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Answering Technique PERIODIC TABLE 1.

0 Explain why G18 inert and non-reactive Example answer Element in group 18 has octet/duplet electron arrangement The element do not share or transfer (donate or receive) electron Remain as a single atom. Explain the reactivity of G1 when going dow the group Example answer When going down the group, proton number in atom increase Increasing the proton number, increase the number of shell filled with electron So atomic radius also increase Strength of electrostatic attraction between nucleus and valence electron decrease So its easier to release the electron Reactivity increase Explain the reactivity of G17 when going dow the group Example answer When going dow the group, proton number in atom increase Increasing the proton number, increase the number of shell filled with electron So atomic radius also increase Strength of electrostatic attraction between nucleus and valence electron decrease So tendency to atract the electron decreases Reactivity decreases Explain the changes of size in Period 3 Example answer When across the Period 3 no of proton increase Increasing the proton number cause the number of positive charges in nucleus increase The strength of attraction between nuclei and valence electron increase The atomic radius decrease.





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