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Chapter 1 Nature and Characteristics of Politics Politics Identified Greek: Polis = City Politics is the study of city, i.e.

, state. Oxford English Dictionary: The science dealing with the form, organization, and administration of state, or part of one, and with the regulations of its relations with other states. Plato & Aristotle: Viewed politics in terms of the moral purposes that decision maker ought to pursue (not ignore political structures). Both seek: 1. Common good 2. Civic virtue 3. Moral perfection Aristotle saw highest good as the end sought by political science . Many political scientists identify political activity with moral beliefs. Core of politics Conflict about nature of the good life. Dahl (liberal pluralist thinker) considers Aristotle s definition of politics as too restrictive (ties to state organization only).

Dahl: reformulate politics to any persistent pattern of human relationships that involves to a significant extent, power, rule or authority. Criticise Aristotelian of self-sufficiency of the state for good life. Dahl broadens political relationships to include patterns behavior that are not coextensive with national societies. Follow Aristotle in defining offices or roles . Easton: identify political acts as those that authoritatively allocate values in a society . Easton limits politics by emphasizing authoritative allocations . Focus: 1. 2. Goals of policy maker Authority (power relationships)

1. 2.

Authoritative relationships Implication of power and conflict

Differences Easton and Lasswell: Easton Lasswell Focuses on entire Focuses on individuals political system with power Classical political philosophy irrelevant &redundant by triumphant jayanya march of materialism&behaviouralism . Power(Classical political philosophy): The ability of its holder to exact compliancemematuhi or obedience of other individuals to his will on whatsoever basis power has been made absolute mutlak& omnipotent mahakuasa NO human freedom & dignity State power has grown on an unprecedented belumpernahterjadiscale leading to: Subjugationpenaklukan of peoples Manipulation of their thought and culture Erectionketegangan of fascistsociolis Totalitariankuku besi states Similarities of these ideologies! :D 1. Human nature conflict 2. Group conflict 3. Understanding how people govern themselves & the consequences of political process

Isaak: Compromise position which is neither too restrictive nor overly broad . Lasswell: define politics who gets what, when and how . Lasswell s definition is wide! :) Enabling enquirer to look for politics in many social settings, including that of state organizations. Focus:

Why study politics? To search out conditions under which groups can achieve their goals peacefully and effectively. Means by which people debate and resolve the most important value in society. Redekop: politics then, refers to all activity whose main purpose is one or more of the following: To reshape or influence governmental structures or process To influence or replace governmental office-holders To influence formation of public policies To influence the implementation of public policies To generate public awareness of and response to governmental, processes personnel anggota, and policies To gain a place of influence or power within government Manifestations of politics Politics reflect divergences of beliefs, interests&influence within society.

1. Political Behavior 2 dimensions: psychological & social. Psychological= found in thought, perception, judgement, attitudes, and beliefs. images and silent attitude of the people will indicate their political views. Social= found in action such as strike, demonstration, election campaign. is often revealed as aggression,co-operation, compromise, negotiation, posturing, decisiveness, dominance, and human strategy that leads to decision that have social impact. 2. Political culture


4. 5.

6. 7.

assertionstuntutan.(flag, anthem, monument, martyrdomkesyahidan). Political expectations imply certain common expectations of people from government. Political symbols idealised elements of political institutions. Political attitudes preconcievedsangkaan positions of the people on political issues, events, leaders, and institution. Political values value judgement, whether right or wrong, of the people. Political traditions Long and continued practices in political realm

Almond: political system that: participant culture: allows its citizens to actively participate in the political process. subject culture: Allows people to participate in restricted way. Parochial culture: no opportunities nor interestin political process Regional culture:set of values, beliefs, and attitudes which residents of a region share and which to a great lesser extent, differentiate them from residents of other regions.

Is a pattern of individual beliefs and attitudes that relate to the political system and to political issues. Sydney Verba: is a system of beliefs about patterns of political interaction and political institutions. Components of culture: 1. Political customs conventions and pratices which have remained in practice in the political process. Political beliefs integrated coherent convictionskeyakinan of improvable

Political behaviour Political culture Political values Interest groups Levels of government

Common qualities of political culture: Political system and politics widely accepted and residents comply with the rules and regulations of the system. People are aware of the rules and policies of the political system. People expect certain behavior to be appropriate or inappropriate from their government. 3. Political values


Interest groups




Groups organize themselves freely and press for concrete demands. Oppose the intended policies of the government which they feel are not reasonable 4 types of groups:
Associational Nonassociational Institutional Anomic

Transmission of politics Poltics is dynamic! Politics is transmitted through political socialization Ball:political socialization is the establishment and development of attitudes to the beliefs about the political system. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Family Educational institutions Employment Religious institutions Clubs Political party Mass media Legislature

Refer to the judgment of the people which are commonly shared commonly shared among them. Main values:

Associational: representing the expressed interests of particular group (unionised) Example: trade unions, chambers of commerce Non-associational:Group activities are not well organized and episodictidaksengaja (nonunionised)



Example: ethnic, regional, occupational groups

Employment Justice


Institutional: characterized by formal & strong organizational base (attached to institution of government) Example: bureaucracy & military , Anomic: generally spontaneous groups 5. Levels of government

1. 2. 3. 4.

Power power used? Misused? Wealth resources country utilized? Health expect good health Education equal opportunity. Expect guaranteed job 5. Justice personal freedom or authority?

3 levels of government:

1. Family Offering to its members living and food, it also introduces them to the wider aspects of social life. Family is the first window to the outside world. Family becomes the first place for initiating public opinion. Influence of family will also depend on political system.

2. Educational Institutions Influenced by teachers and peers. The amounts of schooling affect the political attitudes. The higher the education, stronger sense of responsibility developed. College: more tolerant & open-minded High school: parochialsempit in outlook Educated people enjoy higher income and status interested to politics Education exercise in intellectual expansion & process socialization. 3. Employment The workplace is a very important forum for public opinion employees talk about socio-economic and political issues. Collective opinions of employees help formulate public opinion. 4. Religious Institutions People talk relevant issues when they go to mosque, temple, and church. Candidates have to speak carefully during the election. 5. Clubs There are various types of clubs crosscutting social classes. Example: sports, cultural, entertainment, youth, old age club. 6. Political party

National political parties have its own offices and branches through-out the country. Members and commoners who attend meetings listen to their leaders who frequently visit from the head office. Expression of public opinion and a choice between alternatives. A government party gives financial support to youth groups and organizers. 7. Mass media Most important medium for socialization. Gaining severe influence on the mind of people all over the world. Television reporters bring visual imagesof issues to the audience. In authoritarianmutlak state, the regime censors each report so that it does not produce any negative images of the government. 8. Legislature Debates on various pressing issues of the nation. People become aware of the issues and make up their mind. Legislatures reflect public opinion that mouldmembentuk or shape it. Interposition of delay is a necessary condition of parliamentary procedure. Oppositionvsgovernment!

Politics in Communist system Operates in democratic system. 1. An official undisputedtidakdapatdipertikaikan ideology that covers all aspect of human life. There is a single mass party led by a core of dedicated person committed to the ideology(no opposition) All means of communications and media dedicated to regime and ideology. Mass media is the monopoly of state. State governed to the principle of command economy production are under control and ownership of state.


3. 4. 5.

Politics behavior, culture, values. Everything guided by communist ideology Noprivate enterprises and notrade unions! Centralisationpower Government at all level are controlled by the Communist Party. Politics in Islamic system The essence of politics Is the striving for good life lived in worship and in seeking the pleasure of the One and only Allah. Fundamental pillars of Islam: prayer, fasting, alms-giving, pilgrimage suited to promoting esprit de corpssetiakawan and group solidarityperpaduan.

In prayers: Conducted at appointed hours Preferably congregationJemaah Rational reflection Emotional stimulation Physical movements Prayer is the principle of good life of: 1. 2. 3. 4. Social solidarity & equality Leadership and & obedience Responsibility & responsiveness Universal Brotherhoodpersaudaraan

the tent, the poles, and the pegspasak. The tent is islam, the pole is the government, the rope and the pegs are the people. NONE WILL DO WITHOUT OTHERS! . Tauhid to call unequivocallytegas for the repudiationpenolakan of Taghut. Tauhidi desires can brookmembiarkan neither a rival nor compromise. Quran enjoins believers to: 1. Shatterhancuekan the absolutismmutlak of demigods & false deitiesdewa. Divestmelupuskan them from any leadership roles. Wrestmerampas power for the righteous. Reinstatepulih good in place of evil.

Muhammad Iqbal says Islam is a single, unanalyzable reality which is one or other as your point of view varies . Islam influence every aspects of believer s life.

SayyidMaududi: the more assiduouslytekun we follow the training, the better equipped we are to harmonise ideals and practices . Quranicexhortationsgesaan of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil . Qurancondemnscelaanarchykekacauan& disorder. Prophet p.b.u.h. stressed the need for organization & authority in society. Sayyidina Umar considered organized society impossible without an Imam. No Imam without obedience! First Caliph recognize that divinelywahyu mandated vocationtugasto realize the will of Allah in history was communalkaum as well as individual. IbnQutaybah (Ka b) Islam, the government and the people are like

2. 3. 4.

Objective of hijrah: to establish political authority in accordance with the Divine Will and eschewhindarTaghut. Jihad fi Sabil Allah utmost exertion in the way of Allah. NO Caesar. ONLY Allah and His Messenger. The Syariah incorporates the temporalduniawi with the spiritual. POLITICS & RELIGION = Dependent on each other!

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