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The Georgia Route Concept

Brought to the Run and Shoot by Coach Jones, Georgia is a nice complement to the core package in that it attacks the defense with 2 concepts. The frontside (trips side) has a Curl Flat concept the backside (Single WR side) has a Shallow Cross concept. Coach Jones borrowed this concept from Coach Walsh so the route is based in the WCO. When taught and ran for real, the Curl takes a narrower split to give the Flat route better separation, i.e. Pick! For our purposes X will always be the left WR, H will always be the Left inside WR/Slot, Y will always be the Right Inside WE/Slot, and Z will always be the Right WR, and F will be the Superback. If you call a play in Trips applied the Early rule so if you motion to the left as we are below, Y will be the inside slot and H will be the inside slot to the right. Here is the base Georgia play: (Pistol) Load 61 Z Georgia

As you can see H and Z have option routes. These are things I like to add to the play. For H, if the CB over X is pressed he runs a Drag, if the CB is not pressing he runs the Flat. For Z, if the CB is pressed run the Fly & is a Runoff,* if the CB is to the inside, run the Out & is HOT! If the CB is outside, run the slant & is Hot! If the CB is back, run either the Dig or the Post & follow the reads. If the play you are using doesnt have a Post called then it is simply the Dig. You can also hard call Zs route. An example would be if you have a base play that has a Post, and you have had a lot of Cover1/3. It would be called (Pistol) Load 61 Z Ga. Post. *Runoff, Read the Frontside Curl to Flat to In. The mirror play would be: (Pistol) Rip 60 X Georgia The Read for the play is Dig/Post to In to Curl to Flat*. If H runs the Drag, X is a Runoff. The read is Dig/Post, to In, to Drag.

Like most Shoot plays there are a number of variations you can run to diversify Georgia. First is Special where H and Y swap assignments. Here is Georgia Special: (Pistol) Load 61 Z Georgia Special

As you can see here you still have the same reads, except H doesnt have a read he runs an In. I find using Special works well on having Y out in the flat due to the pick of H and Z. I like to use this in the deep Red Zone. You can run Georgia from a 2 x 2 as well. It actually has three variations. Even, Even Special & even Swap. Each gives you a different backside concept. Even gives you a Follow concept. Even Special gives you a Shallow concept. Even Swap gives you a Drive Concept. Here is the Even variation: (Pistol) Load 61 Z Georgia Even

Here is the Even Special variation: (Pistol) Load 61 Z Georgia Even Special

Here is the Even Swap variation: (Pistol) Load 61 Z Georgia Even Swap

The reads for each variation is the same as the base play.

In the game Plays I like to use to create this. The easiest is any Curl Flat Play, you have 3 hot routes, the Dig (In +Smart route), and the In, if you read the CB over the primary, you will only have 1 (HOT!) or the In if Z is a runoff. Another variation is used in the Tiger series which uses the Flexbone Normal formation and the plays PA Curl Flat or Flood. The play implements the Superback (F) into the passing game by having him and H swap assignments. Called (Normal) 80 (tiger series tag) X Georgia Post F Flat. For PA Curl Flat you hot route the FB to a flat/drag and Y to an In. H will Tail motion into an I Back position and block frontside. The read is the same as base Georgia. For Flood you only have to hot Y to an In. ace spread/shotgun spread/flexbone normal/slot right Curl Flats, the hots are Z to a Dig (2 hots) Y to an In 3 total hots. This can be done as you break huddle or while Y is in motion across for the trips plays. ace/pistol/shotgun 4WR trips Curls, the hots are X to a Dig (2 hots) H to an In 3 total hots. This can be done as you break huddle or once you get to the line. flexbone trips left & right the curl flat(s) plays same as the other trips based plays as far as hots go.

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