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"set nu so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/verilog.vim au Syntax sv runtime! syntax/verilog.vim au Syntax svh runtime! syntax/verilog.vim au Syntax pkg runtime! syntax/verilog.

vim au Syntax vpp runtime! syntax/verilog.vim au Syntax svpp runtime! syntax/verilog.vim au Syntax svhpp runtime! syntax/verilog.vim "syntax enable syn on """""""""""""" " General """""""""""""" set nocompatible " use vim defaults filetype on " detect the type of file set ls=2 " allways show status line set history=100 " Number of lines of command line history. set undolevels=200 " Number of undo levels. set sb " Open new windows below the current one set guifont=Gnu\ Unifont\ 16 """""""""""""""""" " Theme/Colors """""""""""""""""" set background=dark " dark background "define the color scheme "colors darkblue "colors dusk "colors tango "colors elflord "colors relaxedgreen "colors oceandeep "colors af "colors darkblue "colors delek colors elflord set wrap syntax on """""""""""""""" " vim ui """""""""""""""" set columns=120 set lines=40 set number set showcmd set cmdheight=2 set backspace=2 set wildmenu " syntax highlighing

" " " " " " "

set the coulums (horizontal size) set the no of lines (vertical size) show line numbers display incomplete commands command bar is 2 high make backspace work normal turn on wild menu

set ruler " Always show current positions along the bottom "set mouse=a " to recognize the mouse in all modes set mousehide " Hide the mouse when typing text set showmode " show the current mode set guioptions+=b " display horizontal scroll bar au GUIEnter * winpos 100 100 "from left `0'; from top `25' map <S-Insert> <MiddleMouse> " Make shift-insert work like in Xterm """""""""""""" " Visual Cues """""""""""""" set incsearch set hlsearch set showmatch set mat=5 set ignorecase "set noic set noignorecase

incremental searching highlight searches show matching brackets how many tenths of a second to blink matching brackets for ignore case when searching " Don't ignore case while searching " don't ignore case

" " " " "

""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Text Formatting/Layout """"""""""""""""""""""""""" set title " show title in console title bar set ttyfast " smoother changes set tabstop=3 " numbers of spaces of tab character set expandtab " tabs are converted to spaces, use only when required set wrap " don't wrap lines """"""""""""""""""""""""""" "Add a print confirmation "dialog in gvim before printing a file. """"""""""""""""""""""""""" set printexpr=system('kprinter'\ .\ '\ '\ .\ v:fname_in)\ .\ delete(v:fname_in)\ +\ v:shell_error

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