and Co
(1) The Japanese Construction IndustrY
(2) Japanese Electrical Equipment.
(3) The Japanese Machine Building
h. Electric Power Division:
(1) The Electric Power Industry of Jar:-
(2) The Electric Power Industry of li
Reports) . .
i. Manpower , Food and Civilian
(1) The Japanese Wartime Standard
Utilizat ion of Manpower.
j . Military Supplies Division: uatrl ..
(1) Japanese War Production Imd
(2) Ja panese Naval Ordnance.
{3) Japanese Army Ordnance.
(4) Japanese Naval Bhipbulldinl
1. j . (5) Japanese rvrotor Vehicl e Industry.
(6) Japanese Merchant Shipbuilding.
k. Oil and Chemical Division:
(1) Chemicals in Japan's War.
(2) Chemicals in Japan's War- Appendix.
(3) Oil in Japan's War.
(4} Oil in Japan's War- Appendix.
z. Over-all Economic Effects Division:
( I ) The Effects of Strategic Bombing on Japan's
War Economy (I ncluding Appendix A: United
States Economic Intelligence on Japan-Analy-
sis and Comparison; Appendi x B: Gross National
Product of J apan and Its Components; Appen-
di x C: Stat istical Sources) .
m. Transportation Division:
( I ) The War Against Japanese Transportation,
1941- 45.
n . Urban Areas Division:
( I ) Effects of Air Attack on Japanese Urban Econ-
omy (Summary Report ).
(2) Effect s of Air Attack ou Urban Complex Tokyo-
(3) Effects of Air Attack on the City of Nagoya.
( 4) Effects of Air Attack on Osak&-Kobe-Kyoto.
(5) Effects of Air Attack on the City of Nagasaki.
(6) Effects of Air Attack on the City of Hiroshima.
o. Military Analysis Division:
( I ) Air Forces Allied with the United States in the
War Against Japan.
(2) Japanese Air Power.
(3) Japanese Air Weapons and Tactics.
(4) The Effect of Air Action on Japanese Ground
Army Logistics.
(5) Employment of Forces Under the SotJthweat
Pacific Command.
(6) The Strategic Air Operations of Very Heavy
Bombardment in the War Against Japan (Twen-
t ieth Air Force) .
{7) Air Operations in China, Burma, India-World
War II.
(8) The Air Transport Command in the War Apinst
Japan. .
(9) The Thirteenth Air Force in the War Apmst
(10) The Seventh and Eleventh Air Forces in the War
Against Japan.
(11) The Fifth Air Force in the War Apinst JapeD.
( 12) Air Campaigns of the Pacific War.
p. Naval Analysis Division: (VaiL
{1) The Interrogations of J apanese Omaiall
I and II).
(2) Campaigns of the Pacific War.
(3) The Reduction of Wake Ialand.
(4) The Allied Campaip Beh-ul.
(5) The American Campaip Aphm G
lap, Mille, and Jaluit.
(6) The Reduction of Truk.
(7) The Offensive Mine LaJinl ClaiiiiPIIflll
J apan.
(8) Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party_.
Foreword, Introduction, Conclusions, and Gen-
eral Summary.
(9) Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party
(Enclosure A) , Kamaishi Area.
00) Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party
(Enclosure B), Hamamatau Area.
{11) Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party
(Enclosure C), Hitachi Area.
(12) Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party
(Enclosure D), Hakodate Area.
(13) Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party
(Enclosure E), Muroran Area.
{14) Report of Ships Bombardment Survey Party
(Enclosure F), Shimizu Area..
{15) Report of Shipe Bombud.ment SW'Vey Party
(Enclosures G and H), Shionomi-&kiand N ojima-
Baki Areu.
(16) Report of Ship. Bombardment Survey Party
(Encl08UJ"e 1), Comment. and Dataim Eeetive-
neu of Ammunition.
( 17) Report of 8biJ:- Bomb&rdmeDt Survey Party
(Enclosure J), Comments ADd Data OD Accuracy
of Firing.
(18) Report. of Shipe Bombudmeat Survey Party
(EncJOIIUJ'e K), mecta or 8mfMe Bombard-
ments on JapeDMe War PoteatiU.
9 Phyaical Dunap DiYilioD:
(1) Eftect IJW!!!Mtivy Bomb AUwlre C1D J..-o
(a Beport on EiPt Qtiea}.
(2) The Effect. f1l the TeD PoaDd Bomb
on Japanet'P Tupta (a Bepart CJD iDe IDd-
(3) Etreeta of tbe Atoaaic Bomb OD
Japua (Vola. 1, n ..tID).
(4) Elfecta tbe Atomic Bc..b GD Hepar, J..-u
(Vola. 1, n uacllll).
(5) Decta f1l Foar Tbaaeepd Poaad Bamb Gil
J....- Tuttt& (a Beport lhe IJriMnta)
(I) Dreata f1l Two TIMl M. Oae Tllanl'd, aDd
J!ft BUDCINd Poad -= J..-az Tu-
pta (a Bepart i1lld ......,_ .
(7) A Bepart ..,._. D sp iD J.p. (Suaa-
1111117 Bepart).
G-1 Diviliaa:
(1) lanenne lllld lid (lu ae
(2) WaMian fJI ......_.,, T1 lid D's ae iD &be
,... tn Be z' ad. "-' I, 01 zJDPifw
(I) :::... fJI fta4 .....
1111 Ss a ID 1M
...... BG drl,
..................... ,..-
1. r.
hie Iutelligcnc: m
luation of Photograp VII Electronacs
( ) f.' a e H(\mcland, Part . I, telligcncc tu the
Japane phtc n I telli-
(9} Evaluation of VIII, Brach n
J nese Horoelan '
apa li ce in the
gence. t raphic Intel gen
( 10) Evaluat ion of Pho IX, Artillery. . he
Japanese Homeland, ra hie Jntrlligencc tn t "1-
(11} Evaluation of Photog P:rt X, Roads and Ral
J anese> Homeland,
ap the
roads. hie Intelligence to
(1" ..) F ,-a}uation of Photogrsp XI Industrial An-
. 1 nd Part ..
Japanese Home a ,
and memoranda origin-
. . - que tionnaire
'> Interrogatton;), ;:,
- t d bv Divi:nons.
a e - Ch irman
a Office of the
. . (IJN).
(1) Admiral To.yoda, _TelJtro d stcel-transports.-
ubject: Coke, tron an
tion-operational damage.
Serial Xo. 10. . . f Commerce and
l2) hiina, Etsusabiro, l\hmstry o
Industry. . B f Muni-
Subjeet: Total MobiluatiOn ureau o
Serial No. 12. C l
Ge ral Yoshizumi and otone (3) Lieutenant ne
Sato, War :\lin.i.stry
ubject: Data concerning Seibi Kyoku.
Serial 29.
(4) K.ido, Koichi, Marquis.
Subject: Political and military factors in the
war government.
Serial No. 308.
(5) Prince Konoye.
Subject: Interrogation of Prince Konoye.
Serial No. 373.
(6) Prince Higashi-Kuni.
Subject: Japanese war economy.
Serial No. 426.
(7) Rear Admiral Takagi, S.
""ubject: Personal views on social and economic
developments during the war.
Serial No. 487.
(8) Premier Baron Suzuki, Admiral, retired.
Subject: Prh-v Council.
Serial No. 531.
b. Civilian Defense Divtsion:
(1) Ministry of Home Affairs.
Sub]ect: Population control and sta tiatica-
labor and man power.
Serial No. 7.
(2) Odacbi, Sbigeo, Ministry of Home Aff .
Subject: Population control and s"u.trat: t'
. l8 l ea-
Opera aon and damage report&-( chemi-
cals for gas warfare)
Serial No. 8.
(3) Takano, T; Yuzarna Mr Mach"d T
Mr. ' '
a, ; Yatnad.a,
Subject: POBt-raid clearance and re .
Serial No. 59. paus.
(4) Tanika\\a, N.
ubjcct.: Air-raid prot ection in
"rrial No 106.
) Lieutenant General Ondo,. K.
Subject: Civilian defense ll1 .Japan.
Serial No. 115.
(6) Abc Genki.
Subject: Civilian defense, April to August
Serial No. 118.
(7) Machimura, K.
Subject: Police responsibili t ies.
Serial No. 132.
r8) Ma,tsumura, M; Higashi, H; Wada, S; Kiba,T.
Subject: Great Japan Air Defense ABBociation.
Ser ial No. 140.
t. Medical Division:
(1) Dr. Nagato, S.
Subject: Food ration for Japaucsc naval pel'IOn.
Serial No. 206.
(2) Prof. Koich u.
Subject: Food and dietary habits of the Japaneee.
Serial No. 223.
(3) Koyama, E.
Subject: Malnutrition of Japanese soldiers ata-
tioned in the Home Islands.
Serial No. 237.
(4) Iwasaki, E .
Subject: \\'ater supply in Tokyo.
Ser1al No. 243.
(5) Professor Sato.
Subject: Water supply at federal level.
Serial No. 244.
(6) Sugito, Mr. 1
Subject: Water supply at federal love.
Serial No. 245.
(7) Dr. Yikiharu; Dr. Toshio, 0. tton.
Subject: Japanese food supply and nutri
Serial No. 254.
(8) Dr. Keimatsu.
Subject: Medical supplies.
Scrtal No. 316.
(9) Dr. Miyata, K.
Subject: Medical supplies.
Serial No. 317.
(10) Ueda, Mr. .
1 Subject: Insect and rodent contro
Serial No. 318.
( 11) Imaizumi, K. __ ._,
Subject: Garbage and refuse dl8JIUD""
Serial No. 319.
(12) Imo.ezuni, K.
Subject: Sewage disposal.
Serial No. 320.
03) Kubo, Mr.
Subject: Sewerage system of Tok10
Serial No. 321.
(14) Irnaizuni, K.
Subject: Evacuation and dllpoeal
Aerial No. 323.
2. c. ( 15) Harnaura, M.
Subject: Laboratory control of water supply,
Serial No. 322.
(16) Ucda, I.
Subject: Mtlk and food sanitation.
Serial No. 324.
(17) Furuse, C.
Subject: Water supply for Nagasaki.
Serial No. 325.
(18) Dr. Kimatsu, I.
Subject: Medical supplies.
Serial No. 394.
(19) Nishizawa, N.
Subject: Change in attitude toward air-raid
protection during the war.
Serial No. 415.
(20) A.kisuki, Tatsuichiro.
Subject: Effect of bombing on nutritional status.
Serial No. 417.
d. Morale Division:
( 1) Akabane, Y. .
Subject: Changes in morale under bombmg.
Serial No. 109.
(2) A.kabane, Y.
Subject: Morale control.
Serial No. 137.
(3) Koizumi, Mr.
Subject: of civilians during the war and
government cont rol.
Serial No. 157.
(4) Koizumi,
Subject: Factors in decline of morale.
Serial No. 158.
(5) Hayashi, K.
Subject: Japanese civilian morale.
Serial No. 175.
(6) Nambara, S.
Subject: Japanese civilian morale.
Serial No. 176.
(7) Dr. Kawa.
Subject: Wartime morale.
Serial No. 419.
(8) Abaya, A. . d ulJ.r morale.
Subject: Radio momtormg an pop
Serial No. 443.
(9) Nishizawa, N obushige. . reprdinl aiMaid
Subject: Further information
protection and morale.
Serial No. 458.
(10) Sasaki, Y.
Subject: Morale.
Serial No. 480.
(II) M iwa, Umesabura. in the Toaarl Qalal
Subject: Popular morale
Serial No. 400.
e. Aircraft Division:
(1) Ishimori, oneldchl, Japu
I . Koyama, f nonfer-
2. f. (17) Fuju, ; ., and stockpiling o
ubject: AllocatiOn
rous metals.
enal No. 196. H .
b T and Ot a, . n nor th Chma,
(1 ) e, . ing industry 1
ubject: Coal uuh n. and Korea.
erial No. 218.
(19) Ichikawa, Mr. . . roduction problems.
ubject: Coal IIlllllDg p
Serial No. 240. K
(20) Ishida, R. and Kosuge, nd the :Koeki Eidan.
'"'ubject: Coal 1mpor t a
rial Xo. 24
{'>1) Komura, :\Ir. .
- ubject: Coal production.
Serial Xo. 260. T hi' b""" K. Kabaru,
- R . . ac .-UA, . ' .
(22) ::Kosuda, ::K.; aru, ' :\l . Araki y. ; Kurue,
:\I. ; :Kobus, I.; unaga, - . ' '
:\1. ; and others. . orks Kippon Sietesu KK,
ubject : Japan tron w ' .
Yawat a plant operatwns.
Serial Xo. 281.
(23) SAbbU: u, Ordnance Bureau of Muni-
u ]ec1. :u1
tio ns :\lin.i.stry
Seri31 X o. 2 6.
('>4 Tachibana, E. . Kabaru, :\1. ; Hachlya, S.;
- 1 ' k v ma T
::Kobura, I.; Sunaga, :\1. ; Ara "J, L ; m ' . ,
and others.
Japan iron works, Yawata plant.
Serisl No. 290.
(25) Takahashi, T.
.. ubject: Coal handling facilities at Japan sea-
Serial --0. 296.
(26) Kawashima, S.
Subject: Coal operations of Mitsui Mining
Serial o. 304.
(2t himada, K.
Subject: Operations of Hokkaido Coal :\lining
and hipping Company.
Serial --o. 305.
Kanobi, Kuniyoshi, K. ; Kawamura, T.;
Nizuta, K.
Subject: Aluminum clinker production.
Serial ... -o. 326.
(29) Nagai, M.
Subject: Magnesium production of R"k :\1
1 en n etal
Serial No. 327.
(30) Hashtmot.o, C.; Kuno, T.
Subject : Aluminum production
Senal No. 332.
(31) Oya, A.; Y oehida, 1.
Subject: Production a d
metals. n allocation of light
Serial No. 334.
) Matsumoto, K.
Subject: Wartime coal problems.
Serial No. 336.
(33) Sumida, J.; S. .
Subject: Alummum and copper fabncation
Serial No. 338.
(34) Okamot o, M.
Subject : Capacity and production of metals.
Serial No. 363.
5) Colonel Sato, H.
Subject: J apanese Army policy concerning steel
production and allocation.
Serial No. 481.
Capitol Goods, Equipment and Construction g.
(1) Yasukawa, D . .
Subject: Elect ncal Equipment Control Asso-
Serial No. 18.
(2) Sait o, Mr.
Subject: Precision tools and instrument pro-
duct ion.
Serial No. 19.
(3) Hara, S.
Subject: Control of precision tools, available
Serial No. 20. .
(4) Yamagutchi, Mr., president of Industry Eqwp-
ment Control Association. .
Subject: Government control over . machmery
production other than machine tools.
Serial No. 21. . . .. A
(5) Yosukawa, D. ; K., Ishii, .AsllocD-
. Subject: Electrical Eqmpment Control
Serial No. 22. H
(6) Hiraga, T.; Morimoto, T.; Utsono!Dlya,
Subject: Shibawa Electric Company.
Serial No. 25. . . d otherL
(7) y asukawa, D. ; Y., an rol A.,.._
Subject: Electrical Equ1pment Cont
Serial No. 26.
(8) Messrs. Sakura; Hattori} lectrlcal
Subject: Production statlStlCS one
Serial No. 27. . . Tanaka,
(9) N agakawa, S.; Yamaguchi, B.'
Subject: Metal Industry Control
Serial No. 36. . mltolllO
(10) Dr. Kajii and Saiki, N.; Su
Subject: Manufacture of Cl
Serial No. 43. D
(11) Hazama, S. ; Uchida, T.; Kiso,
Subject : Equipment and
Serial No. 58. b.
(12) Personnel of Karatau iron wor
Subject : Machine tools.
Serial No. 60.
2. g. (13) Major Ishi kawa.
Subject : Army construction sect ion.
Serial No. 76.
(14) Messrs. Kato and Takeshi.
Subject: Const ruction industry.
Serial No. 77.
(15) Matsubara, Mr.
Subject: Hazama-Gumi Construction Company.
Serial No. 79.
(16) Inouye, Mr.
Subject : Construction Industry Control Associ.
Serial No. 87.
(17) Viscount Okochi, M.
Subject : Production of machinery.
Serial No. 88.
(18) Messrs. Inomye; Ota; Ito.
Subject: Construction Control Association.
Serial No. 95.
(19) Miyazaki, K. and Hazama, S.
Subject: Organization of Mitsubishi Corporation.
Serial No. 105.
(20) Messrs. Kato; Ogawa; Maehara.
Subject: Plant office of Mitsubishi Electric
Company, inspection of plant.
Serial No. 119.
(21) Fujii, S; Mochizaki, S; Sakai, G.
Subject: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, plant
Serial No. 120.
(22) Miyagawa, Mr; Kunura, M; Matsuda, M; Mori,
Subject: Control association for bulbs, sockets
and lighting fixtures .
Serial No. 121.
(23) Matshara, Mr.
Subject: Construction materials and labor, gen-
Serial No. 122.
(24) Nakamura, Mr.
Subject: Industrial statistics.
Serial No. 124.
(25) Messrs. N ohara and Takashio.
Subject: Lumber industry.
Serial No. 141.
(26) Messrs. Itani and Susuki.
Subject: Kawasaki Heavy Industries.
Serial No. 142.
(27) Nakajima, S. and FunabiJd, S.
Subject: Nippon Musen Denki KK.
Serial No. 143.
(28) Hayashi, S. and Kubota, S. ...,._ ud c.ble
Subject: Dai Uchi ElecUic " '"'
Serial No. 144.
(29) Kazenoti, Y; Masando, K; aDd....._
Subject: Japan Storap Ba&ter1
Serial o. 146.
( 30) Suzuki, Y; Supl, B; and o\ber&
Subject: Shimacbu
Serial No. 148..
Messrs. Seki; Hirota; and others.
M1tsubishi Electric Company.
Senal No. 147.
K; Scriba, K; and othera.
Subject: Matsushita Electricallnduatrtes.
Serial No. 148.
'Wada, T. and Shimasue, K.
Subject: Fuji Denki Beizo.
Serial No. 189.
Inoue, S; Yamauchi, K; Mori, Y.
Subject: ational inventory of machine tools
and machinery.
Serial No. 190.
(35) Kawai, Mr.
Subject: Visit to Kawasaki plant.
Serial No. 191.
(36) Messrs. Aramo; Yamanoucb.i; Toldme; and
Subject: IDspection of pl&nt of t he
Aano Cement Company.
Serial .:o. 207.
(37) Viaeount Okochi, M.
Subject: Activities of Production Machinery
Control AMOeiation d111iDa war yean.
Serial No. 211.
(38) Hattori, Mr.
Subject: tatiatb OD coaanaetion iadutry.
8erial No. 212.
(39) Dr. &.be.
Subject: Strueturalllteel.
Serial No. 211.
( 40) Colonel Sato; Kajar Kato; Major Ita.
Subject: Army produetioD aad pmi n ol
marhine toall aad mriinay.
Serial o. 214.
(41) Fujii, ; ominki, ; Sakai, A; ltolrnbo, R;
Sbiptori, B; Kimbmi, T; Oya, II; aad otiB&.
Subject.: lliaabillli JleaV7I""o't;a
Serial o. Ill.
(42) Meu11+ita. E; a.,.., K; _. e' ?TL
81abJeR: Net1 ''ta R t Ia Wkiw Cam-
8lrial o.lll.
Ta.kao H., and Yokota, C. . .
2. g. (47) . , V ' t t Hitachi Llmlted.
SubJect: JSl
erial o. 315. r a. Jsnimochi.
(4 ) Messrs. Watarabe; agasa".' to factorles.
ubject: Bomb damage repalr
erial No. 328.
(49) l\Iatsuo, T., and Shibata, . an
Subject: Control of lumber m Jap .
erial No. 333.
(50) l\Iessrs. Tsumori and Kubo.
. \T' 't to Tokyo- hibaura Company.
SubJect: lSl
erial Xo. 339.
Xakagawa, .
Furukawa Electric Company.
erial 340.
Subject: Fuji Electric Company
Serial Xo. 348.
Shimizu and Kurihara.
Subject: General war-
time problems, ShunJzu-GUIW.
Serial 361.
(54) Y.
Subject: Construction work in Japan.
Senal Xo. 370.
(55) Kojima., L
Subject: Construction, gener al informat.ion.
SeriAl Xo. 393.
(56) T a.ih.iba.n.a., Mr.
Subject: Industrial AssoCiation.
Serial Xo. 399.
h. Electric Power Division:
(1) A:rai, Shosi, president of Japan Electric Genera-
tion Company.
ubject: Electric pov. er.
Serial No. 9.
(2) Araki, ).Jatsuo, of Industry and Com-
ubject: Electric power industry, general.
Serial No. 30.
i . Food and Ci't;lian Supplies Division:
(1) Seiji, V1ce Minister of Welfare and
of Laoor ection since February 1945.
ub]ect: .. Ian power.
erial No.3.
(2) Sueriro, Gantaro, member of Labor d W
Control. an age
Subject: Manpower.
Serial No. 13.
(3) Seiichi, anrl Hirl Ed .
Mtrustry. ' co, ucat1on
Subject: Students.
Serial No. 14.
) I., and Turusima, M
SubJect: Manpower .
Serial No. 37.
(5) Kondo, Mr.
Subject, Man
Serial No. 41.power, food and civilian goods.
(6) Mears. Hattori Saku
Reee&rch B ' ra, Mitaubiabi Ec .
ureau. onom1c
Subject: Library faci lities and p ublications.
Serial No. 42.
) Katzutaka, Shll'a.ishi.
Subject: Transportation labor.
Sertal No. 44.
(S) Baron Tadaatsu, Tshiguro.
Subject: History of .Japan's food position.
Serial No. 45.
(9) Ishikawa, Kazu.
Subject: Manpower.
Serial No. 54.
(10) Suetaro, Okamatsu, and Ta ketoshi, 'l'amura.
Subject: Functions of Labor Management Sec-
Serial No. 55.
(1 1) Namikawa, Yoshitake.
Subject: Japa nese f ood p osition.
Serial No. 82.
(12) Nagamura, lVIr .
Subjects: Price controls .
Ser ial No. 83.
(13) Ya mamoto, Mr.
Subject: Product ion statist1Cs-cost of living,
indices, etc.
Serial No. 84.
( 14) Major Konda.
Subject : Procurement of food for Army.
Serial No. 85.
(15) Capt ain Kijuma.
Subject: Na vy construction- manpower require-
ment s.
Serial No. 86.
(16) Oasa, Mr.
Subject: Availability of agriculture statistics.
Serial No. 107.
(17) Major Kato; Colonel Shimokawa; Major Koda.
Subject: Data on cotton and wool.
Serial No. 108.
(18) Yamamot o, Mr.
Subject: Black market prices.
Serial No. 116.
(19) Colonel Shimoka wa and Major Konda.
Subject: Foods.
Serial No. 117.
(20) Messrs. Tanaka and Nakagawa.
Subject: Leather products and distribution.
Serial No. 126.
(21) Captain Matsubara and Commander Koyai'L
Subject: Navy food set-up.
Serial No. 167.
(22) Dr. Tsuneo, 1\lluramatsu.
Subject: Adequacy of medical
Serial No. 182.
(23) Messrs. Skamatsu; Seitaro: Hayuma, B.
Subject : Civilian consumption of fuel.
Serial No. 186.
(24) Capt ain Yoshida; Commander Ueda;
Subject : Manpower requirementl
Serial No. 187.
2. i. (25) Colonel Shimokawa and Major Kato.
Subject: Militar y woolens.
Serial No. 197.
(26) Imai, Mr.
Subject: Standard of living.
Serial No. 198.
(27) IGtaoka, l\1r.
Subject : Construction of housing facilities in
J apan.
Serial No. 220.
(28) Messrs. Toyoshima and Yonesaka.
Subject: Cost of living indices.
Serial No. 221.
(29) Capt ain Matsubara, E; Commander Koyasu, Y;
Lieutenant Commander Shibat a.
Subject: Food Sect ion interview wit h 3rd sect ion,
of Naval St ores, Department of Naval 1\.linistr v.
Ser ial No. 261.
(30) Colonel Shimohawa and Major Konda.
Subject: Japanese food procurement and ot her
fact ors pertaining to the military food
Serial No. 262.
Sugahara., T . and Ozawa, I.
Subject: Cinema and theater.
Serial No. 271.
Kakibe, S.
Subject: Fertilizer in Japan.
Serial No. 342.
Toshimitsu, G.
Subject: Production and consumption of marine
Serial No. 376.
(34) Morita, i\llr.
Subject : Miso, shoyu, vegetables and fruits.
Serial No. 4 70.
j. Military Supplies Division:
(1) Commander Tsukimoto.
Subject: Shipbuilding and ordnance.
Serial No. 56.
(2) Sunagawa, Mr.
Subject: Shipbuilding.
Serial No. 96. General
(3) Lieutenant General Kan, H. and Major
Subject: Ordnance supplies.
Serial No. 168.
( 4) Colonel Sato, H. and Lieutenant. Colonel Kuni-
Subject: Requirements and supply of Japaaa
Ground Forces.
Serial No. 230.
(5) Major General Samada.
Subject: Requirements and aupp)J of
Serial No. 231.
(6) Lieutenant General blmisu,
Subject : J apaneae Arm1
Serial No. 182.
' 7) General Watanabe; Major Aki.uki;
MaJor Matzunaga.
Subject: Japanese Army Military Supply Ser v-
ice,. evacuation of casualtiea- hospitali-
Serial K o. 259.
(8) Major General Horiuchi.
Subject: Air Transport department of Japanese
Air Force.
Serial X o. 263.
(9) Colonel Ogata and Colonel Oneta.
Subject: Supply of houses to Japanese Army
Remount depots.
Serial 266.
(10) Lieutenant General Watanabe, K; Major Aki-
zuki, G; Major Matzunaga.
Subject: E,acuation of casualties and hospitali-
Serial No. 268.
(11) Lieutenant General Shimizu, H. and Major
Okushima, S.
Japaneae Army Medical Supply Service.
Serial No. 269.
(12) Lieutenant Colonel Kurokawa, K.
Subject: Tana Araena1.
Serial No. 275.
(13) Lieutenant Gemnl Eado, 8.
Sobject: Relatiouship of Japane- Army and
Navy iD tbe field of airplaDe proc:luo-
Serial No. 279.
(14) llf!lll'l. llokn ud OIIIIII'L
Subject: RelatioDSbip of the iDd1JIItlriaiS of war
Serial No. 280.
(15) ColoDel Cbiblau. K.
Subjtd: TraiJiiDc actiwitii!IB of IIIIJK z 11 Array
Air Foree uc1 nutinc of aappH- ill
JlpOa .... ill euiy liM.
Serial 0. 181.
(18) ll.;ar Yai, 8.
Subjeat: x.e-'P .... Air ......
8erial ...
(1, Coloael TM wf aad II.,_ Beta
PftAtll , .... fll Air .......... eqalp-
(1 ()olayl a... B.
..-: Airdllpnt-.
.. aar.
.. H. l\Iajor General Ito,
2. j. (22) Lieutenant ' k' 1\Iajor Uose;
R, Major Hayasht; :\IaJOr uzu t, J.
11ajor Kawada. ications
Subject: Ordnance, signal, and commun
Ser ial No. 3-!7.
(23) Colonel Matsuzawa.
Subject: Testing of Army aircraft.
erial No. 36 .
(24) Colonel Tanabe.
ubject: Tachikawa Air depot.
Serial X o. 377.
(25) Dr. Vagi, H.
Subject: Electronics.
Serial X o. -100.
(26) Rear Admiral Tanaka, :\linoru.
Subject : Xaval Air Transport.
SeriAl Xo. -!03.
(27) Commander :\Iuramatsu, Tokiwo.
Subject : Xav-al Air depot system.
Serial X o. -!<H..
(28) Captain Hojo, Gingo.
Subject: Xaval Air depot system.
Serial X o. 405.
(29) Lieuten&Dt Colonel I wakoshi.
Subject: Supply of Japanese Ground Armies.
Serial Xo. -!16.
(30) )lajor General Sana.da.
Subject: Requirements of supply of Japanese
Ground Forces.
Serial No. 439.
(31) Commander Ichinose.
Subject: Japanese nav-al air ground-maintenance
Serial No. 474.
(32) Colonel )lasuda.
Subject: Army ground radar.
Serial No. 491.
(33) Captam Axa.sawa.
Subject: Navy radar.
Serial No. 492.
(34) Iwa:not o, M. and Endo S.
Sub]ect: .Airborne radar. '
Serial No. 493.
{35) Lieut enant Colonel yah T
S b' et, .
u )ect: Shipping supply-Phili .
Serial o.
. pptnes.
(36) Lieutenant Colonel Iwako h'
S b' G s t.
u )ect: eneral informat'
Serial No. 500. ton on supplies.
(37) Lieutenant Colonel Sh' . F .
Sub)' e.M Ge
rat, umttabe
"" nera suppl
and Solomo Y problems New G
ns. ' umea
Serial No. 501.
(38) Lieutenant Colonel N k
Subject: Stocks f a ano, Matsura
petroleum -
rial No. 528. , ot , and lubricants
(39) Major Takahash' T .
eet : Petroleum -
Serial No. 529. ' Ol ' and lubricants.
k. Oil and Chemical Division:
(1) Ishikawa, I chir o, and Katsura, Tokashi Ch .
Control Association. ' ernacal
Subject: Control of Ja pan's chemical ind
Serial No. 17. ustry.
(2) I rie, Hir ahi.
Subject: Allocation of petroleum and petr
1 o eurn
Serial No. 57.
(3) Morit a, K.
Subject: South p roduction of oil.
Serial No. 66.
(4) Messrs. Yokota; Tusda; Akiyama ; Higouchi
Subject : Control of alkali, inorganic, and ab
d t ra-
sive m us n es.
Ser ies No. 71.
(5) Oshima, S; Oda, K; Kit sukawa, M.
Subject : F unctions of t he Chemical Industry
Contr ol Associat ion.
Ser ial No. 91.
(6) Katsura, T .
Subject: Oil and chemical statist ics.
Serial No. 114.
(7) Takashi ma, Mr.
Subject: Fuel development (also synthetic).
Serial No. 128.
(8) Fujimot o, Y. and Wat anabe, K.
Subject : J oint Enterprise Company.
Serial No. 134.
(9) Messrs. Mizuda; Katayama; Oda; Nambu;
Subject: Tank car set-up.
Serial No. 135.
(10) Mori, S. and Hiroye, K.
Subject: Pine root oil
Serial No. 136.
(11) Aichi, Mr.
Subject: Materials and shipping in war economy.
Serial No. 155.
(12) Tsuda, H.
Subject : F unct ions of Chemical Bureau.
Serial No. 163.
3) Rear Admiral Enomoto, R.
Subject: Navy production of oil and over-aD
Ser ial No. 172.
(14) Hijikata, T.
Subject: Allocation of petroleum.
Serial No. 173.
(15) Nakamura, H.
Subject: Production and administration of
the south.
Serial No. 174.
) Sato and Major Takahashi.
Oil stat istics.
Serial No. 178.
0 7
) Vice Admiral Morita and Rear Aclmiral
Subject : Navy fuel.
Serial No. 179.
2. k. (18) Captain Niimi, M.
Subject: Records and t t' t '
s a 1s 1cs for I mperial
J apanese Navy e 1 Xp OSIVeR and pro-
Serial No. 180.
(19) Messrs. Mizuta; Takashima Saeda K k
' , anc o;
Mori; Yoshida; and others.
SubJect: Consolidated memorandum of inter-
view concerning the civilian oil indus-
Serial No. 203.
(20) Rear Admiral Yamamoto.
Subject: Army-Navy Oil Committee.
Serial No. 210.
(21) Colonel Masuda; Lieutenant Colonel Torii;
Colonel Hayashi.
Subject : Oil quest ionnaire.
Serial No. 234.
(22) Messrs. Yoshida and Moruzimi.
Subject : Fuel monopoly.
Serial No. 235.
(23) Major Wakayama and Major Suzuki.
Subject.: Chemicals for Army (synthetic n1hber).
Serial No. 239.
(24) Major Akaiwa.
Subject: Army explosives manufacture.
Serial No. 241.
(25) Rear Arlmiral Yamamoto, Y. and Captain Hara,
Subject: Allocation of Japanese tanker
Serial No. 242.
Kishimoto, H.
Subject: Relationship between private industry
and Imperial Japanese Navy in the pro-
duction of explosives and propellants.
Serial No. 247.
Lieutenant Mizoguchi; Major Ozasa; Hirata, Mr.
Subject: Plant operation-Becond Naval depot,
Shiobama, Yokkaichi.
Serial No. 253.
Captain Hara, M; Major Takahashi; Kimura, H;
Doi, S; Tanaba, T.
Subject: Control and allocation of oll.
Serial No. 273.
Captain Hara, M; Colonel Bato, H; lrie, H;
Major Takamashi; Kiimura, H; Omura, Y; Vioe
Admiral Nebara; Rear Admiral AJdahige.
Subject: Army and Navy on operations and over-
all allocations.
Serial No. 27 4.
Lieutenant General Wakamatsu, T. and Colonel
Desbima, H.
Subject: Importance of on in Japaoe waretrori
Serial No. 287.
Takamine, M.
Subject: Allocation of on and chemielll h tbe
General Mobililation
Serial No. 288.
Vice Admiral Hoehina, I.
Subject: Navy on plaDa ila aotiiOIDIMICtD
Serial No. 289.
(33) Okita, S.
Subject: for economic development in oc-
cupied countries.
Serial No. 292.
(34) Captain Kirino.
Subject: Army-Navy production of synthetic
rubber and organic gasses
Serial No. 293.
(35) Hirata, T.
Subject: Plant operation-Becond Naval fuel
depot, Shiohama Yokkaichi
Serial !\ o. 301. '
(36) Major Ozaba and Mizogushi, M.
Subject: Plant operatiou-8econd Naval fuel
depot, Shiohama, YokkaichL
Serial No. 302.
(37) Professor Ouchi, H; Professor Amana H Pro-
fessor Wakimura, F. ' '
Subject: Cooperation between military and war
industrialists-government regulation
of war industries.
Ser ial No. 313.
(38) Terauishi, Mr.
Subject: Cooperation military and war
Serial No. 353.
(39) Suzinomori, Sbotaro.
Subject: Orpniu.tion of the Munitions Ministl'y.
Serial No. 375.
( 40) Captain Susuti and Commander Mitsui
Subject: Control and . manufacture of jet-
Serial No. 385.
(fl) Colonel Saiki, K.
Subject: Control aod manufaeture of liquid jet
Serial No. 311.
(42) LieutaDallt eom.,....cterlrni, K.
Subject: Control aaclmaDafactant of t.etraethyl
Serial 0. a.
(43) Nabouki, llr.
Subject: BaJOD pulp piCklw: .. data.
Serial 0. ..
L Ot....U BooMmio Bl'eaCa DitiliDD:
(I) Betta. Y.
MI. aaBiid' e Nadll 0'-
Serial o.a.
(I) Ooto. )[.
Sabjeclt: ............
2. Z. (5) Baron Hiranuma, 1<. ..1 and economic
Subject : Personal views on soCI.- ..
development during the war.
Serial 4 9.
(6) Fujiwara, Ginjiro. c
ubject: Personal views on ocial aad econonu
development durmg the war.
erial No. 504.
m. Transportation Division: .
(1) Suzuki, Yumoto, T.; A.
Subject : I mperial government ratlroad anc
locomotive shop.
Serial X o. 31.
(2) :\Iessrs. Artyo .. hi and Watanabe.
Subject: General information on shipping in-
erial K o. 49.
(3) Colonel Fmaga.mi ; :.\Iajor
Subject : Army cargo shipping.
Serial X o. 50.
{4) Messrs. Hirayana; lm&ida; Tsuboi; and others.
Subject : General shipping and ocean traffic.
Serial Xo. 51.
(5) Captain Yoshida and Commander Ojiro.
Subject : Xary cargo ships.
Serial X o. 52.
(6) Tsutomu, Obana, and
Subject : Japanese foreign-trade statistics.
Serial No. 64.
{7) T.
Subject: :\lanchurian railway svstem.
Serial No. 80.
(8) Masuyama, Mr.
ubject : North China Railwav Company Ltd
Serial '-7 81 I
(9) Ureshino.
Operation and allotment of A class shi
Serial 166. ps.
(10) Captain Kawamura.
Convoy difficulties.
Serial .. - 0. 401.
n. Urban Areas Division:
(Division did not cond t .
o. Military Analysis Interrogations.)
{1) Major C
Subject: and loss f J
apanese air-
Serial -o. 110.
{2) Colonel Kn.imoto K
Subject: Air .
Serial N - mmg.
o. 12;).
(3) Vice Admiral Hoeo
Subject B ya, S.
. ombmg effect
Serial No. 127. on shipbuilding.
(4) Lieutenant General K
Subject: Japan . an, H.
Serial No. 162 ese Atr Force training
(5) t . .
leutenant Colonel M
Subj-.... Pla . urata K
"'"" nnm '
Serial N g )Otnt operat'
o. 171. 1ons.
(6) Major Yamamoto.
Subject: E ffect of American radar
meas ures on antiaircraft defens counter-
. 83 e.
Sen al No. 1 .
(7) Lieutenant Colonel Suzuki.
Subject: Effects of American radar count
measures. er-
Serial No. 188.
(8) Lieutenant General Arisue.
Subject: Japanese strategy.
Serial No. 217.
(9) Colonel Matsumae and Major Maruta.
( 10)
Subject: Japanese Army Air Force and the
Philippine Campaign.
Serial No. 249.
lieutenant Colonel Tanaka, K.
Subject: Amplification of answers to questio _
naires submitted to War Ministry. n
Serial No. 486.
Rear Admiral T akata.
Subject: Plans for employment of Japanese Air
Serial No. 276.
{12) Lieutenant General Kawabe and Major General
Subject: Kamikaze tactics and the Japanese
ability to resist.
Serial No. 277.
(13) General Endo.
Subject: Southeast Asia. Campaign, December
1941 to March 1942.
Serial No. 278.
(14) Lieutenant Sekiguchi.
Subj ect: Effects of American radar counter-
Serial No. 282.
(15) Lieutenant Commander Ono.
Subject: Japanese Air Force-13th Air6ot
countermeasure preparations.
Serial No. 299.
(16) Colonel Fukami, H.
Subject: Japanese Army Air Forces.
Serial No. 303.
(17) Lieutenant General N a.kanishi.
Subject: J apa.nese Army Air Force Fifth Air
Serial No. 312.
(18) Major General Ha.bu, H.
Subject: Japanese Army Air Force 1\Velftll
Flying Division.
Serial No. 314.
(19) Colonel Tanaka., 1.
Subject: J apa.nese Army Air Force trainlnl
Rcrial No. 349.
(20) Lieutenant General Sugawara, M.
Subject: .Japanese air operations in the
Campaign and preparation .,.J."ft
of Kyushu.
Serial No. 351,
2. o. (21) Major General Miyoshi.
Subject: Japanese Army Air Force Thirtieth
Flying Group.
Serial No. 352.
(22) Commander T.
SubJect: Japanese Naval Air Force
Serial No. 354.
(23) Lieutenant Colonel Naomichi.
Subject: Japanese Army Air suicide tactics and
defense against invasion.
Serial No. 356.
(24) Colonel Hayashi.
Subject: Japanese Air Force training program
Serial No. 357.
(25) Lieutenant General Kitajima.
Subject: Japanese Army Air Force Eleventh
Flying Division (Hikoshidah).
Serial No. 358.
(26) Toko, Guy.
Subject: Combat technique of the Japanese
Army Air Force.
Serial No. 386.
(27) Tanaka, Koji.
Subject: Amplification of answers to question-
naires submitted by War Ministrv.
Serial No. 388. .
(28) Major General Nishimura..
Subject: Philippine Campaign in
Serial No. 418.
(29) Major Sakai.
Subject: Comparison and evaluation of American
and J a.panese plans and tactics.
Serial No. 428.
(30) Colonel Matsumae.
Subject: Army Air Force personnel.
Serial No. 430.
(31) Major Sakamoto.
Subject. Japanese aircraft- relative per-
Serial No. 436.
(32) Captain Mieno.
Subject: .Japanese naval air personnel and
Serial No. 444.
(33) Major Kinugasa, T.
Subject: Japanese Army Air Force personnel
and training.
Aerial No. 453.
(34) Commander Kofukuda, Mitsugi.
Subject: Japanese aircraft.
Serial No. 456.
(35) Lieutenant Commander Ohira.
Subject: Japanese aircraft.
Serial No. 457.
(36) Major Saito, Y.
Subject: Japanese airfield&
Serial No. 471.
(37) Lieutenant Colonel HanataDI, ..........
Subject: Japaneee Arrlrl 1r FoM eulolde
orpniaatlon uad operMloat
Serial No. 472.
(38) Commander Okumiya.
Subject: Japanese Naval air person 1
Serial No. 475. ne
(39) Takiyanagi, K.
Subject: Special . weapons and radar
Serial No. 4 76. .
( 40) Colonel Sa take, K.
Subject: Army radar-applied tact".
Serial No. 477. lCS.
(41) Maj.or General Takashima, T.
SubJect: Defense preparations of 12th Area
Army in Tokyo area.
Serial No. 4 78.
(42) Captain Genda, M.
Subject: Japanese Naval Force.
Serial No. 479.
( 43) Lieutenant COlonel Tanaka.
Subject: Amplification of answers to question-
naire submitted to War Ministry.
Serial No. 483.
(44) General Umezu, Y.
Subject: Japanese Anny acthities in China,
Manchuria, and Pacific.
Serial No. 488.
(45) Admiral Oikawa, K.
Subject: Japanese -ar plans.
Serial No. 49f.
( 46) Captain Obmae.
Subject: Japaueae Navy Air FOI"Ce..
Serial No. 495.
(47) Lieutenant lwubit&, K.
Subject: Japueae Naftl air combat airclaft
and tactics.
SeriaJ No. 491.
(48) Lieutenant GeDeal Miyuati, S.
Subject: Effeet of ADied air activity.
Serial o. 497.
( 49) Fleet Admiral IPJIO, 0.
ubject: Pluanina ol tbe Peut llaJbor &&tack
Belial 0. 418.
(10) LieuteD&Dt a-wl lliyuati, 8baiaiiL
Subject: Orpaintion ol IW BCIDii ud JaiDt
Serial 0. 101.
(11) MaP' a.-.1 Nilbim .....
bJea': .._. Md openltioM iD tile .Wan
the Jlh3i(IIAM1, Oader o-m-
0. ...
(SJ) Admiral B:Jalntalk&
........................ --
.. aad ..... lit
(II) Clpt-'n ........ _. _, _ _..,
2. o. (55)
- ' h a Tatsuhiko.
Major General Im ' . . th ArmY.
ubjcct Invasion of Jtwa by l'.:teen
l erial 516
Rear Admiral Nakamura. t rategic
ubject: E,alua.tion of United tate . 1 d
Bombing uney document enttt e
"List of e l\lerchant hips Over
500 Tons IJo t ubsequent to Pearl
'"erial 517.
(57) Colonel, Matsuzawa, 1\:yohei.
ubject Japanese Army aircraft strength.
"'enal 51 .
i> lteutenaut Colonel Jin.
ub]ect upply and defense of Okinawa.
No 519
(59 Kobayashi, hige.
ub]ect. Japanese \Vith Germany.
rial o. 520.
(60J General Toshizo.
. ttb]ecc War plans and tactics.
('rial X o. 521.
{61, Field :\larshall Hata, hunroku.
-.;ubject: Japanese Army and Air Force opera-
tions in China a.nd Manchuria, 1939-
45, and Japanese preparedness for
Allied inYasiOn.
Serial No. 522.
(62) General Abe, Xobuyuki.
"'ubject: Japanese aims in China and Korea.
Serial :Xo. 523.
(63) Admiral Fukudome, Shigeru.
Subject: War in the Pacific.
Serial No. 524.
(64 Rear Adm Xabashima, Shunsaku.
in the Britain, New
Gwnea, New Ireland area, Februarv
and :March 1943.
Serial No. 525.
(6.;) c
v - Matsunaga, Keisuke.
:::mb]ect: Shipping in the New Britain N
Guinea, N cw Ireland area
1943. ' ry
Serial No. 526.
(66) Colonel Shmohara.
Subject: Shipping in the N . B . .
G . .. evt ntam New
wnea, New Ireland area F '
... . and March
. ' ebruary
l . 0. 527.
{67) Lieutenant Colonel 't S
. .. at o wumu Ch'
rattons Staff, Third ' tcf of
Suh]ect: Japanese Arm . y.
Asia. Y Alr Force in southeast
Serial o. 610.
p. Naval n ..
1) Captain Amagai Tak. h'
Sub ' a tsa
]ect: Battle of M. d .
Serial No 6 1 way.
(2) Captai Ka .
n wagucbi S
SubJect H. ' usumu.
tryu (CV)
Serial No. 11. at the Battle or 1
. .
(3) Captain Aoki, Taijiro.
Subject: Battle of
erial No. 23.
(4) Vice Admiral Ozawa, T.
Subject: Battle of the Philippine Sea, !9-
.Tune 1944.
Serial No. 32.
(5) Vice Admiral Shiraichi, Kazutaka.
Subject: Occupation of Philippines and D
East Indies. utch
Serial No. 33.
(6) Captain Tamura, K yzo.
Subject: Allied offensive mining campaign
Serial No. 34. s.
(7) Captain Fuchida, Mitsuo.
Subj ect: Attack on Pearl Harbor.
Serial No. 40.
(8) Commanders Sekino, H. and Okumiya, M.
Subject: Coral Sea Battle, 7- 8 May 1942.
Serial No. 46.
(9) Vice Admiral Kurita, Takeo .
Subject: Bat tle of the Philippine Sea and
Battle for Leyte Gnlf.
Serial No. 47.
(10) Captain Yamaoka, M.
Subject: Solomon Island operation and Battle
of Coral Sea.
Serial No. 53.
(11) Captain Oi, Atsushi.
Subject: Escort of shipping losses.
Serial No. 61.
(12) Captain Inoguchi, Rik.ibel.
Subject: Kamikaze Corps.
Serial No. 62.
(13) Captain Watanabe, Y.
Subject: Pearl Harbor, Midway, Solomons.
Serial No. 65.
(14) Captain Jujita, M.
Subject: Occupation of Philippines and Nether-
lands East Indies.
Serial No. 67.
(15) Captain Takahashi.
Subject: Japanese aircraft during invasion 'of
Serial No. 74.
(16) Commander Okumiya.
Subject: Eastern Solomons, Santa Cruz and
Serial No. 75.
07) Captain lsrihara, Kawakita.
Subject: Invasion of Philippines and Netbel""
lands East Indies.
Serial No. 90.
(I S) Lieutenant Commander Tokuno.
Subject: Gilbert and Marshall Islands
Serial N 0 . 93.
) Commander, Isawa, Yutaka.
Subject: Operations of main
Serial No. 94.
2. p. (20) Commander Okumiya.
Subject: Aleutian Campaign and attack on
Dutch Harbor.
Serial No. 97.
(21) Commander Miura, Kintaro.
Subject: Aleutian Campaign, Naval Battle of
the Komandorski I slands and defen
of Kuriles. se
Serial No. 98.
(22) Commander Mukai, Nifumi.
Kiska and operations in Kuriles.
Serial No. 99.
(23) Captain Sukemitsu.
Subjert: Japanese flying boat operation m
Serial No. 100.
(24) Captain Taisuke.
Subject: Aleutian Campaign, planning and
operat10n, 1942.
Serial No. 101.
(25) Commander Hashimoto.
Subject: Aleutian and Kuriles Campaign.
Serial No. 102.
(26) Captain Tamura.
Subject: Mine warfare.
Serial No. 103.
(27) Commander Olrum.iya.
Subject: I wo Jima
Serial No. 104.
(28) Major Toga, H.
Subject: Tokyo air defense.
Serial No. 112.
(29) Captain Fuchida, M.
Subject: Pearl Harbor, Battle of Philippine Sea
and Leyte GuH.
Serial No. 113.
(30) Commander Matsuura.
Subject: Air defense of Gilbert, Maraball and
Mariana Islands.
Serial No. 123.
(31) Rear Admiral Katsumata.
Subject: Aircraft attrition.
Serial No. 129.
(32) Commander Miyamoto, T.
Subject: Yamato Group attacked by American
carrier planes on 7 April1 945.
Serial No. 133.
(33) Lieutenant Commander Tokuno, B.
Subject: Guadalcanal, Midway and Villa Stan-
Serial No. 138.
(34) Commander Nakajima.
Subject: Gilberts and Maraballa operatioD
Serial No. 139.
(35) Rear Admiral Koy&nali.
Subject: Battle of Samar
Serial No. 149.
(36) Captain Ohmae, T
Subject: Battle of Cape BnpDO
Serial No. 150.
{37) Lieutenant Commander y t .
Sub' t At asui.
Jec : tacks on Japanese ship .
Serial No. 159. pmg.
(38) Captain Ohmae, T.
Subject: plans for defense of Central
Serial No. 160.
(39) Captain Ohara, H.
Subject: Midway.
Serial No. 165.
(40) Captain Kanay, K.
Subject: Noncombat losses of aircraft
Serial No. 169.
(41) Commander Otano.
Subject: Battle of Samar.
Serial No. 170.
(42) Captain Ohmae.
Subject: Okinawa Campaign.
Serial No. 181.
( 43) Captain Ohmae.
Subject: Japanese Na\al planning
Serial No. 192.
( 44:) Commander Yamaguchi.
Subject: Defense of Philippines.
Serial No. 193.
( 45) Y asumoto, S.
Subject: Escort and proteetion of shippiq.
Serial No. 1M.
( 46) Lieutenant Commander Yunoki, 8..
Subject: Guadabnal, Midway, MUDd& &Del
Serial T 0. 195.
(47) Rear Admiral Homichi, 8.
Subject: Conwy .aort aad Jlft*Jetiall of
Serial o. 191.
(48) Lieutenant Comm&Dder Okamoto.
Subject: Employmell' of m"'J''8'X ..__.
apirwt IAlbmariaeL
Serial o. toO.
(f9) Commaacls' Pubmin-
Subject: ud ..........
Serial 0.-
(50) OommaDder Kana-.....
Subjeat: BaUie ... Jleqtjep
Serial 0.-
2. p. (55) Vice Admiral Ozawa, T.
ubject: Battle for Leyt.e Gulf.
erial No. 227.
Okuno, Y. and anti-
ubject: Aircraft escort o! convoys
submarine operations.
erial )I o. 22
Rear Admiral Matsuyama, .
Subject: Escort and defense of shippmg.
erial No. 229.
Commander K.
ubjccr: Battle of urigao tr1nt.
erial X o. 233.
Rear Admiral :\Iatsnzaki, A.
ubject: :\Ime countermeasures and shipping
Ser1al Xo. 251.
Csptain Toyoma, Y.
Subject: Transport at :Midway and Battle of
Eastern olomons.
e1 ial X o. 252.
Rear .\. dmiral :\Iatsuyama.
ubject : Battle of avo Island, 9 August 1942.
cnsl X o. 255.
(62) Captain R .
Subject : Mine warfare in Shi monoseki Straits
and Formosa areas.
Serial K o. 256.
(63) Lieutenant Commander Okamoto, T.
ub]ect: Anmubma.rine training and equip-
Senal :Xo. 257.
(64) Rear Admiral Takata, T.
Japanese naval planning after 1\lidway.
(65) Captain Tamura, K.
Subject : warfare.
Serial No. 285.
(66) Captain Tsuda, H .
"" ub]ect: Eastern Sol
. . ' omon:5 and Phil-
Senal No. 295.
(67) ComiilAilder ...hima.da K
ubject: 12th Air in K '1 -
Pacific. un es and orth
Serial No. 311.
(68) Captain Ihara, 1\1.
ubject: I nva.qion of the Pl T .
Serial o. 331.
I ppmcs.
(69) Admiral C.
Ub]ect: Battle of Cape F
Senal .. . o. 345. ugans.
0) Vice Admiral w k
, uhjcct Obse er, Paul H.
_ rvat1ons on th
o. 359. e course of the war.
(71) Captain Komoto H
Subject : J a .
w te &Sed atr orv t'
. es rn New Gu' , ...ra IOns in
nal No. 360. mea.
(72) Vice Admi ral Miwa, S.
Subject : Submarine warfare.
Seri al No. 366.
(73) Vice Admiral Omori, S.
Subject : Operations of Japanese First D
Squadron in Aleutians. estroyer
Seri al No. 367.
(74) Capt ain !{amide, S.
Subject : Ant isubmarine warfare.
Serial No. 371.
(75) Admiral Toyoda, S.
Subject : Japanese war plans and peace
Serial No. 378. moves.
(76) Admiral Y onai.
Subject: Functions of Japanese agencies r
'bl f espon-
Sl e or prosecut ion of war.
Serial No. 379.
(77) Captain Sonokawa, Kameo.
Subject: 22nd Air Flotilla operat ions in Mal
Serial No. 387. aya.
(78) Vice Admiral Omori, S.
Subject: Empress August a Bay, 2 November
Serial No. 389.
Commander Nishino, Shigeru.
Subject : Batt le of Surigao Strait.
Serial No. 390.
Fleet Admiral Nagano, Osani.
Subject : Japanese Naval plans.
Serial No. 392.
Capt ain Fujit a, Masamihi.
Subject : Occupation of the Philippines and
Dutch East Indies.
Serial No. 395.
Capt ain Shuki, Tsuuia.
Subject: Movement of Japanese Second lt.,leet in
Central Pacific.
Serial No. 396.
Captains Kato and Ukita.
Savo-Midway, Solomons and Leyte.
Senal No. 407.
Lieut enant Colonel Fujii, K.
Subject : Aleut ian Campaign, Japanese ArmY
garrisons on Attu and Kiska.
Serial No. 408.
Captain Koyama, T.
Subject : Japanese capture of Wake Island.
Serial No. 413.
Commander Fukamizu.
Subject: Production of waste of
Japanese Naval defense.
Capt ain Fuchida, M.
Subject: First Air Fleet Spring 1944.
Serial No. 420. '
Capt ain Shibata B
Su bjcct: 21st F.lotilla
Serial No. 424.
Terai, Y.
SubJect: Carrier aircraft strikes on
Serial No. 427.
2. p. (90) Admiral Nomura, K.
Subject : Observation on J apan at war
Serial No. 429.
(91) Captain Sasaki , A.
Subject: Shor e-based air craft m Mari a n a
Serial No. 434.
(92) Commander Doi, Fusumi.
Subject: Ship operat ions in t he Palan area
Serial No. 435.
(93) Commander Okumiya.
Subject: Aleutians Campaign, Japanese his-
t orical account of the Naval bat tle
fought off Komeanderski Island.
Serial No. 438.
(94) Captain Kaneko, R.
Subject: Japanese Army Air Force, New
Guinea area.
Serial No. 440.
(95) Capt ain Ohmae, T.
Subject: Japanese Naval operations in New
Guinea area.
Serial No. 441.
(96) Admiral N abeshima, S.
Subject: Marshalls and Gilberts operations.
Serial No. 445.
(97) Captain Miyazaki.
Subject: Air operations by Japanese Naval Air
Force based at Rabaul, including
Solomons and New Guinea.
Serial No. 446.
(98) Lieutenant General Kawabe.
Subject: Over-all planning and policies.
Serial No. 447.
(99) Captain Fuehida.
Subject: Shore-based air in the Marianas.
Serial No. 448.
(100) Commander Nakajima, C.
Subject: Palau strikes-Marianas.
Serial No. 454.
(101) Rear Admiral Shoji.
Subject: Sinking of Houston.
Serial No. 459.
(102) Captain Oi and Commander Sogawa.
Subject: Escort of shipping.
Serial No. 460.
(103) Major Mashida.
Subject: Development of Japanese Army troops
and Air unit in Kuriles, Deoember
1941 to August tKS-Aleutian Cam-
Serial No. 461.
( 1 04) Captain Bbimanouchi.
Subject: Kon plan.
Serial No. 462.
(105) Rear Admiral Matauuki.
Subject: Eacon of sbippinl.
Serial No. 468.
(106) Rear Admiral Komur&.
Subject: Banta Cru ucl
Serial No. 4M.
(107) Commander Shibat a.
Subject: Submarine attac;ks on conv
Serial No. 465. oys.
(108) Commander Fujimori.
Subject : Submarine operations
Serial No. 466.
(109) Captains Yamamoto and Ohmae
Solomons Campaign.
Ser1al No. 467.
(110) Captain Abe.
Subject : Escort shipping.
Serial No. 468.
(111) Lieutenant Commander Mizutani.
Subject: Escort shipping.
Serial No. 469.
(112) Captain Geuda.
Subject: Air war, general observation.
Serial No. 473.
( 113) Colonel Suzita, I.
Subject: Bismarck Sea convoy.
Serial No. 484.
(114) Lieutenant Colonel Tanaka
Subject: Operation of Japaneae Army Air Force
in Solomons.
Serial No. 485.
(115) Vice Admiral Fulrudome, Sb.igeru.
Subject: Naval war in the Paeific.
Serial No. 503.
(116) Commander Nomura, Ryosnke.
Subject: Japaneae Jand-bued air operatiolla in
CeJebea and RPbaul area.
Serial No. 60L
(117) Commander Terai, Yosbimon.
Subject: Naval Air Force tniJJjDI
Serial No. 602.
(118) Lieutenant Cic) Hunt, Wylie II..
Subject: AleatiaD Cunpeip, iDfanntioD OD
Japuaeae Second MObile Fane ...
Kjeb Qarriaon from Uaited Stat.-
......... of war.
Serial o . ...
f Physical l)unap Divilion:
(1) MatBWDura. K.
Subject.: bombin&. Napki
Serial 0. 110.
l 2) Kawamori, B. ud K....,,, B.
Subjec\: PlaDI .... pndaG&iall - Ill ......
plaata Ia N,.-w
Serial o. IlL
r. Q-1 Divilioa:
(1) Com ........ o-w- B.
bJeo': Japu _..,....,..fill .....
8lrial 0. ...
bjeDt: Japan ..... 1Jriii .. IIIIP1
2. r. ( 4) Commander I ma.i, U
. nee organiza.-
Subject: Japanese Naval I nte lge
erial No. 236.
(5) Lieutenant General Arisuc. J
ubject: OrganizatiOn and of apanese
Army Intelligence activities.
erial No. 238.
(6) Rear Admiral Ono T.
ubject: Japanese Naval I ntelligence.
erial No. 246.
(7) Commander Yokura, S.
Subject: Japanese Naval Intelligence.
Serial X o. 250.
(8) Lieutenant Colonel Fujiwara, i\1.
Subject: Japanese Weather Intelligence.
Serial Xo. 267.
(9) Colonel :\liya.shi, :\.I.
ubject: Japanese Army Intelligence organiza-
Serial Xo. 270.
(10) Toga, A.
Subject: Intelligence organization and pro-
cedure in Japanese Army Air Division.
Serial Xo. 284.
(11) Commander Tera.i, Y.
Subject: Japanese Intelligence-its organization
and use in war plans.
Serial No. 291.
{12) Captain Otsu, T.
Subject: Intelligence methods and procedures in
Japanese Army Air Forces.
Serial No. 306.
(13) Colonel s.
SubJect: Japanese Army Air Intelligence at
. _ Bikoseutoi and Hikoshida.n level.
Serial No. 307.
(14) Commander Makayuna. C.
ubject: Fleet Intelligence organizatlo
Serial No. 309. n.
{IS) Rear Admiral Obayasbi J h'
S b' z OS 10.
u ]ect: Japanese Naval Int lli .
q -A n e gence regarding
- UUUI earners
Serial --o. 310. .
(16) Okumiya, Y.
SubJect: Combat Int 11'
Serial No. 329. e Jgence for air operations.
{17) Captain Shiba.
Subject Japan
. ese 4 aval Intellig
tion. ence organiza-
Serial N o. 330.
(18) General Kawabe M
Subject: operar
Headquarters ons at Air General
Serial No. 343.
(19) Captain Ohmae, T.
Subject: Naval Inteu
Serial No 350 genee and war Plan .
. ntng.
(20) Tomioka, S.
Subject: Japanese Naval Intelligen
Planning Depar tment of
Use by
Staff. a enera1
Serial No. 355.
(21) Colonel Ashihara.
Subject: Organization and operation of J
Army Air Force. apanese
Serial No. 362.
(22) Lieut enant Colonel Oya, K .
Subject: Intelligence organization of Imperial
Serial No. 364.
(23) Commander Yamaguchi, l\II.
Subject: Briefing and interrogation of Nav
Serial No. 365. y.
(24) Commander 1\IIiyazaki, I.
Subject: Intelligence sources used in operational
Serial No. 369.
(25) Lieutenant Colonel Asai.
Subject: Organization and operation of Tokumu
Kikan in Manchuria.
Sedal No. 372.
(26) Commander Takita, H.
Subject: Procedure and functions of aviation
unit of section 5, Naval General Staff,
third department.
Serial No. 374.
(27) Yoda, Takogo.
Subject: Operation and organization of First
Naval Air Technical Arsenal.
Serial No. 384.
(28) Major General Harada, H.
Subject: Intelligence activities of Tokumu
Serial No. 397.
(29) ueutenant Colonel Yamasaki, T.
Subject: Intelligence duties of Tolimu Kikan.
Serml No. 398.
(30) Colonel Sugita, K.
Subject: Intelligence organization and prooe-
dure of Japanese Army.
Serial No. 402.
1) Rear Admiral Takeuchi.
Subject: Naval Intelligence at Imperial Bead
quarters level.
Serial No. 410.
(32) Suzuki, M.
Subject: Orgamzation of Naval Attache staff Ill
Serial No. 411.
(33) Major Saeki, A.
Subject: Squadron (Army)
Serial No. 412.
) Captain Sanematsu, Y.
Subject: Intelligence activities of
..D ,
. , 5th section, Naval \.:
r1al No. 421.
2. r. (35) Captam Shigehiro, A.
Subject: Organization of Naval Attache staff in
Ser1al No. 422.
(36) Captain Wachi, I.
Subject: Organization of Naval Attache staff in
Serial No. 423.
(37) Commander Nakagawa.
Subject: Aircraft and ship recognition.
Serial No. 425.
(38) Lieutenant Com.mander Satake, T.
Subject: Operational Intelligence.
Serial No. 431.
(39) Captain Ito, T.
Subject: Selection and assignment of Intelligence
Serial No. 432.
(40) Commander Hanada, U.
Subject: Intelligence duties of Communication
Serial No. 433.
Commander Otani.
Subject: Operational
Serial No. 437.
Intelligence in Second
( 42) So no, E.
Subject: Information available to the Navy.
Serial No. 442.
(43) Major Anno, H.
Subject: Intelligence instructions in the War
Serial No. 449.
(44) Lieutenant Colonel Ohmura, S.
Subject:" Japanese Intelligence at Army level.
Serial No. 450.
(45) Major Kimura, P. .
Subject: Intelligence organization and operation
in 51st Army.
(46) Lieutenant Colonel No.zaki, T.. Kim-
Subject: Intelligence mstructton at the
tectai School of Nakanoku, Tokyo.
Serial No. 452.
( 4 7) Rear Admiral Yokoyama. taff before
Subject: Activities of Naval Attache
Pearl N arbor attack.
Serial No. 455.
( 48) Commander Toyoji, F .
Subject: Japanese Naval aircraft
Serial No. 482.
(49) Captain Fuchida, Mitsuo. Pearl Harbor
Subject: Intelligence for attack on
Serial No. 603.
(50) Colonel Sbimisu, T&keo. ln\ellipD at
Subject: Instruction relatiDI to
the War CoUep.
Serial No. 604.
(51) Lieutenant Commander &Dallta. ca
Subject: TraiDIDI and du\lel of
Serial o. eoa.
(52) Lieutenant Colonel Yamamura.
Subject: Kem Pei Tai.
Serial No. 607.
(53} Lieutenant Colonel Tokunaga, Hachiro.
Subject: Intelligence in the Japanese Ground
Forces at Army level.
Serial No. 608.
a. Complete set of interrogations filed alphabetically.
t. Complete set of interrogations filed numerically.
u. Log of interrogations.
11. Questionnaires submitted to the Japanese by Mili-
tary Analysis Division:
(1) Questionnaire .. o. 1. Organization and dis-
position of 7 December 1941. Prepared under:
Colonel Matsumae, t.fiso; Colonel Tukagi,
Sukuyuki. Colonel Matsumae has USSBA In-
terrogation No. 243.
(2) Questionnaire No. 2. Philippines-Netherlands
East Indies, 7 December 1941 1 March 1942.
Person in charge: Colonel Miy&ko, Minow;
Lieutenant Colonel Tanaka, Y
(3} Questionnaire No. 3. Pacific Ocean Areas, 7
December 1941 to 30 September 19. Pre-
pared under: Lieutenant Colonel Ta.naku, KojL
See USSBS Interrogations 483, -485, 486, 388.
(4) Questionnaire No . .(. Kurile and AleuU&n Area.
Prepared under: Colonel Komorit&, SbiDpn;
Colonel, Seto; Lieutalant Cokmel Tujii.
Kannmi. See USSBS Interroptions Ml, 408.
(5) Questionnaire No. 5. Bismuct ADd BoloJDOD
Ialanda 7 December 1Ml to 11 February 19.
under: Lieutawlt Colonel Tat,..;,
Baku yuki.
(6) QuestioDDaire No.6. New GuiDe& and ether-
lands East Indies Area, 1 March 1M2 to 11 Feb-
ruary 19. Prepu'fJd UDder: Colonel Kllllflko,
R.iDsieke; Lieuteaaat Colonel ()bmot;o, Tauyo-
aki: Major Uchida, :U...,.U.
Quest.ioDDUre o. 1. The 8oatb PMilc from 19
(7) Februu'Y 1944 to 15 Aapd IML Prepued
under Colonel ....... -. IliaD; See UBSB8
Intar:O.tion HI; 0a1rMJ1 Kuwh, u:--;
UeateaaDt OoiMael .,....a, Sblro;

(8) Q
UMdoDMire o. Soutllwel& Alia. P.....,ed
uz-ho JOwn UN__.
UDder. Colonel .-.q-. .... m,
ColoN' JanY. ....... -

IA-abaia fl OIM"mppd
D OOCJP6' &twa
(10) Qa s1iDIIMhe 10. ftiiiPI ..
liM to II liiL
ua-.... -

. . 2 Volcano and Bonin
2. v. (12) Quesbonnrure No. 1 . A ust 1945. Pre-
Islands 1 June 1944 to 15 ug ..
' TakeJ1ro
pared by: l\Iajor hmaml, Korea,
(13) Questionnaire No. 13. Formosa, . )' Con-
and Kansei- hoto (Okinawa CampalgDd .in For-
,, Chain of comman
t a.ins the OuOWl Dg. r nd Korea.
moss the Na.nsei, hoto, l\.ysuhu a d by
' Ch' Prepare
(14) Questionnaire No. H. ma.
Major Shinami, Takejiro. f the
(15) Questionnaire No. 15. Navy defense
main Japanese I lands, air s:
Submitted by the Navy conta.m the followiD?
Estimates of the Uni ted States air power 1D
different Japanese localities.
(16) Questionnaire Xo. 16. Army defense of the
main Japanese Islands against air
pared under: Lieutenant Colonel
Ta.keshi ; Lieutenant Colonel Tanaka, Ko11: See
L"SSBS Interrogations 483, 485, 486, 388.
(17) Questionnaire Xo. 17. Korea and nla.nchuria.,
7 December 1941 to 15 August 1945. Prepared
under : Lieutenant Colonel Tanaka, Koji: See
'GSSBS Interrogations 483, 485, 388.
(18) Questionnaire No. 18. Petroleum, oil, lubricants.
Deals with the distribution, storage and supply.
tc. memoranda and translations pre-
pared by various Divisions of the Survey.
(1) :\lilitary Analysis Division Report. Thirt eenth
Air For ce in the W a.r Against Japan.
J (2) Xaval Analysis Division. :\Iemorandum of
X A V 11. Listing of causes of J a.panese Naval
loss, compiled by t"SSBS, 14 January 1945.
(3) Repon on Japanese Naval Intelligence sub-
mitted by Captain Omae, Toshilsa.zu (I JK)
Japanese General Staff, 5 December 1945.
(4) Repon on Japanese Naval Intelligence sub-
by Rear Admiral Taceuchi, Ka.ow (JJN)
Chief of fifth section (United St ates and Latin
America) of the third department (Xaval I ntel-
ligence) of the Naval General Staff.
(5) Memorandum, 10 November 194=- Jap
N v. anese
... supply organization
dealing v.ith: (A-
ship construction and ordnance, B--aeronautical
arms, C- food I fuel, and clothing)
(6) Intelligence Memorandum- 28 0. ct b 19 -
t f shi o er
ist o. pbuilding and manufacturing facilities.
I ntelligence Memorandum- 5 N b .
"Th . . J. ovem er 1945
e pnnctpal probleiil3 and obstacles which
confronted the Japanese shipping d .
time." urmg war-
(8) November 1945
aubmanne operations (list' f '
(9) List f J mg o submannes)
apanese merchant shi _
lost subsequent to attack p ps over oOO tons
(10) M on earl Barbo
emorandum on evaluat" r . r.
high-explosive bombs on o Incendiary and
d . as used by A' F
unng the war-23 N
be lr orces
(11) Intelligence r
List of Japanese merchant l'iovember 194.5.
of submarine attacks L' s Ips lost as a result
eae Naval Ministry. . lBt compiled by Japan-
Report on Japanese Army Intelligence s ubm' t
3 November 1945, by Lieutenant Ge
Arisne Seigo (IJ A) chief of G-2 Army
Staff, by USSBS. era}
Intelligence rvi emoran dum- 5 November
Significant event r elat ing to r ecent
expansion and t he Pacific War.
I nt elligence Memorandum- Eye witness account
of the bombing of Hiroshima.
I nt elligence Memor andum. Translation of
"I t a
Japanese Document mpor ance of China Re-
sources on our Mater ial Str ength."
Memorandum. Organizat ion and key personnel
of the ground forces in the Japanese Army at
the termi nat ion of t he war.
I ntelligence memorandum-IS November 1945.
Dispersion of plants.
Naval Anal ysis Division. Semi-final report
" The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor, 7 De-
cember 1941."
Intelligence memorandum-January 1946. An
estimat ion of the strength of the United States,
Brit ish, USSR, German, and Italian Naval
Fleets and Air Forces by the Japanese compiled
in 1941.
(20) Translation No. 7-26 June 1946. Japanese es-
timates and comparisons of the resources as of
the beginning and end of the war. Compiled
by Intelligence Division, WDGS, Office of Naval
Intelligence, United States Navy.
Memorandum. A translation of a report on the
effect s of the Pacific War on resources and
Anglo-America prepared by the Japanese Cab-
inet Planning Board on 9 June 1942. Also the
draft copy of this information.
Memorandum-29 January 1946. A transla-
tion of Japanese comparisons of Japanese and
American military strength and national re-
sources. Four enclosures-Yonai documents:
(a) A comparison of Japanese-American mill
tary strength in the Postwar period.
(b) Comparison of Military strength of Japan
and United States at start of the war.
(c) Estimation of Japanese strength before and
after the outbreak of the Greater East
Asia War (December 1941).
(d) Survey (supplement) of the national re-
sources, about the first ten days of 1945.
Memorandum 12 February 1946.
, r
Prince Konoye as expressed to the Eropero
of Japan, early in February 1945.
Memoirs of Prince Konove. A personal record
presented by Prince himself. (AlsO the
draft copies which were included by the
Series of charts showiDI ofPO
' on of Army procurement agencies.
Intelligence memorandum. Traffic tablelt
borne freight of types.
2. tu. (27) Intelligence memorandum. Japanese survey of
atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
See USSBS interrogation of Dr. Nishina..
(28) Intelligence memorandum. List of those of-
ficial titles of t he individuals and bodies in t he
Japanese government closest t o the t hrone
throughout World War II.
(29) Translated German cables found in German
Embassy in Tokyo.
(30) Proposed constitution of Japan.
(31) Statistical reports on:
(a) Ground forces in the Japanese Army at the
termination of the war.
{b) United States Navy air effort against Jap-
anese home isla.nd World War II ordnance
(c) Report to the Diet by the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, concerning rea.
sons for the termination of the war.
(32) Outline of the Japanese government and ita
leaders compiled by USSBS-20 September 1945.
(33) USSBS memoranda. Admiral Oikawa's reply
to Colonel Potts, regarding Japanese Naval
preparation at the outbreak of war.
(34) Miscellaneous memorandum dealing with the
administration of Japanese government control-
ling agencies a.nd their programs.

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