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Check for: Texture; shape; lesions; wounds Wounds; distribution of hair; Lice and nits, oiliness Check for:

Eyebrows- hair distribution and alignment and for skin quality and movement Eye lashes- evenness of distribution, direction of curl Eyelids- ability to blink Conjunctiva- color, texture, presence of lesions Lacrimal gland- observe for edema, Cornea- inspect for clarity and texture Pupillary response; visual acuity Eye movement; size of the pupil Redness and swelling, assess for visual acuity and peripheral vision Check for: External nose- for deviations in shape, size, Symmetry; color; texture and nasal flaring, discharges from the nares, patency off both nasal cavities Redness; masses; polyp Palpate the frontal sinuses for tenderness Check for:

Lips: Dryness; cracks; fissures; Bells palsy, ulcers, color, lesions, Teeth: Color; tooth decay; dentures; number of teeth Tongue: Cracks; color; texture; movement, lumps, nodule, Gums: color, redness swelling or gingivitis Tonsil- color discharge and size Assess for gag and swallowing reflex Check for: Auricle- color, symmetry of size and position, lesion, pus and blood, cerumen Palpate- tenderness, elasticity, texture Size; hearing acuity; ear discharges; odor; Check for: Symmetry; color; texture; tenderness; masses, Jugular vein distension; movement Palpate- enlarged lymph nodes, thyroid gland for tenderness Check for: Texture; uniformity of color; swelling; lesions; wounds; pus; redness; pigmentation; ulcers; intactness of skin; signs of dehydration (dryness) Skin turgor; capillary refill; force pressure

Check for: Anterior chest- symmetry; deviation; shape; color Cardiac landmarks Tenderness; masses Posterior chest- Dullness; adventitious sounds (crackles, wheezing, stridor) Check for: Texture; color; lesions; size, contour and symmetry, respiration and aortic pulsation Gargling sounds;tympany and dull sounds Masses; tenderness Check for: Color, shape, size and symmetry, cyanosis; lesions; redness; force pressures Capillary refill; edema; calf pain Muscle- size, contractures, tremors Masses, tenderness, spasticity, flaccidity, smoothness and edema Check for: Tenderness: if so (kidney infection) Check for: Range of motion;

Check for: Distribution, amount and characteristics of pubic hairs If male shaft and glans penis for lesions, nodules, swelling and inflammation Meatus- swelling and discharges Tenderness, thickening and nodules, appearance size and symmetry Anus and rectum- color, integrity Masses, tenderness and nodules

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