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Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)

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CHemical Bonding
Introduction There are more than hundred elements around us. But, we do not find these elements in their native form. This is because most of these elements are highly reactive. They interact with each other to form simple or complex substances. Only elements with the noble gas configuration have no tendency to react. This is because of their completely filled outermost electronic configuration of ns2 np6. This type of electronic structure gives stability to the element making them less reactive. All the other elements that do not have this type of configuration aim to achieve so. They attain the noble gas configuration by combining with each other either by gaining or losing energy. The chemical reactivity of any element is thus related to the number and distribution of electrons in its atom and the energy changes involved therein. Lower the energy of a system greater is its stability. Hence any change that gives the elements extra stability by losing or gaining electrons, occurs spontaneously. Chemical Combination The force which holds together the ions, atoms and molecules in a chemical substance is called as chemical bond. It is the same force which makes substances combines with each other in many different ways to give newer products. The combining tendency of atoms to form chemical bonds can be explained in term of the electronic theory of valency, which states that: The tendency of an atom to take part in chemical combination is determined by the number of valence electrons (electrons in the outermost shell of an atom). The atoms acquire the stable noble gas configuration of having eight electrons in the outermost shell (called octect rule) by mutual sharing or by transfer of one or more electrons. The valency (number of electrons an atom loses, gains or mutually shares to attain noble gas configuration) of an element is either equal to the number of valence electrons or equal to 8 minus the number of valence electrons. Lewis electron dot symbols In order to represent the structures of the combining elements in the most simplest way in terms of the valence electrons on paper, Lewis proposed the following notation: The symbols of the element is written first. This represents the nucleus of the element with all the inner electrons that do not take part in the bond formation. The valence electrons are then written as dots or (small cross marks) around the symbol. They are spread in a pair on four sides of the symbol. In case of ions the charge is shown with the symbol. This type of representation is called as Lewis symbols or Lewis structures or electron dot symbol. For example, the Lewis structure for hydrogen is: , where H represents the nucleus of hydrogen atom and the dot ( ) represents the one valence electrons present in the atom of hydrogen Similarly the Lewis dot structure of Chlorine can be written as:

Types of Chemical Bonding

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)

The type of chemical bond developed between the two combining atoms depends upon the way these atoms acquire a stable noble gas configuration. Elements may combine through any one of the following ways to form stable compounds: By transfer of electrons When the chemical bond occurs by the complete transfer of electron(s) from the atom(s) of one element to the atom or atoms of another element.The bond formed is called Ionic(electrovalent) bond. By sharing of electrons 1) When the shared electrons are contributed by the two combining atoms equally, the bond formed is called Covalent bond. 2) When these electrons are contributed entirely by one of the atoms but shared by both, the bond formed is known as Coordinate bond. Ionic (or electrovalent) Bond When a complete transfer of one or more valence electrons from the atom of a metal to that of a non-metal takes place, an ionic (or electrovalent) bond is formed. As a result of this electron transfer following changes occur in the reacting atoms. Both the atoms acquire stable noble gas configurations, one completing its octet by losing its electron(s) and the other by gaining its electron(s). The atom that loses its electrons becomes a positively charged ion, called 'cation', whereas the atom which gains these electrons becomes a negatively charged ion called 'anion'. The two oppositely charged ions, i.e. the cation and the anion, are then held together by the coulombic forces of attraction to form an ionic bond. During the formation of an ionic bond a certain amount of energy is released. Thus, an ionic bond may be defined as: 'The bond formed by the complete transference of electron(s) from one atom to another so as to acquire noble gas configuration'. The compounds in which the constituent ions are held together by ionic bond (coulombic forces) are called ionic (or electrovalent) compounds. Some typical ionic compounds are sodium chloride, potassium chloride, potassium sulphate etc. When the transfer of electrons form a compound, the element that loses the electrons is said to be 'oxidized' and the element that gains the electrons is said to be 'reduced'. Oxidation is a process which involves loss of electrons whereas reduction is a process which involves gaining of electrons. Electrovalency The number of electrons lost or gained by an atom of any element is termed as its electrovalency. The elements that give up electrons to form positive ions are said to have positive valency, while the elements which accept electrons to form negative ions are said to exhibit negative valency. Thus, the electrovalency of sodium is 1+, and that of chlorine is 1- in NaCl. Similarly, calcium, magnesium in their chloride exhibit an electrovalency of 2+. There are many elements, which show different electrovalencies in different compounds. This phenomenon is called variable electrovalency e.g., iron exist as Fe2+ and Fe3+ in ferrous sulphate and ferric sulphate respectively. Formation of sodium chloride For example, during the formation of an ionic bond between sodium and chlorine atoms, sodium atom (1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1) has only one electron in its valence shell. By losing this one electron it complete its octet and acquires the noble gas configuration of neon (2, 8). While the chlorine atom (1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5) which has seven electrons in its valence shell, gains one electron to complete its octet and acquires the stable electronic configuration of argon.

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)

Formation of magnesium chloride Magnesium whose atomic number is 12, has 2, 8, 2 configuration. So, it has two electrons in its valence shell. The electronic configuration of chlorine (At. no. 17) is 2,8,7. So it has seven valence electrons. Since, magnesium has two electrons in excess of the neon configuration(2, 8), and chlorine is one electron short of the argon configuration (2,8,8), hence one atom of magnesium will transfer its two electrons to two atoms of chlorine (one to each) as shown below;

The Mg2+ and the two Cl- so formed, then form ionic bonds between them.

In terms of Lewis dot structure,

Properties of ionic (or electrovalent) bond An ionic or electrovalent bond has the following characteristics: An ionic bond is formed due to the coulombic attraction between the positively and negatively charged ions. An ionic bond is non-directional i.e., the strength of interaction between two ions depend upon distance, but not on the direction. An ionic bond gets broken when the substance is dissolved in a polar solvent or when the substance is melted. Stoichiometric (or empirical) Formulae of Ionic Compounds The electrostatic field of an ion is nondirectional.Each positive ion attracts several negative ions around it depending upon its size or radius and vice-versa ,resulting in a three dimensional solid aggregate called an ionic crystal in which oppositely charged ions alternate in regular,continuous geometrical pattern.The ionic compounds contain ions distributed in such a way that a cation has an anion as it nearest neighbour and vice-versa. There is no discrete molecule in an ionic compound. Therefore it is not correct to assign a molecular formula to an ionic compound. The formula representing the simple ratio of the elements present in an ionic compound may thus be termed as empirical formula or simply as stoichiometric formula. For example, stoichiometric formula of sodium chloride is NaCl or Na+Cl-. The stoichiometric formula of an ionic compound can be easily written, if the charges or the constituent ions are known. Valence of some common monoatomic ions of the main group elements are given below:

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)

Problem 1. Deduce the electronic configuration and formulae for the ionic compound formed by the elements Al and F; draw its Lewis structure. (Al = 13, F = 9) Solution :The electronic configurations of aluminium (At. no. 13) and fluorine (At. no. 9) atoms are 2,8,3 and 2,7 respectively. Aluminium has 3 electrons in excess of its nearest noble gas (neon) configuration. Fluorine is one electron short of its nearest noble gas (neon) configuration. Therefore, one atom of aluminium will transfer its three electrons to three atoms of fluorine (one of each) as shown below:

The Al3+ and three F- ions then form ionic bonds between them,

In terms of Lewis dot structure,

Energy changes in the formation of Ionic bond There are three steps involved in the formation of an electrovalent (or ionic) bond. Removal of electron(s) from one atom In this step, energy equal to the ionization energy is absorbed. Gaining of electron(s) by the other atom In this step, energy equal to the electron affinity is released. Combination of cations and anions Coulombic forces of attraction hold these ions together. In this step, energy equal to the lattice energy is released. Factors Influencing the Formation of an Ionic Bond

The conditions which favour the formation of an ionic bond are; Low ionisation energy Ionisation energy is the amount of energy, which is required to remove the most loosely bound electron(s) from an isolated gaseous atom to form a positive ion. In forming an ionic bond, one atom must form a cation by losing one or more electrons. In general, elements having low ionisation energies have a more favourable chance to form a cation, thereby having a greater tendency to form ionic bonds. Thus, lower ionization energy of metallic elements favours the

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)

formation of an ionic bond. It is because of low ionization energy that the alkali and alkaline earth metals, form ionic compounds.

High electron affinity Electron affinity is the amount of energy released, when an isolated gaseous atom accepts an electron to form a negative ion. The other atom participating in the formation of an ionic compound must form an anion by gaining an electron (s). Higher electron affinity favours the formation of an anion. Therefore, generally, the elements having higher electron affinity favour the formation of an ionic bond. Halogens have high electron affinities, and therefore halogens generally form ionic compounds.

Large lattice energy When a cation, and an anion come closer to each other, they get attracted to each other due to the coulombic force of attraction. These electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions release a certain amount of energy (when the ions come closer) and an ionic bond is formed. If the coulombic attractions are stronger, then more energy gets released and a more stable ionic bond is formed. Lattice energy 'is the energy released when one mole of an ionic compound in crystalline form is formed from the constituent ions'. Therefore, larger lattice energy would favour the formation of an ionic bond. Lattice energy thus is a measure of coulombic attraction between the combining ions. The lattice energy of an ionic compound depends directly on the product of the ionic charges, and inversely on the square of the distance between them.Lattice Energy=q1xq2\d2. Thus, small ions having higher ionic charge shall have larger lattice energy. Lattice energies of various sodium halides are:

The minus sign of lattice energy indicates that the energy is released from ions in the gaseous state, during the formation of solid ionic compound. An ionic bond is formed through the steps described above. Now, if the total energy released is more than that which is absorbed, then the formation of ionic compound is favoured. The conditions that favour the formation of an ionic bond (or ionic compound) are summarized below: Low ionisation energy of the metallic element, which forms the cation. High electron affinity of the non-metallic element, which forms the anion. Large lattice energy i.e., the smaller size and higher charge of the ions.

Problem 2. Show whether the formation of ionic bond in sodium chloride is favourable if the ionization potential of Na is 495.8 kJmol-1, the electron affinity of Cl is 349.4 kJmol-1 & lattice energy is 776kJmol-1. Solution .The formation of ionic bond of NaCl can be described through the following steps.

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)

Step 1Ionization of Na(g) to Na+(g) In this step, energy equal to the ionisation energy of sodium is absorbed.

Step 2: Formation of chloride ion from chlorine atom in the gaseous phase. In this step energy equal to the electron affinity of chlorine is released.

Step 3: Formation of solid sodium chloride from Na+(g) and Cl-(g). In this step, energy equal to the lattice energy is released.

Total energy released per mole of NaCl formed

= 776+349.4 kJ= 1125.4 kJ

Total energy absorbed in step (1) = 495.8 kJ Therefore, Net energy released per mole of NaCl formed = 629.6 kJ Na+Cl- is stable. General Properties of Ionic Compounds

Since, energy (= 629.6 kJ/mol) is released during the formation of sodium chloride for Na (g)and Cl(g), hence the ionic bond in

The general properties of ionic compounds are:

Physical state Ionic compounds do not exist in the form of independent molecules but exist in the form of ions in crystalline solids, according to X-ray studies. These ions are arranged to form the crystal lattice in definite geometric pattern. For example, in NaCl crystal, each Na+ ion is surrounded by six Cl- ions and each Cl- ion is surrounded by six Na+ ions. The geometric arrangement of different ionic compounds differ, depending upon the size of the ions and the magnitude of the charges on the ions. High melting and boiling points Ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points. A large amount of energy is required to break the crystal lattice, because the ions are held together by strong electrostatic forces of attraction. The variation in melting point depends upon the charges on the ions and ionic radii. The closer the ions in crystal, larger will be the electrostatic forces of attraction and consequently higher will be the melting point. For example in case of sodium

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)

halides, the melting points decrease from NaF to NaI as: NaF (1270K), NaCl (1073K), NaBr (1023K) and NaI (924K).

Solubility Ionic compounds are generally soluble in water and other polar solvents having high dielectric constants. This is due to larger electrostatic interactions between polar solvents and ions. However ionic compounds are insoluble in non-polar solvents. Electrical conductivity In solution or in their molten states, ions become free to move. On applying an electric field,the ions get drifted towards towards their respective electrodes.Thus, ionic compounds are good conductors of electricity in these states. However, these do not conduct in their solid state because of strong electrostatic forces between the ions, that does not make them mobile. Ionic reactions The ionic compounds split up into oppositely charged ions when dissolved in water. The chemical reactions of ionic compounds are characteristic of the constituent ions and are known as 'ionic reactions'. Such reactions occur almost instantaneously. For example: 1.Neutralization reactions

2.Double displacement reactions

Crystalline character In ionic-compounds each ion is surrounded by oppositely charged ions uniformly distributed all around the ion,thus resulting in a three dimensional solid aggregate called an ionic crystal.

Problem 3. Give the Lewis structures and empirical formulae for the ionic compound formed between the following pairs of elements : (i) Ba,Cl (ii) Na,S (iii) Mg,N (iv) Na, P. Solution :From the charges on the ions, the number of positive and negative ions in the compound can be found out. This gives the empirical formula (E.F.)

Lewis formula:

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)

Lewis formula:

Lewis formula:

Born Haber Cycle

Based on Hess's law Born and Haber in 1919 developed a simplified and cyclic method to correlate lattice energies of ionic crystals to other thermodynamic data. For example, the net energy changes during the formation of sodium chloride from metallic sodium and chlorine gas can be represented by Hf

The overall process is thought to take place in following intermediate steps: Intermediate steps (i) Metallic sodium into gaseous sodium atom The energy required per mole of sodium is 'enthalpy of sublimation' which is represented by ( Hs). This step is energy consuming process.

(ii) Dissociation of chlorine molecule into chlorine atoms The energy required per mole of chlorine is 'enthalpy of dissociation' represented by ( d)

(iii) Gaseous sodium atom into gaseous cation The energy required in this process is called Ionization energy (IE).

(iv) Gaseous chlorine atom into gaseous anion

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)

This step involves the release of energy referred as Electron Affinity (EA).

(v) Combination of oppositely charged gaseous ions to form solid crystal This involves the release of energy referred as lattice energy (U).

The various energy changes in different steps are as shown:

Born Haber Cycle for NaCl The sum of the energy changes taking place during various steps is equal to DHf i.e., heat of formation of NaCl(s) according to Hess' Law.

Various values for NaCl are as follows:

IE of sodium (IE) = 495.8 kJ mol-1 Lattice energy of NaCl (U) = -769.8 kJ mol-1

EA of chlorine (EA) = -349 kJ mol-1

Substituting these values in equation (v) we get = 393.0 kJ mol-1

Applications of Born Haber Cycle Lattice energy of ionic solids

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)


Born Haber Cycle helps us to calculate the lattice energy of ionic solid, provided other thermodynamic data is known. For example, the lattice energy of magnesium fluoride (MgF2) can be calculated when the sublimation energy (S) of Mg = 146.4 kJ mol-1; IE1 and IE2 values of Mg=737 and 1449 kJ mol -1 respectively; Dissociation energy (D) of fluorine = 158.8 kJ mol-1; EA of fluorine = - 328 kJ mol -1 and DHf of MgF2 =- 1096.5 kJ mol 1. Born Haber Cycle for MgF2 is as shown:

Born Haber Cycle for MgF2 Hf = Hs + Hd + (IE1 + IE2) + 2 EA1+ U or U = Hf - Hs - Hd - (IE1 + IE2) - 2 EA1

= -1096.5 - 146.4 - 158.8 - (737 + 1449) - 2(-328)

= -2931.7 kJmol-1

Born Haber cycle can help us to calculate the values of Hf for unknown compounds. From the calculated values of Hf one can predict whether the compound is stable or not. If Hfvalue is negative, the compound is stable. If Hf is positive, the formation of compound is highly unfavourable. For example, to calculate the value of DHf for hypothetical compound ArCl the data given is: IE1 for Ar = 526.3 kJ mol-1, Dissociation energy of chlorine (D) = 243 kJ mol-1; EA of chlorine is - 349 kJ mol-1 ; Lattice energy (U) of ArCl(s) is - 703 kJ mol -1. In the cycle below:

Born Haber cycle for ArCl(s)

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)


The + ve value of DHf indicates that net energy is required for this process. Hence, formation ArCl is energetically unfavourable.

Electron affinities The Born Haber cycle can be used for the calculation of electron affinities of some elements that are otherwise very difficult to measure. Heat of formation of a compound may be expressed as:

S, Hf, D, and IE are experimentally determined and lattice energy, U may be calculated by using other equation (Born Lande equation). Using the above equation, electron affinity may be calculated.

Proton affinities The Born Haber cycle can also be used to calculate the proton affinities (PA) of some bases. The proton affinity of a species X is defined as the energy released in the reaction:

To calculate the proton affinity of NH3 using Born Haber Cycle for the process,

PA = H -Hd - IE - EA - U ...(i) The thermodynamic data is as: H = - 144.5 kJ mol-1; IE = 1312 kJ mol-1; EA = -349.0 kJ mol-1 Hd = 433.0 kJ mol-1; U = -649.0 kJ mol-1 Substituting the values, PA = - 144.5 - (433.0) - (1313.0) - (-349.0) - (-649.0) = -891.5 kJ mol-1 Covalent Bond A covalent bond is defined 'as the force of attraction arising due to mutual sharing of electrons between the two atoms'.

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)


The combining atoms may share one, two or three pairs of electrons. The covalent bond is formed between two similar or dissimilar atoms by a mutual sharing of electrons, which are counted towards the stability of both the participating atoms. When the two atoms combine by mutual sharing of electrons, then each of the atoms acquires stable configuration of the nearest noble gas. The compounds formed due to covalent bonding are called covalent compounds.The shared pair of electrons are called Bond Pairs. Covalency The number of electrons, which an atom contributes towards mutual sharing during the formation of a chemical bond is called its covalency in that compound. Thus, the covalency of hydrogen in H2 (H - H, H : H)

Sometimes one or more pairs of electrons in the valence shell of the atom do not take part in bonding, and are known as a lone pairs; they are also called non-bonding pair of electrons. Example: A covalent bond has the following characteristics: Directional character Covalent bonds form due to mutual sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between two atoms. In a covalent bond, the shared pair of electrons remains localised in a definite space between the nuclei of the two atoms. This gives a directional character to the covalent bond. General Properties of Covalent Compounds The main characteristic properties of covalent compounds are: State of existence The covalent compounds do not exist as ions but exist as molecules. There are weak intermolecular forces between the molecules and hence they exist as liquids or gases at room temperature. However, a few compounds also exist in the solid state e.g. urea, sugar etc. Low melting and boiling points The melting and boiling points of covalent compounds are generally low. This is because of the fact that the forces between the molecules are weak and thus are easily overcome at low temperatures. Solubility Covalent compounds are generally insoluble or less soluble in water and in other polar solvents. They are however, soluble in non-polar solvents such as benzene, carbon tetrachloride etc. Non-conductors Since covalent compounds do not give ions in solution, these are poor conductors of electricity in the fused or dissolved state. Molecular reactions The reactions between covalent compounds occur between their molecules. These involve the breaking of covalent bonds in reacting molecules & forming new covalent bonds to give molecules of the products. These reactions are quite slow because energy is required to break covalent bonds. Directional character of bond Since the covalent bond is localised in between nuclei of atoms, it is directional in nature. Single covalent bond :A covalent bond formed by mutual sharing of one pair of electrons is called a 'single covalent

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)


bond', or simply a single bond. A small line ( ) between the two atoms is represents a single covalent bond. Formation of single covalent bond is illustrated through the following examples. Formation of hydrogen molecule Hydrogen atom has only one electron in its outermost shell, and requires one more to acquire the nearest noble gas configuration of helium (He: 1s2). To do so, two hydrogen atoms contribute one electron each to share one pair of electrons between them. This leads to the formation of a single covalent bond between the two hydrogen atoms.

Formation of chlorine molecule Chlorine atom has seven valence electrons. Thus, each Cl atom requires one more electron to acquire the nearest noble gas configuration (Ar:2, 8, 8). They do this by mutual sharing of one pair of electrons as shown below.

Formation of methane (CH4) Carbon atom has four electrons in its outermost shell. Thus, it requires four more electrons to acquire a stable noble gas configuration. Each H- atom has only one electron in its outermost shell and requires one more electron to complete its outermost shell (to acquire He configuration). This is done as follows:

Problems 4. Represent the formation of phosphorus trichloride in terms of Lewis structure. Solution : Phosphorus atom has five electrons in its outermost shell. It needs three more electrons to complete its shell. One electron is required to complete a chlorine atom, as its outer shell has seven electrons. Thus, one phosphorus atom can share one electron pair with each of the three chlorine atoms. This gives the following Lewis structure for PCl3

5. Show how nitrogen forms covalent bonds with three hydrogen atoms in the formation of ammonia (NH3). Are all electrons involved in the bonding? Give the Lewis structure of the covalent bond also. Solution The electronic configurations of nitrogen and hydrogen are

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)


Thus, each nitrogen atom requires three more electrons to acquire a stable noble gas configuration. On the other hand, each H-atom requires only one electron to achieve the stable helium configuration. This is done by mutually sharing of three pairs of electrons between one N and three H-atoms, as shown below:

The unshared pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom (in ammonia molecule) is not involved in bond formation and is called a lone pair of electrons. Multiple Covalent Bonds The covalent bonds developed due to mutual sharing of more than one pairs of electrons are termed 'multiple covalent bonds'. These are: Double covalent bond The bond formed between two atoms due to the sharing of two electron-pairs is called a double covalent bond or simply a double bond. It is denoted by two small horizontal lines (=) drawn between the two atoms, e.g., O = O, O = C = O etc. Triple covalent bond Bond formed due to the sharing of three electron pairs is called a triple covalent bond or simply a triple bond. Three small horizontal lines between the two atoms denote a triple bond e.g., N N, and H-C C-H (acetylene).

Comparison Between Single, Double and Triple Covalent Bonds Single, double and triple covalent bonds differ from each other in the following ways. Single bond is formed by the sharing of one electron pair, (two electrons); a double bond is formed by the sharing of two electron pairs, (four electrons), whereas a triple bond involves sharing of three electron pairs, (six electrons). The bond lengths follow the order: Triple bond length < Double bond length < Single bond length In a triple bond, six electrons attract the nuclei with greater force, out of the three types of bond length. This decreases the distance of separation between the two nuclei the most. In a double bond, because of a larger distance of separation between the two nuclei than a triple bond, the four electrons attract the nuclei with a relatively lesser force. In a single bond, two electrons hold the nuclei with a still lesser force giving the largest length of bond. Since, a shorter bond means greater bond strength hence, the energy required to separate the bonded atoms (called bond energy) follows the order. Triple bond > Double bond > Single bond. Factors Favouring the Formation of a Covalent Bond The following factors favour the formation of covalent bonds. High ionisation energy Elements that have higher ionisation energies cannot form ionic bonds, as they cannot lose electrons easily. Instead, they acquire stability by mutual sharing of electrons, and therefore form covalent bonds. Equal electron affinity The atoms of the two elements, which have equal or nearly equal electron affinities tend to complete their outer shells by mutual sharing of electrons. This is because electron transfer in such cases will not be possible. Atoms tend to share the electrons and form a

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)


covalent bond when equal or nearly equal electro negativity of the two combining elements exists. This state does not permit the transfer of electron(s) from one atom to another. High nuclear charge and small atomic size : High nuclear charge and smaller atomic size leads to the increase in Ionisation energy of the combining elements. Therefore it favours covalent bond formation, because the transfer of electrons in such cases will not be possible. Coordinate Covalent Bond or Dative Bond When the shared electron pair is provided by one of the combining atoms, a coordinate bond is formed. The atom, which provides the electron pair is termed as the donor atom, while the other atom, which accepts it, is termed as the acceptor atom. Such a bond is also known as dative bond. An arrow (g) pointing from donor towards the acceptor atom represents a coordinate bond. When a one sided sharing of electrons takes place, the coordinate bond so formed cannot be distinguished from a normal covalent bond.

The formation of coordinate bonds is illustrated through some examples given below. Formation of ammonium (NH+4) ion During the formation of ammonium ion, nitrogen is the donor atom, while H+ is the acceptor ion as shown below:

Formation of ozone (O3) molecule A molecule of oxygen contains two oxygen atoms joined by a double covalent bond (the electronic configuration of oxygen atom is 2, 6; it is two electron short of neon configuration). Thus, the two atoms of oxygen share two electrons each and do not require any more electrons because they have already attained stable octet configurations. If an atom of oxygen having six electrons comes closer to the oxygen molecule, the new atom may share a lone pair of electrons from either of these two oxygen atoms, which donates to the third oxygen atom without sharing any of the electrons of the third oxygen atom. As a result, a coordinate bond is formed between one of the oxygen atoms of the oxygen molecule, and the third atom of oxygen. This is shown below:

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)


Formation of a coordinate bond between two molecules Sometimes, two or more stable molecules combine to form a molecular complex. In a complex molecule, the constituent molecules are held together by a 'coordinate bond'. One typical example involves the molecules of NH3 and BF3. The electron dot structures of these molecules are:

The nitrogen atom has a complete octet around it, but boron atom has only six electrons around it. The nitrogen atom therefore donates its lone pair of electrons to boron so that its atoms also acquire the octet. This one-sided sharing between N and B atoms gives rise to a coordinate bond. Coordinate bonds are involved in the formation of transition metal complexes known as coordination compounds.

Lewis Structures of Some Covalent Compounds

The steps in writing Lewis structures of covalent compounds are as follows: of the molecule by placing the atoms of the combining elements properly. Usually an atom, which forms the largest number of bonds with other atoms is written as the central atom of the structure. For example in PCl3 of the following skeleton structures only skeleton structure IV is correct, because Cl atoms cannot form more than one covalent bonds, while P could do.

totally available on each atom in the molecule. Arrange them in such a way that each atom (except hydrogen) is surrounded by eight electrons. Hydrogen atom has only two electrons around it. The shared electrons are common to both the atoms and are counted as part of the octets around both the atoms. on the two combining atoms, differently. Dots are put on one atom, and the crosses on the other.

Problem 6. The electronic configuration of a neutral atom 'D' is given as: 1s2 2s2 2p5. What is its Lewis structure (empirical formula)? Solution The electronic configuration of atom 'D' has seven electrons in the outermost shell. Each 'D' atom should share a pair of electrons with another 'D' atoms to form a substance containing only 'D' .i.e.,

Hence, the formula of the substance is D2. It is a covalent compound.

Credible Institute of learning: chemical bonding 11th (Amit Sharma)


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