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ml teic saC n A i dc

JULY 24 , 2011



TebIdsee ho nulas Peo Df rl f rn mt a i

T here are some jobs which are dirty, there are some jobs which are smelly and there are some jobs which are noisy. It is the latter that can cause industrial deafness as continuous loud noise in the workplace affects both short term and long term hearing . T here are four main types of noise-related hearing loss; temporary hearing loss, permanent hearing loss, tinnitus and acoustic trauma. T his often occurs when someone is exposed to noise above 75 or 80 decibels for an extended period of time. T his mig ht be music technicians at a concert or labourers working closely with loud machinery. T he lost sense of sound will be almost complete after two hours of sustained loud noise and it will not g et worse after this time. When temporary hearing loss sets in, the sufferer may only hear dull and muffled sounds. After a number of hours (up to 14 hours) in a relatively quiet room, hearing should return to normal. If you suffer from temporary hearing loss several times a year over a number of years or you do not let your hearing return to normal before more noise exposure, temporary lost hearing may turn permanent. Otherwise known as permanent threshold shift, permanent deafness is much more g radual, with deafness developing over 10 years in a noisy working environment. Industrial deafness claims have been launched by victims who have lost their hearing after working for a number of years in a loud atmosphere. Often the hair cells in the inner ear deteriorate and do not g row back, meaning that people cannot hear noise on certain frequencies. Often this is womens and childrens voices as they are one of the earliest frequencies to be lost. By the time the effects are noticeable, often the damag e is done, the deafness is permanent and it cannot be reversed. Althoug h tinnitus can be caused by other medical conditions, it is also the result of industrial noise. T innitus is most often

associated with unusual noises in the ears including buzzing , ring ing , hissing , roaring and whirling . It can come on suddenly or develop over a period of time and althoug h it is mainly temporary, it can sometimes be permanent. When it comes to industrial deafness, tinnitus is often a precursor to permanent hearing loss which can result in a compensation claim. Acoustic trauma is most often caused by one or several very loud noises occurring over a short space of time. T his mig ht be g unfire or an explosion in the workplace. T here are physical injuries to the ear that occur due to acoustic trauma, such as perforated eardrums. However, there is also hearing loss, normally irreversible. If you do lose your hearing due to acoustic trauma, you will most likely of experienced sensorineural hearing loss which affects either the sense org an of hearing or the neural pathways that lead to the org an. T his is a brief description of the four main types of hearing problems associated with industrial deafness. If you have suffered from any you can make an industrial deafness claim.

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