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Work and School

architect accountant judge business person baker hair dresser computer programmer secretary electrician mechanic cook salesperson fire fighter plumber librarian police officer reporter factory worker banker lawyer postal worker carpenter engineer doctor nurse pharmacist psychologist dentist veterinarian taxi driver writer teacher professor student Masculine l'architecte le comptable le juge l'homme d'affaires le boulanger le coiffeur le programmeur le secrtaire l'lectricien le mcanicien le cuisinier le vendeur le pompier le plombier le bibliothcaire l'agent de police le journaliste l'ouvrier le banquier l'avocat le facteur le charpentier l'ingnieur le mdecin l'infirmier le pharmacien le psychologue le dentiste le vtrinaire le chauffeur de taxi l'crivain l'instituteur le professeur l'tudiant lar-shee-tekt kohn-tahbl zhoozh lohn dah-fehr boo-lawn-zhay kwah-fur proh-grah-mur suk-ray-tehr ay-lehk-tree-seeahn may-kah-neesyahn kwee-zee-nyay vawn-dur pohn-pyay plohn-byay bee-blee-oh-tehkehr lah-zhawnd pohleess zhoor-nah-leest loov-ree-ay bahn-kee-ay lah-voh-kah fah-tur shar-pawn-tyay lahn-zhay-nyur mayd-sawn lahn-feer-myay fahr-mah-seeahn psee-koh-lohg dawn-teest vay-tay-ree-nehr shoh-furd tahksee lay-kree-vahn lahn-stee-tew-tur proh-fuh-sur lay-tew-dee-awn Feminine l'architecte la comptable la juge la femme d'affaires la boulangre la coiffeuse la programmeuse la secrtaire l'lectricien la mcanicienne la cuisinire la vendeuse le pompier le plombier la bibliothcaire l'agent de police la journaliste l'ouvrire la banquire l'avocate la factrice le charpentier l'ingnieure la mdecine l'infirmire le pharmacienne la psychologue la dentiste la vtrinaire le chauffeur de taxi l'crivaine l'institutrice le professeur l'tudiante lar-shee-tekt kohn-tabl zhoozh fahn dah-fehr boo-lawn-zhay kwah-fus proh-grah-mur suk-ray-tehr ay-lehk-tree-seeahn may-kah-neesyenn kwee-zee-nyay vawn-dur pohn-pyay plohn-byay bee-blee-oh-tehkehr lah-zhawnd pohleess zhoor-nah-leest loov-ree-ay bahn-kee-ay lah-voh-kah fah-tur shar-pawn-tyay lahn-zhay-nyur mayd-sawn lahn-feer-myay fahr-mah-seeahn psee-koh-lohg dawn-teest vay-tay-ree-nehr shoh-furd tahksee lay-kree-vahn lahn-stee-tew-tur proh-fuh-sur lay-tew-dee-awnt

Note: Notice that some professions are always masculine, even if the person is a woman. There are also words that are always feminine (such as la victime) even if the person is a man.


les mathmatiques


Algebra Calculus Geometry Economics Foreign Languages Linguistics Literature Philosophy Psychology Political Science History Geography Physics Biology Chemistry Zoology Botany Art Music Dance Drawing Painting Computer Science Technology Physical Education

l'algbre le calcul la gomtrie les sciences conomiques les langues trangres la linguistique la littrature la philosophie la psychologie les sciences politiques l'histoire (f) la gographie la physique la biologie la chimie la zoologie la botanique les arts la musique la danse le dessin la peinture l'informatique la technologie l'ducation physique (f)

lal-zheb kahl-kool zhay-oh-may-tree see-awns ay-kon-ohmeek lawn zay-trawn-zhair lahn-gee-steek lee-tay-rah-tur fee-loh-soh-fee p-see-kol-oh-zhee see-awns poh-lee-teek ees-twahr zhay-oh-grahf-ee fees-eek bee-ol-oh-zhee shee-mee zoh-ol-oh-zhee boh-tah-neek zahr mew-zeek dahns duh-sahn pahn-tur ahn-for-mah-teek teck-no-loh-zhee lay-dew-kah-see-ohn fee-zeek

Notice that you do not use an indefinite article before professions, unless they are preceded by an adjective.

Quelles matires tudiez-vous? What subjects do you study? J'tudie les langues trangres et la linguistique. I study foreign languages and linguistics. Je fais des mathmatiques. I study/do math. Ma spcialization est la biologie. My major is biology.

Qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie? What do you do for a living? J Je suis avocate. I am a lawyer. (fem.) Je suis professeur. I am a professor. Je suis tudiant. I am a student (masc.) O est-ce que vous faites les tudes? Where do you study? Je vais l'universit de Michigan. I go to the university of Michigan. Je fais mes tudes l'universit de Toronto. I study at the University of Toronto. Qu'est-ce que vous tudiez? What do you study?

23. Prepositions and Contractions

among at / to / in at the house of between for from / of / about in on with without parmi chez entre pour de dans sur avec sans par-mee ah shay on-truh poohr duh dawn sir ah-veck sawn

+ le = au + les = aux de + le = du de + les = des

Prepositional Contractions oh oh dew day

at / to / in the at / to / in the (pl.) of / from / about the of / from / about the (pl.)

In: Dans vs. En Dans is used to show the time when an action will begin, while en shows the length of time an action takes. Je pars dans quinze minutes. I'm leaving in 15 minutes. Il peut lire ce livre en une demi-heure. He can read this book in a half hour. With: Avec vs. De vs. A vs. Chez Avec implies doing something or going along with someone; de is used in phrases of manner and in many idiomatic expressions; is used when referring to someone's attributes; and chez is used to mean "as far as (person) is concerned." To describe the way a person carries him/herself, no extra word is used. Je vais en France avec ma soeur. I'm going to France with my sister. Elle me remercie d'un sourire. She thanks me with a smile. L'homme aux cheveux roux est trs grand. The man with the red hair is very tall. Chez cet enfant, tout est simple. With this child, everything is simple. Il March, les mains dans les poches. He walks with his hands in his pockets.

24. Countries and Nationalities / Les pays and les nationalits

France Switzerland Italy Germany Spain Belgium Netherlands China Great Britain England Russia Poland Canada Mexico Japan Portugal Brazil United States Sweden Norway Finland Denmark Greece Austria Australia Africa India Ireland

la France la Suisse l'Italie l'Allemagne l'Espagne la Belgique les Pays-Bas la Chine la GrandeBretagne l'Angleterre la Russie la Pologne le Canada le Mexique le Japon le Portugal le Brsil les tats-Unis la Sude la Norvge la Finlande le Danemark la Grce l'Autriche l'Australie l'Afrique l'Inde l'Irlande

frahns sweess lee-tah-lee lahl-mawn-yuh leh-spawn-yuh bell-zheek pay-ee-bah sheen grahnd bruhtawn-yuh lawn-gluh-tair roo-see poh-lohn-yuh kah-nah-dah meks-eek zhap-ohn pore-tew-gahl bray-zeel ay-tah-zew-nee soo-ed nor-vehzh feen-lahnd dahn-mark grehs loh-treesh loh-strah-lee lah-freek lahnd leer-lawnd

franais/e suisse italien/ne allemand/e espagnol/e belge hollandais/e chinois/e britannique anglais/e russe polonais/e canadien/ne mexicain/e japonais/e portugais/e brsilien/ne amricain/e sudois/e norvgien/ne finlandais/e danois/e grec/grecque autrichien/ne australien/ne africain/e indien/ne irlandais/e

frawn-say/sez sweess ee-tahl-eeawn/enn ahl-mawn/d es-pan-yohl belzh oh-lawnday/dehz sheen-wah/wez bree-tahn-eek an-glay/ez rewss poh-lon-ay/ez kah-nah-deeawn/enn mek-seekahn/enn zhah-pohnay/nez por-tew-gay/gez bray-zeel-eeawn/enn ah-may-reekahn/kenn soo-ed-wah/wez nor-vehzh-eeawn/enn feen-lan-day/dez dahn-wah/wez grek oh-trees-eeawn/enn oh-strahl-eeawn/enn ah-freekahn/kenn ahn-deeahn/enn eer-lahnday/dez

Note: When the nationalities are used as adjectives, they must agree with the subject of the verb (masculine vs. feminine, and singular vs. plural.) The extra ending shown above is added to signify a feminine subject. To make them plural, just add an -s (unless it already ends in an -s, then add nothing.) The masculine forms of the nationalities are also used to signify the language. And the definite article is not used before a language when it follows the verb parler (to speak.)

17. Family and Animals / La famille et les animaux

la famille des parents les grands-parents les parents la mre, maman la belle-mre le pre, papa le beau-pre la fille le fils la soeur la demi-soeur la belle-soeur la belle-fille le frre le demi-frre le beau-frre le beau-fils les jumeaux les jumelles l'oncle la tante la grand-mre le grand-pre la cousine le cousin la femme

Family Relatives Grand-parents Parents Mom Stepmother/Mother-in-Law Dad Stepfather/Father-in-Law Daughter Son Sister Half/Step Sister Sister-in-Law Stepdaughter/Daughter-in-Law Brother Half/Step Brother Brother-in-Law Stepson/Son-in-Law Twins (m) Twins (f) Uncle Aunt Grandmother Grandfather Cousin (f) Cousin (m) Wife

fah-mee pahr-awn grawn-pahr-awn pahr-awn mehr, ma-ma bell-mehr pehr, pa-pa boh-pehr fee feess sir duh-mee-sir bell-sir bell-fee frehr duh-mee-frehr boh-frair boh-feess zhoo-moh zhoo-mell ohnk-luh tawnt grawn-mehr grawn-pehr koo-zeen koo-zahn fawn

Husband Woman Man Girl Boy Niece Nephew Grandchildren Granddaughter Grandson Distant Relatives Single Married Separated Divorced Widower / Widow

le mari la femme l'homme la fille le garon la nice le neveu les petits-enfants la petite-fille le petit-fils des parents loigns clibataire mari(e) spar(e) divorc(e) veuf / veuve

mah-ree fawn ohm fee gar-sohn nee-ess nuh-vuh puh-tee-zawn-fawn puh-teet fee puh-tee feez pahr-awn zay-lwawnyay say-lee-bah-tair mah-ree-ay say-pah-ray dee-vor-say vuhf / vuhv

Dog Cat Puppy Kitten Pig Rooster Rabbit Cow Horse Duck Goat Goose Sheep Lamb Donkey Mouse

le chien / la chienne le chat / la chatte le chiot le chaton le cochon le coq le lapin la vache le cheval le canard la chvre l'oie le mouton l'agneau l'ne la souris

shee-ahn / shee-enn shah / shaht shee-oh shah-tohn koh-shohn kohk

lah-pahn vahsh chuh-val kah-nahr shev-ruh lwah moo-tohn lon-yoh lon soo-ree

16. Time / Le temps

What time is it? It is... one o'clock two o'clock noon midnight a quarter after three one o'clock sharp four o'clock sharp twelve thirty six thirty a quarter to seven five twenty ten fifty in the morning/AM in the afternoon/PM in the evening/PM Quelle heure est-il? Il est... une heure deux heures midi minuit trois heures et quart une heure prcise quatre heures prcises midi (minuit) et demi six heures et demie sept heures moins le quart cinq heures vingt onze heures moins dix du matin de l'aprs-midi du soir kell urr ay-teel eel ay oon urr duh zurr mee-dee meen-wee twa zurr ay car oon urr pray-sees ka-truh urr pray-sees meee-dee (meen-wee) ay duh-mee see zurr ay duh-mee set urr mwahn luh car sank urr vahn ohnz urr mwan dees doo mah-tahn duh lah-pray mih-dee doo swahr

Note: Official French time is expressed as military time (24 hour clock.)

15. Weather / Le temps

What's the weather like? It's nice. bad cool cold warm, hot cloudy beautiful mild stormy sunny windy foggy snowing raining freezing Quel temps faitil? Il fait bon. Il fait mauvais Il fait frais Il fait froid Il fait chaud Il fait nuageux Il fait beau Il fait doux Il fait orageux Il fait (du) soleil Il fait du vent Il fait du brouillard Il neige Il pleut Il gle kell tawn fay-teel eel fay bohn moh-vay fray fwah shoh noo-ah-zhuh boh dooh oh-rah-zhuh eel fay (dew) solay vawn broo-ee-yar eel nezh pluh zhell

14. Colors and Shapes / Les couleurs et les formes

rouge orange jaune vert/e bleu/e pourpre violet/te blanc/he brun/e marron noir/e rose dor/e le carr le cercle le triangle le rectangle l'ovale le cube la sphre le cylindre

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple

roozh oh-rahnzh zhohn vehr/t bluh poo-pruh vee-ohleh/lett blawn/sh brahn/bre wn mahrohn nwahr roze doh-ray argent/e gris/e

square circle triangle rectangle oval cube

kah-ray sair-kluh tree-awngluh ruhktawn-gluh loh-vahl kewb

White Brown

sphere cylinder

sfair see-lahndruh

Black Pink Gold Silver Gray

cone octagon box

le cne kohn l'octogon ok-tohe gohn une bote bwaht ahr-zhawn-tay gree/z

Note: In French, nouns and adjectives have a gender. Ex: vert/e = vert is the masculine form of green, verte is the feminine form. Almost all adjectives agree in gender and number with the noun they modify (except marron and orange, as well as colors that are modified with the words clair-light and fonc-dark) and most are placed after the noun. Un carr brun would be a brown square and une bote noire would be a black box.

12. Seasons / Les saisons

Summer Fall Winter Spring l't l'automne l'hiver le printemps lay-tay loh-tohn lee-vair luh prahntawn in the summer in the fall in the winter in the spring en t en automne en hiver au printemps awn ay-tay aw nohtohn aw nee-vair oh prahntawn

13. Directions / Les directions

North South East West

le nord le sud l'est l'oue st

luh nor luh sewd lest lwest

11. Months of the Year / Les mois de l'anne

January February March April May June July August September October November December Month Year janvier fvrier mars avril mai juin juillet aot septembre octobre novembre dcembre le mois l'an / l'anne zhan-veeay fay-vree-ay marz ah-vril may-ee zhwahn zhwee-ay oot sep-tawmbruh ahk-tohbruh noh-vawmbruh day-sawmbruh luh mwah lawn/lawnay

Note: To express in a certain month, such as "in May," use en before the month as in "en mai." With dates, the ordinal numbers are not used, except for the first of the month: le premier mai but le deux juin. Also note that days of the weeks and months of the year are all masculine and not capitalized in French.

10. Days of the Week / Les jours de la semaine

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi lahn-dee mahr-dee mare-kruhdee zhuh-dee vahn-druhdee sahm-dee dee-mahnsh luh zhoor lah suh-men oh-zhoordwee ee-air duh-mahn

Saturday Sunday day week today yesterday tomorrow

samedi dimanche le jour la semaine aujourd'hui hier demain

Note: Articles are not used before days, except to express something that happens habitually on a certain day, such as "on Monday." (you would use le before the day, as in "le lundi")

Ordinal numbers
first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth twentieth twenty-first thirtieth premier, premire deuxime troisime quatrime cinquime sixime septime huitime neuvime dixime onzime douzime vingtime vingt et unime trentime

8. Question Words

Who What Why When Where How How much / many Which / what

Qui Quoi Pourquoi Quand O Comment Combien Quel(le)

kee kwah poor-kwah kawn ooh kohn-mawn kohn-bee-ahn kehl

5. Useful Words and General Vocabulary

c'est voil et mais maintenant surtout sauf bien sr comme ci, comme a pas mal le livre le crayon il y a voici toujours souvent quelquefois d'habitude aussi encore en retard presque une amie un ami

It's / That's There is/are and but now especially except of course so so not bad book pencil

say vwah-lah ay may mahnt-nawn sir-too sohf bee-ahn sir kohm see kohm sah pah mal leevr krah-yohn

There is/are Here is/are always often sometimes usually also, too again late almost friend (fem) friend (masc)

eel-ee-yah vwah-see too-zhoor soo-vawn kell-kuh-fwah dah-bee-tewd oh-see awn-kore awn-ruh-tar presk ew nah-mee ah-nah-mee

pen paper dog cat

le stylo le papier le chien le chat

stee-loh pah-pyaya shee-ahn shah

woman man girl boy

une femme un homme une fille un garon

ewn fawn ah-nohm feey gar-sohn

Note: When il y a is followed by a number, it means ago. Il y a cinq minutes means five minutes ago.

42. Places / Les Endroits

l'cole la toilette le coffre la fontaine le magasin la biblio(thque ) le bureau le stade le caf la caftria le cinma l'glise le muse la piscine la campagne la plage le thtre le parc le restaurant l'hpital la poste la maison la ville le supermarch l'universit la banque la gare l'aroport le tlphone l'appartemen t l'htel le village l'usine le jardin le chteau la cathdrale le zoo la boulangerie le monument la pharmacie la boucherie la confiserie la gendarmerie la mairie la place la librairie l'picerie la ptisserie

school bathroom locker drinking fountain store library

lay-kohl twah-lett koh-fruh fohn-ten mahg-ahzahn beeb-lee-oh(teck) bur-oh stahd kah-fay kah-fay-tayree-ah see-nay-mah lay-glees mew-zay pee-seen kawn-pawnyuh plahzh tay-ah-truh park res-toh-rawn loh-pee-tahl post may-zohn veel su-per-marshay

university bank train station airport telephone apartment

loon-ee-vairsee-tay bahnk gahr air-o-poor tay-lay-fone ah-par-tuhmawn low-tell vee-lazh lew-zeen zhar-dan shah-toe kah-tay-drahl zoh-oh boo-lanzh-ree mon-u-mawn far-mah-see boosh-ree con-feess-ree zhan-darmree mair-ee plahs lee-brair-ee lay-peess-ree pah-teess-ree

office stadium cafe cafeteria movie theater church museum pool countryside beach theater park restaurant hospital post office home city supermarket

hotel village factory garden castle cathedral zoo bakery monument pharmacy butcher shop candy store police station town hall square bookstore grocery store pastry shop


la charcuterie


fish market

la poissonnerie


43. Transportation
by bike by bus by moped by car by motorcycle by subway on foot by plane by train by boat en vlo (m) en bus (m) en mobylette (f) en voiture (f) en moto (f) en mtro (m) pied (m) en avion (m) en train (m) en bateau (m) awn vay-low awn boos awn mohbee-lett awn vwahchur awn moh-toh awn maytroh ah pee-ay awn ah-veeohn awn trahn awn bah-toh

46. Furniture / Les meubles

l'tagre (f) le bureau la chaise la commode le rideau la fentre le lit la porte le placard le tapis la lampe la table de nuit la chane-stro la tl(vision) le magntoscope la tlcommande l'ordinateur (m) la radio le frigo le rfrigrateur le conglateur

Shelf Desk Chair Dresser Curtain Window Bed Door Closet Rug Lamp Nightstand Stereo Television VCR Remote Control Computer Radio Fridge Refrigerator Freezer

lay-tah-zhehr bewr-oh shehzh koh-mode ree-doh fuh-neh-truh lee port plah-car tah-pee lahmp tah-bluh duh nwee shen-stay-ray-oh tay-lay-vee-zeeohn mahn-yeht-ohscope tay-lay-koh-mahnd lor-dee-nah-tur rah-dee-oh free-go ray-free-zhay-rahtir kon-zhay-lah-tur

(Coffee) Table Sink Bathtub Stove Oven Dishwasher Microwave Washing Machine Clothes Dryer Shower Pillow Mirror Ceiling Floor Armchair Clock Bedspread Vase Waste basket Bathroom sink Hair Dryer Couch/Sofa Iron Vacuum

la table (basse) l'vier (m) la baignoire la cuisinire le four le lave-vaisselle le four microondes la machine laver le sche-linge la douche l'oreiller le miroir le plafond le plancher le fouteuil la pendule le couvrelit le vase la corbeille/la poubelle le lavabo le schoir la canap/le sofa le fer repasser l'aspirateur

tah-bluh (bahss) lay-veeay bahn-wahr kwee-zeen-yehr foor lahv-veh-sell foor ah mee-krohohnd mah-sheen ah lahvay sesh-lahnzh doosh loh-ray-ay mee-rwahr plah-fohn plawn-shay foo-tuhee pawn-dewl koo-vruh-lee vahz kor-bayee/poo-bell lah-vah-boh seh-shwahr kah-nah-pay/sohfah fair ah ruh-pahssay ah-speer-ah-tur

45. The House / La maison

House Appartment Bedroom Hallway Kitchen Storeroom Stairs Floor Living Room Closet Room Ground Floor Dining Room Bathroom la maison l'appartement (m) la chambre le couloir la cuisine le dbarras l'escalier (m) l'tage (m) meh-zohn ah-part-mawn shawm-bruh kool-wahr kwee-zeen day-bar-ah les-cahl-ee-ay lay-tahzh lee-veeng/sahlohn pawnd-ree pee-ehss rayd-show-say sahl ah mawnzhay sahl duh bahn

le living/le salon la penderie la pice le rez-dechausse la salle manger la salle de bains

Terrace, patio Attic Chimney Roof Garage Driveway Sidewalk Porch Basement Cellar Lawn/grass Bush/shrub Tree

la terrasse le grenier/la mansarde la chemine le toit le garage la route le trottier le porche le sous-sol la cave le gazon le buisson l'arbre (m)

teh-rahss grun-eeay/mahnsard shu-mee-nay twah gah-rahzh root troh-teeay porsh soo-sole kahv gah-zohn bwee-sohn lar-bruh

49. Clothing
pajamas jewelry necklace jeans pants pullover turtleneck raincoat woman's shirt bra slip coat tennis shoes swimsuit shorts bracelet charm t-shirt hat ring chain earrings pin sock shoe man's shirt skirt dress sandal boots le pyjama le bijou le collier le jean le pantalon le pull le col roul l'impermable (m) le chemisier le soutien-gorge le jupon le manteau des tennis (m) le maillot de bain le short le bracelet le porte-bonheur le tee-shirt le chapeau la bague la chanette les boucles d'oreilles (f) l'pingle (f) la chausette la chaussure la chemise la jupe la robe la sandale des bottes (f) pee-zhah-mah bee-zhoo kohl-eeay zheen pahn-tah-lohn puhl kol roo-lay lahn-pehr-me-ahbluh shu-meez-eeay soot-ee-ahn-gorzh zhoo-pohn mawn-toe tenn-ee may-oh-duh-bahn short brahs-lay port-bohn-ur tee-shirt shah-poh bahg shen-ett book-luh dor-ay ay-pahn-gluh show-zett show-zer shu-meez zhoop robe sahn-dal bawt

jacket scarf tie belt man's suit woman's suit slippers jacket underwear gloves

la veste l'charpe (f) la cravate la ceinture le costume le tailleur des pantoufles le blouson les sousvtements des gants

vest ay-sharp krah-vaht sahn-tewr kohs-toom ty-er pahn-toof-luh bloo-sohn soo-vet-mawn gawn

52. Preceding and Plural Adjectives

Adjective beautiful good dear nice big large young pretty long bad better, best new little old Masculine Singular Plural beau (bel) bon cher gentil grand gros jeune joli long mauvais meilleur nouveau (nouvel) petit vieux (vieil) beaux bons chers gentils grands gros jeunes jolis longs mauvais meilleurs nouveaux petits vieux Pronunciati on boh (bell) bon share zhawn-tee grawn groh zhun zho-lee lohn mo-vay may-ur noo-voh (noo-vell) puh-tee vyuh (vyay) Singular belle bonne chre gentille grande grosse jeune jolie longue mauvaise meilleure nouvelle petite vieille Feminine Plural belles bonnes chres gentilles grandes grosses jeunes jolies longues mauvaises meilleures nouvelles petites vieilles Pronunciation bell bon share zhawn-tee grawnd grohss zhun zho-lee lohng mo-vezz may-ur noo-vell puh-teet vyay

Note: The masculine singular and plural are pronounced the same, as are the feminine singular and plural. These are the most common adjectives that go before the noun. An acronym to remember which ones go before the noun is BRAGS: Beauty, Resemblance (mme and autre), Age/Order (premier and dernier), Goodness, and Size. All other adjectives, except numbers, go after the noun. The three words in parentheses (bel, nouvel, and vieil) are used before masculine singular words beginning with a vowel or a silent h. A few adjectives can be used before or after the noun, and the meaning changes accordingly. When used before the noun, they take a figurative meaning; and when used after, they take a literal meaning.

Remember that des means some, right? Well, there is an exception to that rule too. Before plural adjectives preceding plural nouns, you use de instead of des. Ex: Some old monuments. De vieux monuments.

58. Sports and Hobbies

Soccer Hockey Football le football le hockey le football amricain luh foot-bahl luh hock-ee luh foot-bahl ah-mehr-

Basketball Baseball Horse-back riding Tennis Skiing Volleyball Wrestling Jogging Ice-skating Swimming Track and Field Bowling Softball Golf Bicycling Surfing Dirt/Motor biking French horn violin guitar drum tuba flute trombone clarinette cello harp

le basket le base-ball l'quitation; du cheval le tennis le ski le volley la lutte le jogging le patin glace la natation l'athltisme le bowling le softball le golf le vlo le surf le bicross le cor d'harmonie le violon la guitare le tambour le tuba la flte le trombone la clarinette le violoncelle la harpe

ee-kahn luh bahs-kett luh base-bahl leh-kee-tah-see-ohn; dew shuh-vahl luh ten-ee luh skee luh voll-ee lah loot luh zhog-ing luh pah-tahn ah glahs lah nah-tah-see-ohn lat-lay-tees-muh luh boh-ling luh soft-bahl luh golf luh vay-low luh serf luh bee-cross kohr dar-moh-nee vee-oh-lohn gee-tahr tawn-boor tew-bah flewt trohn-bohn klah-ree-nett vee-oh-lohn-sell arp

Faire de + a sport means to play. Jouer + a sport also means to play, as does jouer de + an instrument. Tu fais du foot. You play soccer. J'aime jouer au tennis. I like to play tennis. Je peux jouer de la guitare. I can play the guitar. Nous jouons de la clarinette. We play the clarinette. Il veut jouer du tuba. He wants to play the tuba.

59. Nature
sea stone made of stone sky la mer la pierre en pierre le ciel mehr pee-ehr awn pee-ehr see-yel

river cloud thunderstorm hurricane umbrella marina tower wood wooden space star barn bridge farm field flower forest hill lake mountain ocean plant pond valley waterfall countryside country road street highway path

le fleuve le nuage l'orage l'ouragan la parapluie le port de plaisance la tour le bois en bois l'espace l'toile la grange le pont la ferme le champ la fleur la fort la colline le lac la montagne l'ocan la plante l'tang la valle le cascade la campagne le pays le chemin la rue la grande route le sentier

fluhv noo-awzh oh-rawzh or-aw-zhawn par-ah-ploo-ee por duh plezahns toor bwah awn bwah es-spahs ay-twahl grawnzh pohn fairm shawn flur for-eh koh-leen lahk mohn-tahn-yuh oh-say-awn plahnt ay-tawn vah-lay kahs-kahd kawn-pawnyuh pay-ee shu-mahn rew grahnd root sahn-teeay

28. Conjugating Regular Verbs in the Present Indicative Tense
Verbs in French end in -er, -re, or -ir. The verb before it is conjugated is called the infinitive. Removing the last two letters leaves you with the stem (aimer is the infinitive, aim- is the stem.) The present indicative tense indicates an ongoing action, general state, or habitual activity. Besides the simple present tense (I write, I run, I see); there are two other forms of the present tense in English: the progressive (I am writing, I am running, etc.) and the emphatic (I do write, I do run, etc.) However, these three English present tenses are all translated by the present indicative tense in French. To conjugate verbs in the present tense, use the stem and add the following endings.

-er -e -es -e -ons -ez -ent -s -s -

-re -ons -ez -ent

1st -ir isso ns -is isse z -it isse nt -is

-s -s -t

2nd -ir* -ons -ez -ent

Regular verbs -er -re

aimer chanter chercher commencer donner tudier fermer habiter jouer manger montrer parler

em-ay shahn-tay share-shay koh-mawnsay dohn-nay ay-too-deeay fehr-may ah-bee-tay zhoo-ay mawn-zhay mohn-tray par-lay

to like, love to sing to look for to begin to give to study to close to live to play to eat to show to speak

vendre attendre entendre perdre rpondre () descendre

vawn-druh ah-tawndruh awn-tawndruh pair-druh ray-pohndruh (ah) deh-sawndruh 1st -ir bah-teer fee-neer shwa-zeer poo-neer rawn-pleer

to sell to wait for to listen to lose to answer to go down

btir finir choisir punir remplir

to build to finish to choose to punish to fill

penser travailler trouver

pawn-say trah-vy-yay troo-vay

to think to work to find

obir () russir gurir

oh-bay-eer ray-oo-seer gay-reer

to obey to succeed to cure, heal

Note: If a verb is followed by (like rpondre) you have to use the and any contractions after the conjugated verb. Ex: Je rponds au tlphone. * The 2nd -ir verbs are considered irregular sometimes because there are only a few verbs which follow that pattern. Other verbs like partir are sortir (to go out), dormir (to sleep), mentir (to lie), sentir (to smell, feel) and servir (to serve.)

7. To Be and To Have
Present tense of tre - to be (eh-truh) Je suis zhuh We are Nous swee sommes Tu es tew ay You are Vous tes Il est eel ay ell They Ils sont Elle est ay ohn areThey Elles On est ay are sont

I am You are He is She is One is

noo sohm voo zett eel sohn ell sohn

I have You have

Present tense of avoir - to have (ah-vwahr) We j'ai zhay avons have You as ah avez have

ahvohn ahvay

He/she has a

ah ah

They have They ont have ah

The ont ohn y hav e



connatre-to know people (koh-net-truh) savoir-to know facts (sahv-wahr) connais koh-neh connai kohsais say savons sahssons nezzvohn ohn connais koh-neh connai kohsais say savez sav-ay ssez nezz-ay connat koh-neh connai kohsait say savent sahv ssent nezz Note: Connatre is used when you know people or places, savoir is used when you know facts. When savoir is followed by an infinitive it means to know how. Je connais ton frre. I know your brother. Je sais que ton frre s'appelle Jean. I know that your brother is named John. Connaissez-vous Grenoble? Do you know (Are you familiar with) Grenoble? Oui, nous connaissons Grenoble. Yes, we know (are familiar with) Grenoble. Tu sais o Grenoble se trouve. You know where Grenoble is located. Ils savent nager. They know how to swim.

21. To Do or Make
fais fais fait Faire-to do, make (fair) fay fay fay fais ons fait es font fezz -ohn fett fohn t

Faire is used in expressions of weather (il fait beau) and many other idiomatic expressions: Faire de (a sport) - to play (a sport) Faire le sourd / l'innocent - to act deaf / innocent Faire le (subject in school) - to do / study (subject) Faire le mnage - to do the housework Faire la cuisine - to do the cooking Faire la lessive - to do laundry Faire la vaisselle - to do the dishes Faire une promenade - to take a walk Faire une voyage - to take a trip faire les courses - to run errands Faire des achats - to go shopping Faire de l'exercice - to exercise Faire attention - to pay attention faire la queue - to stand in line

27. To Come and to Go

viens Venir-to come (vuh-neer) veevenons vuhvais Aller-to go (ah-lay) vay allon ah-

nohn s lohn vuh vas vah allez nay vient veevienn veeva vah vont vohn ahn ent enn Other verbs that are conjugated like venir: tenir - to hold, devenir - to become, obtenir - to get, revenir - to come back. viens ahn veeahn venez Je viens des Etats-Unis. I come from the United States. Il tient un crayon. He's holding a pencil. Nous allons en Espagne. We're going to Spain. Tu ne vas pas au Brsil cet t. You're not going to Brazil this summer. Aller + an infinitive means "going to do something." Ils vont aller en Angleterre. They are going to go to England. Elle va parler russe. She's going to speak Russian. Je vais devenir professeur. I'm going to become a professor. Aller is also used idiomatically when talking about health. Comment vas-tu? How are you? Je vais bien. I'm fine.

Venir de + an infinitive means "to have just done something." Il vient d'aller la Finlande. He just went to Finland. Vous venez de manger une pomme. You just ate an apple.

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