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Conversation with #dyscultured

(09:39:14 PM) The topic for #dyscultured is: Show night, bitches!!1! (09:39:14 PM) mode (+ao acurrie acurrie) by ChanServ (09:39:23 PM) wiseman: please let me know how it goes (09:39:23 PM) victriviaqueen: I have audio :) (09:39:25 PM) Alex: MIXLR STILL NEEDS FLASH (09:39:40 PM) Alex: FIX IT wiseman (09:39:40 PM) wiseman: but works on iphone (09:39:50 PM) wiseman: so it must be all html5 ish (09:39:53 PM) wiseman: i would guess (09:39:55 PM) Alex: Nope. (09:39:57 PM) Alex: Not for me (09:40:07 PM) wiseman: go here (09:40:15 PM) wiseman: directly in your mobile browser? (09:40:34 PM) wiseman: wakemp did you find audio? (09:41:06 PM) victriviaqueen: goddamn swag. (09:41:15 PM) Alex: Nope, wiseman. Still needs flash (09:41:33 PM) victriviaqueen: pretty soon you'll have to take Vardy off the logo... :O (09:42:28 PM) Alex: Aha, flipping Mixlr depends on Quicktime and so my Android won't work. (09:42:35 PM) Alex: Got it on my iPod (09:42:38 PM) victriviaqueen: safe chat (09:42:50 PM) Alex: Uninstalled flash because it sucks balls (09:42:58 PM) wiseman: will see what exists for android (09:43:13 PM) victriviaqueen: ah, drunk Andrew should be amusing. (09:43:50 PM) toma [] entered the room. (09:43:58 PM) Alex: The stream for Mixlr is proprietary. Grr. (09:47:03 PM) victriviaqueen: that was poor planning. (09:47:30 PM) victriviaqueen: sody-pop! (09:47:41 PM) theterminator [] entered the room. (09:47:44 PM) theterminator: Alex? (09:47:46 PM) theterminator: Alex Blackie? (09:47:49 PM) Alex: Yes? (09:47:54 PM) theterminator: You are terminated. (09:47:56 PM) bootprint [] entered the room. (09:47:58 PM) Alex: LOLOLOLOL (09:48:11 PM) theterminator: (snicker) (09:48:13 PM) Alex: Andrew'd better get a bucket (09:49:06 PM) victriviaqueen: where are the shownotes...? (09:49:24 PM) anth: (09:49:43 PM) Alex: 8.02.11 (09:49:45 PM) victriviaqueen: I found em on my own... but thankss :) (09:49:56 PM) victriviaqueen: "jump" not jimp. (09:50:03 PM) victriviaqueen: you can "jump" to a link. (09:50:51 PM) Alex: is a sister of (09:50:59 PM) Henshaw [] entered the room. (09:51:03 PM) Alex: I don't understand the difference. (09:51:09 PM) Alex: I hear echo and lag (09:51:44 PM) wiseman: i may have introduced some headphone > mic echo (09:51:48 PM) Alex: Aha (09:51:49 PM) wiseman: but should now be clear

(09:52:10 PM) victriviaqueen: LOL (09:52:31 PM) wakemp-web left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: " ajax IRC Client"). (09:52:41 PM) Alex: My god, Mixlr is considerably behind. (09:53:03 PM) victriviaqueen: ... cares about what...? (09:53:28 PM) Alex: Dyscultured is a family show (09:53:34 PM) theterminator: Since when? (09:53:36 PM) dysciple-564 [] entered the room. (09:53:55 PM) victriviaqueen: I think you guys need to cut back the pre-show. You have it down to an art now;

15 minutes is probably sufficient. (09:54:05 PM) Alex: Defs (09:54:15 PM) dysciple-564: haha.. (09:54:16 PM) bootprint left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: " ajax IRC Client"). (09:54:56 PM) victriviaqueen: also, maybe mixlr is only behind on your ipod because the timestamp seems accurate for me. (09:55:02 PM) victriviaqueen: Oh sure. Be reasonable. (09:55:15 PM) Alex: Probably. Telus + crappy old iPod. (09:55:17 PM) wiseman: not sure vic (09:55:21 PM) dysciple-564: to what, dood? (09:55:24 PM) wiseman: i have delay (09:55:37 PM) wiseman: when monitoring on the other machine (09:55:45 PM) dysciple-564: ... i can read. :p (09:55:45 PM) victriviaqueen: there are. (09:55:55 PM) dysciple-564: what if i dont want to. :P (09:55:58 PM) Bootprint [] entered the room. (09:56:20 PM) wiseman: that is why you have been #'d (09:56:20 PM) dysciple-564: was @simonsage just as tall? (09:56:25 PM) Bootprint: just changed last week (09:56:43 PM) theterminator: (09:57:07 PM) Alex: Nice redesign, Shane. (09:57:23 PM) Alex: Oh wait, that's your Posterous (09:57:26 PM) victriviaqueen: heyyy. that's my fave part of Ferris. (09:57:37 PM) victriviaqueen: (oops, Spoiler) (09:57:54 PM) victriviaqueen: it may have been blue and white. (09:58:51 PM) victriviaqueen: nope, I was wrong. Red and grey... (09:58:55 PM) dysciple-564: and... go! (09:59:30 PM) dysciple-564 is now known as jpli (09:59:43 PM) jpli: there! (09:59:48 PM) acurrie: nice job (09:59:53 PM) jpli: just get teh show going. :P (09:59:58 PM) victriviaqueen: word. (10:00:00 PM) jpli: *the (10:00:13 PM) jpli: mine says 10pm. (10:00:23 PM) victriviaqueen: dude is 7:01. GOOOO (10:00:32 PM) victriviaqueen: er *it's (10:00:48 PM) victriviaqueen: (brb) (10:01:59 PM) Alex: I'm on Telus, and in Victoria... (10:02:16 PM) acurrie: ha. pwn3d, vardy... PWN3D!!!!! (10:02:31 PM) Alex: Productivardy has an awesome website, though... (10:02:35 PM) Alex: Just sayin (10:03:13 PM) jpli: acurrie wears khakis??? (10:03:27 PM) acurrie: never (10:03:39 PM) Alex: YEAH RIGHT (10:04:01 PM) Alex: I've heard disappointment doesn't come out.

(10:04:08 PM) Alex: You probably have to use bleach (10:04:27 PM) Alex: wiseman, you sound fine for me (10:04:32 PM) wiseman: Here's the Honour Roll of 26

schools that have said "" to Access Copyright. (10:04:35 PM) wiseman: thanks alex (10:04:58 PM) acurrie: you rawk, rywi (10:05:21 PM) jpli: geek voice geek voice! (10:07:08 PM) wiseman: Want to see Sympatico's rating? Scroll down (10:08:04 PM) victriviaqueen: I think it might be Mike's link... (10:11:40 PM) acurrie: (10:11:44 PM) acurrie: beat ya! (10:12:00 PM) wiseman: What Does a Gigabyte Cost, Revisited #dys145 (10:13:48 PM) wiseman: (10:17:36 PM) victriviaqueen: audio died for me... (10:17:59 PM) victriviaqueen: ah, there it is. Huh. have to stay active ON THE PAGE in order to listen. curious. (10:18:15 PM) wiseman: makes some sense (10:18:22 PM) Henshaw: I'm in Victoria on Shaw and audio is fine. (10:18:24 PM) wiseman: grooveshark does similar (10:19:29 PM) victriviaqueen: thanks Henshaw -- it did come back once I came back to this page. (10:20:20 PM) Alex: brb (10:22:41 PM) jpli: ... should be now, no? (10:23:29 PM) wiseman: (10:23:40 PM) heywood [] entered the room. (10:25:24 PM) wiseman:, you asshats. (10:27:14 PM) victriviaqueen: pew pew (10:27:49 PM) heywood: McAufee??? haa...haa... haa... (10:27:54 PM) wiseman: (10:28:31 PM) wiseman: whip it (10:29:07 PM) heywood: whip it good (10:30:02 PM) acurrie: (10:30:24 PM) heywood: just goes to the website (10:31:03 PM) jpli: why r u being so creepy...? :-/ (10:31:31 PM) victriviaqueen: ooh, it's a Go Daddy buy. (10:32:04 PM) victriviaqueen: CLIENT DELETE PROHIBITED, CLIENT RENEW PROHIBITED, CLIENT TRANSFER PROHIBITED, CLIENT UPDATE PROHIBITED, TRANSFER PROHIBITED (10:32:09 PM) heywood: yea.. looks like a marketing thing.. (10:33:05 PM) heywood: any site that starts with 'you have to register' first is suspect in my eyes.. (10:33:13 PM) wiseman: I think the real question is, (10:33:18 PM) jpli: go shane go. (10:33:22 PM) wiseman: agreed heywood (10:33:45 PM) wiseman: i am going for beer . dont throw to me Shane (10:34:15 PM) wiseman: back (10:34:29 PM) anth: (10:34:37 PM) heywood: 'lovelake' productions?? sounds like a porn production company.. (10:34:40 PM) wiseman: is one question a survey (10:36:01 PM) wiseman:

(10:36:21 PM) victriviaqueen: boo-hoo, pew pew. (10:37:15 PM) heywood: beep.... (10:37:26 PM) heywood: was that 'yes'? or 'no' ??? (10:37:47 PM) Henshaw: but would it count as Cancon CTV would carry in prime time? (10:38:02 PM) wiseman: Who wants a slice of

into-alpha-production-20110728/? (10:38:02 PM) anth: (10:38:07 PM) heywood: sound's like apple TV (10:39:36 PM) heywood: can i insert it in my shoe? I want a Linux box in my shoe.... (10:39:52 PM) acurrie: get in line (10:40:33 PM) wiseman: IEEE, (10:41:21 PM) victriviaqueen: imagine the firesheep pwnage. (10:42:43 PM) wiseman: IEEE,!!1! (10:44:16 PM) heywood: didn't Tesla want to send data via the AC network? (10:44:33 PM) wiseman: Currie's gonna be late tonight -- (10:45:52 PM) heywood: is RIM still in business?.... 'playbook'?? 'playbook' ?? (10:49:08 PM) jpli: qik! (10:49:20 PM) wiseman: If he hasn't made it on-air by this point you can discuss (10:49:20 PM) wiseman: (10:49:43 PM) wiseman: New mobile providers capture 25% of new subscribers in 2010 (10:50:37 PM) jpli: but the reception's spotty though... (10:53:02 PM) victriviaqueen: not here yet. (10:53:59 PM) acurrie: (10:54:21 PM) wiseman: (10:54:43 PM) victriviaqueen: when you guys go off the rail..... (10:54:50 PM) Alex: Back. Had to work out (10:56:07 PM) heywood: texting was always cheaper in Europe.. don't know why it was so expensive here.. (10:56:26 PM) wiseman: Tap me while I'm texting?! (10:57:02 PM) heywood: Sorry, but the page you are trying to view does not exist. (10:57:09 PM) heywood: link don't work.. (10:57:19 PM) wiseman: you are better off (10:57:44 PM) heywood: oops.. it's the exclamation mark.. (10:57:51 PM) wiseman: Suicide-obsessed Foxconn workers That'll learn 'em. (10:57:59 PM) wiseman: will try to remember that (10:58:17 PM) wiseman: hmmm y show notes are missing this pew (10:59:37 PM) heywood: Robots... the new slaves (10:59:38 PM) wiseman: Angry Birds, (11:00:05 PM) wiseman: All 18 of them. (11:00:10 PM) victriviaqueen: pew pew (11:00:13 PM) victriviaqueen: sigh. (11:01:02 PM) wiseman: And finally, for absolutely no reason...!

(11:01:25 PM) victriviaqueen: warchalking grows up? Pew pew. (11:01:46 PM) victriviaqueen: because EVERY HOBO has a CELPHONE. (11:02:13 PM) heywood: and shotguns. (11:02:21 PM) victriviaqueen: shotguns more likely. (11:03:26 PM) jpli: :P (11:03:38 PM) theterminator: I terminate Alex Blackie every week on (11:03:52 PM) acurrie: oh, so that's shane (11:03:53 PM) Alex: Two Nerds is going live tonight, too. (11:03:59 PM) Alex: Yes, acurrie (11:04:12 PM) Henshaw: Mixlr sounds great (11:04:41 PM) victriviaqueen: worked like a charm from the page and

I could chat via the mibbit widget with no extra window YAY (11:04:41 PM) toma left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: " ajax IRC Client"). (11:05:45 PM) victriviaqueen: thanks for a fun show, guys. g'nite! (11:05:58 PM) acurrie: see ya, cheryl! (11:05:58 PM) victriviaqueen left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: " ajax IRC Client"). (11:06:45 PM) wiseman: night cheryl (11:09:15 PM) heywood: night (11:09:18 PM) jpli: nite! (11:09:25 PM) jpli left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: " ajax IRC Client"). (11:09:30 PM) Alex left the room. (11:09:31 PM) heywood: don't taser me bro...! (11:09:43 PM) heywood left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: " ajax IRC Client"). (11:10:17 PM) theterminator left the room (quit: [ZN] Quit: "Page closed").

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