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Natalie Ledwell’s a Morning Success Rituals! Be honest... Are you pressing the snooze button several times every morning? Do you find yourself complaining before your day has even begun? ‘Are you checking your email before you’ve even washed your face? If you’ve answered YES to any of these questions, then it might be a sign that you’re missing out on the single most important thing that will determine the rest of your day... OR the rest of your life! ‘And that’s having a good morning ritual! Starting your day with something that uplifts you and nourishes your mind is essential, so that you can fill your day with positivity and be ready to tackle any challenges ahead. This workbook contains my best 7 Morning Success Rituals. | encourage you to follow them so you can be more successful in your everyday life moving forward! 7 Monning Success Rituals! 1. Set Yourself Up For Success The Day Before. Every single thing that’s been created on earth started with a single thought and that thought carried an intention. And just as with things, we shape our life experiences in the same way. If you intend for something to happen, most probably you'll take the necessary steps to create that change in your life. Before going to bed think about the things you need to do the next day and how. For example: Watching your Mind Movie, visualizing, going to a networking event or researching a new skill online. Also, think about what challenges you could face and their possible solutions. Then, write it all down: - The 3 most important things you’d like to get done tomorrow and how. - 3 potential challenges and 1 solution for each of them. 3 Things To Accomplish Tomorrow and HOW: 1 Challenges and Solutions: 2. Ask for Guidance First thing in the morning and right after waking up, you're still in Theta brainwave state. This means you’re much more receptive to guidance. And since you would have already set your direction for the day the night before, the answers will come more easily. So ask the Universe the No. 1 most important question that you would like to receive guidance for, and sit in silence as you listen for the answer... Your Question: The Answer: 3. Practice Gratitude. While walking your dog in the morning or simply enjoying your morning coffee, think about 5 things you're grateful for in your life. This will put you ina natural state of flow and your day will start in a more positive way. Write here 5 things you’re grateful for today: 1 = 4. Have A Nice Breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it provides you with the nutrients your body needs to perform. By taking the time to eat in the morning, you'll also be contributing to maintaining a healthy body weight and will have more energy throughout the day. List 5 very nourishing breakfast meals that you’ll be having this week: ‘Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thrusday Friday 5. Invest In Yourself. Listening to an audiobook of your choice while exercising in the morning is an excellent way to tackle two things at the same time. Remember that education is a continuous practice and we need to make time and space for it constantly. While you're exercising, endorphins are being released, which helps you to come up with creative and inspiring ideas, as well as stay positive. Whether it be learning a new language, skill, or practice, investing in yourself is one of the most important things you can do to ensure you achieve your goals. List below 3 videos, books or audios you will be reviewing this week and 3 new skills, classes or strategies that you'd like to implement or start learning this week. Resources: Skills: 6. Meditate Before Work. | encourage you to meditate before starting work as it helps you get in the right mindset before getting caught up in the daily hustle. | usually choose a specific type of meditation practice for that day depending on the state of mind | want to be in. A few examples are: Increasing happiness, building self-esteem, reducing anxiety or developing gratitude. Sometimes if I’m short on time, I'll watch a Mind Movie as my meditation. Here’s one you can try on positive attitude through the peaceful practice of guided meditation: Guided Meditation: The Art of Po: ive TI List below 3 types of meditations you would find beneficial to do this week: 7. Connect With Yourself. Oftentimes we wash dishes, pour coffee or fold clothes, without focusing our attention on the task. However, when we do this, we waste a wonderful opportunity to become present, connect with ourselves and become more alert. List below 3 activities you’ll be mindful about tomorrow: And whatever your goal may be, big or small, these 7 Morning Success Rituals will help you get clear on what you want to achieve and how to get there faster. And don’t forget to start each day with a clean slate, Remind yourself that every morning is a new opportunity to start fresh. So forget yesterday, and start today!

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