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2 Philosophical Logic The basic constructive logic for weak consistency in the ternary semantics with designated points Gemma Robles Dpto. de Psicologa, Sociologa y Filosofa, Universidad de Len Campus de Vegazana, s/n, 24071, Len, Spain Given a logic S, a theory is a set of formulas closed under adjunction and provable entailment. That is, T is a theory i: 1. If A T and B T , then A B T . 2. If A B is a theorem of S and A T , then B T . Then, a theory T is w-inconsistent (inconsistent in a weak sense) i A T , A being a theorem of S. And A theory T is w-consistent (consistent in a weak sense) i T is not w-inconsistent. In [1] the logic BKc1 is dened. This logic is the basic constructive logic adequate to w-consistency in the ternary relational semantics without a designated set points. The ternary relational semantics is the semantics for relevant logics dened by Routley and Meyer in the early seventies of the past century. This semantics characteristically has a designated set in the set of all points. When this designated set is not present, then the ternary relational semantics is employed in representing non-relevant logics in general. We shall use the abbreviations trsw and trs0 for ternary relational semantics with and without a designated set of points, respectively. The logic BKc1 is adequate to w-consistency in the sense that the completeness proof can only be carried out if consistency is understood as w-consistency. It is basic in the sense that it is the minimal logic adequate to w-consistency in the trs0. And nally, BKc1 is constructive because it is endowed with a (weak) intuitionistic-type negation. Then, BKc1 is extended without w-consistency collapsing in the standard concept of consistency as absence of contradiction (see [2] and [3]). The aim of this paper is to develop a similar investigation now in the context of trsw. In particular, our aim is: 1. To dene the basic constructive logic adequate to w-consistency in trsw, the logic Bc1 . 2. To study the spectrum of extensions of Bc1 adequate to w-consistency included in intuitionistic logic. Negation will be introduced both with the unary connective and by means of a falsity constant.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Work supported by research projects FFI2008-05859/ FISO and FFI2008-01205/FISO, nanced by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. G. Robles is supported by Program Ramn y Cajal of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

[1] G. Robles, J. M. Mndez, The basic constructive logic for a weak sense of consistency, Journal of Logic Language and Information, 17/1, 89-107, 2008. [2] G. Robles, J. M. Mndez, The Basic Constructive Logic for a Weak Sense of Consistency dened with a Propositional Falsity Constant, Logic Journal of the IGPL, 16/1, 33-41, 2008. [3] G. Robles, Extensions of the basic constructive logic for weak consistency B_{Kc1} dened with a falsity constant, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 16/4, 311-332, 2008.

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