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endlessly barely currently elsewhere thus then apparently after today previously immediately around in the past before

a lot (of) well soon briefly how many/ much constantly first besides early standing up inside outside already tomorrow since lately behind from now below above

100 most common French Adverbs in front devant down en bas up en haut on way of doing ailleurs sthg en train de ainsi again encore alors at last enfin apparemment enormously normment aprs next ensuite aujourd'hui on purpose exprs auparavant frankly franchement aussitt kindly gentiment autour yesterday hier autrefois here ici avant immediately immdiatement beaucoup (de) intensely intensment bien never jamais bientt there l brivement the majority of la majorit (de) l'infini peine actuellement combien (de) constamment d'abord d'ailleurs de bonne heure debout dedans dehors dj demain depuis dernirement derrire dsormais dessous dessus most over there slowly far away for a long time now poorly, badly better less (than) naturally anywhere anytime nowhere sometimes everywhere la plupart de l-bas lentement loin longtemps maintenant mal mieux moins (de) naturellement n'importe o n'importe quand nulle part parfois partout

quite a few little by little may be worse more previously precisely first near almost profoundly then somewhere sometimes rapidly rarely recently seriously often sufficiently especially late early always suddenly a little while ago immediately very too much/ many little of quickly deeply willingly

pas mal de petit petit peut-tre pire plus (de) prcdemment prcisment premirement prs presque profondment puis quelque part quelquefois rapidement rarement rcemment srieusement souvent suffisamment surtout tard tt toujours tout coup tout l'heure tout de suite trs trop (de) un peu (de) vite vivement volontiers

angry ashamed athletic

fch confus sportif

100 common French Adjectives: mean mchant African naive naf Algerian nervous nerveux Asian

Africain(e) Algrien(ne) Asiatique

bad weather annoyed boring brave calm cloudy cold confident confused cool delighted exhausted fat foggy freezing friendly funny handsome happy hard-working heavy hot humid impatient in a hurry interesting kind lazy lonely

mauvais ennuy ennuyeux courageux tranquille nuageux froid assur dsorient frais ravi puis gros du brouillard gle amical drle beau, joli heureux travailleur lourd chaud humide impatient press intressant gentil paresseux solitaire

nice nice out outgoing patient patriotic pouring pretty raining sad scared serious short shy smart snowing sorry stormy strong stupid sunny tall tan thin tired ugly unfriendly weak windy worried

sympa beau ouvert patient patriotique pleut verse belle, jolie pleut triste effray srieux petit timide intelligent neige navr orageux fort stupide du soleil grand bronz mince fatigu moche, laid froid faible du vent inquiet

Australian Belgium Brazilian Canadian Chinese Dutch Egyptian English European French German Italian Japanese Mexican Moroccan Polish Portuguese Russian Spain United States black blue brown gold gray green orange pink purple red silver white yellow

Australien(ne) Belge Brsilien(ne) Canadien(ne) Chinois(e) Nerlandais(e) gyptien(ne) Anglais(e) Europen(ne) Franais(e) Allemand(e) Italien(ne) Japonais(e) Mexicain(e) Marocain(e) Polonais(e) Portugais(e) Russe Espagnol(e) Amricain(e) noir/e bleu/e brun/e (or) marron dor/e gris/e vert/e orange rose pourpre (or) violet/te rouge argent/e blanc/he jaune

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