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Q. 1 a. What is the name of this vector b. Mechanism for transmitting infection

Q.2 a. What is the name of this lesion b. When in the natural history of the relevant disease does this lesion appear?

Q. 3 a. What is this condition called? b. What is the underlying pathology responsible for this presentation?

Q. 4 a. What is the immunisation schedule for the control of the disease relevant to the presented picture? b. Name the major NGO supporting this initiative in Nigeria

Q. 5 a. Observe the face of the patient. What is the medical terminology for the facial appearance? b. What is the reservoir of infection for this condition?

Q. 6 a. What is this clinical presentation? b. What is the underlying condition responsible for the clinical presentation?

Q. 7

a. List two properties of this curve b. What is the proportion of the population covered by the area between 1 and 2 SD on the curve?


Q. 8 a. List the three components of this structure? b. What is the purpose of the pipe in the picture?

Q. 9 a. What is the symbol (the staff and the snake) in the picture called? b. What was the theme for the 2005 World Health day?

Q. 10 a. What is this nutritional condition called clinically? b. What nutritional deficiency is responsible?

Q. 11 a. Identify the picture presented b. What drug will you administer to infected patient

Q. 12 a. What is the name of this condition? b. What is the name of the organism that may play a major role in the condition?

Q. 13 a. What is this? b. What is the incubation period for the patient infected with the condition that the material in the picture would be used for?

Q. 14 a. What is this condition? b. What nutritional deficiency is likely to be involved?

Q. 15 a. What is the condition in the YOUNGER child? b. What is the condition in the OLDER child?

Q. 16 a. What is this nutritionrelated condition called? b. What is the associated nutritional deficiency?

Q. 17 a. What is this condition called? b. What is the public health control measure for the problem?

Q. 18 a. What is this condition called? b. In what part of the body would this lesion be commonly found in South America?

Q. 19

a. What is this used for?

b. Name two conditions that this vector can transmit?

Q. 20

a. Identify this specimen?

b. The child in the picture suffers from sleeping sickness. What is the organism responsible for the infection in WEST AFRICA?

Q. 21 a. Identify the specimen? b. Name the reservoir of infection

Q. 22
a. b.

a. Identify this specimen

b. Identify this specimen

Q. 23 a. What organism is responsible for this infection? b. What is the incubation period?

Q. 24


What condition is shown in this X-ray of the knee region?

b. What is the condition shown in this microscopic specimen?

Q. 25 a. Who is this? b. What is his major contribution to the development of medicine in Nigeria?


1. a kopliks spot b. prodromal stage 2a Onchocerca dermatitis (leopard skin) b. Benin, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Mali, Niger, Togo a Reduviid Bug

b.rubs its content on the skin 4a at birth 6 weeks 10 weeks 14 weeks b. Red cross and Rotary Club
5. Risus sardonicus b. 6 weeks 10 weeks 14 weeks 6 V-Victor flag b. The ship requires assistance
7. it is bell shaped It is bilaterally symmetrical and the x axis does not touch the y axis i.e. it is asymptotic Its mean median and mode are equal Its total area is equal to 1 b. 99-95= 4%
8. Vent pipe Fly filter Superstructure b. It keeps flies away it is odourless and it has a superstructure
b. It keeps flies away it is odourless and it has a superstructure 9 the staff of AESCULAPIUS Safe Blood Starts With me 10. Beri beri (weakness)...inability to move, pain and swelling

Thiamin deficiency Vit B 1 11. a. fasciolopsis buski (liver fluke ) b. Praziquantelcan also be used for teniasis, lung fluke liver fluke

12. a Cancrum oris b. borrelia vicenti 13.cholera bed b. 5 or less hours
14. Genu valgum in Vitamin D deficiency b. metaphyseal cupping Champagne cup appearance Cortical thinning
15. a Marasmic Kwashiorkor b. Marasmus 16. Keratomalacia b. Vit A
17. Goitre provision of iodinized salt sea food, fortification of water with iodine 18. hanging groin Onchocerca Nodule b. Head
19.leptospirosis Salmonellosis Lassa fever Control - kill the rat Rat proof store building
20. Cervical diaphragm To filter Cyclops 21.Taenia spp. praziquantel
22. Egg of schistosoma mansoni Egg of hookworm(mebendazole) 23. Neisseria gonorrhea b. 2- 5 days
24. Guinea worm infestation b. Sickle cell anemia 25. HIV-AIDS
. b creating health education on AIDS Sponsor anti AIDS campaign Care for people living with HIV AIDS.

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