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Template for Lesson Plans Name Unit Essential Question: Topic of this Lesson: Standards/Indicators Addressed: Time Frame

for Lesson: Lesson Essential Question: Unit Title Grade

Activating Strategy/Link to Prior Knowledge:

Lesson Content and Teaching Strategies: Assessment Prompt #1 Assessment Prompt #1

Summarizing Activity (each day if lesson extends more than one day):

Assessment (informal or formal, as appropriate)

Directions for Completing Lesson Plans This template is designed to include the components of one individual lesson plan within a unit using the Learning Focused format. While the focus is on just one lesson, the unit title and unit essential question should be included to provide the overarching topic framework within which this lesson would be taught. The template is simply a word document; thus it will expand as you write to enable all information needed to be included in each section. 1. The time frame refers to the approximate number of periods (specify length of period) needed to teach this lesson. Keep in mind that a lesson often lasts longer than one period, and planning should be done by the lesson, not by the day. 2. The lesson essential question addresses the intent of all major components of the lesson; what is taught should answer the question completely. 3. The activating strategy does one of three things: it may introduce a new concept/topic that is the focus of this lesson; it may link students to their prior knowledge of the topic of this lesson; or it may introduce important vocabulary essential to this lesson. The activating strategy always relates to the topic of this specific lesson; Daily Oral Language, Calendar Math, skill practice bellringers, generic sponge activities, etc. are not activating strategies. 4. Lesson content and teaching strategies should include step-by-step procedures for implementing the lesson. They should be specific enough that another teacher who knows this content and grade could pick them up and use them. Handouts, graphic organizers, activity instructions, complete website or videostreaming addresses, etc. should be included or attached. 5. Students, not the teacher, should summarize what they have learned at the end of the time spent on this lesson/end of the period every day. If a lesson lasts more than one day, the summarization may focus on what we have learned so far in this lesson; at the end of the lesson, the summarization in whatever form should include answering the lesson essential question. 6. Assessment for an individual lesson may be informal, through a class activity, assignment or observation, or it may be more formal through a graded assignment or quiz. Be specific about how students will be assessed on their understanding of this lessons content/skill.

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