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The underlying cause of dental cavities and gum disease is lack of proper nutrition, but remineralising with the kinds of foods originally eaten by indigenous people can prevent and even reverse these problems.

In Search of a Cure for Cavities o longer do we need to allow ourselves to be fooled into believing that dental treatments, fluoride, tooth-brushing and toothpastes are the only cure for cavities. No longer should people suffering from gum disease or tooth infections have the truth of the real causes of these afflictions hidden from them. Originally, I never spent much time thinking about teeth. I assumed that my good diet would keep me free from cavities for my entire life. Yet the glass of my limited beliefs was shattered the day my partner and I observed a small, light-brown spot on the top of a front tooth of our one-year-old daughter. I wondered to myself, "Is this a tooth cavity?" Days, weeks and months went by, and to our horror the spot grew and grew. Every day I would look at my daughter's teeth with dreaded fear as this cavity rapidly progressed and other teeth began to decay. Being a natural parent, which includes keeping my daughter free from chemicals in the forms of processed junk foods, Western drugs and vaccinations, I was extremely concerned with taking my precious little girl to a dentist for a dental treatment. Wanting to avoid traumatic anaesthesia and surgery for my daughter and not wanting to have her teeth pulled left me in a grave dilemma: either I had to subject her to a dental treatment, which to me was inappropriately violent for a small child who was not experiencing any pain or suffering, or I had to find the real cause of cavities. Only through grace, persistence and hard work did I find a cure, and I share an important part of it in this article. At the peak of my daughter's tooth decay, her teeth disintegrated so rapidly that the one decayed tooth crumbled apart within a few weeks' time. Meanwhile, I was diagnosed with four new cavities, and I was not prepared to have more synthetic materials added to my overburdened body. Also, these four cavities did not even address the places on my teeth where I felt a great deal of sensitivity: on the sides of many of my molars near the gum linesa condition which I now know is called abfraction. Today I write nearly three years later. My teeth, once sensitive and loose in my mouth, are now firmly embedded and strong. The sensitive spots have hardened dramatically. Although my daughter's teeth continued to decay to some degree for a while, her teeth have protected themselves. Even with two teeth worn to the gum line, she has no pain, no sign of any infection and no problem eating hard foods like peanuts. These results are not by way of some special product or dental treatment, but by food alone. Your Teeth are Not Designed to Decay I started to find hope when I read and re-read the research of the world's greatest dentist, Dr Weston A. Price. In 1915, he was appointed the first research director of the National Dental Association (its name was changed a few years later to the American Dental Association). Dr Price did not seek to find the injurious factors that were causing cavities in his patients, but instead sought to understand why indigenous people around the world were immune to cavities. (Note: Not all indigenous people are totally immune to cavities, but many groups are.) In the early 1930s, he began a multi-year survey of indigenous peoples around the planet to seek the true nature of their immunity to cavities. About 70 years ago, in the very same Journal of the American Dental Association that now promotes amalgam fillings, fluoride and other chemical treatments for teeth, Dr Price revealed the formula needed to cure cavities. He wrote regarding his field studies: "All groups having a liberal supply of minerals, particularly phosphorus, and a liberal supply of fat-soluble activators had 100 per cent immunity to dental caries."1 Dr Price visited the people of such places as the high plateaus of the Andes, the isolated NEXUS 29

by Ramiel Nagel 2008

Los Gatos, California, USA Email: Website:


4) When those three options do not work, you must have the bacteria infestations removed from your mouth by a dental drill, thus leaving your mouth bacteriologically clean. 5) When a dental drill cannot remove the bacteria and the bacteria progress, the tooth root can become infected, thus requiring root canal filling. The solution to the infected tooth root is first to remove the top of the tooth and then clean the inside of the tooth with chemicals. Next, this traumatised tooth is filled with a synthetic material, thus leaving the inside of your tooth bacteriologically clean. 6) Finally, when all those procedures fail to keep your tooth A Mediaeval Theory of Disease Hundreds and thousands of years ago, when people were afflicted alive from the supposed onslaught of bacterial invaders, the tooth with various types of ailments and diseases, it was a common habit must be removedand a fake tooth or no tooth is what is left. to blame evil spirits as the cause of these diseases and By the time the sixth stage is reached, many people have spent disharmonies. People of the world still do this today, except that thousands of dollars on dental care. But no matter how much these evil spirits now have a new name. Scientists, doctors, dentists money people spend on dentists and dental treatments, the real and government officials will confirm this new "evil spirit" which cure for cavities seems still elusive. I guess that not enough is believed to be the cause of our people have noticed that these ills: micro-organisms, such as Tooth Decay over the Lifespan methods for treating teeth do viruses and bacteria. not cure the problem; rather, The germ theory of disease modern treatments limit some became cemented in our minds pain and suffering while your due to the so-called pioneering teeth continue to decay. To be work of Louis Pasteur. Pasteur, clear, I am not opposed to who was more like a salesman dental treatments: sometimes than a scientist, promoted a they are the best option for theory of disease that is now some people. But for the the basis of most forms of majority of us, there is another modern medicine. The theory way to halt, prevent and even goes that pathogenic bacteria or remineralise decaying teeth. some types of micro-organisms With reference to figure 1, exist outside the body; when here you see the results of a the body's defences are large study of about 16,000 lowered, the bacteria can individuals, conducted from invade the body and thus cause 1999 to 2002 in the United disease. States by a government agency. Unfortunately, in our world As you can see from the chart, which is filled with a substantial Source: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, with some slight variance at the amount of corruption and 19992002; National Center for Health Statistics, CDC end, the older you get, the darkness, this "science" has higher the likelihood that your Figure 1. CDC's Graph of Tooth Decay in the USA remained the status quo without teeth will be decayed. In fact, a good scientific debate since that time. The result of Pasteur's the statistics for people over the age of 40 in the USA are dismal. science, which takes away responsibility from the individual for On average, 45.89 per cent of all teeth in this age group have been disease, is our modern system of dental care. In this "modern" affected by decay. That average is nearly half the teeth in each theory of dental disease, the superstition about tooth decay is as person's mouth having been affected by decay. This gets worse: followsand this is from the American Dental Association: by the time you reach the age of 60 and over, on average 62.36 "Tooth decay...occurs when foods containing carbohydrates per cent of all teeth have been affected by decay.4 (sugars and starches) such as milk, pop, raisins, cakes or candy are If dental drilling, root canal fillings, tooth-pulling, mass water frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive fluoridation, tooth-brushing and toothpastes were the proper on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, treatment for cavities, then we would not see this increase of tooth these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in tooth decay."3 decay over time. We would see a decrease over time, or at least So, based on the combination of the belief that tooth decay is the level holding steady, because the older people get, in general caused by bacteria (identified as Streptococcus mutans a n d the more they are flossing, brushing and having their teeth drilled. Lactobacillus acidophilus) and the belief that bacteria eat foods in So, it follows that their tooth decay should not get worse, since the mouth and produce acid, thus causing the physical structure of they are following the prescribed protocol. Are we to assume that teeth to erode, the modern system of dentistry has developed. over 90 per cent of the population is not following the prescribed According to this modern system: protocol? Or is something fundamentally wrong with this 1) You must brush your teeth all the time to eliminate these "modern" approach to halting cavities? dangerous bacteria. 2) You must rinse your mouth with chemicals to eliminate more Lack of Proper Nutrition: The Real Cause of Cavities dangerous bacteria. Dr Price realised that something fundamental is radically wrong 3) You must floss to eliminate the missed bacteria and food with the way we live. To help you understand what is wrong, I particles. provide two telling examples of groups of people who were living

Outer Hebrides off the coast of Scotland and remote villages in the Swiss Alps; he met hidden tribes throughout the depths of Africa, native Australian Aborigines, New Zealand's Maori, islanders in the South Seas, native tribes in Florida, and Eskimos and Canadian Indians in far North America. After visiting these groups of different genetic lineages and finding that they were highly immune to cavities, he could conclude only one thing: "Tooth decay is not only unnecessary, but an indication of our divergence from Nature's fundamental laws of life and health."2

virtually free of tooth decay and how they lost this immunity. milk of goats or cows. They ate meat once a week. In 1931 and 1932, Dr Price travelled to the remote Loetschental In Dr Price's study of 4,280 teeth of children living in the high Valley in the Swiss Alps, seeking the cause and solution to one of alpine valleys, he found that 3.4 per cent had been attacked by our number one diseases: tooth decay. The people of the valley decay. But in the Loetschental Valley, he found only 0.3 per cent lived in harmony with nature, which resulted in a seemingly of all teeth affected by decay.9 peaceful existence. Dr Price wrote of the Loetschental people: So, the Loetschental people were highly immune to cavities and "They have neither physician nor dentist because they have so yet a significant part of their diet was a sourdough rye bread. little need for them; they have neither policeman nor jail, because Bread is something that many dental associations believe to be a they have no need for them."5 primary cause of cavities when it is left stuck on the teeth. The This harmony is also evident in the production of food: people of Loetschental Valley did not floss and did not brush their "While the cows spend the warm summer on the verdant knolls teeth. They even had typical deposits in their mouths but did not and wooded slopes near the glaciers and fields of perpetual snow, suffer from tooth decay. Dr Price wrote: they have a period of high and rich productivity of milk This "[M]any primitive races have their teeth smeared with starchy cheese contains the natural butter fat and minerals of the splendid foods almost constantly and make no effort whatsoever to clean milk and is a virtual storehouse of life for the coming winter."6 their teeth. In spite of this they have no tooth decay."10 (Emphasis added in italics.) Meanwhile, during the same time period, Reverend John Siegen, the pastor of the tooth decay was a major problem for one church in the valley, told Dr Price about schoolchildren in modern parts of the butter and cheese made with a high Switzerland, with 85100 per cent of the degree of harmony from the milk of the population affected. Modern Swiss children grazing cows: of a similar genetic lineage, living in modern "He told me that they recognize the towns with access to the most advanced dental This "due homage" presence of Divinity in the life-giving techniques of the time, suffered from tooth qualities of the butter made in June when decay. The people did not seem to know why, paid to butter is a cows have arrived for pasturage near the and even tried regular exercise and suntanning far cry from today's glaciers. He gathers the people together to of the childrenwith no relief from cavities. thank the kind Father for evidence of his The cause of cavities in these modern children dietary dictators, Being in the life-giving qualities of butter was not that they did not brush, and not that who say that and cheese when the cows eat the grass near they lacked access to modern dental care: it the snow line... The natives of the valley are had to do with the lack of vitamins in the butter is bad for able to recognize the superior quality of industrialised, commercialised foods their June butter, and, without knowing our health because they were now eating. exactly why, pay it due homage . " 7 The modernised Swiss no longer ate of its high levels of (Emphasis added.) their native diets of whole rye bread, This "due homage" paid to butter is a summer butter and cheese, and fresh, saturated fat and far cry from today's dietary dictators, raw goat's and cow's milk. They cholesterol. who say that butter is bad for our health replaced their carefully prepared whole because of its high levels of saturated rye sourdough bread with white-flour fat and cholesterol. products. They substituted their summer In reflecting on his time in butters and cheeses with margarines, Loetschental Valley, Dr Price stated: marmalades, jams, canned vegetables, "One immediately wonders if there is confections and fruits, all of which had not something in the life-giving to be transported to the area. They grew vitamins and minerals of the food that only a limited supply of their vegetables builds not only great physical structures locally. But even in these modernised within which their souls reside, but builds minds and hearts areas, some children did have a high immunity to tooth decaythe capable of a higher type of manhood in which the material values ones who still ate their native diet. Dr Price noted: of life are made secondary to individual character."8 "We studied some children here whose parents retained their We can see, feel and hear a high degree of harmony with primitive methods of food selection, and without exception those Nature in the description of the people and environment of the who were immune to dental caries were eating a distinctly different Loetschental Valley. Not only are the animals and the land food from those with high susceptibility to dental caries."11 honoured in a sacred manner, so is the food. The people see and On average, the modernised Swiss had a rate of tooth decay know the divine quality within their butter. And to see this eight times higher than those who still followed their native diet. quality in the butter, they must also see and know this divine Of 2,065 teeth that Dr Price analysed in another study, 25.5 per quality within themselves. This knowing, I hypothesise, is a cent had been attacked by dental caries and many teeth had result of a way of living in accordance with Nature's fundamental become abscessed (infected).12 laws. And the people see evidence and are reminded of their own The difference between the two diets of the people of divinity by seeing the "Father" and His "Being", His presence, in Switzerland in the 1930s indicates an important key to unlocking the gift which He gave them: the gift of health, aliveness and the body's ability to remineralise cavities. The modern Swiss who vitality through His butter and cheese. had a high degree of tooth decay still ate many similar foods to The diet of the Loetschental Valley people in the early 1930s those on the indigenous diet. They ate bread and butter and drank consisted of whole rye bread, summer butter and cheese (about as milk. But they also added new foods to their diet that were large a portion as the slice of bread), eaten with the fresh, raw largely uncommon in the area: sweets.

Often the problem is not that the general food we are eating is This degeneration is a result of our lifestyle. Yet the modern wrong, but that there's an enormous difference in how the food is method of going to a dentist to fix the problem allows people to prepared and where it comes from, e.g., whether the milk is remain ignorant of the fact that their dietary and lifestyle habits pasteurised or raw, whether the cows graze on green grass or are are causing their teeth to decay. The pain or hole is temporarily fed grains and hay and crammed into stalls, and whether the grains fixed, only likely to return a few years later because the real come from nutrient-rich soils or not and how they are prepared. cause of the cavity has not been addressed. The difference between the modern Swiss and the isolated Swiss who were highly immune to cavities is not an enigma. Dr Protocol for Preventing and Remineralising Cavities Price repeated his observations across the world. He found one of Dr Weston Price took food samples from all the indigenous the most extreme examples in the Australian Aborigines. groups he studied. He brought them back to his laboratory and Dr Price visited Australia in 1936. He discovered that the average analysed their vitamin and mineral content. He found that, on rate of tooth decay among Australia's native Aborigines was zero per average, the indigenous diet which produces immunity to tooth cent: they had total immunity to tooth decay. In contrast, he found decay contains four times as much of the water-soluble vitamins, that the average decay rate of all teeth of modernised Aborigines such as B and C, and at least 10 times as much of the fat-soluble living on reservations and eating modern foods was 70.9 per cent.13 vitamins, such as A, D, E and K, as the displacing diet that caused His poetic words paint an important picture: tooth decay. "It is doubtful if many places in the world Dr Price's anthropological testimony, the can demonstrate so great a contrast in thousands of photographs he took and his physical development and perfection of body nutrient analyses of various diets show us that as that which exists between the primitive our modern diet does not provide our bodies Aborigines of Australia, who have been the with the vitamins and minerals needed for life, sole arbiters of their fate , and those and that, as a result, many people suffer from This degeneration is a cavities. It makes sense that cavities get worse Aborigines who have been under the result of our lifestyle. influence of the white man. The white man over time, since the effects of our deficient has deprived them of their original habitats and diet Yet the modern method of a toxic modern age. become more and more and is now feeding them in reservations while burden as we of going to a dentist using them as laborers in modern industrial Dr Price incorporated the knowledge from pursuits.1 4 his field studies in a nutritional program he to fix the problem Dr Price explained the importance of food to developed for halting and remineralising our overall health, and that even the Australian allows people to cavities utilising only food. His protocol was Aborigines, who for thousands of years highly successful. Using nutrition, he remain ignorant of maintained near-perfect physical forms, helped 17 individuals with severe tooth have lost their ideal beauty and health decay reduce the rate of decay by 250 the fact that their with the foods of the "white man": times. In this group, approximately half dietary and lifestyle "It is most remarkable and should be of all teeth had been affected by decay one of the most challenging facts that prior to the nutritional program. After habits are causing can come to our modern civilisation that completion of the program, only two their teeth to decay. such primitive races as the Aborigines of new cavities formed within a three-year Australia have reproduced for time period, which is a recurrence rate generation after generation through of 0.4 per cent.17 many centuriesno one knows for how Unfortunately, Dr Price never clearly many thousands of yearswithout the spelled out his protocol for halting tooth development of a conspicuous number decay, yet, given the keys within his of irregularities of the dental arches. book, the research of Melvin Page, DDS, Yet, in the next generation after these my own trial and error, and feedback people adopt the foods of the white man, a large percentage of the from other people who have healed their teeth, we can reconstruct children developed irregularities of the dental arches with them. Before you attempt this protocol, I want to be clear that in a conspicuous facial deformities. The deformity patterns are minority of cases it may not work because of a factor of blood similar to those seen in white civilizations."15 chemistry. Good food may not be able to restore everybody's body We are left with a potent warning from Dr Price, which is as chemistry quickly enough to halt their tooth decay. Also, due to important today as it was 70 years ago when it was written: injury from environmental toxins, a deficient diet and Western "The rapid degeneration of the Australian Aborigines after the drugs including vaccines, many people have lost their ability to adoption of the government's modern foods provides a absorb food well: chemicals have damaged their digestive tract. demonstration that should be infinitely more convincing than In this article, I provide one solution to this problem. These animal experimentation. It should be a matter not only of concern guidelines are like a map, and few people will be able to follow but deep alarm that human beings can degenerate physically so them exactly. They are meant to point you towards what is rapidly by the use of a certain type of nutrition, particularly the healthy for you. It is up to your own intuition and instincts, dietary products used so generally by modern civilization." 16 through listening to your body and your appetite, to help you (Emphasis added.) determine the best diet for yourself. This is not meant to be some It is this alarm and concern that I want to be in the forefront of masochistic experiment where you force yourself to eat foods you your awareness. Our bodies deteriorate because of the modern don't like and where you avoid foods you are cravingfar from it. foods we eat, and often this deterioration shows in either our This advice is a pointer to some of the most ideal foods for the teeth or our gums, or both, as they're windows into our bodies. majority of people.

Dietary Guidelines for Teeth Remineralisation vitamins and minerals, you help limit blood-sugar fluctuations Dr Price found that the indigenous groups he studied that had the and nutrient deficiencies which promote tooth decay. highest immunity to tooth decay, i.e., nearing 100 per cent, ate liberallythat is, frequently, daily and perhaps in every mealfrom Raw Egg Tooth-Building Formula two of the following three principal vitamin sources: For those who have difficulty with absorbing nutrients from 1. Unpasteurised dairy products from pasture-fed animals. foods, organic or high-quality raw eggs help heal this problem. 2. Organs and muscle meat from wild fish and shellfish. But I warn you, you may initially get sick if you do not regularly 3. Organs of pasture-fed or wild land animals. eat this special food. Raw eggs can promote an intense You will see that the dietary guidelines encourage the daily detoxification as your body cleanses old, stuck chemicals. (One intake of two of these three special food categories, and that, over a time I ate raw eggs from the farm, and valium, a drug I had taken week's time, all three special food categories will be eaten. If you 15 years earlier, started detoxifying from my body. I knew it was are allergic to dairy or it is difficult to obtain, you will get the best valium because of its unmistakable feeling, and I was violently ill results from utilising categories two and three daily or almost daily. for about one day.) So, try this blend: These guidelines have helped many people remineralise their 1 cup raw milk 1 dental cavities: 2 cup raw cream Eat 12 4+ tablespoons organic/wild liver 23x daily with 2 raw eggs meals, together with Optional: a small amount of unheated honey or stevia for 122+ tablespoons of yellow butter 23x daily with meals. sweetness; vanilla extract, carob powder or nutmeg for flavouring. Drink 2+ cups daily of raw/unpasteurised milk from grass-fed cows, goats, sheep, camels or buffalos. Drink as much milk as Special Food Sources your body desires. Drink at room temperature if possible. Being that this is an international publication, I cannot provide all Drink 2 cups daily of fish stock, made from wild fish the information to locate the best sources of the foods I recommend. carcasses which include at least the head and ideally the organs Usually, buying from farmers' markets and directly from farms is the (recipe at best way to obtain high-quality foods from pasture-fed animals, Eat 24 tablespoons daily of bone marrow from wild or including unpasteurised milk (unfortunately, unpasteurised milk pasture-raised animals. cannot be legally sold in some locations). Many fish merchants Eat as much as you desire, preferably daily or several times provide the whole fish caught in the wild. You can also contact a daily, of uncooked wild fish or uncooked pasture-raised meat. local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation (a list of chapter (Cooking meat is fine, but it is usually just easier to digest it contacts is at uncooked. You can also marinate the meat and fish or cook it rare Some chapters will be able to refer you to high-quality food sources. or medium rare.) Yellow butter contains an important factor that Dr Price labelled Eat as much as you desire, preferably at least once daily, of as "Activator X", which helps the body bond minerals to the bones. raw, fresh oysters, clams or similar molluscs. When cows eat rapidly growing green grass, the fat in their milk Eat substantial quantities of vegetables such as beet greens, contains this factor. This usually occurs during the spring and kale, chard, zucchini, broccoli, celery, string beans and carrots. summer time, depending on the environment. Ideally, this butter Eat the various organs of any pasture-fed or wild animal three should come from unpasteurised milk sources. If you have times weekly or more often. difficulty finding local yellow butters, two large producers have Drink 24 cups of raw fresh vegetable juice daily, in between high-quality pasteurised yellow butter that should be available in meals. Make sure to limit the use of sweet vegetables such as many parts of the world: Kerrygold Butter from Ireland carrots and beets. The juice should primarily consist of a celery ( and Anchor Butter from New Zealand and parsley mix. Use one bunch of parsley per one bunch of ( celery, as described in the Primal Diet 1 8 suggestions. This juice may require a small amount of clay to neutralise toxins. I would advise that people who have difficulty digesting animal protein should eat it in small portions: about 12 ounces per meal, spread over up to five meals per day. You can eat as much protein as you desire. Protein should be eaten with plenty of fat. I do not recommend or encourage eating lean cuts of meat or meat with the fat removed. For some people, too much protein is difficult to digest. You should eat protein with lots of green vegetables or you should drink vegetable juice often. (Estimates from the Melvin Page food plan suggest that if your ideal body weight is 90 pounds, you need to eat six ounces of protein per day; if 150 pounds, you need 10 ounces per day; and if 200 pounds, you need 13 ounces per Figure 2. Cavities Remineralising. Nature can close an exposure of the pulp due day.) By eating several meals per day that to dental caries by building a protecting wall within the pulp chamber when the 19 include protein and other foods high in nutrition is adequately improved.

Foods, Beverages and Products to Avoid In order to restore the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in our Knowing what not to eat is almost as important as knowing blood and to enable minerals to bond onto the teeth, it is usually what to eat. It is important not to cheat on this advice, which also not sufficient just to avoid eating too much sweet or processed relates to beverages and other products. food. We must eat building foods containing potent amounts of So, avoid these items: minerals and vitamins to create a chain reaction that will build Sugar: white sugar, brown sugar, organic sugar, evaporated glassy-hard tooth structure in place of decayed tooth structure. cane juice, corn syrup, commercial jams (exceptions: totally unheated honey, organic untreated maple syrup, rapadura, stevia). Freedom from Tooth Decay Many sweeteners still encourage tooth decay; if you have a severe This article describes some key aspects of how you can be free or difficult case, only use stevia and avoid all other sweets. of tooth decay and avoid those pesky root canal fillings. Our teeth Flour and grain products: white flour, wheat flour, organic can rebuild themselves and cover themselves over with a hard and flour, any unsoaked grain products (examples: bread, crackers, glassy layer, provided that we give ourselves the right kind of cookies, doughnuts, breakfast cereals, muffins, pastries, tortillas, nutrition. My book, Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent bagels and sandwiches). Most store-bought flour products, even Cavities with Nutrition, describes how to live without tooth decay from the health food store, need to be and how to heal your teeth with good avoided. nutrition. It provides a more detailed Hydrogenated oils: margarine description of the special foods to eat When our blood chemistry and low-quality vegetable oils, and a more in-depth analysis of tooth is out of balance, primarily soybean oil, Crisco, canola and decay and its various aspects. safflower. Replace these with organic You can minimise your tooth from the consumption of coconut oil, organic palm oil, organic decay, prevent it entirely and even processed foods (especially olive oil or butter, suet or tallow. heal tooth decay once a cavity has Any type of junk or convenience formed, provided that you make good sugars), the ratio of calcium food or modern fast foods. choices for yourself based on to phosphorus in our blood Coffee, soft drinks, Nutrasweet knowledge of decay-free indigenous (aspartame) and anything with peoples. Learn these lessons and take deviates from normal. artificial flavours, artificial colours or the wise approach to healing and artificial ingredients. preventing tooth decay using Soymilk, low-quality protein unprocessed foods as nature intended. powder and excess tofu. You can learn how to live without tooth decay. You can heal Pasteurised milk, even if it is organic. and prevent cavities. Non-grass-fed meat and eggs, and farm-raised fish. Alcohol and cigarettes. About the Author: Drugs including most recreational drugs, prescription drugs Ramiel Nagel, based in Los Gatos, California, has a BA in Legal and vaccines. Studies from the University of California at Santa Cruz. He has a The Secret to Halting Cavities Through blood tests, dentist Dr Melvin Page pinpointed the cause of tooth decay in modern people. When our blood chemistry is out of balance, primarily from the consumption of processed foods (especially sugars), the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in our blood deviates from normal. (Dr Page advised that the ratio should be 2.5 parts calcium to one part phosphorus, and that a critical point of 8.75 mg of calcium and 3.5 mg of phosphorus per 100 cc of blood, with normal blood sugar levels, creates immunity to tooth decay. 20) When this happens, minerals are pulled from the dentin and bones, causing tooth and other bone loss. So, sugar causes tooth decay because it depletes nutrients from the body, not because bacteria eat it and produce acid. Endnotes
1. Price, W. A., J. American Dental Association, 1936, p. 888. 2. Price, W. A., Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, PricePottenger Nutrition Foundation, La Mesa, 2004, 6th ed., p. 415. 3. American Dental Association (ADA), "Tooth Decay", FAQ, decay_faq.asp. 4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),

background in intuitive energy healing as well as in hatha and bhakti yoga. Rami became deeply interested in natural health because his daughter was suffering from tooth decay. He has developed many free Internet health resources in the spirit of serving others. He is the author of Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition, available from website as a digital or print copy (see review in this edition). Rami is completing a manuscript, Healing Our Children: A Revolutionary Guide to Preconception, Pregnancy and Early Childhood Health, to give parents the tools to understand and thus prevent many disease conditions of pregnancy and childhood (see the websites and http://www.preconception For professional enquiries, email the author at
13. op. cit., p. 441. 14. op. cit., p. 171. 15. op. cit., p. 174. 16. ibid. 17. op. cit., p. 295. 1 8 . The Primal Diet is described in: Vonderplanitz, Aajonus, The Recipe For Living Without Disease, Carnelian Bay Castle Press, Los Angeles, 2002. 19. Price, op. cit., p. 289. 20. Page, M. and Abrams, L., Your Body Is Your Best Doctor, Keats Publishing, New Canaan, 1972, p. 196.

aag/oh.htm (regarding figure 1); mmwrhtml/ss5403a1.htm (regarding statistics extrapolated from table 17). 5. Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, op. cit., p. 26. 6. ibid. 7. ibid. 8. op. cit., p. 27. 9. op. cit., p. 34. 10. op. cit., p. 293. 11. op. cit., p. 35. 12. op. cit., p. 38.



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