Sie sind auf Seite 1von 7

1 Ma|n 5ect|on

1hls secLlon conLalns Lhe mosL lmporLanL news boLh local and abroad lL ls usuallv found
ln Lhe fronL paae of Lhe newspaper

O ont age whlch has Lhe mosL
lmporLanL currenL popular news
reporLs of Lhe dav 1he LlLle of Lhe mosL
lmporLanL news ls prlnLed ln bla bold
leLLers lL ls called 8AnnL8

O Loca| 5ect|on conLalns news reporLs on
Lhe clLv and sLaLe level

O Nat|ona| 5ect|on conLalns smaller news
reporLs from wlLhln Lhe counLrv

O Wo|d 5ect|on conLalns smaller news
sLorles on forelan counLrles

2 Cp|n|on o Ld|to|a| 5ect|on

1hls secLlon conLalns edlLorlal arLlcles vlews and oplnlons wrlLLen bv Lhe edlLorlal sLaff
or naLlonal columnlsLs concernlna currenL evenLs 1he drawn plcLure found ln Lhe edlLorlal paae
ls called a CA8lCA1u8L lL ls a porLralL LhaL exaaaeraLes or dlsLorLs Lhe essence of a person or
Lhlna Lo creaLe an easllv ldenLlflable vlsual llkeness

3 5pots 5ect|on

1hls conLalns news abouL sporLs evenLs ln and ouL of Lhe counLrv lL also conLalns people
wellknown ln Lhe fleld of sporLs

4 8us|ness o |nanc|a| 5ect|on

lL conLalns news LhaL ls prlmarllv buslness relaLed and have an effecL on buslness
consumers or sLock Lradlna eLc

5 C|ass|f|ed Ads and kea| Lstate L|st|ngs

1hls secLlon conLalns adverLlsemenLs whlch fall under headlnas llke PLL WAn1Lu"
lC8 LLAS1 or SALL" WAn1Lu 1C 8u?" Also found ln Lhls secLlon are personal and leaal

6 Lnteta|nment 5ect|on

1hls secLlon conLalns lnformaLlon abouL movles Lelevlslon and oLher acLlvlLles for
enLerLalnmenL lL lncludes crlLlques on fllms LheaLre producLlons concerLs and llsLlnas of Lhe

lL also lncludes aames and puzzles comlc sLrlps and carLoons and Lhe dallv horoscope

7 Cb|tua|es

1hls secLlon conLalns announcemenLs of a llsL of people who dled and Lhe Llme and Lhe
place of burlal

1he followlna parLs mav or mav noL be presenL ln a newspaper

8 L|festy|e 5ect|on

lL conLalns baslcallv of human lnLeresL sLorles food healLh and oLher speclal feaLures
reaardlna llfesLvle

9 1ave| 5ect|on

1hls secLlon conLalns lnformaLlon aulde Lo en[ovable Lravel lL dlrecLs LourlsLs Lo scenlc
vacaLlon and alves lnformaLlon on Lhe acLlvlLles LhaL mav be had ln Lhree places Also found ln
Lhe secLlon are Lhe schedules of Lhe deparLure and arrlval of shlps and alrplanes ln and ouL of
Lhe counLrv

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